Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, December 19, 1890, Image 1

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    ** È* Fiaher
Editor and Publisher.
Terms of Subscription:
One oopy, one year............ ^<- ■
" six months........ y...
“ three months.............
Club Rates, six copies f<«.*.........
Terms, m advance.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1889
Ausila. S. Hanacai,
attorney at law
Cumplete ibr of Ab«trict.« of Title« to laud»
iu J*cB»*4*n county.
Title* examined. Titles perfected
oni* corrected, etc.
J. T. Bovditch,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
ArsoiinrFiY wre
Will practice in »11 courts of the State,
l olleetions promptly made and remitted.
Morris M. Harkaesa,
and counselor .
Otnce hi Ahlf Building, Front street
Bobert A. Miller,
Turnwl Over to Simon
San Francisco, Dec. 13. Judge
Hawley, sitting iu the Unite<l States
Circuit Court this morning, made ><n
order in the matter of the actiou of tn<
Oregon Improveiiieiit Company ami
Prosjier V. Smith tigaiusi the Farm­
ers' Loan and Trust Company, of New
York, by winch the property of the
plaintiff company, n«;» held under at-
tachmeui. by the Uuited States Mar­
shal, must be turned over to tlie re­
ceiver of tli» company. Josi pii Sitnon.
The pro(>erty in qaestiuu coitFiata i>i
credits, coal alni the company's steam­
er City of Pin-blo. Several days ago
the Fanners' Ixian Company and oth­
ers levimi an attachment on the prop­
erty of the Improvement Company in
Oregon, Washington ¡md this city,
principal property here was the steam­
er. aud a deputy sheriff at once took
charge of her. In the meantime Jos.
Simon bail l»*eti appoint»-:! rec« iv<‘r of
the company by United Stati*« Judge
Dendy, of ttregon, and his appoint­
ment was also made here by Judge
Upon action being com­
menced l>y th improvement Company
yesterday an order was made by which
the priqierly was transferred from th«
sheriff’s care to the custody of the V.
S. Marshal, amt this was followed this
morning by a second order by which
receiver Simon ti kes charge of every­
thing belonging to the c.ompauy. Mr.
Simon will tiolii the property subject
to whatever Ileus may be create'! bj
the levy of writs and subject to tlit« or
der of the court. The Farmers' Asso­
ciation has also tiled suit against the
Imp ovement Company for the fore­
closure of first mortgage bonds issued
to secure the paymeut <»r the I mhi .1 i
and interest.
Hacks and Carts
G rant ’ s P ass , O rkgom .
At the -
Will practice in all the courts
of the State.
H^ilVFH E with W, H Parta»«» oi'p«'*H,,
Court House, Jaetea«mvlite. Or.
¡414 ’
Dr. J. S. F&rsoxx.
A shland ,
O regon .
Otnce at residence on Main street, next
dour to Presbyterian church.
Dr. S. T. Soagor,
Ifflce In Oild Fellows building, weond
floor, ou Main street.
E. P. Geary, M. D.
Office in Hamlin’s Block —Residence on (
Dr. W. Staaâelà,
Has locate-! iu Ashtan«!. Or., for the prm-
li« e of his profession. Makes all chronic
<li-eus«-s, such as Rheumatism, Asthma.
Piles. Ki-tney diseases. Liver Onuiplaluts.
Female diseases, Ac., a specialty. Consul­
tation free.
otti. e next door to Arlington Hotel, near
the depot.
i 12-44
llr. Bo-aiiko's Cough nnd Lung ‘sirup.
Mrs. P- M. Webster, M D.,
Office for the prexeut at the Congregational
Dr. J. H. Hall,
Flying Dutchman .'*ulky Plows,
Oliver ('hilled Steel (one and two horse) Plows,.
A full line of Garden City (’lipper Steel Plows
Disc Harrows—all sizes.
»Spring Tooth Harrows,
Scotch Drag Harrows,
The celebrated Steel King
Spring Tooth Harrow.
Nine Years in Hospital Practice.)
Main Street, Ashland, Or.
J. S. Walter, M. D. S.,
Wil) practice his profession of Dentistry
A shland , O regon .
Office a residence.
This syrup is composed of wild « lu rry,
tar and balsam of l oin, which evervon«-
knows are the most tonic mid ht tilitig
r im dies known forth«- throat nml lun «».
I this we add just enough squills, ipe
cue and hioovi root to loosen and throw
off the offending matter hv expect«»ra
t.on. Ask yotir doctor if there could
possibly tie a more happy <-«>mbiuati<iii
f««r the cure of coughs, colds and broil
chilis, or to bnild up a weak ami emai l
ated consumptive patient than this.
For cronp aa«l whooping ««ugh th«-re is
ii«>thing lietter. amt ever» moth. r who
I values th«» lives of her little children
should always keep it ill the house. It
is perfe-'tly harmless and the babies like
it. Sold by
bv T.
I'. K. Bolton.
Against Knell's Reineilj.
Paris, Dee. 13 A reaction against
the K««eh treatment in Fr.iuce Ì14H 111-
creased in violence. Eight pat louts
died soon after th«- injection of tin
lymph, ami this combined with the
fact that there is no verilieii cure,
has intensified public feeling against
A. C. C&ldwoll,
Mechanical and Operative Dentist.
Nitrous Oxide G hs administered for
1» painless extraction of teeth.
I-4?“ Office over the Bank.— [12-33]
A Sure Cure for Piles,
All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and
Harrows have ever sold in this market.
