Semi-Weekly Tidings 1 Muitilay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 V m ch 11, 1806 Record of a Democratic Congress. Washington, March 7.—Representative Cannon of Illinois, on behalf of the re­ publican minority of the house committee ou appropriations, has prepared a sum­ mary showiug the total expenditures of the so-called “billion dollar congress,” in which Camion was at the head of the ap­ propriation committee. The statement will be published tomorrow as a part of the congressional record. It says: “1 will avail myself of this opportunity to present for the information of the pub­ lic and of the country a statement of the aggregate of appropriations made by this congress aud the first half of Cleveland’s administration, as compared with the ag­ gregate of appropriations for the 51st and 524 congresses, respectively, under Har- risou'a administration. For this purpose 1 insert a comparative statement which has beeu carefully compiled.” From this statement it appears the ap­ propriations of the house, wheu the pres­ ident and the senate were republican, were in round numbers 8988,000,000, while the appropriations for the 52d con­ gress when the bouse was democratic, and Crisp was speaker, was in round numbers 81,027,000,000, aud the appropriations for this congress with the president, house aud aenate all democratic, are in round numbers 8993,000,000. This exceeds the appropriations made by the 51st congress, called by our democratic friends the “billion dollar congress,” in round nnm- liers by 85,000,000. This congress furthermore, in addition to au actual increase in appropriations, has authorized public works to be doue under contract, leaving tbe next cougrees to make the appropriations, amounting to a total of 821,686,754. Thus the ap­ propriations and authorisations of this cougress are seen to be in round numbers $1,015,000,000. I call attention that the appropriations of pensions to the defend­ ers of the republic in the war and to their widows and orphans, by this congress under Cleveland, nre 842,129,616 less thau those made by the 52,1 congress, the last two years under Preeident Harrison. This 842,000,000 decrease gives in the figures the tungible result of au unfriend ly—I Wilf go further aud say unjust— administration of the pension laws under Cleveland. HERE AND THERE. MINING NOTES AND NEWS. Joe. A. Wilson returned from a pros­ pecting trip over on the Klamath and tributaries Saturday. It looks now as if nothing at all would lie done at the Ashland Miue until the convening of circuit court the first Mon­ day of next mouth. Receiver Joe. Dame filed his report last Monday with Judge Hanna and it has been approved. The gist of the report was given in a previous issue of the T idings , the receiver recommending that the property be sold at private sale if poesible and if not theu at public sale. The receiver also recom­ mended that plats aud a survey of the mine be m ule for the use of intending purchasers but Jndge Hanna did not take cognizance of this recommendation aud hence tne matter will rest and the work will not be done unless he orders it. Jos. Dame was over in Siskiyou last week looking after mining interests which he and Dr. Songer have there. They are getting ready fo^workifig the Quipu and McConnell claims which they have leased at the month of Humbug ou Shasta river near Yreka. A force of forty Chinamen was to begin work wiugdamming, etc., this morning under charge of Supt. Mott and they expect to keep these claims working night and day right along, work­ ing nights with aid of electric lights from their own dynamo. The machinery for hoisting, etc., will be run by steam. Marriage license has been issued to Isah H. Willard and Lucinda J. Bassett George Payne, the 42d victim of tbe Silver Lake holocaust, died February 25. His body, with the other unfortunates, was placed near the center of the cemetery there and a monument will be erected to their memory. All others who were injured have recovered, except C lara Suelliug aud ‘Mrs. T. J. Labrie, who are improving slowly. Hon. Clarence Cole, representative from Multnomah, is going to sue the Ore- gouiau for libel in the sum of $25,000. He is very foolish to do that, for he will recover uothiug, according to general experience. Mr. Cole was probably libeled but it will only make his case worse. Auy meinlier of the receut state legislature should tie thaukful to get home with any kind of a name.