Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 04, 1890, Image 2

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Jacksonville items.
The Dav We All Celebrate
Col. W. J. Martin, of Glendale, is
John Brandt, sup r ut<'ide’it of the
m Lown.
A Wasliington «iispatcti of June « So<ith«*ru P.cific Im s in < >i«'. hi , du <1
Juitf I-
Uukvilh >tar. J umv 2>.
2Btli, to the
is ns follows:
i at the Lick lious«- in S:.u Frauctseo
Hon. «1. \\ . Merritt ami Ed. K. < )wen,
The n line of th»* Tulelake poetof- <>f Centra) Point, W(.rt. in town Alon­
“A dispatch of yester*lay reports at
' 2:ik) o'clock a. m. last Saturday.
Mr. Brandt had l**cn a sufferer from fice liar b<*« h changed to (vale.
that Mr. Hermann, of Oregon, iu speak­
ing of the sliver controversy in the heart ills«*.is— f«ir soumtim«* past, and
Mrs. Mary Krause has been ap-
his family aud frieu«!» knew that there
house, said :
eral store at Keno, under the manage­ |ioinie«| 1>. G. (i. M. for the Kilih
Turkey an 1 lb ^»a are 1 hreatHin d
'You will notice I vot«sl with the was danger of its fatal termination at
Kels kah l)«*i*r«'e lod^e No. 4,
witli war over 1 1 r key’a indebted m 88 democrats. While tiie vote w;m not any time. Alsiut a month ago Mr. ment of bis brother. John Fountain.
ensiling term.
Stidham’> !b»T!p.ireil string band is
directly for or agmust tin* senate bill,
to lltiHsia.
li«*r two ui«s*es, Miss«*s W**o I ird litiil
1 he many friends of Miss Geniveve
Hayti M aUnr to enjoy another the passage of Hint measure was the lioyce, went to l’uraiso Springs, ('ll., eng .geil for the li iTKt ¡¡a. Academy
Maars Will be pletistsi to learn that she
revolution. Il ha* ie- n »4 mohtha object sought. I vote«! that way lie­ for his health, aud last week was feel hall on th? evening of the 1’ourtli.
cause the platform of the convention
is slowly couvalescmg from the attack
now since the la; ’ one.
Tuesday evening ?»lr. \V. E. Greene of maianul fever.
winch, by acclamation naiuetl me for mg so much improv. <1 that he laid
The South is 5*a-ing another >ea- congress, ami resulted in my return Btarle«! homeward. Stopping in Sun took the stage for his home in Port­
S. A. Carleton, of Little Butte,
son of yellow fex T. us oue fatal and by a majority of little less than ltf.ooO Francisco for a few days, lie ha I Iw-eti land. accompanied by J
passe«! through Jaeksouviln* vesi-nlnv
well defined case lias already lieeti re votes, favored the free ami unlimitetl out Saturday evening with tn«* other Ada ii<»wdom. who go
with ins lanniy, en route to-tna't
coinage of silver. In fa«*t. Is>th politi­ members of ins p.irty attending tiie sii'iim r and auiumn iu
for a few wo ks etimpiug tour.
theatr«*, ami lia l reived f*'**liug as Willamette valley.
't he American ■ ugar retineri«*« Lave
Mis. May Van A iken, th«* accom-
respective platforms, so while I did well as usual. He was awak* lied b**-
( ’ apt. (
’uminitigs and party, of San
undertaken to r «rgnnize their trust
tween 1 aud 2 o’clock in the night Francisco, are now on the reservation, plishci tiK'alist and elocutionist, is
under another n in«', am! in a
vote according to th«* instructions giv­ wi'h a violent fit of coughing which hunting and ti'htng. Mr. J. Leroy divunng her time between JaW -on
that will l»e legal in New York.
en me by my constituents and ratified continued until h>* extur.-d.
Nirkeli. of San l’ianci.sco, with a ville and Central Point, gixiug in­
The body was embalmed and was
Senator E Imu Is vi that instead at the election held this month. There
patty of ?ix, will be hereon »lune 3-tth. structions in the two studiee.
ef the Seuate 1^ ing biendly to cor­ was nothing else for me to do.'
their object being to hunt and lish
M ish Belle Jones, daughter of 8. P.
passed through Ashland last Monday
ps »rations, as h;i>
dliamson river.
The Oreyonion comments upon evening. I’poii th«* arrival of tli«* trait*, and camp on
Jones, of Jacksonville, who has l>een
it has ongnated ill of tb** anli-<i»r- this as follows:
at the Ashlan 1 le|Hit a large huih I m *!
Mr. 1>. \V. Anderson’s sweet corn, living with an aunt in Chicago, for
| m »ration legislal .1* »11 for years pawt.
From the politician’s standpoint of citizens of this ¡.l ice were waiting, up at the gap, has b*en tasseh*<l oip several years past, is visiting h**r par­
r It is reported; J tii it Senator
probably not.
Yet Mr. Hermann to e xpress by their presence the re- over a week now and his melons are ents, au«l will remain until fall.
t>© ng diaaatisfied with the roiitiniieii must know that th«* iPterams's of ls>l h spe< •t and esteem which is felt for the all in bloss.»tn. He lias four or five
James A. Wilson, Jr., reliirne.1 thia
|HM»r luck attend ug ills horseH ill the parties in Oregon on the silver ques­ late superintendent every wh-re along acres of pot atoes all ready ior digging,
rai’es, has decide l 1» m -II at auction htw tion were wholly insincere, were made th«* line of th* railroads where he is and six more ar?es coming up finely. w*s*k from a prosperous school vearnt
entire atablea and retir»* from the turf. for partisan ami demagogical pur­ known. The handsome cask«* •t was Hr is re aly lo till orders lor new po­ Ml. Aliglel oliege. Jiinmie ei.ilied off
the first prize in music, anti will go
poses, an<l should no more bind th«*
It is efitimatixi iiiit there H hh I mkmi a representatives in congress than th**y o|s'tn*«l, and mauy p«s»p|«* tixik a last tai» H*S.
back next year to bring home ad«h
decrease of nlioal t $2 M N U * ► » in the l>in<i Ins constituents who falsely
lioiiiil 11**1,ors.
i . aki ; ini M Y.
first, and a to­
public debt since •
make t hem.
