ASHLAND TIDINGS. P U B L IS H E D Issued Mondays and Thursdays, w . M. LEEDS, ASHLAND F. D. WAGNER. LEEDS & WAGNER, PUBLI8HER8. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One y e a r ..................................................... $2.00 H i m o n t h s .............................................. 1U0 Three m o n th s................................................. 30 PA Y A BLE IN AUVAKCE. UNITED STATES. We are still in the Lead STATE OF OREGON. ..................(J. H- Mitchell f J. N. Oolph Congressmen ................... . J Binger Hermann t W. R. Ellis Attorney-General ........................ C. M. Idletnau Governor . W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid State Treasurer.. . . . Phil Metschau Supt. Pub. tn stin ctio u ... G. M. Irwin Slate Printer W .H. Leeds iC. E. Wolverton upreme Judges ........ ■, K. S. Bean t F. A Moore t A. Macrum J. B Eddy H. B. Compson Clerk of R. R. Commission ......... Lydell Baker i FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Western b ivision . . ..J u d g e H. K. Hanna Eastern D ivision ............... Judge W . C. Hale Prosecuting Attorney . H, L. Benson M e m b e r Board of E q u alization ... A. C. Auldou Remember I am at the front again this season with a complete stock of fruit, shade and ornamental trees that are larger and thriftier than ever before, and my prices are lower than last year. Trees kept on exhibition at my office on west Main street, corner of First Ave., Ashland, Oregon. Special prices on quantities quoted on request. Now is the time to plant, too—Q. W. P enne - [12-13 tf. | baker w ith b a rg a in s th a t .m ake o u r c o m p e tito rs ’ eyes sta re . Som e o f th e m t r y to k e e p in th e race b u t a re “ n o t in i t.” T h e p ric e s q u o te d below a re H. C. Messenger has rented the planing mill on Qrauite street and is again in o n ly a few o f th e m a n y b a rg a in s we h a v e for y o u : charge at the old stand aud ready to tJ. 8. Senators MENS’ OVERALLS, light weight, only 25c. MENS’ OVERALLS, extra heavy, rivited, “ Boss of the Road,” “Levi Strauss’ and “Samson,” lined or uuliued, 50e, MENS’ HEAVY WOOLEN COATS for «2.5(l-w«»rth three times the money. MENS’ HEAVY WOOL PANTS, worth from «3.50 to $5, our price «2.50. MENS’ COTTONADE PANTS, sold everywhere for «1.50, our price 90c. MENS’ HEAVY COTTON UNDERWEAR, sold by others tor 75c, our price 35c MENS’ HEAVY WOOL UNDERW EAR, always sold for from «1.25 to «1.50, 50c MENS’ RED FLANNEL UNDERWEAR for 75c aud «1. MENS’ AND BOYS’ HEAVY SEAM LESS SOX, 5c a pair. FIN E LAUNDRIED SHIRT’S only 25c. execute any orders in the line of mill work. * w Receiver Register Sacramento, Cal. Largest General Retail House on Coast. .......................................A. M. Crawford ................................R. M. Veatch ASHLAND PRECINCT. Justice unstable Wearing Apparel of all kinds for men, women, and children; Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Millinery, Valises, Furniture,Carpets, Crockery, Notions, Stationery, Silverware, Toys, Household Supplies, etc. W e c a rry no c h e a p J o h n o r ra c k e t goods, b u t g iv e y o u good goods a t e x tre m e ly low p rice s. W e d o n ’t a sk y o u to b e liev e u s b u t com e a n d see for y o u rs e lf— w h e th e r y o u w a n t to b u y o r n o t. JACKSON COUNTY. County J u d g e .... ............................... Jas. K. Neil Commissioners ....................... i W. H. Bradshaw tSam uel Furry County Clerk ............ N. A. Jacobs county Recorder............................ Grant Rawlings fieri tl* ..................... Sy lvester Patterson Senator ......................... ..................S. H. Holt „ tG. W. Dunn R epresentatives ......................... - pers and ch ildren’s garm ents, 27 iu. wide. Price, 5c yard. H99. Fast Black Sateens, sm all colored figures, n eat a u d p retty , and 20 in. wide. Cost of 12 yards, for full su it, $1, or 8>/,c yard. PU M PS, 1635 S n r a y in g H o s e , N o z z l e s , E x t e n s io n s , & c. Dr. J. S. Parson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. A shland , O kkoon . Office at residence ou Main street, n ext tour to Presbyterian church. [11-42 k e ep W h a le O il Soap, so m u c h u se d in s p ra y in g . Dr. S. T. Songer, LI. C . M Y E R , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ASHLAND, OREGON. Office in Odd F ellow s building, second Hour, on Main street. (11-12 E. P. Geary, M. S . PHYSICIAN Hardware, Stoves & Tinware. r ASHLAND, AND SURGEON, OKKOON MEDFORD, OREGON. C ^ * o t t c e in Hamlin'» B lo ck -R esid en ce on C Street. * • , IS—MJ C. F. Shepherd, Dr. D. M. Brower, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ASHLAND, OREGON. 