W . L . D ouclas S3 SHOE his life he was never capable of hign ; and abstract views; but he knew all special things as if by intuition. His M o n d a y ............................... M arch 11, 189Ô m ind flashed out, lightning-like, in this ; " U S J a “ k % t o . 5. CORDOVAN, direction and in that; the blaze of it il- ■ luntiued many a dark and blood-splashed .»3.MFlMtCAUiiKAMG«0a S c o tt’s E m ulsion has been endorsed bv physicians nhvsicians of th e place; but from th at prodigious intellect >3.»OP0LICE,3 SOLES. there was never diffused a broad and whole w orld. T h e re is n o secret a b o u t it in g red ien ts. 42^ o «2. WORKING»^ universal light. Much of this must be P hy sician s p rescribe -E X T R A F IN E - T h e Incipient Hero Com pletes attributed to his inborn character; and »2.’ l.7?B0YSSffl0«.Sm something to th e manner of his educa­ -L A D IE S - His Military Studies. tion. The year 1785 was in all respects c rit­ ical to Bonaparte. His course a t the M ili­ r f f g ’s r a f f i i u . A LIEUTENANT 0E ARTILLEEY. for Infants because th ey know w hat g re a t nourish in g and curative p ro p ­ tary School ended w ith August of that DROCKTOH.^\ASS year. He was adm itted to his final ex­ Over One Million People wear the e rties it contains. T hey know it is w hat it is rep re sen te d C m tori a cures Colic, Constipation, Yuverty C om p els H im to J o u ru ey to U is am ination almost precisely at his six­ •‘Castoria Is so wen adapted to children that W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation, to be ; nam ely, a p e rfe c t em ulsion of th e b est N orw ay Cod- I ricouiiueuil it as superior to any prescription teenth birthday. Nearly six months be­ B e g im e u t ou F o o t—Social G ayetit« at Kills Worms, given Bleep, and promotes al- Alt our shoes are equally satisfactory known to me.” H. A. A ucheb , if. D., liv e r Oil w ith th e h y p o p h o sp h ites of lim e and soda. gestion, fore this time his father, wlffi had found th e B a rra ck s—D eath o f H is F ath er. They g iv e th e beet value for th e m oney. lus medication ithout injurio Wii I ll So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. a temporary residence at Montpellier, They eoual custom ehoee In sty le end lit. F irst C om m and o f S old iers Iu th e F ield . Tor Goughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump­ Their w earing qualities nre unsurpassed. came to the final scene. The visionary I he prices are uniform .— stamped on sole, •• For several years I have recommended [Copyright. IsOo, by John Clark Ridpath.) tion, Scrofula, Anaemia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Rickets, Mar­ “ The use of ‘Castoria’ is so universal and and unsuccessful Buonaparte had dis­ prom $■ to $J sav ed over other m akes. its tn m u so well known that it seems a work your * Castoria,' and shall always continue to 11 your .k-vk-r cannot supply you we can. bold by IV.— L ’E cole M iu ta ir f . and V alence . covered a refuge for himself at the of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the do so as it has invariably produced beneficial asmus, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting. intelligent families who do nut keep Castoria results.” When Cadet Bonaparte,in the autum n chateau of Madame Perniön, mother of T he only gen u in e S co tt’s E m ulsion is p u t iu salmon- Euwis F. Patton, If. D., within easy reach ” ___ of 1784, was promoted to the M ilitary the Duchess d ’Ab?antes of great fame. Cauu* M artyn , D. D , “ The Winthrop,” 145th Street and 7th Ave., colored wrapper. R efuse inferior su b stitu te s ! New York City. School in Paris, he was in his sixteenth There, on the 24th of February, he ex­ New fo rk City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Send fo r pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. F R E E . year. He had now made his way by pired, of a chronic malady, perhaps can­ stages, beginning w ith his tenth year, cer of the stomach—most fatal premoni­ Scott A. Bow ne, N. Y . All Druggists. 50 cents and $1. T a s CswrauB C ompart , 77 U dbsat S treet , N sw Y obs . from his native place to the capital of tion of w hat should happen to his famous France; and if of France, then of the son thirty-six years afterwards. world. Three mouths at Antun, four Hard was this stroke of death on the A N D V IC IN IT Y : years—and more—at Brienne, and now members of Buonaparte’s family. From that five years previously this same N o tice o f A s s ig n m e n t to the school iu Paris. At the last named the tim e of his union w ith L etitia Ra- "H istoire Philosophique” had been Mrs, E. B, Christian w ishes to announce place he was destined to rem ain less than moliuo—a period of twenty years—th ir­ burned at the stake—so to speak—in T riu m p h o f Bad S p ellin g . Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Josephine 11. that she has titte«l np dressm aking parlors Crocker. who has been carry iug on a mercantile at the Chitwood residence, opim site H otel Mr. R. E. Bartlett,Chelmsford, writes; a year. Thus far he seemed to be rising teen children had been born. Eight of Paris, and its author driven into exile. at the city of Ashland, slate of Oregou, Meanwhile, in August of 1787, while business "1 can beat the achievement of Charles toward a career of activity, if not of dis­ these were living; three were iu France, under the name and style of "The Crocker Oregon, amt is prepared t o do all kinds o f tinction; but there was never a time and five w ith the mother in Ajaccio. All the members of our Constitutional Con­ Grocery Company,” lias this .lav made au as­ Edward, who, by spelling box ‘botsk,’ of all her property for the benefit of made more mistakes than the letters ad­ when his pathway was more clouded were at the door of penury. It is a law vention were hard at work iu Philadel­ signment — V IA ------ all Iter creditors, without preference, and has m it of. I have in my possession a letter than during his stay at L ’Ecole Mili- of nature and of man that everv mother phia building their ship of state, an in ­ appointed the undersigned as assignee, which this assignee lias accepted. All persons who bears thirteen children is a heroine; surrection against the French govern­ trust addressed many years ago to my father, taire. haying claims against said estate are required At reasonable prices. The school at which he now became a but Madame de Buonaparte had now m ent broke out in Lyons, fifty-three to present them to me, at Ashland, Oregou. in which 13 mistakes are made in a sin­ properly veritied, within three mouths from student was the best in the kingdom. It to go into the fields and plaut mulberry miles up the river from Valence; and date hereof; ami all persons owing said estate ---- OF THE----- gle word of five letters. The word is, or was m eant to be, usage; the spelling had been reformed and renewed as a re- trees for a living! Marbceuf finally pre­ the Regiment La Fere was ordered to are hereby notified to make immediate pay­ K icmakr B kswkk , vailed w ith the authorities to make Jo ­ put down the revolt. Ou the march ment thereof. Assignee is yowzitch. There are thus five sins of the estate of Josephine seph Bonaparte also (we will now drop thither Napoleon Bonaparte, lieutenant of omission and eight of commission; D. Crocker, an insolvent debtor. Dated at Ashland,Oregon, this March 2d, 1895. the Italian form Buonaparte) a m ilitary of artillery, had his first command of total, 18.” — London News. Express Trains leave Portland daily. pensioner. But the father’s death aud soldiers iu the field. The business’of .the; meal markets of R F. SOUTH. ___ _______ NORTH. Neil and J..E. Felton ¡«.carried ou.now at ihe J ohn C lark R idpath . P r e tty T hin. Napoleon’s protest countervailed the Ar. 8:20», M 6:15 p . m . Lv. Portland, O rd e r to S h o w C ause. Lv.l 4:40 P. M. lu 40 a . m . Ar. Ashland, project, and Joseph was doomed .to re­ They have recently made gold leaf by Exposure to rough weather, dampness, Ar. 4:10 P. M. 11:10 a . m . ì L v . Ashland, Iu the County Court of the State ol Oregou, main a cadet of the Church. For Julien, extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an Lv. 7:00 P M electro-chemical processes as thin as I ij A j a . m . Ar. San Francisco, for the County of Jackson. who developed a passion for polite stud­ four-millionths of an inch thick, if you Above trains stop at all stations from In the nt tier of the estate o' Nancy <’. attack of rheumatism or neuralgia; Poitlaud to Albany inclusive; also, Tangent, can imagine that. ies aud wished to be a priest, a scholar­ chapped hands and face, cracked lips aud Herriu, deceased. It was exactly 1-2,- sbedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Order to show cause why order of sale of The old Pelton market, on the west side ship was obtained for the school at B ri­ violent itching of -the skin also owe their real Irving, Eugene, and at all statious from