Semi-Weekly Tidings HERE AND THERE. THE DISTRICT FAIR. The second exhibition of the First A Salem bank has $200,000 loaned on Southern Oregon District Agricultural this year’s hop crop. M n ia y ............... . . .September 1895 Society will open at the Central Point A lodge of Independent Foresters was fair grounds Tuesday, October 8, 1895, organized at Albany Thursday. and continue five days. The district ■ NOTES AND NEWS. Forty bushels of clams were furnished comprises four counties, Jackson, Jose­ Lake and Klamath. There is Oregon timber may win in an inter­ for the festive tables at the Marshfield phine, appropriated by the state for the use of national race. The new spars placed in encampment last week. this district in the payment of premiums, the yacht “Defender” to race for the * Wiseacres are predicting a hard winter the sum of niue hundred dollars per American cup with the Valkyrie I I I are in Eastern Oregon, on account of the year, three hundred of which Lake aud of Oregon pine. Klamath counties receive aud pay out at prevalence of yellow jackets. Speaking of the Populist movement, W. M. Martin has bought up 9000 head their fair held at Lakeview, aud the $6n0 John J. Ingalls, of Kansas, says: “Not of mutton sheep in Lake couuty which balance will be paid out for premiums at Central Point. wholly defunct, but on its deathbed. It he is driving to the railroad at Sisson. The charges for entering articles or is afflicted with an incurable malady; its Astoria’s educational circles are rent in stock for cash premiums is 10 per ceut of pulse Mutters; its respiration is labored; Last winter, we have just received a line line in its temperature is low. The undertaker twain over the action of the school di­ the first aud second premiums offered. Of lists of Text Books for the different grades. rectors in deciding to hire no married In the premium list you will fiud a num ­ is waiting.” both Domestic and Imported Saxony and German­ ber of special premiums offered by citi­ Coxey, who is running for Governor in women as teachers. zens of Ashland, in addition to those town goods in popular colors. In the list of fairs iu Oregon this fall, offered by the society. The price of ad­ Ohio, has been making his campaign speeches in Texas and Oklahoma, so it recently published, that at Lakeview was mission will be: Season tickets, men, seems the old man really has tact epough omitted. I t will be held for three days $1.50, for women 75c; men’s day tickets to talk without irritating the people whose commencing Oct. 14th. 50c, women’s day tickets 25c. These votes he wants to get.—[Ex. When the hair has fallen out, leaving tickets will admit to all parts of the A meeting of people of the northwest the head bald, if the scalp is not shiny, grounds as there will be no charge as in interested in mining has been called to there is a chance of regaining the hair by former years at the race track gate, but Men’s Oil Goat Gloves ............ 50c pr to those who wish to occupy seats in the 1» held at Spokane, Wash., Oct. 2d and using Hall’s Hair lienewer. Ladies’ Jersey V ests............. “ Calf Gloves . . . . 7Ue and $1 00 grand stand there will be a charge of 10 3d, and a general invitation to all mining Ashland Woolen Mills blankets at cents. Girls and boys under 12 years of C hildrens Fleece Lined Vest “ Buck .................. $1 00 and $1 25 men in the northwest has been extended, Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. * age will be admitted to the grounds free. Men’s Fine C otton S o c k s... the object being the formation of an as­ Boys’ float Gloves. .................. 45c The camp grounds will lie free to all and I t is reported that Mike Halfelter, who sociation to bring the mining men of the Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose admittance to the fair grounds will be was examined for insanity last week, country into closer relatione. “ “ “ “ (e x tra )......... 25c fallen heir to $10,000, by the death of through the camp ground gate. All A statement issued by five of the lead­ has teams will lie admitted to the fair grounds an uncle in Germany, says the Lnkeview C hihl’s Black Cotton Hose ... 