Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 09, 1890, Image 3

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Frignìi......... .!/<»//
/'••. hi
Villi».*. <»l tin- \ ii-‘l’u*.
I .ili .wing ts 'h- iii-ket nominatiti
!•> I
s it J.i.'ivsonviile hist
S . -t- 1 ix : S • t ■ i i.iinr. Chart. Nick
• il; n-iir. ■ n' ' s , .1. ||. Stewart,
Son. I'nrrx, «'on rod Mingus; enunt;
ch'lk. I. 1
N ."lois; sin-riff. \V. K
I’rir-; r.-•••' :.-r, Um. M. Hol me- ;
tr. ■ tn r. <».••. I'.. Bl.mmer. assessor.
U. *1. R.g..-, c..unt\ >■. »mmission.",
I"'i II tv h ' .1: seh.s.l sup Tin’ "lident,
«'S. I' iici ; surveyor. < i. E.ksnat; cor­
oner. I >r. I’i -kel.
The Jas. G. Clark concertât Meth-
odist chiireh last Momlay ,-vening was
largely attende,!, and thè audience
I’. W. (ilwill will build a fine brick
Decoration day is coming.
was dellghted witli the singing of the farm house on bls place near Central
There will be services at the Catho­ gifted ¡a et ami unger.
lic Church on Sunday May 11th. at 10
Mi-ssrs. D. Wilson ami G. B. Wais
'--I o/n says that T. J.
o’clock a. m.
worth Will op, n their new store C. O. Fitz-immons is going to start a new
The Dnllarliide saw mill in the Sis D Bazaar m tin- R eser block 1-, x' p ip,-i at , Irani s 1 'ass.
ktyoiis .started up thin week for the week with a tin«» line of new goods.
Brook trou' fishing will b,» d- tie
se ison’s run.
Further notice hereafter.
later in the season than usual this
Church Rocial at Baptist Church.
Bishop Morris will
preach on year, becnns,» of th,» high water of the
Tuesday eve May liJlh Supper from m-x' Sunday. May 11th in the Baptist mountain st r, iims.
• i to H. Price lac.
church, Ashland, in the morning, and
Seattle has recently taken a census,
m the Episcopal church. Medfoid. in
H. 1>. Maxum, who disposed of his
the evening, the next evening. May and reports her |H,pulatiou to number
property in Ashlaml la t week will
b'»,27(! at this time.
12t h, m (Irani’s Pass.
move Ins family to Coos bay.
See the ad. of the Caligraph ty|>e-
writer in another column.
The Pi.rrirl lair.
(’.digraph leads till other machines
I b-- ii. i-tii-.; nf Iti» SmitI h - hi Öre­ now.
gnu D. ' I ;.•: I. uni < f Agriculture at
< i ivernor Pennoyer and Treasurer
Giant’- Carts last M aulay w.ia harino-
iil- ■ mi-, i t r.-ly s. ‘ .fac’iTy to the Webb are Iwioked to appear l>efi-re the
J .-k-m i t- inly in- ii jicrs. as the loca- people of Ashland on Monday, May l'.t.
ti •!! of ttie ii xt fair was fixed at at 1 p. tn.
t riai I’o.ut, Without any opj»»si tinti.
E. P. Thompson, one of the Oregon
I • l> i_i,s .unify r ¡iiisetitatived tish commissioners, was on Sunday’s
sul l;.--u.g had so much railroad tram, en route from Astoria to Still
an-i I -i..m on hand that sin- couldn't Francisco.
attimi tutu fair bu-im.-s, and the
Win. Mathes, of laden precinct, who
j-i ti- • ..f locating it at Central Point
sold his sheep last fall, has Is t-n buy­
liguri was a>-AU >wl.dg".t. any now.
i i fair . i I b • .ill oil th- 1 1st Moll - ing a band of stis’k cattle fur Ins ranch
day in S • i -,u-a- .
I'm- par- s for the on Applegate.
rae - i w I i u-iint. t i .o;n •.•->><► I, and
Bishop Morris, of the lapiscopal
t he pr. -nr i a . for (r uts mi t other ex church, will hold services ill Ashland
bib 's wil . ... lata.' |. a.c o H im I.
next Saturday, May lltli. at II a. m.,
in the B.iptiHt church.
Ik »'»»lattoll 1».Q.
A valuable dog belonging to P. W.
I! in de I’nsi No ¿;. (.. A. R. w ill Pauls.>n got ¡Hjisoli the otliei day and
hol<l ttieir ii - u-i s-t vice at Ashland died from it.
The poison always
■ 11 I i > >. M y . I
Ail <-\-1 n- catches the wrong dog.
ioi| ■ ■ ; •
■ inviti -I to jam with
There w ill Ire a union memorial ser­
«'■■ i . l- s. ' I ' Is a dll'y we owe
I » our .1- i-i i-o.iir.ut»s. iiiid to carry vice at the Presbyterian church on
oil' th- p . . i| I- ..' out oreat and Sunday. May 25th Hist., at p.m. tmd
i ..-al- . John A. I. .grin, the all comrades are invited.
or. - lla r ■ till SI ivi.-e. Is't iis art-
la. B. Hunsaker is doing quite a
'•-iiibl.-on that day ai d jierforin the business with customers down the
■ -a -i --ii
■ ti ’ ii « tl:e graves valley, and delivers goods sold by him
■ -f i.iir f.-l ■ -I C.
<1 S 111 that Spirit down there free of charge.
.-.n-l -I n-’i.’k whir'll i I-iimiin,'tn
Iteinemlrer the sale of the European
\\ i- al ■..
• iinluia company, the ie-rttaurant tmd the old Central House
s. -h ■ • 1 I n an i ..11 wlio have an and sheds, etc.. May llltli, at 2 p. m.
riti ■ •' ii, !li- a- c. ii i-inie to attend Great bargains may be expected.
amt . -ii tin- - - ileum duties.
Satnrdny evening's train was detain­
W A. Firm, k ,
ed in \sldand about two hours by the
!’ ’ C mnnander.
me isi'yof replacing a pair of wheels
flattened on the run down the moun­
\ II-.o r lt.iin.
- 'her had 1.1 • -adv liegun to
A. S. Jacobs tmd another gentleman
-oo.y to -nit the farmers, when have bought the steam saw mill ami
tl • ■ line rain- of this week came and t imber land of Dr. Parker and son on
Wit t'u- coin’ry down nicely. The Ikoiim! lop. in the Big Butte country;
t. -ioprn I wu ii .« l.tit. d--r showers in is>n„ S2t’i5(t.
Ii • in -u i - s. n | hi many parts of
C ipt. G. F. McConnell's business in
ti: - u.k. :l|i - i ..v -r.s w re heavy
el -iifilo Io . ii .• h.tie damage, ami fancy pigeons is steadily ami rapidly
increasing. Last Saturday lie shipped
Ii I sr p - . ................ .. or two places.
r. I •
. went up rapidly I'ties- twenty pairs of tine birds to North Ya-
dai alt
■ m and tie* road to the kin a, Wash.
- rv aiiii wa-i damaged sonir what. blit
W. J. Gregory, who wtis in town
10 brid - Io—t. S wit (leas t of town Monday, reporteil that the petu’h crop
th - ran v.
ver., h- ivy. and fields, on his pltu’e east of Central Point is
r a is ti I - live.ts were washed some- alroiit a failure this year, but his pear
u- gulch lietwis-n John trees w ill bear well.
11 ii 'b'
I U W. Ila’s there was a
Linn county Democrats couldn't
i -a ■ cu’oi ii-H’ of wa’er that took out
lir-fe ■
-tl both sld* rt of the road, accept Price for sheriff, ami the
nd u .- too il*.-p .; id Ugly to l*i Jackson er runty Democrats are just as
cio- rd with a buggy for a short time. discriminating and just as particular
as their Linn county friends.
Ie al I» sales.
t i I'. 11
re[ -rt : I. it on jl-1-
,t> I', (i-t'iiihoii lut I. liners.
»r S *: :•!'. h’»». ( ' . 1 : »•<•!'.
Wm. Mv.r, ,'t 1 »•, to E E. Tolman,
M U - i»*»*' ; t‘- >n. SÔF»."».
mt 1.'. W. ('. Ai . i ' a»i»btion to
A-‘Jan. 1. to lhert. 1 itch; c»»n. >250.
ja... :•.fi>r. !:md t • • \\ ¡ti. My« r, lan«i
vallev ; eon. *17»i‘(i.
m Ante '
in. I .- -old lots I, A, and
•'.. |.
ii ' - 1Ò
i 1'1, block K.
i .
-uto A ■ I ' - u-1, to Wtn.
S a _-ht- ; ci i.sidi-ratiou c’lwött.
J i
• i . - - M. A.