Rose- 798,000 of an inch. The highest previous estate should not be made. of Main| street near the bridge, »here It appearing to the Judge of said court, by burg ; I to Ashland inclusive. enne. Such is the perversity of fate. As origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H. Mc­ thinness ever reached was 1-867,850. old aud new customers will find us bet­ the jietition this day presented and tiled by P. R O SK K U ItU M A IL (D a lly .) Lean’s Volcanic Oil Liuimeui should Ite to Napoleon, it was agreed that instead ter prepared than ever to nerve them This is 10,584 times thinner than ordi­ Dunn, the administrator of the estate of Nancy LEAVE ARRIVE with the choicest of meats and.iu first- of going into the navy, as Keralio had kept ou hand at all times for immediate C. Herriu, deceased, praying for an order of nary thin w riting paper.—Journal of Portland : . 9:90 a M I Roseburg 5:50 pm class style at lowest prices of real estate, that it is necessary to sell recommended aud as Marboeuf had w ish­ application when troubles of this nature sale Roseburg 7:00 am | Portland 4:30 pm Education. ___ whole of the real estate to pay the claims appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25c, the O i-e g fo n . said estate and the expenses'of admin­ zk îsli I n m l . ed, he should become instead a lieuten­ 50c I l in in g C a rs on O g d e n R o u te . In these days of telephone, telegraph, aDd 81 per bottle. Sold by E. A. against istration, amounting, in the aggregate, to $3000. ant iu the artillery. After his gradua­ electricity and steam , people can’t afford It is, therefore, ordered by the judge of said Sherwin. tion, he should be assigned to the Regi court that all persons interested in the estate to wait days or as m any hours for relief. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS of said deceased, appear before said county This is our reason for offering yon One D o N ot S leep ou th e L eft Side. meut La Fere, stationed at Valence, on court on Tuesday, the 3d day of April, A. I). M innte Cough Cure. N either days, nor the left bank of the Rhone, three hun­ 1895, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, There is little doubt that an immense hours, nor even m inutes elapse before re­ SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS, lief is afforded. E. A. Sherwin. the court room of said county court at the dred miles away as the bird flies— far to number of persons habitually sleep ou at if you use the Petalum* -ourt house, in the county of Jackson, to show ATTACHE» to all through trains . Incnbatsrs a Brooder». the south. tho left side, and those who do so can cause why an order should not be granted to Make money while said administrator to sell all of the (herein­ The final examination at L ’Ecole Mili- never, it is said, be strictly healthy. It the NAPOLEON AT THIRTY, W e st S id e D iv is io n . others are wasting after described real estate of the said deceased tim e byold processes. taire was passed. Like many other in ­ is the most prolific cause of nightmare, as shall be necessary, to-wit: suit of recent agitations; and the insti­ BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS | Catalogtells all about 34.73 it, andaescribes every M a ll T r a in D a ily (E x c e p t S u n d a y ) tution was at this tim e well fitted to lie cipient m ilitary heroes—our own in­ and also of the unpleasant taste in the The w est------of the south half of J. 8. Herrin article needed for thi Ar. I 5:35 r. ■ 51.12 Lv. Portland, the finishing ground for a young m ili­ cluded—Napoleon did not obtain a high mouth on arising in the morning. All 7:30 A. M. poultry business. Lv. I 1:00 P. M Donation Land Claim, No. 47, in township 38 Ar. Corvallis, 12:15 p. M. rank in his classes. His papers gave him food enters and leaves the stomach ou tary aspirant. L ’Ecole M ilitaire de Paris south, range one (1) west, Jackson county. Or­ with train» The “ ERIE » only the forty-second place from the the rig h t side, aud hence sleeping on the egon, containing f>9.2'J acres of laud. Aud it is held the relation to that of Brienne and ol Oregon Pacific Railroad. mechanically the best ordered that a copy of this order lie left side soon after eating involves a sort further the others of college to academy. The head. Louis Antoine Bourieune, his fu kwheel. Prettiest model, published iu ttie A shland T idings ior the E x p r e s s T r a in D a ily (E x c e p t S u n d a y tnre private secretary, had been far of pumping operation which is any­ lw e are Pacific Coast period of four weeks and also served on Mary curriculum was more ample and the ’Agents. Bicycle cata Your husband will notice a greal above him at Brienne. Des Maris, his thing but conducive to sound repose. A. Kilgore, Ivan Kilgore, Harold Kilgore and 8:25 A. M Lv. Portland, Ar. 4 :40 P. M. mothods more rational in the first than logue,mailed free,give« Freddie Herrin, as bv law provided. 