10, 12, 13,20c ing smelters of Colorado for the first six Tacks ................................... only 3, 4, 5c pkg the first day free of charge. The S. P. R. “ Hose S n p |» irlers.............. 6,8,1 9 .1 5 c H«*el P lates.................................. 3 prs for 5c mouths of 1895 shows an increase of 87 Examiner. R. Co., at stations where they have agents Jacksonville Items. Medford News. per cent in the production of gold. I t is Prof. Chase, who has returned from from Comstocks and stations south to Bellface Nail H am m er ...........50c estimated that the total output of gold Coos county, where he was marrie«! Aug. Ashland, will sell tickets to Central Point The special meet ing of the taxpayers of Monkey W renches........................ 20 and 35c in that state the present year may pos­ 21, to Miss Inez Rich, has l»eeu selected aud return at oue au«l one-third fare for H on. Ben H ayinonil is in tow n. Medtord school d istrict, Saturday after­ Dietz O. K. T ub u lar Lantern ....... .....5 0 c sibly reach $20,000,600. One half of this as principal of the Phoenix schools for the round trip. On freight for exhibition Mr. Paul Zigler amt Mr. Dale W illis of noon, t o consider the m atter of construct ing H arness S n ap s.................................... 3 for 5c a new school building to take th e place of amount will come from Cripple Creek. the insuiug year. Roseburg are visiting Jacksonville. at the fair tariff rates will be charged to the one recently destroyed by fire, was The gain in the production of silver over Web H alters, only ........................... 25c each None of the big ’Frisco dailies except Central Point, but on presentation of a C ounty Clerk Jacobs and family have re­ unanim ous for a new buiIding a t once, am i C hildren’s Fine School Shoes ,95C to $1 Hi 1894 was but 4 per cent while lead sus­ certificate signed by J. U. Downing, the Examiner cared to publish pictures $150. $1 85 turned from th e ir outing a t Colestin. th e directors were instructed to go ahead Ladies’ Vici Kill S h o e s ....$1 tained a loss of 3 per cent. on a new brick building according to plans of the lynchiug at Yreka last week, con­ secretary, that the articles have lieeu ou “ B right D ongola............ . $2, $2 25 Mr. L. Brow ning, a prominent, m iner of The sporting world is becoming anx­ sidering it too revolting. It was a choice exhibition aud have not changed hands, Grave Creek, spent M onday in Jackson­ subm itted by W. J . B ennett, the architect. “ Fine Kid Shoes . . . . $2 .50, $2 75 The directors were authorized to borrow they will be ieturned free between the ville. ious about the coming world’s-cham pion- morsel for the Examiner, however. “ Glove Calf, and G rain. ...........$1 30 Note and Letter T ab lets......... 5, 8, ami 10c $7500, w hich w ith the $7000 received from points alxive stateil. This rale does not ship pugilistic contest lietweeu Bob Fitz­ The principal of the new county high include race horses. Wm. H oneym an, president of the R. R. insurance on the burned structure, i t |i s M en’s Bull Bals ...................... ...........$1 :¡0 Pencil Tablets. goo«l siz e .. .............. . 5c simmons and Jim Corbett, next month. school B. R., spent a few days in Jacksonville thought, will build and furnish the new “ Oil G rain ....................... $ 70 and $2.00 P encils........................................ . 