Itching Piles are known l>v moisture
like pi rspiratiou. cansing intense iich
ilig when warm. This form as well as
Blind. Bleeding and protruding yield at
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy,
which acts directly on the parts affected,
absorbs tumors, allays itching, and ef
feels a ¡NTuianent cure, .’sic. Druggists
or mail: treatise free. Dr. Bosanko.
Piqua. O. Sold ny T. K. Boltov.
J. S. Howard,
Notary Public and Conveyancer
K. I£. 131’ipflitman,
A (’Hh ’ Joke.
R epair S
All kin<taof real entata business giveu care­
ful attention, an<l information furniahed
concerning property in the new town.
For Harrows and Plows Constantly on Hand. I
Is l»repareii at all tfcnes to sell livestock.
hoii«ehol<i gixxl». or other property of
any kin«l ill Ashlaw!, or will atten«l to
«■alls to go ANYWHKRK IN THE
long experience in the business enables me
to guarii tee satisfaction.
sale of slock.
Ashland. Or.
Mieses Mattie
May mid Sll.-le
BarneH and Bova Dixieon, who are at-
tending school nt Engine, played
quite a practical joke on th**ir parents
Itéré, says the Ochoco Rci'it'ir. They
ppont Thanksgiving in Salem, npd
while there visile*! the penitentiary.
They got some of the warden’« letter
he«3»ie nn<i wr^te to their parents that
they were in tlie penitentiary and
wanted help to get ont. Th»' informa-
tion excited Mrs. IX h I hou consider­
ably, and it took considerable argu­
ment to convince her that it was only
a joke. [Statesman.
Cures in 15 minutes: Presl««n - •,îl«-«l-Vk
TheBankof Ashland
different styles aud differ­
Tfi<‘ World’s
the d
Cannot be successfully traveled with*
out joud health. To reach wealth or any
coveted position In lite requires the full
possession aad operation of alt the fac­
ulties kind nature bn enoowed us with,
lhete con-'KIons car.ncl exht unless the
physicci bting Is In perfect working
order, and thia is Impossible when the
liver n.d spl-en are torpid, thus obstruct­
ing the secretions, causing indigestion
and <!; pe;.s;a, with ail of their accom­
panying ho.-rers.
ent kinds of Staves fur
Heating and Cookin,
ig are
^'»DKfactured unde,
uLcve trade mark.
Th: 3
7 L° SJri or
of Stove,
Does a General Banking Business.
'olleetlon. mate al »11 accessible point» on
favorable lenn*.
siifht exchange »i»l telveraphic transfer»
Portland. San Francisco ami Sow York
English Dandelion Tonic
excites It to healthy action, resolves Its
chronic engorgements, ar.d promotes the
secretions: cures Indigestion and consti­
pation, sharpens the appetite, tones up
the entire system, and makes life worth
Ray tor Stock Shipped
Through this Valiev.
Ashland, Oregon.
A big carload of stoves and ranges just received. The
finest line in the countv. < ’all and see and believe it.
Jud bnuirhf nt xfnndnrd prires.
---- I d the town of-----
Siskiyou co.. Cal.,
For Sale on Easy Terms.
RE e L ê R
Was Awarded the only
F»‘T: 5 A I E
At a Bargain.
A <lw«>lling l.ous«- :n<:
¡in. 1 «rge lot «.u-
taining ll-j acres, on
il' choice resilient • part of Ashland for
F ile at a bargain I'm«-lot of fruit or.
th«' place;comfortable ».maiJ house ;.nd
For fur’ll« r inforinction
TlDIS’os office or A«hiress
Phoenix. < >r.
O rboon .
A miiaio ,
Myer’« Block.east si«le M uid st reel.
Call and Examine Them now on
Exhibition at
Martin & Harris’s
One third of ihe real estate in Jack son
county is held under
title, (let
au abstract to the title of vour property and
see if You are al) right. The only reliable
Abatracts made in Ja»kM>u county cotnr
Jrum Austin 8. Hammond’s Law aud Ab -
■Utract Office, Ashlaud, Oregon.
| LI23 |
Akron, Ohio, ]>ec. 13. A terrible
accident «»cenrred at Buehtel college
this evening. A number of lady stu­
dents gathered in the library building,
and were la-ing entertain«! by eight
of their number, who wore masks and
loose flowing garments, with high
bats covered with cotton. In some
manner the liat of one of the young
ladies caught tire, ami the (tallies rap­
idly darted to all the others. Aid was
summoned as quickly as p<<ssible, but
when the Hames were extinguished it
was found that Miss Mary Stevens, of
Chfftou Springs, N. Y.. aud Aurelia
Steigmeir, of Utica, N. Y’„ had beeu
fatally burned. Mary Baker, of Fort
Plan,', N. Y.; Aurelia Warwick, of
Storm Lake, Iowa; Diana Haines, of
Abileiie, Kansas; Myrtle Baker, of
Peru. Ohio; Eva Dean, of Storm L ike.
Iowa; Aila Buchtel, of Columbia, Kan­
sas; Estelle Mason, of Mavadore.
Ohio; and Dora Merrill, of Williams­
port. P.i., were painfully burned, but
they an- not in a daugerous condition.
Electric Hitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so )x>pnlar as to need no »|H-cial
mention. Al! who have used Electric
Bitters sing the same song <>f praise. A
pur«-■ mi-dioine does not exist and it is
guaranteed to do all 111..I is claimed.
Electric Bittr-rs will core all disenses of
the liver anil kidneys, will remove pim­
ples. boils, s-ilt rheum ami other alieo-
:ions caused bv impure blood. Will drive
mnii.ria from the svst -m ami prevent as
well as cure ail malarial fevers For cure
of iieaii e!i«-. c-’nstipation ami indiges
lion trv Electric Boters. Entire satis- mu guaranteed or money refunded.
