Tl»e On-gon nint-s» weather btitciu, Ciro|H-ratliig with the Unite»! States i nign.'il nervira» L. s e< Huaii.-> if w.s-kly .v tins fo. tiregm A been u. o!»- « i' !> pn every ciinniy m th Weekly replete of crop«, their progns. nuil piosje els. the effect of the weather on tliein, ut> 1, in general, information that will iiecrue to the la-netit of the fnrme-w. iii- iehante HUil others’. The tirat bulletiu just iHHiied say-H' -‘Winter wheat » gener­ ally re|M>rtnl iu grt previous thawing and friezmg Weather, which had lujurioiis effect«, bat t bese re|x»rta are conti-ie«l to a limited area. The ground is gen­ erally loo wet for plowing, though in sections plowing is in progress. The suow has generally left, leaving the wheat in go»al comlition an»l fair grass for stt Hi«- < iiilui Tation <>( tbe in- Imliitmts hh >I the <-<>ll-H-ti:ig of the Ktlil lr til's Colli-lTtlitlg everything to lie Hole.I will reipiire tiin.-h le.-w» time tliHli was the e lse tell years ago. He. ln>w. ver, wished to ba mi terst > si that lie was not r tle.-ting 111 -n the methods pursued by lien- :a! Walk r when be was preparing ............ at that time. So far trom that being the <-as.>, the work done on the eeas'is o' IsSo wonld lie of great practical as sistamv in taking the census this year. Mr. Porter, the superintendent, said that the sch.-lilies for taking th- <-en- sns are lieing rapidly prepared at Washington, and will 1»- ready in am­ ple time for use. The census must be taken Istween June 1 and June do, and therefore there will lie no time to waste upon the undertaking. Never­ theless he was eontident that lie Would Is- enabletl to give approximate ideas ot the principal results obtained within twenty days after tin- work was begun. The tusk will lie greatly facilitated by the use of improved electrical com puting machines, which would do the work in tive hours that formerly titty- live hours were requlrtsl for. .Mr. Porter speaks encouragingly of the results he hopes to achieve in th- special home and farm property mort­ gages department, established by act of coDgress as a part of the census sys­ tem. He declares that w hen his sub­ ordinates have got through with tin ir ri-spective tasks the rei-ords in every county register and recorder's office in the Union will have lieeu searched, and that a vast fund of reliable infor­ mation will have Isen gaiued con­ cerning the farming properties of the land. He Lopes to complete tiiis branch of hie work m twenty days. At prewut there are som-- five hun­ dred or six hundred clerks employed at Washington in the preparation of the census schedules. Two bundnsl of them have accommodations in the pension bureau and the remainder are placed iu other buildings at the capí tal. F’riil'i.'i, . Sla-rill .V.O.7 ?**. In the < ire.ui Court «»: the Slat«« <»f « » g«»u f«»r the « onnty of J ack soli. II < . >!••■ .. lie - u Rift igt-ra! inu an I Fruit Evaporating Coiupaiix, a««»r|»oi- ati» u. Noti< <‘ ;.« h«- ’ b i’.. v« .! ih it ii: the above entitled ra>l«« I ;--i»« •* a--dul . issued bv the ai.-ov« ••n!i ; •: nrtouth 27lh day ««I 1« brm arv. !*'«0, -t ;o«» . «uro *«xc«-utii»n ui» u it : STATE AND <<>A*I Th»- X w M. xie > .[lE'rato nc gain, all the fever districts III ìexitsweiJ Ulto effect last Sat’irdav. tor Infants and Children LEGAL A DA ERTI SEM EN TS Cl I ITW ()O TRAVEL AND Ti;ANSI Elt Sheriffs Sale an * x* * tiliou was duly issued < ir* ut ( «»mt «»1 tile State oi Ore gon. for Jackson « ouniy, on the 16th «b*\ of A i jii-t. lssix. and i*» me delivered, in fa\.-r of Watson, H nine »\ Watson, plaintiffs, i*gaiii«t II. < . Messenger, defciiduiii, ««om- ltihiiding me that out ol the |»*«r« erlv *»iMud «iefeiKlant, or if uffu i.-ni «<>u’.«i not I**« fonini. Ihcn out of the real ptopcrix *»f ■’ defendant, ‘ ‘ - 1 ‘ in ’ said ’ ’ «-«-»unty, ’ 1 ’ -li «UM «HI!«- I.-, a judgment r* mi* red by ufort aid r«»Uft in favor ,»t tin* > udi -( amiill- lor the >i um of i’g.rO.OO. with interest thvrvun at th«- ta it« <«f n per wilt p r annum fr< m the i3th « «lay of Fvbrua v, Ixss, an«l f 10.‘.«3*-.«sts. and tie •oats u|»on sui t xx rit and in pnr.-uauev of ail i-ommand I mx icd ou the h*r* inattvr dis- y-ri'M.-d r« ul property as thv pr«»|»erty *>f said defendant wh« r* a.-, thv sale of said propc-rtv W >*- viijoim-d by a preliminary »»¡«hr of »HD1 « ««art al>oiH (»cr. 5th, 1SV>. am! aflvixvard, on Augii-i 27th. is.*-.'.», -abl injunction was on final Ih’aniK di«s«»lvcti by «ie.-rev of sni«l c urt, ami on appeal to th • Supreme c*»mt «>f«»r<-gon -aid appeal wa- utlirnicd on Jan. ‘Jtli. ls'.’u. I’he «. fore, in «»be-livin-e t<» said writ of execution, ami in a-««»idam-v with .«aid pro­ ceeding«. 1 will orb i for sale to the highest bidder, for « ash in hand, al the « «»urt house •lour in Ja< ksunvill*, in -aid county, on Sulunltiy, A/ii il ~>th, at 2 o’clock, p m., <>f-ai«i day. all thv right, title ami inter«-.«! which said «h-tendanl h on l-'vl). 12'h, l*-s.s, in the following «icscril leal properly , being th*« undivitied half s»ai«i property, to. w it: ................... Beginning a( a po*t 2.03 chains imrtb of i he «fiartor '«-i-tion ««»rin-r bet we« u se*-;ions > ami toxvnsi.ip T'j south, range I cast; tln-m *■ w*«.«t 1.32 4-htiins t«> a p«»t; them e north 2*»'* j «»egret•> u « t. .’..07 chains ’«• a p«»-t «*n thv south buundury of A. 1». H ‘Iman’s donation < laim; thence « a-t 3.37 chains on -aid bourn! try line; them *• south 2.70« hains l<» pin «• of b- ginning. Ai.-o beginning at a point on th*- south boundary of duuatmn «■'aim So, 40. 1.’.’3 «-hains north of thv *|Uart«-r «. < tion corner on section line betwe tions s ami in said t«»wn-hip: then« uing imrth 2s link* to a p«»«l for then.-v north .'»71 z degrees west, 3.20 t-nauis ;«> «-« nt«-r of <-«>uniy r«»nd: then«*« south 2 dvgre* > xx «.t. 2 l’s «-hains along sai place *»f l»«-giiininLr, containing al'ogcth«- 1 I . 