S e m i- W e e k ly T i d i n g s INDIAN CHIEF. T w o Stars* In tro d u ctio n to th e K in etoeoop e and th e P h on ograp h . 2 , 1895 If It’s a Sprain, S train, or Bruise D. D. Good. Wm. Fox. St. Jacob s Oil FO X & CO O D, Successors to H. J. Hicks. Probably no Indian who ever visited C IH FREIGHT AND PASSENCER TRANSFER Washington to counsel with the great father returned to his tribe better satis­ C L U B B I N G L IS T . ASHLAND, OREGON. WiU Cure It fied with the results of his trip than the Ashlaud T idino 3 aud New York Weekly Teams always ready to answer calls for trans­ Tribune, one year each, in advance >-.w Sisseton Sioux Two Star. He not only fer work of ail kinds promptly and at lowest accomplished the object of his mission, Ashland T idings and S. F. Weekly Call, , rates. one year each, in advance . - Passenger hacks to all trains aud passengers but he was entertained in a style that aud baggage delivered to all parts of the city. Ashland T idings and Portland Weekly Sun, falls to the lot of few of the nation’s Woodfor sale—Single tier, Il 75; two tiers and one year each in advance ___ — upwards, $1.50 per tier, delivered. wards. Agent Keller was with him, as ICE IK 8BASOM. well as the interpreter, Joe Brown. The HE MET JOE JEFFERSON. Will handle ice in Ashland during the summer latter, by the way, is a somewhat notable season. Delivered at your door every morning. for Infants a n d Children* H ap p y R e su lt o f R ich a rd M ansfield’s I n ­ figure himself. He is a son of that Ma­ tro d u ctio n to th e F am ou s C om edian. jor Brown who commanded the troops J. R . T O Z E R , C a sto ria cures Colic, Constipation, Joseph Jefferson and Richard Mans­ at the battle of Birch Cooley during ■•Castori» is so wen adapted to children that Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea. teB di P ro p rie to r. the Sioux outbreak. He has lived all field met for the first time recently, and I recouinieD'i it as superior to »ny prescription Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes M O R R IS H O W E L L his life among these Indians and now the members of the Twelfth Night club known to me.” H. A. A rc rts», M. D., Witi 111 So. Oxford S t, Brooklyn, N. T. keeps a large store on the reservation. now reckon events from that time. Is conducting the Shoemaking business Two Star was sent here by his tribe H a s !»eeu co m p letely renovated aud refitted th rou gh ou t, am i is now It happened in this way: Mr. Mans­ next to the Ashland House alone again * * F op several years I have recommended open for th e accom m odation of th e travelin g p u b lic “ The use of ‘Castoria’ is so universal and J x S K f t Ä Ä 5 S « S B field had volunteered io take part at to ask the immediate payment to them and is prepared to do everything in the Its merits so well known that it seems »work line of their recent benefit at the Empire thea­ of 1 199,000 of their principal now in SUBSTANTIAL BRICK BUILDINC. CENTRALLY LOCATED of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the results.” the custody of the United States. This intelligent families who do not keep Castoria ter, but a few days before the event sent FREE BUS MEETS ALL PASSENGER TRAINS. E dwin F. P ardbb , M. D., within easy reach ” word that it would be Impossible for sum amounts to f 1,699,000. The In­ “ The Winthrop,” l^ t h Street and 7th Ave., C arlo » M artyn . D. New York City. him to appear. The Twelfth Nighters dians are in very destitute circumstances New York City. i pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. do not like to cause any disappoint­ this winter, owing to an almost com­ E n g lish Iro n T rade. W a s h a b le M a t e r ia ls f o r L a d ie s ’ S u m ­ ments, so the young women were thrown plete failure of their crops, and the in­ T « C rntaub C ompam V, 77 M urray S t i m i , N bw Y o u . The representatives of the iron trade m e r G ow ns. into a great flurry. Mr. Mansfield was terest due them is not sufficient to carry New grass linens and ecru linen baptistes BOOT ANO SHOE MAKINC, REPAIRING ETC.. ETC., them over until next fall. The impair­ of the United Kingdom are becoming have one of the strongest cards of the event. color introduced in dashes, bars and Iu first class style and at prices in Miss Beatrice Cameron, who is Mrs. ment of the principal is a matter which desperate. Their exports of iron and stripes, or else they are quite plain. Heavier keeping with the times. steel have decreased 85 per cent since smoothe linens come In a variety of shades Mansfield in private