5:50 A. M Ar. McMinnville, Lv. 7:25 r. M. improvement in your cooking, Dated Feb. 12th, 1895. those pursued in the provincial in stitu ­ favorite classmate, was now graduated The action of the heart is also seriously I full description. prices, etc., aofnts wanted . [Record signed) J. R. N eii ., Co. Judge. T hrough T ick ets to all P oints in the PETALUMA IHCUBATPR CO.,Petalnma,CaL w hen tions. Here tho academio training of far below him at L ’Ecole M ilitaire. But interfered w ith aud the lungs unduly Attest N. A. Jacobs, Co. Clerk. B ranch H ouse , 251 S Main fet., Los Angeles, E astern S ta te s, C anada’and Europe, the grade was sufficient; and he was en compressed. Hence it is best to cultivate Napoleon B onaparte— as that of his I au be obtained at lowest rates from E. C. abledw ith his commission as lieutenant the habit of always sleeping ou the right younger brother Lucien afterwards— Kaue, agent, Ashland, Or. R KOEHLER E. P. ROGERS, was completed. From this school he to choose the artillery as his arm of the side, although Saudow and other strong N o tice to C o-O w ners. SOCIETIES. Manager. Asst G. F. A Pass Agent. men are said to invariably sleep on their was to be delivered, as if by a second service. Your house will not be filled with For two months (August to October, backs.—Philadelphia Times. To O. Ganiard and II. L. White, their heirs or birth, to the world. the odor of hot lard, w h en assignees: Thomas F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C. 1785) the restraints of red tape held back The social character of Napoleon now Directory, Ashlanl. H eadache is tho direct result of in diges­ You are hereby notified that the uudersigued, Masonic Rouse, Receivers began to show itself more distinctly. Lieutenant Bonaparte from going to his tion and stomach disorders. Rem edy these vour co-owner, lias, in accordance with revised statutes of the United States, performed labor Back at Brienne he had been introduced place. His means gave utterly out. At by usiug De W itt’s L ittle Early Risers, and aud made improvements of the value of one MALTA COMMANDERY NO 4, K. T. headache disappears. T oe favorite hundred dollars ($100) on the I.ast Chance by General Marbœnf to some private last, late in the fall of 1785, he set out your little p ills everywhere. E. A. Sherwin. (quartz) lode mining claim, situated in Gall's Meets first Wednesday of each month. Your doctor will lose some of his by conveyance from Paris as far as fam ilies of distinction. Them he im ­ E. C. KANE, K. C. creek mining district, Jackson county, Oregon, Dyspepsia cases, w hen and that if you fail to contribute or cause to be pressed as a peculiar, forceful and soli­ Lyons, but was then obligod, from sheer T he F a ll In E n glish W h eat. E. D. Briggs, Recorder. contributed’ your share ol said one hundred Ashland, Oregou. tary genius, more capable of heroic inability to pay Iris fare, to walk the re The fall iu the production and price dollars, together with costs aud interest, ntaiuder of the journey to Valence. of wheat and other grain iu England is amounting to fifty dollars ($50), with costs and dreams and boyish monologue than of * SISKIYOU CHAPTER, No. 21, R. A. M. due for the year A. D. 1894, within polite conversation or social amenities. There he arrived, aud took his place in shown in a manner which startles B rit­ interest ninety (90, days after the expiration of this Regular convocations ou the Thursday next the Regiment La Fere—doubtless so Going to Paris, his acquaintance was Your children can safely eat the ish agriculturists by the returns of the notice, all your right, title, and interest will be­ after the full moon. come the property of your co-owner. called because it had no iron in it! C. H. VAi'MtL, H. P. somewhat enlarged. M arbœnf’s nephew, *11II 111:111 board of agriculture for the year just same food as yourself, w hen Dated Jan. 21. 