Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 11, 1890, Image 1

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L“htor »nd Pubhsher.
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itional inn
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Terms of Subscription:
••«»¡•v, orm »ear
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“ six inouths.......................... 1
• t-rms, in advance.
FR 1DAY. JULY 11, 18!)0.
1 SEol \I.EI» ol I- ER.
Austin S. Hiamoni,
I nahrintfcd birtmnnn at nn A<
has mad : t rati gens id -
lite genuine r. prilli Web-
labridgt d I »ictioiiaiA arnione
year s i ul»scription to this paper can
In-fuinislied toc ??.">.
This dii'tionary is a reprint of thè
originai Iditibridg.-d.
li has l'.’si
pages. ih Iwiuiid Urli and contam ilp-
wards of ' 120,(MX) AVonln
' ;i|rt tal,le of
12,1 HN) synonyms, as well as: an ad li-
tu.ii of lll.lim of the hib-sl Words.
l liis hook, has herctcfon- Ilever bei li
offered for les*« than SII or ì 12. Imi
t he copyright on the Work liavmg e\-
|»i red, »ditcrprising publishers bave
gotten out a n print and are now of-
fering the people at. very low prices
one of the luxuries tliey bave noi
b<vn able to afford herelofon-. l'or
nine-tentI ih of the peopt ¡1» t bis IH h >k ìs
just as good JIS th - late< st edition wit li
its $11 or 515 price att;u cheti to it.
Samples of the work can la- st.'ii al
tile 'Pi I »INGS office.
Remember our price for this l»<»>k
and the l i dings one year is <»nh s’»
* * .
Trial of the 1'1'11«»* tain Fraiu-1-*«*«».
Th > S.i‘r
4 Hi.. Navy hiiRiesmd
the Ollier- for the Speed trial of th»*
¡'n«, OHE Dollar
cruiser San Francisco, July 25th III
the Santa Barbara channel, off I he
The majority of the ill« of the human coast of ('alifornia.
body from a diseaMed Liver. Sim­
This Vessel belongs to ! he earn« «
mons l.iv. r Regulator has b« «-n tie* means as the I'hilaiielphiti, which has
of restoring more people to health and been tiled oil the Long Islam! c<
happiness by giving them a healthy and, like her, is reipi'.red to mail'
Liver than any other agt-m y on earth.
a speed of nineteen Knots p< r hour
\ coni|
bLK THAT \Ol GEI THE GEM INE. four consecutive hours.
son <>f the spi.-ds attained by the
vessels will lie particularly interest
lhe Meadville, tl’a. 1, 77Re­ as tin San I'rancisco has lieeii l.ui!
publican, pays this graceful tribute to the I nii-n Iron Works«»! San l iai
one of Oregon h Scuatora:
cisco from the plans and specitieati
The result of hist Monday’s elec­ prepared altogether in the Xavy
tion in Oregon is doubl\ gr.itifying to partuicnt. while the Philadelphia
the Republican party of the country, Imilt on the plans of the contract
m this, that it proclaims anew its < 'ramp A Sons.
steadfast faith tn Republican pl ilici-
1 he conditions of the San !■ rancis
pies. <ind that it would soon lie fol
trial will In-the same ns those of the
fowt'd in all probability by the re- 1 ’hilini.-lpliia. She will run once in
election of John H. Mitchell to the each direction over a forty-knot roars .
seat in the I’nited States Senate win h and the time will b< carefully noted.
he h<is so ably filled for years. \Vhil<* Iler builders are to receive s ,'I.IKHI
it gouH without saving that lie is one premium for each quarter-knot above
of the most industrious men in Con­ nitietvvii knots per hour made bx till
gress, and long has been, his proium- ship.
encce, usefullness and inthieuc«- is con­
ceded by all, lrre.sjiective of party.
M«*i it \A Ills.
1 he same reason that so powerfully
operated in accomplishing tin* return
<»f Senator Allison last winter, (his
ripe and valuable experience) applies
to the case of Senator Mitchell, ami
then* (’an la* no doubt of the realiza­
tion of the fact by t he Grainy and |<»\:d
Republicans of 1 >regoii. who will par­
don the legion <>f Senator Mitchells
d r idv
friends in Pennsylvania, Ins native
■ it 1st 1C
••ir ii « u *
state, for their interest m his success.
Ll\h e to Motlu th .
iiuni . s
■ *-
’• I
< .i: w i
. /// Goods I'nlly Gitaraidced
\ 11 <>t*n<*> -i»i - i
J. S. Parson
* X.
M. D.
SI K' i I. o X.
