Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 10, 1895, Image 2

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    The flower dance by the children fol­
lowed. The eight little girls participat­
The Crowning of Katherine, Queen of the Roses, ing were from Miss Gleason’s department
at the Opera House Friday Evening—A Pleas­ of the public schools and their pretty
M on day................................June 10, 1895
little flower drill received just as hearty
ant Epoch in Ashland's Social History.
applause as some of the numbers by the
Friday evening witnessed one of the older people.
The anuouucemeut of “a very small
most pleasant and interesting social
by three very small children"
Someone has discovered an industry
brought npon the stage Hal, Georgie and
that has been fostered by the present been looked forward to with unusual in ­ little Marjory Landers, and their short
national administration. It is the writ* terest ever since the first ballots for the season of opera provoked as much amuse­
election of a Queen to preside at the
ing of books npou finance.
carnival were cast.
It increased when ment aud applause as anything on the
Senator Mitchell had a conference the balloting closed and it was learned program. The operatta had been ar­
with the secretary of the interior and se­ that a total of 4000 votes had been cast, ranged for them by Mrs. Landers to suit
cured a reversal of the order issued by resulting in the election of Miss Kate the occasion and the youth of the sing­
the department prohibiting sheep to run Hansen to wear the crown. The interest ers. the oldest of whom is scarcely ten
the . opera years of age.
at large on the Cascade timber reserve. aroused resulted
______ _ in ___
_ __
Misses Silsby ami Roper aud Mrs.
and there will be no such prohibition of house Friday evening with one of the
largest audiences of well dressed people Chrisman were given an ovation as they
grazing sheep on the reservation.
came upon the stage and made their bow
The Klamath lake basin needs a rail­ ever seen in Ashland. They found the to the Rose Queen and to the audience.
opera house decked with a magnificent
road and expects one in a few years at display of roses which encircled the large The Ashland Lady Quartet is no less a
farthest. But until the railroad comes, auditorium and ware displayed in lavish favorite than ever at home and home peo­
its commerce to and from the outside profusion on every side. At the rear end ple are proud of the reception accorded the
world must be by wagon road.
State of the stage was a huge bank of roses favorites here as well as at other places
unison dictates that that commerce that reached almost to the oeiling. they have appeared. Their music would
sliould be directed toward Oregon, and teaching from the proscenium floor to be a credit to any place. The quartet
the natural route to get to Oregon’s me­ the auditorium Boor in the center of the gave a waltz song by Balfe that was
tropolis from that section is across the stage was a massive bank of roses. Off charming, and the audience would not be
Cascades to Ashland.
iu t he east side of the opera house the quiet until an encore was responded to.
“You Can’t Play in Our Yard” may
The president on Friday officially an­ throne had been erected. Its nch look­
nounced the appointment of Richard ing canopy top was roofed over with ever­ have been heard by many of the audience
Olney as secretary of state to succeed the greens, while underneath it was a mat of before but never in character by the two
late Walter Q. Gresham, and to take Mr. beautiful roses. Rose bells hung from little girls, Verna Force and Blanche
Gluey’a place as attorney general the the ceiling in several parts of the bouse. Logan, who carried out their parts cutely
president at the same time nominated The effect of all this taste Bhown was and sang the catchy song to a perfection
that left little room for criticism.
Judson Harmon, of Cincinnati, Ohio. pleasant and inspiring.
“A Street Arab,” an original poem by-
The seats of the lower Hoor and gallery
Mr. Harmon for a long time has been
judge of the common pleas court and were all occupied and available standiug Mrs. Cbas. L. Lang of Ashland, was re­
recognized as one of the conspicuous room was all taken when O. O. Helman, cited by the author, who showed rare
The verse was
lawyers of the west. He is about 50 acting as Herald, announced the ap­ elocutionary ability.
proach of the Queen and her party. They written in fascinating ballad style and
years of age.
came through the west entrance to the the author’s perfect interpretation of it
Three San Francisco murderers were opera house auditorium and presented a made it doubly interesting. “The Street
hanged at San Quentin prison Friday. truly royal appearance. First after the Arab” received many compliments.
