Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 15, 1890, Image 1

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    Í» F Flah«*
Editor and Publisher.
One square, first i
Each Additional ii
Job i
Terms of Subscription:
One copy, one year.........
" six months...
“ three months
Club Rates, six copies for
Venus, in advance
Fhotographing a Bear
Henry H. Ragan, lecturer, was out
in the Yosemite not long ago lixikiug
up matenal. Like the modern traveler
be canted his camera wherever be
went He concluded be would like to
photograph a wild bear. Tliis wish
was communicated to a hotel clerk,
who, like his more Easterly brother,
signified his willingness to furnish the
bear. Oberon, king of the fames in
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream,"
Ixxisted tuat he knew u bank. etc.
The Yosemite hotel man, with equal
felicity, Baid he knew a bear. It came
down from the fastnesBe« at certain
hours and approached civilization,
gnze«l at it, and returned to his cave.
Since the government allows no hunt­
ing of game in the national park,
Bruin, roamed unmolested. But how
to get the bear in position for a snap
shot from the camera was the question.
'1 he eJerk solved this. At a certain
hour the clerk txxik a large portion of
menl from the cook’s box and left it at
a (xnnt at which the lx»ar was frequent­
ly seen. Ragan followed with ins
camera. In due time the lx»ar came
down fnw.i his retreat. The clerk was
a safe Jy lance iway when the hear
appeari»^. lint Ragan stood his ground.
TUr*!»- Btrtod U.H ground nnl.1 the.
odor of the meat was w:ifte«l his way.
The bear made for the luncheon,
picked it up greedily, and then, as if
grateful for the feast, it reared on its
haunches and remained iu that at­
titude for a minute, a sufficient time
for a “sitting.” A moment later the
bear turned in another (xjeit ion, uh if
it were trying to acomuiixiate the
artist, and the latter obtained another
view. The bear then rolled away m
the direction whence it came. The
artist on returning found the hotel
clerk and a few of the guests secreted
near liis position, heavily armed, ready
for a fray if the occasion had arisen.
Austin S. Hammond.,
attorney at law
« omplvic list ol Abstract» of Titleatojanilx
tn JacKxon couuty.
Title» examined. Titles perfected
ords correcteil, etc.
J. T. Bowiitch,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Will practice ir. »11 courts of the State,
collection» promptly in»<le »ml remitted.
Morris M. Hark&ess,
oi vUv tttatv.
Poth the raetluxl and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
a mi refreshing to the taste, and acts
t intly yet prom pH y on lit»» Kidueys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
t in effectually, dis^iels colds, head-
s dies and fevers and cities ;
$1 bottles by all
JV»'1FFI H With W. 11 F»rk<‘r, opposite
i «net tlixise, Jai-ksonville, Or.
attorney and COUNSELOR,
G rant ’ s P ass , O regon .
Mtn <■ iu Ahlf Bnilding, Front street,
pt 14.00
Hob ort A. Miller,
Vt i <»i-ney - sit - I
//// Goods Fully Guaranteed,
Dr. J. S. Parson.
Recovery of a Lust Freight Car
A shland , O regon .
Dflhr at resid -.-nee on Main street, next
*tm»r to Frtsbytrrian church.
E. P. Gsary, M. D.
oftb-e ¡n Hamlin s Blix*k -Resideuee on <’
Hollow Axle, Pacific Coast Gear, with Stake Rack
Bed and California Roller Brake.
Dr. W. Stanfield,
Has l<M >4t»‘-I in Ashland. Or., for the prar-
ti<of hi* profession, Makes all chronic
• I,*.
*uvh as Icneuinati'ni, Asthma,
l ik ' Kidney di*» ases. Liver <'«>mplaiuts.
Female bi*« a*es. A.C., a specially. Consul­
tation free.
otli« «* next floor to Arlington Hotel, near
the depot.
Mrs. P. M. Webstar, M. D.,
ii :: k ” f>r the present at the Congregational
Nine Ye»rs in Hospital Practice.)
Main Street, Ashland,Or.
J. S. Walter, M. D. S.
Agency Wells
Will practice liisprofession of Dentistry
— at —
A shland , O regon .
Office a residence.
A. C. Caldwell,
Mechanical and Operative Dentist.
Nitrons Oxide Gas administered for
the painless extraction of teeth.
J-yf Office over the Bank.—[12-38]
For Stablemen and Stockmen.
Cut». Swelling». Bruises. Sprains. Gall». Strains.
Lameness. Stiffness, Cracked Heels. Scratches,
Contractions. Flesh Wounds. Strinnhalt. Sora-
Throat. Distemper. Colic, Whitlow. Poll Evil,
Fistula. Tumors. Splints. Ringbones and Spavin
In their early Stages. Directions with each bottle.
