NOTES AND N C astor i A for Infants and Children » «° well adapted to ehüdna that >ma.” H.A.Ucm,M.U, UHh Oxford 8L, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. M. MCCALL'S ANNOUNCEMENT I —Full liDe of Spring it Summer Dress Goods, PARASOLS, LADIES AND CENTLEMENS FINE SHOES AND BOOTS ( ’lot liirikT Ilircvt i'roni t lie All at Prices that I)FJ;v COMPETITION. DON’T MISS OUR OFFER FO R OX 1A Special Announcement. 4 K £ Within a few wees» past the copyright which has covered the great W ebstkr D ictionary has expired, and the Pacific Publishing Company, San Francisco, has taken advantage of this circumstance to put a reprint of this great work upon the market at a considerable reduction upon the price, which heretofore ranged from twelve dollars to fifteen dollars ¡»er volume. The re*publivation of the dictionary in this way is not in any senscan act «»f “piracy,** hut is legitimate in every way. Those who had any proprietary right to the work, save as a mere matter of business, are long since • lead, so that no injury is done to the an- thorn by re-producing it. We have arranged for a large number of copies, and propose to give it as a premium, in connection with the regular weekly paper. It is of course impossible to make an actual donation of so large and valuable a Is »ok, and it will in- issued upon the follow ing terms: Each new subscriber to the weekly paper for one year, or each old subscriber renewing for the year, will I m * given the dictionary and the paj»er together for th»- sum <>f five dollars, | m »stage on the ¡»aper ami express rates <»n the liook prepaid. This will enable any ¡ mt son wishing t«> get it with the weekly for one year for one-third the price heretofore currently charged for the dictionary alone. The price i* marvelously low The book is an exact reproduction in size aud general form of the standard W ebster ’ s D iction ­ ary , with only this difference, that the re­ print is printed uj»oii a lighter paper. 1 he letter press is an exact fac simile of the «ii«‘- tionary which is familiar to all. Subscrip­ tions will be received, either through the agents of the ¡»ajMT or direct from thi- office. Anybody caring to take advantage of thisoffer may do so, by addressing us ami enclosing the subscription price, $ », for the book and paper. The president Hppr*»v»41 the joint Immediate, harmless— Preston’»“Hed-Ake.' I resolution authorizing thepecrotary of Alliert Crouch, of Camas Valley, re­ war to isMie ^ huc I h Jof arms to : North ami Smith Dakota) Wyoming, cently captured a litter of young panth­ ers or cougars uear his place. One M«>ntatm aud Nelnuika. I died and the other three were brought Priests ou Achill Islun«! |mve applied to town Inst Friday and rattled off for to Balftiur to niii’» "Hed-Ake.“ at 50 ceuts a bottle. I Last Monday I). I). Huff, a boy of A sj>ecial from Sioux Falls, 8. D., says: J. Leslie Tie nipsou. oue oi the 78 years, drove to Drain in his cart., a When he wheel horses of South Dakota democ­ distance of fifteen miles. racy, has just returned from New was withiu a mile of home it was dark York, where he bait nu interview With and he had to pass through a very ex-Presideut Cleveland. Cleveland thick gruve of young fir. When he said that he would surely lie a candi­ was nearly through the grove his liorw date in 1892, ami wanted South Dako­ got off the road and into the thicket. Mr. H. got out and after some time ta friends to stick to him. stici’eeded in getting his horse lo<>s<- Cures while you wait—PreHon’s' He«! Ake." from the cart and wandered through Chicago, Dec. 9. Mayor Cregier the wisxls for aliout two hours, claim­ has signed the ordinance providing for ing that he fell about two hundred the issue of $5,000,e qnickiy remi.,” said Mr. Constiue, “ I was the present year California shipped to invited by a friend, Mr. John Sawyer, tbe Hast 77.2tl3.260 poumis of calmed to visit a peach cannery in which he goods. 