ASHLAND TIDINGS. THE HI RLE IX THE 1TIM.IC SCHOOLS. NOTES ANI» NEWS. &5g their Ssfalogues Michael Davitt will start a weekly The mntter of Bible reading iu the paper iu L«>n«lou, to be called the public schools of Ashland was “Labor World." KEPI RUCAS STATE CVSVESTIOS. brought to the attention of the pub­ General S -heuek. Grant’s minister I ITE v.tlue to the ir. to England, «li«sl of pneumonia at his lic by the publication in the Record A Republican Convention for the state home in Washington last Sunday. -If our ouLof-town [ o of Oretjon is caile4 to meet nt the city of of an interview which a citizen rep­ Portland. Oregon, on Wvlnesday, th»- l»»th Mr. Watterson says that the tight office acquaintance »lay of April. I- s ’. hi , nt 11 u'cha k a. m.. fur the resenting the Catholic population had purpose of nominating candidates for the with the principal of the Ashland lx»tween Cleveland and Hill will make Uncle Sam is our It.nd it im|x»«Hible for either of them to be following office*, to-wit: Representative in v^s. Governor. Supreme Judge, Seere- schools. The interview, as published, nominated by the democrats in 1892. working ally and we It .’ tar y i»f State, State Treasurer. 8u>»erinlen- has in it more of a personal Ix-ariug no disjiosition to mhke It «irti of Public Instruction, state Printer Jay Gould may be a bold, bad mail, Aliti district uffi« ers, an|> so long as yer ; d ies Huntington like it? the interview mentioned, was pub ­ M ti 11 noma) i 4 Csstumbla 6 Polk C(MM yourgoodsou tin t. lished a plea, presumably by one of Nebraska papers are poking fuu at Tillamook Cry the proper schools. In lx»th the publications the A bill was passed by Congress last county central enmmitti-e. vens much attention as your city friend. The cat - All voters wb- favor the Republican p«»l- real heart of the question seems to week appropriating S25,(kk) to en «bl«« th«» secretary of war to purchase 250(1 icy of America niarkets for the product* i great help—a silent salesman, perhaps the best. of American lalx»r. liberal »up|»ort of our have lieen missed, and iu lx »th of tents for the ns«» of p.-opl,- driven common »eb«x»U. ami the protection of them the principal of our schools is from their homes by ■ know, tor instance, that you want ten yards of 1 «-very voter in th«- Nation . in hi» . right . „ . to cast a tree hall«»t ainl have it fairly countol. placed iu a position which is not just South. f »r a -.own, but the catalogue reminds you of nr«- c«,r«iinlly invited to unite in the »elec- f 1 or fair toward him. , Th« president has 1 other a< ecssories at such a saving in issued a procla- t««>n of delegates l*» thia convention I I I.. T. BAKIN, mation warning all ¡x-rsons againsl The first writer, by implication, ■c is a cipher. Then it illustrates a new trinimiti • tir po ­ I'ortlan«!, Or., Mar 5. MMk Cli n. places u [ hiii the principal of the entering the waters of Behring Hea s \our fancy and your cashmere gown dexcli uch ' within the dominion of the I luted scliixils the responsibility of the ease, States for the pur|x>s<> of killing s«-al a * I li h alfair quite impossible in village shopping, and the second writer proceeds to al­ and other fur-bearing animal-«. Republic** County Couxcutiou Call. »lie turning of its pages other necessaries con low it to remain there. To ascertain The Government Printing Office is (Ml ■ii niii-ht as well be ordered one time as anoth The Uepublii'Ati voter»« <»f Jnvkson county, whether or uot this was just, the now engaged in tilling one of tin- I V f oe and money, too. Oregon arc hereby requested t imert at their T idings editor went into the inter­ largest orders in its history. This is respective pulling places in inch precinct of for 1 K,lMk>,tkMl blanks for the use of «i' . tn w C >-ii«- is fuller of illustrations tlinn rmv ¡»re- -Hid cottnty on th»- ’»th day of April, A i>.. , viewing business for his own infor- the 40,009enumerators of the eleventh W.M), iu primary convention and li en anlx. before | Tacoma have nslv-d the city council to ¡1 the blew Catalo 1*90. then and then* to choo.He and elect | entering upon his duties, he asked i^o-Tt <>i t »»»ffH ,uS,,.».