100 a« t«-« «..mpti-ing what is kn«>wn a« th« A bland l’laning Mill lot. Al-«» tin jUgh! of way for a ditch <>r linme. 3 feet in width, on « ach si«!« of a certaiu Jim* run Beginning at a point 92 ning as folh»\x * _ lion < orn«*r la- link- -outh of the quarter and !» aforesaid, ami i un tx\*«*'ii sections !*’J 1^ -, «ivgree degrve.- uv.«t ««• link-: ning them-e north l«'. thence 13 «legrees west 2 50 »0 vhains. inter : sv<*ting thv m»rth line of the W Mil« lo ll link- w« -t of thv N. E piece of land. 71 I links west «•«»I ner oi r*ai puitenamc- thereto belonging, all in Jack . son county, Oregon (•¡ven under my band the 4th «lay of March, ixvo. Southern Pacific Company's Line. THF MT. SHASTA .CUTE. P laza C orner S tore , Tiiiic ktv.rcu A-lili;. ! aùtl S«m A m » H eiler « in 23 HOURS. In th*- (’¡n ilit Gouri of th- - >.a < <»i Oit*g«»:i, TI ih Dalli h «‘Xpiits to In Vea fur the count i*Ol. • of Ju< k* -n. < Mliremli I »1’0— Train- !’•»”> I»:«il.v Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges car I i ' ip in operati ai by July 1 “Caatorl>:»No well aj»pt«t to children that I Caatoria Castorla ems enm Cotte. Colle, CooMtpatlnn. Constlp««1"". H. < . Stork, piainiii:’. \ « IT>e Oregon i Re iiEI WH \i ‘ ¡li!ÍP\iG FHAOil 1 r.'cornuieud it as supenortoany prescripbua | Sour Stomach, izion Diarrhoea, Eructation, U.zut HUJtlltKU, Ll' - - ------- a railroad t<> (ioli»ndih in .1. fi igeiaunr and F’ iiii Evapora ing « ’«»HI Trusses, Toilet Articles. kaowutome.-* IL ▲. Aacnar.. M D., I Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote« al- • ¡«any. a * <>i p«»i ati«»n, drfru iani. next. gestion. STATK OF UltEmiS, # UI bo. Oxford 8L, UruoXjju, N. Y. | Without 1 I <«u p. xi i Lx. !' «’th-.n l injurious medicatloEL I’.HSI’Y <»F JA* K-«»S I J«»hu 8. il tiger, rX-Culle tor of the « 3 ■ a . m . ; \r. \‘h:. •-■I. Tolhe sm-iiff’of yai«l la« k-oii county: T hk C cntaub C ompany , 77 Murray Street, N Y. I»ort of San Fi an<*K;,*>, dn*«l at his » a . M j ! V. A«hbi :i>l. In the name ol thv Slate «>1 O ivjou . 7.4’» r. m . \r. S hu !T î «» h b horn*» in that nt) <»n th»* I'-1 Ii, <»r \\ h’-!«*;!*. «»¡I tin- l«t «lay of l'« bi na v. IS’.-U. byc<»nsidvrati<»u uf th.- ( ’ in nil < ourt. a ov*- paralysis. SEWING MACHÍNE NEEDLES Local Pas'gr Train Daily num« <1. in the ab «x v viilitl» «I -uit. a *lv re*- AND SUPPLIES. was by said (’ireuit ’ •» uT f thv premises t »*1«-v«*l< >p them. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. herinafter describe«] niul mcutmnv«! in th« Special attention | ami *-xpvii-vs «»f sale including At torneys fees hereinafter set forth. !>«• sohi al He will go to th** ¡»»‘ii. public am-t’on by the Sheriff' ofJu* k‘<-:i «•«»unty, Oregon, uh. r< «ai l premise* am u itti hì 1 th«* r« g ;’ Th«* H iil«*y. Idaho, V vs Miner «>f a situated ; that lh*-.-ai«l «hrrlff'givrs noiu-v«»f l»iv. fr«»ni loot «)í r*«c»«nt «iate rej>«»r^s the salt* for the time ami pl»i«*e of «neb sale a«-*-“f • !.. B.ik r «leed to the purchaser of th - pt'-mise- lie;*- is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ inafter described on sani sale. That th*- i-ounty, was r»s-»-nt ly built at a cost ol tion. or money refunded. Trice 2.5 ct nts sheriff’ out ol the pi«»« c* «I of -ai«l -al«- n ay to tii > countv. B 'f.icit v> < 1 *»*r box. For sale by Chitwood Bros. retain his fe* - ami di.-bur««-m* nts ami <-«>m week old a drovi* of entile weic driv.-n mis-iun on said sal«-, and the residue dis burse as follow- to wit: upon it, and tin- whob- strirn'm— »•» 1 S« nah »rial A m«* ni lie*«. First pay to \V B Taylor A- Son th,’ - :m lapntsl mid fifty aimu.»is were «¡| .’Wlted. ; Pr»>vid**nce Journal. ; of tu*> humirv«! ami nine* > — \«-u ami fi-.i-lisi dollars wiih twenty five «follar- for attorney Senatorial courtesy is a good «leal From til»' reports of Io s >f Coe' fees with intercd «m th«- whole thcr-of like that which prevailed «luring the Through Tickets to all that are lieinure«-<‘ivisl, ii I. x . ks as 11 from the «late hereof lili ] abl at .> per cent, H«*sBioh8 of the Pickwick Club. The per annum. the loss in Crook county will not fell South and E.v 't Second pay W S. I’.a; num 1'iv >um *»f ti l ■ committee on privileges has reported short of'>0 per cent, though it may — VIA — seven ami 75 loj «iolla - vxi:h twenty-five tbit a senator fulsitie«! the official Dot be s.> great when thepv millions of mothers Santa Fe. Mai It 17. Several th” for ttmr children. During the process lien of plaintiff I»«- barre«! nmi foreclosed of as those of the Lime Kiln Club. ami to«l premi- of teething its value is incalculable. It sand sheep were loaded to-day for t It is further adjtidgv«l ami deere**«! t! nt relieves the child from |siin. cures dys­ lh-nver market. For the firs’ ti .ir in We Can aiut Do tin- purchaser or purchasers of said prem entery and diarrli.v i. griping m th. years mutton is la-coining scarce in i«< « at such sale I m - let into p«»«-c*bfon of Gnarantee Acker's Blood Elexir for it Is.weis, and wind-colie. By giving health the local marke-s, Colorado and K .•> 1368 Market Street SlsKIYUE CllAI’l I II. N In the County court of Ja< k-oti < <«unly,Or­ -aid premise* or any part th« reof. baa lwwti fully demons:rated to the p <> to the child it rests the neither. I’ric«' Ami it is further a«ljmig*‘«l an«l «I* * n-«-«l egon, siding for th<* lran«action of Rrobule sas buyers contracting for all that is The <>!d stab! - on ' Regular < «»in o- utions on pie of this country that it is superior to iac a bottle. that if the m«»m-x- arising fr«»m *ai«i sal«1 biisinrs* ihv bl idge, HU * ! ’i" lieu SAN FRANCISCO, CALA. -hall marketable. all other preparations for b'<»nl diseases. lit the matter of th«- estate of ITuliklili Me next aft««r the full moon. I m - insufficient to pay the amount so str*«*-t. nr> ii'«xv un«l*-r th M il-, Il I ’ 1). I: It is a positive cure for syphilitic pois fouml «Im- the plaintiff' a* a‘»«»vc state«! w ith, «!