Mell.-I Is ai l
time e 1 s s ruth of
\ ■
i. » a lu: I. ra'. -n. >b"iii. .Indire
I -Iman. «In n he sold lits farm, re-
iA. d t :. • tr..e’, int» inline to improve
it airi but I I is home upon it. but lias
lioiia'ht property hi town and
eonehi.l ■ it.. I
. e of idi his interests
als mt tl e springs farm.
f ir ii.
|| .||.. at I.rant'- l’.i—.
The first eXfieri neo in tin- nature if
a fir.- ami ti • in a publie building in
tir. -on . "--urr.-l at Grant's
I i»- ; . u glit. 1 he Russell.
Jewell di miatic on pan} was playing
•t tn th»* p"t»’t!.ir eoni»'»!y <>f
a iti tic l«»'v» rino of
“(Hr B ? •
ti • ,i: •;• «-n r * gh « ;; «*• » il ( »11 l.tìilp stand-
as o;¡e of the
nur I»» »' ' (on t
foot l.^ili s V• - * "iti ’< atid ’ip'» t and tn
a.: » d XX.,s sfitterei
an in-tard 1.
thou: an.l th, « .jr‘ .1!» .¡Tul sTa^e
¡Í h re xvt re alftint
• *» iH*rv XV« ? • .t»l.
.»«' ;.!t I. : ••'*, iind the
IÌI» P;*.»;»to 1
■ ’ hat Lid fair for a
!ir»‘er« ..’»• 1
i •
fi 'HP to !'•'
,|, ,,m ,tt i| exit of th»' hall open in
•> I \\»-r»* fastened at the
1 f< »’ I
i . ex«*» pt one wine of
!!;»• XM.t’li ot m ordin.'iry I a roe door.
In ti e I,nil ;.i d ; •■» ti any ladles \v»*re
lurown .1... . i up >n the II w»r and
pled u • . •• * - • »•♦ . an»! several
Wer...... ore , »r !«■''- hnri 1 * f<<re the doors
ca; Id !»■ f l . . ;». a» »1 an ! t tie rroxvd
. ii.»'. ex»r, were l»a»!ly
let oilt. N
»II I »tn»* .- ¡'HI to
hurt. The
damage o. I tu •*• 'tD-ry and <tn^e tix-
•. -!i, • 1.
1 ur. - l efor.
li.e dram a’ ■c . t j hix ii.» ’ xvFh no
i.-ss of CUS. • pu n e. The l»»s*4 by tire
is r«»v* n - I by 1« »li«\v in 11.»* 1 . fillers
uni M
i 1’1’ - 1 1!'. ( ’»».
Instruction in shorthand given.
I’ernis reasonable. For particulars
call at the residence of P. Dunn on
Granite street between the hours of
3aml tl p. m.
E. B kistol .
The Russell Jewell troupe played
’•Our Boys’' at Granite Hall Saturday
evening, and gave spleudid satisfac­
tion, but the attendance was anything
but satisfactory to the managers.
Jackson county gets the district
fair again. This is just and proper,
for the county society went to much
expense and lalmr last year to prepare
their grounds in time for the first fair
of the new district association.
The remains of the infant daughter
of the late Mrs. P. Wilson, nee Wil­
lits, were brought to Ashland from
the cemetery at Corvallis Tuesday,
atnl interred Iteside the grave of the
mother in the llargadine cemetery.
The Houck brick building, at plaza
corner, is lieing improved in appear­
ance by a new coating of paint. The
style will lie white-penciled imitation
of pressed brick this time. H. S.
Evans has the job.
George N. Anderson is now in the
office of 'lie Ashland Woolen Mills as
assistant secretary and bookkeeper of
the company, Mr. Atkinson being un­
able to attend closely t > the business
as heretofore, on ai’count of pnor
The Ashland Woolen Mills will
resume op rations soon, l'he mill has
not been running since last fall, ami
the difference in business since their
cl -’s-ng has In n very noticeable. It is
mat ter for general rejoicing that they
are to start again.
Quite a numlier of new recruits
were mustered intothe ranks of Co. D
at their meeting Iasi Monday night.
The dcseiplme that comes with inem-
Iw-rslup in the state militia is In-Hi-fi
eial to any young man. and this home
organization should lie strongly en­
couraged and suppor'e I.
If the (H-ople don't turn out to hear
the slump speakers of the campaign
¡utter than ’lu-y did .Monday to la-ar
R v. Mr. Li-Roy, the Democratic ciin-
jlidnte for State School Superinten­
dent. the speakers will begin to think
that politics has ceased to I m » interest­
ing to the people of < Iregon.
\ meeting of I nion Party followers
in Vsldaml was held Saturday evening
ami the following were chosen to rep-
re .-nt this precinct in the county con­
vention at Medford to morrow: ('. B.
Kingsbury, Win. A. (trow, D. H. Haw­
kins. W L. Johnson. I. II. Layman. J.
\ Ramsdell, T. W. Bnttsan. J. II.
R is-» II. Amos Willits.
The Ik-mocratic county ticket was
not strengthened any by beating N A.
Jacobs for recorder, a thoroughly com-
potetit man. eminently qualified for
the du'les of the office, an I one whose
physical misfortune makes luma de-
-i rving mark for the suffrages of his
party, ami giving the nomination to
the Nickell-llolines combination.
Ashland is getting a bad name as a
theatrical town, though it is usually
classed as one of the liest on the coast
for its size. We have had so many
••attractions" here that none of them
have done well, but all havespi-nt more
in town than they have drawn from
the people here.
Alxuit as many
-combinations" have stranded herons
at any place, too. m a few years past.
« oi. R
• Sa l'-l iv aftern "Otl, but
\. L ».» , D ino -r..tic c.andi-
,-ui ’».’itemieut of si’hiMiIs,
i tlu» vi- • ,Y"iiday afternooti.
. ■ -,..s u--l
ù! n ¡vestwe.l.
v : v f.- » [.... j-G te '.rd it- Mr
tu- ver in i » -'f thè
Ast Ian I il- .i-i*. ami w..snt gr» it din­
adv anti' go m thè matter of thè
meagre: i e- of bis audience, but
m-ceptei •d thè situ i-ioli w’jh nnrilffled
. .and made a gì-s! eiH-is’li.
g.»» _ I humo
I -avi-iga pleisant personal impri-ssion
upon th-ise wiio board limi, lln ìs a
bue lo-ikmg •-' l geiitli-m m. wrh hair
aa v.t.i'-- » tir lìriven show , and ìf
11,. ,-,a, -• i». ■ ve. n ami >upt.
-o-o ;o I h -de.• Tini
tied by the
inrsiite eov.-ritig of their resjie»’t|Ve
j ati-s Mcl.iroy wouldn’t have the
gin -t of a show for i e elee! Ion. M r.
Ir-r-i.v ìs a g hh I s|-e ker. ami do»sn't
inpt to anmhiliit the R publicans
.ec» ti.
h. Imt confines his
in a S. agli» speei
• If .rts pretiy ch- eik to the depart­
nil- nt of pul’iie ins' ru ’tlon, ami a di'
•n of 1 ite e..-ir< .»n-l ipiahti.-a-
f thè candul'-ti-s for tbeotli-’e
W I|1 tcti fi » h i- be -ii na U.* 1.
o;-| - ent. is an army
llke I
ran. ami. . fur’lr-ini it.’, h” 's an
nric.d <-l>; c...-:er : n I nuiitaiy fieri•
n fame, being
» - ■, v o ■ ,,f ( j-, "Light
1 Ill'll ie 'III- ti-rrlbie dm I ge
.vs of death; into the
I " at I'.aliklava
. !
I ‘
\t th Republic.-m primary for Ash-
,nd prtcinct last Saturday, Judge
Uolni in was chairman, ami A. S. Ham-
ift-'tid was secretary. Everything was
v--ry quiet ami the following delegates
„• ti elected to the countv convention:
> M. McCall, J- C- lohnan. W. H. M. L. McCall, C. <’. Walker.
J.-hn Ileal, E.V. Carter, J. S. Eubanks.
C. B. Watson, llobt. Taylor. John
Grubb. A. S. Hammond, Geo. Dunn.
There were some genuine surprises
at the I»wmocratie county convention
la-' Saturday, ami some things de­
velop, -d that were far from satisfactory
to many of the prominent memt>»-rs
of the party. "How the thing was
don-"' is a topic of somewhat sub filed,
bat qi’ite earnest conversation nine
tun»-,- out of ’en wherever a little group
of lk-miH’rats me gathered together
now., lays. And it is rumored that
they understand thoroughly “liow it
w as d- 'tie,’’ too.
A race track enterprise is one of the
la’est new things pro|H«.sl for the
ptlbbe tieuefit of Ashland. The pro-
ji-et is to organize a joint stm-k com­
pany ami make a tine half-mile track
on the Helman place down by the
warm sulphur spring. The addition
of a g,Hid track to the other iittriic-
t ions to I m * concent rated at the „n!-
plmr springs will make this a popular
resort, and it is to Is* liopisl that the
effort to establish th,» track will buc -
A petition was prosetited to the City
Council Monday evening signed by a
large uuiii I mt of citizens and taxpay­
ers, m-knig the coiiucil to take some
uieas-’res toward the const ruction of a
city hall of some kind to l„> us-sl for
a jail and for tlie use of the city of-
tieers and the fire department, l'he
p.-tition wa- referred ton special com­
mittee. Ashlaud is c -rtainly in nee,!
of ¡1 city hail for the iisen mentiomsl
but just how soon she will have it is
Hie question.
