ASHLAND TIDINGS KKEVITIKS. FOC ND DEAD. HERE AND THERE PERSONAL. ABOUT THE CENSl'8. City Council Proceedings. Oregonian, Ang. 6: The postoffice A. T. Kyle is back from Portland. A regularJiieeting of Ashland city According to internal revenue business transacted at Tacoma during Broadhead g., of bis father ( D. Pentuger) about two Morl Abl>ey returned to Ashland la Sat tle aud Tacoma boast of lieing greater offijj6rs for July received. of Grant’s Pass, will » m -11 boxe« this Church Tuesday evening August 1'4. werld. Tbe tnerubership is 4'X), and it urday from N aquina. and a half miles north of Central Point. cities than Portland. That Portland n accordance with a resolution of .--ar much clic ip«T than ever liefore. A large number of people from Jack­ The Ixxly was iu an advanced stage of costs 819.50 to join. Mrs. Jack Hayes and children left for with a postoflice busin«*es that excetxls B 'sur»* to see their box» « ami get pri'i-e e City Council adopted at prior sonville and Medford, thirty or forty, decomposition, and, without disturb­ Portland last evening. Flour at Prineville is worth $7 per that done in txilb of the Sound cities . meeting. John O’Conner filed the fol­ Iron, tfi.-u. Ix-fore iiiaciinr orders. ♦ sjient last Sunday at Colestiue. ing it, Mr. Pemnger notified the coro­ barrel; bacon, 15 cents per pound; new Mr. F. T. Downing, of Central Point, was together, should have a smaller popn/ lowing paper in Recorder's office; in Ashland Wednesday. ner, Dr. Parson, of the discovery. Dr. potatoes, £1.25 per bushel; eggs, 25 lation than either, is au absurdity «but J. W. Hockersmith has lieen down “Permission is hereby granted to the Parson pnx'eedix! to the place, and, cents per dozen, aud butter sells al 21) Countj Judge J. K. Neil was in Ashland passes all reason and batHes common city of Ashland, in the county of Jack- is for th? sal«x>u privilege at the the valley this week, buying fruit ami empaneling a jury, hblil an inquest cents per pound. Saturday ami >uuday. sens«. ineloUH for Page «t Sou, of Portland. son, that tbe said city may tap the groiiu is. during fair w.n-k will bu Mouday evening, when the following J R Tozer and family came in from Dead The Salem Statesman, thinks it a de l :u t ne highest bidder on Aug. Washington. Aug. 4.—[Oregon m / m system of water workH at tiny place Messrs. Walrad ami Otto are kept j facts were developed: Indian the tirst of tbe week. • I .it 2 o’clock p. ni., at the office busy tapping the city water pipes for office, coruer Fourteenth street ami where the same is now complete. au«i Jemison was an old man, about, fii) shame and disgrace t hat six hundred Mrs. J. Nunan and family will spend some i- rotary at Jacksonville. Pennsylvania aveuue.| — Senators that th«* tapping of euch system shall . neople who want to get the Ix-netit of years of age, who has been a resilient feet of sandbar only «lauds in the way time at Wagner 8 Soda Springs. R o BEKT A. M iller , Mitchel) ami Dolph to-day weut to the not iu any wise lie considered an ac­ the new system. of the county for a long time, being of au open river all tbe year lxstween Col. Jas. Suobie went down to San Francis census office and presented a request ceptance of any work done by the uu- N-cretary. lx»Ht knoaii tn neigbborhixxl of Gold Salem and Portland. co suuday, from Cow Creek. The lb v. P. C. Hetzler. of Salem, for au eutire recount of the state of dersigneiL For the John Barrett Cki. I Hill. He ha«l I xh ii cutting w«xxl for A tire at Red Bluff last w«»ek de ­ Mrs. Jas. II- <«Ay, of Central Point, has Or., will preach next Sabbath for th« July 25, 189(1. J ohn O.C onnek , Oregon. It was represented that the Dave Pemnger ami was living alone stroyed several buildings, including been visiting Ashland friend* this week. pastor of the Presbyterian church. No Sec. increase in the past teu y«»are by all in hie camp near his work. Ou June the Daily Sentinel office, on which the Le\i M. Eagon is at work with the rail evening service. I J. K. Lealxi, S. D. Taylor, F. M. Mc- 24tli he was iniss*xi, ami the next «lay loss was 86,01)1), with $3,1)00 insurance. roud forces down in the Cow Creek canyon. ; other statistics showed that the popu­ lation was much greater than the re­ Kinnis ami IL M. Garrett were ap­ John Real's team took a spin last Mr. Peninger went to hie camp, but The total loss by the tire w:w 820,0(M). Francis Fitch Esq., of Medford, ha-* been Saturday morning with the milk wag­ di«l not find him, and supposed in Ashland several »lays during the p:*>t turns of the present census indicated pointed special policemen tor circus Fruit shipments» continue lively i and that the people of Oregon univer­ day. on and came down main street at a he hud gone away for a time, intending week. sally Ixdieved that tbe<*eusus had been lively gait. No damage was done. to return sn. No further search from Ashland this w«*ek. Yesterday Tbe followiug bills were ordered Mr. Merriam, a brother of Mr*. I. P.« was made, and the matter seems to J. W. Hix-kersmitn shipped the first Dodge, of this place, arrived in Asnland last very inefficient. Supermtemlent Por paid: Stacks of new dress gixxlx iu t hr pluins for the season sending 100 week from Iowa i ter telegraphed Supervisors Kelly and have beeu forgotten until the finding \V. R. Mayfield niarshal Milary, July. uo ♦ show window at Hunsakers. ( . W. \\vr* and family are moving to Al ■ Strange to report at once upou the < ’. B. WatMHi.City Atty., July, of the body by Mr. Peninger's eon boxes to Spokane with about us many \V. I ’ altersoii, work in cemetery, (ire at Bouaiiza -Uhilitren Burntxl. boxes of peaches. bany thi> week, and shipping a part of their situation and furnish information if or T. J. Kenney, who ban lxnight the last Tuesday. street work, waterworks,........ household etfects. uot the recount is demanded by any Electric Light Co ltieiiw. liiug house of llr. S. llem- harness shops of G. W. C«x>per at Tbe laxly was lying face downward, ........ In some parts of the state where Mrs. S. 1». Taylor started last Monday for consitleruble poriiou of the |n*«»ple of O. H. Blount, fixtures tin» dept «■nw.iy at Bonanza, Klamath county, Medford and Central Point, will make about 3U0 yards from his camp, and the jieople are troubled with dust Francisco, to spend several Weeks with Oregon, some details as to the basis of J \V. < unniughain, *pc( iai p -lice w;«.s buri. «1 last Monday morning hie business bea.lqnarters at Medford the supposition is that he was taken settling on their premises the custom Sau is relatives in the city. John Abbott do. ; th * demand ami how far the demand II. s Emery, eoftin Rous«* child ill and had staruxl out for assistant*«, of spreading straw on theniad m front h . ■ licit past live oNhxtk, and it is hereafter. Mr. and Mrs. Peyser, of San Erancisco. • of the pe«iple is justified by facts ami G.< . Eddings, mdse water work 1 * when an attack of heart «lieeas*» or apo­ of tlieir residence has ixx-u extensively who have been at Soda Springs, returned > !> • .'■•••« tiial llirve cbiidreti were bad* Mens ntdaundried shirts can lx* ‘ «regory : fatally burned. Tbe loss is plexy hail caused linn to fall forward adopted. A coating of straw or saw home last Monday. R. K. Sutton, livery hire 12 bought at Hunsakers for 75 «•t*. * fice t he most complete information on E J Kaiser, pub. ord. No. sound si upon his face dead. Appearances in­ dust makes a gixxl remedy for the dust nlx»nt STJ'i.i; insurunce unknown, and 9 (ien. J. «'. T o I uihii hih I Wni Hurst ure the subject. The superintendent also Eugene Walrad. salary and Ex. Jiitt. 11 Tbe Ashlaml Baptist church build­ dicate that he hail not moved after evil and au easy road to travel. .'alls' of lire, >1 lief, ctive fine. Nil fur­ up ui the Smith xpriiiK* lor h c.'imping G telegraph«-«! S|as:ial Agent Kruz«, now W . M. Holmes, recording deed*- couple of weeks. ther particulars have yet been received. ing is being repainted, work upon the falling. Jemison was a man of fami­ M Vaughn, board of city charges 47 Reports of the weather down at Red­ suire having been lieguti this week. ly and leave« several grown childreu. R. Harlsiur left Ashland Tin -«laj at Minm-iipolis, to furnish such adili- M.-Berry. Re. order's 1«•«■«. Jul) 31 Mrs. H The church will la» greatly improved It was reported that he aud one of ding and further south in tbe Sacra­ for Lebanon, i, l.iim eouiitj, where liei hu.- tioiiiil information regarding the situ­ J. K. Patton, hauling for uater works Hird on the m>rtb-tx>umi train at some B«>ys waists fur 25 cts. at Hunsak­ River valley. Down in the S.icrum«-nto | visiliug Mr. Gilmore’s parenLs in Ashland, conil, lieciuim* then* are, no doubt, i I Ih’os. Frisby. do. I I» there was some talk of the possibility point H.nith of A*bhm«l last Mouday, ers. ♦ during the pad week valley tbe mercury recorded It»)' or do. other stales who would join ill a like J. H. Shi drier. of foul play, but there was no evidence from cholera infantum or teething ami de'UMUd ami the census people would Tramps are very ntnnerous along the of anything of the kind at the coron­ higher at 6 o'clock a. m., aud 114 at | 1 D. P. Wai rad has been Total paid. FM2 IB slouiuu dm«>rd«r. The molder with the hottest part of the day. This beats 1 another attack ot partial fiml themselves in a whirlpool of dis­ ' about itgaiu tills week. Warrant for 8193 25 in favor of city eight < .il lr«-n was en route-from Ne­ rmlnsid again, especially the tirst of ers inquest. Dr. Lee, of Central Point, our hot weather by 20 to 30 . the week -circns time. Wetlnesdav content ami congressional pressure, made the examination of the Ixxly, ll,...-ka io join the fatln r of the family treasurer for payment of lalxir on C. of .............. Klamath county, came in . . , C. . Low, „» Large lot of new gixxls rect-ived at last week attar Ills family, >\ho had been nt which would make life burdensome to water works up to Aug. 1st, ordered a! R'•«-•‘burg, and >he Ixxly <:f tbe balx* the crew of the regular south Ixtuml aud reported tiiut he found no passenger train put off eight tramps I evidence of any violence or injury to the C. (J. D. Emporium in Reeser's Phoenix for Home time. them. w n taken on io Roseburg for burial. drawn. tx-tween Ashland and Steinman. the person. blur Btore, tvml side of Plaza known to the jury. tiiis in tbe Willamette wailey is as fol­ Mrs. I. L. Merrick and little son, who had th * IxMidsmen. «••arching party found Ins clothes on for paints, oils, varnishes, brnslnxi, I Fast riding in Ashlaud is fun while The laxly was buried on Tuesday. lacn visiting frieud* in Yreka ami 1 <»rl lows m round numliers: Lane, 14,001); tlx* river bank. The body was found it Lists, but, like a champagne supper, Colonel Burton, the Inspector Gen­ artists’materials, and wall aud build­ Join*" for "cwrul weeks, returned home lu't Linn, lti.Ooo, Mariou, 18,000. Weiln« ? lay morning. Amlerson was it often has unpleasant sequences. eral on the staff of General Miles, ing papers. Estimates made on paiut- Sunday. The Blue Gravel Mines. not able io swim, ami iloiiblh-HS begot Several young pi-ople paid each a $5 Don’t buy that new dress until you Rev, John Rice ami family, who have w< nt on Ui Fort Bidwell this morning iug, paper hanging, interior decora-1 The Henley «xirreeponiient who re­ into place I ai J iod J his depth. He tine 1 o the city treasury this week, be.11 on Kvans creek for some months, have to inspect that post. He will return lions, etc. have seen those Broadhead go«sls just ported to the «Journal last w«*ek that reiurned to Willows, Shasta count) , < al., to via Fort Klamath. cimie to Klamath coimty rta'ently with E vans A B kitnk , Ashland, Or. ilation