• * * as« d. <’lM-:»|>er Micnr. A correspondent of th»- T!i’iim «- ».f an *>r«ler of th«- ubo\<-vii 1121 lx interest* ami vo-t* ami vxp«-n-«-- <«f -al«- a- oning, ulcers, eruptions and pit .pl« s. from Fossil v. »it-■’ ih.t aforesaid, tin- sh* riff’ shall specify th« till« d court ma«!«-at a regular h-rm thereof, \Viixhii)i;t<>!i. Mar»-li 17. Thu Re­ It purities the whole system anil thor­ amount of said «leti* i« m-y, amt balam-c «iu« the ui <1- r«ign« n. Chit­ publican nw-inta-rs of the Ways niul th»-loss of stock in Gilliam ro’O'ty 5 the plaint iff* in his return of sab! sale*, ami nam- 1 ■ «tarn, will «»th i for «al<- to the high wood Bros. Mt-.ins Committee finally reach» .1 an mueli greater than any one stippos- I State«! eoru’iiiiidration that on Ihv *-«»ming iu <>t sai-i rviurn. a c«l Imtder for ea«h in huml. *»u it was a few w*»-ks ago. 'I ’ ho loss in or before the full ih « m > u ¡mlgmvnt of this court shall I»«- *1*»« k<- ¡ «I agreement upon the eii^ar e»-he«lnle. Suf h i doy, April t'dia LEGAL ADVERTI.^EMENTS E. V Mlii-.w. M A < Itild Killed. for sm h I» h 1 hii « v agnin-t -ai«l «h, They have aeree»l to make raw sugar sheep will probably reach 1’1 or A. C. ( «hlwell. Secretary. ai 2o’« l«>« k i’ M at ih*- Court h«nis«- do*>r in <>rvg«»n R* ft-igeiating am! Fruit Exapoia' Anoher chi hl killed bv the nae of opi­ from sixteen Dutch standard dov.n |x-r cent, and tl I» »HS < >f <,»it t It* ♦ »II ing «-«»Hipany, nmt that said dvfeml «til «-«r Ja k-onxilli- <»r . a ! th*- right, litlc ami in ates given in the form of Soot lung syrup. dntinble at 35 js-r »-ent ad valorem, 'V|H fully an ¿nat. uhil* p«»rati«m, win» is liable for th«- «b-bt her« in t«-r» >t of tli«-«ai-i Franklin Mcllattan »it th** Why mother a Rive their children such of plaintitl*again*! sai«l «1«-femtant «-«»rpora turn- of hi« «!«• ith, or anv light that hi**« and retineii sni'ar alaive sixteen I liifch l<»ss of ln>rs<’8 will n ach III or deadly poiaoii is »surprising warn they lion with interest a* herein l»cf«>rv *;•«•* ihv«l tale may have a--«jiiir«-'l «im «• hi- death, in «•ent. in such jmlgim-ut from th«’ «hit«- of tin- I »«! and to tin- (.»'.;•>»* .n ; -1- «• iii«« «1 r. al pro|* rly. can relieve the child oi ¡tn peculiar tr<»u standard dutiable at »’a» (a-r cent ad l ni tei » sfate « I wr» O ff h e . Horses Bonulfd filiti Fr-d. 111« I "I nt.iii!’«-! him- N«> • in valorviu. This is equivalent to a 50 mvnti«»m «I return ami that plaintiff hav- hi wit Roseburg. <»rt’goti. Mar l'.Uh. I«' mi * blert by the uae of Aker’s Baby Soother. < >ver 3U,l*l< k uui's ’ -cr ««-x « n No 7 *»f the low n of ex*-« Ution on sin h jmigim u! Notice is hereby given that in compliance ' of XeW Mexico an I Soil! I|.’’iat fill A I ; '.. It contain* n«> opium or morophine. percent re«lnctii»n on many ^ra«l<«H it i- further udjudg«* ! ami d«-rr* . «1 that J»-il*: -*ui. Mm ion « «»untx. Or*-g*»n. u ¡th ’I»«1 provision« of the a« I of « oiigic-- of Sold by Chitwood Bros. Hii^ar an«l more than 5«i per cent oil in the past twi'iiiv »lays. Tne pii -e, II ( Hui June «:. ìn ?*, vnlitletl “Au a t for the sal«* of th«- wlml«-*»i th«- premise* In i- inaftcr «1- A.-1I1.AN1« !.«>l«Gl: N.. I . \-lminisiiator of tin* ««tat«’ of Fianklin others. an-ai y for thv •• »u\«-ui«’nt use ! M« Ha lal., ’ir« . a«« <1 gon. Nevada, ami \\a«hington Territory." and oi-.-upam’x «»1 *ai«l Hen* «1 premises. from Th* re jj!5 for two-year-olds and $15 to >_’• hale«! Mar« h I «. 1"’H» Thv descript fon «»f the pr«»perty. author G ii « i I»ittnot k, of Klatnath « itv. County of is no provision ma«le for the payment for t hr»-»--)ea -o'de, t It Si«kiyou, Slate of ( alifornia, ha« this day izv«l to ¡a* -«»hi umh-r ami by virtu«*«»(thi- pri -■ d. p. : I of any l»«»iint\ whatever. decree, is bl.»« k sixty um- («-I in tin t« xn lin «I in this office hi< «worn «tatem« nt for Ulg ou the lia ilion of the t'attle in re ll . put« h.i'v of th«- > I : i of «vcii«»n No 14, j of Central l’«-int, Ji-.«-k.-«»u « «»unty. (>r«*g-»n. ’rii«‘ cut in th«« sn^arihity which will 1 it ion to a shipping jaunt. Tl in I I« No. .VJ ««tilth, range No. 4 « a«t. ami , ami all improvements ami appurt«-mim•«•« thus I m * ma«le is more than two arid a r d s ar-' made to ft odors in K m J. J a ill «»tier proof to «hou that the lami «ou :ht I shall b«--«»l«l under thi- «leer« •-. GE< >. V.. -iil» I ' » I .MTE!» .* r V I I.* I.' SI» Gl I t- ! .' rvtary. half times that pr«»posed by the Mills Xel'ra.-ka and Mi -onri. M n'ma Now therefore. x«»u ar«- lie:« by -mmamiv*! i- ni or«- \ alna Me fot it.« timi»« r or «t«»tie than ¡tt r/iCA Iti>.«hf.l lu■. ( »r» goti. 1« b. 21. 1 *’.««. 1 *.♦ 4 ' ioi agricultural puri*««« s, ami to v«tahli«h i to -« ll 11n- premi««-« uiul real pr«»p«-rty, h- re bill, am! the duty will I h * colle<*tt«d on Wyoming are heavy buy» <■ N»»ti« «• i« tmrvby gixt-u tha! in complian • ¡aim t<» sai I laud before the Register I in!«« f«»r<- «lescribe«!. in tin- uaiiii* r pi -x i-i«-I I Lol RO* K 1 N< AM PM LN I NO lti.l o o I thè pr»>\Ì nìoii * *»f thè m t of <\»ugr*' the vain»* and n<»t upon the pound, as M' xi.-'» at this tini-. I lb « e¡\er of this «»Hico at I;«»«« burg. Ore i by law for th«- «.-«!i-faclfon «»f -aid •I«-« «•• • wilh >f J »n» •■. ->7x. <*tilitl*-d "An t< t l’or Ilit* su heretofore. The duty «¿iveii to retînt**! M< < is in <>duday in va« h nuuith. Members in costs ami h \H. : upon thi- v\ rit. ami <»f y«»ur doing*.by vic tie ph G*M«drvaii, of K a ntnih t’ily, « «nini y iiivt ii to raw siijjar, ;«.> !♦» or b*«l«»w RoBT T a Yl.oic, C. P. M inaili ’ ily. Si«kiy««n U«»uuiy. * aiif««rniii. ' hereof, mak<*«luv return xvith this writ, into ■ .!