A t P bvguists
Hacks and Carts
lb. K. lli-itylil man
I< prvpan d al nil time* to sell live*to< k,
any kimi in Ashland, or will attend to
< . I* to zo ANYUHFKE IN THE
Long experii-ne»* in the business enables me
to üfuarnter satisfælion.
\l • TIo.N IN AsHl.lMi F.K EKY SATl KDAY for
sale of stock.
Ashland. Or.
REM edy ^AIN
-surveying of all kind* promptly
trmh d t«». <’harues rea*4»nanle and cor-
re< i work mmrantevd. orders forwork in
all part* <»f the county promptly atteuded
Hlb’r with G. F. Billings.
I ioiim h»d«l i,GH»<i*, or other property of
manufactured unde, thfl
a ve trade marfc Thjg
““ns that thero Ù
to the
—-'e, from
found iu ti >.fí
111081 Musive,
e^8ive, but
lte. Garland",^
’ but '
C. W. Boot,
H. C. Myer,
Ashland, Oregon.
- At the —
A big carload of stoves and ranges just received. The
finest line in the county. <’all and see and believe it.
419 Iltiron Ft.,
W Is., Nov. 12,
I have used
St. Jac obs Oil for
chicken cholera
with great suc­
cess. Every fowl
affected with
the disease was
cured by it,and
I recommend it as a sure cure. It lia< saved
me many dollara.
Breeder of Fin
The World’s 6e*
Al! kind« <»f real estate business given care­
ful attention, and information furnished
rom urning property iu the new town.
The readers of the Tiittxas will l»e
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh Ixiing
a constitutional disease, requires a con­
stitutional treatment, ¡tail's Catarrh
cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength bv building up the
constitution .and assisting nature in do­
ing its work. I he proprietors have so
much faith tn its curative powers, that
they offer $100 for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. C hunky A Co., Toledo. O
Sold by druggists. 75c.
ent kinds of Stoves for ’
Heating and Cooking are
Notary Public and Conveyancer
different styles and differ­
J. S. Howard,
Timen-Mountaineer: The shipment
of wheat from Easter Oregon will be
larger this year than ever liefore.
Nearly double the acreage of former
years lias been sown, and the yield in
many places, will lx» above the average
Every bushel of grain sent out of tlie
state leaves its equivalent in money
b-liind. Last season the partial fail­
ure made hard tins® in the Inland
Empire: but it is ex[x»cted the preeent
harvest will revive business in ail de­
$100 Ke want. $100.
Dr. J. H. Hall,
Many queer stories are told of the
wanderings of freight cars aud the
trials of car accountants in keeping
track of the equipments of their road.
An incident given in the Marquette
Mining Journal relative to this sub­
ject is worth producing. For months
a box etir, that for present purposes
may be known as No. 1458, had beeu
bothering the man who keeps track of
the cars on the South Shore road. He
had traced it to a certain etntion, and
there all track of it was lost. In the
mountain regions of the far west a car
has lieen known to tumble down a
precipice, and thus lx*come lost, but
liere such a thing could not happen.
The subject of the mysterious car
grew upon his mind to such an extent
that he determined to find that car or
perish in the attempt. Accordingly
he went a few weeks ago to the station
at which place the car was last heard
from and started after the truant box
car. Coming down the line to a point
but a few miles above Ishpeming, he
went tn on a branch to a mine that is
a small shipper, ami when» the track is
not kept o(x»u in winter. Getting a
mile or so out on the branch, he sud­
denly ran onto 1158. U[>ou investiga­
tion he found that a farmer who lived
in the vicinity bad been and was still
using the car as a barn, there lx»iug
six horses in it at the time. The track
was ploughed out the next Sunday,
and the farmer’s barn is now engaged
in the wheat traffic.
TheBankof Ashland
Was Awarded the only
,. new
W- ar M
ome and See !
Call and Examine Them now on
Exhibition at
Mi 4 Harris's
Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00
Docs a General Banking Business.
'(•il»’« •ion< niA»îe ai ail accessible ¡»oints nu
favorable ternis.
sikfht ex. h.m/«’ and télégraphie transfers
Portlan-I, San Fra’.’.' isco and New York.
.F amily USE.
at standard priera.
'tt.Ll final
----- In the town of-----
1368 Market Street.
Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows,
Siskiyou co., Cai.,
For Sale on Easy Terms.
One-fonrth down, balance within six,
twelve and eighteen months.
' e map at the Raii-oad Drpot for gra*ied
pri< es, etc?., or address
Town site Agent C. P. R. R., ran Francisco,
Of overtwenty years' experience,
has located in
Oliver (’hilled Steel (one and two horse) Plows.
A full line of Garden City Clipper Steel Plows.
Disc Harrows—all sizes.
