NORMAL M HOOL COMMENCEMENT. Ttw Sugar Cine l>wr and Lumber Company districts. Barntig these ns well as Probate Court. PERSONAL. SOME SORGO SEED. CITY WATER WORKS. Another carload of choice potatoes other hindrances incident to school Of Grant's Pass, Or., have their new I May term, j received by Donoghue from tbe East The commencement exercises of the life, it is gratifying to say thut we can E. I,. Hollenbeck returned Wednesday from factory in full operation. Their ca­ In the matter of the estate and guardian­ Thirty Men Begun Work Digging Trenrlies this week, aud for sale at 2 eta. ja«r Ashland State Normal School occupied see that commendable progreee was The following letter, received by tbe pacity is doubled, aud they are pre­ ship of E\ a ( ook, a minor—M. J McKee ap* Seattle. Don’t forget tbe picnic, June 4. Monday. pouud, delivered anywhere in Ashlaud. .. May :u>, Friday,... The effect of our biweekly T idisos lust week, explains itself, and pared to till all orders for tiolh con­ ]M.inted guardian, and letter« of guardian­ Mr. Simms, nf t'enind Point, has been in two evenings of last week Thursday made. lots of lace curtains, at Hunsaker's. They are first-class iKitatoee. * and Friday, and occurred at Granite institute lias been to unify the meth ­ tbe seed, u small package, is at this tract work Hud st.K-k goods promptly. ship issued uj » oii hei giving tiond« offS60. The Asblaud City Council concluded to* ii this week. In the matter of the eMate of I«aac Cote Hall, which, though the largest audi ­ ods of the severul teacuers, whose otSce aud will lie given to tbe first With their new aud perfect system of «taut Mrs. H. F Snyder and ehlldren Marled Nadirs t>> CoBirwctatrs and Teamsters. —Inventory and appiaiaement enun- I Mason fruit jars at the Red House. In the San Francisco Examiner of lust week that they were losing too Saturday torium in tue city, would uot accom­ industry aud pel severance was a souiee callers for it who want to try tbe kiln drying they can turuish all work lu«-d aud approved by the court. May Wth. evening for Portland. much valuable time iu waiting for the Tuesday was priuted a two-coluuin- Proposals will be received for haill- EAtra j ir rubliers, at the Red House. modate the crowds of people who of sulistaetiou to all. Then, too, the experiment: In the matter of the estate 01 Lucinda n- Geo. W. Bailey and S. H. Settle«, of Shake, in perfect condition. Their new dry aud-a-qnarter article descriptive of Ash­ arrival of the superintendent of the iug from three to five thousand cords *>tant—Inventory and appraisement exam* turned out npon lx>th evenings. Tbe public schools huve received much K ditok Tiuisos:— Only a few days more till the agony land and the Kogue River Valley, the new city water works before beginning have been 111 town this week. kiln will thoroughly season lumlier iu ined and approved May 13th. of IL IL wish ! at Siskiyou station. Or. is over. I huve lately received from Missouri some C. W. Ayers came up from Albany last students ami friends of the school had encouragement. fiom many of the pa­ sorgo seed which 1 know to be quite valua­ four days, and has a daily capacity of In the matter of the estate of John Wat- i result of the visit of the Examiner work, and not being able to get word Bunday For further information apply or ad­ tron«. Die meeliugs of parents aud labored wit h z«*alous devotion to pre ­ for a short stay in town. ble. aud herewith enclose you some of it teu thousand feet. sou—Inventory and apprai«*ement approved Ladies for your knl gloves, try party here. The article is well written as to anw definite time be could get dress S isson , C hock kk A Co, pare the ball in a fitting manuer for teachers in the school room was always which 1 would like to have you give to some Iu all classes of work, both in de­ May lbtli. aud highly eulogistic of our city aud here, the mayor last Friday adver­ Mr. and Mr«. I.. How, of Bedding, Cal., the occasion, and the stage was u.tule attended by better results in the work. pvrstin Siskiyou Station, or White Point, P.O. Hunsaker. * Who NbiMB sorgo for him to tMt it were iti Ashland la-t Saturday. In the matter of the eatate of Wm. Wooley valley, and is headed “An Oregou tised for meu to dig trenches, liegin­ This sorgo in m cross between the While signs and workmanship, they are sec­ —Inventory aud appraisement approved Jackson Co., Oregou. And still the time of tbe trains Paradise." Dr. A. C. Caldwell was in Grant's Pass last attractive with a setting of beautiful 1'bis lnteiest on the part of the patrons Iinpheeaiid the («ouiM'itua. I originated it ond to none on the Pwitic Coast. May 21 st. ning Monday morning. About thirty roses and other Howers w hich bad been continued throughout the year, aud In 1»71, in Washington «ountv. Missouri. St-ud to them for emulates on all job doeau't change. Ulwral lectures. men were put at work under supervi­ Friday and Saturday on a business trip. In the matter of the estate of I*aac Con- when the lust day of the term was al At that time I Mold my mill and evaporator work and for price lusts and discounts Ntant While seine of our Democratic Ed. Grubb returned to Klamath county offered in geueroiis profusion. —order for «ale of iieraonai property. to Thoma» B. Mathews and iumiahed him Samual P. Putman, of San Frau- Don’t believe stories set ou f«x»t just friends are standing so loyally by Gov. sion of Mayor Hill Monday, the first last Thursday evening was devoted many came to the several schools hand, Ordered that all pera«»nal pru|«rty be »old at week to remain during the summer. on slock work. All kinds of lumber, work living .lone on north Main street seed. The next year he raiaed a large quan­ cisi'o, the well known lil>eral lecturer, before election day. Penuoyer and are talking for luin more near the school house. By Wednes­ Messrs. Gwirge Merriman ami J. E. Red- chiefly to the gold medal elocutionary to wlilies« the dosing exercises. At tity from the seed 1 furnished him. Hr wa> thoroughly seasoned, constantly on private aaie. arrived iu Ash lull d Wednesday even­ In the matter of the estate of William much surprised to find tlic s\ riip he made hand. Boxes of every description are Come to the picnic and get a enp of on tbe score of his opposition to the day night the work had proceeded Held, of M' dhird. were ill Ashland last Suu- contest, participated in by members of the uorlu building the eXereisve be­ turn sugar in the barreta. Tnia was found Turnham— Order of final settlement. Or­ ing, and will speak twice at Granite coffee for 10 cents. nou-taxable Portland water bouda nearly to the corner of Maiu aud day. the senior, junior and other classes of gan at noon in the nigh school aud the after to made by them und furnished iu large that to be often the caae, and every dered that report of adminiNtrator I m * in all Hall uext Sunday -at 1:30o'clock in the grade, aud were com­ body in that neighhood went to raising or emull quantities. Yon will con­ thing* confirmed and admini»irator and than anything else, cau they support C. c. Beckinan. of Jacksonville, left ia«t the school. During the fall and win­ seeoudary Come to the picnic, June 4, and get W. K. Price just as heartily Ix.'anfle Church streets. Yesterday the meu Sunday afternoon und 7:30 in tbe evening. A bondMnen be exonerated from further lia­ for san Fram iseo, to be gone al«nlt ter, as is well kuowu to the public, pleted at the end of the session iiefore the cane. liegan work digging the trenches for the It aa a> named “Loomis' 6orgo,' after me, sult your interests by dealing with bilities. cordial invitation extended to every­ strawberries and cream. there has lieen in progress the recess. 'This arrangement gave the though be worked and voted for the bill after mams on Helman street. Mayor Hill a week. proj»rrly it is au Impliev. The see<1 this reliable aud truly first class in­ In the matter of the estate of Wm. Wooley oue to attend. Subject of lecture at Mr mid ! Mrs. Frank Neil, of Jackson ilk. students a series of el seen anywhere, are growing this sea­ tianity and Liberalism." Fresh fruite received daily at Dono­ I SolAt>rahaiii,t«f Roseburg, and Mr. and silver medals, in each case the award building a Homewuat similar plan was sugar. I have sent a little sack of the seed Mrs. Robert, of Sak in, were in Ashland laM uot vote by mistake a ballot that may son on the vines iu S. F. Morine's gar­ Ili-Bir. ghue's. • being made by impartial judges, se­ followed, in each room the exercises to the secretary of agriculture. Ne* Grocery Store. Wednesday. den on Oak Btreet, aud Mr. Morine be thrown out in the count. I understand that vou»iderable sorgo is lected from the audit uoe. On this oc­ were lively aud inspiring, «nd one raised Tbe Loyal Legion will have a picnic in your county, and presume that a Mr. H. F. Cole and Miss Jessie Vole, of brought in a boxful to the T iiunoh O. F. McConnell and J. 8. Eubanks North Yakima, Wash., had a >4’»,000 tire Col« stein, wi re visiting Ashland friends casion the eight winners of silver med­ could not help but see that the new Kimi as valuable a> this w««uld lie wel in the grove next Wedueelsv, June 4. The S. F. Fxaminer'» boom tram have goue into partnership to carry on went southward agaiu tins week, stop­ yesterday, that were as big as hen’s last Sunday. als were to «•«»ntest for the gold medal, teachers aud pupils, although anxious­ corned by those who are making sorgo syrup. Saturday and Bunday. Tbe parents are all invited to come eggs. Some of the most |>erfectly As I was no! acquainted with the sorgo the grocery business in Ashland, and ping in Ashland Monday night. Miller Lux and Phi! Armour will put with their children. Thu ladies will Will Myer sprained bld ankle a week «>r l'faey were Misses Htta Johnson, Mary ly looking forward to the vacation lor rais«*rs, 1 send it to you, trusting that you shaptai berries, however, that ever are having the coruer room in the up a milljou dollar xlau^hter house. pat kiHg two ago. und v. as laid up fur hay bile, but is Andrews, Clara .Mingus, Lydia M c C h F] rest, enter Uuued regrets over the fact baveastre.wlieneH-and-cream t md^dso will hand it over to some suitable penion. ««old storage house in ^an I'ran around on crutches n«»w. Strawberry and ice cream social at grew, and beautiful in every way, were house Gauiard block titled up in fiue style and Agnes Devlin, and Messrs. J. W. that they would no longer meet iu Excuse ine for troubling you. coffee anil sandwiclies. Everybody is for their store. Mr. McConnell has Mrs. Saxman's, Tuesday evening, June exhibited yesterday by J. H. R. Hutch­ Yours truly, Samuel I’idl'dps relume«! to Ashlaiul la»t lieen, Geo. L. Helms and W. Taylor dally sessions at the school rooui; and, Cordially invited to attend tins picnic. ie contract for buihling the new hricl^ Friday l'jt\ I 8. l/'UMIS. lirnl years of experience in the busi­ 3d. EAerybody cordially invited to ings, from his garden. They were a iroin Linn loiittty, where he had Deinent. Each of them aprr fre­ short address in the grove, aurt. arrive and be on sale within ten days In Ashland. Spring in many res|>ects, but it re­ hut principally on a« cuuntof \ y ild cat s|»ecu- tune she has been out since her illness. up of the credit points Miss Agnes about that of her pupils, until she is Gents' furnishing goods at Hun­ l'Atima'.uS of the number of votes mains a fact that G. C. Eddmga is the lati«>n. — [ Welcome. The following is the monthly report <»l or so. ngvr liark K> Springs every Sun- saker's. Jos. cline, who formerly lived in Ashland, Devlin was found to lie the winner, and made a confidant m their joys, aud Applegate school («iistrlcl