Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, April 01, 1895, Image 2

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    Semi-Weekly Tidings
M onday................................A p ril 1,
The secretary of the interior has
authorized the surveyor general of Ore­
gon to employ Deputy surveyor J. H.
Neil to survey lauds around Lake
The Com m issioners Hold Over.
Attorney General Idletnan filed his
opinion with Governor Lord on Friday
in regard to the status of the various
commissioners provided for by the stat­
utes but which the last legislature failed
to elect, viz: three railroad commission-
ers, three pilot commissioners, one fish**
and game warden and one dairy commis­
The attorney general, after a careful
research of authorities upon the subject,
decides that there are no vacancies but
that the old commissioners hold over,
consequently there is no chance for the
governor to appoint or to leave the posi­
tions unfilled.
The S. P. D. & L. Co.’s mill at Merlin,
burned recently, is being rebuilt already.
Provolt is the name of a new postoffice
established at the junction of Williams
anj Applegate,
Eggers A Story have secured flie agency
of the Portland Steam Laundry. Best
work at lower prices than other laundries.
Try it.
Gold Hill’s first electiou for municipal
The first quarter of the new state
officers occurs today. The judges of
administration is nearing its close and no
election are Dan Richards, W- S. F itz­
pardons have been granted. Gov. Lord
gerald and J. W. Marksbury.
is not making a very good record ns a
Hall’s Hair Renewer cures daudrnff and
pardon governor.
scalp affections; also all cases of baldness
A rbor Day.
A gang of five or six sharpers were
where the glands which feed the roots of
Iu a few days Snperutendent of Public the hair are uot closed up.
arrested at San Francisco a few days ago
who had a complete outfit for issuing Instruction Irwin will issue an Arbor day
The moral reform wave has struck
Chinese residence certificates by the circular which will be sent to every
and is having some effect iu
wholesale, and had the prospects of doing
the most seclnsive couutry school. I t is stopping gambling and iu suppressing
a profitable business.
a mutter looked upon by every scholar bouses of ill repute even iu the wicked
An armistice between Japan and China with the most interest. Following is the metropolis.
has lieen declared by the emperor of circular.
A speculator is in Fossil, in Eastern
Japan pemling the conclusion of peace
The law provides that the second
for the purpose of buying 10,000
negotiations now in progress. Li Hung Friday in April shall be kuown and ob­ Oregon,
for shipment to Montana.
Chang, the Chinese statesman who was served as Arbor Day.
He is paying $10 for yearliug steers, $15
shot last week while in Japau on a peace
l'he purpose of this law is to inculcate for twos, $20 for threes, aud $14 to $15
mission, is reported recovering. •
into the minds and hearts of the children for cows.
Will A. Pears, the well known trav­ a love for adorniug school grounds with
Many people, with the uotiou that
eling agent for Chamberlain’s raediciues trees, shrubbery, tiowerp, etc.
ought to take care of herself,
sends us the E ast Province Hearld pub­
lished at Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good be observed in all the public schools allow a cough to plague them for weeks
Hope, South Africa. I t is a large eight throughout the state. I t is not given as and mouths. Whereas, if nature were
page daily paper and full of advertise­ merely suggestive for the culture of taste assisted with a dose or two of Ayer’s
ments. He is advertising the Chamber­ aud tree planting, but it is the mandate Cherry Pectoral, the cure might be
of the law. The design of improving effected in a very few days.
lain remedies m that distant country.
school grounds is a noble one. The
State Superintendent Irwin has just
Hot weather is reported from some of places of education should be made
the middle eastern states and in the Mis­ pleasant places. Shade trees and flowers decided a question of considerable im­
sissippi valley. A temperature of from assist in the mental and moral culture of portance. It, is that a persou receiving a
75 to K5 degrees was reported from Indi­ the children. Let no one associated with third grade certificate and being unable
ana and other points Friday, the most school work think it is something that to secure a school, shall be granted
unusual weather recorded since the estab­ may or may uot be done according to another upon passing examination at the
lishment of the government weather ser­ one’s pleasure. I t may not be practicable proper time.
