Semi-Weekly Tidings THEY WAST SO MOSEY. Jacksonville Item s. E d ito r R oberts of th e Gold H ill M iner There is a quiet organization in San was in Jacksonville S aturday. Francisco whose leaders say they have H arry Fred Pape, Jo h n O rth and solved the financial problem by invent­ M. T aylor Luy, returned from a two weeks’ trip SUTES AM) SEW S. ing a fractional system of exchanges to C innabar. which does away w ith both gold and H . W . Grimes and fam ily, Mrs. Alex Decency will appland the action of silver as money. T hom pson, and others, will leave for an Judge Murphy of the Sau Francisco The new society is known as the La­ outing a t Dead In d ian next week. court in taking prompt measures to sup­ bor Exchange and is based on the idea H on. C. C. Beekm an left for P ortland press, during the progress of the trial at that the people seldom w ant w hat they W ednesday whence he will go wij.h his least, the production of the play founded fam ily for an extended eastern trip. upon the Emanuel church murders. themselves produce. Therefore they say that the way to solve the labor problem Robt. Bybee, youngest son of W m. G.xxi for Judge Murphy, and may he sup press the demoralizing play for all time' is to put the products of industry in the Bybee. of th is place, returned Monday an d look out for y o u r health. P re ­ T h o se in n e e d o f G L A S S W A R E w ill do an extended sojourn in E astern Ore­ m arket for exchange for other commodi­ from gon. The Harvey-Horr debate upon the sil­ w e ll to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f o u r p r e s e n t vention is b e tte r th an care, b u t cures ver question ended Monday. Of course ties. H on. N. Langell w ent to A shland last Carl G lesser is one of the leaders of l»oth sides claim a victory. The greatest W ednesday where he went by special ap ­ lo w p ric e s , a s th e s to c k is m o v in g r a p id , lteuetit that will come from the combat the new society, but the Labor Exchange pointm ent to meet Senator M itchell, who d epend largely on having p resc rip ­ ltelweeu the two intellectual gladiators also conducts a general store which is was en route to San Francisco. ly . tions correctly com pounded a n d p re ­ will lie in »the placing of the two sides of managed by Henry Warfield. To his Dr. and M rs.Geo. Barber, who li3ve been the free coinage question before the read­ store the idle shoemaker or other m an­ in th e confectionery business in this place, pared o f absolutely fresh a n d p u re d ru g s. O u r prescription d e p a rtm e n t is ing public liberally, allowing the people ual worker brings the products he has have sold th e ir stock to T. J . K inney and I r to educate themselves upou the subject. manufactured at home or in his shop removed to Salem, as business interests unsurpassed in this co u n try , praised by all local physicians a n d esteem ed T U M B L E R S GOBLETS The T idings is printing a complete during a lull in business. He is paid dem and th e ir atte n tio n there. P e r d o zen ................ T V U 6 f o r ...................... report of the debate which it will be well T. L. Jones, presiding elder of the by th e public. W e c a rry a full line ot th e stan d ard rem edies a n d m edicines nothing in money for the goods he de­ M. Rev. for people to paste in their scrapbooks. E . church for th is d istrict, held the last 1 P IT C H E R posits, but is given a certificate which conference tor the c u rre n t year and th e h u n d red and one little prep aratio n s th a t are con stan tly needed, at 1 P I T C H E R The proceedings in the trial of Theo­ entitles him to any goods in the store as q a t u arterly the M. E. church in Jacksonville'last 2 TUM BLERS 6 TUM BLERS mi n r dore Durraut, the supposed murderer of pay for his wares. Mr. Glesser says that Saturday. On Sunday he preached a most th e m o st reasonable prices. Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williams in able an«l interesting serm on and held com ­ 1 T R A Y ...................... 