Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, October 17, 1890, Image 1

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    B,.* aoAl
1* fohe«
Editor und Publither,
Terms of Subscription:
One copy, one year...........
"• •• six months........
"* three montas.
Club Rates, six copies for
Terms iu advance
Aï. OCTOBER 17, 1890
J. T. Bo^Aitch,
Attorney aud Counsellor at Law
Will prficticv it all court* of the Stste.
pr<»raptlv made and remit
9 4
Suitable for sticky and all kinds of soil.
Quality considered, than any other firm in the country
Ho bort A. Miller,
Allornc.v-til - I .si na -
Will |>r«iti<v in all the «■»urrs
»»' Ü*, -»h*1««. -
JflT-»iFFU'k. with W. 11. I'nrlo r. ipi .-it«'
« *»urt thnre-, Jin-k- civ I lie. Or.
C qn
Russell Sage on the Tariff
— I
wagons .
Hacks and Carts
Mrs. P. X Webstar, M. D.,
a .
Assignee's, Side.
»f*»r the present at ;he <'ongi‘ ^a!ii ual
I F--W
Dr. J. H. Hall,
Nine Years iu 11« -pital Practice.)
Main Street, Ashland, Or.
J. S. Walter, Lì. D. S.,
«Vili practice liisprofcssioii"f Dentistry
—ar —
A sh limi . O keuox .
onio and
H, 1890.
A. C. Calàwcll,
Hay for fiorii Shipped
Throiuxli this Valiev.
Mechanical and Operative Dentist.
Nitron« Oxide Gas aduiini-tered for
lio» puniese extraction »if t«-« th.
4 Oiliiie over the Bank.— 12 33]
J. S. CiCTTiUfi,
Notjry Public aril Conveyancer
o< »
hns »it t..* tffanlry home
rafi<4i near Jacksonville, Mrdford and Cen­
tral >*t>int a largì quantify of the t»<‘^t alfalfa
hay, and will sell at the place at the low
price of a ton, feeding corral furnished.
Stockmen who may wish to ship their
hovf cattle from Klamath county or else­
where to the northward will find this an
cx« (’ilent pia. e Io feed, and will I m * cheer­
fully furnished with full information re­
garding the market- at Portland, Laconia,
M jiltle. Victoria and elsew h« re.
For ftirther Information, address at Med­
ford. Oregon,
VN m H anley ,
Settle up and Pay up'
Those knowiug themselves indebted
to the undersigm-d will save costs by
complying with this notice.
.1 M. M c C all
H«iw a San Franciseo Butcner l«et a For­
tune Slip
For a long time after the Ixmanza
excitement the stock market in SaD
Francisco remained quiet and inact­
ive, says the New Y’ork II arid. More
or lees trading was done in Comstock
shares, of course, but the market as a
whole was quietly settling down to
what appeared a “fx-d-nx-k" basis.
The Sierra Nevada anti I’niou Con-
soliduted mines at the northern en«l of
the Comstock group were at this time
particularly inactive, the former sell­
ing as low as fifty cents a share. Ru­
mors, however, began to circulate
alxmt this time of a “strike” in the
north en«l mines, ami Sierra ami
Union began to climb upward.
Fred Powers, a butcher, own«»d at
the time of which 1 speak, a small
shop Ht the corner of Hayes street and
Van Ness avenue, ami In» somehow lie-
came imbue«l with lh«> id«»;, that there
was more money to lx» made in stock
speculation than in the butcher busi­
ness. Acting upon this idea. Powers,
by mortgaging Ins business and bor­
rowing what money he could, scraped
together a few thousand «ioliars winch
he deposited in the office of a Fine
street brokerage firm.
He wasn't particular, be suid. as to
what stock he .should buy, aud finally
settl»»«! on Sierra Nevada as lx«ing a
g<xxi purchase, leaving ins'ructions
with his brokers to buy 1(h) shares on
his account. This was dune and Pow­
ers was duly credited with the stock,
for w hich lit» paid 824 per share.
Meanwhile the rumors came [xmnng
in from Virginia City about the great
north end strike, ami Sierra began t«i
fairly jump forward until it was quoted
at 8175. This would have satisfied
auy ordinary man. but not so Powers.
Instead of selliug lit» gave orders to
buy more shick.
