legal advertisements . l^irHanMvxl n Umirss. I E( ; A L A l> V ERTI S E M E N TS Orsgun in 1B44. C A c«>rresp».tw»M»n J. D. Inverarity, the well- full of interest, and to those Dot In the < 'irenit < ’ out r of the state uf < Irceon known Bombay bariater, and an iufn- familiar with the facts would astonish for 'he county of hu k-.'ii ) I«. »kiln pieni lax li«t fol . d.-i.ii i ri it.»d honeaB, which he :« ’ g n • lcfen»laut, for the sum of |7 ‘ . '2 .Hid inh-re-t Trusses, Toilet Articles. anti followed her up and gave her a , of which we have read, except the 500,000, and thirty-five semi-million­ t recommend it aa superior to any pr.«criptico Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. I upon the same from May llth, lss1.». *7*.'.20 fur I In-county of Jm-kson U. A. A bcusk , M D., attorto y's feu.ts.j t ost»- and dishuri t nunita Lt Bcotid shot, wounding her in tue jaw desert of Sahara. Nor is this the worst; aires, whose wealth aggregates known tu me * W. N*. ! iu kt > and J. ’»V. AllHitt ;l'-iglL e of suit and the further < «»*ts ami aurruing «»1 W. IL Wukham, plaiinii!'- \s. OMlf Ut tío» Oxford St, Uruuklyu, N. Y. mt mid breaking a fang. She again turn- the climate ie eo unfavorable to human 817,500,(XX), making m all, §64,0 Kl.nOi). of ami udoii tins writ. 1 «lid upon the Kills Worms, gives sleep, promote! di­ Ganiard, defendant. ed ami made for the scrub. When . ' life that the. natives have dwindled owned by eixty-six men. 11.h day of Mareh, is’JO, levy np«»n till the gestion. Notme is hereby given tha’ in tin* : i I m »\«* follow ing d<-t ribed real property, to wit: she got in there she refused to come ' away under the malaria to a degree Without injurious medicntiotL entitled (•■ him - in the -aiti court, oil tin* » i li The board of directors of the Ore­ That certain lot of ground situated in day of December, Kbi». jmlumcnt Uils dull out. Mr. Inveranty, believing she which defies all history to furnish a T hb C kwtaur C ompamy , 77 Murray Street, N Y StWIK“ MSCHÎHE tlECOLLS gon Pioneer association have selected laekson « oiiuty, Oregon, d«*MTil»ed as fol ­ rendered again--t -aid plaiitiifl- for ihc- im w s »lying iu the scrub, tried to get to I I i parallel. Of all the countries on the ________ __ AND SUPPLIES. lows ('ommenciug at a point on the cast <. H.W. Jacksonville to Willow Spring-. 2A0 feet isMD'ii «»nt of-aid court on ttu-7th «lav of this attempt, he caused the scrub to by Heaven. It is the mere riddling« Las been choeen to deliver the aanual MATERIALS. northofthe northeast cormrof Fund Ore­ April, IS' j O, t«» me dir»*c(vd amt dcllvcn «l. I la» set on fire to wiudwaril ami stood of creation. Russia has her Siberia, ud.lrees and Rufus Mallory the occa- gon st .vets. which point i- the north line being unable to find suflicient personal within twenty yards of the fire on the England has her Botany Bay. and if sional address. of the lot now occupied by Has i«i Linn, and prttpertv Iwhmging To piaintitlN) Ui«i feet, them veast ing tlc-cribed real property df;he estate of a spot scarcely twenty yards distant country where to banish her rogues In a sketch of California journal­ wardly parallel with said l? street da » feet to w . IL Wit-kham. assignor to J. W. Alnutt Prescription Department fr.iiu where Mr. Inveranty was stand­ and scoundrels the utility of Oregon ism it is claimed that the first news­ a stake, thence angling to a point on the to vv it ; ing. rifle in hand. She charged would lie manifest. By water its dist­ paper published in California was in Commencing at a point .’»chains north of north line of E street, opposite the north- east corner of block No. them •• with the the corner common to sections K,K» and straight for him. He tired when she ance is 18,00() miles, and by land 5,(MX). the fall of 1M6. Wm. Porter, of north line of sai»l F *trc«’t _’< »» feet to the 17. *own-hip.^ > R I E. \\ M. Ja« 1 m . ii was within two yarils of the muzzle We are nearer the remote nations of Aumsville, says that the Oregon Spec­ east boundary line of David Linns lot. county, Oregon: thence south of th»» gun anti hither. Iu a second Europe than to Oregou. thence northwardly with the east line of west 11 ami 2.» 100 chains: them Talk of tator appeared Feb. 5, IMG. There- i David I.inn lot, J.*«» feet .to t he north line of ami 40-100 chains: thence n sho was on him and had him down steam communication. Of ovcrîweuty year>’ experience, Who is to fore Oregon had a newspaper before then«’c east. 27 ami 40-100 David Linn lot, theme westwardly with r»»«is; Is-neath her on the grass. She lai.l build a railroad across 2500 miles of California. li«* located in David Linn north line 2<»J feet to pla«*e of chains: thence east sixty seven degrees, hoi»! of hi.s arm and his fate would prain«s,of desert an»l of mountains, an»l beginning. ac<-«>r»ling to the corporation Hand ¿*1 loo chain-; thence south to the i At Portland ou Wednesday of last plat of said town of Jacksonville, being the place of beginning, and also commencing have been then sealed but for the in­ who is to eupply the means. ASHLAND, OREG., The week, the jury in the state circuit -.nnc land heretofore «•oiivey«*d by James al a p'lint ó chains north of the section ) trepidity of the two Sunolas.who rush- mines of Mexico and Pern disem­ corner eomni«»n to suctions Kami 9. lò ami < luggage to said II. S. Dunlap. court awarded 845t>) to Mrs. ........ Allyn (* the lionees and discharged boweled would hardly pay a penny in I i a- «»pen« «1 room- in D. W il- in his line, am! w ill give prompt attention to al! professional « all-. two bullets into her body dose to Mr. the pound of cost.” against the Portlau.l ,«r Willamette si reet ; thence noitherly along »ii«l west CgotJ, (ititi !: Hoirt ixi hote to h . f *’ if, dour in Jacksonville, ni«l «iranite •si t<> maul Mr. Iuverarity. The two extends from the Mexican border to A minister residing near Al«»,Marion judgment in favor of plaintit1> as aforesaid. stnet in Ashland, -aid «•«unity ami state, A I fiirui-ii n*\ '."» assaile.1 th»» wounded lioness with the' .. ......... i “rather thau to have new over in Linn county one Sumluy re­ • •st bidder for cash in hand, al the court JAS. I. Btlllt'EY, muzzles ami bntt-emls of their riflee states beyoud the Rockies the Union cently, but in some way made a mis­ house r«*g«»n. «»n Sheriff. i li.o»■ a sort shop in n>m»»-. lion, n l»t r< I »ill .|»> anj and beat her off. They reloaded ami, would be lietter off if Oregon would count, un»i instead of going to his Siti a ititi J/. ^Itiy 17, following her up, kille»i her with two Synimes ’ hole. ” Even place of ap(»ointinent he plowe»! all Job Work or Repairing, Scroll Sawing, Wood Shaping, Door and Not ice of Filial Settlement. a! o'chwk P. M. «>f-aid day. nil the right ’ lulo ........ ................. . .............. more shots. Mr. Inveranty pulled — ... .... till«* ami inmrcsl of sni«l uslnte, r«*pru-ente»! Thoe. A. Benton said the god Termin­ the forenoon and iu the ufternoou Window Screens,E., made to order. in above entitled -nit by J. W himself together ami, notwithstanding us should lie set ou the Rockies. went to Stayton to buy some g»«»ds. -ignee, it. ami to -n:d real property, to-at in the ( ount v ( '«>ui t «if tlie -tate «»f < >reg'»n, ins many wounds, took a photograph Senator McDuffy, of South Carolina, [Ex. : i‘fy Hu* judgment for Ì’ dl i »: with inter. >t ORGANS CLEANED AND REPAIRED. for th«* county of Jiu k-»»n. of Ins »lead antagonist who hail so said he wouhl not give a pinch of In tin* matter ot'Hie e-tatc of Alexander from «late of judgment at > pur uent. The youngest railroad conductor in annum, and th»* cost.- and accruing cost fearlessly tried conclusions with him sontf for the whole territory. Sln*?ir«*r. «leuea--«tl, 11-41 He Oregon is said to la» Richard Blew, J. L. DOWNING, Ashland, Or. í "■ iilil'IH’l N«»ti< e i-hereby triveti that the admini;* and upon said writ of ex«.*rution. at »-lose quarters. Given under t iy hand tliis il h «lay thanked God for the mercies of the who is freight bondnetor on the South­ trat«»r«if flu* en. his final an .»uni n- Then the writer said: “What would such administrator, ami by onier of -ani claws m:d three with the teeth. He Dayton aud Beuton think if they Junction and yloseburg. He is a na­ Southern Pacific Company’s Line. uourt Tuesday, May t»th, lv.»0. at th“ h«»u. »«f washe»l out these with carbolic acid. could take a Pullman at Chicago to- tive-born Oregonian, and has tio SheriH’s Sah* |nj“'uh»< k, a. in . i-set lor he .rtu ■ All per Th»» teeth wounds were very paiuful, »lay and visit the Oregon of 188D.” hardest division on the route, th»» run sons interested are li«*reby notifieil i«> appear iisectxr r’T an«! file hi- or h«*r objections to said a<’uo»int < m AÇT î but those inflicted with the claws were Further, “The history of the Pacific being made in the night. He ll.lB T ciiAi ! A V U î l \ F th «. on ,»r befor«- s>ii«i «lav. Iii th» < ‘irenit Court of the State 7 comparatively slight. He rode back slope since that debate in Congress of tilled the resjionsible position for el- Published l.:, ..uh r of .1 R N'« il. Ju«l’4« of gon f<>r Jackson county \ most a year. to Barlwra, being able to make only 1844 has l«een marvelous beyond auy s:ti«i uourt, made this ]7ih «lay ..I B. I. Mesxene« r. Plaintiff.» Vs. II ivfl). M I. M m xi.i . six hours a »lay. He returned to Adeu precedent in the annals of the race.” I. F. Sparliti who has l»een working Atliiiini-l' Hlor. i defendant « bj steamer au»i was th«»re examined by Then he goes on to show “what the iu the Wadleigb mine near Waldo, re­ Bv virti the rts ill. ncy surgeon. The wounds mere riildlings of creatiou” have lie­ turned to Williams creek last week. <»ut «>i th« V» 1 »■•re pronmiuced not dnngt rons, an.l coms, ami as we all know, it is not Mr. Spurlin says that with four pipes i-»i 1 »d.!.