r> P Fisher B >x 2341 ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. W. H. LEEDS. Editor and Publisher. Term« ol Subscription: One oopy, one year.......................... I ‘‘ six months........................ 1 “ “ three months.................. Club Rates, six oopies tor.............. ' 12 Terras, in advauoe. 50 50 75 M ASHLAND, VOL. XIV. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Austin S. Hammond, ATTORNEY AT LAW The Most Extensive Machinery & Implement Firm on Pacific Coast A khlanr , O rkoon . ('«>mj.l<'te list of Abatrscta of Titles Ui.lauds iu Jack.»!! eountjr. Titles examined. Title, perfected Rec­ ord, corr«x:tewT(p»H>ns done on short no yd BlaukA, Orcalars, Busi ’*• ■ ira«sOanaa ___ _ Billhei - illheads. Letterhead«, Boat tern. fltv.. r°tten ftp in good style at living prices. Have a Branch House at Medford, Oregon Tiit* Largest Assortment of J. T. Bowiitch, HARVESTING MACHINERY Mow icnsS Attorney and Counsellor at Law In Southern Orciron. ASHLAND, OREGON. Will practice it all court» of the State. <’ol!ectioun promptly made aud remitted. SM Morris M. Harkness ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR, G rant ' s P ass , O regon . f^r-oilK-e in Ahtf Uiiililiiig, Frvnt street, pl U. «» Robert A. Millor, Attorney-nt - Lmv Will practice in all the courts of thu State. J3^r,<>FFI(’E with W. H. Barker, Opposite Court House, Jacksonville, Or. 1 “ GEO. C. EDDINGS, Dr. J. S. Parson, PHYSIC’ YN AND SURGEON SucciSSOR to WILLARD A A shland , O regon . URBANKR. ashlaud , oregom . Office st residence on Malli street, next door to Presbyterian church. [11-42 LN OREGON PARADISE. i Pleasant Ashland and the Rich Country About It. the market than the product of any other district on the coast. All of these things grow here abundantly, and many farmers have grown neb oil of them. But the one fruit that the Ash­ land district is proudest of is the peach. Elsewhere peaches may be smooth, large and juicy, but here they simply puss all power of description. The word "peach" acquires a new sig uitieauee when one tasU*s the product of the Ashland orchard. As to quan­ tity, there are literally forests of peach trees. From an elevated point the or­ chards may lie seen stretching for mil«s over the rolling hills. With the increase of production that is rapidly developing, this land ol peaches will become very well known, indeed, wherever juicy fruit is appre­ ciated. As yet, most of the peach crop is shipped to market tn a green state. This will continue, because there is always a d< mnixl for green fruit of such excellent quality, but as produc­ tions increase there will lie a larger amount of fruit that cannot stand shipping green, wluch will have to be preserved. This will give employment to drying ami canning establishments, which will find ample occupation out­ side of the fruit season in handling vegetables, such as tomatoes, peas, corn, etc. The fruit next in importance in the valley to the |>each is the apple, large quantities of which are usually sent away to markets. All fruits not re­ quiring a tropical climate can lie suc­ cessfully raised here. that industry, and they are being pro­ vided, and Ashland promises to l>e- come in a few years one of the most important fruit centers on the Pacific Slope. Ashland is the terminus of the Mount Shasta division of the S. I*, railroad. The company has built a large eating house and hotel, costing $35.000; also a large roundhouse, and other buildings anil shops usually found al termini of such importance. The education of the children of Ashland is well provided for. Ttie city has two public school buildings and seveu teachers are employed. \ State Normal school is maintained and lib­ erally patronized. There are also three private schools, including a kin­ dergarten. The city has a large public hall ami six handsome church edifices- belonging to the Roman Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterian, Baptist. Congregationalist ami Dunkards. Tiie Episcopalians have an organiza­ tion and will soon build a churcli. Of fraternal and benevolent societies, there are lodges of Masons. Odd bel­ lows and Knights of Pythias. The city has one of the best ci nip:ini> s ol miiitia iu the state. A public reading­ room, under the iiuspii*es of the Wo man’s ChrislianTempt rance I'mon,and the libraries of the different isH'ietieS, place gixal literature within the reach of everyone. The Board of Trade nunibeis among its memlsTs the live 1 usiness men of the city. Ashland bus two wei kly tiew: papi rs Ashland Tidili'jx, published by W. H. Leeds, and the Valley Heeortl, of which E. J. Kaiser is the editor. THE “ARIZONA KICKER. THROUGH THE DRAW Plenty of Honors lor the Editor, lint So One of the Most liisastrous ltailruad