STAU’. VM» TOAST NOTES AMI NEWS ASHLAND TIDINGS 1*. Ilnntiimtou, riMcutly *'l«'**t*>»l Friday. . . .. J/»r*7 25. pr.'sitb-nt tli** Suitli»*in 1’iciti**. Iia>- •.viit* "ii a letter to Senator Sti.ufor.I, R*\ hiatl. in xxhlcli be W'X k : “Tile reiiMrkg xvliu'h The coiiimittee appointed at the l re'eiitlv made at the Southern i*a Tiie elk w. n* s*> thick in Jackrioi.'s **lt'u* iriiar'l meetiuij, III|4 eri|ie,'liilly th** recent h '*. ii > ii of ttie I’te l.yti-ry of >:i of the lloie tin-* wint.'* that tlw*-.* ttl.-r * had pliras*' which r« lateri to tl»* campaign Southern < >ri'^."I on K. v: to guard t!>.*ir lev s’ l-k-* at night. ' iiriCH of the eonipa'iy’H, liaxa* Coiiferision of Faith brought in the Th- y ** in b* thousand«. |K:un- t-x-ii <*oii.**truA.l ii. Home quartern as a following rep >rt: "Bel'ering that no duty c.nild pos­ tn* k. I lah". Bugle. per-oiuil attack on yon. Allow me to sibly la* iiiijH».-*« « 1 up >ii n committee N* wh cun *-, savs the Prineville say that I gr»*atiy regret tbia liupr.- -ion, Hince 1 *11*1 uot iut. ii.l to make involving greater r* . |»>u**ilnli'y. and N. ws. tha’ a man living on Buck creek that UO subject coll III la- I'Oli.-advr* d n *ar tiie s >ut i :■*’ corner of th** e-.Un­ any such remark or charge that you of more vital import tine to otlr ix aetuailv wintered forl v head of I had used the companj’s money to ad­ church at large than that which the vance your jiersonal interests in any eat*|.* on w illows. He mixetl salt with impro|>er manlier, and 1 am salitied revision movement invo!v*">, we do tli<* fc,*.!. and ev.-ry hoof of Ins stock that yon have not doue so. Allow me herein express our desire licit asit- got throngli in tine shape. here to express the wish that olir rel - isfactory and hariisi’iious result may W.oming. vvli.e«. cliaiiees for a.lmw lions may <*oiitinue as friendly hereaf­ be the issue of this movem-nt; that s*on -n**» tin* muon are very good, is ter as they have heretofore. The the unity of our church la* not im­ f .r fi.>m Ling a I» .by in size. Its board of directors of the South­ periled; ami. tlmt all her interests area is larger than Oregon and its r**- ern Pacific oompany unaniuiouslx may la* eonservial ami enlarge*! in soiire. a ar.* rich and varied. I' isesti passe,! r.*Holutions, thanking S.'nator building up and exteuding the King mated that tl.*- |M>piilation at this Stanford for bin niaiiagvtneut of the doin of our li'deetnei throughout the world. Ami further, the I’ree timei- aironi 11.\ i * h >. < »ne-sixl h ot company while he was president. bvtery of Southern Oregon, while tin la : «i covered with timlier, ami On the subscription list of every reaffiiining their unswerving loyal)v it has a cal area double that of Penn­ may l>e found occasionally to tile system of doctrine contained sylvania. It - muiei.d r.-s.iurcet. are its newspaper the name of a siilwcrilxT dishonest in the Confession of faith; ami re­ soar. •— of Wealth. enough to ho|a* and silly enough to cording itself, as opposing anything l'iu|Hpia l’.'tcr. *S to : like a tendency to mar the integrit) oj i under U 1. John U. 1 i"iin>ut in the paper has liectane large, al) be has of that system; do, for t he following ftu^M Xb ’.ill war, ani In« just l»*ii to ilo is to semi a <**>py back with tin ....¡i reasons, answer th** firs, .pit-stion of pi nsion of Ss p,-r mouth. word “B»'fnse*l" written thereon. But tlie a-s.-mbly’s overture in tin* affirm ; many Indiali* have so notable a l lie pa|s'r still goes to his address a** ative. reo »rd. cording to giskl American law, am! "Ihi yon de*-irv a revision of the not until an attorney comes around to < s.iifessioii of Faith?" Yes. W. Tarlton, matiagcr of the .•ollect that little debt at the eX|>ens. 1st, Because we find, as has b**en l*rui* vil’.o hiiul an;! st<»ck company, <>f the dishonest fool does he discover dlege.l, the eoiifession c .iitnins cer­ was kill* ;l oil the 16th ins!., Ht»v»*uly- five »iili»** southeast of I I »* Dalh'S that Ins artfilliiess was merely am us , tain “infelicities of expression" to li«* left hi.* l <»m<* on th«' Msoldy Hi a ing. Th.'li h<* s«s*s wliere the laugh liable to la1 liiisunderstiaai by the un­ I>ilrk!»o:ir«l h I mhi ? M a. m.. an I was dis- I'oim s in, but lie don’t get any of it , learned, us to perplex the ministry « n . v < t »*<1 «h*a i at 2 p. m. He follow»*«! It isn't the silly rogue's turn to laugh, by requiring from them frequent e.\ iml liesiilcs. lie is too busy to |>eal his planation. tli»'( any»»ii <’ity roml six milt s, tiu*r. gums just then. |Klamath Star. 2*1, Because certain statements of Iurti«'«i <»n a hy-roml koi’igl’» one X A X "> ¿V *-\v leí ; AL Al»\ ERTI S EM EN TS. LEGAL KDVERTISEMI NTS Sheriffs Sah* Sheriffs Sale In the < irvult t «»art of the >tal<* of < »r«.*u» n lui the county of .la» k ' ■ . Frank < Ligkiuue, R. R. < ]t . a.?*. Mar íTiigeag»*. Barnet >am •'.nan. Jan»- '.victi­ man, Jess«» Sherman. Ila; riut *hcrmnn. J. Milhr .Moiliu ’»Tiller, «oor^ M..«».«• ami Ma_g.e M »or«-, h< .1 a« law oi James < Ing gage, du« « a*iarrh®a, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, aud promotes di* __ - ;_ * r Without injurious medication Tint C bntai a C ompany . 77 Murray Street, N. Y Cl I IT W CC D Bl iOS Itl til 1 if P! • '.Hirt ««. llu* *!•»<• of <»r«ar»ii h u Ih»* t «»uu!j <»f Jackson. W N Lu k.-’ aiul J W \lnut <»f W. 11 W’iukhani,I plaintiff*, ’.aniar-l, ¡t. «•.»-!*- in favor ot -nui < Bv virtue ••i;m e\« « uliou and «I«« !« « «»f iiul bv- virtue «»I a writ of ex**t lefeiidaitl Illi ill duly X ni » I m - a i..:v* I N f.ireuloxUl't dlliv L*«UV<1 «* .( of tile above • U i-*u»*«i on’ of «ai*l e««urt on Ihi »lav of tilled e<«urt. hi tlie above uniul «1 cau*c. !•> April, Is’.hj, t«« nu* «lire id -th.I «1« Till - ¡¡\i .<•«' 11 nic ■: heeled aiul <1« 1« v t re*I. li< lit • khani. . assignor to J. W. Ahititl of .*uit and th* further <«»*’.> aiul a« «ruing to wit; «•«..-!-of mid upon thi* writ. I did upon llu- < «»mmeiiciug Ht a |»«»int >«'h:iin» tUTth «.f llthda) of Ma ■ 'h. l lev., u , mui all the I he corimr u«»mrm •n iu *«*eli«»!i* K, .». hi an«! tallowing du*ei ilad n al pi«»p«*rty, to wit 17. tow ii.*hi|» o.’, S R 1 E. W M. JM(k*«.’i ’I hat curiaiu l«»t «»( ground situated in. «•ountv, <»i'cU<»ir. ' tiiuiicu *«»utli «>7 «luîjiue-. SEWING MACHSNZ NiCOLES Jackson « iuintv. (>ru/«»n, de-« ribed a- tai wu-t II and • I’ ni uliftin*. theiiuu wt st 27 AMl SUF-PLItS. lows: < omnuynuiug at a point <»n the • a>t an«1 1.' 