Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 01, 1890, Image 1

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    f. F FbhOT
Editor end
Terms ol Subscription:
One copy, one year....................
“ six months..................
“ three months.............
("uh Kates, six copies for.........
L'erm.i iu mlvitnce.
i--------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Austin S. Hxmxond.,
J. T. Boriteli,
Attorney aud Counsellor at Law
SH ill prm-tivt* h all courts of the Stale.
< o!h( lions f.rouipf iv piade und ntuifUd.
Bobcx-t A. Miller
z/// Goods F idly
Both th" m ilio ' . nt« i -'ill w!rn '
<’ :• iy is i a ken ; it » p!e«<aait j
• o l r« tr« -bins; to flic taste, tindacia I
'-«’in!) vet,q»lit on the ¡.¡«iiiCi's,
I« v<Tiind llowvls. cleans«« tliesy«-
:!' •• t:t !l> , r| n *!s e. !•!-.. 1.
1 f Vins attdciin-s hahitui:!
tini pti ¡¡«aneliti).
j 3 >•’<■ air! '1 bottfei by all
A 11 oi-ne.x - :i t -
Will proclive in all the
oí the Siale.
;’¡i VV. !•
i -. k»-!’, nj•!••»>»
ïT7/r: «.T, .«Z
Hollow Axis, Pacific Coast Gear, with Stake Rack
Bed and California Roller Brake.
Dr. 77. Stanzici,
¡. h : i ?. «1 in \*nI*4U*>. Or-. f«»r -prat
Í in-
.M»kr< ai! ehr »nit
n .
as Kiiuuiiiutist i A.sthhia.
Kidney t!i--«»'es. r <'■ mphiints.
!• I> ìm i*v<. xV.. a sp-cia'.ty. »‘«».l'-til
Extravaganre in (.'ants.
Five hundred thousand visiting
cards have liee i «■>> i .v- 1 "i Waslnng-
b>n this season says the I'tijM c Wiu hl.
One stationery firm has luitied out
.’Mio.Olk) in tlm last two mouth', an«l
the money spent <>n pasteboard dur­
ing lie season nmouuts to tens of
thousands of dollars: The most or­
dinary cards coat a cent apiece after
the plate is made, and some of the
dinner invitations sent out cost .$10 a
dozen. A prominent item of th«» ex­
pense account of a Washington ladle
is her engraving and printing,and s<wie-
ty ladies who give dinneisspend nt
times hundreds of dollars upon the sta­
tionery for a feast.
Mrs. Leland Stanford lately paid
■?K5 for fifty cards to be used as mentis
for one of her big dinners. The map
of the Uuiteil States was stamped in
silver on the cards, ami the drawings
and-engravings were exquisite. At
the “inner which General Breckin­
ridge gave the curds Cost $1 apiei-e,
and Mrs. Jitstics» Blateliforil gave not
long ago a lunch ahi , the cards for
which were engraved by hand at a
cost of $lSa dozen. Some of the cards
are in raised silver and gold. They
look as though the gold and silver had
lieen melted and poured into letters on
the card, and cost 75 cents apiece.
McConnell & Eubanks,
A Cure for Sick Headache.
T his liistn ssing e inqil lint is due to
nil inactive or sluggish liver withcou-
Htipated bowels which deranges the
stomach and disturlas the mrvouR sys­
tem. causes dizziness ami an oppressive
«lull pion in the head, often so ma « re ns
to prevent all rest or sb ep. One of Dr.
Gunn’s Improved Liver Pills will re­
lieve von of all the pain ami mis, rv and
a few more «loses will correct the liver
and stomach and regulate the txivvels.
While those pills are small, easily In
ken. nn«l mild and gentle iu th« lr action
there is no medicine made that will so
effectcidly cure sick headache, t’.'ietsii
box. Sold by T'. K. Bolton.
\ N 1 A It L>
A few weeks ago we had the census
appointments. Now the census dis­
appointments are being heard from.
I Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegram.
Office a ruMdvnen.
A. C. Calclwall,
Mechanical and Operative Dentist.
Ifnnampled Progress
A statement oacAniing the extin­ :
guishment of the immense pnblie
debt, which was contracte«l iu the war
to preserve the Union, never ceases to
lx- impressive, say* the Boston Ad-
ucrlixtr. it reflects not only the
growth, but the patriotism and pros­
perity of our people as no ot her sta­
tistical exhibit docs. The mere fact
is startling that twenty-five years ago,
less than a generation, the public i
debt was $2,756,1 KtO,ODO, entailing an
annual interest charge of $151,000,000.