Cold-blooded murderers have been al­ Herald came two of the Knights, Edw.
The last number on the program was a
lowed to go unhung and unpunished so Thornton and Fred Martin. Following comic operatta arranged particularly for
often in California of late years that al­ these were Misses Let ha Duncan and the occasion and in which was interwoven
most a national ignominy has attached to Clara Austin, maids to the qneeu. Fol­ not a little bright repartee of local appli­
California justice and this apparent re­ lowing next was little Miss Marjory cation. Jacobi, a retired bootbluck, now
form ought to have a salutary effect upon Landers in a fairy creation of white and a millionaire, who returns to bis native
crime in that state.
blue, aud bearing the crowu npon a silver land to wed the maiden of his choice,
salver. Her little gown was white with was impersonated by Algie Dixon, aud the
Political Drift.
blue dots, aud a wreath of white rosebuds many compliments his effort received
Senator J. M. Thurston, in a declara­ crowned the tiuy head. Iu the center of would have beeu creditable to a more ex­
tion at S alt I^ake city the other day, the party aud the ceuter of attraction was perienced comic opera star. Lucy Auu,
npou the silver question, said that he be­ Miss Kate' Hansen, Queen Katherine, in the fair maiden of his choice, was taken
lieved the republican national platform her royal robe. The robe was royal in­ by Miss Carrie Roper. Miss Roper's
would be substantially the same next deed. It consisted of cream velvet aud grace npon the stage is eqnalled only by
year as in 1882 npou that subject.
It yellow satin; the body of the dress was her well known voetd abilities. Her
binds the party to take care of the Amer­ of cream velvet, with panel, girdle, sleeves rendition of “Ben B oll” was particularly
ican product, and Senator Thurston says and collar richly embroidered iu gold and well received. The third character in the
lie believes the obligation will be recog­ studded with jewels. The court train • opera, Sophrouia, a young lady of fortune
nized. He also predicts that two demo­ fell iu graceful folds from the shoulders and feeling, was impersonated by Miss
cratic natioual conventions will be held. aud was edged at the bottom with cream Mary Silsby who was able to do it justice.
roses. The jewels worn by the Queen The selections were arranged from “Pin­
Kentucky republicans held a state con­ were resplendeut aud the golden crown afore”, many of them, as well as from nil
vention last week and nominated Col. W. set with diamonds was the crowning ef­ merous of the ever popular songs of the
O. Bradley for governor. The financial fect of the royally royal gown. Follow­ day and were particularly happy aud
plank of the platform adopted by accla­ ing behind the Queen iu the royal party fitting as well as flattering to the talent
mation, says: “We are opposed to tt>9 aud carrying the train of her gown, were of Mrs. Landers and Miss Raper, who ar­
free and unlimited coinage of silver, be­ the two little pages, Charlie Barnum and ranged them.
lieving it will involve the country in fi­ Richard Quinn. They were cutely togged
After these exercises the Queen was
nancial ruin. We believe iu sound cur­ out in Fauntleroy suits of black, with seated on her throne, the other members
rency and iu the use of both gold and white sashes. Misses Susie Martin aud of the royal party were given positions
silver for coinage, provided always that Lillie Watson, maids, wqre next in the about her, and the program, announced
the dollar in one is made precisely as procession. The four maids of honor to by the Herald as arranged especially for
valuable as the dollar in the other.” the Queen were similarly dressed. Their her Royal Highness, had attention.
Upon the tariff, it says: “ We favor a gowns were of white organdie, made in
After the conclusion of the program a
tariff so regulated as to protect the inter­ sixteenth century style. The bertha and general social time followed, during
ests of all classes of citizens upou articles large puffed sleeves were finished with which the Queen received the congratu­
that may be successfully manufactured' Valenciennes lace and insertion. Each lations of ihe people generally. Miss
or produced in this country.”
one wore and carried a boquet of Jacqne- Hansen filled the difficult position with
A stale convention of Illinois demo­ miuot roses. Knights Will Mitchell and the greatest grace.