of the ordinance agNlust the result of the up at the J illson unpacked at Hunsakers. * re ide. an older bro'her, who is tbe only rela­ driving or riuuig. We bear that the authorities wen- Hunsakers is the ]4ace for a new mines shows an average of 33* :i cts. People from Klamath county rejxrrt John Mullen, of Klamath county, returned tive lie bad in that, section. He was ♦ per square yard of bedrock uncovered that D. W. Audersou, of Alene, has a ■ yestciilny from Cottage Grove, where he has after Garret, the man accused of steal­ dress. The Talent planing mill of Renfro ilxnit 17 of age, ami a worthy l’ellet was doing a g«xxl business, writes this week that he was greatly tine garden at his place at Lost River ix’-'n for some time ami started at once for ing Indian ponies, last week, but nml promising young man. WHY I>11> HE GOT found him scarce. He said he be­ istaken in his figures—the average Gap this year, as usual, lie has a [ Linkville. and will be rebuilt a.» stxin as possible. Charley Slade started for R«»s* burg last longed in Siskiyou county, but had d is 57 cts. per square foot of bed- gixid crop of corn, potatoes, and mel­ Its new location will be near the rail ­ 1 xibln't Fixli for Suckers Here and may lake a position under be -n working in Lake county f<»r A. St. T.ouls Merchant'. Trip to the a difference of alxnit 84.80 a ons. He had corn big enough for Saturday, road track, further down than where the Western Stage (<>. on the Kosvburg- 1'o.tottice, unit the Kenutt. The thimlih'-riggers, walnut Charley Sherlock. yard, or about 824,(MKI an acre, market July 20, ami liis melons are Coos Bay stage route. the ohl mill stixxi, so as to lx» away lien, monte card abarps and Iber from other buildings. respondent says, further, this ripening now. Mr. Anderson has a Prof. E. E. Smith and wife, who ha\c bet n Ben Gondan, a Swede of about 30 California's last sensation is teeinning sharks are always expe«- 1 to 7 cts. per square foot is the tine garden place, and knows L«.iw to visiting Mrs. Smith's parent* al their home ye, re of age, is a missing man. A week: Reail 1>. IL A E. V. Mills advertise­ correct ti to take hold of St. Iziuia. J. V. S. Barrett, c,»me to t .-«iirfaiv in thecruwd alxuit on Big Butte for some two mouths, returned e, and as 1 said before. make a gixxl garden. we-k ago Sunday he left Thomae Wil ­ ment ou this page. * to Ashlaml this week. the commission merchant of 122 and 124 a ci ' -us tent made a pretty g«Hxl han) is as good it showing as any other son's place ou Horsefly to go to his North Commercial Street, was one of th« Those table cloths at one dollar art­ at soinc places in the state, but they Mr. s. H. i’alhouu and family have come Mr. Landere received this week for placer mine hi the state. NVe have going at Hunsakers. cabin, where he proposed to remain up ironi their lmniesiead iu Josephine coun­ first to test Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla in * il.dat e;» ii business at all in Ashlaml W. C. Butler one of the improved hundreds of acres of just such ground ty, near McAllister, to look after their gar ov« r night nml pnxjeed to Bly next lick headaches. Its effect was such a grati­ las’ T h « ~ ! iv. Sheriff Birdsey who “Lightning” hay press»* which have in this district, and a great deal of it S. P. Sladden, of Eugene, was inter­ • leu aud orchard iu Ashland. morning. When he left there were fying surprise that he went over to the post­ ba.« kept hem from operating at any Ix-come the favorite in California. is being developed as fast as circum­ viewed last week by a reporter. Mr. Mr. W. A Pearis, of Zanesville, <>., repre­ two guns ami a bed in his cabin, l.ut office and told his friend, Th«». P. «'ulkin, < .reus: iu tlie «xmuty since lie first went They do the work rapidly, ami put the stances will permit. Capital is what Siaddeu said that he hail an order of senting Chamberlain A; Co s. popular reme nei lier gun nor lx-d was there Tuesday ini«» oiTh**, was on hand again, and hay m bales of most convenient size is needed. Blue gravel holds out ex­ vxas iu the -alley this week, looking whin J. D. Walker paid it a visit. sup t of the registry division, who was also from oue to ten car loads of Oregon dies, after the business of the house. worried with headache«. The following let­ I h** sharpers were given to under­ tra inducements for capital, for it will prunes for the Australian market. He ami suape for shipment ami handling. W« dnesilay ami Thursday about fif­ stand that the first break they shoitkl George Shriner, brother of H. s. Emery, teen men were searching in vain to ter details liis friend's experience also; — give gixxl returns for money invested. has sent some there aud they com­ M. N. Long is still at work grading over iiom Yreka last Saturday, ami PosToFFI« E, ST. Loris, Feb. 20. 1*90. make would cause their arrest by him "C. B. Jlllson went to San Fran­ manded the highest market iirice so came returned this week for his tool chest, hav­ asc -rtain his whereabouts. Opinions J. V. s. B arrett , Esq.:— or «me <>■ his deputies. If tiieaultion- the r«xul to his place in Ashlaud creek cisco last week with $10,000 in gold P eak Sir. You ask me, Ilid I act on your that he can now dispose of all be can ■ ing ( onelmle 1 lo go to work in Messenger's in 'i-ganl to the ease are divided, some ti the theory that he must have Prof. Lahru Royal, of Portland, wa" on headaches. Taking your advice, I purchased done a «leal of hard work upon the •superintemleiit’ during his absence.” «• iih »> s would s«H>n be broken np. news to Oregon fruit growers. Monday's south train, en route for s«nithern beeu killed iu some way. a liottle <*f Joy's Vegetable sarsaparilla. road. He must have a gixxl summer Before 1 had finished it I con'd eat almost ( aliforiiia, whence he will go lo Chicago SlSKIYOt; OOl’NTY, CAL. anything