41,298,440 pounds of dried fruit, was employed. After I had completed 86,286,500 pounds of fresh fruit, ano I my tour of the eaunery I iiiihhih I a i 24,459,970 pounds of raisins. As com­ valuable charm that I bad lieen wear­ pared with the same period in 188!* ing on my watch chain. The loss was these figures indicate gains as follows: a sad one to me, inasmuch as the Canned gooils, 44.140,520 pounds; cbmui was a gift from a dead sister. dried fruit. 9.619,100 pounds; fresh 1 offered a liberal reward for the re­ fruit, 23,475,000 pounds, and raisins, turn of th«* charm, winch I suppose I iiail dropped somewhere about the 7b0 pounds. jCiironicle. cannery, but all to no purpose, as I never heard from it. A Lost City Founil "I luid returned home, and hail giv­ Tlie city autboritien of Bovigno, on en up all hopes of recovering the tlie peuiuBuln of 1st ria, 111 tbe Aiirmtic moi, have iliBCovered a little soutli of charm. Aliout two mouths ago 1 con- ce.vcii th«« idea of visiting the Pacific the peuniBUla, tiie ruiue of a large town at tile bottom of the sea. It Ims coast, anil arranging my business in beeu observed for some years that short order, starter! at once for the west. fishermen’s net« were sometimes en­ “I arrived in Seattle about two tangled in what ap|»*ared to be masses of masonry, of which fragments were weeks ago, since which tune I have Isa'ti visiting friends who live near brought up from tlie sea bed. A year \esler avenue. Yesterday noon I was or two later a diver declared that lie down town and stepped into a res­ hail seeu walls anti streets below the taurant for lunch. water. “After eating a hearty lunch I calle«! The city i.utlioi¡ties ree< ntly decid­ ed to investigate. They sent down a for some peaches ami cream. 1 started >bver, who. at the depth of 85 feet, to eat the peaches au«l was in the act found himself surrounded on the liot- of cutting on«' of them with a spoon when the s|Hsin struck some li.mi sub­ lom of tlie sea by ruined walls, lie says he kuows they are the work oi stance, which appeared to be luibedtied man. He is a builder by trade and in the heart of one of the ]>eaehes. I I worked the substance out with my recognized the layers of mortar. —■ Continuing Lis explorations, he [sp'ioii anti held it upto the light. My surprise can be better imagined traced the line of walls aud was abi« to distinguish how the streets weie than descrilied when I fonnd that 1 laid out. He diu not see any dinars or i held in my hand my missing charm, I hail loug ago given up for window openings, for they were hif very unique design. The story from home for a f* w «lays: during his I is a strange one, but was toll 1 in a con­ absence one of the children contracted a cise ami straightforward manner that severe cold and his wife bought a hot th i rgned well for its veracity. [Seattle of Chamberlains Cough K» inedy for it. i Press. They were so much pleased with the remedy that thev afterwards used sew If you or any of yo:ir family should hnp- ral bottles at various times. Be said, l»eii To I m * frightfully burned «>r M’alded. from his experience with it. he regard* d vvhftl have you in the house lo alleviate the it as the most reliable preparation in pain until you can get a physi* ian? A box use for colds