Acci­ 0«M Yet. dents that Ever Occurred mi the Pacific [Prom the Detroit Five ¡'rw*.. | Coast- We «'Struct tli<‘ followini! from the H an F rani ’ i . i >, May 30. The Oak- last issue of the Arizaua Kich r: N ot Y et . In reply to ••Anxious In­ quirer,” of Philadelphia. «<• would say that we hold uo political or appointiv.. offioe whatever, lligbl here n would lx> very appropriate for us to a-bl that wc want nothing of th« sort, and that if the President would tend«T us a Cabinet portion we should refuse it. We ought to say so, but u. don’t pro- pose to. We have I hn 'I i rea iy for the last two years to take anything »••• could get our hands on in th« way of an office, but the opportunity hasn't ppe«l on our sale of th« fence. While we are the editor, publisher and proprietor of a great weekly in «espalier, and while we conduct a job office, newspaixr, grcxvry, saddlery, hard­ ware, butcher shop, millinery store, feed store and signal statiou nil under one roof, there is still an aching void. While our contemporaries may play hypix'rite and liar, we see no «•casion to conceal our leal filings. W«‘ «ant office of some kin Takelt in time. It checks through, and was being closed. The floor, on Main street. 111-12 Whole Pacific ('oast. diaeasea Intho outset, or If -----DEALER IN----- signals wen-set. A terrible panic en­ they be advanced will prove a ixitenlcure. sued. The first car piled upon the E. P. Geary, M. D. STOVES. TIN 1OR6, GRANITE 1OR6 engine aud tender. ud <1 only a part of Suu Frauri" Examiner. May 27., one end i-out of water. The engineer PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A shland , May 26.--Whenever Ore­ It take« the place of a was Sam 1 >mm. the fireman O’Brien; PUMPS, BLACKSMITH COAL, doctor and costly pre ­ gonians and Californians get into an MKDFOKD, OREGON. tl e cotid icior was H. D rvif , aud the FOR WHOSE script H uh . All who lead argument over the relative excellence brakemat . W (>. Hutchinson. Office in Hamlin's Block—Residence on < sedentary lives will And BENEFIT AMMUNITION. ETC. of the cities of their respective States it the tM'st preventive of street. Bridge-;e.ider Dunlap says the sig­ and cure for Indigestion, the man from the North is pretty sure nals Were m t, i.nd the accident must Constipation, Headache, Bllionaneaa, ____ have been ibioagii carelessness of the Dr. W. Stanfield, Files and Mental Depression. No loss to say: “Look at Ashland: where cau of time, no interference with business you beat this in California?" and the engineer. The signal down brake* while taking. For children it is most in ­ man from the Golden State will just E clectic physician , was giv< ,i I h fore the engine leajied in­ nocent and harmless. No danger from as surely answer: “What makes Ash­ Has l(M-ated in Ashland. Or., for the prac­ to th« .q -n draw, but too late to avert exposure after taking. Cures Colle, IM- tice of his profession. Makes all chronic land so fine is that it is so close to arrhu,a, Howel Complaints. Feverish­ the accident. There were three pas- diseasch, such as Rheumatism. Asthma, ness and Feverish Colds. Invalids and California.” eeng’er c:.r in the train, two of which Files, Kidney diseases. Liver Couiplaiuts. delicate persons will rind it tiie mildest Certain it is that the city is as pleas­ Female Diseases, Ac., a specialty. Consul- remained on th« approach to the draw. Aperient and Tonic they can use. A little talion free. taken at night insures refreshing sleep ant and beautiful as any on the coast. The top < f the ear was cut o|>en Office next door to Arlington Hotel, near and a natural evacuation of the bowels. It is among the northern slopes and and the I . .liestaken out through the the een able to HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, day night, when returning home from ru intelligent aid quickly, as ;>eople beauty of the many pictures that every put up a vegetable compound that would, A Specific Remedy for Each Disease. a call at the two story adobe of tha were impiisoiied in the car. The sec­ turn iu the road reveals. like Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly ASHLAND, OREGON. Wiidow Glasefieid’s, and just ns we ond car bung balanced on the edge of and effectively move the Liver to action, The city is by no means a new one; and at the same tune aid {instead of weak­ Office for the present at the Congregational were passing the ruins ol old Fort the draw. for nearly forty years there has been a Most of th« netimes were dead when ening) the digestive and assimilative j) DR. HILLER’S HYDRASTINE REST3R TIVE Stimulates ndtritiun Ihiriflesthc T’. «»1. Parsonage. [ 12-IS Todd, wo were fired upon three times OTHER PRODfCTS. community at this point The place powers of the system.” taken from