with impunity, and have la-en Like all other E. B. Hunsaker is sole agent for before returning home The <’oinhine«l Threshing anil llarvestiiur resort claim, or he wouldn’t pul so Nununer Excursion Parties. aince rarely troubled with r headache of Portlanders, he is iitceuwd at the census. mn«-h exixmse on it. [Montagne Heral«! Aug. I. the Broadhead dress gixxls. * Machines. any kind, for which I give due credit to Messrs. Albert Milsap aud G. R. Mrs. Crit. T-Jlman ami her sister, MC." your advice and J y 's Vegetable sarsaparilla. Mr. Henry E. Higgles was iu Ash- ___ A 1*51.5 page dictionary, given awav Gallnut aud families start«! Wednes­ , It takes about $20,000 to run the Dora Amlcrsuii. are expected home from t 'The “Homer” combine«! harvester Yours, etc.. ♦ and thr‘-her of Sylvester Patterson at D. R. A E. V. Mills. day for a mount am camping trip, and city of Pendleton. The following Ahtska about Sept. Nt. !<• spend the winter lan I last week on a business visit. He I IK is. P ( VI.KIN. here Crit may come down with them fora say « that Ashland is beautiful aud pro- sup t Registry Division. Postofliea salaries are pan! its officers: City sur­ «ml W. Gray lias l»*<*n doing excellent Messrs. Vawter and Howard, of the will visit Crater Lake. brief visit, as he expect« leave of absence lor gre hcemen at $1*00 each. 827(H); to the same busiiiess. .Mr. > hd" been a bri. kyard. A I’ Talent to S. s Martin, of Talent, lots whole area. The machine did this be- national bank to lx« opened in South­ Geo. B. Landers and family, Gus Lan­ recorder $900; «Inver tire departtneut, resident of Eureka heretofore. 1 and 2, 1,1, w k li, town of Medloni: <uiitiivid««! iutere-t in on gixxl ground it will cut and thresh week fr<»m their slay of several months at lior s. c iitgars or panthers. For grizzly lots «1 of 7. bl'M'k E. V. Carter started Sunday, expecting total, $11,410. s. and 1«. I,lk "I:' lot.« 1. 2. :1. *.;«, Pasadena in Southern California Mr. Am) baare, 85 each: lynx and coyotes, $2 III. 1,1k "H:" Ad. Graham, who is at work with to overtake the others, and took the 25 acres a day, and do it well. [ It cut lots 1. 2. 7, s. 11. 12. 13,11. 1>. I«:, While Klamath conuty is boasting i> considerably improved ill health by the each. 17. 1«. 1,1k "F." lot.«'', in. 11. 12. i:<_ 14, l,lk >2 acres on the Patterson place yester- a surveying party for the Albany .V road west from Jacksonville. All have of her beautiful gram raised at an alti­ trip ami change of scene. "E; " lot 1. 1,1k "1>: ' I.Ik- ". R. Mills, senior partner of the firm of ami a gixxl thing for the farmers. At lamook county, had the misfortune to outfits. Frederick Weinhard to G. W. Bashford, Lake farmers will s7.'i. purchase new sto« k for the store Mr". Mii ’ « > harvi-.-tiug and threshing, it will make the line one day r«*ceutly, and had to at Crescent City this season. C. K. in tbe world, anil grown from land Henry Holst to John Gerdau, land in tp will accompany Luu. and they will visit old I’ll' y evidently know which way the quite a re«liu-tioii of the «xiet of farm­ lie earned to camp, where he will have Klum and family were to start yester­ over 5,0*X) feet aliove the sea. When friends :W, « r w.—1.", 10*100 acre«: con. FJ.v.'x). in Iowa on tue way. cat is Ui hop. Kurth V. Miller to 11. H. Miller, assign­ ing. and will lx* a great satisfaction in to take it easy for several weeks, till day for that place, and Messrs. B. C. it comes to altitude and magnitieent i ouiitv Clerk Max.Muller, who has been S uith. C implx-ll A Spooner, owners ment: « on 41. Gixldanl, W. J. Deuu uu«l NI. H. Cole instances. Lake county takes the cake, I ah"cut doing the work up quickly. Mr. Pat­ able to walk without crutches again. in»in home fora Tnonrtt on atrip of Quinton N Anderson to Thalctlia «'. Mills, terson has alxuit 4tM) acres of gram and rest, returned to Jackson­ of .he Summerville hydraulic mines, lot« 1 and 2. 1,1k and lots 1 and ',, blk 4. in Sa* the free 1615 page dictionary in man ami families expect to start next and her hay, grain, vegetables aud recreation ville from the south last Tuesday evening hav • made a partial clean up, realizing town of I'lnx'tiix; <*oti 41. •o cut an«l thresh for himself, this south window, and ask for a card. Snmlay. fruit crop, will all compare favorably ami is much improved in health. He made W. c. Ntxin el al to E. I' «¿eary. lots ; and . ar, ami «•otisiders Ins saving to tie a D. R. A E. V. Mills. Messrs. J. C. McClunie, Charles with the Iiest and mo«t favored sections the trip by water from Portland to San Fran­ | over 817,*KD. The season's run will ♦ blk 1* Beatty'« addition lo the town of j ,«e percentage of the cost of harvest­ cisco, ami has been at the latter place for i give them iu tbe neighborhooil of 2, Winingee, 1«. L. Merrick ami Harry of the country. [Examiner. Medford: con. 41’0. ■ 8(50.000. about tw«» weeks. An unfortunate young woman, Mixs Van Tassel returned home last Mon­ ing ami tliresliing in tbe okl way. J I.. Klin«1 to I.aura A Er,-«.man. lot iu The San Francisco RejHirt recently The Ashlaml camp al Coh stin are having I Charles Roth, well known through­ Ashlaml xO feel wide on Granite street; eon 'The “King” combined harvester ami Kime, of Jacksonville precinct, aged day after tlieir trip out to Cherry 4X00. time. Mrs. c. H <-.iHett< ami Mr". 1 hr.