Hollow Axle, Pacific Coast Gear, with Stake Rack
Bod and California Roller Brake.
dilTt rent styles and diff, r-
ent kinds of Stove; for
Heating and Cookiti
wanufactared uuJ,
ler the
a!‘orrt trade
mark. Th
Dr. J. H. Hall,
I'ilYSK 1 \\ an i SI KG EON.
l»itcM lM
Mrs. Winslow's Soothin»» Syrup h -
bet 11 used by mothers for children teeth­
ing for over fifty years with perfect sin-
cess. It rellev« s the little sullerer at
once, produces natural, quiet sleep by
treeing the child from pam, and th«-
little cherub wakes “bright as a bm ton.”
It is vers pleasant to tasi
taste booths the
child, softens the «gums, allays pam, o
lieves Hind, regulates the I kiwv I s , an«I
is the best known reun dy for di rrlbca.
whether arising from t t liil»g or ot her
causes. I went y live cents a IH>tth-.
0{ {r^dulen. .
voe the
4 ^et the genuin; “U<1 8ee 'Lu
Main Stre-t, Ashland, Or.
J. S. Walter, M. D. S.,
i »in«
Ashland, Oregon
H. C
A. C. Caliwoll,
Mechanical and Operative Dentist.
\itr»»iiM Oxide (r.ts a«lmiui-d4-!'t-«| for
the p Hlhi-ss « •xtractioii ot teeth
¿V OUice ovt>r the Bank.
1? •-’»
An immens«“ st.wk of wall p ip. r.
I ceilings and décorations at Smith a
!»«xlg«“’s. \Vc rumi li an «'Xpen.-u.vd
paper hanger when desired. All or­
dern in this line promptly attended to.
and satisfaction giirantced.
A l»it_ < trl'di'l <>i’st'ives ami idiiges just it-ct-iVf<]. 'I
liin-'t lini' in tln- • mmtv. 1 'ali ami set* alni bt-Heve it.
Was Awarded the only
C. w. Root,
------ V
* •<
Hacks and
, .
«lo *•
Ti 'i
1 I r
’ ‘.V;---- J
Call and Examine Them now
Exhibition at
Martin & Harris’s. ASHLAND
TheBankof Ashland
sev / ihg mechamis ^
1368 Market Street
onio and
McConnell £ Eubanks,
Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00
\ I ? I )
Dees a Ge
7« './ ihtsf A
f in>hir>l i>ri> -,
' Hit
Siskiyou co.. Cal.,
For Sale on Easy
l\ i ini
11 arrow.
All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and
Harrows have ever sold in this market.
\\ in. A. Grow,
Special Attention to Graining
and Paper-Hanging.
r>Oar ’I F \\ H >IU»I K- M’ Smith Ab«"k’. -
F umililo- stare.
1 Us
1.1 SECAI. MiEVI*.
•11 First Street.
Portland. Or •on
For Harrows and Plows Constantly on Hand.
their own lands,
think of a great <•»
would n.iturallv i
Itiditeiid in Ashland on liulepeii- rathor-lan.l; but h
compare wit h the
tlettee May . I"»!’".
of American grei
memlxT that, shot
l ull Text ot th. iir.di.m Hrlix. r.s| iii Ashland the World's gre:;
greater atid mighl
nt tile • elehratioii. .lull I, littm. I.y I'rot
I’ \ l.rtz l*iiiu-ip.d ol the tshlaiul Pllhlie and tell him to w<
colitiimous empii
Ireland. Eriimv.
Alter the xxell-rendered reading of and Italy; then a I •x
tin' I » loll of Independence by >w itzerland. I »••!»
i k
■<’i *,
Miss Powers, Prof. Getz was intro­ and raising
b Wil
duced, ami spoke as follows:
three times
t» :i
*f » ii
Would that the lurys had fexver fire- and the I’a»
i eraekers, that the stream at our side tloll of ti e I
1 would change its merry, rippling call I k * garni
laugh to an inaudible murmur, that ly comprehi
| my hand had been trained to writo that w .' ih ent
with ¡he vigor of that which penned tiers of the
those immortal words to which wo country, in
have just list.-neil, and that my voice large ¡ h »|» ii
' had reeeivi d re,eh culture as was al- generally <-■ >!!■
' forded that of the lady, who has just tliorities. t h:
read for us. 1 would gladly speak to of sustainm;
‘ yon of how yonder orb of day in his one thousand
uirse of dispensing light and life to mineral resell
f !
