known that the cranberry flourished at Ja c k so n v ille Item s. an altitude, and within a hundred Mr. Frank Ennis has returned from the such yards of eternal ice. He found on several Evans creek soda springs. occasions, while on the mountain for a M u n iia y.........................Septem ber it, 1895 Mrs. D. N. Birdseye, of Rock Point, is week, patches of red snow, but has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Colvig. unable to preserve it. NOTES AND NEWS. Mr. T. K. Bolton, Mr. Adolph Eddy and Mr. C. Mingus, of Ashland, and Mr. Geo. C ircuit C ourt. The fact that Samuel J. Randall, son Brown and daughters. Misses Cora and Circuit court for .Jackson county con­ attended the funeral of Lewis Bil- of the famous democratic statesman, was Lottie, vened this morning at Jacksonville, Judge ger in Jacksonville Thursday. a delegate to the recent republican state presiding. * Mrs. E. B. Watson and her daughter, Hanna couveution of Pennsylvania has attracted The following is the grand jury, enipan- Miss Gertie, and Miss Valene Kubli left considerable comment but a shrewd their home at Portland Saturday even­ pauelled: Merritt Bellinger, John Devlin, Thomas newspaper writer remarks there is little for ing and will spend a short time visiting Riley, I. A. Pruett, W. R. Dickinson, Jas. significance in it; that Randall was a relatives in Roseburg en route. Elliott, Henry Stanclitt. pretty good man, but he was not a very As our report closed, the case of Fields Mrs. Dean and Miss Kittie Thornton of good democrat on economic questions. 1 ■■■' " ■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■iiy—' ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■ 1 Grants Pass, came up on Friday and vs. Fields, suit for divorce, had lieen called and set for this afternoon. assisted Grand Master Colvig in the insti­ The United States came out ahead in the great international yacht race off tution ot Madrona Degree of Honor Lodge L ast w in te r, we h a v e j u s t receiv ed a tin e lin e in O f lis ts o f T e x t B ooks for th e d iffe re n t g rad e s. New York harbor Saturday, t he Defender No, 12 of Jacksonville, on that evening. R. R. B ap tist A ssociation. b o th D o m estic a n d Im p o rte d S ax o n y a n d G e rm a n - beatiDg the English yacht, Valkyrie I II, Mr. and Mrs. George R. N O went to Program of the Rogue River Baptist As­ eight miuutes in the thirty mile course. Portland last week to be present at the sociation tow n goods in p o p u la r colors. to he held with the First Baptist The second race will occur tomorrow and marriage of Mr. W. L. Miller and Miss Church, Ashland, Oregon, beginning Fri­ continue on alternate days until one boat Matilda Ganong, which took place at the day, Sept. 13th: of the bride’s parents at Canemah, or the other has won three times, which home FRIDAY, SEPT. 13. will quiet the title to the America cup Sept. 5,1895. 10:00 a. m.—Devotional exercises, led by Mrs. A. H. Maegley and children and until the next challenger comes along. A. J. Wilcox. Miss Pauline Karewski, arrived from Port­ Since the days wheuce “the memory of land this week. Mrs. Maegley will spend 10:30—Opening address, by the moderator. Adjournment. man runneth not to the contrary” the some time visiting her mother Mrs. G. . .... 50c pr p. in.—Devotional Exercises, led by Ladies’ Jersey Vests.................... only 2 «' Men’s Gil Goat Gloves expression, for joking purposes only, of Karewski and Miss Karewski will remain 1:30 Rev. 70c and $1 00 S. B. Chastain. “ Calf Gloves...... “give Johnny a leather gun” has often in Southern Oregon. Childrens Fleece Lined Vests from__ 2Uc 2:00—Address of welcome, by the pastor. $1 Ut* and $1 25 “ Buck.................. l>eeu used, supposedly because no more Grand Master Wm. Colvig assisted by 1:15—Preaching of the Introductory Ser­ Men’s Fine Cotton S o c k s . . . 7, 8, Kk- Boys’ Goat Gloves .. . ................. 