Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 04, 1890, Image 4

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WelMer’«* I nabridsHl Dictionary at an As
toundiiiirly L>w l*rirr-
|:ltllsLS. SMIIIWS. CITS. kt.
A bruì'»n a • n ii'ion. *wellinpi are ia-
r!ar:'.mati«-n>, • it* ami w<>iin«h arvalikrdi*
ti. iaiD'St n turni action, through which
the vein* are <;-■««•-I. circulation inipeiltd,
c »nirestiofi sets *n and j»a n* ensue Nature it
ini; .iteri'— t ir • 'lo n«ht itaelf and pain in
tru-jtv'. Bruì * and *wellings need a »ooth-
in_' intlwn« » , • ut in « ut.* ami wounds hardly
an> »ne w»ti’.d p»*ur » liquid remedy into a
piping wound >»» "H,n a* nature brings
/S7¥ T
P*fL* together.
clears away
o b st r uc
tions, he alb
) g th« injur’ d ti.*»uc.* and restores.
>»*—< / I
1 u« <»» d ng to directions, it
hr. * na’urv and cures
Mr I tii* Kush. I* Prestali Street. Detroit.
i*it< hing ball I sprained ana
br>. *» »1 it > anu *.\s* appiicatiouH <>f SL Jacobs
Oil « ured me.”
Mr. • U'tav Nauuald, Jr (Tivy«ialri, Fred-
»•r;» k' .:g, 1 »• i> write*. AuguM 20. l*s.*
w t- bmi \ < ut With a wytht tini! bottle St.
Jacoba Oil curt <ijn»’
A t
.i*r* ani » D kai . krm .
1HE CHARI ES t VOGELER CO . Battimors, Mt
\\ In
il i .1 il lx- bom-.
1 lie Tliuxi.s has made arrangements
wh**rel»v Ila- genuine reprint \Yeb-
stei s Piiabri.lced Dictionary and one
year s suliecripllou to tins pu|»er can
I»* furnished for 3.5.
This dii'tiouaiy is a reprint of the
I nabridged.
It has 12x1
pages, is Isiuini w.-ll and contains up­
wards of 120.UU0 words and a table of
12,l**l synonyms, as well as au addi­
tion of lO.tiW of the latest words.
This book Las heretofore never been
.tfered for less than Sil or 312,. but
the copy right ou the w ork having ex
pired, enterprising publishers have
gotten out a reprint and ar,* now of-
ms »pie at very low prices
fering the people
lh«*y have not
one of the luxuries they
I »cell i able to afford heretofore. For
nine- ■tenths of the pi-ople this book is
just as
i good as the latest edition with
its 3 [1 I or 315 price attacheii to it.
Samples of th»* work can I m * seen at
tlie TtlUNos, office.
H. iii>-ml»-r our price for this liook
and tlie T ll.isos one year is only 3-*
leg \ i .
Mrs. Harrison has all hershtM-s made
Io order, and. upon tin* honor of their
maker, the last used is size 3, width
Mrs. Harriet Bts-cher Stowe is said
to have realiz-d 32 i KI,<* m I from th«*
sales of her famous novel **l nele
l’ «»ft lu* Htlltuill <»f \V»-b
loiu’s Cabin."
\ lint
i»«»w «»tTnr !<>
Annie Louise Cary is descrtls-d l»y
Hi«* I.
iih th«*
on** who saw her i*-«**-nt!y as l»eiiig fat,
\\ «• ure t*nabl**l !•»
fair ami forty. She slugs at home,
. iach formerly «••»*!
but nowhere else.
.» h L m »ve w«»n<|* rtTill>
Mi-s Y’aii Zandt, the American
. su«4i h'inf
priniu donna, says sh.* ih - v er enjoyed
•».s! no other r«*pnut singing so much any where as in St.
♦-r’s di«*tioi»nry is so Petersburg, all tiough t he climate trusl
Not only her vme«* very much.
’ his «me........................
. h»» u«»r«k that Noil»
Max AlartZek says that opera sing­
tif.«’ i. but lO.INNl H«i h ers ar** «-tioriuoiis eaters. Ctiristin«*
«’r l.* a4«h*«l to it.