1895, O liver C. T iffany . J. R. Casey, Sec’y. J9-36 Great was Napoleon’s surprise at the closed. Five years ago the sales of B rit­ the Bishop of Autun, now lived at Ver­ S le e p in g C a r s character of the discipline. By the offi­ sailles; and that worthy was glad, after ish wheat reached 8,500,000 quarters, ASHLAND LODGE NO. 23, A. F. A A. M K ie p in l i t To W h o m it May C o n c e rn . the lapse of five years, to receive his for­ cers and nion almost everything was the average price being $7.80. Last Stated eouimuuieatiou ou thuThursday ol or lin in g C m *« mer pupil, greatly grown in intellect practiced except those exercises which year less than 2,000,000 quarters were Your money will be saved, and The duplicate receipt having beon lost, I before the full moou. J. P. GILMORE, W. M. and person, but virtually the same in tended to make them soldiers. They produced at $5.55. Barley and oats have hereby give notice of tny intention to apply for iC o u v is t your cooking praised, w h en J. R. Casey, Secretary. the repayment of purchase money paid on en­ demeanor. Elise, the sister of Bona­ were gay, dissipated, frivolous. The pay also decliuod. try of lot 8. sec 31, tp 39 s, r 1 e, W M, as per S le e p in g ’ C a r s was insufficient to support them iu their parte, had m eanwhile been brought out certificate No. 1456*6, issued at Roseburg, Or., ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. K. 8. T h e Czar Is L ib eral. being dated April 10th, 1867. from Corsica, and was now a member career of pleasure aud vice; but they ST. P A U L Slated tueetiugs ou 1st aud 3d Tuesday in D. P. W alrad . were nearly all scious of the nobility of the Royal School for G irls at Saint- A Moscow correspondent tells a story each month. Ashland, Or., Feb. 7, 1895. Famous cooks, prominent phy­ M lN NKA POLIS Cyr. So th at the young man bad now a and knew not w hat it was to be lim ited of the new czar which is quite iu ac­ M rs . ALICE KANE, W. M. sicians and thousands of every­ Mrs. E. A. Sherwin. Secretary. D U L U T H _______ few friends and some social advantages. in the means of gratification. Napo­ cordance with all that has been heard day housekeepers endorse i t T o t h e P u b lic . For the rest, he pursued in Paris the leon’s poverty and ambition alike held of his character. In the list of officers FARGO him back for a moment from this m an­ Will you give it a trial ? same self-centered life as at Brienne. ASHLAND LODGE No 4 recommended for promotion recently Notice is hereby given that Frank ('. Huut is G R A N D FORKS TO He was a hard student—in his way. He ner of life; but, strange to say, he pres­ presented to him mention was made of aulhorized to collect all bills due Ihe under­ •o ld in Sand a pound palls, t y all grocery CROOKSTON___ signed and unpaid. H. D. P arker . I. O. O. F., still disprized the polite branches of edu ently threw himself into the swim, aud the age and the religion of the nomi­ Ashland, Or., Jan. 28, 1895. W IN N IP E G Made only by cation in favor of the exact sciences and during the w inter of 1785-86 he dissi­ nees. The emperor struck out the col­ Holds regular meetings ev e tj Saturday even iug at their hall iu Ashlaud. Brethren iu good H E L E N A and When you visit Portland stop at the standing geography. In humane inquiry, his sole pated like the rest. umn about religion, saying that it was T h e N . K. F airbank are cordially iuvlted to alteud. Valence was a small but im portant New Esmond Hotel, one of the best iu endeavor was to m aster History. His BUTTE A. D. HELMAN, N. G. no concern of his. Company, the city with reasonable prices to suit H. S. E-aus, Secretary, study, however, iu this field did not city. The young m ilitary officers were It is not a m iracle. It won’t cure every­ everyone. American or European plan. ST . LOVIS a n d welcomed by ambitious fam ilies into thin-» . but it w ill cure piles. T hat’s what T H R O U G H T IC K E T S reach historical generalization or Oil—an,»«w Yolk, * -----TO------ PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT NO 16, I O O F broad philosophy. He stopped w ith the their draw ing rooms. För the nonce, De W itt’s Witch H azel Salve will do, be­ Our paper ou file there. C H IC A GO cause it has done it in huudreds of cases. Meets iu Odd Fellows’s Hail every 2d aud 4tl individual. He dw elt w ith interest and Bonaparte concluded that he must be­ Monday in each mouth. Members iu good W A SH ING TO N enthusiasm upon the lives of great men come accomplished!