ASHLAND TIDINGS. BREVITIES. Y’iolin E strings just Hasty A Gregory's. receive«! at Will I’plebratt*. PERSONAL. < 0. TEA( HERS’ ASSiM IAT1GN. Real Estate ITaiisactHHis. (Top.Weather Bulletiu No. 9. CI E iR TOT n FAC E. For we« k ending .Saturday. May b»»h 1*' mi WcHthe. - The high temperature of th. pre v iott two w • • a - rontinued up n» Wednt m I mv of thi* w.-ek, w h< u it ft 11. I.i-mg n... .* in n’r the iiormai, the lenipcmturv n J to near tne lro*t jxiiiit, im* <>w ing io the cloudy weather no frosts are leporte»’ t<> have oreifrred. Du ing I he we. k ram f. II in H’l s«t h ami 7th in*taills. ‘ rop.* I he weather condition* hav« Iwen vt ry beneficial to crop* of all kind* .''pring- *ow u w Ileal < inlly needed rain, and in llio*c di.'lrii t* where it was most needed, i’k feli. I'nusunl a* it may appear, m th« Wil lametJc valley thc*oil i* wry drv. and in sections hard. \\ bile crop* ar«* grow i ug, ye! •a good, general ram would prove to I h - very Dviiytii lal 1 he subsoil j* generally vciv m<»i*t yet. but *mall seeds. Hpring-sow n gram and the Lk« i.e« d *urta* e moisture. I h<- cooler i loudv weather thai ha* pre vaibd the latter lew «fay* ha* proven ver* Lem li« ini Gra<*c* arc heading out in *<■<•- tion.*, and ulialfa has a goo«j stand The gra** i* generally reported to be in good condition. Crop* are growing limuy. and ram i* needed, it is reported, from ail s< ■■ iion*. w* in the mountam*. and a,I 'tream* in Orrvoii are ri*mg, but no danger i* >■ pprvhciidcd. 1 he Willamette river at i'<«r I id iia* ri*eu •. \ feet du -: g th«- w« . b, and tne cum nt is *wilf. The Powder, '•••id- k*■ •*:.*!• . i matHia, i'»,.s kogu- riveoare ribing. The Columbia ha* ri*cu, and is now on a slow , steady ri*e, Ii * PAGt E. Ub*vrver I signal mtvh c . and A-*;*’ ¡mt Diiecior of U • athcr Bur« ¡> , ...... I »O .*, of .lai'kionville, w as in Ashlami Tllestlay J. I ». Coll -lilin, **f Lake »'»maty, wh *. in tin* »al!«*; la*t w**ek, I«!. W.l.l.. oi Oregon Chy, was in Ash­ land yvst'-ufay. -am i . Ilaniilton. *>f Appk-gam. was in Astila'el la-t »» evk. Join» A Unni» y was in town fl im .M»**l- f.. ,|. 111. :u-l of the wei'k. I .1, » ! ;» *» ik- was in Ashlauil iu;uiu »»n n 101-111.■-• »isit last rhtirsila». T. E <■ *t>«lfn \ went over to Hornbrook ■ »»•si**r*la» mi it bUMiics^ trip. i hid ! Mrs. Hartwell started M i «. A .h»hn.*M>u . tot ning » fSwiita Ci iiz , < ui. T io -day i .1. M J»»Mil.«*n>' ot Grunt’s Past/s popular young im ii. 'p. nt Ust Suuday iu Ashland. Bev. «. J Webster and wife left Ashland la*i yy - ’ k on their .Southern California trip. • ; \\ }■.i\ y ;t!’1". oi I’alent. is now ranch* in . on tne old < . S. Scrgeut place, west of | Phoenix. : Noah Allen, of Talent, i> routined to his in*».'«■ i:iu< h of the lime YYith illness this spring. Mt •. M • ¡rainyrr goes to Tacoma, this v < > 1» : • : wk alic! liis property interests in I tnat < ity. ' Mr. I-. ',:■*.»*t the Medford ttouriug mills. Yvrn! •i<*YY!i into California on a business trip, Tuesday. j \\ ii. I n< k» \ of Eugene, has been visiting IH». won, W. X. Luckey, ol this piner, during thr piKi fortnight. M 1> Mooir. Yvho has hern laid up with rlb'ini! :ii'»,n fora number of weeks, is able to U »mt m;s week. I: s now k nown that a pfn> The second meeting of the Ja< k*on Conn Elicti M. ùoiing tu c. H. V.mpcl a pari of , Ashland »vili obs» rv<* thè Ith of Extra fine fruit received daily at Prof. Sweet the other «lay r**c«*ive»l ty feather* A*M>i-tnti in ttM R. K adaitnm to A*h ply ■ i;i*i it not the result »1 11 isty A Gregory's. the gol»i m«slal that is to b. <*ontest«d July in grami style tlns ye:ir, arrangi* north sc I hmi I building in thi* < ity on *atur- : land ; c> il , |» h «. I ...... ¡i-i a* *, but I n ( aused y im'iits for th«* celebration l*«*ing al- H. and J. A hi y t«» Jnck*i»n < '«». A ri ¡cultmal * day. May 10th. < >n ill«* preceding evening. [ Flies are coming, get your screens for l*y th«* eight stmtelitsof the Nor­ impaired direction, for w hi< h state >up<*rintundeiit «>f Public In*t i m*lion ' A**o iHii m is .C LK) a< o -, ip d .* 1; j \\ ! r«*a»iv under way. mal School w ho have w 'll sii\* I me 1- Urrtins* »• Talent. Hon, E l; McElroy, delivered an a»iowning. i • they now give \ egrtable «< r. als in the «*l»H*utionary contests tlie V J. Brophy Io ii. B lh«.phy Hi N II 1, the M. E. church. A programme consisting I'll- m-‘lilies al the Talent rectivea in*drad of minerals. Four evenings of 1’tnafore, and a pastwiu'er. ’Flu* meihd is a IssiUtiful o! se.' 27 in tp 7. " K 1 L, L> a r< «Hi . ?.0v. ; of literarv exercise.* amt v<>< al inu.*i<* pr« church, ulurii have b»*«*ii conducted tiy go si audience each time. Two short t -*i i:n<«nial-«are giv* -N.uicy Ali» hT’Oii t-> M r* A Walmidg«- - I fed the add res* A fuil tiou*v of appt« •< m one. ami tlie winner wiil g»*t a tii»*e live auditors greeted the distinguished prop-uty in Phoenix, «■•-n . <) l»»*v-. V hi Ta— *1, of Ashlaud, an I r:i to cont rast then, '.■••i f the js'tash rar*a- prize, i'll«* contest »»ill In* at Granite educator and manifested a deep interest in A .1, 'tenari t«« I M. Mcwart :• ai res of I Tin* grass lias grown "alioiit a f***»t 1 arc. as and J >y's V- • *’ublo sar^Bparilhu Barden.of M If* »r l. ir«*111 ill progress Hall next 'Fhurs.hiy « veiling. all the exercises of the evening. A rich *rc 17. tp - -, " Il 1 W ; < «m . ' (¡s-k. an I a wide an id **»p inter. 'Irá. D. Stna t of l-’-I Mission kt reet, S. F, display of Howers iu conspicuou* portions C. I». King'hury tu Frank Led one acre a notary public. There will I m * iibillidiltice of Ith of Ims v rites that him t >< *. on ■ f the leading sar^a of the church added attraction an con., ÿ «o. Ill tin» w *rk ih re|s>rted. < «ent lenii’ii! B** not *l»s***iv***l. !»iy Kiniard :/• 1 H G. Kcstetsoii t«> < isuar < i I V to tin* other nd mil aide attribute* of the «w July in tin* vall«*y this year from pr.