\ i Oih LAMI. ; r«*« t< «i am I ’ nitfd S tate « L vnd O i fd ej lione of the important muscles of the necessary to repeat it. Hear bis per­ at work they are getting away with J satisfy out R ose li kg . Oregon. E» b. 21. l-*.' arm were found to be 1 pdly injured. oration, for he is a Californian: “Let lots of dirt, au»l wishes there were Noli«1»* i- Irnreby given ti»at in « '.mi pliaucu t l>«- ft.iin I. ih. n out «»f the r* l»i«>|H*rl\ «»f «1« i< ndaut a judgment r» inlet vv ith thè provisioU“ «•! U h * a«-t «•( < oli“'»- The »loebir order« »! him to England, the readers of the Interior look toward more such mines in tins county, inti­ xk t«u). of J ili“ Is.s, eliti! h d \ Il HI ( l’or Ih« s.lh' ¡n ani ««»urt on ttu' 'th -la1 «•! H ’»i . t ami was in hopes that a fortnight the setting sun uud realize what an mating that such mines were mere of timbci'lami« in thè «tate« oi Califorìi’ia, D'.fli. in lavor “f B L Mc'»>ciig« r, plainiii would ae«» the wonmls fa»rly healed. < »:« eoo, N'eva in and W .t hitmion I u: : il»a » . ’ami against It A. Cn-e. «1 f nkiv«»u. .-'ai- <f • -•«• •>. in lp uo-t-of ami »ipoii -aid writ, I Blount's. far Orient We of California are proml S;iysn Port -anil »bsi alch of on • »lay .’». S R 1 E, ami vvili «dìur pruof to h«»w il »th «lay «»f April, I-*«’, levy U|w; i< of onr northwestern sister state. We last week: I F. McCounaiigbey, a after «ii-« it,e the h timber or st«me than lor agru-nltural pi IT' LI. M. tir I b*»u* G«l «a-h in h:itt*l. at the po-<—, iàii’l to t taidi-h hi- rlaint to • >i ity and their prospects.’’ suit in the Unite,1 States circuit ill Jiu ksonville, Or., at 2 I. :'k I’. :■<•!. «r« he K» .. . :«i ami ibcrour Iti court against the stat«» swamp land < Ibi-otti« •• at R«-ebUig, Or . 011.1 ii.-day 1. TOURIST So tfitl'iy, Mtiy commission, consisting of the gov.-r- i .ih ol .Ma* . IK’.»'». Silver Coinage. < •V He t.nm<*> a-vv itm»'halle- Fournì nor, wretarv of state, an»l state Washington, April 23. -Republicans ' William Stole», N. J. H1 ! k r Ml El< S I A I F. - I «Ml < >1 EK • A bruise is a contusion; swellings are in* rect the purchase from time to time assuming to pay the remaimler of the D» rt p««inl imaiide iligs tin r flammatioiiw. ruts and wounds are alike dis­ Ro «.in in;, (»re., i • 1». .1, 1-’•<».) purchase» price to the htate. Il is ginning th* m e V ! to l.ui-fiunii of silver bullion to the aggregate Not ice i- h«i ubv given that in com phaii««' turbances to natural action, through which ham! thi 1 Given under n the veins are ch-gged, circulation impeded, amount of 64,5tX),lXX) ounces of pure further alleged that defendants, a-- with th«* pi'.vi - i».ns of tin* a“l «•: (’oiigre— of April I' >0. J A me - <». B congestion s« tn iu aud j«-ns ensue. Nature la silver in each month at the market 1 smiling to act as a lxM.»l I'i du . •!. 1-.- «• i j ' 111•'I ’■ a 11 H't for ii)«' nale <»i limber lami- in the .-tat« - of Caliiornia. impatient—it tries to right its» If and palu in­ land commissioners, have eait.vled tin1 tensities Bruises and swellings need a sooth­ price thereof, not exceeding one dol­ certificates of sale through which the t»i *goil, N«' » :».!:♦ an’I XVa*hm*!I on Teri i’”1. , PAPÄSOLS. lADIfS AND CEHTU YÎENS FRIE SHOES AND BOOTS. ing influence, but in cuts and wounds hardly lar for 371.25 grains of pure silver, uud I inai l*r<»ot N <»( ice i ; 'v ,i <1 \\ lliaui of K Jamaln City, County any one would jour a liquid remedy into a issue in payment treasury notee of the plaintiff derives the till»», ami have «»f si.-kiyou, st Hie <»f« h ! ifornia, i »•«- t hi - ii •<*<■! iront I he Sù«?»l . gaping wound soon as nature brings fil«’«l in thi-ofli« u His - v .»rn -ta'ciiiunt for since sold some of the lauds. I Ni l fi » S tates L and ( if the parts together, almost at once. United States, the treasury notee is­ the purchase «»I t !;• .-XV l4«*f "• • i:« ’i Nu- Ibi-Eia la«. f Io-h«>v, lLat t! «■ L-iii«! -ought i- D l » i « i.aniu«t-• >.:!« imreby clean away and when so redeemed may be re is r ii.t- tile«i n<»ti« eoi In-iuu «South aikì was said three weeks ago regarding valuable fur it- limber or ►ton«1 thau !«»t ti«»n to make linai proof in -iip|M»rt «•( I q b ll r u c auiiuultur «1 purpo-e-. ami l«» « tabli'h hi* • daiin. ami that -ani proof will !»«• mad« __ ____ tiona. beab sued, but no greater or less amount the luck of S. F. Southern, of ll;»ze) « Iaiin to -ani laml lK*f«»re the Regi.-h r ami f«»re the .bulge, or in his ab*< m-e. buf«»re 1 the injured luvue, ami restores. of such notes to lie outstanding at any­ creek, this county, iu falling heir to a Receiver of llii> «)lfi«‘«' a! Ro-cbnig, <>.. uii < lurk, «»f the County Court of Jauk-on u«»i l*»»»i«i Coast liinalty. t'-»»l aci-ordlng to directions. It time than the cost of the silver bulliou I I.!'- Al. ADVERTISEMENTS. twelfth share in a German .state val­ Tue-'hiy the l.'lth «lay of May, h«-qw natur. ami » nr«« I ty. < heg«»n, at Jacksonville. Oregon. <»n s then held in the treasury purchased ued at 351,. It now appears Sayw a preHs »bspatcli fiuni Pan He name- as witm--«•-: Gu-tav Habut- nr«iav. Ma} »1, ls’.flJ. viz. Sanine’ M I;. i.’u h, < hc-tur XV. r<»v»l«*r. Jo-« ph (o»«>W ‘4 of - « ! n*n : SHllt t»> Sus F •.tiicisc«) thè w « h 1(1 ìp «* : heir iu Shasta county of this German Mich., - tys ‘‘Pitching »»all I spraiued and Any ami all pui-«»n> ula iniing advur- lv township 39. soiHh, range 1. wc-L " . M. br>i!M ereon of our friend ami The ilress is N«»ti< « is hereby given that in uompliam « ’ Mii«l l3Hi dav of Mav. DW. . sai«i lami, viz. .lames XV. Brinci -»f I’luunix, <»f wliite «»ititi, manufac- w ith th«* prov isi«ui- oi the a«'t of < '«•ngr«--- of townsman, Mr. H. Hart, wb'ise eru k.