S em i-W eek ly T id in g s Thursday............................ June 20, 1895 T id in g s fo r Job P r in tin g . for In fa n ts and C hildren. “ C aatorta is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. A kchex , M. D., I l l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. C asto ria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di Without injurious medication. “ The use a t ‘Cmtoria’ is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the iutelligent families who do not keep Castona within easy reach." Q u in s M artyx , D. D„ New York City. i . i . Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “ For several years I have recommended your * Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." , E dwin F. P a r d ii , M. D., “ The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Tux C xntaum C ompany , 77 M urrat S treet , N ew Y orx . EAST ■ and • VIA The Shasta Route - -OF THE---- SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains leave Portland daily NORTH. SOUTH. Ar. 8:20 A. 6 : If. r. M. I Lv. Portland, Lv. 4:40 P. 10:40 a . m . Ar. Ashland, Ar. 4:10 P. 11:10 a . M. I.v. Ashland, Lv.! 7:00 P 10:45 a . M.lAr. San Francisco, Above trains stop at all stations from Portland to A lb s-y Inclusive: also. Tangent, Shedds, Halsev Harrisburg, Junction City. . Irving, Eugeus and at all stations from Rose­ burg to Ashland inclusive. Although the utilization of the power of Niagara falls has not yet been suf­ ficiently consummated to judge fully as to the measure of its success, there is reason to believe that the project w ill approximate all that has heeu claimed for i t An effort is now being made in lower Canada to utilize the Chaudiere falls, which are 85 feet high and w ill give 500,000 horse­ power. If these projects are finally worked out successfully, there is hardly auy end to the possibilities in this direc tion in the far west, and when developed the great east must look out for its su­ premacy in manufactures. U O S K K U K O M A IL . ( D a i l y . ) LEAVE Portland Rose bn rg ARRIVE 8:30 a m 7:00 am IH u in g C a rs | I Roseburg Portland on O g ile n 5:50 i* » 4:30 pm R o u te P U L L M A N B U F FE T S L E E P E R S ------AND------ SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS, Lady Henry Somerset tells ns she is forced to say that the English woman is more advanced than the American wo­ man in the capacity for independent thought and in the interest she takes in the great questions affecting the nation­ al life. That may be, but the American woman can give her English sister points on a pink tea every time. attached TO ALL THROUGH trains . W e s t S id e D i v i s i o n B E T W E E N P O R T LA N D AN D CO RVA LLIS M a il T r a in l l a l l y ( K x ie p l S u n d ay 7:30 A A .M . | Lv. Portland, Ar. | fcSB r. a Ar. Corvallis. 12:15 P Lv 1:00 P.JI with traiu> It is becoming the fashion focali even the contestants in the competitive col­ lege debates and oratory tests a “ team. ” This is enough to make one exclaim, ‘ifiave we lived till now !” of Oregon Pacific Railroad. E xp ress T r a in 4:40 r. m . 7:25 p. M. D a lly (K x cep t S u n d a y 8:25 A. M Lv. Portland, Ar. 5:50 a . >i Ar. M cM innville, Lv. Through T ick ets to all Points in the Eastern S ta tes, Canada and Europe, Can be obtained at lowest rates from E. C. Kaue, agent, Ashland, Or. R KOEHLER E. P- ROGERS, Manager. x sstG F Pas« Agent Thomas F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C. Rouse, Receivers N ORTHERIM PACIFIC R. R. * s P u llm n n S le e p in g C m *» 1*3 e g a n t D in in g r C a r s T o n r iH t tS lo e p in jx C a r s ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DIT LUTH FARGO GRAND FORES CROOKSTON WINNIPEG H ELEN A and BÜTTE TO THROUGH T IC K E T S ---- TO----- CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH t im e sc h ed u le A D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Piss. Agent, 255 Morrison st.c o r .3 d , PORTLAND, OREGON. ROBT. LEONARD, A gent, Ashland. R . C AR SO N . I , . W . CABRON. Nil mile« South of Grant’s Paas, Josephine oounty, Oregon. A. B. C A n s o n SON, Prop’s. 100,000 Trees in Stock! -Consisting of- A FFLE, PEAR, PEACH, PLUM , PRUNE CHERRY, APRICOT, NECTARINE, ALMOND, WALNUT, and Shade and Ornamental Trees, d ra p e Vine, Currants, Gooseberries. Blackberries, Rnspberries. Strawberries, Figs, Etc., Etc. Our trees are grown without irrigation on Red hill land, and all of kuown varieties that succeed in Southern Oregon. Those oonteiuplating tree planting will do well to visit our orchard and nursery, or write us for price list. Poetofifioe— Murphy, Josephine ooouty Oregon K. U. station, Grant’s Paas. CARSON & SON. Pointing Plows, 75c. And other work in proportion AT MARKLE’S SHOP. Spring Street, A shland, For the love of home so universally there are a t least a hundredfold more cats than dogs. Let us give the purring cat her just New York Is a safe place for a cat show. Cats have nine lives apiece.