*s- ] art Ila« i *r i::».;g. - . n and dysj»eps;a. 1* The ilunning' lettei* from the Tians your isHtts ami shoes of Iiress. casioti. IO.» m ru* m *« •■ 1>. tp . .1». eoli . > «un. Parlor iKinrrt. eut iiiilieations. Ashland l.s making office do not burden th»* mails in .lack- < nly efert was ! < a:>•* pnuples t > npp< ar > □ The meeting proper of the a**«a iatnm Statu of < » « goti to 1 .. Hum th«- W L, uf Several euvlerui m the comity roads preparations for a big »lay. as is also son county, this month. face. Vj«ou*;: u ; Joy’s Vcgetable sarsa* occutred on Saturday and wa-attended by a *••<■ .Zi. tp 40, s k 1 W . ,2U auto* : con.. Í4UU? The yoiin- ladies of the M 1*’.. of large numbet of teachers from nearly all L Hunt to James .'U>r.ib.-mi -thi w Mislfoni. ami Central Point ami Jack : ar..’..i t’u»Cr : < I t was the ¿¿sappcarance t'hnreh will ¿ive a I’.rlor Concert at Hout h of Asliiaml nev»l rebmhling. < hoville. Cal., had a t Yvo-inch fall of ¡2U BUI'« * . eoli . .'sue »« <• tpi' ' k i w parts of tlie counts 'I he morning *«*'*ion Warner on w a* opened by a vocal (juarletk*. Plot I'. Statu of <»regoli tu H '-«11 1 >ui't thè E 1 ¿ of Gress d»s*s not buy any sonvilh* are also talking of celebrating, ram m ten In urs. lust Saturday nigrht ITvodof tlie indigestion and dy«]»cp':H with other placet» vet to hear from. T in s1;.,\ evening'. May 20. A i*iai.l g* h «is; lint sells at siio»i*iy prices. " A. Get/, then delivered an ad«irc" i iiucht"! w< .¡t», tp .;<*, .** |; i E . ¡i 1 - uotl., Ÿ1UU. th»» hrnviest rainfall ever known of in felicitous language ami replete with H. SualxTt î«> Jame* Abraham—the 1. M eiifor.l ha»l over $3H0 subs<*ril»ed to t h»*ro. Robert Stewart ulso writes pronnim and a s*a*:al tune. Every- *e< .¡ d , tp .-* B 1 E, :: 2U a< i ; uoll., qSiM». sound advice to teachers. Turn out to Lear the K<*pubhean ils celebration fund lust Tuesday. from Peta’ . na. Cal, that be­ laaly invited to coin** with a dune. Staio oí « jrugim lo E . J. Morg,m-thq W 1 _, 1 hi* addle** wa* followed by a carefully Two more weeks of buttonholing speakers in Ashluml next VV ednesday. ing troubiod with D ..1 ho w ritten papci iq»on the subjec! of Reading ol *•■< J». 1 p :k>, S R 1 1 i, 42U . d i e* ; UOtl., * E K». I Sew Firm. A s[»« ,'ial meeting of the City Conn and rajolitik' and speech-making, ¡uni by Prof. W . J. ’ tawfiud. of Medford Ihi- E J. Morgan to Jami«** A 1 • .ibarn Ilo W f >und that one of the leading Good young cow for sale. ’ Impure cil was 1». -hl Tuesday evening to hear of *< <■ :¡G. tp ..!>, S R 1 E. -LU a r< '. < on . gentleman treated thcbuhjeet in able mau- th»*u the trouble will I m * over for a I’. Hasty and M. Gregory have sana par ¡’.las actually increased >’a’»«' ot < Ht g« Hi to .Lini' ' i .'! ;e - r h«- W ’ ? ner and illu*tratvd hi* idea* l«y nil outlim fornnst a part nershij* and will conduct of.!. I.. 1>.wuing. K»*«*ser Block. Ash- th«* report of viewers apJM>ilit«al to as­ coii|»h* <>f yearn. the eruptions, which respond­ upon the blackboH! <|. A vocal duel by Mr*. I of *ec ,u», tp :•*, > k I i.. «Lu a r«-' ; con., i ido. sess ilamages for certain h»ml on Ash ­ * a news st md ;.nd variety iiiisiness in land. Gilroy and Mr*. Well* lent variety to thr J hhh * t one to Jame* Ain. nam the W ed at once to J -y s V» stable l'he secretary of thecate l»o. rd of lami cr«-«*k m*«*»l«*il for head works for program and was well received by thr of >cc .» g . tp .;s. .■* K I E. »-0 Hi n *; con., Jst*ii. the old Itnekhalter and Hasty stope, Ear a; ar a and diiappuared immediutei/ Only one more Week till till* public imtnigraiion «•stim;it»‘S Umt Oregon audience. The discussion <>i Prof. ( raw ford * stat« ufOrvg'Hi to John Chu¡no¡* the E eortier Main and < iraint** sti*s ts. They schools of Ashlami »'lose for th«* sum­ th«* lower system of water works. T he will gain 15 i ),IMH) m population by the paper wa* then opened by Prof.’ S. Pri« < , ’..of see tp I'.i. S K 1 W , L’DaeH*. (OU., viewers recommemied thatlhecity pay ate rweivin- n**w* -*« k ! h I .ily. and will mer vacallou. who was followed by >upt, McElroy ami ♦ Pio. immigration of this year. Rather en- t*lutt for th«* land, which tilt* council thiisias ic. others. John < harnoi* to Jam«** Abraham the E keep in stock m*i to order all th** lat­ The next topic w ¡»s that of History, pre­ 1 . of s»*. <». tp pi, * R 1 XX , :*..■'> a. r«-'; <*»*u.. Gress is the only man tn Oregon or»ler«*h.ants of Mu.M.ihon’s eiteiis a full bn.* of tablets, writing pay>er and who divides tlie profits with lus cue *ubject in an exhaustive maimer and ad­ Mat«* ««f < >r< eon tu A Martin th.* K > . ,.f Sine.* the removal of the old Cen­ caused great excileim nt in Seattle, tomers. .- K l E ;.2O ui :u*: < •Oli.. il'M». vanced many new idea*. Al this ji.neturv sue *k., tp env**l*>pee, pens, ink, pencils and sta­ tra! Hous«*, general attention Las I wen last Sunday, by a run through the In th«* circuit <’oiirt of th«» State of the meeting wa* adjourned until I ¡0. to A Martin to Jam<* ‘ Abinhalll the E '2 of tionery of every d* s,*| ipt loll. fo! ! I h * < devote sue U«., t p :«*. S R 1 E, /•/il ;u : 1 - . «•on.. 4* uu. A «ram Bish, v*. < ha*. E. Bevbe. M. J. th(*in*elves to the duties of the dinm r hour, o My :n W Homes JW* ; garden truck for sale to the putilie t bin sniewalk over th«* cr«*ek just north of difficulty. Jame* ( . Tohiian i 1» - r. Si.nyer has l>reu laid up for some flic *pacious and elegant di -mg hall ol acres P.