^W..: for ii. All nil ’ . it.i).»->t <»r t >«»* give them tin- ex • rive right to sell seven (7) delt-galuM (•» UL* nd the Republican >»■ i, -I ...ier . neiallv puts an ititoour tierels -which we think MtAfe coovt uttoii to I m * w *|<| at i^^tland, Ore­ the direct««« for instructions alx4it liquor 111 the city . off. r t«> pay otii, I put in force in the next, issue. This is why otir C.ita gon, on the l*»lh »Uy of^pri), 1**, *t which as uiiich as all Hie many saloons now Alme a'“! pl»» * Vr*** tnrl *hid! be en- '. the opening exercises. One of the I.,.. : sii. li a useful book ami constantly growing larger. pay, and will guarantee to run not mieKt 7.» the following representation, towit: directors suggested that a chapter of mote than twenty salu«>ns. They will PBBCiner. NO. DELEGATES nd v<»,ir address and a catalogue will be sent yon fr< i s» the Bible la- read and a brief prayer hardly succei-d in tlu-ir sc I k - iu --. Ashland 12 1 , offered each morning. Another di­ Tlie luillot reform league of Port­ Bin Butt»- 1 rector assented to the reading of a land has issued an address to the Central Point Chimney R. h k. 1 chapter from the Bible, but suggested electors of Oregon inviting th«- <■<>- K.leu . Flounce k«M*k that the prayer be omitted. The operation in reforming tlie ballot of Foots Creek tin-state. I'be ol»j»x-t of Ilu- league is S acramento . C al third director, who is a prominent to ¡»repare a bill containing the «-ssen- Nos. 400 to 412 K S t ., Gold Hill Jacksonville member of the Presbyterian church, tial features of the Australia ballot Little Butte RETA1L DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY, Creek j was not seen by Mr. Getz at the time, system, and secure the enactment bj M«lfor found The senators from the Pacific Coast I John A. Morrison, an old resident of ' ings editor as desirous of carrying all Voted for the Blair bill. The Ore­ Yreka and formerly proprietor of the Heretlitary •‘nubility’* is not »<» i out the wishes of the people in the among th«- ruins Sunday evening. The .4 ■•dorian lias this comment on gon ami California senators ha«l vot««d livery stables, dropped dead from firmly planted itj England aa some matter, as they may be expressed eastern Washington towns, one for it before and could not change, heart disease in his house var«l on the of the aristocracy of Amerwa would through their representatives -the two ( that will apply to other towns some- «•ven were they so disposed. The 19th inst. He was 62 years of age. wiidi. There are at least KO members members of the school board. Prof. tirm-s: “Spok ine Falls bins wh-at Washington Senators were iu favor of T'hos. Orr received five carloads of of the House of C-ommons who are Getz ie a member of the Methodist in Walla Walin, carries it to its mills, it from principle, Ix-lieving that as hay about a week ago from below ami til-lr stat«» bad Ixx-u given lilx-ral openly iu favor of the at>olitiou of church, and holds the Bible in the makes it into tlour, anil sells the tioqt grants of land they should not with­ a carload of grain. Huis losing some in Walla Walla. That ’ s the »r hereditary representation in parlia­ estimation which church ineiulx-rship encu between enterprise and sli/kin- hold their support from the southern cattle still, owing to the necessity of ¡»Utting them on short rations when it ment. Labonchere'a motion to that implies, but he is intelligent enough theinudativeness. Walla W.lla ha st ati-s. was impossible to secure hay from any effect came to a vote last Friday and and broad minded enough to know the natural advantages, but hasn't th«- M irtiu Magiunis, the would-be Detu- section on account of the blockade of gitupandgit. ” «x-ratic senator from Montana, is very railroad ami wagon roads. was lost by only sixty majority. The that the question is not one to be de­ and disgusted. He thinks he vote was 201 to 1»*K). The house of cided by his individual religions l»e- Miss Regina Rolhwhild, the Port sour Parties who have purchased lands ¡.as not been used as he shoul-l have Townsend girl who was going to ix-at lonls will go before many years. 