r ASHLAND TIDINGS f'rùhtÿ, ... Xiiriii(ln r ?«. 1NÌH) Money to Loan. Io loan nu approM-l first-mortgage R-curity on farm lau»), from 31INO to •I2<*il For particulars apply at T10- lxee. 5th. Rev. Win. Lund, o( Roseburg, officiating. All-lHiy Meeting There will l»e an all day meeting al the Congregational church on Thurs­ day, Dec. 4th, as follows: A. M. P raver, praise and confer­ ence at 10:30 o'clock. P. M. A question ami answer ser­ vice at 2 o’clock. Woman's work coti- sider»*d at 3 o'clock. Children’s meet­ ing nt I o'clock. Evening, “:3t> A general mission- ary rally. The meetings will lie under the charge of Revs. E. S. Williams, of Cuh'oinia. ami C. H. Curtis, of Port laml. A very general and cordial in­ vitation is extended to the ministers ami churches, and all oilers of the < lty to lie preseti I and take part in the services. Afolll at the I . S statutes. A warrant wtis issn««l last week for the arrest of Charl«*s Ni»*kell, ««»litor and piil>lish«*r of the Jacks»»nvilh* Timex, on the charge of violation of the law against mailing newspapers containing an ¡»»Ivertisement of a lot­ tery. Depnty U. S. Marshal A. T. Kyle was given th«- warrant, ami or efor«< 1 . S. Commissioner Hammon»!, of this place, for a hearing on \\ »-dnestlay. Kyle went to Jacksonville, but, re- tiirneii without having s.-rve»l the warrant. Mr. Nickell having be«-n re­ ported sick ami threateneil with ty- phoi»i fever, l’ostoffii'«* Inspector Mon roe and depnty U. S. 1‘roM-cuting At­ torney L«N*kw ii as Mr. Nickell's health will stand the trip. For a long time a law similar to the one iimler which tins arrest was mad»- has tieen violated by a few papers of the country, hut a new an»l more stringent law went into eff«*ct last Sep­ tember, an»l all the wide awake news­ papers stisid from under the San Francisco E.ruminer ami Climnieh sending such ptqiers as eontain»*|N*. The Timex has been having lots of fun with its edi­ torial notes alxmt uncle John Wana- tnaker’s department, but it »ill prob ably furnish some fun for the postal ami legal departments now. United States law 1.« idsmt as likely to Is- ■tul>burn as th»* supreme court of Oregon. BU EVITI EN. 1 be ver»l><«' in the S*n>«>k <«;ie»« gives gen» ih ! sutiefaction in Klam itti cotin- Turkeys were numerous in Ashland i ty, ;» h r»«cent »lev» lopineiitH have «>n- Vinci-il . V>T_'O1| that Shook an«l ills this w«*ek. frien.iH, hh well as other Htoek men in Choice candy ami fruit for sale at Klamath county, have been for yeara tne Festival of Days. iujuree reach?»! by the law only af­ menus what it says. ter «»»me lerribn« « xperieue»» such as Nice lot Rauibo apples, fr«s* from tiHs oceurr,«»i. l’he names of the jury- wornjs, at till- R*si House. 111« u la«f»>re whom tin« cast* Was trit'll Four rtsiui cottage t»> rent. Apply are as follow»-: Henry Aialersoii, 1. Aubrey. Eil. Ream. G«>. McDotmlii, to Mrs. J, 1>. Crocker, Gnmite St. * S»|um- HmlkiiiH, E. S. Tull, Steve Low, James Hamlin brought up a small . B. Grubb, Geo. McCormick, Johu I um li of be* f cattle for Neil Bros. Connolly, Dani. VanBrimini'r, J<»<«ph last Moii'iay.* j Hill. Tbe Me lfor»l uational bank is to The postal clerks who were iujureil o|>en for business about the first of 111 the wr«M'k at Like Labish A111- DceemlH-r, it is umieretood. liros»« ami ills help»«r, A. S. Rand, have There has ls*en a g»M«l attendance [ ta»tii la-eu lying off lor reeii|>eralion of teachers from ail parts of the c >un- siui«»« the accident, and this lias left ty at the insUtUie in Ashlami this the live remaining clerks on the route i Oelweeu Aehlami aud Pori laud to do week. all tin« work. l h»‘ work is entirely too Forest City Baking Powder, 25»'ts. much tor them, and as a couseipience per can, at the lieil House. much mall has ut limes been earned Have y»*u tne»i Eagle Mills Hour back and foith on the road unworktsi, since the change? If not, try a sack. and the public lias tieen the sufferer For sale by all grixvrv de fiers in Ash­ iu the delay lu »leiivery of papers, l’iiis is a good time iw remark, too, land. ' |2H that th«« newspaper men of the coun­ (junker Roll.-»! Oats, l«5cts. pt r pack­ try know, or ut least they ought to age. at tbe lb*d House. kuow, that the work on the railroad Rev. F. J. E iinuuds.of (>,ikI im), <>.., i>el"<-eii Ashland ami Portland, is t ha.« accepted a call from the M.-»it‘ ul much at all tunes for the nuiulier of l’r»*sbyi i-riu;« church to be«'»>me its clerks that are employed in it. lhe run is a long ami exacting one, ami it pastor. is .