P U B L IS H E D ASHLAND TIDINGS. I.S ÏU 8 , F. D. W À 6 S U . LEEDS & WAGNER, P U B L IS H E R S . Issued Mondays and Thursdays. TIDINGS ASHLAND Issued Mondays and Thursdays. W H S E M I-W E E K L Y . SUBSCRIPT I OK RATE8. Rates o i A dvertising Furnished Upou A pplication. THE BEST E Q U IP P E D JO B O F F IC II On«* y e a r ......................................................$2.00 Hix m o n th s ................................................. LUO T hree m o n th s................................................. 50 IN SO U TH ER N O R E C O N . F A YABLE IM AKVAMVK. O F F IC IA L DIK13CTOBY Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report KINNEY « PROVOST, Fishing Restrictions. H ERE AND T H E R E . Dr. Petet, the ü . S. Indian agent at Klamath Ageuey, intimate« that promis­ cuous permits to fish iu the reservation streams, including Spring creek, the choicest of Klamath’s . choice fishing grounds, will not be issued by him this season. The Hgeut Bays that this matter Wits brought before the department by him ou ¿us recent visit to Washington and the commissioner said that fishing and buntiug upon Indian reserves, by the whites, was contrary to treaty terms. Many of the older Indians live almost entirely on fish and game, being unable to work, and if fishing is allowed in the streams and hunting in the mountains, without restriction, it will not he many years, he says, until the streams will be without fish aud the forests without game. The agent does not Bay, though, that he will absolutely refuse permission to whites to enjoy the fine fishing iu Spring creek and Williamson river. B erry cups ouly 30c per hnudred, in * the flat. Crowson, he sells 'em. .. Orov er Cleveland President Naw is the time to put screen doors Adlai Stevenson V iee President and windows in your house. Doors from W alter Q. Gresham Secretary <»i state John G. Carlisle 3130 up. Norris & (Jo. * S e c r e t a r y oi T r e a s u r y Hoke Smith S e c r e ta r y o f I n t e r io r .........haul. Lamont The Klamath Falls Express, the first S e c r e ta r y o f W ar Hilary A. Herbert S e c r e ta r y o f N a v y issue of which under the management of J. Steriiug Morton S e c r e t a r y o f A g r ic u lt u r e Farnsworth A Pierce, appeared last week, . ...W in. L. Wilson P oat w a ite r -g e u e r a l .. Richard lilney announces that it will be republican iu A tt o r n e y G e n e r a l politics hereafter. STATIC o f O K K U O M . . tJ. H. Mitchell IJ. 8. Senators ............ Most coughs may be cured in a few iGeo.W. McBride hours or at any rate in a few days, by . I Binger Hermann Congressmen j W . R. Kills the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. With » Local Notes. Excelsior Steam Dye Works. C. M. Idleman Attorney-General such a prompt and sure remedy as this W. P. laird Colson is the nam e of the new postoftice Governor at hand, there is no need of prolonging We solicit the patronage of Ashland established H. R. Kincaid Secretary of State on Lost river, K lam ath county, . . . Phil MeUohan the agony for weeks and mouths, Keep anti surrounding towns. Ladies’ and w ith E . N. Colsou Stale Treasurer........... as Nasby in charge. G. M. Irwin Supt. Pub. Instruction. this remedy iu your house. gentlemeu’s clothing cleaned and dyed, . W. H. Leeds Slate Printer D. B. W orthington, late of K lam ath made to look like new, at prices to suit C. E. Wolverton For a nioe shave try Eggers A Storey is in San Francisco, and will retu rn the times. Leave orders with M Mayer, Fails, K. S. Bean Supreme Judges Ashland hotel block. * to his form er eastern hom e, it is announced. F. A Moore Ashland, or address t A.Maerum Mrs. C arrie Sarber left T hursday evening C has . C. H ixon , Medford, Or. Circuit Judge Fullerton has restored ASH LA N D , O REG ON. J B. Eddy R. R. Commissioners for Millageville, 111. She was ticketed over 'oinps F. W. Carroll to the marshalship of Rose­ H. B. Com The Lieu Lauds. Balter The Davis & Force Dental Co., suc­ the N orthern Pacific by local agent Robt. ...L y d eil 3lerk of R. K. Commission burg. He was em peached by the council cessors to Caldwell A Davie, are now Leonard. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. State Land Agent Davenport is seuding for malfeasauoe iu office arisiug from his located in their Dew quarters in the Odd Western D ivision ..................Judge H. K. Hanna T he mail service between K lam ath Falls to those portions of the state where un­ duties as “ dog catcher”. Judge Fuller­ Eastern D ivision Judge W .C. Hale Fellow’s building. Call and see them.* and F ort K lam ath- has been changed to a claimed land is supposed to lie, large ton decides that the members of the Prosecutiiur Attorney H. L. Benson daily service, w ith contractor Jo h n G. Member Board of E q u alization ..