The entire exercises were a credit to
crats to consider the silver question was Geo. Gillette were at the rear of the royal
held at Springfield last "Wednesday. Res­ procession. The four knights were also Ashland and to the ladies of Trinity
olutions were adopted calling for the use similarly arrayed. They wore regulation Guild, of the Episcopal church, who had
of both gold and silver as standard money dress coats, with knee pants, which with . the affair in charge. They will also real
of the U. S. at the ratio of 16 to 1, with­ their large shoe buckles, white plumed ize handsomely out of it for their build­
out waiting for the action of other na­ hats and swords, made up a courtly cos­ ing fund, the gross receipts having been
over $300.
tions. Resolutions were also adopted tume.
The members of the Guild all worked
The royal party passed up through the
favoring a natioual silver convention to
be held by the party not later than Au­ hall and took their position upon and for the success of the carnival and all of
gust of this year. The resolutions en­ about the throne. C. B. Watson, Esq., them are entitled to the credit for it.
was given by many
dorsing Governor Altgeld’s administra­ had been chosen to represent the people Help
tion met with some objection but were iu the coronation exercises, and at the members, too, chief among them being
finally adopted, and the governor’s speech close of a few remarks befitting the occa­ Mrs. O. Coolidge, who grew and arranged
sion placed the crown upou the head of the handsome bank of roses in front of
for free silver was loudly cheered.
Queen Katherine. Mr. Watson said in the stage and which was so much ad­
Senator Sherman gave utterance to the part:
mired. Miss Carrie Roper had charge of
following last week: “I think that the
Y our Gracious M ajesty’s m ost hum ble the literary and musical program which
democratic party will be hopelessly di­ servant, begs leave of your R oyal H ighness, exhibited such tact and talent aud won
vided ou the silver question. It may be to present to you the com p lim en ts and the highest compliments from visitors as
that in Illinois the Altgeld faction will welcom e, of your M ajesty’s true and loyal well as home people. *
commit the state to free Bilver, but the ubjects.
A large delegation of visitors from
Y ou are surrounded by those w hose pa­
democrats iu the East will never consent
down the valley aud from points south
to it. I think the democratic patty will
the tongue, in true oaths o f allegiance were in attendance at the carnival and
split hopelessly on that rock. Iu our to
and fidelity to their R oyal M istress, gave it liberal praise.
party it is different. 1 think that even K atherine the Queen o f the Roses. They
the republicans in far Western states are decked in your honor, with the roses
Mothers, Read.
will, before long, be for the coinage of from their own happy hom es and hillsides.
o f 8ANTA A B IE have
silver in limited amountp, aud when The season o f flowers in its regal dress
authorized E. A. Sherwin to refund your
greets you , and your subjects sing:
m oney if, afier givin g th is C alifornia King
Semi-Weekly Tidings
That Timber Land.
The decision of the geueral land office
favorable to the claimants iu what is
kuowu as the Miner timber land coutest
as reported iu last issue, will confirm, in
all probability, to Miner the title to a
Inige body of valuable pine timber land
hi the upper Rogue river country, com­
prising iu all some !MMHt acres, it is said.