vice in 1870. On top of this the dis­ in all places to attempt tree planting, be­
I t surprised many visitors to the Chi­
patches of the following day tell of very cause there are localities where school cago World’s Fair to fiud that of all the
severe snowstorms and blizzards in Ne houses are situated so arid that trees will blood-purifiers, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla was
braska, Colorado and other states across uot grow, and yet the desire for such may the only one on exhibition. The reason
the Rockies.
is that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is a standard
be acknowledged.
remedy, and not a patent medicine, or
The story of the mistreatmeut of their
secret nostrum.
Siletz In d ia n R eserve.
prisoners by the Hawaiian republic!
government could be easier believed if it
Few stallion licenses have been issued
Washington, March 28. — Secretary
were told by somebody other than Joaquin Smith today gave to the president drafts by the county clerk of Jackson county
Miller, the “poet of the Sierras.” of two proclamations opening to settle­ yet. Owners of stallions should remem­
Joaquin can write poetry as poetry goes ment the lands ceded by the Yankton ber that there is a heavy penalty attached
but the rest of his life is not so successful, Sioux Indians iu South Dakota, and by to violation of the law governing these
if the stories of people who have known the Aisea aud other Indians on the Siletz licenses which provides that a failure to
him and his Career intimately are to be reservation in Oregon. The president is comply therewith is a misdemeanor and
lielieved. Joaquin ought to be the last expected to act immediately on these and punishable by a fine of not less than $5
fellow in the world to tell tales of maltreat­ issue formal proclamations within a few nor more than $250 or by imprisonment
ment and heartle88nees upon other peo­ days. The proclamation provides that for not more than ninety days.
the lands shall be subject to entry within
Anent the extraordinary rush of men
All necessary steps for putting into ef­ thirty days of publication. Land offi­ to Alaska allured by mining prospects
fect the recent legislation yaising all pen­ cials do not expect a rush for the lands Capt. McAlliff of the steamer Chilcat
sions below $6 to that rating have been such as rushed to the Oklahoma opening says after a run to that northern country
taken to the pension bureau. Low-rate and will adopt measures to secure equal “I t is very unwise for men without means
pensioners, whose uames are borne on the treatment for all settlers.
to rash to Alaska. Juneau is already
An agreement with the Siletz Indians overcrowded with idle men. At some
rolls of the Buffalo, Chicago, Concord,
lies Moines, Milwaukee and Pittsburg provides for the cession of all their un­ residences an average of ten a day are
agencies, will receive the $6 rating April allotted lands, the total ceded territory asking for food. The season does not
4, and all like pensions in other jurisdic­ covering 178,000 acres. The compensa­ open until May, aud even then they will
tions will be advanced at the next pay tion paid by the government was $100,y not have use for more than 250 men at
* the mines.”
meut in their district. The change will 000.
add about $1,500,000 to the pension ex­
Washington Dispatch: Congressman
penditures, and the cases of about 40,000
O regon Beef a t Om aha.
Hermann has secured a pension for John
pensioners will be affected.
The South Omaha Daily Stockman Barney, of Medford, to date from De­
Savannah, March 27.—A special from contained last week a record of sale in cember 1892, at $12 per month. Mr. Her­
Thomasville says: Governor McKinley South Omaha stockyards of a bnuch of mann has also secured the enactment in­
has about recovered from a slight attack
county cattle. They were from to laws of his bills for increases of peusion
of the grip, which caused him to speud Umatilla
the shipments from Echo of Jesse Moore, to David H. Sexton, of Josephine county,
several «lays more in Thomasville than he Lloyd & Taylor and Nye & Dillon, which for service iu the Oregon Indian war of
originally intended, and he will leave were sold mostly to Portland parties and 1855, and of pension to Johu H. Pratt, of
here to morrow tor St. Augustine. When then Bent east by the Union Meat Com­ Jackson county, for services iu the late
shown a paper which quoted him as say pany. The sale record showed: One was. The first was for $12 und the other
iug that if the republican party declared steer, 1060 pounds, $3 per 100; 49 steers, for $10 per mouth from May 11, 1894.