Nilsson, says Max, was ouc«< so hun­
ti«-x «»f tins edition e«»n- gry that sht- ate a sausage he had car-
a!liable iiD'it ter t hat is n«»t n«-d in his p«M-kel since th«« day b«*-
«•Iwaj» editions, us follows: f«»re.
■latum of the principal
Miss Latham, lately appoint»*«! dem­
11iv »’aft» »ns.
onstrator to tin* chair of pathology
•.. fr«-m
Latin, Freiieb, ami bacteriology in the I niversity of
»Spanish, abbreviate»lis. Michigan, is one of th«- three ladies
«»f mercantile and legal in tlie I ni’ed States who have been
The climate of Nicaragua does mil
seem to I,*- tum-h more favorable
canal woik than that of Bahama,
the report from Punta An nas be
th«* sicknesH is very bad. as !<H
for infarts and Children
r~w r-
_i—»rw i n——1 m —— immhw —
tienta laid up with fever is a h
percentage, considering th«* Minili
“Cutorla s sr> writ a*lvpt*-<! toehil-lren that C.vtoTta rot«* Con«t:r»tian,
Dumber of men «miploy* d.
If Wolk is
S "ir
a * rrh,-uiiion,
to l»e abandoned during the wet sea I reconnnetMl it os superior toany ¡ -, <*r*puun
K.iLs W. rm-, ¿iv. .,
- p. *ud promu»»« di-
II. A. A bcue *.*.. M I*,
son there is no immi-diat** pn ,-peet of uiowu u> me'*
Wiiiuui m;unou.« medication.
111 So. Oxford SL, Kruvxlyu, N. Y
the canal being fairly under way this
r? Marra
Fine FeiTumery, Soaps, Spong.
Trusses. Toilet Artici
All Standard Patent Medicines
Prescription Department
l'.ixei s
half -column ap«*logy. It names oi
the men hbeh-d. kindly noting th*
who are dead since the «late ot t
lil*el. and de**la**-s that ail who si
vive are gentlemen, ami as for 1
■lead, that tlieii liens, adimnislrat*
and assigns are 11»«-s ilt of It*«* earth.
The discovery of the sale in Cliii
go of hug«* quantities of b*‘**l fl*
dise.lscd cattle shows til*- *'Xtiei
■iitfieulty of s,-> .¡ring hom-st and*
«■lent inspect loll ot fruit pi .blcts II
great city. Tin* ,*onsiim|iiion of this
tainted meal, has probable calls
hundreds ot deaths, and the I,
should make some provision for 1
criminal prosecution of men win
gr«*e*l leads them to s**i! sncii diseu
lireeding food. The more scientists
invest,lgat«* tin* subject of microbes the
surer l»ei*ouies th«* convu*tion that th**
majority of diseases ar«- to Is* traced
direetly to impart* food.
H'S Werk Sp
for it
•.i i
Spring Sc Summer Dress
>ii »•»-
Not l»v anything she drank or took.
but by bail blood. Is it any won«lei
slie ferls “ blue?"
In most
blues are «»nly another name for bud
\ man *>r
or woman f»*els
i **« h un-
happv. Lif«*
I .it*--*-*
‘iu- dark.
(lark. The
Th** heart
h I l»l«iod
i-h*-avy. B.
I»I* mh I is carrying
curry ing its
I - >i-< >u all < » v *r the l>* «Iv, an«t w«- call
dll. in,
it “ Mil’*."
»•>.- I
H»-a*l thcM, .-v|»-ri«*nccs :
Pl. si,
Mrs. C. f. IInu hin-**>n. of Pittston,
of lb.
Pa. says: " I consider Dr. A. k.-rs
Engli-h Blood T.lixir the l.-t nii-hi iiie
«u tiu* world, not only for 1,1, mm ! trou-
Mes. but nls<> for *lys|»e[>sia. with
Presi, I- (it
which 1 have lw-,-1) atfiicU-d.”
by 11..- »'
“Both my wife und myself firmly
mal •
l. lu ve that Dr At ker's English Bl* mm ]
Elixir is tltt* liest of all Mooduu-dicines.
Io our Ht«»r«‘. «-asi -i.I.« «»f IS tZa and will remove <«// impurities of tl»**
paints. «»ils, vaihmhoti, l»nibht*fti, Hood.”