4» x ' ridiculous an idea could be invented than Mrs. Dean and Miss Thornton of Grants mon, by Rev. E. Russ. that of a leather gun. I t may not be so Pass, and Dr. DeBar of Jacksonville, insti­ 3:00 - Reading of letters and election of Ladies’ Black Colton Hose 10, 15c officers for ensuing year. used any longer as there has been invent­ tuted Madrona Lodge No. 12, Degree of “ “ “ “ (extra)........25c ed a veritable rawhide cannou, which Honor of Jacksonville and installed the 4:00—Beport on Education and address by The new lodge starts out with Rev. W. C. Jenkins. Child’.-» Black Cotton Hose__ 10, 12, 15, 20c after the severest tests at the U. S. prov­ officers. the largest charter list ever recorded in the 5:00—Adjournment. Tacks ......................... only 3, 4. 5e pkg ing grouuds at Sandy Hook, July 23d, valley, and it will doubtless soon become 7:00—Devotional Exercises, led by Rev. A. “ Hose SiipjMirters............ 6,8,10,15c Heel Plates........................... . . . 3 prs for 5c R eal E sta te T ra n sa c tio n s. oame out cool and uninjured, under a one of the brightest stars in the constella­ ('(»unt y S. S. Convention. Brown. Bellface Nail Hainiue>- .....................50c pressure of 30,360 pounds to the square tion of fraternal organizations in the 7:30—Report on Home Missions and ser­ Michael Chavner, Mary A Pryce and Cent ral Point, Or., Sept. 4.—The Jack­ Monkey Wrenches ............ . ......... 20 and 35c inch. The Yankee can lick the world valley. mon by Rev. Gilman Parker, General Chavner to Kate Young; It 17. son couuty Sunday school convention Margaret Missionary for Oregon. Discussion. Dietz O. K. Tubular Lantern .......... 50c with a leather gun. blk 20, Gold Hill, $25. The funeral of Mr. Lewis Bilger who was closed its filth annual session this even­ Olive B Hershberger to Chas F W all; Its SATURDAY, SEPT. 14. Harness Snaps................ .. .3 for 5c In the U. S. district court at Portland drowned during the regatta at Astoria, ing. The attendance has been large and 7, 8, blk 10. Central Point, $000. took place in.Jacksonville Thursday after­ . .25c each 9:00 a. m.—Devotional Exercises, led by Web Halters, only ............. Friday Judge Belliuger disposed of the the session an interesting and important David Whitestone to Jane Whitestone; Children’s Finf School Shoes .95c to $1 'ti Mrs. W. T. Moore and M r.John Rev. J. A Slover. Chinese conspiracy chargee agaiust .las. noon. of of sec 7, excepting land already Ladies’ Vici Kill Shoes__ $1 25. $151), $1 85 Bilger, sister and brother of the deceased, Report on state paper and Christian one. Ur. Denison entertained the con­ Lotan and Seid Buck, upon which they accompanied the remains, and the inter­ 9:30— to Horace Rice, also of \\% literature, with address by Rev. J. vention this afternoon with a fine illus­ conveyed “ Bright Dongola................... $2, $2 25 of sec 8, sw*4 of nej^ and se‘ 4 of nw>4, and were convicted, by sentencing Lotan to ment was in the family burying place in tration of normal Sunday school work. Merely of Medford. “ Fine Kid S h o e s__ $2 50, $2 75 ol sec 17, all in tp 33 s, r 2 e, 425 pay a flue of «8000 and the tyee Chiua- Masonic cemetery. Rev, M. A. Williams 10:30—Report on Temperance and address The following officers were elected for »}< acres, $2000. “ Glove Calf, and Grain ........$1 30 Note and Letter Tablets..........5, 8, and 10c by Rev. F. 8. Dulin, Grants Pass. Dis­ the ensuing year: mau «5000. Mr. Lotan immediately wrote the venerable pioneer minister, who per­ M J Reeser to J P Sayle; It 21. Highland Men’s Butt Bals................... ........$1 30 Pencil Tablets, good size................... v. . 5c cussion. If any time,general business. out his check for the «8000 fine, deposited formed the ceremony at the marriage of President, the Rev. F. G. Strange; vice- Park add to Ashland, $150. young man’s parents in Jacksonville $1 70 and $2 00 Pencils.................................. “ Oil Grain ............... Adjournment. . 