It is now only SWi21 ,<XK>,U(M», and the
interest charge is Imt. $29,500,000.
The face of the debt has decrease«!
to one-third its m'tximuiu size, while
the interest charge lias decreased to
one-fifth its highest amount, owing to
refunding at the coiititaiitiy declining
rates of interest.
In the past ten years a large pro­
portion of the debt has been extin­
guished. At the time of 1HH0 census
th« public delit wa»S1,919,000,000, and
the mtereet charge .was 879/XXI,OilO, to
that 111 a decade tlit debt has lxsui re-
ducevt t!X4S.(XXI,000,«>r say 81,U(X 1,(100,-
it will thus be wen that if the coun­
try remains prospe tons ami continues
to be well govern« I, it will lie entirely
possible to exti i|i -h the remaining
debt in the ni. <
’ears, --- so that “
per-pl«’ of the' «
«I 'States coniti, if
tin y chose, enter upon the twentieth
oentury with a net surplus in the trea­
sury. It has lieen the histone tiseal
ixilicy of our country to pay off its
debts; we presume it will continue to
The present census will show f>5,-
OOO.tXM) in the Unit-xl States, in all
probability, and this will figure a debt
at the present time iff only $14 per in­
habitant. which is small, while the in­
terest charge of $29,417,603 entails a
tax of less than .70 ivuts per year per
1»iirklrn's Arnica Salve.
The best sajve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
son s, tetter, ehapped bauds, chilblnins,
corns, and all sk«n eruptions, ami posi-
tiv«-ly cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­
tion, or money n funded. Price 25 cents box. For sale by t 'hitwixid Bros.
Horse and Cattle Diseases.
For General I' m .
The Arms' Palace and Stock Car Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, June, 1SS8.
We cheerfully recomnieud St. Jacobs Oil a*
tlie best fur geueral use ou st«.« k.
____ II. ARMS & CO.
Cold, Swelled Limbs, Inflammation.
Neponset, 111., May 21, ISM.
My mare caught cold; result: levelled
limbs, )ui..p tietweeu for«*-!*«. and intluiniua-
tiou. Cured her with St. Jacobs oil.
The Largest aniTinest Snccessfnl Stock«
Kaisers use st. .laeobs Oil.
REM edy L- t
For Stablemen and Stockmen.
Cutt. Swellings. Bruises. Sprains. Gall*. Strains,
Lameness. StiflMSS, Cracked Heels. Scratches,
Contractions. Flesh Wounds. Stringhalt. Soro«
Throat. Distemper. Colic. Whitlow. Poll Evil.
Fistula. Tumors. Splints, Ringbones and Spailn
in their early Stages. Directions with each bottls.
different styles and iliffer-
ent kinds of Stoves for
Heating and
J. 3. Howoxi,
Notary Public «and Conveyancer
T/’ p World’s Be*V manufaoturej under tha
trade marL T).
naans ■"'^'unosorto^.
the ch,
to the most
d °f St0Te- from
-uuuj lu
t expensive hot e
0Qi cau be
Ml kiio’.- of real ♦
b»mn»?ss civoii < are-
f«il mit i
;in<! ;uf »rinniioii rumi-hei
(•«• id vrninj' |»r«»puriy iu the new town.
C. 77. Root,
( • ot rraudulen> -
L '°8 the trade
Hacks and Carts
H. C. Myer,
Ashland, Oregon.
\ big t arloff'l <>f stoves and ranges just received. Die
line.-t line in the eountv. < ’al! and see and believe it.
The Bank of Ashland
Was Awarded the only
i rsi
Call and Examine Them now on
Exhibition at
Martin 4 Harris’s,
Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00
Does a General Banking Business.
’«»lie« lions ïna<l»‘ Ht all «o-i.-ùbb- point* ou
in\"Tah»f t♦•rut
>i;’ .’U .1’
,toi ’« L . • P‘.; ■ tri;’ sft-r*.
Portland. >un En ■■ ¡ mm » and Nvw York.
sEWiBCi MECH a / uso
----In the town of----
tins/ httmiht ut
1368 Market Street-
Siskiyou co., Cai.,
For Sale on Easy Terms.
om- -fourth dotiti, l'sisv «* v ilbiiv six.
twelve and < libiceli molliti»
"A- X
• H
See map at the i:ai,->»«i I»-|> t (or giadett
pra *», ele., or address
1> Il II \»KEI.l.
low h Si'e 4<ent
P. K. K.. San Fran
• ilitor lis
All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and
Harrows have ever sold in this market.
