ASHLAND TIDINGS. hi iil ifi J ubi It. /*•*'* Boxes. l’hr Sugar Puir I >oor .V Lil ml »or Go., <»fGrant's Pass, will well txixes this sear much cheaper than ever before. I siirr t«»srr ! heir la»xes and gel prices from them lieforc placing orders. ’ iiiieil t.»r< Utting I » liinlier I. E. Hoover, W B. laylor tui'.i A. A II»»»-«, of Grant's I’ i . hh , were ar- i nigu.'.l in the Elul«»! Stabs circuit court ye«.ter«biy on a charge <>f cntting tim!>er on government lamls It ap I'el.lillg that lillt. little tlllllMT llllii •»»■11 cut. an 1 Mr. lb H>vet pleading guilty to th»* ofli*ii' Ilo Was tilled #|OO an.! I->y lor and Ross w» re discharged, •r"goman .Inly l*.«»lilillg ; lie I ell.ll» s in Frun«*iM»>, July 7. bi : ex mix yds. ( hallis £1 at Hun^akerE. ' 1 he atmosphere lie^aii to ojow hazy last week. Robinson's ein -is wants to-mow m Ashland August •>’ h. Blncklierries are rim* and [,«• ripening hi Ashiami tins w* ■ k. The laying <'f the pip«' "f th«' (•it \ Water works is uior. than half «loue. I'lu* county officer ele.'t ¡'H-umed th.'ir official duties .mi r.•••[>• >n«*il«¡lit i.-s last Monday. Fea« li«-». ras|,lx : ri. . enrr ei'». want- ixl by J. W. H«H'i.. i-mitb. Apply at »itliee in < «aiiiard I>!■ h -I;. I*. H. Jtoiioghu«' lost a ti’ie large liotxo lu.siiay morning, a valuable young am.rial that he was j ;st break­ ing. Forty or fifty |»*«>ple from JaehHon- vili«'. Medford. Grant s I*:«.- ami other l>la«»'H wer«' a! Cohstin celebrating the 4th. A numl>«*r of «'«»¡lies of the Ibm'j' PERSONAL. */ It '> j I>h, ar. English wi ekly rmt. *1 in tli«- m«wspaj>er ' hrt'. Kahn cam»» out from Portland Mun­ city whose name it iwar.» have l««*en day. I.M>k«»i over «¡th inter«*t in tlie I t!«• I»r. A.» ll'din i' ar Salem tiiis w«ek. on a is«.» otti«»« this w««k. The p:i|»«-rs buxine's t: ip. were r»»»'«ve»l by C»*l. Cr»»w«ll from \ ■ liui "inith, of P Acral days iast wet his -<>n who w«*i«t with Ins father to < 'bina when the latter was appoint«»! M. I. McCall and I . S. consul to Amoy, an»l has re­ I ilestiu yesterday main«»! ther«* in busin« :s. 111»* m»nl- Rev. Rotiert Mt » st subscription prn»* of the w»ekly «•rant *• Pass yestvrdi I linnll.“h‘l 1'ih Mnd-r builder T . ill I .w n one «lay this y<-ar. >1 i>s *»adi«« K i*»t st line Re.'nl D. il. A I for New p< rt. on a j im-ut <>:i tin» pug < ell M r'. S. J. 1 yon, tht i hi Motrlav und d'm sday i veiiHigs. tral Point, ha* gone I Smith. .1 illy 7th ami St h. Lillian I from Disiriet Attorney I in- < ’iihfo! ni«a Girl J," champion rifle Klamalh county aga -hot of th«> 'Vorhl i\e marvi lous« xhi- A large number • I'itiotis of h« r phenom.'Uai skill with pie tverv in Ashland om b« fore th«* rtf!»* at lier sh«H»tmg r« u x Mi*s Ella Hanlev >rge :.nd »'nt husia-tic umbel.... . coin­ visiting Ashland i 1«"' W e««k. prised <•!’ la»li«s ami gentlemen who wi'ie highly int**r»»-t,'«l m her exhibition J Imny M> « artou in Yrv of rein »rkiibl«' »limiting. Ehe ent«T- w t..inm. nt »•'>n»ist>'d of fan»*y slmoting. Is: 4. !>r Hiiikli* ami liohiing the rifl«« in various poeitioi.s «»i l enirai an 1 in coticltision she broke 5. 1 seeomis. Mis- Smith will visit th.' I' I Wii:;,r. m « i S. Wall ;»:ineipul '«.was in < iregon oil her way uu,l. piir-miu); ; a course of induing in to 1 ’»'it lai. !. ,alenoiini|ih). .1 n i W uner v A It’d5 p i".« die'ioi arv. giveii away w i-< k. HU't » anta t it D. R. A E. V. Mills. rioii «'ouiity. In thè adj'istmetit of thè money yi,.--r^. y[,H«re n «mler biisim ss sometimes thè baiali*'«* «•:,« «• ii|» fn,ni «¡rum s Iti, al lioini'. U[>oh one sid<* or th«* other of thè ae- yi I I Kline «»'in to PortlMhil l««t I ',» - • i»utit will lx* lieavy ut suriil p!a«»s, III X vi-p oi a ui-i'k or two with hl- and «ben thè disbursements ba|>|x'ii iti» ■ lai' in that » ily. to cidi far mori' than ih r«x*eiv«x! of- nml ehihlr.'ii ri'inmi-it . ■<* lik«* Ashland usuaiìy lur.» to 11.e. M »■ - I W •>•■-■ S h,y l.mtry uiorning filini Ili«*i ; \ i»it mlh « ut lor rei'eip’ of fumi» from Wash- reU i.»'» in I.inn »oiiuiy. :■ .tot: I « loie tliey «*an cash outstand- Jìr. K It. ^I"il. lin* i-oiit**»-tiiin«*r of Yri'tii, ine money oniers. I bis li » freqiumt- Ila- I h -,' i in town a itny or tw»» Ihi» w»»'k, . .an ni ¡mnoyance at tl.«' Aslilaml I ih - .iiu i»,r Ix'rrieH ami nuil .dice. I«ut 11 will not l«e so heri'after. '.,» loto, F Vliltvr un s in A tita ni la-’ r »r Pi is* mast tr Hammond has la»*n l'u ni.'l VV.'ilii. -.l.e. » ai In» way out t»> notiti«''! that he can hereafter draw K ... .a.¡th i iiniily Irmi) s Ii'in. :i[Min the Portland olii«»* whemvr *'■'» I BuMu in ami «vii»* an<* Mi-» 1.-Iella mee.-sary. i.a»l uh il»«* «Irufts will I m « M" le. "I l.illkv ili«', ¡vili' oli S'Illital eie» inij s ..................inule [or l'ortlainl. e ished at tl»«' Bank of Ashlaml, It«' Vii -' Krek' 1.1hi* not» . 1 teei urer mi r, : iui»,li­ w ill never ! ..■ cor.i|»'il« d lo «!« lay pay­ ’ a - "U- Ix-i'ii -]*.•" liia* -olile lime in A-li ment of any i:mil« y oiders, no matt, r te la..4. a» lite guest "( Mi-, liel’eaH. how ¡«ml last they tm.v con,««. THE < ELEHR VH**X. Bunch grass is going to seed in Klamath ami Lake eounli«* this sea­ son. Something not known before for years. Jas. W. Kerr, who shot and killeil E,l. Coogan, tbe molder’s apprentice, in San Francisco, was admitted to bail last w«»’k tn tbe large sum of S75.I M * i. First Assistant Piwtuiaster Genera) Clarkson ami party returned north­ ward List Satuiday. Tuey were met at Grant's Bass by Manager Koehler of tiie S. 1‘. Lines in ()reg«iti, and re­ mained ther«« over night, going to Portland them»' by sjx'ciul tram. Salem had the biggest cel« bration in its history last Friday, and the pa- pers claim that there Were thirty tliou- saml people at the grounds there dur­ ing the day. The neighboring towns hud foregone ti celebration ami joined with Salem to swell the throng. The celebration in Ashlami ou the Fourth gathered together a large crowd of [x«ople, as it always «Iocs, but there were not nearly so many present from other places as there would have lieen bin for the false ami ma­ licious re|x>rts of sickness here which were industriously circulate«! in every direction. Notwithstanding this, how­ ever, the day pnss.'d in a manner be­ fitting the observance of our nation’s tndepeiiijence Day an.uvi-.