the first car. although Cures Dyspepsia, Constipation and General Du óility. A jierfect tonic and strong! h builder. L. M. H inton , mi »., Washington, Ark. in rapid succession. We didn ’ t stop was first settled iu a romantic little The soil of Rogue river valley is Merit Wins. to inquire the gentleman's name, nor every effort was made to resuscitate Marks of Genuineness: Ixs>k for the red valley directly on the swiftly flowing largely a granite loam, four to tell feet Dr. J. H. Hall, DR. H’LLER S ANTI-BILIOUS STOMACH^AND LIVER CURE. Cures Biliousnem and tli> m. a Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the creek. Gradually it grew out of the deep. There is a gieater area of this We desire to say to our citizens, that to ask the occasion of his hilarity, The excitement iu Oakland was in­ Seal and signature of J. H.Zeiliii Co., I d all Liv.r Trouble«, Chilla and Fever, Malarial Fevers, and all Typhoid conditions. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. confines of its site and overflowed into kind than any other, though iu many for years we have been selling Hr. King's but covered the mile of sandy road tense and tliousmils of people flocked red, on the side. Take no other. leading into town in something like i New Discovery for (kmsumptioti. Or. DR. H1LLET S CATARRH CURE. Cures Acute Catarrh, Chronic Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaf ­ the gentle hills. When the railroad places there is a strong adolie soil, (Niue Years in Hospital Practice.) to tbe morgue, where tlie Ixxlies were ness. Giur.iiit c»l tocure the worst cases when directions are followed,or money refunded. came, its depot was three-quarters of a making inexhaustible grain land. A King's Life Pills. Buckleti's Arnica five minutes. Next morning we went taken. Main Street, Ashland, Or. 1442 Salve ami Electric Bitters, and have down to the ruins to seewbat we eoulil mile from the old town. Now, however, clay loam is also found in some places. (»••o. T. Hawley, of Oakland, one of The Census Among Farmers. DR. HILLEHS COUGH "URE. Cures Colds, Hoarseness, Coughs, Bronchitis, Tlenrisy the city has spread over this interven­ Under the intineuce of the warm cli­ never handled remedies that sell as well, see, and it didn't cost ns three minutes’ and riitiuinonia; relievesc- naumption. Contains no Opiates. Cures Croup in 10 minutes. Snpt. Porter, in answer to inquiries ing space and beyond iu every direc­ mate the soil is a quick-growing one, or that have given such universal satis­ time to discover who fired those shots. those in the car that weut over, but J. S. Walter, M. D. S., faction. We do not hesitate to guaran­ esea|s*d, said there were about forty has sent out the following condensed tion. and is favorable for most vegetable tee them every time, and we stand ready There were the ftprints of a bow- p«ople in the car, including children. DR HIL1 ER*» DPHTHERIA AMD SORE THROAT CURE. Proventsand runs Diph­ report of questions to l>e asked the Will practice hi»profession of Dentistry One great feature of Ashland is the productions. It is the best corn land to refund the purchaw price, if satisfac­ legged man a man so bow-legged that theria. V. i 'I p -it»■ clj cure any sore throat in from 3 to 24 hours. Cures t¿uins> in 3 .lays. fanners by census enumerators fur the amount of ground about its residences, in Oregon. Wheat, oats, liurley, buck­ tory results do not follow their use. no one ooilld mistake his identity. \\ e When he found the car filling with --- AT— water h« climbed to the upper end, 11th census. D-. H FEVER CU^E. Indispensable in all acute diseases attended with fever. and there are gardens to every bouse, wheat, hay, root crops and vegetables These remedies have won their gnat returned to town and set out to hunt but didn't get out until he had been A shland , O regon . 1, Your name as occupant of the farm. 2, filled with Howers that would do credit are among the products of the vallley. popularity purely on their merits, Cbit- up Professor Monckton, who has Ixan Humi d a.. . uuffi Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina, and Measles. Mothers try it once. under water. Wlien he Are you owner, renter for monry. or for 11-8 Office a residence. playing an acordian in some of the completely Sweet potatoes, peanuts, sorghum and wood Bros., druggists. share of the crops of the farm ? 3, Are you even to California’s Garden City. came to the top be made for a window, DR. HILLER S NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. Cure« Nervous Weakness, and Ixw of T first-class saloons, and who was "gone" white or black? 4, Number oi acres of land, There is no crowding at Ashland. hemp can lie sucessfnlly grown also. after a struggle managed to get Power. Never fails. Send fur Private Circular to Hiller Drug Co., San Francisco, Cal. improved and unimproved. 