Miuer aud Goodfellow are Minneapolis
lieople and if they are not holding it ex­
clusively for speculative purposes, but
should undertake the development of
their property, the apparaut hoarding of
such big bodies of available government
laud their ownership of it might result
in a real l>euetit to the country. Some­
thing of the history of the case is told
In 1890, Joel Warue, now residing at
Wiulock, Washington made eutry to the
Be , sec 3, tp 3d s, r 3 e and other ent ries
to the niiiulier of about 60 were made by
other parties in the immediate neighbor­
hood. After Warue had made proof aud
paymeut for the laud he sold it to Juuius
E. Minor, who eulisequeutly sold it to
Keubeu S. Goodfellow, who also became
the purchaser of other lauds entered upou
aliout the same lime. About three years
ago Special Agent Burdette Thayer vis­
ited the neighborhood aud secured a
number of affidavits that Warne and
others had contracted to sell the laud be­
fore acquiring title. The government
tlieu instituted proceedings before the
Roseburg laud office to have the entries
canceled. The case came up July 31,
1894, and occupied the attention of the
.and officials for 58 days. The govern­
ment was represented by Special Agent
.1. B. Brockenbrough and A. M. Crawford,
aud the defendents by E. B. Preble, then
of Roseburg; J. R. Buxton of Winlock.
Wash., aud Liouel Webster, of Medford,
Or. The case att racted a great deal of
attention at the time in the southern part
of Oregon.
Geological Surveys.
Washington, June 6.— Secretary Smith
bus approved the plan of operations for
the coming fiscal year submitted to him
by Director Wolcott of the geological
survey. Out of a total appropriation of
$515,488 for surveys $118,780 is to be
devoted to geological purposes. Iu the
Rocky mountain region, the Aspen mines
of Colorado will be studied aud prelimi­
nary surveys made of the mining regions
o f New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah
Wyoming, Idaho and Montana.
will cost $7,000. In the Pacific coast
region J. S. Diller will use $4,000 on the
coal and gold mines of Oregon, $8,000
for coal investigations in Washington
aud $8,500 for work in the gold "fields of
Alaska. In the surveying department
preliminary triangulations will be made
iu Colorado, Oregon, Washington and
Indian territory.
Hall’s Hair Renewer enjoys the confi­
dence and patronage of people all over
the civilized world, who use it to restore
and keep the hair a natural color.
Have you seen the nice line of summer
dress goods at Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s.
•'Gather ye the rosebuds while ye may.
For old Time is still a dying;
Aud this flower that smiles so sweet today,
Tomorrow will be dying.”
The tow ering pinnacles on the verge of
your dom in ion s, are clad in garm ents of
royal w hite iu your honor, em blem atic of
the purity, peace and virtue, that reign in
our realm ; w hile from these spotless
a u k s of w hite, com es “ Glad tidings o f
great jo y ” in the pearly stream s that leap,
and sparkle, and sing, in their rom ping
hurry to join in the merry m aking o f flow­
ers and fru it in the valleys below.
m oonbeam s dance and flit in a m ystic
m aze alon g the h illsides,an d play hide and
seek with fairies, am ong the crags and
(teaks o f your m ountains. P ossessin g a
scenic beauty unexcelled, your kingdom is
a land o f flowers, o f m usic, o f love and
sin gin g water.
Y our jieople are therefore
endowed with that happy and joyou s na­
ture, the birthright only o f those so fortu­
nately situated. A ud now they desire that
I add*a finishing glory to all their other
sweet possessions, and crown their lieauti-
ful sovereign , em blem atic o f it all.
T w o thousaud eyes were turned toward
th e h and som e Q neeu of th e R »see
as sh e listen ed to Mr. W atson’s re-
A t their con clu sion sh e re­
sponded iu th e follow in g appropriate
It pleases me to receive from m y d utiful
subjects, these expressions o f love and
lo y a lty . H ow ever regal the power, I bold
that the sovereign should m erit th e love
ami respect o f th e subject. N ature is m ost
bountiful and m erciful. My d om ains are
in holiday dress, and m y subjects sing
songs o f jo y . The m ountain tops are
tipped w ith snow , that send s m usic and
lite, aud beauty to the valleys and plains,
w hile their sides are clothed with venture
with the
glad ness and
fragrance o f the season of flowers.
I greet you, my “ Flow ery K ingdom ’’,
and tlower-crowned and bedecked people.