0 I . Z 3 1 S O A P B O W L Sau Francisco are dragging along before by the aid of this system during the past m union services im m ediately after. A 1 T R A Y ............... year goods valued at many thousands of large audience was present. J udge ;Murphy. After the denial of the motion for a chauge of venue the work of dollars have been exchanged among the W. C. ÿiigledow , who was accidentally F R U IT D IS H E S P A a B E R R Y D IS H E S empaneling a jury was begun and bo far members of the society. h u rt while assisting in loading the quartz D ru g g ist an d S ta tio n e r. W ith c o v e rs .................. U U C ouly two jurors have lieen secured, and The certificate reads that it is not re­ m ilt m achinery, is still suffering intensely P e r d o z e n ........... the special venire of 150 drawn to try the deemable in legal tender, but is receiv­ from his injuries. H . W . Grimes is able to be o u t but is also in quite a dilapitated case has been exhausted. Each juror able by the association as payment for was plied with a thousand and one ques­ merchandise for all services. The cer­ condition and does not care to repeat trie tions by the attorney for both sides which tificate is secured by the real and per­ experience. Judge R. S. D unlap w ent t6 Medford on showed a general tendency among those sonal property of the association. W ednesday to a tte n d th e funeral of Mrs. summoned to avoid sitting in the case. MEN’S FINE CAI.F V ) WEB HALTERS The officers of the local branch of the E liza J. H am lin, which occurred th a t day. No advance ...... ........ ... 25c Blue and red The Portland Oregonian announces that organization have lately received reports Mrs. H am lin was a pioneer of this county, SOUTHERN ORECON its subscription list has had nearly 4000 which indicate that its plans are being having resided in Jacksonville in the ’50s, LADIES’ KID SHOES TUBS £-7.21 WASH 65c, SOc, $ 1 Sharp toe and has lived on the hom e farm four miles Each .. names added to it since the reduction in price was inaugurated on July 1st, show- adopted throughout the state and nation, east of Medford ever since. MEN’S OIL GRAIN SHOES &■) i t t i BEST WHIP lug a growth unexampled in the news­ and that stores are in successful opera­ A su it is on tria l in Ju stice D u n lap ’s Tap s o l e ................................. 25c ■ 7? I In the world for tion in many cities and towns. There court in w hich Robt. P o tter sues the To(o paper history of the northwest. The ASHLAND, OR. Oregonian is a better paper now than it are 150 members in San Francisco and M ining Co. for the recovery of $105 for BOYS’ FINE SHOES $ 7 .7 5 MILK PANS . 9c, 10c, 12]c, 15c Only ...................................... ever was and is unequalled by any on the about 800 in the state. Plans are under wood c u t and delivered for the com pany, Mr. P o tter has attach ed the wood and NormaT, New building coast in some respects. The careful consideration by the San Francisco some of the tools belonging to the com- Academic, Business, Music INFANTS’ AND CHILDREN’S HAMMERS, HATCHETS avoidance of sensationalism gives it a branch by which shoemakers, glove- pany. 5 0 c HAIL and Art courses. Review 50c SHOES From Each ........................................... classes. Teachers’ Training place above some of the San Francisco makers, knitters and other artisans School. Skilled teachers are Jacksonville would better resurrect its papers that make such a bluster about CURRY COMBS, HORSE BRUSHES. wanted. 8tate diplomas good sanitary com m ittee, since th e rep o rt is in the aiZ3 of their circulation and the num ­ w ill be kept employed to keep up the circulation in any county. Life diplomas a t d ip h th e ria is prevailing in without further examination ber of their pages—m the minds of many stock of the various stores in the state. some of the th n o rthern counties of the state. after 45 months’ experience nt least who are unable to see the advan­ They w ill be paid wholly by checks or A preventative is alw ays better th a n a in teaching. Board at Hall tage to morality in modern sensational certificates, which entitle them to draw cure, and th e deposit of garbage and the $1.75; lodging 50 eta., student furnishing bedclothing aud out goods to the value of their earnings. contents of cow