Spring Tooth Harrows,
Scotch Drag Harrows,
The celebrated Steel King
Spring Tooth Harrow.
egon, anil knotriug loor .’<> use it,
A hhi . xnd ,
O kroon .
Myer’s Bhx»k,east nule Main street.
All the Meniliers of thè Thirteenth Biennial
Session of the IvegMative Assembly.
The T idings is under obligations to
the Secretary of State for an officially
prepared list of the members of the
next legislature of Oregon. A b in the
names published soon after the elec­
tion there were some errors, the official
roll is herewith given in full, showing
the poetoffice address of each memlier.
Democrats are marked with a ♦ liefore
each name:
211 First Street.
l’ortlaml. Oregon
( gisst agent wanted in
every county.
I Anaconda Standard. |
To Pauncefote: The president is
surprised al the attitude of Ijord Sal­
isbury who, no longer ago than sum­
mer before Inst, came to an agreement
with Minister Phelps that the fisher­
‘Blackburn. Henry; Heppner, Mor­ men of each nation should fish or cut
bait in their own waters. The presi­
Carson, J.C.: Portland, Multnomah. dent insists that British sealers have
Camerou, Theodore; Uniontown, no business in Belirtng sea, and would
ropiest that her majesty's government
should direct its subjects to make
♦Cogswell, C. A.; Lakeview, Lake.
theniH-'lves scarce in its vicinity dur­
Crostio, C. B.; Toledo, Itenton.
Cross, Harvey E.; Oregon City, ing the |>ending of further negotia­
B laine .
Dodson, (). M.; Baker City, Baker.
'To Plaine: Lord Salisbury regrets
Eakin, S. B.; Eugene, Lane.
Easthaul, E. L.; Oregon City, Clack­ that lie cannot comply with the ex-
t raordinary request of the president,
FrrWerton, J. C.; iioseburg, Douglas. aud also desires to inform him thnt
h« wouldn’t if he could. His Lord­
Fulton. C. W.; Astoria, ClatMip,
Gates, Peter I’.; Lafayette. Yamhill. ship would notify the president that a
British citizen with or without a fish­
Hatch, E. T.; McCoy, Polk.
Ililtou, Chris.; Crown Rock, Gilliam. pole has as gixxl a right on the high
seas as the next man, aud he lx»gs the
Hirsch. Edwanl; Salem, Marion.
president not to forget it.
Looney, J. B.; Jefferson, Marion.
P auncefote .
Mackay, Donald; Portland. Multno-
li ali.
To Pauncefote: The president would
♦Matlock, W. F.; Pendleton, Uma­
present his compliinents to Ixird Sal­
Moore, F. A.; St. Helens, Columbia. isbury and tender the information
that seals are not caught, tie his lord­
’ Myers, J.; Scio, Linn.
Norvall, J. W.: Summerville. Union. ship erroneously surmises, with a fish
’Raley,.).]!.: Pendleton, Umatilla. pole and an angle worm. The presi­
Simon, Joe.; Portland. Multnomah. dent regrets that his lordship’s lamen­
table ignorance has led him to mis­
Sinclair, W.;Coquille. Coos.
’Tongue, Tbos. li.; Hillsboro, Wash­ apprehend the eutire substance of the
controversy. His lordship never hav­
\ catch. R. M.; Cot tage Grove. Lane. ing seen a seal outside of a menagerie
Wait, J. K.; East Portland, Multno­ and never having caught anything of
greater magnitude than a sticker, the
presideut would urgently solicit his
.\\ atkins, Geo.; the Dalit®, Wasco.
to come off.
B laine .
♦Weatherford, J. K.; Albany, Linn.
Willis, P. L.; Portland. Multnomah.
To Plaine: Lord Silisbury directs
me to notify the president that, never
having caught anything of greater
Armstrong. Win.; Salem, Marion.
magnitude than the president of the
Baker, J. A.; Salem. Marion.
Barrett. W. N.; Hillsboro, Washing­ United States, it pleases his lordship
to acknowledge that the president's
- Barnes. E. W.: Wallowa, Wallowa. statement that his lordship's fishing
Blundell, J. lC.;Cunyonville.Douglas. experiences are limited to catching
Botkin. O. F.; East Portland, Mult- suckers is entirely correct.
P auncefote .
♦Butler. N. L.: Dallas, l’olk.
77» Pauncefote: The president re­
Crook, A. H.; Ellensburg, Coos.
Lord Salisbury’ to apologize for
♦Coleman, E. P. Coburg, Lane.
Durham, S. A.; Tualatin, Washing­ ! his hist communication, and avoid
serious trouble to hinibelf ami h !I her
B laise .
Dustin. C. S.; Long Creek, Grant. majesty's possessions.
Fox. John, Astoria, Clatsop.
To Plaine: It ¡tains me to notify
’Furry, Samm»lr Plxeinx, Jackson.