2'M»> yards of new carpet at D. R.
I ln> Eip, km (’al., papers are ngitat-
A E. V. .Mills.
'X-' the building of a railroad to
Zonmwith the Southern Pacific at
Postmaster barlow receive.l or,|ers/|,Hi|)|j|,,,
re,-,»ntlv that l„ ginning with Monday
morning, May .’«th. at (', o'clock, ami
Oh! for a lodge in soim» vast wilder,
continuing until .Monday morning, ness, where riches ruthlessly are
May 12th, at the same hour, every down, where corner lots are rare an,
litter, paper, parcel, or package going worthl«»ss. nnd wild cat agents are un­
out of the Ashlaml offi
shall bo known. | Ex.
counted and weighed, and a record
Stock cattle arc quoted at -'?l-‘> per
kept thereof to be sent to the depart­ head, band round, in Jackson county
ment. Why this is done, it is not ex­ now. Yearlings are being bought at
plained, but will probably develop in .<(’> to ?S per head.
time. Every postmaster in the I'nited
Klamath county's debt is about
States and every postal clerk on tin-
railroads is tins week working umlei S2o.HtMl. She w ill ».sin be a hot rival
of Jackson eoiinty if her progress in
the Name iiistrnetions.
this line continues.
A choice lot of hams, bacon and
The board of immigration at I'ort-
lard for sale at Eagle Mills.
land. have I, t the contract for the
Attention is again called to the printing of .">0it.l>ulG>2 page pamphlets
m,s»ting of the Teachers' Association descriptive of the stale.
of Jackson county, which will com­
II. J. Clark. Hie brick mason, who
mence at the M. E. Church to-night
and will continue during Saturday. A had contracts on ti number of brick
(¡.Hid program has been prepar,si ami buildings in \shlan.l, th-» pas' two
no effort has I mm 'H spared to make this years, is now a resi l -lit of Olympia.
the final meeting of the current year
The A. O. I . \V Temple Association
one of special interest to the teacher» at Portland h is S11 KUt'1 • subscribed to
of this county. State Superintendent put lip an eight-story building on See
E. B, McElroy will give an address otid and l av lor st rents, and will begin
Friday evening and will participate in work on the same this season.
the exercises on Saturday. An earnest
It is reported that th,» Democrats of
invitation is »»xtoudisl to all to be pres­
ent and aid t he teachers mt heir efforts Siskiyou county are going to have a
to attain to a higher plane of proli new party organ, not. being satisfied
with the kind of Democracy their
ciency as educators.
present organ grinds out to them.
Seo the Vandyke points in ladies
The druggists of Oregon w ill form
ollar» at D. R. A E. V. Mills.
a association, to pro
The Ladles' Guild of the Medford tect themselves and the public against
T piscopal Church wail have a. baz lar. incompetent and untrustworthy men
or sale of useful ari l ornamental who attempt to ply the profession.
article» at the O|M»ra House on Thurs­
Shasta county . Cal.. :it special elec­
day ami Friday evenings. May Sth and
"J:h. On Friday the Bazaar will be tion last Saturdiy. voted down the
open during the afternoon for the ac­ proposition to bond the county for
ia >m mod. it i. >n of t ho .e wh> > cann, t at - SfiU.lMKI to raise Ilion, y for the con­
tend in the evening’.
Besides the struction of bridges over the county.
many articles which have b.-,-n made
The peach crop in the Sacramento
by the Guild there will be for sab» a valley is report,*<i to have been badly
quantity of exquisite fancy work made d imaged by the excessive rams of th­
ami sent to this Guild by ladies in ree,»nt winter season. The pca<,h crop in
Philadelphia. Ne.v York, and Portland. this part of the country promises well
In onnection with the sale.a lunch at this lime.
wi . I h > served, ami a concert by lead
Miss Jennie Griffith is the Demo­
mg home musicians will b,» given for
cratic nominee for school superintend­
tin» mtertaininent of the patrons.
ent of Marion county.
Miss Anna
Five head
tine grade Jersey milch I nderwood. of Eugene, is named by
cows for sale at Tingle Mills.
the "( nion" party for school superin­
The shipment of California cattle tendent of Lane county.
through this valley to Portland ami
Jeremiah Campbell, aged
points further m>rth r’ontinues. 'Two «■oiumittetl suicide at ('rertcent City
trainloads went through hereon Sun-, recently, by cutting lit» throat with a
day ami another tramload Monday, razor. He left a wife and five children
and on Wednesday a tramload of in destitute oircuiii'tanccs. Despond­
sheep went by. It is rough on a cat­ ency from poor health was the cause.
tle export ilig state like Oregon to
I'rof. LeR.y, the Dem<»'ratic candi­
have to imnort beef am! mutton for
her own! tills is only one date for superintend.-nt of public in­
of the rough things of our ns’ent struction. ran for the office of school
rough winter. It is said that from superintendent of Clatsop county on
twenty to thirty trainloads of fat st,M-k the prohibit ion ticket two years ago,
will I h > shipped from California and the Astoriau says, and received 'Jo
Nevada to (iregon ami Washington v, >t es.
cities, ami British Columbia towns In-
F. I’. Cron,niiller. f, rmei ly of.laek-
fore the range cattle in this state will sonville, has bought I'. G. Harsh's in­
T h - fat enough for choice lieef.
ter, st m the Baker City "Blade," .and
will l.e its editor and publisher.
i lih-agi. Butchers Coming to tl.r I'neiHc Cronemiller has been editing the paper
for sometime past, and is a neWspa|aT
i liieago -lisp.iti-h. \pril 2*.>.
man of ability and energy.
J. E. Booge, D. T. Hedges and A. S.
Col. Cogswell, who re'Hi lled to L ike
Garrettson. of Sioux City, Iowa, are County this week, after a stay of some
in the city in consultation with Ar­ weeks, say s he is confident that Lake
mour and other lug dresse,l-l>eef men county will have a railroad soon. He
on a matter which promises to revolu­ expects a line from llug-ne to Winne­
tionize tl»«» meat business of the entire mucca, Nev., via Lakeview, Inuit by the
Pacific coast.
Southern I’aeifie.
Helges said in an interview: "All
'The Monmouth Norm: 1 sell.Mil scan­
our deals thus far have been succesful.
We exftect to establish an itnmetise dal is to lie Ventilated in the courts.
packing house in San Francisco and Theparentsof the two boys who were
begin operations at once. Butchering expelled on the charge of slandering
on the Pacific slope is still carried on Stanley, have brought suit against the
in a primitive way. and San Francisco members of th« board who ordered
being to the Western slope what New them expelled, for the sum of £."(K)O
York is to the Eastern coast, it is easy each.
to see tie» practicability of our scla-me.
l’residi-nt Huntington of the S. 1'.
A few million dollars have lH»en secur­ ma le a pro|»isition to representative
ed. We can get more if it should be Astorians during his rec.»nt northern
ne»»<ied. We have not only decided on trip to bmld to Astoria if they would
a San Francisco plant, butalso'on sev­ raise for him fJ'H.ikui and furnish
eral smaller establishments in differ­ terminal facilities. Astorians say the
ent sis’tions of the West.
Perhaps money will be raised and the railroad
we may do something m the state of constructed.
l'he appointment of A. I*. Hammond
Is there any other man interested
as postmaster ..f Ashland was eon-
besides Armour?"
"I didn't say he was interested him firmed by the senate list Situr.lay
self. I'd say this, though: that Ar­ Mr. Hammond may take possession of
mour dm s not miss a good oppoitmn- the office the first of June, or lie may
ty to branch out in his line of busi­ wait till the first of .Inly, which will
be the beginning of a tegular quarter
" Then if your scheme is a good one . if t lie (¡seal year.
lie will boom* of y<uir syndicate?'.
\Ve were bound to get there, dear
"Exact ly.”
friend» of our ! h »I.> v . I puty. even if
we <li.l have to turn th« "order of bus­
It Waw a t old
iness" upsidedown.
Bn! don’t go to
l'he’1 ibtXGs last we*'k had a report kicking al,oi|, it now.