—Chicago Rec­ dues. Z * R E A T B A T T L E S are contin­ De Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure never disappoints, never fails to give immediate relief. It cures just as sure ns you take it. E. A. Sherwin. :. And the cat came back. For he w ouldn’t stay away? FLINGS 'AT GOTHAM. ord. It is the general belief that when Mr. Roosevelt gets in good working order as police commissioner something in New York will be heard to buzz.—Indianapolis News. New York is very progressive. It seems that she even insists upon having her cen­ sus reports made to meet conditions ten years iu advance of the time.—Chicago Record. It w ill be an astonishing thing for New Yorkers when a detective who gets drunk and assaults women and children is not acquitted by the court while his victims go to jail.—New York Commercial Adver­ tiser. New York could only muster about 1,886,000 inhabitants according to her lat­ est police census, and she oounted Hetty Green and several thousand other homeless plutocrats who are prowling about Gotham trying to pick up a precarious living.— Chicago Dispatch. Comity Treasurer’s Fourth Notice. Jacksonville, Or., June 13th, 1895. Office of county treasurer of Jackson county. Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the county treasury for the redemption of all outstanding warrants protested from Oet. 8, 1888, to Dec. 10th, 1888. Interest on the same will cease ofter the above date. M. 8. W elch , By L. L. J acobs , Deputy, Co. Treasurer. W eath er Changes. Close observers of an ingenious turn are sure th at the changes in the weather were invented for the purpose of conver­ sation. There may be something in this theory, but we are inclined to think th at they are more for the purpose of giving consolation to chronic invalids. I felt very bad yesterday, when the w ind was in the east,” groans the sick person, or, “ I feel much better today, the sun shines so brig h tly ,” or, “ When the w ind is in the north, my rheum atism troubles me. ” And so they go on u n til at last there does come a day which not only benefits, but cures ; when the doctor ^can be dispensed w ith and the under­ taker observes that the gentleman has a fine day for his fnneraL But all levity aside, such changes in the weather as we have had recently would be more honored in the breach than in the ob­ servance, even though they gave the in­ valid less to think about and hampered the person we meet in the street who uses the subject as an always tim ely one. It is reported that the recent frost killed the grape crop in some large localities, ruined cherries and many other kinds of sm all fruits. Yet it may not be as severe as it seems. Ill news always travels rap­ idly and delights in superlatives. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Martin L. Mc­ Call, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly-appoiuted by the eouuty court of Jackson county, Oregon, sitting in probate, and has duly qualified, as administrator of the es­ tate of said Martin L, McCall, deceased. All persons having claim s against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned at Ashlaud, Oregon, w ithin six months from the date hereof ami duly verified as by law required. ALIENA McCALL, Adm inistratrix of the estate of Martin L. McCall, deceased. Dated at Ashland, Oregon, June 10,1895. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Sta’e of Oregon of the county of Jackson. The Slate of Oregon, ex rel. Henry L. Beuson District Attorney for the First Judicial District of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. The Unknown Heirs of the Estate of William Aleoe, deceased. Defend ants. Action to Recover Real Property Es cheated to the State of Otegon. To The Unknown Heirs of the Estate of W illiam Aleoe, deceased, the a bo v e n a med Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of the above Plaintiff, in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk o f | said Court, within ten days from the date of the service of th is Summons upon you. if served in Jackson county, Oregon: but if’served in any other county in the state of Oregon then w ithin tw enty days from the da’e of the service o f this Summons upon you; or if served on you out of the State of Oregon, or by publi cation, then by the first day of the ensuing September term of said Court, to-wit: the 9th day of September, 1895: and you are hereby- notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as hereby required, the Plain­ tiff w ill take judgm ent against you for the seisin and possession of the following described real property belonging to the estate o f William Aleoe. deceased, viz 1/Jts 1 and 2, and the SEC, of the NW)4 and the NE!