the millions of earth, has left Asia vaueed until w
I drift into shadow, Europe r.-xel in the one-half of th<
i splendor of a full blown day, and, Bimiisl by th» V I,
I rising over Atlantic's rolling billows grain is exported t|
U I •
; cast his opening beams on a eonti- ; quired to sustain 11
j net t prepaiaai o< tuiii^; the choit.S lion i,i • I,. < :
' of The rnnltitud.s, the blast, of ten inten-s'- hav»* <lev«
j thousand horns, the roll of drums, the where Enrope.'ins
! peal of numberless chimes and bells knowledge, that Am
i in stately chttrch and school hous.* head of tie* main
I tower, the lowing of the kine, upon a Could our fore-fat
thousand hillsides, and the whistle of aud diisl for th ■ pi i
•*' ’ * Í *
i ■oiDiin-r-
i a myriad of locomotives carrying their ing the
I human and other fr»-ight to places of cial iutc
iat t-V‘1»
•I k
business and enjoyment, lie is look- more th: ii th'
i mg down upon a continent decked been •ealize«
uat i< >u
1 L«
1 with the emblems of freedom and youn
I liberty and upon fields thriving with and firmly and I
I the most abundant production for I h *<* i »me the pee
; man or beast. All of this tin» in a which they I,
time wlmh may well be considered with awe and
one of the greatest «-poehs of tier lonished to find 111»“!
worlds history. Xo one xvill doub'. opposing t lie contll,
that these closing years of the nine­ tarn foreign countrn
teenth century are justly styled one ployment of the wor
of the pivotal points in human events hands into tla-ir own?
envied, tiier»“ can
one of those points whence emanate are «-.
» d
ilitlueiices of tiie greati-st importata*i» tha' the American p'-- |
W ;.
to thi< future of th” race. I .very one defend, and pre. ist--u! h
can sis» hoxx a great battle, or some forts to wrest fiom t
birthright. The no.'
important diplomatic transaction may
be considered a critical moment in the find the American P»“OI
history of a country; blit that the are to-day, th<- gr<
11« ‘
direction of affairs taken in of manufacturing an 1
peace has ns much to do towards of tin“ world. Fr­
shaping th»' destiny of a people for an inlhienee that
several centuries to come, is not ;d- tie1 civilization of tits
' ways noti.-e-ible, nor always conceded, Tl ent. With the pn
i • ir. at civilizations have been the pro- velopnient of this
, duct of ages. 'I lie development of a will l»e an advi.tio
I country is the work of centuries, ami highways of him. i
i yet several decadtsr make a wonderful < 'hristian mis
, change in the character and condition darkest regio
of a people or country. But what are carry m om ha »I
i twenty y. ars in the progress of a despise.1 X..
, country ? < »ne decad»» seems but
■ small portion «»f several eentuims. At velopmellt ol
Itheopening of the present century I i Higher ideas
s.e time tak<> hold of the pulse of th»- th«- want - of man k i
I new born era, and he steps back with Hie storehouse from w
■ w;
i ■
I a look of surprise. He grasp- it again will I h > supplied w
and “Io. lie exclaims, “her»» lies a States. WomanlKH
vigor and celerity of action that I to a higher and pm <
have observed in no other age." He commensurate with
comes again and again making obs. r- Christian woman
vatiotis, and et.-ry time finds the pulse ¡•art will this go at
I »eating faster and faster. This is an which the early set
» rr. of remarkable development. Is and now known in
there a man to-day in our presence "West" p|; \ 111
four score and ten years of age. he has W.-t is d.-tme I 1. » I
lived through tli»» great changes est factor in this
ment. \\ itlnn b r r«
wrought by steam and other median
ical powers. When lie was seven great tr»*:, ur. ■- n.
years old. lie could sis« Pulton's trial ment of a great
trip up the Hudson river; and to-day of.tS.-if. lie...........
» very sell, ocean and navigable st ream terized by go n,
is swarming with the crafts of many gnat mountains
lie remembers the day when
a voyage across th»' Atlantic mvu- pow. r. our disadv
pied a iiiontli or more time, now the im»te from th«* I ur
tiip is made in a week. At twenty­ sink into nisignifie:
eight. he could see the first locomo­ ¡»crier advmitrig.“ .»I
tive on a railroad, and when he was <“< »tint Ties of the I .
it »• i
fifty years of age a trip from the At­ access t hr» »ugh 1 !,«•<
of th.* ................... ....
lantic to the I’acitic ocean would oc
cupy a period of six months, now, in a hold- t h*‘ »ie.-t in v < i
railway tram, the trip is made in hand, ami fashions
alxait six days, lie was forty when lias dealt t
i«» i
the first telegram was sent over the p.s»|ile the
wires, now no less than one million the World, v
link s of telegraph wire are m use. cetved a 1
I his century lias not only b<>en one American p
of great material development but the same.
