ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. W. H. LEEDS. Editor and Publisher. Terms ot Subscription: One oopy, one year.................... ” " six months.................. “ “ three months............. Club Bates, six copies for......... Terms, in advance. $ 2 50 . 1 50 Austin. S. Hxmmoni, ATTORNEY AT LAW A shlaxd , Complete list of A tetr». 1» of Title* to lend, in Jacknon county. Title» examined. Titles perfected ord* c«*rr«s ted, etc. J. T. Bowiitch, Will practice it. all court* of the Stale. Culleetlous promptly made and remitted. 9-4 AND COUNSELOR, G rant ' s P ass , O regon . g^*onice in Ahlf Building, Front streeL pt 14..« fl^OFFK’F with W. H STAVER & WALKER, roE0F%Ds 1 Dr. J. S. Parson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A shland , O regon . Offlee at residence ou Main str.-el, next dts.r to Presbyterian chun-li. 11 42 Dr. S. T. Songer, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. A shland , Office in Odd Fellows buihlin«. seeoud flour, on Main street. 111-12 i E. P. Geary, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, M EDFOKD, OKEHON. Office in Hamliu’s Block— Residence on <‘ street. 1 •— 50 WAGONS, PATTO Dr. W. Stanfield., ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN’, Has located in Ashland. Or., for the prac­ tice of his profession, Makes all chronic diseases, such as Rheumatism, Asthma. Piles. Kidney diseases. Liver Complaints, Female Diseases, &c., a specialty. Consul­ tation free. Office next door to Arlington Hotel, near the depot. 112-44 Mrs. P. M. Wobster, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC ASHLAND, PHYSICIAN, OKE*iON. - At the- ASHLAND MILLS I HOUSE and LOT Office for the present at the Congregational Parsonage. [12-49 FOR »K SAI.K Dr. J. H. Hall, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Nine Years in Hospital Practice.) Main Street, Ashland,Or. 1442 Foli YOU. J. S. Walter, M. D. S., ! Wil) practice his profession of Dentistry ---- AT — At a Bargain. A dwelling hulls«- aud large h>t i-..n taining i1. acres, on street in choice residence part of Ashland for sale at a bargain. Fine lot of fruit on the place; conifiirtable Rmall bouse and stable. For further information inquire at T idings office or Address 1 >. 1’nyne. l’hoenix. Or. A shland , O regon . 11-8 Office a resilience. :o: A. C. Caldwell, The undersigned lias at the Hnule} home ranch n ar Jacksonville. Medford and < ci. tral Point a large quantity of the ln-*t alfalfa hay. and will sell at the place nt tlie low price of $<’ a ton. J»- ding <•• •» iai furnished stockmen who may to «hip their beef cattle from Klamath county or else when- to the northward will iind this an i x< client pla< i- tp f< i d. and w ill be cheer­ fully furnished with full information re­ garding the market' at Port lai. », Tacoma, Seattle. Victoria ami elsew h» r« . For furl her information, mldre" at M d- ford. Oregon. W m II ania Y, 15-1.» Mechanical and Operative Dentist. ASHLAND, OREGON. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for unless extraction of teeth the painless teeth. Office over the Bank.— [12-33] J. S. Howard, Notary Publio and Conveyancer MEDFORD, OREGON. i All kind* of real estate bnriness given care­ I ful attention, and information rurnlahed concerning property iu the new town. AUCTION EER Is prepared at all times to sell livestock, household goods, or other property of any kind in Ashland, or will attend to calls to go ANYWHERE IN THE COl’NTKY. lx)ng experience in the business enables me to guani tee satisfaction. A uction in A shland every S atu rday for sale of sUx k. Ashland. Or. E K. BRIGHTMAN. TheBankof Ashland All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and Harrows have ever sold in this market. , » R epair S *i 1 ;-- — ; For Harrows and Plows Constantly on Hand. ASHLAND OGN. Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00 Does a General Banking Business. ’ollectiou** made at all accessible points on favorable terms. Sight vxrhangv ami telegraphic transfers Portland, Sau Francisco ami New York .O' < .> TOWN - LOTS MORE THAN SEVEN HUNDRED different styles and differ­ ?old bnuQht at standard price.*». i ‘A — In the town of---- ent kinds of’Steves for _ __ Heating and Cooking World’s ceSt‘ mannfactured under Beans flat t' • • tra<^8 mtBk. This Was Awarded the only Siskiyou co., Cal., GRAND PRIZE For Sale on Easy Terms. One-fourth -town: balance within nix. twelve ami eighteen month*. See map at the Rail->ad Depot for frailed price*, etc., or aildreaa D. H. BASKET.L. Town Site Agent C. F R R . eau Francisco. California. 