ASHLAND TIDINGS MTAN FORI» AM» HUNTINGTON. MHTHERN OREGO'. I‘I!F.-*H\TUO. In accepting the prreidency of the A Stateti n.-eting of the Southern Southern Pacific company. G. 1*. Hunt­ Oregon Presbytery was l»egun iu th»- Friday, ington addreese«! the Isiard of directors i’reby terian chuicli Tui'stlay evening at San Francisco last w«-ek in a way T lie «-iiflreh v ® iM-aurifully decora'.«'«! that create,I a great sensation through­ with evergrw ne and flowers in,d up- Kcpulilinü County Cüiivfülioii Call. out the coast. It was made plainly piopriate mottiss, and the most I m - uii - apparent that Huntington ha«l a posi­ tiful music was ren«!«*red by the choir, tive disagreement with Stanford and led by AIiss Kate Hoffman, with Miss. A Republican county <«»m etition for meant to show it. In fact, he intimated Louis Beltils, the watchmaker of Carrie Beekman as organist. R- vs. Jack «on t*«:uuly. Orvtf<»n, i* hcrebx » alh-«>r- lxll, Rolw-rt ami Eneas AL-Lt-an, Wil- Grant's * May 7. 1>,<> t«> nominale ramlnlate'« f«»r dmate«i the interest® of th«» company hams in busim ss nt Oakland. California. at»«l Ennis were pr«sent. 1 « oiinty olii« ex, ami to trammel >»ich other R--\. Robt. Ale Lean slart«-d East on li umim ’-.* a> may proj»erly come before the to his own political ambition. Mr. 1 he opening s«*rmoii was pr*‘ach«*n\eiition lè v. Rola-rt AlcLetm, <»f Grant's Pass. Monday evening's tram, for the gen ITimary conventions will be held at the Hintb iueii o/ the Ifotinl «,/' LHree~ It enilioilie«! ;i most elegant and «ami- i end ismferem*«*. H«> will I m * gone ® x usual \otmu jilai e* iu I he several precinets tofu of the Southern I'itcific (’mu- pn ln tisive eulogy on (’ah in aud Cal- weeks. on Saturday May .. ls*.‘O, to el«« t «1« leuii'es I thank you for th«* honor you vanistie tlogiims. which was grandly to " tut county coin ent ioti, and the pre«’inet» fniiift: Rev. ('. Al. Hill, tlx- Baptist State »re re*peeti\ely eutitlel lo representation have done m<> in «-l«-eting me president replete with hiHtoneal «Lata, eouclietl Missioiii rv, sp.-nt Alond.iy at Gilint’s of the Southern Pacific Company, for in the well «-hoc» n ami beautiful lan­ Pass, looking over tlx» work here, it is an honor to lx- head of the ex«'<-u- guage of a scholarly Christian gentle lie is mneli pieasisl witli 111«* city ami tivedepartment of this great cor|x>ra- mall. At tlx-close of tills eel vice, the the First Baptist Church builiiing. tion, with its 7500 miles and over of Presbytery effected an organization, •I. T. Flynn arrived in town last railroad, and with its $150,000,01)1) <>f without dismissing the large c«»ngre- capital, and I promise yon that I will gatioii. Rev. J. R. N. l»ell wasclio-s n Saturday from San Francisco, where , be true to the interest® of the eoin- im »l, rator by aeelanuiUoii. .atxl L.hler he has It i'ii spending ten «lays, advt-r- Grant.'® Pass. He is a wie«-ii in •I. AL Luark wa® ebos.'ii temp»>raiy itising ' the past. I can promiM- nothing mor«-, clerk. In surrendering the gav«'l, the awake man, and is selling lots of for at all times my ¡x-rsonal interest retiring moderator. Rev. R Al, Lean. priijH-rty. has lieen second to that of the c«nn- ad»lr«-®s«MÌ his successor tn c«>rdial I. G. Wilson, former lMiokk«*e|®*r of pany. Il shall lie so in the future, words of gr, «>ting,emphii.-izing th«- itn- tlx- S I’. I». A- L. Co., left for Albany Ì ami in uo case will I use this great iMirtanc«* of tlx- work to which he had on Saturday evening to lake charge 1 company to ailvance personal ambi­ lu-eu unantinoiisly chosen. Th«'com­ of eompauy s business at Albany. tion at the ex|>ense of its owners, or mittee on arrangements annoiinctsi in R. ('. C«>e, of the firm of Boalich A- I pul my hand into its treasury to de­ th«« order of bu.