Medford Items. Jacksonville Items. HERE \M> THERE. PERSONAL. Star tobacco reduced to 45ots per * plug nt McCounell 4 Eubanks. T. E. uml George Nichols, of Butte John W. Powers ( ante up from Port Unti F. M. Plytnale, who Las lx eu ailing ♦ Reaaf urday. It is expected that the Medford- home in San Francisco next Saturday. Jacksonville K. R. will la- iu running (ireen Seal 5c ri^RFb at Mtiikk r’e. ber of people traveling in the opjawite Grant's P. lss , J V.. 1 oaklev returned from K lamath Money to bmn. • ■.•uti’, last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Kahler is seriously ill. order by 1 >ee. 25lh. CbristiDHMs in let« than two weeks. directions. The trains going south To loan on approved tiret-mortgage A complete stock ofebul.ce groceries, arc always full, but those going noilli Her son, Dr. Kahler of Piioemx, is iu Joe sjniou was on yesterday morning s J. A. Lee, of Ashland, has beeu pay­ Calendar hocial at lhe opera bouee. have plenty of room in lhe cars and fancy candies, unis 4c. for Ciinstnuis. train, going tuSan Erancisco. security ou farm laud, from ÿl<4M to attendance. ing Medfor«i a business visit during 8I_W. For particulars apply al Til* Just received at Minkler ’ s. uf en many empty seats. There are cNMl*ii)»>rii!ntf-«Iede on Christ- until the ixild winter weather tn their winter. R. P. Neil will give 8100 for a i Mrs. G. Karewski has a Lay baler to take a ca6e on the T i ' imcs of that Wallace Bishop, of Phoenix, was over at ow n homes is over. glimpse of the m ill's hair that la th ,*• idm night. Yreka oil a businesi trip the first of the at work at her farm near Jacksonville city. Success to him. Holiday g«x>ds were never eo cheap ! week. uiau that can furnish the public wi; n Samuel Watson is over at Hornbrook baling alfalfa bay to ship to Portlaud. Men's Shoes, al! sizes, 81.50 up. nt as this year, at the lied House. Thus. Collins and A. Stewart, enter­ a lietter article, or cheaper meats than in charge of the proHpectinLf work of <). H. Biouui's. I. ( . Dodge and Tom Roberts were pass- prising stock men of Klamath county, * W. P. Miller tarried one day in engrrsfi-r Hornbrook oil yesteiday morn ­ he can. * the Eldorado company tins week. A' of snow fell at Sisson last ing’s train. Jacksonville on his return from San came in last week tor supplies The Sol. Watson, «youngest brother of C. H. Ve^'bte baa be* j over at Hen- Hon. C. B. Watson, of this place,died week, but the suow plow was not J. IL Cunningham went down to Wood­ lose, aud departed for Klamath latter returned Tuesday. Italian Brune*. was needed on the railroad, though it ville this week, to do some prospecting on county. There are now enrolled in the public J. H. Settleiuier, of Wixslbiiru Nur­ Ivy ibis week, preparing a car load of last Sunday at his home in Orting, all iu .eaditiess for nee. a quartz ledge. school here almost 3<)0 scholars and sery, informs ns tbai be has l>*twe«n apples for shipment to S m Francisco. Wash., after a brief illness from m- Mies Ida Klippel, formerly of Jack ­ Oxford Bibles. Bnrgaster Bibles, Mrs. A. S. Hammond, of this place, was sonville, was married in Portland Dec. others «re liegiuning every we«-k. We 50 and fit* tuoueaud Italian -prune tre s A Los Angelea mau was iu town ti.immation of the Ixiwels; Deceased at \ reka last week, visiting her cousiu, Mrs left from tus mix»rf*7- stock of I1.* ’he first of the week, lucking for a car was an exi-eptn-nally bright young fane} bibles, pocket bibles. A tin«- as­ John Butterworth. | 111, 1890, to F. W. Targler, of East Lave one of the lx-st schools in tin sortment at D. 1«. Aimkier 4 Sons. man. who bail but just entered upon valley and many families me moving —;il' -“Tinterftr. rs Parties intruding load of apples, i»ut did not make a Walter Jackson, the well known and |»op Portlaud. the practice of bis chosen profession, to town to take advantage of it. W* pint it would do web to c*onf«-r with purchase. The Oregon Statu Board of Com­ ular < <»mnit rcial traveler, was in town a day Senator Cameron line been iu town tin- law, and for whom his friends all merce will hold a sjiecial meeting at or two last week him at once, as be says that they are During the present winter Medford 2octa a day for $3(XM) accident tick ­ the greater part of last week, also R. Have now on hand in addition to a predicted a most promising career. going very rapidly. See Ins ad. ( apt. IL J. T»*el and wife started yesterday will lmve electric lights. This will be et. Don’t you tfvt caught in “Lake He Lad many friends among the Salem on January 15th next, for the morning J. Cameron, of Uniontown, was here fur Sacramento, Cal., where they purpose of giving expression of its complete line of a valued improvement and will add Labibh” without a ticket. Tuesday. younger p«*ople of the old families in views in regard to various legislation will spend the winter. Strayed freni Pasture. much to the appearance of the town. G. F. B illings , ag’t. .Vhl im). having spent several years of pr.qaisud. Mrs M W. Hargadine has been visiting Sheriff Birilsey ha« ret»U'«l the Strayed from the Colver pasture her daughter, Mrs. c W. Ajer», at Albany. Meegley residence east of the court The committee r -ceived a telegram A span of gl mulea, with harness his Ixiyhixxi tiers-, and bis iiutimeiv near Phoenix, Hie follow Illg «!<*SCril.*i d f».i two weeks or »nor*-* pant. Star plug tobacco, 5tk! per lb. at the death will be sincerely mourned. house and is preparing to liegm house­ last Wednesday evening stating thu' animal, for the return of which or for and waifoti, wi!’ bv sold at public auc­ Dr. A. < Ht lm took the train Wednesday Red House. the first car of machinery for the larg.