-.aiy, am! was as lively au.1 noisy ami as full of fun and patriotism as any laxly couhi have wisherl. The procession formed on time in the str«»*t in front of the new opera house, ami. after tiie erowil ha«l been entertain«*«! by a r«*a!ly wonderful ex­ hibition of rill»* HlcHitnigby ti»* «’all forniti girl. Mi.-s I.tlli i ' i 1’. .Smith, on tin* balcony of “The Oregon,” the march lx*gan. ami the procession made th«* circuit of miii »' of tl»* principal i »tr««ets. as ;uitioun<-en at 2 o'clock. Rev. F. (i. St range of ti u.tting, and were Largely attended, and he casket was followed to tiie cemetery in th« eastern ¡»art of town by a long procession of sorrowing friends and □ aghbors. Rev. Robert McLean, who officiated .at the marriage of Mr. .and Ai rs. Eubanks in the same church, was present at the funeral, and assisted the | pastor in the services. Mollit Russell was born in Ashland September I."». 1'■'«•?. and was a twin sister ()f Mattie Russell, now Mrs. I bus. Rovd. of Gott.age Grove. She was one of eleven children born to Mr. and Airs. Russell, .i id is the first of the large family to be called from earth Lv the silent messen­ ger from tbe other shore. She was mar­ ried to John S. Eubanks, Jr., at the I resbvterian church in Ashland June Lh. J**S|, and was th»* mother of two sons, on»-of whom died in San Diego. Cal. The other, a babe of less tlnan two years, is left with the l»er»'.avcd husband to mourn the loss of a mother. Deceased. Ix ing the daughter of early .Settlers and pioneers in Ashland, was favored with .a wide circle of friends, am! her earlv death will Be of mourning and sinc»?re regret to many people throughout tin- valley. Sh«* was a membt r of Ashland Presbyterian church, «and her Christian faith was a i »urcu of great consolation to her dur nig h< r last lucid hours upon earth. In reply to The following crop bulletin was a t»'l«*gram from the silperililen.l««tit of telegraphed to the chief signal officer, tie i »* i > huh hi reganl »»« Hie alleg«»! Washington, by the observer, Sergeant general pmlibng of nani»'». Super»i»««r Barwick: The grain ami fruit crop Gen. J. M. McCall her«* call«-,I th«« er ami Davis lia.-- wire»! to Sii[i«-rinl«*m!eiit in Northern California is Ix-low- th«' assemblage to or»ler with a lew appro­ i'ut’.r- Bort er as follows: average, l’lie fruit crop hi Southern priate remarks, ami th«* exercises be­ !*’>:.Hit 1‘ail img in this city not generai. California is alxive the average. gan with clmice music by the Ashlami < inly live districts are under su »picioti. senior baud. The immortal deelara Last week two sons of Mr. Webb, -I. W. II*s'kersniilh wants to buy all i:ii»l tlb'-e are when* «'oloiiization of of Wixxl river, Klamath county, were turn of ludepemience was read in a v iters was largely iu«hl!g»»l in at tin* th»' rasjiixTries ami cm rants that can returning from school ami toying most imprcHsiv«* manner by Miss May be lia«i. S«-« him al Wells ' ergo .V I hh * «•L«*tii»n. with an ohl pistol, the elder brother Powers, and many were the expiVH- Co.’s ofli«'e. let T In in * «IT l-i»y iiceid« ntnlly «liscliargixl the weapon sions of praise heard in ti»* aildiene»* La lies if you will r*•:««! Hunsaker's into the siile of his younger brother, for the excellent rendition. The l'ea.i- < h <‘1‘iiH‘iii July •>: lh«' examina­ a- but was accomplish««.! without the I',ul |; Deady. yesterday, ami Mr. sh««l lit hi;« farm «oiith of Asl,!im«t. qilille City, tl»« following board of volume ami pitch of voice require«! 11..11 wa» allow«'«! to go on l*ls own 11ns l«x >ks us if h«* lm«i . ..... I cr, q»s I Ills «lireelor- was eltxtUxl: J. W. Wimer, being allowed to impair the motlula- r-.'ogmz me««. He was sworn in as en- y«*ar. ami la has. W. II. Harris, J. Henry Sclinxsler, tion and expre«k <»f Fr« •• 1 iioii'jut,” will it was decided to hold the annual fair day, Prof. P. A. Getz, was introduced, man ami s«*nt won! t««th«* su[*«'rvisor l. cture m Ashland 1 i v* at the fair grounds at Arago. . .hies.iay ami delivered an able and els are traveling in East­ upon the first page of th«* T ii » is ». h . lh«* dry grass along tin* railrotui was not coil * |iet «nt to do the work. ern Oregon ami Washington selling Prof. Getz heli! the close attention of tracks alxuit th«* «iepot itml yard m Hol ait« r trying it foirtnl this ou’. tickets for a “prize distribution of the audience throughout its delivery, Ashland ih b< ng I,urn« 1 • if. t» pre II*' will probably be leniently «iealt ami the high character of th«* oration, A I’. ì.-il'-nt alio liiis tr.«4''4 his prò» lotH in Astoria.” They are obtaining v«*nt «lunger ot its cab'hing ami spr.-a«! with. S»»' the fr««‘ Itil.’« page »lietion iry in l'i'ty ut Tiiii nt for u tu,tei in ì'urnei. Ilo*. money under false pretens«* ami its .sii«*eieiit but imjiressivi* r«*view of mg tin . \ Kalinas I’liilantlirupi't »• jth window, and ask for a car»!. »!.* •• left T.ilenl torTiirner tliis w*‘i-k. should lie punish«»! if [«oSHlhle. |As- the historic memories of tiie »lay an.I Regular monthly »o< ».ibl * by tm- its earnest ami thoughtful consalera- Mi 1; li 'toni- of i.i:tini’» l’a--. dt-t; .* : tonan. ♦ I'xrii * r Morgan, of Kansas, when lailh'H of the M. I.. «■’iai''!t will lx* h**i«l D. R. A E. V..Mi Ils. in-la’lili:: otti,-, ! of Ilo I <1 o. F . u.i- ih tion of the .[iieKtions of tin present he l » of the Ashley mine disaster at thachurch n» \' \\ • li» * «lay » veiling. Mr» C. Mingus ami little »laughter V* li: uni Ilo- w«»'k, oli olii, tal tuiHÌne— C. I’. Huntington is reports«! as be­ ami the future that 2s miners lost Splemlld progiail.. of H um pia»»' im-t with a «iriviiig acci Mr-. VI II It■*«..Iitch lei- u I hihi revovere.l I ing desirous of having his a«lo[>t«»l son turn by the government, will leave fii' ir livts, wrote to the relief <»,Hi­ regular silp|x r. »lent on tl..* Ith win,di resulted m it.'tii Ilo* inj'irii - io te r Imi k u hi, li kepi Archer Huntington, :ip|x>itit«sl fourth their impress u|»m th»' community. nn’’,offering to marry .'my one of «»«ii.e pamlul bruises, but fortunately Ilei » olitili» 4 .