< «*I m * and ’ . Pm e I’n-par** f**r Memorial I»«,». m tp >RI E : eoti., ŸlJ.oo’» where th<* ol«l buildingsto *d. It looks seaHou, as usual. linn with a i>a«l .iiiaek oi rheumatism, but Hotel Oregon had be« n designated a* the Notici* i* hereby given that by virtue uf M. E. D.imaid and w ile '.o Lui y A . < lai k I hr Salem Xhitfsmifn says the .x t: m ¡bout a little this week. In preparation for th** U antlfll! me­ a f«»rv( losur«* execution uud order « »! sal«* in place where a sumptuous dinner awaited lot 10 in bk l»i. Mediord ; <*on , Îlôü. Atnl th«* Wiggins pre«liction of frosts as if Hu* Weight of half a doz**n people W illainette river is about to cut a new <*tl»ov« entitled <* hum * duly issued out <»f jibe |D. I I i.oonjix. s|H*cial agent of the land thr attention of the assembled pedagogue' morial c* r. inoni* s of May Al, many * f <>. ««aniard lo H G K «tvr*on 2*0 a< r« s in s«id • «mri. to me R 2 W ; cou.. ♦ «ou. th* lots in II.** c»*ine***ri**s of Ashland mini«* safe at once, ami a temporary am dircele«! to *« 11 ttie hereiiiHftvr d« *cnbcd H. E. Jackson lo )■. .**auderson Smith pal t of < tregoli. the capital city withoii’ river eommun- to I ukr < entity on oilirial business. of th«* pt r.*"iial cifort* oi Mr. m said defendant* tion <»f S25HH to ¡»ut m a breakwater. When the teacher* had reassembled, Prof J.<‘. Tolman and wife to l’erra MeTiza-- two of potato« ' for sale in Redding. trimming of high gras- an*l straggling Aelstyr for the sulphur springs busi the *um of ^’*su. w ith interest ther«*uu fr«»m J. Lomas, who is an expi riem*e»i ls acre* lu tp «"'. S R 1 E. cou.. >L’M’. ixuiglsHtom, of Pirn tux, continued th«* di* The Nickell-Holmes ticket is having I.o Miller «nd Jas. Miller started Sun ' cussiou slirul*l»*ry makes a vast improvement uess arrive«! last w«s*k. Apri! 11, 1**.«». at 10 per cent, per annum, of the subject that had been inter taxiilermist s«> fur at least as big an up hili pull. It was easy enough to day t'\«'uing for Albany, to be gone a short HoMF'TE.VD EM LIE-. ♦ j * » co*ts, ♦ «0 attorney fee ami the <•««*!% in the i*i*|>earaiiee of the burial rupted by the dinner hour, file *p< ak«-r 1 he umi<*rHgu«»d has a^«ain leased . 'or form r returning Wednesday. ami in «-ruing f - was full of his subject and discoursed clo- grounds. Tins should l>*> done by as ami the \\ ..i N W bf *< < tli«< HLiv null on Asblami <*r«*,*k. an.I And m pur*’ian M txo*w |xsit* Mei 'ully of Jacksonville, and ■ at thr April meeting for the purpose of « on and Howers. <>r cut Howers, would Is* a Th«* Jackson County Tenchers’ As­ ville, <>r., on K i E. 1«^ I-1| B. L. M ehrfnukb . Corn \nkeiiry, of Sterling, came up to visit *idering the advisability of arranging for a eoiiim**n*ial*l** showing f»*r the people sociation will have a picnic at Wag­ lw*rof years past “Reel Foot" has lw- election. ------------ teacher*’ picnic soon alter the May meeting Sut ai June //, Axliland with the teachers last Saturday. eome an "historical character,” or nt of Ashland on day . ner's So«lu Springs oil Saturitay, May A furious hailstorm visited the <>f thr association, was called npon to givc < H. Vv„'hte went over to Henley last least a local celebrity, ami it is a mat­ New wirpets ut D. R. a L. V. Mill.-. at 2 o'clock P. M. of *jii«l day all the right, an account of its action, and through it* 31st. vicinity of Rostbmg Mondav after­ 'iind.ix to look alter his band of sheep that Storkliohlcl's' Meeting. title ¡md itit«*i'e»t of *ai«i < has. E. B«*t l«e ami ter of public inter«*st to know that his Tile siskiyim Trlrgnim. chairman. Prof. Watt, made a r« port to the M J. B'-ebt and C. s. Price. defcmlantN, in Supervisor L. A. R.*s«* has lu«*n do­ proportions ar«* to I h * pnBerve.l for noon, and I in i Istoiies “as large* as a have l«ecn wintering on the Klamath river. effect that a picnii la* held at Wagner’s soda and to the folio* ing dc*«-rtl»cd pr«>|>erty A Yr*-k.i correspondent says: "A new ph‘C(‘ of chalk” were numerous for two Miss Belle Anderson, after a months va­ springs mi Saturday, May 31st. l'he report ing some good work on the roads in the inspection of future generations. At a Bargain. The we*t half of the *ouHiwe*t quarter <»f cation 'pent at her father's pleasant home Notici» i* hereby given that thè animai v**nttire in the joiirnaltHtic field, will or three moments, l'he hail was fol­ ' was adopted and thr picnic will take place th«* iiorthw. st .piartcr of seeUuu numb« r n< >u Tah.'iil, i> again at work in theTiniNos ! at the time specitird. ine« tiiig of the M«><'khohh-r* <»f th«* A*hland make its appearance in Y reka early in his district aisiut Phoeuix ami north A dwelling Lous«* mid largi* bit cm stati' Mr. 1*. Roper, who return«*«! home lowed by a brisk fall of rain which otlice. tw« nty three (2 *, in l«»w «ship uumÌM*r tliir Norm.'d >« h*«d will I h - lield on satur President <«ctz then appointed the follow ■bin* It will be published by th** of there. a<*r«*H, on slrcff day . M.iy IH, !*!«<’, at M«-< all’s Hall, at 10 ty nine *.:••,* south of range one cast of \\ il recently from California, r«qxiris that was much m*eded by farmers. Prof. <’. >. taining 1 Jiiduc Web-ter and District Attorney Col- ' ing committer on progom: lun.<*it.' meridian. *;timn- in Jackson <*««im « |oi k *i tn sani meeting is for th«* pui Tea gram 1‘ulihshitig Co., and edited Tlie cherry trees about town are actual development in tin* central ami Gov. Waterman has telegraphed to Yig 'ailed \\ . dnesday morning forl.ake- Price. Miss Anna Fischer and Prof. 1. B. in <*Loic* r»*si»b in*«* pari of AHlilainl for o po-cof deciing rcu'-ntb i « h thè Corningterm. ty. Oregon, excepting from -aid sab* the and manag*si by M. 11. McCarthy. loaded with fruit, and it will m*t take southern ¡»art of California is steady the World’s Fair executive committee YivYt. when < ircuit court will open next Raymond. Hal,* at a bargain. Fine lot of fruit on following porti »1 thereof, (on««*ycd J. S. sW l-.l'. I , seejetary . A motion wa* made and carried that the Mr. M**C;irthy isanativeof tin* county, many days of g*a*d hot sunshim* to ami rapid, though the wild-cat boom in asking that ten acres of spare be re­ Monday. and held by < s. Price, ms und«*r execu­ 1 next meeting of the association b«* held at tlie plact*; comfortable Htuall L oiih «* ami Mrs. > . W Root will start for Seattle soon, tion of law, to-w it ami has h.ui thorough t rmiiitig in the ripen tii«* early ones. H'alile. sand lots is a thing of th»* past. T'lie served for the California exhibit, and to join her husband, Yvho Yvill be employed Medford, A (-ommitter consisting of H » Beginning hi a p.dnt 20 < Ì am* south ami newspaper business, ami Is a first class Slreel Ta\ l’rliii<|in*iit. towns are building up ami farms ami promises that if the ropiest is accord­ iu rai’roH'l surveying on the Sound during Faber, W. J. Crawford. /i*hlp *ouih vineyards ami orchards are lining ed Hie California exhibit will be one of (he summer. T'lniNiis offi»*«* or Address D. l ’ ayne. the jHiposr of making an rlbrt to secure th«* iMiiL'e om «H*1. . M .