12 for 5c it with the clerk of the court, and walked the John S Sims to C F Wall; blk 17, Cen­ many years ago, was present and conduct­ 1:30 p. in.—Devotional EJtercises, led by president, J . C. Whipp; secretary. Mrs. $2, $2 25, $2 50 Slates both bound and unbound, Compo­ “ Calf........................ forth relieved of the charge which has ed tral Point, $2800. W. J . Ply male; treasurer, Mrs. K. C. Gib- the funeral services. Friends of the Bro. Haynes. been hanging over him so long but which family from all parts attended the funeral. 2:00—General ............... $1 75 sition Books, Book Straps, Brownie Lunch sou; assistant secretary, R. A. Grk; exec­ Booth Lee to M S Lee; undivided 1-6 part Boys’ Fine Shoes........... business. those who know him best profess to be­ Many very beautiful tloral tributes were 3:00—Report on Sabbath Observance. Dis­ utive committee, the Rev. F. G. Strange, or parcel of the e% of nej^ and se^ of sw’q “ “ School Shoes ............... $1 66 Baskets, Ac., Ac. sec 12, tp 37, 8 r 3 w. $10. lieve he is innocent of. Seid Back, the placed upon the grave. The sincere Mrs. W. J. Plymale, F. T. Downing, G. L. of Same cussion. to same; It 1, blk 50, Central Point, Chinaman, was unable to raise the sympathy of a host of old time friends is 4:00—Sermon by Rev. A. M. Russell, of Webb and the Rsv. Robert Eanis. $25. amount of his tine at last report but it extended to Mrs. Bilger and her family in San Francisco, on “ The Future of Jacksonville was selected ss the place Mary C Foster to J F Simpson and J W will probably be forthcoming to release their sud'den bereavement. Missions.” for holding the next annual couveution. Simpson, Jr; Its 7, 8, 9, blk 40, Medford, MILLKR-GANONG NUPTIALS. Adjournment. him loo of the charge. $200. Oregon City Enterprise: A very pleasant 7:00 p. m.—Devotional Exercises, led by Bernard Lorraine to Emil DeRoboam; Coffee from 12c lb. up. Tea the same. Bev. Dulin. wedding ceremony took place at the resi­ water right and water ditch taken from The most fastidious tastes suited or you R a ilro a d Vicissitudes. O u r p ric e s on G lassw are m a k e it p o ssib le for dence of C. W. Ganong in Canemah Thurs­ 7:30— Report on Foreign Missions, with Poor Man’s creek and conveying the water * sermon by Rev. Janies Sunderland, of get your money back. O Winter. at high noon. The eventful occasion to Rich gulch and placer mining ground The last volume of Poor’s “Manual of day all to use th ese goods. T u m b le rs , G oblets, Oakland, Cal. was the marriage of Mr. Will Miller and being the nwJ-4 of ne*4 of se^ and ne% of Railways” contains some very striking Miss Matilda Ganong at the residence ol Discussion and adjournment. nw% of seX in tp 37, s r 2 w, 20 acres, $210. P itc h e rs , Sets, A c., at b o tto m p rice s. data, from which conclusions of value the bride’s parents, Rev. Dr. Charles Ed­ J W Merritt, trustee, to Booth Lee; It 1, SUNDAY, SEPT. 15. * F I R S T *■ might be drawn by persons possessing ward Locke, officiating. During the cere­ blk 51, Central Point, $02.50. the necessary collateral knowledge. Ap­ mony the bride and bridegroom stood 9:00 a. m.—Prayer service for our persecu­ ted brethren in China. Tne public debt statement issued by parently, some of these conclusions would under a canopy of roses and lilies, and the 10:00—Sunday School, led by Bro. Farr of the treasury department, shows the pub­ be opposed to existiug theories. For ex­ bride was attired in white and held a bo- Grants Pass. of white roses. Only the immediate lic debt on the last day of August, less ample, it has been supposed that con­ quet T u b s, W ash b o a rd s, B ro o m s, M o p stic k s, B as­ relatives of the bride and groom were pres­ 11:00—Sermon by Rev. W. C, Jenkins of cash iu the treasury, to have tieeu «942,- solidation of lines contributed to economy ent, among whom were Col. and Mrs. R. Medford. k e ts, M a tch e s, T o o th p ic k s, C lo th e s p in s , Shoe DISTRICT FAIR, 924,323, an increase for the mouth of of management and increase of earnings. A. Miller, Capt. J. W. and Mrs. Ganong, 3:00 p m.