Semi-Weekly Tidings Klam ath People are Interested. HERE AND THERE. No A dvances n o w ! The interest taken in the proposed im­ Wool sales Are reported in the Willam­ provement of the wagon road between ette at 12 cents per pound. M onday..............................J™™ 17. 1895 Ashland and Kiamath Falls by the peo­ The Oregon Pfees Association will nave ple of Klamath county is pretty Well indicated by the stand taken by the local a rousing meeting at Newport iu July. NOTES AND NEWS. papers there in their last issues. Both W. Anderson has beeu appointed post­ the Express and the Star give the attempt Advices come from the manufacturers that shoes ami The great Venetian water carnival and their hearty support, which will do much master at Anderson, Josephine connty. , floral fete was in progress at Santa Crnz toward ensuring the success of the scheme The Lakeview Rustler refers to Attor- j leather will rise as much as 50 and 00 per cent, but we will Cal., all last week and attracted wide at­ to secure a better outlet for the trade and ney Hammoud as the hard hitter from tention from all parts of tbe State. travel of the Klamath baein. The E x­ Medford and the Ajax of tbe Jacksou close out our present stock of fiiw shoes at present prices, Probably more striking effects on land press, after referring to what had been connty bar. Perfectly pure Toilet Soaps at 5 to 75c a cake. and the bottom of the market. and water were never contrived than done at Ashland, comments upon the Salem Steam Laundry for high grade t noee enjoyed at Santa Crnz. The water proposed work as follows: work. Simpson is agent. * features aside from the grand old ocean The idea is to make a good road from were secured by damming up the San If yon desire a luxurious growth of Perfumes—the very best. Jjorenzo river and forming a large lagoon, Ashland, the closest town of any impor­ healthy hair of a natural color, nature’s tance on the railroad, to Klamath Falls. on which gondolas and other most wonder­ crowning ornament of both sexes, use Mens’ Buckle Plow Shoes only ....................................$1.00 ful water crafts were floated. The affair This is a very important and necessary- only Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- was most generously planued and pro­ improvement. We are badly in need of newer. All sorts of Envelopes, Tablets ami Letter Buckle Plow Shoes, tap sole, only .................... 1.45 a good wagon road, the one now in op- vided for and a great success. peration is a disgrace, and there is no J. L. Mitchell, a well known Salemite, “ Oil Grain Shoes................................................... 1.35 The Oregon legislature of 1883 passed doubt but that it retards the growth of. has been indicted by tbe graud jury for Fine Calf Shoes only.......................................... 2.15 a law prohibiting the marriage of first our town and county. A probable home- embezzlement of tickets from the Great Paper at bottom prices. cousins and providing a penalty therefor. seeker or investor is at once disgusted Northern railroad. Fine Calf Shoes o n ly ........... .............................. 2.50 The first arrest reported under this law and discouraged with the outlook of our The repair shop of the Soutberji Pa­ comes from Eugene. Saturday morning oountry after having taken a trip over the “ Russia Calf (tan) ?................................................ 3.00 at that place Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McQueen road from Ager to our town. The nat­ cific railroad, at East Portland, was de­ Ladies’Calf Shoes......................................... 1.05 were arrested on an indictment by the ural outlet of the Klamath basin is Ash­ stroyed by fire Thursday night, with 21 In Prescription W ork I check back everything freight cars; loss, $6,000. It was the Vici Kid Shoes.................................................... 1.75 grand jury upon a charge of incest. The land. Why send our trade into another and guarantee absolute accuracy and purity. couple bad only been married a week, the state? Portland is as good if not a bet­ work of an incendiary. “ Vici Kid Shoes...................................................... 