and that it came the near­ of B* ggs’ German Sulve at hand in time* est being a specific of any medicine he like this would saw a world of suftcring bad ever seen. ('hitwood nn no * quai in cases of this kind, a* well as in 11 r« »a. tlammatiun of all kinds, tor sale by ail druggist«. z*' À* YOU WANT A DICTIONARY H ¡T m □ CL O zr o < Q 0 mLMDTIMPPOMb Soco st Fuwwrruat, O a . pct « no H arowok 0CALXRS rVXRVWHtRC. OR WILL be sent st B »■ •ELL O arpet S weeper O o . G rano R amo », M ich . PRIOE «3 00 The .Musi Rapid aud Latht Improvtd Rev. Mary A. Staff >r«l, minister of the Sioux City Unitarian s«.r>« rv. re- c-ntly «xehange«! with Rabbi \V. lioee- Ul I,, "f Dill, ha. l'ois is tlie iii-t tlllle a woman ever stood us preacher m a Jewish synagoyue. Sedalia, Mo., puts in her claim for the ohiest colored woman in Missouri. 11« r UHtue is Siitnei Anu Willute ami she is 106 years old. having be« ti lioiu in Madison county Kentucky, m 1781. She llelouged to Georg;' Boulie. .« , brother of Daniel Boone, ami nt the age of three years temov.'J to Mtss. ouri. She has liven« in Bootie and I Howard counties continiiously. She weighs 250 pounds 'tnd is totally bhmL She it s not steu a well day for forty year., she says, but has never i ei, bed-fast in that period. She lived >u Boone county wheu there was omi oue house where the city of Columbia now stands. She has given birl h to five children. The New York State Bar associa’iot. met at Aibuuy the other «lay, vvlm Cnl. R. (». Ingersoll delivered an a.I dr- ss on “Crimes against Criminals.” In his rm us' eltHjin nt vein (tie colonel recounted the cruel treatment of crim­ inals in the past times, ami drew nt- teiit'on to the fact that the more severe the puuishment the greater tlie in­ crease in crime. He attributes; this to the brutihzation of the pl o pie through the intiietiou .«nd coutmnpla- tion ot such punishments, He then suggealx tlie inquiry wliv men sbollili commit crimes at the risk of torture, or «, or degrt li.ilioii. His answer wi.s that men's minds anti trilures may lie so deforme«! that it. is just as inipo sible ior them to good as to be philosophers. The criminal smuild not lie punishetl liny more than th» man pliyaieallv deformed. But s iciety must protect itself agmust criminals, though it should not punish them. Here Col. Ingersoll gave some statis­ tics showing that while in 184(1, with a population of 23.(Mk),0l)0, We bad be­ tween 6000 aud 7000 prisoners. In 1880. with 50.000,00(1 population, we had .57,000 prisoners. In 1850, we bad ' 15,000; 111 1880 we had 91,000 insane. This shows that our system of punish­ ment is not preventing crime, and in­ sanity is increasing faster tlmn the increase in population. In 1880, t. ; there were 57,000 homeless children, I anil IMi.OOO paupers in almshouses, I Was there auy eonnecliou between this fact ami t he numliere of prisoners? IN DARKEST AFRICA SCRIBNER'S SONS A. L. BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRAN,'ISCO. General Agents for the Pacific Coast. BROS 1 mraum poultry A n *» D eh . er * in ry.ppICPM ores* urovêi Citizen -Ro you think of locating h*-rF ? Physician-ice. I thought some *. f prtic- ticirig among you. Citizen—See here, young m;in. then-’«* h good opening here fur a man umlcr- •tande hi« biz, but we don’t want nup/u<~ ticlng, or experimenting—doctor we want! Many times women call on their fam 1*. physicians, suffering, as ih* y imagine, one from dyapepeia, ai > h- r from h«.ar. air caae. another from liver cr kidney a¡jother from nervous cxiiuUfetiau < r : .