—Home Mission Rally. $2,815,418. The reverse would appear to be true. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ganong, Mr. and Mrs. 0:00—Prayer and song service. P o lish , B la c k in g a n d S cru b B ru sh e s. There are only two well-known roads in Wayne Howard and Mrs. Joseph Hedges. 7:30—Sermon by Rev. James Sunderland. C E N T R A L P O IN T , O R E C O N . Salem Steam Laundry for high grade G e o . W. B l a c k , Com. on Program. Poor’s list whose mileage has not been in­ The young people are both native Orego­ work. Simpson ie agent. * creased materially in the fifteen years— nians, ana neld in popular esteem. The is one of Oregon City’s most estima­ $5,000.00 in Premiums, Purses M edford News. the Boston & Albany and the Chicago & bride ble young ladies, and the groom is a son of Alton. The one had 382 miles in 1880, Hon. John F. Miller, of Jacksonville, and O T W H A T W E S A Y , but Prof. G. A. Gregory, the new principal of and Przes. T ooth B ru sh e s, P e rfu m e s, P ow ders, D e n tifric e , and 389 in 1895; the Alton had 840 in holds a position with his brother in the U. the public school, has arrived from Neligh, what Hood's Sarsaparilla Does, 1880, and 843 in 1895. The Albany has S. land office. They will reside in Cane­ Neb. C re a m s, &c. T h ese goods a re w a rra n te d NUMEROUS NOVEL ATTRACTIONS. that tells the story of its merit and suc­ paid 8 per cent every year of the fifteen mah. The school board advertise to receive cess. Remember H O O D 'S C u re s . e q u al to th e b e st m a d e o r m o n ey re fu n d e d . without a thought of reduction. The bids until Sept. 10 for the construction of Alton advanced its dividend to 8 per cent the new brick school building, building to Begins Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1895, Closes Sat­ F rom N ebraska by Team . in 1881, and has kept that rate ever since. be completed on or before the 15th day of urday, Oct. 12, 1895. The party of Nebraska emigrants re­ No such showing can be made by the December next. ^ great roads whose mileage is given iu the ferred to in a recent issue as en route to Mrs. N. Hosmer and daughter, - Miss Horse an d Bicycle Races every day. introduction to the manual now as com­ this section arrived several days ago and Alice Mathews, of Gold Hill, are stopping E xciting Band ( oiliest for purse of (¡rand pared with 1880. Iu the latter year the are now stopping temporarily south of at Hotel Nash for a few weeks. Mrs. Hos­ U m brella Race on horseback. A nurse of 440 for Special Race by citizens of Jacksonville only lines in the country having more Ashland nutil they can buy or rent farms mer is here for medical treatment. Dr. E. Miss and Central Point. Reduced railroad rales. than 2700 miles of road were the Penn­ upon which they propose to settle per­ P. Geary is the attending physician. Will be th e Best F air ever held in O regon. is assistant station agent at Gold sylvania with 6421 miles, the Union Pa­ manently. The party numbers 25 all Alice Hill. All work en tru sted to my care done told, comprising seven families, and RACING PROGRAM. cific with 3758, and the St. Paul with w ith dispatch, and oil term s to The city council has offered $1000 reward 3803. Now we have the Atchison with among the heads of families are four who suit th e tim es. See the und ersig n ed TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, before lettin g contracts amt save 9381 miles, Northwestern with 7940, left behind them official positions in for the arrest and conviction of the parties R ack no . 1—T ro ttin g —H orses w ithout a rec­ who set lire to the Medford public school m oney. Southern Pacific 7932, Pennsylvania 7431; Hooker county. o rd ; best three in five; live to e n te r a u d three In the party are: R. M. Phelps, wife building, and $200 reward for the arrest Io start ; purse $100. Oak Street. A shland. D. A L L E N . Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 7206, St. and conviction of the person or persons R ace s o . 2— R u n n in g — T w o -y e a ro ld s; one Pau, 6148, Missouri Pacific 5447, Union and family. Mr. Phelps left the position setting lire to any building in the town of half m ile; live to e n te r and th ree to sta rt; purse Pacific 4904, Northern Pacific 4688, Great of county judge of his county to come to Medford. $100. R ace no . 3—T ro ttin g an d P acing—Y earlin g ’s Northern 4328, and so on. Nearly half of Oregon. L. S. Trefreu who brought his The city council on account of economy race; one h alf m ile; tw o in th ree; live to these are iu hands of receivers, and not wife and children was county attorney. has declined to renew the contract with stake en ter and three to sta rt; stak e added, $50. more than two of the others pay divi­ He is a brother of G. W. Trefreu of Ash­ the electric light company for street lights N om inations S eptem ber 10, w ith $10 cash T h a t o u r fall a n d w in te r sto ck o f D ry G oods em - land and expects to try farming iu this and the streets are in darkness except for paym ent, an d balance, $10 paym ent, m ust he dends upon all their stock. ---- O F----- b races e v e r y th in g new an d s ty lis h ? W e h a v e so m e The explanation undoubtedly is that valley. Frank Potter and J . L. Brannon the two free lights which the company’s made by one o’clock p. in. of day before the increase of mileage has been accom­ wer county commissioners of Hooker franchise provide shall be furnished for race. lo v ely d re a m s in L a d ie s’ D ress G oods a n d in all o u r WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, STATE NORMAL. panied with enormous and often reck­ couuty but were dissatisfied with two years. The city has paid $40 per month for the street light service of four lamps lin e s o f D ry G oods we h a v e e n d e a v o re d to secu re th e R ace no . 4—T ro ttin g —2:40 class; best three less increase of interest charges. The droughts, short crops and a general back­ Those wishing to take music, either in five; live to e n te r and th ree to start; purse statistics for 1894 show the same rapid ward tendency of affairs in their county, the past year. m o st d e sira b le . $150. piano, voice ororgan, can see Miss Thomas, Thursday night as Harry Bossom was mcrease of bonded debt which has been and with their families joined the emigra­ R ack no . 5—R u n n in g —Novelty race; one the feature of all recent volumes of this tion to Oregon. Mr. Brauuou’s father, coming into town, and when near the m ile; five to en ter aud th ree to start; purse $100; the teacher, at the Normal building or at Valley railway depot, a man first q u arter, $25, second q u arter, $25, th ird her hoarding place, Mrs. White’s, corner manual. The bonded debt per mile of B. T. Braunou, and wife, and Geo. Hurst Bogue River from under the sidewalk, grabbed q u arter, $25, m ile, $25. completed roads stands for that year at and wife, all of them from Mullen, Neb., crawded R ack no . 0 -R u n n in g —P ony race; one half of First avenue and Spring street. him and threw him to the ground, then re­ m ile; best tw o iu th ree; five to e n te r an d th ree «32,141, against «11,119 iu 1893, «50,178 are also with the party. One hour lessons 50cents. Lessons given lieved him of $150, all the change he had. The party traveled a distance of uearly Bossom is a young man, about 18, and the to start; purse $25. in 1889, and «28,321 iu 1887. Iu the last at the school or at the homes of the stu­ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. named year the stock exceeded slightly 2000 miles with their teams to reach here robber is described as a large man. There dents. R ack no . 