TlieOpeninit Gun on the Tariff. lion. John Minto's able article ou tbe tariff and the farmer», which ap­ is thus praised: State of Ohio Treas­ pears IU this paper is dedicated to the ury Dent, Columbus, republican press of Oregon, and they are at liberty to copy it. It should Ohio. Feb a, 1>X». I “I have used A l Ja­ api>ear in every paper in Oregon that 1 coba Oil tn my family favors tbe protective tariff policy of for yean, and find it to the republican party. We feel a just degree of pride in having among our ba tbe medicine of medic! nes citizens a man who has the ability to FOR CEHERAL USE. handle this question as Mr. Miuto Ill» a good, boneat medicine and honest men does, aud who is at the same time will not hesitate to recommend it to »uttering him»elf from the ranks of the toilers, I haviug liegun life as au English miner, hamauitj.” JOHN P. SLEMMOXS. Bookkeeper. aud who is a practical farmer. His !• Every Bottle There I* a Cure. In words ought to have some weight with Every Application a Relief. , laboring men and farmers. The election this year in Oregon is both state and national. The most important seats to be fillixl are those of congressman aud United States senator, aud it is important that Ore­ gon speak out as plainly for protection as she did two years ago when the state gave Hurnsou nearly teu tliou- | sand majority. The oougrees then elected has fairly got to work and the republican tariff bill now under dis- I mission will probably not be euacted into law before the Oregon election is held June 2. This makes the verdict of Oregon all important. A republi­ can defeat will be a check upou the good works so well begun and will 1-e • BALTO'MO E k AS'A'VOGELER CO* a detriment to the industries of the nation now on the point of being re­ vived into a wholesome prosperity, aloue ixieeible under a firm republi­ can policy- A protective tariff on .Astoria [»oetoffiee business, exclusive . ’ wool, hope, fruit ami farm products >f sales of stamps, etc., during the > generally, is of vital ini|M>rtauce to irst week of May, 8141 12. sufficient Oregon. Ix-t Oregon voters sustain —.* •» June 2d.- (Capital Journal. ( 1VIL SERVICE. ASH LAND TIDINGS ADVERTISEMENTS. ('larks, iu Think* Official Life Should Have /'ridali a Tenn. CI 1 1TW 0 013 WM. RADAM’S BROS., ICROBE K1LI.1 Delinquent School lax In a lengthy interview at Chicago, That Ancient River Assistant Postmaster-General Clarkson Professor II. G. Hanke baa been is quoted as saying: “The govern­ ment of the Uniteti States is a politi­ wilting 6ome elaborate articles for the cal, not a business machine. The ge­ Mining mol Scientific Press to dis­ nius of our political progress," he prove the ancient river theory which added, “lies in the active interest taken is commonly accepted by miners to in the government by the people. This account for gold-bearing quartz found These are tbe main interest should lie kept alive aud in California. aroused to even a greater extent than points he pristanes against that belief: Filial l’rool’ Notice “if the rivers were extensive and at present; it is most esseutiaL Essay­ ists who enjoy formulating theories for powerful enough to round quartz boul­ “Castori« is so well adapted to children that Castori» cures Colle, ConMipation, an ideal government admit that their ders and convey them ns far as claim-1 l reconnut-ud it as superior to any prveenpuou Sour Stomach, Tharrhrra, Eructation. Kill« Worm», gives sleep, sud proiuotea di­ cherished system can only come ed, the force of the current would known to me ” IL A. Aacun, U. D., gestion. through the political activity of tbe have grouud animal and vegetable life Ill Ö0. Oxford 84., Brooklyn, N. Y Without injurious medication. to a powder, aud have wholly obliter ­ [HHiple." Mr. Clarkson thinks decid­ Tux C xstacb CONI' any , 77 Murray Street. X. Y. edly that this country would not be ated them. The same river at the same I better off with civil service like Eng­ time could not have deposited pipe 1 clay, filled as it is with perfect