12 lor 5c at.Yreka receives a salary of $125 I t ought not to be necessary to use V Corbett says the contest will come off on school house, the cost of the building this week. per mouth, the vice-principal (Prof. F. “ C alf................................. 1 , $2 2.5, $2 .50 Slates tioth bound and unbound. Compo­ argument or illustration to convince any­ the date set, and the mayor of Dallas, being estim ated at $12,000. A rchitect Judge Prim , Charles Prim anil George E. B ennett’s plans provide for a building 05 Bovs’ Fine Shoes...................... .......... $1 75 sition Books, Book Straps, Brownie Lunch Texas, where the fight is billed to occur M. Anderson) $110 per month and the one of the importance of the success of “ “ School Shoes .. . Baskets, i<:„ Ac. .......... $1 65 and where a great auditorium capable of commercial course teacher $100 per these fairs. The resources of the coun­ Neuher spent a few «lays at Elliott creek feet front by 85 feet deep, w ith ail L 45x35 feet, tw o stories high, w ith ten rooms try are varied aud people who are visi­ last week. sealing over 50,000 people is lieiug built month. L abor day, M onday, was observed by T he practical unanim ity w ith which the for the occasion, 6ays it will not be per­ The Redding Free Press will begin a ting any section with a view to invest­ for undertaking to builil such mitted. The Texas governor is still daily edition this week, which it says is ment or residence, will select just such suspension of county official business at proposition a creditable stru c tu re was received speaks t he court bouse. dodging the issue, and t lie chances are he justified by the increase iu business there occasions to ascertain the worth of the volum es for M edford’s interest in the public will continue to do so uutil after the bru­ incident to the extensive mining develop­ section and the extent and value of its Mr. Guy Talbot-, of Salem, an agent of schools. tal contest has settled the ownership of ments now going on near Redding, nota­ productions. If proper exhibits are th e State Insurance Com pany of that Prof, N. L. N arregan, wife and son Carl, bly the big Iron mountain proposition made they will be seen, if not made then place, is in tow n. the belt. Our prices on Glassware make it possible for left T uesday evening for Eugene which will the verdict of strangers will be that we and smelters. Judge and Mrs. H ale arrived from K lam ­ be' th e ir home. Prof. N arregan has given The S. F. papers have been soliciting all to use these goods. Tumblers, Goblets, have not got them. We need and can ath Falls Sunday and are th e guests of Mr. satisfaction as principal of th e Medford the opinions of prominent physicians Says a Silver lak6 correspondent of the accommodate a much larger population and Mrs. N. Langell. schools th a t is com plim entary to his Pitchers, Sets, Ac., at bottom prices. there upon the effects of bicycling upon Lakeview Examiner: The Doc Snelling than we have at present, and no kind of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. U lrich and fam ily ability in the highest degree, and leaves no the physical being. The preponderance family have moved to Jackson couuty advertising is so potent of good for this doubt of his success in his new position as of opinions seems to be against the Old Doc took his daughter Ulara to Port­ purpose as being able to show what we returned Saturday from a two weeks’ o u t­ dean of the preparatory d epartm ent of the wheel as a health giving institution, land for surgical treatment for her eye­ have instead of depending altogether ing a t Crescent C ity, Cal. state university, Judge W. H . Reid and Col. Boggs came principally though on account of the ex­ lids and face, which were badly burned upon the enterprise of real estate dealers P rot. Rigby of th e Medford business down from th e ir E llio tt creek m ines and college cesses and Borne “faddy” features of it in the Sliver lake fire. has gone on a irip to Siskiyou coun­ Tubs, Washboards, Brooms, Afopstieks, Bas- to tell about it. spent Sunday in Jacksonville. mdulged in. The bicycle craze may re­ ty again. H e says he has assurance of Again, competition iu an effort to pro­ A $400,000 bequest left by the late J kets, Matches, Toothpicks, Clothespins, Sboe sult iu many crooked and diseased spines A large num ber of Jacksonville people over 100 stu dents for the opening, the last duce the best stimulates a greater de­ but it has so many advantages in the way C. Wilmerding to the University of Cali­ velopment of our resources iu a laudable are atten d in g the Sunday school conven­ Monday in Septem ber. Polish, Blacking and Scrub Brushes. of pleasurable