You should
of the murder of A. Broili. an <»ld mer­ accept th.- uievit .1.1.» with equanimity
chant of Willow Hunch, Modoc coiin and meekness for 11:,» good of the party
tx. (’al., and the first report went out
I'TlieNickell Holmes combination.
said that no (•mise for the murder
could be tfiven. Later developments
Bishop Morns, of the Episcopal
prove.| that the murder of the old church, will be m Southern Oregon
man had ln*en plannt*d weeks or m xt week, and has made appointments
months before, for the purpose of rob- to hold services at the following tim-s
ber v. and was a most dastardly crime. and plae. s; Ashland, next Sunday,
The following particulars are taken May 11th; Medford, the sain,» day;
from the Lakeview E.rumint r:
('s I i-s. Monday. May 12'ii;
several .littervnt pirties wen- sti>pi< ion< «I Roseburg’, \\ edliei d.'IV «veiling, Mav
uilh haviiie h.keii lutr! in the luiitdci of A
r»! »ili. satnr.liiv, Paul \\ h ’.p«*»•!, who ha-
I m .'ll 'toppimr at the Bonner place, this
‘id« of XX i low liaiM h. rode down a<-ro**
t he < r« < k near where the nmr d* r w as < <»m
mi! t« d, tlinl WHS M( eo'h d In Mr. stvuail.
who wa» hi ••|HHiute<| with XXalpool. Emm
W ipoofs a« tn»!i- the di*»rn’l Hitoruv’ I"
' ;l'!i>- IxpicDHlS. ¡Old on Mill la- ID • Dil.u
w.t" arrested at l.i> home and taken to
Widow Ranch, wlnre I d
conic*-ed a
i (
• has XVa>hburn, h
■•.uj man of a1 eil
years of ax;e, living with hi' par» nt* a short
distance *onfhwc*t of Willow Ram li, had
p'. lined rhe kiilinu «‘i A. ihoili ■'CVerHl
months before, and wee only n viiillng a
!a\<>rable opp.irtunit\ toeemmit theawfnl
• le»‘(|. But on 1 he niyhl th» killing was dune
XXalpool w i* at ho’.i'1 ami *a - he !■ ’k n»»
baud in the inui dvr. bn’
. s that Cha*
VXashburn kil.»*! poor oil Mr
Broiii for
th- p’iip<»*e of r< her.'
Wiehl, irn was
then arrested mid t»iken to th - •'»•ene of the
He absolutely refused to talk:
notiiing in regard to the murder,
niw way or another.
The a» eiiM-d men hada preliminary trial
and were In ’«i lo Hpp» ar Befot» th»* _’ and
jury uithont Hail.
Wolf's Whelps
A yotiii^ man in Lil tic Butte pre-
cinct has struck a nunc of wealth in a
coyote ilcii m»ar bls mother's ranch.
A sly ol,| fcmal« has made her lair
among the rock» for a year or more;
mill, while the young man is unable
to catch or kill the mother, he gets
there whenever there is a nest of
whelps with unfailing regularity. A
few month» rgo he realize I SI5 in
bounties off a litter of six. ami recent­
ly capture,! a »eeomi litter of »even
cubs. The ohi she wolf was feeling
quite well at l ist account. 1 he young
man íh rendering th« community a
genuine service by keeping down the
increase, even if the old one is too
shy for him. (Time».
.Iii't far Instan,-«».
The following quotation from the
last week is given jus! as a
sample of th« good, healthy, robust
whopper that th« TZim x is capable of
when it lays itself out for active cam­
paign work:
iMiilg1«-ceunty Im. a Is nt’tiy > 'em,-nt of
in t.q.i !;.i. n....
Mheeants relied i fin '
m '.'ally lor fetmoy, r wot the I'.irttaiet
i- -.,.
.t... g-..o -
ty will n,,r !»• h-fi m thi« knot of fri»-ii>lly
rivalry in In-half nf lacrito;inn, h,>tn-*ty’
1 In- |..',i|.|. of JaekM.n .-oiiuty. írre-po fio
of party. will iiiv*■ is.lh I'- nm,
I MrI,-r
I, . ■<« ii.i.’orit» for th* r--p.'-to,, otl.-e,
t-. >hieti tlivy aspire.
J. S. M irshall A Sor, of V.w . sl. 111.,
says their salen uu (' limnbiTlaiu's eotigh
remedy exceed th-»se of all other ,'»'> l '1 i
re. divines put together. Fur sale to
('lilt W'sid Bros.
Reim’mber that w,» carry a large and
Well st»|.-.» •• d s'oek of fur.o' ire. al»>
p: lure frames and^ mouldings, ehro-
ii, '». i*rt,sity p,-s, oi»-..graphs; a huge
invoice of oil paintings just r.-c'd
C ul and s»»e us. Sil 11II A D o I ioe *
Milburn Wagop» and l acks. liiese
goods, and in fact all my line of ma­
chines and implements. I prop..».» to,»out at what they c.»»!, as I have
not the rooni to carry them. In O»-
Is.rne mowers ami reapers, hay rakes,
choice cedar fence etc. I can suit you on pne,»and terms.
Hitas»- Bui ant.
I h.- f - y ’ -, - . at l’> lie. '.- G rry,
mi I» gm- i t. ;■ -T iiiiriifi down Iasi
l ive luimlreil
riuirs-lay ev tiing alioiit t! o'cliM-k.
together with nearly all it' contents. posts for su>e at Eagle Mills.
G. C. Ennixos.
Uffy » ouncil Proceeding».
Mr* J M. Me» all is ill with sciatic rilen­
In E I’ »•••ary. of Medford, was in to wi
last Momlay
Ju,|g. XX i b'ter was in Ashlaud last Mun
d-»y »>n a business visit.
Ab Gilding' starte»! for the in in,’s a» ru"
th»* moumaius Monday morning.
B H Hat. h i' In Bort Townsend. Wash.,
employe»! in « planing mill there.
J.d.n I: XX’ii'I. v, of Medford, was in Ash
lami la't Tuesday, as wasai'o E F XValkrr
M."r'. x I- Renter am! T. J. Kennt v. of
Ja» k'»»mille, w« re in Ashland last Momlay
lb,»' Ki't, of thv Ashlan»! Mills, went
owr :»» Si"oti this week, on a business trip.
X .Mi '. L. i'«»w iisvnd starte»l Mon,lay morn
for I."' Angeles, to visit her son in that
• H‘«»rgc < »»olidgr, <»f San Francisco js visit­
ing liis sister, Mrs.J. R. ( asey, nud family in
Mrt't r X|. hatiir A. Brandt, of the<»rant '
l’.t" railr»»a»i 'Imps, was visiting A'hlam!
last siniday .
Felix Kahn went out to Klamath county
tlu* tii'i oi the week to look after hi' inter­
ests at I «»rt Klamath.
p’of J \ Hall, of < riitral Point. ha'-g«me
out !•» Yainax a gem \ in Klamath <*oiinty, to
tv.u h little ‘•Injuns,’
Frr.l -lrd’<•!'. w in» i' now employe»! ill the
pi >;iiu ■ mill at * mitral Point, was visiting
Xshiami the fur,- part ,»i the week.
Th«-family <»f B. F. Snyder will leave for
Mi-somi m xt week, ami Mr. Sny»ler will
t ik.
I«»«»k at thv Sound country
Mr ami Mi - F E Sayles.of Steinman, and
Byron < »>l, ¡md h>' daughter, Mi>s <,ra<-ie,
wer* in town Mon,lay ami Tuesday.
.Iuh*s Cob* w as over from his ranch on the
other side <»f th«* -l'kiymts »»tie »lay last
w< < a I'm' th»* iii't time 'liter lust NovemtKT.
J .1. >!rait, w in» is now' employed.among
ilu i.i.lToa«l f. r«*r* «b»w ti in the Cow »reek
»•<»unt i y, »'«um ' horn,* to s»*e his family every
Mi H. XV» \ of Jaeksonvilb». w as
in A-iiland the tii't ,»f the week, visiting
th«’ family ,»f his son-inlaw, Mr. XX. H.
A »1001:0» s
Mr J elm I'.'iiii. link, r mul datiglitrr. <if
I»»w a lin- u’eiitb-inuii'- l.retlier.
f. ...... iikt-r, <»f
«f Talent.
I'll«', have
la-vii ¡a'UtliiiK -«•nie Lime down in < alitor-
kick .
N The hottie dramatic eutertaiumeut
in the opera house last Friday night
by the public school pupils uas well
attended, mid «as quite an enjoyable
On Monday evening last, we were
favored with a refreshing shower of
rain accompanied with sharp light mug
and thunder. This was lx>th timely
and acceptable.
M nnday and I’lieslay nights the
Russell Jewell dramatic company gave
two excellent performances to large
audiences. It is the verdict of our
citizens generally that the troupe is
superior to any other theatrical com­
pany that lias viHlted us. The new
opera house seems to lie in almost
constant demand. Mrs. Scott Sid-
<lolis is to lie here May 10th.
Mr. Beal atnl family, wiki have been
making a temporary residcuce in this
s«s»ti<m, startisi for their home in Ne­
braska on Monday morning's train.
They were accompanied by Miss
Hattie Vrooman of liock Point, who
goes to Mankota, Minnesota, to v sit
relatives living there. They have the
hearty good wishes of their many
. Our poet and singer, James <!.