leaves, land's. "What,” said he, “perpetuate an of­ as described by Dr. Trask. “No observant person can stand in fice-holding class, of which every mem­ ber arriving at the age of sixty shull the uncovered chauuel of a hydraulic receive a peuBiou? What aim iu life mine, or at tbe breast of it California would be theirs, save to hang ou by drift mine, aud believe that this vast tbe easiest method [ossible? Their work was that ot a river. If the work ambition would die from wuut of nour­ of a river, all the boulders brought ishment and their value to the country down would not be quartz, for no river could flow through a couutty all the I decrease. I believe continued service rocks of which were quartz, or dis­ in government employ is bad for any criminate aud select from the great Filial Proof Notici man, and after a certain periodali pule multitude ot kuowu rocks quartz frag­ lie servants should lie sent back to the ments and reject all others, nor could people to renew themselves. Each of­ any river, 1000 feet wide or more, con­ L>ll fice should have a fixed tenure to pre­ <-l\ E IS A CALL. vey large boulders or move gold. If serve tbe respect of the occupant, and the work of rivers, tbe silty dejiosit if the occupant desires a second term called 'brick bat' by Georgia gold min­ Nurseries at East End of Bridge, let him show by his work that he is ers, and found nt the Edman mines, entitled to it.” 1'lumaH county, aud elsewhere in the Mr. Clarkson would not abolish civil deep placer region would not cover so service examination, but thinks every wide an area. man should be examined by the official “The same river that conveyed aud CoiiMUinption Surely Cured. i 5 in whose employ he is to be. Such a deposited the boulders twenty tons in othk E ditub .—Please inform vour principal prevails m business why weight could not have subsequently dvrs that 1 have a (Mmitive remedy not in government? filled the interstices with the finest of the above named disease. By its Mr. Clarkson asserted in reply to a bilt us described by Prof. Blake and lely use thousands of hopeless cases question as to the comparison of our ve been permanently cured. 1 shall others, which did not mar the perfec­ glad to send two laittles of my rvme service with that of England that tbe tion of fine leaves. If boulders were Of oxer twenty year* expern in • • business of our government is trans ­ FREE to any of your readers who Six iui I vh South of Grants raws, Jose formed by river action, as is believed lifts located in ve consumption if they will send me acted more accurately, and at a lower phine county, Oregon. vir express and post office address. [>er eentage of loss than any other pub­ by many, they would be only in the Final Notice to Delinquent texts of streams, while in fact they are Respectful I v lic or private business in existence. ASHLAND, OREG., found by drift miners, iu the banks, A. SLOCUM, M. 0., 1*1 Pearl st, N. Y l a x-1’a vers. i far alxive the bedrock. Eupepay. Mied rooms in U. NV ¡Ison's furniture store on Main ‘•In- -t, with h lull -l< A 'Ttesertetl Village.” of goods in his Hue, and will irive prompt attention to all prul«?> ion a! < alls This is what you ought to have, iu fact, J. B Loughran. ex mayor of North | Red Bluff New«, May 17.] you must have it. to fully enjoy life. Iles Meins. Iowa, said recently: “1 have The Redding Ih’ huh - rot got nut an : Thousands are searching for it daily,and just recovered from a severe attack of Embalming a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed tra yesterday, (Thursday,) aunounc-1 mourning because they find it not. hi grippe. 1 used Chaiuberlain’s Cough Thousands U[ h . ii thousands of dollars g to its readers several important are spent annually by our people in the Iteinedy. and applied Chamberlain's Consisting of atters of news, the principal lieing a hope that they may attain this boon. Pain ltalni to my breast. These reme­ I fiirni'h my own hearse and give personal attention to funeral* dies were just the thing in luy case. My APPLE, PI AR. Pl'..