-siier brought up by Levi Morris about 2t) years, who has Ixx-u partially Creek, Fort Klamath and Crater Lake, printed a charge against Joaquin a S. iivel) Mr-. J E White to K. T. Eiviage. lol al, \ *iii Tassel and daughter returned aflvi a out the county, died on the Siskiyou Miller, stating that he is not the au ­ deranged for a long time, liecante and report a pleasant time and abund­ for bis ranch east of 'Talent is also weeks stay Avery Johnson joined the mo mt nin the 26tli ult., where lie was Higlilun *. Park addition to Asliland. eon. thor of “ Songs of the Sierras ” which violently insane a w«*ek or two ago, 4-V'O. camp WediD "da) . a" >ii-o did M i - m s J- - of Mi-dfori!; con. ftO. known the fact that he had written Nolluer, the Jacksonville tailor, has b ago by the board .of supervisors. Tbe tt.ere the past week. Mrs \\ I \ awt 1>. ami Sarah « Hull to Raphael Moral. Ou 1 inlay evening last a special recreating at MeAllister, started out mous and magnitieent castle of Clia- poetry. Tbe charge has create«! a Mrs. C. W. Wolter-, of Medford, wen aw; rds were made to four different lnt«7 aud x, blk 1«',, town of Jackson- train of five coaches tillesl with the on a hunting excursion one day last pulte|Mtc, which is one of the grandest ripple of excitement in th«- literary Friday, returning Sunday, anil Mr? I bridge companies. The cist in th« on 4 .« '» I'aliforuia dclegation of the G. A. R. week, when they came upon a liear and most imposing structures of its circles of^Ln Franciscii. imlav aggregate for the construction of the Myer also returned Sunday. Oi U)11 V Ilie and two cnlis. By tiring lijxm them quite au excursion party from Jai to the National encampment at Mil- kind in the world, is about to be sold brii!g«-s is $19.ooil. ignu Cenfral l!allroa«l Employe Willliam Gray, tbe baggag«*-tnast«-r, went over. •■a'lk««, and their families, arrive«! iu ami pressing them close they sixm had to .lay Gould. The castle is owned by Wins Hix Case. After Seven Geo c. Eddings went over It/ \$er. Wed A iiiaml just ahead «if the regnlar them up a tree and it was then but the Mexican government, and Gould who disappeared from Hurley, Wis.. The World Enriched. Years' Cuntest. ami accompanied Ed Mor-« and at express, and stopped half-an-hour for the work of a few more moments until during Ins visit to that country a few on the night of July 7, with a SiMXM) m»Mlay, ten hmi- as far as Montague. Mr Morse is The facilities of the present day for While employe«! as »Rent of the Ml«‘higan -upper. There were about two hnn- thev ha«i bagged the entire trio.— months ago made mi offer, it is said, pack« g« aJdreseed to t h« Mt rclimts’ \erv low, and fears arc entertained that in­ the production of everythin« that [Medford Mail. «iretl jieople aboard. of $5,O00,(XM) for it. The offer was at National bank, Rhint liindcr. Wis., is will not recover from the severe attack of will uwn. ns it is the uiKliTinined. I consulted the lemling phy­ the castle in purchased, Gould ans. I»»st family, rumor goes, will make it tlieir years ohl of methr.m height an«l ( John lxiwlow, the famou- down who i- only remedy which is truly plenaing and sician« of this city and ;A nil Arbor, ami all lo San Fr incisco. where the national the taste and prompt i nd pronounced my < as«* Hright's «iisease. I11 weighs 170 pounds, and has dark about a- well known a- Dan Rice, acts in reti shiinx rolkxi oats. 12 lbs. Iiest island rice, 4 home. convocation of the Shriners was to brown hair tind muetache, eyes gray the capacity of advertising agent for Robin etlectiin! to cl< anse the system gently in <>« toiler last. I la-gan taking Hibbard’s Klien- liis. b«*st Costa Rico coffee. 2" lbs. best son - ciicii", as wdl a- doing 1 he fmm\ bn-i- the Spring time >r. in fact, nt any time hi .s t last Tuesday inornn.g. The ex­ and ruddy comph-xtoii. The tirst joint ;m- ; in patchwork silk eostumf. 11»- is one and t lie be ■ it is known the more pop- nmti«'Syrup, ami am t«> day a well mail, it .x-tter cursion was iim'ler the auspices of navy lieatis, 7 quart cans tomat x*s. of the left thumb is gone, and the tirst Ileal Fatale Sahw of the mo-t lib»»ral ami genial gentlemen nia.* it liecono-s. Mason fruit jars. Ask your gr«xx»r uitoolx me pleasure to render suffering liu i Mecca Temple, New York, and in- how he sells these goods. who have ever been eonneded with theud finger is cr«x>ked. inanity any gixxt that I can. and 1 wiah to a 24- Frank Morin«» last week t»o|«i verti-ing department of a circns ami is «le •; tl with t hem to San Francisco for that lively and interesting illns consideration, $2,iKM>; ami Mr. Tripps and son have shut down their placer Ashland, w ill go out to Harney \alle) tin- a sketch «if the political and business Mid). Sold by T. K. Bolton, Ashland. I in a Prfllmuti car added to the train at tratol Pacific (.’oast we»>kly. The afterward sold ttie lot to S. B. Galey. min»»s on Wolf creek for the season and month with I.. D. Montgomer). after :i band ear« er of ¡Ion. R. 1*. Earhart, the new Portland. State Supt. E. B. Mc­ II iix/». was in Ashland y«*st«»rday, on Mr. Morine boiiifht of Mr. Tripps the returned to their Polk county home, of horst - out there on the rang«- l»d(»i)ging coll -ctor of customs. In it was the » Mr. Montgomery, after which he will Eastern Fruit Crop Sli'irtage Elroy UI; with tic* < tregoil delegation, his return to San Francisco from an elate riifht of Oregon to manufaeture near Salem. We nhilerstnnd that they t probably spend some time in Don,das conn following allusion by Mr. Earhart to ¡ad,-.a n> ial, was active ill |H>ititing externl«*«! trip through the Northern and sell the Tlippx patent wagon t«xik out $5,(X)0 this season with a i ty. Mr.-. Stacy and daughter will go to I i Ins connection with the newspaper New York. July 31.