« tn-.tion. another with pain her»- <»r th*- and in thia way they Eli present, Uike themselves ana their easy-c-oing und in­ different or over-busy dbetor. separate and distinct diseas* s, for which he icrib«» Ins pi’ls and potions, turunnng them to be sucti. when, in r* nlity. they are ail only aymvtoma caused by ;• ouk v .\ u . l disorder. Tne physic ian, ignorant of the cau.°e of suffering. »ura;:*s ins “pru. tiro” until large bills uro made. Th*- 81*1- fering patient g' U i • ‘ T t , blit ; . bly wors? hy reason nr the dehiy. w r< treatment ami cor« ' qm-nt cor n«- t- A proper i. ■ 11* *•. like Dr« Ph - ■ a yorite Prcscrip. i->»i '»r'C* 1 to the w« iiltl have- n inaved the disetve. aiep» n< d all »host» Hf’trt-' ’H” rympfom?. and insti­ tuted comfort in.i?ecd of prolonged misery. It’s the only ineiiieirio for the * irregularities and ] .unful derangen. pe. uliar to wicnen. Ht’d by dr>i —’ under u pcs’ live r.. «ritee that it give Batibfautic* i ■ err'-v or paid for it w:’t h . 'iv re‘nn*l»-* Ji Ji. Pfi:::. . « . . ;.u,. rd n .’ao and clean«* the liver, atemuch n: bi » • ¡- »'' ■ id;... Sold by 3» ecu'A a vm 1 Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges Trusses, Toilet Articles. t r < ’it y. « ’NG MACHÍNE NEGOLES AhD SUPPLIES. KO t Ju kg IE \ V t laici ARTISTS' I 5 00 f m i AI ba 11 y G ’M 1 M I Port laud Prescription Department PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, »H A< < <»M.V<»b%TIOTk OF *E* <»Mi < LAM n |- *ES*.ri:”. ATTA« HKA» TO ItXFKKh» TK<1NM. '¿¡«Ir ivi*inn BETWEEN POHTLAND AND CORVALLIS ( a I y Mail I \ f.n epl bundny, Ar. I .’»usu p. Lv. | 12:5ft I*. v. I'orUaud, (r. <>»rv«Pis, MILL AT PHOENI2' him ! < orvuBih (u»utieci with golJ Pttcltlc liriliriHld. I'rain Except Kunday ailj , Lv. PorUttDd. Ar. 1 I Ar. .Mc.Mluviile, Lv.|ft:45 LT V* ¿ WEEKS BBOS A. J4 A. M Through Tickets to all points Ejäst and South LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS His Work Speaks I or lii'koiH Mini full iuforinauon regard- iiiK mie», lmp», etc, nppiy lu company s igi nt at A-lilmxl. ¡1 KoEHl.Elt, Manager. 1 for itself it'HS. From Terminal or Interior Points the CALIFORNIA Po s ¡TÍVE? I »RE*.ON J hi the <'ounty. | rirriiit ( «»uri. »f the assignment of E. 1 r, 1 nsolwut Debtor. in Ex pH •s Train* leave Portland «laity. • ht ;;. NO RT H "UK M Portland, Ar 9.3.» á Ashland, . ’• A . M Ñ •. Ashland, !•' A. M san E thucím ' o , ö H li «»II Sli'ifl Not !<•••. \ssigiit‘<‘'s Xiitin* 1.1N 1 !^I 1 AS'i’A P laza C orn er S t *< KJ I ET Il­ Masonic Directory, Ashland Notice is he'v’»y given that E. B. Hunsa er, merchant, of \*liland, Jackson county Oregon. ha.-> by deed iu \vi itmj, da;t«i Di­ reni ber’»th. A. D.. ts’.H), ma«l*‘ a general as signnv-nt t » the im«l rsigned o» all his proli erty, for the l»« n«-:ii «»f a 1 hi* <-n d;. <»t , w il ' out n re fé Tenet-. All riunii' nin-t l»e veritiv«! and til i w «' th** iiiif l»eeember, D lwo. .1 WIES S. RO(, ER-, Ashland, Oi Hammond a Briggs. Att<*rnvys i«»» A** Ashland. Or. « «Î1 22 i 5 'C ures C ataf '1 4* t-* t it B j v Kbeiiinatikin. Neundgia, C'orn HEADACHE, And ALL PAIN. The California Positive and N«*ga*’’va ELECTRIC COUGH Cl RX CURES COLDS, CROUP. CONSUME HON. Sold by all Druggists. Each 25c. 50c &. 