Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 02, 1890, Image 3

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Pinafore May 8th and 9th.
Frithiy.. .
Squire Parker earn- in from l’ar-
ker’s etu’iuu on th« Linkville road I
with a team mid wagon yeeterday
the first trip of a wagon in from thit
place Bft.c« tbe snow blockade.
Republican primaries to me row.
Those str.w hats at Hut -.ike 's -»re 1 has ordere«! a wupply
!i«^C* fur .iie p.. !• "tion from a S hu
ìì: K n«b r.«4 trte:» will rt*op€b M»»n- .going like hot e.lkes.
diy. May 5ib.
(ìjbirvn ado V I
Reserved neat tickets for P:nafnrr jrrmii’isco li’ui, ami hae amo or<b r • 1
f.\ tine h>> •• •art, th»1 latter living fur­
fiotu ihre* to k <-ven v irs oi
«. at plaza com* r store.
nished by the well known firm of
T^rni.«, >2.»*) per month.
A choice lot of limns, b.i.-oii ami Slaver A Walker.
lard for sale al Eagle Mil!.-.
*Ti nature. ’’
It ia pnigm -tu-:;t<'d that Chas. .\'i"k-
Ou next ’I hnrsilay and Fritlay evor -
.1 is. 11. <'lark h * the M E. < 'hr,reh "II will i.e the nomine«' format«* w*u-
mg» xv.i! Iw* |>r<s|iii*»* | in A»h?.ilid, Sill
next .Holiday « veiling.
ator; (.’. W. Logan or J. N.
I ia u »’ h «•(•!» 1.rated o|M*ra “H. M. >
Five h ad i f firn* grad * J- rsoy milch lips, one of tin- nominee» for repre-
Pinafore” l»> local tai n*. S*nne thir­
Hentalive; W. K. Price, the nominee
ty y«*nviR p»-<.ph* will partirip:.te in C vs for red«* at E ngie Mills.
for sheriff; N. A. Jacol« for re«*ird«r;
Its pTfMHJlr»! iou anil no pains is being
td-ting of (lonnty Teachers’ Ituti- T. E. Xii liols, clerk.
Fpar»*d to mak** it a complete sucecFK. e ' • ia A- hiatal next week.
The lathing of the Dew ope-a house
For your table linen, tow i.s a th*. is nearly complete.l. Moina-'s brick
rhnngr in K. It. Time.
ii • kun go to Hunsaker’s.
linii.iing >- Hhifed mill Weil on tnw.iid
I; is report*d that tbe tr uns on th«
iHiiuph tain. Th« frame of E. V. Mills’s
Southern Pncd'i* from Portland to
new e i'tage is up. and the stone and
po -, for sale at Eagle Mills.
S..I1 I ¡inciseti will Im rim und
••rick »votk of Geo. B. Lmider’e new
old time laide alter May 15tb.
.'. n -w lot of stationery rect i«.*! it ¡•ot’age !-• ¡.veil under way.
will Imng the Siiuth-lxiiinil train irto th* iiDlNGsntli «this was k.
Mrs. lie' ecca MeHattan, widow of
\-liliUid nt *:3o y. M. and the norib-
So the Vandyke points in l.uiitf- the late I-'., of tills place,
iioun i at 5:111. r. vi. agaui.
collare at 1). It A E. V. Milla.
has just eecnrial a pension ns widow
In terni tioiiwl StKiable.
of a Mexiein war Veteran, three year's
Lot* of black imdresst*! kid gto.-
liaek p< us.on and 8H per month here­
I';)»* hull«** <»f U h * \V. C. T. (J. will arrivisi at Hunsaker’s this week.
after. S. Sherimm. of Talent, acted as
(t bit •mat p tiRil S •<«r*b!»» 1 iios-
T. W. Barclay is again cloikin »t agent for hsr hi the application.
♦ l;»y
» t!iii^. M ;» !>’h, in th»* FtPsby-
ti-mjn vh’irch.»;e*r im-n t> t<> 8 i»>" Red Hotis", in place of (1 F. M-*-
G. F. MeConie’ii, Wi lls Fargo ,\
Ev» ta I mi I v nixit»s!.
All fri-n Is .»f C nnell.
Co.’s agi ut in Ashlmid, will move tin*
t ’H i’r iti • • aro r« »cr sG«J to brilli* re-
Salinoli troilt shipped iti from Klam­ o'li *e to the comer store in (laniard's
fr« s-btDv»;tH. Supp««r. 2Ò centi».
ath comity were s-'iling in new Block, as soon as the loom is
ready for occupancy. All packages
Firat Gmiofthe t HiHpaiiiii.
will lie delivered to consignees III
company ¡nay at
Hol), iloht. A. ?»llll«*r, 1 >etn» MTatip Grmiite h ill Saturday evi-niti :. May town, and packages to b- sent away
will lie ca’led for tree of charge.
iioiiiih-’* lor (\»ngngR, will a»l«ir»>H •’Ll. S**'tlieir ad in miolh* r column.
th • |K'<»|»*i« oi Ashiuibi to-!ih»rro\v af-
A Washington dispatch minoum"*
'The animal commencement i-x-w
1< riHM.ii tMay .’M) at 1 o’elork. He
the appointment of A. P. Hammond
aa HI al-o spe.ik al J u k «>nviil«' 1 he cises of th- Asblati I St ite Norm.I
¡■:; post master of Ashland, to stiivoeil
naiitt* «la> al 7:30 p. iu., an.l at (»ti.tit’s school will Is* held May 22 1 mid 2 i I. E J Farlow. Mr. Fmlow,idiout three
Pa*s hext M» n»lav Mrenini', May 5tb.
1». H. Hawkins, county orgnuiz-r years ago, Hiicctssled Mr. Hammond,
Eveningiif Eiietr.v ami *"iig
Jas. G. Clark, thè we!l kli >wn pis't
and originai tiallad singer, wiII I h - m
Astiland next Mondity. May uth. and
«ili giveoneof Ili* pleaeing entertain-
menta on timi eveiung at tlie M. Il
Cburch under thè auspice« of tbe
Yoilug liiidli-Society of ehurch,
wh<> abaie thè procissls. Mr. Clark
bus been giving euterl aniineiit. i ;re .t
niany vears and be i- el .sscd tis tbe
I h st l-alhid singer ni America. His
I mm ' iiih , tisi, are iiieritorioiis and bave
Iw-en hi lelv copii-d. Itoli t forget thè
date, M.iV olii, ut tlie M. E. Clilircll.
Adinisi ioti. 2.'*,ts; children, I5etn.
'The main store loom in Rt.'ser’s
block is being fitte I np for tlntoe
cupmicy of Mr. Wils m mid J. L.
At tlie lnt"inational Sociable at the
Pri-sby tcrimi church next Tin-s lay ev­
ening, Mr* Jas. S liver« will hive
charge of the Fri-neh (alile.
Put old newspapers under your e;ir-
|s*ts nmi th«* moths will not cut the
(»11 paper* for sale ¡it
Bi m KtiAi.T ; i; A H asi v ' s .
A sm .11 nug of milr iail bridge car­
penter* have tws'ii putting the lirulges
Suva the lust Kbiiimth St-tr.' Far- ami trestles b-tween Aslll'C !
'.uers will lie glad to learn that tbe Grant’s Pas* in repair this \Vi-ek.
Klamath County Agricultural Society
Democriti* ixm ity eotivctiiu*n to
is born and is also looking Well. It
morrow, lópubli.-.m «-oiiidv innven
•van organized this wei-k without any
timi next W' In - lay.and t’niou party
p>.rade. wbutever. But th" organiz ition
ismiity eoiiV'-utimi m xl Saturday, the
I* alsiul the l»ert. move Klamath coun­
ty ever tu.lde. Pretty soon th" incor­
John \V •x!"i* ii is s ►! I th" I S. B ik-
porators will m ike arrangements for
tin- holding of district mid county ery to I . C L nnlers, ami h «► lepart- d
H -I. Pi rry, tl •' «»-
-' lire, which are rdwavs and i-very where from \ '. md.
ii.irbmgi-rs of the season of true interest fwtiimer. has rented the fixtures and
in agricultural and stock product ions. will carry on the busim ss.
The meurpondors are G. T. Baldwin,
I usti notion m slioithatiil given.
1'. \. Cogsw.-li and Alex. .Martin. Jr.
Tv: ms re.sonable. For particular»«
«'¡ill at the rerideii«*«* «*f P. 1 »nun on
Tlie Water Works
Granite street lietween the houre of
»'■•-♦••rii iv. May Is», was th" day net 3 and 6 p. tn.