—The Mail anti small force of three men. We also un­ coma, to hiukc their home with th»» boy-. is a genuine tongue snp)xirt. out to the strauoers the lx-st features country. The business: “It. is my journalistic ex­ Express definitely place« the shortage « barley ami Ed., who are «loiug wdl in tb it derstand that the Pacific Ditch and .f tl«e st ate of Oregon, including the stinger of corruption ami folly, aud its Mr. L. Stacy has sohl his place of perience that made me gray-haire«i.” of the Eastern fruit crop at the follow­ city,am! like the Sound country. valley of the Rogue River. : cartoons are far more effective than about two acres on the creek lielow Hydraulic Gohl Mining Co. got a gixxl lie > ays, jocularly. He was business ing figures for Delaware: There ar«* tliousan«ls of pages of heavy political town to Mr. Ablx>tt, receutly from run this year, and are now employing manager «if the l’orllauil bulletin, and 9,311,(513 peach tre«*s along the lines of lost. quite a force of men digging an exten­ satire of the ol«l style. Michigan, consideration, 81900. The Hist net Fair. was at the helm of the Salem Utittex- the railroads. Two-thirds are lx*anng, sive ditch preparatory to further min­ The party that picked up Composi­ Eruie Stone, sou of C. B. Stone for­ Tn«' S.'lit hern Oregon Fair is lx*- Messrs. R. L. Oliver of this place, ing. The miners iu general report a tion B«Mik with the name “Lillian F. nut,i a long time. W. A. McPherson, one-third are young trees. The crop the bright writer who was recently usually runs from 1,0*10,(MX) to 2,000.000 I'm,ung <«f more interest every «lay, ami merly of this place, was badly hurt and L. N. Narragan, recently from gixxl season's run.” Smith” on it on or about July 14tli, a.ijinlged insane, was editor of the baskets, and 5,0(10,000 baskets would :«ppli«-;it i,'ii« Iro::> ill porta of the state, last Friiiay at the Fret*land farm tn Ellensburg, Wash., have leased the Says the Lakeview Ecmniner of «'ill please leave it at this Office. ximtn in those days. Many a not lx* too large a crop for the numlxT for bxdii ami stmi l privilege« are Linn county. He was thrown from a C. C. Ragsdale farm of something over «s'luiug m. 1‘ortiaml is going to lx* hors««, or thrown down in some way bo 200 acre« at Tolo, with a contract to July 31st: A large amount of bay wiil Four horses with a sort of "'A' 'brand night he was called out of bed at a of trees. This year the entire crop is well r-'piesontml b) until«» of its most that one of the teeth of a wtxwlen re-; purchase the farm at the emi of five uot tie cut this season, for one reason were sold from the city pound last Sat­ late hour to settle a disput«* betw«*en estimated at 12,375 baskets. iar l tii'l .nterpnsmg firms. Ex- volving hay rake pierce«! his side«run­ years. Mr. Narragan and a son of or another. This should not be, for urday and bought by (leo. Stephenson Editor McPherson nml the foreman of the composing room, who bail a pen­ ■ubitois eh"iil«l not fail to observe ning entirely through, l’he wound is Mr. Oliver have taken possession of several reasons. The quality of wild for 818 a bead —good horses, too. BORN. chant for interfering with tbe editorial i •l .d I»>•■:«• ur-' iiiieii rv ?»» s tn «iivis- painful nml serious but was not attend­ the farm ami will Bet out a large acre­ hay in this county is always improved Ladies your specia attention is in ­ by lx*ing cut each year, and last year management of the paper. ,oi t II, I. J. K u.J N. In these de- ed W’th internal injury, and it is ex- j age of young orchard during the com­ HOI STON.—Ill Linkville, .Inly i<> the ilemonBtrated the fact that hay should vited to the muslin underwear at pti oi.'Uls which 1«. long • Jpecially to p«*cted the boy will recover quickly. ing year. wile ««f J. A. Houston, « bo. of ten Hunsakers. ♦ I be saved every year, for just such a Eu |H*|*«y. poumU ami over. h»* lailn*«. th«* premiums htc ' proper -♦ ♦ «► ,J. M. McCall. Pre«, of tbe Ashland winter. Hay sold for $30 per ton and •lom.tely mer ■',«• «1. ami 'lie exhibits 15oar«l of Trade, has telegraphed Ore­ This is what you ought to have, in fact, I ASEBEEK—in Ashland pr< < inct. Aug ñ Oregon Crop Report The Fast Horses. was not to be had at that. Thousands 1X1*0. to Mr. au*l Mrs. J M. I'asvlx-er, a son Ain. ii were v« ry ere !i’abl«> last year, gon's Senators ami representative at you must have it. to fully enjoy life. Portland, Aug. 2 —The Oregon of cattle, hors«« mid sheep died for Palo Alto was lieaten by Jack Me­ I housKiids lire searching for it daily, and will no «Joubt !••• worthy the «'«miing Washington, urging them to procure weather bureau to-day telegraphed to tbe want of hay last winter. Who can dium at Detroit Saturday. The dis­ mourning liecause they find it not. y« :ir, <>f the «Niui'.coiis comxxiaiou of a re-euumeratiou of the state if pos­ 1 h<> manrgt m- '.'. Tti*'n* are a Ive.-sc sible. This action of our board of the chief signal office at Washington ! tell when another such winter will patch says: Forty-five Innidre«! peojile Thousands upon thousands of dollars the following relative to weather nml come? Stockmen may not neeil much | witnessed the grand contest to-«iay are spent annually by our people iu tbe ••I'.n':«',«- I'o'.i ii ions to lx* met this year, trade was taken, not because there is crops: The weather cool and partly hay this winter, or next winter, but the between Palo Alto, son of Electioneer, hop«' that they may attain this boon. as there were 1.4. The several, yenre N«iti result will lx* a suc- perfect count has lx-« n made at Port­ Peaches are short, apples fair, pears years. No one will deny the fact that rail', beating the stallion race record Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia aud nil «•■ sfiil. harmotiKitis ami cre«litable land ami in other places, and that a gixxl crop, other fruits very plentiful, there is 50 per cent, lees stock here I and equaling the fastest race nule diseases of Liver. Stomach ami Kidnevs. fair. fair and full count would increase tlie esp«x:ially prunes ami plums. Hops than a year ago, neither will any on« made by Maud S. Sold at 50c. and $1 jxr bottle by Chit­ wood Bros., Druggists. showing of population largely. To the general public and to tlie house­ continue promising well. deny that hay would have saved said Rnilrotul Item« Robert Bonner says Sunol will trot holders adjacent to the pr<»|M»ed count) stori, nor deny that more hay can be Frank Hasty has set a gixxl exam­ road beginning and running from L C. a mile in 209 before the present year '.!