\J >iHT. ANI» COAST. From “Ltmkinc Biukwiinl.” I ■■ ■ HH Says a New York dispatch: Every The eight-hour system went into ef­ little girl will •n Is- able to own a Ma fl \ /»/ .toll that really talks. Edison has fect in Oakland. Cal., May 1st without b'rhlay. opened an exhibition of his latest in­ any conflict la-tween the carpenters ventions at tin* Lennox Lyceum, in and their employers. The men went No| ES \ N D NEUS. z5 this city, and among the novel fea­ to work at N o'clock instead of » that tures are ten big d*»ll«. which stand in morning. a row. ami when a crank in their The President h;iH approved the art At Kennett, Shasta county. Cal..last backs is turned they utter various for the temporary government in Ok­ week, two men were arrested who have rhymes. One says "Mary had a little I h '. ii passing SI lulls raised to S~> lahoma. r-$ lamb.” ¡mother, " Twinkle, twinkle lit­ They got in their work at Bed Bluff Kev. William Barm s, who preaclnxl tlestar," and so on. Th** voices, of during the < .rand Army reunion and Daniel Webster's funeral sermon, died «•ours**, ar*« highly sqm-iky, but the also passed a lull on the Harris restau­ one day last week al Jacksonvill*-. III. wor.ls are plain. Another doll, in a rant there for meals and one on Mrs. separate part of tire house, gives forth For.-st fires are already doing much Cusick at Middle Creek station. with great distinctness, m a childish damage in Wisconsin, and Minnesota. “Castori* nt so well "aptcl to rhil.lrrn that C am to ri» cures Polir. Cnnsf ¡pativi. At Spokane Calls one day last week The troiiMe diH-sn’t usually la-gin in treble. “There was a little girl who 1 recommend it as «ufit-nor to any i run riptwii Sour Stomaci», I’iarrho'a, Eructation, had a littl.* curl." A real perfect doll a meeting was held to take steps to­ < »rt-gon until July. known to me ’ H. A Aar-nxa. St !>., can now wink. walk, gesticulate, ward building a magnificent mineral Ill öo. OxXortl 81., brvoAlyu, hi. Y. It is uml<*rsty electricity. electricity, The that these pseu»lo practitioners be will demaud a rate of wages »spial to -«MM»* cigar is lit by an i hs'trie spark, N brought la-fore the state I Miami of thirty-five cents an hour hereafter. daring to go out t O tire theater, it l»e- medical examiners and required to ing rainy, ire n>tiiie< ts a t.*lephone show in what way they are tith'd to Wages seem to I h - about as g-x-d in the old states as m the grt-.at W est. Casino ami hears Lillian with tl ex|ieriiuent with human life. So they Kn.ss.-ll in “ Th*- < »rand l»u<*ht*H," and should. [Ex. The English are reported to hold getting tir.-d of that lie listens to Patti tlioiis.'imls of t-oolit-s kidnapped from Says a Santa Cruz (Cal l paper of China, in bomlage in Bornea, on what in "Lin J i' at tire Metr*>|Hilitaii opera People living in the is calle-l the contract lalnir system, lions.*, For intellectual food he turns April 2!»th: ASHLAND. OREG., a key « md li*ars a sjhhh 'I i by Glad- southern part of tins count}, near San but which js really servitude of the •tone or a lecture by (»oldwin Smith, Andreas station, on the railroad to • most exacting character. ire Ire hears a prayer Watsonville, were astounded to-day I ».siring to New Tork s el*x-tlie killing mai'hin Camion Farrar, and by a shower of worms during a rain by Spurgeon <1 gets well tuck*«! Ill storm. The worms resembled grub , may never 1 h > used, after all. Th. Embalming' a Specialty rolling into Satisfaction Guaranteed mtton. w liieh puts out worms and were iilxuit an meh and a lower house of the legislature by a ami pr.-ss.-H half long, white hi color and had red vote of .Hcventy-fiv*- to tweuty-inne tire lights an i -H'ks all the door». eyes. None of those who found them pass.«! last l'hurs«lay alstlishing capi­ tal pmiishnrent in that state. ever saw the like liefore. When the m-w steamers of the Can- At Sunnyside, four niil*-s south of ha« Sal. in. the < »regon Land Company lias ad i m l’acific railway company are it force of men and teams at Work started oil the rout** In-tween Vancou­ planting sugar corn In-tween the rows ver and China tlit- company will In-gin Job Work or Repairing, Scroll Sawing, Wood Shaping of trees in its hundred acre orchard. running regular excursions aroumi Window Screens,E., made to order. « w» r Lius corn is forth*- use of the cannery. the world, the price of tickets for the mum ORGANS CLEANED AND REPAIRED. By tl ie enterprise the company fiuds "round" trip to I h - jfiutt. ,,ll I inc einloyment for several of its small si I h ill- i ««f Secrt-tary W indom h is written for J. L. DOWNING, Ashland, Or tract purchasers who have to hire out publication n letter m w Inch he refutes S l>! ' till their farms get to bearing; also the charge that the administration fa­ t ti helps the cannery along in its opening vors a contract ion of th** currency. ti i year; and t he cult ivation of the corn He states that Ire has alrcauy ie*-om keeps the orchard thoroughly w< >r k**« i m.