<< of the 8WJ4 of section 31. iu Township 32 South, Range 1 East, all situated in Jackson county, Oregon, together with the costs nd disbursem ents of this action. This sum mons is served by publication, pur. suant to an Order made by the Hon. H. K. Hanna, Judge of said Court, said Order being made at Jacksonville this 9th day of April, 189». T T F R Y 1 R hc j District Attorney for the First Judicial Dis­ trict of Oregon. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Pelton & Neil, “ Trilby soda water” is sold by the glass and not by the foot.—Seneca County Jour­ a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the nal. United States. It is a National Family Paper, and gives all the general Next to a fender, the greatest need of The business of the meat markets of R P news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nut­ our electric cars is a good power brake.— Neil and J. E. Belton is carried on now at the shell. Its “Agricultural” department has no superior in the country. St. Louis Republic. Iis “ Market Reports” are recognized authority. Seperate departments Speed more than beauty seems to be the for “The Family Circle,” “Our Young Folks,” and “Science and Me­ motto of the Defender’s builders. Well, chanics.” Its “ Home and Society” columns command the admiration “ pretty is as pretty does.”—Boston Tran­ of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and dis­ script. The old Beltou market, on the west side cussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A new novel has the hero and heroine of Main street near the bridge, where old aud new custom ers w ill fiud ns bet­ happily married in the last chapter. It ter prepared than ever to serve them never will have much of a sale.—Los An­ with the choicest of meats and ¿In first- A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer geles Express. class style al low est prices An Indian girl complains because she O re g o n , A s h la n d , was sold by her father instead of given away with a slice of his money like rich white girls.—Chicago Post. F O R O N E Y E A R FOR O N L Y In paying off her war debt China might C A S H IN A D V A N C E . find It advisable to raise a few thousand Estray Notice. taels by auctioning off some of her war (The regular subscription for the two papers is $3.00.) Subscriptions may begin at any Takeu up l»v the undersigned at h isp li gods as bric-a-brac.—Washington Star. time. Address all orders to Talant precinct, one small red m ix with white It Is the fin de siecle reader that makes dish fata-, and in m ilk. No l»r»nds; split in T h e .A s h la n d T itlin s ji« - right e»r. Cow hail been in tic in ilv sine.- Mm the fin de siecle book. The writers of cur­ 1st and came to mv place on May 12th. Ownei rent fiction merely cater to their custom­ is rt quested to call and pay charges and take ers and fill the orders placed with them.— J. D avison . Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Room 2. Tribune anim al away. Building, New York City, and sample copy o f THE NEW YORK \\ EEKLY Taleut, Or. May 27, 189,'.. Chicago Journal. TRIBUNE w ill be mailed to you. Mrs. Peary has begun a lecture tour to get money to bring her husband home. It is not complimentary to American public AN ELEPHANT’S TENDER CARE. THE MERCHANT’S DAUGHTER. spirit that she should be reduced to this For city property in Ashland—eighty expedient.—Boston Globe. W hen L eft to W a tch C h ild ren H e W ill acres of land 2 miles west of Bed Bluff. Her father was a m erchant hold F a ith fu lly P r o te c t T hem . It is now thought that the World’s fair Who o ’er the w ild Bi9cayan water Calif. See J. K. YanSaut. Ashland, Ore S till brought hack the good red gold 4-1-5. medals will be ready to distribute by A u­ The whole fam ily of the mahout be­ gon. To richly dower his only daughter. gust next. They should certainly be come, as it were, parasites to the ele­ Radiant she as rose on tr e e ; worked off before the next quadro centen­ But. though fu ll m any a gallant sought phant, by whom they earn their living. nial.