/ P f i/har V X 2!U’ I« A SH1 A ASHLAND TIDINGS ) TIDINGS TIDINGS ASHLAND \v Tgrmt of Advortiting: l'/.i »0/1' « » >*<■ ASHLAND, VOL. J« XIV. 1? • .*. ACv FRIDAY. MAY 2, 1890. OREGON, NO. 47. LMH. |2 00 One square, first insertion----- . 1 60 Each Additional insertion....... Job Printmq Of all descriptions done on short no tioe. Legal Blanks, Cironlars, Bnsi neesCards Billheads, Letterheads, Poet ten», etc., gotten up in good style at • i living prioes. -> -«M '.T.T.T.T.'^.T.T^ ATT0R5 <; .Y 15lain & Barbed CXxvload oí’ AT LAW » ? » / » L > » k > F* . w r* b* . ÍX* I >N. > O w' r L J uét Received, by • 4 > », «Ä0XT1. 1 « >K N r.A STAVER & WALKER, medford . A Y» r?.'} ’Ti A I I <»VII<*eb “ ìli “ 1 .3 I AA r IXGAl.LS*-tó POLITICS. Best Bargains in Procure Nd Hsiiis stali lie Wittai It read some of the Cash Pnces Offered by I Dent tat ry 11 iMichanic and Operative Dentist. /•ill \ c\<»: - 1 Í 1 1 . J 'I I > > 1 / A > 1 1 1 1 T 1 V > r 1 1 Men’s Heavy Working Boots, $2 pair. $3 pair, full stock Boots something grand $4 per pair. Men’s Working Shoes, $1.50 per pair $2 $2.50 Boys’ Shoes, lull stock, $1.50 Men’s Working Pants, $1 Jeans Pants, $1 Woolen Pants, $2 $3 $4 Working Shirts, 50c 75c Working Shirts $1 each Underwear, 50c each. 75c each wool, $1 each Fancy Percale Shifts, 50c, 75c, $1 Fancy Neck Scarfs, 25c and 50c. Boys’ Hats from 50c up. Men’s Hats from 50c up. Men’s Nobby New Stiff Hats, $2.50 up We have just received Twenty Cases of Men's Fine Shoes which we are cKcriiií?; very low All our winter Clothing is being offered at astonishingly low prices. YOURS TRULY, Ashland, Or >0.00 (). 11. BLOUNT Ashland, Oregon KEEPS GARLAND STOVES. LOTS TÂCUE, i-n Easy W ni. A. Grow MILLINERY STORE Terms. graded c Hlif'»ruiH I IskKI.I. .All Fr*n< i-co. 112-5 our limito i THAN » ADDRESS TO A YOUNG FARMER. [Contribution to Salem Statesman.| Electing Senator* FteiMtUh Sport. 'San rrsnctsco chronicle. | [New York Diipati h, April 25 ] SenatorMitcliell's proposed amend­ Tbe members of the Theta Nn Ep­ E ditor S tatesman : Every citizen ment to tbe Constitution, providing silon fraternity of Rutgers (New of Oregon may well l>e proud of the for the election of Seuatora by popular Brunswick, N. J.) College had whHt remarkable manlier iu which one of vote, should command ilaelf to every they call h high old time Tuesday ev­ her senators has met Senator Vorlwee tbiukiug and reasoning American citi­ ening. Their fun, however, may cost in the discussion as to the wisdom of zen. As Mr. Mitchell well says, the tbe lives of several of those whom applying the protective principle in present system of electing SetiaLors is they initiated into all tbe mysteries of the levying of duties ou imports as a unrepublican and vicious, and if, their circle. Eleven men had been means of securing the general welfare j equivalent to a declaration that it is chosen as members without tjeir Its peculiar efficacy is due of the people of the United States I unsafe to commit tbe election of mem­ knowl<*dge or consent and Tuesday ev­ as much to the. print the eleven were scription». All who bmt sedentary Uve* will find tioti at large as òn the northwest slope to frame laws for the guidance of the brought together like a chain gang. BENEFIT little best preventive of of the Rocky mountains, which was people of a Slate, but as we know from They were solemnly walked through and cure lor Indigestion, I ______ I ________ Olegon when the S|M*ecb of the Eng­ long and sail experience everything is tbe streets for awhile, receiving chas­ Const |>rst Ion, Head a.