-iniss. the Sabbath C im *, has bought eight lots in the Lin­ I feat the people's choice ami thereby school llistltute for W«'«hiesday even­ coln Park addition. Rev. Robt. Mc­ put myself in positions that should be ing. ami the educational work for Lean also piiri-li.ised six lots. There fill«sl by others, but to tlx- Ix-st of my T'hurstiay evening, at winch time tin- is a lug «ieinand for lots in this addi­ ability will 1 work for the interest of l«K*,ition of the elidoW«*<1 M-h deciiled. This is a matter of •1. 1. Seott went t,. Ki.Idle on Friday He also sai-i more to the same ef­ great im|M«rtance to th«- peopl»* «»f Twtal ntimlier oi delezate* fect, Creed Haymond, heiui of the Jacksonville, who have sill s-'rils-il lib­ and relnriifsl on Aloud iy, with Ins 1 Th«» Mine Leinif mie delegale (or precint i and tuie additiunul fot c\e law department of th«- company, has erally to the fund, to I m -temii-red as a filie i «um of hor-«*t. wiiich h*- has I mm - u \otes or fra« ii«»n thereof o\» r 12 <•» resign«-«!, prreiiniabl) ls-«-ause of Stan­ bonus to secure its Im-ation n«-ar Ja»‘k- wiiiteniig. Hun. Kiuger Hermann lor «'ongre** iu Harry Walters has bought an acre ford's retirement, lieiug intervi«-we«i sotivilie. By orderof thè Republican ( entrai atxl a half of laud tn Riv« iside addi­ on the Huntington speech, he said: uiitlec. WKl>XEsr>u April 9. tion, and is m.w living there in u very "Senator Stanford never hail a |x>h- t; H W 4TSOS. J. C. Tot.MA T he Presbytery met at 9 a. m. atxl large tent having three rooms. Hwretary. Chain tical ambition. The full history of that campaign never beeu pub­ WiiH called to order atxl opentsl by tlx- Town is full of commercial men in lished. Some day it may all come out Moderator, Rev. Bell, with prayer, ami , all lines of business. one half hour devoted todevotional ex- ! STATE CONVENTION ami then it will lie seen that his in­ 1' roet has been rather sevt-re ou the terests were those of the state, He ereisee. Roll was called and Elder .1. H. («each trees th<-s<- last few nights, and bad to accept the nomination to save many will not have fruit tins y««ar. 11 er in a il h for loiiuress. Thonipsou 1 the Republican party from utter ruin Fans, of M«*dford, was enrolled. (I. 1'. \, «Idrou on th«* (fri'ijonton Minute® of evening session read ami for Governor and a strong ami destruction. The reason why staff, and Waiter R. ed, of the tirm of tippn > v * h 1. Sargent was not electeil senator is T icket Throughout. .Minute® of stated frill meeting read Malcom A- Ivswl, real estate men of known probably to only three men Portland, spent Sunday at Grant’s in all the world, aud one of them is aiui approved. The docket was read and approve«!. Pass, liny both own property here The Republican state convention Cr«s?«l Haymond.” Permanent committee on publica- ¡.ml were very much pleased with the Senator Stanford said last Sat urday: met at Portland Wednesday. The ■ tion on S. S. work ami S. S. institut«, town ami its prl.of hm travels iu Campbell and J. G. Wilsoti went to C« m » s county, embracing its matchless pose I must accept.’ ” Eugene. Portland as delegates to the Repub Mr. Huntington was intervieweil th«- • limate, illimitable wealth of diversi­ licau convetitioii. For Secretary of Stat«-, Geo. W. fied resources, its beautiful ami pros ­ day after th«- re[x>rt of the sjieecb was N. W. Oglila-, tin* surveyor and en­ perous towns, and its intelligent, en­ McBride, of St. Helens. published. For State Printer, Frank C. Baker, “J >o you mean that politics ha;«- en­ terprising mtizeiu. Its one greatest gineer. was in town on Alondiiy fiom t he liytlraiihc mines on Grave ereek, tered too much into the affairs of the ne«?d was churches, and active church , I after of Multnomah. miners and brnlge ear|M-uU-rs. work. Th«- utter alisene« of easy ami For Superintendent, E. B. McElroy, company?” lie tinds it hard to s«*cure men and convenient modes of transit have He replie«!: “Yes. sir: I do. This wants a liiiiiils-r of good men. of Salem. building lias la-en over-run with poll- hitherto I m -« n th«* barrier t® more zealous work in the whitening fields Arthur