- Men's new underwear, 50 cts. upe at morning for Stockton, Cal., oil a business keeping. information which will lead to the re­ tion iu the plaza next Tuesday aftvr- distillery and packing house to bi­ A man in “ old Yamhill uoon. trip, intending to return Sunday. <). H. B< in nt’s. T covery of winch h hlteral reward will Wm. ami Mike Hanley were in Jack­ erected h‘>re bud already lx-en slnp|ie<'. claimed Ii- owed #2t>0 and asked that M. N. Long started last Tuesprague river with several head of went to Salem Friday with Harry supply I Last Sabbath the Presbyterian people Preston, the printer, who was sen­ au entrance by prying the front door J. W. Hockeramith and T. J. Ik-Il lieved that the assets returned, if the that it was midnight before it. reached horses for his ranch. ('loth Bound bv the Best Authors. made up. in als>ut 15 minutes, the are I mr H down the valley this week, the property could be disposed of at tenced to one year in the penitentiary o | h - ii with a heavy bar of some kind, W. B Grubb was in from Klamath county . l'be night watch did not leave until deficit of $133, on expenses for the driving up more fat hogs for the pack­ a fair value, are Hiifiicieul to pay al! Ashland. tbi' week, and re|M»rts clear and pleasant by Judge Welrster. McLaughlin Bros. ('oini.lvte Line of Boys’ 5 o'clock in the morning and it is sup past year. Well done. Fann wagons on long time by w vat heron the eastern side of the Cascades, clainiH in full. Mr. ilnuciaker in one ing establishment in Ashiand. Joseph Sehniidlein and Miss Debby posed that it was done after he web' as well as here. G. C. Eddings. * anti (¡ills’ Story Books, of the eiderprising citiz-US of the Services at the Presbyterian Church Bixrth were married last Sunday by off duty. They were evidently well L. L. Bnrtvn.'haw, Esq., started yesterday ( hir carload of furniture L..s arrived The linseed oil works of Kittle 4 Co. morning for Santa Rosa, Cal., *»n profession Rev. M. A. Williams. They will begin acquainted with th«- premises as noth­ next Sabbath at the Usual hours. Cull and s* e our new gtaals. Smith •onnty, ami there will lie general re­ ¡ Children's Toy Books, gret at his trouble. Sermon Snbjecta: Preaching to the £ lXxlge. near the railroad buildings at 4th and al business, intending to be ut home again housekeeping at the Brooks residence ing else was bothereil in the least ex­ Spintein Prison, and “Wendell Phil­ I'owum nd streets, San Francisco, withiu four or live days. on Oregon street. Their many friends cept what was taken. Burglaries are Our own brand of Extra Oysters are were burnetl Tuesday night. The Robert A. Einmitt and family took the extern! their cordial congratulations. THE I'<>1'71'S in all bindings—Red Line, Messrs. Miller, .Johns<»u and Willis lips; or Gotl in History.” getting quite frequent of late ami it at this place Tuesday evening fi»r are at work sinking a shaft at their On* I k st. Ilik'ts. per can at McConnell works were burmal out several mouths train is to lx« lio|>ed that tin- guilty ones Douglas county, whither they go for a holi ­ (llive, Woodbine, I’nibosstul Calf, \’c- J. S. Howard, of Medford, was in Knew Him When F»medi«l ik H ago. Thelens this time is alamt S2LHI,- day visit with relatives. mine near Merlin. They have built a «» Eubanks. Jacksonville' Tuesday, making the may lie located Ix-fore they make nitian BainlxM». Ac., Ac. (MMl. cabin for winter quarters near the No tihme is now more prominent in Mi's Jane Del’catt started for Alaska with tinal survey of the depot grounds, another attempt. THE < ITV ELEI TION Max PraPht last week, to 'pend the lhe buildings are being removed and the scientific and medical world thau mine. Men's White Shirts 50 cts at O. w Mi'. inter w ith the family of M r. Pracht in that that of Dr. Koch, of Berlin, and up to H Blount's. * Boys suite 82 at O. H. Blount's. * Star tobact'o fifty c»*nt*a a plug at everything will 6oou be in readiness land of the midnight sun. T his will not be a long campaign a very short time ago. very few peo­ Hasty Ar Gregory’s. ♦ for the construction of the depot A few wagons on' of a car load left OXFORD BIBLES, John Clements, who sued the S. 1’. tliis time the oily election campaign. Ex >herit! Wm. Bybee, of Jackson vile, and ple in the Prussian capital knew of the buildings. and I will close them out at a bargain Mr Klcitihaminer. of Medford, have Loth George Vaupel has had his shaving No call for a nominating convention B R. company for damages received >«■<•11 in \shland within the past week, look existence of such a num. He was a SCRAP ALBUMS, C h II and see if you want one. has b«-eu hand»*d in to the T idings at Dillard station last summer, has saloon refitted and repainted in hand ­ Mrs. Adam Schmidt entertained her ing up a market for fat hogs. close student, an original and able in­ * G. C. E ddings , yet, but it is Ix-lieved that a conven ­ settled with th«» company through style, and now has oue of the some friends last week at a most pleasant PHOTO ALBUMS, vestigator m the realm of bacteriology, bherman Stanley and wife came in last Fn.e Japan Tea at McConnell.V Eu­ and his discoveries have made him neatest tousonal parlors in Southern tion will I h * gotten together Saturday. Judge Bronaugh, the company's at­ Sunday from Linkville. having been < ailed social party. Thirty-three ladies aud < >reg* »n. torney, accepting 82.500. lie