*» iier Ix'il l'or inali’ «’» vi<'e-pr«*ident of the Southern I’ lcitie At tin* «»inclusion of the exereiHes at Th«* T iium . s lia» I« i n by II» nothing tnore serious. lh»1» hail tie Whiows, providing she ple Ix tixik Iheni- Lav«' » iore than Hire«* chihlreii, the tl»* Sail ! ian«*is»*«i < 'hl ‘Hi H /,' U |t ¡I I h .' ii at M< ,|t<>r»i and were returning \ ilio agam lo-t Munita . calle»! by I he < ritieal of the dirrx'tors. Tho position is va- »I'lveH to pleasant mx>ks about th»* committee to milk«* tile s«de«' loll for on«* of 11>«* liaiels »in, ni«Hlal.- ptepateil li»»me hi tlie afierii»H«n. and when near l'oniluion of li, r -i-tet -M E- J. S. Eubank'. «•ant at present, on account of .1. C. beautiful grove for plena* »linm-rs, or K.v • «. .■ .1 \\ i lisi» r u a'elecictl Secr» lar\ him. He said lie was a bar'helor «>f iih souv« nils of tin im.iigurathui of the Harvey place the roa.i cart m Stubbs’ ns'i-nt promotion to third vi«»«- patrouize«i th.* excellent tables of th,' ut ttl«' » < Gttri« uaiionnl < Imrcli \-'ociati»»n al g«H «1 habits, with a pretty farm that th«* n< w < I.nmich bull img. whi«*h they witi * ruling was run into tlie ri*, t n! annual con \ cnlioii bel«! al Salvili. presiilency. hotels, or els«* went to their own homes was p.u«l f«>r. l’hr !,oimnitt»*t‘ laid t hr l he salary of the city attorney of 10 a buggy or hack «Inveii by a party I . I.eltniiit li, a fruit tlvab'r of W atson From th«« im|>ortiunties and im­ and ate their r«‘«i, white and blue »lin- prop*'sition Iwfort I I hr ui< lows, and it Ashland is .<250 |>» r alimim. met« »»1 of to»« li.iK'h und«*r the illlllleli«»* of \ i VV 11»'. , al.. ha> tut li in town lhi< weck, look ner there, as «'itcumstances led th, in. was found that t nine of tlvin Wrrv il, as «.tat«- I last w* . k. I: was 11 pior to know where they wit ,* going. ing ii|* pH»* peel' f.»r buxiim a ¡»pic»» i hi' >ra pending imprecations of the «¡00 ap About 2 o »'lock th«' races ami ol her plicants for positions in t tie -oli. customs willing to l»rc<»inr Mrs. Mor^ati, formerly >!|i‘h but was lii«’i«*;is«-il wl»*h 1 in- «'art was upset ami Mie. Mingu I amusements of the afternoon began on service at Portland, “ Rocky'' Earhart, | wherenpon their photographs were Mr. Watson was appoliite.l. f M Luca'- start, d Tuesday evening for a'. 1 »laughter were thrown out. 1 he tl»« new ««ollector, lias fl«sl to I he sea- the plaza. 1 and. and intendi’d t«i g«» a» far.o Cen ft’twar«|e»i to lh*« Kansas philanthro n ■ »th»T was Iuuliy bruis«'*l and the lralia, Dn-ss shirts from «hoc. up at Blount’s For the sack race there were tlire«« and :i!-o out to Pendleton, before his side, to s<«ek solace in the murmur of Miss Emma I'olin hi 1» thinking of • laughter H'C« ive«l a painful but not return. [•1st. Illi,! h*' will chtHiee f»>r himself. entiles, ami the race Was won by Mas­ the waves for a month or so, ami to organizing a <*iass in lainl»i*a[i.* sketch­ -»■rums cut about the km»'. The The enthusiast!«* amli <»eo. K. Matthews «and wif« of upper gam strength enough to stem th«* ter Bellows. siale» l'rolli Iti«* \llaute'b» llie l'aiùti»*. ing. The artistl«« young [»»«pl«* w ho h* r-e start»*»! to run, but was caught Rogue en«'e want««d to encore him, but the Kivt r. went o\er to \gvr last sat ire r» o Il» l.-iui lleralii. Job :. «•all liaiiilh* a p«'h«'il w«*ll wouiil tih.i by a passing on liore»*back . id c.. l«»r .i 'hort visit w ith lu. and Mrs B. tide of ¡dace s«»ekiug. u # . J. i-k committee in charge dl.lli't have time. M t.i th ’ . » branch of art particularly int.-r- » I tor.* any great «iamage was don«* to Th«« Montague Ih mhl re|x«rts that i bis inoriiing's «bspatches bring thè lhe tiiree-leggeil race was a lively I. A • ' !!•« •• a .•••libad ««sting. Mr II. ». K i mu y. -i-* t ,'t'iry of t lie Starar ■I. W. Pierpont, of Black liear, for­ < ne, too. The colif«*Htaiits, in pairs. t > th..cart. ’ p.ylili ii.'ws that thè pr<'»lii» lit attiu'heil ««’» >!•■ 1 u!t«r eating. Pirn- | ***** a*»*t I mal*, r » .>iiq-Hh«. .mil* U|* fu» «.ignatun« tu thè tuli admitting B.1- Silas W Kilgore sliipp«»l to S:»! m HH», solir sPHiiJi» h., I ry Chase ,v Sanborn'.» Boston cof­ from 4 ■ "ti.1 » I'.»-- ia-i Miaelay on a i»n»im »» merly a resident of Ashland, drew W’ele: Iliad Mcliattan ami $10,iHN) in th«* Louisiana Lottery at l»laho . ih a state at 111 o'«*lo«*k this 11»* carlo»«! of fat l«e«*f <*attl«* that h»* fe.», at I), i. Minkler A-Sm’e. lows, (’ord. Frizell amt Gus Cunning- null Gej,r.*«*’,.n. ct< , , a'«- « ail'd by this visit here. the last drawing ami has gone to iiain, J«»' Fnzeli ami niornmg, tbus «-ompleting ifs a.imiH- ha,I brought in from his Laiiceil val­ Bellows, y common ami in :*-H'.¡ikf dis* H'»* Mr*. W. M Gilroy A» might ! h * expect«' 1 with an agent '«•me time w ith her hu hiiui and giving il pr«»»»lence over ley ranch, nml «iis|>i>s«»i of them to 1’exas. It has probably <«ost Siskiyou I ami Masters Prathor ami Sayles, l’lie •«Us Sar'aparilla to >nes tiie stomaeh, county live or ten times #]f th»' great republic tiary with fri sh meats. hc»i lnche, clears t he ini ini. nmi cuies w. re not allow, d to let th«« Fourth of !l. B Reed, the pop: w»' «'an «'delirate thè natal «lav of "lucky” strike will lx« still more costly pvpsia In the 75-yanl race for troys, there A »laughter of Mr. J. W. Abbott, ol July goby iinobsorve»). but patrotism h» H'l«juai i « t > are nov hiieity with one coiitiniioiis ime of m th«« future. were but two contestants, (iiisCun- In a Terri hh* <'«» ii «1 if ion. U * «inesduy morning's froin thè Atlantic t>> th«* Pacific. Wagner cr«»*k, about t»'ii y.-ars of age. wa» instaib il into mt«« t he bosom.» of a Era m i »co. ninghain ami L. Brittsan, ami Gun­ I owe my lifet » 11 *»«•«!'« Sarsaparilla. For was taken with an H'taek of ■ qmiai At the special election hehl in lmge nnmlier of them I»;, a general 1 ii«' l inoli <>f stat.'s ih fast apnroai'h ningham won. t.vo years I was In a terrible condition with Mrs |> u Minkler a little son reluriietl Wallowa county on the lltttli lilt., to mg «-«»iiipletion. Nowlnre will 111«« meningitis one ,lay in the for.* pari ol ci ¡««liratioii of th«« »lay at a pL'asant home last >atiird«y i,4 In the girl's race, distance 75 yards. dy'-p- P' a. I re'iM cat nothing hut soda from • H uh ha, Nei» . th.