exercise and usefulness fornia to found and maintain “a school ambition to outdo, aud a just aud honest tion in session a t Central Point. to teach boys trades by which they can Reunited in Death. that it will take more than a medical doc­ Mrs. W . V. Jones and children of Wood pride in seeing one’s productions admired. tor’s opinion to frighteu its devotees off earn a living with their hands, with plen­ This Geo. S. Walton died at his home iu depends not ou the committee of ville spent several days of last week visit­ ty of work and not too much study,” will their wheels. ing her sister, Mrs, W . M. Colvig, in Ja c k ­ Medford Sunday afternoou, Septemlier arrangements, but on the loyalty, pride be paid over iu a day or two. 1st, at 3:20 o’clock. The old gentleman aud industry of all the people. Nature sonville. The Mineral Lands Committee of the Tooth Brushes, Perfumes, Powders, Dentifrice, The Yreka papers give the name of the has done much for us, the legislature has Mrs. A. F. K endall of Y reka. Cal., has had been gradually weakening with age State Miners’ Association will not accept for several months and the effects of a been in Jacksonville the past week, taking unfortunate man killed by the cars at done something and if we do our duty Creams, Ac. These goods are warranted the proposition to appoint a commission of two experts to settle the disputes be­ Montague last Friday evening as J. H we will present exhibits that will astonish orders for porcelain poi tra its and is meet­ recent attack of la grippe left him in a equal to the best made or money refunded. bad condition. Heart troubles and other tween the miners aud the Southern Pa­ Bash, from Riddles, Or., aud it is inti­ even ourselves. We can vie with any ing w ith success. complications together with the worry of mated that he had beqn drinking before Mrs. Judge R iddle and daughter, Mrs. country under the sun and we want the cific. A resolution was adopted declaring it the sense of the meeting that the com­ the accident happened. Bash is said to world to know i t Come then aud enjoy O. S. W illis and son and Mrs. Sarah Zigler his wife’s sickness, kept him confined to son, all of Roseburg, are visiting rela­ his house for some days before his death, 18825281 mittee decline the proposition to have been a Mason but a telegraphic a few days of rest and recreatian where and tives in S outhern Oregon. which came suddenly when arising from inquiry brought a reply from Riddles good music will charm the ear aud the have only two commissioners, desiring The body of Louis Bilger,- drowned at his bed Sunday afternoon. products of our fair land the eye. three, aud also that the committee de­ that he was “skipping the country.” Deceased was born at Bangor, Maine, A storia, has been recovered and was T. E. H ills , President, clines to withdraw its list of selections The British tramp steamer Bawumore buried a t the family burying place in Jack ­ October 3,1818. When a young man he Board of Managers, F. 8. O. D. A. 8. uuless the railroad company also with­ sonville cem etery, a t 1 p. m . on W ednes­ removed to Jefferson, Iowa, where he was draw its list of selections uutil the com­ was wrecked off the coast near Marshfield day. married in 1849, to the wife who survived A Delightful Entertainnieiit. mission has taken action. Meantime it is last week. Late advices are that 28 of the crew of 30 were taken off safely A large num ber of the young people of him but a few hours. During his resi­ said the railroad folks are going quietly The Misses Webling of LondoD, Eng­ ahead aecuriug title to their claimed One of the crew was killed aud another land, will appear at the Opera House, Jacksonville w ent to Gobi H ill to atten d dence at Jefferson he served two terms / / A the Odd Fellows dedication cerem onies last as representative in the Iowa legislature fatally injured. The steamer will lie a lands. / total loss, as she is lyiug on the rocks. Ashland, Tnursday evening, Sept. 12, Friday and report having had a splendid and occupied other prominent positions. She was valued at $125,000, aud her under the auspices of Hope Rebekah tim e. In 1874 he removed to Eugene, Oregon, cargo at $60,000. There is some insurance Degree Lodge, I. O. O. F. of Ashland. Probate Court. Janies O. W atson, of P ortland, who has where he was engaged iu the mercantile The ladies are accompanied by Miss F. been spending the past few weeks w ith rel­ business until 1879, when he removed to on both. In th e m atter of th e estate and guard ian ­ M. Keurick, piauiste, a graduate of the atives in Jackson county, left Monday for // Jeff Dodson, a resideut of Warner val­ Royal Academy of Music, London. They Stanford U niversity to resum e his studies Jackson county, locating on a farm near sh ip of Pearl, E linor, Nellie, E d n a and Tolo. Since 1884 he has lived iu Medford M yrtle C arter. B. F. C arter appointed ley, and pretty well known at Lnkeview, render a truly delightful eutertainment, there. aud most of the time has held the ollice guardian.w ith bonds fixed a t $500. went to San Fraucisc«i recently to be judging from Press notices that have Mr, H ugh E llio tt’s fine young peach or­ In th e m a tte r of th e estate of Jo h n H . treated ,„ r of Justice of the Peace. He was a mem for paralysis of the face. After ................ .. K i ' . i e . ' S n . T S e i.m .n.tio»Pby Dr. Lttue lire trouble . . . been received, the program comprising chard on the foothills south of tow n has ber of the Masonic fraternity iu good vocal and instilrneutal selections, charac­ com m enced hearing Ibis year and he is de­ Oct. 8th, 1895, as tim e < found to be a tum or of the head. Au ter songs, etc. Speuking of the euter­ livering som e very tine peaches to custom ­ standing and a citizen universally hon estate. ored. In th e m a tte r of th e estate of Michael operation was performed, at which time tainment the Tacoma Ledger says: ers in th is place. MRS. WALTON DIES. H anley. S upplem ental inventory and ap ­ his eye was taken out aud the tumor re­ An e n te rta in m e n t th a t had the eharm of nov­ Rev. R obert E nnis and fam ily, who have praisem ent tiled and approved and order move«!. The doctor pronounce«! it a fatal elty ad d ed to its m any o th er a ttractio n s was been Mrs. Samantha C. Walton died Mon enjoying a m o n th ’s vacation, re­ tor sale of personal property. case, aud he died a «lay or so after the th a t given by th e Misses W ebling, of Loudon, home last week and Mr. Ennis re­ day night a little after 10 o’clock, surviv­ In th e m a tte r of th e estate ami g u ard ian ­ operation was performed. M r. Dodson E ngland, at th e N in th street th eater last even­ turned g u n d e r th e auspices of th e C anadian-A m er­ sumed services at th e Presbyterian church ing her husband but a day aud a few ship of R E G arrett, m inor heir of Moses leaves a vouug wife aud two children to in ican clu b . T he Misses W ebling are three on Sunday evening. hours. She had been seriously ill for G arrett. Order of final settlem ent. eh arm iu g , b rig h t eyed and clever young mourn his loss. In th e m a tte r of th e estate of E lla M Mrs. Id a M. C anning and h er little several «lays with congestive chills aud E nglish girls w ho speak w ith a traee of a very Briggs. Order appointing Geo S Briggs, Coffee from 12c lb. up. Tea the same attra c tiv e E nglish accent, w hose readings and daughter, who have been visiting Mrs. C.’s other complications arising from old age. ad m in istrato r and Max M idler, J H W h it­ The most fastidious tastes suited or you recitatio n s are ex cellently chosen, w ho sing parents in Jacksonville the past few weeks Deceased was 70 years, 4 mouths aud 22 and dan ce well au d w ho som ehow have eith er left for San Francisco last week to join Mr m an and M P u rd in appraisers. failetl to acq u ire or have totally sh ak en oil th e C anning, who is tem porarily sojourning days old. Iu th e m a tte r of the estate of C I. T h in n ­ get your money back. O. Winter. The aged couple leave six daughters m an n erism s am i affectations of th e p ro fes­ er. Order of final settlem ent. sional stage. T h e ir en te