1.ak*'« i.'ii Examiner, .lune 21«.
Mis T. *1. Cress and children left
tai decrease for ! it»
i fiscal year «>f S^»,-
Mr. Hermann's «smstitueuts neither life and «'areer of Mr. Brandt is
Fall mi 'D i ^rain will make a utsai f.*i Sai*ra lo-Uuy to j««m J|r, Ciess
(or the
Ki NV a k as agaim t F SI i
practice nor lielieve in th«* doctrim* th«*
* une
crop in I his vallev. In Snri'tise val­ there, wli. r<* In-y will m th«* future
of Suiiilay:
previous fiscal y» r.
set forth in their party platforms. If
le*. «*ver»'liilm’ is tlounsliWK, ami they !« s.ile. lhel.est wishes of thia com­
John Bramlt was Isiru at L
« banqueted and any one of them of any party, from th«* ter. Pa.. July 4, 1*21, and was
Chris l*uekh*y
«vili Lav«' ph tit} of irrain nini fruit uiuliily, vvlii'ii* they are so well aud
>111< ‘
politicians while s.iiuniit of the Siskiyous to th«* inulille fore near his (kith birtlnlay. II
bout Zed by the ll
favorably known go with them to
is said to be cer- channel of the ( olnuibia, or from the gan railroading in 1ST?, vnterin
m New York, m I
I lo 1 r new lioim*.
S**v«*r;d .*;»!«*>« of si**<*i, sheep are !«•-
( Hilf.
alifornia llemoc- mouth of the llwyli«*«* to th«* tide of employ of th«* State road, from Phila­
tain now that
Piiitli No. 4, I. O.O. F. elected the
d»*|egHtlon to the Till iims>k bay, lends money, mak«*s a delphia t<> ('0111111*1111, as fireman.
racy will send a 11
not«*, mak«*s a contract for work to be From 1M3 to 1S46 lie was eiiginecr on out are .1 W. >.co t, W. T. B.*y«l ami following officers at a regular
next national <• i.vrir >n.
th*' 1 Bios.
Monday night, t«i serve the coimui*
«Ion«*, engages to iieliv«*r his crop of
Tl»e new cruis r. “Philadelphia,” on wheat, oats, wo.>1. hops or |M»tat«»*s. tiie sum«' ro.ul; from l*»l«> to |S1'.). en­
term: Mrs. Alice L’irieh, N.H; Mrs.
I lie new western mail <*outrnetors
her trial recently, m de an average sells "store goods" on ere«ht, or «loes gineer on tii«* New loik A I ne; from
Emehne Turner, \ . li; \S in. l'.-rnff. li.
hour. As the
speed <*f I’.D » kn >t •
anything • Is** for winch payment is to
i SrttioiiH) Mihm- of 12 L’mr at •'iiiiri'i'
builders Weie lo ii ■ \e a premium of Is* mad** at a future time. In* stipul it«*s of motive |H«w«*r on tin* Sus.piehaiina ami ar«'ready to take charge of flu* I- I.Uie<*e Luy, T j eiisui * r A
t*rA»<-esKi<»n h»rm in front of <>ai« .Hi>i
• Irirt bv < o l«4<» X <. . ||HH'i-v‘.itiii will form
f<»r HV»-r.. > nt knot per tour invariably that In- shall Is* pal I hi gobi A Peliiiexlvinii. The u**xt two veers stage I usiness .lulv 1st.
o X ’ • . <• A K . \ II ’
X.) I H«dr
Hou. 1‘. P. I’ritu returned from Port
alsaVe l*'l >, this insures them ¡?1<N), com. In political isiiiventions he re-
A gang of dirty, greasy, begging
Mini oity t oiihfil in « mi i iuk »•*. » H )/• -n- in « a!
INN) in addition t<> ft i • coot ract price. solves for silver; in his business trans­ New .l«*rsey locomotive and maeliitie «■yi'Sits wer«* here Sumlay. They lami tins week, ami report things mov­ Pro* e*>ion stm t fioin < •Miiiai»!> Opera i|..n*v
works at Paterson, N.J. It. 1855 lie
ing at the metropolis; ail th- hotels Helman to Factory, oni Factory to Maili str<-
Tiie votes cast at the last state elec- actions he declares for gold. In polit tiHik tli«* sup*Tint«*n.l«‘ii**y ot th«* L in eampeil just b. l«.w lteadimuTs ci«'«*k. [nil, iiiiil more liuihillig. He save tit* Spring, out >priug to Ith avenue, up 4tli Ave.,
leal «inventions he talks nonsense ami «•aster, P*«., ha**miotive works. Ih giu- outside the eorporati* limits. They «*uj**ys tii** rush ami business of Port- ¿row, w In re llie following p •
ti<»n cost alw»ut • w»*nty cents apiece
i. Musir
that is. they cot* the several county utters falselcMsls; m his business ' uing with Is-«.', Lie w;is for eleven had s«*veral annuals,ami iiior«*< hiidr«'ii. lal'd, blit is always glad to gel back to
Music bv glee ( bib
gov- rnmeiits th .t much for election transiuttions h** mllieree to fa«*ts ami ‘ years general superintendent of the who «tn! th«* l»‘guHig through town. J uess* ill vine with its i niitchless climate,
Fia\er hy chaplain.
