P U B L IS H E D ASHLAND TIDINGS. Issued M ondays and Thursdays. ASHLAND Issued Mondays and Thursdays. W. H. LEID», A ùnJ->A iW 1 IB i n t r o . S E M I-W E E K L Y . f . D. W A G N W . LEEDS & WAGNER, PUBLISHERS. TIDINGS SUBSCRIPTION RATRS. One y e a r ......................................................>2.00 Hix months ............................................... 1-00 Three m onths................................................. 50 ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1895. VOL. XX. NUMBER 20. Rates of Advertising Furnished Upon Application, THE BEST EQUIPPED JO B OFFICE1 IN SOUTHERN ORECON. PA Y A B LE I S AD V A NC E. within the state of Oregon, at any time now owning or maintaining, or who shall after the passage of this act, trap, net or hereafter construct or maintain, any dam O F F IC IA L D 1K E C T O K Y ensnare, or attempt to trap, net or en­ or other obstruction across any stream in snare, any quail or “bobwhite,” prairie this state which any food fish are wont to UNITED STATES. chicken, grouse or pheasant, or have in ascend, withont providing a suitable fish­ _ / .. ..G ro v e rC le v e la n d President ................. possession any live quail or bobwhite, way or ladder for the fish to pitas over A dlai Stevenson Vice P r e s i d e n t .............. LI - ASHLAND, OR. R ichard O lney prairie chicken, grouse or pheasant, ex­ such obstruction, shall be deemed guilty Secretary ot state Jo h n G. C arlisle Secretary o t T reasu ry . cept the same be kept for the purposes of of a misdemeanor. HoEe Sm ith Secretary of In terio r Section 24. I t shall not be lawful for New b u ild in g s. N orm al, propagation or exhibition, shall be guilty .D anl. Lam ont Secretary of War A cadem ic, B usiuess, Music the proprietor of any sawmill in this state H ilary A. H erbert of a misdemeanor. Secretary of Navy and Art courses. Review ,'V I J. S terling Morton Secretary of A g ricu ltu re Section 11. Every persou who shall, or any employe therein, or any other per­ classes. T eachers’ T ra in in g ...W ’m. L. Wilson P ostm aster-general School. S killed teachers are r within the state of Oregon, at auy time son, to cast sawdust, planer shavings or A jtoruey-G eueral ... . .Ju d so n H arm on w anted. State diplom as good after the passage of this act, destroy or other lumber waste made by any lunioer- »TÄ TI OP ORBOON. in anv county. Life diplom as remove from the nest auy mallard duck, iug manufacturing concern, or suffer or w ithout fu rth e r ex am in atio n . i j . H. M itchell U. 9. S enators a fter 45 m o n th s’ experience widgeon, wood duck, teal, spoon-bill, gray, permit such sawdust, shavings or other tOeo.W. McBride in teaching. Board at H all I B inger H erm ann black, sprigtail or canvusback duck, Mon­ lumber waste to be thrown or discharged C ongressm en $1.75; lodging 50 cts., stu d e n t J W R. Ellis OREGON’S GAME LAWS. golian or other pheasant, prairie chicken in any manner into the waters of this fu rn ish in g b edclothing and C. M. Id lem an There is more Catarrh in this section of Attorney-General t . lam p. Fam ily board $3. Tui or sage hen, grouse, quail or partridge, state or the Columbia river, or to deposit W. P. Lord the country than all other diseases put to­ Governor tion $t’> 25. Board, lodging, H. R. K incaid Full Text of tlie Act Passed By the Legislative or other wild fowl, tiny egg or eggs of the same where high water will take the Secretary of State gether, and until the last few years was tu itio n an d books p er year . . . P h il M etschan Slate T reasu rer.......... Assembly of 1895. such fowls or birds, or have iu poseesion, same into any of the waters of this state $125. A shland can not be e x ­ supposed to be incurable. For a great G. M. Irw in Supt. Pub. Instruct ion . many years doctors pronounced it a local celled in th e state for fine sell or offer for sale, any such egg or or the Columbia river; and any persou or W It. Leeds Slate P riu ter w in ters, p u re w ater, h ealth , disease, and prescribed local remedies, and An act for the protection of game, fish and eggs, or willfully destroy the nest of any persons violating any of the provisions of iC. E. W olverton and good society. 8. B ean by constantly failing to cure with local wild fowl of the state of Oregon, aud io Buch fowls or birds, shall lie guilty of a this section shall be deemed guilty of a Suprem e Judges Moore pronounced it incurable. F i r s t T e r m « p e n s S e p t. 8 treatment, provide for the appointment of a fish misdemeanor. misdemeanor. A d acru m Science has proven catarrh to be a consti­ and game warden. F or m an u al or special in ­ Section 25. Every person who shall, Eddy R. R. C om m issioners Section 12. Every person who shall tutional disease and therefore requires form ation, address Coinpson within the state of Oregon, after the Be it enacted by the legislative assembly have in possession any male deer or buck constitutional treatment. H all’s Catarrh . .L vdell Baker Olerk of R. R. C om m ission or; o f the state o f Oregon : or uuy female deer or doe, spotted fawn, passage ot this act for any purpose mjure, W . H. Odell W. T. VAN SCOY, Pres. Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., (.ierk Board School Land Com. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional Section 1. Every person who shall, elk, tuoose or mountain sheep, except the take, kill or destroy or have in his pos­ FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. cure on the market. It is taken internally within the state of Oregon, at any time same be kept as a household pet, or auy session, except for breeding purposes, sell W estern D ivision. ..............Ju d g e H. K. H an n a in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. E astern D ivision Ju d g e W .C . Hale swan, mallard duck, wood duck, widgeon, or offer for sale any nightiugale, skylark, J. L . FENTON It acts directly on the blood and mucous between the first day of December of each AVO. COSTEI. Prosecuting A ttorn ey H, L. B enson teal, spoonbill, gray, black, sprigtail or black thrush, gray singing thrush, liunet, year and the first day of August of the surfaces of the system. They offer one Member Board of E q u a liz a tio n ... A C. A uldon canvasback duck, prairie chickeu or sage goldfinch, greenfinch, chaffinch, bullfinch, following year hunt, pursue, take, kill or hundred dollars for any case it fails to KBVKO. V. ft. LAND OFFICE KOM cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. deetroy any elk, moose or mountain sheep ben, grouse, pheasant, quail, “bobwhite” red-breasted European robin, black star­ .A. M. Craw ford R eceiver. .............. ........ Address. F. J.CHENEY . O ie g s n - person who shall at any time take, kill, vided iu section 10 of this act,) or auy lark or mocking bird, shall lie guilty of a JACKSON COUNTY. injure or destroy or pursue with intent to mountain, brook or lake trout, at any misdemeanor. DONE. C ounty J u d g e .... Jas. K. Neil A L L C L A S S E S O F F O U N D R Y W O R K Men’s tine calf shoes the “Bumble Bee” take, kill, Section 26. Every persou who shall iujure or destroy any moose, time when it is uulawful to take or kill C om m issioners ....................... IV\ . H. Bradshaw L ocated n ear E lectric L ight S tation. for 82.00 at The Fair. * I Sam uel Fu^ry Cash p aid for cast iron an d b rass scraps. elk, mouutaiu sheep or deer for the pur­ the same, as provided in this act, shall tie within the state of Oregon at any time after the passage ot this act, destroy or -E ntity C lerk N. A. Jacobs If quality, low prices and fair dealings pose of obtaining the skin, bide, horns or guilty of a misdemeanor, aud proof of the remove from the nest of any nightingale, C ounty R ecorder............................................. (»rant Raw lings possession of any of the aforesaid animals, hams of such animals shall be guilty of a Suerm ' Sylvester P atterson _ in n c cut auy tiffure with you, you will pur- birds or fish at a time when it is skylark, black thrush, gray singing .S. H. Holt Senator ............... . • lo'.h)-lo"b. chase your building materials of all kinds misdemeanor. Every person who shall fowls, r ö . W. D unn uulawful to take or kill the same, in the thrush, linnet, goldfinch, greenfinch, sell, or offer for sale, barter or exchange, from Norris 2.10. or carry out of the state, or have in pos­ of catching, killing or destroying fish; continued to take it and have not miaaed session for the purpose of shipment or and it shall be unlawful for any person a day for six months. During the bad — an d — GRINDSTONES, 3c per pound. carriage outside of the state of Oregon, or persons to place in any fresh-water Ashland o r Jacksonville, any of the birds named in the foregoing streams, lake or pond, any lime or de­ O regon. M an u factu rer of T in, Sheet Iron an d C opper section, except for breeding or exhibition leterious substance with intent to injure Ware. P lum bing an d Job Work weather nor any time since have I done to o rd e r. purposes, written consent for the same fish; or any drug or medicated bait, with winter felt any of the symptoms of the return and intent to poison or catch fish; any having first been obtained, upon affidavit, of my rheumatic trouble.” C has . U. from the fish and game protector, shall person offending against the provisions F anbher , Walla Walla, Washington. B oth one year for $2 in ADVANCE. guilty of a misdemeanor, and punish­ of this section shall "be deemed guilty of eeser be Hood’S Pills are purely vegetable and <• a misdemeanor. able as hereinafter provided. Reeser Block, Ashland, Or. Section 23. Any person or persons not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. 26«. Section 10. Every person who shall, H ig h e s t o f all in L eav en in g P ow er.— L a te st U . S. G o v ’t R e p o rt SOUTHERN ORECON State Normal School Powder A bsolutely PURE baL, ASHLAND IRON WORKS. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON The Worid’s Fair Tests N E W GOODS L o ts Of A T T H E F U R N IT U R E S T O R E Just in, YOUR GOOD HEALTH N O R R I S & CO., Moore’s Revealed Remedy L U M B E R ___ Resetting Tires $ 2 SPR A Y IN G P U M P S , | c e o . S o n n y in g H o s e , N o z z l e s , E x t e n s io n s , & c. m arkles M O N E Y J .O A N E D . HI. C . M V K H , Hardware, Stoves & Tinware. WHEN InflammatoiyJtieumatisiTi IN NEED GREAT REDUCTION C. F. SHEPHERD, Hood’s^"* Cures New York Weekly Tribune B. F. R ,