\( 11. legrain from T. B. H. Shanahan, ut And yet it may lie had by all. We guar­ Pi.I M, PRl NE. CHERRY, 'ashington, announcing that the Pres­ antee that Electric Bitters, if used ac­ child had croup some years ago. anil we ent had signed an article for the re­ cording to directions and the use per­ used Chaiute-rluiu's Cough Remedy with APRICOT, NECTARINE. perfect success, since then we have oval of tlieL'nited States Land Office sisted in. will bring you goid digestion nSVer been without these medicines in ML have a work shop in connection, where I wilblo any ALMOND, WALNUT, and and oust the demon Dyspepsia and in om Shasta to lidding. This change stall instead Eupepsv. We recommend our house. I hud a cousin who was a Job Work or Repairing, Scroll Sawing, Wood Shaping, Door and . > winger when desired. All or-! is very important, as it brings tbe office I Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all printer and was employed in a job ollie» Window Screens,E., made to order. in this city, where they were printing .le.arin this line promptly attended to, nearer in time and expense to the gen­ diseases of Liver. Stomach and Kidneys. circulars Grape Vine, Currants, G< nisei terries, 9 for G'hainlwrtein. He had a eral public, and is valuable aid to the Sold at 50c. and $1 per buttle by Chit and satisfaction guranteed. * ORGANS CLEANED AND REPAIRED. Blai-kteTries, Rasplterries, deep-seated cold and a terrible cough, , permanent prosperity of Reddiug. wood Bros., Druggists. and while setting up the copy he made Strawbeni-s, Figs, Dress shirts from50c. up at Blount's. The general public will feel that in 1444 J. L. DOWNING, Ashland, Or up his mind to buy a bottle. It cured Etc., Etc. the removal of the office from Shasta his cough and that was the first time An Indian Messiah. Onr trees are grown w ithout irrigation that famous towu receives the last nail 1 ever knew anything of Chamberlain’s on Bed liill lend, and all of known va­ H elena , May 13.—Au Indian run remedies. 1 have been strongly iu their in its coffin, and that it will stxm be a rieties that succeed in Southern Oregon. memory of the past. We feel sorry for ner, who came in last night from favor ever since. My own experience Those colth niplating tree plat.tin,-.’ Tongue river, says that couriers sent and that of niv family convinces me SIMMONS Old Shasta's prospects, and did we live will do well to visit our orchard aud nur­ that these remedies are the best in the out by theCheyene Indians to tiud the i in the county we would have done our sery, or write us for price list. best to allow this life current of the old new Messiah, or second Christ, saw world. That may be strong language l'ontoflice Murphy. Josephine county but that is what I think." For sale by him and talked with him. They lo ­ Oregon. R. B. station. Grant’s Pass town's existence to remain, in recogni­ Ghitwood Bros. cated him iu the mountains beyond tion of the great services the town has A. H. CARSON & SON. shown to Northern California. Years Salt Lake, and from their description ago the streets of Shasta swarmed with of him he is au old man with a long Mania of American Girls for Miirryius Titles. active humanity. It wtis a busy hive, white beard which hangs down over Mrs. Emily Crawford, the well- where the honest stranger was wel­ Ins breast. Some days he wears white known Paris correspondent, devotes da, Ita peculiar efficacy 1« hair, and at other times he has no hair nearly a whole letter in Labouchere’s and come, ami favors flowed like water. 7 — the prtx-ew» auu | NOT»ytG »kill in compounding aa to Gold was as common as bread. anifb r taking. Cure« Colic, l>i- ' towu will soon be in the liue of a de- tuouu», (months) and then they will Huntington’s son-in-law, Prince Hatz- arrhoa, lk»wcl Complaint1«, Feverlah- hear again from the uew Christ, who feidt: ne»« «nd Feverish Cold*. Invalids and i serted village. will instruct them what further to do. delicate persona wilt find it. the mildest “A young American lady who mar­ ww; ' Anrr-.