My reign sh all be iu harm ony w ith the
language o f these sw eet em blem s, w ith
which you are decorated and I am crow ned.
No iron rod sh all fall heavily upon my
people, but the Rose sh all be m y scepter.
A ll «bitterness and sadness sh all be
banished from my realm , and
Sweet, bright R oses bud and blow
A long the paths my people go.
It is the Royal Uommaiui that you make
you r lives as joyou s as the b in ls w hose
throats sw ell w ith gladness, in the presence
o f the opening buds; that you be as
fragrant with goodness, as the air is with
tlie tragrance o f dowers. Such sh a ll be
th e Royal ed ict,a n d this m y proclam ation.
May yon alw ays rem em ber with pleasure
the reign of K atherine, the Queen of the
Let th e festivities now begin.
The program that followed the cor »na­
tion exercises was marked by tact and
originality from first to lASt that made it
more than ordinarily interesting to the
audience. The first was a skirt dance by
two little girls, Misses Verna Force and
Blanche Logan. It was au iuuoceut ex­
ercise by iuuoceut children and won ap­
plause for its perfect execution. A vocal
solo, “Queen of the Roses,” by Mrs. L. L.
Merrick had the second place on the
program. The words and music were
composed especially for the occasion by
Mrs. E. C. Landers of this city and its
sweet rendition by one of the favorite
soloists of Ashland made its reception
most hearty. Mrs. Merrick was urged
for au encore but only bowed her ac­
of Cough Cures a fair trial as directed, it
fails to give satisfaction for the enre of
Conghs, Cronp, W hooping Cough and all
Throat and Lung troubles. When th e d is­
ease affects the head, and assum es the
form of Catarrh, nothing is so effective as
C tL IF O K N IA CAT R-CURE. These prep
arations are w ithont equals as household
rem edies. Sold at $1 a package. Three
for $2.50.
blood. H ood ’s Sarsaparilla, by purifying
the blood, rem oves the cause i o f t he
iie disease
and perm anently cures catarrh Take only
H o o d ’s.
H ood ’s P ills act easily, yet prom ptly and
effectively, on the liver and bowels. 25c.
Sherwin sells
Advices come from the manufacturers that shoes ami
leather will rise as much as 50 and 00 per cent, hut we will
close out our present stock of fine shoes at present prices,
Perfectly j>ure Toilet Soaps at 5 to 75c a cake. and the bottom of the market.
Perfumes—the very best.
All sorts of Envelopes, Tablets and le tte r
Paper at bottom prices.
P re s c rip tio n W o r k I ch e ck b a c k e v e ry th in g
and g u a ra n te e absolute a c c u ra c y and p u rity .
E. A. Sherwin.
Jacksonville Items.
Ashland Mine Sale.
T he funeral of th e late George S chm itt,
w ho m ysteriously m et h is death at Cres­
cent City on May 22d, took place in Jack­
so n v ille Sunday. It was conducted by the
Medford K. o f P. L x lg e, assisted by a
num ber o f the m em bers ot'that order from
A shland . It was one o f th e longest anil
m ost im jtosing »funeral processions ever
seen here.
Miss A lice H anley left for Portland Sun­
d ay night, where she goes to represent Ada-
rel Chapter N o. 3, O. E. S., in th e Grand
Chapter which m eets there th is week,
Gen T. G. Kearnes w ent to Portland on
a business (rip Frlday and w ill rem ain un­
til after the M asonic Grand Lodge closes
its session.
►Sheriff Patterson has advertised the
Ashland mine at sheriff's sale ou July 6th
to satisfy the judgments held against the
property by Kinney & Provost to the
amount of $9988.60, with $1200 costs and
attorney'fees; also to satisfy the judg­
ments against the property held by T. K.