<■* ’nrtlv.’s «•iigin«*. No. 22, is Ix-ing ple for the city in the matter of sign The Oregon M E. Conference ' made every year, than is put up. KoM-burg anil Ceos Bay Railroad. Coleman's farm to the Ammerman place ! is ended, ami Marvin says Bhe will go : ii«« ■. •uglil» ov«Tliaill>x| hii «1 rebuilt in ixiardsfor the streets. He has pnt up Phoenix The regular annual session of the The engineers on the Roseburg and near The County Court has decided against the tin* simp«, nt Grant’s C ash . hii <1 will lx* a Ixiard with “Granite Street” painted Oregon M. E. Conference will lie held The recent excitement over the re­ m 207'; before next year. Coos Bay railroad are pushing their locating of this said road because the re ii:’« «! with all the l.'i'eHt inqirovxnieuts. on it. on the proper side of his corner at («Hint’s Pass, this year, beginning port that Mt. Shasta had taken ail al­ monstrators outnumbered the petitioners; From the report of the secretary of work as rapidly as possible, and will and Ijelieving a new petition will be circu­ R ; ■ "-.'pH S1111'. Ki’i -er will have prae- store. It is not a very big job to have on Wednesday. Aug. 20th. Bishop leged tumble to itself, says the Shasta probably r**ach Coqnille City this week, tbe Johnstown Hood relief commission lated for the same road over the same ti,*alt> in «>!<* a new engine of it when the names of streets put up tn plain Newman will preside, ami the arrival (.’oi(ri« r.reminds (lie inhabitants of the I would urge the public against I..- is’through. Sh«> will lx* pulling letters at the principal corners, and it of ministers ami lay members of the country adjacent to tbeohl Butte, that just published it is learned that Ore­ says the Roseburg Review. Their grounds, signing said petition lor the reason that the progress is necess".i ily slo.v, ns they tr ims a_a’.n within a few ilays. would be of great convenience not church from all over the state will lx* iu tlie tim«*s long gone by. Nature’s gon contributed $6,126.35. From the have to clenr the brush out ns they proposed roao works great injury and dam­ several United States and territories age to me and other landowners through <'•4 Jas. Si-obi«*, who went 6eople, as well, who are not Pass. A number of members of the energy, as tbe extensive lava Ixxls foreign countries 8141,300 ‘JH, making ment of grading e far less expense, if any. and far channels, volcanic cones and peaks, ■i ■.«■ •ii"ti <«f r ia«i iu (’ i«’ creek ean- the newer streets of the city. It is conference. will not put on a lore«* of men tin'il less objections, and that Mr. Coleman agree- boiling geysers, bottomless lakes and gave more than any other state and about time to liegiu nnmlxTing the give Mr, Mathes h road the line f»e V" I. b . th.'r- is ««irk eimilgll in his more than any other country. the engine« is have sufficient start to to .1. W. Parkar, and son, of Linkville wells, ami caves, all give abundant keep ahead of them, as it is his plan tween him and Charles Nickell. :’«>ir riu'i to !y . p hi- men employed for houses, too. They «xitibi 1 h * nninix>n-■ 'l l» 1 W I III' l.'lt ilH. size, ami it wonlii t>e a general cou- Linkville iu their own eonveyani*e, activity. An ol«i Fall River Indian, $67,295.47, bus been expended for the and scatter Ins gr .ders over nt least relief of the sufferers. .». Im B.,.s. «it tii firm of Bays A' wnience. Wednesday, lost a mare from tlieir, almost niuintiiytl,sl by age, can re­ ten mile« of the roa«l. His represent­ .l"tir,'».-■•.» ■ on iasl Salurday morn­ Among other matters which shtmld team that was valued at $150 or more. member back to tbe time when a boy It is reported that the great North­ ative, Mr. King, lias already reached that the entire country known ns th«- ing’ h ir.'».'” ea rn.iie from Cow creek to not «-scape the attention «if the city She died suddenly m the road near THE STATE ern most of th« right of way be­ Coos and taken charge of matters ('iii'-". i«> “1.isti- up more Chmamen. conned, or some other guardians of the Bish place, thr«« miles from town. Modoc lava lietls. was all “oue big fire," tween Tacoma and Portland. there. Mr. Graham «ill reach Rose ­ 4 .............. . ui’rai'tors tiler«' hail agreed th« public int«-rests, is the condition Nir. Parker procured a horse from Mr. “burn up rocks,” as he expressed it. Remember that we carry a large and burg alxuit the lsl of the mouth aud to nml »•', *ral imn.lre'i more uieu for of the creek lx»d alxive Asliland wi’h Bieh to take the place of the animal There is also a legend among the Fall well select«*«! stock of furniture, also proceed to the c iasU where be will Rivers that tbe valley of that name the grading work in Cow «-reek, ami regard to driftwixxl. The winter lost. was once a large fresh water lake, but picture frames and mouldings, chro­ fiersonally superintend th« construc­ Air. Bays went «iown tai se«> why the tlomls left coMliterable drift wixxi at that the “big guns” blew up the gorge mo«, arteotvpes, perfex-t purity of the water iu a few [lie crowd was not so large as usual - tbe country. has been looking for cheaper? See regulator. In 11.e for more than 50 i< a! interests of the state, Ixtirge, t ointriodious and well-ventilated yoara in England. Positive specific for lx-, replaceil by new oues wliieh are places, but when th«- fall rains or win­ not more than 2000 tickets lieing sold Tbe salmon season just closeil on Billing’s ad. liver complaint. Bad taste in the mouth building". Ttie college ia io the narrow form a jam somewhere and do much for Ashland. At Grant’s l’ass the day pack of any year since 1886, ami has the bend and back of the eye», tired , of the healthiest iu the Mate. gauge line, npou winch the track