stables in the alleys is journalism. lamp. Family board $3. Tui­ MEN’S DCOLY RIB SHIRTS not likely to be a health producing prac­ The Labor Exchange is based largely 9 0 c FACE POWDERS, tion $6 25. Board, lodging, The secretary of the democratic state aud DRAWERS Per suit tice. CREAMS, tuition and o«x,ks per year central committee of Oregon recently sent on the idea expressed by various polit­ $125. Ashland cau not be ex­ PERFUMES, T here is ju st the suggestion of a coin­ ical economists that goods are often ex­ MEN’S FINE BALBRIGGAN SUITS out a circular letter to the various mem­ celled in the state for fine £ 2 TOOTH POWDERS aud p la in t tiiat the election of a hitching post Ouly .............................................. winters, pure water, health, bers of the committee apportioned over changed practically without the use of on the railroad depot block is a m istake, DENTIFRICE, and gixxi society. the state, asking their opinion us to the money. The founders believe th at in a for tw o reasons. I t is n o t a safe place to ---- All warranted «sjual to For manual or special in­ MEN’S GRAY MIXED SUITS 70c advisability of calling a meeting of the more advanced civilization their ex­ hitch te a m s 'a s the m ost tract-a ble horses Only formation, address the best made. state committee to arrange for a state change ohecks w ill take the place of are know n to often take unaccountable W . T. VAN SCOT, Pres. convention of democrats to tak6 some ac­ money, which w ill then be abandoned fright a t tne w histle of the engine, and it will not be agreeable to patrons of the tion upon the silver question. Out of 23 railroad to sit in a depot infested w ith dies replies received up to Saturday, it is an­ as a useless medium of commerce. The founder of the system is G. R. down from the hitching post to feast on nounced that ouly three of the state com­ MINING NOTES AND NEWS. TH E TATTLER. mitteemen favor a convention and only de Bernardi of Independence, Mo., an innocent tourists. W h ite C h e ck N a n s o o k .....10c, 12c, 1 2 |c p e r y d . nine are willing now for a meeting of the old organizer of Granges and other Indigestion is a result of a p a rtia l sus­ Mrs. John G. Carlisle and Mrs. DanM Yreka Journal: The Espey, H unter <& Lamont state committee to discuss the Bubject. farm ers’ societies. His plans are said to pension of the process of food m an ip u la­ P i n k N u l l ......... ........................................ 10c p e r y d . huve taken to the wheel. Tukiug it that those yet to be heard from have been recently indorsed by the em­ tion in the stom ach and organs of assim ila­ Co., pumping plant at Shasta river, Mrs. Willard, wife of the English actor, D u c k in g in s t r i p e ................................ 14c p e r y d . works finely, and is a grand success in are proportionately divided, and taking it inent Michael Flurscheim of Sw itzer­ tion. A gentle cath a rtic , such as D r. J. H. M cLean’s Liver and Kidney Pellets, fol­ raising water nearly 500 feet to a flume, is founding in London a convalescent home also that the committeemen represent land, aud by prominent political econo­ lowed L a d ie s ’ B e lts ............................................. 15c to 45c. by a few doses of D r. J. H . M cLean’s .extending towards Hawkinsville. The for actors and actresses. fairly the rank and tile of the state de­ mists of Germany, who have organized S trengthening Cordial aud Blood Purifier pumps have been tested with 5,000 inches Maud Evans, a young lady of less than L a d ie s ’ W h ite S k ir th , o n l y .............................44c. mocracy, returns are anything but en­ will relieve and care th is distressing a il­ couraging to those who are maintaining exchanges on the same basis that finds m ent and cause the digestion to proceed of water turned into the ditch from Shas­ 20 years of age, residing at Beaver Falls, that Oregon is overwhelmingly a free sil­ practical illustration in the little store w ith a sense of com fort and gratification. ta river, whi?h drops 30 feet in two three- Pa., Is said to have her third set of natural S T A T I O N E R Y . — P e n c ils, T a b le ts, I n k , N o te P a p e r , foot .tubes on two large Kuight water teeth. ver state and the democratic party in this on Valencia street. In one of his articles E n v e lo p e s, P e n s, E tc ., E tc . wheels in working a double action force Miss Rebecca Ming of Mendham, N. J., on the principle of the exchange the state a free silver party. Jack Brady Coufesses. pump. The pumped water is forced up Is 97 years old. She Is healthy and active, founder says that he plainly saw, in Sacramento, July 29.