Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 04, 1890, Image 3

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    » e 11
t i
bi : ex i lies .
Ji’la I. f'.*'
I he S i
- Piiiel>».»r.V Irrnb.’r C >..
of < irai.
’ 1 »s, will sell L hjxcs this
xe »r m i » 1 u/aper than ever liefore.
B-» sure i«» e I heir t>. »Xes and j^vl ¡>ri«*“b
«rom *•; »?ii • -foie pi.Mun^ orders. *
Y-»n Iwtter hurry if you want a
chanre at th»» la«*«» curtains at Hun
n* si; f -I
all 1'tti *•
.•late.I -
lot of the
il "la- bali
room. in
.•Clip .»»i l»v
>n M<>n>i«j
C> ite*, liliali
. „'¡¡lé-l bali*
K wrv.-1
:>"U at *11
i'll*' tlair at th** Ashland de|«ot was
luiti" at half mast ami th" railroad
oflii'e* ami eiu'ltieB were dra|H?d in
mourniii" last Saturday.
’.1 (
th h
ile, ’>
('«»mplete line of fresh groceries at
th»» mxv store of Mi^C’onni ll A Eu­
banks, corner «»f ( rainard’s opera house
I’h" excursion rate* i t half-f .r** mi
th.- radniad take in th** trip from Ash­
land to F**rt!aml mid back ticket.*
"*»►1 till .1 illy 7th.
I he A-:il.
Train iini" co .'i,'** I ai,'
from the north a'rive* ia
* and l*-av* s at !»:•>; a. in.
th" south arnv* s at .*:»•>
at ti:15 p. in.
■< »m
x i‘<
The Asiilarni ■■vtv c *:*■
tins ap
pomt* I C. B. Wat *o:i "it; attorney.
i he salary oi th" otl’ute I* Hot lieHvy
*?iiM a year, with fee* f*ir *ervu*"s in
eases liefore til" circuit Court.
Vh» Ut
1 ha: re­
Mrs. Stephen Van 'l’a
Parlors to
moved her Dress-makm
• la* build .14 r«-> cntly occuiii i by Mr.
Marshall, mi .. ....... nd.-'i et, la-tweeti
Sprih" ami Railroad st reel*.
H. S. Em- ry. th" pioneer undertaker
and funeral direelor, has had hif
tieiirs*. ri- irxi*-li* I and r.*p unte*l, ami
it now mak-'S a le-tter appearance than
ever before.
Préparaii< hi - >!.««!»* f«»r a Oranit rinir anti
Abundance of Fun in Aslilaml
l he v*.ri*ius commit teen in charge of
the pi« p.«rations for th»- celebration 111
cil .Villini I a
Ashland to-dax hr.v»- been untiringly at
work t»> make t!ie celebration a succès»»,
’>! Hit
anti their eft «rts will accomplish the de-
Int u <1
sir»d consummation.
lhe pleasant
c rounds 111 tin grove have brtii put in
o <»« h 1 order, oi.I ii-»where in Oreg«>n xx ill
then- be foil d a more delightful place
.Mr». J*.in* I 1,n
for a Celebr tion.
MllUg lt Itivi« V." ili
lhe proor.u. m
of exercises in the
forenoon xx i 11 1 ( hide a tine oration, in-
and g«x>d music, and
terestinjz rea«hu
me »• u
in the ait* n »..n tkie amusements xxili
K i.
any : lini/ « ver Witnessed h«-re to
A •... n i
.1 ■
di te. < >ne..f the interesting features of
XX»'lii r|«»U
the day xxill I»« rhe shooting exhibition
• i ii« . la.i.
bv the chalupa»n r.tle •hot ol liie world,
»X.I* io
Misa Liilinn F Snuth. <>t California.
d .
I he par-de and l»urle«<pie ¡>erformalice
of the Bepr tvtd < »rder of Gidatluimpian
Horobovs, l.d by the famous hin<* kan
bnnd. xx di 11 akv the lindel weep, ami
ruin the d»«*»>riiiu of tlie community,
. 11 « core
I t if
And. bv the w<«v. the parade m the
N- X IMitU .
iiioriiing wet I«» soinethimg really nice
I -I . a..
I V b
and xxel! xxorth seeing. It will include
* I..I. -.1
ilie inilifary a.» 1 civic organizations of
tiie citx ín fu!i uniform ami parapher
naüa. decorited < arnag. s m line, im
nierous i ipa drn f s and e<pn st rn lines
..i Me.lío.1
trinimed up ni the starsand stripes, and
HL .1 illi» «1 >
wi II be a general aggregation «>f the
“beaiit y and the chivalrx” of our b» auti
ful c.ty. la t all our citizens ami all our
x isitots who «•an. join in the morning
prtxa ssion, which will form on Main
street m ir Is: nvriiue, at 'JalO a. in.
As so«»ii as the “: ha(!es of night A* i ... uh !
have fallen ia-t * erough the commit­
I Miilj
tee in charge o! *h«* lire works will l»e-
gin to set oil’ ih»* grea « st oisplay of
py rott-cluii.'* « x r xx11lì» ss- ii on the
coast outer.I** *j of the Big eitien.
will lie rocket.- . gwlore. an«l 8«»nie big
uni' L bigger th.Ill eVel
t id A X
•Hhern < >:»»gon herco«-
shipped I
Tin ■*• '.il iw I'uiiJis plain and P»
Co ili
1'OUlllS with f Is; boni I is for noise
Ish.ttlKl ..I
li i H
ami ikimlis f. , «I splay oi fiery th w rri,
o I
illumina' e«I «•!«»inis ami «»mate pi Ja s of
tire. 'Ili ♦ r«* will be xxhizzing and >pn:
teriiu; an ■ i .- -ai icimg i»f tivry designs
of many k ids. and th<ie Will la* a
J roí. I !..
t liirty-foot b.olo >n to cariy heaven-
st lb
ward a urmpi I -play of tin xxiukH let
off in m.d a r.
Hon ' mi-- 'i ein" the fireworks !”
They will I . set off Oil tin* ilia'll luil
emit h of tl.e I i. z * and southeast of 11 e
4rove, w !,* ,,, t.e -r th ■ summit, on ‘I c
s|.*|e f: cinj; tli * plaza lami fac i g
most of tin* town, for that matter), o,--
ranoemeut* li ve I e* n ¡.ii mad«* for !.*• II. i..
displ iy. Tins .i l etter point thi n ; ny
other tha' coiiiil have been select" I,
ami tlie display may lie wen for mile*
.a Xir
if the ui"i i In ( ¡«ar.