1 hey are a hard i«»t, ami thanks he to
clerks, judgt •s,
b n iiea;’»‘, etc. Ill some follows coinmo.'i sells«*.
Reading Declaration
(’ineinnat I A ('Ineago Air Line, after-
ti e town ordinance they could not ex­
Music by the band,
Mr anil Mrs. Hugh Elliott were
instances the to'al <•••> •t ’ of the Votes is
Were Mr. Il erniann a truly ismr- war.i th«* Clim ig«» A Gr«*at I'.astern.
hibit their imss of humanity and ani­ tendered a very pleasant surprise par­
a little more. | As- :ig«*ous man lie would liava* saul "My
said to have Is
Mr. Brandl cum«* to th** coast in
Song by the glee
constituents, when they «bs'lare for 1872, at>«l was engaged by Ben llola- mals in town without paying;« license; ty at tlieir handsome new residence on
Benedict ion.
and to pay for anything is against all Mill Avenue, one night last week,
M u.sic hy ba;
sliver in their political iissemlilies, d*>
Ou Nov. 4tl» next, California will noi mean what they say; they are«piite day. then pi «‘Si* lent of the Oregon A l ilies of Km li an out tit.
«¿nib* a large niunber of their friends
hold at)« for governor, lieuten­ insincere; they ure juggling with the
were present, and tlm evening with
i vi nsi«* by I'Hiitl,
SISKIYol CorvrY, CAI,.
ant- governor, s** retary of state, tr«*«is- subject; ami as their representative, I and afterwani general superintendent
B.»y ’*. ra*'<*—im>l
social intenxiurse unit «leligti11 itl re-
urer, mut roller. s'.i|>**riiitemi«*ut of
i art** rue«*— inni«
frisliments, was a most enjoyable one.
am not to follow their elaptrap |Militi- of tii«* company mill tin* l«*ss«*v **om-
l'i*' ra* for l«.y -
piltili«* lust met i m. a’t irney ,’en-ral. eai declarations, but must conform to
lire«* leggi'*« ta* *' f*»r )*riz«
lì. !.. Fogemles pnl Ine uame il<*wn
John .hffn.'s. a former pupil of
Biirveyor-uenera!. thr<*< railroad com- 1 b«'ir regular practices in business af pames of th«* Oregon A California up
a* k race fur prize
oli tlm Franco register last Sumlay. Jaeksotivill«* pnblu* school, returne«!
■ating lnateli for I
mu*sion«'rs, le»;. I of «spiahzation, fairs. They always prefer gold; they t«> th«* time of Ills death.
niai* * ra«**
John Bran*!' was one of the best tl« limi ì ; ì U. i *MI in Sawyer's Bar luillion from a year's attendance at the State
clerk of siiprem. "oiir’.and lexfislature. invariably stipulate in tla ir contracts
of « ar
Known railroiul men in t e 1'lllte.i in lus posscssion. limi t»*ok ìt down to .Agricultural College this week. John
ami -I
The French p cse nlmit that th«* Uv- that they are t«i Is* pant m gold, ami S'ut«*s, among whom In* r.mkisl high thè iinnt.
dehver«*d a tine oration at the Com­
gotiatiolis is'tw*. n Lieutenant Wys«*, of cours«* ilo no* mean what they say for **«iiupet«*ni*y ami etli. b iiey. lie
The Mount Shasta Agricultural As- mencement oXi reises; his subject 1 h >-
r«*pr«*entative «. rim ii.piidatiou of the wh« n th«*y d«*clare in their party plat­ had the highest ci stt*eni of his supi'ri-
six-at am. comprising th«* coiinties of ing, "Monuments of the Aucients, ’
Panama Canal Company and the forms for unlimited coinage of silver. ors as well as In«* sulsinlm.i'es. No
Siskiyou. Trinity ami Modoc in Clili- which gave him the smiuil prize in
Col«miliiau i4’*v«'*muent for an exten­ I shall therefore vote against that man was jlister in his dealings, braver
iornia, aud Jackson Klamath ami Lake oratory.
sion of Panama ■■•niai <*oiieessions ami pn>|Hisition."
in th»* iliscliarge of («¡s duty or kiinl- in Oregon, will bold its annual meet-
The oral ions of Fletcher Linn ami
Had Mr. Hermann made this state­ Iler in his intercourse, Lo newspaper
resumption «>f w :k on tin* canal, have
C~. ~
ment msteatl of th«* one that lias b«*en men he was distinctly court«-ou.s, ami mg in Yreka,commencing October 1st A. E. Kearnes, at the commencement
collapstsl, and
O i l~ \
exercises of the Stat«* L niversity, bavi*
telegraphed he would have in-ule him­ possessed a .jnaiity of frankness ami and continuing four «lays.
holders are en«L I.
self famous throughout th«* l'uit«'«i
County SehiMil Siljieiintelident C. receiveil very complimentary mention
Th«' New Yo - IF.«//*/ of last Sim­ States, ami would tiav<> bel«! up u cordiality which left no doubt t of the
O. Shari*«*, informs us that there have by the press of tin* state. Jackson­
«lay had a Ing ex ios«* of |si]i«*«* «-orrup- mirror to the jsvople of tins ilema- t rut h i if his stateim*nts. There is
been five tim«*e as many applications ville’s young foiks in the various in­
tioli. A rejs.rt ■ for tin* past two gogue-ridden stat«*, in which tll«' V generally a reti«*ence about railroad
for .situations ;is teai'hers iu Siskiyou stitutions of l**arning abroad are re­
w«s*ks lias i * oii ' ;ii*t***l piker rooms
coillil see themselves life-size.