No. 40 ) . • to be polled by the Union party in leading dealer in tile sportiug line for svn- .Number days taught. possession of which is an honor that aud throb iu unison with the moods dent; Mrs. Henrietta Brown, of AI tain. y , ink« n through l<> Linkviilc, uhvu •• pupils enrolled The following deecnlied animals 125 to 3A). in Mock the finest line of all kinds of corresponding Miss Nellie Sackett started last Friday for will lx* a source of gratification to her and sorrows of the little lives about Total Uvhircd. secretary; Mrs. R. M. Robb, number day»’ attendance Notice to Bridge Builders. Portland, where siie will enter the kiiuicr fishing tackle ever Iiefore l days have lieeome a her. This feeling was uot only mani­ Avriage daily attendance.. in-ai Uie Cviigregatioaial Chuich. The hot days this w«-ek melted th«« garten Gaining school fur a two-yeara’ Total number of days absence recently, aud were seen at the summit enow so rapidly ou A‘ l Butte in this city. In this stock is cooviua Eugene, treasurer. memory only. It is but justice to say fest Isjtween teacuers and pupils, but term. Average daily absence. Seal« «! i«r«»|H)KalM will be receive at the of­ alsiul ten days ago, coming toward the that the creek has l»een quite muddy split liamtioo rods with two tips, rob­ L. D«>w. of Reddiug. who ha« the govern that the large hall with open stage at contract for carrying the mails tri­ \V H. Kline, of Vicksburg, Miss., a nephew the back, and high ceiling, is much we are sure that the parents share.! N 'inibvr cnDed fur It is Lis busiueea. Francisco they have reduced their low. I “ leading qiuMitiou. ” Kati«* Herriutt Jo«it- M■ •»» from .SaJein returning to their home placed most of tbe speakers at a dis­ with same brand on left shoulder. buUding a bridge aero«« B«-Mr A The people of Jackson county should take moruing L y ut fifty feet above 11«. anfiGgv * tiies to 45 cents per dozen, and carry the “ Tinies" office schemers al their won!, in J. M. LotHaud or J. H. Howard. (nrroll Byrne Lee < niitrell gently leaves a community, it is appro ­ mouths. near Central Point, according t.> ank* enter into contract and tij. bis I m » u «1 at Medford was op|a>eiug James G. work on the new track to be built to si>end hut one day here each year there go to Jacksonville to decorate the graves of was in town Wednesday, looking for some the audience. A spirited piano duet things to encourage tbeacliools as lias voyage from start to finish in 07 days, in the manner inquired l-> ml : ¡4<- satis­ Birdsey ns a candidate for re-election there. homes, for which he advertise«, as will I m ? met the teachers iu the past, we con­ is hours, 3 minutes and 2 seconds. soldiers in the cemetery there. faction of the County Court iu the collection of county taxes. He C-i* - En »h Fruita Keeelve.! Pally Oaring by Freddie Bright man and Miss Gid ­ seen elsewhere. to the office of sheriff, nieuiliers of the Mrs. AV. J. Plymale, of Jaekst.nville, has been here twice or three times The «aid County Court reaen«-« .he right tinue to aspire to better results. This is five days better than Nellie Bly's. Season. The new contractors for the seven day mail to rej«?ct any aud all bid» poet have demanded the statement that was re-elected secretary of the state during tbe present year (as also last service 1). c. Kilgore came in from Langell valh y dings was also enjoyed by the audience. each wav on the Ager-Linkville T ram was met at Chehalis by a party of Good« delivered free to any part of city. MAX Ml HER, On Friday evening the ball was such report is a base slauder, without convention of Kela>kah Degree Lodges, year) remaining two days each time. route, are to receive 1*2,700 a year, making la»t week, on business in Ashland. Mr. my2S-lt Count, ( lark. For sale a good roll back $35 sad­ citizens from Tacoma, who chartered a Kilgore intends to move to Ixiwer Califor­ again crowded to excess, and the the least foundation in fact; and that, aud N. A. Jacobs, of Ashlaud was Resides this be has had prepared at eai h trip «luring the summer or dry season nia special train which brought him back this season. on a 10-hour schedule, the distance lieing dle for $17 at G. C. Eddings. graduating exercises of the Senior to tbe city. He arrived here at <1:4.5 p. while the order, as au orgauization, elected treasurer. hie cwn expeuse an abstract of the tax about A3 miles. The contract w a» awarded Ford, ami Miss Carrie Roper arrived la-t I class were the principal feature. eschews politics entirely, yet it is a fact the <'., O. A I. Stage Co., and Col. Stone, of 2(10 pair Men's Pants cheap at m.. aud was met by a large crowd of evening to spend their summer The graduates were Misses Jenuie M. Tbe first of the season's out of alfal­ list of the precinct, which was sent Co citizens at tbe depot. CitTiuons boomed the Scott Valley line, is to be the superin «Saturday that in this case every member of the Blount's. * vacation at home. They will IsHh return to up to Ins deputy, for the accommoda­ and the city was decorated with bunt­ Oliver, Alice B. Sutton, Agnes E. Dev­ school iu the fall. Medford poet, with possibly twoexeep- fa soki in ABblaud this week at $9 per tion of those who could not pay their tendent.—! Journal. tou, delivered. Quite a drop iu price No one can fail to Is? pleasivl with ing. Tbe military escorted Train, time- I Albany has a proposition from the Tacoma tious.will vote for Birdsey with a hearty Corlies Merritt, now of San Francisco, wa» lin and Maud Berry, and Messrs. John the embroidery stock of D. IL A E. V. keepers and citizens in carriages, to the taxes before the day the law declared Starch an«! Gluco.»