Vl •■ .’I
• I
In fin*' Çaartrr*
V I >o,l"e. th" "ti’*'rprisink'
<1 1er*, ar** now well fixed
"w r<> *111-1 in th*« (laniard
1* sides bavin" th" lur"e*t
« in their line tola*
I'ltilry. they now have
s an«l have their ¿ood*
* *d a ivaula"".
*t*.re*, one frontltik'
• i ir.
ami t ii»* <»t her opemn"
ax • nm*. B sub s tin.*, they
store rttoiii, eomiu.HlioUs
*ni lai4" *'-»iiar
*nd they
*h*-ir avail tble r*toiu o*a«u-
tl.eir st a'K.on" of tin« store*
*i loth" eeilni4 with furui-
;*I*,* of decking.
i’ll»« K. of 1*. lo lite, of Medford had
a "‘tod time last Monday * «etiin*:, th*'
ih - **ioii ltepiy the initiation oí new
in.-mlier*. W m. Otto and
Fiet-laud, of Irralute lo i,-e. Her»* in at
r lir New H
III*« Sui l'r 1 -is • t Express w ill
hsive l’or dami t I» I'. M. instead of
t |>. M . .* ii"i< afore, md will arm
it 7: ft A. M. The
in San i r il* -i*.
Sui Francisco ha*
time of leavui
U«"U eli *ii,'.* I t • 1’. M . and the trun
will arme it i’or 1 imi at '.» :*-, a. m.
lue p. '* ut lo'il traili to Ellk'ell"
will li n • it* run "Xtetid"d to II ..♦•buri'*
ami w.l .. a. • l'..rttan i at * A. M . arri­
vili,' at 11 >* ■ • ir" at ti F. M
M. un I will
|".tV" li ■ • * ir,' a1 li A.
V M,
M , arnvip"
t d I’. M.
at Forti .’ni
A i w * tra ti will b • i mi to Alba iv
il.iib -• **x ni S in I iy*. leaviu,« Port Ian 1
I an 1 arriving at, \ioany at
a' •”» P
'» F M. n i I ivi i.* Alb »uv at Ö A. M
A M.
ii'i.l ie:i -’il 14 Portland at
Their I.militer to lie *l»u.|**l I*»
» rsihi**-**
I- B >*. of th« Siskiyou
I* o • I n'ere*l into out rael
C .le. of Khnua'h City, to
** i 111 • ti -t *11 t ***** tii I "ra l. '
ter tney will cut at tlieir
itl-t tn-* pl'.'*ell* *e
vid Ito s!ll¡i|ted to San Fran-
Mr t ' tie. and aS a Ih'^muinK
wiiat call I m * doll*’ 111 the
' , .-olitali!.* sawmilling’ in the
f Sout nern Or. >n and
r. ill is
ahfornia for the export
i’:i.- lit. *r grades of lumtier
to Bea water from
V di¡
A »a i. at th»» rates
4* tig tL
\t the lek'iil ir monthly muon meel-
ill,'at. the B *| ’i*t i - üiih -I i next S in-
dav evenni!,'.
welling. K
K ‘ *v.
V. <».
(i. .1.
J. Wetisl«
Webster xvili
d.-t irt f- nil the usual range of church
th'ine» and deliver a discourse upon
th* subject of sanitary science and its
eff e.»ts in the prevention of epidemics
of < contagious diseases.
I rani Master I.. Ik Field*, of the
S. I’. Ellie* tn OreK’oll, Illi.' Iiei-n ap-
|M>llite*| aetinif superintendent of the
line* in < >rem*n. to perforin the duties
of tin- late Snpt. Brandt until a pei­
nt ment ap|H,in’ment is made.
manager of tlie road lias the appoint­
ment of the siipermte¡i*|ent.
the K'^i.arsr l-i
> r. • : 1
•> I
• I «»a
tu •ii
xvi h
’ . xx bo I ikh recent lx r •-
in ’l.c I nnung of Ins I« g
i I.« t non xxui« I« cii’>p • «!
be/« p irt or a year, n««*t
i .. «•’«tent xeri!»‘r«lay mo u-
XX .lì . gam «!i‘-.t! I»» him ‘«»r
»•. if it «i«w‘H m»t b»avc h n
H iii.-.i. H«» fell iron i
•be r tterrioTì pia*-» an i
Mmes of the ieg îimt L.l
«i. :i «r the atikle.
ml f Pass
of y*1 -
1 th«- fol • viiig: Satan' V
«E »senil Al« » hm , engiliner
'. A L Co., of :h!H ity. !.
y painíui am! serions a<•• ■-
place g the largo sil »ti « i
i «iriw th«» sliavings fr«>ni
•»••» lot he engin»» room. H iv-
In* pip»» in po-*it’«»n be | nt
’.n’«» it to asc»»rtain the
♦hanght, xvii»»n all at on«e
• >f th • saw xvh ch xvas rnn-
it’n ai.d iinm-slintely wi h-
:«n«4, but in so <l«»ing <li • v
tax, which cut oîï aliti»»
1 ! binili» of t he left han 1.
.-••c. 'ii* I, which ♦ s«’a¡-e<i xx ¡’ h-
• i
. .1 xx.
i l»l H
Mb» I la
I» XX i; j
na ri»
i -l.r
•rid« ;
I. a
tn Mili
i ar
i XX I
i I* «.
r quiredi
I/ (<> bn! \
fj.'irv;* l'*t *'f ii"W uoods rt'i'fiviil at
ih" ('. < ». I »■ Emporium ¡ti i"*-í*"r’s
ih" ■’* and Iti "»ut coniiter*
filili r"p!"..i*!i''*l.
Uditili»!: l’t-rforiimin-e
> .»ti can I* cheerful and happy »my
Wii. u XOII are weil. If x01 feel «>ut of
M.nv”take Dr. J II. MeUan's > tr • .
Kept at Boltoil 0.
•:»•. •. j
ni. M.
lite X
•i >r> I
n «• <1
*t**riii in the Monntalns
Ihiriiik' li"' siiltrx weather of the
have be» n lively
pus! w**k tb"i"
tliuu*l"r rt**rms in lb" mouiiinii.s. ( hi
M'tuduy "Vfiiin;. the north »bound ex
pr"'* Ir.t’u *‘n*'*'iiiit*-r»'*l u Storm br-
tW""U (iruiiì* l’iis* limi tumi«'I
winch *l"l.iy* d d f*.r ahull tlir*" liour*.
th*« tr.un IU"U l.a.ut|/ tW"lv.« fall* n
tr""* t** cut out of lb" ti n I
B**iud* *
III** falling o’ big tr"»-s ali ataiu’, tl**'
ticrit'ii*'*' of th*« sti-rrn wiia iiii'it-nb.-d
a fall of iuui"*h*'' h.*id-*tom**. *oui"
a re
For uf wlit,'1'. pi"k"*l up by th«' tr im ineu
at th" I. *T"*-k summit, u*".**ur"d
in 'll.'* in i'irii.::’f"r*'tu'" th" lar^"*t
w.*y. In*' I; timi,T tliroiikh th"
. i.'iton t .-^joii pros! r,*'"d t In? i c ! ■ >-rapii
wire* ! ' a »listimi'.« of .*"V"ral mi«*-*
but pr sup« '*ti*i hard work hud »he
wit"* *• .'.-d :u. i 'vnrkiux a:; un the
CI'Xt day.