-lie. Bilioiwnrsn, Files and Mental Depression. No l<*s lish statesman Fox (quoted by Mr. Milmrdinated to the election of a United tisement from switches which their of time, no inu-rfvrence with bunlne*« Tilt I’.EfUBLl« AN's AlUtAb.NEI». Dolph, and printed in tbe Sfutenmaii Slates Senator in senatorial years. drivers held. while taking. F«»r children it i* m«*t in­ Fourth— We arraign the party in power for I L*t Friday) was delivered to au Eng­ nocent and ImrinlrMH. No danger from Men are selected, nominated and There are several «mall streams in it* utter f all tnv pledges made exposure after faking. Cure* Folic, Di- elected to tbe Legislature uot for their the nejgbborlioixi of tbe college iiu.i to the people whereby its as«'en«lvncy was lish audience in Lomlou in 1845, pend arrlnra. Bowel ComnlalutH. Feveri*h- sv ute«l at the last national diction; aud mg the settlement of the Oregon bkill and knowleilge in framing luws ucmh ami Feverish ('ol«l*. Invalids and oue or two lia.l bogs, i'll rotigli tlic*e ••specially position of Mr. F» x in regard to j liecause they will Vote for tbe candi ­ atives a*- .tn aggrav ation of existing evils. they were brought to the bmk of take!) at night insuns refreshing sl«*«»p I hth Wc «»indeinn the attempt of the holding the inhabitants of Oregon (nu­ date or that for tbe United States ami a natural ♦ vacnation of the b«’Wels. tbe river ami walked over tbe riiarp majority in c«»n,/rvs> to reduce th«* surplus merous as they are now becoming) th»- Senate. A little taken tn th« morning sliarp« ns Precinct caucuses, county stones until their feet ble.l, and in the treasury by squandering ami misap- the appetite, <*l«'HU8es the ytuiua>'h auJ pn.priating the saim*. ai d we especially <1<- subjects of British trade power, wae conventions and state conventions nil through briars and underbrush until Sweetens the br«‘atii. nounci' the attempt to appr«*pri.ete a portion remarked by that sterling pa-riot au-l revolve upon tbe same pivot, the el*v- A PHYSICIAN’* OPINION. «>f sneli surplus, whi' h bel >iue* to the whole statesman, the early and constant tiou of tile Senator, ami every Stale their bodies were badly lacerated. •‘I h.rvs been pra* ticing meiiicme for Even this did not satisfy tbe cruel pe«»pl<’, to the payment of a bounty on *u twenty years and nave never been able to g ir, which compel* the many to pay dire« t frieutl of Oregon, Senator Benton, of office, from governor down, is affected studi-uta' thirst for excihmeiit aud rut up a vegetable u-:iip-Hind that would, Missouri. Grand Ohl Bullion iinr victims were Sixth—We dtmouncc th« action of Speaker hi.) patriotic compeets sized up and ' tion. and effecti .ely mo.w th« Liver to aclion, uutied when in the center of Alliany- Rv«-«i it: counting a.* voters «leinocratic ret» answer»*! the assumptions of th*- an I at the - «•:’’• e aid instead > t v. e.tk- Ami when tbe Legislature has met rusvntntive* uh«» had n«»t vote«! upon petm- slreet bn-ige, aud otie by ou *, by end.;> >.*• the uve and assimilative British free traders of that »lay, who who is ignorant of the debauching and mg measure.* ami in declining tn recognize powt-ra of the •*iein b b such repreiitatives upon the floor of th«- declare»! that “without a regiment or ¿"grading influence« that are brought means of a long ro|M*, they were low- I M His i* n , m 1» . Wa«hingtos, Ark. ered dowu iuto the water ami held ho«i*e; ttie one as in conflct with th«» rights M.'trk* lit'iHilniMii’s«.: !/»ok f«n tberoo aec<»i«h*«l the minority by all political parties Inn* of battle ship, without Ixiinbard- to liear upon it. all lending to one pur­ there for a few nnuutes, each w ith the Tra k o.i fr< nf • i Wi;;pj er, nin! the -in«‘v the organization of our g«»vernmeut, uig auy town whatever, free trade will pose? Independent of the actual gross S i - m i all I ivi . I <11 <• • I J. 11. /.»-Hiii A lu., iu the other a* utterly inconsistent with the conquer the Oregon territory for us, and sbamelnes bribery which is ho water just to the level of ins mouth. r< >i, on the side, l ake no of her. The shivering set were tlieu taken l«> tre«-dom of speech ami equality of represen­ aud will compier the Unite»! States often resorted to, either to hold some a place of retidi zvoils, dressed aud tation. >e\cnth-Wc r< affirm the p«»*iti«»n which for us also, as far as it is desirable men up to pull otheis down, the whole forced to driuk large quantities of bad ha- « ver I’cen maintained by thedetnoernti«' either for us or for them that there course of legislation for tbe sessiou is whisky on tbe pretext that it would K<*al Estate Transaction!). parly that gold ami silver arc equally the should'lx» any compiest whatever in tainted with the Senatorial election. counteract the effects of the dipping. pe»»ph- * money . wc are opposvtl I«» all meas­ Tl»<* following dcetls have been placed up . 