ASHLAND riDlXí.S. ¡'rida H . Aprii *». BREX TH ES. Democratic eoimly convention to «,9« > elect stale tho stat«» tr< usurer prior to April 1st. Sine«» that date th«» s I ht iff has pai 1 to the count} treasurer §0711211 ‘neoiu ami S1M0.b) m eoun 1} warrants. Reliable pailu s from Klamath <*(.»un- ty sa} that although Jesr-e D. Cail, i be big cattle man. denies any such »climate of his loss of stock the pas! winter, therein no doubt but that 70 per cent, will not moie than cover it. lb* had 7‘»oo head of cattle to start in the wint»*r with, and TH Ml tons of hay; now t h»*y say h«» has iiboiit 2(MH ht ad of cattle hit, and of coiirs»» no hay. l'ne l«»s.‘, has I m »«*! i h«*itvy all ov«*r the county, but just what it was. will n»,v- er l*e known; tor, as the Star save, «•very st.M-km ¿ii interview«»«! reports I ;r «>wn loss is ahuost nothing, though that of his neighbor is veiy heavy and a m - iiouh blow to him. personal . HERE ANI» THERE. Tlu* Bukt r City Hladi- is to run daily edition with pr«*es diepHteb«*s. H Junction City, Lane county, litul S25.t*!tt fire last .Xl««uday afternoon. li Report. Weekly Weather Following is the record of weather Charley Hamilton was over from observations, for Ashland, made by F. Applegate last Saturday. H. Carter, observer for the Oregon John Powers left for Red Bluff yes­ State Weather Bureau, for the week ending April lt’>, 1890: terday moruing fora short tr»p. * (’ity ( oinieil Proceeding's. KOKX. Ashland ( ity Council met puronaiit pt n«ljt)urnment M ou : electric light « hi spring strwt x » h - *•<« n f:oru the !ai>lc, hax mg been laid ovc from lust m e» ing. A pvTiuoir ua- al-» r«- ■! ¡-«•in s. Pat !cT-«»II Hll«i < l.ll’l b ii-k!lig Ilia .111 vl.-«tlH light I»«1 plated on tiorili Main Mivvi near tlie public M'hool. A pdiliouua- ai «• p?«* s« uie«l a-kiug for an rhatii*' light in the vicinity of th** sulphur spring* ii«»trL on motion it whs ordvrrd Ihal w ci»n-iX' v petitions lie po-tpoi’.-ii in «(«•tinilcl.». ; thv council ihiitking (Im ihe liimncvN ot’lhe (¡lx al pr. : -.i! woo! I ii «4 permit farther exp« iclii iiil - for « lei tii.- lighis. Blacksmith bill of («•<». Markle nJ-c.vcd. Bill «»I V I K xle for |2<‘ fur r«?nl of rt»«un for storage of <’it) pr«q*erix wa- «»r*lor»»«i paid. « ii) OrdiiiaiD'C N«». 7>, oulJiiiinu « : man nvr uf condcinniug right of way bn water i»i|»e was a«loj»le. 1* <’«»., a daughter. County Republican Ticket. The Lake e»»u:i1y republican con­ vention met ou the <(b ’»ml nominated the follow ng ticket: Deh gates to the f Medford, an« R . on April bfih to Daniel I*. Brittain Pass on a bilsinesa tnpthe first of the r) B. Ream tu Amelin II Kivfal»er, Inrth of fall of th«* season up to April 12 was \ reka. L_L F. K \ .11 l ass« I. of Asbl ill«! V. ! and St aria A. B«»nnrt. week. 11)9.38 inches. iu » Ivar 57». 5 :I9 h«»l«i a week or inert* of inm-'in^ -» in GARDNER Giti BB. \t th. «1« nee <»f hWir trace (¡. F. Biding* ship}»»*«) a tin»» grade ;a John 11 to Yreka Th«* Salem Bml ling and Loan As­ ih«- britle’h pHu’iiî**. \pril tith. j*'»n. Jam«** th«» B.tpliNt »•linrrh at laleui, » ( tear 4U 2i 12 Sunday It) the l'n ion Je* rv r»«w t<» Giant’s Pass \»'s»l« iday, M . Gardi««.'i* ami M i 8** Mary E. Grubb R. A. sociation is issuing stock upon its A*» i leur 13 S’.» iiit’iiciUg «»h M«»iolay ♦ v» iung, Api d Euiint't, J. 1 . <*fi’.« iming v a !»* lie had all» ady sold her. « ’ cui H«<*oud series, the first having lieeu all office. 24 11 10 21. Fi» at-hmir at 7:47». All Hie II lair •2.» L» 31 LOFI I I < BROWN \t the <.«»! II. N. Willi..m*, < hl.'!.»pl . ; « 1.41 Tlx* otlicers of the Southern Ore- Ihiiir Social. tn*. <»f W uiid t xailt x I«» Mi*»* I !ith I. P 1<‘iving them two months dm*s Telai Precipitation — inches. goti District lair meet at Grant’s time. Bruwu, «»I For; Bil«H*k to-m»rrow afternoon .V E. V. Mills. ( biirg. Wash., including the round S. J. Scott, formerly a clerk Bl “Oregonian” from liustbiirg: April H. \ v««ry mt« r* s?mg prograii MIT» HI.LI. I \MBJ RT Af Th. < diluii.• Our (irretì Seal 5c Cigar can’t be turd yJ • lioiise.wi r<* .l«*str<>)ed by fir«* hist Mon­ Blount's, is now city surveyor of i he | r«»liminaty snrv<*% <»t the It will I m * rendered in addition to «»ofSe* « ¡ni:« h Ja« h*«»iix liie. \ptiJ ¡4. I «•». Ic, Minkler Ar Son's beat, ut I >. L. ( Covered day morning. Loss ifiutl.ut”. K< x lather No» J. Mi Nubola* Mil« hell Albina, near Portland. burg A Ooos Bay railroad lias t«eeli !* F. Snyder has eloM»d ihr Fair»» ai» ! snndwidiH.“ ('.»me on«*, e-uno :di, aut! M i** I. ilex I .am I m -i I. ail «»( .hi« k -«»in ill« . c*»mpl«*tt*d. showing a distant* of ÍM) by insurance. i *> i lleFlunraiit. It will probably the holism is large. J. N. Hoekersmith came up from (’«>mbi‘‘or IB an had an cxp^rienc»» WokixlW (.oRE At tli. re*i«b!.(e <»1 miles fiom K- im burg via Mjitlo Point lie op«*nrd again uti«lcr ¡in«»thrr ’Tin* great union de|s>t Mi­ Portland Mislford precinct on a busi nés« visit ulti i.Jiitg iniiii'li t. it* ar M»*.jf«»t<; b. I: *. with tramps ’I'ii»*sday evening that dal ls to be built, now forthwith, or soon Fruit Iw-rt. t«» the t<»riiiiiius at (’« mis Bay. (Ax*, See the \andyk«» points in u a ingrineiit. M A Vvilliauo. M: Harr W . : i; .« mi Itiet Saturday. n«»t t» ml to raise that g» nus of human­ lifter. It is said. The Ni. 1’., V. 1’.. and cillais al D. K. A E. V. Mills. Southern < Iregon was visit-«! by Mis* El.aGur«'. all of Mrdfor«! prient«*!. Curry and I counties will l»e Main Rtrrrl is vastly improved in ity any in his cstunat ion. As he S 1’. companies will form a joint sto«'k Col. .1. T. Bowditcli went to _____ re«pnr«*d to i . um » a subsidy of $150,(11)0, Salem pretty I . ¡ivy frosts early in tlie week, app»* »rain l»»*t wr»»h th»» Harga«hm* was r«‘tliming t«> the D'pot hotel late < ircllil « oint. Sih.OtiO of which was raised in this las' Monday, ou business connected «If Jai-kswii County, Sliowlng Tinwnclul and some damage to fruit over the hill at.d I hr s*»ut h school hoil"« , sine«» that « v»»iiing, just in front of the Ply company for the purpose. CuiKlill«« troni «h*t. Ist, ISM». to Marcii with the state militia. city i : j altoiit tom hours. The whole county is re|H>ried, though just how < lvrk I, R \\ * b>tvr. Judge; M b . .'luilrr if was widened and grade I. A reportfsl se<*unty of b«s f cattle al ii .oil h 1 ■ u «». on Spring str«»et. four 31st, IS*.K>, Inclusive. an «mnt will pn»b;bly I m » si :!»senI «»I serious the damage is cannot yet lie J (L Bi.