life, and who is by law rests entirely with the president 3-28 such as light blue, navy, pink, grein, aud also a loyal member of the Twelfth In this case he has promised to follow 1890, and Ryland’s Iron Trade Circu­ yellowish brown. Among the new cotton GIVE HIM A CALL. lar, Jan. 12, gave the following advice: fabrics are some beautiful Hindoo baitistes Night, was appealed to by her fellow the recommendation of the commission­ A V a lu a b le A lly . smoothed twilled teviot suitings. Dotted “ We have taken our coats off to meet aud members and it appears that under her er of Indian affairs, which is to the ef­ Our servant girl’s a dandy, Swiss muslins with artistic wreathes, bouquets, our foe in time of war and come out or separate bio -oms, printed in natural colors, Mary Ann. influence Mr. Mansfield declared that fect that the grant be made. ou tinted or white grounds, easily take the We confess she’s rather handy with glorious laurels. Why not take It is a somewhat singular fact that, he would appear without fail. lead for elegant wear, la the McDowell With a pan. although Two Star was one of General them off again to meet our foe in trade Fashion Magazines just at hand can be s.eu It is conceded, even by his opponents, But she’s rather too ambitious. illustrations of those new fabrics and VIA And when things go 'gainst her wishes that Mr. Mansfield has genius. Genius, Silbey’s scouts and has always associated matters? Get into the same boat, men, many their applications. The latest styles of skirts ’The business o f ,the'meat markets of R. P. She demolishes the dishes and row with your masters. Then we aud capes appear in special coui>on patterns. Net! and J..K. Pelton ¡«.carried on.now at the with the whites upon terms of the too, has its eccentricities, and this may Like a man. These popular and artistic patterns continue to T h e S h a s ta R o u te feel convinced the enemy will soon go explain why Mr. Mansfield, on the very friendliest intimacy, he cannot speak a form a most characteristic feature of the We are put on the defensive, day of the entertainment, made i t word of English. His enjoyment of the before us, and old England, who, we McDowell Journals, and are highly prized for Mary Ann, ” ---- OF THE----- their accuracy of details and their nractical And as porcelain’s expensive known that he positively would not ap white man’s amusement is, however, are sometimes told, is fast going to the excellence. “La Mode de Paris and Paris We’ve a plan. dogs, will look up once more, and at Album of Fashion” cost only $3.50 a year, or none the less keen. Senator Kyle’s clerk, pear. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Whereas she doth confine her cents each per copy; *’La Mode costs only Another reason advanced is that a Duncan McFarland, took him in to see the end of 1895 we think we should be 85 Strange antipathy to China, The old Pelton market, on the west side il 53 per year, or 15 cents a copy. If you are of MainJ street near the bridge, where . We shall at once consign her comic opera comedian between whom the kinetoscope. As he looked in upon in a position to record a better state of unable to procure either of these publications old and new customers will ttud us bet­ from your newsdealer do not lake a substitute To Japan. affairs for master and man. ” Expre Trains leave Portland daily. the picture in motion a look of amaze­ and him existed an arctic void was on ter prepared than ever to serve them from him. but apply by mail Io Messers A. —Detroit Free Press 1 _____ north . south . ______ with the choicest of meals aud^iu first- McDowell & Co., 4 West 14th gtreefiNew York. ment, not nnmixed with a degree of the bill, and Mr. Mansfield felt that he For physical ailm ents, especially those 8:’ 2 O A. M Ar. class style at lowest prices G7lf» r. M. Lv. Portland, There are many accidents and diseases couldn't consistently appear on the same consternation, crept over his face. He incident to declining years, there is no 4:40 e. M tv . 10:40». M. AT. Ashland, The Ashland Machine Shops. which, effect stock and cause serious in con ­ stage. But this is mere gossip—folks stepped back and looked around, above remedy that produces such sa tisfa etiry 4.10 r. M. Ar. O re g o n . 