—Cincinnati Enquirer. II. D G o(4. her, I have seen a baby placed by its mother Win Fox. We venture to repeat editorially that cer­ No, no, no! on all their woe FO X & GOOD, systematically under the elephant’s care Frowned back the m erchant’s daughter. tain bicycle riders in this town are crimi­ SüCPCRMirs to H. J. Hick*. and w ithin reach of its trunk, while the nally careless in the way they dash at peo­ U ntil, effulgent from the fight mother went to fetch w ater or to get CITY FREIGHT AND PASSEMCER TRANSFER. ple, wagons and even trolley, cars. Some That shook the shores from France to wood or m aterial to cook the fam ily day somebody will get hurt.—Hartford Flanders, OREGON. ASHLAND, dinner. No jackal or wolf would be Courant. Shone upon her patriot sigh t The k in gliest of our sea commanders, likely to pick up and carry off a baby The Servian government, which is bank­ Teams always readv to answer calls for ttan«- Looked her through, and from her view who w as thus confided to the care of an fer work of all kinds p n .iu p lly a m t a l low«-«! rupt, continues to make lavish grants to Vanished sm iling, on the morrow. the reigning family. Presently Servia will elephant, but most people who have lived rates. Passenger hacks to sii trains ami passengers Ahi but she her laughing glee be wiped off the map If Austria and Rus­ a life in the jungle know how very pos­ anil baggage delivered Inali pa Is of the city. Forsook for sighing sorrow. Wood foi sale—Single tier, | l 75: two tie r- «od sia can agree on the way it shall be dis­ sible it is for a jackal or wolf to carry upwards, <1.50 |a-r tier, deliver««!. “ Fair blow s the w ind; the skies are blue. membered.—Buffalo Express. off a baby when lying in a hut when the displayed by the great cat fam ily we if us? In the spring the human body needs as­ are of the opinion th at they should be sistance to throw off the stagnation pro­ as roundly praised as the dog for the duced bv winter diet. As the temperature blind affection displayed for his dead ■ ises under the g'owing heat of the sun’s rays, ws feel tired, half-sick and low in master. And at the same tim e, in con- spirits, because the blood is sluggish and bidering the relative m erits of the cat full of impurities. Dr. J. H, McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier and the dog, it should be remembered is a reliable spriug remedy to invigorate th at a hundred persons are bitten by the body and give tone to the digestion. dogs, vagrant and otherwise, in every Brice $i per bottle. For sale by E. A. oity to one bitten by cats, even though Sherwin. V l uallv ually koi going on in the hum an sys­ tem . H ood’s Sarsaparilla drives out disease and R e s to re s H e a lth . For In formation, tim e cards, maps, and tick­ ets, call on or write S. F. C ass, Agent, Grant’s Baas, or a. The United States treasury receipts up to May 1 for this year were the paltry ram of 1260,000,000. W hat’s to become Cats. New York has just had a cat show, which was so successful an enterprise that other oat shows are sure to be held there in the years to come. A ll lovers of sats w ill no doubt rejoice at this consid- sration given their- pets, and, we are rare, w ill resent the sneers recently lev­ i e d at the feline race by the one New York paper whose editor once invented »nd still m aintains the jocular fiction that he keeps an office cat for the pur­ pose of destroying pieces of manuscript that do not meet his views as to excel­ lence. The jeers at G rim alkin in question were printed in the same paragraph that ipoke in praise of Pido. It appears that the master of a certain dog fell off the Sock one day recently in New York and straightway became a drowned body. True to the loyal instincts of his race, the dog remained upon the dock near the place of his m aster’s final disappearance, thus giving another example of canine fidelity and affection. This coming to the ear of the editor, he called attention to the circumstance, and then, in a spirit of invidious comparison, asked who sould relate a sim ilar story of feline de­ votion to a member of the hum an race. Perhaps no one can, but in hum anity patriotism is considered as high a virtue as personal affection, if not of higher grade, and, as every one who has studied the feline nature know3, the overmas­ tering instinct of every cat is love of place. He is a poor coot indeed in the view of most persons who does not love the plaoe of his nativity or of his long residence, unless th at place be utterly bare of attractions, and none are more extravagantly lauded than those who go forth to do battle for home and country. Who cannot relate stories of cats braving every danger, when ruthlessly torn from the homes they love so well, in order to return to them? Does not every school­ boy know of the annual processions of home seeking cats which cross the Brooklyn bridge in opposite directions on the night of May 1, which is moving day at the Hudson’s mouth? Indeed