the sciences and arts, as we hav-“ tlmm I
On this
to-day, are largely the creation of the I ¡HHiple for
iiiiietis-ntli century. Then too in this thirteenth t ii ie
great cent ury we have broken away sary of thei in«
entirely from the freedom that is only poet to liav • a
a freedom of class or clan, and per­ dents t hat led
sonal freedom has attained a signifi­ and recount
cance that it never bor»’In fore, l lie to the revolu
fr.-i dotn that lay at the foundation of to sever th
the aiii ioiit Boman ami Greek rapub
tween llies»“ Ai
h»-s has given way to a broader, in­ England fo •r »V- r. \\ i
dividual liberty. This century has sary to reco mnt t
seen slavery wi|n-<l away from the gat ion Acts, . tl
great nations of the earth that have tlie lull grant till;
hitherto practiced it. Taking it all in th»“ qnartiTii
i a
all. vve live m the grandest age of 1 he during time .
world’s history and our own country of lines, the T
I \
V í
lias been especially great in its de
ere bi a st iii
Every true American of a swarm «.
citizen, who studies th»> progress of British gov,
Ins country during this greatest of all we take a tr
centuries, can not but look upon its Bunker Hill,
i i «■>
I aclilev, luents with pride and satisfac
thrice suece
lion. I'he American people a century the Veils of the ti
r i 'll
ago were a struggling patriotic few. regulars'-' Shall
i I
regarded by the nations of the world t II»“ heights b«*y <>|
as an experiment, that would speedily see tlie suffering
prove a disastrous failure. ()ur old Shall we follow
• »T1111
mother England, no doubt, sat won- ¡ path through X. AV I
1 'lie
deringly by her hearth through many ton to I'riiii'eto
a long winter's eve. exp»>ctmg the re­ arms at Saratoga
bellions child back, asking pardon for snrremler.
past sins ami promising the most Gre»-ne or Ma rii »ii
| lilial .levofion in the future. Other Itefore wh Olli tt
i nations, who had trusl the principle trembled'? < >r *h
i of popular freedom and personal lib­ meanness and co
erty, were wondering how soon the Arnold, who 1«. tr .
i i xnerm ent would prove a burden on bail nnrtured him
ii I I !
i our own hands, and would therefore into ¡»romtnence? w
• i.
l>e abandoned. But so far they have ted by nvouuting th«
, l<*»ked in vain. American institutions mgton, the warn»»
' have stood the tests to which they in war cent
have been put; American statesman­ batt I»*, for t I k
h I
ship lias proven itself adequate to the country and f<»l tl
I ».
work before it; ami American chivalry man race, ,-v er ni: f,
has never la-en daunted upon the horrors, by pr
: open field. To-day the ¡»copies of the his rove •Hit ‘ f« tl
world arc standing aghast at the for the t«II< 1er t
marvelous strides this country has inanity; III I
t I
made during th»“ present century. rocious S|>t it of
They stand on distant shores and en- own countryni- »•!!.
»ieavor to study the cause of this un- union, and givi l’kr
I ¡ireis'deiited suecess.
Their wus»“st now present»*!
I statesmen take hold of tho problem more ¡>ob*»it t
ami apply the cases to themselves. ancient tim»*s. to the lyre of O
I and yet m «‘very instance they are < »r shall we u-e tin
i forced to confess that the progmss of hearse the victories and <b '<
i the American people is du»' to in- this country ache-v cd or si
j fluene»“s which are not found in their through tin* struggle with Eng
j lands. This is strikingly true in all tility when the new
-lx»ru rial
phases of the Am«*riean development. once fairly tak> n its ¡da»-»- am
1 It is true with reference to our sys­ nations of the world? \\ ha
tem of commerce and our siwial and profit, to consider to-day tie-
¡lolitical systems. The great English on th«* lakes aud the defeat»
staiesnian, Gladstone, it is claimed, land through that li»“rce cont
i has, while examining our system of 1S12 to MM Or sir, w«“ In­
comnicic»“ left out of the question en­ led by following
l ax lor <
tirely the <“onsid*‘ra*ion of our geo
through th«ir struggie in
graphical relations to tIn* other parts stand wit h Grant <n th«- hour o
of the World. It is claimed that his
at Vicksburg, follow S»i« ■ -..-«1,
tori has shown that those relations victorious march to the se.'i.