’Garfield. .1. I>.: Marshfield, Coos. von that his lordship directs me to in­
struct the president to go to the devil.
♦Gamlx»e, E. B.; Alba, Umatilla.
Assuming that it is your desire as
Geer. T. T. Mncleay, Marion.
Hardy, Edwin, Baker City. Baker. well ns mine to avert if [losstble the
Hartman, E. M.; Marquani, Clack­ calamity of war lietween those two
great nations, may I suggest that a
conference between the president,
Hansard. F. C.; Lebanon, Linn.
Hull. John 11.; East Portland, Mult­ yourself and myself might result iu a
solution of the difficulty which would
lx» at once honorable and satisfactory
♦Henry, J. F.; Brownsville, Linn.
to lxith nations. If I may I m » allowed
Holmes, W. IL; Salem, Marion.
to go so far, I would respectfully
.leunings, A. C.; Irving, Lane.
Johnston, Geo. W.; Dufur, Wasco. recommend a private room ut the
♦Killain, J. L.; Vansycle, Umatilla. Shoreham: anil as there is a possi­
Lamson, H. W.; Willamina, Yam- bility that the conference may last
rather late into the night, I trust you
hi I.
Leeper, W. II.; Oakland, Douglas. will pardon me if I take the prectm-
Littig, ’i’ll«®. B.; Malheur City, Mal­ tion to bring a pack of cards. Might
I also suggest that the presence of a
li» ur.
Manning, S. A.: McMinnville, Yam­ fourth getillemau would undoubtedly
add much to the interest of the oc-
cassion. It woidd gratify me exceed­
McCall, J. M.; Ashland. Jackson.
"MeAilieter, John, LaGrange, Un­ ingly to tuml th* dwting'iMteed sena­
tor front renusyivania, who, I am
credibly informed, is mi ex[x»rt in all
McCoy, E. <).; Grant. Sherman.
M<»Craeken, John, Portland. Mult­ that n|i|H»rt.ains to ¡xiker: or any other
statesman whom you may desire to at­
P auncefote .
Meussdorffer, C. H.; Eaat Portlnnd, tend.
7b Pauncefote: The president re­
Merritt, J. W.; Central Point, Jack-
gards your suggestion with favor, and
would recommend Thursday evening
Moore, C. E.; Corvallis, Bentou.
Mixire, J. C.; Greenville, Washing­ as the time for the conference. With
your kind |ierinissiou, instead wf the
Montgomery, J. B.; Portland, Mult­ distinguished senator from Pennsyl­
vania, who 1 mu led to lielieve would
.Morey. P. F.; Portland, Multnomah. do us all up within a deplorably short
Miller, 11. B.; Grants Pass, Jose­ space of time, I will take the liberty
of inviting the venerable senator from
Massachusetts. who. 1 assure you, will
♦Myer, G. W.: Dallas, l’olk.
prove a pudding.
B laine .
Minto, John; Salem, Marion.
’Mulkey, W. J.; Olex, Gilliam.
Paquet, Peter; Oregon City, Clack­
Reed, A. W.; Gardiner, Douglas.
To Pauncefote: The day for the
Richey, J. S.; .Milton, Umatilla.
♦Shedd. C. J.; Shtxld Station. Lilin. conference having arrived, the presi­
dent regrets exceedingly that he will
Snider. A.; Lakeview, Lake.
I e confined to the white house this
Starr, M. T.; Motiriw», Benton.
Stillwell, W. 1).; Tiilamixik, Tilla- evening by the temporary illness of
Baby McKee, the child having fallen
Stewart, J. T.; Portland, Multno­ down stairs and sustained a severe
bump upou the nixie. The president
Story, Geo. L.; Portland, Multno­ would suggest a postponement until
Saturday evening.
B laine .
Stephenson, T. J.; Liberty, Crook.
Thompson, J. C,; Lexingtou, Mor­ T hf . S horeham . Midnight, Saturday.
To the Premdeut, the Pritixh
’Thomas, W. E.; Portland, Multno­ Minister, the Secretary of State, and
the St nator from Maxxachuxtttx:
Tracy, James A.; Logan, Clackamas. The head bartender requests me to in­
form you that in consequence of your
W eich, Jas. W.: Astoria, Clatsop.
Weed, Judson; Vernonia, Columbia. lilteral orders this evening, we regret
to find ourselves all out of Potumery
Wilkins. Jas|x»r; Coburg, Laue.
Sec, and 1 trust you will pardon the
Wright. J. A.; Sparta, Union.
present substitution of Mumni. May
I also lx* so Ixtld as to request that
The Election «if 11N2
you lower your voices a trifle, as I fear
At the next presidential election six t he house is now in immediate danger
new slntes will be represented in the of being pnllevl.