<>«< P. 0. Rn :> > the comity hospital at. Salinas y.a ar •t ' ì « k iy ou *«;»*•«• *»i Cai ¡lumia ha«, thi* *iay will .admit two grades of merchanta­ N A Ja« obs. >< ribt. II '! I'. • •1 •••!■' s A -. • Ì i : 111. ' . W I ■ ‘ *nl«l ( ireuit (’«»urt, within -ixiy hix-ir<»m }.l«-«i in tnis • >ffi< « bis *w«»ru Miihniuil. f«»r day. I'here is ito rta'ord'»f Ins Imih >h.ik«‘. J. B. MH-lliiiir. While Point. «11 <»t ; th« dab- hereof. ble suf *• «-. : •■. in ìp • k««»u < *>unty, Oregon R 4 I . ami w ili .'Ilei pi«»««! to nìdox «hai RÿlMPTLYANDTERMAiÎEKrff ho|H‘d and l»e|irved that this will take cam»- to la.Ilf. h o i mom Aux aii'l ail i«« r«.«n« elaiinitnr ii«I\» r>--ly :«'ii<-uit Court, atlix.-'i al Ja« ksoiiville, in Ih*’ lami i> moli* va!na,«lc f«»r il* away fr<»m r* tim rs ttie power t«> raise • ;J m » vv «les« ribt tl I mih !« are re«|U*-«l< «l I » ' ->»i«I J»ick-«»n County, ^lal«- ««1 Oregon, the i uii I m r *>!• s,night muiic ihan for agri« ulluriti pur tnry ago, ••« >1.1 • «abri T’ « • t : - «-j r f - hi in« i h thi« «»ffi«e oil or bri«re [ 27th «lay of February’, IS’ m . the prices of su^ar to eon>um< rs at p«>«v*. ami to • •*! ib ’i«h hi* rlaim tu >al«l M ax Clerk. grandfather, and ns «a «1 llth «lav oí June, IS'1 ». will. l.tml l'< ; >re lite R« gi-!er ami R.< « i\er <>f < li «. W JOHN:« I'oN burned by tradition, ’ ,. • • ■ U h The Republicans recant this h«*avy IE I’Nl ki: Register. aliont 171'1, and had r- -i -I 13; h ol Ma -. 4*«’.««». to hi* o! I e reduction of sugar «inties as th«* most H< i am •« ;«« witn*■•« « « bari« Fmimiur. ..f 150 years at I In- lime » generous c«»nct*Hsi<»ns t«> Western sen­ William > .n« y, N. .1. Cau inali. r Timber Lami Notier. Hab««rla* h of Kbima’h City. Cai. pnmiptly al nt A h .’- .imi all | » r«on> « la.ming adv*«rKt ly IwitVo, and !»■»! a jH'aeoabh» lift. Meets in lodge room in •>t>xc de*cribe«l lami.* are rvqnc* «•■’. t«> Hull every firm ami T h ¡an W< •«!' lTnit**«i Slate* l.iml Office. ? Instant Relief First Application. h..d chlldri a and gr-uul-i li.ldr.ui LOWH.ST PRICES ami is. moreover, free from the «»!>- tii«- their i l.-iim* in thi« olii« e <»n or bufore e:t» h month. Present hour of tin- t«»«cburg, Oregon, Mar . p.’ih, 1 *!•«». i Boonville M<> . Dec 28. IM.'». Saturdujp April 1?, the score, but i Itliv. d tin tn «ai«l 1 »tb dav of M : v. 1 is h«-r<*by gix* n that in compliam«*« r. >t. All Brethren in good stm i.«! Ir an < a h train I suff- red dreadfully with neuralgic pains jection rai««««i against the Senate lull, n « direct diafn lants survive I ( il.\r w JOHN* l<»N, ■ provision* of the n« l «•! < ’««ngr< s« of Th» cordially invite«! to attend. All the ri rht, title and inter* o > t he senate In head.which affected face and eyes. 1 could viz., the bounty clause, RcgistxT. lot IS7X. eniitlvi "An act for th** sale of «»regon Refrigerating ami Finit Exap«»:at- Dot attend to work I obtained instantaneous bill made a r«*«iucti<»n of >• per cent O ANDRP. A > M W X**ls«»n Bra t-iiaw, n carp.’dor r bin«N in th«- states of <’ ilifornirt.Oru ing « ompniix- (a .«oî|H«r:*ii»«n.) deb udaiit, relief from fir^t application of >t Jac*»!»- oil Bradford Radcliff. Ret D. Neva ’a, ami Washington Territory,'* in aii'l to .«.«i'l real property and gave a I h »uni y of 1 cent a in^ at tuniH'l 9. vx m kill* ■! «»•» H M CLARK duelling, of White Point, < <f m -« ? i«»n N«-. 12. in mittee makes a cut of more than ÔH abov*» an*! directiv <>v* Roseburg. Oregon, Feb 24th, 1 MH)J St Libory, 111 . Vl»y 1*>. les Nhirch. IS'?«» i ;• No. -.»« t « »«t. un«l will Notice i- hereby gixvn that it* <-omplium-e My wile was trouble«! with neiiralgia. un«l per c«*nt ami eliminates the ex­ steady ingr Liiu** It WH ii pm* h I - p> 1 Ili««. A«h D! Il'i. < ’D-l''-li. MH V1« <*\ !’< r pr«»«»f t<> show the laml sought i* with tin- pr«»\ i-ion- of th«- mt of « ««ngrv-s of ■ Iter ii-ing i«r b.ttle of M Jm-.a.s oil was périment of paying a lw»nus to one was tryiiix to guide a bilge p’« more vulual'lc for it« timber or stom- than .him- 3 j*7s. entitled ‘Au act for U h - -ah- of Friila evening. Vi«éing Knight« iu ifood Cutupleb ly curetl. Mauding arc c«>rrv- HENRY HE« Kt.MEYER. W m P \ i I El hi* chain to suit! laml before the Register arc those put up by g«.n. NvxH'la. ami W a*liingl«»ii Territory,” treasury. er .n«\ Su*p;>n » I •!• x*..« I, I E. T. BARTLETT, K. *»f R. an 1 Re* • iverof this office at R«»seburg. Ore- William *t<»r« y. «»f Kiamath city. County’ blc*| against th bar aud fell A t D rf < d . i « t « «xi» I»r.Ai. R« goii, on \\ • 1 l'»> liiK E iht «»! j . I’le iso inform vour his h -nd, eiitt -;«g a f* h fill Seedsmen in the world. tin- pun of th*- SE14 of *vvti«»ti No. 30, In Rurnside !’• f«»r Jnek««»n County, on the 1-th «lay M Ihivis, Kiamath City. Si«kiyou County. Mar.-h, Is -), an I t«» m«- «iir« «■’< «1 an«i •!• T - ««f 1>. M F prrya . C o ’3 in MH«onic Hall I p N«>. south, range 4 vast, and xxill oiler readers that 1 have a p*».sitive r* aa-dv i iiistaht'iv k’Hihg himself « a’ifornia H. M. Roberts. Ashland. «». W *•«!. .team . 