5, Acres irri­ The city contains probably 3,IMX) peo­ on the widow without ourknowl<rueU. Ashland is about 72,(5(81 feet nlmvo land, is fifty-four degrees. The aver­ general so depri'ssed? Thisqueslion the painless extraction of teeth. passetigt rs. plunged Hilo the eaUiary, hand for 188.«. 12 Forestry: Amount of wood Office over the Bank.—[12-38] DR. HILLER S WHOOPING COUGH CURE. Prevente and Cures Whooping Cough. cut. and value of all forest products sold. 13. the sea level, and al wive her tower age mean temperature for January, is answered in more ways than almost w hich was here quite deep. Grasslands—Acres of each kind of grasslaHd great mountain ranges enpped with the coldest mouth in the year, is thirty­ any other now liefore the public- One Eugiueer Sam Dunn, when he saw T ry it O nce .—Twit months ago tl,e cut for hay or pastured; tons of hay and snow. The spreading elopes of these eight degreee, and for July, the hottest statesman will blame it on the fact of N ot «. With exception nt Dr. Hiller’s HydrMtine Restorative. Dr. Hiller’s Rhennntic postmaster of this town didn't care a the bridge did not close, reverse«! the straw sold ; clover and grass seeds produced J. S. Howard, and NeiirxUic Cure, and Dr Hiller's Coup'll Cure, the above remedies arc in Tablet and sold; soils and their capacity: 14, Su­ mountains are covered with orchards. month in the year, seventy-nine de­ theexistiug tariff; another will tell you cent whether our mail reached im or lever, but the momentum of the en­ I ,nn, and. it not obtainable from your dru^ist, will be mailed free, on receipt ol price. gar—Cane, sorghum, maple and beet; sugar Further up they are clothed with fine grees above zero. that it is because tariff duties are not not, and every complaint wc mad« was gine was tmi great to Is* stopped til Notary Public and Conveyancer and molasses; acres, product and value of forests. The mesas of this oonutry are Ashland creek never runs dry, bnt high enough; another will account for received with ill-disguised contempt. time. The weight of the engine aud $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. each. 15. Castor Beaus: acres. 15. Cereals: MEDFORD, OREGON. barley, buckwheat. Indian corn. oats. rye. nnequaled as pastures. Thousands of from year's end to year’s end it can lie it by over production; anol her by We brought, matters to a climax by en­ first car broke the couplings anil left Th.w remedies are the result of 25 years of professional experience, and are All kinds of real estate business given care­ wheat: acres, crop, amount of each «old and cattle and sheep range over them. The heard all over the city as it churns and wrong silver legislation; and no one couraging him to attempt to hors-'wliip the other two cars of tlie traiu stand­ guaranteed to cure when a cure i.i possible. Dr. Hiller’s 64-patfe book of directions for ful attention, and information furnished consumed, and value*. 17. Rice, acres, crop, native grasses are wonderfully nutri­ rushes down its steep, rocky channel. seems to ln> at a loss to furnish a the­ hi.iu • treatment, containing valuable instructions as to hygiene and diet, sent frek . ns. As soon as lie had struck the first ing on tlie track. The second car ran con. ernlng property iu the new town. and value. Tobacco: acres, crop, amount sol»l, and value. 19. Peas ami Beans: tious, and the beef and muttou from The sound of this overgrown brook is ory which in his own opinion seems to blow, we sailed in, aud his friends say alsuil a third of the way across the HILLER DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. bushels and value of «Top sold 20. Peanuts: this district, is esteemed above that never out of the ears of the residents lx* sufficient to account for it all. With­ that he was the worst licked ruin ever bridge and stop|>ed, but the jar was acres, bushels and value. 21. Hops: acres, from anywhere else in the markets of of Ashland. The brook is as pure and out discussing the jxiint in particular, C. W. Boot, heard of in Arizona. Since that date ' sufficient to break open the front of pounds and value. 22. Fibers: cotton, tlax cold as the snow that gave it birth or trying to account for existing con­ not lung is too good for ns. He sends the ear, anil many of the passengers and hemp; acres, crop and value. 23. Broom the West. buck in the white-tipped range that ditions on any one theory, it is evident Corn: acres, pounds and value. 