'from the R. R. Co, in the Mount lief, and his position is simply this: la-en, even by his party friends. His Francis Train around th«- world, didn’t He is the agent of the people, em­ get started. She was going by way «lefeat and Toole's election last bill Shasta neigblx»rhe a member ployed to teach their children in the of the Canadian Pacific, but h«-r start Ims i.ot been fully «-xplamed, and now of the ways and menus committee of public schools iu accordance with the cannot be made for some days yet, as iliat he will be obliged to return to i lands. liis constituents without ativ senatorial We hear that J. T. Skinner, former­ the house, that has in preparation a laws governing the sch-xils of Oregon she lias to wait for tin- «-ompl.-tion of dignity lie isnot at all pleased. Colonel tanti bill expected to be satisfactory aud the instructions of the directors a new fast steamer of that line. She Clark, on the other band, is feeling all ly of tins place, and now employe«! in is Confiilellt, however, of beating the r glit, and accepts tin- inevitable with a Portland foundry, was very seriously to at least a majority of one political under the school law. The law leaves erratic injured a few «lays ago by a brick fall­ Train’s time when sin-does go «■heerfuluess. party? The press is informed that it for the school Ixiard to determine on her globe trotting tour. ing ou him wbilt* at work iu the fotin- Sena'or Mitchell, of Oregon, made i dry. •‘The four Dakota senators have creat­ whether or not there shall lie Bible The St. Petersburg c >rr. pondent a strong speix-h at I lie lv-piiblican cau­ A quarrel occurred at Sisson laf[ eli quite a sentiment in favor of tin reading in the schixils. While he . of the London Xeir.t says: “The Rus­ last night, urging Hint the for- 'Tm-s.lay morning Ix-tween McDowell, plate. They say that the duty of 2 could under no circumstances con­ sian government is disagrwably im- cus f.-iture bills pen ling before <-.>ngre»s the El Monte, ami a man tnamed cents per pound will protect Ameri­ sent to violate his principles by ad­ preseeti by the me«-tiiigs b«*ld 111 Eng should lx- brought lorwui I an I passed. [of i Sherman, the latter firing two shots , land aud America to denounce out- He particularly ref«-rre«t to the tin- can workingmen. Armour Bros, have vocacy or teaching of what his be­ eages coinmitt»-«! upon «-xil.-s m from a ¡»istol, one going through Mc­ [letetioned mngri-ss for free tin plate lief would pronounce evil, he is en­ Siberia.” The Czar might be per­ earmsl grants in Washington ami Ore­ Dowell's hat, and another inflicting a gon of th«* Northern Pacilic roa«i, on the ground that the duty will rum tirely willing to follow the instruc­ tinently informed, m r. s; . m -. that which were of disadvantage to tli-sli wound in his shoulder. Sher- | man was examined Ix-fore the Justice the canned goods business and in­ tions of the Ixiard m this matter, and the civilized world has long I . -n more th«-development of that country. [ ami acquitted us having acted in self than disagreeably impress«».! by th«- crease the price to consumers. I «lefence. has not assumed, nor does he wish Siberian atrocities systematically A I’enpimtory Appeal. perpertrated by his government. to assume, the responsibility of de ­ The only way to cross Klamath The Demix-rats are raising a howl The 1 ►viniicralie slate central river at present on the wagon road Blair’s e«lueati>>n:il bill, to appro mitt«*«- that the sitrpbis is rapidly melting ciding thia question for the board or appended to if^ call for a nt ate near Klamath city, if going on horse­ priate niouey from the national tr.