Iu the course of the next two we«-ks
Sierra Nevada bad r«-acii«».l 8'250 p«»r
share, and Powers, with 300 shares to
his credit, was m debt to his brokers
alxmt 840,000. His brokers begg«»«l
him to sell, but Powers was «ilxlurate.
He was after a million, he said, and as
long as his margins remained good, the
brokers were satieficxl.
Powers then wild out. his business
entirely, and put up the procee«ls as
additional margin. He began to hunt
up favorable building sites for the
residence that he iritende«l tolmild.
that, lie asserted, would "Imat them
4nob heel’ affairs all holler.”
Having, like a skyrocket, reached
its highest point. Sierra now began to
come down, at first slowly, and then
nuire rapidly even than it went up.
Powers had gone to the country for a
few «lays t«i look at a ranch h<» had in­
tended purchasing. His brokers wired
him to return, and he suppose«! it was
because his st«x»k had reached the
81.1MM) limit, at which figure he had
left orders to sell.
It was with a very joyous counten­
ance that he greeted bis broker, whom
he met on the street.
“Well,” said Powers, "have you sold
the stock?"
"Oh, yes,” said the brisker, “we had
to. You see it began to fall, utid to
protect ourselves we had to let it all go
at 8140, an«l you now owe ns 875«).
which I hope you can «»tile.”
“Whatf fairly gasped the astonish«»«!
Powers. “Let it goat 8144J! And you
sav I'm in debt?”
“Yes,” replitxl the broker, "we told
you to sell, but you wanted the earth,
and I guess you'll have to go back to
your trade.”
When it finally dawned on Powers
that the broker really sjxike tile trmh.
he was almost overcome with grief
and disappointment. He rallied, how­
ever, and if anyone now wants a choice
steak, the same IAiwers, who works
for a large market concern on l ine
street, is just the man to go to.
He will probably tell you that In»
ought to lie, and might, have lx«eD, a
millionaire, lint the quality of the
meat will lie gixxl, just the same.
Washington, October 8.—Secretary
Noble to-day affirmed the action of
Superintendent Porter of the Census
Bureau, in refusing a recount of the
fiopnlation of the state of Oregon.
The grounds presented by Senators
Mitchell anil Dolph ami Representa­
tive Hermann, he says, do uot present
sufficient reaeou to warrant the great
expense of such an undertaking. He
thinks that any omissions that may
have lieen made are fully compen­
sated for by the enrollment of names
that should not have been taken by
the enumerators. There is, he furth­
er says, no sixiutaneity in the demand
of the people of the state for a re­
count, but all the sentiment in favor
of the proposition swins to have been
manufactured by the Chamber of
Commerce of Portland. It <l«x>e not
apjx'ar that any general increase pro­
portionate to that in Multnomah
county would result, and the returns
already made are reasonable aud their
face very fair. The supervisors of the
census were appointed upon the rec­
ommendation of the Senators and Rep­
resentative from the state, and the
enumerators received the greatest
compensation paid for such work any­
where in the Unite«! States. The
supervisors, presumably honorable
men from the endorsements they |x>s-
sessed when tlieir appointments were
sought, selected the enumerators. The
returns they made sliowtxl that there
was an increase in five years of over
til per cent aud in ten years of 78 per
cent, all of which does not make a
bad showing for the state.
■'-The Secretary says that the evi­
dence of error iu the re«4eiit recount in
Multnomah county is much greater
and more weighty than in the case of
the original enumeration. Multno­
mah county has shown wonderful
gains iu five years, but it is not lie-
lieved that the remainder of the state
would turn out so well in the recount.
However desirable it might lie to grat­
ify the people of < Jregon who want a
recount, th«» claim of all the p«»<iple in
the state to like rectignition is entitle«)
to consideration equally. The Secre­
tary, therefore, concludes that the
count, which he believes was fairly
«lone, should lie allowetl to stand, and
no recount will lie made.
It may lie a«ld«»d in this connection
that the census officials here recently
wrote to the managers of the Pacific
Steamship Company to ascertain
whether or not they considered the
memliers of the crews respectively of
the steamships Stat«» of California and
the City of Topeka really citizens of
Portland and entitle«! to lie registered
as such, but the replies have Ixien to
the effect that the men were not really
entitle«! to lx» enumerated there.