«imply impossible al many times Comb honey, very choice, at the for the clerks to Work the local mails * R«*<1 House. aud also the through mails as they are expe ‘t««i to. I'm« restnt of tins is that Do not fail to attend Days next week, Friday night. Satui- unworked mall got*e into the Portland day or Saturday night at tin- opera ottici«, and has to lie sent out ae Is'st it eau I m « by ttie cl»«rks tn that office house, (has! music. who are not prepared, nor are they ex­ Minute c<«ffee ami wafers to refresh pected, to attend to such worK. For the weary, at the Festival of Days. all tlU8 the public has to suffer, VS- There will I«* a mothers' iu»*eting |M«eiaily the people who are tne sub­ Tuesday, D»-c. 2*1. at 3 o'el»s*k in the scribers of iiewspapi'rs that come to l’r»-«by tenan chi.reh. All mothers are them 1 day or two later than they | would if tlie postal force along the re»|U**st««i to b- present. railroad wei»» udeijuate. L’he Postal Call on Rebekah al th»* Well, during officials who travel through tills part the Fest I Vid of Days. of the country investigating the ser­ Unless Proviiiriie? intervenes, R. I’ vice 11 admit tins ami all promise to Neil will continm* to do business right arrange for more help "when they get along on the east snie of Al.»in street, back to Washington,” but somehow they ail forget it b««tor»' they get that in th»* even tenor of his way. tai away. 1 he needs of the larger The public schools g»*ner;dly eitn«»- in the matter of fr»«e delivery throughout the coimly ailjoiirm- I this and such things are about all the we»*k, to give the teachers an oppor­ postal ins|»»«ct<>r8 can r<‘inemb< r when tunity to attend the institute. they get to Washington. At Roseburg last Monday night a man was robbeil of a 911X1 lull, 331(1! PERSON \ I.. in gobi and a silver watch, and up to ■ late the rol>!>er h:is not I h *»« h appre- I). N. I il-i-y, oi I ,»ot « cri-i-k, ri gi-ten-d lieuded. al 1 »rvguii y---u-iilt fiuisbtsl. - ItMir i><-k. of lleiili-v wa« ill town a Chief Engiii«*»-r Win. llo-xl. . »fcailii S. P. R. R., mad»* a visit of inspection to the raiiroa»! construction work in Cow creek canyon this w«*ek. returning southward Tu«*s»lay morning. It is probable that the pisiple of .Ashlami will h ive an opportunity of hearing the eminent >:mi el»xpient lec­ turer. Win. Jackson Armstrong, tit some lime within a few weeks. Maj. H. F. Barron took bom»* with him to his ranch We»ln«*s»lay one of th»« new broad-cust see»! sowing ma- ing machines which are much used in some farming eoiiununita s now. A social »lane»* will I h * given at So»la Springs Saturday evening. December 6tti. to winch till are cordially iuvited. Tickets, including supper. 31 50. J. M. W agner . J. W. Il»s-kersniitli. the hog packer of this place, has butcher«*»! .'100 head of bog’s already ami int«*nds to kill be- tw«*en 5o0 ami ('»(Hi before quitting for the s«*iison. T. J. Bell, of Talent, is helping him in the business. A "lx>x” party given by til«* lathes of the Wagner creek Baptist church last Friiiay evening was largely attend»«!, a nutnlier of young |»*»q»le going down from .Ashland. The church nett«*»i some 340 from the entertainment. Plaids are the rage, and D. IL A E. A’. Mills bav«< the finest line ever shown in Ashland. * Tne last iron rail on tbe Southern Pacific’s main line between Portland ami Ashland was replaced by Rt«-e-l last w«*ek. Alxmt 1100 tons of st«*el rails have l«»*»-n »leliver»*»! for the company's extensions from Coburg to Jasper ami from Silverton to Portland. THE TEA( HERS I NS TI II IE Pursuant to publish»««! appoiiilmeut, th«« first session of the District mid County Teachers' Institute was held on Monday evening, the 24th inst., in 11 e (ia - ard opera house. A.-hlm <1. 1’rof. H. L. B-nsoii’s lecture was postpon' d until 1 in «»lay evening, but !li«- aihiress of welcome by Pro', th’z, lb»* response by C-ol. Miller, aud t.-e niiisii- w r«« iinel «-.xeelietil and highly api»reeu»;«-ng, Prof. L. A. Simons be­ gan th»* diseilssion of the subject of “Grading County S»«hool«.” The speeches and quest ions w hich followed wert* animated ami profitable. I’h»* snbj» ct of “Education a Right" was ii »- xi present«*»! hy Mus Clara B. Frink in a highly intellect mil and wdl written essay. Prof. Crawford's present.ition of the subject of “ijiterature in the Public Si h»“»l.«” wiis an able ami scholarly, but practical effort. After :i short i recess, the use of the Yaggy ehurt ami I the school register was explain»*»! In Prof. Getz and State Supt. McElroy. Tilt* work of th.« Oregon State leaclier.«' io'tiding Circle was next pre.«eute»i by Prof. .1. B. Horner, of R- ist-burg. At the opening of the aft»*ruoon ses­ ..0 tin- fore part 01 the wei k. sion Prof. Horner gave some »«xpltma- Fattier Wat.> of this place, held tn*ns of chart ami crayon work, ami .- services a- iir.-iat .-t’a*' last sn 11 some philosophical experimeuts which nr»* ine.xpc'isive and very useful in I ' John *n. of Linkville. rrturne«] home sehtioi w,irk. the I: “I of the Week fr«»ru a two week* visit The subj».*ct of corporal punishment, at roitlami. Mi** “ Matthew* and Griffiths ami « has. winch was intnslticod by Prof. J. B. Grittith*. of <»«».