4 tin* case. Free traile will establish hi C»>uiuiittees are formed iu pursnrauce b b ure- of «lue.imiiiation again t silver, and They were then escorted to the hall, ■ ■ii the r«*<'«»rd* «»f J at k*t»u county *in»-e la*t • I« iirnmi free cuiuage to supply th«* demands there all the insignia of conquest of bargains mude by friends of Sena­ i vpot t in the '1 uiihgs: «»f h'lsi hvms : ami that all money i*sm-d by When their prixluets come here, and torial candidates, bills are passed or where they were again stripped, ami b b 4 4 4 4 th*- government be mude legal tender for the back of each was tattooed in < ii.nl. - M. ami L J. Muuk. r I«» J.iuu'8 those of our industry return, then defeated according to programme, ap­ on all dd»t* both public am! private. | Meckel, h of NW ’ 1, and ita 1 aud ! India mk the sacred mark of tbe The­ Eigiitii—We direct the attention of the will scarcely be a laltorer upon the pointments under the State are prom­ ♦. tp .!t>, S If I U . I At' and l ‘ Kj Acres, con hi voters of Oregon to the record of the dein«»- pin»* forest he is clearing but will wear ised, aud the whole work of tbe ses­ ta Nu. The initiation closed with a i 11«> MJ «•irttii party on the subject of ('hinese immi­ general shaving of liair from tbe face, W .-reli 1 .«wlgr No. 1». A E A A. M. to gration; ami we demand the strict enforce­ upon his back. Io his very shirt, tbe sion aud the whole conduct of State head and body. A wild aud hilarious ! « h trie., Nickell, 11 27.:. Masouiv Mthiilioii t ) b b ment of the Scott exclusion a< t. ami th«* pass livery of Manchester. Why, they will affairs for the ensuiDg two years are Jacksonville. called a banquet closed the age by «-«»ugress of further rigorous legisla J. U ami J G .ft to be conquered; for they will work for made to binge upon the election of tbe debauch night's orgies. ti«»n which will prevent Chinese from enter­ , I riel No. 36, laml iu •• uh , aud what cau the conquered do b b United Slates Senator. ing «»ur territory by evasion nf th»- law ' 2‘ , a res. «•.»n fl. Ninth—That we hot «>nh favor tbe forfeit more for their masters?” This pas­ With the election relegated to the 5». V J tcobs and uiiw --ml J " .luvob«» to • 1OO IU ward S1OO. ure of the Northern l’a<-ifi<* railroa«! laud sage. and more of the same tenor, is people no such condition of,things is Mrs. T. E. orott, it 3. Llk 19. to.vu oi Ct ntral b b grant from Wallula t«> i'onlaml, but we also Point, «- oh >■..'<«’. The readers of the T iihn . r will t»e A rich man may buy a fu««»r the immediate nm «»mlitioiml forfeit­ sp<* i(dly comuund»*] to the attention possible. Llizam tli l.a«enl>urg to Nam-? \niersun, ure of nil um-arned land grants ami the of our g<*xl Gov. I'euuoyor, who has Legislature, but he cannot buy tbe pIvHAed to learn that there is at ¡«»st i It in the \ ¡H h ^ c of Phoenix, « «ill .*7. hi b b restoration of the lands to th«- public d*> b b J t.mi M. Happ to 1». 1’. Brittain, land in idv<*-:it<4 to the farmers of Or-*g<>n P mple of u State. The very bi ! Kilgore, , blk 6, town of that the government should provide with a field of Britain's traile dominion, like the elections of Senators in many OMiHtitntioual disease, requir&a a consti­ Ashland, con fl. liberal hand for the want* of those who suf Ireland and Imlin, by a friend who States of the Union the elections of tutional treatment. Hail's Catarrh B. 1 . ami M J. Reeser to H. B. Carter, It It-retl by wound and disease in tin* late war, The World fCnriclae«t. ' <>. Highland Park ’met, cun <73. was, at the very date of Mr. l-'ox’s Representatives have uniformly beon Cure is taken internally, acting directly ami HktiwUe of sudi « hath•* W. L«» The facilities of the prenent day for Were deprived of their natural protectors sp»s-oh, toiling in th» pine woods of free from anything of tbe sort. If tbe upon the blood and mucous surf aces of 1 ¿an. It 23. city of Ashland, eon > the avstem thereby destroying tbe ami siipporti-r. But it should he remember J. F. and 1. Hoge: « to eit -, t.’k 32. Woolen the prodiction of cv.