21. Live A CITY OF FINE RESIDENCES. a boy over with our mail twice a day, were thrown into the waler. The Stock horse'-mules and asses: number on looks down on the city. It starts from that many things have conspirai to first car. winch had followed the en- hand June 1, 1890; number foaled in 1889* Ashland contains scores of tiue resi­ a living spring at the base of Ashland depress the farming inti resls aud to ami every one of our snbseritk'rs gets . gineto the Imttom of the ««tuary, soon g*»durveyinx of all kinds promptly at Ins Kicker so promptly that the paper Sheep: number <»n hand June 1, 1890, of dences. Fow are very large or pre­ butte and rushes down a picturesque render unprofitable lint's of production feels hot when it reaches him. tended to. I'harges reasonable and cor­ “fine wool," “long wool" and “all other;" ’ rose, and such of the passengers as had rect work guaranteed. Orders forwork in number of lambs droppod in 1889; “spring tentious at all, but all are comfortable canyon until it comes out near the city. which were once among our leading Mem. If your postmaster won’t escaped therefrom were picked up by all parts of tlie county promptly attended lamba” «old in 18W; "<»id in issu outer than and pleasant, and no stranger can look All along its noisy way the stream sources of national wealth. “spring Iambs;" slaughtered for use on farm travel in the right bridle-path, baste yachts and small boats which soon to, at the pretty and homelike cottages passes under great pun's,for the moun­ Gue thing, though, is true that him. It beats appeals to Waunnniknr gathered at the sceue. The trainmen office with «. F. Billings. in 1889; killed by (logs in ............. ” ’ from ’ 1889; diwl other causes in 1889: 2»». Wool: shorn among the gardens without wishing tains on either bank are clad with while existing abuses may lie corrected i and the rest of the passeugers lent all hollow. spring of 1890 and fall of 1889. 27. (»oats: that lie might live in such a place. A timber to the very tops. Some of the and needed reforms instituted, farm­ i their aid to the work of rescuing, and number of Angora and common. 28. Dogs: more delightful town fora residence it Gaai&rd’s Orchestra scenery along its course is magnificent. ing will never lie the uniformly profit­ on farm June 1, 1890. 29. Neat Cattle: H ad to be D one . Six months ago 1 when a wrecking train arrived from would Ire hard to find. Its summers working oxen, milch cows, and other cat But it is nui the lieanty of the stream able business with some pt'ople that Of Aahland. Oregon, (late of Cal.' i Oakland the car was drawn into shal­ tie on hand June 1,1*90; numberof purebred, are never hot; its winters are never ex­ alone that makes it valuable to Ash­ it should lx* until more thorough busi­ this tawii was full of drunkards and low water, arid small boats lw*gan drag­ grade and common ; calves <1 Topped in 1889; cessively coline, ami will give prompt attention to all professional calls. iss.i 31. Swine: Number on hand June 1, and they could not submit to have city grows the banks of the stream farming which cannot be reduce«! to ped Sam Barlow v ith a ball in th« leg. chief wharfinger of the state. 12-15| Prof, (laniard, Aahland, Or, will be lined with mills and factories. record in perfis-t form, but there are 1890; sold m 1889: consumed on farm and S. H. Austin, of Austin A I*hel|>s, died in 1889. 32, Poultry Number each of their favorite hunting grounds wrested certain general principles in mauagi'- winged Jim Simpson at long range, San Francisco. Embalming a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed MINES AND QI AKRIES. and split Tom Jackson's ear ns he chicken«, turkevs, geese and ducks on hand from them. They fought the settlers ». H. ATKINSON, F. H. CARTER K. V. CARTKR inent just as applicable to this as to Miss Florence Austin. * June 1. ¡890; value of all poultry products fiercely, and many white men title«! un­ Preaident. Viee-Prea. Cashier Isist year Jackson county yielded any other kind of business. Where turned the postoflice corner. We gave sold: eggs produced, sold and value in ¡8X9. Mrs. Bryan O'Couuor, Moffat A Co., i :k3, Bees Numberof stands, i»ounds of hon- marked graves iu the lieantiful valleys more gold than any other county of ’ farming is as a rule as carefully man­ four of the gamblers a day to pack up San Francine«!. I furnish my own hearse and give personal attention tb funeral-'. hi , furnished the ro|>e that bung Jack i ey and w ax produced,and value. 31,Onions, liefore the red men were nt last con­ Oregon. Since their discovery in aged in detail ns is the business of J. B. Irwin, sewing machine agent, j Field crop—Number of acres, bushels pro quered, ami the garden of Oregon was 1852 the placer mines of the region manufacturing, for instance, there is Beavers, and it was our gun timi went Oakland. du< < d ami sold, value. 