«i Hill, took • litiüi r al the li lyiiionii. was dis< tisse.i quite freely. Oregou, yesterday. Though such punishment was g'eiier- J. NN < oatney. of Lake « r* ■i k. mi nt over tilly ohj»*»«t»«d to, lion»* wer«* williiig to to Klamath river NVedn«**day. to- work in : lie dispell«** with it entirely. mine* of Rummel Bros. Miss Hattie Newla-rry s essay on P.ui 1 S oune. a « ! to lectur«* in Ashland bef >r«* th«* teaebvr*' institute last Tuesday evening, ami are hereby extend»-»! First, To the citizens of Ashlami fol was unable to come for *«>me n-ason. Mrs Kline, who came out from Portlami their hospitality, court»sy ¡mil kind with li- r two little children last we* k. went attention during our sojourn among over to Montagne Monday for a visit with them. her pa.« tits, Mr. ami Mr*. J. P. iV«M>dson. Secoml. To th»* officers of the South Nir. E bert >. Boughtou, of Chicago, i* in ern Pacific Railway for kindly grant Ashland this we« k. representing th«* Gaskell Literary < 'Inb. an excellent in-iitiuion. h ml mg rtsiuced rates to the teacht rsjat­ is meeting with h g«H»l reception iu liis tending. business canvass. Third, l'o the hotel proprietors of Mr and Mr*. NV W N i« k**r«on. w Im < a-"«- Ashlami for retiueeil rat» s so g»*n»-r in fr«e : K'amath Agency relackso;iville Items Cured Hrr«elf and Iler « Mid. S. H. has rrllcvt «I me of a t- r Mrs. Martha Fleck, of Portland, is ula, from which I had »uflVrvd fo ths *u*d my nox* find a«» ratarr visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Arm­ a ritti oil’ the bone, and roufiuuv 1 strong. it destroyed the aoft lame iu tl»«- Inf th» ntwr, then u< i.l » « mj ti Prof. Getz and G. r. omings, of lahioiit«*** • idk h Asiilami. made lacksonvillea business waad« turned S fe s h*« ha*» n:*o <*urcd my liitlc visit to-day. same tliM'a-M-, M k *. N. B itch Prof, ami Miss Newberry ami Miss Treatise on blood am! sl»p Devlin are 111 Ashland attending the free. .'NVIFT <1 M IFK < < The postoffice anil two stores at Cornucopia, Eastern Oregou, were burned last Friday night. The ««timated sales of peaches, prunes ami grap«*s this year for Po­ mona, Cal., is 32»(*,00(*. At Heppner, Morrow county, last Saturday afternoon, Joe Deal shot and killeil Frank Clifford in a qirnrrel over teachera’ institute. a game of dice. Col. II. A. Miller mid G»«>. II. Neil l’he cianlierry crop of Washington, w«-ut to Ashland Mouday to attend now lieiug gathered, is reported to 1 r * a the teachers’ institute. large one. The Pacific Cranberry Co. Judge Webster, District Attorney have over .50 Cbtuauieu picking lhe Colvig aud attorneys Neil ami Hanna berries. have returned from Klamath county. It is re|»orted that Gov. Ferry, of Miss Maggie Manuing, of Linkville. Waslnugtoii. is in such poor health that in* is likely to n»sigu, and that he has lieeti in Jacksonville the past will start for Southern California week, the guest of Mrs. Dolly Love. about the first of D«scember. Hon. George Ridille, of Douglas was in Jacksonville to-day The Corvallis Gazette has b«»en sm*»l -county, i to attemi the annual meeting of tlie for 95(NM) damages for libel by I. G. B-ar>Isley, of that city. The Gazette S. (>. S. B. A. of which he is president. said Beardsley ha»i left town without D. S. K. Buick ami T. P. Judson paying his bills, anil commented on it were tn Jacksonville to-day to lie in very emphatic terms. pre«a*nt at a meeting of the Southern Sisson, Crocker X Co. have Iwn Oregon State Board of .Agriculture. sued for damages by the government Prof. Price is tn Ashland this week for euttiug government timber at their attending the teachers' institute, hav­ mill at Sms»>u. This Well known firm ing adjourned our public school for does a general merchandise business that purpose. at Sau Francisco ami at various places Messrs. Buffer, of Jacksonville, ami throughout California. Davis, of Grant’s Pass, who were ap­ Suysthe Yreka ./»»»»rm»/: Miss Aggie pointed a ep«;ial committee to ex­ \'an»*e, of this city, will lx* an aspirant amine the books mill accounts of the for th»* posi'ion of Postmistress of the S. O. S. B. A., rejsirt them correct Senate at the »«oming session of the Miss .Anni»« Cameron left for Lin­ L.-gislatnr»-. She is an aixsunplished coln, Nebraska, Tuesday. She will be yming Indy ably qualified, and would perform the duty hi m/et satisfactory iu*eompaiii<«n their own re- years. 11»« < auie to Jackson county iti IK53 mid had l»een vanously nleii- so u re» titicil with our business interests in I reuch soii|.«. salad dressing, caviar, mining, merchandising am* farming, sanlim-s. sauces, imported pickles ami mid at his deHth <»wm*d and was run­ extract of l»w*f, at. McConnell X ning the steam flouring nulls at this place. IL* was a fine man of business Eubanks'. » iml had won the goo»l will aud es- Tii»> Dunsmuir .Veicx says H arry t« »«m of all by his enterprise ami in­ lb«mp died in Sacnimento We»ln»«sdav tegrity. He was marrti-d in Jacks«>n- ■Homing of typhon! fever. Mr. Hemp ville to Mrs. B. L»«vy 20 y ears ago. has bv,«l in Dunsmuir for a long lime am) though In* had no children of his anil was on»« of the oldest firemen on own lie prove I a kind and loving rath­ th-« roa»l. His dentil is regrett,«,! by a er to tin« four ilaughti-rs of his wife, large nuinber of friends in this place, the younger one refusing always to l»e 11« top was a member of Castle Rock called by any other name than Ins. 1.0 ig.