If you suffer pricking pains on mov­
ing the eyes, or cannot bear bright
light, and find your sight weak and
tailing, vow should promptly use J. H.'s Strengthening Eye Salve. 25
We find St. Patrick's Pills to lie very-
cents a liox.
extra. and to give splendid satisfaction.
They are now about the only kind called
for.—W.\A. W allach . Oasis, la.
For salt- bv Chitwtxxl Bros., druggists.
The Mermen Reformation.
A Washington dispatch of the 7th
says: Most of the Senators and Con­
gressmen have left Washington, but
the news from the Mormon confer­
ence was heard with profound satis­
faction by the officials here who have
mainly to deal with the ahtircli in
“This is indeed important news,"
General Noble, Secretary of the
A bruise is a contusion; swellings are in-
P.arninati'.ns; cuts and wounds are alike dis- Interior, when informed of the action
turlaaneis to natural action, through which of the general Mormon conf« 4ce.
the v> ins are clogged, circulation Imja-ded,
Congestion sets in and pain, ensue. Natur«» is "I am glad to bear of it, and hope «hat
impatient—it tries to right itself and pain in- the action of the Mormons was taken
tensilies. bruises and swellings need a stxith- in all sincerity. If the action of the
Ing intiuence, but In cuts and wounds hardly
anyone would pour a liquid remedy Into a Mormon conference brings forth prop-
gaping wound. So soon as nature bring, er fruits naturally it will tend to re­
the parts together, almost at once, lax the rigor of the law. It is polyg­
•— soothes
that it is desired to exterminate.
ICOllSOllsEE amy
I confess that the recent landing of
a large number of female immigrants
the injured tissues an«i restores. at New York does not to my mind
Used according to directions, it
tally very well with this official actior
S Helps nature and cures
the Mormon Church, nor does it
reform. However, let ns ac­
Mr. lef.iiis Rnsh, 49 Preston Street. Detroit.
Mich., says: • pitching ball I sprained ana cept it in the spirit of sincerity and
bru .M-d my arm; two applications of St. Jacobs trust that they really propose to con­
Oil cured me.”
.Mr. Gustav Nauwald, Jr (Tivydale), Fred­ form to the law of the land. It is
ericksburg. Texas, writes, August 20. IsSS: “I much preferable to have them relin­
was badly cut with a scythe : half bottle St quish polygamy voluntarily than to lie
Jacobs Oil cured me." H CURES.
compelled to crush it out by the
A t D ru «, gists and D ealers .
strong arm of the law.”
THE CHARI.ES A VOtELER CO.. 8altlmor*. Me.
whom devolves the duty of prosecut­
ing those charged with polygamous
practices, said: “The significance of
this proceeding on the part of the
General Mormon Council will have to
be devel«>ped
Whether a set of men who in the past
have been as wise as «»rjients are sud­
denly going to liecome as harmless as
doves is a problem which the future
alone can solve. Probably they be­
gin to realize that they cannot r«?eiet
the power of this Government."
Far better than medicines which hor­
ribly gripe the patient and destroy the
coating of the stomach. Dr.
E.. J.
2. H. Mo-
Iran's Chills and Fever Cnre, by mild
and yet effective action will cure, Sold
at 50 cents a Little.
All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and
Harrows have ever sold in this market
List t hief of the Tillamook*
G A N I A R 1 )
1\ epair S
iiphle irau
Nt W
Grounds on Whirli a Recount Has Been
McConnell £ Eubanks,
TheBankof Ashland
OtHi-e a re-i lenee-
Ail kill'll of real « State Ixi'inesi giv« ti <■ ire­
ful n ■ ■ lion, mid information rurnixhe«!
«•«.in-« r.iiiiic property in tlie new town
New York, Oct. 6.—Bussell Sage
over liis signature, makes the follow
ing comment on tlie McKinley bill:
The effect of the new tariff on the
consumer will not lie adverse. Home
competition will reduce pric«« of all
prixlucts us low hh they ought to lie.
When there were no facilities for
manufacturing steel rails in this coun­
try they cost 3140 a ton. A tariff es­
tablishment of mills here brought
rads down to 328 a ton, and a profit
in manufacture was gained at this
price. Within my own experience
iron sold at 895 a ton, aud it was a
p«xir quality at that. It has since
¡•ecu redneetl to 325. In accomplish­
ing the reduction which 1 have named,
this country employed its own labor
and kept its gold at home, instead of
sending it away to pay the labor of
other countries. The future of this
country is one of continued pnisperity.