*«tae), sheriil (kil. Jaa. Norris waa nt Grunt's Pass within ten days, nnd< r which «•or»ii- Frank Hasty is fixing up the inte­ tramps ••«truck ' him and dem .ml«*«i a Portland has led the S. I'. Company to hist. week, pri paring to ship stock up < . H. I’.* k. ii * \ Sa:.:li 1*1 Leu*’, .¡i x •• « . i : k < F.IHTS. told. Peaches and almonds suffer«*d ordered that plaiutii! pax to the ck r^lli«* tions tin» <-onstruction will l»e prose­ f : '.» .,9 ol most, of course. < >ne I hing is certain, rior of his news stand, coni» r Mam dollar .«piece W»*ll now four ordinary make a |ow«*r car-load rale overlaml I.., a-h m I n-ii-ui, for the lumlier yard in Ashland. >uiu «»I i '*» for >upi»o! I oi •!. i n'i.fiit u'cl her paid •* for Taxe« cuted wills ilt «ielay aud th«» road though, am! I hat is there are |>eaubes and Granite fvtrrrts, and will soon tramps would hav» some besitan«*} m illO from San Francisco ami some lix. ( luldrcu mid the fiirthei sum «•!’> «<• f«»r ?M«’»7 90 attacking a mm of llyan’s ls»dily abil California stock raisi rs ure going to in coin (•’»mple‘«*d within twelve months, 'lhe E. 15. Huns.'ker started Inst Friday att«»ru«’y fee-. I( i* iurihv <«rdcred li»bl ti»e and almonds left yet, though whether have it as cosy ns of yore. I X»’! To warranta for ity. but these fellows critainly ha«', ship cattle north. «lei« 11«iaii'* hake the cu e nu«l « u-t«»*lx «»I li •• for San Francisco, on a business trip, field holes s I miw that the ion!»» is s there will be all the :r. >s can ls-ar or paid ill v. m ranis The I bion paaly hav»» rill»*«! a e»»n- children, -av«* that p’.aintill is allo xe«! I«» t* KI buddy jiractieable, affording easy and To • a-ii 1er liq. Ii» t uses » not can not yet Is* said. It is an ad­ vrutioil to h«>miTiat»‘ ramll.i.drs for uuliinih d gall add*»«! to their bravery Two hulies have alreiuly announced intending to lie gone about a week. visit Ibe ( bi’dreu att tin rc*i*i» n» <- ot tliei .*> < (»II. on judeni t to want four dollars. They didn’t gel «•ii<*.;|» r,»nstriiei »• n, and lb»« surro:in«l- mother until tlie termination <•« liii* suit. vantage to fiuit grower» in this coun­ (•(»unty offices for M iy Wth. Tnreon- tli«*ms«*lvi*s as candidates for the school -.77 siale u ari liosp. Ab. (iiddiugs autl J. W. Briuer went th»* four dollats, though, aud Kyaii M.L Mt•( «ill x .*. II* nrx \ii.niui man a« lion mg country nffords nmple r<»sources ::l try to have frost* kill from one half to ventioii will meet al Medford. iron hik I stove superintend» ncy of Del Norte county. over the mountains Monday, to begin ! Was'nt serious!} hurt, but had to dodge disu»i> -ig«i ;l! p'..i I ;|! » lL- «•• : to furnish profitable trRiiic to mik<» l< in. cerUhcates three four' lis of Hie |«eacfi bl.moms, Cal., at th«« election next Novemlier. milling operations on Hungry creek. Jam« s W right v 1» A l . , oi.>u*jb>, *uii ii the road a goo 1 inv«»stin«*nt. Scott Griffin, the Tolo real estate a whole lot «>! rocks (blown after him < >n. of the ladles is the present in- equil) •» d«« ¡are di**«»luii«»a of partnership f.«r it saves tlmm tin* work of thinning I>|>IH RSEMEN1S. C. W. Wolters and John W. Curry, and <-ounting. DefcmLuil • rHii!«-*l leave . u t he y ou'ig fruit amt makes it better ug»*n(. brought up two carloads of after be had brills»* I his fists in break­ eumli -nt of the oiti«*e. foi:ini«'.iij !bat piimai} mr« ! ing away fr«»m th»» saucy “vags.” lo wiihd mt (¡t’biiiri'cr, aii-l gixen i • da. * 1*> received of Knights, heard Damon ami By warrant* ....... ... \ Medford M <|Ua!ity. but om'e in awhile tl.e fr.»'s wh»»at for the Ashland Mills List Fri­ .1 L’ i -'ll! il r*in \, Mu\ 2>i, lu • Iv« I «1. ¡«-gat« - til«* an an* w«*r herein. |>arl unit *■ a.' i *1 Í llow«»ver. the chain-gang medicine is SajKion comity. Cah, will vote Pj Pythias at Granite hall Tuesday night. By slierilt «•!>»« ii! ;«.ii. I’h« « . t rn’ pr« « in« i - 112 «-» come a litlie too severe, though it is day from the warelmu*»♦• at Polo. W « ( . Hiper v* Win ’. .tie- ¡) 1 • • intere>t pui*i uui<‘ having a salutary ♦ iTecl up«»n the ic sj siMffnal election on May 2litb, on propAi ■ vnlKk i to on« dvic^jt:«'«-iH'h, nti. 1». H. \ eager, the timber land Luther L. Burteiishaw has removed tramps, gem rally, especially k« epiug i «\cr> 1« n m« tnbvi«, «»r IracijuH 97 I (MJ aud <(».-i'. und di*d> «in. !’» «»l igl. n to I hiix I the couuiy in the sum x 71 9» hik I cancelled 2> 92 . oi (¡rang«*, i ui m«-rs’ kiliaic «*. stlit. a . ot jJlI.OIM, the funds from said lionds man. lias I asm in Douglas couuty ¡lur­ By interest oil same S'i'uke Hi.' n S -¡I Cigar, at I* Klaiunth I «>uiit\ Dr orr.iti« < ’oineiiti»»n. his law office to th»» ro«>rn next to the them from begging from house L L»r >• of Labor. (<»r ulli«*r farm«;- ..n«i State of Oregon \ »•-'«! Minin'**. s«llin' bank in first t|.M»r of .Masonic block, bouse and publicly soliciting on the to be its«*.! m the construction of ing the past week, looking up coal •’ state taxes paid to the L. Minkl.'i' A S in's. >' «'rganizatioDH) I'robibi!i«»n l ’ ui**ti liquor without license ’ '•« ’ (»«»ii.l gixeU !». state treasurer 'i’he Klamath cutiuty D«*n»ocratie where be will ! I m * found hereafter. street, and if all the citi**s and towns nn lges ami culverts and repair of lands. iud I nmn pari) « lul«. Volunie<*r del def* iitiaiil tlut! i>v xxill ap;" a :n« * 'irt io I »res« ¡-hi' ' . from ."si-i •» at I'. Ion tit’s. c > iv^ iti-m m *t J it Linkville \Vvdm‘s- pr«»p«T'y viit1«»r>«’d, from unorganized »•(•utcucr. had a uniform law of this kiud there pubji«* highways of the county. lNbHFIEDNE Mrs. Mart Childers, of Linkville, ' service from Lakeview The mail will be udmitt* <1; ihr num I wr not d.i\ of this wreek and m»mmatv«i ramii- J. S. McIntire v*. I-.ia«' \\ «»'»If. a ! ■ n *r would !