Clark, left Grant’s Pass 0:1 Sunday
fora brief visit tn Ashland, where he
gave a concert Monday evening. He
cam. back full of entlinsiasm over the
isauly of Ashland and its
growth and improv.meut since his
first visit th. re three years ago. lie
says the Aslllalld hotel set« olle ofthe
Is-st table« he has found on the coast,
lie was also charmed with the Chris­
tian spirit and hospitality of the
churches and pastors hi Ashland.
Several men have been employe! of
late in removing iioodwood and other
rubbish from the railroad bridge» near
this place. Last winter'» freshets left
their marks in many places.
Last Saturday, May 3d, was the an-
nnersary of the birthday of Mrs. liar­
ton and daughter, ami 'of Miss Celia
Lon Broxvcr, d »light» i ot Judge ami
Mrs. lh«»w.*r, ail <»| (¡rant's Pa-s. T io
occasion XX as c iel n ateti by a large
Hiirpriso . party,
of the
friends of the two families.
They ail
met at Judg»* Browi i’s pleasant Lome
ami enj'>y<»d themselves till late in
the evening.
< >nr b»»ar.i of Inulc met on Momlay.
S' Xeral Idlers xvidt* read from differ­
ent parth’M who pro|>»»se <*.»ining to
(itanl s I’ass to start various nianu-
faetilling enterprises.
W«‘ have four freight trains daily
now, two each way. Business is ap­
parently taking on new life.
'l'he meinla‘rs of the P«»rtland ex­
mrsion ¡»arty that came here last
Saturday, returned home !'
much pleased with their visit
willi tlie town.
'It'. i»r. Newman went »»ver t»» M<»tt Mon
ij i •: i -• visit with rrlativea at that
pla■•«•. hr New man lias ala»tlt »1»ei«L <1 to
• t'i::i m Montana. I»» n-time th«* pra« ti<
• I ' i- pr«»f« '.-mn there. II,* »nine to Ash
b»i •! f»»r bi' In a’th. ami h *s found it '<»
u« h
ipr«»\, d that In think' In* can 'aftdy
try ’h» M-mtana »diniate again.
Hit Must Inipiil ami Lati'vt liiiprifU'il
Type Wrilim Machine.
llarkm ss. of Josephine
Jacksonville Items.
county, w u attack' d and hurt by a
bull which l.e was driving into a cor­
ral last Monday. II-was toss,-,! al»uit
Pre.I Pape, William and Raleiglt
twenty feet and fell upon a fence, and Lytle started north last Saturday to
tl-' Icill would have killed him, but sa*k their fortunes in tiie Sound
for the efforts of a man nearby.
Mr. country.
Hatktrwis able to get about, but is
Dr. W. 11. Sommers and wife, who
somewhat crippled.
have I n ' oii residents of Jacksonville
Mott.Sfor: 1,arg.» confracts for ties for several years past, left for Dixon.
have been given out by the railroad Cal., on Tuesday, where they will
company, which will give employment make their future home.
to a large number of men for several
Win. Hanley, who is interest,>d in
months to come. John O. Welch has
contracted for Ill.tMld; the Red Cross tli" wholesale butchering business at
Lumber Co. 4IUHMI; A. I ■. (i»*< »r*4<‘ . m ), the metropolis, visitci friends ill this |
(KM), which will be cut at Handy A Co.’s valley several days last week.
mill iformerly Anderson's).
Mrs. W. J. Plymale went to Glen-
B iker City is h iving a great I mmiiu . d de last Wclnesday for a visit to her
Large investments in mining prop, r y father and sister, Col. W. J. Martin
tributary to the city have much to do and Mrs. Gorge Rolierts.
with the sudden awakening. Eastern
Col. R. A. Miller and Prof. A. LeRoy,
capitalists have just ¡mnoiinced a great Denmcratic candidates for congie»s
irrigation sclieme, too, a canal tort,
and superintendent of public instruc­
feet wide and eight feet de, p to take tion. liegan the canvass of the state
Water from Powder liver an I cover by introductory speeches atthecourt.
KKI.IKK) acres of the finest land in house Saturday evening. They were
Powder river valley.
greeted by a large audience.
Lakeview is jus! getting her delayed
At the meeting of the Southern
mail for five months back. Says th. (>r«gon board of agri.Milt lire at Grant's
Examiner of May 1st: An immense Pass last Monday, it was decided that
lot if delayed mall arrived Saturday, the next district fair will lie held al
Sunday and Monday evenings from Ceni ral Point.
the west, tilling the postoffice full to
Th« county court this week granted
overflowing, .March papers making the
bulk of it. it is confidently ,-xp,»•te,l paper of citizenship to Wru. Hartman.
that mail an 1 • x, i«s will now arrive
Frank Cameron, of Uniontown,
regularly. Five m mtlis shut out from piil rda'ivs ami friends of Ash-
the b: an •• . f 11.« world is quite long 1 m l and vicinity n visit last week.
etl, Ulgii.
D. II. II iwkins, of th,1 Union party,
,J T I’l.vui, ’h< e 1 Cel . tiff«' ■ orator. who W ils billcl to speak at the conrt
is iKMHlting lip
the fiilroail from house Friday evening, did not secure
( ¡Hint's Pas h »xa i he coa st again. bu; a small audience so did not speak.
Judge S. J. Davis t lie Democratic
nominee for Jil'tiec
j _____
of " flic
Jack »on vi He prennet.
R"V. F. S. N'oel, of Jacksonville, has
1» n transferred to the . barge of the
< a hi 'I i at Roseburg, and R«v. Father
Cl o k. of R .»«burg, has come to Jack­
sonville to take th« former’s |>1 ace as
pi.-'or of th«» churches
211 First St reel.
* x vrv < ,»unt>
E vans
B ri ne , Ashland, Or.
Ashlaml. or., May «»th, I
l'loluite »unit.
In matter of estate of Alexandi r shear« r,
<>r«l« r of linai settlement.
in matter ol <*>tate of John Noland, order
eoiiiirinmn sah*uf real » 'tate.
Iti matter of »'tate of Eraiiklin M<-llntton.
»le» » as« »!, order contirmiiig sale of real
»««ilig 1« Medford.
'The local ••I'liinfore" company are
aim,uim«<l to play in the m vv Opera
Hous.» at Molford to-morrow, Satur­
day, evening, May Kith. There is first-
class talent comp».sing the performers,
and the Medford people will no doubt I
be pleased with the opportunity to see '
their Ashlaml friends m a popular'
o|H-ra. The ojiera lias 1 h »* u r,»h«ars,'d
for some time and should I«» well pre­
of ,«»< » tn»n '>M» « n tniown'hip thiriy-iiinv
'«»utli»»t tange »»ne. vast «»1 flic XX inattivile
meridian, Oivgon. thence south une degree
three minutes eust along the line ta*twevii
'V» ti«»n-sixicvuaii«! sext ni» vii in saht t»»wn
ship ami tag»*, sexeu ami 14-iuj chains;
tiH.iu-v vasi six ami 1 • ¡uü chain': itivii»’»*
imrth 'even an-l li-lUU dmtiD; thvine west
six and -7 iuu ciiuins tu the pia« c of bcgiu
ning. containing tour and 3», tun a«-r«*a.
An»i at a tnevling »»f lhe <‘«ly < »»umdl of
said city hel»i tn Hi»- < ounctl < hmiilui O|1
the Mli dav <»f May. lvsi J. I*. Ikidgv. !.. A.
\i«'k»*t. B liutiii, l< M Miller ami XX in Bat-
N rsoti were app«»intc«l by tin* < otincil as
\ ivw«»r't • view 'ani premi-« ' atnl t<» make
a'scNsincnt of »Inning»*' to th»* owner by
rv.-i'on of th»* appropriai ¡«ni of >ni*i premises
to th»- use of (he city ter the piir|«o>*c
Km! the < «»um d ha »Iv'» «i Momlay,
Mav l?th. I'1*»' .it '»» , lo» k a . m , al th«* «dime
of tin* R»*< «»nier of tin* *anl « it). n> the tint»*
nmi phnfor the \ i« w« i' to meet.
By o¡ d» r • »f l hv < it y < on mi I of tin* city of
A'hla id, Jiu*ks«tn cornil'. <»rve«m.
Mu.i»»> B ff . kv ,
1 *ntcd ihi •>' Ii »lay «»Í Muy. 1**0.
U HvIilZ I llAv I
I !«'nltlif»il ¡<ic;ilion—tine view
—g<»«»«l -"il (»'Veil 1:1'1 year this
soil |>r«nliice<l line garden truck irifh<>ut i .)—S
acres set in orchard.— Peaches (earliest to lat< st vari­
eties) Almonds. Plums, Pears, Apples (manv kinds)—
XX ill pi'.iduce some fruit Tills X’EAIL
< hie acre in
allalta—Sireeton three side-—The whole piece under
an irrigating ditch. Price,
half cash; balance as agreed.
Ashland, Or
Special Prescriptions
A Specific Remedy for Each Disease.