f »r free silver he would uot accept the 1221 pounds each, $4 10; 24 steers, 1260
E. O. : Men who wheel in Pendleton
u ominatiou for president, the governor pouuds, $4 35; 164 steers, 1267 pounds,
shrugged his shoulders and said smiling­ $4 35; 109 steers, 1208 pouuds, $4 20. will soou be taking a back seat A local
bicycle agent has placed au order for a
ly : "Why, that is absurd.” He neither
steers sold at Echo for $3 per hun­ tandem and ou these the gentleman rides
denied or confirmed the statement and These
dred, and when weighed for the buyer behind, while the lady sits in front and
declined to lie iuteiviewed on the subject. averaged 1300 pounds. I t will be no­
holds the handle bars. Buggy riding
ticed that the weight was reduced during will be superceded by tnndein wheeling,
Jo a q u in and H aw aii.
transit 33 pouuds in the 164 lot, aud aud the young gentleman will write:
Joaquin Miller, the poet of the Sierras, from that to 92 pounds in the 109 lot. “Sweet Marie, will you go tandemiug
arrived from Honolulu last week, where The weight of the Oregon cattle was this afternoou with me?” Whereat will
he has lieen for several mouths preparing above the average of all cattle offered ou quick reply: “You may go tauderaing
a history of Hawaii for an Eastern pub­ the day t hey were sold, and the price with I.”
paal was on the average several points
lishing house.
“ We take pleasure in recommending
The (siet left Honolulu suddenly with above what was recorded in the sales of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy because it is
no other baggage than a copy of his other lots of cattle ou the same day.
A Pendleton cat tle-buyer asserts to the praised by all who try it,” says J. W. Cox
poems. Ilia luteuded departure was
Son, druggists, Marshfield, Oregon. No
Oregonian that wheat-fe«l cattle of a one
kept secret as he says he was afraid
alHicted with a throat or lung trouble
officials of the government would put him Eastern Washington lire briugiug as good can use this remedy without praising it.
in prison. Miller is very bitter against figures as any, anil iu some cuses faucy It always gives prompt relief. It is espe­
the men iu control in Hawaii. He de puces, even when sold beside the corn- cially valuable for colds as it relieves the
uoiiuces the treatment accorded political fed steers of Kansas aud Nebraska. lungs, makes breathing easier and aids
prisoners ns barbarous iu the extreme, Grass fed cattle will soon be moving out expectoration. A cold will never result in
when this remedy is taken and
ami says that men are dying iu prison for aud shipments will lie made continuously pneumonia
reasonable care is exercised. For sale by
want of air aud proper food. He predicts until late iu the fall. Cattlemen are E. A. Sherwin.
that a filibustering expedition will be hoping for bright sunshine localise rapid
organized to go to Honolulu and rescue growth of grass.
Governor Lord has called a convention
the political prisoners. When asked if
of mayors and representatives of com­
Fur a nice shave try Eggers & Storey, mercial bodies to be held at Salem on
he was doue with Hawaii, the poet said:
“I have uot begun. I am going to wait Asblan:! hotel block.