rta in m e n t is n o n e th e there. aud several grandchildren surviving, Harry Gilvin, brakeman ou the north­ In th e m a tte r of th e estate o f M artin L less artistic for th e absence of th is q u ality . The Presbyterian Sunday school of Ja c k ­ 'lheir children are all married, five live at McCall. Petition of a d m in istra to r for o r­ bound freight, met with a serious acci­ T heir sketches an d specialties are rendered dent at Glendale yesterday. The break­ w itli ex q u isite grace an d skill and have a novel­ sonville has chosen the following delegates Missoula aud Cour tie Aleue, Montana, der to sell personal property g ranted. to the S. 8. convention which meets at aud the sixth iu Missouri. Oue of the in th e m atter of th e estate of Nancy C age of the airbrake cause«! a sudden stop ty and freshness th a t is all th e ir ow n. Admission 25c. Reserved seats 50c, ou C entral P oint th is week: Mr. W . J . Boo- daughters, Mrs. Mabel Brous, with her H errin. Order of final settlement, and ad ­ page of his car. He threw his hand over zey, Mrs. 8. Patterson, Miss fssie McCul- daughter arrive«! from Missoula a few m in istrato r discharged. the drawhead to steady himself while he sale at Opera House Grocery. ly, Miss R ena Knowles. days ago to attend the bedside of her de­ leaned forward to look ahaad, when the D. L. Mr. R obert K ahler, who came to clining parents.—[Medford Monitor. Schools open Monday, Sept. 2d. Graduate of the Chicago Optlialmic College and Hospital, t’ounty Court Proceedings. recoil of the car forward struck the ends p- S outhern Oregon from San Francisco for The funeral services over the remains and o f the F irm o f Kahn & Bam, 606 Van Buren Street. of his fingers over the drawhead aud Minkler & Son keep the books and 811 Sept. Term . * the benefit of his health, left for hom e last of the aged couple were conducted Tues­ plies. crushed them. He came ou to the city Chicago, has located in A shland for a few weeks. Friday. H e spent some tim e at the Road petitioned for bv W iley T u rn b au g h D. D. Wood, scavenger. Cleaning Bybee soda springs on E vans creek day, Rev. Eli Fisher officiating at the et al. Re,iort of viewers and ap p raiseis of and Dr. Bradley amputated the fracture«l bones and Mr. Gilvin is all right, save the closets and all work nt that line prompt­ and was greatly benelitted by the sanil and home, burial services oonductej by the Office at the O regon Hotel. dam ages approved and road ordered Masons. tips of two fingers.—| Roseburg Plain ly attended to. Leave orders at S. M. w ater treatm en t. established. Com plaint of J FC oIe against D ollarhide dealer. If you have trouble w ith jo u r eyes of any kind «lon’t miss th is o pportunity, Hea.l- Rhode’s Second Hand Store. * Attention, G. A. R. toll road. Order th a t obstructions be re­ “ Coin” on the Stage. aches caused from astigm atism p e n n a iie n tlv c u re d . The discharge from the state insane moved and road com pany notified. The doctor has been in N orthern California lo w n s for over a year and lias m any rec- Next regular meeting of Burnside Post. Chicago, Sept. 2.—Probably the most S F Morien to be notified th a t he m u st I asylum last week of Dr. J. C. Read, ttie oiiitiiendH ami testim onials from prom inent physicians and citizens. novel stage production ever witnessed in Saturday evening, Sept. 7th, at 7:30 pay expenses of keeping father either at preacher-bank burglar, provokes u«> little o’clock. Business of importance. A poor house or a t home. Chicago was given last night before a comment. Rev. Rea«i’s sensational career What one of the well-known physicians of Yreka says: Contract for keeping county poor awarded is fresh iu the minds of the public. His large audience at the Chicago opera house. large attendance requested. By order 1. C. D odoe , Com. to Emil HeRoboain a t $3 per week each. Y r ek a , C al ., J u ly 10, 1895. It was a dramatization of free silver in first act was to skip out from bis pastor­ Contract for fu rn ish in g wood to court I t is w ith pleasu re th a t I recoinm em l Hr. B ain