G eo . V. S ugxkr ,
inuteri Is, ¡uni nail anti biiiltl-
Valley City. Dak.
•<*rs. K»*tlinat»* in:uh*«»n paiìit-
This grand Elixir is sold l>y drug-
q r L: : jnitf. interior tb'«,«*ra- gists in all JKWts of America, It isa
»•«I for
pure, honest medicine ; not a cheap
sarsaparilla. Try it to-day.
al Orvenv il le
in SS. S
tioll liilÿi li<T<
and thousai.»
tb it ii h.-ts *
day rise up
alni th«»se uhi
|,r,„- ,lt. ,t
q.mmt.a,*-*-. I
m* Ji<-im 1 > 11
il** m t** tl,* u
testimony han
¡ |lt. |U. ,
,-1,.,, it U.
1,|, as much
other lini» in
and l,e
,* ó
V*lvo< ate. X
I i nt I m r
i Ve^etdûle
vear b'
!’ .UILL
Rill HP
i ’’
1 liai
IJ1 •<
I i ><
Ashxana Loire
Arthur Conklin
\| ! I 1 ! A < o N K
i: \1.CNT
I«. I traili'.-
Al i'l.i.. I I. \
pt i .1
v it.
pt;! \l . Clll ltltY.
P lants
. 11. McBälDK.
\ I I ,!(<» I . Nl < I ABI N I .
A I.Ml INI». W \I.NI I.
Shatle anil Ornamental Trees,
East Side of
■ 11 n St tool
Will liupr**«** Tlu-ir xm- k
The calti** raisers of I-. i- t.-rn ' >re
say that th«- past winter klii.d oil
greater portion of their p,«,r
“scrubs" and that they now
the l»-st stock of their li*-i I- lei
l»re«*<i from, ami with the in'rislui-ti
of w « Il-bred males 1
they exp,s-t to liuprov
within a few years tl
desirable c I hss of sto.-
Already several of th,-in have I
grades of llerefoi ls, Siiorlhorti
Angus, and will mak- furili«'
ses as they are ne<«d«-d.
tainly a move in th*- right
f,*r it is more profilai*:,■ to r.
that* poor stock, ami th«-
of tin- country liava learm-d
vantage, hi - to them to hr«* I lia-
as it Is for til»- sle ep or horse ra
improve his stock.
;im selling plants ;»s cheap as you
can get them East.
*7'- o. •
AMI! AM' OKI *.()X
•VALL P l ’ T
'l'.iri'!' X
( ollHlllTt Id! \I*TI
E. K. Bnghtman, Prop
ri r, <* i U *"!
Ûll’J ile
.MANI I A. Tl 111 lit.
Nurseries at East End of Brid
Repairin;; Ncailv Do.
A M 17.« ¡G fi.
We have the Exclusive Control of
• Her prnre of m '
An ! •»* Imn ’rin
TI * bv|iHD»*:iy I
T. f tbdll
»u't. *
Ut flutM Hit 1 h.v
Gr»*s-‘, the Ismt an,I .-hoe u al
tin«-t-l*H*k ot -'I.,,,*- rn, liaii.i win.
manufactures in Ashland ai,,l
lie bold at unusually low price!
[ i •< » in H j <
yr:.- y. l-.TZ
i.i >k.ii di
' o k u i (
\t.anta. <ia
Asa l>. vi n*
srwilin MACHINE NEEOlcv
if the rumor b«* correct that a com­
bination is reaily to buy th»- Cramp
ami Koaeh shipyards and has 3BL-
tMMI.INMf at its disposal, it would indi­
cate that the construction of ships of
el«-<‘ted fellows of the 1 loyal Micro- war for tin* American navy bids fair
»n’aitis a table <»f 15,HH0 s«*opical society’.
to l»«*come a protitabl«* business, if not
<>f a pron«»uuc-
such already . San Francisco will hold
’ary of Scripture pr«»per
its own. however, against all Eastern
« .*»-v»»!i pa^es of a pro- Pennsylvania senator, is a tall ami combinations.
graceful woman of great personal at­
»raiHilary of tmnleru g'*”-
Sane time ago there was published
ane-S an«i U><M pirt«»nnl tractions. She was an Gino girl, a
niece of Senator Sherman, and she is a very graphic story of an encounter
t «duc.itor and standard one of the most popular women in between Senators Stewart and le*a
gan. According to that story it was
we now reprint and offer to Washingt.iu society.