—Jack Brady, the the hill horizontally 1,100 feet, through has never had the services of a doctor, and studying the question of w ealth and Halo Fighting Yet. 18-inch pipe at pump, tapering to 12 inch yet has never traveled on a railroad train. poverty, “ that if a person was not per­ notorious outlaw, has made a confession The reports from the scene of troubles m itted to pay his debts w ith the prod­ to the officers and it is such a straight­ pipe at summit of hill, dumping about A Scotch newspaper refers to Mrs. Lease with the Bannock Indians continue con­ ucts of his craft, but must procure an forward story, bearing out the facts al­ 125 inches of water into the tiume. The of Kansas as “ one of those strange men, ready iu their possession, that they have pumps will be worked about three or found frequently In America, who write flicting. No reports, however, indicate no reason to doubt the genuineness of his four hours each day for awhile until the under a feminine nom de plume.” that there has been much beside a article he did not produce—gold or sil machinery is worn a little to move easier general scare yet, though fears are ex­ ver—he would be at the mercy of the assertions. Mrs. Harriet C. Porter of Waterford, N. owner of the legal tender commodity Brady made a cleau breast of it, ad­ and the Hume, which leaks considerably, Y., has given $6,000 to Union college as a pressed that the Indians, who have Opposite Ashland Mills. will be tightened where the green massed in the Jackson Hole country, will and thus would be ruined or enslaved. ’ ’ mitting that he aud Browning had robbed fund to aid worthy graduates of the college attack defenseless points. The reformer next sought to set in the train near the sheep camp. He told lumber 6hows shrinkage, while the who shall take up the study of law. smallest leaks will certainly close motion an interchange of services be­ his story in such a manner that there cau from Boakage of the water. The men Miss Remie Londonderry of Boston, the Washington, July 30.—A telegrnm re­ tween men and women out of employ­ scarcely be any doubt us to its truthful­ ceived nt Brmy headquarters from Major ment and therefore helpless for lack of ness. Brady says that before holding up undertaking this enterprise are cer- round the world bicyclist, has declined the passenger train they went out on the taiuly deserving of the greatest credit, as over 150 offers o* marriage. She says she Bisbee, in command of the detachment of saved $1,600. It Isn’t every girl who infantry sent to sup(>ort the cavalry on money. The employment of idle labor railroad track aud experimented with it is quite a veuture worthy of success. has its way to the scene of the Indian distur­ is thus the prim e object of the associa­ some torpedoes, placiug them in front of The outlay is not less than $20,000, and has wheels who can do that. The Rev. Anna Shaw was asked to a freight traiu. They worked satisfator- it is hoped that t he ground to be worked bance in Northern Idaho, reports that his tion. The following sentences from the ily and next night they went out to hold by means of this enterprise may pay name one of the big trees in the Yosemite force reached Market Lane at noon today. He will proceed at once toward Jackson’s prospectus of the organizer of the ex­ up the express trniu. Ju st before it handsomely. Upou the success in taking valley, and she chose one of a group of Hole with a view of being near the scene change show the general purposes of the reached the point selecleil by them for out gold dust in great quantities, Yreka three particularly fine ones and named it their work, the track walker came along and vicinity, as