Bolton, the first for $2305.30 aDd $20 at­
torney fees, aud the second for $5500,
with $570 costs and attorney fees, mak
ing a total of approximately $20,000 of
judgment claims to be satisfied at the
sale. Four claims are embraced in the
property in question—the Nutshell Min­
ing claim, the A. N. King Mining Claim,
the Patton Extension of the A. N. King
and the Rogers aud Roach Claim. The
first proceeds of the sale are to lie ap
plied to the payment of the D. D. Good
et al judgment, held by E D. Briggs and
amounting to about $1100; second, tbe
payment of expenses of filing and record­
ing liens, $1000 attorney fees, expenses of
receivers and afterward satisfaction of
the Kinney & Provoet judgment; after­
ward the Bolton judgments aud costs are
to be satisfied.
C. O. W hite, who placed the pum ping
plant at the Tolo m ine, has severed his
connection w itb -th e com pany and is suc­
ceeded as su perintendent by Mr. M. M.
M ilner who was form erly treasurer and
general m anager o f the sam e com p any.
W m. DenifF, o f J ack son ville, has accepted
the position o f forem an at the m ine and
has already assum ed the d uties. T he rich
strike in the quartz ledge and a lso iu the
placers o f th is m in e is still sh ow in g up as
finely as ever and the in dications are that
th e property w ill prove a veritable bonanza.
Judgm ent for $ 1 .
A. W . Sturgis, Chris U lrich , Ed. H u ­
One Ezra Poppleton recently instituted
bert and G. C. O w ings, w ho w ent to Port­ suit in the‘U. 8. district court at Port­
land as w itnesses for th e defense in the
P oppleton libel su it, a ll returned Sunday. land against Chas. Nickell, editor of the
The ch ild ren ’s day program o f exercises
rendered at tne M. E. church on Sunday
ev en in g was one o f the m ost charm ing
literary^md m usical entertainm ents* o f the
season. The
church was beautifully
ullv and
artistically decorated, and th e “Golden
G ate” program rare and beautiful in
every part. Too m uch praise can not be
accorded to those earnest C hristian p h i­
lan th rop ists who are laboring so earnestly
and successfully to develop the m ental,
moral, spiritual and in tellectu al natures o f
the ch ild ren . T he church was crowded
and everybody was d elighted with the
Geo. H in es drove a partv of Jack son ville
connoisseurs, Mrs. G. M, Love, Mrs Fred
K lippel, M isses M ollie Miller, Cora Linn
and A llie K lippel, to A shland Friday even-
in g to attend
end tn e rose carnival
Mrs. Y oun g and her d augh ter, Miss Ella,
have gone to S eattle to m ake their borne
I From the Yreka Journal, i
The Black Jack quartz mill, burned
down some days ago, on Klamath river,
near Hornbrook, at a loss of about $1000,
is to be replaced we hear, with a larger
mill of 10 stamp capacity, for crushing
the blue gravel cemeut very difficult to
dissolve^ This claim has shown very rich
prospects, and yielded considerable gold
during the past two or three years it has
been worked, and with the proper iffort
will no doubt become one of the richest
paying mines in Siskiyou.
Songer & Dame have repaired damages
to apparatus at Pacific river miue ou the
Klnmath, just below the mouth of Hum­
bug creek, are now workiug the upper
claim day and night with a large force,
aided by the benefit of their electric light
plant for night work. They expect to
have the lower claim in readiness for
successful mining in a few days more.
Lakeview Examiner: There are some
people around here who have a cross­
eyed way of looking at things, aud who
preteud to believe that we have tried to
throw cold water on the efforts to dtsoov.
er a gold mine in this locality. No, son.
It is uot the mines that we object to.
Il’s the wind—the obstreperous Il iluleii-
Jacksonville Times, for $10,000 dam­
ages for libel. The case came up before
Judge Bellinger last week and after
trial by a jury resulted Saturday in
verdict for $1 damages against the de
feadant. While this is a nominal victory
for Nickell it at tbe same time devolves
upon him to pay the costs in the case,
which will amount to several hundret
dollars, it is said. The article which Pop
pleton alleges libeled him was printed in
the Times in January, 1894, under the
heading “Another Bilk Departs” and
charged that Poppleton, who had been
in Southern Oregon since the fall before
introducing a “dry wash pan” for working
placer ground, had levanted, leaving nn
merous creditors behind.