*ry tiling that cd that in this behalf wc hnv<* already been Oregon, wearing literally, to 1ns very people of California can tie trusted to foundation of the disease and giving will conduce to the material welfare ami lilteral beyond piecedent in th«- civilize«! siiiit. the livery of Manchester, while elect six Representatives there ia cer­ additi'.ii to uitv of Athlam . e«»u 4L the patient strength l»y buildinc up \V aud H Mitchell to • K. KLim. -liare comfort <»t mankind arc almost unlimit­ world, and we insist that in legislation and able bodie-l, strong men were work tainly no reason why they could uot the oonstitutiuu and aaaistinc nature in in tl.»-original ilargadim* wat«r dit« -h, <-«»ii ed and wh»*ii Sy tup »»f Fig* was tirnt pro­ administration touching pensiou artai’s re- 1 j mg with him for five dollars per u-ontb vote honestly aud intelligently for two doing its work, l’he prorietors have so Il­ duced the world waa enriched with the gai -t be lia«*rvi«*e an«! i ami salmon and potatoes. That was li ■*. am! < Euu-iy to <» A t R. R . 1 nu much faith in its curative p».wers that senators. meritorious nec«*ssity. We are «>p «livuled 4’Jth share in ea* \*lilaml w uter only perfect iaxitive kn »wn, a« it in the present they offer $l(k) for any case it fails to only remedy which in truly pleaHHij» and pn«M-'l to all mua*'>res which draw no dis the comlitiou of labor here in the b b 'lih II, « Oil |.M>. cure. Send for list of testimonials. tinction between tho veteran in the field I lower valley of the Columbia when Merit Wins. c. K. aud L. H. Klum t< <». A < , R. R . retrenhing to the taste and prompt t nd and the camp follower or adventurer in th«* Address, F. G. CHENEY A Co , Toie “home-builders” crossed th»* interest in ea t Ashland \ vuter dH» h, COU effectual to cleanse the sy-turn gentiv in rear a* in\mlving a cruel wrong to the sol j the do, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. 4 4 We desire to sav to our citizens. tbHt the Soring time or. in fact, at any time dier ami a uauton waste of the peopl«- s Iilnius ami mountains, to make goo-l k E ami U. Hill to <) A <’. K R. < o„ and the led ter it is known the more pop­ money. the title of this country for the United for years we have t»een sellin« Dr. King's Colombian Greed. 1 10 hare in ra*t A*hla i-l water ditch. ular it I m C o DI i ' n , New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Ueveiilb—We urge upon congress the con $ »<>. passage of *u1- gat ion his horse accidentally ran over and \I.M»rc. U », ol NF. *4 of sv«* 2-., tp37, * R 1 E, loiviiig tough story: George McCor­ Twelve Wo favor ’he adoption <»f an that ever received a royal eharter. It faction. We do uot hesitate to guaran I am -mlment to the Federal c«niutituti< I; 1 \\. 3 -o iu'ie-% c«»n HOb. * pels us to zealon>ly uplmld the rights of the trade destroyed all rivalry, mid did P. Paley tn Janies Abraham*. I ■. «»face company, informs us that while re­ slat«*s at home prompt* us to Impe fùr the not advance tbe condition of its trial»- popularity purely on their merits. Chit­ and remorse, and hunting up tbe wood Bros., druggists. 16. tp S R I W, 340 acres, «'«in placing min of the trestles destroyed establishment of nome rule for 11« lami. mother gave her all the money he Slate of <>i«*g«»n lo Wm Jon«-*, W‘2ofsc<* by the recent heavy snow slides in tile Fourteenth— B-iug profoundly imnreaaed subjects one iota, but inexorably fixed happened to have aliout him (amount­ '•». ip*»2, S R 1 W, ,k0 n«-r«‘*. <■<»n ■? 1'*' with the conviction that the chief pillars of the price of what it bought and what Knasian* Settled California. vicinity of Mt. Shasta the drop- Wm. Joy«-* to James Abraham. WL, of -e<’ our republican form of government are au it sold, and that course it would have ing to aliout $40) asu balm to Manage •i, tp 32. s R 1 W 3A» acres, < <»n |8ÜÜ weigld or hammer of tlit* pile-driver elightene«! yeomanry and a free ami honest “It is generally known,” said Gener­ her grief. .•'tute of Oregon t<> George Hamilton, F.’2 broke and was rentlered useless. At exercise of the effective franchise, we pledge continued bad Americans submitted al Sherman the other day, “that the A tew dn)s later, riding along the «>f svc.'t», tp 32, S It 1 . 