-nded in his annual report an increase 4 ’ over. Here are three good émis al­ of annually in the currency. -■! tamed. liesales the protit that may be Congressman Sayers of Texas ami derived from the crop. Bland of Missouri, have returned to the 1 reasury the drafts for tire money Ulic uf t tie Big Olles. they lost through the defali-ation of l uited States C Few people, probably, are aware Silcott, and it is umhrstiHid some has just compii' of th.* fact that ti sapling of the “big others will follow their example, on lalsir iff tile tree family" from the grove in Calave­ the ground that the House should ich it is learn, ras comity, Ctil.. is now growing on the not have vot*-d to repay the nu-mlH- road corpo W aldo place in Northeast Salem. W m. for tire stolen luonev. Iterating !'•< Waldo planted it alsnit fifteen years Io} ing Washington. May 1. In al g the year I raveled ■'igo, when a treelet probably three the speaker of the house tin- S' railroads i 1 States. years old, so that, if a female, she is of the interior estimated that it wiil now of age. The tree has enjoyed a it pi health} growth and is ¡low about require .<''">.:>oti,7.->2 annually to give a trav. eighteen feet high and eighteen inches service pension to every sun ivor of the late war not now on the rolls; average in diameter where the trunk leaves the S»*,O42,S1" annually to increase p. n- found that ground, l’he trunk grows like a long sions of those on tire rolls to ss per f . v.-mled tapering spike. The limbs liegin at month; aii.l S'.».77»>.7'Mi to widow ild reach 10, the ground, where they are alsiut four d*«*t*ased soldiers total militia -.»I around feet long, growing shorter to the top irenditures. Sloo.22tj.327. In hurling of the tree. Its appearance is that of N I w I oi;K, May I Lhe end of t he of people a yoiiug gumt slowly towering up to world-wide demonstrations tonight 31.» per­ stay. It is said there is but one grove of was not a great succe.—- as far as tire mits. and ry :>3,1:U»,- the “big trees" the one s|H>ken of numlier who paraded and attended the -tlger Was al Hive. When this grove was first vis “square meetings” were concerned, protiably not more than 3oG<» persons re if a man ited by white men, the largest tret* will have the monarch of the forest was found were at tire speakers' stand at one prone upon the ground. Its greatest time. In the procession that parad.si circumference was alsmt IT) feet, its there w*Te about .'.ooo paraders. The length nearly I'm feet when standing meeting was under the allspices of the it was as high as the great p} ramid of siH'i.'ilistic lalxir party. Egypt,and probably was growing when Gladstone has written a letter in that wonder of the world waslieing ten have Inuit. Many of the trees of that which he exhorts the working cla-ses PA1AS.il S. I ADIE S AID CINTI! MIMS [Illi SIÌ01S AND BOOTS and worn grove were found to Is* nearly as large to consider closely tli. ir present po­ anything. sition. He says: " 1'here may is »me a < ' I « > I liittiy I > i 1'« *« • 1 1 T< »nt I ì t < • J I t piittpIt-R and as the one just mentioned. This timlrer is a near sp»*eies to tin* time when labor will prove too strong mild tonic for capital, and may use its strength on the cellars of Leliaiion; some of them nothin', were old trees when "the wise men saw unjustly, but capital will surely hold its own.” In Conclusion he expresses er Pills, the star in the East." .»