10” chain.* - llu nee n«»rth eb:ht line of Oregon *ti«*ei«»r roa«i leading ft• >m rods; tliunee < a*t 27 find ki - km Jacksonville to Willow spring-, 2.4» feet chain.*'. thence « H*l «i.xtj seven du4l'u«**. AUTISTS’ - XTATEIUALff north of the m»rtheast corner of F and Ore­ II ami 2 • UM chains; then««* south to the gon st •'vets. which p«»int i* tl'.e math line pin« < of t»» LÍt»nin^. alni ai*«» uoiniiiunuintf of the lot now ocuupit >1 bv David l.i'in, aiul at a l- 'ini - chaiu* n •: th <»í t lu* * ut Pi'i running thence vvith the ea*t ’.inc of <)rev««n eoriHT common t<» suctions * aud 9. I«i an«! street northw ardly by 200 fuel, theli« «* 17. -aid township and range. t hviH*e nor h wardij parallel with «aid F *fruut ti •«' feci r<» »’«7 degru« ua.*t lu to llu* w< *t line of Granite Prescription Department «h ure» * s t'M*l the u« a stukc, thence ¡uigiing to a point on th«* *tr«*«*t; thence northurij northerly al«»mr «nid \ve*t north line of F *tr«*ut. opposite the north-, line «»f Granite street ‘treel to when w here *ai«l Granite ea*1 corner of block No. .W, thence with the ' street iule. *u« t* the ea*t lincof section s. n«»rth line of said F street 2*0 feet It» the suhl township and lanirc: lhenue south on east iMMindarv’ line of David Linn’s lol, said svettali lille 1«» the place of l»e;riniHng, thence northwardlv with the east line ot al I in Jack *«»n «-«»tint j . <»r«*uon, said Gmuite David Linn lot, '¿>o f«*et to the n«»rth liiu «»I »truci in \sltland, *ai«I u«»untj aiul slat«*, Davi'l Linn tat, th«*n« u wr*lwaidlj with (’(»ntaiuinu 11 »lures, more ur les*. Dav ul Linn north line ‘2 tad t«» plac«'<»f A nd u ill ««Iler at public sah* to the high |b*ginning, accouling i*» the corporation est l»iddut for < a*h in hnmi at the <*«»urt plat of *nid tow u of Jacksonville, being tlu* Iunisu door in Jftcks<»uvilh*, (jreg«»n, on *ame ian, « luggage Io - iid R. s Dunlap. \ii«l I w ill otti r for sale to i lie l-igh«**t bid at 2 <• «■!'«« k I* M of *ai«t «Li\, all tlu* right • :dur, for cash in hand at the c«»urt lion*« till«* and intuii* t «d s«i«l «••tate, r«*|»rusent •; . on in ,«h«»\«‘ «i.ii I, I -rim h. J \\ Untiti, a* «igni u. ii. aiul to *aid u*al pr«»p« 11 j , to *al Sat it May ¡, /''bD, i-ij the |udgi!i«*u1 tar $106.1«’» with interest at '2 o’clock p. m. of *aid «lay. all the right from date of judgment at n per « « nt. per | till«' and interest «»f R >. Dunlap, «1« f« uda it, annum, atu! the cos!- nml a< ' ruing cost* of ; in and to Mu* said propurtv. to *aii*f\ ilu* aiul upon frtid w rit 6f « xu< uii«»n judgment in favor «»! plaintitlV a* af«»i«**i:¡«1. Given under m> hand thi* llth day of (liven umler mv Itaiui this 2d dav ot April, 1 WO. J ames G. B iki »* ej , \i»ril. sheriff. Pi. az \(' orner S tore , All Standard Patent Medicines » *-•• 4 n I i 1«*i >»i:> l-.\ p> «•■•* 1 i .1 • o* It m» I > ai I -. BETWEEN I'HliTIAMi i Sl\ FiP.\(W H Ar Iu (•» l.v. 1 . » ■ F. I«! 3'* A. M i \r. .'. Xr- •'*: «i I» 1 F. 11 4» A M l.v. \*hlau*> a M. : t.x. l'orîHnd, l.’ ior *1 l.v. Albany, 2 til i* M ; V r. Eugen«'. I » P. M. II ■ .-'* A. M. 9 (»i r '1 A Harvard Htndent was taught a Rrciprw’.il MeitMire»*. liehavior last Momlay PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPLRS. Th»' wit** an South Ameri­ in a police court, .lames Frank Co*>k, of Toledo, Ohio, a member of the »V MOD 17 l<»N Ot M-.« « ■.'* D < I.\ - I* can importa» which in sul»stanee is as ÜF.D O» EX IRE-* 1HAIN • school of donistry, was arreste*! for foil »ws: ••Tiie presbL'hl h L ih II by proclanrt- disorderly conduct on Saturday night, * F rrv nuik«*s « nniu'ctiAti lie had ls','n reniovinij the si^ns over tion «liM'lar«» aH purls of the 1 niteH w ith all the i. gulur train« <» d ,hu l.a«l side Inv from foot <»f i st.. i,<.r*.’i;!<1 Stades freeloall prodivtsof any intta- a store. He insisted that his act of larceny was n mere “sophomoric pei «lent n i1u»n on tin' American hem’ \\ ••-( side l»ivl«i«>n splu're upon which export duties hi .» trick," but he spent Sunday in a cel), BETWEEN PORT LAND AND CORVALLIS now I pvvm I, hi long a.* such nations a«l- and was lieavilv fined the next moin- inir. In passing sentence th*' ju i^e mit fr»»»» of all «hities. I>r«*adsi nils, pro Team !*;«»!> ! rightly called him a thief and a llltt- visions, prrsei v« >1 ii!» ;ds. tisli, veg *- M. Portland, lieions nit»*hief.miiker. | Ex. ’ fittita. ‘Hid in I.*<•’ .tl! :t11¡«‘les «»f M. Cor\ ; His. r - ? • V fo«» !, lumber, ¡« fin« ! |»’ lroi*»um and Bl)«! l "('. i«nn«-ci w itti R* id’s Piquinini Flower s<*< ds for !t«*li otluT pro*Im ' *H*i»i:'i ir to tlu» r»ti I'.u ilu' Rai!r«»«uL Bule by 1). L. Minkler Ar «Sin's. t’nil*' provided, !*<»wt vt-.r, liiiil t itis <•- »nc«e*si<»!i X r i 9 • a . M 4 «4» F. M i Lv. i'«»rt lami. «hall bppb o’d) to m* rcb .ndisv trans s:Ot» F. m I A: M« Minvili«*, l.v | 1 < a . m M'a Aaro the Exclusive Control of j»orted in vessels of th«* I nited States, the r; t < 1.« TL»- iiuhcatioiiH were The nationalist party in California doctrine or excess * if statement, are «»r of l lu» oi urr count ries »»nt«'ring into Through Tickets to all points that th»* »• tin h;nl »hied wlwre the is split into two factions. The se- so eqiiiv.1 in some far*s «»f South A'liuiica rom- ” I h • S :i! h A 'n *i e an COilll- h»* wa> thr««v.H out aiul dia*rj*e. t iu. appiy t<* • •»iiip.oiv > t > Ut Mi Vh In the Connty ('<>iiri of the * tab* of (>r«*g «n, gun for Ja k*«»ii «•■ »mi! \ 4th, Bi'catus* vve believe we have timi inipoit sk >,* 1 h >,1 ‘ ri ,** hm I,, **:*ly lh« wi . k «ip io w R«*r»* found, tw«« i be election of I mted States semitor*- B I. Messenger. I'lainlitl', \ *. ¡1. \. < iuu. ior the count\ «>f Jackson mil. s tr« at tl. D«..iy uim I n ar th»* i.y a direct vote of the peopl**, ami th. the men of sutlieiently consecrate I aluHP I»1 I 1 <« •»!. « i uhi* li in pur ia the mal «er «»1 1 Iu* «*t.i1u of Alexander defendant F I K< oGl'.Ht.Ell. rhas“d ei th»R eoiintry. There i* ih * lanch. 11«' if *, k. r».rbi I»»^ aiul n\fht h< ur«*i, «1« ct a*u«l. 11 idopliou of the Australian ballot sy-- ability to bring the reh. f whi"h a con­ \* t »i. I A Í Mai.ukpr. Ry virtue of an evwufion duly i**u»*d piaidii •»• »■ i»reaS<' N iti* •• i* ben l»\ given tlmt th« admini- atm vo re broken, and th«» head and lem and other measures. servative revision dviii.tuds. v*>titl in th»* out of tiie above Iratorof the r*ta1e <»i Aluxunder Slu urur, Wile.J 1 III br 'l *i*.l l litdi'g 11 above entitled To the M*tN»nd question in th*' ps - eoiinli t**. • au*v, t«> me <1i ».j»«»;1!