11:10 a . M. Lv. Ashlaud, A s liln n d , Lv. 7 :00 P M venience and loss to the farmer in his as Dr. J. H . M cLean’s Liver and lq:45 a . M. Ar. San Francisco, The extensive mnehiue working plnut and below the case to find out what results work which may be qntck’y rem edied by will talk, you know. stations from Kidney Balm, its general and invigorating Above trains stop at all the use of Dr. J .H . McLean’s V olcanic ( h l Whatever the facts, the leading caused the exhibition. It was some time effect on Liver and K idneys is remarkable. heretofore conducted in connection with Portland to Albany inclusive; also, Tangent, the Ashlaud Electric Power and Light Junction City, L inim ent. Sold by E. A. bherwin. Twelfth Nighters who were ou the stage before he could he persuaded to again Sold by E . A. Sherwin. __ ?ivin’g“' Engine? and “a? a u c t i o n s from Rose­ Go., has been leased by the company s nearly fainted when they heard this apply the eye to the aperture, and when burg to Ashland inclusive. efficient electrician aud machinist, S. J. R u b b in g I t In. JEWEL AND GEM. final decision. There sat Mr. Mansfield the machine stopped with a click the R O S E B U K U M A IL (D a ily .) Tntthill, who is prepared to take orders Rhoades— Do you thin k, Faith, dear, arrive L orgnettes are now wreathed in enam el for machine work and repairing. in a box, looking at the performance as noble red man jumped as if he had LBAVB th a t your father w ill consent to our mar- » 30 a m 1 Roseburg 5:50 r * Portland coolly as though he was to have had no heard the warwhoop of some of his flowers. 4:30 P M riagef Portland 7:00 A M Roseburg B. H . Bowman, Pub. Enquirer, o f Bre­ A N D V IC IN IT Y : part in it at all. Miss Alice Fischer, tribal enemies. The new b elt b uckles are set effectively m en, Ind., writes: L ast week our little girl F a ith — Of course papa w ill be very B o u te . D i n i u g C a r s Oil O g ile n He was equally amazed, but none the w ith barbaric gem s. sorry to lose me, b u t I suppose he w ill who is the vice president of the olnb, b.tby th e only one we bave was tak en sick Mrs, E. B. Christian w ishes to announce After two doctors failed to give h is consent. L ig h t pearl necklaces of several rows, w ith croup. had some one bring him behind 'the less pleased, with the phonograph and Rhoades— B u t I w ill tell him that In­ give reli. f and life was hanging on a mere that sh e has fitted up dressm aking parlors P U L L M A N B U F F E T SLE E P E R S insisted upon having a selection by the held together by diam ond bars, are still scenes. thread we tried One M inute Cough Cure at th e Chitw ood residence, opposite H otel ---- AND----- stead of lo sin g a daughter he w ill gain a This was just after Mr. Jefferson had Marine band repeated. He was taken to very fashionable. and its life was saved. E. A. Sherwin. Oregon, and is prepared to do all kinds of SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS, son.F a ith — I w ou ld n ’t do that, dear, If you contributed his share to the entertain­ an amateur athletio and gymnastic per­ A graceful bracelet show s a succession of ATTACHBD to ALL THROUGH TRAINS. rings, of a rippling character, in chased formance at the Columbia Athletic club ment and Mr. Mansfield had heartily ap­ For Over F irty Years. really w a n t me. Papa has three such sons and witnessed the exhibition of skill gold, w ith a garland of flowers formed of An old and well-tried remedy.-Mrs.WInslow's liv in g at hom e now, and h e’s a little plauded the dean of the American stage. W e st S id e D iv is io n . Soothing Syrup has bceu used for over fifty jeare Mr. Mansfield, after leaving his box, and prowess with a delight that was al­ precious stones ru n n in g through them . B E T W E E N PO R T L A N D AN D CORVALLIS touchy on th a t p oint.— Truth. A corsage garniture, co n sistin g o f jew ­ by millions of mothers for tlieir children while most childlike. Just before his depar­ surrounded by a bevy of young A t reasonable prices. teething, with perfect success. It soothes the M a ll T r a in D a lly (E x c e p t S u u d a y j___ L adies w hoexperiei.ee a sense of ture for the west Two Star said to our eled gold stalk s sym m etrically arranged, child, softens the gums, allays a l women, hut all their pleadings didn’t , :.(0 a . M. | Lv. Portland, Ar. I 5:35 P. M ness, and som etim es m m eness of the back w ith flowers of varicolored stones or of wind colic,and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. correspondent: S i d us« Dr. J . H. McLean’s S trençthen- have the slightest effect on him. 12:15 p . m . I Ar. Corvallis, bv. I l.ou p . ■ SOCIETIES. onds spreading about the stalks, is Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in “ 1 was here in 1867, but no one paid diam every part of the world. Twenty-live cents a Miss Fischer saw this and realized At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains ,n g Cordial and Blood F un der, it will sup very elegant. bottle.