1 ’. I'rs«^iptive pr«»«»f t«» «h««\x that the laml sought, is more ami 3<1 Saturday«of ea< h monili, for the above num d dis- nse. Bv By us in favor of A I Rvut««r, Plaintiff ’ . \ ho Bailey, shake, t»«»th of Jackson County, tinielv use thou« rids of L »peless e i-a-s Coroner Willi recovered a ju'lgment ami decree ««I f««re- vaiuabl«* for its tim’uer or atom- than for comrades coni lai h wcl<-om-«l. < >r*«,<»n. MAX PICACHI. the b«hlv wa ulo«nre of a certain morlpag«-iu t!iv abo\«- agricultural putpos«-K. an«l to vstabli-h his have been permiint ntlv cured. I «li d Anv am! all p««rsons claiming »Diversely entitl«-«l Commander. J R.Cx • y . Court <»:i lxth «lay <»i January, 1? . « laim to sai'i land befor*« the Register and !»e L’lad to send t’A«> bottles of niv r* e lHiriu«l fc-ri8rjo u ... «• i. - ■ FRE£toal! th«* aljov<‘-«l««scribv«i !an«ls }lre re«pieste«l to Adjutant. R*-« *-i\,-r «»f thi - «»flj* e at Roseburg. Oregon, am! against th«« hereinafter doser; ’ »« -1 ren! ants, and to last season ’ s cus- fib-their claims in this offi» e on or before property belonging to Elisha Rax nn«l >a« ih on 'I'm-'•lay, the 13th «lay of May. lN'.K). dy EBLE to any of y.»ur r« iders who •%. It is better than ever. Ev- sai«l llth «lav of June, I s -. m ?. lie name« a- witnesses; have consumption if they will send me E. Rax. defemlants, I am uommaiblvl t*» 1< v? ' ■ > n n- 4 Garden. Flower t has w J ohns - ton . N. J. ( aufman, Joseph «¡»»o'iravu. Chester their express and p«.st ic« address. The Underst" r>‘. J will carry passen- <»n and .««‘11 «aid pi«>peity t • «atisty theju-lu’ ui Field SEEDS- -iseni lor it. Register. \\ Fowler, io A K« -peeftu’dx nn tit of oi said -a»«i A. !.. ixvuivi Reuter i for ”i the i lie - sum im «»» of . Edward Williams, «if Klamath I D. M. FERRY du CO. interest th«-rc«»n from «late of ‘ 1 alif«»rn;a . 5, ’i, with .............................................................. !’. A. SLOCUM. M. < ’.. Pearl st. N. Y ;»n«i Bri«lge or« ek e«»ni DETROIT. MICH. Any ami all |><-r««'ii«* claiming adwr«vly judgment, at ten per cent, per annum, and Would inform the public that he /’/»//* s- h hi i nt i r. < tin-above 'b-«< rib»-«l lau«K arc requeste«! to Ti »liber l.aiul Notice. at’ornex fee«, ami th«- sum of $. I ■ has again opened a Bros, bav*» Ì•-.-t about Christ Cranks. costs and disbnrsiiients, ami a!««» the costs < f file th* ir claim* in thi« office <»n or before b.-ii«! 13lh «lay of May, l*« 4 . »«. ati«l upon this writ, ami the sum r« ai United State* Laud office, Office. > liiere was lit I It MANI I Al TI RER, C has . K H«kf«»rd. «(II. j, M .rch I'd. Ne .Hy iz«‘«i from sal«! sale to be applied Rvs.’burg, Oregon. Mar. I9th, 1890. i il. M. BRIDE. alni wb u th • never.* half a hundred f«»l! »w«*rs «»f G**org*‘ Notice i* hereby given that in roniplift’ice first, to the payment of the amounts eatt h* were not prepatt aforesaid, ami the overplus, if any. to be ap- w ¡th th»* provision* oi the a< t of ( oiigrrs> of Schweihfnrlh, th** pr*«t»‘iiii*« tile «a’isfacti«»n «»f a judgment ten Timber I and \«>ti« v are already tn the city t*» h LÎ i I h Î Ill» u. liai iv I ' ■ 11 a st timber I mim B in the states of California. Ore­ dcr* 1 in said Court, a! the same «late a« the .ii »■, mai t! ■ luxuri.i first general a.-s* inbly h*4«! siu<» the Ke’ ps constantly «»n hand a full gon, N< •ad.: an l Washii •• on rerritory,” aforvsaifl ju«!gment, in favor <»f Ben Hav- VNITEP STATES l.XNDOFFK E. 'ic.;.¡ cv hay lias !n i 1- .1 M. I». 24th, ¡S'.KT.l deatliof lh»r«i f‘.-hinaii, :*«--l more iliiin 1 itit Gal. Tii.' I' kiyou. State of < ..lifornia. ha- this day filed «•bedi< nee to *ai«i vx rit 1 di«l, on the 13th -.a} line, which will be sobl ’It prices N««;if e is beieby gi\* n that in compliance i arriving <»u every as low as can b<* oiler«-«! any where. in this off'n e his sworn statement forthe pur day of March. l.N»v, levy <>n «aid realty, a«* u ith the a< l «»f ( oiigre«« of June 3. 1*7*. en all » X •• ¡ tion. aii'l tl<" , I. i « of the SV^of SKL md '•’.« of 8W^ of cording to law. ami will offer for «tile, for title«! • An <«ct for th«- «ah- •>! timber laml« in <|Harterv«l at S«*hwvii/nrth’s ab«nie <»i. -«•ction No. 21. m I p No 3’» >otuh, range No. i eash in hand, a’ public auction, to tlie high­ th«- «tnf««« « f « alifornia. Or« gon. Nev a«!a ami :is it it i> n '1 put up the usual ai ALL ORDERED WORK tin* Wvhion f..rm, “il :iv»n,* ” ’ as I vast, »mi u ill «fTer proof to show that the est bi*l«1er, at th»« C.mrt house i!o«»r in J:: k ; B’kt'oven ts -mother r w a«!iingi».n Territory,’ « h«-«ter W, Fowler, Ilax ing Isiught th» lni*im --- of S. Staey. a.iò popularly known, n few mil< > smith of land sought is more \ aluable for its timber sonville, in «aid county ami State, on lu of K aaiatht ity. <««»unty of siskiyou. state of i- lo« ated for thv prescnt *»n will be ms«!«1 t«» give entire sati.*fucti«»n ■■ality. mal ih" loi.H th and stone than for aerjcultural purposes, the city. The .l**lcgate3 ♦ xpc«’t to 1» < alifornia. ha« this »lay tiled in this office Sufnrduy, April 7'7//, /'•R g , WALL PAPtR. h.-avy, but i mcipaliy Hnd to establish hl* claim to said land be East Side of Mairi Strec«, hi« swoi n .«tateim-ni for th«- pur«-ha«v of the honored with Schw* n.rnrth’s Ll* ssing Repairing Neatly Done fore the Register and Receiver of this office at 2 *»’*•!«»* k r m «! Section N«>. s. in r»>wn«hip No 4«» and this delectable lx»«>:i will dotibl- liorscf. V. hm I '■ay C ure I do not mean merely 1 at Roseburg,' hegon, on Wednesday, the ! Ith ll«« nn. I, En*t, ami will offer proof to Where the popular ami a«’« «unino«la! mg E. Ray, in ami t«> the following dvserila««! show that tin* laml sought i* mor«- valuable « utter, W in. Ilnrri« l'­ rva<1y io wait un«»n allow rat«*,, au«’ «•!’. work «Ion« promptly. B^BY less I n » conferred to-tn«»rrow. Th»* day of June, ls'.hi. ! h«*m f*>r a time, ami then have th«-.a re ll«»n. John D.iggett n «’etili) 'R- T he south half of the for its timber or stone than for agrit ullural ail ohi Rud ncv\ ( ustomern in a satisfarlo! y He nam< > a- witnesse-’ II M Rob« rts. r< *1 property, to wit U 1 obj* <*t of the convention is to «liscuss veloped a bonunz-1 in th« ' r:itn«»Ub Bim’k u* again. 1 MEAN A RADICAL* CLR a -. «oulh«-a*t juait« r of section thirty-otie. in \»iri»« »«,••«. ami to establish his claim to sai«l 1 i av 3 made the disease of means of spreading th** g«»sp*-l «»f the Bear *pi:.r z mine in Si«k Jvoii c«niiit\. Itailey, j'hake. all of Ja< ksoii County. Ore Tp. thirty «ix «»»nth, rang«* <»ne w«««t, in Ja k- laml befor»« the Regi-ter ami Rvcei\< r of THE Davis Sewing Machine, Church of thr li**«h*< iiie«l. For man) The new discov- ry is in ! tlmslm;. of’?