«!» rs w• IN Li i:«.‘ «si. c< ii'C«l, bn - Iih*«! in '.I d - « ountj u«»in t «»!' J•»• k <-«>tnintintili S5 in i’.ir•: »1 was 12 ye is old and can*v son uoiinlx, (>r«g«»ii, hi* linai ,*i<•«••• Mil a* satisfy out «if the |»ei , »uni, ur if * iirtiviviit ili-li itdiiuni-lin! »r. and by H«lur «»f s.tul couhi not l»e found. Ihvfi out <>f th»* r«*;ii fr««m A . t i in 1>?2. ii»* w »* a uu n -*eiit a challenge to a man who was obi respects amt to what ext.' it wo re­ New l**ik is l*y r.' i »* i ; i *>t tr.inn|**>rta- St H.’l L'l’l ES. otirt Tue*«iuy, M.t» »«ih. I nm , at the lumt •»! prop« itj’«»f d«*fenda,»t a judgment n !ld«*”v i ' li $15 in 1 ion tin I a imy <11 of tn> family. His par ills iiv.» ill ■*m>ngh to lx* bis father, has made ridi­ ply, that we refer particularly, to » - M .Dti'cloek, a. hi ., i* s» i i«»i lieiiritD-’. All pur in sai«i court on llu* Mb day of E» bri.;tiy. limns .imi biiion are."MI E;«4l«U!*l, and ‘u 1« avrs a brother in culous Isith him-elf ami the nearly lain '*xpressi* him anil h ! it.-ui'irs us Uli* .Jun* 11 >. Sv sons inter« sle«! are here!»’. tu»1i!i« 1 »90. iu favor <»f B L. Mi *>vitgv. plaimiiF, 'obsolete dale In* invoked. 1 lie Amer ('*>1 Sdii nini *>llr*r Oi'llts per p imnl. well known to la* c*>nt liiu' l in th«' and tile hi* or her obje< I i«»tis !«» * lid ju « o mi An ralia. aiul against insf IL il. A. ' »o**. fiiulaiii. lot Ktcotic Dircctoiy, Asaiint. •an of tin* peri. h I cannot regard du* 1- third ai' Vneri.'im ti ll >ire *i 1 ixiirv owing ni on «»r before sai«l tbtv. <•>» 1 with ¡nicest thereon from datv »«f pl|bli.*liu«l bv .H«lu! of J I Neil. Jiulif« «jf j hta! lent al S an E ran , rsro, \p.ll IS. Th.* I'n- p< : ruin, per annum; with any more reverence thin ihlly. l‘*'lr'*l ti ini: worf li'!'•■••• Petr!*! n i i- woHIr2 ’>.'.‘i*f** T ’ \ i > the exlent ami definite .'orm **f th* -*e tin *lu!y. ot Mani». sni«l court, mud«* thi* I7ih «ia * I V : f «•««st* Hiui the f-.stth« ■ <•<»'!- tin 1 arumiii • ion S*«»ck \ rd* < i ’ m uuiy of Sai. Mark Txvai«> hioks upon feudalism. I I!*>:i .it al rinhnl« l'Iiil'nl* Ipl.i.i ipl.i.i hiiii inni i-> i-* w.iriii w*i I. -ir*'*l changes, vve pu fer t > leave 1* .'i4Ion Anu don’t hav to offer a prize to tell thlt |s.*o. M L. M< < \l.i . .-I n K I Y«H « H Ali i F. N r «•«»sts «»f aiul »q«on 1 said writ. I did, on th* l iai c.s'*» I..»« i».*«»:u*o; por«.»♦ .1 wi oelongs to a time that is hopelessly Goods, for its the BEST if ADE. Every Can hold! Adunili*! rato1. n's :i a iplarl qnarl in South Sonili .Vnem Ameni i. to the wisdom an i skill of tl." a- r :k> . > >iits ’•I li «la j of A pi iL, 1 » *’.»). levy upon llu.* herein ji • i ! •« l ticrtr <>Jt Regular «oliv oeatioiu «»a a capii* ■ flock of S2.-'»o H, t< i ,stale gone over nit** ttie past, an I nothin;* | lily's coiii'iiitt.-e. and t> th“ subs*- In Cinli g*•* e.i'iti'i af1«‘r dcscritasl rei al proprity > f »!♦.*(« rdaiil. next after tht fuil moon. l’.l'lll* »! ’ I h * pr.ilitiilily -d.i »K*- *»n < Jak Timi»» r Land Notice. sal" 1«» tlo highest 1 idd* r and will «»tier tar salt* to the •*»li"C' mg stock *» hsb si «wk vai» is I .•an revive li. I's very language i.- I quon' satisfaction of the Fre-byteri* s tn '!■', U.-nee there wool i lie a market D. R M h . l *. H. I* • a uih ’ ii r tl.f pi »• i t *r*io|j h'»usu door tarcnrii in hand, »it th * court <*. l,K - tQuixotic, oud tin* man who attempt* ail V’ ii is f«»r pale to a num »« r of * pack A. I’. Hammon«!. >«•« y. for I uiie.l St ites oil. As t*> lumber, F nitf . d S tate * L and ofi u ej |l¡.'ill of Hour Bs'sis in Jack*«»ti\ill**, (»r., at'2 o ulouk P M . 011 ing holts, s to I m »« s’ubli*!ied in \; riou> to get revenge by the code or to satiety R«»*!: i '. i - r ., (>! • 'gon. Feb. ?i. !'• ' • ! common pin», hemlock iin.l sprit***« ii> Ciiairni in. Sauti day. May 17, N«»tiue i* hereby gi wn tlial ill c«»:n pliatu•«• ASHLAND l.Oli-.l*: N.». 4M wist cities. Two of them, to ct»st wiiat be calls his wounded honor is ASHLAND. - - OREGON \\ ith the pjuvisiou* of the a« t of < «■ngp'-s all the right, title and iutervst ««ill. A. Tiie ab >ve report was adople*i by worlii 1>> cetitri a foot, ami is more ex- each Vili be erected at the pretty sure to lx* elans rd as a crank. p .«isive thim corrn'rat«*! iron for buil l- Stnh*«I ( olfi »uiiliiiailioll oll «»1 J'iiie 3, IN7s, entitled “Au act fur the * tl«' ( a*«*, deiuiidaut. in and lo said property. the follovv.d 4 vobq *•.■ bi ftirt* ;he fuit m<>«>u. slock yards, \vhi< h will be h»cat«'d a* of timber land* in the «late« of ( ali¡.in.ui de*cf"l»e f«»li(»w*: Attirmativi K“vs. M. A. Williams, ing purposes." E V Mill*. W. M Says a Boston dispatch of April I."»; O: « 4 ’ « »n, Nevada mil U ’ ¡i*hingloii Turrit«»: • Ik ginning at the « enter of Granite street. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. i\»int Pinolo. 1’he he.i I of the com Senator Cliamller, being interview.',I A. C. < iihlwcll. '■• (■rctiii; . J.-*« ph Goodreau, of Klamath (’ity, ('«»unlj Ashland, Ja« kson < «mnty.Oreguii.110 taut A’ i object-glass for the forty-inch l.-le- Medford; F. • *. Strange. Asiiian l; j any is D. J. ILtlg-»*4, pO'sidenl. of thi on the question of reciprocity w th the of siskiyou. State «»f < aiif«»r»iia ha-. ihis ■ ay *.mthv»i*t«*rlj from the inters«*« ibm of < » u i. a s. A. Marcellus, Oakland, Or. t-lock yard at Si«»ux <’i y Iowa. It t • -cope to be mounted at the university til-<1 in this otti'-e hi* sworn «tateuunt, for ter of *ai«l strv rut with Hie section lin<* b<* Bell, Roseburg; \\. A Snuck. K *.■'•- Sandwich Islan.lri, skeins to think that the purchase of t iie N E ’4 of Sue. - u, in I p tween the -.vetions * and township Tiltil»«*«* Land Notice, id*o stated that pecking hoti-es u»Hi in Southern California, was taken t< we i*9. s R I E, an«! will otter pr«»«»fto *how that south, rang«1 1 <-i-t, east, \V. W. M ; theme soutli- It will be th- Im ♦ stiiblish. «I at Loft Angdc.**’, S.m Cambridge to-day. tiie land sought i* ni. rv valuable for i:* easterly along the .enter of Granite str« «-t .Jacksonville. Elders \V. M Mathes, with any country m the western hemi- Horses Boarded end Fed. U nited states L and O ffice , ______ # Diego. P«»rtlaud. Seattle and Tacoma. largest refractiug telescope ever con timber or stone than for agrieiiltural pur ■ 100 feet; theme east to w< st Tank of A >li Phoeuix; . Hoffman, llueeburg; spliere which w.l! adopt our tariff sys­ IL»*i burg. Oregon, Mar. 19th, I s '. mi . i strutted. From its lofty poaitiou in p< »*<•*. and to « *taldi*h his claim 1«» ‘ north we-turly along , land ereek; thence At re«is<*!i?;blv l ;?