« No. :H‘J, 1. O.O. F., of Duns­ He leaves behii »1 him an unsullied muir. ami a native of Pennsylvania. name, and a plat« in the hearts of this II»« had Ins life insurtal for 31*,5(*il. community that it will Is* hanl to till. Black »«oisets at D. R. X E. V. Mills Ami 111 Ins home a sorrowing wife ami loving chihIren who returned liun the H. E. Dulybon. who bad but recent- generous affection that his own kind­ Iv leased the Bagley House at Grant's ly de<«»ls merited. He was burned 111 Pass, conimitted suicide by shooting theJ'ewihh cemetery on Sunday, the himself 111 the heart with a revolvi-r funeral being largely attended by last Wednesday morning. He leaves representative pioneers of the valley. a w ife and four step children. He The burial services wer«« rendered in had l>»«» 11 henrd l<> thr en snicid»» Hebrew by Rabbi Jacobs and trans­ many tiiinw in the past, id was of a lated in English by Max Muller, mid very »lespondent t»«m[H«rmii?nt. H»« wer»* very lieautifnl ami impressive. formerly lived in Hiskivon county. May he rest in peace. Cal. New lines of black velvet ribbons, silk ribbons, black ilrws mid trimming silks at D. R. X E. V. Mills. ♦ HORN FARIS In M. df«»r ! Mr. ami Mr> J II. Faro, a'I* JXMcKinley Bill I VAWTKR.—In M aud Mrs. NV. I Vuwlvr, *'*•>< \\l»l RKON Iti I - , ■ I". hi , to Mr. and Mm I - < I son. UST OF LETI F.lt Remaiuing in the A«hlHn ‘atli D» 3oth I>r. Darrin, who met with great suc­ cess, with a large practice, here a few weeks ago, lias returned to this city for a short visit of a few days only, from Nov. 26th to *30111. This will positively lie his last visit here, ami th»* atllictcil should not fail to consult him. The Drs. Darrin have nlwava made it their motto. “Never to umlvrtake any case t liât is not de« incd curable or im­ provable.’* I he «jncstion has often be« n asked, “Are Drs. Darrin's cures perma­ nent, as they are done so «piickly. That they are permanent no on«* will attempt to deny, after reading the f«»llowin^ list of names our re)M>rter met nt Dr. Dar­ rins* oilice, who had l»c« n u .r» d two and three years ayo, says th«' ( )r«Ionian: Mr. William Parrott, of Middleton, Or., was almost totally deaf for years, cured two years ago. ib v. M. M. Bash­ or, of Brooks, Or., cured of nasal and throat catarrh three years ago. Mrs. I . A. Morris», Newberg. Or., says she is cured of asthma and bronchitis of ten venrs’ standing. Nite wa* cured tlir«e three years ago. Wm. M. (’«>lw«4l. Sk i mokuwa, W. I ., sciatic rheumatism and liver complaint : restored t«> health: also his brother. Geo. L. Colwell. Skamaka- wa, W. I .. u;«s cured of a numbness of the arm two venrs since. Mrs. E. Ablf, bill North Fourttienth st., Portland, cured three years ago after nine doctors bad failed, of painful menstruation and womb trouble iu every eoncuivabh* wav. I general debility, pain through the heart and lungs. Hundreds of other patients could be named had we space to publish th«’Ui. 'l’hÿ Doctors are crowded with pa­ tients from 1<) a. m. to 3 p. m. Drs. Darrin are no doubt the hardest worked mtn in Portland, l’he doctors have a large country practice and send their electric r«*m<*du s to any«>ne desiring home treatment for any curable chronic, acute or private disraKS. which are kept strictly confidential. Drs. Darrin cun always lx« <<>:,.suited daily at their head office in Portland, Oreggoti. corner Fourth ami W ashing­ ton str»*ets, where they are j»er- mauently locate»!. Office ’Hours, 10 t»i 5, daily: evenings. 7 to H; Sun­ days. li* to 12. All chrome and acute diseases, bltMMl taints, loss of vital power ami early indiscretions perma­ nently curt«»!, though no rvf»«ren<«t s ar»- »•ver made in the press »«oncertiing such cases, owing to the »ielicacy of the pa­ tients. Examinations free to all, and circulars will l»e s»*nt to any address. Chaises for tr»*atim-nl aeeonluig to pati«*?it*c ability to pay. Th»' rich ami poor treated free of charge with elec­ tricity from It* to 11 liaily. All pri­ vate diseases confidentially treat«*»! ;ilni eur»«s guarantied. Patients at a distance can be cured by home treat­ ment. Meilieines ami letters s»«ut without the dix-tors* nain»- ap|>earing. ip r ial Kio. amt !-. g.