have as iniieh to do with our material ent. at the ca¡»tilre of Itiehinoi
d» x»-lo|>ment and social advancement over again 111«“ glories overtl
i as any thing that has l»s‘ii influencing of tlio»*“ who aimed leadly li­
u . ¡mil, ill th»“ <“o!i.sider;ition of that the heart of our country, or tri ve ii
i qm- 'ion. it 1 unfair to h ave out the shout of victory for those i ho hi I
■ qne-tiou of geographical position.
fought ami lib d for the pr, ■
('■oubl th““ earlv settlers, who dwelt of tile union? What should
on t be narrow strips of country along to gain from such an expo»-
fact-- to-day ' VV«* ar*“ not a1 ’
the Atlaliti»“ sea lugird, »“ome back to
■ h
i day and s*<* the achievements of th»* any ¡a-ojile of the world. < »11
I country, whose pioneerR they were, honored and r«“sp«“ct<“d whe
r it
th y would s»s‘ iiow idle was their tloats in th«* bns-ze. The f:,
prophecy, when, back in the Mass. confidenc«“ of tli,- government
<s»b»»»y. they once <l»“cid»id that the I’nited Stat» s is o»urted am
■ country would never lw very thickly by every ¡»“cple who hav»>felt 1
settled w<. t of Newton la suburb of of freed»an or heard t lie s<
ii r
Bostotii; nor would th»“ settlers of Ki'igs do honing«“ to o' ir
Lynn. Mass, fall to >-e the inconsis­ live» in their most S[>!
tency of their coiijectur«, when they Lords at.'! B'lroi.- ree< X
expressed I be belief ttiat the country cilizeus with th»“ r -p« <“t
would never i»“go»el for anything more show «»ur great country,
than 10 or 15 mib s west of ¡»lace. shoubl w«“ mar the scene
No doubt, at that time, without the »lay by vaunting of tin
ai 1 of steam, and the thousands of battle fields, or gnevmi
meclrinieal appliances, which we have v«T-»“s we have mffered':
to-day, the most
imagina­ to Bunker Hill? L » th
tion would not lie able to draw a it is green. Will we ta-
picture of the grand possibilities of <>f Brandywine, le a sb<
' tins country several ct'nturies tion go up for tlies«“ ar
I h»> ideal <»f a great country was sword,no longer unsheathed, is
i forme»! from what they had seen in I resting as a relic of horrors ¡mst, while
NO. 5.
th«* farmer keeps hisilock ami vim* tin
moleste«ily. Ijet us rather l<x»k tt|x»n
the quiet an«l <“oijtiden<*<> in our nation
and glory in the fact that, the neighing
stixil an«l the iuigl«« blast, ur«“ but
stories of tim |>:ist. Better l«“t us note
that the earth has lie:.le«l her wound«*«!
I»r<*ast, that the cannons ¡«lough the
li«*his no mor«“, ami th«« h**r<M*s r«--t
i* st in pea<“«“. Th « ti.-lds have forgot
t«-u III«* battles fought, tl ie tr«“iM*h«“s
on«-“ ma«l<* to receive tli«“ il«“.ul wav«“
with golden grain, mi«i while Mother
Nature is Iwsiling the w<
gentle, kindly touch, shall
ag:i|K. again the wounds
made? Xo; let then* I h *
«•art h I
in rich abnndance! L«“t tin* vall«<ys
clad in a sheen of gold, ris*> and sing a
song of ¡><>ae«", and hills rejoitx» ami
sing together of harmony and eonteut.
**t while this peaceful comlitioii
exists there ar«* things which seem to
threaten our quietude and disturb the
rest of many minds. Then“ ar«“ thom*
who look with much suspicion upon
those combinations known as ‘“symh-
«■¡d« s," “monopolies" and “trusts.' The
term “trust," in its pres«“nt. ¡xipular
application is of n“ceut origin. It may
lx><i<*fined ¡is ¡t more or less intimate
combination of certain busim sa uurpo
r ations or manufacturers for sii | i |* oh ««I
ii »muni ¡. »• “ J Ivanu.g.*
> l»«“6<“ «u1“ "ftfi ¡¿>
■rests unite and agret“ upon a propor-
t lonat«“ r«“pr«xs<“ntation for each m«“tu-
I r iU«l also up.«ti an amount of nu-
ite «iijutalization, and whencerti
s of stock haxe been issu«*d lti «la«-
I* 1 »r'ioii t«* each of the various com-
poneut organizatlons. proper oilicers
. nd an executive board ¡¡re ebs-ted.