«ni running theme ’ a »' \, 1» Helman ami N. A. Jacobs \ y -ill attrndam e of a large delegation of teachers Phoenix. Or. Is* 1 h-iiHH-ratie in politii-s, ami willcou- land next M*iuday, and Hou. 1>. P. made. Kern county is now rivaling the features of the fair. Taxpayer* of A*hland ar< Lcr« by n *pc< t south tuebam* thciii-«* c.«*f > «ìiaiu* .t hen« •• Thompson, tlie next Governor, will la* si,ti ’ lor 1 ’ otlland toniorroYv. to represent I from this county «nd adiaccut localities at ialli all the Hews, ami Is* gotten up 1U Fresno as a raisin country, and a fully notili« d that 1 he annual s!!•■« ( tax lo mu ili 10 chains; ’ hem*«* w«—! .» hai iin to llie Inexhaustible quantities of red and A laml I >'ige No. I*\ I (>. (>. F., in the i I he meeting of llu* State Trnrher*' A**oria -.«si style, fin* pa|>er has plenty of here next Wednesday. '■«• i ollei n d by me l'or Is'M i* positively de phi e >f bruì mmg, « «mtainitig liv«* a* r« * great acreage of land is being put in­ ’ tion at Salem, July l*t, 2 .V Co.'s express office to vineyards. 'File great tracts of land U. \\ Fiddler, formerly of Josephine Mr*. H B. < artrr then <>< < tipi< d thr attcii M;r . ¡' hi . p: *cni month. Iss-otiie a I 'i*i**r among the papers of was uiovcii into tlie corner room of the of Haggiu, Carr ami Tevis are <*oming miles south of |>rain. It looks like < < in' y • r m>»\ a resident of Seattle, has Hon of the tcMchvrs for a *ho«-t tin».- a* a \\ ILI 1 \M .PATI E*i»N. JvYli-'« B iri »* ey , rock, but dissolves readily in water and 1» < ii \ isitiug relatives in this and Josephine ¡representative of thr U (. T I Plot, -t reel I «Gli L¡ : ** lonci. A'ortiTern Californix” sileni! of J a« k MI» e * mt y , < H • phi . Ganiard building last Monday by int»> market now as vin laml, and gives a tine cob>r on riMiflii. ' r.. M a y 'tu. !* ’ "• agent Geo. F. M«*Coiinell. selling uiuler th«* irrigating canals in lieved to be an • •iiiinii'iii'iniriit Kvi*r* i«*s. Wm. M \ i the popular ruuner for the • hi* report, from which it appear* tl a tin valilabl«* 2t)-acre tracts at i50 : hi acre. xsL ,t! i IL* «<•. left Ashland last Sunday fur ( tinam-e* ar« m a *ati*fa<-t«H y eoiidiii«m find. D. W. 1 Gres-», t ic b sit and shoe man. his a owns the “¡ssoiix. are! YYiii prouably lie employ cd bv M 1*« Colton then dr light < «i till- ’«•;■• hl : * with T i*r annual <• *:u'nem*«*m *n* **x r a i la** drill in Number U «>rk.;md M r* .1* | John Ru-si ll, a colon*«! gentleman. projierty. 1 i. - 'O?i hotel though the summer. ci., s i.f tin* Kilian 1 State X. rm « fine stock of «»hiHt> ou haml which h** • follow««! with nil equally interesting cla*s < ii >iirv< *or M. L. Me’ ¡ill was called to j ( xercise ip Language. Messrs. w S. Hamilton, T. 1 4. School vili lie h**ld at Granite Hall on manufactureH m Ashlami ami will ami oi:» »f the "swiftest ' hot»*l waiters in t *wii. ami Gow, a Chines«* Cook at Sin ridau. J. R. N. B«'ll, S. C. Flint, J. I’oii.ind Monday, to testify in a I hyy suit * Prof. < kaw ford moved that a vote of I hur-day I Friday evenings of next lie sold at unusually low prices. \ t Ii»- :•» • imlaries of a certain land claim .thanks be extended to th« people oi A*h th»* 1>< Imonh'o restaurant near tlie C. Fullerton, < i A. Taylor, of Rose that w*** k. M i* 22*1 and 23 1. he *ui yc .cd near that city many years land for their hospitality. < >iriH-d Chickens are selling in Ashlami now *t, w,*r«* tip la tore Reeonl**r !•« r y burg, and ]>r. Harn Lam*, of Salem. ago.» «‘veiling will l«eth**goLl- at from Oo.ilil to«32*s> per H**Zeii, and A few w«-ll-cho*« n remark* b. the >tntr I - s l’< nt/, :!.<• M< <1 ford attorney, arrived Superintendent concluded the meeting <>•.«• llleil .1 >*o!;tesf l***!w**«*Il th** i*lght iiold- thespung broilers have not yet be. n last Saturday for riotous ami rerrd a* a plea*ant I •*rs of si!v**r medals, as follows: Misses thrown on the market to any great iy comluct. whu-li was p**ri»etrated the incorporation of a street railw.iv com­ l:<>in< f - i « alifoiiiin I h *4 T uom I hv with a ¡md will profitnl le convention of the progr« *»* for I*»* tri nd< in the |>eix>n of a evening la-fon* when llllHsell w IS pany to run through the principal 1 uipii'*' Agm*s Devlin, Etta Johnson. Lydia exteut. th i**»•! .*• i.ri'lu, yy ho u > y \ brightens his : ive and ambitious tracl.rrs of Jark*«ui I« d all over the railroml additloti st ref‘ts of Roseburg. I county. II. c. F du h . Sec holil«* M-Cail. C ira Mingus. Mary \mlrews. by the Chinaman amt a big knife, The galvanize*! iron cornice of the Among tin* teachers pr«**rnt Wt r«*thrfol I of <'orvntlis. Yvho came and Mes-rs. Geo. L. Helms. J. W. R«*«*s l'he II orbl reports that W. A. Me «•;; Mr. : i -: I' w • •« Wilson, k Y\ it h the r’ Hiai ns of his litt h* I lowing c s. Price, E E. Smith, I. B Rav Grmard opera Imiiee is being put m liuss II had been drinking ami w is I’herson will come oii> from Fort land an I W. 1. D**i’i**:it. I H1 <• Yvhn h YYa- moved from the <'orvallin ' ncHid. J W. Bcaily. W. J. t rawf««id. I.F Friday evening will lie Lehi the com­ place oil the buihhng this week, ami tormenting the Chinaman in various to Grant's Paas to assume editorial <<:iuHty to this place, returned I hi IG c Lungbottom, Mr. Mi l‘hcr*on Mi**r- I ottn DfPrrnT nutrition Ih«* r«‘«*or»h*r **onsi«l**r*sl th* m charge of the new pap« r to |M> started SUU'hiY . mencement • x**r«*is.