There will lx* checks, but these will lie
lieneficial. When speculation goes be­
yond the lxiumls of healthy enterprise,
a stringency in the money market has
a wholesome effect. It restrains rash
undertakings and keeps values within
the proper limits. Our government
is strong and commands the confi­
dence of the people to a greater extent
than at any previous time in its his­
different styles an<l differ­
ent kinds of Stoves
Seating and Cockin,
Th‘ World’s
— In
'“annfactured under
a^°’e tra^e mart. Th'«
1 i?.:ns 4
?n0Mrt^kmd0fSt07, e
most exiien»;
'' froni
Siskiyou co., Cal.,
?! fr»uda2e
For Sale on Easy Terms.
you o-et ..
‘ ,heFeuulc;a3d
was Awarded the only
Salem, Oregon, Oct. 8.—The last
chief of the Tillamook tribe of Indians
huH gone to the happy hunting
grounds fabled in Indian lore. “Old
Adam” is dead. Word has just lieen
received at Salem that he died a few
days ago at bis cabin on the Miami
river, below Bay City, on Tillamook
bay, Tillamook county. His remains
were borne to the Indian burying
ground at Jawbone, above Bay City,
and there deposited by sorrowing rela­
tives, the remnants of the decaying
Before the “Boston man” introduced
the curses of civilization among the
sons of the forest belonging to the
Tillamook tnlie their warriors num­
bered many, but now only about
twenty full bloods remain to hand
down tlie traditions of their fathers,
and now since Adam’s death they are
left without a leader, and will no
doubt quickly scatter and vanish from
the face of the earth.
“Ohl Adam” was a very old Iudian,
and by those who knew him well bis
age is variously estimated at from 100
to 140 years. Ho whs a good Indian
and never drank nor used tobacco, and
stood as a high moral for his tnlie.
Adam saw the first ship that entered
the Columbia river, and to hear him
tell of bis sensations at its sight was
an interesting occasion.
Why suffer?
cnre you.
Proton x “Hod-Ake ’ will
( •;»»—fourth ¿own; baLv.w e
twelve and eighteen month«.
See ntap at the R a D- du I Depot for graded
prices. etc., <*r address
H. C. Myer,
Having otte of theb<—t skylightsiu Or­
egon, iin'l leni ¡trini/ fuer to /«.*■ it.
t ui'Akiv rr.:: o«xii> wokk .
Asin A d .
Ashland, Oregon
Call and Examine Them now on
Exhibition at
A big <*arload <»f-toves ami ranges just received,
finest line in tm* county, i'all and see and belicv
Marlin l Barris’s,
'Si suie 'J iinstn<et.
M'“r's Bl«x»k.e*st
One third of the real csruto in J h .
unty h held tinder
i : » l lille. <
mi H'l-’ua- t to the title voiir prone t\
-e»* if v«»r
all riifhf. The
Atmtrac!» made in Jark*<»u «win?» •••■hie
iroin Anwtin S. Hammond * l.nw and Aos
atract urti<*e, Ashlaud, Ureg«*u
i 1 «Ì3 |
.’ll Firat Str«»el.
Portland, Oregon
\ goo«l agent wanteii in
••very count«.
sEWiHG M echanism
.F amily DSL.
1368 Market Street.
11-21- ly
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength.
V. N. (ii-rrrnlfirnl fírport, Atu/. 17,
erti si ng:
One sqdte<. first ineertiot
Each Additional insertion
Job Printing
Of all descriptions done on sbo
tioe. Legal Blanks, Circular?
ness Cards Bitlha.idx, Letterh
, Post
tera, etc., gotten up in g
style at
living prices.