-iie < lty, Dec. 1 to *». Go to our store, east sale of Plaza jor paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, artists'mtiterials, ami wall and build­ ing papers. Estimates tna.le on paint­ Mi'iliiilil Items. ing, pa¡»er hanging, interior decora­ tions, etc. Plowing has alxmt ceased around E vans X B hi nk . Ashland, Or. here, owing to the ground lieing too dry. 13 lbs. I*. G. sugar, 13 lbs of rice Wm. Forsythe is running the forge I or 11 lbs extra C sugar for Slat th»« for Geo. F. Merriman sine«« George has Red House. New stock of raisins, liven laid up with a felon on his citron, currants, lemon ami orange peek * thumb. Th,« Wasco county court lions«« at Some of the finest prunes ever seen Th«« Dalles waji damage»! by tire to stock ami make room for a car-load of new in Ashland are tluwe which have Iwen the exti-ut of 36,000 or 37,OoO last Sat­ grown ami eur«*»l in this vi lley this goods to arrive about I h-cember 1st, urday night. Th«« damage is fully in­ season. For appearance, size, fiavor, sured. but the tire causes much in­ MIXING ITEM> atni every g»xxl quality, they are su­ convenience. as court was in session, perior to any California or im[x>rte»l and th,«re Mere a number »if impor­ The r»s'k taken out of the Bill Wil­ prunes ever brought to this market. Dr. Geary s fine new reside!!»*»- i - tant eases to b«« tried at the pres,«nt lis claim down near Merlin took the Mier their entire stuck of term yet. Th,« origin of the fir»' is at­ nearly eoinpieteil, and will soon b» l ’ he team of hors»*« an»l wngon eye »>f P. Lyttleton, who is an oiil tributed to a lightcl match or cigar reaily for o»«cnpaucy. which M. IL Al»»»re had bought of Air. miner and is familiar with the charac­ stub thrown into sawdust in th,« Jury (>. Ilolta i, Mislford's first tailor, who ter of the rock which hnat yielded the Corliett, ami which he ha»l intende went, were sohl at auction on Following is a copy of the r >11 of Aver«* at th «l»-|»»t Imn 1 a 4ay «,r tw«> tlii- one of Adkins A Webb's offices. I*. R. and E. V. Mills. * Sewing Machines at Bedrock Prices, has seen from any let^ige yet discover«! the street in Ashland hist Saturday week. Mrs. Brown, ferne ly Mi Katie teaetiers 111 attetidane»«: iu this part of ttie country which has nftern»M>n for 311)0 for the whole outfit, Kii*s«| . of «isson niet mai.y oht fth«iel« Prof. I*. A. tielz. Miasi ’ S Mollie M. C. W. Wolters has reeeivtsl a large From !‘rof»«ssor Washburn we We carr\' an innnense stock of Wall Paper and deco­ exeiteil Inna ami tf-il him to expect and J. K. Leabo was th«* lucky buyer. and >( i<»4*hnat**s her»*. M -Kinley, Hattie Coburn, Nelli«« learn that the work of counting the and well select»*»! stock of toys and NV. A I’ntrii-k n-i-irm-tl frnin »f »!*|«i» - fer Paz*- X Soll. ton, Jennie M. < ♦ver. Berltlil C lit >11. misplayed trees in the agricultural The Popular H. U. Lev is has returned from 1 king- P»al»v < 'arriages. P><*vs' Wagons. P»ird < ages. Machine l’ortjan»! by U. AV. .Ayers, atni on Ins lz.-ii th»* tailor shop of F. E. Zia-llner i w.» < arload* went it* Portiand an«! on« < ai < lara Frink. A Janet Fob,-s, Ada M. eo'h-ge orchard for th,' purpose of las county, where h»« move»! his large return Mr. Ayers made a report so en- »lied at the »•ounty jail in Yreka last loa«i to San Francisco. Reynold«, E«t «11.» W -ils. l- ’ . t: 1 John ­ comparison is now ls«ingdone. in ad- Needles. < *ils. A'c.. «kc. sawmill, formerly lry at Alontague. Me« \\ || Mowa:. I i I n-elaud and rie Sackett, 1 ielen Strang, Lucy E. been spray i«d have far less pest-dam­ gat»«d iron awning in front of their .CaU'il. Not satistieil with their loca­ Smoke Las Pnliras cigars, at AI<- Harry Nan la-*• ’ '(¡urned NV «In-“day e\eu Hay. May Sackett, Lil Sackett. Lillie aged fruit on them, than those which building on Main street, which adds “TOM’S VACATION ♦ tion, Mr. Ayers has isuided the half Connell A- Eubanks'. ing ir».;a a l rip o il as i.i^ a* the lark* (*i lhe Dodge, Hattie Illis«, lamina Coleman. are not spray««d. | Benton Leader. materially to th»« appearance of the Wood* ha\ ¡ng started (*ut i inlay Le t. I'iiey inter»*st of Mr. Wil.is m the original i building. Ellen Bursell. of M« lford; Gus New ­ A. L. AliHir»*. who went from this r«*port e ime sear« «•, but sm-creded in *eeur- claim.« Il»* has gone to All ny and I l lbs. grmnilate»! sugar; 14 l!»s. X. berry. Misses llattl»« Newla'rry. Dee ing th: e antelope. Messrs. Hammond A Manuel have Portland .mil » xp«-cte to ii»te-»-st par­ place to San I hego a month or so agi ». Ankeny, Cora Ankeny. Agnes D -vlin, <’ -njar; 13 lbs. rice, or 2*1 lbs. beans »lieil in that city on the l*tli inst.. of John sh«H«k. <»f Klumatli «*«mntv, who was shippisl several car 1»-ads of fine apples ti«*« there in the enterpris«* will in ten for <1 at McConnell X Eubmiks ’ . * IT 1 II.ill < \ 1 I (•! th»* h»* Hliincu cliarge of MUI nmns'aught<*r by Lot; ie I;.... I. of .1 -id: *uiville; I .Iva Gal­ to the East this week They have »lone days. Tbe 1» tlge l»s*atei| p.ppe.