is to damage to th« city water works, by liefore the people wanteti to see a ar­ ouly lieen exc«»ed> male staiblar.i gauge, it is said. liver complaint. Ketnedv—Dr. Hen­ Expenses Need not Exceed SI50 for the washing away the headworks or pipe. cus and Hocketf iu from far ami near, eleven seasons from 1876 to 1885 in­ Stylish Hats at Blount’s this week. ley's Dandelion Tonic. Relieves con­ Entire Session. D. ('. Herrin exp*»'t«xi to take a gang At k- st this is the opinion of some making a big crowd ami smiling faces clusive. Tiie latest figures show that stipation. sharpens the appetite and Two or more free scholarships from every or m*u down from Asblaiai to work on people who hav-- been along the creek, among the circus managers. On W«i- 436.600 case«, valm*«l at $2,62t),(MX) at tones np the entire system, (ret the couptv. Write lor « »talogue to tbe railroatl in Cow Creek canyon, an«l the matter should be lixiked luto, ueeday tbe circus made Montague a pr«went priix-s. Lave been put up this genuine from yonr druggist for fl, and I $ 2m B 1. ARNOLD. Pres , seasou. at any rate. lively town. Corvallis, Oreg. voiterday. take according to directions. J DR. HILLER’S Special Prescriptions HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease DR. HILLER’S HYDRASTINE RESTOR '.TiyE Sbiuulxtea imtritiou. PurinealbeII. ul. Cures lly«ix')*ux.C«»i>tifMitioii and Geueru! liability. A |«rf«x t louic uul slr«M.k-th builder. DR. HILMER'S ANTI-BILIOUS STOMACH AND LIVER CURE. Cure« BtliouaneM u,d all Liver’Trouble», Chill» and Fever, Malarial Fever», and all Tipbuid conditions. . r- DR. H ILf-E ll R'S CATARRH CURE. Cure» AmiUCxUrrh, Chronic « »txrrh, CUirrhal Deaf. jAtrauUial tocure the wont (w»ea when directiuo» are billowed,tir aauoey refiindnl. nene. Qi ______ DR. MH IljLER^COUCI^URE^ Cures Cold», Hoareene»». « ouith». Bronchitis, Heuriiy and I'ueAnouia; reliemcouauuiption. Contain» no Opiate». Cure» Croup iu 10 iiuiiute». DR HUXER'S DIPHTHERIA AND SORE TBROAT CURE. Prevent* «n,i n s Ih| I theria. |Vill positivelj cure any »ore turuat iu from 3 to J4 hour». Cure» quiu«.'. in 3 day». DR. HILjfrSR’S FEVER CURE. Indispensable in all acute liteMes attended with fever. ______ ■ • PrewiiibWHiJ cure* bcariet Fever, Scarlatina, and Meatdea. :: Mathen try it ouoe. DR. HILLER S NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. Never fails, I*bwer. Cum Nervous Weakness, and I xmb of beud for ITnate Circular to Hiller Drug Co., Sau Francwco, Cal. DR. H|LLER*S RHEUMATIC ARD NEURALGIC CURE Cum Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gu^T'TiHiXk^^TmT^naESrTTTieirrSiSnTTT blood acids whkh cause thcm.<^ DR^ilL^ER^^^EIEJHIN^CURE. Aids the growth and development of children during tbe teething period „ensures | sun less teetliing an •. soun 1 teeth, and prevents an 1 cum H|»aMns, Rickets, Bralp Troubles and B«> we I Complaints. A bieaaing U> muttwr au.l child, j DR. HILLER S WHOC^IRG COUGH CURE. Preventa and cures Whooping Cough. • N ot «. Witi) exceplion of Dr. Hiller’s Hydrastine Reatomtive, Dr. Hillyr**« Rheumatic and Neuralgic Cure, land Dr Hiller’s Cough Cure, the above remedies are in Tablet f >nu, and, if not obtainable from your druggist, will be mailed free, on receipt of price. $1.00 par Package. These remedies miaran teed to eure home treatment, c< Six Packages for $5.00. pe the result of 25 years of professksial experience, and are ten a cure is poSNible. Dr. Hiller's 64 page i>x>k of directions for ^dning \aluable instructions as to hygiene aud diet, sent fkcf .. , HILLER DRUlkCOMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. , T. K. Bflton, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. F FARM and STOCK RANCH Situate Near Ashland, Oregon. C. F. BILLINGS, Ashland, Or. tionary Free! We take pleasure in announcing to our patrons an«l the publie generally, that we have made arrangements whereby we can make the most liberal oiler ever known in the annals of trade. Notwithstanding our reputation lias been won by keeping the best goods the market af­ forded at the very lowest prices, we wish to impress this fact upon everyone, that we are not trying to 'see how little but how much we can give for a dollar. We have made special terms with th«* publishers of W ebster ’ s dictionary , standard size, leather binding , accepted authority of the English language everywhere, and of great value to everybody ami all nationalities. Ibis magnificent book, that every family needs and no library is complete without, we are prepared to give away free to every customer who makes cash purchases of us to the amount of $40 before Jan. 1, 1891. Although a great many of these $12 Dictionaiies will ha given away by us, practically amounting to a large discount on your purchases, our prices will be as low, if not lower, than ever before. :oo: — D.R.&E.V. MILLS. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ Notice to the Public. Notice Agricultural College. CMMr^CrjftrPitclier’sCastoria DOLLARS Is what it takes to move the WHEELS OF COMMERCE. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I >$( )$L$L$A$R$S$ !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ K. B. H U N SA K E1 <. Will place his entire stock of SUMMER GOODS At your disposal at prices that will leave nothing on the shelves by September 1st. Having determined that nothing in the summer line shall be carried over, the prices /re marked accordingly. SATINESare on the counter at from 12?, to 20c vd. CALK JI, 20 yds. for $1.00. CHALLIS, almost given awav, 20 vds for $1.0*». GINGklAM, 14 yds. for $1.00. cadale ZEPHYR, 4’ vds. for $l.oo. tied Table DAMASK*. 4 vds. for $1.00. \ “ 4 yds. for $1.00. < IN ADDITION <>l’R ARCAIN COUNTER with bargains from every depart- Willbeked 4 loaded _ inent that njiust be seen to be appreciated, Come early while the si lections are good. I M ost R espectfully , B. HUNSAKER