1 Creasinger & Co , Prop'*. Los Angeles, C. ', Sheriffs Side. SCOTTS Fifteen mouths ago tlier^Lwiis a cornfield ii|> in the motmtaitmiis re­ gion of Eastern Kentucky, just w here old Virginia penetrates like! a wialg»' and where Yellow Creek makes a curve, atyont five miles from Cumber­ land gap; Today there is a growing busy city of five thousand souls with electric lights, railways, and more coming, and all th«* signs of great manufacturing and trading activity. The town is culled Midbielsirougli. All this is due to the «liseoverv of remarkable lieds of eoal, iron, etc., oi «piaiities the most desirable and in «(iiantities inexhaustible and easy to gel at. HENRY IB. STANLEY L AND TRANSFER TR CH riw oon December IU, 1Ù90 Austria’s z«>De tariff system of rail way fares has enormously increased the earnings of the roiitis irom passen­ ger tratic, and given her people tin- cheapest trur spor'.atiou m the world. A workman can travel for 2 ceuts a trip up to six mill's; for 4 cents up to 12 miles; for 6 cents up to 18 milts-; for 10 cents up to 3-* miles, aud yearh tickets for 30-tmie trips are s«l«l loi $17.50, while Illi«) mil«' third-class tick­ ets cants Oblr .<*>11. I Arri a " 11» n >1 be .1-eeivv t hy any of the ,(»- c»l ,'d "Sta -b y I-,.'k," now belli.- offered aa 'nt ibul d a line Th rei aiioq ...r>wal>>ut this «taleinent being com*. ’ i n ere-y particM-ir We guarantee it, and will give rw-rieular. on appii it. PAIITIGM la order not io la* nnalel. „e UAUIIUn that 11..■ hoo, l.ara Ibe Im. p iutof MISCELLANEOUS. < LIPS AND COMMENTS. The Cherokee Indians. A il Street, Portland, Oregon \ g«M>d agent wanted in e>vr> county. Frida y in these days of bhiodthtrsty ap- peals for vengeance on th*' Imlians, ..yvtjvii.p1. it will Is' interesting to lead of the progress minie by the Cherokees since they have Isen settled by themselves ami prolecteil by the United States government after they bail Iss'ii robbed ami plundered by the people of Geor­ gia ami «Inven from the state. A few days since a party from the Italian territory starts«! east on a visit, going through St. Joseph, Missouri. With the pally wns ('mirles M. Ross, a full bliMhlisi Cherokee Indian, who was on his wav to St. Lome to study me«li- cine. A report«>r of the St. Joseph Herald interviewed him at the hotel, ami learm'd that Ross is a graduate of the Indian college for males, at Tableipiah, the capital of the Chens kee Nation, atal is, in th«' way of cul­ ture mid refinement ami finished e«lu- catiou, what one would expect of a Harvard graduate. In fact, from hie talk no one would eup|M>ee that he w; s a Cherokee Indian, but hie race is plainly shown in his features, par­ ticularly in his complexion, eyes and general physiognomy. In speaking of the eon«lition emi future prospecte of his [>eople he tHlks with gr« at inter­ and is evidently greatly interested itdsCrlNIA FiG SYRUP CO. est in their welfare. In talking to a Her­ SA V FiiAAC SCO, CAL. ald re) orter he said: JU.E. i. V CORK. N V “We ar" satisfied to remain as we are, un«! 1 think it will I n * a long time before we change our pr«*eeut form of government or our relations with the government of the United States, Wi­ ll ive public schools ami c<>lleges; we take cure of the «-hildren of our poor (Atiple; «» have our (ires . three week­ co»*** ly papéis; we have a good system of S- d-- v 55 ¿ âh government amia gota! cotutiiiitmn £ o u , g ami a codt of laws modeled after the stat«'of New Ham¡ si; r* ; we have no «iin-ct tiixainm in the Nation, the gov- eriim«-iii ami sebisils lieing tnipporte«! prin -lih'lly by annuities from Wash­ ington In s-'.! ii|x>:i former tiealies and the interes' from cerium funds. A small rev«a ii» is also .leiivi‘lii«he«I am) kept by the Clicrok»« government. All we want ih to b».* ¡tt uh »!;<». A groat mauy P« oi le nr»* worning about ns5, when in bt*4 »re m l>etter condition than The complete ,t>ry < g Stanley thrilling .lreut «■» i.l th, «loci < e ■ f LA important duooe-,, .