-as away owing to the extravagance of for tlie people. So much for the ¡x>- ury for the pnbli«* schools of the sev­ convention the following «»¡xuiing back, is to swim the animal, and then sition of the principal in the matter. the Republicans. The funny thing eral Htat«« a.» >unts to lx- apportioned floridity of the l’ennoyer, granger-net walk across th«» railroad bridge a short campaign: distance lx»low. The «inly travel of alxiut the charge is that the Repub­ The T idings lias «»ocupied so much 1 in the ratio of their illiterat.- popnla- We invite all American citizens, , conseqiienc«- from Henley and other Hpace with it la-cause it believes the • tion, came to a vote in the s.-iiaU-1.1st. lican Administration has not yet ex­ Thursday, ami was d. f.-aled by a vol.- without distinction of calling or politi­ points on north side of the river is by pended a dollar that was not vnt examples of their fellows who have I Yreka Journal.! tious in his efforts for their lx««t in ­ wra|qx-d up in this measure that Ills so emphatically expr,:i;!;i,l.'2 in the bill, an.i another victory for Chicago its m a deteriiiiiitsl effort to re-estab­ Yreka Flats. The specimens shown resuitetl. The bill was am- ndt-d so lish our National Merchant Marine, to in« were full of seam gold in large redemption nf I niti-d States I winds, effect of his work. thereby reducing the interest charge Concerning the merits of the ques­ as to provide that the President may strike off the fetters of onr suffering quantity, and should they find a per- issue a pr- the great army niam-ut l»-vi.l«s 1 for i he ill U H H >,< k >0 guaran­ profits them nothing, and to rebuke : make §8 a «lay each out of any of the The dates for tin- exp-»silion as the party which now announces not [quartz under tlie slow process of hand the treasury or I m > loaned to pet na­ schools are the common property of tee. fixed were not changed, but (’h.uidler only that the Ixxly prolific of tills with mortar. tional banks, but the Republican the people, supported by the taxpay­ gave notice that he won Id move in country shall make brick, but they work John Daggett, of Black Bear mine, policy has resitlled in a saving large ers in common, and they should be the House for liolding it in 1.N92 an.I shall make them without, straw. i is report«-«! as having recently devel- enough to |M-rnnt us to build two or for the lienefit of all. The constitu­ 1893. I oped a bouanza in the Y’ellow Jacket «•xteiision. Hie new discovery lx»ing a Tormenting Painx. three first class war vessels every tion of the United States guarantees Senator-elect Brice (of Ohio or New h««l in attack of rheumatism I hat clung four-fixit l«*«lge paying 8100 a ton. This year. ¡Chronicle. entire religious liberty to the people York, as you like it) is confronted just to I me with persiMi-u«'«- for nearly four years, mine lias lx-en worked successfully for of our country. This does not mean nt present with the terrible horns of a • l.-fyliiu all the r.-in.-di«-. prexerlbe.t by |>by- over 20 years, paying several millions frightful dilemma. If he confesses, and nunilx-rn of oilier meili'-iiivv that people may differ in creed but himself a citizen of Lima, Ohio, the which I took 1 was continually trouble«! in dividends, but tlie ledge known as BlsNlARt K RESIGNS. tornieutiug pains. I filially eoncli-de.l the Yellow Jacket, having been lout iniiHt conform in the main ¡«»ints of n first will gore him, for lie will be willi to giti» up all other 1 realnient and went to Bismarck's thre*ten«-d resignation theology. It means that there shall promptly called n|.on to pay s?70>»,000 the drug store of Dr. J. < . Franklin, in tliis for awhile, teased ¡laying dividends. was submitted to the German em­ in back taxes which he is nccnaed of «■it> . h«-re. I purehasi-d a Ixittl«* of H. S. s. l>r»««n*a[M-rs have I mm - h full of the ful one. Calvin’s ¡»ride in Ohio is ally known as the Jess ford, they put affair ever since. Concerning the ing of the Bible, or upon any other being seven-ly test«-.!. D ,.