7—T ro ttin g —Two-year-olds; one the debt per mile. Now the stock aver­ and were 1X5 days on the road, having a is no clew to the highwayman’s identity. m ile: best two iu th ree; five to e n te r and three ages «28,141. Stockholders are beiug pleasant journey most of the way, though rt; purse $100. While people are talking about a short to R sta crowded to oue side by the prior liens. in a portiou of eastern Oregon they found ace s o . 8—R u n n in g — Three-year-olds; one the distance between watering points so campaign it would be well to la>ar in half m ile; live Io en ter and th ree to sta rt; purse This is why so few of the lines pay divi­ W ill n o t be d is a p p o in te d in o u r stock. B rices a re dends. The paymeuts of interest by the great that they took a dip down into the mind that the pops are arranging to $100. R ack no . 9—R u n n in g —U m brella race; one low an d w ill a sto n is h von. A g e n eral in v ita - still uorthern part of Nevada, makiug the dis­ have speakers in the field iu Oregou from m ile; four to cu te r and three to start; purse $25. roailB altogether averaged 4.7 per cent iu tance traveled a little greater than it henceforth. The first installment is ex­ 1892, and now average 4.1 per cent. tio n e x te n d e d Io v isit o u r sto re a n d in sp e ct new FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. ALBANY COLLFGE, Dividend payments averaged 2.9 per cent would have beeu otherwise. They are pected nt Salem fair time and others are tods. R ack no . 10— T ro ttin g —Three-year-olds; best Albany, Or. iu 1882, and have been falling steadily to well pleased with their experience in this lasiked for dates later ou. Dus should th ree in five; live to e n te r am t th ree to sta rt; part of Oregon and think our valley an encourage us to a more thorough organi­ 1.8 per cent iu 1893, 1.6 per ceut in 1894. purse $100. zation of republican clubs throughout R ace no . 11—P acing—Three-year-olds and Prof. Z. M. Parvin, Mils. Doc., Musical Reductions of tariff chargee have tieeu attractive oue. the state. Organization is the thing— u n d er; best th re e in five; five to e n te r aud Director. Courses iu Piano, Organ, exteusive—on freight from an average per th ree to sta rt; purse $100. Voice, Violin and Harmony. Fine music and keep organized.—[Statesman. ton per mile in 1882 of 1.2 cents to 0.8 R ack no , 12—R iding—Best lady eq u estria n : A NEW KIND OF PINE. five to e n te r and th ree to sta rt; purse, $25; $15 rooms. Prices low. Diplomas conferred. cent iu 1894; on passengers from 2.4 T idings for Job Printing. Latest Methods. Term begiusSept. 11th. to first and $10 to second. cents per passeuger mile iu 1882 to 2.03 Oregonian: Mr. A. J. Johnson, agent SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12. Send for circular aud catalogue. ceuts in 1894; and uearly all the losses A s h la n d O reg o n . R ack no . 13—T ro ttin g —Free for all; hest th ree j from this aouroe seem to have come out for the fort«try department, is iu the city W . H . L E E , A . M ., again. For the past two months he has in five; five to e n te r au d three to sta rt; purse I of stock. President. $250. I Albany, Or. It appears, however, that this reckless beeu roaming the country from Califor­ R ack no . 14—R u n n in g —Free for all; h an d i- | accumulation of debt and destruction of nia to British Columbia.- He has not cap; one m ile; five to e n te r an d th ree to sta rt; dividend-yielding capacity has been con­ stayed long in any oue place, and has purse $100. been looking to see in what localities the R ack no . 15—T rotting—D ouble team ; for fined mainly to railroads iu the South N . B .