Win. A. Grow
.VIiLiiiil. Or..
r> T^y-'« F V VI <Oil«4 - s’ -miill .'li.»'
Furniture stare
1 Ms
The General Laud Oftli-e lias Cut Down
the List of (¿'lestions in Homestead
and Pre-emption ( ases.
------------ =
Torino of tdrertioing:
I One «qwtre, first insertion
f2 00
Each Addition*! insertion.............. . ..........
1 50
Job Pnntmq
I Of *1) description« done on «hort no
I tloe. Legal Blanks, Circulars, Busi
ne«sCards Billhead«, Letterheads, Lost
| tere, etc., gotten up in good style at
living prices.
How the Japanese and Chinese Sleep When Brutal l*unishm<*nt Accorded Sddiers for
in Their Native land
Bad Behavior.
The following from Cardinal (lile
I kiiib , the highest Catholic dignatary
in the United States, regarding prop­
The puiiishmetits in vogue in the
Wong Chin Foo Bays: In the land
The genera) land office has shortened er Sunday observance, has been given of the Orient, the tastes of people as French urtny are of a very severe nut ure,
and revise«! the questions aek«-d the
regards sleeping acoouimodat ions are as more esjiecially when it is consi.lered
claimant and witnesses in making fiua! lately:
widely different from the English and ’ that the men thus punished are not
prixif on homestAads and pre-emptions.
American as their daily life. In Japan [ by any means criminals, but only sol­
Many unimportant and harassing first of all, a day devoted to religious the only lieddiug is made in the sliajie diers who have not liehaved so well as
questions have beeu omitte«l entirely, worship, and second to innocent ami of a huge gowu or overcoat, with i they might, says Uuntfy Fair. These
there being now only 37 questions, healthful recreation, as being th»' only sleeves, and each sleeve accoimxlates I are reported to Algiers under the
where us formerly there were 105. day in winch the great masses of the a sleeper, who crawls into the afierture name of “Camisards” where they are
This saves the eettler considerable ex­ people have time to seek relaxation very much as a kitten woulu. Like enrolled in “colmpaguiee de duupline.”
pense and annoyance. The following from their work. The danger is in their oousins, the Chinese, the Japs Before embarkng the man has his
are the questions that will lx> used for the excess either way, and I entirely use no sheets, unless the lining of the lx sits taken from him, which are re-
agree with Dr. Weld (pastor of the
homestead prixif henceforth:
First Independent Christ’s Church) “night overcoats" can lie looked upon , placed by sal Nite, and on arriving at
his destination he receives a uniform
in deprecating the dosing of art gal- as sheets. Their pillows are minia­
What is your name, age ami poet­ lenes, libraries, etc., absolutely to the ture bureaus made out of either rattan of gray wool and a cap with a large
office address?
public. Presupposing that a certain or polished wood, filled with drawers brim. The men are farmed out to
Are you well acquainted with the portion of the day is set apart for re­ to hold their jewelry and other valu­ work, and are all the time under the
claimant in this case and the land em­ ligious exercises, I think that any rec­ ables while they themselves are supervision of non-com missioned offi­
cers, who treat their inferiors with the
braced in his claim?
reation that will contribute to the . asleep.
, . _
Is said tract within the limits of an physical, mei •utal ami moral benefit! “There are no beds in Japan. . The greatest brutality. It is, however, the
. .
i I eamp ktmi I I mqq iltwir that tmcwui
punishments to which the men are
incorporated town or eel««ctisl site of a and enjoyment, of f the
masses should same spotless floor that answers for
city or town, or used iu any way for lie encouraged. 1 think that base table, chairs and dauciug stage, is util­ subjected for the most trifling of­
fenses which must excite indignatiou.
trade or business?
bail is a game that is in conflict with ized Tor sleeping purposes. In China
A common punishment is to keep
State specifically the character of the quiet decorum and tranquility there are be«b>teads, and these, with
them night and <l iy in a hole in the
the laud whether it is timber, prairie, that should
” characterize
the obt»rv-
grazing, farming, coal or mineral land. mice of the Lord’s Day, and is too vio­ namental portion of the bousehohl ground with jH“rp<‘udieulal walls, so
When did claimants settle upon the lent an exercise to be conducive to furniture. It is as the piano ami pil­ that escape is impossible. Scorch­
homestead and at what date did he es­ such harmony. But whatever may low shams of a well regulated Ameri­ ing heat by day and cold' by night,
with rations reduce«! to one-quarter of
tablish aVtuid residence thereon?