DR. HILLER'S HYDRASTINE RESTORATIVE stin.ulxt. * ariti..n l urifi. »11..-1:....
Cures IlygpLfi«!»,Constipation and General Btbilitx. A perfwt tom. aud-»tr» .- gt h I» nl . r.
a’.! Livir Troubles, Chills and Fever, MalariAl Fevers, ah ! all Typh«»id (-»»rciitiuns.
DR. HILLER’S CATARRH CURE. <'ure»A,'ute Catarrh, Chroni < atarrh. Catarrh J I». f
in -> Guaranteed t<»curc thv worst cases w hen dirt*cti«»ns an f *lluwtsi,<>r in<»n< y r« fu L <1.
f’u’w C l ! h. IlTarseness. Coughs. Bmnehiti'. I uri-y
; hk 1 i eumoma; n.*ie%€dc >nsumption. ('ut;tains nu O|aaU*s. Cures Croup in 1»« l .; :. .tv-.
I’1 t rr ’S FEVER C.t!~E. Indispensable in all acute iisvMcw att« nd,tl with f. wr
- .*
« ir•« ,'(uri.i Fever, Scarlatina, and Mta'les. Mutlurs try it »»noc.
Cure* llhetnnatisin, ‘.curi go.
blood a« i»l« which
tin in
DR. HILLER’S TEETHING CURE. Ai isfin* growth an ! b-wl.-»promt f h.l lr< n during
tv*« : .1 g jw-rio.l, • le.iir's I aml'-ss to<*t’ang an ' *.-»un I n < th. «n I pr»-- > nts m 1«-»ires
Spa-ms. R kkc L'. Brain Trouble«and Bout I CumpUuibi. A blcasnig t* muthcr an i . im t
WHOT'rA'vtnts and Cures Whooping Cough
N ot * With exc»pti,»n nf hr. Hiller’s Hv I rant in,- Restorative, I»r Hiller"' Rh<*un»*»ti
an ! Neuralgic Cure, ami l»r Hiller's Cough < ur. , th above r -roeJu s ar«* in l ^bl. t
I .ria, and, if not obtainable from your drug$n>t, will be nuulcd free, on receipt of price.
$1.00 per Package.
Six Packages for $5.00.
The«c remedies ar,- the result of 25 years nf profetmiunal experience, and an*
1'iiir .t f. • i to < in- u h, ti a cure i'p.H'ihle. hr Hiller *« #4 pagtt book f iir < ti«.iiR f .r
h in,* tr< ;itm«-nt, containing valuable inhtructione ae to !>\gicue and diet, belli tk«r
But they Were hollgllt f< •r CASH in the I'.asl and will
T. K. Bolton, Agent, Ashland, Oregon
Lonsdale Muslin,
< 'amhrie,
Fruit ofthe Loom,
< 'hapmau X X
Farmers ('hoiee
Cabot XX’
Indian Head
Lawrence L. L.
Mystic L.
1 lolhrook
House Lining
I h'ess (i i nghams
Beldings’ twist 2 spool for
100 silk. 2 ”
| oz “ 1 “
Genuine French Salines 2
American “
Ide per \
The Last Winter
V( s.
Has proven that itdoes not pay to raise scrub stock
Now is the timeto Improve Your Stock
ft >r
The pure br»*d Pcn heroiis,
Will make the season of 1890 at the
< hie mile north of
Ashland. < >r.
A'liland, <)r.. Api il 23, to'«’
KNOWN Bi:.\\l»S.
< ’(»me wit li \ uur 111< • k 1
( hange.
quarters and eagles
XX’e shall aim to give you vour iiioh -
Prices the Lowest
representing ¡ill g«M»ds tn lie what they arc and
< >ur counters are tilled
with th»
preciat»*»!. judging by tin-»iilclantial te>tiin<iiiv
(fur I »ress
careful con-
----- REALER IN-----
Taxpayer'»»Í A'hlam! ar«* hereby rv'p«*ct
fully notifie»! that I he annual st reel tux h»
Th« I nion Hotel register shows ta? <âdlr, tc,i by m« lor Is'At i' positively tie
several new arrivals.
Business and limpicnt «»n nmi aft« t the l<>lh «iuy ol the
pr« sent m,»nlh.
travel revive somewhat, with the ap-
proncli of summer.
nlreel Commissioner.
’ AF 5 kERVOLS DESIL'TY CURE. Cure® W*rv»iu> Wt*akr»ens, an<] ¡.<*w of
» r. Never
band lor i'rnute < iruul^r t» Hiller I »rug C<».. S.ui Frani i'vj, Cal.
... I
J. C. M 'Cully was out in th« moun­
tain» up R igne River most of last
w ek. on a surveying trip.
<}«> t»> <»nr wt»»re,
t side of Plaza.
poni», olla, varutsliee, brnshee,
..■il»:.-.' material.», and Wall and build­
ing papers. Lstimates made on pamt-
mg. paper hangitig, interior decora­
ti, ms, «te.
Street Tax B»*liii<|lieiit
. Prevents an<l »*ur» M !»¡¡ h
tlarix. XV ill positi» < ly cure any aiurv taruat. in from 3 to 24 hours, lures N»uins\ ink ¡a»«.
i \ 1« t Mingus, son of (’. Mingus, nf this
j'l'i «• ba'just pa-'V«l a most < redital»'»' « \
i"ti ti; <u at the l’,’iinsvlvania State M»*»li
ival ( ollegc in l'hilad»*1dhia, ami stand'
; up towards the hea»l of a large via" «»f
• « 11< ' 'fu I« 'it- in that iiistituti»»n. which
i' «m»' of the largest ami most, thor«nigh in
:!■• ¡'tiirnd -ta:<-r. Oregon bovs attendiiut
I. i - f'-r n < (>i
haw almost a! wa's male
- ’.• • •!. ! 'bowing in their w«»rk. and Mr.
line ' i' ii » « \« »’ptiott t»> the rule. He w ill
imt finish his »«»nrsc until next year,
N< l'»»n < Hawk', of the firm «»f Hawk' A
'La ’n» k d- il«-is in j rimers’ supplies ami
• ilia-x publisher', at San Fram is»«». was
i X'iiland a day thi' week. Ten years ago
Mr II iw k' | ii'>« d thrmigh thiaronntry bv
’ • :■ ■ ai h ami had to lay »»ver a «lav in
X'hl.'tml a »lay Ly reti'on «»f the Gage rollin.’
• »m ••! her«* ah« »id of him. The "Tiding'
»mt lit w ¡isn’t \ ct y extensive in th»»'»’ day s «>t
■'Vouth. ami it' job printing plant <»ml»l
ha\v l»«‘«’n stored in a Hour 'a» k easily
••mmr’.i, ami on the »»(‘»’a'ion of his prv'ctit
• ¡'if Mr. Hawk' i»»«»k pleasure in relating
h<»w h»’ ami the l<o." at that time tlu- pre-
•'1- pr».privt»»r — sj»vnt a whole half »lay
woikiti'.’ t' liar«! .«' thev ever work»*«] in
tl - ■ ' •- pnuiing ’2no little bill head' for
Abadi XI’ Haw ks say ' the otlice charge»! the
■ i'’<»L;( i the mo»le.'t 'uni of $•’»,
New carpetH at 1>. K. X E. V. Milin
No one c,*in fail t,» |>»* [<l«»;is»-d with
th«> •■lllhroi.i.'rv stock o| 11 R A I'1
< M.rrhnnt1. Wife the lli.n.- <>f Cnnfeiw Mills.
lion—A I>enillu iali«>n.
A well known merchant w ho has been
Heal I'Mah* I raiH.K iioin.
great’y bencfitte»l Ly Joy’s VcgetaLm -arsa
Mrs I‘inm*v mid daughter, of Bozeman,
Montana, ,»1<’| friends of M r and M r* R S parilbi. »!e«ir,'<l t • giv»i it to his w ife, wdiu
A ( ami B. Helm t»> XX m. ^laughter
Lan lay. spent a lay or two in Ashland this was wry dvlieate. but «»nt <»f caution first
in bl»« k •?, A'hlam!: « on. iJpno
. • k. . n route home from a'lay down in consulted his physician, I»r XV. IL Griswold
l'.¡r<!'cy to a xj.irtin, all tin v'tnt« .
of K'4) Market street. Th»' doctor, xvh«» is «me right and title, and interest »»f < .tiiiiiie Hall
ion ; ( «»ti $2171. -lu rifl s »I«. »I.
Mm J I*. \Voo»ls«»tt, now of Montague. of our leading praet it toners »»bjerte»!. savin-.'
I ¡md M Harlan to M. Harlnu . t al, 'I ’
• al., n tuniv.i h,»m«’ last Saturday , after a
e’t '■ in !>’.<■< k . « ottage a<l»Iiiion t»> M»-»f
:.»rtnieht ' \ isit with relative' her»* Mr.
',Xo»»d'»m now runs the express business in contain potash, which thinne»! the bl,x»d; f,»r»l: con. $1»M.