\v a
n i
i a
XI i
XI r
• • 11
II.tie Filed their ibmtl.s
lhe county otlii‘»’rs-»»lt‘«»t, who
tak»» the oath of olli •<» and » nt- r 1
their otlicial <hiti< s next M.«inlay.
tile»l their oHi«*i;d bonds, as n qmre
law, in t In* s.»v»-ral sums and xx r ii
ties as follows:
I L. Hamilton, count y ass» • sor. I
!$5,(K)0. with Wm. Shntp-r. Olin r
Itoiigh and William I inch j «> su ;«
J. S. Parson, <■
W. 11. At kins» »n
Max UlllliT,
Sb UH m, ( L K h r«
rill • e» les.
Peter A| | legate,
IH >I1<1 if. .IMI, ('iia*.
.M;<ru<ler, sureties.
W. M. * lolme*, c>un*y recorder,
lx.i.l SI.'«»*. r. n. lv-;i;iiw mid lx.
Kllbli. Sisret 1. •<
(:...>ru'.' 1:. B n»orner, county treasnr-
a'keil. ( >li v«-r
er, l>' »ti.l S2ll.l*»
Harbour'd at. I li n il y a «-ml. sm» ti»‘s.
M ■ M»'i; i. 1»
I th •
ca -».•
meh. rd- ati<l had caused ¿¿i
>» them by |ieriiiitiini; ine
lipet ! the trees,
the cir
had dt . :ded for drfeudall
d *r<vy h t» up;»c ded.
Í lu) ciba * of i:«r)«l,y 1 Hd
land tfaiabirr, ¿s U AKJ’e • r
the supreme Court having
this week.
Î H»»«» ! s' ir*
1.» me n-storv«!
J i ' . x \ K : n ■ :. *1
A Specific Remedy for Each Disease
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
'. ' . .irnt-.'i.t*. S. *iv . : ;
I t. „■
. ■
1.1 HOub A * *., .1}. :.
-x,...;. Ma*s.
P\lXiNri_j;i Ashland. June 27.
stomach mid boxvel disonh r, < •»u*e<4U« ii’
up»m teething. Hazel Bat>el, «iaiigiile: of
\\ P am! Vi’gmia c. Parsou* age«! •
nuinlhs and 17 «lays.
JOO Doses One Dchar
<’.<>. B. Emporium.
AH1.STR<»M hi A<lilan«l, June 30, lsyo of
diphtheria, Maud Ahlstrom, age«! 4 years,
6 months ami 2 » dax *.
We wit*h to aiilioillit'e to tin* peopk
of Ashland an«! xi« ¡mix that the C.
O. 1 >. Emporium is ih «\ v r«*H«ly for Ina«
mess in R«-es<»r's l>k»ek, Ashland. W<
aim Io k«*<‘p articl«‘s usuallx k» pt in ;>
variety store, at prices Loin olir reni
îo tuent)-five cents.
We inxit» an
iiispex'tion of our gr«xni> d )o«tr eai lie>t
\oiirs r»-p«*.dfnl!x.
W ilson A WAi.s\x«min.
Tin* r.**'**nt re-ratmg of the postof-
ti"es ui aeeordma*" with th** business
■ I .ii. by each .luring the past year
I.a- m b* tiie following eliange* in the
¡.ay oi po> tmasti'i* in this state: Al-
liimy. $17
to sistri; Arlington, $1 DM»
to fourth rate; Biker City. SlfiOn to
'17'Hi: 'last Portland. SU7(M( to illXHt;
! a gen*. > |i . ih ) to s'!7txi; La (¡ramie
$i:i'M to *1 ¡i'ii; McMinnville, $13.n to
-'ll""; Pendleton, .■*171)0 to iJlNOO;
li . ■. niitg, • 12 Nt to $I3 hi .
In the County Court of the State <»f (iregon,
for Jackson ( ounty.
E tale of Fiauklm M< Hatfa'.i. dc< ea*cd
.\«»tice B hereby given that th«* under­
signed. administrator «»f the al««»ve name«!
< *tate. ha> til«‘«l xx uh the court af«»re*ai«i hi>
final a<« onnt h * su« h a«lminist rn’or. and
that rupMlay, th« .'»th «lay of August. ls'.«0, at
in o clock a. m., Iia^ l»«,en fixed by the court
a* the time for hearing said final ac< ««uiil.
All per*«»!)** interest«-«! in -aid account ar«
hereby notified that any «ibp^-tiou to the
>ain«* must h«- tile«! in *aid «ourt on or bef«»re
th»* -aid *'lh «lav of August, B90.
¡•ublish. d by order of Hon J R Neil.
lhe gri nd loilg". A. («. F. W., meet* .lu«!ge of sai«i < «>ui t.
it A'’or.a V. edm*s*lay, the LHb. This
\<lministiator estate «»f F. M< Hattan
"ill Is* lhe most imp irtant session in
’li*» history ot the order, on account
of 11 •• w >ik that will conic Itefore it.
I ills involve* the adoption of the new
<*i"ist itut i.m, not only for the grand
lodge, ba' also for th** subordinate
lodge*. Tli.* old constitution has been
Cannot be tuccettfully traveled with*
i'lie records show that
out good health. To reach wealth or any
'lie older Ims a larger increase in
coveted position In lite requires the full
meitiliership this year throughout the
possession snd operation of all the fac­
jurisdiction than for mix years past.
ulties kind nature ha, endowed us with.
1 lie addition* will number Holm* KOO.
These conditions cannot ealst unless the
Ludwig Anderson was instantly
kiii.'i a' Levi Smith'* logging camp
..ii south ('.io* river, Tuesday morning.
He wa* working at the liottom of a
*t*ep "uh'h; when a log came down
tiie lull at great speed. He was lin-
.ilile to get out of tiie wav, and was
struck by the end of the log, which
■ •i.islnd him f**atfully, scattering Ins
■'iitraii* over the road. A* far as we
e.i'a le irti n*» blame can la* attaehad to
".n.'.one. ami those in camp as well as
many ft lends of th" d*‘*'ea*ed on the
bay. are deeply* affect«**! over the Had
a’.'ldent. NeW*.
physical being Is In perfect working
order, and this Is Ir.posslble when the
liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct­
ing the secretions, ceusing Indigestion
and dyepepsla, with all of their eccom*
panylng horrors.