this remarkable propensity has been chosen as ffthem e for .the poet and set to music. Who has not heard the inspiring song: CURRENT COMMENT. A Bank Failure. Consolidate)! Bartel. This Splendid Journal and the Ashland Tidings For Sale or Exchange. THE STAMP OF STYLE. Opals cut round like pearls are the pres­ ent craze among gems. Wreaths of small flowers are worn around the hair at the back with evening dress. Colored cambric han3kerchiefs in pale shades of mauve, green and yellow, with triple hems of white finely hemstitched, are a new fancy. The continued popularity of the shirt waists is proved by the demand for them, which is greater than ever before, and they come in greater variety. A substitute for haircloth comes In a new material called gazeline. It is a kind of open canvas which holds its stiffness and can be used next to thin fabrics. White alpaca, both plain and figured, is one of the fashionable materials for garden party games, and the waists are made of white satin trimmed with lace or of fancy glace silks. A very pretty tuck is given to the new striped silk blouses by making the collar and cuffs of batiste to match the color in the stripe and trimming the edges with narrow cream lace. Gauze ribbon ruchings are very much liked for trimmings, especially In black on dark materials. There is nothing softer and prettier than a gauzeruching of black for the collar of a cape or a wrap. White cloth Is used to pipe overlapped seams in the skirts of cloth dresses, and white kid embroidered in persian colors is a novelty for vests of such gowns, which are usually made with a short godetied coat. Colored linen and duck gowns, made In the coat and skirt style, are to be as much worn as they were last year, and more fancy dresses of linen are trimmed with white or colored embroidery to match the gown.—New York Sun. PEN, CHISEL'AND BRUSH. Miss M. E. Braddon will write two more novels to complete a contract, and then re­ tire from literary work. Aubrey Beardsley, It is said, has written a play in which the characters are to as­ sume, as far as possible, the forms and features of his drawings. The London Spectator wants William Watson appointed as poet laureate. It also thinks that he should have his pension from the literary fund largely Increased. Lesli Wilson, the black and white artist, whose work adorns the pages of the best London weeklies, is one of Kent’s leading cricketers and lias made somo remarkable scores. M. Jules Verne, though in his seventy- ninth year, works for five or six hours a day. He is now engaged upon a 6tory for 1897, but he has five manuscripts ready for the printers. Mr. Bruce-Jay, the sculptor, exhibits a bust of Chauncey Depew at the Royal academy In London this year. Owing to an accident the sculptor could do but lit­ tle work this year, but is now said to be fully recovered. Nora Perry, the poetess and gifted and successful writer of stories for young girls, has a talismanio moonstone to which she attributes much of her success and good luck, and with which nothing would In­ duce her to part. Wilt sail w ith me, m y w insom e daugh­ ter?” “ That w ill II Dear friends, adieu 1” And o ’er the wave her sire has caught her. Southward far, by sun and star, His good ship fleets the ocean over, When, alack 1 across her track There strikes a Salee rover. But as the pirate pressed them sore, And deck and hold ran red w ith slaugh­ ter. Sudden round the headland hoar A noble warship sweeps the water. Heavens above! ’tis her true love That hath this great d eliv’rance wrought her. G rief, farew ell I wake, marriage hell. For our blest m erchant’s daughter! —Alfred Perceval Graves In Athenseum. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cor­ dial anti Blood Purifier is admirably adapt ed to make “a little go a long way.” its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive proper­ ties, by which the energy of the system is recruited. It is plea ant to the tas e, eas­ ily borne on the s ouiach and harmless un­ der prolonged use. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by E. A. Sherwin. A n E le c tr o -M a g n e tic C a n n o n . This recent invention is dependent for its action upon the principle of the force of attraction and repulsion as caused by magnetism. A brass tube, 5 feet long, 2% inches in diam eter and 1 inch bore, was wrapped w ith insulated w ire along its entire length, the current flowing through different sections of the w ind­ ings in such a manner as to cause the bullets to become temporary magnets, which were attracted by the magnetic lines of force ahead of them and repelled by those behind them, thus giving the projectiles an increasing impetus as they pass along the gun. The bullets are thrown forward in much the same m an­ ner as the arm ature of an electric motor is turned on its axis. The cannon is light, inexpensive, and its capacity for throw ing projectiles depends on the ra ­ pidity of loading the same. I t is esti­ mated th at a five foot gun, requiring 500 volts and 100 amperes, w ill throw a one pound ball 1,000 feet, w ith a strik­ ing velocity of 100 pounds.