M orton .
ele »tonal college, casting n total vote
of 19. The situation is figure«! out in
To Plaine: Agreeably to the terms
Washington (inlitical circles to lie like of our conference, I wired Lord Salis­
this: In 1888 the electoral vote was bury that the president offered to re­
KU, of which 233 were cast for Harri­ call his reflections upon Ins lordship'6
son and 168 for Cleveland. The sure ability as fisherman if liis lordship
republican vote was was 182, aud would withdraw bis characterization
Harrison carried the two doubtful of the presidentas a sucker. Ills lord­
stab's of New York and Indiana, with ship in reply expresses liis willingness
a combined vote of 51. At the next to withdraw the obuoxions exjiressioii,
election it is safe to say that five of the provided the president withdraw all
six new states will be republican, and United States cruisers from the Behr­
one, Montana, may lx» classed doubt­ ing sea and guarantee immunity to
ful. The “sure republican vote” will British sealers in the future.
thus lie increased by 198. But the
P auncefote .
total electoral vote will probably lie
420. making 211 necessary to a choice,
To Pauncefote: The president can­
so that the republicans will be 13 not assent to the extraordinary propo­
short of victory. If they carry Indiana, sition of Lord Salisbury. If there is
they will have 4 majority in the elec­ not au unconditional withdrawal of
toral college. Giving the democrats the term “sucker.” the United States
all the states they carried in 1888 and will prepare for immediate action.
New York and Montana, they will
B laine .
still lack 4 votes of victory. The con­
clusion is plain, therefore, that New-
To Plaine: Ixird Sullisbury in-
York and Indiana will lx» pivotal
states in 1892. as they were in 1888, structB me to notify you that the
I’ ai ncefote .
with this difference, however, that the sticker still stands.
republicans must carry one or the
7b Pauncefote: Please notify Ixird
otiier in order to win, while the dem­
Sallisbnry tlint be is a hobo, a sou of a
ocrats must carry lxith.
sea-cook, a chump and a cues.
B laine .
To Plaine: His lordship instructs
me to say “rats.”
P acncefote .
T<> Pauncefote: The entire cor­
respondence on the Behring sea ntat-
tar will now lx* submitted to congress.
The premdeut regrets that war is in­
B laine .
To Blaine: I trust the coming war
will not disturb our relations as per­
sonal friends. Will you kindly loan
me $.7KI till I draw my next quarter's
salary? I am pained to discover that
the venerable senator from Massachu­
setts did me tip so completely that 1
have slightly overdrawn my bank ac­
P auncefote .
Absolutely Pure.
For Harrows and Plows Constantly on Hand.
To Blaine: Lord Salisbury in­
structs me to inform the president
that the seizure of 'British vessels in
the Behring sea stopped forth­
with or he will know the reason why.
P auncefote .
R epair S
Nome Interesting letters of Binine anil
I’mincefote Not Heretofore Published.
Having one of thebeet skylightain Or­
All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and
Harrows have ever sold in this market.
NO. 10
This pow.lcr never varies
A marvel
ami whoie»oniciie»».
of pui rily.
. «treugth
More economi'»1 tlisn the ordinary
illnary kinds.
amt cannot be sold in competition with
the multitude of low text, short Wright
alum or phosphate powder«. Sold oulv in
ft » vai . B aking F o WPB k Co.,'108
Wall street. N. Y.
I m Consiiiiiption Incurable?
Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris.
Newark. Ark., says: "Was down with
atMioexs of lungs, anil friends and phy­
sicians pronounced me au incurable con­
Began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, am
now on my third bottle, nod able to over­
see the work on mv farm. It is the finest
medicine ever made."
Jesse Middlewart. Decatnr. Ohio, savs:
"Had it not been for Dr. King’s New
Discovery for Consumption I would have
died of lung troubles. Was given up bv
doctors. Am now in best of health.’’
Try it. Sample liottles free nt Chit­
wood Bros, drug store.
Of all descriptions dot
short no
tioe. Legal Bl Hanks, Circulara, Hind
ness Cards Billh
Billheads, letterheads, ____
ters, eto., gotten up in good stylo at
living prices.
Kntries for tlx» Trotting Races Tliat
Closetl August 1—Some Fine Flyers
The state of Wyoming will hold its
first election on September 11th. Idaho
Through the courtesy of Secretary i follows on the first of Octolxsr.
Gregg, of the Oregon State Agricultur­
It is now said a new industry will
al Society, the Oregontati lias been
up for the manufacture of rope,
funiished the following entries for the ' I spring
trotting races to come off at the state twine, paper, etc., from hop vine«. Ex-
‘ ports have made a test, and it is said
they are well adapted to those jjurp<Mee.
RACE NO. 1,3 minute clash .