* gon, Gust bitmock. K ianiuth City, si-kiyou son county. Oicgon, containing *0 acres of thi« «»Hn-c at Ilo«eburg. Oiegon, on l ues- Th.- »-«■-• -«-’.x in-..« mm :>»•«•■ i -¡ ‘ al ami Given under my I ami this I3lh «lay of day. th«« 13th «lax of Max. ls'JU. County, California. of th** visitors this is th* ir first trip to I foot ledge, paying $liN) p.-r 1«»!i. ami -re it ami b. «■.• .«*< -í 1 • « • Any and all person'; claiming adversely March. 1 >'.*<). He naim « a« uitm .««-«. Edwnr«! Wil Foil SALE thr home of thr gr**at pretender, ami is the |e«lge formerly known hi tin J XME- G. BtltpsFV, the above described land* arc re«ju» '*te«l to liam*. «>u>ta\ Habeilacli, Jo*«-ph Goodreau sheriff ’ . they approach thr rendezvous with mine as the el low J a«*k« t !e«ig«*. (iov- » Ktc-l r.-r »»—ly. I WAitEVNT tnvrrmrih’l til«: their claim> in this offit e on or before ami N. J. < aufman. ail of Klamath < ily, t ke th«* worst cftBCB. Because others Lav sjiid 11th day of J uid . B'. hi . due solemnity an«! awe. California. ernor D{-• I j . no r« 4-«»n f-»r not n«»w rt reiving acui C h vs . W. Jon nston , Any and nil per*«m* < laimiug a'l\««r**-ly Schweinfurt h’s own team of pranc­ «•rs of th«‘ Bla«‘k l»«*ar mi:.«1 <»v> r tv« n- • - • ! at *»m e for a treatise ami a Full H ot : Register. the abov«* HNsT«»v, Register. _ M» _________ arre« oí ------- late! within one mile of Ash­ from tin* depot to th** Weldon home. Th*» mint» was work’ll mi **- ^.*v ROrT.irt.C.,iSSPnnST. COUNTY ! land city limit«. 10 acres el* «red and three A post Ira Whitney and (tratnby ami SilOO.UMk In the County ' 'ourt of the «talc <«f < trcg««n, sfullv for nojirlv e«'ssf _ , t’.v*‘iif . \ . \c;ir<, p \- l»iindr» «1 fruit trees set out this spring, and for the county of Ja«.k«on. limiter Land Volite ! Isirsi’ Sr »TI ' I. im > Oil n i Mrs. l>«»ra Miller Kinnelmn are in* m- alaiul tifty la-ariiig ire*-«, part red land and F •’ ................................. ilte ing several * mdho:i- in ivi lends. In the matter of the estate of Alexander Roseburg, Oregon, l'»ih. I*'»«').« i • part granite. By a v« ry sinah expense water : In rs of th** reception committee. I«*«lgp known as th** Vdlow .lack« t in N<»li< e is hereby gixen that in «-oinplinncc Shearer, deceased. T niiei » states 1.\ m > O ffice , i vuough c*»uid t»v had to irrigate from 1«» to 20 Notice is hereby given that the admiui« The telegraph is employe 1 to con­ tins mine was lost, ami the min** <•«« ; i . m ‘»I xx ith th*« provisi«»n* of th«« act of Congr«-«« of H. S. EMERY RoM-burg, Oregon. Feb. J Ith, Is'.H) « va-y acres. Term* T_______ -- . ; will - - sell all or will «li Jun«« 3, 1M7N. «'iitilh-'i ‘ An »tet for the * h ! c of tratorof the »-«tale of Alexander shearer. «1« N«»ti< *• i« hereby given that in compliam e vi«lcinto5 or 10 acre lots. Apply at the vey information to Schweinfurt h of thr paying «lix i«l»*mls. (Jov. Dag ift-tl, timber laml« in the stat« « «•( Calif«»rnia. < >r«* c< a«e«l. ha« tilt i in the < onnty court of J h k with the prox i«ion« of the m t of «’«»ugre-s <»f coming of th»* c*»nvvrts, although In* never losing faith in milliner? «tore of Moore A Coe. Ashland. m tin the pi«»perty. pro|»erty. gon, Neva«!«, ami \\nshingt«»n I « t ritoi y." «on cotintv. Oregon, hi« tinal a« <‘ount a- June 3. l>7y * ntitle«l "An a« i for thv «al* of u Hl U 2:5 adinlntbttator. ami by or«lcr of «a •! timber Inmls in I lie st am- <»f (alifornia. or«« claims thr ability tokh<»w by intuition tain**d possession <>f it n^ain, ami f<> i’bire s,nii|ilf' llooins. Centrally Lnf-alril. «.. VV. Bailey, of >hak«‘, «'«»untx «-f Ja< k-oit, such state of Oregon, has thi« «la* tilvl in this court Tuesday, Ma} ♦•th, I*'*», at th«- hoiirof gon. N«-\a»ta. ami \\ a«hingiori i <-rr,t«»ry. of their approach. I ll** nmnlwr of thre«» years I h * lias mad«* pn•>» t t Arthur Conklin office lii* sworn *tat*«in«-nl f««r th»- pirchti'v lOjo’clo« k. a. in., i« «• t for hearing All p« r • hailv« F«mi ni*-i. of Klamath City, «onnty letters rrcrivrd by Schwt-infurth an«» sear«di f«»r tl:« «»l«l Yellow d.u‘H««l Iv«’, II A ■ < IN K I h of the NW’.« of >E’| ami N’2 of SW’.j, and sou« int*T« «tv'l an- hereby notified to app< at <>f •* I - k i \ <> m **« of Calil'oriiia. ha*this«iay ami tile hi« or her <•bj«-«-t i««ns to «ai«1 a< «ount lii« «l in ihi-otli< v hi.* sworn -talrnivnl lor Choie«* Lands For Sal«*. the numerous inquiries sent to various r Publi«he«l by order of J. R. Neil. Jude«- of of th* s\\ 1, of section No :ui, in Ip. No ••*.« to «Im • that lhe laml s«»iight 1««- xalu For Nair. 3,'»IS acr»-« «»f lam!. Il’J »(•re’» of belief is an evidence of thr extent to The following di.«v(»atch froai Sahi.i supply of coffins, cask« ts, able for its tiinla«r or «tom- than f«»r n_-ri said court, ma«ie thi« 17th day of March. south, range No I « a-t, ami vxill «»iter proof farm land in the valley. <« mm I for fruit or which this claimant is In-mg a«iv* r- l*osa gives nti id«*a i»f th«* way th-.« gr*-.»i M. I M«Cvi.i, cultural puriH»«*«*, ami t«» «-«tablisli hi- claim lN’.O, to -how that ih*- laii«l -ought i- m««rv grain. robes of all sizes, glov<-s, Administrator. how It r, Mrs. W (»1 »1 Iw. rth. Wh ” to -ai l laml b* foie the K*«gi«h-r ami lb-« «-iver xalnablv for its timber or stone than for Two thon**H»i«l >ix hun«!re«l acres f«x*t-hill tisr*i. Schweiiifnrth himsvlf reports a of this oilier at Roseburg. Oregon, oil \\ eose>. rind to v-iabh-h hi- cr;ipes, etc., etc. an«l in«»iiiiUin *«i»!e lami. k « h *re Ih** Register ami dairying an i sto* k raising This tra* t of < '.difi’rniii. accompli-ds-s lu-r en i Hr names a* witm«««< < J. B. Snelling, !