as there are schools to lie flecting ereilit on tlm underlying in­
•'i m. The story of
uu<h*r isiliix* pr«
applicati««ns are still com­ stitutions of the schools at bom«*.
ili-honoralil«* occil-
L is «*areer in th
The Urtiioniiiu’t comment ia in a never di«l. His owa inirite honor gave ing in at the rate of oue or two every
A. H. Meagley has sold out Ins van
pati*m will tell t. w be linls-il |M»ll«*e-
large «legree unjust. It inisrepr«ss-
oils business interests in tins valley,
men mill «letec i x-s, anil will KlVe enta laitli the representative of * Iregon. him contideuce iu others, and his
Tlm eonntv I hi U i I s issued by our an*I is preparing to remove his family
tiieir nann*s an I in am*mat of unmey whom it disparages, ami the [»-ople candor was a guarantee that no man
won!«! abuse his confidence.
paid them.
county for road ami briilge purposes, to Portland wlmre Im has already in-
whom he represents. The Ore/jonian
Few men [ miss «* ss « h 1 in a greater de- Wert* taken by Wells, Fargo A Co.’s«sl largely ami profitably iu real
’I'll«* —I hot wav* " « xpi'rieticeil iu Or«*- may or may liot have the lietter side gre • th,* doniestic ipialpy . No time
estate. Mr. Miaghy says bis conti-
g m during t lie i st ueek was not Con­ of the iirgiimeiit upon the silver coin­ that dti'y permitted him to speml at Bank at a premium of 821«kt am! ae deuce in the future of Port laud is in­
lined entirely to lie i'.miti«* coast. In age ipiestiou. B«> that as it may. it his home was d«*ni«*«l it; au«l few' men eru«*d interest amounting to 8135 in ert asing, ami lit* int< lais to invest still
the eastern st a ■ - It was a sennini visi- <ii»*s liot repr«*sent the people of Ore­ are more devotedly lov«*d by their in­ nil, 82*'s55 premium. This cerlniuly further in Portland real estate. He is
tat 1**11 of disi'on. ort ami distress. Iti gon in the position it has taken, ami ner family than he. it was his special spe ike well for our county, as«- a reliable ami enterprising man of
Chicago, St. L. I is. Cincinnati, Kan- it states what is untrue when it so «L*sire to lie horn«* t«> <*ele!«rate his I miu is only draw six percent int«*r»*st business, ami d«*serves tlm fullest mea­
aas City, Milwan.o . liidiaua|H>lis ami flatly aud arrogantly asserts that the birthday next Frniay, and on this ac- I'll«' only thing we regret is that w< sure of .success.
ot.h« r eitms the n**i t was very oppres- majority of the people of the state do «■oiint be set aii earlier <lat** for re- did not vote 85t'.<MN), instead of 83«),000,
Hive and unmet* n * cases of prostra- not want a liberal jailicy pursue«! iu turning than was proposed by others. as that with tlm premiums would
tioli were rep«*!).' I a few fatal. The the matter of bi-metallic currency. His death created u va *an«*y in Ins of­ hav«* improv«*«! roads and bridg«*s, ami
m il t «lity es|s'. llv among children, As to motives, th«* Orcf/onitin's own fice ami in his home, which in one put them all in first-class condition. Bv local applications, as they cannot
reccli til«- «iiM'Hs«'il |K>rti«>n of the ear.
reputation nmk**s aspersions from ease will lie«lltlicull anil in the other
Yn U h Journal July 2.
was largely inc. arti.
W :
L **, I » <4 5«
l liere is oulv one way to cure deafness,
its editorial columns fall with very nn|>ossibie to fill; and no on«* who
The children in Quartz valley ami and that is by constitutional remedies.
\V**nt Felicia* i Pirieh, Isiilisiana. light Weight U|sm the public men
knew th«* brave ««Ll man can h«*lp be­ HUrroiiiiding country, stay closely at Heafness is caus« d by an intlarued con-
may claim the l.*«n ir of the first <*eU' agiiinst whom they are hurleii.
ing made better by tin* reniombratice home since th«* lkingle ls>y was de- ditmnof the luncous lining of th«' Eus­
having las'll filial
Htis return. Us
of his honesty an l loyalty to voiued by California lions, ami the tachian l ube. Wli a this lube gets in­
tiie ‘.»th lust, 'fe­ re'urn is a very
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
The iH-tllie'rats Protest.
duty and home.
older folks too are very cautious «b nit imperfect hearing, and when ltisen
significant on-, lt shows 2,17s whit«*s
Mr. Brandt was tlirae times mar- trawling around, even when well tir*'iv cbiseil, deaf 11« ss is the result, and SUPPER AT “THE OREGON ”
s. There are 621
Washington, .Iuue 27. The North­
and 12,3ti7 ne
whites and 4.3V! negro vi ■oters in tlm ern l>etma'ratic im-mbers of the lions«' rital. His first marriage was to Miss armed, ( 'hurley W e«*ksthe well known unless tin* inflammation can be taken
parish, a total oi t !)33 voters, but this have prepared a formal prot«*st against Maggie Bartow at Tappan. N. Y. T he Indian limiter of Qnitrtz valley, has out and this tub«* restored to its normal
parish with 621 I • *mo«*ratH aud 4,312 the National Election lull, which is s«*eon<i was to Miss Maggie Spinney at been employed by th«* peoph* of that condition, hearing will be destroyed
Kepiiblicans gave Cleveland m lsxs term«.xl -extraordinary, dangerous and Kielimoml, lud. The third to Matilda section to hunt .town California lions forever; lime cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an m
1.71K» votes anil Harrison 46. a total of revolutionary, ami now propos-sl by Harriet Collins at Portland. April 13, or <*oiigars.