-burg, Texas, writes. August 20. lsSh: " I ( ilA-. XV JOHAN-TON, :iy\>TON, Ja' kson « ounty. Orug«in, Jose AGanj-. of was !» m «E v cut with a scythe; half bottle St amount of such notee. Register. lot mother was a Fisher and grand­ tu reti at Lyons eepeeially for Miss June l-oK, eniitb «1 ‘An a« I f«»i th»- sale of Talent, Jackson «‘«Minty, Oregon, H« miri« k Jacobs Oil cure«! me." It CURES. The secretary of the treasury should daughter of the German baron of that Fair, It is covereil with rare Aleneon timber laml> in the Siatt * «»f« aliioruia. < »<•«* < »«»«iilard, of l al«*nt. lacks«»!! < ountv. « ir»-g- n. AT I»Kf'.<.l>TS *St> t>«AlKKX coin such portion of the silver bullion name who leaves the valuable estate anil Argentei» !: e. v.liieh was pur- v-.n, Nevada, ar«i Washington Territory," Timbe-« Land Notice. Francis J. Elliott, <»f Talent. Ja« I;-on un. C ha - XX .1’1 NF1 '■ THE CHkRI ES « VÖGELE« CO . Bammsre. Md. purchased under the provisions of the in Germany. Mr. Hart has several »•base,l pive» by pie. e troni la.ts eol- Siskiyou, Statu of < alifortiia. 1ms this «lay i 1 sited S tates L and O ffice . Rugi-lur. act as may be necessary to provide for documents relative to the matter that lector« an i curiotàty »•Lops. and which filed in tins olfl' e lii- sworn statement for RosfDurtf, < ‘region. !*'••>». 24lh, l.siM). i G. A. R the redemption of the treasury notes have been sent to him, ami there is is not ma nil fact i ire» 1 at all n..v, l’ho lit, puii'ba-«* «>f‘file S E:4 of s« «*tion No. 14, Notiei. ib ht reliy given thal in conipliaiu t in Tp No. ;>'.» suufh, lange No. 1 ua.-t, am! with the provisions of tin* ad of Oongrt,''> NURSERIES. an-I 3«! > tu n inoli provided for. no doubt that he and Mr. South­ train is tlir< • yarda an i li linlf long, will »»il'er pr<>«>f to s!n»w tin»« the lain! -ought • >f June X. 1 n 7 n . untitled ‘ An act for the ^ale Final Notice Io Delinquent co m rad«’ »med. The act to authorize the coinage of ern are distant relatives, both tracing coV» red with luce, a la I. li» XVI. i' mor«* oiIii r !»I c fot its timber or st««ne than of tiinl)• r lands in the Mali’s <»t < altfornia. MAX I I Tax-Pavers. < 'f the standard silver dollar and restore their lineage to the same stock. 'I hat A ?av Hairi rlacii, of Klamath City, its legal tender character, as requires two families should l»e heir to Sl.IXX).- nini the front of tls» 'kilt is lieLi by .'»ml Re«-eiver of thiF o'b« e at lb»- burg, (»re < ’oiiuty of Siskiyou, State of < 'alifortiia, hn- N«>tice 1-hereby given that i !u* delinquent the monthly purchase ami coinage of (XX) each, and lx»th living within sixty bnnehee of olande b!oes«»ms. L’he goti, on \\'e«l nu-'iay. trie llth day of June. this d;i\ filed in this nfliif his -worn -tale tax h-t of Jackson c«»unty. Oregon, tor ls.v the same into silver dollars of not lew- miles of each other, in the same coun­ sits.ves ar»» <»f « din »"»»v» H'd »» dii Lice, Is-.*». nu nl for lite pun-hasp of the N I 1 4 of -ei tion has been turned over to me. with a warrant He name- a- vvilncs-« - J. M. Da»is. tban 82,000,000. nor more than $4.tXX),- ty. apjiears somewhat strange. ami tin ii » . k is lini Inai by II Llgll Klamath «'itv. si*kiv«»'i Countv, « alifornia. No s, in I p .No. |t) south, range I «;<-t, and from the Iloiiorabl«* <. ouuty Court for its LOWEST PRICES. will oiler proof Io -how that the land sotighl (XX) worth of silver bullion is hereby .lam!, «.* W B.iilu). is more \al iahle for its limber or stone ti an imm- diate colketion. All per-onh w h > are Melili'! C il'ar of I :»■■•. Th Veil IS of II M lb.!*, i s. ungi r- t«» ami on >a:«l Ils', will plva>« ‘ « ail at my utlicp in -hake. . I. B. . ’ sm iling White Point, all of repealed. fot rturit-ultutal purfioses. and to establish ,1». k*M»nville an«i settle vv ithout i u.rther de One of the most valuable products white talle, to lie fa .t -n». 1 by a spray «'ouuty. «»regon. liis claim to said land befoie the Ilegidei lay. a- I will be compeJIed to levy on the Senator Teller, one of the senate of the territory of Alaska is tL«- red »»foranee bl.»« suin'-'. Th»-cost «» T this Jackson Anv ami al! per-ons claiming a«lvursvly and Receiver of this oflit e at RosrburtJ <>rc sub-committee, dissented; but later salmon, also known as the lihn-back. ilainty wel.Liij; n.- rm lit J i.yooo :'m* aitovv-'I'-s« nb»*«l himis are requ»'.-tv«l t»» g«»u, on Tuexlay, the |:;th day of May. ptop»*rty of sai«l delinquent.-, in order i«t enforce payment of >.ud tax, if not pai-ts, J a .-. <>. B ikd > f . j . < II \>. U. ,DH!N-r«»N 1er. Ejlward Williams, Jo sherift and Tax Collector Ja» kion ing in that, lie would accept the next and Staeam, and indeed, th»» most to t he l lilt» ! S if. s in ai ly *. I. H I Register. J. < nufnmn.of Klamath < County, <»regou. best thing be could get. When the valuable product, of Alaska. The fanes. Any and all persons i Jacksonville, Or., \pril 15, 1 rejwMvd t«» the above dex Tibed lami measure came up in the senate lie government has a prosjM>etive revenue on or Iwfore lile their claims in this • would move to make the certificates of Sl.OUO.tXX) annually from its seal ai.l L.lli dav oí Mav . D 0 l'iiii«*«! Slab' l.aiul « >lli< »' » Notice to Brillile Builders. I ho In s;dv> in the world lor ruts, legal tender. < H V-. W. .loll S.