April 22d for the purpose of considering
aud see who goes down there to liberate
the m atter of the presentation of a token
O regon H istory.
those ineu. Possibly they may lie set at
to the new battleship “Oregon ”
Idierty when their captors get badly
Mr. F. J. Whitney, geueral passenger
Ladies, inspect that new line of Broad-
scared, for they are awful cowards. But agent of the Great Northern railway, has
if they do uot liberate them, the very addressed circular letters to the various head drees gixxls just received at Vaupel,
last and lowest of political prisoners, aud county school superintendents of Oregon Norris & Drake’s.
then return the luuds appropriated for inviting their co-operation in briugiug a
The Brown Shoe Co’s shoes are the
the natives and the queen under the name subject of more than ordiuary iuterest, best made for the m >ney. Go to The
of crown lauds, I shall go to Japau. I viz., the study of local history, to the at­ Fair.
am no stranger at the J apauese court. I tention of school children. Mr. Whitney
think 1 shall only have to state the case offers various valuable prizes for the best
and promise political rights to the written essays, descriptive and historical
oppressed 20,000 contract slaves of Japan papers, on Oregon, aud invites teachers
down there to get an ironclad.
and students to correspond with him at
"There are hundreds of good men St. Paul for further particulars. He says:
down there kept iu the vilest prisons by There is a tendency among Amencaus to
men who lietraved a womau aud robbed depreciate their own couutry, and yet it
her, aud there is plenty of gold aud a is the best couutry ou earth. European
kingdom waiting for whoever will liberate distances are but a step to ours. I t has
those good men. The soldiers dowu been said that the Thames would scarcely
there will uot fight for Dole. They won’t make a gargle for the mouth of the Mis­
tight to keep those men iu prison. I t i6 sissippi or of the Columbia. Within our
not human. Iu fact they are all falling borders are fouud fruits, grain and herds
out. I doubt if Dole has any friends at with which to fill the storehouses and
all who are not under pay as civil or feed the hungry of every land. Some­
military officers, or iu some way selfishly where iu our oountry the fragrance of the
interested iu .his oligarchy. There has rose is ever inhaled. Our mountains
lieen nothing nearly so monstrous since have summits that pierce the thin air of
the reign of terror.”
eternal winter; whose sides are clothed
with forests aud veined with gold and
Impure Water. .
silver and copper aud every kind of metal
Gue foul germ oonveyed into the body useful in manufactures aud art. Our
by impure water, tainted food, or pol­ rivers move in majesty through fertile
lute«! air, may generate a pestilential plains, and ou their selfsame banks are
swarm. The germs which are responsi­ fouud arctic pine aud tropic palm, be­
D r iv e n O u t o f t h e S y s t e m b y
ble for typhoid aud malarial fevers will tween which grow staple products not
th e U se of
not fiud lodgment in the system, if the equalled in any other country. We are
stomach, liver and bowels are kept in a the best fed aud the be6t clothed people
condition of health by the use of Ayer’s on earth. Iu no other couutry is there
Sarsaparilla. Be sure to ask for Ayer’s. such universal diffusion of intelligence
and morality. No where else is there
I t is the best.
“For five years, I was a great Oj
such freedom of thought aud actiou. Let
sufferer from a most persistent 2:
A m erican P ublications.
us believe iu our land above all lauds.
blood disease, none of the various ¿5
| Philadelphia Leilger. |
Let us tVavel over and study its re-
medicines 1 tJoK l»eing of any s
Il is interesting to note the enormous sourcts, beauty aud variety before we
help whatever. Hoping that oj,
increase the business of publishing news spend money and time in foreign lands.
change of climate would l»enefit ®:
pa,»ers ami periodicals has undergone iu L et us labor to fill it with more prosper­
me, I went to Cuba, to Florida,
Lins couutry during the last 25 years. It ity, intelligence and happiness, and see
and then to Saratoga Springs, ?I
is without parallel anywhere in the world. that liberty, justice and honor reign su­
wiiere I remained some time 2«
Statistics show that iu 1870 there were preme.