We have made arrangements by which
we are enabled to offer the T idings aud
the S. F. Weekly Call both one year for
$2 75, invariably in advance. The regular
price of the Semi-Weekly T idings is $2
per year and that of the Call is $1.50 per
year—we give new or old subscribers who
pay a year in advance both papers for
$2.75. The Call under its new manage
ment is even far better than ever before
and those who want a good San Fran
cisco weekly cannot do better than heet
this offer. Sample copies of Lite Call at
tbe T idings office.
t w h a t w e s a y , but
Hood’s Sarsaparilla Doe
N o what
that tells the story of its merit and suc­
cess. Remember HOOD'S Cures
Notice to Creditors.
Iu the matter of the estate of Martin L. Mc­
Call, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court of
Ja.-ksou county, Oregon, sitting in probate, and
has duly qualified, as administrator of the es
tate of said Martin L, McCall, deceased.
All persons having claims against the estate
are required to present them to the undersigned
at Ashland, Oregon, within six months ft
the date hereof and duly verified as by law
Administratrix of tne estate of
Martin L. McCall, deceased.
Dated at Ashland, Oregon, June 10,1S95.
California, The M ini of htseoveries.
Why will yon lie awake all n igh t, cough­
ing, when that m ost effective aud agieeable
C alifornia rem edy, Santa A bie, will give
im m ed at-e relief? SANTA ABIE is the
only guaranteed cure for Consum ption,
Asthm a and all Bronchial C om plaints.
Sold only in large b ottles at $1. Three for
$2.50. E. A. Sherwin w ill be pleased
to supply yon, and guarantee relief
when used as directed. CALIFORNIA
CAT K CURE u ev .r fa ils to relieve Catarrh
r Cold iu the H ead. Six m onths treat­
F irst M ortgages on Im proved
Farm P ro p erty N eg o tia ted .
M E R V IN S W O R T S .
B a k e r C ity , Or.
I Only
A d m itte d for E x h ib itio n
so o o o p p o o o o o o o o o o o e e o e o o
» /n » z \r l
v n r t u r n l i n i T A r»rtz\rl h n n l l l v
Are enjoyed
only v i ' l when
we have good health.
If you are t ired, nervous and lack ambition, try
D R .
H E N L E Y ’S
CELERY for the entire nervous system.
BEEF to snstaiu and build up tbe system.
IRON to replenish aud enrich the blood.
La Grippe, Colds and
general debility cured.
N ntrious aud delicious.
Metis’ Fiue Summer Underwear, 80c, 80c, aud $1 per suit.
Ladies’ Summer Vests, 8c, 10c, and 25c.
Men's Cottouade Pants, 75c, 90c, $1, and $1 30.
Meua’ Eugineer Overalls (8 pockets), elastic sus|>eiidrrs. $1.
T IN W A R E , Ac, Ac.
Clothes Pius, 2 dozeu for 5c.
Milk Paus, regular size, 10c.
Dairy Paus, from 4c up.
Matches, 2 packages for 5c.
Tea Kettles, 20c and 50c.
Matches, parlor, 2 Ixptes 5c.
G. K. Tubular Lanterns, only 50c Wood Tube, 55c, 05c, 8llc, $1.
Galvanized Irou Pails, only 25c.
Wood Filier Pails, ouly 50c.
Milk Pails, 20c, 23c, 25c
Slop Pails, paiuted, only 50c each.
Clothes Wringers (warranted) ouly $2.
Perfumes, Toilet aud Face Powders, Creams, Dentilice, Sk u
Skiu Lotions, Tooth Brushes, Etc.
Ink, Pencils, Note Paper, Tablets, Rulers, Blank B< oka,
Crayons, Etc.