-I ON, islands. The |»eople engaged m the lb» ehurg. On «g«»ii. Mar. l «i !i. I' ju. > bruises, sons, ulcers, sail rheum. frv< ■r 23 Register. We h‘«>e renmved our Nurseries to Me«!- ’ salmon fishing last year took nls>ut sores, N«)1ic«> i- Iu ruh> given tl at in « «»nipiiaime fi tter, rli.'pp) J hands, cbi’hl du fo-.| tvhorc'vc have >»•« ur«’«i new ground, SI,(XX),(MX) worth of fish from .Alaskan Corns, and a‘i skin eruptions, and p«»si with l he provi i«*n-» « »1 ( be nut of < '< mg re*»- of Sealed nr<«po-als will b«* ru< «i v « «1 al I h«- Champion ( liirken Tliievrs. the- »#! ■:’ v .I ik -I i uh sandy loam, enabling J..lie ”, I •«>, « ntni' il ‘An act f«»i th«’ -al< of ortheof tin County Clerk at Ja« ksonviil«-. waters, and they w» re ehiotly the red u- wit!u«ut irrigation to gn»w healthy, thrif­ tivrlv cur< pilt s. o. no pay irquired. li liml»»r iu.nd- in « tie at» - of « alif«»ruia.« *re Ja« ksun «•onulx Oregon, until 12 u’uh> k. Racine, Wis. dispatch:—Two thou­ salmon. This is not a large fish, for is ouarant’ r«»u- lateral uoon, V nited St vies L ynd offk f . i r.Mits without heavy tap roots, to be cut sand chickens were the fruits of the it averages only seven or eight poun-ls tioil, or IUOIU V iHunded. I’ri< e 2 » C»’ its I B. .*• nellimj. <»f \\hil«‘ l’«»iHt. « «»untv’ «»i II f thitstlay, V«/// 7th, /s'^G Ro'obnrg, < neg<»n, Feb 21th. IM"».) away in «jigging. We offer Ja k-on, -tat»* «»f Or« g»>ii, hiìs tliis «’ay !i‘:« «l rants on the different poultry yards in weight; individuals weighing fifteen • u*r box. l or -ah' ’ \ (’hilvood Bros. Notit c i- her» bv given fl at in compliance at uhi« h time bids will be opened lor buihi in this oili«*«* hi- -w«»rti -tafmm n? for the with of Racine and Milwaukee counties th “ pr»»v i'ions ot the net of < 'oiigr« >s of , pounds are occasionally seen. Like ing a l>i i«’g« a« r«»ss Bear ere« k near tin* t«»u n t»iir« luiNe of the s E’4 of M . lion No. 12, in lo.tMH) Prune, by l)r. Hagendorn ami his compan­ the king salmon it travels the whole Inventnr Kee!y. <»f l’hiltxlelphi.i. Ip N°- ;'»'ith, r.tmp’ N'«» 4 ea-t, ami v. ill Jnm*Is7s. entitled ‘Au act n»r th«* sal. of of Taluni at the point onsaidureukuheiu timber la ml-, in the Siales of < .al i torn i a. < »re the present <'ouuty road ruuning north ami I í L n S l liiJCi LUI «»tier pr«»«»l !«» -how that the lami sought i- ions, Hageman n and Kausa. The lias bet-u experim riling for a ntunber io,ooo Apples, length of rivers, pushing on to their south er«»»>-«•- -ai«i creek, said i»i«ls to b«* 1.» ’orc valuable f«»r it.-timber «»r st«>tie Ilian “on. .Neva la. and VN.ehington lerritoiy. , thieves were today sent to the peni­ sources, but, unlike its big relative, of years <>u what h»> terms 11 new force. r. for agricultural imrpo-es, ami to e-ta'»li-h William storey, of Klan nth lily. « n.iulv build said bridge according to the plan- am The Under»: ..-.« ; ’ nrry r»“5**rj 5.1 mh ) Beach, tentiary for terms ranging from one it spawns chiefly m lakes. We have nml tin- comic wrii,»rs of the papi'rs hi- claim to sai«! lami !»ef<»rc the Register of Siskiyou State «»f < alii'ornia. ha-this »lay spe« iti« ati4»ns u »u on tile in the< Jerk'sofin • lilu«l in this oth< «• hi- sworn statement for Each bidder will be re«piire«i D> re to two years. traced it with certainty as far north have in his tli»»>ri. s foau l an endless purchase of the SE’ 4 of M*cti«»n No in witii hi-bid, a b«»n«i of Five Hundred I’ol on W « dm—ia;.. the llth «lay of June, the 5.000 Fears. For several weeks during last winter as YukoD. It is said that the species source of iii.-rnmeiit. In jsd ami out, uoii, I p No. ;’»'.i south, ranue I ea-t. r.nd will oilm lars. which amount shall I m - forfeited to the |s!««i. proof to-h-»w that th«'land sought is more living within a radius of 8 or will not. enter a river which does not however, K.'ely hi.s puisimd his exper­ He nani» * ns witm --« > Gu-t Dittnock, J, valuable for its timU-r or stone than tor County in case tin* award is made to him 1 Grapes, I farmers 10 miles of Racine suffered raids on iments. Now c nii"s I’rof» sfwir L»»idj. M Dnvis, Klamath «'ily. »'*i.*kijou <*’ounty. agt¡cultural putp«»-t —. and to establish hi- aii«i he fails, Hugh-el>. or r»,lu-tr« foi lit« peri«»! of tun «lavs after suuli award is made xiida _ > »'l ;i--ortmCDt of all tha leading i their barns and poultry houses. The arise from a lake anil abounds only ' ilif«»rni:t. Il M. R«»b« ii-, \-M.iml. g . \V M. M; PPiOf. of the ntnver itv <>f r» nns_vlv:ini:i,one Bai’ev. >hak«’, bolh <»f Ju«*k-ou «'ouiitv, ciaim to said land before the Regi-t» r ami to him to en1«*r into <’ontra« t ami til«- his in snow-fed streams. v arirti* •* of Fruit- Rvceiver of thi-«»tli» » at R »s-burg, <»rug«»u. bon«i in the manner rtSjUÌM «1 by, ami to th«- local authorities finally received infor­ of th»» li Hilitig sei< ntists of the coun­ or. “.»u on Tnexiay, the l.:th dav of May. l-'.fl>. Washington du patch: There is try, wlio, lift» r h > closely observe»! satisfarti«»!! of tne County Court. The » Any an«l all per-ous < laiming adversely ,,. 