lie the abuses arising from Sunday can house. It is a common thing for
Have claimaut apd"family reside«! base I m JI. I regard the base ball plnv- a Chinese gentlemau to spend $5,0» AI their proper quantity, make the very
continuously on the homestead since ers and observers of the game as far or even $10,lXX) cash for a lieautifully ' common punishment of the gargonle
first establishing residence thereon? less responsible than those who would carved and jeweled bedstead, ami extremely trying. The imprisoning of
If settler is unmarried state the fact. utter from the pulpit on the Lord’s $1 .(MX) or more for simple embroider­ men in the tombeaux, or regulation
For what peritxl or jieruxls has the Day unjust and uncharitable state­ ies on the edges and corners of bis tents, which are only fifty centimeters
broad and sixty high, is no rarity, and
favorite quilt.
settler Ixx-ii alieent from the land since ments almut their neighbor.
“These latter are very numerous during their incarceration the pris­
making settlement, ami for what pur­
“The Christian Sunday is not to be
pose; aud if temporarily aliseut, «lid confounded with the Jewish or even ami varied among those who are able oners receive no water, nor wine nor
claimant’s family reside upon and culti­ with the Puritan Sabbath. It pre­ to enjoy such luxuries. Nono of the coffee. A little meat ami some bonil-
vate the land during said alisence?
scribes the golden mean 1x1 ween rigid coverlets are lees than “three ply” af­ lion is their whole nourishment dur­
How much of the homestead has Sabbatarianism on one hand and lax faire; indeed, such is the superstition ing the day.
But those who are punished with
the settler cultivated ami for how indulgence on the other. There is among the almond eyed aristocracy
many seasons did he raise crops there­ little doubt that the revulsion in pub­ that not one of them could be hire«] wlls are incomparably worse off.
lic sentiment from a rigorous to a to sleep under a coverlet that is com­ They are never allow«««! under any cir-
What improvements are on the laud líame olmervance of the Lord’s Day posed of only one or two thicknesses. cnmistauces, to leave the hole they are
an«l what are their value?
can be ascribed to the sincere but The former indicates (to their mind) kept in either by day or at night.
Are there any indications of coal, misguided zeal of the Puritans, who extreme poverty while two is consid­ They have no duties of work to pass
saltties, or material of any kind on the confounded the Christian Sunday ered au even or unlucky numlier. the time, and only get some warm
homestead? (If 6o deserilie what, with the Jewish Sabbath and im­ Therefore all the Chinese iieii-clothes I soup every second day, with a very
they are, and state whether the land posed restraints on the people which are either padded or a thin sheet of limited quantity of water daily. This
is more valuable for agriculture than were repulsive to Christian freedom paper is put in the center. Meet all punishment is made still more severe
for mineral purposes.)
mid which were not warranted by the the quilts or lied-clothee of the rich by putting the man into irons ou cer­
lias the claimant mortgaged. Sold, gospel dispensation. The Lord’s Day are made of silks or satins, with high­ tain occasions.
The delinquent has two iron rings
or eontracUsl to sell, any portion of to the Christian heart is always a day ly colored embroidery work on the
said homestead?
of joy. The Church desires us on that exterior, and line«l with strong white around his ankles, which are connected
Are you interested in this claim; day to be cheerful without dissipation, silk or fine linen, and are only washe«l with an iron bar rather more than a
ami do you think the settler has acte<l grave and religious without sadness about once a year. As iu Japan, no foot in length, so that his legs form
an isosceles triangle with it. He is
in entire gixxl faith in perfecting this ami melancholy. She forbids, indeed, sheet is used.
“The Chinese bed-making in the forced to lie down on his fact« ami
entry ?
all unnecessary servile work on that
day, but as the Sabbath was made morning consists of folding up every then his arms are chained on his back,
WLmt is your name, age and post- for man and not man for the Sabbath article of lied clothes in long folds in whereupon he is put into his tomtx«au
she allows such wink whenever char­ such a manner as to expose all the He can only eat his soup like a dog,
oflice address?
Are you a native born citizen of the ity or necessity may demand it. As beautiful needle work, and then they mid if be wants to drink be must seize
United States, uml if so, in what state it is a day consecrate 1 not only to re­ are carefully piled one on top of thè hie bottle with hie teeth, ami should
ligion but to relaxation of mind and other upon a neat shelf built against be let the bottle fall bis ration of wa­
or territory were you born?
Are you the identical person who laxly she ]x«riiiits us to spend a por­ the wall inside of the artistically hung ter is lost for that day. Any com­
be«l curtains. Then the latter is care­ plaints are at once st«qq>ed by n gag.
made homestead entry No.