1.95 wife being only 15 years of age and the ter trade center than San Francisco. Mr. Thomas B. Merry, well known in husband 28. They claimed entire igno­ Good roads in a country are one of the Oregon as a j iurualist, is now in Los “ Kid “Queen Bee” Shoes...................................... 2.80 rance of such a law and are greatly strongest indications of a country’s pros­ Angeles, attached to the editorial staff of “ Kid “Queen Bee” Shoes...................................... 2.85 grieved over the position it has put them perity, and poor roads one of the most tbe Record. He is enjoying the best of in. The penalty is from 1 to 3 years in prominent featnres of its lack of enter­ health, and few would take hint to be 61 “ Kid, Cloth Top Shoes................. ..............2.10 the penitentiary or 3 months to 1 year in prise. years of age. Infants’ and Children’s Shoes.................... from 48c to 1.35 the county jail, or a tine of from 8200 to The road from Ager to Shovel Creek Some idea of the effect those steel $1000, the Eugene guard says. daring muoh of the year is almost im­ range men had on the floating capital of It is announced that the date for the passable owing to the adobe and from Modoc connty may be had when it is I ? ! Shovel Creek to the state line, the road is proposed public debate upon the silver known that they carried off some $22,888 one of the poorest in Bouth central Ore- Why pay 15c and 25c for an asbastos Stove Mid wheu yon can question between Hon. R. G. Horr of of the county’s money. Lake county Michigan and W. M. Harvey has not yet gon. Real Estate Transact ions. Woodville Item s. get oue of us for 7c? fared about the same, in proportion to Our trade aimost entirely goes to Sis­ Iteen definitely settled, bat it is thought population.—[Examiner. Henry H Low and Matrgie Low to John Mrs. Jane Scheffelin and Mrs. Lottie kiyou county. What in return do we the contest will take place abont July Moreland; 160 acres, sec 17, tp 38 s, r 1 e, Dnnham and daughter of Los Angeles, F U R N IS H IN G G O O D S . Some people are constantly troubled 1144.25. 10th. This debate will be one of great receive from Siskiyou county? While Cal , arrived here Friday evening with the this matter is being urged at Ashland, Mens’ Fine Summer Uuderwear, 80c, 90c, aud $1 per suit. with pimples and boils, especial y about Francis M. Jordan and wife to Noah Al­ intention national interest, inasmuch a6 the oppos­ ¡pending the summer with ing gentlemen represent diametrically and among the people of the valley, the the face and neck. The best remedy is a len; acre, tp 39 s, r 1 w, provided Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scheffelin at Bolt and Ladies’ Summer Vests, He, 10c, aud 25c. opposite and extreme views upon the people of Klamath connty and vicinity thorough course of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and successors have a gateway through Eff. Scheffelin at Portland. Men’s Cottonade Pants, 75c, 90o, $1, aud $1.38. Mr. and Mrs. J. White have moved to silver question, now bo generally agitated. should give this subjjct their attention. which expels all humors through the said land to the county road, $5. Chas Tilyou and wile to C H Chapman; Mena’ Engineer Overalls (8 pockets), elastic sii8|>enders, $1. It is stated by parties in our town who proper channels, aud so makes the skin their mines, a short distance from town; Mr. Horr is the well known financial and 4 acres and 16.68 acres in tp 37 s, r 2 w, are familiar with the topography of the become soft, healthy aud fair. Alvin Sinithline, a son of G. F. Smith- tariff writer of the N. Y. Tribune and one $1800. (Near Central Point.) T IN W A R E , A c , A c . line, has been quite sick this week, but is of the brainy men of the country. Mr, country lying between the Klamath ba­ The first annual encampment of the Janies Thornton and wife ¿to E. K. An­ Harvey, who will uphold the free coin­ sin and Ashland, that tbe gradients of the Marion aud Linn counties’ veterans asso­ derson ; lots 7, 8, 12, and part of lots 9 and now reported as being some better. Clothes Pius, 2 dozen for Be. Milk Pans, regular size, 10c. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Coker of Pokegama age side of the debate, is the author of old road can be much improved, and a ciation will be held at Camp Hunter, 10, blk 17; also right-of-way for water ditch Dairy Paus, from 4c np. Matches, 2 packages for 5c. “Coin’s Financial School,” which is the first class road built and maintained. near Mehama, for one week, begiuniug and Hume. This property includes Ash­ spent a few days here this week visiting Tea Kettles, 20c ami 50c. Matches, parlor,.2 boxes 5c. relatives, returning home Friday, gospel of a large proportion of the free Monday, July 15th, with a reunion dur­ land Woolen Mills; all in Ashland; $5,000 The Star man,who has heretofore spoken S. C. Sherrill is spending the summer in O. K. Tubular Lauterus, ouly 50c. Wood Tubs, 55c, 65c, 80c, $1. silver agitators, and has been so popular ing the encampment on Wednesday, Dried beef chipped, cream chtvse, Woodville, he having just completed a that the sale of the little book has made lightly of the effort of Rogue river valley Thursday and Friday, the 17, 18th und Galvanized Iron Pails, only 25c. Wood Filier Pails, only 50c. olives, sweet and sour pickles in bulk at term of school in the Centennial district, Mr. Harvey an independent fortune. The people to improve the road from here to 19th. Milk Pails, 20c, 23c, 25c. near G rants Pass. O. Winter’s. ♦ plau of tbe debate provides for discuss­ Klamath, has “taken a hitch in hie pants” A few days ago Russell Dement of Wilbur Hogan is home again after a and has fallen into line, giving approval Slop Pails, painted, only 50c each. ing a chapter of “Coin’s Financial School” Dentifoam, tooth powder and perfumes, tenn at the blind school at Salem. Curry couuty brought eighty head of beef to the scheme as follows: 4 Clothes Wriugers (warranted) ouly $2. at each session, said session being three * The body of John Neathammer, who “ There are many reasons why this road cattle to Roseburg and sold them nt an at The Fair. hours in length and to continue -tlaily average of $37.50 per head, which cost Get your lumber from Norris & Go. committed suicide here last week, was uuless otherwise amended. There is should be built, prominent among which him iu Curry connty $18 per head. That T O IL E T A R T IC L E S . in the Rock Point cemetery last might be mentioned the fact that it will Prices the lowest, quality considered. interred nothing of the old-fashioned debate in Wednesday, June 12th. Mr. Neathammer was a pretty good advance for a few day’s Norris & Co. Perfumes, Toilet aud Face Powders, Creams, Dentifice, Sk u materially increase commercial relations * the plan. There will be no speeches, but was a sou of Jacob Neathammer, and a work. The cattle were shipped north­ Skiu Lotions, Tooth Brushes, Etc. native of Missouri, about 52 years of age the contestants will face each other sit­ between the people of this and adjoiuing ward. counties, and the entire Rogue river val­ and unmarried. As yet no reason is known ting, and when one affirms a proposition A Silvercratic Convention. Aud Ashland being the nearest A mile a minute is notable railroad time for the act excepting sonn trouble about S T A T IO N E R Y . the other will cross-examine him by ley. Memphis, Tenn., June 12.—The largest the sale of his mine and ill health caused railroad point of any prominence to this, Oregon. Says the Salem Satesman: m _ questions, all to be taken down by a Ink, Pencils, Note Paper, Tablets, Rulers, Blank Books, by a sore on his leg that ho believed won 1 * 1 meeting ever held iu this country for the stenographer aud published daily in the it is especially desirable that we have a Engineer Casey was called with his yard discussiou of a siugle economic question, cause his death in the same manner at his Crayous, Etc. means of connecting with the R. R. at eugine Tuesday to take to Portland W. papers aud afterward put in book form that place. The actual distance from D. Fenton and Judge Bronaugh, attor­ convened at the Auditorium of this city brother. Henry, who died several months for general distribution at cost. The property of the deceased is now here to Ashland over the present traveled neys of the ¡Southern Pacific railroad, in today. Certainly no such an outpouring ago. CLASSW ARE. in the hands of tiie constable awaiting the Secretary of State Kincaid has received route, as measured by cyclometer, is only their special car. He had orders “to open of men of all classes, representing all pol­ appointment oi an administrator. Berry Dishes, only 50c per set. Lemonade Sets (8 pieces) $1.25. a letter