w ho Imv re full ¡Hiwers of management,
i::»'hi<iing purchases of raw material,
tin* r«*giilati<»n of production and the
snpcrx iston ««f selling prie**s. Tiicae in
stitiltions have b««-n regarded by many
;.s a menace to our ¡»rosjierity ¡¡nd the
¡ «■ace of our country. It is lx-h<-v<*«l
that ail such combinations bring to
death ¡«11 fair and legitimate c>»ni|>eti-
tion, which enlivens trade, an<| pro-
«liices the work for those classes which
toil iu th«* production of manufacture«!
fabrics. Whether this conclusion is
not too sweeping we will not stop to
dis«*uss now*. It «l*K*s a|»|H*ar, how«*v*«r,
that th«* same principle as holds in me­
chanics can also to a certain extent, at
!<•; st, l»e applied to ¡ «“conomy;
limn« ly, that a great wheel will in re­
volving er« ate h*ss fraction than a larg«>
num!»« r of small wheels doing tiie
same xvork. That this is an effectual
law to r«*gar«l as a basis f*»r th«“ eotisid-
•-ratiou of this economical principle, is
illustrat««! I»y th«“ consolidation of the
<:■ it 1 ail roads into the grand trunk
Inn--. This consolidation, it is con­
cede«! by all. has prtxlnce 1 greater
i* imfort to th«* traveler, more satis-
fa*.*t«»ry dispat«“li to 1 the siii|»[ier. and
to us, in th«“ Im«“ of mail delivery, a
greater convenience, than a numlK*r
of ili-cordaiit smaller r< »a»!s could p»»s-
sibly have pnxhiced. This is niani-
f» -:ly trit«* in th«* subject of railroads,
ill«»“ aims ii«* in the same line, and
whose interests touch on ¡ill sid«»;
but whether the same can I k * said in
favor of sugar and other trusts is not
so «-videiit. and, ind»-‘d. it can hardly
I k * doubt«“.! that th.-se are combina*
11. .ns mad«*, not so much for the pur­
pos.“of loxi ging expense to the pub-
he and adding gr«* ater convenience to
the consumer
msumer (as
in the ease of
gr«*at K. L R. liii»‘si to enhance the bene-
fits of th. InonoJM»!iste, rath r than to
lie a benefit to the |»ubh<*. Yet is it
not true that much i of the fear which
we now «‘ntertain con<*erning these
institutions is iii I; large measure un-
foiimleil: for what tever schemes of
(“onsolidat ion may I m * formulateti it
must, neverthel«“ss, lie admitted that
11n* «'iiliani-enieiit of t he value can not
alter tli«* law of mill tnal *b pel»«iance of
pro hietion and con
Americans ar«* also looking with
much apprclieiision of «vil upon Hi«*
w h'*b sale immigration of foreigners
'.» oilr shore from every nation under
th«* sun. I l«‘y con;«* from Eurojie,
from A-ia, from islands of the s«*;is.
from South American republics. They
come to ns bringing with them the
ideas peculiar to th«*ir own countries,
¡ooh,ng for an opportunity to earn a
few dollars, and then return to their
native lands, or remain aliens in our
midst .-¡.eakingatid study inga language
pi to our own; their children
deprive»! of tl.»* opportuuiti««
i could render them at maturity
1 **itiz«*ns of this great country,
II r is a field of lalxir to which th«*
lean ¡--»¡»I«“ have set their minds.
<>m* of tiie momentous questi«>n-
*nr day. bow to assimilate all tlies«“
d elements that are cast upon
liores. How to m;ike them feel
hat they can only b«“Coni«“ g»M»d citi-
of this country wh«*n they liav«“
ari e*i to love lier customs aud man-
Iler: l«“ani«*d to cherish her as an
ado i ted home, learn«*«! to olwy her
not liecause it is mwssary to
their comfort, but liecause it is right
do. Who is the man. what is
gency, t hat can bring such a state
airsalx»ut with all tlies.“ strang-
r - who com«* h»T«“ now? A «“omplete
i-imil ition is the only ¡»Ian in which
ifety can I h > claimed for our A iiiiti -
iti institutions, (»ur ¡»ublic si-hools,
» well as otle-r institutions, make
i » ffort to t«“aeh th«* youth of our
nd xvliat has l»e«-n its history, what
ixc fx-en th«“ struggl«“s for the lib-
•ty xve now enjoy and offer to all
who come here. They teach tli«“
prii; *ipl«“s of the constitution of our
country, of th«“ JXiClaratioti of lude-
pendetice.ot which wo ar«* justly proml.
and of all llie civil institutions to
wliii'h xve aserilx* much of tin- pro-
gn-s of this country. And. wc ask.