, at the tion of it in inu<M-etit recreation."
Only quite recently a pumsbmeqt
fully drawn apart to expose the rich
land office on the
day of , 18 ,
rugs and opium layout upon the be«l was in nse called tliecrapaudiue. The
auil what is the true description of the
Rev. 11. L. (Tuipm.-tn, pastor of the M and the folded lied'-clotbee upon the prisoner’s bands and feet were cliHine«!
land now claimed by you?
E. Church. Johnstown. I'a.. says: shelves.
together, anil in this [Hieture he was
When was your house built on the "Soon after the great flood, at a time
“The poorer class of the Chinese strung up on an iron bur. The cam-
land and when did you establish actual when di.irrhiM- « was qni e prevalent. I
residetn'e therein? (Deserilie said received a box of six dozen ( hamber- have only one “pe,” or padded quilt, isaril is also in use. The soldier is
house iiml >■’her improvements w hich lnin's Golic. Cholera and Diarrhoea thick enough to keep them warm the put iuto a strait-jacket, his liamie are
you have placed on the land, giving Remedy. A h soon as it b« <-ame known coldest nights in winter, while in sum­ tied on his back mid round his neck
that I hail the im-dicim- lor free distri mer, like the rich, they use nothing an iron collar is fastened, which is at­
total value thereof.)
billion, there began a great rim on it,
Of whom does your family consist; which continued until it was about all save their own nndergarments. In tache«! to an iron bar in the wall. The
and have you uml your family resided gone. Every one. ho far an 1 hear«! from other words, it is either a feast or a man has to stantl in this position as
continuously on the land since first them, testified t,Cits virtues, declaring famine as far as sleeping comforts are long as eight days, unable to lie down
establishing residence thereon? (If it the best mxliciue for the purixise concerned. Unlike the rich, tlie poor­ or to do anything for himself.
they had ever used. T hose who got it er classes of Chinamen take off the
unmarried, state the fact.)
For what periixl or periods have you shared it around with their neighlxirs. lining of their “pee” about twice a
Families not already supplied should
that 1 am confident it was productive year for cleansing purposes. If abed lose
no time in procuring a ¡Kittle of
'ieeti absent from the homestead since so
of great good. We used some of it our­ iu a first class American hotel were Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­
making settlement, and for what pur­ selves anil found it not only an exc« I-
post ; and if temporarily absent did h-nt medicine for diarrhoea, but for all given to a Chinese gentleman he rhoea Remedy. It is the only remedy
always Im depended upon for
yom family reside upon uml cultivate kinds of prill ami uneasiness in the would probably sit tip all night wait­
I kiwc I complaint in all its form«. 25
stomach ntni liowels. It has iM-i-n re ing for a place to lie «Iowa.”
the land during such alisence?
and 50 cent Imttles for sale by Chitwood
How much of the land have you ganled as the best medicine known here
Take II before Breakfast
cultivate«! each season and for how for the diseases it is recommended, For
many seasons have yon raised crops sale by Chitwood Bros.
Not Good Colonists
The great appetizer,
tonic and
___ liver
regulator. In nse for more than 50
Rutland, Vt, July 21.--The coloni­
Is your present claim within the
years in England. Positive specific for zation of Swedish emigrants upon the
liver complaint. Bad taste in t he mouth
limits of an incorporated town or se­
on arising in the morning, dull pains in deserted farms of Vermont is not prov­
lected site of a city or town, or used
E li - swoktii , Me.. July 22. Senator i th« head and back of the eyes, tired ing a success. Discontent prevails
in any way for trade and business?
Eugene Hale, one of Blaine's stanch- ,
¿lizzmess, languor—symptoms of aud some of them are removing to
What is the character of the land? est supporters, al home here, iu an in- ! feeling,
* — "
liver (Lniplaint. Remedy
Dr 1 Hen- the Inmber regiou of the state and up­
Is H timber, mountainous, prairie, terview on the tariff issue, said: “It ley's Dandelion Tonic. Relieves con- on the Canadian and Maine Ixirder
grazing, or ordinary agricultural laud?
is the duty of th«1 R««pub)iean Senate i «tipation, sharpens the appetite aud where they can combine lumbering iu
State its kimi ami quality, ami for to stick to the bill until it is com- tones up the entire system. Get I the forests and clearing up lauds for farms.
genuine from your druggist for $1. and The last family which lieeame the oc­
what pnrixise is it most valuable.
pleted and passed. It will not nec­
Are there any indications of coal, essarily be the McKinley bill, but it take according to direction«.
cupants of an abandoned farm, in the
*■ ♦ * • «
salines, or mineral of any kind on the will retain all of its good features.
township of Verehire Orange couiity,
A Wife in IHKjruise.
laud ? (If so, «(escribe what, they are, The proposition which will lx« de­
in the early spring, has removed to
and state whether the land is more bate«! ami passed upon by the Senate
I’ atf . kson , N. J., July 22. There Norton Mills, in Essex county, where
valuable for agricultural than for min­ will lx* one to secure a fixithold in the ' was a lively scene on Straight street several timber camps have been es-
eral purposes.)