* week. How serious her « ‘ oudition el«lace »irnie distanc«'from flu« agency. w’here they had been Ai'itiug relatives for morrow !» mor«> gi-neraily ami >'n- ’«lisH.-s IL Bryant, Ria SayleH, Lulu b »eii a th« vote at the general election Blanton ami B, ll«* Ross were the run­ enu k* r». and my \ a • ..-lit fell from 170 to E* All th»* whit«* p«*ople at ti'«* ag«*ncy .several moiitiis. thii.siastically ee!«*brat«»l than in olir is cannot lx- known ns y«'t. on J line 2d, E. W. Barnes, democratic ners, ami Miss Bryant was the winner. j *»unds. lh**»d's Sar-apari iia heiped meat Mr and Mi'. I> Ly «•Isti'r stat«' «>f lii th««. \\ e lio|»v yet llill' l'X| S, rvi.'es t le* Usual hoilis at the I’re»- w. r>* hi attemlam'e. aiul a literary pro­ om ••. an ! alter using 12 bottles I was en- camiidute, was electe»! over A. AV. fori ui'jlit the a«imission < of Wyoming may he bytenan church m\t Sabbath. 1 he gram, the principal feature of which start hist vAening for 11»« pie-««atllig match was one of the Tacoma, Seatt 1»‘. \ icto a i it olla I iowan. republican candidate, by a most amusing features of the perform- t rely » tired. 1 have gaim-d rny u«ual a«*«*« mi pj islits I by » to-inorrow, ami thn» evening serv»*e will lx......... lu 't»*,l by w is an oration by General Applegate, at the northward. majority of twenty-tive votes. This ances. There were four contestants. v. ei.-ht, 17” pound', .u:id have ha*l ex» •■¡¡♦•nt til* its cup t»f joy ami ambition. th»« Christian I.n l»-ivor S»ciety. w .» r« mlensl. Aftera big f. i-t t»» satis­ \\ H. A; k i ii'on and \\ II mak»«s tl»« lions«« stand forty-two re­ A very juicy raspberry pie (and it I t ¡ th c’. er since ” T J. Wiu >x, 2O-2»> 1st Miss Jennie Oliver will r,-a I a pa| » r. fy the inner man, a gam«« of base ball last evening tor Victoria. 11 I - mtli Street. Salt Lake City Utah. lhe R.iilr»>:nl Wark in l ««w < reek Canyon must Lav«* liei'ti a g«x>«l pi«*, jmigmg . am! 1’rof. Getz will ih «' races points on Puuvt .'ound. 1 h«' party of S. I’. R. li. surveyors, Mrs. 1>. Carter, a lady aged 5G years, by the way the boys went after it was 1 Had hendache. hot flashes, soreness and W.C. I. I«'S, chief, W'llo have I i at \ At the adjourn«*«! 'eim of circuit also w. re partieipiit«'»! in with great Mr'. \ in ..I -a: I « Id r»-t 'irmd home hi'l «livid«»! into four ple«'es. ami each work I. « atlug th«' new piece of road \>urt he!,! by Jmlg,* W,*b»ter in Ja«*l;- »;>.»rt by the Indians. In tl»* evening ".iturday m«»rnimi from Ma"a« hn'«!t'. »if living in Civil Bend. Douglas county, piece was laid u [ hiii a plat«*. Tin* plat«*» swi ’! ng »(■ :**'s my l».tly. pain in my right F.-l«1. -.v ’’! fre*tt vomiting I used Hood a having'pent a y « ar in \ i*iting relative' had quite an adventure one »lay last through the Cow creek canyon, made smivilh* this week, in thecas«' ofthe a gran«! ball was lidd at th«' ohl bar­ ter were place»! upon a table m plain view a’ het old home, near Boston. week. Her dog succeeiled in catching of the crowd. Th«* four boys were pre­ - i;'.’tiiH’ a ■*(:''. :l.e Lest resiii's. I am lu mtnunistnitor of Jess,' Dollarhi»!«*. [ < «itt val!« y for a few we« k'. southward Saturday, going to Santa an m'coiint was the i'ross-se«'tioniiig. The new A rasplierry [>ie i^fiot a very s,» i ■ i * - , Having l««»*n request, d to organize last w eek. mid Mr» Kan«1 an*l « liililr* n re part of Oregon. i. i. ,¡i '*>.i'i is about :!■ , miles in length, ami «•lasses for th«* stmiy of the < «erman m los«‘|«hine county to a new hx-ation turned matter, under ordinary ciretimstanc.'s, home *■» k-.nivil 1«' with her '.'iclu'l.s two tunnels, which, together an.l Latin languages. I hereby an­ out in the Dea«! Indian country. I he •Sunday. M. L. Pipes, of Corvallis, formerly unless th«* baby spreads it around the ICO Dosas One Dollar »reS’siftst in length. Bays A- Jeff­ nounce that persons <1,-siring to join mil! will be set up at a point near th.' editor of the Hi iitmi Li'iub’r, has lieen table cloth, but when it Ix-gins to Mr. and Mrs. rey have the contract for the «in­ either or lx>th of such classes «'an «lo Wells ranch, and A. F. Hunt, who has Salt in last Mi i apfioinU'd circuit jndire of the second s[>rea»i over tl»* eager fa«»* of a lx»y struction work. :iml they are alr«*ady so by addressing me by c :r»i. or seeing th»' contract to lav th«« foundation, ly eomplinienii who is trying to eat it in a limited turn* llig at the spoils of tin- state teachers’ judicial district, to till the vacancy Sht-lill“' Sale. li i» already lx«gun the work. Therein ins anng men in San Francisco. They me at my home in Ashlami. ’ it Ult . caused by the resignation of Judge with his hamls H«»i Ix-lnmi ins back, 1'1» nty of go«xi timln'r in that region, in: -nd to put on a large for«»* of men, then its [xissibihties lx«gin to lie ap- I’. A. tiri/. Bean, who was elected supreme judge. M • Hale, of the tirm of Cogswell xk ihile, ami the ptsiple of D -a»! Indian ar«' ami rush the work through in quick In th* ( irctiil ' «Hirt . U'car Salem. flu- stone work, ami is coming up tions where no stop is maiie. I'!,;.» is been wanting to s«*of«>ra long time. of Douglas or Burnett of Linn, would tan ami Frizell maiie a tie of the con < inniard . iefemlant. Mr'. U G. i amier and two little * hildren from .*' m Francisco this w«s k. to l>e- only ns«»! north of Roseburg ami I h»' long wagon haul over the moun­ _ t,intee. northward Wrdnesdaj evening, et tain has kept back the beginning of went iiititlvd cau'«-in tlie'aid «ourt, outlie (*lh gin o|«eraiions. V Th«« 11 most conspi«'uoits feature of the day r**n • fr*»m Mott io ti;.« « a«-t««rn part of < ana south of Rtxliling. uh the om* daily of I ». *« * * i * i :• r. 1 **•nt it la She will U- jojm-d at Seattle by Mi* l’lie contract for the upper Apple- Vitt ­ Jternoon was tin cahthumpian pa­ rendered aL’Nitist '»ltd plaint iti ' for f.»»- th< t he sum exjiress train »’ill bus to stop at ail is altog-ther likdy that tl»« hauling • Hollenbeck. ■aid plaintiffs \ Meiiunn-iit t<> Du* llanl Winter. ate bridge cal's for its completion on m»i« le. l’lie boys went into this part of of $hf l«i. cosi» in favor fiivor of said defei defendant: stations lx-tween those points. of the best grailes of lumber to the Mexrs Zigler. Benjamin anf . x«-« .