-u: • i Fonir th» y can u»e. A little They all believe in the new Messiah, ried not long since in haste a German Five Strong Points« of S. S. S. a W A tax»-!, at_______itisure« refreshing »deep F and a^natnYal evacuation of the I h . wc I m . 1st. It I* entirely vegetable, contains no and all work has about ceased 'among prince of nou-sovereigu bouse, who A Bill»' taken in the morning sharpens mineral* or poison of any kind, and builds the Cheyennes. was always hanging around actresses the appetite, cleanses the stomach aud up the «ystem from th<* first dose. The Indians are all very mysteriot s 2d. ItCurex ( niicer of the Skin. Noother about their new religion, and will tell and staples, is said to be repenting at sweet*, um the breath. leisure. His old passion of gambling, remedy or treatment was ever known to Full line of - A PHYSICIAN’S OPINION. the white men nothing concerning it. which was smouldering for want of cure it. *‘I hjtve been practicing medicine for 3d. It < ures hereditary Blood Taint, even They are sullen and dissatisfied, and means to satisfy it, has buret out twenty y if» « ' • ...ive never been able to in the third aud fourth generations. No the military authorities regard the •us: put up a s'1 compound that would, »I. II. Sfttlemier, Woodburn, Or. again, snd is indulged from dusk to 14.72 i other rvme'ly has ever done it. iik.* Suu- - Liver Regulator, promptly movement with apprehensions of 4th It has never failed to eradicate Scrof ­ dawn, and often later, in the swell cir ­ and effectively move the Liver to action, ula or Klug's Ex il i in al! its forms from the trouble. PARASOLS, LADIES ANO CENTLEMENS FINE SHOES AND BOOTS. «Mid ut the same time aid t,iiu»tead ofweak- cle to which this personage belongs. system. -detnn^» •I*'* <• gwtivc and assimilative Major Carroll says the new Christ is He wants his bride to go aud live with ’5th. It cures contagious Blood Poison in Choice Land* For Sale. • he o «tern. ” CJlotliiiij»' IMi-ect ii-oiA the Iciest. all its stages by eliminating the horrible no doubt some old Mormon elder or him iu Vienna, where be knows she * ” ... — t W • hington, Aik. virus from the system, thus giving relief bishop who is a ' spiritualist, and is would not, for want of birth, be ad­ Mark* of Geinilnenei««: Lo«»k forth©ren from all the eonsequenevs of this bane of of proselyting Indians to Mormonism mitted to any of the houses of the Trudr-Mark on front of Wrupm or the human family. Heal and sfwmtture 01 J. H.Zelll “My blood had been so out of order during through mystery and deceit. He lo­ great illustrious, where he would be red. on tli»» wide, fake no other. the summer of that I virtually had no cates him on (Ireen river. It is said received. Her exclusion would mean health at nil. I had no apt elite; nothing I the Crow Indians are sending out a liberty him. It is lucky for her that ate agree«! with me. I was feeble, puny, and delegation to meet Christ, who is com­ the interest of her fortune is closely always feeling bad. I had tried various remedies without receiving any benefit, ing to meet the Crows. The cell in the settled upon herself ami that ehe in until at length 1 commei.< e5 jM)une has sooner von take a faithful course of freeing the child from pain, and thi­ abop « trade Wark# addressed a circular letter to 100 bish­ l>r. Hiller's Hydrastine Restorative the ll tile cherub wakes "bright as a button." m°ans that there ;s nn This ops of various countries, asking wheth­ sooner you will cease to Is- an object It is very pleasant to taste sooths the child, softens the gums, allays pain, re­ er they consider the time oppirtune of pity. For sale at T. K. Bolton's lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and for proclaiming a dogma asserting the iu u,. ta. « u is the best known remedy for dinrrhuea, temporal power of the Holy See. For the lienetit of the general public whether arising from teething or other Sixty-aix bishops answered in the af­ I wish to say: ”1 know from personal causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. firmative, but all the Italian prelates exjieriencv, tn the n-te of Chtuuberlitin's oppieed the dogma. The Jesuits urge Gough Remedy, in niv family for my that it is mi absolute prevent­ 70u got thZ^rk' Makes Him Weary. •Eray,. the Pope to proclaim the dogma with­ children ative and it positive cure for croup if out delay. « that AflQLANb. or . If there is a phrase that gives us a given Recording to the directions. I make this stateniei-t hoping Hint some chill, makes our lieer taste like coal tar one may be benefited by knowing my or causes us to jump off the bridge, A sure Cur» for Hiles. experience in tile use of this valuuble more than another, it is these two very Itching piles are luuMn by moisture remedy.” I-’. S. K obabacch , merchant, Titulier Lami N ot ice like perspiration, causing intense itch liotna. Shelbv Co.. Iowa. 50 cent bot­ short words, "buck east.” *’< )h, they do so and so back east.” Well, for ing when warm. This form as well as tles for sale by Chitwvod Bros. I ice 1» h- i-by given that the annual Blind, Bleeding and protruding, yield heaven sake, let them do it. What in ini’of iL< of ibe Ashland readily to Dr. Bositnko’e File Remedy, the Biwash and Puyallup do we care? An Automatic Tin-Type Machine. N'Gfin.'l s hool will I m * held on >atur which acts directly on the parts affected, We. with the rest of you, left “back - Ml, i! \f. • Bl 10 I tendon Times.J m k a d : nn uting is tor the pur- absorbs tumors, allays itching and effets east ’for that reason. We came here <>f uleuiiiir R'kjents for tii« vomingterm. a permanent cure. 50 cfs. druggists or The latest development of the peu- because it was different from “back J. SWEET. >vcrvtary. mail. Treatise free. Dr. Bosanko, 1’1 uy automatic delivery lx>x is a machine east.” Don't talk about lieans being qua, O. For sale by T. K. Bolton. i for taking portraits, which will short­ che -per "back east in Witconsin,” or ly lie com|»eting in railway stations how “they do things in Missouri.” Says a St. Petersburg dispatch: A and other public places with the sweet­ You have one consolation postage is plague of locusts is devastating trans- meat and cigarette machines. The no cheaper “back east" if wages are. A Caucasia. A quarter of a million acres person to be photographed takes liis “down homer" makes us weary. |Ex. of agricultural land at Tiflis, Elisave- stand in front of the lens, with hia - ' — tbol and Baku has been ravaged by back to a poet or rail fixed at a dis­ • The World Enriched. this pestilential insect. At present tance of three feet from the machine, :l0l>,0t)0 men are occupied in the de­ The facilities of the present day for and adjusts himself 80 that his full struction of the locusts, and still they face shall be reflected in the mirror. the production of everything that will conduct- to the material welfare and swarm over everything.” With bis left hand he then puts a comfort of mankind are almost unlimit­ penny in the slot, and remains motion­ ed and when Sy tup of Figs was first pro­ A Scrap of Paper Nave» her Life. less for five seconds, when the sound duced the world was enriched with the It whs just an ordinarv scrap of wrap­ of a bell announces that the impres­ only perfect laxative kn »wn. as it is the ping paper, bat it saved her life. She sion is complete. In forty seconds «»niv remedy which is truly pleasing aud 1 was in tile last stages of consumption, more the finished photograph, on a refreshing io the taste and prompt uni told by physicians that she was incura­ metal plate, drops through the de­ effectual to cleanse the system gently in ble and could live only a short time: she livery hole on a small shelf, and the the Spring time or. in fact, at any time , weighed less than seventv pounds. Oil prtx'ess is complete. An extra half- and the tetter it is known the more pop­ ular it becomes. a pi.