-t. s to Is- consumption. His funeral » now ’\vhurt* » < down in < ali a continuation of the obi Lucky tju«*en forniH. ntiviii',' tjiken the iithbottnd train Delia J. Piekel. of Phoenix; 1. B. Bay m> I- >' in the liar room of the Lalre- l«sige. which is well known in he min­ by the .A. O. ('. \\ ., de»»»*ase»l having nt The Rove»« Lancing Company are mond, Anna I ’ ark -r. I ’ . tta Fries, of Au'*'- last Munday. been a meinlier of a Nebraska hxlge Mev h use Sat unlay evening. Nov. 15. ing history of Southern Oregon. Central Point; A. L. II iz-Lon. El.a M billed here for Dee. 2d. l’iiis is one of (’LEVER (WHIRS. of the order. Mc**rs. F. I toper and J. Al. Heiiderron. a one-armed man wh i the I h - i - t companies on the road, and Brown, Z-»ra Bli«s. My«1 ilia Black. . is agent for McConinighy in land mat­ should l»e well patronized. «ooked for shori ly. A nniii«ai y is non ters. was as lulteil ami badly injured pans in which they arc about two atid a half w«*ks in the fu ­ IND NEU FACES. Is'ing foimeil in Sun Fiumusco to 1’hi' ip* I..is return« .I but Mr, Roper will Holt, Sina I’yb-r. of So»l.i Spring«; by .1. Maupin, who kicked him about Th»- M»«dford Jacksonville railroad Scoit Morris, of Spikenard; Myra Be 1 work this Is-iichu.th a pat» nl. inven­ ture. ami yet we hear nothing in tbe remain ihvrv for some da\s. is being somewhat delayed owing to the face and head with his boot heels. ford. B. R. Stevens, of W’xidville; \\ . tion of their own. |Ci»se. ut City way of a call for a nominating conven­ Mi Briggs, who arrix • -I fr«»tn Minm• ipoli* W. Bai lev, the night watchman, com­ the non-arrival of the rails. They tire tion. Anxious can h-lates shonhi an­ anioiitti *»r so a,», ami has «iimlnd« d to J. Stanley, Wimer; C. B. Fnzgeral I, ing to th»> front alxmt this time, was expected dally, however, ami will soon 1 {ecord. nounce their candidacy* to the public make NshUnd hi* hoin••, has gone into Della Masterson, lh«lpha Masters«in, Hammond in law of Gold Hill; L A. Simons, Z-Ila R. felled to the tloor by Ala* Joni's, of la« laid after they arrive. The Medford Mail repo, is that through the newspapers, ¡is they »io in partn*•*-hip with A. pracii'' Nt Bi igg“ has had an ••\,*'ii.<>i\c Warner, who struck him on the head Francis Fitch and the mining man other places We ar»* all so mo»l»*st exja l’he opera house is receiving the last rnmue in the piofvssioii in Minnesota. Cheney , ot 1’alent; Sophia Wll«on, regon. He is «me <*i several inmilivs from Reshl»‘S these flier»« were a uuniner institute which are worthy of ep«*eial H iv • wlio waul m locate -»an, where on of teachers from Joseplnue county, lars in th«» tr.iusaction, having sold Stmnpe«! iloylies, splashers ami pil ­ mention as prixinctions of ?x< “ *ptton- the « . .Messrs. D. W. Sears an I 11. Hirech- 1-1 He 1« inueli pl»'H-es wer»« not r*‘gi«t*«r»-*l. low .«hams, all new ilesigns, at 1 >. R. A- berger, of Polk county, spent several $35,001). They Ism»ie»l th»« min? for a al ability, which would be recognized valley E. V. Mills. * as of high rank at any i*m Tho Siskiyou Uonsoh.luteil (¿uick- were th»* opening ad*lr»-ss by Prof. San I . hh io *, whither they wen* railed Th« iie.x' attraction at Gaillard's op finish»*»! moving almut two miles of Europe. They were well pleased with I ailver Mining Company lias is-en lti- Getz, of Ashliin»!. an.) the 'I'uesibiy eve­ hurri’ !lv about ihr* -• w* kw ago hy th«* dan era house will lie ttie favorite Royce A tin* Postal Telegraph company's line our town and surroundings, and will PROBITE *K COMMISSION. eor;sirateil by William S. Ch ipinan, ning lecture by 1’rof. B»*n«.. who return with a new ■ >v««r about Hornbrook. The obj»*<*t is invest iu property here. The former has hud a La i attauk of typhoid pm unioniH. William Liciiteiilierg. George Setltl, Pass. !.<•.- l’he Seat­ to prevent any trouble from washouts is a cousin of our fellow-townsman, D. A h"! ' :p'y l"ft t li«' < it} in* phy “¡«'inns had company ami :» m-w show, lira-it ;»u-I <,rn I r- u-. I' '’< ■ I .. • Illi Alliert H. Stone and Vincent Neale. pronoi.uce'l him out of immediate «lunger tle Pu T. Sears. of Nov. 1 4th, .«ays of tin in: and conse»|uent breaks of the line If you want a fine suit of clothes nt con and I. hh I. The capital stock is 32.ixt0.000 of Apply t<> “Las. night th»* old-time favorites, such as oecum*d there last spring hr < B. Darrin, of the Parrin F.r«»* , whose The grand ball to be given in th»' which 31 JkM'.OIM* has lieen suhs.-rils-ii. a n iixomible price call on Zoel'ner. the repuia on is n«»w estaf*i*hv«l thi«mgh«»ut the Roy»*»-A LalisiligCompany, playeii from the freshet in Cottonwooil creek. Flour and Feed. Chickens a Specialty­ opera house Christmas eve by the K. tailor, who has received his new stock th" “ !;«•(■ and in NV.i*hmgfon as well, ar Prejiarations are b-nig made to riv« •! in Ashlami NV« tune show the ?*m*eess they Lizzie 1. >yce ar«* the stars of th«* coni Hornbrook something new, as the J. W. <). Gregory and 11. J. Hicks, will t»e employed. Ill tbe spring op­ evening. Dec. 2d. A brief uotice of have. pany. R >y»«e was as funny as ever, ami Postal Ims not had an office in Horn- of Ashland, were in town Tuesday, on erations will Is* carried on more ex­ origin ami sk»«tch of the national and Frof. J. B. Horner, who has for a uum>‘«*r that is saying a g<>o»l deal, lu Ins brook heretofore. tensively, with the addition <>f more our state \V. their way down the valley. T. I . will l»> given, of year“ t»uu»ipied tin* position of principal many »lifferent. changes of character he (junker rolleil oafs. Germ» a. Break­ workers. The adviinc«* in .