Margaret Houser to Marc Krau-c.
that his patient <li«l not have any vitality to
’»I. als«. l»»t « in bl,»ck «»< Jut k'.»n\ill.
Mi'. M I Alford has been suffering great­ lose, and that »IcllcatG people need h IlihM,
ly »luring tin- past week or mor»’ with a not decrease«! vitality, but more bl«»o<]. II»'
Sam y E. XL; \ um to XV m.
di'.-a-e of the nature of inflammatory
I », P» in block R. Railroad
rluuimiti'in. ami is likely to !»e be, I fast for however consented when assure«! that Joy ’*
lam!. con. $ »'i0.
Vegetable Sarsaparilla was o|»j»«»sed t«» the
several w« eks.
' < XX *’( |.|tcu«on t«» \\ . I., sbimrl.n-r. ¡..I
r>2. Hiahlaud I’.itk addition i<> A'liltiu»!; <-oh.
Geo. I B.i.dwiu, of l.inkvilh», accompan­
and that oil the contrary by specific v»'g»*ta
ied by hi' little son. was on Sunday , \ ,*n
XX m. Anale et al to Tlio>. Harían, lot ♦’• in
im’.’' train going to P,»rtland. ami Tuesday ble alterative^ it promoted di :• stion. and re­
i ullage a«iditiun t,» Medion!" »-on.
• >i iti ng w . nt '»mt h w ai<l to \ i'll Sun Fran- paired nutrition, hence created new blood
(•!'« o bvf,»re returning home.
Margar,‘t Littfi toJ» an st Im Roboam,
and was the very thing for f»*eLle peo]>l»-».
Mr' XL B. Bowditch, in attempting tn The al»nvo explains the many cum ' s in whi« h
all of lot-
4 7, '. al'»- ft.-u ltona! lots 3, 1.
■ •'. Li ■• k 11, Ja k'■ >n\ 111« . « .» h
ii «. •> soim’ heavy article of furniture at In r
h«»m«' <»ue «lay re< vtil’y, r«*cviv»’d some srri aged, delicate ami run «town ]»c»plc, Lave
l ahn »•! al to R. l’elio i;»lt, I»»!' 1
• I»., k 17. M.’dfor»! ...i:.» /o
■ ••is ii iiry of th»* t»M( k which will keep her t»een built up by Joy’s V» getu!.b* Sarsjq r
X » amt B Helm u. ». .\ an High. • am!
•*ont’:mdto her bed for a number of weeks
after the potash sarsapari.ias fail«*«!
!•- ef­
1 b’1' a« i( in I g ¡ > R } XX' « m .■» 1 <<i •.
/■'. J'-n'ducr
« ••!. < . A. ( »»gswell, who ha* been in this fects ore creating a sensation.
XI a t.d M . < i>K |i« li;ii ¡i t.» John XX ,it-«»n.
v ill«
ami » in th»' XVillamette for a
<»f bb»« k I*', J.u k'<»n\¡lie: < «u: fllOO.
numb, rot’ w- vks wasoit la't Sunday m«»rn
Ciiruit Court.
• u ' train, bound for home. Col. ’ ,»gswell
' «»it. of the hold-over senators of thv lust
The sugar Pine Boor and L iiiu I ht Companx
A I.. Reuter x s Eli'ha Rnv.
< >f < i rat it’s P ush , Or., have their n<*w
Mm Xrnoup am! Mrs. Lyon, who have <»f Sheriffs sub «»rderc«! that
factory in fuil operation. Their ca­
■ ■ n
.tin? thv family of Street Commis things < onfirmed.
pacity is •i»nil>!»*«|, atnl they are pre­
-..»n< r Pat’etMin for >, vvral wv.-k', rvtni tu-d
Th»* I ,.h» l ow ii'it<* vk Mliliirg Co. vs Ere»!
■ 'in Iran« !'<•» th»* first of th,’ week. Mr.' crick H Row. 'Hit in
r.piity to '»*t h - d !-
pared to fill all order« for l»otb con-
Xl.'iiuc, »»( < i-ntral Point, a '¡'ter of Mr' <!eed and f»ir .ianiagr' mot ion to ma ke an- tracl work ami stock goods promptly.
I •••;), wa* in A'hlam! Sun,lay visiting sw c- m«»r»' dwtlnib »»\ eri ruh ,1. plaintif! given
With their new an»l perfect system of
t I d tn.
ten «lay' to file reply h» rein
II. C I hilbif hi'ie \ ' Amelia
•’ al. S'.d ktliidrying they call furnish all work
F 1
Zoellnvr. tin* tailor, who has been in e.iuitv p» curvet <lee«l; «lvmurrcr »»vet
in perf<*,*t cotidi!i«iii. Their new dry
down i’i Burney valley, Shasta »’otinty. ( al . rulvu
■ m u Find ri iini there, for a month, r»»tiiined
Loyal II Settles \< Annie M Srttk'.siiit kiln will thoroughly season lntnla r in
bom»- Tm-'day , \»*iiiug «nd <*an be fmtml at for «ii vol. e . cause dismissed
four »lays, and has a daily caj.aci’x of
Hi'tail»»t inn establishment again tin usual.
Hart. Sa»ldlrr ' ompau’ vs \:,dr«‘W' ,x tell I holts;.n J fee!.
II- '.i \ ' that X'hbind i' a goo»I v lough pla, »* Hicks. aeti«»n at law to re, <>v« r d ■»m*:
for him ami hv w.m ghul t»» get back to it.
In all classes of work, both in <lc-
fault ent«*r« d against »h irndant' ami ord' r. d
■ f sigijs and xv»»rkinanship, they are «<<•-
• •• •> II. Lynch, of XVngner creek, who has that plaintit!s r»-« <»v," from »!»-ft', the -
I h - vu ill throngii the winter, has about rv- $t*2 tog«*thri with e»»'ts amidisbuts« .»•• >
•nd to none on the Pacific Coast.
.»vvn d Iii' ii'iinl h, tilth, except that he ,»f this action.
St mi to them for e'lituates ou all j«»b
is '.lilcring ft,»tn A'thma inor»’ than ever
work anil for price lists and disc »tints
b» . re
He will pr«»bab]y make a trip to
th» ♦ ustern «tat» 'this summer in thv hop,»
•n st(H’k xv«»rk. All kinds of lumber,
of bcm tit from the travel and change of air
h,»roughly sms<»ne»l, consttintly on
ami seelie.
KELSoE \X«H»b Xi the C. - H» ■>
mini. Pokes of ♦•v,*iy d» sct ¡pti»»n ar«*
. ■, .
. \\
i •
J«. ■ ’ la: k. thv p,»rt-sing» r, spent Sun-
mad»* by tin tn ami fintiish»‘d in large
male, J. P.T .1 Kelsue ami Mis Mary A
»lay ami M«»ndiiy in A'lilan«! and wa' much
XX tío» I.
or small ,|tmntith*s. Yon will con­
«M'v«l with the* appearance of th»* t,»wn
of sult your m!» r» 'is by dealing xvi’h
i’l l th«' improvement sinvc hi* visit her»’
Jami ' Walters in Ashland • r. . . •■ yfay
thr»’»’ years ago. Mr. ( lark is now a r,*'i
IN'.'“, by Re\ . íi XX H»'\> Xi'diza XX inn i this reliable and truly first class in-
• 1«nt of Grant’s Pass, and i' a partner of
Mit ut ion.
\ 11Imr < otiklilt in th«- real estate business j ami Miss Ida M XX’altci'. i d < Í \'l ia . I
in that city.
I’ "f II « l aber. of the X'hlami public
• •
w ¡t pla»*t «1 in nomitiMtbnt i»>r the
■ •’h.
.»I >• -bool supcrintemivut at the R,*
pub an »’ouuty conventio’i. but ha»l '
o I' •'!«••! th- A'hlam! <b*h*g.-iti«»n t«» stale
’ lu i oul.l not accept th»* nomination.
:• « ng that h<* h id not b»*»*u a r»*sid«*nt of
........ .
I»»ng « luuigh to run f»»r ofliw yet
l‘ .»f I’ •!.< r w i»u!d nisike a line seh«»ol supvr-
Bad Way.
T. T. Geer is a hard-working fanner,
but lie says to read a democratic edito­
rial on "agticnltural depression,''would
make a well dressci farmer fed aliso-
iutely naked, while to bear a demo­
cratic s|«»s‘h oil the same subject
creates instant hunger in Ins stomach
and a fearlul prospect of fiiunue,
though his granaries and ctllure be
bursting with the necessaries of life.
No faim» r can read a demo<»tatic paper
of to-day without an average loss of
five pounds of tl<»sli per day, and his
nights are m id« horrid by s|>eeterB of
wi nt ami destitution. |Statesman.