* Its value is Incalcuable. Be sure and ply the much needed strength and over­ that some master stroke must be made, auy attention to me then. I think Wash­ of Oregon iPi Pacific Railroad. ~ " _________ come Som e brooches con sist of a m iniature ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and all w eakening irregularities, hold ington is a much nicer place now. It and quickly at that. She caught sight Masonic Directory, Ashl&aA. E x p re s s T r a i n D a ll y (E xcep t S u n d a y portrait framed w ith finely worked gold of take no other kind. by E. A. Sherwin. of Mr. Jefferson. Her mind was made will be no use for me to tell my people three tin ts, yellow , red and green, w ith 8:25 A. M Lv- Portland. Ar. 4 :40 P. M . At. McMinnville, Lv. 5:50 A. M To allay pains, subdue inflam m ation, up in an instant. She ran to him. about the things I have seen aud heard pear shaped pearls h an gin g on each side, 7:25 P. M. MALTA COMMANDKRY NO. 4, K. T. (referring to the kinetoscope aud phono­ and one a t th e top, on a m otif in pierced heal foul sores and ulcers, the m ost prompt “ Oh, Mr. Jefferson,” said she, “ do Through Tickets to all Points in the and satisfactory results are obtained by Meets first Wednesday ol each mouth. £ . V . M II a JU s , B. V, Eastern States, Canada.and Europe, using that old reliable remedy, Dr. J . H. oome with me. I want you and Mr. graph), for no one would believe me. work. They would say I was not speaking the E. D. Briggs, Recorder. Can be obtained at lowest rates from E. <- M cLean’s Volcanic Oil L inim ent. Sold by Mansfield to meet ” A n artistic sterlin g silver brooch ju st of Ashland, Oregon. R KKOK h T e ' m Ash"‘,,,’ ’ ° rE. P. ROGERS, Aud with a cheery smile the old actor truth.” —Cor. St. Paul Pioneer Press. fered bears In relief th e head of Trilby, -------- a? 3 . C O R D O V A N , ___ _________ E. A. Sherw in. R kO U H L U „ hpwMI Agent. FRENCH a ENAMELLED CALF. surm ounted by the dainty cap of the Asst O readily assented. The younger actor was Manager. SISKIYOU CHAPTER, No. 21. R. A. M. D e W itt’s W itch H azel Salve cures J. A. Richardson, fcf Jefferson City, Mo., blanehlsseuse de fin. Surrounding It is a |4.»3.sp F ine C alf ¿K angaroo . scalds, burns indolent sores and never just tearing himself from an almost Chief Enrolling force 38th general nssein- Regular convocations on the Thursday next raised scroll border, in w hich appear the sobbing circle of women when Miss 1>1 y o f Missouri, wriies: I wish to test f y ♦ 3.6° POLICE, 3 SOLES. after the full moou. Henry C. fa ils to cure piles. E. A. Sherwin. r H p Thomas F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne Fischer came to save the day. She in­ to the m erits o f One M inute Cough < uro. heads of the Laird, Taffy, L ittle B illee and Rouse, Receivers S v en g a li.— Jew elers’ Circular. J.R. Casey, Sec’y. I**36 When other so-called cures fa ile d , I ob­ r ea t b a t t l e s , are contin­ troduced the men. tained alm ost in stan t relief and a Rpeedy Dr. H . It. Fish of G ravois M ills. Mo., a I BOYSSCHOQLSHOEX ually going on in the human sys­ “ I am charmed to meet you, Mr. Jef­ cure by the use of One M inute Cough Cure, practicing physician of m any years ex- ASHLAND LODGE NO. ‘23, A. F. & A. M L A D IE S ’ tem. Hood’s Sarsaparilla drives out ferson,” said Mr. Mansfield, cordially E . A. Sherwin. W itt’s W itch Hazel perience, writes: D e Stated communication ou the Thursday of or shaking the hand of Rip Van Winkle. Salve has no equal for in dolen t sores, disease and R e s to re s H e a lth . before the full moon, j p GILM0WE, W. M. SAVED HER SLIPPERS. scalds and burns. It stops pain in stantly, “ A like pleasure is mine,” said Mr. and leaves no scar’ J. R. Casey, Secretary. _________________ Jefferson. “ I have heard much of your A B it or H ith e r to U n p u b lish ed n ¡s to r y o f heals a burn quickly and E. A. Sherwin. BROCKTON. M A S S . * art, aud this will be the first time I - th e W ar o f 1812. ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. 