Price yi c-nts and ?l per laittle ¡it Chit­
wood Bros, drug store.
All W
ous—Why? Y’ou cough in the
morning—Do you n'alize the
cause? Y’<>ur apjietite is poor—
What makes it so? You seem
like a changed person to your
friends—Do you know what it
the matter, or has the change
lieen so gradual it has esca|ie<l
your notice?
Villi 0
■ UU ■
You have Consumption!
- __ _
Pacific Coa»! Maili OtEif,
1368 Market Street
«•zema ami chronic sore eyes. Price 25c
jier box.
Gnats, Turkeys anil Chickens.
Ben Huntington came tip from Elk­
ton, Monday, with forty goats which
be bad purchased out of a bund jw t
brought from California.
He will
place them on his ranch near Yoncolln,
and with goats to eat up the brush and
sprouts, and turkeys to devour the
worms and insects, lie will have a dean
much and a combination to mak>
money that will beat, raising wheat at
tifsy cents per bushel, many times over.
We «re pleased to see that the old
time way of farming here is gradually
changing for the lietter. The raising
of poultry here used to lie considered
a small business, but it is rapidly com­
ing to the front in mammoth propor­
tions. Douglas county is fast btsiini-
lng famous for the large increase of
turkeys being raised, and yet they with
chickens and eggs sell at such high
prices that they are considered a lux­
ury that many cannot afford. Turkeys
are thirteen and a half cents. Hens at
$4.50 [>er dozen and eggs at 30 cents
per dozen count up pretty fast. Yet
the inimeuse increase in their produc­
tion here does not seem to reduce, but
increase Ixitb the demand and the
paices. We are pleased to see that
the people nre paying more careful al ■
tention to these things and that they
no longer regard them as small things
unworthy of their notice. The cli­
mate and the country here is most fa­
vorably adapted to this class of farm
productions, and all who engage in it
with care. en> rgy ami industry will
soon lie on tin- higii road to financial
success. 11 Tram Echo.
|Af II A T You feel tired—Do you tni^
fV I1A I what it means T Yon are nerv­
The undersigned hits a! ib< liank*} home
ranch near .hu ksorivillc, .Mt
and <’rn
tra) Point a large quantity of the i>est alfalfa
hay. and will sell at tin- place at the lou
p; ice of $*• a ton, feeding corral fnriiishr«l.
Stockmen who may wish tn ship their
beef <altl<* from Klamath county or eke
where to the northward will find this an
excellent pla. e tofetd, and will be < beer
fully furnkhed with full information re­
garding the market?, at Portland, hi‘ < m».
Seattle, Victoria and <•!*< v h< r< .
For further information, add re** at M.-I
ford, Oregon.
W m H ani . ey ,
One-fourth down; balance wilbiu *ix.
twelve and eighteen months.
See map at the Rai’-»ad Depot for graded
prices, etc., or «Idres»
Town Site Agent C. P R R-. San Francisco,
Having one of the lx*t skylights in Or­
egon, and knou'ing hotc to use it,
Fatal Fire in a College
everts a specific Influence ever the liver,
H. C. Myer,
known medicine for bowel cmplaints.
ll Goes m ’ viii singular that so many people It is especially prized by persons sub­
will b't their -kin become yellow, dark and ject to colic. It has cured many cases
greasy, dually resulting in blotches ami i of chuiiiic diarrhoea. Price 25c nnd .’•0c
-kin eruptions, as well as a general drying per lx>ltie.
up «»I the bbtod, causing wrinkles ami pre-
St. Patrick's l'ills. for disord- rs of tIn­
nuiiure «'bl ag»- . when this « an be remedied liver
and bowels. A vigorous hat gentle
v ii h so little vx pen*e. I w «> hot ties of Beggs’
Bl» o 1 I’ ii i i tier and Blood Maker w ill renew physic that cleanse« ami renovates the
ami purify tin« blood throughout the w boh whole system. Price 25c per tiox.
*y*t* in, leaving the skin clear and free from
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Oint­
all eruptions For sale by all druggists.
ment. for tetter, salt Kheuin, scald head,
Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00
From the rejairt published a
days ago of th«' work «lone by the <
gon Horticultural Society during
past year, it is evident that fruit i
lug iu this state is not to be solely
jieiident upon haphazard planting
an uubouDded trust in climate .•
soil, as has been the case in forn
years, but that this is to be supp -
nient«i by intelligent, systematic e
fort. The board is composed of prac
tical horticulturists men whose inter­
est in the work extemls from the
planting aud cultivation of orchards
through the entire process of fruit
raising, up to the time that the pro­
duct is placed in market. Until with­ bon*
in comparatively recent years fruit of a ro.
pests were unknown in this state. The cident,
1T<> Yon Want a Happy Christinas?
apple anil pear trees planted a thin! star, ami is in
lh> you want to make a happy of a century or more ago, broken anti utility horse,
Christmas for yourself and for other misshafied from early and prolific to this at last
people? Then give, and give royally, (tearing, in defiance of neglect, pro­ home. Bey o'
says E iward W. Bok, in the Christmas duced the fiueet of fruit in unstint«i the greatest,
Ladies' Home Journal. Royal giving abundance. Moss-grown orchard tree«, go over the
means generous bestowing of the licet with broken branches banging dol«~ miles an ho>
Ilia' you have to those least used to fuily in testimony of their brave en­ hours. A
possessing. Yollr royal gift may be deavor to keep np the reputation of enough fo«
hat a loving nieasage, but be sure if it Oregon as a laud of never-failing for the rant
is given in the name of that little bounty, stood within delapidated rail stars will fi
ebilil it will bring happiness wherever fences, among a luxuriant growth of minutes.