tini' condition of tile mucous surfaces.
l.Ml vote««, whle'i in.ii.vîtes that eoiue- lead-rs of the party m power. The 1881. Tw.i elnl.iren survive tiie first
We will give one hundred dollars for
T he nieriuiry reached !>2 degrees in
tlnug over 3,1) i ) u 'groeH faileil to protest says: **lf tiie power claimed marring«*. John Maurice Brandt, who tlm
any case of deafness i caused by catarrh <
by the majority resides in the Consti­ is in the East somewhere, I* *ing of a
that we jcannotl cure bv taking Hall’s
almost upto th** same notch v«*
Boston, Jun*- 27. Thomas Bailey tution, which we deny, the republic roving disposition, ami Mrs. Jentiit* «lav. We hear that Montagu«* ex- < at arrli »'ure. Send for circulars, free.
Knapp of Tappin. N. Y. Th«' third
F. I. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O.
Aldrich has resigned tin* e<iit«>rshii) of hits gone through the ditlicultles of a
ee**<le«l our warmth, by elevating t he by druggists, 75c.
the Alliinlii' ,M< • thhj an l IL E. S'iid- formative periiai, made heroic strug­ ciilhl of this marriage wits Mrs. Mag­ mercury to UN).
«1er is hiHHil«*ces «r. Aldricli euccee<l««i gles against dissolution, triumph«*«! gie Kapp, W'lloditsiat Kos-burg tbre«*
"British thild" and Yankee Trickery
Since the killing of t Im I tangle bov
Howells in th
riiportant [sisttion and successfully readjilste«i itself to years ago, leaving a little son. Mr.
'a'Im-ag.» di-na'ch Jnue 3I.|
erilted the tin«* old the ehangtsi eomlitlons, without the Brant’s only other clnl i was liv hl.« at «.iiiartz Y’alley last w«s*k. unother
in I'kBl, mid li
secoud wife, a soli, William Jndsou * alifornia lion attack* *! a film young
of a eeln'im* toestablisL
magazine on tIm r* tined. «hynitiisl and
Braud), now in the employ of the thoroughbred bull in Wetmore's (ml I stiM'kyaariis here arid fr«*eze out
Hcholariy lines i « t l«y lus pretieceMors. eral (iovernment for Ilk! years and
N<>t much of hi - ow ii i Work lias seen over. The bill is purely a partisan company as brakeman. Mr. near Crystal Creek, t.*armg the flesh English syndicate which has
has a brother, A. Brandt, master me all away from both limns an.I eniisiiig pur*'lias«*d the 1 num st«*<*kyar«l for
the light in its ,*.ig s duriug the past measure, intended primarily to con­
aie! ît is hope«l by lus trol the elections for Congress ami the chain«* of th«- Southern Pacific; h«* lias III** animal s *li*'*ih. I tier«* nr«* several S1 tl.iHMl,«HMI, are made ptiblie to-day.
nine years, «...
a sister. Mrs. Clark of Brooklyn. of these honsor cougars in tlm mount­ When the new yards are established,
friends here th l it liis relin*|i|lshmeut Presidential elections in all States,
Mr. Fre«l ('iirrn r married a sister of ains surrounding Scott Valley, that the site living some distance south of
of Ins eihtoriai •lilti,
diltu< will mean new ami to intiniidat«', houml, olistruet ami
Mr. Brandt s wit«*, an«l th** two fami- come down into tlm valley, on account the L’nion yards, the latter will not be
lss»ks from lus pell.
p,-n. Hora«*«* K. Send-
ln*s hav«* their horn«* at Eighth and of «L*er ami other gaum having no worth one fifth of the amount paid
der is widely known as a sn<-<*«<eKful unfrieiiiliy hands, adverse majorities
doubt nearly all perished by reason of for them, as
the proj«*ctors of th«*
author, an e«iitor of polishtsl taste and inltie cities of the North. To carry
extraordinary deep snows of last new yards control packing houses,
a valued iisso*'iate of th«* firm of on tins s*'li»’tm* of mi|>enal gov**rn-
Tin* *'«* iimi < and its Tn-uldes
wint«*r. th«* highest iwaks st'll con­ When the packing houses are re
Houghton, Mull.u A Co. lie is now
from our ¡«eople, ami tiie judiciary of
Washington. Jun«1 2**. Sup»*nnt«*n- taining a great amount of snow. Coil moved fn >tn i the obi yards to the new.
in hie fifties.
till* I lilted States will Is* pr«*stit uteri ilent I'orter, in an interview in the gars ami b«-ar ar** also to tie seen m as thev will Is*, th«* property of the
The House having mm-enneurred loth«* basest part of partisanship in I’ust to-iuorrou. will say the popula­ various oth«*r sections, and have li«*en Englishmen will lie rendered ooin-
ill the Semite's am. In linen; s to tile the mauag**im*nt of elections, ami tion of till' ( lilt' d Staf.'S Is • I, .'10.00 >. l illmg sto«*k t*» a gr**at extiuit. **sp«*«*i- parativeiy worthless.