112-5 I ■T h .*? «■ L. PHOTOGRAPHY. H. C* Myer, Having one of the lx*et skylights in Or­ egon, and knowing how to use if, I OVARANTRK UOOD WORK. M. E. TYLER, __F— Ashland, Oregon — i/Z-' - KEEPS GARLAND STOVES. A big carload of stoves and ranges just receiyd. finest line in the county. < 'all and see and believe it. Martin & Harris’s O rboon . A shland , I Hollow Axle, Pacific Coast Gear, with Stake Rack Bed and California Roller Brake. MONTAGUE i i I AU Goods F idly Guaranteed, 1-‘ - Y-------- J I I t MOUNTAIN HACKS, SPRING WAGONS, FARM WAGONS. ». H. ATKINSON. F. H.CARTKR K. V. CAKTKK r*re«ident. Vice-Pres. Cashier f I G.C. EDDINGS ---- oo K. T<. Brightman, r i 111 L A Quality considered, than any other firm in the country Parira*. opp^ile Court Houae, Ja« ksonvilie, Or. ABOUT ALASKk Suitable for sticky and all kinds of soil. Morris M. Horknoss, Will practice in «11 the courts of the State. at PLOWS, PLOWS! HARROWS, HARROWS! Attorney and Counsellor at Law ASHLAND, OREGON. Robert A. Miller, Attorney-at - I »aw. Of ail descriptions done on tioe. La-gal Blanks, Circulars, 1 neasCards Billheads, IxjtterbeAiia,' ters, etc., gotten up in good styl living prices. lay for some time. Had he struck ten H.ATUKEN OF A NKW TAX LAW. f«»et either side, he would have falleu ( Yreka Journal 1 into a crevice of unknown depth. Pro|*»iti->n tgi-reil I |M>n by the NimtMitd It is an acknowledged fact that the I Our Glendale, Or., correspondent Here he was compelled to stay until C«Mumittee in Session in Xxlem. great majority of the people know but little of laws of the state in which they ! sends ns the following interesting let­ we came up, and right here we bad to The senatorial committee appointed camp. When leaving our camp that reside. Beyond attorneys aud a few morning we had expected to find Mr. at the las'. s«-«sion of the state legisla­ professional men whose business ter: ture to devise ways and means for necessitates knowledge of special llF.Tt KN OF THE KISSKLL AN1> KEKR Kerr aud Mr. Russell together, and remedying the evils and imperfections had left our loads, tent, stove and ail, AI.ANK k EXPEDITION. points, it may be said that ignorauce so we bad only a can of corn lx*ef for of preeeut assi*6sment aud tax laws, of the statutes is universal. For in­ Tlie expedition that started startet! June supper aud nothing for breakfast. are still wrestling with the many j>er- stance, take the fence law. The ordin­ plexities this difficult question pre­ 17th, from Seattle for Alaska, under ary individual knows there is some Mr. .1. C. Russell, geologist, and Mr. What a miserable night we had of it, sents. The committee consists of one blanket for five of us, wet and law regulating the style of fence and Mark B. Kerr, topograpiiist, returned Senators Raley, Tongue, Wolf, Hilton that be is liable to loss he knows not on the 2d of October, when the party freeziug in five feet of snow, our teeth anti Cogswell, aud they have been iu cbnttenng a chorus. Early next how much—in case the sbxik of an­ session at Salem since Monday morn­ other man is injured on hie illegal was disbanded. From Lester Doiiev, morning we assisted Mr. Kerr up the ing, October 13tti nearly two weeks. Mr. Kerr’s special assistant on tlie 1 rope and pushed on to find Mr. Rus­ fence. He had no chance to discuss trip, we glean the following particu­ sell, whom we met about four miles They have lalxired assiduously, work! the old law before it was amended to lars: Our party of nine persons was above, on his way down. He had lug from 8 o'clock in tire morning often its preeeut form and express hie opin­ till 11 o'clock at night, and if they aoc* landed at tlie Swedish Mission, Yaku­ ion as to what it should lie, knows Dot tat Bay. June 25, by tlie gun Isxit fared little better than Mr. Kerr. His cee«l hi adjusting the taxation prob­ what it is now, and never will know Pinta, where we tix>k two of the ship’s tent ha«l blown down, and he bad dug lem to the satisfaction of a majority of unless he goes to an attorney or is boats, together with a huge canoe, a hole iu the suow anil crawled down Oregon's citizens, they are entitled to “cincbeiU'by its provisions. This is hired of the Indians, and one other into it, having bis lamp and somo a great deal of credit. Boston baked beans, with