<•*. Notice is hereby given that in eoiiipliaiicu land before the Rvgi>tur ami Receiver of R« ports r«»mb in of more coal dis­ San Diego it will pierce further into Peter Siinon. Eagle l’oint; .1. M. tem. "If we Wert' assured,” Le stat* e, wiih ’.he prox isi«»n* oi the »u t of Congr« *> of thi*oftiue at Roseburg, (>r., on „Tuusdaj tiie west bank of sai«l creek, folbovinp the the laws would lie enforc'd -that Litark, Ashlaud. to a poiiit east of b< ‘ meandering* thereof. _ cover ies in th»» hili* southwest of the recesses of space than any instrn June ... i *7 n , untitled "An act for tlu- sale of 13th <»f Mio i*9<‘. amilan I) lodge n «» » • ginning; thence we.*! to beginning. Negative Revs. Robt. McLean, there, we could abolish the tariff on ill timber land* in the Stat« s of California, ore Eiig»*n«». I :«i’ii th«' discoveries made ment heretofore designed by hand, Hr names a* w it nc*.*« * Charles Fournier. Given umler mj hand thi* llth «lay «if coming from the Sandwieli gl H klri gon. Nevaila. and V a*liington Territory.'' (¡rant ’ s Pass; Eneas deLean. Med ­ it wonbl s* ♦ !.i that there must b»' a l'be glass was taken to the establish WiLiiim Storey. N J. ( aiifiuan. Gu.-'av April. l>'.to. J ame * g . B ikd i \. Ei lers C. F. Walker, (.rani's Islands, We would Lave to extend («11*1 Dittnoek, of Klamath Citv, County of Habcria«-).. of ¡vlamath City. Cal. sherifl’. good bed of «»«»J in th- >♦• hills. The ment of Clark Bros., who will speml ford. >i*kiy«»u. >tatu of < alif« rnia, ha* thi* day Hold regular nu « ling* uvviy Satur An.' and all persons claiming adver* * ’ v our tariff and our laws to these is ­ tiled in 1 his ollie«* bi* sworn statement for the above describe«! land* are ru«piest. «i to disc«»v«'rit •s have I . n ina«Ie at various nearly two years upon it liefore it will Pass; J. H. Farris, Medford. eveuilic .ti tin ir hail in -\*li’a?*l. i‘.r< l‘i n lands if we l,H*k p*MseHsi*>u of them, the pur« base of til«* S E*4 of section No. 14. tile their « laini* ill thi* «•tlice on or before Final Proof Not ire in poo«i «tainting arc « ordiMHj invit'«! t«» points covering a large :ir*»a, ami iinli- lx* re'.dy for use. it came from th. in Tp No. 39 south, range No. I cast, ami *ai«l l-’.tli »lav of Mav. 1*90. Central Amrririn Republic. and would certainly do that if .any attend. J. J. Si ilAJT, N. li. cations are tn ' an » St elisi ve beò of - s'.ablishmeut of Mantois, in Paris. w ill «»ib r proof to *how that the land sought Robt. Taylor. Secretary. cl!A* w JOHNSTON. T’h«» general <»r feiler.d g«»vornmp;>t other power should attempt to get coal under’'r- that region. i* more valuable f«»i its timber or stone than r SITED STATE.« L a NDOI I H ‘ .1 It is the biggest piece of work of 11». of the Republic of Central Am* rie i all ml of us there. Register. 3 lot It is against our for agriuidtiira! purposes, and to e*tab!ish R oxep . i r «., or .. April 1 > ! '.«'J. i i Geor;«* H tnlon, »•*»*•• I 16 yearR, u ho kind they have ever done, or which will be inaugurate I «m the loth <*f policy u*.w to take p .session of tile hi* • 'aim to sui I land bef.«re the !legi*icr Notice i* hereby given thaï the !oll«»wing liinlnr Land Noti««*. It Iris next and lb ceiver of this .el ’ . < .• at Ros'bin ■_■. Ore ­ UHined «ciller ha* tiled notice of his intuii has h<*eii ju :h» p* iiili’ii*lary forue.iriy has ever been done any wliere. September. Rcpru«ent i: »v •> Sandwich Island but we wamhl gon, on Wednesday, the llth day of June. tion to nittke fina’, pro«»! in *upp«»rt«»f hi* two y«*.irs. u«»s :,iven I is fnedoiD oh a superlatively pure aud beautiful cir from each of the flv«» st.ites will as­ strengthen our relations with them. INJU. C.NiTF.D Si ai Es L and <» fh « »..* « daini, an«i that .*ai«l j»r«»«»f will be m.»d« I m 1 L’be ghiss is 1' semble iu (’omayagii i, the e.q»i il «>! I think, if we established commercial lio'Ei i rd , <»ru., Feb. 2 4, 1*:*<». I lie names as witness«.* J. M. I »axis. Thurs«l «y fu«»r:»;Uur » L* ts tti»» y«»11114- plate crown. fore the Judge. <»r in hi* ab*uituv. In f««rt e the Notice is hereby given that in «•omplia : iCe » I. • k. of the ( «»uiitj ( otirt <»f Jack*<»n « oil!) Klamath < ity. *!*%»>«»(; ('«»iinty, < alifori ia. est convict in the -4ata prison aud was inches 1'1 diameter, or more than l1' H* mJ unis, on the 2oth of Augiiut at «1 r,s*ipro**ity * ith tlicni." | Ex. II M. Robert^ Ashland, G. W. Badey. w ith the pr«»\ i*i«»ns of the H< t of ’ '«»ngru** X of ly. Orci:« hi , at hukotiville, Oregon, «»ti Sill Robt. I a. !*.*»Tri;«-» <1 fr.»tii r«»rt!,i:i I to a two-year feet in i'ircii'i'«erem*e,2'j luehes thick, lecide which of the live pr« • aim’s .*l»akc. J. rCSiu*lling. White Point, all ul June iUi. ls7s. entitled ••An act for the - ale urdaj, Maj >1, W.’O. viz. : Samuel M. Kob- of Cali fonda. term for tin* crim* «»f I :r«\ ny. Having ami so clear that when balam**xl upon sha’I l»e president of tiie new K* of limb« r land* in tlu' stilt« * Jackson < ounty, On gou. i*«»n Ilom« *tea«l Eutrv No. 4 >i:'. idrlhe W Buekirii's Arnh’u Salve. N«». M Any and ad persons claiming adversely (C. gon, Nevada ami \\a*hingl«»n L\*riil> of NW‘4 .oul:h« W . .»f >W‘4 ..f *c< lu.n ..2‘, f«»r b«*v«»rai :n »hi u.-» b t*n a triisly, his its edge it is invisible. It iuterpos-H public. I he best salve in the world for cuts, 1 lie h I h »\«• des« ribe«i lands are rv«|Ues!« «1 to E«lwar«i Williams. 'fKltmiHlh * ,ty. I’.Hinty no olistacie to the rays of light which 'tun»» v,.;.- short« n d quite a littu». This comb nation of th' Centr.J bruises, sor« s. ulcers, salt rheum, fever tiie their «¡aim* in thi* «»ffi«*e on or before' of siskiy ou, Stale * if * a ¡if*, rllii*. lia, Illi- 'lax low n*i»ip 39. «outil, range 1 we t. \V. M. IL- nam«.- a* witn«'**« * t«»pr«»’.u hi* « «»ntin fail upon it. ami they pass through 1. American states will m irk qui «• .m liled in thmortiu his *w.»rn .lai*‘invai for i.KHD rc>iduiieu upon, nnu <'U11 ivatiou of. sore«, ‘ *tter. chapped hands, chilblains, sai«l llth dav «.»f June. lS'.s). Alr»*a«lv, -.«v*. t he .S/o/*.*///»/»/, Statt» il.solutelx unchanged. *f .