• i«»n «inly i>- The Lofftus brothers, who came in sue*! ou court «Ht rhe 7th day of July. Th«* census returns for Ja» kson railroad lure will l»> found to lie «>f the Rosrbnrj i'an.i. who were al I San Francisco Bridge Company se- mBl mWle greater preparations than at any I -’O. Io n of 'ai«l 1«> th«' Willamette valley from their • ted a I d< ;• - : d I '*. ing M* dford «« letuati >n on th« 1t!i, < Hine up |,ra»'ticable, aial an extensive business «»>unty liavt* all b«*en sent to th«* su- cured the contract for Siil'lti. They celebrat ion that has ever taken pla«*e umiblr to ti ’ ;d ' lili« it nt peT'o’ial propertv r- • eh m Warner valhy recently with A'bland Saturday and made ’ I hr ’l l hl also have the contract for the lower here m the past, ami a much larger belong! ng t«» pl.tintili' did on theb’.h day of a l aud of horses ami mules for th«« [■erviHor at Eugene, ami how long it thus inangurateil for the D«'.a«l liulian otliee a pleasant call. J ily. G • ■ a uhfli tin- fuiloAi ing a»l«»l wraps po'itton in t wood working factory at pleted by Septenilier 1. The main l’lie |>r<.cession «xx'upie«! more than an ham a •signor to J W. Alliutt. It; wit: that we don ’ t know y»*t. The returns < hehaHs. Wash., writ«' that he is much span of the upper bridge will be 17.5 Lour in passing a given place. In fact, Comi !>( iicin4 at a ¡Miin? • chains north of found a settlers cabin that had lieeli will I h * sa<'riti«'«xl th«' next do days at pleased witli that country, particularly with corm r common to *ecfit>ns s, •». it, am! feet; of the lower liritige IS5feet. Both there is part of it that hasn't got past the «H'i'U|m*l in tlx* fall but alraudoned will hav«* to go to Wat ihington, presu- Hunsaker’s. its business acti\ ity 17. tow ii'hip 3‘.(, > R I 1-, W M . .I h « k*.»u etmn ma!«ly, lx*f»>re anyone will lx* enlight ­ are considerably longer than th«» for ­ the place yet. During lhe runaway of ty. or« g«>n: them «’ '«•nth t«7 degrees west. when tiie waiter came oil. The set­ Ih puiy Sh« lit!’ ltobf. Armstrong, of Jack Several people narrowly »«cape«l mer bri.lges. [Courier. the horse that drew the drygoods box II a lid 2«’»-h(0 < Lain'; thence west 27 tlor ha*! left aliollt ’iim [xmmls of ened as to the ligures. son\ ille.'tarted i.i't Saturday for San F’rau and 40 chain' thence north s» nous injury hi attempting to lioani . ’«'' *>, to 'pend »i fortnight in re< r< atiou «■ii w I i «« c I h that carncil the "I’n'suilent r«»- thence e enst 27 ami At Jefferson. Marion county, last a qii.vmg tram at Sisson Inst Friday. • town in < .* iitot iiia. Se\cral of hi' friend' i ml Oritur of the day,’ however, that chains thence east »»7 «legrves vation time <*ame on f««r the cattle of ster at the Bajitist chur**h last Sun- a«-com | anied him as far as < oh-till outlie Sunday night, three men entere«l the [ art of th«« procession passed s«'Veral 11 and After the iiorth-lxiund tram stopjesl chains; thence south •In Indians of th«* reservation, the «lay ii[«on the "gosp» l of cl,'anlii»*ss" trip bcg.nni'.ig. ami also commencing i»f beginniu cabin of s«*ction Chinamen, ami. hold­ I laces m less than twenty minutes. place «»( -.or brutes, or at least alargenum- as a prevent ion of «lisca»«* was ex»»-! at Sisson a numb« r of through pas *iiit • « chains north mnth of the set 'cclion cor Mr. ami Mr'. J \V Hamakar have Bern ing the men at the point of a revolver, After tinally coalcHcmg at the stat ting ai i p«dut lit : < orninoti m etion* sand s and q, 1'* »mmo:i to section«* I and 17, *««r of them, found out by their siiarp- lent, ami lx mg of a «'Imracter which s« i ..'Ts w. re tramping alxmt the plat­ vi'Uing friends in Xshland. the family of they searched for money, ami, after form. its usual. I l»' train back«'»l III 'ui ' township und and range, range them«- theme n Hili point near Granite Hall, tl»' gr.'at Mr'. M (Her. during th«* past v.««k Mr •n««i -a*ns** of smell that, there was brings it within lhe realm of ‘lie s«»«u- trees ea't Hama km mid Geo. I Baldw in. of Lin k vibe, j [louring oil over the floor, tir«».i the ’’aggregation of disonier ami buffixm- '■'. «legre» '' ji'i h’ Hu' ue*t line of (•ranite timr .0 that cabin. They broke down lar UeWspa|x*r, the T iiunos will pub­ to the yard, and in pulling up again have : thenev street them« northerly along 'aid u«*t bo(h been attending the grand lodge house. It 1.» thought that tile thieves ery" moved upon tl»« helpless multi­ line «>f « ,«.it in :c *tr**i to where said (»ranite tliedoor. ami th« n in their mail rush lish It next W«» k. tor th«« b. I.elil of start»»! till».'»»! at such a pa«»« that I . W at A'toria this* w« < k st«cnred nearly $100. tieeides destroy­ tude in the peac.'ful st r«»'ts below. 1 in« street ■t iutcrsp« « verylxxiy thought it would not stop i i ’ . i!cr>et i* th« east line of section >. for s nuething to eat crowdrsi il|ioii the [x»>ple who ,!iil not h> ar it. Xmongthe people who < ame over from ing by tire a large amount of cheeks sai-i tow !(»w nshfn ii'liip and range thene.« south on again. l’«»«;>le attempted to rhunlwr famous Limekiln Band le,l th«' way. ■tie another so furiously that the cab­ * to • • lcbrah* the ith in Ashland aiul currency. The Chinamen recog- section I« 'nid'cction line to tiie place of beginning, Th«' «'elei«ration at th« plelin* greve on and several fell. <>iio man was ilctil» i,ml prepare«! the horriti,»! [xipulace a! in .bn ksi«n < ouuty, Oregon, 'aid G ran ite wi t* Mr. mi«l Mr' \\ H smith. W. It. I’Xl in I h -' jiih * aileath trap for them, and and w ife. M < . A hl mrl mzisl the men as three young liootl- for what was to follow by «liseoursing street in k'hlaiid. 'aid cotiniy and state, Johii L«*fftus thinks there were nearly near MedL’i.l on th.* I'll wa.s a gr«'.*it lia.ilv brius»*»l. ami scnitch«‘d bv 'hall Miles Buckm r and M. do. the last lunis of the town, and they were soon a choice combination of «liseords U|x>n containing II acre', more or h" iifty«lorle«l est bidder for ca-ii in hand, at the court that furnished music for tin* hall. th* stout log cabin, which was not I»« y .................................. , ....... of t he county Wash., Si ninni nmi S|iokane r the occasion, they wen- foil«»we,l house door, in Ja« k'* hia ille, Oregon, on larger than twenty feet each way. The nge«l mother of Mrs. Christo­ Mr. and Mr- < alcb Howell, of heming, Thurxihnj' Amjnxt li. I h«-p«Hir liruti'S had some of Elie oration bv Frali -is |- it.