—Boston Journal of Commerce. ICR IS SEASON. m other’s back is turned. Will handle ice in Ashland during the sumno-r The children thus brought up in the season. Delivered at your door every morning. I« 11-4*5 companionship of an elephant become fam iliar w ith him and take all kinds of liberties w ith him, which the elephant seems to endure on the principle th at it does not h urt him, while it amuses the child. You see a little naked black child about 2 feet high standing on the ele­ phant’s bare back and taking it down to the water to bathe, shouting all the time A N D V IC IN IT Y : in the most unbecoming terms of native Mrs, E. B. Christian wishes to anuounce abusive language. that she has fitted up dressmaking parlors On arriving at the water the elephant, ostensibly in obedience to the child’.- iu Novelty Block, opposite Hotel Oregon, command, lies down and enjoys him ­ and is prepare«! to «io all kimls of self, just leaving a p a rt of his body, like a sm all island, above the water, on which the sm all child stands and yells and yells all the more if he has several At reasonable prices. companions of his own age, also in charge of their elephants, all wallowing SOCIETIES. in the water around him. If the child slips off his island, the elephant’s trunk promptly replaces him in safety. The little urchins as they grow up become Masonic Directory, Ashland. first mates to mahouts and eventually arrive at the dignity of being mahouts MALTA COMMANDERY NO. 4. K. T . themselves.—Omaha World-Herald. Meets first Wednesday ol each m onth. Lafe nf Dressmaking The most pleasant),little pills for regu lating the bowels are De Witt’s Little Early Kisers. Cure sick headache and constipa­ tion. Small pill, small dote. E. A. Sherwin. anil Cutting E.V. MILLS, E.C. E. D Briggs, Recorder. Ashland, Oregon. SISKIYOU CHAPTER, S'». 21. R. A. M. Symptoms of kindey trouble should be Regular convocations on the Thursday next promptly attended to; they are nature’s after the full moon. warnings that something is wron-r. Many C. H V Attesi.. H. P. [9-3C persons die viotims of kidney disease who J.R. Casey, Sec'y. could have been saved had they taken roper precautions. The prompt use of »r. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm ASHLAND LODGE NO. 28, A. F. A A. M Stated com m unication on the Thursday ol or has saved thousands of valuable lives. If you have any derangement of the kidneys, before the full m oon. , p G„ M0RE w M. try it. Price <1 per bottle. For sale by E. J. R. Casey, Secretary. A Sherwin. £ Greenland was so called because 111 summer its hills were covered w ith a beautiful green moss. ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. 8. Stated m eetings on lat and 3d Tuesday in each m outh. Mas. ALICE KANE, W. M. Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, Secretary. There is one medicine that will cure im­ mediately. We refer to De Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure for all summer com­ plaints. No delay, no disappointment, no failure. E, A. Sherwin. ASHLAND LODGE No. 4 I. O. O. F ., Holds regular m eetings every Saturday even For Over Fifty Years. iug at their hall In A shland. Brethren In good An old aud w ell-tried rem edy.—M rs.W inslow's standing are cordially invited to attend. A. D. HELMAN, N. 0. Soothing Syrup has been used forover fifty years . H. 8. Evans, Secretary, by m illions of mothers for tlieir children while Travelers find a safe companion io De teething, with perfect success. It soothes the Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. A ohange child, softens the gum s, allays all p ain ,cu res in drinking water and in diet often causes wind colic,aud is the best remedy for Diarrhma. PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT NO 1 6 .IO O J severe and dangerous complaints. This Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in Meets in Odd F ellow s’s Hall every 2d and 4tl medicine always enres them. E. A. Sber- every part of the world. Twenty-live cents a Monday in each m outh. Members iu good bottle. Its value is incalcuable. Be sure and standing cordially invited to atteud. win. ask for Mrs. W inslow’s Soothing Syrup, and H. 8. EVANS, C P. take no other k in d . Robt. Taylor, Scribe. G ot W h a t