Berry Dishes, ouly 50c per set. Lemonade Sets (8 pieces) $1.25.
Berry Dishes, (staud) 50c.
Water Seta (5 pieces) only 90c.
Berry Dishes, 10c, 15c, 20c, 50c. Tumblers, ouly 45c dozen.
Goblets, ouly 30c per set.
AU lines o f goods are going to advance this fall.
take advantage of these loir prices.
('owe and
O pposite Ashland Mills.
Our fine new lines of Mens’ Clothing arrived
this week, and is by far the neatest and nobbiest
line ever exhibited in Southern Oregon.
Our prices for
Handsome - Summer - Suits
are lower than ever before, ranging from #4 to #18 per suit.
All our suits from #4 up are beautiful patterns anti cannot
fail to please you. Be sure and examine them W ore sup­
plying yourself in that line.
Remember we do not sell one dollar’s worth on time,
and are not obliged to charge you 50 per cent moae than a
suit is worth in order to make up for had debts contracted
by other parties.
Our fine tailor-made suits would cost you double the
money if you had them made to order.
Yours Truly,
Cash Store.
Ashland, Or.
FI8HING TACKLE, up to date, new line just In.
(© N O W IN SE A SO N ®
an d
Bank of Ashland
Has on its Lists
Of all ages and in large or sm all acreage
F o r S a le o n E a s y T e r m s .
For sale by T . K. Bolton, Odd Fellows’ Block.
V\ by pay 15c aud 25c for au ashastos Stove Mat wheu yon cau
get nue of us for 7c?
We are'prepared to negotiate first mortgages
upon improved farms fn Oregon with eastern
parties at a rate of interest not to exceed 9 per
cent, per annum.
Mortgages renewed that have been taken by
other companies.
Address, with stamp,
ment, $1. By mail, $1.10.
According to R clk 15—“ A r tic le s
th a t are in a n y w a y d a n g e ro u s or
o ffe n siv e, a lso p a te n t m e d ic in e s,
n o stru m s, a n d em p ir ic a l p rep ara­
tio n s, w h o se in g r e d ie n ts are co n ­
cealed, w ill n o t be a d m itted to th e
E x p o sitio n ,” and, therefore—
Brcatue Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is not a
patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not
a secret preparation.
Bfcau»t its proprietors had nothing to
conceal when questioned as to the for­
mula from which it is compounded.
Bfcaute it is all that It is claimed to he
-a Compound Concentrated Extract o f
Sarsaparilla, and in every sense, worthy
the indorsement of this most important
committee, called together for passing
upon the manufactured products of the
entire world.
Mens’ Buckle Plow Shoes o n ly .......................................$1 DO
Buckle Plow Shoes, tap sole, only
Oil Grain Shoes.............................
Fine Calf Shoes only.................... .....
.1 5
Fine Calf Shoes only ............................................ 2 .50
Russia Calf ( ta n ) ..........
.adies’ Calf Shoes.......
“ ' Vici Kid Shoes.............
Vici Kid Shoes.............
Kid “Queen Bee” Shoes........................................ 2 .80
Kid “Queen Bee” Shoes ........................................ 2 .85
Kid, Cloth Top Shoes.......................................... 2 .10
Infants and Children’s Shoes......................from 48c to 1 .35
!? !
that A y e r '» Sarsaparilla, out of the great
number of similar preparations manufac­
tured throughout the world, was the only
medicine of the kind admitted at the
W orld's F air, Chicago? And why was it
that, in spite of the ufiited efforts of the
manufacturers of other preparations, the
decision of the World’s Fair Directors was
uot reversed?
I c e C o ld D r i n k s .
We always carry the largest stock of Cigars, Tobaccos
Pipes, Meerschaum Goods, EU?., south of Portland.
Houses for rent or sale and desirable building lots in
all parts o f the city.
Letters of Inquiry cheerfully and promptly answ ered.
Call or address,