a little oat only one of many important statutes, Just what the committee has ac­ purchased; we proceeded up the bay some of them oppressive and some of alxint 3 a. tn., to get enough ccxiked to meute, but centralize authority and recommendations to their represen­ and therefore it devolved n[x>n seven satisfy all hainis. Starting stxm after, strengtbeu the law as well. tatives have them properly amended. of us to get this lulaud, from camp to we arrived two days later at Blossom First, it is decided that all aes«»H- Island. One of our men became snow They are uninformed as to the privileg­ shall be made os if made on the ■ es or reslrictionB net forth in the camp. The two chiefs, Messrs. Rus­ blind and we had to lead him. The ments 1st of Apnl of each year. An assessor, sell aud Kerr, carried their instru­ statutes. mid.Xherefore have no opinion ment* A* this camp ou the beach we last «lay Ixifore reaching the islaud was when uwsuDtified with (he lists fur- as to whether they shontd remain or tie made tlie "base line” for nil triangula­ -the worst I twe- experienced' , “‘j*™ 1 iu«n. afc.41 b- :m;'i«»rt»u the Toll, County What tlie McKinley Bill Is Ikiiug. could not keep warm, even with heavy formatioj in regard to the statutes is being on the Beale of three miles to courts shall lx* made lioards of eqnali- loads ou our backs. Here we rests«] New Y'ork, October 22. One of the usually acquired ufter legal pnxtesa is the inch. two days, where we were joined by the zation, and nsscsaore shall lx* required strongest arguments advanced by served upon him and he has costs to We traveled over a region of Mo- whole party. Mr. Russell with four of i to attenii meetings when matters wm- pay; While no steps are taken to friends of the McKinley bill iu Con­ taxation are under considera­ raine and numerous water courora us, went over to the Bear Glacier, to cerning make generally known its existence gress was that it would foster healthy tion. If any person fyils to list Ins from glaciers above, for a distance of what was culletl Hitcbe«x*k Poiut. home competition in the production and tenor, ignorance is held to be no property, or to answer the questions of those articles unntediately affected excuse for the violation of a statute. 20 miles. The walking is very rough, S«x>n after this we came in and found grofxmnded to hitu by the assessor, the and is terrible on «hlen nulls. The would be a direct beuefit to the people. board shall have authority to equalize promoter of tins enterprise is Charles It cannot be urged against this idea snows. Our route led us up a very we came in sight of the bay our joy afsessmenta between counties on dif­ Barrez, head of the firm of Charles that it is a scheme for the newspapers gradual rise, much broken by sharp, knew no bounds, for there in plain ferent kinds of property, and cannot Barrez A- Co., 451 lirixinn* street. Mr. to make ‘‘a piece,” as rate for publica­ steep ridges between the glaciers, un­ sight, steaming up the bay, was what equalize individual asse.-smeiits. Barrez’s firm is the only concern in tion could be made that would leave til we were 30 miles inland, when we > proved to lx* the U. 8. revenue cutter, Upon the foregoing propooitions the this country which lias made a spec­ but a Binall margin for profit. There were alxiut 1,500 feet above the sea Corwin, whose comm inder had run in members of the committee are agreed. level. For the last 10 miles we had to s**«* if lie could fin«t any traces of us. ialty of importing French w«x>len is not a newspaper iu the state that There Berms to be some difference of gorxls. would not gladly publish the statutes lieen marching over fields of ice, but It was ]>ell-mell to get aboard, anil so opinion, however, regarding the advis­ here we came upon a veritable oasis in for home. "It is not my iutention,” said Mr. at the lowest,living rates; they could The only game I saw on the trip was ability of repealing the mortgage tax Barrez, "to enter n|x>n the manufact­ not afford to do so without some coui- this desert of the north, which was i law Hnd not allowing deductions for ure of any of the higher grailes of |>ensalion, though statutes of especial nothing more than a hill 5. lia.1 for them and the tariff law has If carried out it will be of incalculable for the clouds of mosquitoi s aud gnats i hold office four years. The committee that ueoeestated our wearing veils shut them out. The