silver «minage lull, the .piestion of in­ Ih«*se invasions of the hlwr'ies of our Th«- population l*y cviinii.s of |s*so wais ally at Butt«' Cr«*«*k and on tlm upper
The sale of the Chicago stockyards
terest now is what will the «mtiferetiee |Hs*p|e will l»e left to partisan juries 5* 1.1 Vi.7. IM
Klamath. Th«* Board of H ii | mtvisuis was one of t he sharpest tricks an En-
ciHiifiilttee «lo.
l'i««* « )r»’*/«m êin's in the Fisleral i*ourts, <*onipos«ai «*n
hav*-imen urg«*«l to offer a bounty for
St. Paul, .lune 28. It is statisi to- « 'alifornia lions, eongars and panthers, glisli syndn'ate ever ran afoul <>f, niel
Waebington <•**rr«*spon«!eiit Hind last tirely of men of th«* party in power."
tins experience will cost our British
Satur.lax ; Th«' «*omp.isition of the
The protest appeals to America.",
ami may <*onsider th«* matter at next cousins many million dollars.
c<mferen<*e e.imniitt-«* «»n th«* silver freeiueii, without r«*gard to party, St. Paul 1'4.311 and M tnneapi ills nmeting, provnh'l t'.*st net ions can Im
bill. «*omprisiiiL K •présentâtiv«'s (long­ ami aft«*r timely protest, by way of 2<71.4«»i.
adopteil to prevent, tlm Oregon people
(Ireaa is the only man in * »reg«>i>
er. Walker nn* I Blaiul, of the «minage public ims-t mgs or otherwise, against
Wiislmigton. June 2s
1 lie su|s*r- bringing their panthers and panther who divides the protits with Ills C11H-
«mmmitte«*. ami S n.itors Sherman, tins consolidation of government, the intendent of the <*«*lisns to-dav t»*!e- sculps into Siskiyou for premiums. Ioniers.
Jolies amt Harris, is l»*heve«l to mean destruction of popular rights ami the graph«*«l Special Agent Bondinnot at | W Inst! Don't mention it, Bro.
that a bill which is more imns-rvativ«* very foundation of American liberty, Mitin**ajH*lis, reimmmeiiditig a r«'connt on, but that’s just what we'll do.
than free Coinage will l*e th«* incxit as this vii’ious ami unpatriotic meas­ * if 1 he live «iislnctn refei'r«*«l to iu a Ashland sportsmen will lie
able outcome. Members <tf Isitli I sh I- ure is a most serious menace to the t«'legram from that gentleman, in with a drove of panthers soon after
!•“«. without reg«rd to th. irown vi**ws, life of t he r. public.
which the latter Haul that tiv>or six the passage of the scalp-bounty act by
lielieve that l»*lli Isslies must make
l b«* issue is, shall a political party enumerators, who wi re aric**'ed, ha t th«* Siskiyou county hoard. As for
«miH'esaiotis Caiter. of Montana, a elect its«'lf ami k«*ep itself m power bv joined m a |s'tition winch was on its th«* old pantimr ami (¡nzzly Imar
memls-r of th«* «moiage «mmmittee, p.iiil agents win) ar«* to control the|M>- way to Washington asking for this scalps that the T iihnos hunters have
and one <*f the few republmans who lltleal eh'Ctions m all the States?
recount. Tin* snpenutemieut said accumulate«! m their past hunting ex­
Voted against the house bill, Sii«l that
th«* s|s*«*ial agent was toi niploy enum­ cursions, however, we wonld’nt take
with the committee alsiv** nam«*«i it
Slavery in the l iiited state» Stiil.
erators to do this work, and -uggesteii cither, coin, gold dust or couuty scrip
«mul l not me «ii free coinage, Mr.
lvaleigh (N. C.I, June 2!'. Wil.iam if it w«T«* nee«'-sary to acc.*mphsh it tor them, l imy shall still adorn the
Carter ls»lmves, however, that the
in a week, that these district be <ii- skylights of tlm wigwam.|
Conference «miiinnttoe will ngr«*e on Hill ami a p irty of negro "exoviustiTs” vuli'd still further into smaller terri-
wtio l«'ft .New Hanover c.Minty for Ar­
a measure that will **all for thecoin- kansas, Lave just returned. They tori«*s.
¡«•rant’s Pass Courier, July
ag-of pra*'t:i*ally all tin* silver pro­
make affidavits hh to their treatment
The demam! of Port! itid for a re-
duct'd in tins country.
Mr. < >. J. Vannoy is building an ice-
there, ami their story is a horrible one. «•Olint <>t tiie p -ople of thecity haslh*i*i>
ms«' alol'gsidt* of his store. He gets
Th«* 1 nitisi Stat, s S-iiate must Is* There were <kkt in their party. They a«*i*ee«li*d to by Supt. Porter, of th** h
popillarizetl or th«* gov *rnm *n’ of tiie ■ill lia*l I mmui protnls.', 1 g<**d wages. e«*nsus, an<i a sp,‘<*i;d ag«*ut has lieen li.s ic«* from Ashland.
ornrrnT nutrittóñ T!
people will not eii iuje. I> vis***i in They were virtually sold to a lals.r s«'Ut out from Washington with full
K ports throughout the county indi-
haw lilt II *
tile lieginniiig ns .« Issly in whl«*h «xmtrae’or, who, when he was notiti**«! authority to take charge of th*' work, eate a very large apple crop this year.
HtatvH were to Is* r«*pr«*sente*i, as an by the ¡mor negroes that they could ami do whatever he may Considt*r lie*-
I » ccIltS lip.