shall tin* foreigner know less and lx*
¡i<*<*>iunt«xl 1 a good
g«xKI citizen
citizen? ? Is it not
as s'l-elitla) that h<“ t«H> lx* familiar
u r i th«“ tenets of our government
»r» he can ¡»•rfonn, in the highest
e, his functions as a citiz.«-n of
republic? With euch knowledge
f t ie fundamental laws of this coiiii
with a knowlislg«“ of it-history
I of the ¡.atriotism that was n<-c-
ary to sustain it iiit.a«*t. tln-r»“ will
throughout this land, the
mix rs of patriotic devotion to the
Otltl trv which »»w»’S its hlH-rty and
n«ss to th»“ ideal graatwss winch
\\ is m th»“ minds of tlioHeni<*n, who.
in th.“ daike-t hour of her troubles,
when vict«»ry s«-«“m«*i im|K»ssil«b*. wiien
means to c<m1iiiue the struggle for
ind«“|>end«-nct“ were well nigh ex-
li.uist<*l. and when tliecourag«- of th«“
bravest w;is als.iit all gon«“, still
b h »k«*d liojiefully at th»* can»««“ for
which th»“y strove. I »o sucii endiers
of patriotism glow towlav? < >r m th»*
onward march of our prognuB in tie-
m«*<*hani«“al artw. in t la- miiiiivh , ami
in civilization itself lias devotion to
country I wen lost sight of. and lias
s»*lfishn««ss taken it« ¡»lace? If wiilun
the bounds of this land tiler«“ IS to­
day a man so has«“ as to d«*sire to
dram the life blood of this country,
if then* are t!««»s«“ who would again
aim <b*adly w«-aj>ons at the heart of
this nation; if then* Iw in«-n| wh >
would t«-ar down the star-spangled
lianner, of which we are justly proud,
ami wbicli has liecome more «tear to
th. I,, arts of Americans by th«“ se<*n<-
through which they have carri«“d it
i«R the etubl«*m *»f lils-rty and justice,
if 1-111.11111 -s of frewloni woubl tread
it underfoot until its licautifully liar-
hav«« ls*«-n *»blii«“rat«s
in the m:
their vile intev.tioi
or if there !»• a nation iutoss tin- gr«-
««•.•ana that casts a jealous eye upon
ail th«“ grea'ness winch has l.s n
achievts! h«“re. aud hears with ills
pleasure th«* hum of our t»«n thou­
sands of thriving hi .lustrn«, and l«»okq
with dissatisfaction ii|.on our onward
m:ir:“h of progress in all branches of
art or sciem'e, and are till«*«! with envy
when they hear the song of universal
peai“«> and joy in this great land of
th»* setting sun, let them beware when
they would interrupt this progtew, or
mar the greatness and splendor which
is our rightful heritage. At the first
sign of imminent danger, ut the call
of our country, more men will spring
' to arms, ami defy anarchy am! re-
Of al! <
done on short no
tice. 1.
i, Circnlare, Busi
nenn Car
ead*. Letterhe-iux, J’oet
tent, etc.,
tien up in pood style nt
living prioea.
Both tlx* tin *h <1 and results when
Syrup«»!’ Figs is taken; it is pleasant
an«! t'efre-liing t<> tin* taste, ami acts
gently yet promptly on . the
Liver and Bowels, cleanses th«* svs-
tx tn «‘lectunlly, dispels colds, head­
aches an«l fevers ami cures habitual
con patten ja rmanently. For sale
in <5<)c and 81 bottles by all
.'.G Gi’ñJP CO.
tiotiary ¡s-rio.i to giv«- tla-ir sons a
willing sacrifice upon the altar of
horn«* and count rv i- dead? Tli-n let
them kmk about. Men who seem to
hav«* out of their nature
all love for
love «“v«-n
for self lht*oming faniter wonld d«*li-
anilv guard th«“ ••inlibuu of th»*ir coun­
try's fr<*««doni. Motia-rs. xvho-.«- hearts
lu.-ak for Hie loss which they sus-
tain«*«l in Hie death of tfi«*irsoiis in «le-
fence of tl.cir country's honor and
greatness, kiss th«“ ro«i of atlhction as
they pass under it. and manifest their
devotion to tti<* cause for which they
suffered by placing their country's
Hag side by sid«“ with th»“ rose of the
gar<b*n. and th«- lily of the vail« y. «lot
ted with tin* fragrant hyacinth, and
bordered by the mod«-t daisy, on th««
gr.*iv«“R pretnatnrely tilled from th«“ir
boils«*h<ibis. Sacred embb iii of hu­
man fre»sbim float on f»»r« v«*r. Wave
detianc«* ill the face of all futur«“ «<ne-
mies of our country, our liln-rty. our
¡»regress, our coming |»r«*iiiii»*inx*
Mothers, sisters, »laughter- continue
thus to revere the flag, your lox« d om-s
defemletl With tla ir Ilf«“. Item ‘inlier
that. th«*y who die in a g<H»d cans«* ar«*
r«*deem»"<! from d«*atli. Th««ir mem­
ory is ¡»recious. Their nam«-s are sa-
cr«xl hi song and story.