-ce of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Disoovery, and got a penny will procure a suitable frame, but this luxury is optional. The im ­ sample bottle; it helped her, she te.ught a large bottle, it helped her more, bought pressions resemble those of the cheap GOOD VARIETY HOUSE PLANTS. ThC« fine new hotel in thucent r < f the bus another and grew better fast, continued glass positive photographs, only that its use aud is now strong, healthy, rosy, tinplate is substituted for glass. The invss part of tbe < itj has jn>l bee n Roses, Geraniums, Fuchsias, Pansies, on the site of the old popular Ashland H »».-e pltunp, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller I mechanism is at [.resent a secret, but and has beeu leased l»p the well known ami particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, the principle appears to lie that of a Verbenas, Petunias, Pinks, successful landlord, Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of rotary arm, which carries the plate Etc., Etc. this wonderful Discovery free at Chit­ through a series of chemical batliB till 2 wood Bros.' drug store. T^-J^-ANNfAI. A PERENNIAL PLANTS the impression is developed and fixed. J./lS for outdoor beddim? >m-l edging Who will conduct the hotel in tir-t < la1-- ready May 1st. RD. OREGON. style. The table will continue to hi kepi up It is understood that Rev. C. C. Bucklen*. Arnica Salve. second to none, and gu»‘sts can l>;• assured of VEGETABLE PLANTS. Stratton, who recently resigned the The best salve in the world for cuts, the best of treatment isouable. JO position of president of Mills univer­ bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. fever CABBAGE. CELERY, CAULIFLOWER. sity, Oakland. Cal., is to take the po­ sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, Pepper, Egg Plants, etc., by the sition of chancellor of the Willamette corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ dozen, hundred «»r thousand. university. He will preach the bac­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac ­ calaureate sermon at the commence­ tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents I am selling plants as cheap as ment exercises of the university and n*r box. For sale by Chitwood Bros. can get them East. will assume the duties of chancellor C. R. VAN AELSTYR at the beginning of the next term. t, foot of 1st Avenue,* Darby1» Trophy lactic Fluid. D, OREGON, NURSERIES for Infants and Children I Germ, Bacteria 4 Fuuras Destroyer. P laza C o r n e r S to r e , THE GREATEST MEDICINE • I acolisOil^ IN THE WORLD, ASi» IlEALKKK IS Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges 'ilio most aggravated dist-nses (even lt*pr.»ay i and cases j.renounced incura­ Trusses, Toilet Articles. ble, yield to its magic touch. It iu a AH Standard Patent Medicines SEWINC MüOh’HE HCE0LES AM) LUPf-LltS. ARTISTS’ - MATERIALS. ( ial attention paid tbe Prescription Department J. L. DOWNING, A.H. CARSON&SÖN, Prop's. n Van Horn, Agent, Ashland, Or. Must be paid for in advance, by mon­ ey order, p.Htal order or cash. Pric« f.i..rX) per gallon jug. delivered st the Ashland depot. Orders from abroad promptly tilled. 14.31 ^.Kiptat Win Breeden - cor. Main Heliuaii street*. PHOTOGRAPHY. /' Having one of Hieltest sk i lights in Or­ egon, anil kuotriug how to uxe it, I OüâUANTEK iwofi WORK. 71 RTISTIG I I A mii . uid , OliUKlN. His Work Speaks for Itself SOCIETIES. Southern Pacific Company’s Line. Miscnic Directory, Ashland THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. I ¡Die litlwtrii Ashland and San Fnttisct, 23 HOURS. Shade and Ornamental Trees. CaliForniit I xpre«* Tralu« Ku» Hally BETWEEN I’OKTLAM) 4 SAN FRANCISCO l.\. Ar. l.v. Ar. Portland, Ashland, Aahland, San Francisco. J. M. MCCALL'S \ Ar. Ar. Lv We*t Siile Division BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS li Mail Train Daily Except Saiiday 7 30 a . m . I Lv. Portland, Ar. 16 20 r. m . 12.25 f m . J Ar. Corvallis, Lv I 1.TW i* m . At Albany and Uorvailih connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. 