Conklin has just lM»en ap- tics, anti it is tim«* to call a halt.” ARBOR HW IN THE IT KLK MTHMIL«. "Your address is very plain, and its of active church work in this, imleed |Miinted as special agent of the "Aetna ot bei wis«*, highly favoreil m-cliou. Life Insurance Company,” ami will contents sensational." At th» close of Ins «-If-gant and com ui:»loitiit,‘dly live a«ldr«*ss, several of the old families in Rogue river valley. I am a business man and waut to op ­ April the public hc I v ' o I s were ministers in the Presbytery siguitieil All. Al. Al. Harkn. •ss, the prominent ready for the celebration of Ari »or erate the railroad property as such ami tlx'ir willingm ss to accept calls to Day. Thin was done hi accordance to make a profitable investment. The tins work an 1 leave the eh it relies, w hieh attorney at Grant's Pass, lias eou- with the state law on the subject. property has not lieeii left as free from ar«* already well established, to the himself with S. B. AIcMilleti, W<»rk, k -ailing to the success of the outside matters as it should l»e. and as younger ministers w ho <-. ntemphited tli» young and energetic [attorney, day was in progress for some time on I wantt-d it to be. I know I have laboriug<»ti this coast. An invitation winch probably makes one of the Isith grounds. The grounds were spoken plainly, but it is just how I was extended the l’resbytery. by th«' strongest firms in the southern part of leveled ai.ard for the ex­ on we nre going to follow one busi­ riage «Invi-t«> the site, tendenti as a Star, Escort and Climax tobacco al ercises ou Friiiay. At m«in of that ness. To do that successfully poli­ location for the school, which will be * day the four school® at the south tic® must be let alone. The two do decideil this session. Ace, pted with BloUUt’H. building assembled in the north not go Well together. If a ma® wants thanks, l’resbytery took recess until \ complete new line of paper, n ivels, aclmol hous«*. ami the ciinespomliug to make a business of politics, well 2 p. m. 1‘resbytery met at 2 p. in. aud al D. L. Minkler A Son’s, grade® l then railroad, all well and giaal; but lie Rev. Walton Skipworth of th» Ore­ l enirai Point. reudered pr< grams appropriate to the cau’t <1<>both at the same time. 1 have gon Confer«,net* Al. E. Chinch, was in­ occiutioti in the pr«-scm*e of the visit­ se«-n the ante-rooms down here in this vited to sit as a col i< ..ponding menilx r mg sell««« ile, as well as a large num- building full of men trying to learn or Revision had l-eei, made a sp«-, ial or 11, iltli is v«»ry gixnl m>w. l>er of patrons ami friends of the get something out of |«>hti«-s. Why dir for this meeting, and was ably and l'hos. Aht-, of Appl«»gute, is in town should they come here? This is no sch«M>ls, who had com«- T.ut to the ex earnestly iliseils-ed; lè v-, Robt. and er<-ises. In s«>m** of the r«a»iiis at the place for them; but they were not to E, Al. AL-Lean making an eloquent to «lay. Mr. ('. M. I’ln-s ami family have ••mi of the «-x^-rciaes by the schools ¡«l ime. The tip went forth that politi­ plea fot the West minister Confession words of cm-oiiragemeut were sjs>ken cal work was la-ing done at Fourth ofl'atlh. ami doeinn«- of Calvanism. iiiovci into tin- mountains to spemi by wiiiie of the visitors. All then pro- and T'ow ns.-nd st r«-«Ts. ami t hey merely while Revs. Enni®, Bell, Williams tlx- slimmer. c«-td«-«l t** the scholiri<*s, mind you. In a free «•onu- and "intan' damnation.” T lies«- points I i I h G. m*w store. It is now oim of the try like ours men shouhi take an in • •n all sides, there m-ed la- no fears it was argu»'d wi re extra r- Itgions, ami tim-st in t lx- t- ih x. that t he t rtss t bus planted »ill not have tert-st in polities, and it is (amiable for ambiguous, ami having I mh - oui «* a •I. C. Shern laii lias move.l his larg<- abundant protection liy the lm)s »nd them to have political ambition, but. stumbling blm-k in th» "Weaker stock ol har.lwari- inlo E »J It Owens' girls. The Fehools were then ar­ it's wrong to mix it with bnsimss." l«rother's" way, and having no right to "Your address, Mr. Huntington, offend him for whom t'hr -t di«-«l," new biiililing <>ii I'll,.'s'rvt. range« I so that the pupils stood two Mi. G^1 sio ut ot oiir town, an.I "Now, I «!