>♦• Ic»s «»vmplaint of tbutramp Copy It ">!:•' lO-nml Spelling ILhiks IB'lvhtv inrss Oct. 1st a.s who has I h cu spending a few weeks tn in a demoralize! condi- • ••i I h it •!« signal« 'I ilcf«*iti. n » n » ius to be lawn» re« over p«*i.*'»ual i:«p«-rt). Jud ■ 1 he sup«*riutendeut of th«* Oregon <|’i!rs for county <>ific«»H and elected V 01 91 per last report trier from «• h of liu-« oimiv paper- at I». L. '(inkier .*» Sou’s. ment foi dx feml.tiil. r aclms this Ullisanee. 1 tlins» d*degat<*s to tin-state convention, tn»n. The Ejuimbirr state prison m ins quarterly repoit this valley, returned by Tileaduy Warrants drawn ia-t six «•ti lo Le prcM lit. I K. Du w *«»n \ >. H • I • • \ - • al. f< - i« « morning's train. office sometimes but usually it doesn t. months as follows t he following are the county nomina- shows 329 eonvx'ts in that institution Tritnks an I Valir.-s at Blount’s. • b-r «>f cotiiinilP*«*. «ii i .S Bit!'.«.-, close chattl«* uuntzage. Motion lo -tri!;« Sheritt’HU'1 jailer fee* ami Moanis, S«- c . (' out parl of plai lit i■! - «•■ »in pl. 1 ie «» • » r» ¡« i tio is: For joint representative, Klam­ at tlx* close of the quarter, as against Jacksonville Heins. Sei. McCortl came in last week from At the last city council me» ting the 17 í Iniarding prisoners 1 I < I •■«, ;i . .«: VS h ath nd Lake, (». W. Smith was nomi- time for collection of street tax was 313 last quarter. Norty-eigbt were Klamath county, ami will probably County clerk s fee-.......... 07 tat«’, Hppr.ll f «'ill < t»U!»l « «>: 1 ‘ . < I* ! -• ' II I'llltlic \lKtioil ! n.».ed; for county judge, H. W. Keesee; extended thirty days no tha* if nil •• judge's ree.iveii drring the quarter, twentv- linut'l Notifi* P> til«* I’llblir 00 Mrs. Dr. J. A Cideudar, of L«>s fonr were dismiss«*«! by expiration, make a trip northward Boon, to Waali- “ school silpt. fv«*s • l ’ cri) ll)de X ' W . IC M < a '¡««u !«< i* for clerk, Jas F. Kurtch«»m was uomi- not become delinquent mtil M iy H h 00 “ treasurer's Gillos. (’» k in A*h- III \ bi am Bi-h v- ( baric* I lh**-!..... . al, -u ' t'.O h«* will tn»i I«* resp<«n-iblv for any «b-hr«« “ commissioners grant creek, who went to Chehalis lineman, is off ou a two m »ifiLs re ­ I» « J»«« k p- in Saturday, in equitx I«» foi»*«'lum«»ri2 ’ ig( .1 u.igniunt assess»>r, J. II. Smart: for treasurer, M ih . T. D. Bevkuuui an.i il.ui^'liU*r, ni 'htlis was SoT'Jfi."”; earnings for 10 ,c¡¡ Dist atty’s fees ■ iot « f ll< »U M*h« »1'1 g(MMl>, f«»r plaintiff for *’M,ani! ii :«> idcx ir* - and ,’i.nt.rK« a d by he wifi Minnie M I« (Ml II. Kessler; for commissioner, Chas. pairing trip as far north as Roseburg. ■ if Diiii'l**», Net» York, uro visit in» the same tim**. tjsil'28 15. Of the eon- valley. Wash., last fall, returns,! to AsM'ssiiient roll I M. D ei \ Ai i . x«i linn*2 n»’«« f««r (•«•*1* uild rt« »I. Vorcr. (’««niiiiued. ci unation: for coroner, J. i\ Forlies, (’«»uuty Ass s.f hO I*«its*nd kettles, pans ami friers. •..nv.-nt -ii, (> (’. McFarland, N. P. H and Mr. Chapin tn will s«» >u iwgm 1 h*» .»PI I«»xc«l -• -cunt ) W ill I h * «b lliud mid tin»* given to !'!■ I' pl) county, Michigan, Mr. Brown's old sundry indigent p« rsous "0 Linkvill», «-am.'in mi Sun lav. .Mis I he great caì.iiniìy I bat w. s to have Count) hospital All things for all soils of bit), rs it«». I KT T k Y! «M; legate, 5». S. ( >odlow. E E Emmett x* Ai»uvr Kent * l al Lo« home, an 1 will probably locate in that Court annual hns «’S siip ’I i I of property in Ash­ is vi ¡tin/ In r mother, Mrs 20 house, jail, el« ’ I» put) >!iciirf. t io*«’<»f ui«» Jiuigu.« nt h«r piamti! bef ti<•<> Oakland and Alameda on 91 * Books, stationery, etc (', > SlMllb. Sermon subjects at the Presbyterian P'.rtliin i to r»|ir«*seni Kiamuth .‘¡«illily lue! Monday, failed to pr«*se«lt Itself, Rev. I«ott, the Presbyterian minister Examining teat hers •• insane Lntpst it<*hed enib!(»i.l«‘i p - ¡ By a r* solution of the lk»aY«l of Di- church next Sai bath: ‘ Joy Over the in tin* Iv'pnlilu'in State Convention. at 1 th«’ mid*, it mie of sinners in Hies» at Linkville, was on Wednesday morn­ Fire w«»«»«I 1). R A- E. V. Mills. r«*«»tors of th»» l’ulilic Schools, pr«.»mo- Saved,” ami “The First P tiohM ill tile sch«M»|s will de[»end Upon Teacher the Truth ami the S*»ul laitik'ell. Jlnih'e H. K. ilalilia, « :. w. p 1« >ns, much to I In a* disappointment had lieen attending the Presbytery at Bounty on w ild animals Election expenses Jacksonville. the combined results of the work done Sy mix »' iz ( h L” Filial Proof "Notice Kahl«*r ami XX’m. M. Colvig, went ot h„ Wootiw-rl lutes w ho iie,Hi«*«l the Mis( ••llanv«»iis ■;.mg I ?) and II d io I lie in,mntains. during th»* school year, aud of tile Dr. Hiller, of San Francisco, pro­ A. F. Hunt was in from lha«i In­ muiii on Mou.lav's tr im. I1IM97 ii is iii order 1,'iw ha Mis. \> »Li.ati final ex.Minna!ions. For a pupil to yesterday, and says the I MTU. Sl IT« - 1 I M. • Il H. Mrs. .1. XX'. Berry, of Silem. '.1rs. NTR V. tion know n as final examination on t he make their living. i lion to niHix* tinal pi>* '! hi Dp|*<> i <>f Ii l .u'oin i, are n^ain in attendance ¡it their homes, only to be deluded b\ rangements for advertising. Total «Hsbiirscmi’iits $ 1123 »>2 various branch«*s of his grade. The ( ¡aim mi'iliia! -a.*! proof vx i!>. In* n.i.i« !.< I H-li.i •-■’ ‘31 aii'i "Hl nt*. the lieilside of their father, J. A. Card- now practicing Morris Howell went to Salem by Dr. J. M. l ay lor, the !»