-ilv«*r has with good music, and short talks from of tin Roseburg publi« schools, and i< also was goo»i. Lizzie Royce hsaksas pret­ Gen, L. Davis anu wife ami Ed. Pet- *. <-re* if-, aud manaeer of the .-*tat«* 'leath­ also CTenUsi a greater »¡email»! ami home citizens. A most earnest invita­ ers Ih-ading « ir< le. has I h *** u in town f.«r ty ntnl sings as sw»«etlv as ever. Th»* fast Gem. Pearl Tapioca and Sago, at mger are taking a trip through Lake ♦ 4»*tter prn-es for quicksilver, which can tion is extend»«»] to all. Those having tw « I • - this w< "k and lei* been very anc- pretty little song, "There, Little Girl, McConnell & Eubanks'. ami Klamath counties, on a pleasure zie olrtame i in larg»' qnantity aud su­ cards will please bring them in Tins « • **f'i in extending the membership of tin* Don’t Cry," was giv. n in good v»»i»«e, l’.-ter Jackson stock has fallen sev­ trip and to see the country. rea iiru ' irule oi this county through meet ­ perior quality iu the fiMitlulls of Sis­ .lay evening. an»! her other so m«l iiistrun i-na I eral jsiin-s in the »piotations of the ing w ilk so many <»f the tea* her* a* the in kiyou mountain, this si»ie of tbe Ore­ Staver X Walker, of this place, sold stttnt« » p *ei Ities wen- v» iy fine. Her »• » sporting fr.r»«rmty. H»- undertook to A slight wrt«»«k oc<«urred on the S. P. gon boundry lint*, lhe work is nn-l«*r Mrs*rs. R. R Monita*. I’ > l’»»stal ln*pe«*t- tuniee ate reti »rkably p -tty. Cha«. stop young Go.ld ir»l, th« Australian a large supply of farming implements, at Smsoii, We.lm«« lay evening. A the «upervieion of Mr. Magee, an ex­ <*r. an-i ' Inv« F ¡AM*kw«»od. Deputy I'. >. Horwitz, as Bolling - -i I '• ■lil>l»-s, mtro- heavy weight, in <«igbt rounds fora a fine carnage, harness, etc., to a Mr. perienced im»l skillful quicksilver special wood tram was pulling into the Pro*« ■ :ing \ttorn»*y for Oregon, ( anie out »bleed some cl» v-*r work Hi.« singing purse ot 32,••(>(* at .vb-llmurn« on th»* Pareira, of Siskiyou county, Tuesday. Fortland Wednesday morninu tube miner, wfip is also note»l as an exp» rt yariis and collided with freight tram from L’he firm has a large trade m that s»«i- pre*.nt ai the tearing of <’ha* Ni< k- 'i <»n of comical songs was go»»-!, but Ins Hil­ 20th, ami bailed. In fact, th« general enow shoe traveler; formerly resnling No. 31. A box car was I .am l««d on top the eii irge of violation of the postal iaws re i'.it.on • f Patti .ml her 1» i.i >g t»*t >r »pinion 1.« that Goddard had the b»*st tiou of the country. in th? Sierra ami Nevada counti»*s. of a tint ear, mid a 11 limiter of other uardiiui th«* mailing of advertisements of w.»« g: «»*t.«d with app*- is at-»l a < n- if the right from an even standpoint. I. ' ■ i*inna lottery. They returned to the The pnsvss of working the quick- cars were bmlly jammed up. None of tie- »*» •• ; M.'wb :i. Mi.t’cl 1 *.- «1». . hi . J ickson will try to ki.o»*k Goddard Snake stories are generally in season city By the Wednes«iay evening * train. eilver will lie by menus of roasting th»« tram men were injur»«!. The acci­ was especially g»»*J. Her biigh' say­ out. how.-ver, in a fight to a finish to along about April or May. but the dent made the freight half a »lay late M it obvnehain. <»f Sprague river arriv* 1 'urtiaeee. sai»l to la* more effective and teaching Ashland, mid held the soitii in tow:, from Kinrnath <* cat hi* thanks clever. Billy Barbour, i-« Jos ab. the next f-»r a purse»»f 95,5»i(>. Jackson Il sounds as iiioiigh a former editorial « xpr -ss her»« till nearly tmoii yesterday, on giving dinner with hi»fnmi!y. He 'sill tives than th»* obi fashion style of re­ waiting ol»l farmer, was good. Ar. (’. Mo »re's says I«» «1.« »iek, i.n«l scarcely able t>) writer for that journal bad written the for the freight to come over main m this valley at* mt a week. Nir tort«. With furnaces, the cinnabar <»ii -n* t. tin report* live *t »< k doing \x«*!l on mandolin ami iianjo specialties wer> tight n ronu I. r.irl that he considers story just about the tune tie was wind­ tin- mountain«. eontaiuiug K.2" per cent of quicksilver I’ak ng Inai -If »*xe«s*ats. Barley. Wheat, at market price thr takes ore cuntaining «50 or (’>() per cent taken tn exchange for farm wagons, at that they will have ail easy winter on clean, bright evening's entertainment." the »•omlillon he was in. a member of the I uiou Pacific bridge ran« her* for tbe retoit puawts to prove profit­ G. C. Editings. force, brought a live rattlesnake to M J Th«»s. K’-nnt ly a:i old .( “i'h nt of .A li le-nan in the employ of the Cal ­ able.— | Yreka Journal. .irthagc, M«».. who for the past two or three A ru- number of »lr. s.