-* * I am X". When com ( I! * - w JOHNSTON the pnruha*o •»!' the > W ' »• *aid land, vi/ Jainu*. W. Bi:n«*r,«*f I’luunix. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi r • ABE ’• NhLRSii Scho »! S h ¡ h rmtri durit McElroy lias it will have an exact diameter era m the history of the Ani<*cican in Tp No. 4o, S B N«». I E. ua*i X* ill <- 1er Ja* k.«on county. Oregon. Ju*«v A«l.tin*. of Register. ttmfineut. Eor a long time there h is tiwly cure* plies, or uo nay required, It I to hi* "' I • i.-’ proof to >how that the lami sought is more Tab'iit. J.u k*oii «-.»uni\, Oregon, 11« lulri« k r»*»-»*iv«*«l m.:ny«»f th»» annual n»¡»orta of of forty inches, with a maximum tinea LC- is ¿ruaran teed to ¿»ivo perfect s itisi' stone than for r« ii«*rally, that he is valuable for it* timber or <;«»«ldard, «»i Tnh-nt. bu ksoii « «»iiuty. (.»regoli. tlu* sup* r¡ntehu-. ami io « M T’iinbcr Land Notice. Fran«-1* J EHi«»tl, of lab ut, Ja< k*on « <»nnt\, coiinti.- . Ir.v ¡ iiii»lv the r»»|H»rta h I i »»w of its double concave surfaces nr«1 uo* tral Aub-ncan people t » form a union '•* r box. I or sab* l»v t 'hitw«»od Bros. •alls i»r«im¡»lly al «■hiiiii to *ai«i lami I m fore the l> . gi-i.'r aa*l Oreg«»!!. ( HAS W. JoHN*TON Meets in lodge room in odd I « liou ' of the five republics. E ich of th- m Beucivcr <»! th;* ««¡li«-«* ul B«»*ebu;g, or., on a coti*i tar .1»! • i?icr»»a.*«* in schopl [»optl- R«*gi*tvr. •*sl. Complementuiy glJlss am) Filile«! Stales Lail«! Office. ! Hall evvry i ik - i and 'I hii . d W. iiiu -iuewhat insig'».ti cm h month. Prv>vnt hour of mm titig Kos burg, Oregon, Mai . 191 h. 1 i lie names a* »vitn« **u« <«>i*trt\ ila’-ur- Mining News. cant iu itself, but united. th«*\ Will l* m . All Brvthivn in good Ktitiulmg N'ltiuu i* herebj giv« n that in « «»mpliauuo 1*712 ¡■♦•rs'•’•* in the county lietween will lie placed about eight niches be­ i:u h, Chester W. F«»w lei Joseph (•<» »«lru.ui, .. ng* r- to Mini fr-*in •■** cordially invited lo atti 1 «1. ! Yn ka Journal.' \\ ith I iu* pr«»\ ision* «»f the act «»f < '««ugn «* oi N J. 4 auf man, of Klamath < b y. « al. Notice to Storklioldei's. th»» :»ip»s of f«>ur and twenty, and X»! hind the object-glass, have not lie *n form a nation largo enough to Ci >t 11 - Jam* 3, 1 n 7 n . • ntitleii ‘ An a< l for llu sub of \n\ ami all pur*«»n* « laiming a-lv« r*« ly m'ind the ri spect of «»wry «»th r bit- »... 0 ANDItEAs. M \y Prospectors u i Humbug creek are 1«—al v«»t» 's for >!‘h*H»l ¡» hi ' p «» d «'>; Wash- east. The tulie of the teh*c*»|ie wili limi*» i lumi« iu the Sta’«** <»f ( ali fui aia.Or« the above d«'-«‘'ihv«! laud* are i«*que*t« <1 io'"-'> >‘«'l' lil!. Ke. ..rd. r. The Humiit in.*, linn .»f the -t... rs of I! !tofi»rc there ci »ns illy iiscovering i ich !• r buine the B.111 k «»i \*li UCl'i.V. ill b< held Ul til«' riKHIl** have been l«»*al jeaheis ’ es that de- ami w»» amicipote a grand b«»om 1 Mav. 1**»«' 2«»12 voters; Grant, 1731 children and -x<*.-«ling the Lick telewopem length, of th« Bank S.itur«bi> . Maj 3, !«9t» at ’ 2 J ju k*«»n, siate <»f Oreg«»n, has this «lay hied l il \* W . J’ HI Ns I ON, o'clock p in, forth«* j»'irp(>>e of electing a JH33 voters; Wallowa, lfdl and 612; as an object -glass, ami also in diam*' hyutl the formation of this union, l> it nig the coming Hiimmcr, to render in !his (»tin •• his «worn staiement f«»r the Regi«ter. lot board «*1 «lirectors l«»r the un*uing ar. ■ hesv have Ihsqi overcome, ami the iti- Humbug the im»s» «*xtensivu ami ridi pun ii.ise of the >1 *4 of^secti.ui No. 12. in Colmubuu 1”> h an l 852; Malheur, St>3 E. V. ( A RTF.R, ter. / u :\ nite l <» i » ge . no . . . ip Nu. 39 south, range No 4 east, ami vili atignrali<»n of the new gov> rnment in esl quartz mining K’»M unvl 3117»; Timbe« Lauti Notice, < a*hicr. 11 I’viliia-, Ash: nid. o . vn, n «•tier pr«H»f 1«» show that the fan«! sought is next Septeml»er is the result of a coivdy an.l N«»rtlt ti : <’alifornia. 'This r«»lk, 2*>O nd h»D7; Mnltuomah, 15,- Ashland, ( >r.. Mar« h j «>H i . n*'»0 Frida* evening. VlMthig Ktiigl) mure valuable fur its timber «»r stone ihau U nited S tates L and O ffice . treaty made among the live states a creek |»ai«l ha’nl*«»i;;:*lv Inst summer, for agriculluinl Durposus. and to establish _____ ___ i statuling arc conlin’h in* ite«l !«• a li»I at»'l »»I’d; Slh'rinan. 5’37 and-BI*; A .Noiel Athcrtin-niriiit Roseburg, rbììrg, < ‘ »regoli. rvgoii. E«*' Eeb. 21th. !X»O I U m p \ I i li («•■¥ mouths ago. bis u. iini lu haul l imi bcf«»re tlu» Register Linn, (‘»b‘0 and •t>U; Yumbiil, 3-s'Jl ami i‘s •> »ri» if ot g« l«i k*»«*p* Co;i3taut- giwn that in « imipliarice N« >1 I> e 1 * hereby I. _ . ......... E T. BARTI-ET1. K <»f R ami Ku« eiverof this Roseburg, ( >re The following story, wlii.’h Inis nev­ Of course for a whil** there will I m * ly in*»rea.* ig an«! 2ta'»;-Liuk*« »o, 131Ó anale > **•« ■. 2 8 ’i ¡ 12~ »: t i;i t'; i 1 .. •! '• * » d i er liefore ap|>e»n>«i in print, is t<>l*l of some dissatisfaction with the n *w R »yal Brown ami Cold» .MeMutiiiK 1 *'.«». lie name« ns witnes*« > 7i> aiul t’»13; Gilliam, the editor of one of Mniiie’s most of affairs, but if dissolution ran <)regon, Nevada, and Wa*hinu*toii T«*rri are r«»alizmg 1» »ut. * s per lay from M l»avis, klamath ('ity. Si*kiyoii « ««untv in M amhiìc Haü ou the 1 Josephine, 1711 and prominent ilailiea: When a small ls.y. !>• pr»*vrnied for a few years, all «Lin­ 136s a:;.I lory,” GustHA llal»< rim h, of Kbonalli ( *’y, 1 alifornia. Il M Roberts, Ashland '». W and i’.il SfltiirdHAsof « a h moniti. Violins the t p grotin I in I’hcir pi .cer claim Ins father, now one of the most prom ­ ger will lie r«»niov< ‘ «l ami tin* Central County «»I Siskiyou, Mate of C alifornia, ha* Harney, 755 and 160; IU»nh»n, S5rdialh wv!c«»inv•>*» and 1 t!i>; Marion, 7‘.HH and h'»*^. inent. men in the state, was running a American republic will 1» *c >nm on** of on Suring < » ilch. n«»rtb of town, ‘ >reg«>n. MAX PRACHT, ing lb»» richer b<«|r.w k triav >] to be Anj and all persons « laiming adver*cly nmnt tor t lie pureli ha*e of the NEl4 of m *< t ion ’ .* ev . punting office am) publishing a week­ the |w»wers «»f the c>»ntiurnt* Comm a uder I ’ south, range I « axt. ami cleaned up wh» :i tin» w Frit-T runs huht.- the ai».»v e «1«--et ibc«l lami* to iu«jii( *!«■•! t«> N.» s in Tp No 10 U ’ ., itant. ly paper in one of the larger towns .u o show that the lami soiighi w ill offer pioof t«» 1 A (»real Theater. file tm ir « laims in th.