Kat«> I’lchl is descrilMal by a Wash­ only the interference of fn**nds wludi
wonderfully low price.
prevented actual blows being ex
>-• in every home m this ington corres[H«n.lent as a "bright,
changi'd. Now Senator Stewart de­
: is strongly and handsome- wiry, slender lady of alwHit medium
full library leather and in height, with brown hair, bright ey«*s, nies that he had any difficulty with
Senator Bengali. an*l says that they
i, containing over LYd.lllMI ami a tongue which can talk for two
app.-lidix of l.t.INNI new hours at a stretch, ami advance a new art* personally good friends. Such is
th«* wide rang** taken by Washington
1’, hi pictorial illustrations. idea in «»very sentence.”
t‘i it our «aiition, unlike ev-
Nelli«- Patterson, of Mount Carmel,
ie;.p edition, is strongly is the only woman machinist m Con­
1 he reimrt of the Arles m Wells
ii-!y lioutid. printed on an necticut. She is a handsome girl, Investigation <'omnntte** shows the
, diiy of b.wik paper, and bright eyed, quick in action and very remarkable
progress mad«* in this
. *rs is tirst-cluse; our ami popular. Sin* is employ«**! by the branch of irrigation m Dakota. Kan­
«-••nt a volume that shall Mount Carmel Belt Company, and is sas, Colorado. Nebraska and Texas.
r—[sft m keeping with a full ti.sige*! machinist.
Twenty thousand dollars was spent
. tractor of the work.
Clara Morris is a great lover of in the work of gathering data of the
birds, and. in fact, lias a regular number of wells and in s«*cnring facts
\ lii •• for >n*k lt**adnehr.
aviary, tilled with bright plinnaged to encourage the spread of the ill
The lilieral appropriation
,: —■ ig c »inpbunt is dm- tw sp«*eim«*tis from all parts of the globe. diistry.
, *>r sluggish liver with con- They all know her and manifest their propos« d for the work will la* grant*sl
I wi s which dernnges ’lie delight upon her approach by shrill without question, for in no way can
nd distrubs the nervous-vs chirrups, or by breaking into silvery the Government spend money with
- tizziness and an oppress, ve
so sure a prospect of great returns on
s* mgs.
n liie head, often s*. severe as
the investment.
A friend writes the Boston Tran­
ill rest or sleep. < »lie of Dr.
■ >r*».ed Liver fills will re script eonceiinng
A Washington eorrvs|>ondent of I lie
t al! tin- pain and misery and "I s*s* her every w«*ek or so, New \ork Press says ‘*1 am told that
do- s will «.»rrect the liver and timl her lovely in her waiting to Corporal Tanner's pension busines-
*■ . md regnlat«- th** ta»wels.
go up higher no whining, no fretting, at Washington will net him a cool
• piL- are small, easily la
d and gentle in their action no garniloiisDess. I’pon my asking hnniirixl thousand dollars for the first
>> . eilicine ina«i*- that will s,» her r«*ceiitly if death hail any sadness year. Hud that with th»» pr< >sp»-ct. in­
• -lek h*-a«la**lie. 2.'a*ts a for her. sla- said qnu-kly: ‘Oh, 110; der the new pension laws he can ni
, !>> i h. Bolton.
«loath is only mor«- life.’ ”
crease this amount within two years
to ^HXU****. <>r even SI ihi . oii O.
11 is
«‘stimattsi KMIJHHI ¡»ersons will apply
SI VI E \ N l> I OASI.
for penshms under Ili<* proposed neu
1 Th«* foil, a mg are the chief features
law, each one of whom wall p.a> a
of th** f*-*i< .d <-l»-etion lull re|Hirted by
Amongst tlie many raiiROH that statutory fee of $10 to the att(»ru«»y
This makes
111«* Repllb I i in eaiieiis last week: I ti«» bavr rohspir»*«! to mak»* a scarcity of who presents his case.
chief SU|»el ( I mps of elections in judical money
only in Portland hut 4.01 H>,I MIO that Will I m * pa 1.1 to attorney
dl-t i**ts ar •haigeil with the ez«*cil- throughout the State, not th*! least in them* cases. Uorporal I'anner » \
11* »11 of t he ,w. which is to apply to is the
irrity of Iwef cattle, a suffi­ pects to get his shareof it. I p to the-
t.-d. ral e* tion districts containing ciency of which heretofore has lx*en time he has received over 3.0IM) ap
iciHes *.t .
oo inhabitants and up- owned hy (Iregon farmers. It has plications in advance, to he tiled when
I II toll!