«»«»l fink» vf . ifornia Elis-trie Light C 1. received R Pendleton yesterday which m«*Hsured Fred Shultz has s»*l»l his dwelling ’ year* has L» eu trawling for his health, is three feet in length and orgiuaily An immense stock of wall paper, house on Main s’n-et near the Con­ now .-1 \shlaud. h>i\ come over fiom si* ami »* m ■ iiv»* >ri *«. Ir.v«* »• «u «nr. pp 4 current of 1200 volts of electricity had thirty-two rat ties, some of which from this vail»-* to tb»-S hi Er met ¡ «» k:\ - i o - idi y. w here he iia* b« cn for *oir.. f--.m a inked wire at Kearney and at Smith X gregational church to Walter E. ceilings ami d«s»ratious moi.’! * Mr. Kennedy is nii old sub*» . m irk?t witbin the p-st w- «k. S'i'ii-r streets. San Brancisco, last Sat- were lost during its journey. Mr. _______ Dixige’s. We furnish an eXpenemtKl Be«*l;e, freight clerk at the Ashland of Im liniN'.an i IiH“ for a number of Watenberger found a deu of ttie snakes paper hanger wheu desired. Ail or­ depot.-who will make it his residence. years Been intrreste«! in tlie information it Goidsinitb, of Meiitord, li.is siiipp »»1 ard ty by itiu.lvertently grasping the near the bridge camp six miles above I mpatient F atue «: “Do make hast«*: w<* ar«* late for «limier now: ders in this hue promptly attemh’d to, Mr. B»«ebe sold Mr. Shultz two lots gave him ab-mt Ashland. H«* *• our town .*»m«> two »loZ'i: crat»*s of »lri*ss»«l w» e with l»oth bands. He was held Umatilla, killed forty-three and capt­ W ife : “I really <*an’< help it, dear: th<*<<* gloves will not«button." adj ic- nt to the property he ¡.ought of ' this week h».- lite tir*t lime, and is much tnrkt'ys. an»I others b.iv«* sent tin* live to the wire ami siilT«re»l inteuse agony ami satisfaction gurauteed. pleaded with it. $ ured the one mentioned, the fangs of birils. W. I*. B «nti. of AshlauJ. also for a moment until a companion at D.M’ ghtek : “I always told you. mamma, that you vli«>»uld buy the new •Malh«*r’ Gl«»v«*t. him. cuijsiileratlon 32-K1. The price Try our own brands of .tea, oysters, for the house and lots was 31fix'. Mr. sta’e .«up» • int» ndent E. I'» >1 -Elroy, sent tio .n a lot of line »•hi<-keiiH for work with him released him. He was which he extracted. His snakeeliip wh. h r;.st« (i in a moment ami are so conv«*ni«-nt ; tli«*y ar«- lor s-li«- at soap and crackers. Superior to any Shultz is building mi addition to the w host 'otig and etfn lent labor* for the ad tin* rb'iriks^iviiig tr ide, am«*H„« th--m •»ken to a hospital ami the only in- was on exhibition at Benn's in a l*ox « id • i ient «/f the state have lUH’ie hi in weP wire. Rattlesnakes otbeir. McConnell A Eubanks. * dwelling lie i* occupying himself near k m»v. n ami pular throuuhtH,t lieing a lot of exir.i large youug jury apparent was a burned place in covered wi' i has l»eun in Awhlnnd this week. rme'ers. averaging |nn-r«« than iiv»* the palm of each hand, where the were never so numerous along the A few wagons out of a car load left the depot hotel, ami M ill soon build a or-.ci. t. 'Ud «“• ltl.M ll ph H“**d With the» SlKTVHSflli pounds each, live w *ight about an wir«*e ha.l come in contact with his river. Sam Anderson says he uever and 1 will cicise them out ata bargain bouse ou the lotf he bought of Mr. iustit«i:e which < l«»s»*(i its «»ii NVt’«I large as in my of th “ tnrkaya. flesh. After his hands were dressed saw so many before at ins fruit farm lJe.li.», a dnpljj'a'e of the one be iiM ... i L <.: . ■ • was ■: • > nt-sday owning. ! hr Call and see if ¿Gil want one. inoj‘1 ai'/’^v attended ever hcl'l in the dis­ TiirKi-y« ami <«hi»*keus are sliipp«*»! to by the surgeon, he walked away feel­ lielow town. They are now sluggish jus' solil to the latter. » G. 0. E ddingr , trict, and thr work dune w HI coin pa re w it h California from lhe sta!es iu I in* iiik I- ing only a tritle weak from the terri­ and easily killed.” the Lamb's wool and leather sh| per- the is-r “iiowinLr Hinde in any part Leave your orders foi Eastern oyst­ state Erol. M visited tile Ashlaud »1!« «--st tu large numbers, and it ble experience. It was iu »lispute ers for Thanksgiving, ut McConnell X sol»\s for sale, all sizes, at Wednesday's publi»' school* mi Monday last, and *pvak* lo .ks as if th«* l>nsiu«*ss of raising whether the current that kill«*»] Kemin-1 Four room Ci U ige on Oak street to in tie liigiicst term-» td the able supervision them in this part, of the country ought, ler was more or less than lOflO volts, rent booth. Eubanks'. at 35 l**r month. Apply at of the principal and the faithful and ufti to l»e a profitable one. it Will l»e remeililtered. Legal Blanks Ht tins office. cieut work <»f ’he whole corps oi teachers. t’ranberriea at the Red Hou«»e. SMITH & DODGE ONE NIGHT ONLY WED. DEC. 3d SMITH 1)01 )GI Homeliest* Man in FARM and STOCK RANCH Situate Near Ashland, Oregon C. F. BILLINGS Ashland, Or Leader : in : High : Novelties ASKLAND, OREG !