3_’D afres, con to a free trade ¡xilii-y. the democratic party of the stale of Oregon George Ilmnilton to Jumus Abrahams, the time it occurred communication to the «'ordial support ami i»d\am «»meut of Till« country was redeemo»! from Russians were tbe first settlers of Cali­ same road, be saw ahead of him E‘of seu üi. tp32. Sit I W, 320 a« res, con with Sacramento was impossible. ourcx«'«^ent <*«unm«>n scho«>l system; to th«* fornia, but it is nevertheless a fact. another child squatted iu tbe sand in **MO. Without the drop th<< driver coQhl uot passagew effective law« for the prevention free trade by men who came hereto When I visited .Sebastopoo I met a precisely the s(s>t »here the other State of Oregon t«i riios. Crowley, EL2».f of tnv e««rrupt use of money in <*k‘<*tii»us aud rule it in their own interests, and be us. <|. McCormack finally decided *«-c 3t’», tp XJ, s R ’• W, 320 acres. « ou young artillery officer of the Russian was killed. Dismounting to investi­ tiiv ena< tment of sjch nmusnres as will se Th«»*. Cr«»w lev t«» James Abrahams E‘7of to utilize a large rock or Ismlder,of « lire to every voter the right to cast a ballot . though it would have been harder to urtny, who made the statement aud gate ho discovered that the little thing see 2»>, tp .’>3, s R 3 , 3’-'i ucr«**, « « hi fs , tp33. S R 3 W, 3.0 to re*. < <»n $400. ing nearly t'kklpounds. It had a knob l'-gi-lntive assembly oi the bill drawn by the P. (»carili t«> Jjimv* Abrahams, W1^ of s«»c and la catnas, instead of salmon, po­ Turkish man-of-war, which couveye»! may Is- sure, but again sought the Reform League of Oregon. or bill at one end between which and Ballot ri«'», tp 33. > K 3 \\ , 320 Hi res, con |S00* Fifteenth -W«* are in favor of the regula­ tatoes alni I lol led wheat. The [xwiresl me into the harbor. Shortly after our mother, who proved to be the same >‘.nie of Oregon I«» Frtiuk S-uner*» S’., of ai d the main Laly of the rock the tion of railroa«!* ami other transportation I of these bills of fare was rich com­ arrival a lioat. containing a young of­ one to whom be had lately given 84»I sc<- I*» tp33. S R 3 VS. 320 acres, «'on |400 lifting chain was fastened. The im­ ag«'tu,ies bv law. ficer aud several men, came up to tbe and appeared to lie m waitiug. Frank Soiners t » J unes \brahams, S’2 of provised hammer worke. tp 33, S it 3 W, 320 a<*H *. coll |l"’i He proeeede.1 to liletw ber back­ Sixle« nth We condemn the extravagance sands poor Irish farmers anti laborers coming aft to where I stood, saluted wards iu good, round Yankee terms St ate of Oregon t" Wilhelm Fl«»bv«-k. W’2 ily mi'll the third »lay, when an outer of *c 16. tp 32, S R I \y , 3*20 aci«**. con * 100 covering of about two inches in of th«* last legislature whereby the taxes of but one short year after Mr. Fox niadt- me, aud stated that bis orders were to for her careh-asneea, whereii|Hin the Wilhelm Fh»: a « !; to J hiik - s A hrnham-. \V ’ 2 thickness shattered ami H-*w oil, re- the people were greatly increase«I ; the ex- his brilliant speech. It is the nature pen.iitur«' of >10,000 tor clerk hire (a large report to me for duty. I inquired if creature merely shrugged ber shoul­ j of •«.<■ P’». tp 32, s R I W. ;-10 .icre*, con v» aling I lie ih-trified trunk, neck and portion of u lii< h was paid for services never of a trade war to compier its subjects there were any hotels iu town. He re­ ders uli.l indicated in the most who * E i’ M«»r*«‘ to <» ' , hil lings nudivi b l L, by almost imperceptible degrees. It perform««!) am! th«* scandals growing out of i inter« *t in l«»i of In ni in A*iilaml, Jn< k*«m head of a hiiniati being. The re­ ’he "clerk system’’ introduce«! by the re I lx*gins with lh<*delusion of cheapness, plied tlist there were two, neither of oeut an»l bustiKtwlike mauuer imagin­ ; county. Ureg«»n, them very good, but oue was better able that it was more money she I! IL ami H. H. < arter to 1’s‘ly I. Van mains were evidently th-ise of an In­ publican partv call loudly for reform Seveutwenth We approve of declaring ami ends with the laborer working for than the other, aud that he bad taken wuuteil, not