* ntir<* <'oiigresaioiial dis lieen said hv those conversant with the new hill goes into effect
want. I ii
tf.ct cl -hl iv ,y wit bollt silehcities, up the stock and beef business that in moiit hs after he had opened his office
in Washington he had tiled
t oli applicali 'll to t h«‘ Hllprnisors of Im* the past year,
least $1,1
votern, or i .,»•• amt ics or parishes form
which should have been held in < ire- plications for iH-nsioiis under the pres
lug part, ot «a <'• »mjressioiial distriet, gull Was forwarded to California for ent laws.
ii j m »ti applica!ion of lifty voters.
fat l***f. < hie tirm alone lias paid
The stock market of New York Is
IÌH* sup rv»sol rs are r«-quir«s| to ni freight on imported cattl, 1e for the much, affected by an inereas.-d ship
make in (owits of 2*>,h"'» ¡ssiple or past five months
For fat nii*nt of gold to Germauy. IL-e.-iitly
uiA%ar<l «» 1 hor< lugli. ÌH»use-to-hoilse ies-f ni California. I’or Hand Imtehers two and one half million dollars have
ieetii»n t.» iiiforin vot- have paid 31 . cents per |>oiind and l»<eii shippv.l
Germany, 11 is said,
. where and in wliat with the ad.lltlon of freight, they yet is hoarding gold.
Bank of
I h ,X ti, dep -Il tlieir liallots, alld to luiy ch«-ii]*er than they can at home, Franc.* now holds 32'’>0,000,1100, while
scrntinize naiilrahzatiena.
In ean
when- g, hh ! ts'ef cattle are held at I he Bank of Germany has but 311-'*.
vissing vo -, th«. Siali* laws nr«- to five cents. When this market is men- U ihi . i I ihi .
tn view o| France having a
gol«-rn. e\, e;,t lliat all votes are to I h - tiohtsl W.-stern Washington and Vi<-- Iarger amount of gold than Germany
coiinied t. .-t by tl:e msjiector «»f elee toria must b«> «-«»nsuiered in, since the latter fears th»* former will gain
I by the Hii|xTvisors. Portland supplies these se.-t.lous With some financial, if not political advan
flou, and s»*c
t tic e*e<-tlon i*fliccr. and Hiipeivibors four-fifths of their ls-ef. |Weleome.
tag»» over her. and lienee Germany
tallies, which are to
keeping -ep.**
Portland, June 2**
While Assist­ seeks to prepare against such aeon
Th«* returns arc to lie
l»e colili!« I.
ant Postmaster General Clarkson was tingeney.
Iliade by I il<- sii|»crvis<>ra, who are t<»
in this city yesterday on his way to
Young men and maids in th«* state
1 dilli al-- a*i I r -f -r tliein to th»* United
San Francisco le- lalKt-l quite fr«*ely of Washington are not equal in j»unt
Slates lèsir i «»i I’. invusi T« of t he ( ’« »11-
of the postal service of the Northwest. of menil»ers, so that when the former
gres»loh.ll Vote which is to lw appoin
Among other tilings, lie said: “Olie re­ wants to marry , they occasionally Imv*
I by th * t lut« it States Court and
sult of my visit will lie the establish
to go or send elsewhere for wives. In
(«elisisi of thre." i lllZeiis of the State
ment of a new division ill th«* postal ’Sit, tin* men m Washington were 'iti,
alni |s*rs**ns < >f g, o i repulc. not more
I'he new division 2sl; the women were 32.52K. and this
t lian t wo of w tieni are to ire of the
will embrace Oregon. Washington. year the two-to-one ratio continues ,
sanie politicai p i V.