from the Oregou State Orange, about nine miles greater than to Ager, the throttle,” ahd he made such a run aa itical parties, but unanimous at least M arcia , Berry Dishes, (stand) 50c. Water Sets (5 pieces) only 90e. containing resolutions relative to the al­ and it is asserted by old residents famil­ is seldom experienced In Oregon. He npon one principle of government policy, leged nuconstitutiouality of parts of the iar with the route, that a relocation will weut to Portland aud back—104 miles— has ever beeu seen in the South. While Berry Dishes, 10c, 15c, 20c, 50c. Tumblers, ouly 45c dozen. Probate Court. last appropriation bill appropriating shorten the road several miles, besides iu tbe actual t raveling time of about oue an overwhelming majority of the dele Goblets, only 30c per set. Estate of J. H. Neathammer; report of I money for the support of educational materially lessening the grades. It is hour and thirty-five miuntes, or more gates to today’s “honest money” conven­ real property approved. aud charitable institutions. These ap­ also a known fact that it is not more than than a mile a minute. He was shaken tion called in the interest of free and un­ Estate of Giles Wells, Sr.; inventory of limited coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 appraisement tiled showing real proj»erty A ll lines o f goods ore going to ad rance this fall. propriations aggregate nearly $188,888, thirty-four miles from here to the Jack- up so he did’ut sleep any that night. Come and aud iu answering the communication, sou county line, aud the preeeut road, Byrou used a great deal of hair-dress­ to 1, came from this section of the coun­ of the value of $4632 and personal property Saturday, the secretary said iu substance already laid out, established aud built ing, bnt was very particular to have only try, the representation includes almost of the value of $1840. take advantage o f these loir prices. Estate of Martha Wells; inventory of that to do this would retlect upou the from here to Chase’s which can lie util­ the best to be found iu tbe murket. If every state south of the Ohio river aud legislature aud be contrary to precedent. ized, covers fully one-half that distance Ayer’s Hair Vigor bud been obtainable west of the Mississippi. The promotors appraisement tiled showing real property He further says: “The constitution So that this county will have not to- ex­ then, doubtless be would have tested its of the conference say this spontaneous amounting to $3200 in value. Estate of John Neathammer; Joshua makes the seeretnry of state auditor of ceed seventeen miles of road additional merits, as so many distinguished aud mauisfestatiou of a strong and growing Neathammer appointed administrator with public accounts. Uuder the power con­ to maintain, to carry out our part of this fashionable people are doing now a days. pnblic sentiment may be traced directly bonds fixed at $450, and John R. Smith, O pposite Ashland Mills. to tbe convention of May 23d, at which Joseph Scott and W i l l . Harriatt appointed ferred upou him us auditor by the con­ graud enterprise. This seems to be the H. B. Fuller, representing Meyers Secretary Carlisle was the guest of honor. appraisers. stitution and laws, he ‘might refuse to time to uct, und we confidently expect to Bros., big manufacturers of Ohio,is in tbe Taking their cue from that gathering, an draw warrants for any appropriations see this road built.” Norris & Co. carry a full line of boxes cily and will make a proposition to onr mvitatiou was extended to the friends of herein named until directed to do so by citizeus for the tstablisbment of a big free silver to participate iu a counter for tbe coming eeaeon. Berry cratee now The Text Books Selected. the supreme court, bnt in so doing he on hand. Prices to correspond with the would have to assume that the most im ­ It was not until last week’s meeting of wheel, spoke and hnb factory in this city, demonstration, with the result that far portant aud most numerous branch of the state board of education that the a plant requiring four acres, and employ­ exceeds the expectation of auy of the times. the state government, the legislative a s­ final contest over text-books for the use ing from 100 to 300 men. It would take leaders in the movemeut. California, The band of Discoveries. Memphis, June 13.