35, Potatoes: ¿weet off when Deadwood Hank tumbled given over to the settlers. : and Irish, bushels produced ami sold. have produced $25,(MM),000. There are less to say about hard times. There is from the bridge. E. R. Robinson, San Francieco. Market gardens and small fruits: Number The Indian troubles over, the country W-I have a work shop in connection, where I willdo any much of haphazard in farming at the Luigi Malestor, San FrMcieivi. * of acres in vegetables, t»!a< kberries, cran- prospered. The wheat planters suc­ quartz ledges showing rich pros|>ect8. Last night the representative citizens but the want of sufficient capital has very best. One must take chaui'es of of the town tendermi us a banquet and raspberries, straw la rries, and other Captain John Dyer, SaiWmento. Job Work or Repairing, Scroll Sawing, Wood Shaping, Door and . berries, *mall fruits, and total value of products in ceeded the placer miners, and raised thus far prevented their development. goixl and bad seasons, of over produc­ M. R. Williams, San Francisco. immense crops. The fruit raisers rec­ Among other minerals found are mar­ tion and under pnxluction; neverthe­ presented us with an irte pitcher ns a 1889. 37, Vegetables and fruits for canning Window Screens, Etc-, made to order. II. W. Auld, (colortal) Honolulu. Number of acres, products in bushels of ognized the value of the soil, and the token of their nppreciiition. Readers ble, limestone, granite, sandstone, coal, less much of the haphazard is. by ju­ may look for full report in our next is­ The two Misses Kennan, San Fran- peas, beans, green corn, tomatoes, other ORGANS CLEANED AND REPAIRED. country became what it is now one of vegetables and fruits. 38, Orchards: Ap­ dicious management, avoided by many iron, cinnabar and kaolin. ‘ cisco. ples, apricots, cherries [»caches, [wars, the greatest fruit-producing districts in The kaolin as well as most of the men. There are men, industrious, sue. Thanks, gentlemen. We don't The tbirti'entb Issly was that of a J. L. DOWNING, Ashland, Or. plums anti prunes, and other orchard truits: all the world. want to run the town, but we've got a others has been thoroughly tested honest, and in many respects capable, sneaking notion into our head that it Japanese boy, supposed to lie H. Mal- tn each the number of acres, crop in 1889, But in the absence of railroad com­ and found to lie of excellent quality. who at no time are able to accumu­ number of bearing trees, number of young be made safe for a mule to walk erla, of San Francisco. trees not bearing, and value of all orchard munication the growth of that section An avenue 100 feet wide was recent ly late in the business of farming. We must Conductor Davie said, “the first car products sold. :W, Vineyards: Numlwr of was necessarily slow, and in 1885, when the length of Apache avenue day or have never s««eii times so gixxl that made, leading from the business por ­ was a comlnuallon car, and had gone acres in vines bearing ami in young vines night. Westward the star of empire it was incorporated as a city, it had a m»t bearing: product« of grapes and laiains tion of the city to the Sulphur Springs these men did not have something to takes its way, and we will say right through it liefore we reached the population of less than 1,000. and value iu 1889. at tlie base of the Siskiyou mountains, complain of. Of cours«', the same It would bold forty-eight For many years Ashland was reached three miles distant, and preparations tiling is true of a great many engaged here liefore we forget it, Hint if Charlie bridge, After it weut down it whs as only by stage routes hundreds of miles for building a street-car line out to in all pursuits, but farming seems to Thompson, barkeeper at the Gray people. Spring Fever. much as I could do to attend to the Eagle Saloon, don't drop out of . „ .. sight long overland, or from the sea coast al the springs are now in progress. affonl a 8[>ecial opening for men who At this season of the year the most passengers of the remaining two vigorous and hearty people often have the mouth of Rogue river, where coast­ Many buildings of sribstantial charac­ do not care to introduce cl.