•r. pur We understand that the young giant a wish to see )al>or and art allied, ild tonic is now found by the surveyors to I h * with a view of alleviating and adorn Is EM I.N I it rmgth to ing the life of man. a box growing in a street, lint we trust the city fathers, as long as there may Is* a Noi ice Chicago dispatch. April 2'.»:h: The city here, will protect it and allow it ("nited States customs otlicials might grow as monument of Salem's infancy, well trace tip a clew to a smuggling and tower alwive the mist and fog when scheme brought to light m Justice we of this city to-day have been dead Bradwell's court at the Armory this three thousand years. |S ilem Capital morning. Opium is lieing smuggled Journal. into America, packtsl in lemon rinds. Illi*. if The lemons are artificially sliced near A I’liiverxalist Minister Protest.'.. the end. the pulp and seeds are remov­ N okwk 11.C oxn ,April 24. The Kev. ed and the "hop," or opium, is neatly E. W. Jenkms of this city, pastor of packed m. The cover is then skillful CURES PERMANENTLY t he t n i versa I ist church, has caused a ly s»*al*‘d with some unknown cement, breeze by publishing an open letter to and the traces of th** seam obliterated SufTer<*«l Yearn in Pain. the Norwich board of education, de­ with a compound of the color of the n manding that teachers in tire public rind. With this scheme then* is no Aug 11. MIL «prsili'-'l niv uno cliil-Linis « h. st- schools refrain from reading aloud any limit to the amount of smuggling ■■ 4 ■. ars in i«;u mal < 'Ubi n a lift portion of th*' < »1*1 Testament at the that might lie done. It a a- ttLHlly i ur.1 la st J»cc.tu o|H'iimg exercises. .T.\i • >B Fl ZF.X.'VEKGF.K. Says a London cablegram: It is “For some months," says the clergy­ man, "a certain teacher in oue of our now openly announced that Mrs. ity si'h.H.ls has ts*en reading repeat- Langtry and Freddy Gebhard arc illy from the < >ld Testament nccounts “out" and that tire lersey Lilv is re­ f murders, human sacrifices, tortur­ ceiving tla' attentions of Lord Lurgan. ings, of tire falling from heaven and of an Irish pi-er. lie follows her around tinman Ix-mgs stoned and tortured to with affecting devotion and entertains death. I Irene were read to her schol her at elaliorate .tinners ami suppers, at which brother guardsmen and a ars as o[H*ning exerciswu “By r*peat*'d <*ominunicatioiis I sister of Mrs. Langtry, a lieaiitifu! have appealed to the superintendent woman of aliout 30. are also guests. and tire lioard to limit lire Scripture Tlrese dinners are given at Lor.i Lur- reading to the New Testament or to gan's resilience, 13 S’. James place, mtriHluce a manual of Scriptural s>- which is only a stones throw from lections suitable to lieread to children. Mrs. Langtry’s theater. Lord Lurgen I can get no reply or satisfaction, is a handsome ami wealthy bachelor \ »• 11 » • n of 32. Ills family name is Brownlow having cuts wellings IKS'.».” done mv >M'st since June l**th. ami the title was creat.-d in ISl'.l. Surely^ Permanently One local pa[>er champions Mr. Jen­ Boston dispatch: I la» report which ‘“‘dty DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. kins cause and insists that the custom has been current so often is finally TkaCHAS.A.VOGELER Co. BALIO. Mik of reading the Old or New Testament coutirmed, that the Hammond I >ressed 111 tire public schools ought Io la* alx»l Beef (’ompatiy of ('hicago and Boston islred. As a rule the local Protestant has I msui sold to an l.nglish syndicate clergymen mid their flocks are opposed I for This is one of the to Jenkins's project, til h mt winch there largest purchases ever made of an is a great deal of discussion in all parts American industry by Englishmen. of the state. The nal Bank of Button, ami t». ing. In theory of construction it em­ F. Oreyofthe Hale and Leather Na­ ploys the largest factors of safety, and tional Bank of Chicago are truatees. is magnificently hnilt of solid granite, («. \V. Simpson, manager of the old united by Portland cement: yet, not­ company, remains in the same posi­ withstanding these precautions, the tion at a salary of .*2’>.i h * I per annum. fact remains that the dam denials on The officers of the company ar** all its own resistance to the awful volume Enghshmi'ii. of water liehiml it, nj*on the arch it W\sUIx..ToX, May 1. The l oin T. Arriving at N< w York Hassayampa pale into insignificance. they go to IxHirding holts* s kept by tin se Italian bunkers and tlreliee tire A Thousand ¡^»inrstirM, sent out to lalxir under contracts. Having loani»sl that there was a Within the last eight years they have great demand Hi the W est ami m the nearly supplant*-.! other races hi the End of Bridge, Willamette valley tn particular, an em­ ranks of unskilled labor in New I ork Nurseries at ployment agent writes to Salem from city. 1 n one-piare mile in New York I miianapolis proposing to supply this city there are 27n.l»|i" pisiple. NMl with a thousand ten hundred, more than on any other s.piare mil Tlrese p.s.