- A C. Auldon posters addressed “To the People of Ore­ council exoeeded their authority in de­ With one eye on the cloek, and the Shallock still running it. gon.” These circulars charge the list claring the office vacaut. other od your plate, you cannot enjoy a B . S. LAN!» OFFICE ROSEBURG. M ajor W orden, alloting agent ol the legislature with a blunder iu its failure to meal. When traveling east, you should Receiver A. M. Crawford Norris A Co. carry a full line of boxes K lam ath In d ia n R eservation, is .now a t appropriate money for the selection of R e g is t e r . . . . . K. M. \ e a t e n take the Northern Pacific, the only diu- work on allotm ents of land between Wil­ lauds in lieu of the 16th aud 36th sections for the coming season. Berry crates now JACKSON COUSZY. ing car line from Portland; meals 75 liam son river and C hilliquin bridge. on hand. Prices to correspond with the of the forest reserve, and Mr. Davenport times. cents. You doD’t have to i«et up iu the County J u d g e .... ■ Jas. K. Neil * J. M. H orton, principal, Miles C antrall, Couimissionera . . . . |W . H. Bradshaw anticipates that withiu the next two years morning at six o’clock, rush to breakfast i Samuel Furry Miss Agnes Devlin and Mrs. C. F . Shep­ The railroad commissioners have mnde and gulp it down id fifteen or twenty herd, assistants, have been reelected as the beet land now availing will all be ,'ounty Clerk N. £ • Jacob* minutes, and then have to wait ivntil 2 or the teachers of the Jacksonville public taken under homestead and timber-land a finding in the case of the wreck of the County R e c o r d e r ......................................... Grant Rawlings Siæiitr Sylvester Patterson acts. He appeals to the patriotism of freight train on the O. C. & E. After an 3 o’clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid school tlie com ing year. Senator ................ .... . .8. H. Holt those who have knowledge of such lauds examination of the piles and stringers, . , this, take the Northern Pacific; the only G. W. Dunn News reached K lam ath Falls th a t Joseph to forward a description of the same. the board is of the opinion that it fell be­ J. A. J e lie y A n ew a n d c o m p le te lin e o f M e n 's G lo v es j u s t re c e iv e d , j Swingle died a t his ranch in Laugell valley There remains an obstacle to the state cause, since its ooustructiou, its strength 8. M. Nealon W ednesday night a t m idnight. Mr. Sw in­ M. 8. Welch Treasurer.............. ning Pullman Tourist Sleepers through gle, who had been til for some tim e, was acquiring lands after the selections have has never been renewed, and it was oue ..G us New bury N o c h e a p J o h n , b u t e x tr a good v a lu e s for th e m o n e y . Heliool Superin»- ..uent . Geo. A . Jackson to the east without from 12 to 16 hours one of the pioneer settlers of K lam ath been made. A fee of 32 for every quarter ot those structures whose decay has kept Assessor .................. . . R. W. Kennedy section is required to list lauds in the pace with the decline in the financial af­ Purveyor ......................... delay. For full information, time cards, REVIOUS county. Dr. D. M. Brower . Coroner United States land office, and unless the fairs of the road. maps, etc. call ou or address Robt. Leon- Five h u n d red head of cattle comprised RICES ASHLAND PRECINCT. board of land commissioners will assume nard, Ashland. Do you know, if you want to go east the special train stock shipm ent from Med­ U L V E R IZ E D . W. N. Luckey Justice ford station last W ednesday evening to the a legislative function and find money for and desire a Pullman tourist sleeper, ...J . H. Real Joustable Blackfoot co untry in Idaho. T he cattle this purpose, the work of selecting lieu that you will be detained from twelve to Men’s Heavy Welted Gloves, worth 31. now 50 b . CITY OF ASHLAND, were purchased for the range and were iauds is effectually blocked. sixteen hours unless you trke the North­ showed no baking powder gathered from different portions ot the Men’s Green Buck Welted Gloves, only 50c. ....................................... J. R. Casey Mayor ........................... ern Pacific? Remember that the North­ .......Milton Berry Recorder ....................... Meu’s Heavy Sarenac Buck Gloves, only 50c. A Good Appetite so pure or so great in ieav» county. ern Pacific is the only line running Pull­ E. V. Carter Treasurer .................. There comes a tim e to all of us, when we .. ...C . P. Jones ■Street t'oininissioner Men’s Fine Castor Buck Gloves, only 85c. Always accompanies good health, and an man tourist Sleepers through to the east enlng power as the Royal. feel m ean and “ out of sorts” and in a con­ ___Ira C. Dodge ■lupi. City Water Works Men’s Jack Buck Gloves, wears excellent, !