E. Biusrou
f.«r the Ih-gtniniig of to»* work on th"
Mills cau
m-w **ty water works, but m>tliin_-
will I*.* .1 in« for a “little while” yet. lie found a tin" ‘-to -k of wagons, hacks,
■ iwinif to th" iion-arnvnl of Hapt. »>‘- and «'arts, a carluail of winch has just
If you are wanting
(t.,n!n>r. who his written til
water been rsss-ived.
i-oinniittis* asking fur a littb* further i!iything in this line doti’t fail to Si-e
tint", so that he could fini“h up th»* this st«M*k.
nt. Th"
work when* he is at pr*
Mrs. Brittsm:, mother of T. 'A
in i
Council are anxious to liav" the work J. F. Brittsan ¡ml Mr-, t’leiii, ri'»«l iu
n as
.:s soon
s.sin as
*-* |H»S'it»i".
¡«»ssibi* biit s"o n<* Ashland lit 1 ri’ lay mil > inc:
war other th
.n to grant Mr. O
<» ’C.
(' el­ Friday. S!i«' w-«s agisl ab-iut < 1 years
les’. It is thought
nor’s request.
though: iic’.viil !«• and had I* "ii ill with chronic disease
here next w.-.-k som • time, und as work long year.«.
Call U* it well liegin until I." arrives.
I»itring .M;c-'. owing to th«* al »sc nee
there will la* no: bin,' done until that
of th.- pastor. 'here will I m - iio preueli-
i L. r-* is still a Io’ of nip.* to arrive, iug at the Cnngrega: ¡mini church, Imt
but it is thought ill it it will 1»«) here the Sabbath s«-lioul will b«* held as
usual, and also llie regular weekly
within a week.
prayer in s-ting.
W. t , T. Co. Wink ill Cnw • rwk Canion.
In speaking of the music at the fu­
The experience of the pas' win’er neral of Elsie McCall last w«‘ek, th*
lias brought the Western 1’iiiou Ti le­
mime of Mrs. W. M. Gilroy was in­
graph coiiipnny to the iinfesity of
advertently oniitl**! from th«* quartet
making extensive repairs to their lines which furnished t lit* impiessive music
through the Cow cr»*ek canyon cotiu
on that «iCt*asioii.
try, and it is annoiiin-ed that two
The warm weather tbe past week
working outfits will I»* employed all
the coming sunimer in that regton. has lieen melting the snow in the
About forty miles of liue« are to lie mountains very rapidly ami all the.
..•oii-triicted or recountrneted. and the ‘ streams ¡ire running a great «1. al of
Emigrant creek was barely
tlior.iughness with which the work water.
«will In* don« will make this stretch of fordable for a d.iy or two.
Lie one of most, if not the most, ex­
M irslud Mayfield is still rnnniiig iu
line in th»»
pieces of telegraph
. .
the "hobos’’ ami tiie chain gang is
Full.'*» States, it is said, One of tla getting to In' a regular working fore»'
great.-si *runb!.w. summer and winter,
on Ashlmid streets now, from one to
has l*-. n th.« L'f^kiug of the lin.-s by half a «loz.'li of the vaga being em
trei-s falllUg aero-s k»»“"' >>’ "y »‘““’'b
ployed almost ill! til" time.
timU r.d regions tt>4oqgh which they
E 1’. Bartlett, who came over from
imi.-t | ¡is-, aud to avoi > Hus the right
of w;o will I*" clear«*! of all trisM on hie Hungry creek mines last Tuesday,
Im’ti sid»s of the route to a distance says there is still about four feet of
He will ke»*p a
to insure safety from the falling tr**ee. sliO.v in that sectioa
The work will I*** exp-tisive «nd etieli- man at work on Ins claim this summer,
S1V... Imt I’ will pay th" W. r. compa- but will not remaiu there himself.
l>i*tri<*t aisl Cfiuntv »'sirs Cuming.
i* « ngage*! m
parts of the
nv to doit rather than have a recur-
Ffn *»* of the bl.n ka.1»- oi business over
th-ir lines, which they experleueed
last winter.
.hu k-»»n I'oiintj Teachers’ Institute.
The following is H ip prot’raui of th**
J »cksoii (*»»unty TearbcrH’ Institute to
In» bold hi Aslriirxl Fri«iay evening
pnd Sjitiii'l iy. May 9lhan«i 10th:
i MtlO»«
( iertie Engle
K ■ iTatioii
. Nelli»« Re» -<« r
4 Music
Minnie A.
.( »r «’ ille W orthen.
II < h’aher
Euiremr Hii’.iue*.
Recital ion
• »ardner.
U» Mii-i»-
11 Mii-iv Quartet, M r and 'I rs. *h». p
her*! an«! Mr awl Mr; Faber.
ILui I. B M< Elroy.
I : A»l»lr. ■«•-»
i Mll*l«
i Musk
I*. V. « ..-I
«»|.« niiu: A«blr«“ s
Frvliniinary ¡tii-iu» **
\ I »I*« r » i l*t >•«!• ug. J V. ('m if«’i»l
M u«*ic.
Di-» ii-.-ion <»f i*r»«» » »ling topi»* <»|»vu«'d
h . Mr. r - l*ri’ »•
I’ A. Gi tz.
D»*< iH-i<>n. .»|M*nv<l by S. F. L oiik
O 1 EKN • 'N -! <b»N .
|'»| i . t «> i Num*»«'i »\ofk. Mi^* Beriha
F. C»»l!.*H
. ' t-. to !) si Nuinl»er Work. M -s
B»«rtt a F. < *dt»»n.
I LnM*G *H'ii »»f Uu* ex» r» i-»‘
I V.
I'liMS J>rlli in LauguaK.',
M »i-ic.
.-:aie supt Mi Elroy.
lc^wr.h»*r.' an»i friftnU of eTi cat it »il
will I'lcfc-«' »•<»!)><•
!«• t;.k»‘ part
m tl»»* duo’Ussi»nt of th»* v.:ri'»tis an! -
Th* ♦ •V»*i«H»k S***Ni »1« *>f the i’lstiti’t»4
Will I»* !>••! I Hl till- M E. •hitr"h nmi
"lln,d:i« M 'HI"11S IU t'"* il"l'h plllllx1
-.■) building.
1«. A Gtrz. l’re«.
II. » '. I' M l It, Si «'.
Mtinier in KlMHigth < » hiii ». v .
TI ih folio*iii*’ h tho r •>M»rt »»f a intir-
K» >’« i *»:;«’it t«*i»*ur (plied to th.*' (h »>-
tjutl m •/.
O?) Sun«: ty. April 27. a »l«»ablo inur-
»Icr took placr cm . I be KI tn) .th Indian
ren.»f\ati.)U, aud -hr* ijtiiderer Wos kill
i’e>w!» l : arr***t by Indian
John M »j »r. an Ind; in living
n»*ai ’I» * \Vilha'U-«o»i rtv*‘r i#n«l^e. sfv -
“D inti*** fr.itn K!«uua' h
hi- bon*«» Sunday tnorntru: an i deitb-
••rTvIy shot hui w’.h* rwic«* with a II
Wiririie* G«r min. killtnsr I.» t instantly.
\|:«j.»r then started up the nvor. aixl
4ir.« rin*; th»* h«»uso of another Indian
alwmt two
from hi- h»»mo. t «kl
hit)) he wi*»hM.i to sp»« tk *ith him. Th-
Indian rompli» d ar»d an h«» w « h
itu * idi»*ad fdot>:2 th»* trail b-« av . is shot
dead by Major, the b ill coming out at
bin h« art.
Major the!» took to th»»
wood*, where ho whu mot by another
Indian mimed Frank »John, who 8eei»uf
some:Inne ivan \vr«»r)!Z. refuetnl to talk
with bin). M jor then dr»*w bin ^un.
an.I John nrgiujt his horse to full
sjhhn I irnna^ «! toes<*»ap‘‘t tlion<h fired
at by the mad In.iiaii, As Frank John
arrive I at Will’;un*»n river, telling bi*»
Hfory, Bob Hook, who had dis4*overed
ihedonble murder, reported it to the
fiaii'in? aHstunbl**»! there. Six |x»li*v*-
men and ab »nt twenty other Indians
Parted on the trail of tbe murderer.