«ill app-ar f ,r the i ‘t time in the work'en by huaMelf. emit <1 “In . Darkest ______ CHARLES WILEY B. ALLEN & CO ASHLAND TIDINGS HERH AND THERE r, a d t ht EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk At Carthage. Mo., last we«‘k. Mrs. Mary Ilislge gave birth to a daughter i.lsmt teu inches long, weigemg not over halt a pound. The little girl was well proportioned with a good supply of hair. Many were anxious to see it. To the sorrow of its parents and the neighbors, the child died a By li T A few days afterwards. E. Kell, the un­ dertaker, etnbaln.ed it, and it whs feared it might be stolen if buried; no burial has yet oecnrvd. Museum owners tried to bargain for it. If any cl'ilti of so small a size »‘Ver liefore In the < was Iwrn no record is recalled by the gon. fori Mvlimh wondering citizens. ilvt'fii-bin To J Hill \ sure cure for tlw whiskey habit: Dr. ant: In the name <*( tb Livingstone's Antidote f<>r Drunki-tiess will cure any vise of the li«{«i<«r habit in are hereby r*. the coinplain from ten to thirty day», from the mode­ alxtve «’ntiih’i rate drinker to the drunkard. I'he An­ * k rk oi Mti«i< tidote can la' gin 1 in a imp of coffee, «late of the ** without th«' knowledge of the person yon,if served in taking it. 1 The Antidote will not injure but if serve«! within the health Vn anv way- Manufaotuted the Stat*« «»f ‘ »r* gon. then from Hi.- date of the h by tin- l.ivingHtoue (‘Imi iical Gompunv. unnis upon you; or if sei San Francisco, t’al. I . K. Bolton sole then by the tirsl « age'.it for .Ashland. April, IH9I. term of h> reby notified 11 hi answer sain « ompit tlie plaiulitl will h | A lb niarknlils Sliipwrwk. relief «lelioinded th I’hilailf'iihlii, l><-. II. There «•rec of the r«'.«che'l this city yesteday thrum'll a bonds of i: a ixi*ting be’w private channel, a thrilhmr Htory of on 1 he groun«! tlie l«>es of the British ship West- lie awarded th Loiirrie, iu the Black ioa. p, is no or- minor ckildrei that the pli «iiuHry tai«* of shipwn'ck. Lilt rvlat«« am! yon for her < exquisiteRilfferini;ami unusual au.l ex­ *aid suit and foi traordinary misfortunes. < >f the ves­ the court max •« ummoiis sel's «Tew of t weiiij-five, tour are ail that survive ill«' ill-stari«* 1 Voyaj;", and these are miserable «reeks o> human­ ity, Iviiij« protrat««! by suffering in file Odessa hospital iiik I t «"are of the Biitisb coi sill. Th Westboiirne, an ordinary tramp steamship, left Theo­ dosia, «Inch is the ancient lvinie of Jaffa, »«ntliwnr«! of Crim«»«, Nov. 24. la.sen with linseed, bound for Dun­ kirk, and i lienee to Philadelphia with Ill tie* l. a l a g“Ueral cargo. On the eve of her ter. deren•«•• Notice i- I departure a gale peculiar to the Black signed has d .piaiitb >1 ; s«'n alone aiose, .aceompnnie«! I>y a last will Lnieiit «»1 rapid falling of the thermometer. The weather grew so intensely c >ld that Hie men were fr< zen to deiith in life like posture at the wheel, or wher­ ever their «Inties called them. Every tea that swept over the vessel froze to her, making her sluggish and so heavy tbst sh«' refusf-d to ride the wi.v.s and Iwcoine unmanageable. When lhe water gained enhance to the h«»ld tile cargo Is'Liili Io sweil and biirs Slieiitr opeu tin'decks fore and aft, us though I owder bad eXpliMb'd in her. Aliout midnight, although hut. a few hours oilt of poit, tin vessel begin to go down Alreatly the corpses of a num ber of seameu weie vfeibl" about the P I . Fain-1«» anil II •. Rieck, standing up against the haud- By \ irllie «•( a w ril riils, just as erect as I hough in full Mile«! out of tl vupir. I’h-y «• re frozen hard as iron. alwive cntiilc With nil the crew tlia’ helil to their liila r. .