it goes, and, lik th > water of the foun­ wee«]» for years before their fruit de-
Some rec«
tain. il will ret.iftn Ro yon -rith its vir­ teriori.lied to a noticeable d> gree. or le vol union «
tues a thousand times greater, ami its quantity greatly diminished. Neg­ I point that th'.Aawift bore
you will lie made lietter and younger lect, however, finally overcame the er a haudsom*) animal; that lie is fre­
by it. In your joy remenilier the vigor imparled by climate and soil; quently uiide«' size and is far from the
children, not just your own they have the mossy branch«'» became attractive ideal of a s'mmetrical animal. The
you to look after them -but think of nesting plac«<s for his«-ts, ami one form has b« a sacrificed to .»peed It
the little ones whose homes are bare, fin«' autumn several years ago, the is seldom that the winners of priz«-s
where life is like a tossmg sea.
l«eop)e of the entire state awoke to oil the race track are Hi hands hi
Remember the sick ehildren. Think the fact that the cotilin uiotb iiad ta­ bight >>r weigh much over 100G poun«is.
of the joy a ia>autifiil toy, a great, ken posst'ssion of tli*» orchards, and They are comparatively small horses,
round orange, a big bag df CHndiee, the fame of Oregon apph-s had, tem­ and very few of them would la* suit­
only to be looked at, will bring to the porarily at least, departed.
able for the road. The Kentucky
little ones whose limbs are tied down
Now, there is only one thing that is horsemen produced two famous cl asees
fort ver. Think of the great picture­ worse, in its way, than no apfiles, anil of horses. (hie was lb«* uiddle horee,
book over which the eyes will open that thing is wormy apples. The which for pluck, speed ami endlir-
wide eyes, my friend, that may stain lusty onslaught upon the juicy North­ auce probably never had a superior
be closed forever in death; and of the ern Spy, the luscious Baldwin, the in this country. The other class wa.«*
great ¡.nd intense delight felt when a spicy Spitzenberg quickly loses its the road hors«', which Ix-came faraone
wonderful tree is recognized, or a bird's zest when the wriggling worm is un­ all over the country, He was not a
nsiiie is known to the little laiy whose covered by the teeth, anil the par small horse, but was Wall tip <>n tlie
lif«' has been spent in the close streets, tialiiy for cider, which the Go«xl Tem­ withers, high-spirit««! and of splelulld
l’lii'se are gifts that you will uever re­ plars' obligation wholly failed to sub­ action. Of course there wus alno
also 1 3.
gret. Give of them give of your due, was turned to revulsion at the running horse, which was the especi i!
plenty and from your heart, anil be thought of the unwonte«! juices that pet «if tii<* Kentucky breeders.
sure that to each little one of your own enter«! into the composition of this
But. the evolution of the trotter lias
will come special happiness because beverage while the Codlm moth held probably brought more wealth to tin*
you have remember«! the sufferers sway over the orchards. This state of country by his general utility tliui
among tin* babies. When that Divine affairs could not, of course, lie toler­ any other class of hors«*s. He is n< *
Baby slept, so quietly in the stable, the ated. Something must be done to everywhere on the road high spirited,
great kings of the earth thought it rescue the name of the Oregon apples strong and swift, he is lliefpride «»t
worth while to bring presents to Him. from this disgusting attainder. That thousands who take no interest in the
and surely, as you consider the least something the State Board of Horti ra«‘e track and care nothing'Jor run-
among these. He will rememlier you. culture has specifically pointed oil’, net’s, b«'ause they are not adapt«-1 to
Let the bells ring out,then, on Christ­ ami orchnrdists. in many instances, the roa«l. I lie read horse is an evo­
mas morning and let your heart beat have followed the directions given lution winch has been brought alxiut
hi unison as you know that yon have
with such profit that it is now possi­ by »¡««’lai training. There» w«»re» uev< r
brought joy unto His littleones. Chil­ ble to eat an apple in the dark with­ so many giaai on«*« in the country ill
dren are God's own angels, sent by out a certainty that more tliiiu the any former peri<xi. Not one in a
him to brighten our worid, ami what fruit is devoured. However, it is not thousand of these ever makes any
ivc do for these messengers from the the part of prudence to take too unteli prominent figure on the nice track,
sky. especially at that time of the year for granted iu this time, since tiio; !■ but they figure ns never before iu the
winch lielougs to them, will comeback ¡ire still many wormy apples. The wealth of the country. That is by f.n
tons tlin efold, like unto bread cast | ravages of the past havelieen checked, th«* greatest gain which has resulted
upon the waters.
j it is true, and where all apples were from this ni<xlern evolution ot the
Ib-member, the fiist Christmas gifts i infested with this disgusting inliabi- horse. | Exchange.
were lai«l at the feel of a child a poor I taut a few years ago, many are now
child of humble parents. Give your | entirely free from traces of it.
gifts, then, to the humble, to the poor,
Experiments carefully made regaril-
a r
to the helpless, still thus will your ■ ing th«* product of trees spray«! and
own Ciinsimas he a happy one.