<»•« < iv«*r of thi-offi« *’ nt Ros burg. «»r* gon, and u ar«-ro«»ms at railroad • laU'l has ov« r seven miles <»f fencing. •!" «TI all ¡»arteof th»« United State«. “religii’ns” w<;rk: Sunil »y Mr.-.XV’ ! White Point. H M. Rola*r1.«. Ashland, both on Tm-«day, th«* 13th «lay of May ,1 vm . of Helman street Ing house, a at«M*k shed Stix'JU fret, and of Jackson County. Oregon. J M hixi«. IF u.iuiv' a- vxitm «-« \\m *l«»rvy. N (•uard Ag.*iii*t the Strike. worth’s tent hail more tls- appr.i'an -t' plenty of living waler. Noticc is hrrcby ¡.'¡veti : hai thè Copartinr J. ( aufman. Joseph «.oo'ii«’.ill, ««u.-tax’ Hab Any hik I all Iterso«« « biimtmj ; 1 he above-d»«*< ribvl laml« are reqm -G'.l to mutuai agreement he* n di««oi\< 1. thè l-u-i the abox«-«I* -« ribed lamls are r« qt not tell how soon croup may strike your from dm>r to n't?r. l b«- poor V. retch* s file their < laims iu this «dth c on or la-fore i». at Die ol«l stati«! a ili b« ’ continue ’ i»y til*-their claim- in thi- offi»-«- on oi hvfor«' little one, or a cold or rough may fast* n who throni.'e I the presented a *ai«l llth «lay of Jun«« is •«» <ìeo. ( . Eddings. wh<» will | av all linbilitcs this I Th «lay f May. I” ". itself up>n you. One doso is a prevrn pitinble s>_’lii as they lay writhing W. JoHNsToX, < H X- W JoHNsT*»N. of (he ohi tirili. an«l collect «ili ilideblediie«« tive and a few doses a positive cure, All Register. 2.3 k*g due thè finn. 1 throat and lung troubles yield to its UHsminir in nervous hysterics. Witn«-« our hands Ibi« 7th day of Jannary . treatment, ¡he remedy guaranteed l»y weiik-nniideii women pre«»-me »-iose Timbri- Land Notée« npou 70 years, with uptium-d • y..~ .md * «• < Ermi n < s , Chitwood Bros. Sign»«! ’ ---- In the town ot----- i xtctidvil nrms, whose mlitt< iin^s iie- i I’NITED STA1l> I.KN ’ 'fohl. f i: r M orse Thirty Fwt of Sn«»w. E. x IIEI» STATE* L x N!» 1 a disordered mind, «• re in th _ Roseburg. _ ____ _________ Oregon. _____ Mar. ’.’.«th, . 1 •*'*<» i RoM*blli/. < >reg*»11. Feb 24tli.l Almost as Palatable as Milk Notice is hereby given thai in compliam «; Hiram White, who recently came in picture. They inia„'ine tin’ tlr y ■ Noli« c is livrvbv given that ;n « <.i«i|»iian« • 1 initier Lani< * «>f c«>ugr«-<* of So <1lHgui«r jniwer Mr--. timb* r lands in the State« of California. <)»♦• ENITEI» STATE* I X Nil < >H I* E, / «■fialtive utoniHcf.M hen the plain oil Siskiyou co., Cai., titnbci lanr« g.»n. Nexada. am! Wellington Terri:«-rv.' RosEBi- hg . «»r«‘ . Feb. 24. 1-90.« tains. He was accompanied on th* W’Hslwortli walks anmnu thrill, oc- -nnnot be tolerated; and l>y the com- Nc ala and Wa«liingb»li !«rri’<»ry. II * Prvn«h-r*ja*t. *»f Klaimith Citx . « <>u«Hy Notice i* h* i'ebx Riven that in • •■mpliHii« « g.ui. A shi . kni *. <» i : bt notion of the oil with the hy|>o- trip by W. B. Barker, recorder of that »-.isioniilly utterim.'a word or two wh< n .’ « aufttiMU. «»f Klamath < itv. C»»untx <»f *>f siMkiyou, Mate <»f California, ha* thi< «lay w ilii th«- prox i«i«m« of the a« t of < »>ngie- * <»f N. For Sale on Easy Terms. mining district, ami Will Siegmumi. tlie nervous excitene-nt beo’n* !«• phesphttes 1« mai«kiy«»u. Suu. »»[ < .«thmriiia. I ih < this «lay .ii«‘«l in this office hi* swoni stacmn-nt f<»r Ju De 3d, ¡->7* entitle«! ’All Hr! lor ill’* ale 1 \ml XX ill cotiliniiv ih«- Lu«in* -«. k«‘«,p:t»u the purehas** of the NE1^ of sta tion NO 14, in «>! timb.-r lands in the states of California, tile«! iu thi« office hi* sw«»rn statement for Rimar kibie as a flesh prods err. of Mehama, nil three having la-en in its hold. A prayer fn>in one of i ir-di Im •«»f to show that the laml sought is Edw.ird Williams. <>f Klamatti < ity. « ««Hilly One-fourth »town; balance within six. (»n snow shoes ami fouml fully thirty a fit of nervous prostration. range N«« 1 •«.!«!, Hti«l will <«tb-r proof Tl.»- more valuable for its timb*«r or stone than of «*i*kiyou. State <«i < alifornia. lias thi« «lay ««•nth. 8C ’TTS EMULSION ia a. knowledge.! b> twelve and eighteen month»«. to show that the land sought l* more vain I-«r agricultural puipo*« «. ami to *««tabli*h tile«! in ibis office his «worn *1atement for Pl reician • to be the l ine»' ai 1 It.wt | n i*r* f»*et of snow at the head of lea^k meetings frequently 1 .s’ two him . able tor its timber or «tom- than for agri«ul- ?he .* \\ 4 <«f S« < t:»>ii N«>. s. hi« « laim to .*an! laml before the R»-gi«t*«r the pur« ha-c See map at the Railroad Repot for gra«le«1 Creek ls>ut ten nil lee southeast of and after th y are omle»! t!. . subj. »• - lien in liio world for tbo relief and cure of ami Re<««*iver *»f this offb «* at Ro«* burg <»r*«- in Tp No. I", s R N». 4 ! am! will off»«r i tural purpoM-«, ami !•» *«>tal»ii.*h hi« « »aim t • prices, el«-., or addr«-«» (rates ville. At that point. Lewis are CoUlpli t- ly exh lusted. Two mt CONSUMPTION, 6CROFULA, gon, on Wednesday. *he llth «lay of June, proof to-how that thr laml «ought :« more s» e* ’ Hbli*h his a tree at sm»w level in l^sl or >2. and California. |12-5 He name« as \»i!n*s*e*: Joseph G»*o«V DISEASES, EMACIATION, -l:-ik<«, J B. Suelling. White loint, H. M «•laim t»« -a; i lan«l Ix-fore the R«-.:i*U r and when bare ground appeared that I m >» j «I f. W. liaiii irl. I’rupriclor. Hr i it \\ i ti* COLDS and CHRONIC COUCH8. Robert.*, .»shland, all of hi« k««*n * ouutx. Re« vixer of this office a* Ro««*burg, Or., on r«-au. Wm. >tor< v, ch* «’« r W. Eo '.ler, E«l wai«l William«, Klamath ' «»unty, ‘ alimriii;«. i«kiyou Tm-N'lay the Ulh day <»t May, 1 ■-*.»•». wan found to be tw»«nty-eight f»*et Orders i«>; biiiblings «>f evert kind pr«»i- pt \ny ami all pcr«««rph « ¡«>.:v«' H • in «« and now, living entirely covt rv«l. (Capital New I>is<‘«.\.-rv for ionHun'pfio’». Dr. fib- th«-i ’ « laim«' iu thi* < ffi*«e ««n or b< fore tlmroug ly roiiovat«’! ami reti!tei thr* .