South and Central American nations in this city last night, in which Sam tablisheil near the Canadian boundary.
Have you ever made any other liome- and get their markets for our goods. ’ Close, a well known politician of the They exjiect in this new location to
stea«l entry? I If so, «leeerilie the same.) This does not in any way interrupt ! Sixth ward, figured conspicuously. clear land«, for farming pur|xiees and
Have you sold, conveyed, or mort- the working of the protective system, I He was talking with two well-drwssetl pay for it with their labor and sup-
gngeil any portion of the land; ami nor is it. inconsistent with a protective i women, when he was suddenly at­ port themselves by selling the lnml»er
if so, to whom and for what purpose? tariff. Free traders are very fond of tacked by a woman who was sup|xised they cut. Several buudred Swedes
Have you any personal property of declaring that the statement made by to lie colored. In an instant bis as­ have lieen at work in this territory for
any kind elsewhere than on this claim? Blame and. so far as can lie judged sailant struck him several blows with a year or more. Governor Dillingham
(If so, describe the same, ami Btiite by bis message, a proved by the Pres- ! a cowhide on the bead, saying: “Take and A. B. Valentine, the immigration
where the same is kept.)
nienl involved free trade or reciproc- ' that, and that, and that.” Then she commissioners, leave Bennington to­
ity with the countries of the old 1 began to scratch bis face. She ex­ morrow to visit the Swedish settle­
No Trace Left.
world. This has no foundation what­ citedly exclaimed: “At last I have ment in the state, preparatory to mak­
found yon out! Y’ou may not know ing a rejxirt to the legislature iu Oct.
Mr. and Mrs. Litel, of Huntingburg.
Ind., say: That about one year ago, their
“A protective tariff h:is its compe­ me in this disguise, but I am vour They will endeavor to learn their con­
little girl was entirely cured ol an an. titor in the underpaid laborers of Euro- | wife!"
dition and find a remedy.
noying eruption of the skin and a local peun countries, who manufacture the : The woman then threw off the old
To fieople, the abandoned part of
blood disorder, by the use of three tsit- same things and stand ready, if they I hat and shawl which she wore, when the state is still an unsolved problem.
tles of S S 8. T here is no trace of tin- can break down the protective system, 1 it was plainly seen that she had Swedish colonization, as a farming
skill disease left, and the blood has
blackened her face for the purjxiee of
been m perfect «irder ever since, and the to take control of our markets and disguising herself. The woman proved factor in Vermout, is evidently a fail­
ure. The lauds are pnxluclive and
general health of the child was never
ns g«s»d as now. They will take pluas- in Central ami South America is pre­ to be Close’s wife, and she also made farm buildings in gixxl condition in
ure in answering any letters regarding cisely opposite. They furnish pro- ■ it exceedingly lively for the two wo­ settlements that have lx<en made ami
the child's case.
ducts winch we do not supply ami men who accompanied him. She neighlxirs have given encouragement
Treatise on blood and skin diseases which we need. \Ve prixiuce ami Hew at them like a tigress, and pro­ and a helping hand. Swedes complain
mailed free.
8w ift Sr«« ii ic C o .,
manufacture tilings they need ami ceeded to demolish Mimr fashionable that they cannot timl work for their
Atlanta, Ga.
which they cannot produce. Their costumes. When they broke away spare days only in the harvest time,
market is largely in the hands of : from her the excite«! wife called after and having but little money, they can­
The World’s Fair
Great JIntain and France, and the them: “You can run away, but I know not maintain themselvi« throughout
Chicago, July 23. Amid great money which we pay for their pro­ you well. I have both your pictures, the year, or until the crops from the
cheering to-night the ordinance asked ducts goes to these countries. In­ and they will sckiu be iu the hands of land can lie sold.
for by the directors of the World’s stead of paying for tlieir products in the police.”