to the public a- « l i able and skillful oculist. politics, and judging by the remarkuble ate at East Portland for the east, leaving IhiriuK his ‘••I h v w ith our people, M nnethiug over a m onth, his work has given en tire ■ house aw arded to T J Kenney at $.'1.24 per he b e s t is w h a t the People tion. circumstances attending the first public bis clothing ou the bauks of the river to D KEAM.M. D coni for dry block oak wood. I buy the most of. T h a t ’ * W h y jierformance the piece may uot unlikely indicate that he had been drowned. He M Purdin appoint«*«! justice ot the ,>eace Hood’s Sarsaparilla lias the largest Call an d co n su lt Dr. B ain. E x am in atio n free. attract widespread attention. for Medford precinct to fill vacancy was afterwarii located in Missouri, and, caused by the death of Geo. 8. W alton. “The Sliver Lining,” is the name of sale O F A L L M E D I C I N E S . returning, he create«! a great sensation H ospital report filed and approve«!. the play. The theme was suggested by bp “ boldiug up” the East Portland bank Bids to be advertized for to ru n Bogue iu broad daylight, but his efforts were Coin’s Financial School ami Harvey of river ferry one year from October 14. 1895 “Coin” occupied a proscenium box. The frustrated by people who discovered him Bids to he accom panied by $2U0 bonds. hissing of lines early in the piece, pre­ All bids for shingling court house reject­ from across the street. His subsequent sumably by anti-silver sympathizers, ed because court decided not to shingle at trial resulted iu au acquittal ou the caused'no little excitement, which was gronuils that he was insane, confinement th is tim e, but repair same. Bond petitioned for by J A W hitm an et iu the asylum following. Rev. Read is increase»! when, after the secouil act, it W H Y S U F F E R W IT H al. Viewers appointed, Jo h n Hocker- said to be just as crazy now as he ever was evident the piece had made a hit. sm ith , W T A nderson, Jesse R ichardson was, though at the trial he was generally and G E lksnat, surveyor, to m eet Sept. helil reepousible for his act iu attempting The sense of security against sudden 80 acres on B oulevard just south of A shland, Sick and Nervous Miles from Ashland. 20th a t th e beginning of said road and emergencies from croup aud bronchitis, w ith in one-h alf m ile of th e new norm al school the bank robbery, which was supposed to qualify before deputy surveyor. felt by those who are provided with a —Im provem ents consist of sm all house and have been superinduced by the reading bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectorial, would b a rn —8*£ acres of young o rch ard . F in e living of a blood and thunder dime novel. The Northern Pacific R. R. F ig h t. be cheaply purchased at ten times the spring ou th e place. Operations on the Astoria-Goble road cost of that remedy. Iu all luug com­ For p articulars address Mrs. C. N oonan, Sis­ A Comfortable House and 5 Acres of Land in Eastern part Seattle, S ep t 2.—By the decisiou of Y o u m ay be ea sily a n d q u ic k ly cu red plaints, it is prompt to act aud sure to kiyou, Oregon. Aug 15-5 Judge G ilbert concurred in by Judge were begun near Tongue Point, Monday. of town. Well worth $1300. b y ta k in g cure. Hanford, Receivers Oakes, Payne and The contract for the first ten miles of Rouse must appear iu the United States the line was let to Corey Bros. They court for the Northern district of Wash­ have established their camp aud with a - Established 1884- Two 10-acre F ruit Tracts. -Established 1884- ington, in this city, October 2, and de­ large force of raeu, scrapers, plows and teams have gone to the front and com­ fend themselves against the charges of maladministration made by Brayton Ive6, menced turning dirt. president of the Northern Pacific. Judge S. W. DeWitt, United States Call on or address “ I have lieen a victim of terri­ The opinion of Juilge Gilbert was read attorney, was in Medford preparing to ble headaches, and have never iu court this morning, and the opinion of take testimony in a number of Indian found