« «»ill« u on or buf«»r<. er, or by get ring vv it«»r froi ni the bitf is more \ aluabk* • fur its titnla*i or *tom* !1 an K. neliee county. One day the advan**e Hainilton and Burr. *ai«l I Ith «lav uf June. I*’A) _ , pur;> , )s«**, and to «•stablish for agricultural «liteii. I > irn g il; • labor part of the Ro U E, »April 171h. After finir y with aK'**nt of a show came aloin; and onier- ( HA* W JOHN"|ON. Tiie nnmograpli pubiihihe*| by the* his claim to •aid land before the IG-gistet The Undt-rbigneJ will carry passen- rteanm, or when the 1 waler jx ’ vhs out, steady v.ork, work, a n IC Ivdiihli ¡man architect lias ed some ¡H.sters print*1*! on cotton ami Re« « 1 vio r oí t hi* offb <* at Roseburg. < »n lliimiltoii bank of this city, ¡»r«».-«»ntHig they have a Iwo-incb I just finish» i the plans for the nio*d cloth. H im order was tilled, but for i rin^e of quartz gon, 01 >n Tue*«iay, the 13th dn\ of M i the story of the Burr-Il.imilton t«*r W. I- with «hr I» h* f that, it ’.vili l* a a Ii is ;( p irk tn i ««p*r;i imiiM >tnl>ili,'f Kbinmih • ity. < Miifornia The printer's wife tion that illustrated th«» interest st ill wide, and rich paying ledge. Unitvd State* I.and < ittico, Any and all )»• !*oti* <*!niming n*h R<»‘•vbiiTii, tlrvaoii. Ma»'. I »th. IWHI the d«w»r of cv« ry»» I mix , the oc- ran across them, ami as cloth was at T vo bars of gold, containing about j. h . morbide . felt in that tragic and lamentable the nl»o\»• d< •elll"*«l land' N«»tiu»- I« hen by given that it ciipants of wliudi in »y ou anions t hat tune very hi»jh, she took the cloth event. Severn! «core of letters have were brought here from the with th** provision* oi the act « til«' their < laini* in thi* «♦ th«' foiuPaHis a I tl.*1 .'*'1* ■pod.'iis home ami used it to line a pair of pants «aid 13th day of May. IMai JuneG, I n 7*. "tdilhd ‘ An tu t 1 ta'en received at ill«' bank asking for < «old P» di iiiiin at »Salmon nvt»r, last « II A* timber hi't.;* in the M ji P s •>! Ut of t h»* r« m »f. she was then maknig for the editor the pmnphiet <»r commenting ’ip*»n week. tlu»¿»ohi iiuvin^ 1 >n taken from gon. Nt'ada. : nd J3 > I'ingto Wheii the «¡like «»f S«»il«mi:x was Syn­ alwive mentioned, who was then a I mo We have r«*m<»v< d our Nur-eric* to M< <1 t lie facts therein prcse:i!«*d. < ):• » writ­ the batteri * while ihe mill was rim­ .1 M I»:»\ i*, <»1 K in nut - li ’ ‘ii , < dic of R uhu . Iu* u.ged th»» creator of a | rd. where w«* have buiured new ground ..Iwuit ten years of age. kiy.'tl. * ate oft :dif. rtiia, ha* er, lit the course of Ins «•«»inmuiP. says: ning, thw P ing i»i«iy a partial dean «• -«»il «»f w hieb i* a sandy loam. i'nal»li’»i this woiuterfill sciu iiw to <*• »lituilb* in this otfu e hi* • w«»i n *tat« n.*- A.sthe mouths rolhsl by the pants “A gentleman «»onnerted wjtli the up. Anotl her bar was J*o r alized tn «'ll Jl*<‘ • *1 til" o' 2 of > I 1 1 B ltd *1 without irrigation to grovx healthy, thiii his lai mu *.*, and *ugg«*-«vi that a great grew threadbare, and at s«*hoo| r F U R !M b ly in i * with an abuiidam-e of fibmu* lah*ral F ni in» si aies I \ nd « >n i« r -eel ¡oil No, 24. ill Tp >.o >ou Scliuylers and Iiamil1«>ns closely by thè sanie manner during flu* we k ¡dayhouse might I»»* cr« <•:»*«! in IhHCity day be accidently tore the seat out, Iio*eburr, Oregon, Eel» .‘Uli 1*90 t root* will.nut In a\ \ lap r«H»t-, to be cut Ha\ ing I hiu *ht tin* biidim 4 • ..'I, and w ill oiler ptoof to >| When the ni'li is shut marriage, and with on»» w I iof »» friend­ previ* >us. away m digging. We «»tier Notbe i* Inn* by given that in « «»mpliam •• mh a <*r<»uiii»ig ar« ttiiu«,itn;il al».able f> !»*aving nl»out the foot of liningexjM»s- ship I was l«>ng hotiore 1, «»UCelold me, down for a gen<»rui clem up a large ill S« n. Als.., w ith tin- prut isiun* *»f tlu- u< t of C«»ngr« *s of ami *l«»ne than foj riuiiltu m«»i>t oi R »»in*, lie m now iniikrnpt e«l to view. This in itsvlf would hav<* *1 am the only man living wuo kuovva aiuannt of ,g »ld wm ! no < j ' il»t l»e re?.l- *ALt FAPLR, F!tAM*S FhU June 3. i*7*. «'ill ith-d ‘\na< t lor the *ah <»f 10,000 I’m ne, and to establish Id* claim Io > East Side of Main Strce<, and tkt‘re is no hope «»f ever s» uugthe made I he I m »vs smile, but they langh»»«l I ini bur lami*, in 1 lie >'»i!«*> <»i • alif«n nia. < Mu foie the Register ami Keeuiver J‘s !!»’• quartz t »w I •mg crushed the wh<»lo CHiise of tlmt duel, and I MCUID1KC$, CH í '.ÍJR l H’S WACflKS. g«»n. Nuva«ln. ami \\a*hingt(»n ¡errih»ry. buikiibg put up iu Italy. Hl Ro*el»uig, *)i ug«>n. «»n \\''«iiH ami a< bimodiit ing till the tears came wbvii they ol»H<*iv«'d shall carry my s»*crvt wi: h m«» to t h«» pays band •ni-lv. 10,000 Apples, illiani >t«.r« y. <•( K ! ama th < ity, < ounty • lav of June. ■ r««a«i\ I«» wait Hi.oti Tiie anmiGft pr«»|>oe4S to lay his th«» f«»lh»wing words stamimg <»uf I mj I L 0A IS Y CFFISCE, FTC., tre. grave, he did. He name* a- witnu**es* II M Roli.*ts, of >i*kiy«»u. *t.ite <»f < ;din»i nia ha-this day ......... , ’ which ............. ....... ........ M y mot In »r, m«-r* in a -at i-fa< lot \ W. *' I design* b fore the ottii'ials having in ly upon the lining in large type: S*«»«»«» leach. libai in ìbis «»th« e hi sworn stat« mint fot A-hlaiid, J. 1!. .Snelling. White P««.nt, <» W only daughter of Sanitiel Pendlet«»u A Ib ch^rg»» tlu» woihis fair hi America, It.iiley, S'tHke. nil <»i Jackson County, (»re- the purutia*«* of the >E* ( «»f *uuti«»n No. 3n, in ••Doors o|H*n at 7:30. Performance t Hamilton's second in the dital), often (Ht Davis Sowing Machine, Tp No. 39 stiiith. range 4 «-nst, and will oiler 5,000 Pears, iSr. Lu d gon, ».u*t Dlttu«-« k. Khiinath < ity , si’*kiyou ib* is back* «! by the l«‘ading men of Iwgins at M.M told me, ‘Father did not, I think, proof to *h*»w that the land ««»uphi i * t».«»re The IffHi < oiiuty. < dif.'i nia. lw»m»». The wlu»!«* work can l»e car­ IeM’fli Hp»>rl It is needh*ss to state that the I m » v wish General Hamilton Io tight wi’h Vny and m H p< «on* claiming iul’.ei«vly valuable for its timber «»r st nu than f«»r M-e it M»id !«• « 10,000 Grapes, agricultural purpos«*s, ami to « *’al»li*h hi* ried out in Italy at a cost of 12/XM),HDi) was sent home to bis mother in tears. but the fe ti lhcH>'»\- th s.'t ibed lafid* inc ru«|ii< st« «] t«» Burr. He felt certain that Burr 111** llit ir claim* in thi« office on or I»« fore « laini t«» sai'l lami bel’«»iv the Bugisi« r and Anda '■«»«»•I :i*-ortment of all the Ituding france, but the difference in the ¡»rice weight îi’gro; Gioì >e. ■ r «?. R«*ueiver«»f I hi* office al Box burg. Oregon, variviies of Emit.