*s pro|**r of the the painting of th«* lower is about com i ways. Retd. I u< y Hav. Nellie I warn, Mollie M. • ri iLniLUI HEALTH!»» mill, Emma Ewan, Hattie New bury, Dre laith guilty ami R ush . II hal.i**>!isisting of the gra iuatingex- pleted. M - I». I and . Law ton, of M. 1 \iik«tiry, N'i-IL«' mb ket t. Del la I’jckir. An:;i enbut«* t »want the city « Apensen to the veteran newsp;i|M»r men of Oregon, fold, in town last Saturday, Hft**r Fisher. ercis *s of t lie s**mor an 1 junior «’lassisi. Anna Harvcv. Bertha ¡md----- < », Th,*only rem»*»ly kn«»»»n whi»h »»ill It is umlerstooil that work up*m the ic »»I tli' ir fine horse*’ w hi< h had «■tarted Iti** following students «-ompris«* the city wat«*r works, so long ilelayed. is to amount of 5-15 ami the Chinaman w is well known in Southern Oregon as an '•»i for ’ a »lornia ami been < aught iuthecity ton, Mr* tiilrov. Mr*. I \ Well*. Mr* Park i '-r, G I! W ¡itt . < I New liiiry . J < > Hol; . p t woclasses : Seniors .1 rulli** M. * 1 iver, lieglli actively th«* tirst of next w«s*k. iiiieii .**■ ». ponml here. Stimulate the Nutritive Processes of the editorial writer of ability ami forceY \ Getz, H < . Faber, N H. < iayton. and \h**** Sutton. Maud Berry. Ague** Dev­ and I»* pushed as rapidly as possible I i auk Brandon, of the l.iukville Hour ' other.*. Fm* llopiibliciin ticki't is great tl is /The contract for a new coimV i j niw ho came in from Klamath a couple Human System. lin. John D-viin, Geo. Helms. F.lw. to completion. Spring in many r**sp«*«*ts, but it re fridge acrosG Rear creek at 1 .alcnt " *^\ >f week> ago. yyi II not return for -ev« i.»l S r ; >ii. Ju TH'iiM Hope H iiii L t . ^'-¡Ililifii] l«>r until Ibis s*a»«»ii‘s **ii*-at is By this natural and simple mean* it quickly m i ri :11 I», Instruction in short haml given leading »leider in the sporting Im«* lor lK»r;i Fl (’¡¡ir.i Mingus. Lilli»* nUIlL I IlnU I —2<><'m Harn, l>yM]x*psia« <'«»nsti|»ati«»n, .Mental and soil |in>-nia* of 1*. Dunn on in stock t h«* finest lme«»f all kinds »if W« mm I hav«» the coii’ tact to n-p.air the pre< ariun*. rendition for Nervous Exhaustion, ke«| m th«* Mirror. Granite street b)*tweeli the hour-, of fishing ta«*kle ev«*r liefore latest H. Mi< ■ ■ .»■• tn itnieuf, ami then are hopes vari- of H»‘ulry, and Mi** Nell:« | t ruck* Their 1ml was SCiHH. E. BittsroL. i h«» .l;M*ks4>liville Tim** intis! have 3 and f> p. in. Me \dam* ctrck, all of Si*kivou <«mniv. eiiela< <*. MOKIT WILLIAM- mild«» th** following remark church m xt. Sabbath morning. **< >re- r<>iluee-«mie fruit THIS YEAIl. Gm* acre in A Pendh-ton «¡ispnteli of th«* 9th ■: '¡i u<*»l t*' \ h’an l thi* Wei k from Raleigh, Hill» l«> »» J PI» ni.,I. .1 I* . last wwk: the Bloon three sides — The whole piece under • 1 i •■.<• .' iD> ’ . «t»ri» 'I ttt rite per th'- oili; < here again fur a time. price of shl. l'h«*s** split bamlioo 1« "Is with Inin w hil*' riding on '»•iltlc! of the l;«l>:il; > Tf> i ticket. tii«* world.” There will also lie h « ivi - tlie r**s«*r»a- ♦ mail, of Talent, will leave home $ 1.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00. ¡m irrigating ditch. Price, reasonable. Terms, one- I i,.* • nr v I- efiiif. - * 1.1 the I <.wer of . <*r e**s at the Neil school house at 3:30 p. aloii»* sell for jd2 in Port I iml and 8 in tion t«»-day cat«*hing him underncith *»»<*H -h« ;•»: tin- I a-!, for a visit of * number of Remember that we carry a lar^e atnl Dr Hiller’« fd page lw«ok. <1< *< riptive of Hy­ tain i itinl 'he lick'i was UHiiM «1 ill. Fram.-isco they have reduced their ami breaking his right iu nil.* with irlntivi s ami friends iu *w leg III two half cash: baiarne as agreed. Address, well HeliM'ted <»f furniture, also witli th.......... uhjei t of iMii’.tr. ttc4 «ipthrir drastine Restorntive and hl* other Remedies fli.*H to 15 cents |H*r dozen, ami carry 11 . ■ ■ a' New York and' \ B y >pi < ial rc.picst of tht picture frames and inoiildin^s, din - bent f ree by mail. II. C. Myer and wife have moved in­ ail kimls of rods, bait I h » x « s . landing plai-es ami frai-tunng his ribs, He W *li.i g « hi Before hi* return. Melllk-HM :t , 'wYir.ii <;lil blai»' YYr-.'C tlHlH«*l was brought to town ami p!ac«*ii mi­ to th«* YTintig house on Spring street MH’ Martin, uf Little Shasta, Cal., yv « s bioh . arteolypes, oleographs; a larg • with rvh-rrtuv to •tivnitx th«ir haii, had been ahead of him. and read “ik'inovratir” in the abov«». and that part of the city. druggists of Oregon will b«* hebi in Bought up about alt there were for sale. T. K. BOLTOX. Trunks and Valieen at Blount ’ s. T h«» people of Ashland, to prot«ct Portland oil June lilih next. This wh have a true pirtiire fr«»m th- < hariex Yen. the < hinnmau who went The Ashlauil Wisilen Mills started their ......... and front yanls and trees T ihu * mirror. This will I h » letter will I h * the tirst ever hel.i in the state, • lt k to hi* home iu thr tlowvry kingdom unu < eiinty ( i»n\ «*nti«»n Will make the season of 1890 at the »•an lie mailt* a very seldom ««ccurreuce known in California. Oregon ami Ne lay *ago. and last Sunday morning started well m his yard. l<>r chil i-, ’ a! , for a visit of a few week* if every!»