—The resolutions sembly’ had failed to discharge a sworn of the schools of Oregon was figured out Hfteeu or twenty carloads to bring tbe Why will yon lie awake all night, cough­ duty and hail either iguoraully or cor­ aud decided. The last bitter fight was machinery, and would make oue of tbe adopted by the silver convention assert ruptly violated the constitution. I be­ between the two principal series of “Word biggest enterprises here. Our woods that tbe recent depression was due to the ing, when that most effective and agreeable lieve it is the duty of the secretary of Lessous.’’ which was decided in favor of have been examined and fouud all right. conspiracy by which silver was demone­ California remedy. Santa Abie, will give imined ate relief? SANTA ABIE is the state to draw warrants on the appropria­ Reed’s by a majority of one over Wat­ A bonus of $15,000 will be asked, only tized. The effect of the gold standard is only guaranteed cure for Consumption, $7,500 being cash. This is an opportu­ to establish one standard for the creditor Asthma and all Bronchial Complaints. tions made by the legislature when | the son’s. Thnt makes the complete list of law is plain aud the requirements are text-books as follows, all but the last six nity to get a valuable manufacturing and one for the debtor. No just law es­ Sold only in large bottles at $1. Three for plant. Shall we act?—[Democrat. tablishes oue measure of value for the $2.50. E. A. Sherwin will be pleased fairly aud honestly complied with by having been decided in January: Our fine new lines of Mens’ Clothing arrived to supply you, and guarantee relief borrower and one for the lender. The those for whom the money is appropri­ Swinton’s New Word Analysis. Joseph Swingle, who died in Langell this week, and is by far the neatest and nobbiest when used as directed. CALIFORNIA ated.” Barnes’ New National Reader. valley, Klamath conuiy on the 5th in st, restoration of silver as a money metal on CAT-R-CURE never fails to relieve Catarrh an equality with gold, and the free aud line ever exhibited in Southern Oregon. Webster’s Dictionaries. was 76 years of age and an Oregon pion­ coinage of silver and gold at a or Cold in the Head. Six months treat­ Like Rats iu a Barrel. Spencerian system aud copy books. eer, coming to the Pacific Coast in 1852 unlimited ment, $1. By mail, $1.10. Fish’s arithmetic, Nos. 1 and 2. and to the R igne river valley in Sept.. ratio of 16 to 1 is demanded. While an • Our prices for San Francisco, Jane 13.—Robert Gon­ Brooks’ Mental Arithmetic. 1854. He was a conspicuous figure in international agreement is desirable, tbe E C U L IA R in combination, pro­ zales, a mess boy of the lost Colima, Mouleith’s Elementary aud Compre­ the Indian wars of Southern Oregon, in Uuited States should not wait upon this portion and preparation ofingrcui- who arrived here this morning op the hensive Geographies. ’55—56. He settled in Klamath county agreement, nor surrender tbe sovereign Colon, in company with Fred Johusou, a ents,Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses great right to regulate its financial affairs in Smith’s series of primary text-books in in 1870 aud residtd there until his death. sailor, gives a vivid discription of the the interests of its people. As expected, curative value. You should T R Y IT . He was married in 1841 to Miss Ida fight for life made by the helpless women Physiology and Hygiene. the resolutions contain nothing more are lower than ever before, ranging from $4 to $18 per suit. Steele’s Hygiene and Physiology for Tucker. Of the eleven children born to aud children when the ship weut down. than a strong presentation of the free sil­ them eight are living, as follows: Mrs. high and advanced schools. All our suits from $4 up are beautiful patterns and cannot “ When the boat began to rock and roll, IN . O . H a r d y , Barnes' Primary aud Brief History of Martha Wiseman of Poe valley; Mrs. ver sentiment of the gathering. The the passengers in the steerage did not resolutions were nnanimously adopted. fail to please you. Be sure and examine them before sup­ Sarah Martin of of Jackson counXy; Mrs. COM M ISSION ; M E R C H A N T. seem to think much was the matter. The tbe United States. The following resolution was adopted: Emma