new mills when benefit to the state as a whole, and to is still in s«*ssion and will probably and gloves day aud night. Here we "Is this the best? ” Is a question of- founded ought to give **n [dojment to every iudividual it will be a source of teu asked, when medicine is wanted. finish their labors for the present iu a satisfaction, in many cases actually feasted on berries large blue berries - The several hundred people.” following are a few of the medi­ day or two, and them meet again some similar to huckleberries, salmon ber ­ saving no small pecuniary losses. This 1 cines of known relinliility sold bv Chit­ time before the convening of the legis­ ries, rasplx*rries, dewlierries, large cur ­ idea of enacting laws aud placing them wood Bros., druggists of this place lature. A«lvi«'e t«> Mother». out of range of the poorer classes by rants, and a small berry the size of a They have many other excellent medi­ The committee was instructed to Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has publishing them in book form only, pea, which we called “dew drop." cines, but these are worthy of especial make a report einlxxly'ing such sug­ been used by mothers for children teeth and holding them at prices which many Here we established our base of sup­ mention: gestions as might lx* 3(1 arrhoea Remedy, the most reliable whether arising from teething or other of the state press. miles wide. Here we encountered known inedieiue for bowel cmplaiuts. what be saw of the report thinks they causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. terrible yawning chasms or crevices, It is especially prized by persons sub­ are preparing a very meritorious bill, A Word to Ladles. all the way from two to fifty feet wide, ject to colic It has cured many cases and one winch, if adopted by the legis­ For Sale Cheap. Ladies who deaire a beautiful clear which from estimates made must lie of chronic diarrhoea. Price 2.5c and 50c lature, will meet the issue of a more equal taxation. A wind mill and tower complete skin, free from pimples, boils, blotolies two or three thousand feet deep, as per St. bottie. Patrick’s Pills, for disorders of the The question of precinct assessors, with 12 ft. wheel nud dnep web pump; and other er upturns, should oommence ♦ he Ixittom of this glacier is lower.t twn liver 'v'.d Is,wnls. A vit-orvus bat gentle also reservoir for wilier. All nearly at once to use Dr. Gunn’s Improved the level of the sea. Between the physic that cleanses and renovates the which was u stun.l.lmg block for some Pills. They will also remove that time has lx-en practically decitied, aud new and in first class runuing order. Liver heavy look alxiut your even and make crevices would lx* narrow bridges of whole system. Price 25c per Lox. Enquire of Smith & Dodge at furni­ them bright, and will rare headache ice, many of them not more than six < iuimbertain's Eve and Skin Oint­ such offices uill exist uuder the pro- posetl law.— [Oregonian. ture store. from whatever cause it arises. Remem­ inches wide, where one could look ment. for tetter, salt Ith.-uiu, scald head, ber, you are only required to take one down on either side into the black eczi-ma and chronic sore eyes. Price 25e Don't forget to go to Hunsaker's small pill at bed time, which is coated depths, where a misstep would plunge per box. Tlicir Itiisiness Itooming. with pure sugar, and will not gripe or one down, down, to be forever laid for your dress gotxle. ♦ Probably no one thing has caused produce any unpleasant sensation. Sold amid the ice, where mortal man would t A Mayor in Jail. such II general revival of trade at Chit- at 25c by T. K. Bolton. not find t he remains. From Blossom New lork, Oct. 21. - Mayor Patrick woixl Bros, drug store as their giving Island the chiefs pushed ahead for 50 away to customers of so many free trial Experinents with Nickel. miles, to the foot of Mt. St. Elias, two .I. Gleason ot Long Island city, was bottles of Dr. Kiug’s New Discovery fur to-day sentenced b> five days in jail Consumption. Their trade is aiuiply Washington, Oct. 22. -The chief of men keephig them supplied as well as and to pay a fine of 8250. lie is now enormous in this very valuable article the ordnance bureau of the navy de­ possible, while the rest brought up in the custody of the Sheriff under tr im the tael Ih.-it it always cur.