«sly will exercise due care in vada, having frequently lielil both with friend* in that « ity. \t th«» county convention of the ft is high time the preparations for the matter. Mr. .1. \V. Abbott,of M'ng- < bn* mile north of (*iiion party held at \Ie«lford last Sat­ J M Tyler, who was down from the circuit ami district court in San Fran­ urday. (»eo. S. of Medford, was the Fourth of July celebration wen* ner creek, suggests that p«*< >ple driving cisco. He was a native of Ohm. ami mountain* Saturday, reported the mountain But they were bought f< >r in the East and will he Ashland. < >r. • range* deep with spring grass now, ami Other towns have already stock through the town should be care­ luatle «•h.airman, ami .1. H. Morns, of liegun. ha»l an honorable r«*cor»i as a war vet­ «nring open in earnest in other way s, too, as sold at the following prices. Ashlami, .and S. Siu*rtnan. of Talent, mad** a start in this line, Hmi Ashlami ful not to allow other stock along th«* eran an»l jurist. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES- the 1« ¡tming over the mountains all the way should not always come along in th«* roadsides to get into the lier»l and to Li’.kv ille has begun for the *«*a*on. A'lilaml. Or.. April 2U. 1*’.«» He<*ret ¡trips. The famous o]»l Fowler ledge m thus I h * driven into the streets or com l’rof L. i',. Mi-Elroy. State Superintendent The foihiwin^ ticket was placed in rear of the procession. KOH rriIK NI'ZN’r <»<► 1>AVS. Rogue river is alsmt at its prettiest nions of the city. Cattle ami horses Steamlioat district is liable tob«* heard of l iiblii instruction, was in Ashland last nomirtation. the nominations bein^f F'”i lay ;ind Saturday, having come out at from in loiul t»»nes again hi a shot*' far as venlure is concerned, l'he are often brought into town thought in id«* upon th»» r«»11 call of pr“»»incts: the inv nation of Prof 'let/, to take part in Lonsdale Muslin. 1-1 1 ì yds. for s 1. |»’or state s»‘?citor. J. II. Morris; for trees an* clothed in the bright, deep lesslv in this way, and occasionally it time, as most favorable re|*orts come the m«‘«'ting of the <-minty tam her* assoeia from there of rich pros,a*cts. It has tion. H«* returned to Salem by Saturday represent»: ives. Samuel Holt of i’h»e- gns*n of their early foliage, ami the putH the owner to some expense ami < anibrii-, “ S yds. for 1. always Iwen amysteryhowtheh-ilg«* night * train. nix, Wm. II. r»r«s‘s»‘ of l’alent, L. A. hills and mountains are completely trouble. M s Moore, the painter, came up from ran out so suddenly idler turning out Fruit of the 1 .oom, “ lo yds. for 1. Sim»»ns «»f Sam’s V.ail»y; county clerk, eovertxl with springing grass. i rant * I’a** Saturday for a day s \i*it with so many thousands of dollars m gohl. ' hi* ¡" «»pie hen . He is kept busy at his trade I >r. M<‘<’o\, of (¡ »Id Hill; r«*<»order. Chapman X.\ 12’. yds. for 1. Tii«* i’innfore 1’erfnrniiiiK‘r. No on«* can fail to lie please*l with ami expert miners have long b«*eu ot i Mi I’. <•;¡i‘ly also went lanniett Re»‘son. of Talent; sheriff, th«« embroidery stock of D. R. .V E. V. Earniers ('hoice ’l'he comic opera, “Pinafore,’ was the opinion that th«* pay streak would • L>w n to <¡rant's Pass the first of the week, 10 yds. f«»r 1. S«im:|. I Man’ll, of Sun’s Valley; coun- Mills. o do '.«me painting on the new opera house ’ » presented to a goo«l house at Granite In* found again. E. S. Smith has I hm - u ¡md . \■ »mm;»‘ (’nx’ker, of Ashland: 17'h at 3 i*. m.. ami Sumiay at 11 a. tn., lì vds. for 1. Lawrence 1.. L. shop- at Oakland Pier. Cal., where he is and see the good values that We give in ex­ assess«>r, < 11. Wallace, of Milford; ami K p. m. Preaching by the Presid­ ing it was r«*i«*aten Saturday evening the company 1 1 yds. for 1. b i k !•» v. «a k th;* we* k, ami started for San *wirv**v«»r. G. A. Jobtisou, of Eagle ing Elder. R**v. E. P. Wilson. weut to Medfor»!, ami had a fair audi­ out Griffith A* Co.'s inter«*st hi th«* Francisco last Sunday. change. We shall aim to give you v<>ur mon­ I’niiii; coroii**r, left in tb«* liamlnofthe 1 iolhrook H> yds. for 1. I d' il Baker, one of the Republican speak- Wednesday evening's train was six ence there, ami last Monday evening a mine. A big strike in that K»‘(’ti< Hl c«*liti:J i*ommittee. • * who will a Baker, whose fame as an orator. Ih'i'oratian Ihiy Pnigniin. of th«* delay caused by a wreck«*d tram land to a gtxxl house. 1 tress ( ¡inghanis 10 yds. for 1. Oregon, ami we trust their best ho|ies *' . • 'lean an I patriot giv«-* a lustre to the To take up an opera of this charac ­ on the overland road, lietween San The n«»*iti!*er< of the Pont wall as- enrlv pag-* of an “ 100 silk. 2 " “ 15e. is ileciiledly flattering to those who more profitable in a year than the -ingle pur­ M I I <’oyb and bride, and MiisC W. Weralen Wtslding. b.l! **»■ *i. ni l march to Granite hall: Five hnndrtsl choice cellar fence bail the management and direction. ' ■«•(■«. of Henley, were guests at the Oregon, •• ' oz “ 1 “ “ l*’>e. 1. Baml. posts for eale at Eagle Mills. ♦ Mr. ami Mrs. G«*o. B. Landers cele ­ in \«hlan«l ia*t I ridav, on the return home Prof. Sw»*et, of the Normal School, was 2. CiHiipiiny **D chase customer, we -hall. l»y fair dealing and Genuine French Satines 2*"><- per vard. brate»! their fifth wedding anniversary from .lai k'onvilh*, where the wedding o<* A. P. Hammond received by mail manager, ami Mrs. J. McCliiuie, di- < irr< d I hursday vv«ntng. A number of 3. Burnsitle P*»Ht ami Comrades. last Monday evening at th»* rt*aithcr friends American “ 1”><* per vard. I. Band of llo|H* :;.l s«*ho**l child­ I’uestlay tin* n«iti**eof bis appointment r«*ctor, both taking ¡»art, also, in the of Mr. ami Mrs. F. Roper (the home of of representing all goods to l»e what thev .an* and ’he Bridegroom lu re called to oflvr con­ as jH*stmaster, ami has already mail«*d |H>rformanee. Tn«« cast of characters ren. gratulations. Mr. ami Mrs. Landers »luring the re was as follows: th** r«-*|Uired liomis to Washington. N<> SHODDY Goo|»>. IU T f Medford, the wide-awake and i>. Citizens. twenty-five gm*sts were present, ami a popular < » itain » r.*"R».\. llnrr» Vau I a-s»*l Y( H T ( L< »SE PR I < ES < )N WELL Ii\« ry man and stage agent, who in time to take charge of the office by It u . i * h K »> k -rn «.» :»>»'.*• .,*.*i'aHti I \.»'