— O u r lin e s a sid e from D ry G oods a re also horses th a t have never trotted previous to th is forest trees are lieariug the best crops, and West. O ut of all the railroad stock in m eeting for m oney; best tw o in th re e ; three Io tilled w ith new sto ck . N ote a new s h ip m e n t o f the country, 48 per ceut was productive with a view of collecting seeds, principal­ e n te r and tw o to start; purse $50. ly of the couiferae. He has also collect­ R ack no . lfi—W alking—H orses u n d er saddle: la te s t sty le n e c k w e a r for g e n tle m e n ju st received in 1882, and only 35 per cent iu 1894. one m ile: five to e n te r aud three to sta rt; purse But iu New Eugland the productive ed small specimens of different varieties $25; $15 first m oney, and $10 second m oney. from th e e ast. B rices u n u s u a lly low. FO R SA LE. l>erceutage increased from 70 to 81 in the of conifers, to be used as a miniature for­ R ecords m ade by horses at R oseburg th is year, and records m ade at th is m eeting, w ill same time, and iu the Northern Central estry exhibit, to be made by the forestry iiot be a bar iu any race nam ed in th is program . 80 acres on B oulevard ju st south of A shland, group of states, containing the trunk department at the Atlanta exposition. BICYCLE RACE. w ith in one-half m ile of the new norm al school lines, it increased from 50 to 56. Iu the Something over a hundred specimens of A silver m edal for bicycle race for boys 16 —Im provem ents co n sist of sm all house and Middle Eastern states the reduction of the different varieties have been collect­ ed. He finds certain varieties of conifer­ years old a n d under. Also a special bicycle b a rn —8)j acres of young o rch ard . F in e living productive percentage was from 60 to 47. race, free for a ll w ill be given. trees loaded with cones along the sp rin g ou th e place. In the other five groups, covering all the ous For fu rth e r in fo rm atio n , and prem ium list W H Y S U F F E R W IT H For p articulars address Mrs. C. N oonan, Sis­ ¡Southern, Gulf, ¡Southwestern, North­ switchback of the Great Northern. The co n tain in g aw ards for 1894, ad d ress extreme cold and large fall of snow in the kiyou, Oregou. A ug 15-5 J. H. D ow n in g , S ecretary,- western and Pacific coast states, the part of the state, especially on C entral P oint, Oregon 1 Sick and Nervous Iiercentage of productive stock has been southern reduced from an average of 5 per cent. the south slope of the Siskiyons. hae M iles from A s h la n d . This difference represents recklessness caused the trees there to bear but very- cones this year, while the large crop of management more than loss of earn- few in northern sections is owing to the iugs,—[Oregonian. milder winters there. Mr. Johnson has spent considerable Y o u m a y b e e a s ily a n d q u ic k ly c u r e d A C o m fo rta b le H o u se a n d 5 A cres o f L an d in E a s te rn p a rt Aud T his Is Morbid C uriosity. time studying up a new variety of pine, b y taking- The Dnrrant trial ie dragging along found in the Cow creek canyon, aud has o f to w n . W ell w o r th $1300. drearily through detailed testimony be­ forwarded specimens of its wood, bark, fore Judge Mnrphy at San Francisoo. pitch, cones, foliage, etc., to the depart­ The following from the dispatches a few ment, to have the tree thoroughly identi­ Tw o 10-acre F r u i t T ra c ts. days agd tells the tale of each day’s pro­ fied. There is quite an extensive forest of this pine. The appearance of the tree ceedings to a large extent: “ I have been a victim of terri- o; Much that was told in court can only is very ornamental, on account of its ble headaches, and have never be hinted at; the full teetimony can only foliage, the leaves being from a foot to Call on or address found anything to relieve them o- lie published in a medical journal or in 15 inches in length, and the cones are of so quickly as Ayer’s Pills. Since o? some anatomical text-book. Dreadful as immeuee size. They are not quite so long 1 began taking this medicine, the oo G. F. B ILLIN G S, were the details, they were listened to by as the cones of the sugar pine, but much attacks have become less and o TH E LA RG EST SU PPLY , a oourt room full of men and women, and larger aronud, and rough. The tree Ashland, Oregon, less frequent, until, at present, o roinises to be of commercial value, as it those whom the inflexible rale of the ■ T H E B E S T O F T H E I R K IN D , months have passed since I o abounds in pitch, which has a strong court barred from the room complained have had one.” —C. F. N ewman , o o iu the corridor of their ill fortune, and orange odor, and, it is probable, will yield T H E L O W E S T P R IC E S , Dug Spur, Ya. o stopped everybody who came from the much turpentine. The wood is very- o ‘‘Having used Ayer’s Pills with o courtroom to gain at second hand a hint strong, tongh and fibrous. When split, of what was going on within the doors, which can only be done with great diffi­ great success for dvspepsia, from o which I suffered for years, I re­ oo C IC A R f S T O R E . from which they were kept by police and culty, it hangs together in strings. I t is solved never to l»e without them o supposed to be Piuus Jefferii, a 6pecie6 sheriff*s men. A shland, Or. P. W. PAULSON, PROP. in mv household. They are in­ o F o r tliese as w ell as all When the medical testimony was at its known in California, but not heretofore o deed effective.” — Mrs. S allie o most delicate point, oue woman arose, known in Oregon. The trees are of a FISHING TACKLE, up to date, new lin e just in. o th e r s u p p lie s .................. aud with a frightened, Hushed face somewhat smaller growth than the yel­ M orris , 125 Willow St., Phila­ o MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. delphia, Pa. o crowded past the people on her row aud low pine, and average from two to three o left the court room. The other women, feet in diameter. This is the eleventh “I always use Ayer's Pills, and o % whose ilraperies she crushed as she species of pine found in Oregon. Ou think them excellent.”—Mrs. G. o o pushed by them, looked at her iudiguant- account of its long foliage and orua- I'. W atrous , Jackson, Fla. o ly. Not one followed her example. The meutal oppearance, it will probably lie in o great demand for parks and landscape nature of the case compelled an exhaust­ o IC E C R E A M © 1 o ive croes-examination on theee points, gardening. a nd I c e C o ld D r i n k s o f l C o m p l e t e T r a i n i n g S e h o o l , In exploring around Monnt Adams, aud nothing was softened or omitted, but o under a glacier, at an elevation of 8000 the women sat through it all. o Received H ig h est A w ard s o feet, growing among the lava of a mo­ Ottering superior advantages to those desiring an education, or tit themselves for any FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN THE COUNTRY. A T T H E W O R L D ’ S F A I R We are now selling screen doors aslow raine, Mr. Johusou fouud several patches special calling. . . . The fall term opens the Second Monday in September. alw ays carry th e largest stock of C igars, Tobacco oooo oooooooooooooooooooo ------------------------------- as «1.25 each in order to clear np our of bush cranberries, which was quite a For full particulars and terms, address g . ^IOBY, Pr»». F*|>es, M^er->chxnm Gxoxa, Etc., south of Portland. surprise to him, as he bad not before stock. Nori is A Co. * Semi-Weekly Tidings The And Especially Scholars Attending School, I would advise CLOSE INSPECTION See “ Tidings,” issue Aug. 26. FAIR STORE ! Owing to the Demand for Yarns - - - Men’s Gloves. Underwear, Hose, &c. Books exchanged and introduced by American Book Company at rates fixed by law. E. A. SHERWIN, Agent. Hardware, &c, Shoes ! Shoes! School Supplies. Glassware, &c. Wood and Willowware, &c. Toilet Articles. N Contráctil, Boilflins and House Raising and M ovía DEPARTMENT OF --PLAZA, Opp. Ashland Mills. □OLPH EDDY. Have You Observed MUSIC The Up to Date Woman VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. Choice Tract of REAL ESTATE. HEADACHE? Fruit Jars! * All Sizes! A yers P ills GLASS AND STONE. INSURANCE. 1251) Acres A bargain for a man who will w ork. Jelly Glasses, Rubbers and IIGax. Go to the O PERA H O U SE STO R E ChKHORH L ......... 0. WINTER. Ayer’s Pills edford B u sin ess C ollege © J now in season ©