Ho v : im afUr a time discovered eon-
.*»‘al»‘d behind a loiX-
B“b Hook, a
'Hilicetnan, who the dwov««ry.
lire.l twice without etTt*ct, and rolletl
off hie horse, and the other Indians
fairly nd»ik*«l Major, who <v»ntinned to
shoot until both arma were broken,
when he fell b.i«*k hi : i silting p»*ture.
where h * u as dispatched by the lu-
Major was snppoKei to have
i»aen m^aue. IL* ti l l always I'orne a
fcf.Mal character.
Ed Wheeler, of Yreka, wum iu A*hlaud,
Geo. 1’. Landers made a bii-ine*^ trip to
The latest tstnnate of Seattle’s |>op-
Giant'.« l a--this week.
nlation is 50,000. Whew!
Col. J. t Bou«htch returned home tatur-
J. T. Flyuu miuonnces mi excursion «!a> trom his trip to Portland.
rom Portland to Grunts Pass to day,
J W. Hainaker returned to Linkville from
turning Sunday.
Fort iaud the first of the week.
Attend the primaries to-morrow.
Kind« rgat ten.
for the I'ui'in party,
canvassing different
C. \\ Avers came up from Albany Sundav
Anew postoffice is to In* located at
Frank Mmnriiig’e place in Lost Rivcr^ to lo’.k niter his inten std here
Mr. uii'l Mrs. W. J. Stanley, of Woodville,
precinct, this conuty.
hi re \i*itiug A*hlau»l yesterday.
A. L. H.iz- ltoii, of Eagle Point,
LL >taey ha- gone to Ta. »»ma, and thav
wants the 1 »emoerati«* nomination for b.»•«»in»- a ri idvut of the buomiug cii\.
Hclnx'l snperiiil«'Uilent.
Chas. <«ay. of Central Point, returned (»u
Tuesda.' trom a trip «I oaa u into ( alifornia.
H. Richardson has the four years
Evan K. Ib-amr*. «n' >an J<»>»«, aa a* »»n yus-
mail contruct on th"" I "'tween
tcr<iu> morning s train, going to Linkville.
Sam’s Valley and l'rosp« t.
M. I Whit*» It. uh»> bus I k «. ii ill with • a
Fine pasturage in the hills again, grippe. .*:m-«’ Chii*tma*. wa* uGuut again
nmi the hard-winter rib» of Um range ia-t week.
catt!«* ar«* Is'giunmg to disnpp« ir.
-.»ml (’«»her. wh«» ha< »»•-«■n in Klamath
'•»nni' v •hniii ': the winter, came in t.* I‘h«e-
J. X. Johnson, recently from Piiko- nix hist week
ta, has iHiugbt a halt-interest in Hen­
Mr, an.I M < I
R»’per aa . re . \pe» h d
ry Klippel's saw mill and timber land. h’lii« la.-t »veiling from their winter visit!
(!»>wn in Gulifiniii•».
Luther L. Bnrteiishaw. of Ashland,
l’t|T\ ,-h» riil’ IL’bt Armstrong *pent
mid (’. W.Withrow, of L'iikvill , h¡ V"
la*- r i .-la* in A*Iilan»i, ace..nipani»«*! Ly
Ii.-.‘ti nppoiiited notaries public by ill* Mi** Ella : •» tug, of Jack-on v ill«-.
Sa\s th»- b»'k» .h»iiriial: Mi**es M’niii»'. j
W. H. Parker will build a fun* farm »in * i’- miu I I hi ma 11« ' ‘»hell wen't»» A*hland
W«»Iu- tax. aa ■ e in» y « »11 resi«l -.
boils«* oil his pl ic«* near Jacksonville.
Al»'.mi Bish h »’• We«lHC‘»iny morning < u
Coni ra.-tor C. W. Sk.el, of Medford,
a visit »«f -.»me length to hi* oh) home in
hau the j ib.
(ihio. He m ill r. turn some tiin»« in July.
The senate Las passe l tin* amend­
E I RaiiL it relume«! from hi* mine*
ment to th" World’s Fair bill provid­ T-.j»-* la\ nn ! I.a* gone 4»» aa u t»> Central I'
ing for a grand naval review in New to take h pla< e iu the planing mill there. *
A F. shnllz, »»I Cany«»nvill *, » nine upon
York harbor.
T u <« m I h \ to look after a «*arl«»n»i »»f tl»»nr
I. eh he had hippr»i up here fr «m his
V in Njiiver. Wash., citiz ns h-iv.*
rats" I the S5 l.tMMI I hmius for til" Un­ mill.
\\ I*. B. ihi an l wif»* Jef! by Tm- »lav's
ion Pamfie company's proj'*ct«*l iiort!i-
train I >r the >onlh f«>r a >i*it to fe'ativ. * in
ern extetisiiHi.
the Sn» jaeivul«» \ alley. They will In* absent
Al. Zeiher, tho first man to bu made alhiut three Ave««k,4,
mi Odd Fellow in Oregon, diml at Sa
He wiih well
who was removed by Cleveland in th" lem last Saturday.
middle of his four year*" term, on the known over the state.
grotiud of "offensive partisanship."
Chairin in L itan, of tin* Republican
stat.* central eoiiimitt»*e has appointed
Mr. Hill, represi'iiting a New York
Jul ge A. F. Moore, of St. Hi-htis, to
company of dealers in timber lauds,
I h * secrelary of the eommitte«*.
is bonding a number of timber claims
Tim location of the next fair of the
east of this valley owned by persons
in Ashland and elsewhere. He is .Southern Or«*gou district ml! beileter-
Iminling them at the rate of 8 HMtll per <ni:e-d at the ni«*etilig of tin* hsliiel
qn.irti r s.ction. Mr. Hdl. who is ¡in board nt Grant's Pans m-x'.. Monday.
• •hl friend of J. N. Phillips, spent
It is s iid tint C. P. Huntington will
s.itm ti:m in the valley last year, with
m ike his perm lueul resi leu ■ • in San
l;ea.!qiim tens at Medford.
Fi inciseo, mnl give the Southern Pa­
Tbe lime draws near when it might cific railraid his full nttenliou while
lie well to give a word of caution to lie maintains control.
tlnw> hm ing pianos
The country is
The new bri Ige across the Willam­
overrun with itim-iant "tuner»” who
ette at S .l.'tn is to b-* a steel <>U" an 1
have "pick- d it up" ( ?i or ¡it best have
th«- “e¡:i ¡l igue’’ pr ca is Í71.OX». tit onlv a very short apprentice­ ors taking Hie rem.i'iis of lu-
ship, mid I; ekmg skill m d experience
oi l bridge at 8I1.0IHI.
are wholly unrehalile and do more
Tilos. Reyuol ie, oil“ of \\ ells F it ;*,’.
harm than good.
It will pay you tn
employ the lies! men only.
M. O. ill ■ I p.ipiliar m .s.*ng-*"s mi I w!i i* •
Warner will lie around m time to at­ rim was from P >'' 1 in I t > Ashland un
tend to regular patrons. Refers to th.* til a short time ago, I* now i;>mt for
lest mus!eimis in town and uuinv pro­ the company at S .lem.
fessionals tasi-w here.
Terms Hsison-
Prim«« beef cattle h «ve b---m s- ilin.
in Portland al 41 . e.-i.’s p ■ »»'»’»r»«L
S.imiiel Brown, of Shake prismict. hv • weigh', sm -.* tn • sp an l>«\d ruin-
came in from hi* place out there with me llegan.
1ms ma le an twrntf •
a heavy wagon thin wi*ek. He says tliree-yi'ar <»l 1 steer worth moi.» than
there ¡ire some bail places in the £50jii Portland.
roads but he li id no difficulty in get-
I'm* Ni lomil Gii.rd cavalry Corn
titig tliroii.di.
There was six feet of
p .-iv ,«t L iik- dl" have ie-e.v '.l their
snow a'. Mr. Brown's place at one
new uniforms ami eipup ii -nt'i H!» !
time last winter bill it i.s about nil
w re to e- leiirate the event by ,i .fran-.l
gillie now mid the stock is able to
uniform bill an i e\liil*i. I ai ih ili l.iS.
make a living off the young gr»*«
evening, M iy 1st.
high ut> in th" mountains. Mr. Blown
is one of th.* few ranchers who had
It i¡¡ sai l that
plenty of ii.iV for his stock during the bud I ts in S in
past ti a«y wilder ami consequently land have sig iui *1 th *ir willing i •«.*
ha 1 mi losses.
to tie.* *1» t«> III * >l-“ilinl of .11** e.*r-
pent-*rs for t In* «»*!¡«'»» *nt ol eigli:
At the deniiier.dii’ primary for this
hoar* as t.'.ie limit s of a days w irk.
pn elect held last S iturdav 81 voti s
were ca*t. mid two tickets in the field
II ni. J. il. Shape, of Dia.l is coun­
th" result of th* billot laing th" ty, Iris i* ■"** app register of th
el*s*tion of di’leg-ates «ipposed to the U. S. la i I olli •■• a' R »*eb irg, to sn •
nomination of C. W. Login as repre- <•«**• I ( W. Jiilinstou.