8. Over One Million People wear the T he B ack b on e o f T rade. have had an opportunity of seeing you, Thia is a chapter of semiofficial, semi­ Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesday in 8 and I have looked forward to it with domestic history, and it is vouched for The markets of the world are wide w . L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes each month. l ’ lillm n n our shoes are equally satisfactory Mas. ALICE KANE. W. M. the keenest enjoyment. by a granddaughter of the hero’s fam­ open to us under the Gorman tariff, but T All Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, Secretary. hev Hive th e b est value for th e ”ionev. S le e p in g C u r s There was nothing but sincerity in ily line, a Chicagoan who now lives on still our exports are not showing any They equal custom shoes In sty le and fit. - K w earing qualities are the speech, and the young women who wonderful gains; neither is there an ex­ Dearborn avenue. K egant The orices arc uniform ,—-stamped on aoic. ASHLAND LODGE No. 4 had beeu pleading in vain stood expect­ Prominent in Mr. Madison’s cabinet traordinary demand from foreign coun­ Prnm $1 to S t saved over other m akes. D in in g C a r s If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by antly to one side awaiting the answer. sat, fourscore years ago, Secretary of tries for American products and manu­ 1.0. o. P., ‘‘Thank yon,’’ replied Mr. Mansfield. the Navy Jones, the son of a famous factures. The tendency of values is to S M IT H . T o n r is t .J . F Holds regular meetings every Saturday even “ I trust you will not be disappointed. { S le e p in g C a r s shipbuilder, a man gallant not only in cheapness, and if we had buyers here at their hall in Ashland. Brethren in good And neither was he. It is said Rich­ rpirit, but in dress and manner. His from England, France, Germany, Rus­ F o r S a le o r Exchange. iug standing are cordially i n v i ^ j t o attend. & ST. P A U L ard Mansfield walked on the stage and fitness for his office is attested by the sia, Italy, Australia, India, China and H. S. Evans, Secretary, gave a brief performance which for bril­ 'naval histories of tlie war of 1812. But Japan competing with one another to For city property in A shland—eighty M IN N E A PO L IS acres of land 2 m iles w est o f Red Bluff, f land 2 m iles liancy of execution has been seldom, if for the successful secretary had more wit buy our goods there would surely be Calif See J. K. V anSant, A shland, Ore­ PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT NO 16, I OOF DULUTH ever, excelled.—New York Herald. than hair, and a wig was a sine qua some stiffening to the backbone of trade. gon. - 4~1 5 ’ Burns, FARGO Meets In Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and 4tl non of his political and social life. All Monday in each mouth Members In good A Successful Worker G R A N D FORKS TO standing cordially »nvited to Mtend.^ p Caked & Inflamed Udders. went well with this adornment until MATTERS IN MAY-HEE-CO. W ork cannot be su ccessfu lly continued Q uarterly E xam ination for CROOKSTON the luckless August day in 1814 when unless there is an active m ental interest in Robt. Taylor, 8cribe. Piles, W IN N IP E G _____ The F inancier Is advocating th e erection the British marched from Bladensburg it. I f the m ind is n ot clear, bright and T eachers’ Certificates. buoyant, th en , the work is drudgery and of a $16,000,000 hotel in M exico—pro­ npon Washington. H E L E N A a n d __ HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE NO. 14. Rheum atic Pains, th e worker is a m achine. A n occosional nounced as above, w ith th e accent on the It will be remembered that President dose o f Moore’s R evealed R em edy w ill put Notice Is hereby given that the regular quar; the 2d and « h Tuesday^ in each BU TTE Hall. Ashland. “ h e e .” Madison and his cabinet 6tood not npon the bodv and m ind in such harm ony that I terly examination of applicants for te ^ b “” monteh8in°Odd'FeÎîows’ï Bruises and Strains, M rs . L uslla W hittlr , N. u . certificates will he held in the school building M exico Is a Bemitropical country, b u t I S M e f f i.b e g i n n in g at 1 p. m. on Wednesday Mrs. Mollie Farlow, Sec’y. the order of their going on that occa­ the h a-iiest tasks w ill seem as play. T H R O U G H T IC K E T S nearly everybody has th e “ catarro” or ca­ sion, but went at once—to a very re­ Mav 8th, 1895. Applicants for State Diplomas Running Sores, ----- TO----- mid State Life Diplomas will be examined ou tarrh, because of th e alm ost u tter lack of tired summer resort. Every one knows CHICAGO Gus N ewbury , Thursday May 9th, 1895. h ea tin g fa cilities in the houses. Ashland. Lodge, A. 0 .D .W Inflam m ations, Co. Supt. how Lady “ Dolly” remained behind W A SH ING TO N P ulque, the M exican n ation al drink, is long enough to save some