HERE ANI» THERE. Fred Hanset' H "Table Rock Farm" THE RAILROAD. Weekly Weather Report. PERSONAL. Mr. May r has just reeeiv«*d a large 1TTK QriXTIOX HFTTI.EU. with 1H head ot horses and mnfa. all n-sort men I of the latest styles of cloths I the cattle, hogs,, poultry, machinery, Following is th* record of weather mid eassina r**» for spring and summer 1 G F Billini.’« ht«» hwn nppoiut«<«l a The Xoi th Star, of Mott, Cal., Mnr. Experiments nre to |>e made at Levy. Thia I« a faithful pfe sni*». wti'.ch he wifi m ik • up tn good a Notary Public. S u ' h ' id to find natural gas, coal, milt 15th, had the following; Tile »Led tw­ obe^rvationa, for Abhlamf. made bv F. farm implement^, hoURehohl goods, lure of the e^tAbHtb hay, gram etc., -, for sale, at a H. Carter, obtener for Hie Oregon Bright sunshine again yesterday. styl ami at lowest. j-ri'<‘-. «'all at in# built on the north cut of itiunel'J F»-.«l at G. < ■ Notice. Rnfu-i Col« was orer from lb<* Cali­ Linkville, have recently lieen ap­ to carry over any snow or earth slides f wwral ¿«-and« 10 43 m iRitil'n. public uuisanct-s. all daughters, two of whom are living six to eight wagons since the mails tling wotks up to the spring soon, to 11 42 of »ar,a »anil-.. a,»«' /ouM them alt with Hud thriving. 12 ty H. A. Clauson, thu railroad eating The Levy Concert. from San Francisco for Portland be­ Through trains from P< rtland next 1» gin business on hii extensive scale, the finale eecepfiaa of Jay's l»contain iodide o 13 FAl l.KXcK-GKIHl.tNO lithe n-i.I.-nee l he water already is well known, and house proprietor, has IXH-11 pygaxxitcn > a rtfuft wr are enabled ta pro It is n*(>orted that Several hundred gan to come overland again. Ticket* for the great Levy concert Tuesday or Wednesday. 14 a. A J Shad« . March ft law, by the Kev this Week. 15 dead cattie are frozen in iu Jamison tow Joy’i i.f the only purely re pet abb 31 T. 1. Jones. Kob.-rt H. 1 au'ktier anti Mary in Aehiaud, Punsday, April let. Mill lx* Fresh new crop Riverside orange» the entsrprw* should be a profitable R. H. Walls«*, Asst Snpt. of Track, Vi 4U Gribllng. al! of Josephin». county. one. oaroaparilla now on ift* wizir.rt. which hoe cam» on naie al the Plaza Corti» r Store, and are coining into town again. L. L Merri«'k «vent liver to Yreka lake in the Grand Ccul«*«,Washington, returned from Cow creek to San Fran­ 17 36 .01 tender our observation." M.xlern medic! □« the reserved ee it plat will be ojMmed 1** 26 Sheriff Budsey «'•»¡lifted about yeateniay for h week's visit «lib bia and tiiai they stand >u the ice looking cisco the first of flic Week, going south Most '*f the orchards about to»u as natural as life. ha* proven that al! ontlnarv (are eruption« IM 2v Saturday morning. Mar. 22, at 9 o’clock. niotli-r anil family. in the coach which was so badly bat ­ S'/jtlO taxes in Ashland last Friday have ha I th'urspriug pruuing. are < suaed by tndfrewtion and -¿utTR’.ih etreu and Saturday. This was Lis si coed tered tip coming north with Pratt The new caunerj to be started at to Dr. J. \V. Kobinsou r«'nru««J I.»'al latlau. which <-a I f-.r vetwtable alterative» Child Burnet to Death. J. N. Summers, the well known ho­ v sit to this ptecuaH, he having been Jaoksouvill« last FrulHy, after uu ex- Salem this season inis coutract*«.! with during the worst days of the blockade. !n*tea I of tnlueral blood purifier* like iodld< her-- two days last Dtfiinber m his tended visit m California. farmers near that place fortbeseasou's R »port bus reached here of t tie fa tel man, «lied at Linkville last