P U B L IS H E D A.SHLAND TIDINGS. ASHLAND Issued Monday» and Thursdays. W . H. LEEDS, E d ito r an d P u blish er. ASHLAND TIDINGS. S E M I-W E E K L Y . TIDINGS Imrued M ondays and Thursdays. R ates of A d v ertisin g F u rn ish ed Upon A p p licatio n . SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One y e a r .................................................... .. Hix m o n th s ............................................... *- Three m onths ....................................... ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 9, 1894. VOL. XIX. NUMBER 8. THE BEST E Q U IP P E D j o b o f f ic e in SO U T H E R N O R EC O N . PA Y A BLE I S ADVANCE. O F F IC IA L Corey’s Celebration. IH K E C T O K Y . UNITED »TATES. P resident Vice P resid en t Secretary of State Secretary of T reasu ry . Secretary of In terio r . Secretary of War Secretary of Navy Secretary of A g ricu ltu re P ostm aster-general A ttorney-G eneral ..G ro v e r C leveland .........A dlai Stevenson W alter Q. G resham Jo h n G. C arlisle Hoke Sm ith ........ Danl. L am ont H ilary A. H erbert J. S terling M orton ... W alter S. Bissell __ R ich ard O lney A Job Lot of Lots STATE OF OREGON. YT LESS ...... t J. H. Mitchell U. 8. S e n a to r s ............ I J. N. Dolph I B inger H erm ann Congressmen I W. R. Ellis ..G . E .C h a m b e rla in A ttorney-G eneral Sylvester P euuoyer G overnor ................... .G eorge W. M cBride Secretary of State ......... P h il M etschau State T re a s u r e r............ E. B. McElroy Supt. Pub. In stru ctio n . .F ra n k C. B aker State P r i n t e r .............. iC . E. W olverton B ean Suprem e Ju d g es . :.. Moore t . A. Mac-rum R. R. C om m issioners ........... ¿J B. Eddy cH .B . Com pson Clerk of R. R. C om m ission ...........Lydell B aker $125 $300 $300 $ -4 0 0 $450 THAN “COST AND FREIGHT.” NOW IS T H E T IM E T O B U Y . FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. W estern b iv is io n ..................Ju d g e H. K. H an n a E astern D ivision ................... Ju d g e W .C . Hale P rosecuting A ttorney H, L. B enson M ember Board of E q u a liz a tio n .. A C. A uldou W ashington , Ju ly 4.—The Coxey “ M y s o n . d e a l w ith m e n w h o a d v e rtis e , commonwealers went through the spec­ tacular performance of “burying the never re g re t i t . ” — B en F r a n k lin . goddess of liberty’’ iu front of the Cap­ itol at noon today. I t was the sequel of the demonstration of May 14th, when, according to Coxey and Browne, liberty was mortally wounded and lingered until she expired on the Forth of July. The comutouwealers marched four abreast, will buy a 50-foot lot in Highland Park Addition—one of the best vacant 246 strong, with many banners and de­ vices. At their head rode Carl Brown in lots in that part of the city. remarkable disguise. His beard had been will bay a large 80-foot corner lot in vicinity of north school house. removed and his face powered. A wig of will buy two “acre lots” just outside city limits. yellow hair fell to his waist, his arms will buy three fine improved lots on Fourth street were bare and powdered. A liberty cap will buy two tine lots on the Boulevard. was on bis head and his body was wound with emblematic garments of liberty. Filing through Pennsylvania avenue, the S pring is h ere, Tim es are Im proving, army formed around the peace monu­ ment, where Goddess Browne delivered an apostrophe to the bronze goddess on OREGON. top of the capitol. As he closed his ad­ Real Estate and all kinds of Insurance that insures. dress he flopped in a badly simulated swoon from his horse and his comrades catching him placed him at full length with flags and crepe over him. The hearse was iuserbed “Liberty is dead." The procession then moved away to Mil­ ligan hill. ASHLAND, U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG. R eceiv er.......................................... A. M. Craw ford R egister ............................................... R. M. V eatch JACKSON COUNTY. Jas, R. Neil W. H. B radshaw (Sam uel Furry N. A. Jacobs County C lerk C ounty R ecorder........................... G rant R aw lings S h e r if f ..................................... Sylvester P atterso n Seualor ......... ................................8. H. H olt G. W. Dunn J. A. Jelltey S. M. N ealou T reasurer . . . ......................D avid L inn School S u p e rin te n d e n t ................ Gus N ew bury .J. L. W oolridge Assessor . K. W. K ennedy Purveyor Dr. D. M. B row er Coroner C ounty J u d g e ---- C om m issioners Gt. F - B I L L I N G S , Licensing Kailway Employees. S I have in stock ASHLAND PRECINCT. .w J ustice • Jo u s ta b le N. L u c k e v ..J . H. Real CITY OF ASHLAND, Mayor .................................... JR - R ecorder ............................................M ilton Berry Treasurer E. \ . C arter itreet C om m issioner ................... C. P. Jo n es ■Jupt. City W a te r W orks ................ Ira C. Dodge M arshal . . . .................. .........Geo. W. Sm ith E. D. Briggs City A ttorney ( R. P. Neil I W. B. Beebe i J. R. N orris m u d im e li j W. A. C ordell | W. J. Schm idt [K . F. Loomis R egular m eet lug of city co u n cil o t A shland s held iu co u n cil cham bers in city h all on the iv e n iu g of th e first M onday in each m outh, SPR A Y IN G PU M PS, S p r a y in g H o s e , N o z z l e s , E x t e n s io n s , & c. ¡ p r * ! keep W1 tale Oil Soap, so m uch used in spraying. CIRCUIT COURT. Meets on th e first M onday in A pril, Septem ber in d D ecem ber. IT . C . M Y E R , COUNTY COURT. P robate c o u rt tirst T uesday a fte r first.M ou- Jav of each m o u th . C ounty C om m issioner’s c o u r t- f ir s t W ednes­ day a fte r first M onday in each m o u th - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Hardware, Stoves & Tinware. ASHLAND, V- L ionki . R. W ebster O K K O O N -. A ustin 8. H ammond W ebster & Hammond. A TTO R N EY S AT LAW . EAGLE ROLLER MILLS. Medford, Oregon. ju ic e —I. O. O. F. B uilding. 1635 C. B. Watson, A s h la n d , O re g o n .