su . m ! for Possibly it may be put off till after the hither b\ tin* illness of Mrs. Stanley ’ s moth ­ several gentlemen were present, ami banks, 35cU>. per lb. FANCY INK STANDS, * famous in a day. Now that his name er, Mrs. H. F. Cook, of Siskiyou. election. $7,1100. [ Plaindeu ier. with enchanting music and choice is on« of tliu foremost in the eyes of lf>-oz. Star tobacco 45c. at Mink­ Various slates have lieen put up and c. K. Chanslor. the Josiphine countx refreshments, the evening was a very PLUSH PAPETRIE & Circuit Court. the reading public of the civilized ler’s. * clerk, who had been eaat on a vacation for enjoyable one. kmx'ked down and put up again by I Truuks and vaiisses at Blount's. * world, the people of Berlin are inquir­ nearly t\vo months, was on last Sunday Phe calendar sth evening s train returning home. ing alxiiit. his home life and alwiut his <'ontinue»i from last week 1 Jacksonville Lad a lively blaze Sun­ family, mid are wanting to know who opera house on Tnestf.-iy and Wednes­ was hamlt-d to the T idings by a gen­ says: The Lost Confidence mine of Arthur Saltmarsh,of Linn county,a Broth­ day morning. The woodshed in the Minnie M Duval v>. E M. Dnvftl, >nit in be is and what he has been doing in day of next week, D-v. lfith and 17th, tleman as the suggestion of a number Iron mountain, at this piece, to-day er of Capt Saltmarsh, of this place, was vis­ rear of N. Fisher’s store Was discovered equity f«»r divorce, defendmit granted lea\v IN ENDLESS VARIETY. withdraw dcmnrierb and file answer. the yearn past. With remarkable b »’h day and evening. No ch urge for of prominent citizens who wen* con­ shipped to Denver, Colorado, thirty­ iting Ashland last week, and aflerwaids by the marshal to lie on tire at 4 a. in. to Dollaihide Bros. vs. Jame.' Rogers; di-» went over to Sterling, for a visit. sulting together yesterday. admission. seven liars of silver bullion, weighing mis'ed at plaintitls' cost. good tHBte. Dr. Koch aud family dis­ For mayor Gen. Tolman; council­ one and three-quarters tons, the pro­ Miss Hattie Schumacher, of Mc(»regor The tire bell brought out our citizens I J Phipps \ > .Aug. < 'arl.'on ami W D. courage al) atteu>|M to drag their pri­ Our store will l>e open evenings un­ men, en masse ami the tire engine was 6<>ou Einnerty; (Psmi'Htfd ai plftintitLs <*o>t will low a, after a visit of nearlx a year in Ash G. M, Grainger, G. High, O. ceeds of one month's run. vate life into publicity. Perhaps there til after holidays. Smith Dodge. !anrder. Milton I! rrv; were not more than a hundred or two P. Dunn vs. II. < , Dollarhidv and M E Two state military companies have la'i Saturday on her return to Iowa. was frozen solid ami caused a little Dollar Klippel & Ijee's saw mill on Gall’s treasurer, E. V. Carter; uiarslinl. It recently hid»- D. E. Hyde appointed to (akt people in Berlin a few months ago Ireen organized IU Eastern J. \ Houston and family and Mr. Hons delay to get it ojien, aud a hose joiut he te'limony of M E. DoBarhide and re who knew uincli more of the person­ creek shut down for the season on the M. Garrett; striMt commissioner. Oregon. One at Fossil and the oili­ ton * father came in from Linkville Tur'da> bursted, but the flames were stain ex­ 1 port the same in writing hack to this court ality of Prof. Koch than was known iu 2d inst., a?ter having finished cutting Jacob Wagner; surveyor, M. L, Mc­ er at Condon. These two little burgs and took the train here lhe same da> tor tinguished and the damages were rhood busy plow ♦ excel t he other. >iate ot (>rem»n vs. Edward Myer ami .Jack cilmen, (’, H. Gillette, Nelson and ing and seeding during the bright day* we with relatives in San Francisco. Her of his, a physician whom he knew iu W right. defendants arraigned and fil«-a de­ Lamps given away at McConnell 4 have been having. Hermann’s Transat I antiques opera Bry ant for street commissioner. May­ mother, Mrs. D. Lmn, has been in murrer Berlin some years ago. a quiet, mod­ an. Wm. Eaton. Irene Eat II. Ii. Boynton, now in bui*inc."in Seattle, poor health for some time past aud est young man, and one who was |H>or and variety company went uorth Sun­ field will run for marshal again, and Eubanks. on and James Hamlin; < (»nfirmatiou of siier was in A-hland last >unday visiting his fam day evening to Portland. E»nma Ab out* or two otbt-rs want to run. J. as Well as comparatively obscure. L. D. Montgomery, who has recent­ ’ly. en route from San Francisco to the Miss Maggie comes to superintend iti s sale. b.»tt and her large eompauy went the household and care for her moth ­ Abram Bish vs. Cha'. E. Beebe vt al., suit ly returned from Wyoming, called up­ Sound. His familj w ii! remain m Ashland The Fifth Victim. southward the day liefore. er. Mrs. Lilin is one of Jacksonville’s to foreclose mortgage and confirmation ol Real Estate Transactions. on us last Friday, looking as pleased through lhe w iuter. sheril!