«* ( oinpany to I«* ate there from $3U a ton the price two mouths Sunday evening > train, »going to Port­ H. Devlin, and Edward A. Sutton. goval will. Ledger office, and the traveler stepix-d them delinquent, and he has always if the citizens will take ♦•M),U(k) worth of on ago for inferior hay. Mills. stock in the factory. The establishment land. ami wa» grvete«! al the depot by nu­ Mr. Sutton delivered tbe salutatory across the brass plale set tuside tln- lieen lenient and liberal iu waiving merous Ashland friends. Railroad Time STaalule. employ from seventy-five to 2A0 men. oration, and Miss .J«*nnie Oliver, the Groceries, tobaccos, stationery, costa aud extra expense which he will Nice Imo Of gents’ neckwear, at walk precisely at 30X seconds past 7, would B uy v a capacity of five tons of 'It» I . \ Wells started Satunlaj morning valedictory, and each of tne other H U li saker's. amid the cheers of tbe ass.-mbled peo­ * There is general rumor that the blank lxx>ks, wood and willow ware, might under tbe law have placed npon am! starch and five tons of glucose in twenty for < Jaklami, Cal., am! a great « rowd of her ple. He was then driven to Taooma ho­ time of pssss-nger trams on theS. P. IL eoufeetionery, cutlery, crockery ami many citizens. These things flhoiild four hours, and a guarantee of 30 percmit pupils of tiie Ashland s« hool Yvere at the graduates delivered an oration, while tel. where be had an inf< rmal r< option. tbe class his’ory of both the Juniors R. between Portland and San Fran- glassware, fruit jars, jar rublters and lie thought of iu connection with profit uiHUi the starch manufactured. The depot to bid her good bye. A WORD OF CArTION. He will prol>alilv lecture on his trip ou reason for changing to that lo« alitv is the and Seniors was given by Miss Clara cisco will be changed again on or stsm Jelly glasses, at the Red House. * for A. T. Kyie started Tuesday evening what tbe candidate opposed to Mr. well known superiority of the Willamette Monday evening at the Tacoma theatre. .Mingus, of th« Junior class. All ac­ Puget >ouiid again. He is negotiating after June 1st. Whether tbe time for valley wheat in starch properties. In this as iu every other locality where It Is The Rev. AV. S. Holt, 12 years a Birdsey has doue for the county in the sale of a’6000-a*Te tract of land m ar Ash quitted themselves admirably, and the known, there arc hundreds who are taking ! will be just as formerly, is a question. The W«Hnen'»Christian Temperance l'ni«»n lain! to parties ou the Sound. tbe matter of wagon roads, for exam* BORN. conclusion of the exercises was the Joy s Vegetable Sar«sparilla. aud iu nine One rumor says that the traius will missionary in China, ta>w of Portland, pie. hel«1 the eighth annua! convention in T hy l«»r presentation of state diplomas to each cases out of every tea it is effecttng specific St. Church, Portland. May 20th to 23d inclu­ M. B. Rankin, of the Klamath ( ity turn ruu so that they will meet at Ashland will preach iu the Presby terian Church HEI VAEI,—In Ashl«n4, Mny 27. 1Ke much shortened between San ing. June 3d. A good program. Miss Ella Drake went to Jacksonville Sat high credits, each having an av ?rage ng any more than causee easy and ¡terfect Concerning the freight train smash-up urday evening, to take charge of the W. C higher than re« i in red for a first-grade the Boulevard (winch be Inaight of L Francisco and Portland. hi lion Keep this in mJud. and take it reg­ soil produced fine garden truck without irrigatioiK I' nitkd S tates L anp O fh « e ,/ near Mott last Friday afternoon the Journal telegraph office there, during the t mporary E'our new eugiuee from tbe south D. Fuller) aud a lot ou Allison street; 1 hese state diplomas en­ ularly for a while und do not indulge In too Ro>EBt'K<>, OK., May 2»:. 1KM). 1 the folloYving: The down freight wa» aliseuce ot the operator. Miss Susie Turner. certificate. acres set in orchard.—Peaches (earliest to latest „ are to be sent up for the Oregon divis­ consideration, $5.900. In exchange, has Notice is hereby given that the following title the holders to teach in any of the m-.n-h greasy food, and we will have jour left on the main track while the engine Die I Uh I 'rnsiia. Mrs. 8. C. Taylor, of Eden precinct, return named settler has tiled notice of his inten­ ion. S. I’. IL R-, and one may be given Mr. Galey takes E. V. Carter's one- started to do some switching, when the Ou Monday next tbe army of cen­ to McCirthy ou the passenger ruu be- | third iutereet in the 70-acre apple and brak-'s on the freight tram became lo«»»e. ed home la»t Thursday from a trip to Port public schools of Oregon for six years tcMimonial within a fortnight. II taken un­ tion to make final proof in siiiqtort of his eties) Almonds, Plums, Pears. Apples (many kinds)— from dale, and at tbe eud of that land and Spokane Falls, and reported ail claim, and that said proof will bt* made l«v- der 'here conditions It is an aliaolnte cure for The freight coinnienccd moving, gradually sus enumerators throughout the I’m tween Ashland anil Grant's Pass. (hie acre in peach orchard which Atkinson. Mills gaining speed until reaching the bridge enjoyable visit with relatives and friends in pernxl, if tbe law has been complied indigestion, dyspepsia, sick headaches, con­ fore the Judge, or in his absence, before the Will produce some fruit THIS NEAR. ted Slates begin work upon the lltb both cities. < lerk, of the County Court of Jackson coun across the curve at the head of the canyon, with in the matter of actual work in stipation, face eruptions and liver aud kid­ ty, Oregon, See the Vandyke points in ladies aud Carter plauted on the tract of where «»ue of the cars jumi»ed the track, alfalfa — Street on three sides — Tho whole piece tinder census. They must complete the at Jacksonville, Oregon, on Mon­ hind which they bought of John P. the others piling ou top, w recking the entire* Arthur Ijingell, of Langell valley, ha» tbe public schools, the holder of such ney disorders It may lieasked how it can day. July 7th, 1 m '.