well as the whole coun­ Susan B. Anthony. of operations as stain us posssble, in case reform. He says: and they pressed him into service. The try will he enriched, because the devel­ of emergency. Major Bisbee also says he Mrs. George William Curtis, the widow “ Behold the fundam ental principle has forwarded thirty days’ rations to Gen­ and aim of the true Labor Exchange robbery was easier and panned out far opment of our gold resources makes a of the lamented editor, essayist and schol­ ♦ richer than their fondest dreams had valuable home market for all other pro­ ar, may be seen almost any of these fine eral Coppiuger. which is not visible in any other sim ­ hoped for. They ran the locomotive close ducts at living prices, which cannot be summer afternoons driving a spirited team ilar movement of our day. True, most up to the town of Washington, he said, obtained when compelled to pay freight of horses on Richmond terrace, Staten Is­ The E volution of th e W heel. of them use the labor check as a substi­ took off their treasure, reversed the lever in shipping out of the country. land. Bev. Thos. P. Boyd, pastor of the Cen­ tute for legal tender money, but ready aud then sent the engine on the hack Mrs. Theodore Havemeyer orders an Grants Pass Courier: George Wimer A new a n d c o m p le te lin e o f M e n ’s G lo v es j u s t rec eiv e d . tenary M. E. church at Portland, and a to return to legal tender money as soon track. At that time they had no idea opera cloak, costing $2,009, and a bunch and W. J. came over from the Wimer young man formerly residing in Ashland, as able to do so; some are even basing that they had captured a fortune of $53.- of orchids, at $600, with an air of ease and N o c h e a p J o h n , h u t e x tr a good v a lu e s fo r th e m o n ey . and married to n daughter of one of the the check on legal tender money, while 000. After taking out and dividing $1,600, placer mine near Waldo this week. The as much pleasant familiarly as the average clean-up of ’95 has been most satisfactory pioneer families of this pluce, is an en­ they buried the remainder of the booty. New York woman would display in paying REVJOUS thusiastic wheelman, aud held a special we use the labor check first to keep la ­ Browning went to San Francisco and he o i l these big placers anti the owuers have her car fare. just completed their ditch for dumpings bor employed and the industries iu mo­ RICES bicycle service last Sunday evening at his followed him several days later. There and tailings upou which they have The new secretary of state’s two attract­ church, which is referred to nt length in tion, and, second, to demonstrate by ob they led a riotous life, ami spent their worked so faithfully for several years. U L V E R IZ E D . ive young daughters, the Misses Olney, Monday’s Oregonian. The altar was deco­ ject lessons that legal tender money is money on women nnd wine. They made Men’s Heavy Welted Gloves, worth $1. now 50c. After this season these placers will will come forward very prominently in the pay rated with the banners and colors of the useless—nay, a robber, and therefore a number of trips to Yolo county to get cabinet circle next winter at Washington. Men’s Green Buck Welted Gloves, only 50c. different bicycle clubs of the city, aud should be abolished altogether. the remainder of the buried treasure, but big. They are not only pretty, but are unusual­ special invitations had been sent out to Men’s Heavy Sarenac Buck Gloves, only 50c. “ Our modus operandi iu this greatest were never able to locate it. ly brilliant In conversation for their years. wheelmen all over the metropolis. The of all reforms is to set in motion at Bloomer and Bloomers. Men’s Fine Castor Buck Glov«w, only 85c. Mrs. Ida Buxton Cole, prominent among subject of the discourse was “The Bicy­ C hildren, especially infants, are soon first an interchange of services between Meu’s Jack Buck Gloves, wears excellent, 90c. E ditor T idings : — The billowing is suffrage speakers, says: “ We read in the run down w ith Cholera lnfpntnm or ‘Sum ­ cle as a Factor in Moral Questions.” aud Men’s First Quality Sealskin Gloves, $1. the text was taken