The n o.
sent lit 1VC
Tlu* ballot stoo I II to 37 re*"iF‘i'. Mr. Crawford, of Co.>s conn
and it u smd that there was not a ty. «vil • >V IS atipointe i s cm* ni nitli.s
s'ratehisl ticket, Following are the ago, tins t*"t yet assuiu«*l the «lulu *
delega s el's’tisi to the county «*on- o; t he otli-'e.
vetitmn at Jacksonville to-morrow:
The apple tr.*es np the Valley above
l»ml. Ch 'pinan. E. M. Miller, C. S.
Price, J. It. R. Hutchings, f. <> Miller, Ashland, mid especially on Emigrant
L. A. Ni l!. M. X. Long, 11. S. Evans, creek, are as full of blossoms as usual
In some parts of the
J. (>. C. Wimer. J. NiMinan Pmliips tins spring.
was understo al to !>■• a candidate for c ninty the apple tree* have very little
the legislative notii'u itio.i, i i opj*isi- bloom to show this apparently ls-ing
mi “oil' year" for them in coiifuqiieuc.
tiou to Mr. Logan.
of tbe dry season in 1889.
Tlir IlnntinKtiin Party.
Gi-«rg-« F Youle. wh»> has l»aeii at his old
hi»in<‘in lllino * ihi'»’U-:b th«« past winter,
si» k with typhi'id f« « t ni(»*t of the tin»»*,
returned to Peril*n<1 la' week.
Harry Prest«»n. a printer known in \-h
land, returned to » Sot ihern Or<‘j/oii fi.tin
California this ;\ei rk in n -iiin»« his p’.Hce in
th«* ■’Time.*'’ office at Juckx.nviilv.
Jas. Durham, a r.Ltii'«. of .4» p. Jbnn-
mond, came out ffoin
lhe W;II hìih -1 le to
superintend the wo
i___ ’k oí
. . ,
......... o ...........
on the
iron roofing «»f the Ganiard Opera Hons««.
Mis» Adah H»»rton, ulio has been in A«»h-
laiiJ thr»»u‘gh the winter, *’aite-i Saturday
f«»r Vreka. ami afier a short visit in Siski­
you ««»unty will return to her home in San
for i.ianta, oils, varnishes, brushes,
artii-Ls'materials, mid wall and build­
ing piqa-rs. Estimate« made on paint­
ing. paper hanging, interior decora-
tiotie, etc.
E vans Jc B kunk . Ashland, Or.
Circuit Court.
IL K Hanna, pin*, \* Levi Grig-Ly, rt ¡tl,
•Re\ and Mr*. G. J. We) ter rxp««et to left.,
a- Pon i.> recover money, pJainlit!
• p»«u»l May in California, visiting relatives • given
leave to file summon-; and complaint,
aid friend»-, returning the lit*l of Jun««, m above
cause, in place of filings
when .-vtvh-e- at the (.‘oiigre?rttiuiial church of Maicli entitled
will be resume»].
.lame* Wright v* D. II Burrow-; place of
'rial of u I mivv entitled <uit changed to J»»se-
I abell»« Pole man, who ifa* b»‘»«n at
’•«•U'liti'. tile Normal *» ho« at M<>nni»nith pliiur e«»unt} , and «icfeiidant given 30 days
• luring tlie past aa inter, is now engag»««l in from »lateof filing suit in J.»< phine county,
Iva'hbig *<ho«>! at Ari"-». (•»««* <«>untv. in u liK-li to tile mi-Vii r.
< . ('. Beckman and J . G Rvames vs Geo.
a here *h<« taught a previoii- term.
M. love, et al; I»» foreclose mortgage, con
Holl H. B Mill. r. of the < P D. A 1. Co . lirmntion of Hhvrifl’sale.
" a* iu A-hlaml yesterdav on bu>inuss. Mr
Jo-eph Solomon vs Shunti Simpkins;
Mill- r w ill In—* iit to1h»’l ui-iatur«.« again rmise dismissed on pltf’s motion
by .i»»*ephine county, and v. ill !»»• one of th»*
Mirnic M D-uvniil
Dt-iivaul vs E M Demani;
inihnnilai imiiii»er* of the house next pltTh bill disinitesed, au»! deft given ju»ig
r.ient for co.-ts.
Alex. Martin, Sr . <»fOakland, Cal., stopped
V’W carpets at 1>. ILA E. V. Mill*.
ou r in A‘hian»l WrdurMhiv « hi a bu-iiiev.s
visit »1 id I»» g, «»«t his many - hi fri» id- here.
He 1» ft fta K lama'll «-mint . y. *t»«r«!a v, to
¡»»ok after his extensive business interval*
out there
A City Policeman's Very Peculiar
J«»im O'Brien, a W
I' opcrat«»r from
ii nee.
' h«« San Fram i-eo ufli<«v, wa.-expccte-l up
yc-terdax afi* rno»»u to take (ieo. Eubauk*’
Mfnml pills am’. ;ntir purgatives irritât«
place in th»- .»flicc her»« tor haa !»ilc. ».c»>. has 1’ic mucous » « Al : •> ■ f the stoniat h and
a month’de.ive of ai.-.«it»«v, and will take a
trip to s»>uthern California t»> visit relatives. bowels. !n fact : . .r » nthartlc action Is dm-
to their Irritation. The danger attending
M - < amllla Walker aid '!!*- Minnie
l*i> a in re-h parted on W-* Ine»«Iay morning their atrtidy use i«. r”i» The m«w I kxm
for Klamath . <»unty. going By trad to Ager. the prin-fple in J '.* V.-gctable Sar-aimrilla
Mi.*.* Walker go.-- on a \ i*if of sev«- d gets its »athartle u. *i.»u hy increasing the
months t»» her iiiotlw r in Spnigtie riv»«r valley
-iid Mi— Prc.dnwr»- ha* i»ce«l «ugagc.l to mucous ►vrrr’.hui'* nu<! gently stimulating
t i« stomach. It i.< pun ly vegetable, d»».«s not
tea- h a -dmol near Linkville.
Mark \\ M'i*i!!-.» e aid wife, of Rith- ' *e its efleet, and i * *afe to be taken <»<t a
■Irum. 1‘iiho, *pent M«veral »lay-i i \*hlmd •ioualiy » r (’»nflnimusly. Gus. Vid»«au, the
the t«a.wcik. Mr Miisgrov»« is publisher
v.eJl knoAvn p<»il<e officer of
of l he •'« «’Urier” ;.t that place »»id i* also
l-2u 11 ».UlinI St., >an Fran
pro-e»«iitiii“ attorney «.«f h *»li*:rn!. He was
< is» <», a \ rites: •' After my *.’.»n
midi pl i-.-lwi;h Southern 'hcg<»n a.»-! it
is not i«n¡»r«il*a’»lv that h«* will r. turn .-'»me
cx|»ericn«e i firmly Isllevo
day t«> make this his home.
that J. v’s Vegetable ■ kfsh
M;-. .lohu il. K-ntt»or. treas i • i «»I the
pariEa ■.•» ill cur«« tbe most ub
Smith Dtivi* manutaeturing «'-»mpaiiy. St.
stiii«:» « a>vs <»f cou^tipatiou.
L«»u:-. M. . ca« »• his uik I in A-hl.»id. < »»un-
«•ilman W \A . K.-iituo;. a -urpripa: I •. i»-t
Although cured I am still
Fri'lay • v uing. n«»t having toi l the family
her«« of hi* » «’iiiing. Mr. Kcntm»r i> «»n n tai ugitn id never had my system so thor
i»u-im— md pie.i-iiite t«>ur of tin-• »»untry cu Ely reguhi’cd. l’ > men a*iug or diminish
aid thought he wouhl «tr<»p in «»n hi* une’e îu : (he dosp on-« has aLs /.ute command over
nnaun -• . He went «>n nortau .ir«i M-nnla
bimsclf with this \ aluablê remedy.”