valuable Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hal 1 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. P H IL A D E L P H IA every second and fourth W eflne*JI 7 1}u1, e each ,i F m ade of ferm ented juice of the aloe, or Stiff joints, j County T re a su re r’s 2d Notice. White House portraits from having their, month. Present hour of meeting ¿-9°,^ *i; *¡1 When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. A gave am ericana. The aqua aridienta of N EW YORK . Brethren in good standing are cordially iuvit Harness & Saddle Sores, old Spain w as m ade in a sim ilar w ay from eyes put out by English bayonets, but ed to attend. j R t q ZER, M W. BOSTON A N D ALL few have heard how collected Mrs. Sec­ When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Jacksonville, Oregon. April 25, 1895. the Spanish agave. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Office of County Treasurer of Jackson countv. J. R. Casey. R ecorder.___________ PO IN TS EA ST and SOUTH Sciatica, The M exican exposition n ext year w ill retary Jones was in this national crisis. Notice is hereby given that there are fuuds in Presence of mind is said to be promot the county tVeasurv for fhejedem ption of all undoubtedly b rin g to th e city a large n u m ­ I nutstKiidine warrants protested from Ma> ia Lumbago, T IM E SC H E D U L E . ber of visitors. B y th a t tim e th e great ed by absence of body. This lady dis­ H. 0. T. M. 1888, to September 8,1888. Interest ®n “ J*** **' drainage tu n n el w ill have been finished, played in the face of danger presence of eease after the above date. M. s. welch , Granite Tent No. 4, Knighte of the Maccabees For information, time cards, maps, and tick­ Scalds, | Bv I.. I.. J acobs , Deputy. County Treasurer. Meet in regular review on the secinid and and the health of th e city w ill be Improved. both mind and body. As the secretary ets, call ou or write S. F. C ass , Agent, (traut s fourth each month Odd Fel- emerged from his doorway, his hands Bass, or K L f l ^ Thursdays s h i a ' n d of Visiting ffir K at nighuco, Blisters, Summons. i -T he . G r e a t * H u d \ ? \ n - full of such family valuables as his agi­ dially invited. E. ALLKN HILDRETH, Co®. A. 0. CHARLTON, Asst Gen. Pass. Agent, E. F. L oomis , R. K. tated condition had allowed him to col­ 255 Morrison at., cor. 3d, PORTLAND, OREGON. Insect Bites, In the Circuit Court of the Sta'e of Oregon, lect, Mrs. Jones confronted him with ROBT. LEONARD, Agent, Ashlaud. I of the County of Jackson. T Tbp Ktate of Oregon, ex rel. Henry L. Benson, All Cattle Ailments, the appalling words: in e AUorney for the Firs* Knights of Pythias. Distriid First Judicial Biatriet District _____ _ _ -- of Oregon, Plaintiff, va vs. Tbp The Unknown Heirs of “ My dear, you have forgotten my MEDICAL deceased, Defend- the Estate of W illiam Alcoe, u— nefend- riRNAlTE LODGE, NO. 23, Knightsof Pythias All Horse Ailments, slippers. You must go back aud get ___ to Recover Real Property Es­ G Ashland, Oregon, meets every Friday evet auts. Action 1 L. W. CARRON. A . H. CARSON. cheated to ihe ’State of Oiegon ing. Visiting Knights in good standing them.” All Sheep Ailm ents, To The Unknown Heirs of Ihe Estate of cordially ally invited to attend attend. General Ross was almost at his door the above-named William Alcoe, deceased, A. E. GRAHAM, C. C. bringing imprisonment or death, but the Dln th en a m e of the State of Oregon, you are F. D. Wagner, K. of R. A S. unhappy man turned back to hunt the Penetrates Muscle, ÍSEFOREÍ hereby r e ^ e d appear mid answer A e e ^ slippers, which, it is only fair to Mis. plaint of the above rhJ Ple^-k of a d Burnside Post, No. 23, mee entitled Court, now on file with the Cleric oi Membrane and Tissue Jones to add, were adorned with dia­ . A . I '-. in Masonic Hall on the is Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, ch ief said Court, within ten days from the date of G mond buckles. In bis headlong quest for aud 3d Saturdays of each month. Visiting con the service of this Summons upon you, if consulting physician to the Invalids H otel Quickly to the Very and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y ., com ­ these treasures—which he secured his I I sen served iu Jackson county, th£ Oregon: served rades cordially welcomed. r ea iu » ----- s(ale but o( if Oregon> Six m iles South o f G rant’s P ass. Joseph ine pounded this m edicine o f vegetable ingredi­ wig dropped off in a dark corner, anil I I h e ^ w iS f f iiw W S a y ifr e m th e date of “the Jas. Chisholm, oou nty, O