Of 400,(MXI shares of tlie Ore.-ou
I. M. Anderson names Della A., s.
tn.,by Metnuxilitan, «lain Nellie Rute A- 'Transcontinental Company, 211.557
| sharee, or more than a majority, were
George H. Thonqmon mimes Anita, deposited with the Farmers’ Loan A-
g. f.. by Rockwixxl, jr., dam by Ver­ Tnist Company in exchange for slu res
in the North American Company. This
T. II. Tongue names Templeton, ch. insures the su<xx®s of the ach«Mbe of
and the formation of a new
e. . by Planter, dam Springfield Maul. liquidation
R. A. Frure uames Lady Spokaue, e. company.
tn., by Lemont, dam Codicil.
The last statement of the national
| debt was in a new form, of which the
race no . 3, 2:40 class .
following is a aynopaia: Aggregate of
L. P. W. Quimby names W.
interest bearing debt, exclusive of
Bailey, li. g„ by Vidette, jr., dam
United States bonds issued to Pacific
$700,799^46(1; debl on which
I. M. Anderson namee Oneida, b. 111 railroads,
interest bus censed since maturity,
by Masterhide, dam Nellie.
George H. Thompson uimee lhx-k- $1,083.135; aggregate of debt beenng
wood, jr. b. h., by Roekwixxi, by Ver- no interest, including national liank
bonds deposited in tlie Treasury under
m out.
act of July 14th $90.407,K76; ag­
D. R. DeLashmutt names Hamlin the
of certificate® • >ffs«t by cash in
s. g.. by Han'bletonhin Mambrino, dam gregate
the Treasury, 8474,''73,040; aggregate
by Snowstorm.
of the debt, including certificates, on
Charles W ish ! uames Bulah, b. m., July
31, 1880, $1,584.582.(158. Total
by Altamont, dam Tecora.
cash in the Treasury, 8708,142,9.71;
W. L. Whitmore names Lady Mac., debt,
less cash in Treasury, July 31,
b. m.. by Leinont, dam Codicil.
1890. $876,389,113; debt, less cash iu
IL A. Frure name® Lady Spoknue. the
Treasury, June 30, 1890, $876,-
s. m., by Lemont, dam Ctxlicil.
net decrease during the
Elijah Dunkan natnee Carrie A., ch. month, $395,257.
f. , by Antelope, dam Gold Elsie by
Sam Purdy.
Some years 6iuc<‘ the largest irriga­
tion scheme iu t he west was put oil
it ace no . 5,2:22 class .
L. P. W. Quimby names W. H. Bai­ fixit in Southern Idaho. The idea was
ley, li. g., by Vidette, jr., dam by Del- to take water from the Snake river and
its tributaries and distribute it as
Win. Galloway names Lady Bench, wanted on the plains of Alturas and
bl. m., by Altamont, dam Hollymead. Owyliee counties and elsewhere as the
T. H. Tongue names Kitty Ham, br. wants and necessities required. The
tn., by Ilambletonian Matnbriuo, dam Suake River Canal Compauy was or­
ganized and inootporated for the pur­
Kilty Lewis.
L. B. Lindsay names Paulina, sptd. pose of carrying on the undertaking,
in., by Milton Medium, dam Snow­ and has accomplished much, though
there are still thousands of acres of
A. A. Newbery names Edwin C., by land iu that section that are compara-
' tively valueless for the want of water.
Cuvier, dam by Royal George.
Wm. Glasford names Antelope, ch. The territory lying ou the north bank
s. by Nutwoixl. dam by Jereeymau, he of Snake river in Bingham and Alturas
counties, and kuown as Snake river
by George M. I’atchen, jr.
desert, is a fine field for this company’s
race : no . 6, 2:26 class .
eperations. It |><®><®Bee an area
I’. J. Mann names Altao, b. s., by i larger than one or two states of the
Altamont, dam by Pathfinder.
i union, and only needs irrigation to
L. P. W. Quimby names Harry j convert it into a grain field. In
llowe, b. g., by Swiggert, datn Owyhee couuty, and on the south bank
Amanda, by Western Chief.
of the Snake, some gixxl work has lx»eii
Frank En«e names Alta, b. m„ by done by this compauy, aud the Silver
Altamont, dam by Mike, by Vermont. 1 City Avalanche says construction
V. B. DeLashmutt names Blondie, work will soon be commenced ou a
ch. s., by Lemont, dam by Frank dam across the Brnneau river near
where the first dam was built. This
Wm. Galloway named Lady Beach, dam will lie built to stay, and with
bl. m., by Altamont, dam Hollymead. that idea in view great care will be ex­
T. H. Tongue names Kitty Ham br. ercised iu laying the foundation.
m., by Ilambletonian Mambrimo, dam While this is lx«ing done, work will al­
Kitty Lewis.
so be in progress on t he canal and will
J. M. Dougan names J. Kenny.b. g., not lie stopped until it is completed.
by Alwood, dam by Belfounder.