■' sale; sbvritl s sale confirmed. At Portland Saturday evening at Did you see those nice holiday as a boy witu a pair ot r«sl to|>ped Ed. Wallace, of Albany, a cousin of o. H most worthy pioneer ladies aud liei .1 P. Sweet V'. Lottie M Sweet, divorce , 9:30 oclock death claimed the tilth VUÎ- goods at the Red House? Blount, of thi' place, after a stay of several many friends hope that she will soon on motion of plaintift'.s attorney, referred to ♦ I khi I s . He thinks he has ‘'struck it week' Wm Angle. M ' Angle. E. X! 1*1} male. Isaits. nt the farm of relatives down the val lie enjoying her usual good health. j W Short and Ella 1. short to l»elphi«ie rich” at last, aud we sincerely hope he a . n Lukcv to take testimony^ aud report tint of the Lake Labish wreck iu the Ini' come to Ashland, and will ict as Mrs. H. F. Cook, of Siskiyou sta­ (lohlsmith. Its* 1 an. ], i *1 ... ............... _______ 3, cottage addi b .s. A rich silver mine lias been dis­ ley, person of l)r. R. F. Dodd, of Victoria, runner for the Ashland Hotel, for a time. Reames 4 White received a carload State of Oregon \ Ren Mc( n-ary. indict to M» . “ ill it. ” pect to 'tart next Wednesday on their an ­ ¡Roseburg Piaindealer. week to supply the urgent demand guilty. Case continued. enters plea of not I ing after the wreck aud was quartered ment. Dr. Hall is attending h»*r at A. A. Sjmp'on ro 'ame, lot on valley road nual trip to StaithernCalifornia forthe w in for those articles iu this market. They m Jacksonville, con # <*(». Fine assortment of Tobacco and ter. They will go fir.'t to Hanford, Tulare at. first at Mrs. Heboemaker's on Front the residence of T. Stanley. W. J Piymale to town of Jacksonville, its county, and may po>'ibl\ remain at that are selling lowertban the same articlet Probate Court J 6treet and then in th« Eldridge block. Our elegant line of parlor suits tir 7 and s, and pari of l!s and I in b:k I. also Cigars at McCouueil 4 Eubanks. place for two or three months, rated in this market when obtainable. His leg was badly broket, and bruised an.I platform rockers selected esj>eci- ttiif It al joi in to; it I'., in Ja< k'onville. $l“o. We regret to say that W. A. Me Jackson county is one of the Quest Ill till- matter of __ the ____________ y t»» A. J. Florey, a parcel ol land enlate ... _________ 11..ra e Mi - «J. McClunie and two little children and it was feared from the first that aily for the holiday trade al Smith 4 in \ sec J. 3, Dai» Pbei'HOU, one of the oldest m-wspapei w« nt to Sail Francisco last week to spend corn and swine countries iu the world, tp '>*>. s r I w. coil ; petition for probate of will und letters amputation would b»» necessary. The Dodge’s. Martha M. Cooksey io (Hen and \\ m. t a| men in Oregon, at one time Stale the w in’er at the home of her father in tuai and it is little wonder -that farmers of executorship ramted Eliza A Owens. Its 12. 13, Cooksey addi.iou to < ell- printer, and in years gone by one ot hip granted. \\ . B. < ”ltoii apjHHnled t-x« be entertained for the recovery of the lodge of that place, and there will be a the e*2 of nw'4 and se1., of sw'-4 of s. t fj County 1 ’ oor Farm. Tins is no time la'i Tuesday, but could not get alx»ut ve v i 1 1 > I . \ . w. ton $11 In the last year two of Jackson Jas. patient. Under the charge of the rail­ good attendance of Knights from all tp Jas 7. ' e on Christ­ edition, to F A l’uhl, 1 and 7(1-100 acres in will the Oregon l'ress Association «io for support. He sprained his leg w bile out county’s, honest pork packers, John in the mountains some five or six weeks Drib anti (I. Karewski, have passed tp 37. 8 r 2 w, con $s| Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, mas Eve. to save this unfoi tun,.te old man the ago. and has been in bvd most of the time (b> to our store, east side of Plaza Jas. G. Rirdsey. sheriff's deed on fore away. While their energy and indus­ where his leg was amputated just be­ Martiu’s fall cream cheese at Mink­ closure, deep disgrace of dying a pauper? since. to F A. Puhi, 1 aud I ► 100 acres in try makes their loss a pntilic calamity jor paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, low the kuee. But the amputation ler A’ Sou’s. tp.39, a rl aud right of way for wafer — [ Welcome. Dr. and Mr>. Parson and son Fred, re­ artists'materials, and wall aud build­ r ncttlored Japan (Fancy baskets) Old ((.KEEN) Gov. Ja\ h . was loo late, the bl.»»! ¡Hii.sou had ditch, con $116. Ury Granulateli. turned home last Friday from San Fran­ m every way, who is going to take up ing papers. Estimates made on paint­ •• (bulk M. m Im, L. E. Moe, who returned from Port­ Lilly J. King and husband to John A The largest, liest aud ch apes! stock cisco. The pleasure of their visit was thia profitable industry that they have Exira < , gone too far to lie overtaken, and the “ ' 2 vk I 11». pkgs. < 'osta Rien. Kain'dell. fractional parcel of land in secs •'ut Loaf. ing, pa{>er banging, intenor decora ­ of bixvts an«i s I kh - h at Blount . x marrc'i Ly the ’llness of the little boy, who 1-ft. Ii ta time that some of th«i “Rip sufferer breathe,! his last Saturday land last Saturday morning, has con­ s. •». 16,17, in tp 3'.». s r 1 e. con 11 m. Itiipvrial oung Ii VM»ti, Van Winkles ” in this part of the ( P.O AST E ni evening. Mr. Dodd during his brief cluded to remain in Ashlaud, and has George \ Blood to '« ha-. H Pierce, sw'4 Sagar •mi.». Dr. W. 11. Flauagan, of Grant's while there. They would have remained a E vans A- B iicnk . Ashland, Or. i English Break fust, J u va, I ", t p 1“. ' r I e, con state were .waking up; and hard turns stay here made ni-iny friends and upon gone into the city express and deliv­ Frank few «lays longer but for this. Pass, has order«-«! a twelve ton quartz ( )oh»ng. .Mœha, McCracken to same, nw’4 of nw'4 '...iil'i be a thjig ol the p,.