The horticultural interests of Ore­
n Addraw to tlx» Pre«« of the
gon are just now lieing carefully stud- r ,
ied by many who see vast possibilities ■
7.—The billowing
for fruit growers in the state, and re- i '
pecially in the Southern and Middle was issue«! to-night:
sections. The showing of fruit for the
To f/<«’ PrtuMof th< United States:
present year, both as to quality anti The uinlersigued has lx»eu elect«»«! to
prices has been excellent, while the the poeitiou of «iirector-geueral of the
quantity has been, in most varities of World's Fair to lx» held at Chicago in
fruit equally satisfactory. Iu pioneer 1893 by the joint action of the naticual
times but little study was made of this «•«imtnissioners ami the board of direct­
branch of agricultural industry. Ow­ ors. I d atvepiiug this important |x>
ing to the stinted facilities for mar­ sitiou he accepts all its responsibilities
keting fruit abroad aud the exceeding­ and trusts that with the aid of the
ly limited market at home there were press of tii«> country this great inter­
no orchardista in this state. Farmers, national exhibition may prove to be
planted apple, pear aud plum trees in such a success as will be creditable to
connection with other operations on j tiie American nation. By an act of
the farm for the purpose mainly of Congress it is provide«! that the built!-
raising their own fruit. In a few years ings for the World’s Fair shall lie
their tret* yielded such an abundance iletinrated on tLe 12th of October, 1892,
that some effort was made to dry and and that tlie exhibition shall lx* <>|ieu
realize something from the prixluct, to visitors on the 1st day of May, 1893,
but owing partly to the slow process, and close not later than the 3t>th of
there beingfew fruit-dryers in use, ami < Icttiber thereafter. Thus we have two
partly to the slovenly manuer in years in which to arrange the grounds
whicii the product was sent to mar­ ami erect the buildings tynl seven
ket, but little was realized from this mouths additional in which to receive
method of caring for fruit. Discour­ and place the exhibits.
agement followed, the trees were neg­
So far as this country is con"«
lected aud soon grew ragged from the undersigned feels juslifiral i
overbearing ami lack of pruning aud statement that the presentation of ag-
the orchards fell into d«wy. It was : ricultnral and stock prixlucts will la*
m this condition that the markets cre­ in every ree[iect superior to any pre-
ated by t;.e completion of tnins-cou. vious exhibition, also that in inven­
tinental railroads found them, and the tions. the I’mtrxi State« will be indi­
consequent*« was that the dilapidated, cated in a most remarkable manner.
moss-grown trees were unable to sup­ There is also every reason to anticipate
ply the new demand for fruit. Inter­ exhibits in hirge numlx»rs from every
est in fruit-growing, after a time re­ other nation on the glolie, it being esti­
vived, new orchards were planted mid mated by practi«»al experts that the
returns from some of there have lie­ total number «if exhibits will lx« not
I«»«« than .50,000, divided «spially be­
gun to come in.
The disposition to grow fruit intel­ tween th«» Failed States ami all for­
ligently as regards the best varieties eign nations.
It is proposed to make this eshibi-
for shipping, the most prolific bearers,
ami the soil bret suited to the differ­ tiou sjxx’ially interesting in all that re­
ent kinds of trees, is lieing cultivated. lates to matitlfaettiles by the pres«»lita-
The Stat«» Horticultural Society has tion of the most inqxirtant pr<xx»t«s«<i
performed excellent service in this di­ in active operation. In comparison
rection for the past two years. Its with these will lx» presented the meth­
next quarterly meeting will be held in ods used in other couutri«« four linu-
this city on the 14th inst., at which dred years siuce. Already there are
time papers, by practical horticultur­ indications that nearly every state and
ists, will lx» presented that will lie of territory in the Union will lx» fully
interest aud profit to amateur fruit­ reuresent. <1 and that large appropri­
growers. Interest in this industry ations will lie ma«b> at th«-approaching
liecomes enthusiasm through intelli­ sessions of the different state legis­
latures. Circulars and blank applica­
gent practical gtudy.
Intelligent interest devises methmls tions for space will lx» forwarded in
i for coaxing Mowers into bloom, and due season to all intending exhibitors.
fruit trees into symmetrical growth The undersign««! would call ujxin the
and generous liearing. The study of pre6S of the Fluted States to nplmld
horticulture cannot liecome too ab­ him in this great international under­
sorbing for the man who would secure taking, which, if sncceraful. wni es­
from its pursuit the most satisfactory tablish the United States of America
result. If his interest in fruit-grow­ as the first nation of th«» globe.
ing antedates jxirsoual experiment,
G eohgf R. D avis .
and leads him to s««-k and profit by
the experience of others he will the
1 >irector-( ieueial.
wHiner lie able to make hie interest in
horticulture pay, and to this en«l all
A Sure Cure for Piles.
that he can glean from the advice of
Itching Piles are known by moisture
men who have preceded him in the vo­
cation will lie of value; but a person­ like perspiration, causing intense itch­
al study and supervision of, ami an in­ ing when warm. T his form, as well as
blind, bleeding amt protruding, yield at
timate acquaintance with his orchard, once to Dr. lioeanko's Pile lh-medy.
growing into something like affecliou w hich acts directly on the parts affected,
for the trees becomes, unconsciously absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef­
to himself perhaps, a part of the suc- fects a permanent cnre. 50c.. druggists
ctssful horticulturist's vocation. (Ore­ or mail. Treatise free. Dr. Bosanko,
Piqua, O. Sdd by T. K. Bolton.