Fair, granting the use of the lake front money, which goes to Europe, we
The frightened females soou disap­
Contrary to general ex|iectatious,
as a pari of the site for the World’s ought to give in exchange our gixxls. peared in the crow«L Mrs. Close then the census returns from the South
Fair, was adopted by the City Coun­ We ought by treaty or by legislation turned her attention to her husbami that thus far have Ixx-n made public
cil without any amendments. The to so fix business relations lietween again, and was marking his face with indicate a heavier increase among t he
vote stood 44 to 15. The ordinance us that their gixxls will come to us her finger nails m a terrible manner w bites than among t be negroes. The
pledged t he city of Chicago to pay ami our goods go to them.
when he knocked her kowu with a Southern p;qxTH account for these
for any piling or filling in the lake
"Taking the question of sugar alone, blow of liis fist The crowil cried unexpected results by |x>mting to a
that may la» necessary, to the extent my impression is the movement “Shame!" and Close attempted to es­ heavy immigration from the North,
of $2.<XKMXX>, and after the fair isend- should now lx> made with reference cape from his wife, but she follow«] added to the ascertained fact that the
e I to return the made ground to the to sugar, not involving it with the him up closely, and a policeman ap­ death rate is enormously higher among
city to lie nseil forever as a public wixil question. Blaine is right in say­ peared on the scene. Mrs. Close, on the blacks than the whites, from dis­
ing if we give South America, Cuba being threatened with arrest, went to ease saying nothing about the long
Not less than 150 acres of lake front ami Port Ric«i an opeu mark««t for her home in l’roepect street, while odds in proportion of lives lost in race
are to be utilized for t he World’s Fair sugar without terms liemg lnqxxKsl, i Close disappeared down a side street. conflicts and in pursuance of the “shot­
purposes. It is stipulated that no we shall have no hold on those coun­ The affair was witnessed by a large gun jjolicy."
bargain is to lie entered into between tries to induce them to let our pro­ crowd of |ieople. The couple are
the fair directors ami the Illinois ducts enter freely into tlieir ports. young an«l have two small children.
Central Railroad for control of that I believe it to be a fact that prepar­
t«> Humanity so says
|>ortion of the lake front iH-cupied by ations tending to negotiations with
au Oregon pioneer ttO years old.
the Illinois Central tracks unless such some of those countries which would
Forest Grove. Or.. March IB.—I have
This is what you ought to have, in fact,
bargain shall lie first approved by the
have resulted in reciprocity fell to the you must have it. to fully enjoy life used the Oregon Kidney Ten and ob­
City Council. Iu case the city of ground in the winter, because the rep­ Thousands are wareliiug for it «laily, ami tained immediate relief. It is God’s
Chicago loans or stiliscribes S.5,04NIJMM) resentatives of those countries dts- mourning liecauHe they find it not. blessing to humanity. I take pleasure
to tlm stock of the exhibition, the di­ coveriNl from the provisions of the Thousands ii | n > ii thousands of dollars in recommending it to the afflicted. 1
rectors guarantee that the amount of McKinley bill that they would get the are spent annually by our people in tbe inn now nearly !»0 years old, came to
hope that they may attain this boon. Oregon iu IMS in the empk.y of the
money returned to the city shall not
[ lienefit of free sugar without Ix'ing And yet it may lie hud by all. We guar-
Hudson’s Bay Company, and since 1
be less than the cost of whatever pil­
began using the Oregon Kidney leal
«ntee that Electric Bitters, if used
___ ac-
ing of the lake may lie done. The or­ asked for anything in return. When cording
D avid M ubbok .
to directions and the nse per- enjoy good health.
dinance does not fix any maximum we open the ports of the United sisted in. will tiring you good digi-Htion
States to the sugar of South America,
nuiniier of acree to l>e utilized for the Cuba ami Port Rico, the lx«netite and oust the demon Dv«|x-psia and in
lake front, but the greatest amount,
stall instead F.n]s-|isy. We recommend I
obtained by any of the plans thus far which they will derive from such a Electric Bitters for Dvsiiepsia and all
diseases of Liver.Stomach and Kidneys. I
informally outlined is from 25«) to 3<X>
acres. No change is made in the plan admitting the breadstuff* of the W«*st, Sold at 50c. and ifl |*r Isittle by Chit­
of placing the remainder of the fair iu the agricultural implements manu­ wood Bros.. Druggists.
Jackson l’ark, about five miles dis­ factured all over the country, th* pe­
troleum of the Middle States. himlx«r
tant. on the lake shore.