Idaho ami Montana, and this will take Things will gradually eqilaliZ“, and
The board is ti • mveu** **n S«-p‘*-rn
in part of the St. Paul division under the present disparity will disappear
lier lòtb < f i-.n li evi n y«-ar and declan*
Superintendent l’erkins, and also part as the state settles up and the men
and i*ertif. Iti« r snit of thè ehs-tion.
of Wilders' San Francisco division, settle down. Colfax Gazette.
md -•■n«i oue i. turn to th«* Clvrk of
and will work a great In-uefit to this
thè lb»US«-, olle to t he ( ioveriior of thè
The orator of the graduating class
division will lye put
State and oli«- to th«> pro|»er chlef i-ountry, for the
an experienced and at Harvard this year was a colored
-H|H‘rvisot ,,f .:.•*■ ioti.
Ih«- Clerk of
man, Clement Garrett
.Morgan, of
callable man.”
thè House ls to place llfioli thè roll thè
Washington, 1 >.
Another colored
tl.illl« s of tlu- p rsons «h el.ared «'lt*<*ted
San Francisco, June 27. Attorney orator, William Edward D ii B oih , a
by th-« l’uro I Sta'es»«rs in Hightoii timsh.-i the «-losing argument Southerner who
worked his way
«•a-«- thero is a diff- r«-nce in th«' resiilt in the Bly the will cast-to-day. having through
university, and after
........... .......... Fisk
.•eai-tud by them and by th«- State spoken four days in l«.-half of Alice. ward
through Harvard carrying otT
••lectloll < lliivrs.
tlie allege I widow of Thomas Blythe, the first ; prize on
__ the purely conipe-
th«- imlliotiaire. 1 he trial of this great titive contest for th«* Boy iston rewards,
S» v»*ra! month* au’». Mr. Henry ITuin- case tiegan July 15, 1SS9,
nini was to Morgan and DuBois will praetic«« law
mer. «»f <’Irnu nts, <’al., who is Hiibject decide the rights of the numerous
wmiewhere ir: the south.
t<» iir.ur*p*. w i* t iketi with a severe at
contestants of th«- will of th«- dect-as«*«!,
f t’k. lie 14 been accustomed tenet
who left an estate worth ataiut 31.-
Secretary Noble has made an equita-
r- h« t by
with inorphtn •. bflt the
»ii- ere»- ibh etiect that ¡«»llowed would iMHl.iHio to an alleg*»l illegitimate ble decision in a eoiitcstisl horn*-t**ad
hundred cas«-, where Caiberine Blake and her
make him unseratde t »r hours after the daughter.
«•ramp had been r. liev* d. 1 p«*rsuatled and eight witnesses were cxamin«*d husband had lived on the land for
him to trv Chamber tin's Coin*. Clio lera and th*- depositions of 13'.» other per- some years without a formal entry,
ud !>• inn »» t iv»inedy
He wag luurl« sons were read.
The s'^.mient of the < >ne Henry J. Marsh had made entry
P tsed with it. as its etf»‘ct was alnioMt
on» day previous to Mrs. Blake, tln-n
case opened April 1*!.
instantaneous. au«> u » disaureeable af
a widow. Ths s*s-retary , * sit ing aside
ft ”s ice »».up cti**d it •» use. ('has.
An inun. use stock of wall pH|H»r. tin* t«*ehuii-aliti«*s of the law, says:
K im»’!
M »n te« r. r'«rm rs I'rad«* I n
ion. t’lviuents, <’d
F»»r sal»* bv Chit- ceilings and d«**orations at Smith A* “The d»-l»artment will »-x.-reiM- its an
Dodge’s. We furnish an expem-ni-ed thority to s«s* that homes of widows
w »od Bros
paper hanger when d»-sir«*«l. All or- and orphans shall not I»** taken away
ders in this hue promptly attend«*«! to. by tlios«- who by a seeming compliance
Brunt'» l oii'ti.iitieii
anil satisfaction giiranteed.
with the forms of the law seek to ob­
Ium*« diatcly
r tl •• ,1« er« • ing if
tain the title thereto limier the honie-
Celluloid collars and cutís latest
the » ..I stitui i II tin te Will b«* UD
•tead law." He decided m favor of
ehetioti for S« haters and D« pntu-s. styles at Hunsaker's.
Mrs. Blake.
i of tin- former ami 2hlt of the latter.