from Ezekiel 1:20: men and women out of employment m er C om plaint.” Don’t wait to determ ine, clipped from a recent issue of the Oregon Bible that after the Israelites were ail worn out with wrangling and dissensions “The spirit of life was in the wheels.” A and paralyzed for lack of money. To do but give D eW itt’s Colic & Cholera Cure Independent: Men’s Genuine Dog skin Gloves, heavy or light, $1.25. ptly; you can rely on it. Use no other. W hen Charles Nickell, of the Jack so n ­ God gave them a woman—Deborah—to few excerpts are given: “I t was prophe­ this requires no capital, and there is no prom Men’s Genuine Buckskin Gloves, none better, $1.25 aud $1.35. E. A. Sherwin. ville Tim es, n u ts his th o u g h ts in to verse, judge them. She ruled over them for 40 sied that the coming man would come on possibility of a failure. Pass from this he is more of a success th an he is in some Men’s Heavy Buckskin Mittens, $1. years, and we read that ‘then they had a wheels. The kuowing ones laughed. Iu ‘m utual aid departm ent’ to the produc o th e r lines, as w itness th e following on the rest.’ ” a «lay a great revolution has swept over tiou and interchange of articles of com­ question of bloom ers: F o r f u r th e r p ric e s call a n d see us o r e x a m in e o u r p ric e ‘•When the breezy, bloom ing bloomers the world. Aud humanity tiuds itself for mon use among the ass«x:iates, and grad Miss Ella Ewing of Price, Mo., is known are universally th e go, how will tailors as the “ saintly giantess.” She is 8 feet 2 the first time on wheels, and, by the aid ually rise from these simple operations lis t. W e a re w ell sto ck ed in H a ts , Shoes, G e n ts’ F u r n is h ­ press the creases in them , I should like to inches in height, weighs 290 pounds and of pneumatic tire and saddle, riding on to larger enterprises, aud finally bring know ? W hen th e baby’s head is nodding in g s, D re ss T rim m in g s , R ib b o n s, L aces a n d F a n c y G oods. the wings of the wiud. * * The business and it w ants to take a nap, how can m am ­ is an enthusiastic and active Christian. man has passe«! upou it as an invaluable our co-operative forces to the construc­ She is a prominent member of the Chris­ T ry u s once a n d be c o n v in c ed . ma lull her darling in a bifurcated lap? A ll goods g u a ra n te e d s a tis ­ adjunct to the mercantile work!. The tion of unconsumable or permanent How can Bridget shoo th e chickens w ith tian Endeavor society, but has always re­ physicians aud thousands of others have wealth, which lessens toil and increases no sk irt to ffop and ffing, when th e crea­ fused to attend any of the conventions be­ fa c to ry . «lectured it to lie a touic for the system. the comforts of man. tu re goes a grubbing in the garden in the cause the noti«x> she would attract Is dis­ spring? But the question m ost annoying tasteful to her. The fat man has lost his surplus, while “ By such progressive methods we ex­ th a t our speculations h a tc h : Can she vie the lean one, by its use, has cushioned his pect to be able not ouly to liberate the Miss Foote, daughter of C. B. Foote, with men in action when she goes to strike bouse with new layers of flesh. president of the lately failed Commercial industries from the obstructions and ex a m atch ? "Mrs. Grundy pointed at it sneenngly, — o— ASHLAND, OR. of Cincinnati, goes from house to MYER BLOCK. Perusing the above lines suggest a few bank bnt soon caught the fever, donned a actions of the money power, but also to house daily selling silver polish to support thoughts which are offered, as follows: bloomer costume aud joined the proces­ clear the m ind of man of money hypno her father and herself. The young woman Yes, friend Charley, blooming Bloomers is well educated, but could find nothing to sion. It is fashionable. The ministers tism. ” —San Francisco Examiner. are migratory too; have spoken favorable, aud it enjoys the do. She manufactures and sells the polish, A n A c k n o w le d g m e n t F r o m E n g la n d . Seeking clim es with greener pastures, view smile of the church. It threatened to and what she makes supports herself and ing scenes th a t’re ever