-h and S. Fall» I.tiinl»i‘I'm* lb k Jniirinil, and was Nt w X|e\i< «'.'pent >«.*veral days in A-lband pher Ruiley, of Pendleton, was by a large band of savage Italians on th«* flour sacks out ami some «iistanee S. Bent music by tht il >» l>urg ami on ins way home from San Francisco, thi' w eek, vi'iling the family of the gen tri|q»»l by a broken plank in a side lioreback, with blankets mon* raggmi : ii 2 o'< I' m k I’. M of said day. all t he righi 'I'*« in law. Mi*. Kate Howell. and with aspect more forlorn than any tille and interest • of •f '.ti*l said » 'laic, 'late, represe represented away from the cabin, but apparently M «sifoni baml mali»« ni««nts in th«* whither hepiirsmsi a young man who < linin' ah b Howell wa'one of tiie < arly settler' walk, ami fell, sustaining a dislix'ntion inaboAr entitle«! 'Hit bl' by J. W. Alunît, a'- of his HHHipy «'oliei'tisl -JHi Ins iii«>n«*y ami aftermwiii and grami ball in th,* «*v«*- miiild not eat th«* Hour, for much of it of this va ley, hut left In re in |s*u. He is of th«« shoulder and several bruises. band of Indians ever s«»«n on th«« sigtier, in an i î* said real proper! a . to'«t fol ski|>[H»l. I he absconder’s father gave now otieofthe wealthy cattle men of \e.\ wa- .»till to Is* seen on the ground. ning wi nt to m.ik,* up a gt, at j ul for fl»»* l»i w ith interest 1'he Eusl < h i *iuniitn says tl»« a«*ci- plains. Then there were the family of isfy the ju-kint a note for the iiiuoinit ami saved his M* \i< •». and recently sold Hhout head of from date of iudgnieut al > pci ttiil. per I'll«' s«'ttjer return«*«! to the e ibm not M.-.ILr.L dent will probably result in a damtig«« Bro. Gardner. President of the Lime- annum, ( »iltle. in order t*> redm-e his herd fitly per ami t he c< •'i> and arriuing co*!' of 4 son from jail. kiln Club, and many other |x»>ple fa ­ For tin«* sl»x*s go toll uii-ak' I*ngsin«*«', ex[»'«'ting lo take th«« tloiir cent. suit against the city, which may ami up**’* tl ' writ atei a formet writ miliar to the public through the me ­ away, as flour commandoi a g'-nl execution. An iiiim.'iis«* assortment t lie I’rof. I’. A. < i, 'z. |'iii»'i|.al Mr. N < liiiningli on mid his daughter. learn a lesson dearly taught by ex- dium of the classic art that pictuieti <>iAeii umler my ham) ihi' libh dav <»f I r:e« out there early in the season, Ashltiml schr mu.-lin underwear, at low I \MIs ». Bll;l»l \ ■pent 'c\eral day' in X'hland la»! week dltion. | There ar«« Heveral sections of the mlventures of the "Darktown Fire Jlllv, 1>**O anil his astonishment at the strange normal inaiitut«« work in 1‘olk «»»unty I lunstiker’s. By R Tay >r, deputy . Sheriff. visiting reiatixe' and friend* I d re. Mr. Brigade," tl»' rae« ‘ s in the Arrie-Anier am! distressing sight present«»! by th«' ami else»here «hiring tin- sch«x,l va m Asldainl just Cunningham G a brothel in law of “Aunty” wiHMien sidewalk I he »Ix'islon of th«« < tregon Sll- loan park. et«'. The whole [»ns'essnm cabin ami its iinev|»'ct«»i contents «*atioii si-asoii. I’fi'f. ( '«.’z is otm of » uni in mg' a ml an hid !•• of W. J. Ciiumn • about ri|»« for such a lesson to this prem«« Court whereby th«« orchanl was a sui'cess in its line, and was funny may I h * imagined. the Ix st normal educators in th«' state, <• ih «' of I.. K. A ik I'T ho I i vs . Hammon h.ani Mr'. -• hom*ld is very mu< h plense«i city. ith Ashland and it' pleiount climate, and from beginning to eml. At th«* flag aiul I iih s«'ivices will lx- in great de­ Bros, is tinally setlle»! in favor of Mr. w will return to make a longer stay »it some A Harney county man reports to a [xiie in tin* |»laza the procession halt«««! I li«'« ' h IIÌ ii M'iti, Vlxinilaiit the future. mani! at teachers inst il ut.•» when in* An.ler««>ii is r«»»«iv»- I with gemmal ap time in Portland paper that Bums can»« out nml the presu.leut ami oritur ami oth Eugene !'»ui ' and M i" Lucinda Hen l'h«' ii«'Ws|>a|n'r <»«rrcH[,on,lents ni b<‘n th«« American eagle, the census, th«« vriiH ext«-riiiii«.it*»l in thaï région by < « mi * »riivF- who t ook th« iii on ont home, i'lia« ', tlie ris'etlt severe «.lite! W. re «Vliletlt- to I".* pr. y:ir,l at Hunsaker's. veriliet of the neiglxirhood IS hat jils- fives who is «mart, and m I'«" aa bile man’s English. try into Burns of the custodian of the water works, et«*., and wound up by IKM HFSTI K I \MT « HIM NF Y’ 1 a 2 ly making statement» very n» kles»lv, Sheriff Birds, y, who was m town tii'»' and equity have liwn sul«Rerv»»l. has been going to '« hool nt < hemaw a the county r««c<»r»is, Bill Cardwell, which intr liefore. l'h«< hopeflll l'ol r. spomielltH COUIS"* being excepted, as always.! in« oived have maiie th“ «'as»« nnu“ua^»4 brass band heailtsi the pro«»«SHion order shows the following names: • ity < oiincil Proceedings. ■ iidu’t know thè little motti as well as I’ll«« sheriff s.*ems to bt* pr«*tty w«‘ll Iy interest ing to th«« public. The ifsue through the struts of the victorious I’rcsiiient. ('. C. Walker; Orator. Jrio. «lo t lu* orch ird' 1.« of tlie ,*astern States, pret«ar»»l for a sh«x« n l’.-ti in c is.- of t lie caw* was »lepomlent largely up- Ashlan«} < ity < <»nncil in* t July 7th, pre<» nt town. Bowers, .Ir.; Gram! Marshal, Win. and tliey tlioiigm it was net idx«ut, one may t v *r ix i ome ! «»•• ■ ir« I» o" mat ter.» »«f tact ndatmg L> th«» terms Mayor Hill hid ! < * no! a! !«• to see tin* tween himself and any parti«»« resist of Hie l«*i'.--** <»f th«« orchanls by pl.ain- I a t earn 1 tie «»xtiiii moi h is .« v.-ry »mali «*rea- <» •bi.nls by d«'fen«ialits, and th«« sil- Baby clonks, robes and 'ire- ,s at [* ■ c.i' court »iiff. red from th«« circuit ♦ ferri d, as usual, to the tinauce cominiiti’e of horses that ran against it were tor, and the second prize, i’>, went to ture. and t» seldom ««n th«* wmg ex lor iri'i •«.