drinking the waters. But all was
5781 publications; now there are 20,000,
no use. A t last, being advised o-
A journalist is a man who talks about
by several friends to try Ayer’s 2’
“ varying from daily to quarterly.” Of
Sarsaparilla, I began taking it, O:
this total 1855 are dailies, and 14,077 being on a newspaper, but is nob A
and very soon favorable results O:
weeklies. Iu 1890 the aggregate capital newspaper man is one who is on a news­
were manifest. To-day I con­ O;
represented by thAe publications was paper and makes no fuss about it. A
sider myself a perfectly healthy o:
alxnit $105,000,000; to produce them, 106, farmer is a man who works the soil, und
man, with a good appetite and oj
095 persons were employed; the wages au agriculturist is a man who works the
not the least trace of my former o’
paid amounting to $70,000,000 per annum, farmer, while a promoter is a mau who
while the material used cost $40,000,000.
and especially young men like O:
Must Keep Out of T em p tatio n .
myself, 1 recommend Ayer’s Sar­ O;
The W. O. T. U. will serve supper at
saparilla, if ip need of a perfectly o:
Granite Hall April 1st, from 5 o’clock till
Fort Howard, Wis., March 28.—The
reliable blood-purifier. — J ose S’
8, to lie followed by a program by the I t St. Paul Railroad company has summa­
A. E scobar , proprietor Hotel
G. lodge..
rily dismissed eleven engineers aud thir­
Victoria, Key West, Fla.; resi­ °:
1. «5 rand opening chorus.
ty firemen from its divisiou running luto
dence, 352 W. 16th St., New York. 9:
2. K ecitatiou, B enutba Van Aredale.
this city because the men freqnent sa­
3. Kazoo sol,», Bianca Uroeuveldt.
loons when off duty. This is iu accord­
4. Tableiix—Flower of the Family.
Solo, Kaygniiosia Suuilipniz.
ance with the recent determination of the
A mixed
zed i allair.
c tiupauy to disconuteuance the practice.
Tableux—A Bridal Scene.
Blood Poison
S herwin ,
T h e D ru g g is t.
In addition to increasing Prescription work, will handle
for his customers a full line of
T h ese P ric e s a n d y o u w ill forget y o u r
debts. W e sell you flo o d s c h e a p e r
th a n y o u can steal th e m a n d not get
c a u g h t. T ry us once
| S p ray in g JVIaterial, |
Sulphur, Bluestone,
P a r i s G r e e n , L io n d o n P u r p l e .
T w o t o n s o i t h e s tu f? p o w in s to c k
npore on t h e w a g .
Low Prices are guaranteed on all ingredients that aid
SL in the protection of our fruit industry.
C as h P a id fo r P rim e Y e llo w B e e s w a x .
E. fl. Sherwin. 3
At th e S oldiers’ Home.
The new board of trustees of the Ore­
gon Soldiers’ Home met in this city
Tuesday morning, says the Roseburg
Review, and elected C. B. Ormsby presi­
dent, aud Wm. Galloway, vice president.
0. Graham was made secretary pro tern.
Auditing committee, Ormsby, Robertson,
and Galloway; executive, Ormsby, Alley
and Robertson. The board speut Tues­
day and Wednesday at the home making
a kiud of a general inspection, going over
the books, accounts, etc., and getting
onto the everyday life aud work there.
Their idea is to thoroughly inspect every­
thing and reorganize matters, wherever
they consider a change udvisable. Re­
garding salaries, the board have made the
following changes iu the line of retrench­
* 360
Farmer and teamster (con­
Extra help
The net saving according to the new
schedule will be over $1400 a year.
Sh r u u to n ’s B ra ss JPins, 2 p a p e rs for 5c.
B est q u a lity H o o k s a n d E y es, 4 doz. for 5c.
M il w a rd ’s Sew ing N eedles, 3 p a p e rs for 10c.
G ood q u a lity C o tto n C ra s h , 5c a y a rd .
E x tr a q u a lity L in e n C ra sh , 3 y a rd s for 25c.
C o rtic illa Spool S ilk , 5c p e r spool.