I uu»praye«l (according to the formula
| given by the board) have proven con-
Conwiimption purely ( urrd.
conclusively that it is (Mtssible not
I. B<
To thk E ditor .—-Please inform vour j only to cotitrol, but to exterminate
nmr< i » k»"ji
readers that 1 have a positive remedy j th«* pest. The intelligent fruit grow­
her piF
. ith th<
for the alxive named disease. By its ler follows the instructions given ai:«i
tnuely use thousands of hopeless vises ' markets his apples and pears in a con­
have been p< nnanrntly cured. 1 shall
be tilad to send two bottles of my reme­ dition that commands the higher
Mur«- Tinilx-r Lind Swindling
dy FREE to any of your readers who price and k«*eps up the reputation of
have con sumption if they will send me ’Oregon fruits, while the man who
S«'iittle, Dee. 9. J. F. Campbell, a
their express and post office address. | thinks the process too troublesome timber lain! loc-iter, has skipped to
Respectful I v
is he in whose orchard the codliri Victoria with Ins couhslerates, Jim
T. A. SLOCUM. M.C..1H1 Pearl st, N. Y moth and her product is a voracipus
Wilson ami Charlie R--«sl, with about
summer boariler aud winter lodger.
$6,500 of his dupes’ cash. He opetol
Port OrrhaM Is the Piare. But the Re.
The public has lw>en told that fruit an office u mouth ago at 211 J<-iY«-rsoii
port Is fot Heady Yet.
tree* aggregating many thousan«!» street, furnished it handsomely, him ;
Washington, Dec. 13. Capt. Sel­ have lieen piauttfi in the various se ■
maps on the walls, ami prepared to
fridge. president of the commission of tione of the state during the past au­ receive suckers.
His confederates
army ami linvy officers an«l civilians, tumn. This shows the confidence worked the hotels, depots aud ste..n«-
appointed by the president to select a which the record of Oregon ns a profit­ ers. ami brought ttie would-be settlers
site for the proposed drydock on the able fruit-growing state has in»pir«<l. to Campliell to bt'lieguiled. Campla-li
northwest coast of this country, for­ and in view of the practically unlim­ told them that he was agent for n cof.i-
warded the report of the commission it«! market that is opening up in pany which would buy the land of
to the president to-day. While nomi­ every direction, it is a matter of con­ them within ninety days, ami that ou
nally to select a drydock, the real pur­ gratulation. Much more satisfactory payment of $1<HI a cruiser would j-«
pose of the commission was to select a than tills, however, is the assnran«-e and locate them. The $l(td was to be
navy yaril as well. A board of naval given by the Stat** Board of Horti­ deposited in the bank, and if after
otlicera. with Captain A. L. Mahons as culture» that a strict and intelligent thirty days th«' settler was <hssati-t’ie«l
senior nrenilier, was sent out last year application of the remislies advi»- 1 it was to be relume«! to him. The
to select a site for a navy yard, and re­ will rid the orchards already in bear­ thirty days expire«! on Monday for
ported in favor of Port Turner, or ing of the p«*sts that for a time threat­ many of them, and la-ing dissati*ti .1
Port Orchard, an arm of I’nget Bound. en«! to make the era of big red ap­ they came for their cash. Campocil
There was so much criticism on the ples in Oregon a thing of the past.
was not there, and his «inhsier.ites
point selected, inspired largely by | Oregonian.
sail! he was sick ami wotilil return t<>-
people interested in other sites, that
day. The victims left contented. . On
congress prowled for the commission
"Is this the best?” Isa question of­ Monday night Camptiell g..v<- ; a Lili
to do the work over again. Their re­ ten asked, when medicine is wanted. of sail» for the furniture and then left
port will not be publish«! until it is The following are a few of the ine«ti- for Victoria with his confi'.lerates aud
transinitleil tocougress, but it is stated cines of known reliability sold by Chit­ with the cash, owing the landlord n
on g'Mxl authority that the decision of wood Bros., druggists of this plac-. month's rent and h-aving advertising
They have iniiny other excellent medi­
the first commission has been sus­ cines,
tint these are worthy of especi I and other bills. He had only inade
tain«!; Th«> commiesiou is compos«] mention:
two filings at the lau<l<>fli«'e, having
of Captiiin I'homasO. Selfridge. Lieu­
Chaiul.-erlain’» Cough Remedy, fa­ withdrawn several others, lie left,
tenant A B. Wycoff, Co). (i«>rge C. tuous for its cures of severe colds, and uuder similar cireumstanci's a year
M« ndel, of the corps of engineers, ex- ns n preventive for cronp. Price 5dc ago. Rmsl is also an old <>ff<>mler al <1
S i ietary of the Navy, R. W. Thomp­ per hottie.
iiad been arrested at Port Townsend.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a general
son, mui ex Senator T. C. Platt. They family
liniment and especiiiilv valuable
visited every available locality iu the for rheumatism. Price 5Gc per bottle.
A lirent Liver .Mt-iHi-ine.
Puget Sound region, and examined all
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di­
Dr. (innn’s linpruvwl Liver 1’iPs ¡in­
the propose«! sites ill detail.
arrhoea lien’edy, the most reliable a sure cure for sick headache, bilious
Edward B- I .my talks of starting n
new nationaiistic paper in New York.
In view of the n’snlt of the recent
election be believes that such a paper
would have a living support on circu­
lation.* He is on'n;ii«tie. ami sees all
things «lining his way. Hesays while
Gould’s grasp of tlm railroads seems
to the unthinking a triumph of indi­
viduality. it <mlv shows tlmi the ro de
should all be un h r one control -the
you, but it is true These are the sure symptoms of this tarrible disease.
There is one thing which will check it and tliat is
l.iK'kieu*. Arni*** »ulve.