« u , viz: Thomas Oster, * work in thirty days, and some of them <>«liars at D. IL A E. V. Mills. Price, reasonable. Terms, one- Walker. Mr. Galey was not satisfied train Wrecking train» arrived spec«!ily l>een visiting his little sou at Me«lfor«1 this, a diploma may receive a state life di­ possibly cure so many ailments. But the Homestead Entrv No 4.222, for the E1, of 8 an irrigating ditch. will la* pushed to get through by tbe U‘4. N W'4of 8 E>4. See. 2, and N E‘4 of N Cochran, the California sheep buy­ with only a third interest in this fiue from Dunsmuir and Red Bluff, and the track week. He reports Klamath c«»unt\ crops half cash; balance as agreed. Address, first of July. Hon. John Kelly, of Eu- er, was fitting up a pack tram and orchard, however, but has also pur­ was cleared in short order, to permit the looking exceedingly well, and the ranges ploma. It is evidence of good material reason Is clear. All those troubles are the v 4. - ; 1. I ; • » k 2 I a»t W. M. iu tbe students, and faithful work up­ legitimate result of Improper liver aud kid­ He names as witnesses to prove his contin­ gene. supervisor of the E’lrst District camping outfit at Medford last Mon­ chased W. H. Atkinson's one-third in­ Oregon express to pass by on the schedule c< •overed with tine pasture. Mr. H c. Faber is the enumerator appoint- on their part as well as upon tbe part ney action or im|>alred digestive organs. Its uous residence upon, ami cultivation of, •of this state, informs us that he has day, preparatory to startlug southward terest, for which Mr. Atkiusou takes time. said viz.; Georg«' Barron, H. H « Lap ed by 8upl. Kelley t«» take the census tj Ash- of their instructors that they all pass ­ 0110018 upon these functions areas astonish- man, Isnd. Says the Portland Welcome, a strong lam! precinct, aud he will begin work next , appointed the following enumerators with the sheep he has bought in this froui Mr. G iley six acres of orchard I’ernel Whitmore an«1 Robert Neil, all ed th»* state examination with such in: to the medical fraternity as to the thou­ of Ashland, Jai-kson < ounty <>regon. Democratic paper: Tor Jackson county: H. C. E’aber, county. Munday. Mr. Faber is qualified for the (the Watts tract lou the Boulevard and high credits. chas W. J ohnston sand, who are daily taking it. While the “Welcome" is doing all that i» work, and will do it well. Ashland; Newell Harlan, Medford; Register. honorable to defeat the Republican < andl Choice music was interspersed Some people about town have been three lots on Allison. This now make« «late Welborn Beeson, Talent; Francis M. Harry Barbour, of the old firm of Ayers. : for Governor, when articles arc printed Mr. Galey one of the largest owners Stewart. Phoenix; Geo. F. Peunebaker, so annoyed by tbe malicious mischief of growing orchard acreage in tins landing Hylvestcr Penimyer for assisting i»er- Bat bt»ur A Eh iage, Yvho has ha «1 charge of throughout the program on Friday in sort* need of credit, the ««litor feel» it the finishing of the «oiniard block,will leave evening, as w’vll as the evening before, Taleut; Scott Morns, Spikenard; Mrs. of boys in defacing and injuring buihl- part of the state, he having now back »«•n.s his duty to call attention to the fact that for the north soon. Mr. Barbour is one of , A. C. Cawley, Rock Point; Wm. J. ings. fences, etc., that they consider of his old place, on the Walker tract such kiudness is by no means confined to the lM'«t mechanics that ever worked in i as will la* seen by the program printed iu full hereunder. Has proven that it does not pay to raise scrub stock' Crawfoal. Medford; Wm. W. M illite, the town Imodiums a worst' nuisance and on the Devlin plaoe alaiut a hun­ the Democrat, for the writer, as well as Ashland. Pres. J. 8. Sweet took charge of the many others, has just cause to rvmemla*r D. I <>. T. Brown, of Plevna, one of the Klam- i Medford; Geo. Churchman, Phoenix. than the tramps. dred acres iu fruit, principally peaches. I'. Thompson’s helping ham! in similar cases, ath county pioneers, t ame in over the ■ Normal Schn toE Iward Albright, the faithful work he has done in and going iuto the gro« ery business in the cor ' ner store of the Gauiard blot k. starletl Tues for the school. nervous or heart trouble, anti Ins death a one-acre tract southeast of town; Following is the pro­ who remained in Ashland over night day morning for San Francisco, to lay in a was either the result of heart disease con., $100. gram in full of the two eveuings: nice stock of goods. while eu route south. or of an over-dose of morphine anti IL K. Sutton to Henry Brockman, The R.'htwrj in Imlemnlty Lands in Eastern M a V 22, 1890. Col James Scobie and wife and their lit bregón. Seconil hand mower and rake for three lots in Bailroad addition to Ash­ chloral hydrate, a plnal of each being OjTM-ning < h«»ru», “Greeting Glee -School. tie adopted »on, t ame up from San Fran fonnd on a stand by his bedside. His I sale or trade. |2t.| G. F. B illinus . land; con, $330. **ratriAVS year buildiug a large numlier of tin« Brigtit man. Mi»» Gi«iding» of the laud office in this district, says farm near Talent: consideration, f7'> per a family. Some time before his death soutbeoat of towu is nearly completed. " fwo ii:-» Geo i Helms residence houses for rent. This tract is situated between the the Dalles Timex-Mountaineer, is “Young America's War Cry" Miss Mary be was heard tapping on the partition. Mr. Buekmau has finished the car­ acre. wagon road and the railroad, and adjacent A party from Princeton. Minn.