M r.
lì.»rd, a , |‘Tomint«nt fruii dealer and
cannery m in of this coast. U».w in a finn
w hose headipiartrrs arc at Ta< <»nia, spent a
day in A*1 i I mu I this week looking over the
fruit pro*!»««» ts her**, lb a a* *hort n hh . ii «- i
am »ng t lie or -hards t»y Mr.
. <»ale}, an i u h •
much pl»'n*<**l with the '„rue
lari acrvrttfv’of fruit
trees in this vicinity, eNRTi *smg the opini m
that \shlan<! in th»« future wh < going h» I m *
one of th»« main supply points for the
Northu» t for fine p»«a»-hv-.
Rosi'burg jub*l:«t«*l enthusiastically
M m.lay night, in celebration of th"
securing of the remainder of the sub
A P. Talent, of Talent, r»tunu-t
. _ . .........
hi Iv - il scription for th** building of !a-t w.-.'K fr»»m a trip Dorthwai«! as far ;•*
the 1«.\\« i Paget Soim«» u-xL’U oil a geticrai
tin* Roseburg A Cmis B «y railroad. ilisp«» of the».»untrv with a view lo in
The bull ling of this road, now itssilr- \ e-i m.-nt i ii » h«■ sh.mhl find *.»nn« o | h « u
«*1. will be a big thing for R iseburg. ing that -nite«! him He <!<•••*n t like th«*
S«»uid » -»nntrv niudi to«» much l»<»oni t •
mid she is to I k * congrat ulated.
- lit him
The Willaii»’: e valley. es(«cei.»Hv
.-alvin, aid th»' eoiiniry itl-mg th
General Russell A. Alger, «met* men­ we*t side
ro d, suits h m better than any
tioned as a presidential candidate from other he *nw. being >.i» h a magnificent
Michigan, and Mrs. Gen. Logan mid , farming country.
party passed north through Ashland
Ehler J. M. Luark. of \shland,-tarted for
last Friday evening on the regular ex­ the Eadcrn -tat««s by W ■ hies lay m.»ruing’ •
his particular mi**i-» i !>< mg to attend
press train, en rout" to the encamp- tlic (»eiiernl
Asscmb’y of th»« Presbyterian
metti of the Washington G. A. R’ h . » hiii- h, which meet* at -aiamga Spring*.
The party stopped over nt Portland N.- aa York, <»n th«« L*»th <»f M»«v, and to which
’ he is a «Idega’e from the s.»uth»«in (>reg.»n
■nd were tendered a reception there.
I’-1-!»>t» ry
B< for«« he r -mrus. Mr Luark some time \ i-iting rd all'••* m
The Adin ArijH.t says a reservoir is will
I- imii aid Indiana, aid • \ i»« » Is to be go n
lieing constructed in Lsh valley at th" nt lea*t *i\ weeks.
KeV. Rolit. Mt l.iUll.
Spooner ranch.
It wdl cover Ilk) w ho *tart»«»l Fa*t a week or m«»rr ago, i* th
acres of land with w iter. The dam is other «lelckHte t r»»in the S. (>. Pre.-I»yt» ry.
I'resilient Huntington and party o’
r.iilnaid magnates of tile S. I*, syst in,
win* passisi north by special train lust
Thursday, returned smith through
Ashland \V«*ltit*sday nioruinu, their
pnv it** car Ix-im; attached to th«* reitu-
lar Califm trill express train.
The party mad«* a tour of al! the S.
1«. lines in Oregou, iucludiiu; th" re­
cently pur ha narr iw gauge line«
which ait* Mr. Huutington's private
While in i'ortland, Mr-
Huntiagtou was waite«l on by a dele­
gation of Astulia citizens, who made
propositeins to him tn build to that
city, lint h" t'.ve it out to the press
that no detlntte coticlusiou in tin* mat­
ter h id bi i n <•01111* to, nor would Is* fur
A’ the Congregational church next some time.
Aw for the building of a
rtumlay a. m. fiere will bea serin .ti ro d to be C w>s bay country, tha’ was
story for th" children and young folks wholly in the future and bad not yet
12 f«*et. high ami 270 feet long. It is
es|e'ei;dlv, though all are it.vinsi.
In b>*en investigated.
Tin* Russi-l|..h'«i-ll Tnuipe.
the eveniug the:« will In* the regular
I:i ri | ly to a qus'ion as towhat on-.* inraging to see tine kind of work
A iar^v aibl apprci iai ivc aihHcnc»’ enjoye»!
mon’lily nmoii inw«n;.’ig. Bev. F. G. w i :l I Iw dun* wrti the iic iw gauge done, and wo hope to see Modoc coun­
the , pr*’«»'!itH
... ’ton .....
nt the
__ ______
then:» r ______
iu ■ - in the With ne tie .Mr. Hunting- ty take the same steps as Lasst‘11 coun­ night "f < uir Boy«.
Strange t > pTea"h.
l lie p««i
p.’i f»»rinniice
•;i s ,. ■: “On tie Kist Side, we shat I
Jam«* Isbell, miller at ill" A-»:
exceptions the parts uer»« sph nditUv ,*us
••* t i • .: 1.1 ■" to standard, ¡.ml coni'
A movement is on foot to removí* tain»«d. >L *r«. 1‘hileo, Morri*, Deni and
lami Mills, emigiit Ins hau l in one vf
t »regoli ami t'nliforn.a the Willamette University, the oldest Elmer AA»«te particularly ‘tu»ni< m theii
th" corrugate I rolls i.t th" mill last in OV.T 11>"
B«liu»la' ” wa
tracks, a 'i * i.•; I II" Steel bl idge. Usili- educational institution in th«» state, pari-. Mi** >tockm»*.ver’s “Belinda
Tueadny ami ••ani'* near m inala 'nr-
the terminal r..cilt‘.b-s on this si.l". fot’.iuicd by the missionaries in the the l»e**t that h .- been • ♦ n here, she is not
llig th" first of a n *v brand of it »ur
only -p!fit» »1 in her lin« mil i- a ;•»»<».i dan«
I’ll" West Side ro:a| will L . thorough forties, from Salem to Portland at er. Slo-hn- firmly r-¡ahii*h» »l h«-rst«li a* a
out of it, b It a 'po • {. «trolig jerk re-
ly lii -d up. It never h.t* Isen in any least that is the report from Portland fav«»rit<* with \< \ ada < 'i; y an*. (UiTues-la
lens-s| hi* han«! ¡«ml I. ra,*;ip.*d with a
l it-* (’hil'I-’Ueah r ' a given, an-!
kind of', and msals ov* i haitlipg. sotirias, though the
xnmn says owning
coupleof b*i lly m;isli«*l tig"’*.
for W ««Im .-»lay ev»«uing - th. company ’* las-
W-** shall run into Portland on 11.e P. the management has no thought of appearau» «« here prior to it* »1« parturv foi
’Th«* amount of money appurti.imsl A- \V. V. road.
We siibll nndmibuxliy moving the institution from SaleiiTs u a** S alley to till a thre< nights »«ngage
¡uent i'i"ti Bom icatilt * drnma, “(ollcen
to’lie varums s. I.ool dtstri. 'eof this blind some ¡ nai'h h< re, but vicinity.
IHwn,’ was uiniers»'»»rc<| The Seattle In
c unity in th ' «li •li'iii’ion jo*! mad" just what they wdi be we have not ye!
of Ma . h 21*1 >ays of the pla_*
Sunday Wehnioe: On Wi*ltn*silay
by th«"* conniy sup riiitemb-nt ¡i|q.or- d"«'l le i H|"in.”
and people
“ u -die»*» Hawn al Ira» t««d a
la*t night. Il is safe to say
tioinneid printed in full in niiuth« r
Ill reply to the question of il re­
ev» r put upon th»« stag»« in
place 111 III" T iuinus is mu'll I»*" pl irter usto tln1 liuth of pii article
tni-i ity w;i more Ilunouglily « ujoye»! b\
than tli" ai...... mt .¡i.t rilm'i'l Lint Apil'. slat ing tliat ih" biondi between i-x tiov. Wlnteaker, ex-Gov. M imm I v an au>!i< in <
| n - various situaiiuii* «»I t hi*
Ashland di-dtv-o Nm 5. «• ' iv«*l nl> m! Mes. 1 - S’iuJiini and hiins*lf Was ami Gov. Pi'iinoyor, to any nothing ot higlih ¡¡H-. rcMing i lay Wen- made th«‘ mo*i
l»> th ■ nilense and upr -a?