It I* reiwnmendsd by thè h. Kt phy.tclAn* In Europe Alni A ut«* rie».
«.-. rea»», ao t-ret» »»« «1.0« per Belile,
W. H. HOOKER & QO., 46 West Broadway, New. York
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ule» re, salt rheuiu. fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all snin eruptions, and posi­
tively cure« i>iles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give |>erfect satisfao
tiou, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
•>«r ( mix . For sale by Chitwood Bros.
complaint. dys]x-psia. ind’gestioii, oos
tiveuess. torpid liver, etc. These pills
insure jxirfect digestion correct the li’. i r
nnd stomach, regulate th«- bowels, purtfv
and enrich the blood ¡«ml make the skin
clear. They also produce a good appe­
tite, and invigorate and st rerrq hen im-
entire system by their tonic nction. S >ld
at 25c. a box by T. K. Boston.
The ( nion I'Hi-itl«'.
Boston. D«*. 9. Director Ames, of
the Union Pacific, in an interview to­
day said: “I lielieve the O«»tol»»r earn­
ings are the worst th«' Union Pacific -
will show for many months. They
tell us from Omaha that November
should show improvement, atul I f«s-l
that Deceinlier will continue th«» im­
provement, but 1 have been so much
disappointed in moutbly returns that I
«io not like to prophesy. Tin- trust«-« -
have canceled, «luring tins year. $7.-
367,iMM) of bonds, reducing the nnnii «1
fixed charges by nearly iSlibo.lHHl, but
only half this reduction wil’ show in
tins year’s report. This l«»av«»s out­
standing only $6.636.11(10. These are 6
per ceut. Ixmds, and at maturity, hi
Septemla-r 1X93. the company will can­
cel the entire issue, ami when all-the
laml notes are paid there will be a
balance from land ass«»ts, to lie con­
verted into t he Union Pacitic treasury.
The trustees of tins land money have
now one million dollars in hand for in­
vestment in ixinds. Bi-siilcs tliis. th«»
trust«*»» of the Kansas l’.-««-itie consoli­
dated mortgage have ¡mother million
dollars on haud.”
New York. Dec. 9 Jay Gonhl said
i in reference to the Union Paeiti-» float­
ing debt that the company luul to pay
$300,060 for new equipment, atul then
the p«>ple want«l their money; that
all will be arrang«l. The company
receives 130 new locomotives an«! lie-
tween 4,(>00 ami 5,000 freight cars,
which will enable the road to move the
wheat in the Northwest, which could
not. lie handled on account of the scur-
I city of cars.
Catarrh Can’t be Cured
. ,~.ed of his wife. Even her
lying on his belly ou the cowcatch*.,
Ins head almost touching the head­ portrait is seldom seen in the English
light. Both hind feet were firmly shops; rarely in the prints. She lias
planted between the lower bars of the always felt that public interest ill her
pilot, one on each sale of the tip, and own country «ml across the sou was
liis forelegs were tightly hnggiug the centered in her husband, and in order
bars at the top. The collisiou had evi­ that bis greatness might stand
dently left the bear uuiujured. It was more strikingly, she has each -j
plain that lie did not. intend to take further retired from public view,
any chaucee by voluntarily getting off freshness will, therefore, attach itself
the engine while it was in motion, and to the story, “A Day with M re. ( Mad
the engineer concludetl to ruu into Stone,” as it will be told by her bright
• ilcut and trust to good luck for the young visitor in the 1-adies' Home
filial capture of the bear.
Journal, of Philadelphia, during the
Station agent Dick Jacolis stood in coming year. This article will lie one
tbe depot door at this place when the of the series of ‘•Unknown Wives of
tram cam«' rolling in, and the sight of Well-known Men,” which this excel­
a bear clinging to the cowcatcher was lent magazine will contain during
such a singular »|>«'tacle that lie stood 1891.
in amazement with mouth anti eyes
When you need h mild laxative you
wide o|a»n, unable to move or 6peak.
should have h medicine that will act on the
Wli’-u the train came to a full stop liver aud kidney.* as well as the I h - ac I*.
the bear saw its op|>ortunity to escape Beggs’ Vegetable liver pill-
“I f are prepared
i lnt-UtotM.’« tting
, ,
from its jxTilotis position and it took expressly Mr llih purpose,
them, a.* they ' have no superior and few
advantage of the circumstances. The equals. For
” Male by ah druggist*.
engine at this time was directly oppo­
site the door of the station, aud only
Wade Hampton's Ileft-at
the sight of bruin making tracks for
|K F. «'hnmicl«- |
liberty ¡«wakened Jonee from his mute-
While our Democratic brethren have
like and motionless condition. The been hugging themselves over the re­
engineer called loudly for somebrxly sults of the receDt election and point*
to get a gun. The station agent be­ ing with pride to the probable def«»at
came thoroughly aroused and started of John J. Iugalle iu Kansas by the
d««wn the str«*et shouting at the top of embattk»d farmers, those same farm­
Ins ».«ice: “Bear! l«ear! bear!”
ers have been paying strict attention
The engineer and fireman join«! in to business iu South Carolins, aud to capture the bear which ! the result is that Wade Hampton has
ran into Ixuig's bote], juiup«l upon i lx»en defeated for the Senate and a
the piazza, and after giving several of young mairTamed Irby elected to
the gm sts a good fright, started off succeed him.. Irby was a leader in
t.iward t’.nly Creek. A crowd quickly the farmers' movement and iris suc­
_■ ' rn-red and pursued the liear, and cess has ndialed them very much,
P« Iw-il him with stones as they ran.