\. D I VCR. Captain Bei'limglon (.lit out. iu th«- herein«it Miid r*-*Hi Si'piritiU-r, J'',.wi. ’ ii li y mih s early moiiiin P I 11..- in n 1 <>nc, i: 1’1 > I’ M I tlie f< night l he number had been r>< eight. Snliscipieiitiy four m while undergoing nr die d tt> leaving but .‘«>nr mnivors. B 'tonngton. comtnan It r of the, is well-known to Phil, shipping ns n. H«' is omnple’i tratxi by hi. sufferings in th«' open boat, and by the d-'iciiof tns br«>tber. I lie ship's . iilef « .Ulcer, u ho pcr’.-lie.l in th-' awful cold b ■ So disgulMecl that it cati be taken ligeatrd, and assimilated by the most Mdusitive stomach, m hen thè plain oftJ nunoi be tolerated; and by the com* bir.atlon of the oil with the hypo- phosphites is much more eflic*clous tile 'I lllir-iln« AM SOI TH. H y A. J*. Hammond, S ASHLAND LOD*,E N< Stated communication or before Hit* full moou. E. Gil tin-Thu It runs through in the j mt t<> Mil I *. ALPHA CIIAITHI NU. i. U K. ST. : PAUL : AND : CHICAGO Mt (IIAM.E Of CAILS.) stated meetings on 1st un«l 3*1 Tues each month. Mrs J l»(’rock*T, W K ate G i : ai > y , *c« rbtnry. ASHLAND LODGE N o I.O. O. I TOURIST SLEEPING CARS trurh d, and in u hi« h free ami furnished d «la*s licket*.. Hobt rigular mvliugs , \.-ry «■veuilig ut lli. ir hall il. A-lilimhl an ¡ fill al wav HARRY YOUNG, Tra veline Pa*! Business ! 4ru don't have to offer a prize to _____ íe// ____ this Goeda, for its the BEST MADE. Every Can holds .IE I NDERSJGNED wou!t cobs Oil in my fa for years, and find be the medicine of meillclnc* ij. .«an i»» "1 I * t nil Hil" t* ttw o t ■ I . k ' ár rii • < f ¡ » i • t- I. j I. h. ('.'«0,1 h»» S'« ir ! -■n mewif * of t w Or. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. Et.Louû, Mo ■nrvEravaay» »jnaair FOR CETuZRAL USE ft Is agnail, honest ui licine ami lion--: ¡.vea will not hesitate to rt comtr.end it ' > sulk humanity.” JOHN F. Sl.EMMOX.H. B«x.kke"p Smith & Dodge PEPARLO FROM ROOTSfù HERBS In Every Itoille There 1« •« Cure. Every ApplicRtlon » Itet.ef. FOR THE rut r mill Aotin* hi DHiibiiiciil ¡I x-i’a vers. Is Consumption Inciiralile’.* VEGETABLE* PANACEA cupe or WALL PAPEn, rHAMEfi MOULDItlC: , CMHDKZK J W COXS, Mr. C. 11. Morris. Read t’m- ftillowin; Newark, Ark . says "Was down with abscess of Idue and friends and phy- sieians p,-om>"nc«-«i ine im incurable con- siinipt iv«*. E--giU‘ t iking Dr. King’s New ________ Discovery _. for consninp i.m, am uovr on tuv third boitle.nnd able to over­ ■es i lie work on inv fanti. It is the finest ill «líeme icine ever made. land«*.' ’’ I | J< -s- Ah i ti« - .1 . In Ant nr. Ohio, shvb : ’it.«! it mit been for/Dr. King’s New l.isoovtry tor Conan St «ou I would have rs. Am now iu best of health.’’ Try it. Sample lio'.tles free at Chit wi>*d Iir«x>. drugstore. BABY H >1 t-l U r,'. ; k : La¿.d Cured j by u uiÄno-Mü I I .T he E ha S’A-V dgeiir C o - more giiu v v. 11 A prompt compliant« further eOSts Sheri ft ami Ta.\ Culle Comity, Oregon Ja< >M>nviiir, Ur.. Ort, 1'», 1-NhO C «AIHAâct, FTC., ETC. [ Davis Sewing Machine Vi FEïfifJ unenti, and N. C loèiJtivetOPP'SSETTLER’S GUIDE, 124 pp.; pr e« t.ily 25c. fpojtage stamp*! '1 lie I m ? ! .-«‘i* i»«K !•.*• • bit»« it fill*! b<- « «m A. d ’ id *»*. 4’ h P |.; n AND ALL DTK ER DISEASES ARISING FROM A EMC.; Mind wxndpriniv cured. s l. «rr* in one reanimr. THrtiwvw*? r m r pert* of the globe. Fiosj* •ix .. »■ ... FRXF., *'Ht <«n anplutMf i«>n L. Prof. A. L-aeett»-, 137 Fifth Avt New Y-,.k OISOROEREO STATE STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER, row SALE BV A’_U I • DRUGGISTS & GŒRAL .'TALS.7S