4. o r m j Lv. Portland. Ar. I a . m r. M(. I Ar. M« Minvillv. l.v | 5:45 a . m N. A m :U0 Through Tickets to all points South and East JJS’ WWME ««I«» ' f - VIA - CALIFORNIA. Fur full information regarding rate«, maps, etc, apply to company n agent at A*U laud. R KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, Manager. As*t O. F. A Paa*. Agent. VINES & SHRUBBERY r Spring ic Summer Dress Goods, All at Prices that DEFY COMPETITION. J. K.<>»»:v, Adjutant. p N Pi I I...u-li! T.,.- I -.-in. - <.f - I i.»r tbe pi. .»nt on * East Side of Main Passenger Transfer* The Undersigned will carry passen- '/••rs in the new hits tw-tweeii the d«*p«>t uiol their It luvFitiHin part of town for the r»*,» ulartrains; also will attend promptly to m H orders fur curt \ in« people t<« hid ! from lial)« or churches in the evening, lxmc orders h ! Ashland H uuh .-. J. H. McBftIDt. W'-'j Ashland, Oregon Smith & Dodge Carry the largest nn.I bed »elected block of FURNITURE ! In Mnuthern Oregon. Alto. MOULDINCS, CHILDREN'S WAGONS, BABY NEW BRICK ETC. The Li st M-wing inarhiue made, «'all ami sue il an«! be convinced. 1: Saddle and Harness MANUFACTURER, ASHLAND, OREGON. E. K. Brightman, Prop., KeepH rotiRtantly on hand a full supply <»f everything iu at»ove line, which will l/e iu>ld h ( prices as low a* can be oft cred anywhere. Liitìsr, Rai lit-:- Flooriit I seit in every sick room. Will keep the atmosphere pure and wholesone; removing all bad odors from every source. Will destroy all disease germs, infection from all fevers and all conta­ gious diseases. The eminent physician, J. Marion Sims of New York, says: "I am convinced that Frof. Darby's Pro­ phylactic Fluid is a most valuable dis infectiuit.” Pioneer Society Meeting. The 14th annual meeting of the l*ioneer Society of Southern Oregon will lie held at Ashland on Thursday 5th 1KW, for the purpose of elect­ har Water Balks, 25 Cb. dime ing officers of the society for the en­ i time from 7 o’clock, a. m suing year, and the transaction of any “ «P nr. One bath rt»oni le other business that may properly lie •a’ uae. 133s brought before the meeting. S ilas .1. D av , Secretary. At a Bargain. Wm. A. Grow, KIME«. (4 la Jtomw and JuHM. 1 A prominent phyaietan call» tbe kiM “an elegant duaamlnator of diwi are." He ■aya " fever la apread by K, to ere lung dieeaaea." Out upon the gnarled and eap- leee vagabond I Bvldently klaaea are not for aucn aa ba. and tbe old fox say» tba grapee are eour. Let him devote himeelf to making our women healthy andbloom- tug tbatklaeea mar be klaaea. Tbt» can ■uroly by the euroly be ba dose doaa br th» use uaa of Dr. Pierce Pierce's s Soecial Attention to Graining Favorite PreecrtpUon, which la simply magical in curia« ffieeoae peculiar to to. and Paper-Hanging. tnaTee. After Uking it for a reasonable length of time there wUl be no more ir­ re<-y»LFtVF.ORl»F.KS a: Smith AI j . m I z .-'.. Eiirnittire »tare. L'lts regularity. backache, bearing-down sensa­ tions. nervoui proetrattou. general debility and kindred ailment». It 1» the only laedicine for women, »old O2VR 151KJOYS by drugriito, tutder a aaeltlve «oar- aritee from the manufacturera that it Both the method ami résulte when will give aatiafaction in every case, or Choicest lots. Acre Property ami Syrupof Figs is taken ; it is pleasant money refunded. Farming Proi>erty in W orld ' s D ibpnhsary M idicax A sso ­ ami refreshing to the taste, and acte ciation , Propnetora, Buffalo. N. Y. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ! THOROUGHBRED POULTRY GRANTS PASS. gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ tem effectually, dispels colds, head­ aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation iiermanentiy. For sale in 50c ami $1 bottles by all druggists. A dwelling bouse and large lot con taining IL acres, on street in choice residence part of Asldaud for sale at a bargain. Fine lot of fruit on the place; comfortable small bouse and stable. For further information inquire at CALIFOHNIA FIG SYRUP CO. T idings office or Address D. Payne. FHANCI3C0, CAL. LOUISVILU, X», KLW VOHK, H.V Phoenix, Or. Dr.PIERCE'S PELLETS WORK Repairing Neatly Done [9“*« H. JUDGE. LOOK OCT FOR JAMES ÎTOHRIS, House, Si^n and Decorative Ashland, Or., ALL ORDERED will be made to Rive entire »»U.faiUon at low rates, and all work dune promptly. OTKL la Sherman, Proprietress. EVC„ THE Davis Sewing Machine, room* at rallmful crossi nt* HEADQUARTERS Tourists & Commercial Men. Property gooiua famished If desired. CARRIAGES, W e M-ll RANCHES * 250. Beds 25c. .rd per week, $3 to $5, FRAMES ANO WALL RAPER, Ashland White Sulphur Sprints xANDS J and « furnished . TRANSFER. I*a<*.