-s he love I in a little too low and were washed Nuno! and the Trotting Record. true cause of Bismarck's resignation mntter touching upon religion, iu the her 8700,(100 worth? [Ex. down against a bunch of willows, it is difficult to learn the facts. One public schtxils, theu the best plan to |Kew York Dispatch. Mar. 22.1 Tennesee is ¡» through a land where they ent their horses loose and very plausible report is that Bismarck lie pursued, for the good of the pul»* AVh«-n Robert Bonner bought Sunol called for assistance, when one of Mr. craze that is as wild and um -asonable could not stomach the growing ascend­ one <>f his ¡iropii.itions to Trainer Mar­ ancy of Windthorst and flatly refused lie schools, is to eliminate such por­ as any ever seen in California. Re­ vin was that if hi- would drive Sunol A. M. Jess's sons went with a horse to make any confessions to the leader tion of the exercises of the schools. cently General Fisk, the man who ran Ix-foro the expiration of last year in a aud succeeded in landing all of the of the Clerical party. Another, and Gtxxl people, honest people, the cit­ as Presiileut on the Prohibition ticket time l«-ss than tin- record of Mail«! S. — | parties except Mr. Eykeuloub, who, after be got on the horse became ex­ in the last campaign, laid out a paper what is regarded as the correct ac­ 2:ON’'j he would make him a present of cited, and pulling top hard on the count, asenlM-s the breach to the Em- izens of our country, differ in their town near Chattanooga, which he 81000. bridle, threw the horse over and the peror’e s—rialiM p<»h<»y, while a third interpretation of the Bible— differ called Harriman. Although not a He failed t.o do so, and this morning ■ unfortunate man was washed lixiee report states that the resignation was even in their estimate of its actual stroke of work had Ixx-u done on the Bonner renewetl ins proposition, tell­ and he was never seen, until the next precipitated by _ the ‘ _ Emperor ’s ill- status as a work of “Di vino revelatiou” townsite, nor a building eri-cted, Marvin that ho should have ¿1000 day when they recovered his body concealed deete to carry on the Gov­ —differ in opinion as to whether it lxxvmers paid $4'» per front f. x »t for resi­ ing dence and 8210 a foot for business if Stinol reduced th«» record during the about, one mile below where the sad ernment in his own way, unharop- accident occurred. should be used as a moral text btx>k property. The next day cranks w ho present year. ered by any Chancellor. .Marvin assiir«*»l Mr. B.»nner that Su­ Mr. Eykeuloub was a native of Ger­ couldn't attend the auction ¡»aid 39 by simple reading of its pages with ­ B kklin , March 19.—General von 40 per cent, advance on these nol would have surely trotted in 2.’0H>i many, about 60 years of age; has lieen Capnvi, commander of the Tenth out explanation or adaptation to the ami last fall if th«- rains in California had in nearly every portion of the United prices. Of course there can l»e only army corps, has been appointed chan­ age, understanding and literal ac­ one of such inflation a reuction not l.xx-n so continuous, but it is his States, having located on Apple­ cellor of the empire, to succeed Bis­ ceptation of children. Differences in that result be belief that this year Sunol will gate alxiut five years. He has an an »»Id-settled ami w.-ll develo[»e.