the baby, and that there I \ 1« « s. it s. itlk I >, Summit addition touiiy dian who in life apparently weighed a bare existence without a reasonable 1 )>f A*hbmd, » l”0. between ti*HI and 300 (Ktuiids. The eight hour* a legal «lay's laixm in factories, were a niimlter of other olive branches , O A i t'O to J.»Im S Me. k Its 1,13.11. chest, neck and faoe were as perfectly mines ami workshops ami u|»on public hope of a better conditiou. The his­ the liberty of aecunug Hcnmimoda w«»ik*q ami we also favor laws giving tlie tory of Ireland from the act of union lions at it for me. I then got in his laml whom she would like to dispose of on 1 . bik II ami It* 1. 2. blk S. ami Its <♦, 10. >dk pr> served as if embalmed. As «<>oii laborer a tirst lieu on the product «>( ills ' I. I: R addition to <-ity »»f ^shÌMml. cun $>70. in 180() to 1840 tells bow slowly but and went ashore with him. 1 hiring similar terms. T. II. and S. P. bailey to Mary Shores, th« discovery was made tin* remains lnlor. Eighteenth Wedenounce the convict con surely the home industries of a peo­ the passage of the boat from the ship Inud iu sec 26. tp 37. s R 2 W, 10 acres, < «>n were disconnected from the machine Ilow He Managatl It. tract system a* it now exists ami arraign the ple conquered by trade |x>wer die out. to the dock 1 inquired where he ’ |G0«). iepubii<*an party for having fa«tene«i it upon M. Ih and M 1 Murphy to J. !.. Murphy, and buried in a grave beside till learned to speak English. “Iu the spring of 1885,” writ«** Mr. It was forty-four years in the case of th«-state t«> the detriment of our liouest la ; undivided '4 Intriust in E',of SE’4. ami track about a mile north of Mott. “In California," he replied, and when Earutet Marx. Sioux Falls, Dakota, Ireland, b«*tween a prosperous diversi bor. \W'4«»fE\ of sec .22, tp U, S R W.100 questioned, stated that he was Imrn under date of March 3, ]t*N9, “I was Nineteenth—We favor such state legisla tied industry and a community strug MORE THAN acre.*, «'«»n -S’” A Safe Investment. ti«»n as will require the election of an in J. and C Panter t»> 1.« \ i Sut’on. It* x. !?. there, years before tho gohl fever or employed in cutting wood on h small I a one which ih guaranteed to bring tp«** tor of w eight* and measures, and legis­ gling to pay the rents from Irish Mexican war. His father at tbe time str»-uni in Iowa. When I l**gnn work . - ■ ¿7 tp B R ■ ■ Bud ' SEVEN HUNDRED acre*, con Lb” I”. y »n satisfactory résulte, or in case of lative provision for the appointment of sani­ farms by selling all tbe beef, butter, i Bnrragv I«» Garfield Iron s -1 LLim failure a return of purchase price. On tary and buiidiug inspectors u> Incorporai mutton, pork, mid wool in England, of tbe meeting was a Well-to-do mer­ the stream was frozen, but it liegau different styles iuid difier- chant of Monterey. He said further thawing, and I was obliged to work in « •».. ,*l-:»4 <»f N W«, aud SW\ .»f NI- 4 ami i this safe plan you can bay from our ad­ e«l cities. Twentieth—We point with pride to the ami living tbe while ou oaten bread a. •'». sec 10. tp S R 3 V». ls| ami 1 vertise«! !>niggist a bottle of Dr. King’s wise, conservative an«! clean administration (glad to get tlial) |>otaloes and btitler- that the Russians had settled on the wet shoes, half h day. This brougnt ent kinds of Stoves fcr River l»»t N< 1 New Discovery for Consumption, It is «>f (ioveruor Sylvester Pciiuoyer, ami to the niilk when the failure of tho potato present site of San Frauciseo twenty iHl severe rheumatic pallia :n my limits • ’.»'. 10ù a» r» *. Coll ♦'U.INMI. Heating and Cooking are S J Ri» i .tird«üti to .1 W. ![»■ k» i*mil h. guaranteed to bring relief in every case, *<*nipnloiisly honest management of the fi­ crop caliseli uieu and women to lie years liefore the gold fever. At that and swelling in my tmp, etc., etc. It is a contidt nt assurance that it merits aud will I fat of the lami was Ix-iug carried to • * s < . M R»*v »1 and wife t> » Morri- >. Miller, ; tbe traile victors in Eiiglsmi. Then tic hunters. M lieu I asked him bow thankful.*' pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfect ­ receive their cordial endorsement. R 2 U , 3*4 a<*.'