regon. Commander. S eat of Pain and en ts w hich had an especial effect upon the he did not dare to take time to hunt for service of this Summons upon you ; or if wrved Adjutant. stomach and liver, rousing the organs to on you out of the State of Oregon or by publi­ activity as w ell as purifying and it nor to attempt the purchase of an­ cation then by the first day of the ensuing Ousts it in a Jiffy. healthful This extra* Jpai Heptember terin of said Court, to-wit: the 9tl. enriching the blood. By such m eans the BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS, No. 24. other. The shorn appearance of the sec­ ordinary Re* Diizinee8, dav of September, 1895; aud you are hereby stomach and the nerves are supplied with retary, hitherto faultless in all appoint­ jn Venator is Meets at Masonic Hall at 2 o’clock, p. m., on Falling Sen­ Rub in Vigorously. notified that if you fail to aSF'™r p u re blood; they w ill not do duty w ithout it ih e m o st sations, Nerv­ said complaint, as hereby required,, the P'»11; first and third Fridays of each month. any more than a locom otive can run w ith­ ments of dress, is said to have very much M rs . J ames C hisholm , , Pres. w o n d e r f u l ous twitching tiff will take judgment against yon Mustang Liniment conquer« out coal. You can not get a lasting cure o f lessened the melancholy of tho cabinet discovery of of the eyes seisin and possession of the following described Mrs. Lydia Griswold, Secy. D yspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti­ journey. It is further asserted that dur­ and o t h e r real property belonging U, the estate of William the age. It Pain, „ has been en­ parts. ficially digested foods or pepsin—the stom ­ Makes flan or Beast well Alcoe deceased, viz Izits 1 and 2, and the -------- C onsisting o f-------- ing the time of retirement, no matter dorsed by the of ach m ust do its own work m its own way. Strengthens, SE'4 of the NW% and the NEii of the again. leadingscien- section 31, iu Township 32 South, Range 1 East, in v ig o r a te s Do not put your nerves to sleep with so- how depressed any member of the presi­ APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, tific men of all situated in Jackson county, Oregon,together and tones the T o th e U n fo rtu n a te . called celery m ixtures, it is better to go to dential party felt over public and pri­ Europe and ' PLUM, PRUNE CHERRY, entire system. with the costs nd disbursements of this action. the seat o f the difficulty and feed the nerve vate woes, if he but glanced at Secretary America. This summons is served by publication, pur. Hudyan cures APRICOT, NECTARINE, cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia Hudyan is D e b i l l t y , suant to an Order made by the Hon. H. K. purely vege­ Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af­ Jones peal upon peal of irresistible ALMOND, WALNUT, and DR. GIBBON'S Hanna, Judge of said Court, said Order beinh Nervousness, fections, such as sleep lessness and weak, laughter was sure to follow and that the table. E m is s io n s , made at Jacksonville this 9th day of April, 1895. Hudyan stops H enry L. B enson , and develop« nervous feelings are com pletely ¿«rerf by despoiled Adonis cordially joined in Shade and Ornamental Trees, DiSPEKSART District Attorney for the First Judicial Dis­ and restores Frematureness “ D iscovery.’’ It puts on healthy flesh, Notice of A nnual M eeting of the these bursts cf merriment.—Chicago weak organs. of the d i s- trict of O r e g o n . __________ _________ brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the n n o K K A K N E F 8- Grape Vine, Currants, Gooseberries, chaige in 20 Pains in the Tribune. OZO corner of Com w hole system . days. Cures hack, losses Blackberries, Raspberries, Stockholders. lercial, San Francisco, N otice of A d m in istn ito r s b y d a y or Mrs. K. H enke , of No.J^b A'orZA Halstrd St., Strawberries, Figs, LOST Z. Established in 1854 W rong, A lw ays W rong. night stopped improve- The regular aunual meeting of the stock­ CAirogo. //A, writes : regard ■ the treatment of s ft' Etc., Etc. MANHOOD holders of the Bank of Ashland Iwill be held at m e a t a s s im p ly Sale. For about 24 mouths the country has Bal and Seminal Dis' Our trees are grown w ith ou t irrig a tijn on the rooms of the Bank Saturday, May 4lh, 1«>>. w onderful. Since teases, such as G o n sr- Notice is hereby given that by authority of suffered from a variety of experiments »t 2 p. in. E. V. C arter , Cashier. taking Dr. Pier.e s agliea. G le et, S t r ic