The only remedy known whii h will
W. II. Parker and wife, of .lacksou-
organiZ'ition of wis* and g<s*l men not work for 5t> cents a day, said that essary in tla* matter.
ville, arrived Sunday and ure ksikiug
2 H »\ t‘^
win» would solemnly weigh all men
was all be would give. He seize 1 all
over the city with the intention of lo­
ur«*s coming ls*fon* th* rn and as a their personal effects. Some famili«-s
Tla* World's »air.
conservative for«*«* in a government wer<* put iu horse stables and others
Tiie national world's fair commis-
remarkable for its cievks an i liai- in old out house's, while some had to . stun, in .*•• -Mon tit Chicago, chos«* ex-
'1'tie S. P. 1>. A L. Co. are now em­
By this natural and «ivnple means it quickly
auct-s, it has ceased to hold in the remain on th«* batiks of the river with­ S >nator Palmer, of Michigan, as Pres- ploying eighty-three men in their fac­ and permanent y <’('RES All Forms <»t
fe«icral system the pince tb it w is as­ out shelter
■dclit of the World's C iliiniliian Ex­ tory in this city, ami we are inform«*«) IlyapepMia. Constipation, Mental ami
signed to it. Many of its memliers
Ail wert* guar«i«*d like criminals. position. J. S. I»ickmsoii, of Texas, i hat by fall they will have over one NrrvoiiM Exhaustion, <o*neral Debility,
repriwent state« no longer. They Kev..«Ivers were drawn on t h«*in to force was chosen as si-erettiiy. The follow­ liiin.lred employes. 'Ibis d<ms not m- Drain Fag, or any rxliaiisted or weak*
notoriously represent railroads, mines, them to terms. They vv«r«< within ing vice pre-l'l-nts wer * elected: cjule tlmir saw null force at Merlin.
ene<l condition of the fty stem, from what­
for«*sts. mills amt «'omm-rcial «miu- twelve miles of Louisiana ami were Thomas M. W «liar, of Connecticut;
Mr. John Henry was in from his ever cause. Skin Eruption«, Boils, Itun-
blliatlons. El«s*ted liv the use of unable to g«-t on the steamer without M. H. 1* Young, of (’aln'oima; I >. li.
u im* oti I’owell creek th«* first of th«* ning Sores. Scrofula, and all I>i«<‘a**es o!
money, they <io not recognize any a pass. They got away aud went to Penn, of Louisiana; (J. W. Allen, of
Week, ami is well piea.-asl with the the Blood, Stoniach, Liver and Kidneys.
popular authority. 1'iiey stand <le- another ¡«oint, where they were halted New York; A li. Andrews, if North
The min» is owned by
fiantly for monopoly ami privilege, by men, armed ami mounts«], who de- Caroliua.
Messrs. Henry ami Messenger; they S1.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00.
llisteati of lieing nil organization of uiaud«*d where they w.-regoing am) by
Dr nilhrsf-l pauel»ook. <1< m ript:ve of Hy­
Tn«* committ.s» on |H*nt or- w«*r** ot*'ere«l 86JMMI for the ledge, re­
w.s«* an«l conservative men, the senate whose authority. The last sale of g iirzation r»s*omnien«i«*<l tli-it Un* pr»s-
drastine ReMorative and hi> other Rt inrd*cs
sent tree by mail.
is, ; ih a whole, a body of violent par- these people was made in Louisiana ldent be elilpoweied to ¡¡*iiut th«- cent ly. but kimiiy refused.
• 1
tiMauH. impudent money-Kigs and By a ni in naiiit'<i Williams, who sold fiillow tug i*i immltt«ms :
stilwervient tooN of the nn^s and .■■«•Ml of them for j$5b«k>.
tn l)i<l Soldier*» Story.
Ex«s'Uttve committ«**', 2o m-mbars;
<*teinbin<*8 that oppreee the pt^ople. Tin*
rules and by-laws, H; t niff an I trans
In the I ite war 1 was a soldier in th.'
Fire at Seattle
need of popularizing that house is nn
poruition, l*i; f«»r«*ign affnrs. s; h*gis- Fir’ll Maryland Volunteers, ('.«inpiny <•.
¡rerative. [Astoriau.
Seattle had a #b<i,i»«l lire last Tues­ ¡atiou, 1 from i*<icli state and territory ; 1 hiring mv term of service I contracted
art and sei«*n«*e. S; history, literature
I>r Cyrus Edson lias an article in
iiMsi a great amount of medicine, lint
agrtculill'e. when 1 found any t hut would give me
the .June /•'<»' him on sanitary science, story corrugate*! iron buildings on the ami popular e«li:i* ilioii,
stock, l'i; horticulture and rein f tiny would injure mv stomach,
in which he predict* that as the wodd water front. «a*ctipied by wliolesale ]•>; liv«* StlM'k.
The h«*aviest losers were tiorieiikure, Hi
Ki; finance, s. auditing until < li mil*. Hain's Colic Cholera ard
grow clean«*r epidemics will vanish. houses.