M a rc h a t’s L in e n T h re a d , 5c p e r spool.
D ic k e n ’s L ead P e n c ils, ru b b e r tip , 10c p er doz.
F e a th e r D u ste rs, e x tr a q u a lity , 25c.
GO-inch tajie m easu res, 25c p er doz.
GO-inch T ap e M easures, sa tin d o u b led s titc h e d , 10c e ach .
L a d ie s’ F in e C lo th T op Shoes, o n ly a few left, sizes 2 | , 3
a n d 3 |, red u c ed to 75c a p a ir.
L a d ie s’ B lack H ose, good q u a lity , 3 p a ir for 25c.
I n f a n ts ’ a n d C h ild r e n ’s Shoes from 35c up.
M atch es, 2 b u n c h e s for 5c.
M e n s’ B lack S a tin S h irts, 25c.
M e n s’ E x tr a H e a v y O v e ralls, 50c.
M e n s’ S u sp e n d e rs, good q u a lity , fro m 15c u p .
Mens’ Heavy Seamless Sox, 5c a pair. Ladies' Flue Lace Haudkerchiefa, 10c up.
Mens' Fedora Hats, latest shapes, $1 up. Lamp Cbitnueys, to dose, 10c.
Mens’ Woolen Underwear, to close, 50c. Lamps, complete, to cli»se, 50c.
The stock-holders of the famous Ham- Mens’ Red Flannel Underwear, 75c, $1. Lamp Burners, to close, 5c.
mersly mine at Jump-Off-Joe held their The Finest Assortment of Hats aud Geuts’ Furuishiug Goods in Southern Oregon.
auuual meeting in the law office of Ham­
mond & Vawter today. G. R. Hammersly,
was elected president; Austin S. Ham­
mond, vice-president; J . L. Hammersly, ---------- A ll G oods S a tisfa c to ry o r M oney R e f u n d e d .----------
secretary aud treasurer, and Riley Hura-
rnersly, general manager. The property
owned by the company is bonded for sale,
but the present owners will work portions
of the mine until the purchasers make
A S H LA N D , OR.
— o-
final payment.—[Medford Monitor.
The best goods—at cash prices, ¡ b the
inducement at O. W inter’s.
The motto of California means, I have
found it. Only that land of sunshine,
where the orange, lemon, olive, tig and
grape bloom and ripen, and attain their
highest perfection in mid-winter, are the
herbs and gum found, that are used in that
pleasant remedy for all throat aud lung
SANTA ABIE the ruler of coughs, asthma
and consumption. Mr. Sherwin has been
appointed agent for this yaluahle Cali­
fornia remedy, and sells it under n guar­
antee at 50c and $1 a hottie. Three for
*2 50
otilv guaranteed cure for catarrh. $1, by
mail $1.10.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
Governor Lord received au invitation
some days ago nsking that his excellency
appoint delegates to correspond with the
American-Mexienu Exposition Co. He
has appointed the following people to act
as such: Hon. Henry Failing, Portland;
Hon. J. T. Apperson, Oregon City; Hon.
J. B. Waldo, Maeleay; Hon. C. C. Beek-
man, Jacksonville; J. W. French, The
Dalles; Nathan Pierce, Milton, aud Sam<-
uel Elmore, Astoria.
Moore’s Revealed
Woman’s Friend.
So successful and delightful have been the
delicate ailm ents of wom ankind, th a t this won
derful remedy has been called
"W oman’s
In a few doses shows womankind its peculiar
virtues for th eir ailm ents. Its effects are gentle,
soothing and uniform ly successful.
Mtick in itia tio n .
Tableux-Transm aguiticaujuhandsheality.
Solo, Sami ta Sou wies.
(.'losing tableux.
Admission 10c; supper 15c.