-- and partment is giving attention to the supplies from the base. We were en­ guard. This disgrace which has come never disappoints. Coughs, colds, procurement of uickle ore or metal, deavoring to get enough ahead b> do ii[xin the chief executive of a New asthuia, lironc Intis, cr.sip and all them to make the summit. They throat nnd lung diseases quickly cured. for which congress appropriated 81,- York municipality was caused by his 090,000. Representative firms whicli worked up the mountain gradually unprovoked assault upon George R. You can t« st it Is fore tmying Lv getting ascertain the exact ca­ days to get around, and they had to victed. Henley Hems. pacity of our domestic nickel works. tunnel through one ice ledge to get a A mayor sentenced to jail for five Martin Sullivan aud Ins bride were Several competent steel experts have rope fastened, so as to raise the sup­ days is a thing unheard of even in lieen sent by the department to va­ plies over a sheer ledge It to feet. Here Long Island City. Indeed siuce the here this week. His many frietula ex­ rious parts of the country. Chief the men climlxxl up this rope, which, mayor of an Indiana town was shot tend congratulations ami wish them a Folger, of the ordnance bureau, in­ by the way. was not much larger than dead while committing a burglary, long life of happiness. The Black .lack contiuues to pros­ tends to ascertain the possibilities of a lead |x*ncil, but of very strong ma­ such a degradation of the municipal pect gixxl, and they will s . miii have an alloy of steel and nickel in other terial. On the 21st of August they dignity lias not lx-en reported. were out very early, having reached an branches of naval construction, as ... Patrick .1. Gleason is built in the another crushing at the mill; tins well as in the manufacture of armor elevation of 8.700 feet, ready to start coarsest mold, upon a bony framework time alx.iit 100 tons. for the summit at 10 a. m. They plate, in which it is already a known that would lx> invaluable to a prize (iil ham .t Co., of the Tom Paine success. He is preparing to have reached a crevice fully 50 feet wide fighter. He stands at least six feet mine, have their new honse com­ running across in front of them from made at the Washington navy yard high, must measure nearly fifty inches pleted, and will commence tlicir Hhiift a series of tests, which will include side to side. The way lx*yond seemed around his chest, his arms like a black­ in a few days. They expect to strike smooth and easy, but while hunting proof trials of projectiles made from smith's. with a long reach and thor­ blue gravel at a depth of 125 feet. the new alloy, as well as the usual test for a place to cross the sky darkened, ough development, and cannot turn Geo. A. Barr Las made two more and sixin the snow began to fall, so of cast, elasticity, breaking strength, locutions of lfio acres each, south of leaving all their instruments here they the scale at much less than 240 llis. ductility, etc. So far as the average human being the Klamitth river, iu the interest of hurried back to camp, intending to try again for the summit next day. But is concerned, he would in a rough-and- two Sacramento parties. He will axm Excitement tlie snow kept falling all next day . so tumble encounter, such as Mr. Glea­ have a cabin built, when he will com­ linns high in this citv over •'System that fears were felt for their safety , nor son prefers, stand about as gixxl h mence sinking, and exi>ecta to push Builder.” ns everylxxiy is using it for was it possible to get back to their in­ chance of Ix-ing killed, whether en­ the work all winter. Malaria. Constipation. Dyspepsia, im In the meantime, just gaged with the mayor of Long Island Eugene Almy, 41 years of age. who pun- bloixl. and catarrh of the stomach, struments. about the time it lx*gan snowing, Kerr City or the Pride of Boston. and it is only 81 a bottle at Chitwood's It was such a mau that the unfort­ lias lxx»n working for Rummell A Co. found that there was not sufficient oil drugstore (let a bottle and tell your in their river claim, dropped dead neighbors about it. for their stove, so he left Mr. Russell unate correspondent, of the Assix-mted Sunday morning, the cause of death Press, George IL Crowley, encount ­ at the highest camp and came back being pulmonary appoplexy. He and overtexik the two men, who went ered on Sunday night iu a Long Is­ leaves a wife and aeveti children, near Elretri«' Light Nhailewwl. land City, ealixm when the place