• hi V a«ly street John Cameron's big while on the other haial W«de Hstnp-
' ton's defeat has pluugtsl the South
shepli* r«l «log Ixmnded out of the yard Carolina ‘Democracy into the pr«e
and attacked bruin with much fierce- foundest gloom. Confederate veter­
ik - ss .
l'he battle between the dog and ans who fought uuder Hampton are
bear coutiiiu«! about one minute. The wearing crape ou their hats and coats,
«log was an easy victim, aud bis death and declaring, with tears in their eyes,
that the Palmetto State has disgraced
The bear continued, aud was not far i herself.
from the ereek when lawyer Giles I Leaving out of consideration the
Beers appeared upon the roatlway with personal element, this selection must
¡i double-barrelled rille. He bead«! lie seen to possess a great deal of po-
bruiu off an«l the animal attempted to i htical significance. It makes a breach
escafie by turning into a small alley I iu the ranks of the solid South which
leading to Gully’s stable. The alley it will be no light matter to. repair.
stopp«i there, and bruin was caught. If a new man iu such a State as South
He made a bold attempt to tight his I Carolina cau ride into the United
way bnck. however, and raised up on i States Senate on a popular wave over
his biihi paws, ready to attack auy per­ the head of a typical Confederate gen-
son who iuterf«»re»d. But B*»ers haZ, j eral, a man of distinction aud ability
!irnv«-<l at the entrance of the al)'*y, and a fur.-rite e-Mi of th-* S’a'e. who
nn«i In* promptly empti«i the content? «•an say what may or may not ««me
of Ixith barrels luto bruin's breast. He next ?
dr<>ppe l on nil fours.
This election upset th«» theory o'
Th«* crowil push«! near the dying
the DenaK-rats that the Farmers' Al-
bear, but the sight of the |as»ple ;,1 liauce men iu Congress are to 1ie
short range stirred up his anger, and counted on t lie Democratic side. Sen­
with a <i«-s|«erat»* effort he tnrned uj>on ator -el«»t Irby is probably a Demo­
them for ii last attack. The crowd atnl a rush was ma«ie f<5r the crat by natural affiliation, but iu Ins
official capacity he will represent the
ent ranee to the alley. Iti this scene of
Farmers’ Alliai.c«» of South Carolina
«'Xcilemeat iiiel oonfnHioh «Tobli Car­ and not. the Democratic party of that
mody. 12 years old, was thrown down
state. Whenever an issue is made be
and Ins leg was brokeu. Beers was must stand with the party that eh-cteil
th«* <»<x>l«»st man ill the crowd. He him, even though he should staud
shpp«i anot her cartridge into Ins ritle alo'ie on ti.xir of the Senate.
mi«l liefore th«» bear «mill <lo any dam­
The truth is th«’ Farm»«’ Alliau«*«»
age h«» sent a third bullet into bruin. is an unknown quantity in the polit­
It craslie«! through his bead, and be ical situation. A Democratic contem-
fell over, «lead. He weighed 360 lbs.
porary yesterday morning made an at­
It was not until the lear had 1 een tempt to show tin,t the Alliance was
kilhsl that engineer Elwixsl and bi» practically Democratic. an«i said that
fireman remembered that a tram loa«i if it would try once more it would be
of passengers were at theilepot waiting likely to bridge the narrow space
for the train to «mtiniie its journey. which now separates it from the De­
It was then 20 minutes late, ami it is mocracy; but judging from pr«*e«nt
probable ihat th** bear hunt will lie an indications the Alliance is <i«*sirous of
expensive one to the engineer and fire­ burning ami destroying old bridges
rather than of constructing new on«*
If th«» D’»ni<HTaey want the Alliance to
The GrenI «Hcilirirr.
cross t in* gulf 1 hey will have to build
The Blood is the Life.
the bri'tg«» nnd put some very attnu»-
GcnHomen I have been troubled with tiveol«j«:t at their end of it to entice
bad l>ltH»d for some two year«, but rcifntly the farmer» over.
purehaM'd two bottles of Hibbard's Kliuu-
Duitie Syrup, which has entirely cured inc. •
.till ice (<> Molhet-s.
\* u biood purifier it has no Uijual. and I
al*4> take pleasure in recoinn)cn<iiuK it a* a
Mrs. Winslow*» Soothing Syrup has
t'tui< . alterative and reliable rheumatic
been used by millions of moth­
Very truly y<»ur.*.
>. E. F erguson . Eaton Rapid*. Mich
ers for children teething for over
This is to certify that we know Mr. Fer fifty years with perfwt success. It
i*oii. and i»elicve the statement made by relieves the little sufferer at once,
m to i»" true. We unhesitatingly rc< <»ni
sleep by
• ii ! ihi' remedy’ as we believe it to l»c the produces natural,
freeing the child froiu pain, ami the
KI vatesi family medicine on our .*he!\e>.
little cherub wakes "bright as abuttou.'*
W alwoki II *k Sou I K.
Eaton Kapuls. .Mich.
It is very pleasant t*l taste u,s>tlis the
For * h 1 c by T. K. Belum, Ashland.
child, softens I he gum«, allays pain, re­
lieves wind, regulate« the bowels, and
is the best known remedy for diarrhea«,
whether arising from teething or other
Probably the most gigantic scheme causes. 1 wenly-tive cents a laittle.