-nire, coarti tu eveiy traili. Freigiit in,a,-d .-tintili town ai rate» low«*r lliati ani Street, one el-,-. Fiiearssl of all »uni» deliverrd nel laimxlating auywhere in townat loweM pliee». wait ufion “MlÌSÌH«lor\ A big carload of stoves and ranges just received. Th< finest line in the countv. Call and see and believe it. I Mtrtyi J. H. McBRIDE. IM ASHLAND KEEPS GARLAND STOVES. ed tbe above House and lovated aud refitted the Mme. ed to otter first class ac- to '.he traveling public, agenu ut will »pare no pains one of the luo-t comfortable hotels In the place. The lied with the test ibe mar- leasant accommodations pre- Kv» 25c rdiqg U» room LOWEST PRICES. GREGORY & HICKS ockliolders* Meeting. Having 1 thorougnly I am bow r coiuinmiaxt The New in making and home­ tables are au ket afford», u. ml for Me Ma Lodging (aec r I 'MIF. UNDERSIGNED would announce 1 to his old customers, and the public gen» rally, that he if« again in the trtunJer bUhinvNN. hih I ih prepared Io attend l<» all « alls promptly at 2-nl For Si'e. fej G. C. Kiimp. iraaiard. Proprietor. Transfer Business ! Pass.-ngers to and from ea<-h train. For Sale at a Bargain. and Vegetable TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, The S. P. Co.'» Ferry malte» i-onne.-tiou with all the regular train* on the Fa.-t side I'iv. from fool of F St.. Portland. TRIM1 I P lants V uu r a. fOK ACCOMNoDATIOS OF SECOND CLAMi PAS hENGEKS, ATI A< HED To EXt'KEhS iUAlNH. No H es stali te Without It H. C. Myer, 3 45 F. M. 11 35 A M. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. A JI LA ND LODGE No. 45, WOODBURN L new revelation to mankind; n bright oasis m a iioia-I. HH desert eipanas, ami threatens to revolutionize medical prac­ tice. All orders will be promptly tilled by sending to BAD TITLES! JFa have the Exclusive Control ot J. M. GARRISON. Forest Grove, Or P. 0. Box 55 Mrs. IL E. Moore. Mr* - If-a- ASHLAND MILLINERY STORE -ncecsxor* to Mr«. Bollitoli ami tir*- forni tain. Farge New Stock, Embraeing all fhe Intesi Fall aud Wmter Style« Izw’al Agent for Townsite Property H. B Miller i Co. Addifiou and Railroad Fine AsFortment of Materials h»r Fancy Additon. Money Loaned at S per cent « n real ei Work —Zephyr*. Arasene, Cheiiill Eie late security in sum« of ^.ea» and upward*, tall or write—Information cheerfully Our motto h: ‘ aqvi < k - ixien « f is bette » furnished. THAN A f»LOW SHILLING.’’ H-l’ H i ti. i f. a, V Thix Spart Hear neu for •vc SMOli Porely Vegetable au4 Perfectly Harmleea. Unequaled as a Liver Pill. 8mall«et. Cbeepeet. Ea»i«et_ to Take. One Tiny, Sugar-Coated Pel­ l’.Mij.le going to Jacksonville wi). let a Due«. Cure« Slek Headache, Arthur Conklin, Bllloue Headache. Conetipation, find !*ly male's coach awaiting eveiy (Successor to S.MITH A C<>N KLIN.) Indlyeetlon, Bill one Attacks, and all deranirementa of tbe Stomach sad Bowsih REAL ESTATE AGENT, Cor. Parasols from 25c to 86.50 al Hun­ tram at Medford. Ask for the la-st • ocju a vial, by diugyim, c >ach Ply male s Front J e Fifth Streets, Grant’s Pass, Or saker's. M. L. McCALL, Krol Estofe Agent Remember that we carry a large ami well wlec*ed stock of furniture, also picture frames and m .ul.litigs, chro- mos. arteotypee, oleographs; a large invoice of oil paintings just rac'd. Call and see us, S mith i D odge . don’t htiM tn ofr? a prlre to ttll tltlt Goods, for its the BE. ST ADE. Every Cun holds ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. E. h ASHLAND, amt Surveys r A shland , . . O regon . OREGON. ( I