«tjon. D. H. Ralph ami H. Smith, who per- Hunsaker's. - ept at night, ami it 1.» not surprtsing court radu'ally in the relntiv«' weight Pvt it ion oi Pitlmvr fot pertnis<’ion to nearly kilLsl, being thrown to the snnateil a negro couple. ground and unable to rise for a long 1 ha'. ' he ne«spa|>eroorr<‘S[x«ndente « !,■ » A F. Hunt, of De .1 li'diii«. has giv* n t<> Hie opposit«' sides of tli«* coli- mo\»«a wood« n building from Factory strtu t The fireworks were set off from'a to Mliitiiie str< et. ua< graniet>»'Hge of an ordinance point on the lull south of tl»* business -.««[,p,,~e from a superticial inspection to 1.* vi .Morris, of Talent, and «¡11 to :• ;tjla e or prohibit hotel runners from «Inver had a hard time in releasing the part of town, umler the management I >!»» summer war of dress ■ Is com- '«>!:< ’iiiii-’ patrol mg«-, and children and oth horst s from contact with the deadly of <.i »• ,«r two orehar.l» that th«' ¡x*»t l«x,k after hem on their range through : ' h i w king or p» «idling at the railroad de current. He tried to cut the wire of Messrs. Ray Minkler, L. L Merrick «as goue. The uppb«H are large the summer. Mr. limit will also tak«‘ nn-ri/r»! a' iinns.ikrr’s this wr“k and • j.««: w as considered, and a motion wa* adopt ami Horace Hicks. The display inclu- to rontinnr until September !«Bh. ♦ eiioilgù ami tbe worm in them robust for the summer a band of alw«ut 1' • I to have an ordinance 'Iraa n requiring with a spade he hail in the wagon, but «1<= h 1 the finest rixtkets ever s«*«'n her«*, could not «lo so. and the horses were ry person soliciting for a hotel to stHiui ellollgb no». Iiowever. to convin«»« head of tine Durban. c.;ti)e I.eLmg'ng I but the scheme of a loin; tunnel . \ « t:i'veh.c.'e. and prohibiting person* s»«|| left in agony until a man came to but was seriously impaired by thebal- «i . »« ol II » ir mistakc. Iiithe Rogu«- to Mr. Morris which ¡ire to lx* sent np h»r thr S’.sk’\i»U mountains, to sh<»rt- by mg !• and o- r ware' from goingaboaul their rescue and cut the wire with ail l.xm lieingsodamaged that it d«s»*nd«»l Rivet vali«*) th«« moth fias lx'«n at from tin* lati» i’» firm n,"ir Win’.« rs. ♦ ti i’stan<‘t .iiid save a heavy <*hmh th« » a’ - tor : hat purpo»«- after rising but a short «listat»*«« alxive .«ork t lus »*HM>n upon a more exten- ('.,!. l he eattle will bo »« 'it by rail to is r» ally und»»r considrr dion at the 'Hn* follow ing IdlK were approved and ax. th«« gr« hi ml ami making no «lisplay ordered paid -iv.■ seule tkjui »'ver Ix'for.', and or- R. l,l:ng. ami driven thence to the radr‘>ad h» a I |iiartrr.s is known from 3! Many Indians from the agency hav­ whatever. Owing largely to this the i. Ma li* .1. i«> i, uds that n«v« r had a wormy appiè I lead Indian range. ” «' Light < o for May and June i» ing been rather refractory of late, says tireworks were somewhat disappoint­ the fart that tin» Edes ¡»arty of rail- li’inan, board of pri'ouers ¡n t ii«'ii> !x fore « ili show tbe «lamag- ,«, th«« Klamath Star. General Apple­ ing to many m tl»« variety of the dis­ r<»a»l rjiuineers. nxtHPly at work in Brigl It k . -*ution. livery and hay bill M,*s-s. ( 1. (' H.lidge ¡ml 11 R» .eh ing Work of the mot 1« upon tins year • gate is actively recalling all whose play, but otherwise they were entirely tl Cow CrrrK ranyon. »•x;«Mt»i| to M I. . M< < all. surveying crop. It will not «lo for th«* orchardmts spent th. Ith of July up on Ashland b‘/in work this wrrk upon prelimi­ J W U alters, ¡irea ood fiasses are out of date, ami passes will satisfactory. lie.e îo conti nt ihenisclves by "hug- Butt«., at 1 tn the even!' g tin y illumi­ nary surveys for tl:r proposed now Kent b«> issued only for short terms here­ The ball in the new opera house in gmg ttie delusive [«iiantom of hop«*’ natisi the old m,,iui’."tn by building a tiitiiiv!, an bia k'lniihing »•■use miieh F>nger. If tbe réputation summit of the peak. Mr. Coolidge • . about tl’.r summit of th»1 moun­ '.« o M.r 1 ’«n have tille.1 up with burning water ami of the new o[»*ru house, ami the tine • iiegory A Hi< k*. hauling has Ixeti up there about this till»' of «,f olir vali» y as tl»« I est appiè grow- Iiecame too red-eyed to appreciate the hall was greatly ailmired. Tin* r»x»m tain It is und rstiHHl that Mr. Edrs J K I . ■ ■ _r pi; i:ig r.'gioti lu tbe World 1» to !»• main- year almost every year for th«' hi»t th< utfiP it all P itied ti nt hr was to W I’«. <■ ?'•:> taking I. « ds for ; iglr of I I*. sweet domestication that treads the was hghtrsl by two arc lamps umler taimd tl»« practice of spraying the twenty, and says In* never »aw quite way for w ater pip«- 1 i path of peace. The wisdom of walk­ the reflector of the dome which ris«*s upon tins tunnel siuvey as soon I ire«'» must Le begun, ami must lx- so liincli snow on the m< ’.ntam on the as his work in (’<»w Crcrk canyon was Max M .' .« r. recording d'-vds ing rtsi-ey.'d and level-head««.! through from the center of th«* high ceiling, \\ Pati(-r*o:i. lumtH-r, nails an«! work g» lierai ly .t horoiiglily and sy stematical- fliof July bifore a» they found tier.' » •ti i for w at« r works Sax«* ,AJ¡«lillfiiii-ii'x Profits! • «I On this corp««ration, adds the Star is ami the white walls anil strong lights I. and that the orders to ^o y ««ursiiixL If tlie oreùard meri do this time. Th«' snow is abun Ian’ t<> Santa Cruz were unexpected. E M McKinnis, police service July I 4 ni) recommended to people of all colors, made the illumination just alx.ut what Buy Direct From the .Manii- ‘ “ '• I 00 irres|iecttve of age, Bex noi y et lxdieve tins, let them make a tli»re tin,, s mu-thing not always found Huntington is in favor of the Ion*; I» king, or previous was ne«*> 111,«y vii! be »¡«eedily convinc«»! that taken to Mtstford FiU's li y by the men vey s to determine i’.s expediency will Poultry raising ought to lie proti- but was smooth enough to answer tab!«* business in < Iregon if it will pay tlie ol,.i era of apule growing in South­ who ar«’ exhibiting him. From Med­ Iw In^un. A f.vr-milr tunnel would ASHLAND MILLS h 1 paid II »7 very well, ami the superior music ern (>regi.