<*atiH«*l liy Ine cons'rtie i.m of III»*
£|‘»«>0 in ih»' ;«»{»«»!' io ' iiii 'hl »»‘
Brown. Jiidg" Burnett, (tell. John F. ions delight of th»? hou*v, ol«l an»l you.ig
«ip», wlii!** tin*) lit))»* it is mix
I he p.«r!e» li»»n of the s« \. ral act«»!’/ in 111«
Mdler. Judge Aaron Bn* li'.veiler, mid text, tle-ir < a*> 7-aee and natural maunei
i. "d. Mr. Hiiidit'.loii mi
for ll*"<
The Vliluml “kill l.a « :. II irim
ot!i«*r gramleOH of the Oregon demo­ of a< ’ing, stamp them a* artist«» in tlu ii
a .v. i .*d:
profe-sion, ;nid ju*tl> etililh* th* -troupe io
isimpoSi-d • 'f l»oy - fiorii t* li to «'-• I'«'
“The ¡ir'.icle is piib,di.jitrdh till",' cracy.
!"• cl t- e | among lite i»«iy ln«st th it ha*
vears old. r*s"'««-«I a eh ¡lleligi* from
<uanite II ill Satr.r
Ii" .¡¡ii). “Stanford did np;.<A> th*
S «ys th" Grant's Pass Coiii /er of »•v««r a t-if- d otir ciW
the Mi-lf 'rd "ki.l nine” a sh ut time
Muy ’«I
bill dmgof the <»i gon and California l int wei'k' We have heard s* venri clt-
ago mid w.*nt down ther* 1-islSitur-
d.iy to aci epf it. They return, d in eoiwieetioii. How ver, I quarrel v ry iz-ns from Iho southern part, of tin* The sugar Pine l«i«>r and I. iiiii I ht t'l.nipany.
lltti'Wilh him. H' is <i very clever eounty exprits t.benwivi’S in favor of
th«* evening iti victorious spirits, hav­
iu m in hia w iv, but not much of a raising sufficient means to have a pre­ Of (¡rant's l’it*s, Or., have their new
ing down«.i ll.-u Me-ironl ■■ imiH litors
aili*eess in Im ineas. H * has, however, liminary survey made from the homi factory in full operation. Their ca
bv a score of 31 to 21. It m »>'•• »■*
not had very much to do with the waters «if Rogue riyer to Crescent pacify is doubled, and they ar«> pre
m'limc -d y t when tlm return ga-ne priietieal operation of th" road."
City, to iiMiertaiu whether or no such pared to fill all orders Tor liotb eon
will be j.l «veil.
“Do you tli:nk the road, could Irive a route is practicable for a rhilroad. tract work and stock goods promptly.
With their new and perfect system oT
X’. R. Beaumau and E. C. Vpson. Beuurod’he favors it has hud without This sounds like business.
kiln drying they can furnish all work
en rout-- by team from Santa Cinz, the political pul!'which Stanford has
California towns in the San Fran- in perfect condition. Their new dry
(’rt. to the Willamette, readied Red­ k"pl np?'"
ding. but e.nil-1 get no farttier north
“¥l*U, 1 do. I tun wholly of the cimsj earthquake licit had .a general kiln will thoroughly season lumber ii.
than that plain* with their teams <>w opinion that polities ¡md business “shake up” ! i«t Wednesday morning, four «lays, ,-Hid bus a daily capacity of
Mig to high water nmi Wiish.'.l out should lie kept separate. Whatever and some of tbe «»ranks who believed ten thonsanil feet,
budges. SO they were «•Ollip.-lled to legislation is ne«*<*B«.iry to secure, can in the prophecy that San Francieoo
in nit «hiHx-s ufwoik. both in de­
put their outfits on a freight tram and lie attaimsl with i*]u:il facility which and other wicked cities down there signs and workmanship, they are sec­
take the oulro.-nl as far as Ashland. ever party in tn piwer.
When the would | h * destroy«*! on the 1 Uh ult., ond to none on the Pacific C-oast.
Ti:ev s’.arti*d !•' wagon again from president of a great eorporatton like thought that their prophecy was realty Send to them for e-tnnates on all job
here northward.
the S iuthern Puc,ti" starts out to run coniiiig true, only that they had made work anil for price lists and discGunts
•a mis Hike of about ten days. Howev­ on stn.-k work. Alt kinds of lumliei.
Th" .Villini! Junior B.uid, which fm ulliee, the first thing he do.n is to I
er, there was no serious results, other thoroughly seasoned, constantly on
w is i sev- ral mo’rth* ag<* -«ml ant Agonize th • f irty or fifty other men
M bo want tin' same otli<s*. Ami when the breaking of tome crockery and a haud. B -xe; of every description ar>
b «s since b*'en pi.."-'icing im h r th -»
huh* scare.
made by them and fnrnish«*| in lmg"
insirnetion anti leadership of () (>. he lien,.jes so engross«*) in |H>hties
or sm ill quantities. You will, con­
H- Iman, came out in th.-ir fi.»t public as to impair tiie atiovse of his man­
Subpoenas seem to be marketable sult your interests by dealing with
agement of Imsmtvx undertakings,
pearamn* last Saturday evening, .m
propi-rty in Joe.-phine county. Tbe this reliable and truly first cla.-s in­
th«* « h - cikìou «»f a m*reua«|e timdered
those take Ills place who will devoti- Coiiiirl of last week has the folio«, stitution.
iiy-Miem to th.* (»Id F* llows umiver-
ing: “Percy M. Cro^, who was ar­
-ary <*ele!>lat lo’i. They pl;*y**i Well their tix-rgiua to the ImsimsiA. I am rested for selling Ills slllqitmiia and I
¡1 railroad man my eeif. :,ot a politician.
A bl<n»-ly row lx»tw*en “nnion” und
an Ì th" O Id Fell iws sl;owe«l their ap-
my drawing tin* warrant for the same,
pr *•!.ilion of th" ««eri'i*.id" by inviting I have «pent a great portion
"non luiiou’’ ti*h"rni"ti oi*citrr.*l <»i.
life, about, thirty years, in building was .arraigned in Judge Axtell's court th»* lower Columbi« river n< :ir Kiinn*i
the I mivs to their splendid supper.
and o lerattug
building last week. Ami pending certain nee-
lnet TutW'lny afternoon. Ou.- m oi was
Profs P. A Gc'z and U. C. Falier mostly, for 1 ean get people fooper- •Msary delays in th») procetslings, Mr.
kill»-<l nu.l sever;*! were wotunle l.
of the Ashl.m 1 Pillili • Schools have ate tbeni whose familiarity with de­ Crow was releast*,! on bail for Soil,
l«een invited to p irticipat" in the pro­ tails i-n ililes them to attend to that an I when tl, • case w is called for trial
Kemmler, th** murderer o>t*d> inn*d
gram of th«- lire,'on S'ate Teachers’ branch mor-* sm-oessfuily than I could. the court was not graced by Lis pr<*s to death by electricity Mav C*lh, will
Assonati.m wlc.'Ii tiiis-ts next Jn'y, I said thirty years in railroading, but
have loiiiter to live. A U. S. ju*l<*< L is
and will probably ¡a-opt the inviia- for y> are liefore that I was ili the iHindsmeit."