new. I t is surprising to find in a London prove fatal to ministerial dignity, but in­ Memory crow ds o u r m ental vision, of father and is their only income. asmuch as there is no revelation about paper a bit of philosophy so broad and blighted faith no pen can te ll; When the nrine shows signs of disorder, dignity being a grace of the spirit, many strikingly true as the following, which Some hope th a t he is clad in bloomers, such as scanty or suppressed flow, unusual have decided to do the sensible thing and is printed in The Daily News: “ Inde dancing now a jig i n ----- . THE BANE OF HUMAN LIFE, color, frequent calls, or if the amount- let dignity care for itself. It has brought pendence day brings no bitterness of Yes, we remember testive Bloomer and the dark passed is large and very light color it indi­ time he did abscond, the city aud country closer together, giv­ memory to the present generation of D riv en O u t of th e S y ste m b y trouble in the kidneys. Diseases in Also the night we held the snipe sack, wan­ cates ing to each the better influences of the in these orgaus are dangerous, hence the Englishmen. They know how many lib th e U se of dered hom e and paid his bond. other. importance of prompt measures to stup Ihe C IG A R STORE. J. M. “ Like every other useful agent, it cau erties they owe to it. Bnt for the day trouble. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and A shland, Oregon, Ju ly 29, 1995. P. W . PAULSON, PtOP. Ashland, Or. and its lessons our empire m ight be a Kidney Balm exeroises a healing and stim­ be turned to bad account. I t helps the ulating influence over the kidneys and agencies of good; it is also enlisted for thing of the past. ” That the England FISHING TACKLE, up to date, new line just in. urinary organs and will cause an early res­ Great Wallace Shows. evil.” of today is to some extent the child of toration to normal conditions. Pric * $1.00 MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ‘F o r five years, I w as a g rea t o; The minister paid an eloquent tribute America aud owes much of its freedom Saturday’s Baker City Democrat: Tbe per bottle. O: sufferer from a m ost persistent Oj to the character of the day, discussed to the American devotion to liberty has arrival of the Great Wallace Shows in blood disease, none of the various some particulars of the legitimate use of probably never before had so handsome Baker City was delayed yesterday on the m edicines 1 t^zK W ing of any the wheel on the Sabbath, expr««esed him­ an acknowledgment.—St. Louis Globe O. R. & N. west of Huntington by the help w hatever. Hoping th a t £ self as willing to leave to the good taste lack of locomotive power, an additional Notice to Water Consumers. change of cliriiate would lienelit of woman the questiou of her costume, Democrat It has been found that if everybody using IC E C R E A M engine, making four, being necessary to me, 1 w ent to Cuba, to Florida, ° Os s water for irrigation purposes tries to irrigate at The Copper Interests. and appealed to his fellow-wheelmen to transport the big train of heavy cars to the ami th en to Saratoga Springs, a n d I c e C o ld D r i n k s . same time, some persons get more.water stand against any use of the wheel that where 1 rem ained some tim e 9 the Pleasant Valley summit. The delay than they are entitled to, while others cannot Washington, July 29.—A review of cop­ might make “the spirit of life in it" be­ per and copper miniDg for the year 1894 drinking th e w aters. B u t all was Si caused the street parade to be deferred get any. Therefore it is ordered by the fire water committee that all persons living come an instrument of death. FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN THE COUNTRY. no use. A t hist, being advised O: until 12:30 p. m. much to the discomfort and made by the United States geological west and north of Ashland creek may use water by several friends to try A y ei’s o of many huudreds of people who were from the city water mains for irrigation and survey has been completed. I t says that We always carry the largest stock of Cigars, Tub aero Sarsaparilla, 1 ltegan tak in g it, ° j waiting