anything to relieve them J ndge Hanford was tiled late in the after- depredation claims. The claims are those so quickly as Ayer’s Pills. Since uoou. The receivers are each ordered to of L. Demmer, $700; John C. Barker, A shland, Oregon, I liegan taking this medicine, the file with this court a boD«l for $100,000, $200; Mrs. Elizabeth Roes, $4176; Henry attacks have become less and aud also a report of their actions from Hamillou, $4000; making a total of $14,- less frequent, until, at present, the time of the last report confirmed by 566. The claims are for property and months have passed since I Judge Jenkins up to the preeenL It is crops destroyed in the early days. have had one.” —C. F. N kwman , held that the acts of the receivers are not Dug Spur, Ya. luvalid, aud that the $5,000,000 receivers’ The baseball game at Grants Pass Drugs, Medicines and Proprietary Goods, Watches, Clocks, 1----- >* C I G A R i S T O R E . “Having used Ayer’s Pills with certificates are valid liens as soon as con­ Thursday resulted in favor of Empire great success for dyspepsia, from A fr _ J * p. w . PAULSON, PROP. AKhli City by a s«jore of 10 to 9. It is said to firmed by the respective courts. Jewelry and Silverware. Ashland, Or. which I suffered for years, I re­ have been a good game. Grants Pass solved never to lie without them Place your orders for p«saeh boxes with showed a commeudable spirit toward the FISHING TACKLE, up to date, new line just In. in mv household. They are in­ DRUGGIST TO S. P. CO. WATCH INSPECTOR, S. P. CO. Norris A Co. The best boxes at the low­ visiting contestants at their field sports MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. deed ' effective.” — Mrs. S allie program, and allowed them to carry off est figures. * M orris , 125 Willow St., Phila­ every prize that was offered. delphia, Pa. Mrs. Laura Kemp a native of Coving­ Some days uothing will “come ont ton, Ky., was brought before Judge Neil “I always use Ayer’s Pills, and at Jacksonville on Wednesday, and after right,” from the time you rise till you re­ think them excellent.,” —Mrs. G. tire. Ten io one the trouble is in your­ an examination by Dra. DeBar and Rob- P. W atrous , Jackson, Fla. IC E C R E A M luson, pronounced insane. The lady has self. Your blixxl is iu bad condition, and a n d I c e C o ld D r i n k » . every organ suffers in consequence. a husband aud grown children, and was A C o m p le te T r a in in g S e h o o l, iu the asylum dunug the past year. She What you used is the cleansing, invigor­ will be taken below by Frank Neil and ating influence of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN THE COUNTRY. Offering superior advantages to those desiring an education, or fit them selves to r a n j Owen Kegau. R e c e iv e d H ig h e s t A w a r d s The Davis A Force Dental Co., suc­ We always carry the largest stock of Cigars, Tobacco special calling. . . . The fall term opens the Second Monday in Septem ber. We are now selling screen doors aslow cessors to Caldwell A Davie, are now A T T H E W O R L D ’ S F A I R Pipes, Meerschaum broods, Xtc., south of Portland. located iu their new quarters in the Odd For fnll particulars and terms, address jg. b . R IG B Y , P r e » . as $1.25 each in order to clear up our OOOOOO O O o O O O OOOO O 0 O 0 fl¡ 01 (J o Fellow's building. Call and see them.* stock. N o n is A Co. * 1C The n And Especially Scholars Attending School, 1 would advise CLOSE INSPECTION See ‘ Tidings,” issue Aug. 26. FAIR STORE ! Owing to the Demand for Yarns - - - Underwear, Hose, &c. Men’s Gloves. Books exchanged and introduced by American Book Company at rates fixed by law. E. A. SHERWIN, Agent. Hardware, «fee, Shoep ! Shoes School Supplies. Glassware, «fee. Wood and Willowware, &c. Toilet Articles. -■PLAZA, Opp. Ashland Mills. DOLPH EDDY. T f\ Dr. B. C. Bain, Oculist, Optician. T REAL ESTATI’. INSURANCE. FOR SALE. nvIC S A bargain for a man who w ill work. HEADACHE? A yers P ills REMOVAL NOTICE! BILLINGS, T. K. Bolton, edfo ^ d Ayer’s Pills Odd Fellow's Block B u s in e s s C o u iieg e A ELKHORN ©J now IN SEASON G )