—that he must he a E. A. Sherwin. standing cordially iuviled to allend. A T ra g ic C om p lica tio n . i T h e G r e a t « H u d y a H. S. EVANS, C. P. Plutarch he knew almost by heart. The social lion and quaff the bowl of pleas­ P H IL A D E L P H IA It may as well be adm itted aud faced N- Robt. Taylor, Scribe. ure w ith his fellows. He had social pass­ ‘‘So you refuse me!” said Charley well-known stories which in that age NEW YORK squarely that the atrocities committed passed for history he conned w ith the ports from Marboeuf's nephew, who was Callow bitterly. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE NO. 14 upon the Armenians by the combined BOSTON A N D ALL now the young Bishop of Autun. "O f course,” said the charm ing wid­ passion of a zealot. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday In each Turks and Kurds, that, too, under the But to a nature such as Napoleon’s PO IN TS EAST and SOUTH In afterlife, the peculiar effect of this ow. month iu Odd Fellows's Hall. Ashlaud. "W o n ’t you even be a sister to me?” discipline was manifested in all of Na pleasure, however torrid, could uot long authority of the Turkish government, M rs . L vklla W hittle , N. G. T IM E S C H E D U L E . Mrs. Mollie Fallow, Sec’y. “ No. I ’m engaged to marry your fa­ poleon’s work and policy. Out of his suffice. The lieutenant presently turned have never been excelled iu fiendishness Wash- history proper he branched in only one upon himself in anger; and a sudden re­ by any of thq deeds of the savage red For information, time cards, maps, and tick­ ther. I ’ll be a mother to you. ets, call on or write S. F. C ass , Agent, Grant’s iugton Star. direction—politics. He became rather form 5vas the immediate result. The Indians of America. Early settlers of K. 0. T . M . Pass, or expert in the political platitudes tutd thoughtful brow and sullen manner re­ this couutry have been known as a last IBEFOREi Granite Tent No. 4, Kuighta of the Maccabees A pair of spectacles cost in the six­ oereiflave of the times. To the end of turned. He went back gloomily to his A I). CHARLTON. Asst. Geu. Pass. Agent, Meet in regular review on the second anc fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd Fel­ It was books; recovered his vantage, and hence resort to kill their wives and daughters 255 Morrison st.eor. 3d, PORTLAND, OREGON. teenth century at least $5.50. lows Hall, Ashlaud. Visiting Sir Knights coi to prevent them from falling into the ROBT. LEONARD, Agent, Ashland. forth to the end of his life—though fashionable to wear them, and the lar dially luvited. E. ALLEN HILDRETH, Com- THE BUSINESS MAN’S LUNCH. many a tim e he heard the Sirens sing­ hands of the Indians, considering quick G. W. CBOWSON, R. K. ger they were the better they were sup ing on near-by shores—he never post­ death the more m erciful fate. Yet civi­ posed to support the d ignity of the Hard W ork and Indigestion go poned his ambitions for the delirious lized w hite nations treat w ith Turkey on w e a r e r . _________ _______ Znights of Fythi&s. L . W . O ARSON. A . H. CARSON. dreams and fleeting hallucinations of Hand in Hand. equal terms. F8RNA1TE LODGE, NO. 28, Knights of Pythia» The swordfish does not use its terri­ dissipated life. This extra­ Conatijiation, LX Ashland, Oregou, meets every Friday ever, ble weapon as a dagger, but as a flaiL ordinary Re- lug. Visiting Knights iu good standing Concentrated thought, continued in, robs Dizziness, During his career as a student, Napo­ Various European celebrities are m ak­ juvenator is ( » I Falling Sen­ cordially invited to attend. the stomach of necessary blood, and this is leon’s general reading had been iu the ing a very good living telling Am eri­ t h e m o s t Great Oaks A. E. GRAHAM, C. C. sations, Nerv­ also true o f hard physical labor. w o n d e r fu l ous twitching F. D. Wagner, K. of R. A S. nature of excursions along the coasts of cans w hat the people of the old world discovery W hen a five horse-power engine is made Front little acorns grow, so also do fatal of ill of the eyes political philosophy. The French m an­ think of us. This has gone about far the age. It diseases spring front sm all beginnings. to do ten horse-power work som ething is and o t h e r has been en­ Very often the hard- Never neglect sym ptom s of K idney Troub­ going to break. parts. ner caught his imagination. He talked Post, No. 28, utee dorsed by the enough. Americans who form their opin­ G A • x x D . I s , Burnside ju Masonic Hall ou the li S ii utiles Sonth o f G rant’s P ass, Josephine les; if allow ed