I lmr«» is t«i-
day in »'Very villagea glowing pride for
th.«-.* who perished in their «“ountry’s
d«*fen<*«“. Tal»l«*ts xvill pr.-s«“rve tli«*ir
names, l’ioii*« b«v«* will n*n»-w their
inscriptions when time and th<* un-
f««eling eh*m**nts hav** <b-f:n*«*d them.
Children glow up to day under more
sucre«! im-piralions.
win»«* e)«l««r
’»roth«*rs»lying nobly for their «“»mu-
try, left a name that lion*»red and m-
sj»ir«-d ail xxi»o l»or«“ it. Orphans
have found thousands of fathers and
mothers to those who were left
count ry's
grant mi«*.
Oh. tell in»* no! licit your cotn;a»i«*s
are d» a l, I»» r*- s . f th* («rand Army of
th»- l;«*|>niili<*' army of invisibb*
heroes whom yon left u | k » u th<* I»a11l<*
field, or who never came home with
y«»u from tli.* prison ¡>**ns. they h«»ver
over us to-.biv us a cloud of ever ¡.r««-
ent witiH
to UH Jill Upoll this '
freed* >tn. An* they
•n foci i*'t v ai,
nie with noi »Irr m<»ti
roic patriotism.
shall bave a nani«
river shall murmur
every valley pr* .<erv<
dead; and until the uioiint.iniH have
crumbled into the valleys, th«» rivers
run dry. theeJoads refuse to replenish
th»* gushing spring, th»* sweetest wnrb-
lor in the forest k»*ep silence, th*»
tliiin<ier>b<»lt fall as noiselessly as rolls
Bryaiit’s Oregon when lie savs.
til) the last trend of man or lieast in
those woisis where th«* Indian once sat
circi«««! with all that was dear to him
in his original comlitioii, let American
heroism I k . remember»“«! w it I i a plac«“
on the ls>-.»k of national reiu<*ml>ran<“o.
An Olii So|«li«T'- Story .
In ti*** late war I was a <i*»hin-r in th«*
I irsl Marx land \ <»!mi h -« t *. ('« »iupanx ( »
Haring niv t«*rni of s«-rvic<- I <*.n.tract«*«!
chronic <iiarrli«»»*a. sino* (lien I have
us« d a gr» at amount of m< dicino, but
when I fonia! any that would giv«* m«*
relit-f thev would injure my stoinach.
until Cliamt.'-rlaiii's t’.»|r* <’t:««!, r-i at «I
tliarrh»»* i Bern, dy was brought 1*» nix
notice. 1 nse it ami will sax it is the
onlx* remixly that gave m<* | h rimim-nt
relief ail«! no taut results follow. 1 take
pl«*asnr<« r* n-co.iut. -mling tins prep­
aration to oil of tnv <.;d colorai!« s. who.
while giving th. .r servi«*.-- to tli.-ir
«•ountry. contract.-«! this dr<-ulfnl <lix
«*:«-«* ,.s I
from «-xting tiuwlio!. -.«on*
ami uncooked food. Aoiirs Truly. A.
I. Ileudiiig, ilalsev. (»re. l or sal.- I»y
('hitwood Bros.
('.<*. i».
We wish I«« announce to the ¡wsijile
of Ashland ¡uni vicinity that the ('.
<». I». Ihnp. »num '» now rea«lv for l.iis-
iuess m lb .“ m - i h block. A-ld.:md. M e
aim to k<**-[ artici«« usually kept in a
variety st« > re, at ¡«ri»-«« from om
to tw.-nty-fiv celi to.
ms|H<ction of <mr g««,
op|H»rtunit v.
Wim ..s
May U’.. 1st »il.
Absolutely Pure
powrti-r never varies,
ity, strength and wh«»I
'onomical than the ordinary kind*,
and cannot I m ? Mild in comjwtition with
th«* multitude of low t« st, short weight
al ;m or phosphate powders. Hold only hi
K oyai B aking P uwmek Co., 1U6
, U all fetreel. N. Y.