>e«‘ and before Saturday lie'll stand a prime coaches, some of whom were frenzied show of a grave iu the san i pit. «• a fvelint’ of weariness, tired and worn ing vessels sometimes landed. Then ter are in course of erection. careful management into their busi­ with fear. I made n y way to the ont, without ambition do anything, for some years the long gap in the rail­ As pretty a little opera-house as ness. If the times through winch we head end, though as soon as 1 oould find many break out in pimples and road between Portland and San Fran­ any in the West is now nearing com­ are passing should impress a largely Lo. P oor Fr.y! Our readers will force tny way through, and looked boil«. What you jequire is a mild tonic cisco. from Roseburg, 140 miles to the increased number with the importance bear witness that we refer to our con- down upon the eoene of death. I no medicine that will act gently on the Dorthward, to Redding, in California, pletion at Ashland. All these facts, with additional ones of reform in this particular the pestple temfiorary only at long intervals, and ticed half a dozen men swim away liver and blood, and for this nothing 160 miles south of Ashland, nyade a eriualfl Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. wearisome stage journey of 300 miles of pleasant and cultivated society, and will not have suffered altogether in then in the kind,"fit manner. On the from the wreck, but did not see any They give an activity to the liver, pur contrary, he devotes much of his space women or children escape. I do not n wonderfully healthy location, ought vain. ify the blood and by their mild tonic necessary between the two railroads. each week to personal abuse of us. We know any p**ople who were in the first to lie enough to make Ashland within Ashland was always the most impor­ a short time the finest city in South­ ASHLAND OGN. action give new vitality and strength to Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. have no quarrel with this pis,r old fly. coach." the entire system. Sold at 25 cts a box tant point in the valley, but. that ern Oregon if not in the whole state. The best salve in the world for cuts, We pity him. Whenever we see a man James Dunlap who was tending the by T. K. Bolton. counted for little when it was so inac­ Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00 The population of Ashland is vnri braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever intended by nature to run a sideshow bridge at the lime of the accident, cessible. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, of wax figures taking up journalism in­ said: “1 was in charge at the time, onsly estimated from 2,5(K) to 3,000. Gress is the only man in Oregon RAILROAD FACILITIES. and all skin eruptions, and posi­ stead, our heart goes out in sorrow. and had just oih - dih I the draw to al­ Within two years the citizens expect corns, who divides the profits with I uh cus­ Does a General Banking Business. tively cures piles, or no pay required. It A year ngo last Decemlier the two this will be doubled, and the more is guaranteed to give jie’rfcct satisfac­ We realize how he must feel. It is like low theyuebt Juniata to pass through. tomers ends of the railway met in the moun­ sanguine ones look for a city of 10,- tion, or money refunded. Price 2 > cents a jackass rabbit trying to pass himself I was hi the act of moving the draw •ollectlons made at all acceaaible points on off as a buffalo. back into place when the up train •mr box. For sale by Chitwood Bros. tains near Ashland, and a continuous (100 withiu four years. favorable terms. This jsior old fly sent ns word the came along. That’s all I know about rail route between the two large cities Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers NEW WATER WORKS. Portland. San Francis, o and New York. other day to look out for ourself, as lie it.” of the Pacific Coast was established. Some recent figures by Robert Gif­ Call and Examine Them now on lie declined to answer the queetion The historic mountain stages have dis ­ Ashland gets its water supply from fen, the English statisticau, confirm intended to shoot, us on sight. We du-d bought a! standard prier». appeared from the scene, and the this creek, but her water works at the received opinion that emigration borrowed a squirt-gun from a lx»y on if it was not an unusual thing to open Exhibition at thrilling stage journey over the Siski- present are inade«|Uate, and the city is affords no sufficient check upon the the street and went over to the “Latin* the draw just at an hour when the youB is now only a memory. putting in a new plant at a cost of population. Great Britain has lost Duck” office and stoo l 111 the door of traiu » as due. 1«3. li. Urigrht man, The ifat«r over which the bridge is Even before the connection between #50,000. The pipe line will start aliont 9,0tM),(Mk) by emigration since 1K53; of the sanctum ami squirted the poor old the ends of the railroad was made Ash­ two miles up the creek. Twenty-five the number 7,000,000 were of British insect out of the window. He di lu’t built is an estuary of San Francisco land was quite a city. The comple­ hyr<-p*r.'scril>ers where lie claimed feet wide and twenty feet deep. Both the life of the district. Many business the highest building in Ashland. iid'ls to «" ANYWHERE 000.000. a gain of atxiut 10,<100.000 in