A d m itte d f o r E x h ib itio n
Sick headache, constipation aud indiges-
tiou are quickly cured by De Witt’s Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills. E. A-
W O R L D 'S
F A I R 2?
ami not FOLLOW .
you wonld make money, BUY when other people are SE L L IN G —S E L L
wheu other people are BUYING.
i large Lot and small house,
3 Choice Improved Lots in
the Railroad addition at a bar- convenient to center of town,
for $250.
Ite a l E s ta te and In s u ra n c e .
A Chance for All!
Don't miss our
Mens’ Good Working Shoes, 75c per pair.
Mens’ Fine Shoes (odd lots) worth $4, for
$2.50 a pair.
Cottonade Pants for $1 a pair.
the Coast bear witness to its soee.ess.
Sold by all druggists.
B a rg a in s u n e q u a le d in M e n s’ a n d B o y s’ S u its.
W e Are never behind. O ur stock of Spring Goods is most al 1
ready for inspection at our store. It was purchased in the east at
lower prices than we ever obtained before and of course our custom­
ers will divide the profits with us as usual.
W e would call the attention of the ladies to a few lines o
Goods—just a few, and then we know they will come around and
see the rest:
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
A y e t e Sarsaparilla |
F in e lin e M en s’ 90c C o tto n a d e P a n ts all re d u c e d to 50c p er
p a ir d u r in g m o n th o f F e b ru a ry .
H undreds of testim onials from ladies ail over
Which means
I e ll o n e )
efteets of ‘‘Moore’s Revealed Remedy” upon the
In first class style and at prices in
keeping with the times.
i (U
U n
n le
I A s fta
vnu a
r n t th
h f e t
s you
Ashland, Oregon.
Soothes and Heats.
SANTA ABIE soothes end heals the
membranes of the throat and lungs, when
poisoned and inflamed by disease, it pre­
vents night sweats and tightness across the
chest, cures coughs, croup, asthma, colds,
bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping-cough
and a'l other thtoat and lung troubles. No
other medicine is so successful in curing
nasal catarrh as CALIFORNIA CAT-R-
CURE. The enormous and increasing
demand for these standard California
remedies confirm their merits. Sold and
absolutely guaranteed by Sherwin nt $1 a
package. Three for $2.50.
520 A cres Foot H ill L an d a t $4 p e r acre.
There are many accidents and diseases
which effect stock and cause serious incon­
venience and loss to the farmer in his
work, which may be quickly remedied by
the nse of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic ( »it
Liniment. Sold by E. A. Sherwin.
Is conducting the Shoemaking business
next to the Ashland House alone again
and is prepared to do everything iu the
line of
O u tin g F la n n e ls ,
G in g h a m s ,
P r in ts ,
peV ? a r 4 .
B e lg ra v e O rg a n d ie s , 20e yd
I n V e lv ets we h a v e all th e
la te a n d m o st fash io n a b le
sh a d e s— r ig h t u p to d a te .
P r in te d D im itie s , 15c y d .
R a y u re de Soie,
Laces and Trim m ings.
N a n k in C o stu m e C rep e,
N ice a s s o rtm e n t j u s t re ­
ceiv ed .
M o u sse lin e D e L ’In d o .
Hardware, Stoves, Ranges.
Farmers’ Implements and Tools.
Then, too, we have a line line of silks:
W orsted Dress Goods.
S IL K S :
W e- h a v e th e m in fan cy
F ig u re d P ongee,
a n d p la in , c o m p ris in g th e
F a n c y S ilk s for W aists,
F ig u re d In d ia S ilk s a t 25c y d . n ic e st a s s o rtm e n t e v e r seen
in S o u th e rn O reg o n .
Sw ivel S ilk s.
Ashland, Oregon.
N . B .— W e b u y n o jo b lots.
'flic Ástail Hute
J . H . M c B R ID E ,
P ro p rie to r.
Has haen cnmplataly renovata! and refitted thruiighniit, and is now
i»l»eu for.the aoutnimtHlutiou of the travaliug public