• X« set of “ World s » ‘ lid ” <»IHIik* fore the .hnlgc, or in hi* m D m - i ■■ >•. I»<*f(ttv th; b*->t time to do this is at the eud f 730.'» 34. iu tue trea*»iry 37«>»l »>• 111 ( l« rk. of lh»- < (»Unix < .«tirt of .lH< k-o:t ¡i: of tht» term wh«»u th»» studn»s have dentistry al Dram, and well known well, wlioee condition lias been regard who in iy ? i.irt thvir ridiciiloiiH teach XX’e.lnes.lay evening's train, expecting I x. < »r«-.’«>n, a! !a> k'oii. ¡¡!<- « »r* . • to get a place in the wmilen mill there. ings i?»»nig. !»*en reviewed, and not at tile begin here, is interested m a nr»v mining e«i as ««nti-.¡I for the past week. SI MMAKV iii «1 h \. Max 4, 1*90, \i/.: *.»« iiid T. (.) Andrews is ttiw foreman of the War t» paid iu •> mo's... f 'teO1 17 1 -« hi . H . «I.'ii *' «'.!< t I • ! t . Ni» ■ I ii ing of iIi»» fall term. We h«»pt».!here- comp my incorporated there, and Th«* Souther» Oregon Pr«*sliyters of NW , Hll«i til.' w *W , .1 finishing room at the Salem mills. L»re, that ail the pupils who <“«n pos­ thinks he has a lionanza, ho it is said. ri*tuin«'d home last Fii«l:iy, ami were (’«»Hector Frachl aud hi*, Eneitiie-i Imlelii««lu«**« <4 ramity tow n*lnp ::.» *ot ’ lit, rany«* I. \\« ** Ap ¡I t. Kill ................... ill"* ¡¡'»11”''. sibly remain in s-*bo«>I until the clos»» Ile nain«** a* w iîn«"« * lo i»rox i. J. XX'. Hamaker earn«* in from Link- S*»rm’»n subjects at tho Congreg.i- unanimous iii th>* opinion that llieir i'll«* following dispatch in the (h> - iioh* roiip ii« «- upon. HIKI « uli 4«f the term will «Io so, and thu« secure tiom-d Church next Sunday will I»»* as i’resbvt«*rml s* s-imi hn«l lieen l«otli The f«»rvg«»iii2 i* ’( ’,«>rr«‘« i slu-wiir-' «»t th«* is dated W ashington, A pi ii Id ville Saturday, und went ou to Salem lh* hi elves, if possible, against failurt». follows; In tlie morning the subject pleasant and profitable, ami that their A few enemas of Mr. lhaeht s»em !«• try Sunday's train, to attend to some linHii« ih I « «»ndition of Ja« k*on « --unty « hi *ai«i land. x i/. .hnnew \\ Drill« i ■ Ja ks«»u (’(»uni). (»!«*‘4*«:i ,l<*-s See to it that y«»ur child is not on will Is* from Luke 14 .2fi, m tlie even reception and rnleitaiiiment by the I»« w. . l mg aw fully hard to pr»>veul law business there. He was at Port- M m »-« I i :it ls’M». as -h«»wn by (tie re. •»ni-«H Tah’iit. .la k*oii cmut «,<•:■ 2«*;i, the street« instead of in tlie school mg, “l’iiv Saloon hi P«>!itics an I p«.. ,ple of .l.ieksmiv file, was unsurpass­ him from getting settled in th«» Al iska laud XX ** roHeebirslup. but it is probable that pot boil. < heuon. « H a * W !■ ■ ment to keep <»tl the “spring f« ver.” I here I-due «»a titx«>. in* lisbutf -hvrifl* Mi S vuiali. presulent of lie* Home th -v will he disap{M>llited: Tue w >rk on tlie G mi »rd opera (’has. E. I’emlierton, who brought ___ =_ a^«—nient forilo ? 2.’l •_'♦»* and delinqm nt i’l V Ili.KS AM» 1>1KE«T o KS. i l.«• nomination of M;.\ ITarht tola* the Elleford .V Brophy Dramatic com­ hi\« s lor !»'•< and Iss*. f_»*79 ‘J. un« >'.lvi b «I house block is going oh. As *.. h » ii Mission t'lHK* of Ashland was in I he sugar I’iur I i . hu ’ and l.iim>»er <’««iiipaiiy. as the r*»of is on the work of lathing .1 ¡icksi.nvill«* last week ntieiidiiu; the cold-.•tor of oust«uus for the district of pany through these parts last full, thi< ;i>t «lev of Mandi. lsy«L Sliri ilfs Sah*. M ax Ml I I i Alaska, which was sent to the sen *t» join«sl the Liudsay company here, ami « .»un!y < Ir k (>; Graut'd Or., have (heir new will liegln. It is exp«»«*ted that the Presbytery, an I was th«» »uasl of Mrs. »»•I I >,*.*« mber Last, still hangs tire, lie w<-nt alien«! ns their advance agent f«u»h»ry in full »»|K*ralh»h. Their ch ( st«»reroouis ou firs? floor will In* ready E. Turner. In tlie ( in-uit ('oiiri oi tli*- *:.•»•■ of « c ntly it was said that it. had be»*n re­ next month. Srnil-Innual Slalrinent |>HCiiy in (i«»u)»!euty p;ir»*«l to fill all orders L»r l»oth con- . isp I« ration of petitions pre* •-Vaud a fraternal visit lo Oiiv«* No. 28. I. the treasurer of Ja« k-"ti « .'iiut>. on.u’.'ii B. I. Mus>enger. I'laiiHitl’, II \ ‘ a J^i» t (XU E. A. Hildreth and wife, of XX’est of for 11 «• e«»iiiinilt»••• . F. of Medlor.l. Tib sd.iy evening, ground for this statement, it lias now Branch, Michigan, old friends iiik I of Mar' ll. IW. "f ¡noue» r.‘'.;vi'l Kiel By xirtue <»f ini <*\c« ulioH «1«; With (h»ir new nn-l perle. •( NV-t»*in r. .*i h. |.ai'l out from « liom reeeive.l aief from ¡»truel lights at s»’veral places over the and in addition to a-eiiu; lire Beauti­ developed, w as an order lKHil»*d by that m-iglilsirs of . . Nelaou, arrived in «•nt «if the ab.»ve t-nii? 1< I voi it kiln drying they can futnish ull work »•ity has i»ven indefinitely ptis’poned, fied XX ork, a most I ujojable visit. wliat Mtunx', ami oil wliat ai'i'oiiul |'ai»l Ashland yeaterday morning. They Vtllil i«-«i « HUs«*, I»» alrtix ■»• coipinitt«M» (o its chairman, Mr. Frye, out : in perfect conditi »n. l’lieir new dry tlie eouucii thmkmg it was not advis r<‘« t< <1 an«l delix« r L « odi ;:»aii li ii Th« V XX .C T. (’ . of Medford, gave to report the nomination favorably came with th«* intention of making kiln will thoroughly >vas«»ii binder in able to increase the runniug expenses out ««I the )M ‘ is«»nal, «»r ii - *a ’ i*ly ..... ......... , — ..... . a most eiijovab'e <*nterlainme:it Tu.-s wh-nvver th»* president shall withdraw this llii'ir future home. r«»llhi not be follil i, then L»ur day.", atul h.»s a daily u.ipacity of • >f tlie city further at preseut. 