—[Albany j i i f ' i i S herwin , j The D ru g g ist. § A Chance tor A ll! In addition to increasing Prescription work, will handle tor his customers a full line of Don't miss our | S p ray in g M aterial, | BARGAINS for MARCH. ; democrat. ~ Sulphur, B luestone, P aris Green, London Purple. The year 1895 will be a remarkable oue, both from au astronomical aud a religious point of view. Ou Good Friday uext, April 12th, the heaveuly liodies which ' gravitate around the suu will be iu Two tons of tbe stuff pow in stock and exactly tbe same position that they occu­ pied iu the tirmauent on the day Christ rpore on tbe w ay. died ou the cross. It will lie the first ! time Buch a thing hasoccnrred since that ' fc: Low Prices are guaranteed on all ingredients that aid ¡j» great day, just 1862 years ago. That was S I ¡n the protection of our fruit industry. the thirty-third year of the Christian era, which dates from the birth of Jesus C ash P a id fo r P rim e Y e llo w B e e s w a x . - Christ. At 4:20 iu the morning, Paris A Fruitless Robbery. time, the moon will pass before Virginia The eastern mail train which left Sau (Spica), and hide that constellation from Francisco ou the S. P. Friday evening at view for over an hour. 6 o’clock was held up by train robbers While no physician or pharmacist can four miles above Stocktou at 10:20 that warrant a cure, the J. C. night. There were three of the robbers conscientiously Ayer Co. guarantee the purity, strength, but they secured do booty whatever. and medical virtues of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Eugiueer Inglee’ story of tbe affair is It was the only blood-purifier admitted at semelhing like this: A short distance the great World’s Fair in Chicago, 1893. south of Castle Switch the fireman aDd A Portland alderman has introduced engineer were startle,! by a man who W. R. C. Poverty Social. III the fall of 1893 a sou of Mr. T. A. crawled over the tender aud pointing a au ordinance regulating use of bicycles, McFarlaud, a promiueut merchant of A Poverty Social will be given by the pistol at their heads ordered them to HDd providing that all used on the streets Live Oak, Sutter couuty, Cal., was taken stop the train. The mail bad some dark shall pay an annual license of 81, aud with a very heavy cold. The pains in his Corps at G ranite H all, March 13. PROGRAM. knitted substance over his head for a mask shall have a metallic tag with number of chest were so severe that he had spasms O pening drill by Post and Corps. with holes cut in it for the eyes. A the license fastened to them iu a con­ aud was threatened with pneumonia. D eclam ation by Miss Mollie H igh. second man climbed (over llie tender a spicuous place. It requires that they His father gave him several large doses Burlesque, by Patsy and Sally. moment later. They told the engineer to shall lie provide,! with gongs, amt at o f Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy which D eclam ation, by Miss Olive Jones. stop the train and then made the fireman night with headlights, aud that they broke up the cough aud cured him. Mr. Chorus, by seven little girls in character. shall not be riddeu faster thau six miles ami engineer climb out and uncouple the C haracter piece, the A rkansaw Traveler. McFarland says whenever his children per hour. No one shall ride a bicycle ou express ear. Returning to the eugiue A piece by the Oregon kids. have croup he invariably gives them cab they ordered the engineer to pull ou tbe sidewalks, inside of the district pre­ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aud it al­ D eclam ation, by Miss Sally. A piece by the Oregon kids. ahead to where the robbers said the rest scribe,!. Outside of these limits bicycles ways cures them. He considers it the Full chorus, by Post and Corps, America. of their gang were stationed. After may be ridden ou the sidewalks, provided best cough remedy in the market. For Admission 10 cts. going about a quarter of a mile they had that the riders ou meeting anyoue shall sale by E. A. Sherwin. REGULATIONS. the engine Btopped and going to the ex­ dismount until the persou has passe,!. Chap. 1—Every womin m ust w air com- Full line of shoes on sale at The Fair.* Southern Oregon as Others See It. press car ordered the messenger to ojieu Mrs. Vanderbilt has secured a divorce men close & leve th e ir hifalutin wase to the car. The messenger opened the car from her husband W. K. Vanderbilt. I Portland Snu.| Capt. Gustaf Broman of Marshfield is hum . Every man m ust w air his ole close door but refused to come out wlieu She has property settled upou ber that A flannel sh u rt. No one w ith a biled sh u ri lu uo part of the state, probably in uo ordered aud took a shot at the robbers as amounts to $300,000 per year, or $1,000 a preparing for a journey to Europe iu the will be alloud unless he pais a line of five smallest craft iu which man has ever ven­ part of the country, do greater evidences he retreated to the rear end of the car. day for every day iu the year except Sun­ tured upou the high seas for a long jour­ sentz. o f comparative prosperity at present, and The robbers gave the engineer a stick of Chap. 2—a kom petent konim ittee will days, and so she had ought to skimp ney. Capt. Bromau’8 boat, which was interduce strangers an look a fte r bashful better assurances