Festal Telegraphy.
If you suffer pricking pains on moving
the eyes, or cannot bear bright light,
Postmaster Genera) Wanamaker is
and hud your sight weak and failing, agitating the establishment of a gov­
vou should promptly use Dr. J. H. Mc­ ernment jxistal telegraph, an«l is un
Lean’s bi rengthening Eye halve. 25 cts able champion of'tbe proposition. A
a *box.
letter recently luldrifie«*«! by liim to
the house committee on postoffices has
A Murderer raptured After Many Years just been mad«« public.
The Postmaster-General, in his let­
I Dis Angeles dispatch. I
ter, says in part: "After standing for
For seventeen years Nathan Willet a year past in the midst of a contro­
has til led hie farm three miles north of versy over postal telegraphy that for
Norwalk. He has there fifty acres of over forty years has gone «>n with a
, good land and a comfortable home, sharper tone aud widening range, 1
shared by his wife and two children. am more thnn ever convin«*ed «if the
Tliia morning Willet was plowing iu wisdom an«l practicability of restor­
' i tic fi-.-id, when a wagon drove up, ami ing the telegraph to tne p<>slai service
! Sheriff Aguirre and bis deputy. Win.
aud making it what it was originally
• Hauimell. jumped over the fence aud inteuded to lx«, a part of the p.ietal
I showed Mr. Willet a paper. He hesi­ system.
tated a moment, eyed the two officers
“I say this after closely studying
keenly, and at last said: “All right. the arguineuts against the bill made
I’ll go," and clihilied into the wagon, so vigorously l»y a great tel«*graph
A Ripe <>l«l Age.
aud the horses' iieiels were turned to­ company, which is now itn only visible
J. II. Holcomb. nn«l wife, «if Belcfn-r- ward this city. His wife ami children oppouent. I don’t believe it is possi­
ville, Texas, have celefirateil their tiftv did uot know he had gone to town. ble to argue this «piestiou down.
fifth wedding anniversary, aim are still Perhaps they do not know where he is.
hale ami lu arty. T lie secret of tii. ir When he climbed into the wagon ami There is a dt»ep and far-reaclnug con-
long life and good health is that they looked back on his fertile acres and vietiou among the jx-opli» that tb<> tel­
correct any slight ailment promptly, au«l j happy home, it was the last, time it egraph service is by right a part of tin-
in that wav avoid any serious sickness.
postal service. Th«» measure is to give
Like most everyone else, th« v arc more may lie, that his eyes would rest on "the country a vast, enlargement of th«1
frequently troubled with const ' that picture, for he was arrested on a postal system and to bring home to
than any cither physical disorder. To charge of having killed H. B. Wood­
correct tills they take St. Patrick's Pills ward on December 2d. 1872, in Ander­ the people a cheap use of one of the
m preference to any other, because, as son county, Tex., m cold bl«xxl ami for most powerful agencies of modern
Mr. Holcomb says. “They are a nnul i pay. by stealing behind him and firing commerce and civilization.
“If others speak out for the tele­
pill, and besides, keep the whole syst.m
ill g«xxl order. We prize them very lie. li­ a bullet into his head. His victim and graph Bt<x-khoiders, some one must
. he had just previously drunk to each stand out for the |x»ople in the inter­
ly.” For sab» by Chitwassl Bros.
| other’s health.
est of the cheaper telegraphy that
This was nearly eighteen years ago, they want. I believe that it belongs
Needs of Alaska
but Sheriff Bixby, of L«<«» county, to this department to take thia stand,
Governor Knapp, of Alaska, in Ins Texas, ai.ietl by Sheriff Aguirre, ran
annual report, says that the law pro­ the man down, and to-night lie started and I propone intelligently ami per­
sistently to keep this subject before
hibiting the sale and manufacture of back to stand trial.