01 the re«|ii»*>! h«» made some time ago to proper!) of «(• friidam a i i* dav evening' at Howard'a Hall. Tlx* Chas S. Moore ami family came in ten thousand f»*«*L in haid ( (»lilt on tlie Mh Frank Morine’s new brick building program was th«' first np{K*aratn*e of Ii iv»* it hung up. The eominitt«»e has from Linkville Sumlay. Mrs. Moore T.i sui t re< .1 from In «ill cl.i>N<‘H i»f work, both in de­ 1V«9. in faxor of B L. M« » <•<* mir •O examin» ‘ d th»» charges against Mr. temp. cerliticHte* . the llatelict Family eilttlli» down the is going up rapidly. The work was and ngiiin*l J!. V < a-* . and her t wo little children are visit ­ signs and w«»rkinaiiNhip, they ar»» n »* c - 21 on I’raeht and tiudsthu balance of pr Iron iloors 4 • ». n with ini«- v*t t Ir re* kreiit tr«s*of inti mperanee, mid it was delayed several days on account of i»nd to none on th»* Pacifi • ('nas!. ■JI M10 (hl Dec 2 Taxes lor | h *9 judgment at * p. r «•ent. p« on his Hid»», but strung influence is sonville (Mr. ami Mrs. Langeli) dur­ Det 100 IMI 2». l.iuiior license Send to th»‘in for »‘-»tincites on all job scarcity of luml»er after the bricklay­ <*xc«*lleiil in all its parts. rusts und ihr fintili T <’<♦•« tieing brought to bear upon the presi­ ing Mr. Moor«*'s trip to l’ortlaml. M «Ml ers ba»i the wails up to the secoml The solo by Mollie Gr int Hatchet Judgment Dec 39 «•«»st* of Hi»«! upon -a» I w ! i work and for pne*» lists and dtaeoimte I »90 *ir(a.*li in bin*!, af th«* < hau l. B »x»*s of pvuty description are DiP county court at its se ssion tins (»LTING FLANNELS. iiHirning. coming via Portland. They Slate uarrant in Ja< k*«»nx ill**. Oi.. at 2 « made by th»*m and furnished in large x^i^k order»*«! tin» clerk to advertis<‘ Tord i'!i»ht to uiv«* an entertainment Mr. Mitchell are v< ry anxious to have ar«* old trii*n«ls of S. B. Galey und are leb 12 Liquor license 21W INI th»» nomination confirmed, and they Santi ttiii/, Matf 10 on or smull «piantitns. You will con­ XTor blds for the construction of a WL«*very town in tlx* county. I raiikliu More sol Feb 14 are using all the intiuensideut to have him with 202«i9 oo <117 Mar.a • leser tn.-«I a* follow > draw his objections to tin* eonfirma- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abbey and Miss AlitiilitMi. |442in Beginning at t hr « • nh ! «•f • Granii«- -Tr< « tise for bids for tlie repair of tlie and Ii is lieen a li' lph ss charge kindly ti»>n. The cluirg«»s against Mr. l’racht Alexander, who spent the winter in Ashland, Jtu kson «oiintx. . v. ».»Ill» ’ll) 1 » « »111 tl • iuteiM-ctimi «»f ecu l aid on i’oitutv warrnnt" !.«>.<>. F. was taken liefore Judn'e whisk} into Alaska and that he sold trr of >aid s’lrrtl with the *«•<•! ¡o;i line he <417** Parti»»« coming (»ver tlie Klamath I I*»» .1 <>11ii S. Lindsay dramatic min* tween th«’ sort ion* * mai ■». iowu»*hip '• Neil on Monday ami adjudn'«*«! itisam* h-pior to the Indians. A man named quma Bay, where Mr. Abbey has a liai, geu'i loud mi l.uiid river road from Linkvill«» to Ager, re ­ s<»nth, range I «• i*t, W M : f Ir*-1 <•«• sou!Ii pai y :p|»» af«’d lt«'f<»r»* sin:dl Lonses in by Drs. De Bar ami Somers. His in­ Johnson, who is th«» chief of the oposi- summer hotel. Mrs. Winters, of Ash­ M H«H»1. El si» «•asterly along the « «■ ■ul* « 00 $ 1*130 >1 Im amlerings thrrr.d, . !«» H p«»int eil't of I». - lice court tin* aur.’ige. t;k«n alto^vtI i « t , while May. they will have to l>egin ruuning to melancholia which Ii is resulted in to attend a meeting of the commis­ {'inning; tliener wr*1 t 1 i beginning. Lindsay, himself, and one or two of on the summer schedule. (»hull uinler my ! i i ■■ i ■ I i : « : - 111 li « I i X o| softeni j of tii«* brain. sioned offiiKTs of the 2«1 Reg. O. N. G„ AM". ST PAIO ot r. Teueliers' Asmiciation Meeting. .1 X \l E- < i. Bi Iti -I \ . April. 1*90. Ins HiipfHirt ai«‘ v«piiil artiste to any Jacksonville Lo l»c No. In has ex- “Jack” Curtis is over from Hungry to elect a Lieul.-Gilouel. He returne«! lly ain’t paid mi sel.’l nupt SilV’ ill . loss .«I that hav»’ « a » r te’en seen in Ashland creek where lie is now engaged in min­ pen«l« $ Rev’d for curii lít ale fu^>. '•Em»« h Ard«’n” was put on in good very flatteriug, though there is so uiarly by the iiiemlrerH ot the lodije. n lay evening the company much water yet that theuiiners ■•«m Tins is ¡.n lnstanc* of fraternal ««lire the assiK'iatlon. Owing to the absence hi th«’ ( i reni I (’«Hirl <»f th • spite « » Í < »■ g 00 ■ ó 2.’ 1 for lhe conni) of Jack-mi. Normal school when it was lu charge plays I for th»» first time tlie charming not prospect to advantage. of l ’ rof. L. V. Wells, secretary of the hii i .1 ivotiou that .vrit.-s its practical :<»<»: W. N l.n* k« \ :iu«l .1 \V \h’.n S tate • »r <» ke ...» n , i ss litth» drama, “Miralda.” Tn**sday ev- _. Pl I'ol'i *u let • rs. in Irin .r of tin* ass-H'iation. Prof. Watt was appointed of Prof. M. G. Royal, was ou Wednes­ Col ■ W li \\ it'khani, p .i;u!i;S. NTY OF J A« K*0M. ) l’he stocky ards at the depot m Ash­ day evening's north Isiuud train. Mr. «•uing, tlier«» was a little larger attend- sivrelary, pro tern. Roll call followed ■ ‘«Unr’uio 1 >f O l«i F. -ws. «»r< «1«» hereby »•«• rtify that thv .1! c»», the company plsying "Damou land yesterday bell fourteen Engli- . ill«! a large number of teachers re­ Retldeu has beeti teaching at Fresno, foregoing Nt>ti«-c i- iit'ii g •«en thm in tile til««ve is a tru«’ aii'i correct *t«lemeiit of J s X i'.".lai li die«l of fatty d. Shire stallions, which th •* ow ner w i* Cah, for several years, and last Sunday entitled chum 1 in th«-* said « «»tir! ■ 111 I io I'.tll MU«i I’y tiila.s,'’ nil ler th» patronage of sponded. A communication was read the amounts received. pni«l out hii <1 rc.iiaiii du) of Dvcviflbt r, 1-X9, judgment was «Inly ¡1 i ,.t kstJbvill., restiug here while en rout»» norHt. gem 1 was married to a young lady of that ing ou I jhix I in the euaiit) trcasiirx oi -ai«l 1 lie local Knights. Mr. Lindsay as from Prof. Wells, of Oakland, ('al., iii iviulvred against -HÌ«t phiiiitifl tor IIv s ’ ihi county for th«* six month»* ending «nth«*. «1st \Viail. il.fs.iay, 'S lay, \pi:l 16, 1- ‘ J I. ngiai 1,7 D.iinoii ami young Mr. Thomas ns They were a fine looking lot «»f I d » - s which he resigned his office. An eh»c- place. The newly wedded pair were of Il'M.. Ki « o-ts. ill f«\ of oí « ai«l «ivf'-nti.ini ; R H M > » hi , He wa.r tion was immediately ordere«! to fill on their bridal trip, ami st days. «lays. and l»v virtue of a writ ««f « n ••« ■ 111 i < «t » «inly l‘y thias interpreted th«> characters al ami were brought out from the I. .