-'. th -in til * u *ws of his la ilb strikes as ery business, having bought the out­ of «I», of nw* ’If you want a tine suit of clothes at Spider lx«g. I h Rica. 4 and nw‘4 »>f-u‘4 of sec 24. null from San Francisco, and will Dr. J M Taylor s|M*nt Sunday ano Sfonday a pall. He was a bright Mason, an fit of A. L. Helman. M»'( . «V E B ìis I ih , tp 39, s r 4 e, eon $soo. a reasonable price call on Zoellner, the Blended. in Ashland on his return to Drain from San have It set up oil tile bank of Rogue Arbuckies, Adello Palethorpe anti husband to Caro­ Francisco. Doo. doesn’t very often have to extensive traveler, and a learned phy­ tailor, who has received Ins new stock A ST. LOUIS PHYSICIAN. We have the best assortment of line 2 II». Tifi' E. Porter. Its 6. 7. x, and 9, in blk Q, river near the town of Grant's Pass, conn down to practice in dentistrv now. sician. He was an employe of the Xmas cards at the Red House. * of goods. . ♦ R R. addition to Ashland, alio a fractional the power to lx- furnished by the elec­ ami if some of the big mining deals lie 11»* Hudson Bay company, and was eu ¡•art of s( ,8 16, 2») and 21. t r» 39, uric, |2D0 11*11 lie Text« a California Prod urti<»n. in hi' mind materialize he will bv a big The opera bouse is now the |>opular (> A: C K R Co to J. ( . lolnian, a strip of tric light works of that place. He yet in the pond of s|»eculation. BREAKFAST GEM! BREAKFAST GEM! LIST OF I ITI Fl.'s route to San Fraucisco to join his H is Report. 1(M) ft wide running through D. 1. c. will crush rocks from ins "dry dig­ 'N^J^^I'ri/e Baking Pow»b r <1* <»z cans) »•-•»• < an wife, who had been visiting there, wheu ulace for all sorts of entertainments. land D. c Aglvr and family returned home I hm Reinaiuiux in the AMiland, Oregon, F. < » , glugs" ledge near the mill, ami will no .54, see .4 and ne ’ 4 of sec 23. tp ¡¡9. s r 1 Elegant lamp with ewry can. Mr. Ganiard having put the price of v, eon $7*'». Monnay evening from < alifornia, ami D. < . bee. 11. IV«, the accident occurred. -|Statesman. A St Louis gentleman whose affliction rental so low that no oue can afford E. B. flun'ftker to U II. Atkinson, Its 14- i also operate the mill as a sampling has pretty nearly recovered his health, at wa* kick headaches was so surprised at their Burx.n. Mr FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS, 80c per can. Kearney, Mrs Mary works for the general public. least he is about as fat as he was before he I I 1.1k, Noland I aioioo', Michnel A to bold a public entertainment any­ and 20. liutis iker’s ad. to Ashland, con $'(>(». The Elk Sent te Portland. LARCE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES for Holiday Trade. took the tumble under the car wheels, hav­ cure by Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, that ho I >a\ is, <. A O A T • o to Isidor E. D»d»oy and Chas. W. M< ('onfiell, Ni iss M S where else. Unless Providence intervenes, IL P. ing been n d on sweet milk and buttermilk called it to the attention of a relative, who SGiart, It 12 blk 1 •, (.old Hili, < <>n | >»L Glaildl.-, F i Miller, Mis* Nancy The buck elk that has beenRIn at­ I and rnaat pig wMile lie was at home “ with E. Hnrvex to Anletta L. Harvey, It 1, Ned will con tin lie to do business right 1 va Nobnoin. < happened to U- Dr. F. A. Barrett, the well- i .all» « ay, Mis» El Etui less variety of Christmas cards b’ John traction at Central Point for a num­ wi: i , ead OTHERS FOLLOU k 1*’>, ( entral Point, con 411-‘»0. Rax, Miss Walb<»or*. along on the east side of Mam street, the old folks.” known st. Louis pliyxician of J6..2 Shenan­ ber of montliH p.'ist, has been sent to at Minkler’s. Edward Pi •ning to Elmira Piening, ’7H «»rant Crary, son of Mason Crary, of Persons calling fur the shihc , plea in the even tenor of his wav. doah Street. The doctor saw at once that it acres in nF, of tn 14 of sec'25. tp:*’». s r 3 w. $1. Portlaud, to lie kept in the city park thi' piare. was visiting his father ' family * »i.i\eru«e«l.' A P !1AMMOND( P S. F. Morine will resume the black­ Win. E. I’m* to Alice Gallant and Enos at that place. This eik le a noble smithing The Coaricr reports that there are here la-t week. Mr. Crary is the secretary Uilfcrod from the potash preparations in that B air, Its s Hnd •». blk x3; and It 10. blk I I, business tn Ashland at his the Minneso’a state grange, and was on it was purely vegetable, and lavoming inter­ looking animal, aud as tame as a pet shop near the mill some time next rt'eiviug strip 16 ft wile otl smith side of about one hundnxi Climes.- miners m of Now lot of flue suits this ww k nt <). a trip of rest and recreation, having been cow, and the Oregonntn re[H>rts that w»»ek, John Fewrll’s lease of the shop biK O, con >. .'¡uO. the Hout belli part of Joseph ll9 coil U granted the time and expenses (»f a vacation ested, I »-¿an a series of, and 11. Blount's. ♦ Benjamin F. Peart to Hilda SaMrom, 160 it was driven from the rulboad depot ty, mostly working in companies, and bv the grange, in token of their a» prveiation iu a sul.s.sjiient letter candidly admitted ita expired, and has lx»en iu Port­ acres in see 31. tp 32, s r 3* e. con $700. curative properlie., and says: — Wantod B-atis I*.>tat«H*s and Ap ­ of his long and faithful services. He went to the park as easily as an old ox, go- having »co. VS. St« \ensoi> to Win. ."L Crowell D. m many iustances, it is understood, in southward Monday morning land this week, laying in stock for the I., » c. * Wishing to test its virtues further. I used ples at McConnell 4 Eilbauks. no. 1.:, tp ;;s, s r 2 w . and no. 96. tp 37, diggings winch the white miners sbin- iug without a halter; but, says the winter. Á it iu my own family, and pt.-si iibed it for s r 2 , eon 210» t acres: also s2 and x-10 acres c«pt. c. A. Encll. of Oakland. Cal., who Oreaonian: Men's Nailed Boots, 82 pair at (>. 