Senator Edmunds introduced a lull
\fler that will I'l III«- the first regular
m the Senate providing that all funds
rt--Stoll and tie- election of presiding
orother pro|H»rtv lately lielonging to.
olii rs.
The provisional Government
or in |Miswbsion, of or claimed by the
will tl.en ¡ lac«- in their bands the
corporatmn of th»* Church of .’♦•sus
tut -’lot s of governile nt exercised bv
Christ of Latter* Dav S .mtn. shall be
the latter Mil,-I th«- iiiaugur.itIon
devoted to ttic benelit of the public
t la- republic.
common schools in 1 tah, the money
I in- A--, i.ibiy will at once scie •
to lx* diHjMwd of by the Secretin' of
new chief of state, who will then |
the Interior in such a manner as shall
.. ■ ,1 t<> ,,ig;m;ze a regular Cabli
seem to him most expedient. The
J hi n tl.-- A -< nd iy will revise
Supreme Court of Utah is invest, d
i'elettitntloii and afterward prim
with authority to make al! the iiec-
g.-.’e «t.
Ili«» I«.¡¡owing an- th«- p:
eessarv and proper orders and d* -
i'ip.d 1.1,-as of th«- I’onstit ntion :
for the pnrpc
Brazii adopts th«' Am, ricali sy-t
,,f a I« •;« ,,-ib!,- • v,,-ulive, with »
rebin-«* r.
In kilitur'
to th.* 1 e
CII I'l'AV < )< >
< i I a I ion
/■ rullili, ..
'The discovery of th«* munlerer of
Dr. Burdell in N.-w York more than a
generation after the crime was
nntt«*d shows now difficult it
trac«* an expert criminal if he
tint indulge in liquor or d**es not have
intimates. The taint of
In, Us ms crime i clung for years
woman who was clearly inn.
She sp«mt her whole later life under a
cloud of false accusation, and il was
lk.ligl.ters of tSe
only recently dlscoVertsl
that the real
Mrs. Charlotte Simili IS urging murderer was a professi.inai criminal
e<,ugr*'s« to tax cigarett«*«, 31 a pack.
w ho was hanged several yean ago m
Mrs. .Mary Livermore is repute«! to New Jersey for murder.
I m * worth 31"*U*D, a fortune that is
The Chicago
tile result of Iler l«'ctu,-»*s.
dean up of all
i:,:*. íroni t he publishers
•i ■ I nabri Igeai Dictiou-
nneetion with a year’s
I III ilei*
est Grove. Ot
For her nmteh *fi* I, •• k of jTar«‘ and m
□on, tbis r .’n.’ Snuty vra* indent«
perf- " t h.-t.l! h. vl
1 by the u-*- » f tl;
unejiiHl' L mv u i .nçmg tone* aivl lier
lue, l>r. PJerc-
favorite Pre«» ri pt ion,
whieh «et in it»- i’**y action every î uno
ti *n mth J gave l irtty a nt richm-a. to the
Faiorit»» I-.-, criptlon ” is n j
cur * for u. • r
< »mplicat* d F.f
nute (-.iS« 4 ' f L c ' r»
i. » X« «» rk >
ing, puin» ul t. »r ttruatb u, un riatti
prcMni *i:s. ; i ». r t •ii.’i.r
U tlillb, w uk i.
"female w»*
4Uf< \ <T-4t« i), Tct V Tbi *n. hearing
■» re,»-Mion.
• I
of th» r
f tiaraitte« .! t.
• s dista«.h<
c/!«*, <f in* , ‘ y
i■’« I.
M iiii J. u ' ci 1 y • • • c I»’«» hl PBJCSÀHY
MlUIf AL A--*»( A. o., bul ’ i I o . n . y.
/ A/s S/'il"
?! * •
. TS, I
I n • ••’’
4,'u tf'Ci’f hai'9 tn ot’rr a prir* to •*// this
Cu9pi, for ita thu 8137 VAOL i rry Can f.<nda
I !'•
regulate u-i!
th«- livr, rmtt.aih
■ ml iHiWels. I :, j urr- puri ty
and p.-rt«'«tlT
"i. Ono a H oms
b-44 Ly giughi»!».
to teal» a VÙU.
. al and \\ . I. Ivr ■
ny tor 35
prie* K- wit blu the reach of almost all.
E. M. Miller,