English Dandelion Tonic
exerts a specific Influence over the liver,
eicltes It to healthy action, resolves Its
chronic engorgements, and promotes the
secretions : cures Indigestion and constl-
petion, sharpens the appetite, tones up
8 the entire system, and makes life worth
fl living.
1 il*.- «'r.'. '♦I*! ('ll* lircfU'ii of
1. ; •* ’ XX <
1'. :i.l .li! loti to the several
Ur «* ♦ , .•lipw.i b 3 th " A ivi'iitists ol*
s-Vel :;! .'alibi ¡olía] tent*
as ii“ h 'ivr 1 ■ !
t 1. 1 : luri;>" lhe pa*t few
touri ' ■>
I fremii«.
'Ir. H. Haiti-.m,
>' >.
*'. ( >r**;*>!,. '«ho with
11 li­
h:s f .1 ti: 1 x . ■ ; le • i *.y .* * . f l .y of hu ;
Air. h rr: • m brunuht (lowii a
’ «n i « ?! fri. »•«••* i1 . most of wLicli í*re
» a id.,"«*•( ’ 1 . ! ‘’L-, U.(iHah iu
! iti •*■ .1 a . pritiú luz of í' brú"*U
/•'t within
m :
Í li' ii.. ai- i a l.and of tine ||. rses,
M. H * i ::. i e i 'ih.: * Ils that lie thinks
: log itine m Dei XortO W/unty,
L«»ff im t.r>»tlierfl to.-k a l*a:
id* e a hiin.ired head *>! l*o->
some mill * to the Wdiameit*-
t li. ir ranch in Warner. Most *
horse* w,-r? extra tine oues, an*
sold the majority of them, d'l
are Iwitik' itasiur*-*l oil the rami
of I he Willamette.
II' t I i '. i I 1 .'her, who is one * f
th** men mix-d up m the custom
huile I,n,tibie al Fort Townsend, was
acquit'** ! at Seattle last week of the
charge of sic ding a Imok from the re-
cetp' records of the custom Lons.*.
Ex-Col leetor Quincy A. Brooks has
not ye: had a trial.
S H tií H ’SïINt
< ’«»I t4 !}>! a »Í0II
nhirs, « 'htiiM uu»i B-xvr, 51 i.wr. *1 Fcxers, au i
• tarrh, <’.»tarrb .1 I »•
i, !1 ■>ar*-ii»*is. <
l oi tAÍn4 nu Opiate«
’S JIPHTHfr'A A«.o SDCE «HRS. it CLinE I'r.vem.
L .rvKit in ir in 3 to ¿4 h<»urB. < 'urcs l^ulribx
Mother* trx it
and .M'u-sla».
* Rbrumati*ti;. Netiral-Ha,
£u i B
t l»»*lll.
ul ir«'»«
• «ring
• •ire*
•iu 1.
Prcx'-ntH an*! Cures Whooping < U^h.
I»r Hi’b-r's Rheumatic*
ie iieri are in
, n receipt prie«.
0 per Package
Six Packages far $5.00.
A S12.00 Webster’s Dic­
tionary Free!
W e take pl<‘a*Hif in aiiii"iin< iiig t<» nur patrons ami
tin« pttlili*' gt'iieral 1 v. that \x<- ha >■ ina«i»' ¡ii'raiigeiiicitts
\\h(‘i< h\ \\c ctin inakv tiie most hh«*ra! <tfl*'r (*wr known
in the aini.i!' of tra<l<'.
Not\vilh*!:ti;«liiio our reputati«»n
keeping the he-t g*a**|' the market af-
ha* hi'cji won l*\
fordeti at the very lowe*t price*, we wish to impress this
fact upon everyone, that we ar«-not Irving to sec how
little lull how much we can gi\c for a dollar.
\\ <• have made -peeial teim - with the publishers of
W I J'S I I l; * |i|< I I* ix •* |;v. 'I al id.II d *L'e. l.l X Illi R HINDI NO,
accepted authority *.t the l.iigli*h laitguag«« «'Vcrvwhere,
and ol great \a!ue t*> e\* r\ 1»«««H and all n:itionalities.
Ibis lnagllitieelll leeik. ilia! every falllilx' Deed* and
it«» library is ciunph-te w ithout
we a re prepared to giv««
tna k<*s cash purclta; es
a w ay t r* * t< > « \ er\ « u-1* *n n ■ r w 11* *
to th** atti«>'iiit of .* |tt ln*l*.re Jan. i.
Although a great inan\ oi these >12 lhetionaiies will
l»a gi\fu away l>y us. pra« ti« all\ ainounting to a
di'conni on your pin« ii.isc*. our pri««** will l»e a* low, if
n«»t lower, than « \« r before.
AHIXIROM In Ashland. June 2“. B «O of
«iiphtheria. Walter Ahlstrom, aged 6
years, 6 mouths and 27» «lays.
In I uioii county, this state, an elec­
tion contest has been tiegun bv the EMBLEM In Medford, .him- the •-».th of
following candidate*:
(Ilia*, (iood-
consumption, Agnes Emblem, wife of
('lias. Emblem.
nom.'ii, republican candidate for lhe
Icgislatlire; II .1. Il ìcket, democratl"
.-in. In I. it** lor school superintendent; ,1.
W. Kimbrell, r* tmbliean candidate for
surveyor. La tiiamle and Island City To Ask Again, but Illi Frank I.etter
priemet* are the seats of the cofitests,
Got It for Him.
whi le it is allegtsi that frauds were
A few months ag<» one of the unfortunate
p*'I p*'trated at tiie recent election.
inmates in the San Francisco Almshouse
A It year old lad named Mortimer was inspire«! by the sensational statements
Plant is m j ui at Pasadena, Cal, for in the newspapers with the belief Joy’s
pois i!ii!i_* Mis. Rankin*' with strych­ Vegetable sarsaparilla would help him. But
nine v. hicli lie li i.l [ ut in some butter. xx ithout mouey, how to get it was the «pies
!!i:' . e"iirred some months ago, and tion. Finally he wrote to the Edwin W. Joy
.'li*. R inkim* was seriously poisoned. Co., appealing to their generosity, end if was
I .* ■ log's a'** some of t he butter at the not unheeded, the covet«-«! preparation t»e-
■ ui.e t:;.ie and *ll*sl. The hid made a ing sent by the next parcel delixery. Its
mil co ifession, stating that be dal not effect is best told in a sub&equent letter, fr«>m
care if the woman died, for she owed which we quote the following: —
“1 suppose you know me by this writing,
him a it. ilm that she wouldn't pay.
and my < ircumstance«» and < "hdifibn Al­
In tl.** vote cast for the county scat though improving. I ask oi y«»ur generosity
for another Imftle of x««ur Joy’s \\u«*tni'le
ol ll irmy nnui'v there were eleven 'ar-aparillft. Its Lixatixe adi* n is perlec-
!>l nk vol.',,
l i," a**t which provides ti«»n its» It. 1« lias s«> thoroughly ;« l . u'.a’e»!
for ''i*' io iti.'ii of th** county seat says my sy-b i.i that iny catarrh, rheumatism,
coii'tipHtion. ami heH«lachcs are all i»efter.