—Georg«- A ndrews. very significant in more particulars He was doubtless trying to call help, that owed by Mr. Rhodes. Mr. Nhnnger Mahoney, his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Jones, “Bugle Song "—< ’a»s from Training School penter work, and Mr. Anderson began to will improve it for hii own home, and will than one. To understand the matter and her daughter—arrived in Ashland on but it Was not undershiod, and it was the plastering yesterday. “Where There's a Will, there’s a Way" — make a nice place of it. thoroughly, the facts should be known. Tuesday ami are quartered at The Oregon. Mi»» Clara Mingu». some time afterward before anyone They came < hictly for Mr. Mahuuey's health “ Prohibition the Hope of our Country"— By an act of congress sections 16 and Ladies dress sli«»« at Hunsaker's. * ivisited Ins room. He was then found — having heard good rejM)its of the climate W. Taylor Dement. mi were given to the state of Oregon of Rogue River Valley. The Postoffice. Ito be dead. V o « il 1 Solo, “The Lover and the Bird*’— Elder David Brower, of Myrtle as school lands, and t hese are dis[>oeed Mrs. Dr. Ellis and .Miss Carrie Pfeiffer, of Miss Gertie Van Tassel A. P. llainnioD«), recently ap|>oii>ed of by the governor, secretary of state Point, Oregon, will preach at the Inttperlion «»f Sheep. “ The < rv of To-Day’’—MNs Lydia M< <’all. Albany, have been spending several day» nt i Dunkaril Church in Ashland on the post master of Ashland, has rented tbe “The Mztrlyrc‘1 Mother" Mi»s A. Devlin. and to-inorroYv Mrs. Ellis leave» Cnpt, W. F. Songer, county stock first Sunday iti June at 11 o'clock a. north corner room of tbe Masonic anti state treasurer at $1.25 per acre. Colesteiu, Closing < horuM, “Harvest Moon’—School. Ashland for home. Mias Pfeiffer, who Yvith inspector, returuetl home recently m., also at 7:30 p. m. A cordial invi­ block for the postoflice, and has had Some of these lands are comprised in her sister spent a large part uf last summer m . yv 23, 1890. ('onie with yuur nickles, quarters and eagW the Warm Spring reservation, and. from a tour of the county for the tation is exteudtxl for all to attend. Soda Springs will spend some time there men at work this week tearing out tbe according to the rulings of the de­ at ChorUM—“Farmer’s Song.’ again before g«>ing home. spring inspection of sheep, and re- Salutatory and Oration, “Self Reliance"— old partitions and making it ready for partment. the board of the Btate is al­ and see the good values that we give in esi- E’ive hundreii choice cedar fence oocnpancy. He will have it fitted up ! porta that lie finds the comlitiou of the IL Kinser, supt. of the car shops al Edward A. Sutton. * lowed to indemnify itself in sections Grant's Pass, returned last week from his Oration, “Recollections’*—Miss Agnes E sheep letter generally than be an­ posts for sale at Eagle Mills. in neat style, and in a manner liest contiguous thereto aud in tracts of at eastern trip, and Park Brandt, who ha» had Devliu. change. We shall aim to give you your mon-| ticipated, in view of the nnusually se­ Solo. “Sing SYveet Bird"—Miss Gertie Van charge of the shops during Mr. Kinser's Mrs. Plymale, of Ruth, No. 4, and suited to tbe convenience of tbe public, vere winter u|>oi> stock. Mr. Sougc J. F. Borkensto. of Beulab, No. 35, and as it is a tine,large room, the pub­ least 160 acres. A portion of one of absence, returned to Roseburg. The rail Taasel. these sections liesou Mutton mountain, Oration “ The True Hero" — Mi»» M. Berry. road boys all regret to see Brandt leave, as report« tiiat Hie sheep in the county were elected representatives to the lic will appreciate tbe change. The ev's worth, believing our interests to I m - mutual, Class History, “Juniors and Seniors"—M i»s he ha.» the goo«! will and good opiuion of 4* nutulier now 13,798, whereas last fall National Convention of Reliekah De­ old office quarters art» in a good loca­ unfit for any pnrfiose except for graz­ I ail of them, loth as an associate and master Clara Mingus. ing. aud the number of acres of school there were 25,242 reported lit the coun­ gree L'algee to l>e held in Topeka,Kan­ tion, but they are cramped and narrow Oration. “Value of Tim« "—John H Devlin i mechanic. and knowing that a regular customer is much lauds comprehended in the reservation Oration, “True Education"—Miss Alice B. ty. This shows a very heavy winter sas, iu September, 189,1. and inconvenient as arranged. If the amounts to alaiut 30,000. The board B. F. Lohr, who used to be conductor on i Sutton. low -almost 50 per cent. Mr. Songer commission arrives in time, it is the of scb.Mil laud commissioners, of whom the passenger between Ashland and Rose Solo, “When the Leaves Begin to Fade"— “ KM) silk. 2 i burg, but who gave up his place and w ent to Miss Etta Johnson A nice stock of ladies mnslin un­ desire of Postmaster Farlow that Mr. more profitable in a year than the single pur­ reports 10.618 sound sheep and 3.180 4 the ’ tfoveruur governor ib is cuuirruau, chairmau, seiecteu selected ranching over three years ago. is back on ,r i i n * i i . . i uur Oration and Valef f((rt acres h , , ! the road again, lieing now conductor on the Waiteth" - Miss Jennie NI. Oliver. The number of lamlis this spring ib chase customer, we shall, by fair dealing and • 7 of — ’ Gil­ special stock trains betYveen Portland and Presentation of Diploma» by the President. Several bands of cattle have been office June 1st In view of the change, most - favored - portions Genuine French Morrow, Ashland. Mr. Isjhr spent just three years given at 5,197. driven from this valley eastward dur­ tbe T idings takes pleasure in saying liam, Sherman aud Wasco counties, ' on his ranch near Dillard station, in Douglas Closing Chorus, "My Nativi* Isle." American “ Deputy stock inspector Lyttleton ing the past week. Fred Barnebnrg as a matter of justice to tbe retiring , county,but is bettersatisfied with railroading representing all goods to lie what they are and has l>een calhnl upon recently to in­ sent 2Dtl head out toward Klamath : postmaster that Mr. Farlow has con­ and a syndicate of three or more gen­ P. 8. Loosley. of Wood river precinct, tlemen sold these in advance for $d.