COl’NTKY houses were established, and to-day There are many fine mineral springs the same time. In the last four years OSO, and went away feeling nothing sales of the creek are liu«si with ship­ plug, and Isiatmeu from the vessels Ashland's merchants have a splendid in the neighborhood of Ashland. The the excess of births over deaths was but love and pity for him. Long ex|H rit in e in the bn»in««s enables me lo Kuarutee satisfaction. were of great assistaboe iu rescuing trade- sulphur and soda springs attract many 1,763,000, while the excess of immigra­ AI ITION IN AsHl.lND XVKKY SlTCKOAV for those who ««acajHsl from the car. The in the last two years Ashland has visitors during the summer months, tion over emigration is only 685,000. Con.umption Surely Cprsd. sale of stia k. 1368 Market Street. draw bridge is about 100 feet long aud doubled in population and experienced both from Portland and San Fran­ There has been a gain, therefore, of A-hlanort«men. How’. Thl>? lie glad to send two IsUtles of my reme­ ' ger trains cross the bridge every half A good deal of attention is being di­ The waters of Ashland creek and other FREE to atiy of your leaders who i hour during the day, and when the rected to manufacturing, for which streams are swarming with the gam­ -----In the town of----- We offer $100 reward for any case of dy have consumption if they will send me Within a few mouths catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's their express and post office address. draw is open the man there is sup- I Ashland is admirably suited, and its iest of trout. posed to signal by hoisting a red tlag. expectations for future growth are the pine-clad hills will be alive with catarrh cure. — F. J. C hssev A Mo.. Ke'qx-ctfnllv based in a considerable degree upon quail, grouse ami other small game. Brons.. Toledo, < ). T. A. SLOCUM. M. C„ 1H1 Pearl st, N. Y We, the undersigned, have known F. manufactures. The greatest of Ash­ Deer are very numerous, and the am­ J. Cheney for the past 15 years, aud be / Go to our store, east side of Plaza Siskiyou co., Cal., land’s advantages in this respect is its bitious hunter can, by going a little Sieve him perfectly honorable in all jor paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, A Sure Cure for l ’ He«. magnificent water power. further into the mountains, find l»ear business transactions, and financially ’ artists'materials, and wall and build­ For Saie on Easy Terms- Itching piles are known by inoistare ing papers. Estimates made ou paint­ an>l mnuntain lious and even an oc­ able to to carry out any obligation mad« THE FRVIT INDCSTRY. Absolutely Pure. by their firm.— W est A T iiaix . Whole­ like perspiration, causing intense itch­ ing, paper hanging, interior decora­ casional elk. The soil and climate of Rogue river A large cannery aud dryer for fruit, sale Druggists. Toledo, (). W aldino , ing when w inn. This form as well as tions, etc- WILEY B. ALLENA CO. Thin powder never varies. A marvel Blind, Bleeding and protruding, yield of purity. Htreuirth and wholeaomeiicM valley, of which this county is a part, anil vegetables is among the enter- R innan A M akvin , Wholesale Druggists, readil One-fourth down; balance within six. <1 VIRAI. A<.EMS. E vans A- B runk , Ashland, Or. y to Dr. Bosanko's Bile K.-inedy, . More economical ihau the ordinary kinds, are suited to the production of such prises tliHt «re now nu«ler way nt Aeh- To edo, O. twelve aud eighteen mouths. Hall's catarrh cure is taken internally which acts directly on the parts affected, 211 First Street. Portland. Oregon and cannot be sold in competition with semi-tropical fruits as nuts, peaches, liinii. The development of the fruit the multitude of low test, short weight See map at the Ra»-*‘i ¡»epot for graded acting directly on the biood aud mu­ absorbs tuiuors. allays itching and effets — \ Riaal agent aantad in alum or phosphate powders. Sobl only in raisin grapes, almonds and waluuts. growing and curing interests of the cous surfaces of the system. Testimo­ prieefi, etc., or addrvs*« . every county. inns. Koval. B aking B owiikk tfo., 1® D. H. H ASK ELU Last season almonds raised here Rogue river valley renders necessary nials sent free. 75c per bottle. Sold by Wall street. N. V. Town Site .Agent C. P- B Sau qua, O. For sale by T. K. Bolton. 1 brought one-fourth more per pound in the improve«! facilities for conducting all druggists. -sia No Homo slionli lie Wital It DH, HILLERS pecml Prescription : ? Surveyor—Ashland. I T. K. Bolton, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. TheBankof Ashland Was Awarded the only GRAND PRIZE AUCTIONEER Mu 4 Harris's, ONLY PERFECT SEWING mechan ism TOWN - LOTS .F amily USE MONTAGUE CliiliNiCniirfltiMr'ilMffia C'altforBU. ’