PalotiM* Farmers Have Pluck.
ever undertaken by an organization of
farmers, says the Walia Walla Jour­
nal. is the construction of a railroad
from the Palouse country to Pllgflt
Sound by the Farmers' Alliance of
Whitman county. This proposition
may seem like a dream, lint it is a pos­
itive fact that the leaders of that lnaly
are making a determined effort to or­
ganize a company to build and equip
such a road. Of course it will lie a
stock concern, and a li’tie contributed
by many farmers will very soon make
a large total. Freights aioli* on the
gr in raised hi Whitman inunty this
season will amount to $5,100.1100 if
shqqied to Puget Sound or Portland,
and nlxiut $7,000,000 if billed to St.
Paul or Chicago. Five or six mil­
lions, the Alimucc argues, will go a
long way tow,.r<l completing Hie pro­
posed roa.i. The farmers are terribly
in earnest and business men all en­
courage them. The state of feeling
among them cannot lie imagined by
anyoue not associated in their midsL
lJoth the Northern and Union Pacific
lines have practically refused to trans­
port their grain, by a combination with
the elevator companies to control the
prices, thus closing the market entire­
ly. No community of farmers were
ever so thoroughly aroused as are
those of the Palouse country to-day,
ami if the proposed railroad scheme
falls, they will at least, offer an im­
mense I kiiius to the Great Northern to
build branches for their relief by the
time another yield is ready for market.
Freach Tanxy Wafer».
These wafers are a sure anil safe spe­
cannot reach the seat of the disea^ . cific for fit kinds of female trouble» nud
Cat irrti is a 1>1« m >-! or constitutional dis­ will remove all ol>strii«»tions to the
ease. and in order to care it you have to montiily |x-nods, no niatti r what the
t<ke internal remedies, thill's Catarrh cause, they are what every wo«uaii
Cure is taken internally, and acts direr t
needs, and can lxj nm-d safely. For sale
Iv on the blood ami uraoous surfac«». by the Livingstone Chemical Co., manu­
Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quick medi­ facturers. San Francisco. Cal. T. K. Bol­
cine. It was prescrilx-d by one of the ton sole agent for Ashland.
!«-st physicians in this country for I
years, and is a tegular prescription. It
is «>f tin' tx-st tonics known,
IlMllU-ing VVHges
combined with the lx st blood pnriiit rs,
Nearly all the rail­
acting directly on th«- mucous surfaces.
I be |» rf«-c.: ooiub nation of the two in­ road contractors will reduce wng-'s to
gredient» is whet pro luce» such w mder- $2 per day about the 15tb. This is
ful resnlis in curing catarrh. Send tor due to two causes the shortness of
t< -¡timoiiiais free. F. J. CHENEY <t the working hours at the present sea­
CO.. Props . Toledo. O. Sold by drug* son and the abun«laut supply of labor­
gists, price 75.
ers. The contractors report that they
Runs high in this city over “System
Builder.’’ as everybody 's nsing it for
Malaria. Constipation, Dyspepsia, im
pure bl.aid. and catarrh of the stomach,
and it is only $1 »bottle nt Cbitwaid's
drugstore <iet n bottle and tell your
neichlaire about it.
Starving Eaqninuuix.
San Francisco, D«-. 11. Captain M.
A. Healv, of th«* revenue cutter Bear,
iu connection with Dr. Sheldon Jack-
son, United Stxtaa CummisMotier of
Education for Alaska, who has been in
Alaska recently on the Bear, intends
at an early dale to forward a commu-
nicatioii to the Washington authorities
in regard to the condition of the Es­
quimau» in Northwestern Alaska. It
will l>e point« <1 out that the Esqui­
maux there arc suffering groat hard­
ships, in some cases bordenug on star­
vation, owiug to tlm scarcity of d«s»r,
and particularly on account of the en­
tire failure of the hunt during the
autumn. Captain Healy's ideas are to
propose to the government that he
purchase a number of reindeer of both
sexes, which abound on the Siberian
coast, and transport them <>n the Bear
to some point on the Alaskan coast
where moss nnd f«**J are plentiful. He
will also suggest that the government
enlist the services of some experienced
Siberian natives to instruct the Esqui­
maux in the art of herding theee »leer,
an<l as the animals become more nu­
merous they can lie distributed over
North westaru Alaska, and form a food
supply for the natives.
If you suffer pricking pains on mov­
ing the eyes, or cannot bear bright
light, and find your sight weak and
failing, yon should promptly nse J. H.
Mcljeiin's Strengthening Eye Salve. 25
cents a box.
Penalty fur IHscliarcing a Person for Petit'
ivsl Iteusons.
Columbia, 8.
Dec. 11. Hon. Y.
.1. I’ope, the new attorney general of
South Carolina, finds himself in au
awkward position. Tuesday he dis­
charged the clerk in the judiciary de­
partment, but in h’s letter of dismis­
sal testified to his worth aud efficiency.
L. B. Butler, the dismissed clerk, then
asked for General Pope's reasons. He
replied that it was a duty he owed
the state, as Butler voted for Haskell
at the recent election. A lawyer to­
day discovered in the general statutes
of the atate that the discharge of any
jiereon for political reasons was pun­
ishable by a fine of not Ices than $5t>
nor more than $ lot X). aud imprison­
have many applicants for work every ment not less tliau three nor more
than twelve months. A warrant may
be issued for the arrest of the attor­
If you suffer pricking pain» on moving ney general.
the eye», or cannot bear bright light,
and find your sight weak and failing,
Sure cure—Preston’s •’¡led-A k
son should "promptly use Dr. J. H. Mc­
W hy »Urtel ' Preston's * Hed Ake" V» ill
Lean’s SI rengtheiuug Eye Salve. 25 eta
curi' you.
a Ixix