to develop they cause much worked man com ing from the field or the Strengthens, of liberty, of the virtues of the elder leadingscien- suffering and sorrow. Dr. J. H. M cLean's office w ill ‘‘b o lt" his food in a few m in­ in v ig o r a te s aud 3d Saturdays of each mouth. Vtsiliug con cou n ty, Oregon. men of Romans, of hum anity in a state of na­ ions of their own country and people on tific and tones the radescordially welcomed. Liver and K idney Balm is a certain cin e utes which w ill take hours to digest. Then Europe and I. C. DODGE, the basis of the judgm ent formed by entire system. too, many foods are about as useful in the ture—as revealed by Jean Jacques. for anv disease or w eakness o f the K idneys America. Commander. Hudyan cures J as. Chisholm, Hudyan is A trial bottle w ill convince yon o f its great stomach as a keg o f nails would be in a Now, in the spring of 1786—recover­ foreigners are great fools. It is tim e we purely D eb ili t y , Adjutant. vege­ fire under a boiler. The ill-used stomach potency. Price $1 per bottle. Nervousness, ing himself from the w inter’s revel—he turned around and told Europeans what table. refuses to do its work without the proper E m is s io n s , Hudyan stops turned /ro tu the ‘‘Contrat Sociale,’’ we think of them. A Sure Sign. stim ulus which it gets from the blood and BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS, No. 24. and develop« Prematureness The nerves are weak and "ready and restores which he had begun to distrust as a A. —How do yon know that Maier has nerves. Meets at Masonic Hall at 2 o’clock, p. m., oc of the d i s- weak organs. to break," because they do not get the of each mouth. ground of political life, to th e "H istoire Samuel Gompcrs does not believe iu rharge in 20 come in for a fortune? Pains in the first and third Fridays nourishm ent they require front the blood, M rs . J ames C hisholm , Pres. back, losses Philosophique” of the Abbe Raynal. oompulsory arbitration. He thinks it days. Cures B. —Why, formerly people always finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide Mrs. Lydia Griswold, Secy. b y d a y or LOST -C onsisting of- said he was crazy. Now they say he is awake when the overworked man at­ Here he lost himself in the mysteries would be useil agaiust workingmen nigbtstopped M A N H O O D tem pts to find rest in bed. (and mists)"of that science which is said rather than in their favor. His best hope A PPLE, PEAR, PEACH, original.—Lustige Blatter. The application of common sense in the * PLUM. PRUNE, CHERRY, to teach by example. treatment of the stomach and the whole for arbitration is in the perfect organi­ The w ritings of the Abbe Raynal, APRICOT, NECT ARINE. system brings to the busy man the full en ­ joym ent of life and healthy digestion when ALMOND, WALNUT, and from being a conglomerate iu which zation of working people, men and wom­ he takes Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets to qnickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. several strong hands—notably that cf en. When such organization is accom relieve a bilious stomach or after a too When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Prematureness means impotency In the first plished, he says capitalists and employ­ Diderot—had a great part, were now in stage. It is a symptom o f seminal weakness hearty meal, and Dr. Pierce’s Golden When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. and barrenness. It can be stopped in 20 days the ascendant. The French mind caught ers w ill be glad to arbitrate w ith their Medical Discovery to purify, enrich and m s u f Orape Vine, Currants, Gooseberries, by the use o f Hudyan. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. vitalize the blood. The " Pellets ” are tiny them, embraced them, and adored. They employees. Blackberries, Rttspberries, The new discovery was made by the Special­ sugar-coated p ills made o f highly concen­ ‘O O K E A R N E f S When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. were thought for the tim e to be the be- Strawberries, Figs, trated vegetable ingredients which relieve ’Citi corner of Com It is the strongest vitalizer made. It is very One deserves more sympathy for be­ all and the end-all of political philoso­ Etc., Etc. the stomach o f all offending matters easily mercial, San Francisco powerful, but batmless. Sold for >1.00 a pack­ I Cal. Established iu 18M- and thoroughly. They need only be taken age or6 packages for $5.00(plain