I. i in, place reeeivittg a majority of I ft« 1 ashaine«! to ask in this way, bn! what
all the v .'.scasl shall be the I'ounly sha l I '!■• ’’ 1 thought 1 might not m ed any
seat. Barns t* ceived eight more vote* m«>re. but I am now so anxious t«> keep it up;
but you see how it is.”
ttiac I lai m y , Inti lacked four vot<*s of
It was sent, and he can get more if he needs
having a in j .rity, there being eleven
bl .'ii, votes.
This 1* the ground on
.'lii. li Harney is contesting th*1 right
of Burns to the county Heat.
(’urv-1 •'
th an
I.ook- n *w «li'plax* *1 iii our o.tilli win«low.
A-k for a
ea r< 1.
May IB, I sìm .
At a Bargain.
A dwelling b.'iise all.I large lot eon
taiuiuiX D.> acre*, on
in choice rcMi.l. n •*• part of Ashland fot
*!ile at a bargain, l ine lot of fruit on
lite place;comfortiilil** small house ano
For further information imptire at
IntiNG* office or Ad*lr«*s* D. FtQUe.
Fhoenix. Or.
Closing out at < .st
My entire stock of hardware, tin
ware, etc., " ill I k * sold wit hout r>*st*rve.
(live me a call liefore pnr.'h.isini,' else­
B F. Rrt'scii.
Now i* the time to i*uv vour «Iresses for
the lourth.
What to l«u\ ami \vli««re to
buy it are the <|iie*tion- now being ask«*«i
< mlers for fruits and ber­
ries in tlieir season prompt­
ly attended I«».
Will buy
and sell.
O ffice
l>y every lady in toxvn. and \v< believe v«»u
will make a mistake it you fail to examim*
the g«»«»«Is at
. y J. ;
1 U X H A K 1
J. W. Hockersmith.
II«« lias stacks <»f new g;*M»«ls at
purses, and
j •fiel«! S to
we 'hall
Jilease von.
Save Mi«l«lIciiHii"' Profits!
Buy Direct lioui lhe .Xlanu-
A n« >t f « r 111 \ « «i« « • of l.a«li« •s’
1: ESPI:« 'i lTI.I.Y,
Will sell at Wholesale Prices
DIICFA T TO Til i: <
Siloes this Week .
Fur « a*b. mi«! Bh v » i g•»<>■)- i*» hh \ i• i < »*i
the citx, fie«-. Th«-bot tbmr in ih« i - im ; * »-1
f«»r th«- l«'M-t moti« v
Fhrnr per
( <»ru meftl. per lb.
Gruham flour. j»rr 11».
'»erm m«'ftl. p« r-11»
Fiul-hv«! mi«i«liing*. ,»• r ’*
(T h < k« «l xx h» at. i < r lb
Mill f» « «1 or bran. p. It.
Shorts, p«T «xx t
()aB, per cw t
R«»lb'«l barh-x. p«*r « >xt
Screening«, per 11».
XX i»('ftl, p«T lb
?! U d
.......... 17
I «...
11 (
Al! *>f tlm Meetion fori men on the
main line of the Southern Pacific are
in r*'■< ipt of order* to erect mail catch-
• I' al the station* III their sections.
I'li * is ini' mor*- move preparatory to
» hi Exhibition
■ u" .puck* ning of the running time of
W right. «»f I !• Î|’»*V, :11 h ! tli-ov. i land n. iii trams, which will
J. h » y •’ •» . X ir«» kill« <| b "i" .fl. r in-firovided with mail grab­
, •
i • • . i st \pril, bing h'" !,s. the s on*' a* tin* fust tram*
r h .
uh j Ev ’ i.d "« rl ind. After .1 itne !{*), the
i.» i > -
Ii like « »V» î I;|! : I will not stop at the ftnialler
i ! • x*
i «> • x I h I h - >-*«•! it>i' ■ * :. 1 '.«ill "ii "1* Hi" mail by
tiie. P in .* :h*> « ii'elmqi lyppaiatiU,
1 < >!«<•'
VVe are
The Road to Wealth I
Notice of Final Settlement.
I i
A < « l» briit»*«l 1 as»*.”
Ro-,'", i io*—, who is in charg«« of tbw
e .
rie light station at Albany, and
iwo lift!« boys, while out. boat riding
.ci the W lllamette river at tint place
last i i ,d iy . w, nt over the dam, and
all were dlowi.* I. < i. **s leaves a w ife
and yoiui" child and also an aged
m Wlul Was visiting with Inin.
* haries T iy M I'i'ariami and Young
Matt hew * were atsiut 9 years old each.
Bn ’ks. oí Jaekrioiixdie,
has some fine trotting
id au i enjoys driving a
ili i* any« hi «1 in < >; ••4«>n,
on • of Ins rolls at the
£î«>«l!alri the other day.
Record Ihvaking <»n the Turf
The great race at Slh-ep* h«*a«i Bay,
Loug Island, on We<hn s«Liy of last
I m tw»-en llau^nj’- California
i'li" jury that tried Baer for the
colt, Salvator, and Pulriitcr’s famous
m 'AI.EM.
ki!iiri4 **t
.McCroseon at S|H*kane
horse, 'l'enny, resulted in th«* Breaking
I'.iils. r* turned a verdict of acquittal
of the record for the «listane*», l‘|
last Sat unlay night.
miles, and ina victory t«»r ibo Cali­
fornia horse By a In*.id.
11 u!ifin xvou
Panicl J. CiHiper. of The Dalles, has
$50,1 MM I on the race, an« I it is esti­
I* * ii appointed by Secretary Noble as I pt , 1 I|t »11.1 ', gal. FRl'IT JARS.
mated that
chunked hands
•i".*nt for Oregon on the swamp Imais.
1 qt bi *. I qt. FRFIT CAXs.
ontLe result, t hr<»n«^t*«»ut tin* xvLol«»
The salary m t?I R»» a year with
country. The time whs as follows
EXTRA REBBERS far Mason's Jar»
day a* * X|»*tise*.