«> not wish tli«- public to and these were followe«! by th«* others was on«- of tlios«* rm«- ami golden op- curries a lull Im«- of tiisi-elase furni­ in the or«l« r of their grade®. T hen all have that impression. 1 have nothing |H>rtnniti«-s to h f > o,i, ami it Our sash i.u l ti that would give him offense. We get elicit,d th«* moBt profound attention ning now un i « xpecti to im-H'iis«' m along in btisim-ss all right, and our given than that whii’h was manifest throughout. T Im vote upon it. owing tb<* near future. iu the fact almost all a<-compani««l |«ersoual relations are kept up the to the hiteliess of the hour, was made same as usual. But don't yon think Mr. W in. Herriot, of Applegate, call­ the m -I mmi I s to the other grounds. tlie «corni ord« r of biisin«-ss for to­ Here, also, many others had assembled that it is a ipieer sight to see poli­ morrow. Presbytery took reo-ss un­ ed on friends lit re Saturday. i'he t«ia<‘h«*rs' iissiH-iatioii was held who could imt attelul the exercises ticians continually hanging around a til 7:30 p. m. in order to visit the soli, »ol at the other building. The arrange­ railroad office? It is to me; ami if I site, with the citizens «,f Jacksonville. her«- Saturday and an inter»-wring time ment of school® at the south building have to stay around In-re 3G5 «lays in a Evening session, enrolled R-v. L was had am! etijoye*l by all. was similar to that at the north year, 1’11 see that there is no more. Alarcellil®, of Oakland. op«»m*d w it h Mrs. June l'euipl«» has l«een <|tlite ill M'lasila; ami after very interesting Things have got to such a state that if devotional exercises. Sunday schixil for some tune, but is now eouvules- a man wants to I m * constable he thinks programs bad laen rendered by the work having been ann inneed as the eent. pupils of these scixsils all again «cut he must first come to Fourth ami order for the evening, the Presby- W. E. Berry has returned to Central Townsend streets to get permission. to the grounds where committees terian Sabbath school was present Point from Klamath county, and says from th« s*« schools also planted eight Hereafter p«»pie who come to Fourth and rendermi som«- very tine tu usie; he intends making Uris lus future trees as at the north school grounds. an«l Townsend streets must have rail­ an interesting address was delivered home. business to transact. The South­ on S. S. work by Rev. F. G. Strange, Here, while planting th«- trees the road Pacific Company is out of politics There will lx- several buikhiigs com­ same enthu®iasm prevailed as was ev­ ern Ashland. Airs. Saxman, of Ashland, will attend to its business like of was invited by th«- Presbytery to ad- menced as soon as lumber can lie bad. ident before, and it seems that the and TheCentral Point hot« 1, under the joy so prevalent aniotigthe little folks any other private company or individu­ address the audience, whi -h she did. giving an interesting and comprehen management of Mrs. Young and Miss also influenced those w ho were ohler, al should do. sive account of her life ami missionary l''io<-k, has been renovated and refur­ for whil«- the boy® and girls were lalxir in Alaska. Alany of tlx* seines nished, and tiiey alwnys give the be6t eagerly ami merrily engaged in their < ru|« Urntlu-r Bulletin. and circumstances of lalair in that meals ami clean lieil:. work otbers struck up the familiar For the week ending Saturday, frozen part of home mission work, air “America." in which many joineil A new stock of bird cage® just re­ were pat het ic in tin- extreme; telling heartily. This work ctimplete«!. all April 13, 1HK0: Weather The temperature con­ of the privations ami trials of thus«* umi ill Smith A Ik «dire s. ♦ retired from the grounds well pleas«*«!, uo doubt, with the visit they hail tinues lielow the average for t his periotl who were planting the standard of th«- made to our public schools on the of the year, since Jauuary 1st it has cross in that bleak northern l imi. nearly 1 daily lielow the At tlie ColK-iusioli, KeV. Bell proposed festive occasion. We trust that Ar- averaged normal. 