«ij js past. It is mx>"*sary ford they «ill go to Grant’s E »», ¡.nd undoubtedly make a jjreat saving in t«> ship p>uItrv all the way from Ne­ furnished l.y the Jllstiy celebratixl Le­ L»n»»aing r*’»»»luli»«n wa­ a ,L souiething more than meie- after that, will probably go fur’her tl » cost «»f »»p“ratuiKr the r»»ad, and a ve*! thaï an onler on water lioiidH braska to I'uget Sound. A Portland may orchestra of Siskiyou county was liavMi in favor of I . V. « arter. * ,ty paper of last Saturday reports a car- 1y plant th lr«»«H ami pick thè ap­ northward. Th»« bear is w,l! worth considerable shortening in »iistanee * r. for th»- »um of I C7 7«>. to pay for loa«l of 4H'*l fowls chickens, turkeys, gixxl enough to offset any imperfec­ l»li:i < T To Till: < o\M MKIC pi-*. as iier-'tof.>r««. if th«' buxmeca 1» seeing Ix ing undoubte ily the finest :u>d time, but it is hardly likely to cut tions not»*, able in the floor. A line plgeons, «lucks am! geese passing supper was servtsl at The Oregon, ami t.» !»■ iiiîii L asm' »-««». p. in. E*«r' U'h. and -h liver go.rl« to any part of s|x'cim«*n of th,« big«* that were otl a full lodll feet of altitude from through city, en route from Ord, altogether tl»* ball was vote«I one of »!*••«'-tv fr««- I lo last flour in the market ,’onimon in th«> ’Fifti«* that has ev«*r th»' summit of the road, as some pr< ■< »- Nebraska, to Seattle. Th«* man in the most enjoyable ever given in Ash­ for th« IfH't I« Olli y. Exp»»^ure to r<*u»»k weather, urttiiisi Ixeti «'»'ti in Oregon, I I..*» ■ Im.* LI ph* rxjiert. ■lonriialixti«* Enterprise. charge sai«l he ha»l left Nebraska with lami. It was well patronizisi. t«x>, ami wet, iivimr u* »lamp iocali!ir■». are favor- lows are of a rai'e how alm» »st ext ¡net. Boston, .lulv 5. The (linin' to-day I’or tin»- leas alni cotTis's, try D. L. abl * t*» the contr iction <4 diseases <»f Ix'ing larger than the griZZiieH Illi «»t du HI fowls, of which 125 ani«*s, who Flour p‘-r mu k ♦ 11 U0 the Kidmas an»l b.adder. .Ua prvVc-n «»immoli now m the m •tititam regi »iis Minkler A S. »u. ami cieting tfllMHl ns a gift to the hi» «»impany ha. 1 sent eighteen cars of manag'si th«* affair in so satisfactory a ( urn lntal. per lb. 2<- tiw. and i’»r the cure of all ktdm v ami ( «raham Hour, i^-r lb of California and Oreg m. • . “ "li R«*»*lf< — ifii.t" l ite twenty u ,M vernmrnt mules that manner to all ip attendance were for ­ most [»«pillar Grand Army man in the [Hiultry to the West already this year, liver trouble, use til*4.f valuable remedy. «.erm meal, per lb ........ urs » was prolxibly a immlr.d years old. h.. I I ’ im n in the Haripidine pasture tunate enough to hav«* a balamx* on Filii'hvd middling*, jwr lb country. Anyliody may vote on |>r. I. H MrL» ■an'» Liver in»! Knim v His great 1«»«th. v.orn 1 vn to blunt sin e the Lfeoiotrical surveyors »ttl»'. at Holton’». CrjH k« d aa h« at j»««r lb l>«»en > so satisfactory that probably Mill fetal nr bran, per 11» stumps, show that he w . on«* o* the ti id work last fall, wen» brought up voting b gins to-day ami will continue Ie o embark . . in siinilar . . (,n. mor«* firms will short', per ew t fl 10 It will take yon only a minute to olii -t I cals « v r kill«»! m th«» r. -ion. and sho»l at Morine’s shop this week, until ilxiut the midtile of August. Chase ,V Siati lx irti ' r coffees are «hits, per ewt . 1 terpriees. rea»i 'll«» Rey»pe|»tna,Constipation an . General Ic bibty A ¡»crf«-< t toni« an*J str«-, zth ‘ u . r> On. H.LLER S AHTI-BILIOUS STOMACH AND LIVER CURE Cure«. I. ,< *s a*. I ail Liu r i r ublea, Chiba and Fever, Malaria! F'c’.crs, an i all Typhoid (•»•ndition DR. HILL . CATARRH CURE Cure« Ante Catarrh. Chrom • < atarrh, < atarrhal h* :f m s. Guurant «it are the worst camai when direction!» are f»lh»ued,.>rui<>ii< a r« f . i. DT Hit< E'S C.OUCH^URE Cure» Col is. H-Aarsenew, Cough*. Bronchi’i*. I ', «¡n ■* an«! I’m nuionu, r lievtac* risuuiption. Co- tai th noGpiates. CuresCr-up in ! * i.: Prevent« and nr«- !•*; h**ur'. Cures \»';in.«\ i:r'. i * A\p SORE THROAT CURE. tie ria. Will positively cure an;, sure Limat in fruin 3 to In liapen sable in all vutc ii*eas«-s attend» <1 with (••(< r .» ^ .*• »;( » .'•«urki Fever, Scarlatina, and Measles. Mothers tn it «•nee. 1 «■* DR. HILLER’S NERVOUS 0E8ILITY CURE. Cure« S-r\ *us W«*akn«w. ami !.«>'* of Power. N« ver fails. Send for I’ritate Circular t< Hiller i’nig Co., Fran i*»co. <'al. DR »ILLER S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC CURE i-iGib^go, Cure» llhfumat íhid . Neuralgia, i«loo«i aciJd wbi. I» «.un*« thmiX PR HH.t ER'S TEETHING CURE Ai Is tiie growth an 1 development ■ f • hildr« n during t *■ f« the z t>v!Íor Hill r - l;hi-utn Hi­ nn! W uralgic < ure, and I’r Hiller's Cough Cur«-, the abo*«- reinc lics ar«- in I * *l« t f .mi. and if not obtainable from your druggist, will I m - mailed free, ■ n rixtipt 4 prio . $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. remedies are the result «*f ‘Ms years of profesfli mal experience, an ! are L'uaraDtecd to cure when a cur« is p «ssiblv. Hr. ifiller 4 (H pa^'e ls»ok of iir..«■» * f >r li.iim tr« ituivnt, containing valuable mstruuti* n« a« to hygiene and diet, sent uno. H: l LE R DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S A. T. K. Bolton, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. Q APPC TDAPT V nUllL InHui ih-althful location—fine view —good -oil («ven last\«*ar ibi- soil produce«! fine garden truck irri'iutmu.) — s acres set in orchard.— pearlies (earliest to latest vari­ eties) Almond-. Plums. Pears, Apples (many kinds)— W ill produce some fruit THIS YEAR. < hie acre in alfalfa—Str«*«*t on thr«*«* sid«---- The who!«* piece umler an irrigating ditch. I’rice, r«*asonablr. Terms, one- half rash; baiane«* as agreed. Address. G. F. BILLINGS, Ashland, Or $$$$$$ $$$$$$ DOLLARS WHEELS OF COMMERCE. A E. B. IIU N SÆ K E1 f \\ ill place liis cutir«* stock of SUMMER GOODS S.VI'l N ES are <>n tin* counter at from 12’. lo 2 h <- vd. CALICO, 20 yds. for SI .<»<». ('IIALLIS. almost given awav. 20 vd> fur SIAM». («INGHAM. 14 vds. lor Sl.oo. Fine Bradrtte PRESS (¡INGHAMS, s Eine Armadale ZEPHYR, I J, yds. for I Ul’keV Red I’alile |l.\M.\SI\. I vds. ficl ionaiies will l>a given away by us, practically amounting to a large discount on your purchases, our pri« **s will l*e n- l««w. if rmt lower, than ever before. A'k for a :oo: D.R.&E.V. MILLS.