Still in Favor
from Maine and manufactured cottons
By the lake front is meant Chicago
Sport, Base-ball,
harbor ami the long strip of land im­ and wixilens and perhaps a few other is still in favor with the ]>eople, ami
I articles."
mediately adjoining and lietween the
the players tbetnselvs are still in favor
business jHirtnm of the city ami waters
of one of the most popular thitigs
A Scrap of Paper So«es her Life.
of Lake Michigan.
connected with the game, m explained
It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap­ m the following statement: Norris­
Advice to Mother«.
ping paper, Irat it saved her life. She town, Pa., June, 1HKJF. “L the under­
was in the Inst stages of consumption,
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has told l.v physicians that she was incura­ signed, cheerfully recommend St.
been used by mothers for children teeth­ ble and could live only a short time: she Jacobs Oil to all Base-ball players,
ing for over fifty years with perfect suc­ weighed less than seventy (siumis. On having need it for muscular rln uma-
cess. It relieves the little sufferer at a piece of wrapping pa]ier she read of tism and strained liack, and gnarant«*
one«’, produces natural, quiet sleep by­ Ilr. King’s New Discovery, and got a it a ¡lerfect cure.
J. M. O wens ,
freeing the child from pain, and the sample bottle: it helped her. she bought
2nd Baseman, Norristown, B. B. C.
little cherub wakes "bright as a button." a large helped her more, bought
It is very pleasant to taste, sooths the another and grew better fast, continued
child, softens the gums, allays pain, re- its nse and is now strong, healthy, rosy,
A Remarkable Case from IIII bo I s .
lievcs wind, regulates the Ixiwels. and plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller
is the best known remedy for diarrlnea, particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole.
“I suffered for five years with Mercur
whether arising from teelhinR or other Druggist. Fori Smith. Trial bottles of ial Kbeumatism, which was the result of
causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
this wonderful Discovery free at Chit- potash and mercurial treatment by phy­
sicians, for constitutional Blood P oihoii .
wimk I Bros.* drug store.
They not only failed to cure me but
She (at the jxmltry farm; -just see
made me a physical wreck and my life
what a convention of liens.
a burden. 1 then commenced taking
Consumption Surely Cured.
He — Yes. a convention composed en­
Specific <8 S 8). and after using
T othk E ditob .—Please inform vour Swift's
tirely of lay delegatee.- [Burlington readers that I have a positive remedy a few bottle« was entirely cured of the
which the doctors brought
Ere«1 Press.
for the slxive uauied disease. By its
timely use thousands of hopeless cases on by their remedies, and the I>I< mk ] poi­
which they failed to cure. I cheer­
have been permanently cured. I shall son
A Sure Cure for I'Bes.
be glad to send two Ixittles of my reme­ fully commend 8 8 8 to anyone similarly
Absolutely Pure. I
\ Itching Piles are known by moisture dy FREE to any of your readers who afflicted.” J ohn H. L yi . kh . Soento, III.
like perspiration causing intense itch­ have consumption if they will send me
powder never varien
A marvel
ing when warm. This form, as well as their express and | office address.
Go to our store, east side of PI hzs of Thi.
purity. .treiiKtli am! whaleeomeness.
Respectful I v
blind, bleeding and protruding, yield at
More economical than the ordinar,' kin«!»,
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, T. A. SLOCCM.M. U„ i-l Pearl st. N. Y
artists’ materials, and wall and build­ and cannot be sold in comj«etiti<>n a iih
which acts directly on the parts affected,
of low test, »hurt weight
ing papers. Estimates made on paint­ , alum multitude
absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef­
or phosphate powder». H«»I«1 ouly in
It will take yon only a minute to ing, paper hanging, interior decora­ ! cans.
fects a permanent cure. 50c druggists
Rovat. K.stN«. Pnwniit Co., luti
I Wall «treet. N Y.
or mail; treatise free. Dr. Bosanko, read the Red House advertisement but tions, etc.
Piqua, O. Sold by T. K. Bolton.
you will find it very interesting.
E vans Jr B runk , Ashland, Or.
House, Si»/n an i Decorative
Special Attention to Graining
and Paper-Hanging.
NO. 8.
AUGUST 1, 1890
A t D rvimihth ami Iir.At.Fks.
Nitrous Oxide Gas sd’iiitii -tere«l for
the piiinle-»« extraction of teeth.
t >!tiee ovur the Bank, (t? 33]
Box 2841
I* • >
r* *7*
* Jr- •
first Sin-et.
R epair S
Portimi«!. Oregon
ÄP“ \ ‘.rood i - nt w anted in
every cuumt.
p;or Harrows and Plows Constantly on Hand.