1 luring the week. rain, a voluntary contribution, to I k - given la«r Hay will long Is- a «lay to be ap­ snow, sleet ami hail fell in all parts to this work. Rev. 1,,-H .-¡(id, passing propriately celebrated by the schools KI.AM.VJTI tOI XlY NEWS. of this city. May this good work con­ of the state. Snow tn the interior tliebat was a ¡»art of Ins Alethbistn of California and bright sunshim- pn vailed. l’resl>y t«‘ry »1« votisi tl.e usuai tini'- tie»* from Washington that letters pat­ have nominated a state ticket, headed Wheat The winter crop of wheat by (ten. Bidwell, of Chico, for gov­ continues iu a promising comiition. allotftsi to «l*-votion «l exercifH's, lisi bv ent for his spring buggy |irot«*ctor will lx- iSHin d April 15. He <• »utemplates but it lias little growth, rejiorts in­ Rev. Lori. ernor. Minutes of yehti-rday's session r«-ad going to Portland with his patent to dicate that it is forming excelh-nt After scores of conflicting reports, a di-|H»s«> of it either in |>uit or in whole. and approvai. letter has finally come from Dr. Teters, stools, ami abundant yields are expect The «lisctlssion of revision was re- Il» says that lie has already lieen offer­ ed. th»* JfFWHtr fiplorer, which proves Fruit. Fruit trees are slowly «level -uiu- tl.aiid was partn-ipab d in w-.tli tii>- ed SlK.INM for it. that he and Teidmnn are well. There oping blossoms. Peach- s ami sanie eariu st liess ami »lignitieil <• uirte- Troop B. First Cavalry. O. N. G. will is nothing more remarkable tha.*! the apricots their are generally well advanced. sy t hnt marked its consiib i m 1«>ti thè day give a grand uniform ball at Linkville growth of rumor in Africa. giving it their lM-fore, thè andi ni Cheny aud apple tr«es are showing Slay 1st. The I m » vs will have their uni­ Tidal wjpes. caused by change« in their leiives; ornamental ami forest must piofoiihd ari« ut ioti, The report forms by that tim«', they hop«*, and isiou was sub- of th«* i-ommitb-e <*n rev the atmospheric pressure on the sur­ trees are als«« showing tips of l«-av, s. want to make this affair the event of face of the water, the result of thuu- The week bae a dv.iucetl the having and initUsi ami votisi oti at ! > p. in., result- t he season. Yeas, Revs. B-ll, itig as follows; der storms, have struck terror into blossoming very little. Thoe. Alartiu, Ltnkviih-'s ¡»»»¡»nlar the hearts of vessel owners on Lake Farm Operation®, etc. flats and Sriange, Williains. I A«tt, Ennis. Alar- Nlb higan.l All last Thursday after- wheat tire I ring sown in favor«-«! local­ ceiiiis. ami ridere Hoffinan, Li.irk, millnnm, will have som«» iinproveiueiits no« >n vesetls in Chicago harltor were ities on uplands. The lowlands inti- Malli«-®, Simon 10;nay® Revs. 1«. and ma l<> tn his Hour null. knocked al>ont like corks. At lUicine. tinue to«« wet for inm-h work to Is* E. M» L»an. and eldcrs W alkvr and J. W. Strange, of La Grande, lc-v. Enuis moved that t >r, Dr. Wis., tlie water retvtied from the done ou them. (Iar«letis are lieing l'iris I. gon. SiifM-rvisor of C c I ihuh for Hie ritiri® to th. th«- Presbytery semi ov» prepare«!. Grass is not grome.g as shore several feet. g.-iu ral assembly, askim that th«- re­ S»i'ond Distne* of Oregon, has made t he celebrated N’vagle hal>eas Corpus rapidly as is d« sircom of the Circuit court la-ing attiniictl. k; discuss S. Signal -« rvice. Ass’t il®«- in generai pasl»»rnl wor t This disposes, at last, of all the pro- Obsetver ed at lengt li, mal refi rr« 1 to commit memleil as euuumrator of census, B. Ihr*-* ’ t*>r Oregon Weather l:iir«-au. !