| think of it well trained cooks on the earth's surface. servant girls direct from Sweden sjreak a foreign language i Italia IN AMERICA ivs he can get enough girls The system of immigration is, on t o supply any order and if the whole, deteriorating. T ire percetitii places are secured in advance for them of < iermalis and Sw edes is decreasing, KT3SKD A5OTICEB TAX I WIFE. •' You «cou»<1r»L" yell««! younj Jacob Orel he will go to the old country at an an.I Italians ami Hungarians ar** in At hl, c *0*1 nclfhbor Brown.— earlv day and accompany the first or­ creasing. “ You my wir. upo th. .tr.rt,— I oufht to knock you down." I Grove. Or der of a whole thousand to this city -Tail's wh.r. you'r. wron<." good Erow-a for distribution throughout the valley A lady friend sciuis a r> pii'.-t replied. and over the » coast. Servant girls can F»*et I»* voiced by using he tn ari-ent. mild and meek; *1 klitea h*r; that 1'«. »■»% .*nled might I h > a pretty good thing, in liitiguage, w hich is as follows But I klsoed her on Uio check- homeopathic doses, but the generosity Editor: A lady wants to say •nd I did io bwau««* ehe looked «o hnnd- man is distressing. words to tin* grocery merchant aotne- the very picture of teauty and of the Indiana ’ " h.aith Whnt la the aecrrt of It?” really it is a ihTieute subject to h . Salem Statesman. " Well," r< plied Green, "alnce you oak it, Yon know it is near the time wh< I will tell you: ahe uaea Dr. P.ercea Fa­ vorite rroseriptton. I accept your apoio- cervmen set tln ir veget tides out' \ Hru-ililr Liunl Ruling. ay. Good night." ’he pavement, and there are An unhealthy woman la rsrrly. If ever, The <’ommissioiier of the Getterai large .logs 111 town and it open beautiful. The peculiar dta< area to wh-ob .ami I »ffiev. m a decision May 2d. thougu they had drank at a St ao many of the 6ex are subject, ar pr 1c i* <»f cauaoa of pale, aullow fa>-*s. dull, lu.tr-. i M lolds that tin* moneys pani by public medical Fpiug Now, Mr. I.Tita *'voa and i maciat.^l forma. Women ao AIT’I.E. IT.\ll. IT \Cil. and entry men to receiversat l*H*al lami know what I mean ’.■• >-av, mid afttieted. can be permanently tired by LARGEST STOCK ü JTH l IT.IM. ITU XE. CHEEKY. tliecH in their official capaci ty are. as will help me out. it will .io tie* uaiug I’r. Pierce’s Favorite Preacription'; and with the natoration of h- alth com-, soon as paid, pul-lic moneys within \riUCOT. XECT'AIUXE. a great favor. What we want ■rat beauty whith. combi«ed with ir "4 NORTH'VEST ! \I,M< »Nl>. \V \I.NIT. ami Hi*' intent of tire law. ami such pay- vegetable« in Ix.Xes. . r III other nualltiet of head and heart, makes women uents ar»- held to I h - payments to 111*' "alx.ve high-wafer mark." any la • f iovelin«« F< "Favorite Pr*a< notion" latheor.ly m«'d- loveniment. Ill the cuss- in ¡«»mt g.Hxl of mankind the gr.K'erwill |-inr for women, a Id i y druggMt.. under ;»':i in every caae, or money will tw* refund v paid to him by entrvnren upon matter, but pleas** put it intesh la h pwt't'-r a rrt’ut for lei,, - ■’■rt'- ; . ir«H>’fs. ’The decisions .is not to otTeiid any I My. Al makuu tneustruati' n. unna’ oral aupprt arto, Ireen against the al keeper." lure.a. or failing of 1 w .t.-.i- v. ■ - liereti »! anb ver«l<>n, retrorcraion. beanos n’ry when tin- money wraationa. ehronic nme*r n. m1 l.-faiilting receiver Ire- ti I'llJ WI IA IWILAMt i S Fv RIAM ISI!) Local Pas'ur Tran rot Sunday PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. T-. d BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS X < »■ ! ■ t s ti ltd it v Spring $c Summer Dress Cood Tbrouirh Tickets to all points South and East All at Prices that Dl;,;v (OMl’iHiT10.\. — VIA — CALIFORNIA i ns I ci I »usine S J? 11 A T N S LOWEST PRICES. J. H. GREGORY & HICKS - S tiffness - 5tIIÌ>ck,Sore.ness ( TRANSFER. ^ÙORETHROAT» W o U nos . . S H. S. EMERY NEW BRICK HEADQUARTERS E. K. Brightman, Prop ALL ORDERED THOROUliHBKED POULTRY Repairing Neatly Done J. M. GARRISON. WOODBLRX For Sale at a Bargain. no have the Exclusive Control of MRSERÏ Shade and Ornamental Trees. . \/m*. H. PIERCE'S PELEEIS WORK CuM.. f'jr Iti thè RISI UADt teli thlt twry Can holdt GUE ANP ONE HALF POUNDS. E. M. Miller, ASHLAND. - - OREGON. Asm. am »,