4 PI V IlAttHOU mation LLHll that l«Al led IA> to <• a Jcllll raid vJU on A»l. Dr. Hag- He names a- vv ittie--« -: « 'oimtvCourt it s « rv«*s tile righi t«» reject a I rtf' ib I.OW IS all) first I lass Nursery, emlorn's resilience, near the city lim­ little chance for the passage this ses­ the oviTc.imiiigof th » for»»« of gravity tbe almv «■ «!•■-< ribed laid- are requested t«» N J Cauttiuiu. •l"-e!'h '»oodraeu. «‘h»’-t«*r ami all bids. M \ \ Ml LI.ER. til« ’ their « laims in tliis «»flic«- <»n <»r before W Fowler, Edward Williams, of Klamath it«. There they • found several hun- sion of the bill insrcsluced by Con­ by K. »»ly's invention, iiniiesit itinglv -aid llth «lav uf June, 1-'.*». < 'ouuty < lerk E M Z R Y I I V 1 1 rs ’U A t 4*4! 1 .... GIVE CAI.L. < ¡tv. California • Hi t 'H A S \V JollNST* »N dred chickens, and evidences that sev­ gressman Hermann to pension th»» si.ys that th»' inv. ntor has mad«» a g»'io Atiy and all persons claiming adver-eh Register, survivors of the Oregon Indian wars th»* above-«!»—» ribed laml- an* reque-de i to nine dm.-nvery of an«»»' force. K.ely Nurseries at East End of Bridge, eral hundred others had been Estrax Notice file t heir « laims in this ortice on or befor«.* killed ou the premise«. Hagendorn of 1848, 1855 and 1856. The memls»rs may be a gtiiuii»»* discoverer or a 16 'I MEDFORD Not !<•<' sail! I »th dav of May, lx’*’ Hagemann and K hubs were arrested. of the pension committee of (tie house, humbug, but in this i.g»». when ten Taken up by th*» un«1er«igDvd al bi*' plat e J ¡’.'TU < I 1 n The three men were placed ou trial to whom the bill was referred, talked years only have wrought wonderful about 20 miles m«*t <»f A*h)i»nr»*“«»n. Mar P'th.lN 0. i fraf - cs tin« week and were convicted to-day. it over and decitied t hat it should not ih-v.-lop» im ills in i l«»«.tiic.d science, it ASHLAND, OREGON. e^tray animal A biown h»»ise with some Not ice NN.tiee i< hereby ruun 11.nt in c.»mpliati«*e l»e acted upon by them until other will not do t»» ignore th«» testimony of .»ji .mes. fHunt. ■ max hair <>n back, -mall w tiite-i»ir in f»»rt vv itii the pi .»v ;-i«»D> of th« act ufc «»ngress oi pension bills have l»ei»n disposed of. I’r.ifessor L"vij until th«» m w i<|. i 1« June.”» Is?*, iiititluil ‘A n mt f«»r the sale of A Sure Cure for Pile«. I d s i. slit in left «»ar. -p.-ivin «>n I» ti hitui •À- C nitei » states I and O itice . • ini'-, ct-kr I . Rtnv c rkimc l’he bills to p» iisi<»n soldiers and sail­ thoroughly mid scientifically t» >.-.!, very fitti f«« t, brand« u “I ' it i- b< . • i im'», « < n ugre<- «»f f t<7. ÍKE ing when warm. This form as wall m iOiaof the Indian wars tbst took place kiyuii.Mat» «»f < alin»rnia ha- this«la? Jilv«l title»! An act f«»r th« sale of limb< r land- in albi settle expt use bill ailaiice abont tl 1 » th »; l j»rr«>K.—I’len a iju«»riji your ->i Ut» A. -I-.' i i'.l'.d * »«f SW> , uf w a-hi:igf««n 1« nitor.v.' < i»<-ter W, b««wlcr, Otherwise he will be sold : readil*y to Dr. Bosanko's Bile Remedy, 18112 ami 1842 are l»ef»>re the lions« , re.uler* that I ln*ve a |N>sitiye retuctlx -• i Goti N<». '.’I. iii Tp No ::'.» «.»nih. rang« No. of K lamalh < Ttv < «unity of si'kixou. -tat«’ «»f which act« directly on the partsaffected, and it is lielieved that considerabl»- Six miles South of Grant’s for the nbovo nannal disease. By its t «■ i î, ami w ili «»fier proof to sliow that the Cnlif<»rnia, ha* this «lav file«i iu tiii- off»« <• absorbs tumor«, allays itching and effets opposition to the Oregou bill would phinv county, Oregon. hiiui *«»ught is m«»i«* valuable for its timl»<*r hi- sworn te.temunt for tin* pur.-ha-«* of th« a permanent care. 50 cts. druggists or lie maniL-ste.l should an attempt l>- iHuely iK»1 thousands <>t h q»ul«ss r «s*s and -D»n<* than tor hj : it ullnra' porp«» es, N \\ * 4 of .-••ci i«»n N»». x. in i »w ii-hip N«» P) have be**n pcnaanentlv cured. I shah mail. Treatise free. Dr Bosanko, Fl !«.» ♦-I.ibi* h his claim I«» -ai'i iaiui Notice to Stockholders. s. Rang«1 N«» 1, East, ami w iil «»th r proof to uiade to call for its «liscussi -n and l>e g»iad t«> s» nd two Dolt les of my rem«* mid qua, <>. For sale by T. K. Bolton. i«»r. the Regid« r ami Reu» iv«*r «»f this ufiicu show tha’ tii«’ laml sought i- more valuable passage lief ore the other lais referred dy FREE to ;«nv of y«»ur readera who at R«)-» l»urg, ‘ »regoli, «»n \\ *'‘im -«'my. the I Ii h for its timiHT <»r stone tiuifi i«»r agri« ulturnl Thu annual meeting of th»- -!«»<-kholder- «»f to have been taken up. Memliers of h.tve consumption if they wth <«*nd ice • la» of June. IN'.H). purp«*>es. ami t«> « slat)li.-h his « laini to *»ai«i the Rank *'f \sh!au«i.vv ill Iw lu hl al th»- r«H>ins Ii»-narm - a« witm’-s«- H M R«»b« rt-. l i»,«! Iwfor«* th» RegGt» r ami Rv«eivur of of The folly of trying to tigtit Jay the committee have another objection their express and | <*st’ «dlicT addrc:-<. the Bank >-lunlay. May . 