6^~' buK colonies” that were re- red aud gold aud green and purple over­ a ceived by the orchardists of that that section, ever lived. When she first came to Eng­ whelm oue w ith a seuse of Mother N a ­ land she was hound to sing only at the wants chickens for table use at the and remembers well the tbousauds of hotel. Cash market price paid commendatory statements that were soon Royal Italian Opera House, and when tu re’s aesthetic genius iu always har­ current all over the laud, as to the cer­ commanded to sing at the queen’s con­ monizing such a profusion of colors. for choice chickens. After all, it is the thoroughly satis­ tain efficacy of their use iu annihilating cert she was obliged to refuse. Very not only the deadly cotton scale but the sorry to be compelled to notify this, she factory sport to be had w ith the game black aud red scales as well. ordered her carriage and drove straight sheltered iu these mouutaius th at most The Californian claims that iu those to Buckingham palace. She handed her endears them to the mau who has auy Stockholder’s Meeting. latitudes the brilliant and predatory little card to an official, who, notuim aturally, taste whatever for th at 6ort of thiug. The annual m eeting of the stockholders of the Ashland Building aud Loan Association, of bugs from the antipodes was the sole declined to take it iu. A higher author­ The conditions are perfect The game Ashland, Oregon, is hereby called to meet at salvation of the thousands of pest-ridden the office of M. L. McCall in the Masonic block, orchards there, and its indiscriminate at­ ity happened to pass and took it upon ranges from quail, or, as the Virginians in said city, ou Monday evening, March 18th, himself to preseut it. As soon as her m aj­ call it, partridge, to deer aud bear, and 1895, at 7:30 o ’clock, for the election of a board tack ou the various scales there safely of directors for the ensuing year* and for the presupposes its hearty attack on the pests esty saw it she said, “ Adm it her, by all especially this is one of the last strong­ transaction of such other business as shall that annoy and threaten the horticulture meaus. ” Jenny Lind appeared and said holds of th at noble game bird, the wild legally com e before the meeting. Every stock­ of Oregon.—[Ex. simply that she was so very sorry to be turkey.—Magazine of Travel. holder who can is urged to be present. J. R. N o r r is , Secretary unable to sing at her m ajesty’s concert Ashland, Or. March 4th, 1895. “ G rin Like a C heshire C at.’’ that 6li6 thought it better to call herself ‘Well, well! Didn’t ever hear of a aud explain. The queen was charmed ‘grin like a Cheshire cat?’ Why, you see, w ith her natural maimer, gave her a a mau down iu Cheshire had a cat which cordial reception aud promised to be her grinned and grinned until there was nothing left of the cat hut the gnu, just friend. —Today. as some scrofulous people, who don’t There is more C atarrh in th is section of know of Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical the country th a n all oth er diseases put to ­ I n H a rd w a re , Discovery, get a cough, aud then cough gether, and u n til th e last few years was Is a necessity because th e to n ic of w in ter and cough until there is nothing left of supposed to be incurable. F or a great T in w a re , them to erect a monument to bnt the m any years doctors pronounced it a local a ir Is gone, an d m ilder w eather, increased disease, and prescribed local remedies, and m o istu re, accum ulated im p u rities in th e || W ooden a n d cough.” by constantly failing to cure w ith local an d d eb ilitated co n d itio n of th e The “Goldeu Medical Discovery” is the W illo w W a re most effective, auti-bilions, Hutt-dyspeptic, treatm ent, pronounced it incurable. blood Science h as proven catarrh to be a consti­ body, open th e w ay for th a t tire d feeling, || Stoves. strength-giving remedy extant. For tu tio n al disease and therefore requires nervous tro u b les, an d o th e r ilia. The weak lungs, lingering coughs, spitting of co n stitutional treatm en t. H all’s C atarrh sk in , m ucous m em brane an d th e various CEDAR TUBS for fiOc and up. blood, scrofula, sores, pimples and ulcers, Cure, m anufactured by F . J. Cheney d.” T homas K r o g er , T ulare, California. u . . ru t I the after-dinner pill ana IlOOd 3 P lIlS LiiUl) eatharth. 25c.