1st quarter, 0:25: half mile, r.D|; five
R. F. Lirhart. of l’ortland. the new
furlou^s, 1 llji
three <|U ir1«*r>. I I 1 4j :
coilecior ot customs wlio will succeed
se Ven
eights, 1:27*1; mil«*, 1
Hyman Aluabam. says lie has already
mile and an eighth, 1:52 d ; mile and a
reci-ned 2'Kt applications for position*
quarter, 2:0.5.
I’ll«* I»« ;» previous ree-
Kral Estate Transactions.
eord was made by K hij / s I oii . 25M»1
in tiie *« rvice under him.
Al Chicago, Jiito« 2Sth. there xvas
Mr. Clark W. Crmdutr. of the firm
A strip «il land lying adjoining lhe sul­ more r<x»ord breahtn^. The first sur­
ol Sis.-* »n, <'r**cker
Co., du*d mi Fri- phur spsiug* pi«»pvily, town ol A'dilun«!. I
prise for the six lliousaud people as
■ lay aft* rm on in Sun Frunciwo. Hi* and 7 luu a« r. >, cou jl.
Sembled was m the s*s*«>n«l r;u»e, one
Asbury c. Helm I«« Helle Helm, It 2, blk
film i.;l to*ik place in Sacramento ou
i UiWU ot A*niaiid
unte, when lhe 3 xeat-,«i»i < ationiiiii
James 1. Glenn to Wm. Moore, It iu Juck
horse, Raciue, oxvned o\ Senator Stan
sou ville, «‘on |HM).
foni, made the it maikabie um»- ol
Edward W. Doyle, an embezzliug I Eiizubrlh N. Aud«Ts«»u lo Ja« ob U agiler.
1:3‘.H ?, lieatiug by a «< eli G t < f a >ec
isnitra.-lor, who skipfied from Port­ I undivided *4 iiiier«-3i to y shares iu cum
orni the record of Ion Bro« <-k mad«-
land several weeks ago, has been Ashland \xai< i <lh« b, « <»n 11
A. 1» Heiman to Alwiidu < Emery, li ♦'*.
al Louisville M: x 21, H77.
J ho Dm
ir.eslci in X"WÌKTg. N. ¥., by Police ! blk i. < iry oi Ashland, «on ♦»«. hj .
for the different
*e«‘s xvas as lol-
man Joe Pay mid w ilt lie I n ought back
a . !» Helman to I . .> <..ani Heiman ami
•). ' Ht-luiuu. land in ip «fi», s r 1 e, I acre*,
loxvs: Onc-vi^hth mile. 12’ .; «piarlei
; « Oll ^12.50.
mile, 24*. hall
mil«, li»1»»; lime
>Mruh B. Kotkf'd’ow I«» Jarob Wagner,'« ! fourth.«
Says tin* Yreka Journal of \V*«d
milt. 1:13' *: i.ol.. 1
'h.«re> in cu^i Ashiainl water ditch, von *i*
li.-- '.I. *
"Lemay > slung l*am|, anil
Bua« Simpkins io Oscar Mmpkin-, land
i he other « Ven, oi tin* day xvas tin*
oiliei*. will leave toiiriirow for Asli ili '•c.' 1 •; j uit «»I u e 14 «»I a w 4 oil xxt>l .Oakwood iiandtr.Lp, a mil«* and one-
lam!. L in .y having l»*‘U engaged to •i«le of Fleu.oant creek, lu acres, also
ut rew iu s v *4 ol ii xx l4. all in sec ]•», Ip d. ; eighth sweepstake. x.<u tL .» the xvinu« r
turnisti tnu-ic for tlie ball ut that w r «4 xx, con *|t«xi.
; near!.. S oi MM). xvon by li. T. ltalleway’s
|ii ice on lhe lai.
June M. M< < ally i«> Henry Wvdemaii. It •»<. ’ hiiir-y» ar-old Luton, beatili^ th- la-
blk -d, loxxii of Jut KMinx illv, con fr.iu.
moi:s Los Angeh s by a head and tiie
1 he S. F. R. R. train* now cross the
James XV. Lind*» .« i < Henry Wyueman, 3
« record <>1 1 :«’>3, made by Terra C(«t!a
Wiltamett«« river at 1'ortlami on the ; •», blk 32, town «»I Jack^oUX llle, con|7.».
Nancy M. Walker to ihiirx WydeiUHU.
ste.'l bridge, the mam depot is’llig on land iu tp 37, > r 2 xx. > ami »•'.» l<»0 acres, ! at Sheepshead bay m June, l>xss. 1
time at the «liffer-ut u: «ta »«‘e* xx.■<
tli* west side.
The trams still make • on*Ä4 »o.
ih» • -
Joels Smith to Wai’.ace G Bishop, It \ One quarter, :2.5; «»irei: df. .
stop." at Un- il. pot* mi the east side oi
blk 11. loxxii ot Fnociiix, con 4**0.
» 1:1b;
mile, Ld'.H,; mile and one-
tin* river, however.
( John R Helman to M 1. M« < all. south E,
* eighth, ! :52 k*.
«d I» 1. i No. 4'», tp :;y, s r 1 ♦•. «-on |1.
Tin* Bi it mu twin-screw slooti-of war
M I.. Mc< all lo Abel 1» Heiman, « l2ul
I' .plm * sailed from San Francisco for I» L < >o. *♦(», tp :»9, h r 1 e. c««n fl.
Attoria'» Ri*ilr*ia«l
>. B. Galey 1«» XX . H. Atkinson, ¡B '«1. 2,
hast Sun lay. It is ru-
p:*;.. it. r* ;'**r' tb it Wm.
*11*I that the vessel will proceed to also land in Mountain avenue, city ol Ash
I IwWil of the A.'toria A S iii.h ('•* *1
Ilei mg sea to protect the fishing in­ land, « «».’! i'lUOU.
Wm. Harper to Laura E Gilbertson, n xx ( iml mail, teiegra; l>* ! hr.i 33.1 ■! •0,001 ’ *.f
tesesi* of British Columbia citizen*.
■4 <ii li e’4 of sec 22, tp U', s rlxx, IU acres, : bull«!*«*" tlif* eonqiqiiy !i *v** been negn-
The party who were search- (tin flot).
| tiatc*!. This tneaiis tti.*t Biaiti men wt!l
S. S. Lentz to Frnnci* Hancock, It*» 1, 2, 3. I be tuldevl to th«- uUlh'tllg for*'" intuì*
¡"4 for tiie entombs«! miners in the
1. blk 3, Lumsflvti addition to t<»xx n of Mvd
I’cnnsy Ivania coal qji^ie. guv*» up the ford, con 1100.
diatt'ly, hi : 1 that ti" v :.t:!•* of toa.l
I ■ s . to ivterJ Iritl, > xx 1 4 Oi sec 17. t{ 39,
him! l ist I ut'.'day night, ami ail liofi"
will t*e complete*! tlii* year The work
, eon * vj h « T CS.
of i. cov.-ring th** Isslies has lieen s r 1
on the tuntiel tliro'.’h the (!oa*t range
8 . t«> Henrx W’j «J« ma n. s w
of * e ' ,
abandoned. I lie mine is still burning. «»f • ««•c 11. tp *B. s* r 2 xx , cou 10 h « •res.
will lx* pu*h .1 al! "inter, a *1 the
1 ’. s lo Jacob • t rob. s 1 o «i.f < v ' , of see 23,
'iitire line will I h * e<.inp!"t««*l next year.