(0c. Geo. W. Smith dition to invite disease. I t is then we need absence of appetite is an indication that without delay. Time and money saved Marshal .. C. B. W atson such a remedy as Dr. J . H. M cLean’s something is wrong. The loss of a ra­ by this route. For full information, time City Attorney ....... Men’s First Quality Sealskin Gloves, $1. ( R. P. Neil Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. tional desire for food is soon followed by cards, maps, etc. call on or address Robt. H. Vaupel |C Men’s Genuine Dog skin Gloves, heavy or light, 31.25. * To persons exhausted by sickness or over­ lack of strength,' for wheu the supply of Leonard, Ashland. H. Gillette work its invigorating influence is surpris­ fuel is cut off the fire burns low. The Men’s Genuine Buckskin Glovee, none better, 3125 and 3135. Cnnncilmen , W. A. Cordell The man with the “ bankrupt shoe ing, prom ptly restoring h ealth , energy and , W. J. Schmidt Men’s Heavy Buckskin Mittens, 31._______ ___ ____ I David F. Fox cheerful spirits. Price $1 per bottle. F ~ system gets into a low state, and is liable store” didn’t stay long io Grants Pass, to severe attacks of disease. The univer­ but suddenly boxed up his goods and sale by E. A. Sherwin. Regular m eeting of city council ot Ashland F o r f u r th e r p ric e s c a ll a n d see us o r e x a m in e o u r p ric e s held in council chamber» in city hall on the Jacob N eatham m er, of Rock P oint, sal testimony .given by those who have shipped them to the more mossba?k-like evening o i the first Monday In each mouth. whose w heat bin savings bank was recent­ used Hood’s Sarsaparilla, as to its great town of Eugene. • A dealer who thinks lis t. W e a re w ell sto c k ed in H a ts , Shoes, G e n ts’ F u rn is h - CIRCUIT COURT. ly robbed of $7600, and not yet recovered, merits in restoring and sharpening the be can run a stock of goods into Grants was arrested last week charged w ith shoot­ appetite, in promoting healthy action of Pass and undersell our local merchants Meets on the first Monday iu April, September in g s, D re ss T r im m in g s , R ib b o n s, L aces a n d F a n c y G oods. ing a horse belonging to Riley Noah ol the digestive organs, aud as a purifier of makes a mistake, as all our business men tnd December. T ry u s o n ce a n d be c o n v in c e d . A ll goods g u a ra n te e d s a tis ­ Gold H ill. The case was heard by Justice the blood, constitutes the strongest rec­ aie wide-awake, up-to-date fellows who COUNTY COURT. R ichards of Gold H ill. G. W. Golvig of ommendation that cau be urged for any Probate court tirst Tuesday after tirst,Mon- know how to buy.—[G. P. Courier. Same fac to ry . G rants Pass representing the state and W lay o i each mouth. < ouuly Commissioner's court—first W ednes­ M. Golvig of Jacksonville, the defendant. medicine. Those who have never used here, Mr. Courier. day after first Monday iu each mouth* T he justice dism issed the charge against Hood’s Sarsaparilla should surely do so The Jackson County Stock Association the old gentlem an,w ho seems to have had this season. was organized in Sams valley last week more th a n his share of troubles lately. with 37 members. The object of the as­ PROFESSIONAL 0AKD8. _ _ Republican Principles. sociation is to protect members from A Laughable Mistake. New York, May 31.—Thomas H. Gar­ cattle and horse thieves who have beeu W . B. Colton, Two ladies entered a book-store recently ter, chairman of the republican uational operating in that vicinity for some time and the younger asked the clerk for a hook committee, in a public statement says: past. The members have bound them­ called “ Favorite P rescrintion.” The “Iu 1896 the republican party will stand puzzled 'a tte n d a n t was unable to comply for protectiou aud restoration of bimetal­ selves together to defend each other in case of loss by any individual member. with the request and she left the store disappointed. In q u iry elicited the fact lism on a substantial aud enduring ba­ The membership embraces nearly all the H aving com plete abstracts of the records o i th a t she had overheard a conversation be­ sis. There may be differences of opiuiou residents of Sams valley precinct. Jackson county, Oregon, is prepared to furnish tween two literary ladies iu which “ Favor­ ou schedules, but not upon the princi­ On the Liver w ill break flown all the energies correct abstracts of title to any lands in said Mr. James Hausbrough, who has juet ples of protection. There will be differ­ o i life, and unfit you tor Work, Business or ite P rescription” was m entioned with ex county. . . . , returned from a tour of the East, has travagant praise, and had jum ped to the ences of opinion as to .the Irest course to Oliice next door to Bank of Ashlattd. Pleasure. conclusion th a t it was a hook, bite now pursue to secure free aud unlimited coin­ presented to Laurel Lodge, No. 13, A. F. knows th a t Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip age of both gold and silver at a fixed ra­ A A. M. a beautiful gavel made of wood