•.’ranted a writ of Ao.’ieos cor/mx te-
Both are teicin'i* who have nia'al and hardware busincsa, a kiu-
nirnabl** June 17tli, on th»* sirontid
Frank Williams, th* highwayman
«vane to (»regno since the last mee'aiig dred line of ojieiatious, so that f «x>n-
t»mt tl».* net nmler which tbeexecution
who was capture«! in Sin Francisco
of tin* Assignation and they will Is spier ii.'.se'f quite at boma in rail
ie to tek • pl : e ts in violation of the
some months ago, and who was sup­
f«i m I
valuable neqiisitions to the roading."
c.i|*stra: ion * f th»1 l'ni'c-1 S', tes.
posed to lie th-* man w'r> held up the
meetings of the stat" institute which
stages several turns last fall in North­
is attenl.-.l by the most prominent
( ard «»f Thnnks.
ern California and Southern Oregon,
teachers from all parts of th" stat»*
ceilings nn l d. coratioua at Smith .V was convict el m the Unit'd States
W.* h
by oxprr*s «»tir 1ba«»ks to
•JilOtt yards of ipw enrpet at 1>. IL l».hlge's. We furnish an experienced district court, at San Francisco last our fii‘«iiis an»l î>»«i^hb'irs who ho
A E. V. Mills.
lT>e |«na!iy is imprisonment kindly HÌ«b*d Hf 'in»l nyaipathizciì w th
paper hang"r when d<*eir<*l. All or­ Friday,
department iu- uh during tli«* fatui >i< kness of our
ders in this line promptly- attended to, for life. Th- p ■ «tuffi
Mr. Coolidg", the veteran nursery*
s|a-ctors giv.- Uw foilowing list of mother.
and satisfaction gurauteeii.
man, who has examiued the pwlt
stag" robls-r William's < xploits since
J ohn F. Diti rrsAx,
trees in many of tlie orchards around
The Milton t'mjle warns its sab-
became iiU'ler their mi'icc: August
Ashland, says be has yet to find senbers not to allow tlieir daughters
17, 1**'J, th" stage fro n Canyon Citv
S.IEAtl < '. BlUTrs.N.
mid orclmrd where there are o«»t plen­ to n-ie that papi*r for bii-tl*~<, as there
to Baker City,Or ; Septemlier, 3 1**11,
H enkt C lem ,
ty of peaches left, and barring further i* considerable “due" on it and they
tile stage fruì» Ager. ('«)., f(, Lluk-
L ihby C lem .
frosts there Will be a spleudld «Top in might lake cold.
ville, Or. Tins stage he rob'oed twice
this vi unity.
Mr. Coolidge says that
the same dsy, or radiar he rolib-d tin*
Stylish Hatsnt Blount’s th: tweek.
in all his expeririii*» in fruit growing
m-nnx-rati'' state Ticket.
stage going north and tbe one going
he’never saw fruit advam*« so rapidly
No that is a mistake; they have
south. In'his robb ry he made the
ti"k»'t was nominated
as the cherry blossiims d.'V.-lopi*l ini'* ii'it quit the l>u*in»*es Atkinson at
largest Irmi, ¿607 10. September 2*. by the deimx-ni'state convention
half-grown cherries iu th«' f«-w days the Wo-.len .Mill OtHce or Carter at
1**J, the stage from Ro.-l-.y Bar to last Thursday :
For omgressruan. K.
of warm weather the first of the w.-ek. the Bank will insure your property in
Mount un Home, Idaho; Oetolier It». A. Miller, of Jacksonville; governor,
No one c in fail to Is* pleased with t»i»- /»' .- ’ and most reliable c mpanies, 1**9, th» stage from City to Sylvester fennoyer; secretary of state,
the einbrot'iery stock of 1» R. A E. \. and at the l<iw.*t rates.
Baker City, Or.; November 13, 1889, W. M. Townsend, of Lak.-view; treas­
Go to our store, east side of I’laxa, the »tage from Ag -r, Cal . to Linkvdle, urer, G. W. Webb; supreme judge.
ll"msm' «T that we carry a l uge and
well «mfeete i stiH'k <•« f-iri>it•!:•*. also
picture trainee ami; mo d ling*, cliro-
iiKie. ar eotyp’-, oleographs; a large
For eale—a good roll back S3.» sad­ invoice of oil paint mgs just ree’d.
Call and see us, S mith A D odue . ♦
dle for ¿17 at G. C. Eddings.
Weekly Weather Report.
School Fund Apportionment.
The following is the apiiortionment
of the pnblie KL-hinil fund« made April
21, 1890, by Comity Supt. Mitchell,
the same being ¿50 for each district
and SlJit) for each child of school ag"
within the district:
1. Jacksonville .
1421 *0
14*. so
Enterprise . .
. ,
130 vo
Central Point
8. Myer
<». Eagle P«)int.
là. South Prai ic.
h . Mounta Ln
12. Antelope.
13. Chimney R ih k
14. Willow Spring1
r>. ln»iepen<ieu«‘c
16 Mon u»l.
17. Dardeiielles.
IV A ntio»'h
P.» t’pper Butte.
lift no
•JO H tin’s (’reek
JI. Missouri Flat
Wagner < ’reek
Mount Pitt
:4. North Pho'iiix.
Ro» k Point
2ti Pleasant ( rc» k
U nioiilown
Fhiuncr R»
«.». Prairie.
30. 1’nity
43 »Ml
:;i. (riven Mountain
F»»ot's Creek
Rogue River
B io \ a nsboro
Iu. Bridge I’ »ini
il N«»rl 1» -ai.i - Valh y
I.'. Nouth Butte
I?. Forest. Creek
it Table Rock
I ». Trail < rerk
I*». Frontier
47. lx»lie
‘3 Svhivrt»«iieii
P». M< »lfor.l
•u. Det itiger’s Gap
p .M 3(1
• 1.»erty
•’>2 <'hapana)
Ml 60
>3. R.Hind l«»p
m 3 SO
>1. ('»»W
116 39
• » N’orlli Trail Creek
n 2 50
i'h w :uii> r Creek
9 2 90
7. (.«»Id Hill
I2M 00
• n S’ea'nlkiHt
G1 7»)
h7 70
•». 8»j»la Springs
IE 60
»’•I. < inll\ ( ria-k
<» 10
•2. Wimer
» 1
133 20
72 10
g :
6s 0
S7 70
Or.; November 2*. 1*89, the stage
from Sbasta to Bedding; ll.p'uila-r
2, 1**9. the stage from Mariposa to
Mete-sl; Decemlier 12. 1*811, the stage
at Forest Hill; December 15, 1889, the
stage at Downieville.
B. F. Bonham, of Salem; supt. of
schools. Rev. A. Leroy, of Brownsville;
state printer, J. O'Brien, of Portland.
For prosecuting attorney of the lai
judicial district, W. M. Coing renom­
Following is the record of weather
observations, for Ashland, mad« by F.
H. Carter, observer for the Oregon
State Weather Bureau, for two weeks
ending April 30, 1890:
' •
Milburn wagons and hacks. These
goods, and in fact ail my line of ma­
chines and implements, I propose to
close out at what they cost, as I have
not tbe room to carry them. In Os-
borne mowers and reapers, bay rakes,
etc. I cam suit you on price and terms.
G. C. E ddings .
Great Dramatic Event !
One night only.
Total Precipitation rii inches
Lvinjtctature. I.owcbt :»l .Mt au .'».
Tiiis is how an exchange figures it
■•it: From i bush 1 <>■ c-iru a tfistiller
i-ts f--hr gallons of whisky, winch r»-
ni* ul 8lfi.
The gov»-inmetit gel»
S3 fill, th" f ii in- r who raised tn- con
»■ - forty -'"iiis. th»* r.ulrotd gets SI.
i • inalili: ictiiier gets Si, the retail»
s S7, and tin- i-ousiimer gets drunk
The Druggists
Tn Lowell, Mao agree in Faying that they
hv H more of ilood’g >ur«aparilla than of all
>ther blood purifier*. For instance:
F. ('. G oodale : I sell more of IL»od*8 Sarsa-
parilla than all other bl<»od purifiers.
A. W. Dows & Co.: Hood's takes the l*ad
of all other sarsaparillas.
<’. F. B lanchard : We sell more of Hood's
Sarsaparilla than of any similar.
M ar r.»N A « haw With us the sale of
Hood’s is 9 to 1 of any other kind.
F. t E. B ailey <&C o .: H oo »]*« Sarsaparilla
is oueof the best medicines.
Cx.RI.TON ik H ovey H<A>d*s Sarsaparilla Ii
one of the )>est medicines we have. Its sale
increases every year.
• F. 1*. M oody We sell twice as r'Tch of
Hood's .«ar«npanlla as of anything similar.
0. A. S wan . Hood's Is the most populur
sarsaparilla of the day.
T hirty O ther druggists speaL similarly.
This popularity at home, where Hood's
Sarsaparilla and It* propriety •. have been’
known for many years, could not continue it
the medicine did not possess merit. And
these facts should certainly convince people
In other sections of the couutry that Hood's
Sarsaparilla is a good, reliable medicine.
Not bv anvthii'K «he «Irank or took,
but by l»a»l blood. Is it any wondei
she feels “blue?"
In most cases
blues are only another name for bail
blood. A man or woman feel« un­
happy. Life seems dark. The heart
is heavy. Bad blool is cp.rry ing its
poison all over the body, and we call
it ’’ Hues.”
Read these exp«»ri«*nces:
The strongest Dramatic Organization
Mrs. C. C. llntchin«o!i, of Pittston,
Pa., says: “I consider Dr. Ai’ker's
English B1 o « m 1 Elixir the ln-st m«*dicine
O|*cniug play, the great English
in the world, not only for H ixm I trou­
bles, but also for dvsjiepsia, with
which I have lieen afflicted."