As baa been 6aid. this canal will cover
E. H. Mix names J. S. C., b. a., by thousands of acres of as g«xsl agncul-
Echo, by Ilambletonian Mambrino, tnral land as the sun shines upon, and
dam by George M. I’atchen, jr.
will make homes for hundreds of in­
dustrious settlers and their families.
race no . 7, 2:30 class .
I’. J. Mann name® Altao, b. 8-, by It is safe to say that within three years
all the laud lying on the south bank
Altamont, dam by Pathfinder.
L. M. Anderson names Oneda, b. m., of the Suake river reached by this ca­
nal will lie settled and under cultiva­
by Masterlode, dam Nellie.
L. P. W. Quimby names W. H. tion. Where the sagebrush now grows
Bailey, b. g., by Vidette, jr., dam by luxuriantly, affording shade for the
jack rabit. will be growing fine fields
J. Sorenson names Susie S., ch. tn., of grain and alfalfa.
by HambleUiuian Mambrino, dam Bel-
Rev. H. L. Chnpman. pastor of the M
fouuder Girl.
E. Church, Jonnstowu.
Pa., says:
T. H. Tongue names, jr., g “Soon after the great flood, at a tiiue
when diarrh<x»n was quite prevalent. 1
K- .
.1. M. Dougan names Jo Kenny, b. received a box of six dozen Chiun tier-
Lain's Colic. Cholera and piarrlsijft
g , liy AJwuod, dam by Belfoauder.
W. A. Freemarn names Mnnd Knox, Remedy. As soon m it lieciwue known
I had the medicine for free distri­
ch. tn., by Winthriqie Knox, dam by­ that
bution, there began a great ruu on it,
Pat blinder.
which continued until it was alxiut all
IL A. Frure names Lady Spokane, gone. Every one. ho far as 1 heard from
s. in., by Lemont, dam Codicil.
them, testified to its virtues, declaring
it th«» bent medicine for the purpose
they had ever used. Those who got it
shared it around with their ueiglilxirH,
This remedy is becoming so well known I so that I nm confident it was productive
and so popular ns to need no special of great good. We nseo some of it our­
mention. All who have used Electric selves and found it not only an excel­
Bitters sing the name song of praise. A lent medicine for diarrhoea, but for all
purer medicine does not exist and it is kinds of pain and uneasiness in the
guaranteed to do all that is claimed. stomach and bowels. It has been re
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of garded ax the best medicine known here
the liver and kidneys, will remove pim­ for the diseases it is recommended. For
ples. boils, salt rlienm aud other affeo- sale by Chitwcxxl Bros.
tious caused by impure blixxl. Will drive
malaria from the system and prevent as
Increase of Oregon School Fund
well as cure all nialarinl fevers. For cure
of headache, coustipation and indiges­
The whole amouut of the school
tion try Electric Bittern. Entire satis­ fund interest as divided arnoug the
faction guaranteed or money refunded. several counties of Oregon during 18K9
Price .71 oents and $1 per bottle at Chit
was $130,377.20 while for this year it
wood Bros, drug store.
Electric Bitters.
The Canning Industry
There are over 1,900 canning con­
cerns in the country. Maryland leads
the way with 598, Maine next with
152. Virginia next with 120. New York
98, New Jersey 68, with Ohio, Penn­
sylvania, Delaware and Illinois next
in the order, employing in various ca­
pacities over 1,000,000 people, and
using the product of over 1,000,000
acres of land. Fifteen million cases
in round numbers is the estimated
output of these canneries in 1889,
which figured at the minimum of cur­
rent cost amounts to $25.000,000. Of
this vast sum $ 15,01Kl.(MX), at least,
were paid to the farmer for his pro­
ducts. The (lackers paid $3,000,000
duties last year, and charged the saint»
against the Cost of the goods. As the
purchasing of canned products is
ganged, not by the needs, but by the
(>urebasing ability of consumers, any
addition to the present cost will cur­
tail consumption in direct proportion.
The proposed increase will add $3,600,-
000 more to the coat of our products.
Tbelncrease will add at least an aver­
age of 10 per cent, to the cost, which
means curtailing enormously consump­
tion ami the consequent overthrow of
.71 per cent, of the packers. Th« can­
ning industry is the most popular en­
terprise in the list of American manu­
facturers. Considering its age aud
future possibilities it is the most
promising. Less than twenty years
ago canned products were a novelty,
which the crude and costly art of pre­
serving and the excessive Cost of cans
placed beyond the reach of (xquilar
amounts to $144,372.15, an increase of
$13,994.86, The total number of
school children last year was 93,098
and the number reported for 1890 is
99,567, making an increase of 6,469.