tion is a sovereign cure for the ills and C. B. W atsod, Indigestion, constipation, Sleepleness, “ weaknesses” peculiar to women, for she tio, but there will l»e uo difference of takeu from the battle grounds of Look­ out Mountain. It has inserted iu it a B illiousness, are the first alarms nature sounds has been cured bv its use. Bend for a free opiuion as to the desirability of bringing miuuie ball that was picked up ou this I h a v e in stock to warn yon of danger. pam phlet, or rem it 10c in stam p s for book about that result. Upou oue question 1108 pages) on “ W oman and H er Diseases.” there will lie neither a difference o f opin­ famous place. I t is a fine piece of work ASHLAND, OR. A ddress W orld’s D ispensary Medical As­ ion as to the general principle involved and will doubtless be highly prized by sociation, Buffalo, N. V. nor the means to be employed— that is, his brother Masons as a souvenir of their OFFICE -U pstairs, Bank building. with reference to a restoration of a vigor­ eeteemed brother, and of the place, I)r. Pierce’s Pellets cure f^riiiuuently c “Lookout Mt.,” which ie engraved on oue ous foreign policy.” Rtipation, sick headache, tnlliousness, side.—[Roseburg Plaindealer, Oeo. W . T r tfn a , digestion and kindred ailm ents. General Crop Prospect. The Walla Walla Statesman says: A Cherokee Scheme. Chicago, .June 3.—E. M. Thomas’ crop Heretofore Snnke river has beeu a barrier Office with G. F. B illings. Real Estate , . . ,i A number of prominent Cherokees met report was issued to day. Its significant between the squirrel swarming oonutry aud lusurauee Agent. the north aud Walla Walla county, but at Tahlequah, I. T„ recently and formed features are the decrease of 1,500,660 acres to ASHLAND, 08EM N . for such Indians as in the area of winter wheat, and of 700,- it is bo uo more. The ferrymen aud farm­ will join them in colonizing in Mexico or 0(10 acres in that of spring, aud the great ers report that the pesky little rodents k e ep W h a le O il S oap, so m u c h u sed in s p ra y in g . W illiam I. V awter South America, and they are now in con­ deterioration in theconditiou of winter are swimming the Snake river by thous­ A ustin S. H ammond Hundreds of testim onials lik e tins: wheat compared with that of a year ago. ands aud as soon as they get across im­ “J. E. Miller, Astoria, Oregon, writes: “ it ference with President Diaz of Mexico, mediately attack the growing grain. cured me of a severe liver anu blood trouble. through the Mexican minister at Washing­ He says: S&auxLoal ft Vawter “Should the present conditions iu soil Something must be done at once or the ton, for the purchase Of the state of Sina­ 8 ^ “ Sold by all druggists. country will be captured by them. loa, a strip of land about 800 miles long by and climate be maintained for ten days entire There is no doubt that they swim across longer a practical failure will result, 100 miles wide, in western Mexico, on the where half a crop is now promised; prac­ the river, for the ferrymen say they see coast of the California gulf. Medford, Oregon. Hon. Bird Harris, a brother to Chief C. tical failure of extensive areas iu Indians, them. These squirrels are getting too » « r e - 1 . O. O. F. Building J. Harris of the Cherokees, Is one of the Illinois, Ohio and Michigan has already smart. chief promoters of the plan and 6ays that a occurred, and devastation in these states A healthy appetite, with perfect diges­ definite understanding from Mexico is ex­ is still in progress, abundance of testi­ tion and assimilation, may be secured by A S H L A N D , U K K O O N . Dr. J . S. Farson. pected within a few days. The state of mony to that effect being today added to the use of Ayer’s Pills. They cleanse aud Sinaloa, he says, has a long chain of moun­ what was previously known about it.’’ strengthen the whole alimentary canal J. A Gross, at the Most of the crop report, which covers and remove all obstructions to the nat­ tains running along its extreme eastern border and the California gulf on the west. the condition to still later date thau ural functions of either sex, without auy A shland , O rboon . Between them is low, fertile land, which Thomas’ makes a reduction in the con­ nn pleasant effects. o n ice »1 residence on Main street, n ex t w ants chickens for table use a t the (11-42 is given up to grazing, and but few people dition for the month 28 as agsinst Thom­ door to Prvsbyleriau church. Those beautiful gold bridges aud seam­ hotel. Cash m arket price paid occupy the state. He says that he thinks as 15 point reduction for the same states. less gold crowns by the Davis A Force for choice chickens. nearly 100,000 Indians from the several * Ashland, Oregon. Dr. 3. T. Soagor, Deiitifoam, tooth powder and perfumes, Dental Co. are the beet made tribes and nations would be glad to go at The Fair. * there and would carry with them about