intoxicating liquors in the territory is I The story told alxmt Willet is that you iu the strong confidence that it
a «lead letter, except as to. Indians. years ago he killed a man in Western will not lie long before your committea
The reason for the inefficacy of the Texas ami tied to Anderson county. will take steps to give the p«»ople the
relief prayed for.”
law, the governor says, is that prosecu­
U bile there he became acquainted
The l’ostmaster-Geueral nrgues the
tions would lie of no avail. Grand with Woodward, and also with anothei
juries refuse to indict and petit juries man who love«l the same woman that constitutionality of th«» scheme and
refus«» to convict. Legislation which Woodward loved, and who was jealous shows himself ti> lie an ardent aud en­
would provide more effective machin­ of him This man, it is said, offere«l thusiastic advocate of it. H«> is ou
ery for the enforcement of the pres« nt Willet a large sum of money if, in the the winning side, 1« mi , for the govern­
law would undoubtedly afford a solu­ language of Guiteau, he would “re­ ment telegraph will come stximf or
later th«* sooner the lx»tter.
tion of the parplexing question.
move" Woodward.
Willet bail no
11c calls attention to the in:ul<«pia 'y
friends, wanted to get away, and was
A Sal«» Investment.
of the laws for the administration of
fearful of being arrested for ttie other
Is one which is guarantee«) to bring
justice, etc., and recommends that a
commission consisting, in part, at least, murder, ami accepted the proposition. you satisfactory nsults. or in case of
failure a return of purchase prioe. On
of gentlemen acquainted with the He carried it out by gettiug Wood­ this
safe iilan yon can buv fr«m> our nd
country and its needs be appointed to ward to d ink with him, and when at a vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
disadvantage, shot him. He made hie
prepare a short code of special laws to
escape and came to Southern Califor­ New Discovery for Consumption. It is
lie submitted to Congress.
guaranteed to bring relief in ev« rv case,
The work of the government schools, nia aud has lived here ever since.
when used for any affection of throat,
lungs or chest, such as consnmptiou. in
of which there are fourteen, the gov­
ernor says is measurably satisfactory, one knows, but there are rumors that tlammation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma,
wb«xiping oiugh. croup, etc., etc. it is
though the attendance is not large, t he a brother-in-law of Willet betrayed nleasant
Hnd agreeable to taste. |x-rfcct-
him to the officer. A reporter tried to
children preferring to hunt aud fish, talk with Mr. Willet this evening, but ly safe, and can always be depended up­
and the parents lieing indifferent.
on. Trial Imtties free at Chitwood Bros.’
Alxmt 100.000 full-sized sealskins he declined to say anything about the drugstore. ’
matter. While showing no externa)
were taken by the Alaska Commercial sign of emotion he was evidently stoic­
largest Tree in tlx- WorM.
Company during the year under tli.-ir ally bearing up under what to most
contract with the government, and
Cal., dispatch of Oct, 7th
probably half as many more were cap­ men would be an overwhelming situa­ says: The larg«*t tree in the world has
tion. Sheriff Bixby Bays that there
tured at sea ami stolen by poaching
are eight witnesses to4 the murder of just I seen discovered in Fresno coun­
vessels. Other furs, such ns liear,
Wtxxlward still living, and that the ty. Frank Ixximis, an ol«l m<iuutam-
mink, otter, etc., are taken iu large
man whose money tempted Willet to eer, and party returned to-day to
numliers. The codfishing industry, do the deed is also alive. The sheriff Sanger from u bear-bunting «»xp»»di-
though not insignificant, is far from from Lee county is a Texan of the tmn in the Sierra east of Onterville.
what it should be.
brave, often-hearted, keen, uureleutiug They woumied a liear, and in pur­
Some of the exports last year are
suing it ran across a big tree in the
enumerated as follows: Whalelxme,
Willet has lieen living a correct life m«ist rugged portion of tlx« moun­
81,159,905; whale oil, 8172,500; codfi-h. since he has lieen in California, and tains, about two miles north of Ken­
3555,000; sal mor, 81,355.001); go] 11 esti­
has many warm friends. He marnecl tucky Meadows.
mated). 82,01)0,(XX); fur seal, 32.tXXJ.iM»I. near Norwalk alxmt twelve years ago,
The tree was cireumaoribed by a
All other exjxirts are sufficient to make and bus two children. His ranch is radius «if a mile or more of almost'im-
the total 89,840,730.
fienetrable underbrush, so that the
valued at 825,000 or 830,000.