t - Red h ill land, and all o f knowu varieties an order issued out of the county court for the March 27.1895. made by a party that for the first time Golden Medical Dis­ Fure, S y p h ilis in all its I county of Jackson, state of Oregon, on the d that succeed in S outhern Oregon. covery in connection I form s,Sem inal W eak* in 30 years had oomplete coutrol of our day of April, 1895,-w h ic h order is recorded u Chose oou tem p lating tree p lantin g w ill with his Pleasant ness. Im p o ten cy , and Lost Manhood petroa- Over 2,000 private endorsements. Vol 10 of Probate Records, on pages JbS aud To Wood C ontractors. do well to v isit onr orchard and nursery or national legislation. Their success in quickly. Pellets ’ I have gain­ q I’reinatnreness means impotency in the first 209, I will as the administrator of the' e « » ’« nently cured. The sick and afflicted should not write us for price list. ed in every respect, Nancy C Herrin, deceased, on “ tbt fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled It is a symptom o f seminal weakness doing the right thing at the wrong time stage Postotfiee — Murphy, Josep h in e oonntv rnTbarrennt’Ss. ’it can be stopped in 20 days To whom it may concern: Notiee is hereby particularly in nesh day of May, 1895, at 1 o’clock p. m„ at the front extensively in Europe, and Inspected thor­ and the wrong thing at the right time by the use o f Hudyan. given that bids wi 1 be ns-elved by the Board of and strength. My Oregou It. K. sta tio n . G rant’s I’ass. door of the court house in Jacksonville, said oughly .he various hospitals there, obtaining a . Directors of School District No. 5, at Ash and, liver was dreadfully is now historical. They have seemingly countv sell at public auction to the nighest great deal of valuable information, which he is The new discovery was made by CARSON & SON. Uddei,’for ca7h,Pall the right title andI interest eompetentito impart to those in need of his rer- Oregon, until Friday. May 3d, 189.., for 130 tiers, enlarged and I suf­ ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. preferred any wild method to cover fered greatly from more or less, of IS iuch wood, one-third pine or of said decedent in aud to the following tie vice», The Doctor cures when others fail. Try It is the strongest vitalizer made. It is very fir, balance oak, to be delivered, tiered and dyspepsia. No phy­ tariff reform deficit rather than foster poi erfnL but harmless. Bold for $1.00 apack- scribed lands. to wit: him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless sician could give measured in the woodsheds of the different effect a cure. Persons at a distance CUKEtt packages for home industries or reciprocity with for The west — 'of the south half of J. 8. Herrin he school buildings as directed by the Board of relief. A T HOME. All communications strictly con­ Writ’en guarantee given for a cure. If you buy Now, after two Directors. Wood to be thoroughly seasoned eign nations. The tax collected on for­ six boxes and are not entirely cured, six more fidential. All letters answered in plain envel­ and delivered by Sept. 1st, 1895. Wood to be months I am entire­ Donation Dand Claim No 47. hi T o w n sh ip ^ opes. Charges reasonable, fa il or write. Ad­ be sent to yon free of all charges. eign importations has not prevented will cut from large trees, and no sticks to exceed ly relieved of my dress DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1957, San Francis­ Send for circulars and testimonials. Address S y , W o . M rs six inches iu diameter accepted. Bids for disease. My appe­ buying gold on borrowed money at a 25 H U D SO N M E D IC A L IN S T IT U T E , , co. Oal W-7 tite is excellent; either the pine and fir or oak received sepa A nd oth er work in proportion J v u c t l o u S t o e U t o u , M a r k e t A K ill» S ts. food well digested; bowels regular and sleep per oent increased rate of interest. rately. The t>oard reserves the right to reject Dated Ashland, Oregon. April 6th, 1995. S a n F ’-a n c la c o , C a l. -- B® order Board of Directors. much improved.” Clapp’s Circular. A T M A R K L E ’S SH O P. any or J all - - - bids. C. H. GIM.KTTX, T h u r s d a y .................................... M a y UNDER : NEW : MANAGEMENT. EAST • ali Pelton & Neil, Dressmaking and Cutting W.L. D ouglas S3 SH 0E--S o r t h e r im __ G N PACIFICR.R. M e x ic a n M u s ta n g L i n im e n t GOLDEN DISCOVERY A. H. CAR301H SON, Prop’s. 100,000 Trees in Stock! Pointing Plows, 75c. Spring Street, Ashland. Clerk School District No. 5.