1‘-' ' at \ li!.uni. .1. B. '-»»clliitg. U him I’« mt. <«. \V oflhisofli««’ at Ro-eburg, Otug«>n, «»n Im- o'uhx Resp»ct ftdl v Gould when one is in the same corpo­ to the bill. They think it too soon to ’k i». m . for the purpo*«- «if « l« < t ;u‘;a Ic.ih y. ,-i.ake. all «»f Jackson c«»uiny, <)re day, th«- 1 'tli day of 5!ay. IN»«» l««>ar«i of «lir«*»*h»i - for the un-uin2 x » ar ration with him is shown by the ex pension survivors of wars occurring r. A. SLOC’VU. M.C.. .si |>ear; Mt> \ y »n. t.usi Dittn««« k. Klamath <'Ity, >i kiy«m He nauu’s a- w itn«—:-»*-. E«iv.arf Henry Hart ami the Pacific as late as the Oregon (■onliicte, and oui .. Mar« h t.l ’ u , IvO ':«• above «h'se’io«»! ¡amis an* r« __ L ini » OFF KE, , I »egging that one of his friends l»e previous visited the place of J. N. 11 m I nt lu mis in t !»•• Siates of « ali f< •? nia. Or» N«»ti(e i* h»n !»} given thal in i«»mpliano« R«»-cburg, Oregon. I • b. .’Ith, Ivn). i Cuteeer three mike above Oregon g.iii Nevada, nmi Washington T»?rriloiv Grii|»» Vine, Currants, G,»<>e«»lM»ri iee. placed in the directorate, but Gould w ith th» prox i-ions <*f Ih»’ act of ( < im’re - - of ALL OHt N*»ti< v i-Iwreh . gjv« n tiiiH in « urnpliam il. M R .b« it- «»f A-hlami, < «»untv of Ja k City, and asked for something to eat, is inflexible ami insists u|s»n a regular itili- «I ‘ An a» 1 f“r III«- -al«- ¡»1 with the provi-u»:i- of the m t of «'«»ngre-x ol sun. Bliu-kiierriee, Raspberritw, State of Oreg«»U. has this «lay filed it. procuring which, a dollar was teml.-nsl n thè States of ( alifornia, or«*- a .him 3, l»s7s. entitled “ An act i*»r the -al« 1 <»f electiou at the annual meeting. There this «»tli«*e hi*-"«u n statement for th«* p«ir- Strawl»errles, E’lgs, aiul XX iishiiiMt»»n Territ«»ry,' t’.ml»er laiida in the Stale- •»: • .iliforii.H ’ H* . ha- «.-■ :h. N' . f N W , nu I -I 1 , «.f NW is a big, plum moral in all this for and 85 cents returned in change. Etc., Etc. •f shake, County of Jack-oii, gun. N» 'rt i i. ami XX a-hiii/t«»:i Terril«»!}, uii«l NF' , of sW’4 of -<•« lion N'u. in | p R «3 pairin Soon after Mr. Cnt< -er accid. n'tdlx let t». has iMs da» fileti in ihi- t ' arle- Fouruiur, of Kbt ualh city. Count} N«» :?.» Our trees ar«» grown w ithout irrigation ambitious men who think they can the dollar drop and the sound indi­ south, range No. I east, and will off« « u -tatemetn f* r thè pureha-u of si kix<»u. stat«* of < aiif«». niu ha- ihi- «biv proof to overcome a master hi the art of ma­ Hl low r*!*.«'- >h«»u that the lami sought i- mor«- <»n !i«-«l hilt lwi-.d. and all of known va­ oi the N XX'* «»i se -t ami N’2 of s’A ^, ami fil»*«i in this ortice his sworn stnit meut f««i valuable f«»r its timber or -tone than f »r rieties that succeed in Southern Oregon. nipulation. Keene and a host of oth­ cated that it w«s n counterfeit. IL- s'X 4 «»f SXX ■ j «>f s« «’»L mi No. 4. in 1 p N««. li» the pun ba «? of lie* lotb 3 ami 4 am! the !.’ a agricultural purposes, ami to <»slat'li*li hi« immediately followed the two m.-n, Ibose contemplating tree planting er bright fellows are tagged ou to this -"»liti, ranifu N«». I ea-t, ami will «>fler proaf <«f 111. -xx> t of —ution No m I p. No before tn sai»! flauti 1..... t t. 5 ,. 2 the Ihgisnr •nul overhauled them, and mails to-ho « ihat th*• ìand s«mght is mure vaiti -«•nth rrtii“»* N«> I ■ a t. nml will oiler pr«» »i claim will do well to visit our orchard and nur­ moral as proof of its truth. Receiver of this oflice «•ftV-e nt at Ko>eburg. R«< Oregon, ablu f«»r it- timlH-r «>r -tone than for egri give back the change. He suppose»! t»« -h.)W tlia’ th«* Inml -ought i- m«»»t <»n W« dm sday, the llth «lay of June. 1SW. sery. or write as for price list. « nitrirai puri <»-«■■-, ami to e-tal»ìi-h bis < ! tini valuable f«»r it- timber or thau f««r Post-office Murphy. Josephine county J. B. Sn-lliug for the tune living that the passing of He uaifl.' s as witne — es- te -aid land beh»!»» the Rugi-t« « and lb-uv: v«-r agricultural pur|H«s« -. and to establish his W hat a I’ity IwHh of Oregon. 11. K- station. Grant’s Pass the counterfeit dollar was a mistake, of thi* .»ti;. «' at Ru-ul.u J. Oregon, un XX «•«! «•iaiin to -»ii'i laml Indore the Rcgi-t« r ami \S hile Point, »L \\ . Bail- \. Shake. Ja« k-«»ii County, Oregon. N S. PrendergnM, l'o sees woman’s lovelv features mar­ but a day or two later while piling m* day. thè llth day of june. ls90. ** » Ru< -tv«*r of thi-<»fli«'« a! Ro-“l»urg, <>r’.'g«jn, J. M Davis, Klamath City, i iftklyou County. A. H. CARSON & SON. red by unsightly pimples and blotches. lumlter at the Rider A Gregory mill He nana - a- witnesr« «: J- !’*•, «m Tu«‘-«iay. the 13th day of Ma) KM. ’iforr.ia JALZES ITOPJIIS XV !..!« l’oint. I! M. Rolb-rt-, A-hlai»*!. ! <»th 11«!• 111101' * a- v. i:n« --« * XX m. ."torey. N I < a A. Young woman, defective nutrition is be found where they had built, up the ix ami all i-i r-ons claiming :ulv er*-»-'•, • *t Jauk-.>n < «»unty. Orcaon. J. M D:\is, J. Crtufiimn, Jo*-uph : he the cause of your blemishes, and the aì «L scribt 1 hi ’ is ae requ»- ted to A a. a*«":pent. l««í f»*o» lnng wm ween to coal t Diiim». k. Klanm'.ii < ity si-kc.«»n erirti h.oi Kiauiaih ( ity. ( alii «rnia. sooner too take a faithful course of lumlier to screen them from view Itaeif up in slij-p« ry f>«l«G -¡i ti e i'oMt of FlurDli «in •île t heir <*l«ims in th!