should They all three Medford, Oregon. The liereaved fam­ For several years past Charles Ingra­ down for supplies, have been dosed. Crowley ~ was se- ham, of Eight Mile, Morrow county, staid together in the rain, with only verely lieaten and Gleason now pays ily have the sympathy of this com­ munity in their san affliction. has lx-en experimenting in chemistry one blanket between them, and no the penalty. Miss May Fay, of Etna, has charge with a view to producing a bright, tent. Next morning Mr. Kerr started Mayor Gleason's incarceration will back to assist Mr. Russell, the others of the Klamath City school. cheap and portable light. He uow not interfere with the affairs of the claims to have perfect«»«! a comp«isition, coming down. Gue of these men con* city. The city charter provides that The false work for the new iron which moulded into slender sticks and elude«) Lit* had enough, so cam«» down in case the mayor is absent from the I ridge across the Klamath is in place, to Rlbteom Island, while the other plaml iu a lamp of his own invention, staid hi one of the upper camps. Now city more than ten days or is incapac­ anil the bridge is rapidly nearing com­ burns with a brillancy fully equal to in tlie last three days those at Blossom itated for duty that length of time, pletion and wili l>e ready for traffic the electric light at an extremely low the pre-alent of the Board of Alder­ next Sunday. This bridge will lx> a cost. He has appli«*«l for a patent, Island, including myself, had traveled men shall liecome the acting mayor of blessing to this community in partic­ 50 miles, carrying packs of U><) pounds and as sixrn as it is secured will begin the city. Mr. Crowley has a civil suit ular, ami the whole county in general. manufacturing lamps for Hale, if the each, through the rain. We were tired, against Gleason for damages on ac­ No more delay by ferry Ixixts, fords. and had just got in and hud breakfast new light is all that he claims, it will . high water or Hunting ice. The Board over, when at 10 a. m. this man arrived count of the assault. take the place of kerow-ne and gas if and tohl ns that th«* two chiefs were of Supervisors deserve the thanks of not electricity, as it is cheaper, safer, alone on the mountain in the snow, this community for their considera­ and more convenient then either. It nml that three men were ueetled at The transition from long, lingering tion and promptness. | Yreka Jour­ will create a sensation when intro­ once to go to their assistance. Weil and painful sickness to robust health nal, Oct. 22. duce«! to the pubic.- [Ex. you may imagine three of us two marks ane|x>ch in the life of an in­ others and myself ready at 3 p. m., dividual. Such a remarkable event is A Sure Cure for Piles. Hibbard'^ Rhuiiiualie and Liver Pills. starting in a fearful rainstorm for a treasured in the memory and the agency whereby tlie gissi health has tx-en at ­ Itching Viles are known by moisture Thoe pills »re scientjfically corrq»ounded, tramp of 15 inil«*s with heavy packs, tained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is like |H rspirat ion. causing intense itch­ and uniform in action. No griping pain so which Ixxmm«* beavi«*r ns the rain fell. that so much is heard in praise of Elec ­ ing when warm. Tliis form, as well as commonly following the use of pills. They are adrpted to poth adults and children with Our way 9*1 over those fields of i<*e tric Bitters. So many feel that they blind, bleeding and protruding, yield at perfect safety. We miarautee they have no where one has to watch every step, owe their restoration to health to the onqe to Dr. Boaauko’s Pile ltemedy, equal in the cure of Siek Head»! he, < onsti- crossing numerous crevices, and so on Great Alterative and Tonic. If you art- whicli acts directly on the parts nff«*cted, patinn, dyspepsia, and biliousness; ami as and on we trudge.1, until 8 p. tn., when troubled with any disease of kidneys. Hbsorlis tumors, allays ilcbing and ft- an appetizer they excel any other prepara- we found the other man. All of us, Liver or stomach, of long or short stand f«*cts a permanent rare. Wk-., dniggials 10-ew-ly mg von will surely find relief by the use or mail. 1 realise free. Dr. Bosauko. thoroughly soaked and hungry, ate a of Electric Bitters. Slid at 5 t.lailktnne Sig Alwxv* Right. tire*! for any thing Iwtter. I luring the Utii a Herald.; night it cleared up and froze. Early Papers