* would kill him. Burr was adt*n«l *li«*t; "aid llth day of Jun;-, 1V.HI. of lalwir ati«l material on the western bilHial an ox eanglit on Tuesday, th«* 13!h «lay of May. 1*' ju . < iia *. W. J«»H S*n-»N. the general was a very ¡»«»»ron»'.' < >| (MDlinent will swell tl»»s aggregate H«* names as witn«***« •*; tho animal by < > ; K«‘gislur. To Marry Wiunte Dnvh. Burr my mother always «q»»ke wiili n .1 ( anim ili. Joseph <"><>d!»i« >i. Chester it between tin w _____ w Frees as Low as any first Class Nursery. enoin»<»iv. ly. Tlii'ii, W. Fowler. E«,l\ ween him walking the Mtreeta of N« w tnent <»f Mias Winnie Dav.R, the the above described lands are re«pu *l«*d t«» four-legged brine to the ground, the There»are ISO dressing rooms for per- York, often a little, decrepit, shitbby, Uh* thi ir « luim* in this ««tliue oil <»r before Nurseries at East End of Bridge, I'NITED STATE* I.AN!» Oi EH E. I f rm»*ts. l’he st >g«' is 1S5 feet wide by •‘Danghtor of the (.’onhnieracy,” and ox dying in live ininiH«*ei. The ne­ . .. ,4 said l-îth day <»f May. 1N!«1 Ro*ebi.rg, (.lit zoit. Mar. 19th. l-»9«». I Alfred Wilk in son, of Syracuse, N. Y.. mean-locking man. to«» ¡>o«>r to pay I hh gros bead is considerably swollen, 2*2 *l.|. p. ('ll as . W. Jon N Nolic, i* hereby given that in compliant ‘ e way across the ferry. ’ r>*> whose grandfather. R *v. Samuel J < ♦ ♦ — but he Las not suiTered any serions with the ju«»visions <»f the nut of < «»ngress of H. S. EMERY Another veuerahle corr«»sf»ond»‘ut Jutiu 3, Is7s untitlud “All act •t for tar the sale *>He of Stahl, y »nys that «lurini: bin recent May, was one of the pioneer nliohtion- incou ven ience. timber ¡au«l* in the State) f California, Ore wutes : “ I was nine years old wh»»u Timber land Notice African expeditions lie <*aiue a ists (»f th«» countiy. Says a New York gon, Neviuh a. and Washington Territory,” new and interesting race of bliu'ks, the dispatch <»f Aprd 13: The Et«»ry of th * the duel occurred, ami remendier the (». W. Ihii ley /. of Shake, ( entity of .hick**»n, U nited states L and O fei A Family Blessing. stale i»f Oregon, hn* this <1«\ fil< 4 and N\ *»f >W> . and with the act of ( otigre** of Jun«* 3. 1*7*, u id Burr. Iu a number of res|>ects he home remedy, is entirely vegrtahle. and <»f the N\V‘. of>E' i'ii«*y appi ared to lie descendants of 16 reported, is very romantic. Mis-« *W ' of *VV4 «»f se ion No. 4, in Tu N'o. H» He was (b*spised, an is the purest and best taniilv medi­ south, rung« No. 4 ast, and will euer proof title«! An a« t for tlu *alv ; lering Winnie received a very < nk >1 reception erapes, etc ne day. rhe llth «lay «»f Jan.'. l*s90. *, Range No. I. Ea*t. ami will oiler pr*»«»f to in one or two houses here. Wilkiueon York. He was a very small m in, Lilt sickness may prove to be. and in any tbeooiinaiy negro lieneatti them ill be made t He liaiiu s »is witneS'i •>: J. B. Sm iling, *h«»w !• M! the ¡-ut i *«»ii4nt is more valuable Office and '•- ar» room reseuh'd th’« an«! gallantly chamj»- every pcra«»n woul«! notice b’s remark­ ordinary disease, will effect a speedy While Point, H. M. R«»bc t*. Aslibind. l» »th for it.* timber «»r st«»ne than !«,r agrieultuml cure. k ably bright black ey« *." of Holman street. • ¡f J»u kson < ounty, Oregon. J. M Davis, oned her cause. The thin friends!.ip ptiri»«»ses, and to establish hi*, ¡aim to said Dittiioek. Klamath City. Siskiyou lami before the Rvgi*t r ami Receiver of Says anol her writer: “M_* gr?< thus eng»»nd*red between them bios . ( alii«.min it iow »an of thi* «»ttie«* at R.«»ubii!Lr, Ort gon. on Ttie* gran«ifaih»T, Th«'uJ «.»» B. Vullva eom.»d into love iu due time. Mi.«< ami till | « rson4* claiming adver*elj’ day. the 13th day of May. Is9o. *rtl»ed Ian ».* are requested t«» Winnie later on w» nt to Eur*»p»', and sigic'd as a witU N-s t«> Gen. H multou He tiaiiD'* a* witm*,s‘*s Ed««ur*l Wil­ 1* in this «»ttiee on or before liam* GuMrt' Ha'-'crlai h, Joseph Goodr« iu is still there. Wilk’nson. t*»me two will, and bin 8*»»i wus at thiltau »f June, is'() ,iu«l N. .1 ('auftnan. ad <»f Kiamath < iiv, nxMithe kii »«* u . oroKt-'e«i it»»' ««tumn aiul > stu ieut in law in H imdlou’s olfi • • H .> W, Joti’.;*D.*^ «•'irioruia --------—< oil Hl Ht Illg Of----- ID gl-te.’. spent suvv.’iil we* k- with her. sight- T» biin the gemrai is said to i»..t Any ami all |»ct*"ns claiming adverselj g*ven his Ia.-t word.-.-4 dm t'cli >u a Lan the ab »vv '!••*' rib« «1 land* are reqm * ’ • «1 to * «eing and pressing his suit. Wilkin ­ \ITLE. PEAR. PEACH. 19 YEARS OF PAIN li'u thvir < laim- in this «»tiiue on or l»x f«»i<* ì inibi i* I .and Notri <• < i '1 ‘tie pfL ;n «ti son is p bright and promising y.»ni*g his bitsin.**—affairs <». PIA M, PRUNE. CHERRY. sai'l ! .■ h day of Muy.ji*••(>. PERMANENTLY CURED BY lawyt r. alxnit 2N y* ars of ag**. He is pr.-vioiw to hi- :m • ing with Colon ( ha *. W. J ohn ion . Rcgist» r. APRICOT. NE( LARINr. I N. .1.1 Bur. Of iM.i ’ s", i no intimation w; not rich, L'u moves in the 1» st soci*«ty ALMOND. WALNT L, ami 11>. *i given of xvhat, x :is to follow.” Timber Lumi X«>ti i i<»i, n>*»ve­ Htatcni.-nt 1« m:i*l*« Ian ' «•! < .alili ahlition monument t«i c d» I I . A», ir* Grapi* \ in»», (hirranta. Goos»»!worries. Editor nf TV WWd, ment. N •’ only in tin* i m!e : Sta*« i a-hiugti.n T ill ¿1 Bl.i -kberries, RHHpbc*rri(»H. K bnnat h < it * New York.N. Y —Dear l»ut in E«ir«q>-* «fiso, i i I hr tig?»t f »t s x*:* y of ?v*w Y«»ri A *111. ANI» Him wljerriuH, Figs, sir The case of Mrs. the cans*-. On b»s re»u«»val t«» Syra- ilton w. < pmui Etc , Etc. Gvmmillpre*« ni*a urikingexample "f suffer­ cus»'. M *y «»«»ntit hu«‘il to active in VV* iril, 'ii wh«‘D ing and marvelous cure "he has lived in and promo!mg anti *k !a%ery r tona. Il un- down and c. ir: ic • ’nr tr* * an* grown without irrigatori near >|llr*»y for 3o years, arwl h In 1H64 she dridsof >lav»H ti ein from iaiiidag* aud that “tie sial «»»! R«*d liiil «Dini, ami all of known va­ was thjn'wn from a wagon, sustaining serious to Can i la c «in»» to him f«»r ,»rot ect imi «••rip’ioii was ¡»rr-t rv **i u it rieties that suer«cd iu Southern Oregon. I li-)*« contempi itin«f tre# planting injury to her *| im* From that time Uli 1S83 »nd help, and never cam* in vain, ly,” but “iipoti »parching tar • wi’l «io w«4ì to vi*it onr orchard nndr ir •he was a helpk-ss cripple, unable to walk. l\.e «late «»f lh»* WedtllDg not yet discover»*! ‘’that even sr-rv, «»r write uh ten price list. 4 Stilligli'.. Sibil, Üiiçf', Muuiiiitiîs. Eli*. ih t n im ty hut it is ta‘liev* d it will be h ut «imaprieared iti th«» sum«1 ’.han foi 'k tu. — St urpiiy. Josephine county Till*. <’l KE. ions mauuer as the n st.” Tl ¡tb!