.»op»*r delightful evening was pass-*l with in­ may m«f know that he is the Rcpiiblican . KKEUOSIES XT IIALL. J urn* 1st. patronage. < hir counter- are filled with the 1*1* k l*i ii'«.» «. ii-ulil »1 -«-Hiiirtii ,* >«* 11** I mu a formal social entertainment. KNOWN BRANDS. Many <-amhdat«- f<«r countv ussessor, for every 1. Music. Hill. I'. 'i.-* »» *lH*at-mim J A »1* ' *»11 body in Medford calls him ‘ Shorty." ami A choice lot of hams, bacon ami useful ami pretty artichs of wooden- muT**»» »is . M at « M«*nr»*e «"iiiii. I»** ■ 2. Prayer. many of hi* i e nds and neighlsirs hardly LATEST N<>\ ELTIES in ¡ill lines ami w<* iaril for sale at Eagle Mills. * J'*-»iniM • Aptiiin'iter Mr* **i!r»'\ ware were received by Mr. ami Mrs. know him yy i*hmit that handle to his name. 3. M ueb* by ch<*ir. III ttkiii i i* Mr*. J Mi « limit* Landers as aouvenirs of the o«*<*asion, M«-*!' <» i'!;iv Haberlftch and < ho*ter W. 4. Ih ailmg of orders. l'he Ashlami-Lmkvill«* roa»l is now • »ir-is ft hik Mr*. *-11-10 ami th»- guests congratulated the liri l * I <»wler <>f Klamath ’ tty, went to Roseburg feel that our etlorts in thi< direction will I m * ap­ '*. Saluting til«* dead. open through the mountains, the first In the chorus there were a large Mondav evi nuig t«> prove upon their tim «>. A«i«lr ss of w«*l.**>im* l*y post Coin- trip all th«* way across having b«*en number of gooii voic«*s, ami the chorus ami groom as heartily as many of them r ciaim*, ¡md Cha*. ’ ole. of Klamath < ily, ha»l »lone iqsin the »s*casion of the ¡iinic ov « t as far a* Ashland with them ill v. < hir Dress affair was th«* invitations, in which the but a for« • employed to keep thr property !• Musi** by choir. <*v**r the old road Sunday morning. credit, and carnet! well the difficult punning u | m > ii th«* names of »lifferent from injury, more than any t hing el*c. Th« y 111. A'ldr* .* by t'omra*!* II. \. Bar* hope t<> *ce ¡u tivc Work re*Ul!lcd at the Go to our store, east sale of Plaza, parts assiguetl them, amt much credit kinds of wood was sometiiibg worth *!ii! Goods depart incut deserves vour careful con­ d**n. was »Im* Mrs. J. 8. Parson for her effi­ reproducing in print. T he host ami mill thi* *ummer. jor paints, oils, varnish«*«, brushes 11 Mils'»* by choir. cient ai»i ami services as pianist. hostess 12. Pro«'* —ion will ref.irm nn l march artists’materials. ami wall ami buihl- sideration before Vol! send VOID' HloHCV ;iwa\ . Alien-Fax. "Pine to Ctslar frit-mis at the celebra t*» th«* l*>ne1. tion of th«* fifth anniversary of our grav**s of«a*: • *.*p ir‘***i ■ ■ ii r.; I■ After Susie Fox, of Ashlami, were married this t*«*rvi<*** . *■ '*■ - will is. t.uii*n until tions. etc. Albany /e- marriage, Monday evening. May 12th. yesterday at tile home of the bride's E vans A- B kcnk . Ashlami. Or. IS'.Ml, at th«* paternal home. Oak 3 p. ni.. at whii'li turn* tin* P**-*' will re- ijmiiiiir. I h** county <*iini|>aign was mother in this place. Rev. F. G. course Yew-wood B«*e«*li sure ami come m-semble .»1 the a ill. an I m .r'-h to th** ’Flier«* is no plact* in the county o|*etit?d here to-day by political speak­ llurgiidm«* <■> m '• v nn I d* ■ * -rate the where new bridges ar«* so badly needed ing by R. A Miller, th«* 1 >etno»*ratie early with Abler rest, ami we Walnut Strang«*, of the Presbyterian church. grav«*s of our «*oiu:a l* s wh * .ire bur- a.* on Emigrant cr«s*k. The Shepherd camlniate for congressman, ami R»*v. ol»j«s*t if you stay Plum till morning. offi<'iating, Flic ceremony occurred nt 7 o’clock a. m.. anil after an elegant i«*«i there. \\ A Fvri.'!* k. ford, particularly, was badly washed A. Leroy, for siqienntendent of pub­ You'll Bntt«*rnul forget to Spruce up w< dihng breakfast the w«*dding party lost n th.* night of the 2'i h of F.'bruarv water stage. go»sl campaign In* woiihl Le here. \\ bile the wediling is a genuine anr- R. S V. P. | If you survive. 'I the store of C. K. Kliitn, at T’al- He spoke very gingerly in favor of pris«* among th»* friends of the bride in -_Jiw«> var is *>f new < ar;x*t at D. R. fr«*e trail«* ami he said he 1 h *I i ** v « m I eut. was brok* u into and rolilssl of Ashlami. congratulations will la* none • something mor«* thin Sb»t worth of .v E. Y Muis. 1‘ennoyer ami the entire Democratic the less hearty ami sincere. l’.ilitii-al S|H*al>ing. g.sst*« *>f various kinds. im*luding Dealer in l'he partly burmsl buihling ou ticket, including himself woiilil |>e ***** ----- clolluug. l;**«*k-tl*'.-. handkerchiefs, gro- M un str«*e! e»«st «*f th«* bridge, known electe«i. flou. 1>. P. Thompson, R«*pnb|p*an (. o. I>. Emporium. «•erirs, kmv«*e. tobacco and otli«*r :is th«* old Central House, was sold at (’•>1. Roliert certainly made a bail camlidate for G«»verm»r, H«*n. Pini things. I ni* l*iirgl i*s w.*r«* track**»! to auction last Saturday to G. M. Gran­ break wli**n u* undertook to i*ompar«> M' tsi'han. Republican candidate for We wish to announce to the people Ashlami. but here al! t:a<**> of them ger. who as ngreeil in th- terms of Repr«*eentativ» linn, 'in s* unfavora­ State Treasurer,and C«>). E. M . N'i-vins of \shlaml ami vicinity that th«* <’. w el* '. tlsmgli Sheriff Bir«is«*y s|«ent sale Itound Inniseif to have it removed bly wit h himself in th«* matter of ami Lydell Baker. Esq.. Wlll meet thè < >. D. Emp trium is now ready for bus- .. vernl day** ou K k'yoii mountain from th«* lot within t»0 days. Mr. "aiali j t»> make a gisal campaign p«a>ple«if Southern Oregon at thè fol- iness m R**«*s**r's block, Ashlami. We wat,'hing for tl. *m m anticipation of Granger Iwgan th»* work of r*moval Mr. Hermann's plae«* is in Congress, lowiiig times ami [ilaces fortheilis- aim to k* ep articl«*s usually kept in a * h**:r at'**m:*t t>* esc in** in that «lire.** Monday morning. Tin* street will Is* and if I:»* should imgleet Lisduty tnere Ciiseion of thè ¡M.lltieul questiona of virm'y ».tore, at prices from SI to $25. tion l lie suspicnm it th** time of the impr*>v«si in appearance by tile re­ at this time in order to e*.iue out to th»* day : M *-invite an ins|«ection of oni* goods burglar» that tli*> guilty oues w«*.