on the street from as early as sprinkling lawns only on Monday, Wednesday, Convicts to be Employed. copper mining suffered from the geueral Pipes, Meerschaum Goods, Etc., south of Portland. and Friday of each week, and that all persons and very soon favorable results 9 a. m. The weather was extremely warm living east and south of Ashland creek use Governor Lord this week entered into depression of the year, still the con were m anifest. To-day I con- o ‘ and quite depressing. However, the peo­ water for said purposes only on Tuesday, Thurs­ a contract with Ju liu s Loewenberg, the sumption was in advance of 1893. On sider m yself a perfectly healthy oL ple were well repaid for waiting, for the day and Saturday of each week. Portland stove maker, for the hiring of the whole, copper mining resisted the man, w ith a good appetite and The Supt. of water works is Instructed to parade was the tiuesl ever witnessed iu tension better than other metal trades. water from any person who neg­ convicts of the Oregon state penitentiary. not th e least trace ot my form er Baker City. I t was probably a mile long, turnoffthe The production of copper for 1894 was lects to obev the foregoing regulation. com plaint. To all my friends, The contract provides that 100 convicts and every feature tirst class, clean and By order of the fire and water committee of 158,120 tons. A little over one half of and especially young m en like shall be employed at once and 25 ad­ this indicating a financial management in Asliland. Oregon, dated July I. 25,1885. came from Montana aud two-thirds C. DODGE, myself, I recom m end A yer’s Sar­ ditional to be ad«led every six months AUG. COSTEI. J. I . PBKWM striking contrast with other shows that Supt. of Water Works. saparilla, if in need of a perfectly until all the available prisoners are em­ of the remainder from Lake Superior have been here. mines. Other sources of supply include«! reliable blood-purifier.’' — J ose ployed. The price to be paid for their Arizona, Colorado, the Southern states The performance under a mammoth A. E scobar , proprietor H otel labor is 35c per day of ten hours. The canvas was all that the public could ex­ Dissolution of Copartnership. and Utah. _ V ictoria, Key W est, F la .; resi­ slate ixyard composed of the governor, pect. Its every feature was good aud dence, 352 W. 16th St., N ew Y’ork. ^.slxla-ja-d., ©reg-oxx- C o s ta l <3c F e n t o n , P r o p 's . A Successful Worker The copartnership heretofore existing be­ secretary of stale aud state treasurer also the immense audiences that attended are tween the undersigned under the firm name of entered into a «•outraet wit h L«>eweuberg W ork can n o t be successfully continued fully satisfied. O. Winter is this day dissolved by mutual con­ ALL C L A SSE S O F FO U N D R Y W O R K DONE. T he to lease the state foundry plant at nu unless there is an active m ental in terest in sent. M. V. Pratt retires from the firm. O. Only Cash paid forcasi iron and brass scraps. Located near Electric Light Station. it. I f the m ind is n o t clear, b rig h t a n d Winter will continue the business, collecting annual rental of $1200. • Thursday.......................... August 1, 1895 Read! Think! Act! 30c 90c 35c E. A SHERWIN, NEW SHOE STOCK. RACKET GOODS. State Normal School I TOILET ARTICLES. DR Y THE GOODS F A IR W e have been granted A PATENT ON LOW PRICES And will tolerate no infringement. All p MYER &. GREGORY, Blood Poison C Ü K H O R H JL-À.......... Ayer’s Sarsaparilla % © J now in ASHLAND We are uow sidling screen doors as low as $1.25 each in order to clear up our stock. Norris A Co. * buoyant, th en th e work is drudgery and the w orker is a m achine. A n occosional dose of Moore’s Revealed Remedy will p u t th e bodv aud m ind in such harm ony th a t the ha-dest tasks will seem as play. Ayer’s™ , Sarsaparilla A d m itte d fo r E x h ib itio n * AT T H E W O R L D ’ S F A IR oooooooeoooeoooooooooooo The U. S. Gov’t Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to a ll others. all debts due the firm and pay all debts owed by the firm. Dated, Ashland, Oregon, July 27,1895. O. W inter , M. V. P ratt . season ê) IRON WORKS.