«*>*. ’ lami iu m . ». tp co sort or kind of Store c Twentv first—W»* emphatically declare it men like Mr. Fox tried to relieve tbe he had wandered so far away from ta ch ly safe, and can always be depended up­ I < <»n 11 rae a,0.. •’«eve, from to I)*- the M*nse of the democratic party of home, be replied that every year tbe E. B Hinn-alrer will unpack un ole- ole Gunnison to berniis corners, land on on. T ria! bottles free at Chitwood a-ost expenaire bu, „ t th»-state of Oregon that ill th«* vet«» of the disi rosa, which Miss Martineau in her H» li-.aii >lr< ef. cit v of A8h’.:i’t• -<4. " f< .• W nod NE1 iu the executive, ami upon the question for England, and they are yet work­ tbe matter, aud 1 assure you that for a d 888 tfc- of NE 4 of Ip R 2 W, i u» acre- thereby rai*eerj» *22 ing for ber, with just a gleam of hope time it rather suprued me.”—(N. Y. fled u'i.vc support. tp >, > R 3 W. 319 and 'C 100 acres. that Glmistone will, inconsistent with Herald. U. S. PATENTS. ins free trade theories, salire to them Fever- Darby’* Praphj lartic Fluid. to Win S hultz. N E ‘4 of er 12 in tp ; tbe right of home rule in their trade < ? W. HO H< 7» N At this fu»ason of the year the most ■ as in other relations, such as Canada I'seit in »vary siok room. Will keep I' r to 1» ill s W <»f X w 1, and N vigoroQ* and hearty people often have and the Australian colonies enjoy. ths ntruosphare pare and wholesoue; f > w a foeliiHj of wearin»*a% tired and worn removing all bad odors from every R 1 W This paper is too long to touch out, without aiubition to do anything, souroe. Will durtroy all disease germ*, •* \i i upon India, wheie doliti Bull, while and many break out in pitupieg and » ( s infection from sit fevers and all oonts- b :!s. Wbat you inquire ih a mild tonic sending ins . cruisers upon the high gions diseases The eminent physician. in«-dtcino that will act gvutly on the seas to wrest from miserable Arab J. Mariou Suus of New Y->rk, aaya: “I hv<*r and blood, and for thin nothing pirates morn miserable individual wild am c mvin ied that Prof. D irby's Pro­ equals l>r. G inn’s improved Liver P i II h . I Africans, keeps two hundred and fifty phylactic Flaid is a moat valuable dis 2 i. b- t. • l tiev tfive an activity to tho liver, pur V > I.» U 1. L.I1 •» \ • «.f N 1< >. und S 1 million« of trade sulqects, trade slaves, infuctant.” if\ the hhMxi and by their mild tonic <.f M-.- 1 W ’ of N F. ‘ è. H i N W ' . OÍ S E ♦ ♦ ♦ 7 tp * K 1 E i ■» acr« *. actiouTjive new vp’Uit v an.l st renjrth to “working for uh ,” as Mr. Fox said that A New Cause. buril cf slovt-s and ranges just ret'oived. Tir sn 1 C S !.. H» nr \ • r' d»-i S ' .. nf N E the entire s'lteui. Sold at ?.'» cts a box Oregonians should do, tiut which I N of S E ' x ». f •• <• t.1* L, siI; .• w . bo ■ Observers in mauy of tbe small hope and tiust they never will do. by I • K. Itolt-on. a r» s. No, rather than that, us an Oregon cities at tbe East that are lileeHod with ■ H . -, W ’ . S i :1, of se. i F S t » Jat farmer, t* a citizen of the United shade trees have noticed that those 3“, ti 6 S l<3 G , -■»• I« - V«. Emperor William Change* hi* Policy. ’.h ■ îei- W '» an«! s ’ . f N r. • » • f *e» 21.1p Berlin tal:e tbe oppo­ ah-l that « a future possibility. M. as men ue»-d sleep. There m *<- u > s to site course regarding the tir*i of May I, N u be some reason in snpp-imug that the Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ ■ demonstrations. Forty halls that had uearueaa of tbe electric lights is the tem effectually, ls colds, head­ of Absolutely Pure. already been rented by lalxir organi 1 Mr. J F. Manter*. Unahier of Emiuiit cause of the dnaipiug of the trees, for aches and fevers and cures habitual This pow«bT never vAries A marvel zationa will la» closed May day, all A- Co.'» Bank at Waverly, Ol>i>>. bays: similar trees, not exposed to auy oth­ constipation permanently. For sale . I. It Ibi of purity, strength an«l whnlesmnenvafi- bqtior saloon.