| marck. Bismarck, in his note to the like Tennessee will find great qin-en of the turf and the record of uncle in Cincinnati, Ohio, and a emperor tendering hie resignation, religious matters are held to be in­ state brother somewhere in the Eastern in recovering from. -[Chron­ Maud S. a matter of history only. alleged that old age and failing health alienable privileges of our people, difficulty states; he has no relation in this state, were the reasons for his desiring to aud they must lie respected, or the icle. Canada Alarmed. but many friends, some of whom gave withdraw from public life. W ashington , March 21. The pre­ fundamental principles of our gov­ him an honorable and Christian burial. Toronto. March 21). The Globe I Lib ­ L ondon , March 19.—The Times ernment will be destroyed. If the vailing depression in American agri­ eral». commenting on the proposed culture is treat«*,! by Statistican Berlin correspondent says: Although Nasal Catarrh. a soldier of the tirst order. Capnvi, in question l>e brought to a constitu­ lhxige in th«* March report of the v of na«al catarrh, with all the ¡»earance counts for anything, he is lisHgreeable efteu’a which belong to the a man of great force of character and to the reading of the Bible, or any circl«-e throughout the woild is indi­ our farmers to accept prices from 15 • disease, which make life painful and almost will. He lw»aru a remarkable likeness other religious Lxx.k, in the schools, cated. The main cause of low prices to 20 [>er cent l.-ss than they now ob­ unendurable. 1 u»ed medicines pra«cribed tain for some twenty million dollars ’ is referre«! to the inexorable law of to Bismarck. The Standard's Berlin must be sustained. The common by leading ph\Rician«, and suggavted by worth of what they have to sell supply ami demand. Com ami wheal correspondent says: The emperor schixdH must l>e common ground, and ■ numbers of friend*, but without getting an) Not only so. but the surplus which . iwuer. In the fall of 1387, I began to take uud other staples arecl.ea|» bi-canseof likes Capnvi personally, but he is in­ we now sell to the States will, if in a country who»»- citizens and tax ­ (»vi-r-prmim-’ioti. Immigration h .s in tractable by nature and is not likely l Swift's Specific (S. s. 8.) It had the desired to be chancellor long. On the other payers include Jew and Gentile, crease«! the population of this coun­ thrown on the home market, reduce 1 ertVet, and cured me after taking a few th»- prices of all products that th«» hand Count Apponyi, leader of the Christian and heathen. Atheist, Deist try live millions in ten years. Dmlge FsittleM In my opinion Swift’s flpeelHc (8. says while there is an exc« ns of the farmers Hell for Canadian consump­ S > islheonly medicine now iu use that opposition, said in an interview: and lx-lievers iu the Holy Trinity tion. Their annual loss will thus production of a few staples, like wheat, “I’rince Bismarck's wisdom will surely will etlect a permanent cure of catarrh. be missed 111 the councils of Europe, Catholics, Protestants and Seventh etc., there are insnffii-ient siqqilies of mount up to many millions, nnd th«- but the firmness of the German em­ Day Adventists, the hc I kmi I h cannot many other necessary prixlm-ts which value of their lands and plants lx- Bilik III the Public School». pire and of the triple alliance rests <>D lx-common ground if any religious should furnish profitable eu»|»loymeiit enormously diminished. Every mer­ Madison. Wisconsin, dispatch. Mar. chant, «-very bank, every loan company, to rural labor. There are inqx>rls such a natural foundation that neith­ exercises lie permitted winch are vio­ costing two l.umlr.xl and forty million every holder of mortgages, every mer­ 2i»lh: In case of \V«-iss against Edger­ er will lie broken by personal changes, lent to the la lief, or even the preju­ dollars per annum of agricultural pro­ chant must suffer with the farmers. ton school district, the supreme court however important." A11 alike should join in the agitation has decided that the Bible cannot be Berlin, March 22.