11. in tp >. s r 2 w. w ith water right of 2 spring-», doned years ago. They are all ex­ had both leg' broken in the train wreck at patients who required a general system When approaching the mcl<«ure in Largest line holiday goods in Ash­ and right for wagon road to counts road, pecting n giHsl winter's run, ami the Lak - Labish and was otherwise hurt, went regulator. As a result. I can -a. it is au Blount's. almost nhsolnte cure for constipation, bil ­ eon $7'MD. ♦ the park, where it 18 to lie kept with land at the Red House. Courier estimate« that the total out­ southward Saturday morning iu a private iousness dysp'-j^ta, indigestion, and sick Wm. (»rittin to same, the Win. Griffin D • hi attached to the morning express. « apt. BOHN. the deer, it got the scent of the liears l.c in sees 3.7 and ::x. numbered % and L<. put of their mines for the season will I iudl Ims not recovered by any means yet. henda. lns. These troubles usually come John Bays, the railroad contractor, from a ili.turlied condition of the stomach in the pit and broke away front those was in town from Cow creek lhe first containing 210l4 acres, eon $1, be from $3(1,OOH to 840.000. but he < an’t stand it to put in nil his time at and BLA< K — In Ashland, hue 7. lK'.«0. to Mr. hid ! l»>w< 1-, and Joy’s Vegetable sarsaparilla driving it, and they had some trouble of t he week, and says the new road Oscar L. Stearns to Ella J. Watson It s. place, and so relieves the tedium of in Mrs. H J. Black, a son.' is the laxative und stomach regulator I Have you tru-d Eagle Mills flour out u»lditioii to Ashland, eon $2.kL action by travel at the expense of the rail­ have in getting the animal into the indie will l>e about finished by the first of Hargadine ever seen, mid in a genera! system PERKIN’S —In Ashland. Hue. 4. 1XPU. to Mr luce stock anerfeetion. sure, having had to drive it away January, with the exception of the Point, c»»n $121.90. and M rs. Pei kins a bqh For sale by all giocery dealers in Ash ­ [Signedj F A BAKRETT. M. D.. around where it could not smell the D. J. Lumsden to I. A. Merriman. Its ¡7, While in San Francisco Dr Parson spent goods to arrive about December 1st, •J6..2 eheuaudouli tit , St. Louis. tunnel, which will take consider­ and ¡28 16. blk 2. Linns»lvn addition to Medford, land. eonsideraldv time with Dr. C. J. Scehrist. bears. When the elk was put in the lower cun $13.o, ably longer. formerly of Phoenix. this county, w ho is iuclvsure a deer attacked it. Park- A Portland dispatch of Dec. Sih now a resident of Oakland. Dr Sv< hri't has Called Meeting of Stock- E. P. Vit key to Peter P. Black, the Man­ Medford Property keeper My»rs tied up the Jeer and A lieantifnl line of cheval suits tn ville and Banister mining claim in Jack says: For the past three we -ks two made a speeialtv of thro it and nose diseases, -•• ib ille prvciiH t, con ?l»t • and now has a large and increasing practice holders. Hawed its antlers off. and when the solid oak at Smith A’ Dodge's E. B. Hunsaker to Ja- E Roger', assign­ men and a woman have been carrying in that line, and stands high in the estima brute was i«-t go it. ma.le a f< ocious Oller their entire stock of on a swindling game m this city. ment for benefit of creditors, con $1. tion of the leading inemlters of the medical P. 11. Don ng hue now has in use as a Town lots for sale on the ms'all assault on the elk, running beneath it Tu-ir mimes are not known, but they profession in the citv. He has excellent op Notice is hereby given that a meeting oi packiug house the building on 4th portunities to pursue the study of his spe ment plan. Weekly or monthly pay ­ lengthwise an.1 scratching it .-lightly, street between the railroad and Spring operated under the name of "The • iahy in the hospitals, and has mad»* the the stockholder' of the Ashland Electrit By the King's Daughters Power Hiid Light Conipiun ha< been called and, had the sharp antlers n >t lieen street Darling Portrait Co " They pretended most of them. Dr. Sechrist has man\ ments to suit purchaser. For furth­ (o which Beuj. Eggleston formerly The entertainment given l.y “ The be held at tin* othre of II B. Carter ili BA KGAIA'S IN removed. 1' would ilountlers have used for lhe same purpose. Donoghue to teach portrait painting and enlarge­ friends in this county who will be pleased er information apply to Ashland, Or.t on T ucx I hy . !>»•( 23«i, 1*90, at King ’ s Daughters ” at. the opera house ’ C. W. P alm . to know that he is steadily and rapidly atudv and rescan h. We carry an immense stock of Wall Paper and Deco­ H.-ems to l>e a i.entle anon >1, with iio Make home pleasant, by buying a Besides the attractive booths where were vietinnz-d. This morning it Jos "ta!Tor' matter much, first he had seen for seven years, and it Needles, Oils. Ac.. Ac. getting d»»wn to b ird work in his pro ­ g mh I coffee. In the evenings music, II. ¡Bloimt’s. ♦ did hi'eyes good to see the cars roll away as it would have she I thei.i before fession since be shifted off bis shoul­ vocal and instrumental, added to the in the old familiar fashion. The electric long. Tho“e who Jo no' Iwi: ve that Come and see us No trouble to show goods R-garding the settlement the rail­ light and other such things which have be­ elk sbed their i.n’lei.s vv, ry .all and ders some of the responsibilities and entertainment. common within the past half dozen l he King's Daughters are a non- road company is making for <1 imagi-s come start a new set iu the spring .