* will lie com(r> lied to **i consider I’limula-rlaiii a Gough Rem­ er illumination than that of the sun. in 50c and $1 bottle« by all edy the beat I Live ever used Afur M«»re v' OuoniicHl than the ordinary kindF. an«! uhim«»t be « d I I in competition with close, s'reel gat hetiugn will be fortud- u mg several other kinds, without ben have uot been affected in any way, aDd druggists. Robert 1 Süeciil Attention to Graining 21, iti tp 3t: th«- niuititnd« of low te*t, fhort weight ; d» il, m fact Berlin will le» declared in efit. I tried it and it quietly cured me are bright and strong.—[Ex. I alum or phosphate powders ’■>!' Fine liue kangaroo and calf aboea I shed is apprehended by tbe authori­ uate cough and throat trouble.'* »AM FAAMCISC0. CAL. working shirts oui) 50cts. at Wall rtreat. N. Y. IS FETTE« n* FAVE<»RI»EK> a Smhh - * touisriut, kt . u» roan, «.r. cent bottles fur sale by Chitwood Broe just rac’d, at Blount’s. ties. 14 in Bi ui.t’s. * E d mi ture stare U4> WOULD YOU A Soutdor Ingalls, tho President pro tern, of tbe U. S. Senate, is credited with the following expressions in a late interview of a reporter: •‘Cleveland will lie the Democratic nominie in 1892, even if New York should lx* divided or against him. This is inevitable; it is written, lit- will be first, and the rest nowhere. The Dt iuocnu-y never had such till ideal ex olient mid representative. llis dull, heavy, |>ouderons wooden platitudes, laboriously written a ml committed to memory; Ills shallow conceit, llis !i!T,*ctation of wijdotu, purity ami patriotism, tiuf leverem-e like that which a Chinese laundrymsn feels for illb joes. “Senator, you have nai l that the Democratic administration L-fL uo impression on history. What illl- pr. hsions have th.- reoeut Republican iiilmuii: (rations h it?” was ie>ked. “I ii.luiil,” th»- Senator replied, i “Uiat. w»> are it nation w Inch for the past dozen years ii >e had no history. In fact, wo tiave never ha»i a lietlued, aggn ssive Am»-ri<*m ixilicy." “Wliat is your i lc-i of an Ainerieaii I policy ?’’ “The American |xdicy should have for its object th»» iiiiilieiitioii of the continent. The Bolar sen should lx- the northern boundaiy of the repub­ lic, am I the southern bo-indary should I k * the inter-ocean canal. Look at tbe existing conditions. We have practi'-ally reached the limit of our agriculturid domain. We have but Ki.iKkl,000 acres of arable lauds left. ! "We are approaching that period s|x>ken of by Macaulay as dangerous to republican instituí tons, when tbe vaet migration to these undeveloped regions will have ceased, ami when the artisaus aud toiling m isses con­ centrated Bi the large cities will have uo outlet for their surplus numbers and no demand for their labor. I might say that the Americ-.n idea is hemispherical rather than continental. “We have now continuous lines of railroad to Mexico. The uext stop will be an iron highway in the valley of tin* Amazon. I exp«*ct to see the valleys of the Mississippi linked to­ gether by th»- great agency of motlt-rn civilization. The overflow of popula- tion will thus find ("Mo-tul liehla of protit-ilile effort. Harrisou*H admin­ istration has I h - cii much more sue- i-»-s«ful thus far than Cleveland’s was at the eu»i of his first y ear.” DEMOCRATIC STATE PLATFORM a POWDER The democratic party of the .state of Or tgon. in convention assembled, reuew their pledges to deniucietie principles and enun­ ciate the following declarati«nis: Fiist- vVv (ongraiulah- the democratic party iti thisand other states upon the sig nal victories in the general electiou in Iowa. Ohio and lUonh* Island, and the municipal elections m id ret« fitly throughout the I’u- nion . and we bail th«- retmlt« as a certain harbinger of the disintegration «»f that partv which, championing the cause of special interests an«! privileged classes, is bound together only by the cohesiveness of public plunder, and of the preferment of that unieh ha* ever stood for tile equal rights of the whole people. Kee«»nd—W«* deuounev the f’aud by which the pv«»pie of Montana were «leprived of their right of iepre*vntatiun in the I nit«-d $tat« s Senate b• senators of their choice. 'I bird -We In'lieve in equal t igl ts to all and special privih gestouotic, ami lhereiorc favor a tariff for revenue, limited to the expense* of tie government economically ;u!miiiisterc