«rtmv. the alsjve-u« t«» th<- tra-. «1 ing p*;blìc. Salve and Electric l'»itt« is. and h R. giMvr. C ha « W. J»m n « t - n . file their « laims iu thi* office on or befor« I h»« Nr u M *u;.g»-m«-nt wili «par«« no pains lie knew the Fact. never handled remedies that sell s xv- i;. Register. said I '.lh «lay of Max. 1 **•.»«» iu making tl.i* oid * of tlm most « <>nii»»rtal»le or that ha • • u ’ -ven -ueh u:;ix * ’ •« !« ' - ♦ H w JOHNSTON, ua->- A amall boy bad a il<>4 ami h«-m :»k«- h.»t»■:« in Cm* pia« Tiie ot it-e Timber Land faction. We d*> not hesitate t<> /»rtr-• 23—lot Resist« r. Ashlaml, < >r., Aug 1««9. • nr«-«'i’-; Ì!« l with thv b.-st thr mar nr«. roiijjii an most amall la>y-*’ Timber Land N’oti<*e. lee t lirna t ' : v riti'.«-, ami u < <us pre- E xjikd ah .« L ynd o » fh e / and a yotuiR' girl, who lived t«> refund the purchase price, if s.. tsf.iu- ; irc'i for (amili«'»«. — General healer» in — RoK.-Ft.rg. Oregon. (>« t •2'Hh, I-**1.» Timbe Land Notice, f.-siTBD S tates l.isr> O ifi < e . i had a kitten, shy na all eatf is- t «ry result« do not f««'l >.v th« ) eame me»*bani<*:>l>) These rei « bus have w»n t! « ir : at w ith the provi>i<«u« "1 the act o; ( «nig««-*' I C mtej » S tated I. am » o » fh e . Noti'e is hereby given licit in ;>i;:iu< <-f J ■!.«■ 3. l*7«s » iilill« <1 " An a>'• !-«i th- «ale into th»' girl’s |ir«'-eni'e, mid after s»>n e popula.ity p'ireìv t»n tlmir meriw. ('hit­ 21th. I*'«».) R*t«»«‘.urg, • »¡eiroii, F :o with the provisions of sn h < t of i . cgr<— of *•( limiter laml« in the * ‘ate* »»f < alifornia. wood Bro« . druL ’ i:i»ts. N«»ti< a v is h« r« by gf\<-n in (««mplian« ■ June 3. isTS. entitled "An »• t for the -ah of desultory conversation, lie s.iid: iu the State- t»f California. *m- x\ ith th»* pr«»x i«i«H.« of the «« t <»f (‘«»ngr»««' On gon N-xH'ii. ami V\ a«fdngt*»u lur’i "\"ii know my d»K Barca and your t*»ry, Mi«« Mary N’i • ilh . of B»»>:n«. « min'’ Ik or r.ihl Sulphur Wjirr loitlis. 25 fts. 11mt»lands gon, Nevada, and Wa-ltington Territory." of June 2», 1*7« **n! !l« «l ’ An net f«»r th«' -al cat. Darling?” spring -HowMnrnis in the East. ll M. Roberts,of Ashland. County of Ja< k- of timber land« in the stat« « *>t < ahf«>rnui «>f >i«kiy<>u, *’a;v "f • alifornia. has thi* <‘ax Ba - - ■ n . I mi :r<" . 7 <« < b <-k til- I in tiii* offi . h r *xv«»ru *ta’» im-n! for -o . st t'e of Oregon, Ita- th - day tiled iu <>reif'»n. Nevada. a‘ i'rHni.| 'll»' heavi»-Ht snowntorni " r"-1 fl,r11 ' County *»f Si«kiy«.'i, Stat“ of < itltf-«r:iia, I h - Al *>f the *w-, of «• -I .11 N«», 32. in I;. \ tita- of the N', • f NW , awl -I , of NW Try and he thought your cat was goinj; to of th»» f»..u>on licgan thi«. inortnn/. at, i M-'1. of SWl. of -t tton No t.i in Ip thi?* day i le• d in xh' W that the land ««a.ght i- m<>:« N t it -outh. range No. 1 ea«t. imd will offer take it away from him.” Snow fell rapi.ily without interruption xalm.bie for it* limbvr «»r >t*>m than f»n the Cure ; r if to show thnt the laud sought is mon- No m . iu Tp N««. 40 south, r«; ■»« I • '-t. au i “Tiiotlubt!” exclaimed the wise Ir- m tin-’ ci y, Brooklyu au.l ti..- me valuable for Its timber or atom- than for will offer pro«»f to «iioxx th it the hind ««»uulit agricultural plirp«»«»•*, ami t«> « «t:»‘>li«h her tie Kiri, “what makes you say the »lo_- Tliix S/Hice llraervrd for a. ii tiltural purposes, and to -.tabli-h his i« m«»r*« xaluablv f«»r i’s tiu«L* i • r -¡« hh « G uoi «•laim to «as I l«’.«l b*-i*»re the R«'gi.*tcr and r >un ling country for U n h cirr. rof! Rre at R om thought? You know dogs don’t think, i jami to *aiii land before the Register and for asrifu’Jt’iral purj......... an'! ’«» • -’a'-li'h PirrHBi K»;. March 11«. Tin» fun- s’ on Fri'lay, th««2!«t day of !•»-bruaiy. his claim to .«ai«l land bv.'o v the Righter !ue ivta of thin offi'-e at Roseburg, Oregon, M. L. McCALL, they instinct.” *hv nain«*s a* w iti.« s-- « F. T. 1 tadetiburg. snowstorm of ’b»- ■■ .son is r. gn hu *1 R<-« «-lxerof thi« y, “I don’t . ar» I- cxU'iaU over a wi le area, mi l r:.:i- Cleanse«? the Nasal Passages He names as witne-'es J 1!. Snelling, gou, on Tue«f Yn ka < n f »niia whether he thought or whether he in­ roail travel is ahnos’ sti-p, : 1 I. w lite Point,G. u. Bailey, shale, both of I* »0. Allays Inflammat’ox Heals the Any and all per««»Ds '- ’ aiming a«G< r«« l' ErtLARCED AND REFURNISHED. He names a« w tin'*««« -: ( hc«tpr tv. Fow­ Jut k-oti Coimtv, Oregon. S > premb tgast. — ali.i — stincts«! it, but anyhow he killed your Heavy »Irif-.s are ro|H>rte i- fiirnbhc-i if -* nlr*l. «ai«i I ’ « th day «>( May. ivai. ».aid llth day of June, ISfkt ÎIA- BB'J tiiEilS, fi». WarTcu fetr"ct, Sew iort MEDFORD, OREGON. a very severe snow and wiii’l st.irtn. < H a «. ’A Jon N«Tos, C h is . W. JousaTos. Legal blanks at T' idinos oflice. IS 14 Wrecks are feure»!. Regjwb'r, 23 Register. Was Awarded the only ILS'CNS ASHLAND, OF? All Standard Patent Medicines AUTISTS’ - MATERIALS His Work Speaks for Itself. THE ASHLAND AM * Kh J Masoaic Directory, Ashland. 0/uY PERFECT ES /AM iey USB. gío . w. stephl ; sg ; í Will Buy and Sel! tarses I'ransfci Business I tfeuralgja Ashlaad Ledge, A. 0 .U.A7 Eaights of Fythia SEEDS Sherilfs Sal«* 0. M.FERRY £ CO. G. A. R SEED AtoitfAL II. JUDGE assen ci 1> Saddle and Harness N ICI 1 ASHLAND, OREGON Smith IN ASHLAND F U h: ¿ fTS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS For Sale at a Bargain GRANTS PASS Notice of Final Set t lenient NEW BRICK ASHLAND, OREGON. Notice of Dissolution HEADQUARTERS EMULSION TOWN - LOTS OF PURE COD LIVER OIL E. K- Bi ightman, Prop., HYPOPHOSPHITES MONTAGUE, I! J ill' » Wrisley & Co., JAIÆZS N0LP.IS, CATARRH COLD IN W fever |^^. HEAD Farmi Frat and Vegetable LANDS Ely’s Cream Balm STOCK RANCHES C i ty 1? rope rt y Ciilim Cry forPitclier’s Cantoria I.ikiia Sherman, Pmpriutress,