- ««ih j . Dr. Hiller’s Hydrastine Restorative the while th»» money was coined. Some of lAiu m«»nth. Three reliable persons saw this ’ « An. a t«! all p« r- »ns cl.viiiìing a lv*».- ely th«- a*bf»v«I* -■ iil>. <1 lauds are r«'«4nest» d I«» sai«! llth «lav of June, creature di-ttnutly. « HAS. W. J«»HXvT«-N. the metal was 6pilks] nn»i np».!i one sooner von will cease to be au object Header, th«» a>njve Is a "yam.** If p«'«»p> ih ab«».» «le-« : il»« d lati l- ire rvqHesied t«> file tli«*ir < laim-iu this office on or bf « li x-. V.. J ohn t » n . Timber Lami Notice. r. Washington, April 21.—The house hot. The one who asked for th»» food Mv*' Dr I* • rce - Gold» c Mu«lical DK« «*v» ry. Ib gi t< r. committee ou public lands was ad­ was a low heavy built man of Sc. tch If rak. n n time and ctvwn a ftdr ■ . w Í Land Notice. Timber U nited -1 * cure «'«»n-umption of the lun^s wliu li dressed to-day by United States Sur­ descent. The pair an* evidently go­ actually Í O Is really acr«»fulou- disea-e. If this w«»u«!»»ritil veyor G. W. Gareule and Miner VV. ing up the valley and working off rnedieim* d«»** n«»t do al! we r»*« -*ium«*i» I I.- l.lM' <•: «»< «. I taken a* diwied, we w'!l cheerfully au«. vv ith tin* prov :-ion- Bruce representing a business associa­ their spurious com in country plans. promptly return all money i»aid for it. < an any K.. -'.'io.'. >»¡. ■■ i I -’I'll. 1*' '■ » NuG« i - hereby gi* « :« il »b .. • • •»«?>•;i*»:..... Junt 3. 1-7*. unlitb*« tion of Alaska. These gentlemen have They can make a pretty fair sum » uel: otT«‘r be innre k « ii rou- «»r fair • JCaotiu r in< «i- vvlili the l ¡«»v i- «•u- «T the n t of • '«»iigru-''of timber land- :n the idne pos*o •«.-*»•* sufficient po*v«-r <»ver that fatal here several months urging the day and by avoiding the towns stami mainly («»ii’oin.pttoii to w arrant its nueciiac- J ud «-3. «•!»!iti« «’ “Ait h : f«’i the - h D- of ion. Nevada, nu i LARCEST STOCK IN THE been H > i’n iid'“uà--’ " t i’ll lx-r Inibì- in 11 »• .-’a’« - of ’ »tl i f« ia,1 H. passage of the Platt bill, which has in little danger of being arrest« I. tnr»*rs In selling it mi«i-i such trying c«vndt!i»>:)fl. ¿ckb <»»i. .‘-’a’»* oi The •• G«»hl»m M»-dn al UlM-overy l-notonD the g».ti, Nu'U'la. aii«l Washington Grrilury.' already passed the senate, providing Î in thi* «»fiiee 1 NORTHWEST ! most w«vnderii«l alterative, or t»!>M«-l-«'¡eaiisur. N.J « H ifu;MH. of KI iiHtvh ! iiv. « .«Uhtv ••! for the acquiring of title to land. The kn«*wn l«» n.« D“' k : Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup hn.- pr«»p**rti»*s, report the bill Ur the house with a be«’onte a—>imlai»*«). tho- building up «•'»(h re vaina: o' for it uf Ihu N'X 4 » • No .-.I I (• No. 3 ’ l«een nsetl by mothers forclridren :»• tli ttr» ngUi an«l rt*--h. For al! c..-**»* - f B"’t' lu d. unrulier of amendments. One for the aerbultiintl pu» : >r » < nib i an <•♦. I ett.-i , M»r! »•• Ul »»fl* r pr«»««i Throat an«! Lung Di•♦■;»•*«•«. .u « «nnpati « »I w r.h I ing for over fifty years w itli per(»-« t sue hi« ■ • U* -a d hi re-location of the capital from Sitka t«» *iio»v C hi ’ the >:i;« Î -«Hight i.iore valu- lingering • -ugh-, ii i-a’» .««iut»*ly mi«*q«ial»*d a-a cess. It relieve« the little s'lff« r< r at r»*me«ty. I l; » aii.l lo. I ’- itniG ' ■ or *‘ «»11« H ’ i for Mirri ’ ul- Fur Weak «SpiHing of B1- h »«I toJtinean; for setting aside Annette once, print nee. natural, quiet sleep l»v an I kindred affections, it surpass»-* all oth«*r tur.»l i ■« t*« a ini t«» v* •»•ibt’Mili !ti- • la', a (•» g( >H, O.l We»l Ip •lav. (. boice Lami' !'<>r Saie. island to the Metiakahtla tril»e of In­ freeing the child from pain, and th»- medicines >ni«i ia i'i n* t* *v ih«- Hu*i-;-r a -*i Revive; All tli*» leading varieties of fruit, He na n»** ii- wiine dians in southeastern Alaska, and for little cherub wakes "bright us a button " »•hade, ornamenta), out and F«*r-.»!•• '»I*.» a« f.-s uf lat’d : 4PJ a« r« - (.1 of t:ii« *»tfi« «t R. *. b.irg. Of« v«»n. on l u- - -:.;)»• . t B. -UuiI.E-'. \\ .!“ f’.'int. H the L’r da\ ¿nt. (fon t hat t to orpr a prizt to tell thtt He nain« * a- xyti !;«•-•«■- .)«•>• |»n Good- It«»!*, rt- A-'dniid. ad ol Ja« k-^n C«»unty, graiu. ern Alaska for the Hydah Indian child, softens the gums, allays pain, re for its the BEST MADE ivtry Can holds Win. Stör« v . ' b- -!• r XV F«»uier. E«1 «» “g«»’.i J. M. l»n'i', Kla^ ath ‘ ity Siskiyou Two th«>u« -d six hundr»-d a«’r« .* f*‘<»‘ Ld! rcHG l « < fTer»«i by the mar»- i « « alifornia. tnbe. The committe on public lands lieves wind, regnlates the bowel-, «n»! war«! XX ¡'b.m i-. Klamath ’ ««mit . < aDtornis. ?iiid iitoniit.-dn-»de laud. goo»i for unit, \i «mi all person« ulaimiug ndver-. ly of l»r. Sag«»*« Catarrh Kemmly t Anv an i nil j- r-on^ claiming a l ur-» ly meets again next Monday to n ake is the best known remedy for diarrhea, •facturer« au : stock raising . ,1^1/ tha *U»ve down'M *! lniidf are reque-tvl t«» ;lu a’«».* n •< address J. S. H errin . Ashland. Ja«'k*ou Co., Oregon. -ni’l 13th dav of May. )<«>. (HA- 23 XV . JOHN-T«»N. Reyiiter. -ai«i llth da« <»f Jum i*<«. C h A;-, w J ohnston . Register. E. M. Miller, ASHLAND, - - OREGON.