>t years. 1 moti'li, Trvu*ui. r. i«-ut‘*i «ml of *’Fi«i com ; «»il !hv?îb «Li\ of Witness mx' hiiii'l this .'xlh «lux of Mar< l>. iiMist faultlessly, though the play oth to Sacramento and from there stait«d born in White county, ’!'• inn re. , moi the vacant office of secretary. Prof. Medford to visit Mr. Redden's parents A pi il. lv.«0, to mv ilirvetvil .ni'! «b liwrvii I eai,;,' to Oregon in Is’k'; lu* came to Longbotlom ami H. C. Faber was ap- there. A. D.ivm er wise was somewhat marred by lack to Portland where tb«*y will I »* sold. iM'iug unilhl« bl lin*! *!ilì.i L i»! personal Jaeksou county with his family atul p.anted tellers. Miss. Lottie Reel, proper!) I h loiigin tu plaitiliii-) »*tw«•<•:» settled near Jiicksonvtlle where lie Banks Royal, who used to live in 9th «1n> ««I April, is*.’!», lv\ v upon th«’ f«»H«»w Sriul- I ii nil al st nt vin«nt ii. 1 I»* company is miuposed of nice Portland and Sun Francisco, ami the Miss Nellie Ewan and H- C. Faber Ashland with nis father, Dr. W. B. ing «b'Ti 11.0.1 nal prop, rty «’»fib« . II?« «.f pu >ple ami deserved much’ better p-it- light O. «fc C. engines ar»» straiuiug has ever since reside.!. Ho leaves a were nominated. 11. C. Fuller was Royal now of Paisley, was on the tram of the amount of money aii'i warrants rv W II W't-kham. a»*»*ign«n 1< J. U \hiutt cvivvii for taxes, ami money pai«i to the to wit ; rouage than they reii-ived. They went themselves pulling the long trams wife ami time cliildreu, surviving, one *«lecte«l. going north We«lu«*sdny evening, (•minty tr«’a»nrvr by the sherlfl <»! J a« knon < omiiK’Uring at a point ’»«•' iain* uorth <»f !o ths down the valley towns from north of Ashland, l’hirteeii cars were an inbiul having dte.l in infancy. He President Getz then delivered Ins Banks is most pleasantly r«*memlM*r«*d (•minty, Oreg«»!!, f«»i th« *ix month* viMliim thv corm r c l'uinmon i«» *«*eii«»u* *, 9 |t'« hii *I was a Southern Oregon pnmeer aud a inaugural address which whs replet«» ! on th«» 31st day ul Mar« Ii, A I* J"'* ” iiere. - t: i ! W M 17. township i taken northward from this place by the iiioiiln rui lie' Masonic fraternity and with good thought aud practical sug­ by all the old students of the Ashland To amount iu c in rerr vnnntv. < hvg. ‘ «n : ilwn ••• soiith « 7 .J. : «•*•■.. one engine Sunday evening Hie long- College aud Normal aobool hh one of month Not . Ds*« ! killed "RwlfiHd.” wv-t 11 nil l lini rhniii* lh« a* . \<. -! »? was b irl al iltld r the auspices of »»st train M« (’arthy ha«l pull* d Up to the Masonic order yesterday after­ gest ions. the sharpest and liveliest Isiys in To am t in war nta during mid I*) h*» c I ì HÌ il *. th.'ii««’ m»rHi eiuht 2X4 .1 month Nov. 1M'» The Henley correspondent of the date. The first topic upon the programme, si'hool. He is now a promiueut clerk tlL‘nc«‘ cast 2? aii«1 i « i ’mi rods; To am t coin r« « d during noon ¡¡I 2 o'.'I s-k. 11.' was a man of that of Geography, was «liscussed at ('hams ; theiii’t « a l xi\l) *< x < n d< :. «• » rek:i ./"«cmi/ says that Billy Wright in a retnil I k .use in Portland. 1 Jt»o mouth I’«'«'. 1M9 Untiti .'»-1'0 « li dii*; ( h» ti". «»ni ii !«• {h Th»« T idings reporte r who w--«s r»- iitib ■ in.|e.| g.-neroaity, a kind Ims- considerable length by Prof. G. H. and the Beall Isiy, whom th«* TlIUNos To am t war'nta r « <1 dur place of I»«’ inning and aD«» • »»iHt.«« kcìl Fred Clift came in from Linkville 31 7»> ing month D«•« . Is*»*» two wis'lts ago reported as starting sponsible for the item last w«*»’k, ref«*; b in . i ! vi!<_ ! th. r and a f.iitlifill Watt, lie us«-«! the gluts, and il­ at a point '• rhaiii« n<«rth of ih«* * *!ii f a i l, ¡if I i' is .¡tt!i sincere sorrow To hiii t coin rec ’ «! «luring last Satuiday, for a few «lays' visit ring lo (lie t «rg»* r range to In* built l»y corner < «»nimou !«» scction* s h!i*i ». 1 • Miei «■nt to eaptur»' old "IUs*!fiH«t," the lustrate I his points as h«> |iro. «ssl«sl. 93 month Jan I-.»«» 17. -ai«l tow n-hii noi rang«' : t!n :.« «• m»i h ... a i lost of trio els eolislg'i him to king of ti», grizzlies, killed the big the boys of the unlit la c«»m pat. y. ur«'1« The association then adjourned un­ with his mother, Mrs. A mon p, of San io ain’t war’nts r’r'd dur ASHLAND, OREG., ♦>7 «legre« - (•«'• '.i » tlìt* !ht W ’A«-t • st liti' lin«- <»f Girmi!*- tie grave. May lie res' in p' aee. 4 U» Ut» ls«;ir als>ut seven miles from Henley. •»liHMI-yaid ’ guns, but th«* ’} p‘ > iea«i mg month .Ian I sh » til 1:4'1 p. in. Prof. Smith, of tlieCen- Francisco, who is visiting her «laugh­ -!r«’vf th«*Hcv i»<»rlh«*rlx uorîh«*rl> ul<»n ulong ->iid w«* i To am t « «Un r- < ’ ti «luring 11*011 - turnip “lUO-yard” guns. The I m »} n always lin«* <>f <«« Street -!•«•!!