scaled boxes). phy. Behold Napoleon, whose mind bad ing a fool than for anything else. Onr trees are grown w ithou t irrigation on kfor the treatment of s e x ' Written guarantee given for a cure. I f you buy for a short tim e to cure the biliousness, Red h ill land, and all o f knowu varieties already been well stocked w ith the fas­ anal and Seminal Dis' six boxes and are not entirely cured, six more constipation and slothfulness, or torpor, of that suooeed in Southern Oregon. leases, such as O unor- B ettered . cinating but unprofitable stories of He­ Emperor W illiam lectures his people will be sent to you free of ail charges. the liv er; then the "M edical D iscovery" t hose eontem plating tree p lantin g w ill |r h e a . G leet, M t r l c l - Send for circularsand testimonials. Address rodotus, Diodorus, Strabo, Plutarch, should be taken in tcaspoonful doses to in ­ “ I would like to improve my oppor­ like an old college president. fu r e , S y p h ilis ill all it» do well to v isit ourorohard and nursery, or H U D SO N M E D IC A L IN ST IT U T E , crease the blood and enrich it. It has a ¿form s,Sem inal W ea k ­ Xenophon, et id omne genus,— behold J u n c tio n S to c k to n , M a r k e t A liilt» S w . write us for prioe list. tu n ities," said the good boy. For the latest styles iu hats and gents n ess, Im p oten cy, and Lost Manhood peima- peculiar effect upon the lin in g membranes S a n F ’ a n c ia c o , C a l. Postotfioe — Murphy, Josephine county him at his caudle-lighted, deal-board ta ­ "G et the firm to leave more money in o f the stomach and bowels, toning up and neiitly cures!. The sick and afflicted should not furnishing goods, go to Myer & Gregory.* Oregon K. R. station, Grant’s Pass. fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled the cash drawer, ” suggested the lad of strengthening them for all time. The ble in the barracks of Valence, rising iu j extensively in Europe, and Inspected thor­ CARSON & SON. whole system feels the effect o f the pure thought somewhat from the particulars i evil propensities.—Detroit Tribune. oughly the various hospitals there, obtaining a blood coursing through the body and the of human story to the general laws of great deal of valuable iuformatiou, which he is D on’t iteglect that oongh, it leads to nerves are vitalized and strengthened, not competent.to impart to those in need of bis ser­ a conduct. Be it remembered, however, oonsnm pticn. One M inute Cough Cure deadened, or put to sleep, as the so-called vice«, The Doctor cures wheu others fail. Try possesses a double virtue. It cures and that at that epoch the human mind had him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge uuless o f celery com pounds and nerve m ixtures do he effect a cure. Persons at a distance CUKES cures quickly. E. A. Sherwin. —but refreshed and fed on the food they uot yet gained the first- glimpse of that AT HOME. All commiiutcalious strictly enu- need for health. If you -suffer from indi­ G F Ï É À T Hi-: M . e p universal coherence and consistency of fideutial. All letters answered iu plain envel­ gestion, dyspepsia, nervousness, and any IOT W H A T W I SAY, but of the ills which com e from impure blood all things which constitutes the bottom opes. Charges reasonable. Call or write. Ad­ And other work in proportion dress DR J E.GIBBON,Box 1967, Han Francis­ w hat H ood's Sarsaparilla Does, and disordered stomach, you can cure principle of the New History. As for the co, Qal ifi-< A T M A R K L E ’S SH O P. that tells the story of its m erit and suc­ yo u rself with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical unfledged Jacobinism in him, th at was Discovery which can be obtained at any Spring Street, Ashland. sufficiently inflamed w ith knowledge cess. Rem em ber HOOD'S Cures. drug stoie iu the country - S e m i- W e e k ly T i d i n g s NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. For Twenty Years FBtNCN a CM AMCUXO CALF. Scott’s Emulsion and Children. i:. is. s v i r r i i . Ladies (if Aslilmid EAST - Dressmaking ami Cuttiiii T h e S h a s ta R o u te P elto n & N eil, SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. CHICKEN UISIHII P»YS| V no use (^flOt-ENE N use ( s C^ lene ORTHERN P A C 1F IC R .R . 1 V o u u se<£Q o L E N E s 1 \£ u i n y p @ T01.eNE You u s e @ 2 o t f N e A. H. C A P » SON, Prop’s. 100,000 Trees io Stock ! To the Unfortunate. DR. GIBBON S Shade and Ornamental Trees, Pointing Plows, 75c. N CURES PAI NS MAN & BEAST