— The recognizevl dice, of any of the people. All can ducts, which slioiil.l be proiiuoed to avert th»- disaster by forcing the need as a t«*xt-lxx»k in the public Imre. These are sugar, animals and unite in approval of the purely secu ­ evening organs of Bismarck declare Government to m-ek continental free schools. The court further says that that he declined the dukedom lar branches taught in the eomuion th. lr pr«» I iic I h , tilx*rs, friuts nnd nuts, trade. the place where the Bible should lie barley, leaf tolia»-c<>, ami wine. Ano­ and a pension. Count Ilerliert Bis­ scbeola, and for the religious and Washington. March 2» The House rea l is a place of worship, and that ther s«-riotiH cause of the ilepression marck has requested that he be re­ are compelled to erect and spiritual development of the young, he says is an exorbitant slian* of the Committee on Foreign Affairs to-day taxpayers lieved <>f office at once. decidt-d to report favorably on the joint to snp|H>rt s'lioil houses and children I farmers' ¡»nxlm-ts taken by maldle i’erliti, March 22. The Hamburger the church, the Sunday sc I mhi I, the men ami «-arriers. Speculators weriiig the I'resi lent, are, under a late law,eoin|*el)ed to at­ Xachrichten says a complete change home must be responsible. press the prices when farmers ar«- full. when Canada is ready for a complete, tend public or private schools. Con­ is intended in the German internal an«l Ixxim them when farmers have r--<-iproeity treaty, to ap|x>iut three stitutional clauses forbid the use of policy, and a plan exists to have all comniisKiom-rs to confer with the school houses as places of worship. , nothing to sell. the great parties in the Reichstag Canadian comunssioners on the sub­ The decision of the court was unani­ represented iu the Cabinet. mous. Legal blanks at T idings office. ject aud tile a report. Eriday, March /'•'*> 1 •< *< *( ‘I \ I 1 1 Li Don't fail to call & examine before buying elsewhere CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW <_■<»« »I »S AND EXIT.« T T< > BE ON THE WAY. A Lame Line of New Millincrv Goods i____________ ____________________________________________________________ ¿________________ V/esnstock, Lubin & Go Cbillreu CryferPiiciier’sCastoria We have on hand yet a tew WRAPS ! Come and see them Which we close out at SI Men’s and Boys’ Clothing at Reduced Prices 0 POSTOITICE MAIN STREE1 Farm Machinen Farm Machinen Wc bave rvtiiovi d .«ur Nil ford, u ln‘re we Imvr se< ur< the soil «»I ubidì isR loam u» without irrigntii ty trees u itli an al» u ilhout h« a ftway iu digging. ‘O’ m,OHO l’rune, i o,o( to Apples. n . ooo Beach, 5,000 1’e 10,000 (¡rapes. And »rood »««nrtmuit id all the baling vartwtie« of Fruit!» Trees as Low as any First Class Nursery. GIVE V# A CALL. Nurseries at East End of Bridge, - At tlie - ASHLAND M PDF'»111», or . 16 21 MILLS A. n. ---- oo— I Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Oliver ('hilled Steel (one and two horse) Plows. A full line of Garden City ('lipper Steel Plows. Disc Harrows—all sizes. pring Tooth Harrows, Scotch Drag Harrow The celebrated Steel King Spring Tooth Harrow. All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and Harrows have ever sold in this market. cab ■ " ( AUS. iN Six mile. South of Grant'« Pa««, J.»w- pbin. county, Oregon. A.H. CARSON &SON, Prop's. ---------Conaiatinu of----- APPLE. PEAK. FEW II. PLUM. PKl’M . Uhl t.k’i, APllIOOT. MX T \ KI ML ALMOM>. WALM I Shade and Ornamental Trees. Grain* Vine, Currant«. (ii».s-l»»in«-», Blucklx rn«-s. Rasplx-rrb-s-. Strawbi rn< s. Figs, Etc., l’.t«-. Our tr«-cs ar«- grown with»»nt on on ID-d lull l*m«l. nnd all of kn«,j»u .a- ri«-ti«-s that sure, «-d in South.-t !» Oregon. Thom- <-ont«-ui|»latin«- lr«-«- ¡»l-i.tiu* will