<» tu wlì. wi¡ m*»nth Mur« h ls.»u Mrevt in \-hbm«l -:i I . • ntv .in i siate, tim'y. If we ar«' favored with late invited. I’ was a sumptuous «liuner, not si'en Ins mother and sister for sev­ of scinti oak. near Ddiil Springs, will shoot only a humlr«»«i yards. To ain't war nLs r‘< ‘d dur­ containing 11 Here*. m*»rv or I«--- enteen years. He returned XX ’ ednes- rains, a large y ield is quite certain. N MV> los ks Were rolled down the bill, aud .1 * e-»-; oi ¡ml showed uuprecentisl hospitality on ing mouth March Ali*l w ill otic, a! pubi:, -.tb- Will Miner, eklest son of E E day morning. tin* ls*nr came out. Both tired at Mider, of this city, died at S in Fran- • •st bidder for « a-h in ii md i B'slineand Ray are pulling a fish th«' part of tin* kind donors. By ain’t paid to county treasurer in bou-* «loor in J;n tr-o’i\j’ ¡. , ■» . sani** tini»*, and th«* grizzly fell, but cis(»«>«>n th«* 6th lDRt.. aft»r a short tr..p hi Rogue river just livlow th«» rail The afternisill session was opened Dee 1XM9 2hil0 oo Mr. Harry Wortman, and Miss Ella Sat>ii't'fif, Matj ti. ¡ immeiliately got up and *tnrte«l illness «»f two weeks, of acute con­ ro al bridge at this place. Success to by n song rendered by Mrs. Wells, Gore, of M«slford prtM'inet, were mar­ R ain't paid in Jan. Is9u. 14?2 <»l 1>. hi ’ ’ ' in ’ Feb. * * ............... ‘ nt J «.. I. . k 1'. M ..( « i.«l .I. » . for th«* buy*. H<* got wi'htnol or 40 l’rof. Crawford, Prof. Getz, ami H.C. ried al t In* residence of the officiating By am t paid 1 IlH X • I v'. « . H ' : I • Ip ! ' ¡' Ci ht I I .. i > I II sumption, ile leaves a wife ami one them. p’90 By am t tille mid in!« '•«••! «.f -ui'l < ih . feet of them lll»d «lr«>|i|s*d «|....,| 'Tell minister, l|ev. M. A. Williams, near ti tli A«*i's sawmill mi Sam's Falser. child anti was aged about 2s years in ahox«- tiitpi. «I suit Lx .1 W Job Work or Ropairirg, Scoli Sawing, Wood Shaping, Door and shots wi * i <* liri-d. aixl ill w n* found .|»*c« i<»’d visited his fatle-r in Ash- ere. k win. Ii Isis stoo l still for some Another phase of geography was Medford, last. Sunday aftermsm, April S tate OF (IREI.ON, l i sign« v, ii an-l lo -ai«l i al pi* « '»! VI V OF J .«• K-'S I ’ hi Ills lssly, two passing through Ins i-ix the jmlgmctU for |i'* Ian! alumt a year »ago. E E Mm“r time, «ill be turning "tf lumber again th«m taken up by Prof. Watt. This Ki:h. Mr. Wortman is u proiulsiug Window Screens. Etc., made to order. I, «laine*-o Bir»l*t y.i-lierill of Mild countN. from da’c of juilgin- ,>i heart. H>* measur«si ten niches be­ was m litten.fane»* nt the lM*dm«lc of in a few days, Tlie timber ill Ilia! discussion was interesting ami many young man. highly eateem«*•• first class. April. H’.««i. J ame D. ls90. J ame -G BiimsEY, cut off in a tr ip 7 or 8 years ago, i J. L. COWN1NG, Ashland, Or. interesting aud instructive piipcr upon Il II Kiip|«ell's sawmill on Gali's creek is the "Art of school management”. Mrs. over the valley who will wish the new­ Hherit! of Jacksun <"un‘y. 1L Al th«» 1 ». inocratic primary (»onven which gave him the nani.* of "reel ly married couple much happiness. tnramg out quite a quantity of foot." His track w is iiniic-i kalil«*, lion in Ashland last Saturday aft«*r- Wells followed with a |«a|s«r ou th» Only inemliera of the families of the alel ll>* lias klll«-d llllll.Ire Is of dollsrs nooii. J. N. L’liillips was ma ie cliicr- lumlier, will 'll is licmg bail!«*.! to this subject of "Language." As is her contracting parties were at the worth ot cattle in this vicinity nini inan and N. A. Jacobs, secretary. Th., pi.ii'.' for shipment. wont, Mrs. Wells handjtsl tier subject wedilmg which was a very quiet one. The public schools at Rock Point very ably. Southern « Iregon in t| .. p is! 12 years. f.illoniiii' ii.uii«.«! <|.'h*i.'i«t«*s wvre«*li«i- Mr. ami Mrs. Wortman will for the Il«* weighed ««ver Ilf” pour. I- ’The ««*ii to att«*ii.l th«* «‘««utily «*otiv«*titi<»ii: an.I Gohl Hill, are in successful opera­ At t lie close of the discussion. Prof. present r«*s)de at the farm of Mr. tion. 1 he school I ioiim . at lh«* latter )a>ys skmm«l him carefully, and 111- G. M. < ir.niL,’«*r. J. N. 1’liillips, J. J. Wa'.t introduce«! the following appro­ Wortman’s father near Medford. U*nil having th*'* sniffisi for ex­ Murphy. J li. T. ¡«hi.■«■ is n line structure, and well fur- priate resolution. The Ellensburg daily Reginter of Ju vies of tlie fact tiist the teachers of i hibition. He has I s ' cii systematically ('• h «I i .I i ;*'. Thus Smith. XX’. I’. 1‘iirsohs. nisht'd a crclit to the place. Js' L« a miinti have le*eii-<> royalty eiifer- April 11, has the following compli­ liunttsl for, for r«w* r;d y*'us. and cat­ I XX’ BirriH. Tin* I»* .livi li'.i upoh the ni;iB«»r of our town ¡i visit on Monday l ist. lie point >listrii'L Be it r. so'ved, that w«- hereby e,h*iei our family, who have come lo Ashlaud to hick, thill I..- has Is*, u kit!« I at last." choi.-e of <* for ¡lislri«*t nt- was here on business eonma-ted with sis.-ere thank- to them fur I he «.'line. hii .I t«i make then permanent home here, Mr. torney. bis office. the oplu of < entral Point ¡rcuerally, fur la-alh t» rrHiiijH. Oliver having purchased the tine fruit ti e intere-t maiilfetled in our work. 1 liar Xlth."l'4h the tr;iii>ps <1 ir«> not l«"l Israel Cox is putting a new front on Another |>«>r nufortnnate tramp «»!• f. e! tli*1 profe-sioii to which we belong farm of S. li. G d«*y s: th«')« .X'«'llp;itli.ll be klioWti ill town liis shop which, wh« ll completed will ha- Is au sirnally t.oiiore-i by tlie luarke.l at- "We regret to chronicle the depart ti is Is'en a ided to the list of bruke- w lnle «I . .pp..i_* over, for fear of havim.’ greatly improve 1’s appt ar.mee. t. niton which w« hav« remhe.l at their ure of Mr. H. Oliver atul family who Is-mi p.ssengeni who have l»s‘n run l.aii'ls. an i that we leave tbeiu witli a great­ to w..rk m tin* ehaiii K'»L** tlu*y ar«* over ami killed on the railngid. «Mi (h.niard's flouring mill .at this place er love for «»ill profession, feeling that tlie left ou last night's train for their new I xvill replace ewrx’ hr««ken hollow ii<>n axlesohl h\ me. We.lnee i.iv morning the mu'll it,s| very ninneioil- iiloni* the r ni ««'! I. Tlie lias I hs 'II powei I. ,-s slIK-e I he dam Was .