I'ii" \\ ill riiette Steam Mills and au« 1 s *2 of n e *4 of SCC 2t», tp 37, > r 3 xx,
A London s/ndwa»«« it apprarR Iww
Lumbering Co., of l’ortlaud. Holladay, 1«4) HC • • g
1 . S. îo Jftcolf ’ilrob, ne 1 o (se »4 ofsve ¡:gr**«,*l to tak«* th** Ixm*!.- of .***.'».(''‘OJHMi
\\. idler ami Epperly chief proprie­ 23, tp: 57. > r 3 xx. in m r« *.
if intere«! of i?lH,O(IO a y. ir is gnatan-
1 s. to Emil 1 »ritt, n xx i •4 « ' >f sec i*», and
tor*. will put up the largest saw mill
t«<**l iliiring con*trit<'ti'in. I' t* * xp.
' 4
II» '
m the country one with a capacity
teil to liegin work on th** run i th«' 7th
a« t
of e f, , t daily. Its engines will
of .1 tily.
■•■pi* .sent dixti) horse-power.
Tin* ileal, it would it appear tit,ally
i ani of Thanks
ih*[>i'*es of C. F. Huntington an.I the
At Albany last Saturday, Herbert
To th«**« many good friend« who
Southern 1’aciti" Company a?- far as
S:..*ia’d was run over mid killed by his
were so kind to > ik at the tune of the this road t* concerned.
fatli r's t**am, m a runaway accident,
death of our darling child, xve deriire
Piling Stan ¡rd was thrown from the
to tender our sincerest thanks. We
wayon and the lior.*e* and wagon shall never forget to hold each and
(«re** does not buy any shoddy
I a -red over In* head, crushing the
every one of you in fondest remem­ goods; blit sells at shoddy prices.
skull. D* a: ii was mstimtamsius.
M r . <V M rs . W m . P. P arsons .
A' My Hi*-Cr< t k one day last week,
wi.ile i .iii" io riilc a rtfractory horse.
Sick headache, wind on the stomach.
Mis* <'liie Copimger was seriously
It believed t«» !■• «.<3 • -1 ;
• *
injured by tIm animal rearing up and billi(>:;snes.s, nauriea. are proiutly and
usd in ?r-»in ]• a . i *n! * .
* • . I 1.4
falling upon her. For a time her life agreeably tmiiished by Dr. «J. H. Me
«1««*MX iug X«' .'<• ruble HlHtt«T. Ull«l xx i '•
Lean's Little Liver and Kidney Pellets.
breathed intothe Pings, filter mid p< . 1 ti «-
was d* '(. in* d of, but she is now slowly 2.«. a vial. Sold at Bolton's.
The voung Italy is the
If u healthy «. n.i.t* «n < f ;!.«• 1 ’•«<. .
is mninta:iu*d by tukiug H«»«"l - >ur*n* .
sister of Mr*. Lneavish, of Roseburg,
Trunks and Valises at Blount's.
at whose bouse she is now lying.
one* is juuc h h-.-s Hnble h> n.iilui »1 >iu«i ! •<••»«! •
S&r«<MparfllH hmi < nrv<l inanysvxcrc ca.-es ( i
Work for your town, then. If you
this distressing Htl« < tioil
cannot tmst your fortunes with is
A W «»ndrcful Medicine.
your plain duty to get out. Don’t be a ( I'KKY III M**if.*r.|, .lune 27. to Mr und
Mrs. John W. Curry, a daughter.
dead-weight. Dou't throw yourself in
“For malaria I tbiak H<a»d s mi :
•"••way of ot her*, mid insist that tiie WII.I.I \MS—At Merlin. June 2\ B,»u. to tiie
hiux no e«)ual. It has kept my ( iui J.r' Ti
xx ife of K, A \S ’.iliums, a son.
oiny way for t he procession to move is
right through the summer, and xx«» i
n> i mi over you or carry you lushly.
one of the xx otm ;..(>•»•* r a n! :.i n V
i\ In rever you may Is*, get right into
ville. I tak«' H« mh ! > SnrsauariEa h r
tiie tiai'es ami pull. It will make
gone feeling, xx iih great benent. ’ ?•:
you strong. | Ex.
JoHN-loNF SlSEMoRE At the horn«- «>t
I avis , Marys Vila- ( ai.
the «»tl'K iHiing minister, mar Medlord,
Brcak-Boii«* I 'ex er.
1 in Northern Pacific Terminal Com-
July Bl, Iri'«». b\ Hex M A Williams. Mt
XX B. Johnstone, of Porllaml, ami Miss
•• My da
Pea xxa* • ■ .*
of Portland lias awarded a contract to
A la Sisemorc, «»f riam's valley, Jackson
<or br«*ak o m«, :«".»■! v ; . * •*., .. .
a 1 a '.1111,1 syndicate tx» plats« MMl.tXN)
friends th< u-zht I u uhl .
« • I • .,
cubic yards of earth m Couch lake at >\l Ni>ER> H«»YI In (»rants Pas*. Or..
most given up B j*»« i...• . * . 1>« _ p t*.
pom’s Io I h > designated by the termi-
H« h » i !’ s Stir*n; h ' :1 m
«• t -. k
tiii compmiy. It i* stated that the
1'on'r.K't price is #21(‘>.!«MI, the earth to GIVEN vol N«. AÎ the r. s;«h id e of th.-
Officiating' minister. M X XX jllia'tt*, Illite
nlu'ii from tiie In .l of th" Wiliam
2». B'. m Mr (.co X «ii en to Mi*«« < atiia
* t'** river. Work will be liegim in
rim* Young, b«»ih k*ou « ouiity.
a f**w days.
! >11
lh» illr. I
h.‘ib >-Ul
— ’I’
iinknuw ::
Mie tire h
•dbg xv<>n
♦Ite fact
nnrnü *r <
b i
R*cooler B«try's ••ourt has been
A big òr tr"-. iiik'n iti tli" monti­
pi'et.ttor this week,
ti in* .-ordii of A-lu 'ul. **ii tli" liik'ld crowd* d with
ctnui i>eii»4
Itein^ a tfr»<»t le^al
of oli" of Ih" rid;,'*'* ’lili foriti th" th*' attraction
of a coni-
wi 11* of A'Iilaml rr*-* k canyon, wa* tournament upon the arena
plaint a»j ainst certain yountf men ami
«'iiickby jik'litnui-.’ durin" Ih" thtui
ler .show-eri: of la*t Motiday "veuiug, b* ty s for <hs e of lhe |w»art*.
array < f 1» tpil
ami "et atire. :*'il wa* **'"ii b*imitik' I lain th** defen*
t’lOWi Ik (’ol.