-an now w »rk of public and corporate offices, years were all new to him 'o far as aetu-’l organization, to some of the people injured io the personal observation goes.. It is only wheu wit iefy themseives by kv*-|*ing watch aud he has figured as counsel in some s< ctanan ch&ntable Libish disaster, the Stuh'Hinan Has the wt meet someone who Ini' l»ecn a little out of the most important eases at the whose object is to relieve persons in of the elk in tin* park. tin track of the material progress of the present term of court. need of assistance in whatever way following: “W. S. Hall, of Spangle, of world that we realize how rapid haslaam Hlii4fenv.l in Yreka. Wash., who su tam«-d an injury to the the they can, mid the proceeds of their en ­ introduction of the electric light, electric Lots of boy’s wagons at Smith 4 tertainments will be devoted always to spine, gave the company a receipt, in motors, etc , since Edisofi first began his I Yreka Journal. IH-c. V. | Dodge's. full for all «ianiage»: for $1,!>f the men while thi-y were portunities to miners with capital. which is 4 feet thick at lx>d r.s'k, vor in their four through the country compelled to remain under treatment.” On "Quail Hill” is an old shaft the some Si feet lielow the surface of the thus far. They will l>e in Portland H.-len Go lfn-y. Kitiy Godfrey, Neilie rock from which assays from 810 to creek tied. The prospects indicate a Ih'L.rc coming to this place, and will DePeatt. A Mojave, Cal., ihspatch of Dec. ’Jlh Titei-.lay's txxith color, yellow, gives the following report of a shock­ 827 [>er ton. gold. The creek WOill.l large extent of this rich deposit of tx* here alxnit the middle of January. We are now displaying the furnish unlimited power. .Misses Nellie Dodge, ('ora Smith and pay gravel, as the tied rock is pitch­ ing accident resulting in two deaths: 13 11*. granulated sugar for SI at Grace Fergusou. A!! along the creek are coal iudica- ing towards the hili a long distance the Red House. Near Coyote Holes yesterday, while J. ♦ I r Wednesday's booth color, white, \V. Symins ami family were on their lions that invite investigation, On off. and eati I** drained very eflsily V the farm of 1>. Reynolds is a very fine I ’ arkmsou A ’ Hosk»y, who have» the Missis Mary Ade, Annie Loomis and with the Westinghouse steam engine way in a team from Inyo county to coal prospect. Very near to it Mr. and pump now in use. Ttie men at lv is»» * f iLe Lo?iling privilege of tin Florence Smith. I’asa.i-na, a son about 14 years of I Reynolds several years ago exposed Thursilay's Ixxrth color, pink. Mrs. f««ll over the dnslilxiard and was ago work are drifting along the bed rock Wagner mineral spring, aro pushing in ­ svveral feet of tine coal. as a cheaper method than making an their trade throughout the state, and Young. Misses Hattie Bush and Em­ slantly killed by the horses, ll is Half the latmr and time fooled away open ent at such gieat depth, with will undoubtedly build tip a good bus­ ma Judge. m >'le-r, tn endeavoring to stop . tile by the prospectors in neighboring iness in shipping the bottled water. Friday's Isxiih color. gr«en. Miss -s the advantage of a strata of tough team, which had started to run i'Wiiv. slate* strata would here open up a real cement aliove the gravel to form ti They will have fair rates of transpor­ Flora Cowles, Carrie Cowles ami Eiia v».is hurled under th- wheels and ais > mine. OF HOLIDAY GOQDS tation on the railroad, and the water Marks. safe roof, although it will lie timbered killed. Sytnms is a n* II- <>-do farm-i On th“ -11111" farm is a vein of fii.e Saturday's Ixxith—minute coffee. of Inyo County. >mi in, tin; lensed his to make sure against any danger of is meeting with favor wherever intro- Mrs. T. E. Godfrey, assisted by Misses ranch, was going to Pas ad nn for his maguesinn olny sni’able for the manu­ caving. Wm. Huntley Hampton, of duct'd as it is now’ put up. Situate Near Ashland, Oregon. facturer ot fire-brick, pottery ami til-| Jessie Stixips. Jessie Williams, Hele­ health. Portland, a chemist and miniug engi­ Star tobacco reduced to 4">cts per mg. Tuere are luie miles of line na Scherrer and Mixxly Scott. neer, sent to this county by Oregon plug at McConnell A Eubanks. * Ask for samples >f out Teas and black-o I;, yellow pine, fir uml sugar Lemouade Well Miss Mattle Young capitalists, visited this claim last Fri­ ('ash <»r Secured Taper. Balance on Time Coffees. Costs you tioi’.iug. McCo*’- I'ill“. P. H. Donoghue has branched out "R.-liecca." day. and says the blue gravel taken nel! .V Eubanks. ♦ Wt* have proven ttiis season that we into a new line of business this week. Candy and fruit staud Misses Lil ­ out is exactly like the blue gravel Th. subject of the following sketch Can boat t he world on Ing red apples. found in Siskiyou foothills on Cot­ He h:is IxMik’ht a lnru«* stuck of cigars lie Watson aud Fantie Cowles. Apply to On the last evening the articles re-' taken from the Portion I ll'cfco/o*. rS'-ua or Stanford who distributes the tonwood creek, aud many experts in au«l Las nnth.>rity from the govern­ fruit tn Wasl ingtuii wiil Itear out the mining believe it can I»» tracts! under ment to sell them iu th»« original maiuing unsold nt the several Ixwvtbs was a resident of Ashland at om- time: iilaive Ft iten “Ut. the sandstone formations on the east packages to the people of Oregou. were ituctioned off by T. E. Godfrey, Win. Guth ie, a sportively-inclined We a‘<* t'tel of tramp prospectors side of Yreka creek, as well as on the Consequently tie will lie offering fine and nearly everything was disposesl of. barber who works on this sale of the .111*1 six-nit capitalists who have laired Willamette river, and heretofo e slept west, side, from Shasta river to the cigars t>y the lux to anyone in South­ in East Portland—wtmn business * n- ii-.