•’. ».’rom-h. of Liukville. cetslings against Marshal Neagle for le«- «»Il lev Isloli. District No. 2. Sprague river, Dairy ttie shooting of Judge Terry, at Lath­ EV I XIXil SF.SsIoN. ami I’,».- valley voting precincts; enu- tMalli «»I rop, Cal., last August, while X»*agle Higln'r Edu»-.ition ha«l I mm n n id«’ in-rator. Alarshall Al. Riggs, of Link- was acting as pro tector and guardian Coiigr« .smalt Randall. «»f 1’ -nns) I- vtll«*. of the life of Justice F iel*i. ( hief vahia. . ToW 11 lev. of KellO. A»l*lre®s,'S by lé-Vs li II. Alare,-: Samuel .1 Ramliill was Ixirn in Philadelphia, Oct. 111. |H2S. aud m »„',* Strange, R. ami E AL Lui 2d year, lie Fdiicatioll, mtei-perse l witli A Liukville dispatch of April i mi was educated a® a merchant, and after musi«- by thè choir. M en liar r»rc 1 that v. itl* almost two workmen Struck a three foot vein : time on be r«-pr» s« tiled his district in li.xl b«-e new ixxati • principle i:i Joy’s Vego surface. A few pounds were brought Philadelphia, miring twenty-eight ditinit«* tri ms li id I m *- u sulimitt«sl by arxa/ariiia. I' ? papers are full < f rt> hi and tested in the forge of A. D. I ur­ years «siiitiliuoiisiy in the lower ho'!»-. thè people of -laek-otivil •», ’li«» moder­ ccur.eiiccM <•< m firming its efficacy, nnd ne k Mr. C arriek pronounced it a , Three times he was elect«.! speaker, ator invit«sl Dr. Ih-Bar l»> state t-> Hi» v»ir! re ¡ h»t u t-> th i' r last sensation, n < arc! superior quality of stone i-o.d. It gave and miule an aid«, presiding ofliis-r. house th«* offer tli it tt.e .lacksonville ’mn •a i 7r.*»n i“.- ’ known lady inani- off a clear, gaseous Hume. leaving no Randall's strong stand for protection; le d«-sir«sl t«> pre-e ut. The «iiH-lor .c it* fays- “ I an v to relate the slack after It was burnt. It is eutireiy has mad«, him iti a ilegre»* un,H«pii!ar r. >p.-n led ili a brief i.b 1 f tb<- .'.ehool stomach afte nded with const!pa’ion, soft. Slat«- ami sandstone are plenti­ not one of them have spoken of hl» was vote-l on by III-- Pr«*®byt«:y, airi »□•I nev r fo u:> ! L t • no |«reparu,: >n at ful, ami th«* formation of the valley in­ character ami ability, but proiipuma- carrii-d iimmiinonsly tu favor of J i.-k- a l-el men i loneof the eulogy that tn th«, death of Samuel thè Prrsby ti»ry umiliimoltsly to I he 'xcrou A large stock of Choice Groceries .1. Randall, the ilemocratic party ba» p, <>ple of .1 aekaonville f--r tlieir «-ordini íUü* t >«'ü • » f s hs anti was In < <>□• ami a big reduction in prices at D. L. lost one of its ablest leaders, and the reception and magniti-«-ut «•ntertaiii- x, ' tt t a t v. ith the ai-i of Joy's Minkler £ Son’s. nation a statesman who deserve® to I., meiit of thè l’resbytery, ami hi thè Y- >ta!»lv; ar a ;'hlan- v.- « at any anpreci.'it«si music fnrnisli- im lic services. L. Minkler.V Son’s. nxxlumen I it ed diinng th«- entire st-esioii. CL aka M elvuc . Manicure. 2H0 pair Men’s Pants cheap at Sxesion a Men’s Working Pants, $1 Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Jeans Pants, SI Oliver ('hilled Steel (one anti two horse) Plows. Woolen Pants. $2 A full line of Garden City Clipper Steel Plows. $3 Disc Harrows—all sizes. $4 Spring Tooth Harrows, Scotch Drag Harrows, Working Shirts, 50c The celebrated Steel King 75c. Spring Tc, si. Fancy Neck Scarfs, 25c and 50c. Boys’ Hats from 50c up. Men’s Hats from 50c up. Men’s Nobby New Stiff Hats, $2.50 up. I HOUSE ¡ASHLAND - MILLS. «> GOOD VARIETY HOUSE PLANTS. CONSTANTLY DECEIVING NEW G oods AND EXI’E J 1 Ö 41 4 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 I’. 4 4 44 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 44 44 REPAIRS For Harrows and Plows Constantly on Hand. Carload of We have just received Twenty Cases of Men’s Fine Shoes which All our we are offering very low winter Clothing is being offered at r i lCCii. YOURS TRULY, Ashland, Or 0. II. BLOUNT