that are publishing a state­ next morning we were on the way. ment that county sheriffs in this stab- The wisest m m make mistakes. The traveling 25 miles, much of the way hi get 820 a week for boarding four pris­ demisTats are very iubilaut just now new snow, as we gradually ascended. oners and 815 a week for liourding Ixeause Mr. Gladstone, thorough Eng­ During the day we tned a shorter five prisoners, according to a stab­ lishman that lie is, does not like the route, but made j»oor headway owing statute, are mistaken. The law con­ new American tariff. With great re- to the numerous crevices encountered, templates that the sheriff shall receive spect to him, no one expected him to. I had on«- very severe fall down n crev- $5 each [ier week for the board of four When, however, he gixe ho far as to ice Ixmeath a huge bowlder, fully 20 prisoners, and 83 for all above that speak of that measure as an “error," feet. A large rock came down after unrulier. Thus, for four prisoners he be exhibits the same frame of niiud me, which struck ine on th«» head, receives 820, for five 823, for six 820, that he did when nxm after the out­ making ati ugly gash in my scalp. But etc. Such was the intent of the law, break of the relrelliou lie pronounced the Ixiys pulbii me out wi'h tlcir and we have yet to hear of tlx* sheriff this Union forever broken and the rop«-e, and we push«*«i on again. It who does not bo interpret it. - j Ex. Southern Confixleracy an enduring Call and Examine Them now on was 12 p. m. when we got something nation. Great as he is Mr. Gladstone to eat and took a short sleep. At early Exhibition at If you anffer pricking pain» on moving rises only slowly to a full appreciation dawn we were again on the way, Lilt the eyes, or cannot Inutr bright light, of American ideas and American climbing was getting mor«* and more and find your night weak and failing, triumphs. arduous as w«* advanced, on account of you should promptly Dr. J. H. Mc- Backleu'a Arolia Salve. the new snow that had fallen. We Irean’n Kt rengthening Eye Salve. 25 cts passe«! the lower i««e falls and worked a box. The best salve in the world for rata, bruises, Korea, ulcers, salt rheum. fever our way up, Lite snow getting worse Mires, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, every step, and each man now took W. Russell, night fireman at the corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ turns breaking the way. At 6 p. m. of Crown patter mills, Oregon City, fell cures piles, or no pay required. It this the third day. we arrived at th«* from a platform to the ground, eighty tively is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ secoud ice falls. Here we foi nd Mr. Pacific <’oast Main Office. feet, one night lust week, and was tion. or money’ refunded. Price 25 cents Kerr, nearly starved todeath. He had found dead the next morning. n«r box. For sale by Chitwood Bros. Absolutely Pure gone up tlie first day some distance 1368 Market Street- almve, when night overtxxik him mi l There are many »«xiidenta and dig- Far better than medicines which hor­ he bad tried to make his way back to of tartar baking puwiler SAN FRANCISCO, CALA Higl cream ribly gripe the patient and destroy the eases which affect stiati. and cause aeri- the tipper camp, but in n>nimg down coating of the stomach. l)r. J. H. Me­ I ous incnnvenience and loss to the f.inu- eat of all in ii avetiiug strength. I’. S. fri>r< runi' nf Hei>nrt, .bn/. 17, the rope here he fell, striking on hie jean's Chills and Fever Cure, by mild er iu his work, which may Ire ««nickly 14 21-ly head and shoulders, but fortnnately and yet effective action will cure. Sold ren>ied by the use of Dr. J . H. McLean'tt 1888. I.Voicanio Oil Liniment, rolled into some Boft snow, where he at 5U ceuts a liettle. PUBLISH THE LAWS PROFESSIONAL CARBS ATTORNEY’ TIDINGS FRIDAY.. OCTOBER 31, 1890 ASHLAND 12 50 ' f ASHLAND, OR. Myer’s Bloek.east side Main street. LOOK OUT FOR BAD TITLES ! Ou«* third Ilf the ”'»l eMale ill Ja« k»oii -county i» li«-ld under iocfk . tivk title. Get Mil atetra. t to the title of vnur property »nd wee if voc are all right. The only reliable Atetiaets made in Jaek-ou county eome in>m Austin X. Haniniimd'» l aw aud Aos- atract office, .Ghiaini. Oregon. I l:iB | I WILEY B. ALLENA CO oEX. KAI. AGENTS, 211 Fir-t Str.-el. l’intlioi*l. Oreipm Kt'eiit u aut, »I III ei ery cuiiuly. OHLY PERFECT SEWING MEPHAMIS m ■F amily use . f / I