<5() spect a large numlter of sheep that are last Friday, and G. Naylor A Son drove ducted the business of tbe office with no more, endeavor to secure a share o^ vour Klamath county, came into Ashland on Iteing sbipiMtl through the state on the a Bmall liand out to Jenny creek t is ability au«l efficiency, and that ho and per acre. In order to make the title hitrsebat k b> waj <>i the Dead Indian route, clear to these tracts they must lie ap ­ la-t week, arriving here Wednes«lay. He re ­ Last Friday was the last day of the curs from California. his clerks have l»een always prompt, proved by the commissioners of the ports some timber fallen across the road. same day. courteous and obliging to the public, Lilt the road could be cleared for teams with school term for 1889 189(1, of the Pub A choice lot of bums, Imcon aud and Mr. Farlow retires with only com­ general land office and “listed” as 1 but little work. Between hist Prairie am! lie schools of this city. We have I Old Reel Foot school lands in the land office of the Lake of the Woods there is still several feet many reasons to feel gratified at the mendation from the people of all district. The selections were sent to of E d . Y keka J ovbnat .. - Your corra«- lard for sale at Eagle Mills. crusted snow. Lake of the Woods is up to work of the past year. Our schools ,H.>liur efforts in this direction will I k Geo. Coolidge started f««r 'Frisco Sunday, ed, under the disadvantage of an al­ ment asked the opinion of the local slavers of "t «ld ll*«el Et, aud wit­ them in that capacity during the past a visit of several weeks with relatives About Arteaian Wells. land office. Before this the register alter most entirely new corps of teachers. here. He carried a handsome bouquet made nessed Mr. J. Lomas’ arranirements for two years. Their official acta are a Tbe following letter concerning the was approached in the most attractive up for him by Mrs. 9. C«M>lidge, whu-h Some of the teachers were entire preciated, judging by the substantial testiun «tiirtinr and mounting the monster. matter of public recoril and of gener­ prospects for government experiments manner to approve these selections. contained a» great a varietv of beautiful This was undoubtedly the king of al commendation, and false stories cir­ in artesian well hiring in Southern In fact, he says m his letter that the (lowers a> can i>c fount! outsLie of a green­ strangers to each other, au1. W. S hipley . Sams Valley, Oregon — they refused to do anything which June. Mr. Webster had expected to be in aid in building up a sulietautial school Res|>ectfully, inch iu length. But what he lacks in will keep it so ns long as be has charge D bab S ib : Your letter of March 21th, to the would defraud honest, bona fide set­ his pulpit next Sunday, June. 1st. but has system here. Mirny obstacles preeent- Hon. Binger Hermann, concerning the nossi concluded not to start for home till next teeth he make« up in claws, which are of it. The orchard has a good crop of bilities of irrigation in the valley ot the tlers out of their rights iu the public Monday, as they are meeting many old ed themselves at. the lvegiuuiug of the apples this season much better than simply immense. On one foot, only Rogue river anf Mr. AS right and the b«»y Mr. Zoellner employs none but first , from the register and receiver of the terers h ave Saturday, S. Pedgrift, the fore­ especially unfortunate, ami yet in Pearl Beam, who was largely instru­ class workmen, und turns out uothing . I land office, these lands were sold in man. going north. The contractors and each case we may consider ourselves Woodbridge stnak very mental in getting the bear, anil wb°, but first class work. If yon want a suit advance for SI «r>0 an acre, and were Superintendent Bine Gravel Mines. highly of Mr Pe«lgrift for the faithful way fortunate, in that we were able, with­ before the 4th of July, you ninst order by the way, is not seventeen years old selected in tbe most eligible 44>- acre in which he performed duty. The plas out much difficulty, to secure others line The Henley items iti the Yreka tracts in the counties in this district ' 1 leriug coMt alamt fJOJKM). his Dealer in yet, an«l quite a hnnter, to exhibit the it pretty quick, Call and see hie want ’’ to fill acceptably the vacancies that of goods. There is anything you Journal tins week included the fol ­ stuffed animal in Oregon and Califor­ Tbe facts are simply these: A syndi ­ i 1 • occurred. Hardly one month of the lowing: “Big prosjiect ill blue gravel u. , there in his stock. nia this fall. _ ” As a Prohibit Ion Candidate. first term had expired till Miss Cole­ this week. C. B. Jillson A Co. have cate of three or more persons pur­ Klamath City, May 23, 1899. Gentlemen! Be not deceived, Buy struck blue gravel and tied r.a'k. with chased these lands from the state for man, who bad Iteen assigned to the Iu November, 1887, a few days Iie ­ * your tsxits and shoes of Gress. the neat little pros|>ect of $12 in four $1 25 au acre, and sold them for $350, fore the vote was taken on the pro­ Intermediate grade at the south build­ The Ball <>n The y» «me of the most largely att.