Marion county last y««ar was allotted
$10,306.80 while $11.524.60 is her share
from the state this time, or $1,217X1
more. Curry county received the
smallest apportionment last year, be­
ing $820.40 for 586 children, and the
smallest for 1890 is Sherman, with
$865.65. For 1889 Multnomah coun­
ty’s share was 819,643.40; this time
she gets $22,422.80 the larges! of the
whole thirty-one comprising Oregon.
Last, year Marion couuty had 7,364
children of scbixil age and now she
has 7,948, an increase of 584 for the
year.—I Statesman.
What a leading Physician Nay«
Dr. K. S. Gordon, a leading physician
of Mt. Carmel, Hi., writes the foil >w
ing under date March 10, lHttO:
‘‘I cheerfully
recommend Swift’s
Ppecific <8.8. B.) aa a tonic and gen
era! lisa I tii restorer. also in cane of
Blcxxl Poison it nlwaya gives satisfac­
Watterson anil the American Flag
The masses of the north rallied to
the flag. The masses of the south
never quite warmed to the stars and
bars; nor was there at any time during
the war any deep seated boatile feel­
ing against the stars and stn|xv among
the confederate soldiers. The “Bonnie
Blue Flag was a poor jingle. The
only spirit-stirring song we had was
“Dixie.” and we got that from Chris­
tie’s minstrels, a northern troupe. The
truth is, the Union bad the music and
the colors on lis, as well aa the num
A Cure for Sick Headache.
ben, and the north, at least, ought to
This distressing complaint is dne to be proud of us, that with such odds of
an inactive or sluggish liver with con­ music and sentiment agaiust us, we
stipated bowels which d< range» the stoixl out so long.
stomach and disturbs the nervous sys­
Happily we have the tlag back
tem, causeH dizziness and an oppressive
dull pain in the head, often so severe as again; that tlag which never iloated
to prevent all rest or sleep. One of Dr. over a mean or cowardly action: whose
Gunn’s Improved Liver Pills will re­ » history is an unbroken story of pa
lieve you of all the pain and misery and tnolistu and valor, aud which, as it
a few more doses will correct th»» liver spreads itself to the* battle and the
and stomach and regulate the Ixiwels. breeze, to sunshine aud the storm, tells
While th‘»se pills are small, easily ta­
to heaven and earth, as plainly as
ken, mid mild mid gentle in their action
there is no medicine made that will ho words could tell, the origin and genius
effectcall y cure sick headache. 2.5ctH a of our great republic. God bless the
tlag! The south was never so fortun­
box. Hold by T. K. Bolton.
ate as when she found herself encir­
cled once more by its folds, drawn at
Artemus Ward’a Iju<t .Joke
Ap[x>mattox by the hands of a far see­
Joseph Jefferson in his autobiog­ ing, magnanimous and brave man.
raphy iu the midsummer (August)
Century, relates what was pro’.iably
The World Enriched.
the last jeet of Artemus Ward.
The facilities of the present day for
When the famous wit lay dying iu
production of everything that
Southampton bo was attended by bis the
will conduce to the material welfare mid
devoted friend “Tom” Robertson, the oomfort of mankind are almost unlimit­
English playwright, who was also a ed and when Syrup of Figs was first pro­
friend of Jefferson.
duced the world was enriched with the
“J list before Ward’s death," write® only (x-rfect laxative kn >wn. ax it is the
Mr. Jefferson, "Robertson ¡xiitred out only remedy which is truly pleaxing and
some medicine in a glass and offerts! refreshing to the taste aud prompt i nd
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
it to bis friend.
the Spring time or, in fact, at any tnue
"Ward said,‘My dear Tom, I can’t and the liettcr it is known the more |x»p-
take that dreadful stuff."
ular it becomes.
“ ‘Come, come, said Robertson, urg- j
ing him to swallow the nauseous drug;
Advice to Mothers.
‘there’s a dear fellow. Do now: for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
my sake; yon know 1 would do any­ lieen used by mothers for children teeth-
thing for you.’
iug for over fifty years with perfect suc­
“ ‘ Would you? said Ward, feebly cess. It relieves the little xufferer at
stretching out his baud to grasp his • luoe, prcxluoe« natural, quiet alseii by
| freeing the child from pain, and the
friend's perhaps for the last time.
“ T would, indeed," said R ilx'rtaou. little cherub wakes "bright as a button.’’
“ ‘Then you take it,’ 6iiid Want It is very pleasant to taste sooths the
softens the gums, allays pain, re-
The humorist (Hissed away but a few child,
lie vex wind, regulates the bowels, and
hours afterward."
is the best known remedy for diarrbien.
You can be cbeerfnl and happy only
when yon are well. If you feel »‘out of
sorts, take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsa
parilia. Kept at Bolton's.
whether arising from leethin<> or other
causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Trunks mid Valiene at Bionnt'e.