-** rcsi- moval of the chain-il ami raggtsl wails I Iregoli O' ill electiou«*ering trip f«»r Asldand, M ••dneS'ia» evenmg. Mi., at your earliest »ipp<»rtunity. Yours *lebta *>’ Asiil in'l. >• ems to hav«* ies-ii of the old structure. hlins**lf tlien tii»* p.*ople of the state . 21. at 7.30. lesi*e.'tflllly, w**d ground* 1. for last Fri.l i» Marsh »1 wonid have one go»«! reason to vote Jackson vii1*», Th U rala» W ilson a W alswokth . M o ti**ld un i I» ini ofii 'i r Smith, who i-o* th«» Vamlyke points in ladies against him. The Coiotu-1 is making 22. at 7 :’*ii. Ni »» Ifi. ls'.k). ha«i been working **u the ease for >* «me collar» k! D. R .V E. V. Mills. Grant's I ’ ss. votes for Hermann whenever Le al­ Friday ev, ning, May liim*. arr* sttsl H. H. Little, who Lie lows himself to talk that way la-fore 23. at 7:3H. at th * loot op**ra lions«.. Mefkly Weather Report. Fat stock still m» northward from sensible people. xesid'sl m A-hlaml a numls-r **f years, P««op!e of :ol ¡«olii!«* »' parties cor­ ami has her* t*»f*»r<* l***ri*** a g.**. 1 repu California to supply the Oregonians diali» invite»!, ami a sp ■ ad mntation Following is the recor»! of weather latum, and ( lias. Parker, a young fel­ tn th«* cities of the Wiilwmette ami esterni» »1 .»* Ih** 1 id;»*s. obs *rv ,tious, for Ashlami, mad« by F. low wii*> has lie'll hi Ashlami since the Columbia. Many of th» rattle That Big Tunnel Again I [Evidenti»' by in .»bertene«*, thenp- II. Carter, olmerver for the Oregon ja*' winter, on a.'harg»of having com m*w being shipi»e«i from Califortn*. Jn an interview in Hau Francis»*othe poiutmente as tn.»d»' in Portlaml «iid Sta'»' Weather Bureau, for two weeks mH' d th ' erim *. Parker eotif * were shipped from Nevatla to the San other day. Pres. Huntington of the S. not include sjM ikiug at Mceford. but «•n,hng May Id, ls'.MI: the r**i .liecy ami salt th it th»* stolen JoatpllU vail«*? ranctii*« last fall, and P R. R. s.„ 1, among other things: thè c»mnty <•• ■ » e »miniti«*«* will en- p .[»Tty was in Lit'l- 's bonse, ,tor**«i the brisk though l*n*lt«**l maikot at “We hav«* onlereit surveys to b«> made «leav«»r to ir» l»b'<* ile* speak«*rs to a»l- X nw. v in a closet. w!i**re. upon investi­ th** m*r'h is a lucky thing f.*r th«* I •? for a tunnel through ti»j Siskiyou thè p m p e it liuti Ashland and gation. nios’ of it Was found. Ill— *u*- California ranchers, as the mark.«-« tn »>) 1* 1 mountains. This is to shorten «¡.»* Ytcifordo: M 1 «-- * ». Fair eus d men had a h.'.'inng lieforeJus- that state is in a very depress«**! con­ 50 roi.ia. cutting off som«* sharp curves 44 ti«*e Berry. Sititrd.iy. and were lionmi dition ju»t m*w. ( b ar ami av.mtm^ enni* deep grades. This Ml 1 47 .» over to appear liefore tlie next Grind Trap f»ir a Train. Ml Five head of tine gra le Jersey milch tunnel, which we -Gil buihl some »lay. 4 a 62 Jury on a charge of l:ir«*eny from a cows for sal«* at Eagle Stills. t» 70 •»9 As J .’.ii B. M’n-ley w is walking up « I'dv * will >>e b**tweeu four itu.l «iv.1 miles « • j 'J 5Ì store, wi’h liomis fixed at .*?•* »*. 1 lies** M 1 70 £ long. I* wouiil m ike the roa»l about th** rai'-oi, | tr;. *A Irom his horn«* to (7 dO 4'1 .02 the» w re unable to fitrnis i. ami l> >tii Strnwl»*r«t**s »ml «'ream and ri)A latD f«*et lower than it is now. Travel Medfoi I, '!':*. - |..y morning «■ irly. lie 9 !'• Í : ’> Ú» are now in til«» c*>unty jail, awaiting cherries w«*re euj**v***l by a few of trie on this r *jt** is growing, ami it is fouml an obstiuetion i.pp!ir«*ntly ar­ I«7 10 4 » r» 01 Fair :ts 11 1 ‘i.5 tie* next m«***tmg of th • <«rail t -Iury. p«*«>ple of Aslduml wl*o <*«»ui*l afford lioiiml to In* maiut.'ipie.l to the north. ranged for tl»c purpose of duelling a 01 u ♦« «•& .ij Th** development of the ease was a to pay for them l ist week, for the Me will b nl»l this roa I up us well as ttain. A stick » f timber was 1» 13 H 41 < ìear genuine surprise I" tlie ptlblii*. ami m first time this season. Th*y came all other properties of the system, to w«“»ig«* •• 64 on»» r«*si*e-*t a s**ur**>* of gi'ueral regret from Caltforiiin, however, thev cam** wuut in my judgment, a roml should agaiuut *im* of them in such a manner Total Pre« ipiiation 1 7*i ii»«*h. » -W well, for one of th«* men arr. stml has high, too, '»" ets, a pound for th«* In» *’ that in ail lik.-lHio-ij it v.oiihi have . mure Max -I. M il * F» Mean >-. *» .,'.*. .»U.l in '• • me ' •> 1 with ptwiplo chcrrie« ami 2ct« a Is*x for the ditcheil a tram striking it from the I* «ir— :i <*;ill :ma voi * to pltu»««» j'oii. wk'i n th'* affair is a lilos dis gr.-e- st raw l»*rries. Ashlami straw i*erri«*s north Mr. M’ri.-.ley removeii the tin*. s Marshall.I: So", of Atw*s>d, 111., P«»ople g'.iug to Jacksonville wit. I*er with some difficulty. He is satis­ ar«* in th«' ruarki-t as early as this ubh mu.h«rtun*>. says their s. ».ih ' s !x> » G APPC TDAOT C. F. BILLINGS, Ashland, Or. The Last Winter I OOK HERE! Now is the timeto Improve Your Stock GAMBETTA an»l HECTOR CASH Prices the Lowest. HUNSAKER. G. C. EDDINGS, =HARDWARE= A full line of SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE, Including the following, viz. I con, Si eel, (? < >al, N a ils. Rope, I I <>rse-sli(>(fcs Cl ri i k I-si < >i k *s, SI i< >v( *ls, S| >;i< l< * h . Forks, I 1<><* Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers, Hose-reels, Picks, Mattocks, Clothes wringers, Axes, Lanterns, Step ladders, Portable Forges Scythes, Snathes. Plows, Mowers, Hay rakes. Cartridges, Wads. Primers, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle. Cross-cut Saws, Gold Pans. Wagons, Hacks, Carts, Hay forks. Pumps, Paper & brass shells. Guns, Sheep Bells, Shot, Powder, &c. &c. GOOD GOODS AND PRICES REASONABLE.