^ld-l ribs were broken, She is a holy ad­ hoisting works in place, and will Is* perquisites if it should lie done. The print it, viz: as teacher of the grammar grade at syndicate reabzed $07.50.) from this affairs ever given in Southern Oregon. I ’’aneed in years, bnt ié doing well. ready to commence work this week, the I am opposed Isitli to prohibition the south building. Miss will Asule from la'ing the windlug-np part and will Fivover. Dr. Hall is attend pretwnt delay being au iron pulley and “deal;” but G-»vernor Penuoyer is too lie remomltered, was married at that for the idea to lie en’ertaiued ami high license. Prohibition is time to Hon. J. T. Gregg, and is now of a big «vlebralloti «lay, ami under mg her. some steel puis, shipped by freight honest for a moment that he reaped any ad­ wrong in principle and to a certain at their home in Portland, Or., and the popular management it is, the t»all from Sacramento and lost on the road." vantages. Of eonrsY not. Th»» only extent inoperative.' High license is 2(X)0 yards of new carpet al D. IL will bring with it the opening to the Mr. Wells accepted a positiou in an * mystery about the matter is that he just as indefensible in prinoiple as academy at Oakland, Cal. Of course, public of Barnard'« splendid new A E. V. Mills. Fine black gusli riblxiu, 9 inches and Napoleon J. Davis should have prohibition and create« a monopoly. when these viaconciea occurre 1 we bail opera house, one of the tiuest opera John Robinson, who is in the em­ wide, only ¿1 a yard, at Huneaker'e. * been so import una’o that this landofQoe ♦ ♦ The proper solution of this houses in the state. to find teachers who would fill them. ploy of the railroad company at the should “list” thee»» a»H»ti.»na. It would liquor question is to remove all tax Miss Nellie Ewan look charge of the At a meeting of the ex«>cntive com­ .Ashland round lions«', fell from the Weekly Weather Re]w>rt. not have lieen iu the interest of the and license from whisky whatever. primary school at the north building, mittee of the ball, the followingeom- high tender of one of the mountain I bonafide settler, and must have been Why should the man that, sella whisky iiiltte« of interest to the public were engines to the grountl one day last Fullnwing la the rsoir.i of weather for the which was rn iking a lie taxed more than the mail who sells and Mr. H. C. Falter took charge of appoiutoi: the grammar grade. The ¡listnd is to week, and was painfully hurt his leg observations, for Ashland, iuade by F. lieivption committee ( . « ls«gan. lieing severely bruised and tbe kiiie H. Carter, olsterver for the Oregon princely fortune in the transaction. bread? * * Remove all tax and be congratulated on lieing able on so license and pure whisky here in Ore­ Voters in the .lune election should J AY. Rogers. Rq W. Paulson. H. C. badly torn aud lacerated. Dr. Parson State Weather Bureau, for the week short notice to find persons who were tiear in mind that a ballot for Pennoyer gon at the pre«ent low price of grain, already somewhat acquainted with tbs My ers, M. N. Lon^, O. G. Eubanks. dreex-d hie wounds, and he is able to ending May 28, 1890: could lie Ismght for two bits a gallon. is one in favor of this unblushing Floor Director O. H Blount. walk some now, but will not lie able meltioilsof work desired in th«schools, | Oregonian. • larceny of the public domain, in which Floor Committee G. F. McConnell, to resume work for some time, and is ■ am] who could therefore coutinue it the lieet laud in Morrow, Gilliam, C. C. Cbitw«»el, ,1. H. Landers. C. 11. with scaroely a break in the course. taking his vacation down <>0 Wagner Sherman and Wasco counties was tiillette, D. B. Ralph, J. M. Gregory . Creek. One of the “ilrawiug cards’’ at the uwar The most serious difficulty came up 7) «ö • tak^n from th»» public domain ami Tickets, including a tine Ft:p|>er at 4«. ti5.5 23 tiO 4th of July celebration iu Ashland iu the gradation of the schools. In 71 41 fe? 4M . w Oregon, _ will ___ lie sol«l at 82.5*1, or Latest bem-stitched embroideries at from the Qpr»at’.GU <»f the boiu<‘stead this year will lie a splendid display <>f the absence of records to guide our The N* r> > Á» 62 ■ law. for tbe benefit of meu who oiyu tire works, orders for which have al­ teachers iu that feature of their task, tickets without supper will lie sold at D. IL A EL V. Mills. J S j e« ■•f iXjuntless wealth, and who were eager ready been forwarded. Heretofore the a great deal of the work, it was evl, a reduction. 27 T3 u Remuinlier thut we carry a large and JS CM 37 The roomy gallery iu the opera well selected stock of furniture, also lo inoreaa* tlwir nebee by any means. display have been very meagre, owing dent, would prove somewhat unsatis­ - f JO<”*rnor Peunoyw, by Ibe aid of to the limited fumjs appropriated for factory. house will lie prepared fur spectators. picture frames and mouldings, chro­ Reclassification, of course, n jn •rat »ire: Ma*. SO Miu ■( ; bia Greek classical erudition, may be ' tLal part <»f the program, but the bcame neoessary, but to save the e*- wle> will be charged 25 eenta mhuis mo«. arteotypee, oleographs; a large C«iv<» uh u nil nn to explain thi® 4 but the honest •iou. Five head of tine grade Jersey milch “ '»f u> enpiniu nils, hut the honest committee this year decided to have invoice of oil paintings just rac'd. penee of the purchase of a second set of The tuasu: will I* tbe finest ever Cali and see ns, S mith & D oixir . * cows for sale at Eagle Mills. * {i>der wlrn is attempting to miike a fi>e-work» and a good display too, ami ka such a oourse was avoided living oil the buneh-grsM pruine« of they will have them. The Roper hill, wherever it was possible. This, certain­ heard at a ball iu Ashland. Lemay's j Black uiitiug’ ly, is an evil that will exist so long as orehwKra. of Yreka, having l>eeti se­ saker'a. * ou hand at Duoogbiis's. * tied tied with with any any such auch sophistry. sophistry. point. cured. text books are not supplied by the ASHLAND TIDINGS. I GENERAL DELIVERY BUSINESS P. H. DONOGHUE, Jr., liercliaiit. CommissioD FRUITS : AND : VEGETABLES. flpnr TnAAT nUIlL I HnU I 9 C. F. BILLINCS, Ashland, Or. The Last Winter I OOK HERE! Now is the time to Improve Your Stock. GAMBETTA and HECTOR-* Prices the Lowest. E. B. HUNSAKER G. C. EDDINGS. A full line of SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE, Including the following, viz. Iron, 1 eel, Ooal, IN ails, £