* for years. We cordially invite bus­ Married. head of Greeuborn as well as other ern Oregon who can afford to indulge g.ig. uienis at the card table didn’t iness men of means lo investigate our tributaries and gulches draining into iu the fragrant w«*e*d. Mr. William Bostwick, of Apple- Notice R. P. Neil’s new sign. It git«*, and Miss Angust.i Snider, of 1’al- k- ep over night in Fort land on rt urvvs. Yreka creek. As const.lenihle gold 4’itV Election Not ice S cott M okris ibanke/iviug Day left Ins wife and ♦ has also lieen found lately on Willow means what it says. eut, were unil<*d in marriage at the five children, and can: limed the stoic S/ik.-n .i'd, Oro., Dec. fi, 189.1. creek, about midway la-tween Yreka When the law runs up »gainst Maj. home of th«* bride's parents on Wagner Fxrllce !• hereby given that the annual and Siskiyou mountain, great faith is Q. A. Brooks it gets worsted every time. creek, on Tuesday of Ibis week, l>cc. k-epeino’ to trusi her in future on «■tty eleeti«>n hit the i-ily ot Aahlatid. Jack The Caligraph Typewriter. entertained iu the opinion that the A Seattle dispatch of the ‘Jth says: 9ili. I'he bridegroom is a sou of the bis account. When Guthrie m.-.inei miii county, stai«- of Oregua, will la- lo-l.l ai Uie ii-ual pla«-e of viSiinc iu »aid city, on famous blue lend extends all the way "The Felebrated custom Tioiwe cases w*ll known farmer of that name on I ds wife sb“ had about a thousand dol­ F D. W igner is agent for tics part through Shasta valley from Siskiyou against (¿.nuey A. Brooks, ex-collector Applegate, und the bride is a young lars. I: is nun. e< osary to say she of lt:e couulry for the Cniigrnph type­ Tuemlay, December ¡6, l^M, has hot got it now. or b-.-r husl.und's HARRIS & MURPHY BROS. mountain in a direct continuation to of customs at Port Townsend, and his whose many young friends in writer the lx st and most popular ma­ l or tin- purpose of .»-ting the following of the mining fields of the Humbug and chief clerk. John Harued, who were Ashland and on Wagner creek will joiu d s* rum would have Iaeu defined. chine iti the mmkel, and<>n)one think­ li«x-ra Salmon mountains on west side of some time ago mdictesl for extortion tn wishing for her a loug and happy From all accounts the moi her aud ing of purchasing h typewriter should on«- Mayor forom y«-ar. Ashland Oregon children are to lie congratulated on IhrM M.-niber» ol th«* Common Council Yreka basin and Scott valley. and eiulM-zelmeut. during the regime married life. Tiny will live at toe «x-nsidt him Indore doing so. The the departure of Mr. Wm. Guthrie, for two year». of Willi «in H. White ns United Stales (arm of the groom on Applegate. '"idigiaph is the lowest priced of the One Marshal for one year. hi d Hithough perhaps not behoved by What a "Fegonip" i». Attorney, cam« up before Judge Han- one Treasurer for one year. nigh grade machines aud is guaranteed them in tin ir loiieiit.esH. there was One Street t'ommiaamuer for one year. for.l to-diy aud were orilered wa.-ed O|H*m d business nt the old Ashland Markt t to lx* more durable and giie lietter Sava the Yreka (Cal.) Journal of ' > H Blount is offering bargains in nevertheless more cause for them t-> One R«*cor«ler for one year. stand, ar the bridge, on Main at reel. the 9th: A frosty fog, or what the from the docket for want of sufficient order to make riami for holiday stock. offer thanks on the 27th of lust month satisfaction than any other. The One Surveyor for oue year. Judge» <4 »aid election —I*. Iiiinii, Goran Piute ludians call a pogo nip. has pre­ evidence to justify proseenliou. s[x-e«l that can lie obtained u[x>n it is U HIIII FST GF BEEF. MOTTOS, VE\I. High and Jaa. S. Rog* ra. one of that multitude that, wbeD h“ Bought a new b-d ui.d Issu'd, only limited to the ability of theop- vailed in this vicinity during the past Star tobacco 45c. ¡ er lb at D. L. has Are I hi you «Jerks—<:. II. Gillett«- and E. J. Farlow. POKE ASP H.VI' sao E. - u looking for chea/ier? See than fell l.> the lot of any otl er family era'or. One of these machines is in two or three days. It clothes the Mi.>kier Jt Son’s. The |xd!a of »aid ele«-tloii »hall be o|>ene«l ♦ in East Poitlnud ai least so say he. Killing's ad. al V o'elix-k a in ., and »hail be ke|H open • I.lily use at the T idings office where mountains with a snowy like mist, shop thoroughly renovated arid refitted. re a ves. until 5 o'clo« k p m Four ria an cottage on () «k str«*ei to (IS 161 and whitens the lofty pines to appear it gives the utmost satisfaction. * Bv order of the f'lly l onucll, D«*«'. 1, IssO, SeuMined stove wood for sale by G. Star tobacco reduced to 45ets like sugar coated pyramids in the reut, at $5 per month. Apply at MILTON BERRY, F. Billings. • * plug at McConnell 4 Eubanks. . * Boy’s Late, 5tl cts ut O. H. Blount's. ( I Bank. City Ricorder. distance. ASHLAND TIDINGS i BREVITIES. Christmas Presents MARKED DOWN 0. L MINKLER £ Sj)N, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Cigars, To bacco, School Books & Stationery, HOLIDAY GOODS! CHRISTMAS CARDS BOTTOM i ). I PRICES AI inln LEADING GROCERS! TEA COFFEE SUGAR FOR 30 DAYS ONLY SMITH & DODCE HOLIDAY^ SMITH & DODGE. GOODS! Than Congress Land!” FARM and STOCK RANCH EVER SHOWN IN ASHLAND C. F. BILLINGS New Meat Market PRICES THE LOWEST D.R.&E.V. MILLS Ashland, Or