“ Both my wife and myself firmly
lielieve that Dr. Ai-ker’s English BI oim J
Elixir is tlie ln*st of all blood m«*liein«*s,
and will removi* all impurities of the
G eo . V. 8i uNF.K,
Popular Prices.
Valley City, Dak.
50, 30, and 20 Cents,
This gran«! Elixir is sold by drug­
gists iu all parts of America. It is a
í Í-’" Seats now on sale at Pinza Corner
pure, honest medicine; not a cheap
sarsaparilla. Try it to-«iay.
Oui* 13oys
Special Prescriptions.
A Specific Remedy for Each Disease.
DR. HILLER’S HYDRASTINE RESTORATIVE Stimuli« nutrition Purifienthi I! ..1,
Cures I>y«peiMU^C<xwtip*tion*a : Ceti' n! ll.bility. A
loui> Mid (trengtli Ini! 1 r.
‘Hood’s Sarsaparilla
S »14 bv druggists |1; six for
only by
I. 110(11» A CO., A|M»tiic< .tries.
Lowell. Mass.
• ♦
«..a* t II ■ ■ «■ Wl———
all IJver Trouble«, Chilis aud Fever, Malarial Fevers, an J ail T\pho»<! ewiditionft.
I OO Doses Ono Dollar
OR. HILLER'S CATARRH CURE. Cures Acute Catarrh, Chronic < ’atarrh, < ’Uarv hal I »«-J
nes*. Guaranteed tucure the wurstca«e8 whet)direction» are fi41uue.),i»r in*«ne\ refumlud.
DR. HILLER S COUCH "URE. Cure« Cold*, »«aarsenew, ( outfh.. BrmietuU», 1’kurny
and Pneumonia, relieve« cuUMUiuption. Contains no Opiate«. Cure« Croup in lumii.ut«
theria. U ill |HMititel) cure anj sure turoat in from S to 24 hour«. Cures (¿uint) in 3 days.
I Mi Ei> Sr a is- L and O ffice , j
R<»-* burg. Oregon. April 2 ». is9U. i
Noli» < is hereby gi\en that tin« heretofore
unsiii vc«. < d portion of »;♦ 2’». S R 11 W, to-
wit. Fractional n F'|, -«•»• I *. SF.‘ and fra»
tioiial W’u «er '.’tj, NW‘4nndS1., of see 27,
sec 2N, tractional s<•»■ 2-1, so ;and NE*4
s* « u. ha.* In » n .-urv» \r«i ami tue plat of
survey thereof will be tiled in thisofticeon
llivluih »lay of Juii'-. ls'JO. am] >>n ami after
-aid loi h «1 u v of June, i vm, « »• will be pre­
pared lo receive applications for the entry
of oiid lam is in th« heretofore unsurveyed
pot ticn of said tow n«hip.
A. ( . J.V.ES,
C iias . W. J-»us-ION,
DR H'.H.-R’S FEVER CU?E. Indispensable in all acute disease« attende«! with fever.
Prc.« u»H a .1 cures .Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina, and Meat,les. Mothers try it out«.
DR HILLEL SJIERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. Cures Nervous Weakneee, and I xjm of
Power. Never fail«. Send for Private Circular to Hiller Drug Co., San Francisco, Cel.
Cou!7T^HnCagoTamT^3ScZ^Ey"Teirn!TSm^7TT blood acid« which cau.*e them/
DR^HILLER^^TEETHINGCURE. Aids the gr°wth and development • f ■ hil lrcn during
t!ic teething period, ensures painless teething an ’ soun ! teeth, an I preve nts an I cure-
Spa>m4, Rickets, Brain Troubles and Bowel CompUintn. A blessing- to mother ai*d ciuiJ.
Pre>ent« and Cures Cough.
N ote . With exception of Dr. Hiller's Hydrastine Restorative, Dr Hiller’s Rheum »tu
and Neuralgic Cure, and Dr Hiller's Cough Cure, the above remedies arc in 1 ibkt
f am, ui*J. if not obtainable from your druggist, will be mailed free, on receipt of price.
R »*i:i.( h «., «»it.. A pi il
N».ti»»- i> li«-r< l»\ inv.'ii lliut the !•> 1 «
ii.iiti« ¿ -»Hl«: ha* tiled noti»*«.* «*f hi ■ íiiten-
: i hi b» make t nul pr«»»>i in -iii»p»»r! of hÍF
i 'aiiii. an !’ha;-a:»l proof willo»« made be-
f’.ic I he j . Ig« . or, in fii * at»*»«n< v. Injure the
»•l« rk.»»t th«» .’.»iiniA «•> uri »«I L.< !.->»»n coun-
or., c.t .la a .-• »i i \'i ! le. (>r «»ri Moiidav
hin»- “th, ly-t;, \ iz . Natti.iiiK-l < onklfn, H
I. Xu I I Í * :!.<• NW 1 , of N I 1,. ana S1*, «jf
ut X ! , »«( Ns.- * I p I". > i: J F. W M
Hr naia« < the
.ving \\ i’.nes.-r* to prove
hi* < »uitinin» i- !« * i « Ì c 11 < ■ • aud cultiva
ti-ui .»I -ai<l Irt’i'l, viz , H ' IhJlnihide, W
I s*-ng»T II. R<»a h, alt <»f A*hLui«i, Jack
sou « «»untx. or , alci II. F. Barron, «»f Bar
r»»n, Jack.-on county, or.
( ha - w. J ohnston ,
$1.00 per Package.
Six Packages for $5.00.
Those remedies are the result uf 25 years of r»rofessi.>nal experience, ami nre
guar iiitoe i »o cure when a cure is p**ible. Dr. Hiller s di page book of din-ctiona f r treatment, ooutaining valuable instructions as to hygiene and diet, sent frck .
T. K. Bolton, Agent, Ashland, Oregon.
The Last Winter
Has proven that itdoes not pay to raise scrub stock-
Now is the time to Improve Your Stock
The pure-bred Percherons,
Perhaps you may think these goods were
< »io* mile north of
Ashland. < >r.
P»ut tbey were bougbt for CASH in the East and will
sold at the following prices.
ix >1«
■\ ext
Ashland, Or., April 2\ ls90.
<»<> 1 > A YS.
I.onstlale Muslin, I-1
Cambric, “
Fruit of the Loom, '*
('hapman XX
Farmers Choice
Cabot \V
Intlian llca-1
Lawrence L. J • 1
Mystic L.
I lolbn>ok
House Lining
I >ress »¡inghams
Behlings’ twist 2
“ ipOsilk, 2
’,OZ “ I i
< ienuine Satines
American "
an<l see the good values that we give in ex­
change. We shall aim to give yon your inon-
ey*s worth. l>e]¡eving our interests tomutual.
and knowing that a regular customer is much
more profitable in a year than the single pur-
chase customer, we shall, by fair dealing and
I J.
nu mon*, viitleavoF t«» secure a share «»f v»»ur
patronage. ( >ur counters are tilled with the
LATEST NOVELTIES in all lines ami we
feel that our efforts in this direction will l>< a|-
A general assortment of
i OIH i S,
I i
Wilf make the leaion of 1890 at the
pTwiate»!, jutlging by the substantial le>tiin«iny
wlticli is now keeping ns hl’S\
< hir Dress
Goods department deseryes your
sideration before you send your money away.
Prices the Lowest
Runs Lighter, Lasts Longer and Sustains a Greater Weight than any other Wagon in Existence
will replace every broken hollow iron axle sold by me,
free of chai go. on return to me of the broken part.
---------------- ----- -- ---- p RICKS
These wagons are complete with whiffletrees, stay-chains, wrench and neck-yoke.
In painting the “Milburn" nothing but the best material is used, an<l all the work of painting is «lone Ly­ hand.
as no better process has ever b* en discovered. The dipping of the different parts into vats of paint, a- s<»me
manufacturers do, is not to be compared with rubbing th«« paint well into the woo»l with a brush.
'I'lte Milburn Wagon Company is one of the oldest manufactories in the l’nite«l States, and I dare say- that I
can give you as good a wagon and without doubt
As Good a Bargain as can be had on the Coast,
Not excepting Portland or San Francisco.
Now is the time to buy one of these wagons CHEAP
If you are going to nc. d one von can make money by buying one NOW ami
storing it under a shed for 12 numtlrs.
Call on