>..r *. v"tal *i *y« aftiTwartl. Fiually talent uit-in 1. I
I hidips, ami
Bowditcii au i •
th uudcrbiisli took tir- frolli ìt. and
t riple-alhance,
ak'alli*t this lorn,
1 h tiir t* .'tilt tinrtiiiiii and "prcadinn.
Hson, had
ti*e city attorney,
movcm 'lit ha* if'.'ii ,*n f *1’ f"X t.,
t ...... nt nd sit ,'ie hail b-d. The toiir-
«ral m "illi* to oik'.'iniz • a «• 'oml\n
n-.y o | h - i . I in (»runite Irdl, 111 order
un" nuil in M ‘«Ihir.l. it* stock i'"- V,'
i ¡five the public plenty of room,
ownt*i by a uunilter of farmer* of
jt after *>n*‘ day's session there tIm
vn-u.i v. Sev.'ii 'h'"
judk'.- adjourned to th»» city council
th **f *t***«k ha* a
ebambei in Masonic hall
L-'l. Hi" /ali b-tn
The case w ;_ k ' a complaint of E. M.
•e ttioitHund mor" in
I leuvaul ak unst h* .« ii I h » xh for dis-
"basino ni:i"hui'«ry.
orderly ac’.n oti and distuiba’ice of the
I h - i 'H s.s' llcur
public |*eai' •»» at the auction tale in
stop»* Saturday ♦•veiling,
Don van!'*
whieli was ■I line ¿1st. A separate trial for »ach
idi** Jaeks.mvilk« 77*.
■r wtìil*-jultilnuf nvt.r ili«1 l«'b*‘f liti*! defendant wuh demanded, and the first
M.IX l’r.u-lit w..uhi «••t ni* flit *>U‘ *>f case* was grinding away before a rap­
li- A.ask * Hppoint "Ut be.'uu*« s-tmt' idly «¡»¿»lining jury yesteniay when the
’ 'i
! .w* up tii.'r*. wer*' tryiuif tu :>n«- (»lty attorney abruptly terminated the
, ■>
hi * .-olili
i*;iti'*i. .'** ***tll«*«’t.»r. wi l (>rovee»hngti by moving for a dismis­
*'*-. ! *:ni ** v * t tb»« r.'iHiit **f tli" r"*'**ut sal a. m I citing a decision of the Oregon
.•■.iitirriKi’ioti *>f ìli" upjHi.u’ni"iii by supreme court which smash»»«! the case,
ti II iVIfl"
li ■ s.'iiat".
Tli" parti*«* w li • uitder- lhe lawyers ami the spectators h id
'! ri of fun, but
it is understood that
■ ittioli -•*
>k l>* try th*. (,*t *.:it *tf M *x f**und lots
improV" 1 'h it tii*-« bu i un iertak* .'i t**.* b.'avy u th»» complaining w.tness will lie stuck tl il*
for the Ci»ts.
1 i tlii* pari of Oregon, a* 1* well 1* mi oee.irrenceof k'reat ranty
for lutatintik’ t.* st.ik*- :i any where ev
*-e;.t in thè hu’h nioiliitaiii: I*. au*l jteople
of a* are* in ili*' preseti
tlinnder storni tini thi* count rv e*.
|a-ei illy pie *».Uk’ ** “ I’1 tee of re*i-
>nnt. All e'..'ept|o|l
«letice oli thtll
must b.« •ite.I, ti«.»k.w«r, in tin* valley
l,.*t Snr. lay evenni »r.
tlns wer K.
ulule tliund'T sii I« « wens w »re circulât-
in.; in the i» molla» <j tn* an I ili*-
tiiltutuik' tbeir fi»»sbeniiig moisture
•Letilt 111*« v diey. the p.«>p!e , I til tile
l’atte.-.'on farm * ■n the east side of
mileb 11 irtli of A*h-
ot hg!i niint strike ¡*
F. Myr« , place iidja-
afterward ill»'
,• were atj:*-.
: h • ■ . ' i
’s Welti, o'* r
he spread of
\ -ii
I Ithrr
•y» Julv .’st. A. (
«•ita*. W. .)
' le.-eltUik’ I'"1
bv their *u*
1 \\ . M. Crai
wetver. ami J. H
t '.Isiut toiirte* 1
* four years' te
y ft *m *■»•** ion
■Oil’ eat for th*
Mr. Crawford re e.ved the
iiieitt a nun.Iter of month* i
I*.* ilelayei ¡»**11 nllu; the *1
tl • ottiee in erd« ’ to arrange
dividual b.i'ine** affair*. M
• oi' ha* jll*t ai*»t nt served
»ear* term out.
Both retin
r***.>nl for »tlicirnt
ililtles of ofil-'e.
XI r-
1 r. a
* *T a day.
I>on’t you fork'* ! it' Forget what?
Way. t*> * xamtne tlie ttar^alu *'o*mt*T
th *t will Ite open a'. Hunsaker'*-, Inly
* '
s. p. Pk. K
V mil, w.ll cut .atmut in,« I’M I
Mr. > i
Mr*. A"nes J. Emblem «lied at Med­
ford last week, of consumption.
The Last Winter
Has proven taat it does not pay to raise scrub stock*
pieve Your Stock.
hbovv is the time to
Will nxake the leason of 1390 at the
.'lyei' Slid hull.
• ’ne mile north of
A’hland. < ’r.
i-i *>.-
A| .. I-:-
!t < leod I Iorscs are needed.
( AI L «»N
V AU ii L I h HU I
Healtliful location—tine vi< w
—g<K»«l soil (even last year tlii*
s »il produced tine garden truck uifhoitt irri;i'ih<m.)— S
acres set in orchard.— Peaches (earliest to latest vari­
eties) Almonds. Plums, Pears, Apples (many kind-)—
\\ ill produce some fruit THIS YEAR.
< >ne acre in
alfalfa—Street on three sides—The whole piece under
an irrigating ditch. Price, reasonable.
Terms, one-
half cash: balance as agreed. A«ldress.
Ashland, Or.
l> '«*«'
<*r S.i.W’r ll*»r«rs.
n. * i «• n« ! ■. »
At the I H»i\* * oirice can always 1*«« found a full stock
of blank* of all kinds.
Prices the lowest.