«*:i.'her i* < o.i-uteri'.l. hy them, oue of thw home in Ashland, Oregon. In select­ other morning Uhii*. Frizeli, of th" i•..portant element* «.f -.s ioty, atul a* such ing a home in Aslilaml Mr. Oliver Is. ly of a man was found on the track free of charge, on return to me of the broken part. .Xnliliili'l inteiieil it «ioW'li Mr. John ('Imp'll is employing men ber a c«.nm.ittis‘ on program. Ash­ (sirtly ami genial old gentleman that Wiis given by some other tramt* as through a lltth* pile of straw l«v tli«* M.'t 'ornnck ami said he w is on ear ii«x«r. t«i soli.i f.toting. Tin* "I io 1 h > ' to i-ut. a largeqtiantjiy of wood to lie land was M’’i«i-:«.d as t he place of t In) he was one of the early pioneers of Tlicst* wagons are cninplete with whillletr«** s. -tax-« liain-. wreiu li ami ne« L-\<«k<*. mg, in I th» smaind Satur­ this coast, n«*v«*rth«*less such is the t.i - w ,.y ft. in S..i> I'r in. >».■ • to M .ni.i h i.) i*r.iwl*'*l uinler the straw ¡m«l eov- usd pi burning limn. Mr. C. has an next m er»si h>'iis..if tip carefully, but Ir. I lo extensive qmirry of g««. .Ml Oliver came to the Pacific ii i to •» e ri latives, that lie bad, with In painting the ‘‘Milhurii ’ nothing hut the h«*-t material is u-ed. ami all lh« \x««tk <»1 pain!in i kdjoiiriiisl. |l C F aiieh . slope in 1-52 aud passed through the other tramps, mounted the brake rise ¡i little etn iicr than lie« .!. and means l.iisim ss. CiUKi.cM.viNr. s< uno rtccrelary. beams of a stoeg train h .iving Asli Rogue riv« r war m*ir the scene of his as IB) better process has ever heeli diseoxei'<*«|. Monday evening'n triiin took north­ I h<* «lipping of (lie »¡iU’elflil pai l- into \al- ot present home and where be will h | h * u U land I’uerday cvetiiiig furtln* north, ward a bilge niiiiiln'r of Jack.sin i*onn- Ashland t'.inilstune. and that he hid f.illon tinder the tv p«*opl«.. the lest of his days, in 1853. He also manufacturers he can pa re« I with rtihhing the paint well into the woo«l will a hiu-h. From .Xslilaiid went M PERSONAL. I ii» hnndHome new bunk building wheels at Talent, Ihn-« iiiteting hin Xl.l» « and wife. Miss Alexander aiid carries a distinction of lieing the first that I death. The unfortunate felli»w was Mrs Winters, for Y. quiiiii; Col. Bow. at Aibiny ih to have a front built settler of Klickitat county in this state. Tlu* Milhnrn Wagon Company is oft«* of th.* oldest manufactories in the I'nite.l States, ami I Mr. 11. Oliver and family arrived He has live«! twenty years on Puget Imried al Talent, a colTin I m mg made ditch and Le nt. Logan, to attend ¡1 principally of Chicago prvmw-d brick M "tuluy Hionnug from Ellensburg, Sound and is the founder of the pres­ for luui t here. meeting of th«' t>. N. G. «illicers at. Sa­ and Ashlaii 1 sandstone. J. ii. Rus-ell can give von as g«>od a wagon and without douht Wrvhiesday ev, liing ¡1 man naine.l lam; A. S. Hammond, to attend the has a force of im'ii nt work quar­ Wi.bll.. t<> make Ashland their future ent town of Stanwoo«!. Mrs. Oliver Hunts refH.rted 111 town that he hud siiprvn.e court nt S ilent; ('. B. U al­ rying the slotie at the Tolman pl ,-•••, Louie. Mr. Oliver is the gentleman has shared many of his frontier trials found another tramp not far from the eon ami W. II. Le>*ds, to ni tend tile ami two stone cutters Were brought up who s »in.- ti'ii i ¡40 b'Biifht S. B. but is also hale, hearty, jolly, and very railroad tnu’k near Killings' place, repiililieau eonvention in Port lami; from Albany by Mr. Ayers last week Gale)’« fine (mit farm out th? Boiile- entertaining. The young people will Not excepting Portlaml or San Francisco. l»d. w Ashland, who had falleu off of C. XV. Ayers, going to Albany; Frank to dres- the stone la-fore »liiptung. vn rd. miss Miss Emma, who has l«eeu at­ th .t sum,- stock train Tm-sd o ,-ven- Howell, „ going „ to Centralia, Wash. About tive carloads will be required, The family of T. W. Este« left by tending the academy at tins place, ing. but had ..lily his leg broken. At M. df««r uiiio to A iiri-il mu' ymi can niak<- iiimiey l»y buying trace of him. and think Bunts uever keny of Sterling, going to Portland; gou has extensive resourtvs in botti tlinni later. ness. The family, during th»ir resi­ lime, marble and bull,ling stone. saw a tramp there with a broken leg. h k. Hanna. ■ _ W. ............... dence in *.Li-> place, has taken a promi­ C. Kubier. " Francis storing it untlcr a sht «l for 12 uiontbs. T. E. Godfrey has n-tunn-d from nent part an«l Iwen one of the bright as hr says lie dui. (»tilers, lmwcver. Fiteh and XV. M. Colvig, ¡di bound for McAllister again and will remain in think that the tramp, not wishing to Salem on tnipreiin* court bustness. At and s«M*ial factors iu our young aud Just received from Philadelphia and U- caught and idcutiti d. escaped on point. N. Laugell and Geo. M Boston, the finest assortment of La­ Ashland for some time. growing city. Their host of friends ASHLAND. OREGON. a paHHing wagon, ns Bun's said be hud L «ve took the tniiti for Poillmd. au«l dins’ and gentlem n’s shoes in the Mrs. Siki'tis hik I .Mrs. Farnsworth, will miss them, aud their plaoe will be torn up bis coat mid wan using it to at Griiiit'.s Pass, Revs. Robert and market; also a tine assortment of mother an. bard to till. The Ktyixtci- liespeaks bamhige up Ins injured limb when he E ihsih M«*L«*an stepp«»«! alioard, also spring and summer clothing. all for Mayticl.l, left for Laugell valley this for them the good will aud gtsid opin- • left him. . ion of the people of Ashland." sale cheap at McCall s. . boiiml for Portland Week. i Í J 1 _ Ï CALL FOR A THE “4(1(1 ’OXI 1*0 ICT IC! ( Prices the Lowest. I). R.&E.V. MILLS. J. L. »OWNING, The Milbum Hollow Iron Axle Wagon! THE LEADING WAGON OF THE PACIFIC COAST. EVERY PART PERFECT WHEELS RUN THROUGH BOILED OIL. Runs Lighter, Lasts Longer and Sustains a Greater Weight than any other Wagon in Existence. —---------------------------- 1»i; i (. ’ i*:s i: i< i > i ’c i*’. I >.--------------------- As Good a Bargain as can be had on the Coast, Now is the time to buv one of these wagons CH LAP Call on G. C. EDDINGS