Wagnon, Portland; Mrs. Ida Wise­ Loomis’ series of Vocal Music. plying yourself in that line. rolling of the ship became more violent, “R e iv e d , That a committee composed Wholesale dealer in man, Los Angles; Mrs. Cora Culbertson, Barnes’ Geueral History. ami after a while the boatswain came to of one member from each state be ap­ ORCHARD AND FARM PRODUCE. Jackson connty, Oliver Swingle of Tus- Monteith’s Popular Science. Remember we do not sell one dollar’s worth on time,, the &>mpauion way and told us to get con, Arizona and Charley aud Frank pointed by tbe delegates thereof in this Robinson's Algebra aud Geometry. out. Even then the passengers did not AU consignments will have prompt and care­ and are not obliged to charge you 50 per cent moae than a convention, whose duty it shall be to cor­ Bryant «Sr Stratton’s system of Book­ Swingle of Klamath county. attention. Correspondence solicited. seem to understand that any thing was respond with the advocates of bimetal­ ful References by permission: Citizens’ National suit is worth in order to make up for Bad debts contracted keeping. serious and weut out slowly. I saw two The Davis & Force Dental Co , suc­ lism and bimetallic societies in different Bank, C. A. Touneson, Sec. Stale Board Horti- Ward's Business Forms. or three of them go to the oompauionway cessors to Caldwell woman and two men arrived here from np. The result is magical. The sap H o u s e s fo r re n t or s a le an d d e s ira b le b u ild in g lo ts in well known to need any commen- © Willows, Glenu couuty, and stated that takee the snlphnr to every branch and a ll p a rts o f th e c ity . elation from me ; bnt 1 feel com- ® they wonld remaiu in this valley until twig aud caterpillars die at once. I have polled to state, for the benefit of JJ C IG A R S T O R E . about the 1st of December for the pnr- gathers*! np the insects by the piut under others, that six years ago, I lost o pose of catching turtles to ship to San trees that had become infested with them 1». W. PAULMW, PROP. Ashland, Or. nearly half of my hair, and what © Franciscti. As fast ns the turtles are before I noticed it and destroyed them. was left turned gray. After ° caught they are pla-ed in crates aud kept I have never kuowu the remedy to fail FISHING TACKLE, up to date, new line just in. using Aver’s Hair Vigor several in a cool, damp place and fed until cool aud I never knew of a tree being iujnred MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. months,' my hair began to grow weather Bets iu when they are sent to tbe by it nnd I have pursued this course for again, and with the natural color L e tte rs o f in q u iry c h e e rfu lly an d p ro m p tly a n s w e re d . city. There are lots of turtles both in many years.” restored. I recommend it to all Fit aud Fall River, aud some Fall River my friends.”—Mrs. E. F rank - chap would have beeu catching them and Mining locatiou notices at tbe T idings iiavser , I mix 385, Station C, Los making mouey right along it they bad o ffio e — quartz aud placer—at lowest Angeles, Cal. IC E C R E A M C a ll o r a d d re s s , ouly “got onto the scheme.”—[ Fall River prices. Also vater right notices and a n d I c e C o ld D r in lt s . Tidings. blanks for bonding miuing claims. We also have a large hue of real estate and o All parties who are willing to take other legal blanks including justice io irt o FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN THE COUNTRY. boarders or have furnished rooms to rent blanks. .Orders by mail promptly at­ o P R E P A R E D BY to persons attending the Chautauqua tended to. o ASHLAND, ORCCON. We always carry the largest atoek of Cigars, Tobaccos Asaeuibly and Teachers Iustitnte Bliould DR. J. C. AYER ft CO., LOWELL, MASS, o Pipes, Meerschaum Goods, Etc., south of Portland. For a nice sbave try Eggers & Storey report full particulars without delay to oeoooeoooooeoooeooooeeoo ♦ Ashland hotel block. R. I* Neil or A. F. Eddy, Com. Sherwin sells SHOES! SHOES! E. A. Sherwin. THE FAIR. ALL READY FOR SPRING TRADE P Handsome - Summer - Suits M O N EY_LO A N ED . BETTER THAN EVER. Bank of Ashland D r . H e n l e y ’s P R A IS E , O N L Y , AND IRON. CHOICE ORCHARDS A V E R ’S F o r S a le on E a s y T e r m s . Hair Vigor NO TROUBLE TO SHOW PROPERTY. © J NOW IN SEASON A yer ’S H air V igor BANK OF A S H L A N D ,