.imi arinone.-,
armorie.-, s; c ass ti- l>iarrh«H-a li*«neilv was brought to mv
He cites the fact tint during the Six­ Knapp, Burrell A Co., $lil,Bi*l; S'JI.IHMI «•ominittee aud
m .ir.ifaetnri* s,
s, l«>; com- liotue lose it and will «ay it is th,
teenth and Seventeenth centuries ep­ men rance, on agricultural im piemen's. cation, 16; manufacturi«
mm s ami mining, iti;
i«i; fisii- only remedy that gave ino periu’lllent
idemic* threatened to depopulate the 1 Lie total msurams* is about SB*M>*M. meiee l«i; min
*>; I hi . h I of relDfami no bid results follow. I take
world; that smallpox never ceased, The city water pija's, for some reason, • ri* s nliil ti<h culture. y«.
pleasure in rec >iinu«*iding this prep
;i«*ii stat«* au*i uration
----- A-------
that almos* every ¡»enion had it at failed to furnish wat«*r enough to lady mauagi rs, 1 from e;u*L
Io all of mv old comrades, who.
territory and !♦ from Clin * ’ •
least once in hie life, and that Hú­ tight the tin* well.
while giving their services to their
mense Hundiere were made blind by
T'm local ti* aril «• .iltitrv. contracted this dreadful «lis
Cm* mo. Jtil. 1
Killnl in a Runaway
it. One-third of the childreu lioru
Worbis fair, by cas« as I did. from eating unwholesome
Janies Barclay was killed near Mo
ami ums.oked food. Yours Trulv. A.
died before they were a year old. while
siilijis't to
one-half of’he remaining t^cethirds doe Point on the LinkvilleFort Klam­ the approval ••! th*- nati**nal coimnis. K Bendrig. Halsey, Dre. For sale bv
CiiitwisjJ Bros.
He was driv­
perished of Asiatic cholera, biack ath rou«i lust Monday.
Kloh, to hold til** fair
on !.: '««• Fron',
death, typhoid fever and other tilth ing in a ruad cart, going out as guide and a’ Jackson pa nrk.
klsinalh < ity
diseases. But he arenes that as the for a fishing party from 'Frisco, when
A <1* puty sliei if .■a rv< .1 r,|s.ti ( 'h iir-
T. .1 l.iFlesh, ihv engims-r of the
world has i'rown cleaner men have th«* horse rau away and threw him out. ill *11 « i *g*' In>11 '*
*f an li junction
grown heidtliivr. It may is* admitted aud lie u as di agged some distune-* over Is-Ilisl at th«* Sin; of c< rt iin .«butting K lainat ii Cl’y I'iiprovemelit to.. w;is
in town last Sunday. He says that
be .HspiajMi
that cleanliness itself is a ocienc«*. the the rocks. Barclay was an old settler property owners
n Lak** Front work will I»' Is gun in a month or so.
depart men!
details of which, though simple, are,
I'epiilaliun i>f * allibrili;« T»w as
wluui th** wa'er r«assL‘S siitTici* ntlv to
it appears. exivediu^lv hard for some
to «HX'tipy tli it ground for World's enable timm to start to work on the
Following Mie the approximate tig
persons to master indeed, it does
fair purp.ises.
dam. When th*' work is begun it will
not take much observation and still uree of the p*ipul.iti«>u of various towns
Is* puslie«! as fast as jmssilde ami
less investigation to prose that it is a and cities in California.
I h«* heal of Sumni T
Klamath City will get to the front as a Will goat
Sacramento, 2*>,S i MI; Slot'ktou, im’lil-
. now 2tk*
t**ience which many individuals do
I.atge I nh I i «* Will goat.
now 25c
not otrugide to master. Still, how­ ditig th«* 17>M1 insane asylum intuite«., Eu’Tv.ttus the svs: in, rc<lu< i the vi inaiitif ««‘'uiilig locality
now A5e
ever, we must conclude from the tes­ 14,4iK>; Nevada lily, likin; ( irass Valley , tiiiity, ail ; weakens tliv ♦ !*• tl'.'.S. lu move slowly, and so do huge «liter Wiil go at
timony furnished of tlie iup II km I s of ’M'D; AuburnJFJlit; Sonora, l.'sxt; Sm this C'»Iidlt ¡(ill. the h>«lvreili « f dis I prises, but tli*'V amount to something
valile will be
H>>* r l*> isiufl i*l • mini
victim t > ills-
I' >rtity the system wlnm they «lo move; s«> L-t it I m * with
life in the times cited that many les­ Audreas, 1-xH); Daklsmi Jo.iHMI; 1,
• •n lii»- ( «»tin
for >*.ur ,1,-p. lion i otar
sons in clean linens have been learned Ang«*i«*e, 50,*KU; I’asad **ia. I'Co; Santa
simie the tune in which epidemics Ana, 3Chd; Ventura, 2.**»*; San Ber­ taking Dr. Hiller's . i vdrastiue Ke.Mtora- vxfierieticed river ami mill ruan, hav­
Uve. It enables the uutritkve «vsieni
were never stamped out and there v . hs nardino,
to :i‘>sorb siitHcietit nourishment to keep ing I m *« u in tlm employment of C. C
It will taue yon only a minute to
no suspicion that tilth was the nest­
the t»ody vig >rous ami he.ilthv. and iu Washburn, the Wisconsin Lun.lair
Celluloid collar.s ami riitT^ latent H fit rondlt!«»u to resist dl -e t>e For king, for many years. —[Siskiyou Tele­ rea«l the Ked Honse advertisement but
ing pla«*e of disease and death |()re-
you will fimi it very interesting.
st>lee at tiuufiaker'a.
»ate by I. K. Bolton.
Is Coming io Áshismí
or ■<
w ’<
12 li
14 lbs. EXTRA C. SUGAR
18 lbs. BEST ROLLED O ' i s
12 lbs. BEST iSLAfiA)
4 lbs. BEST CO.Sr?
20 los. BEot NA v
All other goo<
will otter them, :
been, and will not
anyone else
le Red House never has
Grand Military and Firemen s Bail
Co. “D", 0. N. G„ & A. H. Co., No, 1,
Stimulate the Nutritive Processes of the
Human System.
HILLER DRUG CO., San Francisco, Cal
BarÄBarÄ qu 1 Line of Straw Hal
4, 1 S$)()
Take a Look at Our New Stvic
i scKweai
ox i r’s T ri : I \