¡*h h soon. li. R. station, Grant's Pass wk. c dio’i <»f this mouograph ha During theue long 19 yean of suffering, she FT* I A. H. CARSON & SON foundin'» rvlief fro in the numerous remedies light upon that Hosiery, f>« i. J M Klamath (ity. >tskiy«»u >hv hi t trhNL In sN3 her daughter read the - CoPyr1|iht. Isxy, Tiie Or* gon B *ard of I inungration tta lrlt»-rs alM»ve r< h rrrd to i Orders io a«lverli> mvnt of St. Jac<»hs Oil. and she is Ho**n to get out a pam|ilili*l that will m«‘iuta»r of tin» family to w L Ailed. bought tW" Iwittk-s. The oil w » lh applied, and eclipse anything in the advertising historic spot iielongc whos.t JEW ELS b. Ibre the second bottle was exhausted by line ever attempted liefore. It is to lw duel was fought on toy fath 'r’s pr«q • oh. girl with the j»*w«*11e«l fingars, Mrs. Gmnnill ahe wa* able to walk about, either a forty-eight orusixty four page erty tin 1 !.<» now h i* hi hi* h«»u*.* the W J- I N-d Oh girl with I he laces rar«* -' f; ' and ha.-* Kun vonq> let« ly « ure«l puldieation. 7x11 inehos. printed on slab that th»» S'. Xiuln-w’s $«»••;• tv l M I HOMPSON. r..Mma>tvr HII|ien4 ---- 1 “ clean-cut >-“•... ................ type' 1 1'lmeH. worth to you if. tr«>rn niulerguliue the trytnij I E^alrr» Fr^irchfre. ord*al'< whi«’h fashu»nahle *«K*b*ty |iii]»wt”< on will bt-nstd in printing, aud the w.»k It** «|ev<’t«*c*. enough I.» t» «t the phv«1« al Mrength IME CHARLES A VOGELER CO . Batti»ön. Md. will In* properly lltustrat I. Among Ar iel.-* of iu*x>>r¡H>r,it¡..n w.-rv ti).-.! and etiduran« e «»f th»* nu«-l robuM. you break the illustrations will la* a cut of tie witii I lie sc.'ret.'irv «.f f. ,*te inri' Tuurs- d*twn. I«»*«* your lu*aith an«! bwonu* a |»hy«i< al P. 0. Ba. 55 new Portland hotel, the M lOjiiam I iv of till* (oliowiuvr <■• >T|M r;>tla>t> : Ì . *■ wr»t k. ns thouftaii'l« •!«» fr««in su« li cause ■» Grand ImildiDg ns it will appear when Or**x;<>Dl.'iii K iliw.iy *• uiipany l n>it..i; Un«i»-r*ii« h <-ir«'urn «lane«»»« y«»u woul«! willinvly th Ito* ! LARGEST STOCK IN THE give all y«»ur Je"eH and all your lace«« t«> regain Completed. pro|H*s*.l City Hall. Climii- tta • bilrll'.-riri III Which till.- Corp. !.«■ .». I- I.c. 1«»*t health. Thi* y«»u can « r of Cointii* r*-e l*uil*ling. I ui**i> >1* P "P"-cri to ecgiqp* sliall lw*. a i l is tn H»irt to th«* u»»e of that great re«t«»rative ku.>wu NORTHWEST I l»it, new Holton lions«*. Wishing' i *•'ii-'ru*'t inni equip H r-nlr m ] n 4 ti a* hr. I,i«*r. • * Favcrn* i‘i«*«« riptioj» Thou ««and« of grateful women hl»«« th«- day It was block, Corbett block an*I Grace ch'ireh t"l.*_’r.i|>b line- frolli Porti in i l<> I LT*-«. kiiiu!«* kio«w ii t«» th»*in. It will also coutain cuts of < »*••_■. .1 I’ .rtlan.l, flu nee mmtl.erl, on ti e . o;i*‘ For ail . irr. gu'.arit|e* and w «-ak H*s iiery. notably among which will lx Hid.* of th* Will.mb'', e r.v.T l>* w .v n*-«**« |M*«*uHar tn w iimen q t*< th»- <. pel«! b> truu-iwt* under a p«»»iti%e guar a 11* w of Mount Hood with a bird's of Si lx. rt. >n. tx.burn :iu4 Sn*i*i.-«i • ..1 ante«* fr«>rn th»*>ut'a< lurt i * thatiiut' K Siskiyou co., Cal. ENLARGED A»' REFUU eye view of Portland III the foreground a ul tlu* iniiliil** fork ..f tlu- Wili.un •' *■ *at i*f»u'l i"ii in «*v« ry « a-*«*, «»r m«»r»**y will n. r* This Spurt- Hrm rrt ii f r fun«ie«J Th!« guarant»*«' ban »i |»rmt»*.t on It js propose.1 to get up th** *v*.rk in riv.*r t«> ttie ti'ir. h r i Ix.iin.l iry ¡in c-.f th«* bottle wrap|»rr. au l faithfully uarn«*«l «»ut such an artistic manner that it will lx* Uahfor .ia: from !’■ ■ tian l. sou'ti­ ■ r y lor iiumy y«*aT'. a.-I irut I* M. L. McCALL, Au ii»Mg*«ratiiig t"iiic. it impart* strength to ..f ihi« mb» au ornaiii.'id to any library or | in* r on the w< Bl Board per wf .:k. Î3 t > $'). !•• .if tln* Wiî, >.*t tlu* w hob- sjMtem F«»r feeble w om«*n g»*neruily, u l -, Hi. 1 {'.h «laj lil'Ul F.iihlt? Alfl'tlt Und Si» I Ir' Haile« table. R«HHn« fitruD !.. I if *\ ¡ >,.*, l»r i‘u r< ♦ < Favorite Pr»-*« ript»«>n is the greax river to A'rli *; xx •h Sir > ■ He nai ’ iu* - !T.*i.*t. r. i*( est eartiily I mmhi . On«- fourth «l«»wn. balance within *ix. reau. Wi») "t hr itu-hes; pn:i'*ip >1 : .l.'-e..' bl,MC >i*ki.' <»u ( «»uui? I.u*'ll.! Sip'im ni. Pio|iri( tr(':-s In l*‘peml«*n*\‘, I* »i’< « » huí *», :. s t«» A hhiand , < h.l'lM'S. twelve Mini eight»« a months. uar«l W illiai. at 1’ortlan !; th'* e;*,.l' III H* -.*-; H have a new school buihbng that wi I Any aid all claiming a*he¡ «*ly *t i map at li«« Rai’’»»a«l Depot for gra«h «1 4ivi 1 •*! in:.. TtlHMt b I i ire * of regulate Semi for » tGIc rue ami price list to req in ths a ’ b ovtf «li*'< rib< «.ids a e reu’: >1» d to c »st S’AI.’HM. pri« e*. »•!<•.. or .ld«lr« ss cleanse ■ Oil or I L’ K edilor, G»o. Il An- Bution «»aio i* ;i , . i »*«» n-r;d hHHort,. iiím ««ttice ou or t*!ure Til«« their (Tahns tn ìli 1» 11 HAsKKI.L. ♦ «ahi 13th day of May. (farden se«si«. and <»hi«»n sets at the clows and SV A. Gr.iu.lHbl mc<»r¡ or- liver, atoinach ami tn.»w«-l* < >uc a .!.w«» of June. lsy*>. m ut «•! goUtí in out him at the ital < HA* W J«»HN*T«»N f.»w u -it« 'Ar. ut < !’ R K.. .-an Frau« isro. Bold by druggist». 25 cfenta a viai. .1. H. Seltkaier, Woodburn, Or,; . HA» w J ohn »! n 14.7» Red Hunte. ♦ ator?f R egi-ter. t House. « California. 112-5 23 Refutar. SLEEPING CARS, Sliri ilfs Salt* Xotirf of F ilial Sflllfiiifiil His Work Speaks for Êtseîf THE ASHLAND '« emolí œc n ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. E. M. Miller, C 3. W. Sïti iiEi-bd’i l.o o. I., Tran st ci Business ! Ashl&ad. Lodge, A. C .U LOWEST PRICES J. H. Xc Haights of Pythia? GREGORY & HICKS G. A. R I’ii.xsi iiucr HAMMON BROS.’ N KI I Smith IN ASHLAND âjh £ f *J?.. Dodge U ft L ! •* Saddle and rlamtss ASHLAND, OREGON. A. II. CAR®'& SON, Prop’s. Repairing Pâîns.AcfieS Shade and Ornamental Trees VOODBURN JAMES NOI F.IS, XI RSEIri TOWN LOTS MONTAGUE, Moals S.**c. For Sale on Easy Terms. VINES & SHRUBBERY Dr. Pierce’s Pellets / j.