Ray and Bodine's fishing upparat us
is in position, but yields small returns
as y, t. A large run of »almon cannot
Alliert I.. Conklin ami wife arrived lie expected until the liver subsides,
m (irant s I ass last fi ridny morning which has be,»n quite high and muddy
Nolic»' i» licicbx given that th«* <\>mmon
< «»um il ot th« « it) uf Ashland, J mi K miu
fioin New »ork. Mr. Conklin is an from melting snow in the mountains.
. >1 .it»'ut Oregon, »levin ¡I e\|»»*divnt
oilier brother of our energetic town­
One of our citizens who lately visit­ to lake ami appropr iai»' to the uka * ut the cit) .
site and leal estate ag. lit, Mr. Arthur ed Sam’s Valley , reports crops looking to t»v u>» d b\ ine city of A'h¡ami in the von
Conklin, at whose pleasant home the\ finely, and the injury to the fruit crops >( met ion. maint vim m ami i»|*eralh»n «»( Hs
system »»t water work', the following
will reside for the summer. They will from fiost. not so bad as many feared <ivs<
:jlx.'»l prends«**, lu-wit.
form a prominent addition to oui it would l>e.
Beginning al the northeast <*<»rnvr of tin*
C haki . i viaonk
Miiitnwest «piarier of the northwest »platter
society here.
Mrs. \ ,I.»! ihm > u an»l Mrs. Hartwell will
start st «»ii f»>r >.tti’H Barbara, < al., to speli»!
'«nr;»' time there fur tile beüiMit of ‘tlie lor
mer’s health.
'The Evangeli-al church in thisstate
is hopelessly divided, it is said, sine.»
th, r >w in in the conf.-ren,».» al Albany
last w,»ek. mi l a law suit for th.» pos­
session of the college property at
Lafayette, ami church property in
various parts of th -.late, will likely
ensue. A tine field is offered for a
revival missionary.
Be is »piote.i as s,.e kmg as follows
bv th»' S. 1 . /><-
'"1 a . . . ■
. r' n.iHy . Htul gua­
rant,*e >_•»••»• id ¡i ¡. • a b» uns tar t e «*X
!en>j»»ll «»f **it li 1 ill • 1 a .»i. l a, ¡fi ■ »»r Gr»*at
N«»rth»*!fi La l i - t ■ in B»
‘ ity t«» '«h
L'an» i'«’»» v - a • • i h . i ' I’n-- < t«a
• •
¡ol, x»h, h n a
Eureka an»i th* 1» • ii »au»
pt i :«•< ' y •• .vanto
• .!»• I hav. ! a’:K «1 w i’h
th»* high » lib' a - .» . !.. - i !i r<- »•! - » .Ullti.»De 1.
Hiul hax« ».-» .i .i" ■. •! 1 . Ibeni i h.l! th« » X
'vll'i.iU . .«Li l bv
. by th. P'.»P< r en-
»•»•urng. ia»’ 1 .•; '. i . F.Hi:- !'•"». 1 • ;.• I
pro! »•'• •! XX..’tl . . i. • : -, * . c* lx-' •t tnp>«»’q-
pel 1H
(U* ’•■" • <r • ■•. tfu I'a
v » U'.lllX l: ibe’ary t»>
ut: 1» .»
to » f s •>! a».* ra Orégon
Fri'» »
hc ‘ ar id-
t ulc wit h S j ■ !’. ! ? iu i". ».
L it tie - • e».« in 1 .,u i tí iuúln a» i « * »inp.t n y
XX ¡U not
The a •• uf • •• Son’h
vrti P,w ui» fi«»1.1 ' in Fian» ¡'» » to «-ran! '
I’ -
» r
«ir i J »0 per top mure
than it Ma* thirt • vears ag»», u ;u ti h>
. v”n’r. '» a* r» a» hi »1 Wh.JIv •% fr« ighl un
LC.' by u i . of ( r. '•» it ( ity. F ..m a H-r
'-»nal kic»b ’g.» i. • th«- « <»». h ! i «1 au in -
ti. >j M ..’ hid •• wî H iî I p w a!;;*» »»f îh»*
I »• (I| " j ’• < i ' : !<' i I) ' I V 1 (IH t It .: ' H 1 ' . ; .» Cl
» b»»tiij* «oui»! I m * rai>v»! for *u» ii an
Jj/gnlar inerting of Ashlaml City Council
held M»»n»lay «*vcniiig, May •iii. May»»t
all tlie C»»um*ilmen w« r»* pre'» lit.
Report- uf » ity officers i»«r n «>nt!i of April
read hid ! ar<*vpf«‘d.
Petition for li«juor license f«»r «1« p«»t hot, 1
bar was presented, also a rvnu»ti'tram ,*
against tin* same
May »»r appoint«-,! » «»»in-
cilmrn Hun-itker and < row-on ami Win.
Patt»*rs»»n, c Gillette am! Jas. Covil:, a com
mittve to vxamim* both petiti,»u ami remote
'tram »• and report the 'am»* at special inert
ing May (»th.
A petition was prcsvnte«! signe»! by a large
nninla*r of citizvti'ot Aslilaml, asking that
thv council take s»n.iv st« p' toward thv
tmiblirig ,if a 'iiilable city liall for th«- ii', of
the city H'jail, «’»»um i! rooms, et<
was refvrrv'l t«» a spe» ial vommittv«' »'otisi't
ing of Coutu line n Colton, Th«»rnton. and
The first viewt*rs app»»inte»! to ass. ss «lam
ages for proj»erty condemn« d for th«* ¡is»- of
tin* new city water w»»rk>. not all bring able
to serve, new »»m s were appi»inte»l ami th, ir
<iutics ami tin* time of meting is r\pJ.T.m «1
in a notice in another place in the 1 il » in -
this week.
Conncil authoriz»*il fori man ••! th< llosr
Company, I. I.. Merrick, to pur«d,.i'«'m-w
imzzlv and lanterns f»»r u',' <»f th»* «-»»inpany.
The following bills w« r«* allowed
A. E P.
1. » .»
i " «►.
Wm Mayfield..........
Milton lierrv
:ui .».'•
Max Mull.r’
Lvabo A: Smith
1 < m *
«¡regoryA Hicks
d '»n
E K. Bright man
< ivo. Stephenson
R. K Suttou
XX tn. Patterson
s uh
Following bills for work on street* w«-i« al
1«»W (*d
> •, -
XX in Patters,»n
Gregory A Hicks. U'V of t«'Ktit-
101 •*»
I K. Brightmau, twiard of chain
J K. Leal»«)
I B. Miller
I, . XX Rog«T'
S C < «irbett
B. S. Ra.lclil!
XX . Baldw in, Jr
l> C. Het rin
M N Long
XX itey Nu b.»Is
F < ■ XX ilsuti
Frank Sutton
XX in. I- l>»nny
H. >. S< lierrar»!
J. 1!. >hi»lt I. i
Special meeting <»f Citv < »»um il wit'h»*l,l
T h »*. m L i > evening to » »in'i'l« : u p«»rt ,»f < «»m
milt»*,* on liqimr I kcji ' v . Prei-ent, .ill but
<'«»um ilman <’«»!t»»u.
1 lie « «»mmiltev appointed to exiimim into
I im - t>eeii ont in
< !ia:!- y Manley, who ----
Khiinalii ««»iiiily during tin- past
w inter, »»u«l r»*p,»rt upon tlu- petition ami «mon
..intern la't W'-ck, and will goto Multno­ stranrv for li»pH»r license at Hepot Hot, !
bUbmitlvd th»* follow mg
mah county '«»on.
'1'»» the Hon»»rat»Ie Mayor an«I < - it \ C«»um il:
I’jiginetT Mvllu-i, who is now pulling the XX <•. thv ««nil hi ilr<?<• app«»intv.I to < an \ a ' th»'
ihrottl»* on the work tram on Siskiyou petition ,»f II A. * law'on, of A>blan«l. i"i t
moiiti i h . u, spent several «lays in tow ti with licen.M* to sell spiritnoub li»|Uor> in 1«*"
hi'family tlie past week.
»quantities than ,»m* «quart, find s ¡id pvti!i«»n i
t»> contain 242 legal namv> ami th»* rvmon
Mr. and Mr'. F. Roper reache»! home la-t strain*»* against »»aid petition t«» « «»ntnin thv
riiur.Mlay c\ruing after an extended xi>it names of hi.: legal \«>tvrs. Signed
wild iriatiws iii California. Mr. Roper’s
E. B. Hi n '\I aek . chairman.
health was much iinprox• »! by tlie trip.
Bond of li X ( lawsuit for above liceii-v
A E. Hammond, of lh<‘ flrm of Hurlburt was rva<I ami approve! ami lie» n-1' uianlvi.
X ! n ii hh <1 surveyors, Portland, wa' wel
Council n»ij»»urne»i.
M ij . io N B i if . y
» <. !!«•«! la old ill«mis in Ashlaml la't
R vcoi der.
b r day while out here on a liurrie«! business
(.old Hill N'otk..
-i<L iati<»H lu-fnre voti ', nd \ «>tir money awav