The governor recommends that pro­
hunters were compelí«*! to ns«< both
I knife and ax to reach the center. It
visions for acquiring titles to land be i i
afforded by the general government;
is <x*rtain that no man has ever tra­
that the mail facilities lx» increata d,
verse«! the same ground, at least no
and that government hospitals lx* es­ Builder,” as everybody is using it for evideno««B of that fact were found.
tablished. Authorized représentât i in Malaria, Constipation. Dyspepsia, ini The tree was measured alxiut four feet
in congress. the governor says, shoo hl pure blixxl. ami catarrh of the stomach, from the ground, aud a rope 129 feet
be provided. The presence in Wash­ and it is only |1 a bottle at Chitwixxl'a 5 inches long was necessary to s¡ian
ington every winter, he says, of un­ drug store Get a bottle and tell your its circumference. The truth of tins
authorized persons assuming to vo .•«» neighbors alxmt it.
statement is v«nr b«xl for by s«»veral
the sentiment of the people, by their
who saw the tree. It was christened
mistakes, to use no stronger term, is, I
by those who discovered it “The Ore­
Old Yamhill.
he says, doing infinite mischief.
jano.” Three brown Ix-ars were cap-
Another reason why Yamhill coun­ i tured by the pa t , the largest weigh­
There may tie jiersons in this neigh­ ty bears its poetic name has been ing 50it potimls.
borhood who are at times troubled with heard. Years ago when the first set­
colic, or subject to attacks of bowel tlers went there they found on the
That sour-tempered, cross, dyspeptic
complaint. If so. they should try Cham­ banks of the South Yamhill river nu­ individual, should take Dr. J. H. Sic
berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea merous little mounds looking like po­ Ix-an's Sarsaparilla! It will make him
Remedy. It will afford almost immedi­ tato hills, or, as the first settlers were feel as well and hearty as the healthiest
ate lelief, and when reduced with water from the south, yam lulls. This is of ns. vitalizing that is all.
is pleasant to take. If taken as soon as said by one of the settlers to be the
the first indication of the disease is felt
it will ward off the attack. Many people why of the name. Several people told
IrelaniT» IVntato Cr»|>.
use it in this way. and find that it never of the many small mounds on the
October 8. Balfour, Chief
fails theta. A 25 or 50 cent Little may­ banks of the river, from which were
be obtained from Clntwisal Bros.
taken Indian 1 tends, etc. They wi-re Secretary for Ireland, replying loan
probably erected as a religious rite, inquiry as to th«» real condition of af­
aud it is no doubt from this Yamhill fairs in Irelau«!, writes: “Regarding
Speaker Reed's Strong Right Aria
the potato crop iu the weat of Ireland
The speaker's «leek in the house is county got its name. It is more nat­ no poaitive or final conclusion can lie
source of amnsenient to the few vis­
formed until th«» |x>tatoeH are dug, to­
itor« at the capitol. The blue baize given.
ward the eml of (Ictolx-r. But all tlie
covering Ims been removed, and the
U'stiiixiny which is of any value and|»<ion Surely Cureal.
right half of the desk where the gavel
which obviously is uot doctored for
of the B|ieaker fell was found to lie
T. ithk E hi poh .— Please inform vour ¡xil.tical pur|x»>es appeare to indicate
nothing but a mass of splinters alx»ut readers that 1 have a ¡»mitive remedy that the cry of a general famine in
the siz» of matches. Many of these for the above lianied disease. By its Irelaml is wholly atisurd. Although
splinters have lieen taken away by tuuely use th<insiindx of hoiw-iess cases tn particular krcalities the failure of
lieen jx rmaneutly enred. I shall
visit,.rs us souvenirs of the fifty first have
lie gout to send two fiotti«»* of niy reme­ i the crop is undoubtedly ssrious. the
dy FREE to any of yoar renders who the measures that have lieen taken by
bave consumption if they will send me the Governmeiit will, without qu<*iioti,
tlieir expreas and p«iet office address. I m sufficient to deal with any real dis-
i tr<-xx which it may lx* beyoml tbejxiw-
T. A. 8LOCI M. M. (!., l«l Pearl st, N. Y 1 er of the ordinary p«xir law bi meet,”