w«elt. STEVEXS-SMITH — At ih- f s H.. ’ < 1 o Ou Sunday the railroad forces work­ of potauhitn Joy’« V err i a hie sarsaparilla Jai-x-ioiivHle. March IÖ, 1*90 b’ W. J. l'Iv Ranual tux-gathering round of the prixluct of n large a/r-sge of vege ­ t it burning of the infant daughter of ing southward from Mvitle Creek Au addiiiou hus been built to the 1» the first todlacar 1 the <»id notions and pro ¡ mule J. . Mr Thoma» « »'»-veo-* and E I. K"i.t'h lii canie iu froai Link* tables for cauuii g. Mr. Ovens, of Shovel creek, on vestry-room of the l’resby teriau church. County provided for I y ths state reached West Fork, leaving a gup of Mb" Mary Smith allof Ja.-kv-m «xointy. •.-eed under the m-Mlern theory. It» vuree an Gimlet«. gouges, IWetÆura, pliera, villa this w«i-k, uud will go uortinvard, (( stalut« 9. His visit this tints was duly K math river, whose place is the first ;be talk of the hour. ouiy a little more than two miles to l ip* county court of Josephine coiN(- .. oc Puts und kettles, pHUB and friers. E. DePeatt atid Judge C.uwford appreciated by many citizens here looking for a uew locution. DIRI). a wove Shovel creek springs ranch. Par­ lie ixunpleted in order to permit the tyyTdverlis«*« fur bids for the re-buil'^k •* All things for sU Hurts of bayera ty yfilv I have di-solved their law partuerauip al who wanted a chance to pay before ticulars were not reported, except that C. 1. Payne, who has again reeovereu of the bridge across Rogue tivorVr rains to run through. Track-laying At hardware store of H. C. Myer’«.* t'MMKRS - At the residence of til* «on-tn the tax Is- *omes delinquent, and were hi» usual health, has been vivitiug^, r _ ,; of tbe clothing of the child caught fire, Athena. rH ’s Pass, bids to be received up jhr then begun from laith directions, it Grant law. in l.inkvllle, March 11th. Jea*e N' thus aaved the expense ami ineonven- rmd Us d»»a’h occurred fourteen hours Summer». H«ed 61 years. Jacksonville people are agaiu sure Ashland relatives thia week. to 1 * o'clock p. ui., Thitrsdav, April and the connection is so nearly lence of going or sending to Jackson- afterward. I the branch railroad schem'j 1» to be a reache«! now, that it is thought traius S inford Marsh, formerly of tLi« 10th. vil ie. may l»o run through from Portlaud to success. place, 1« now ly next Tue»lay. wti LIAM p llOLPlis. Most of the large bauds of sheep in tb" is visiting Albany this weak. Three feet of old snow and one foot visors have pass-d an ordinance to The uu.lersigni* apple of new et.ow at Bi«» n was re­ Jackson c > are now gr.n ng down The Hubj'wt of this notice was born I den who have lately ass«M.'i- Two cars which had lieen side ­ If you decide, from what you have heard Col. Blaisdell, of Baker City, a promi­ ooinpet Chinese t«» move to a pre- tracked over near Sisson, and went in Detroit, Alu'LigHD, S«-pleuil»«r 14, trees, which were | urcbfis* v«*d to Branch take Hood*« Sarsaparilla, do not be induced as importers ami dealers in able to plant them tins spring, will The delayed train brought tn a large m the early spring- There has lieen a t«*rd«iy, on his way to San Fnincisco. dinance is unconstitutional amt th..t Cow creek ¡ uní Sunday, at ill canied county, Michigan. There he lived to buy something else which may be claimed Roll the whole lut at cost. There are niin»b»r of drummers from the south (Miisiderx'ile I'—' of sheep m the conn- Mrs. 8. A. Morton, who is now at from three lo four feet of st ow on Monuments ami 1"1. w hen fie enlisted iu the Remember that the sole reason for efforts to Tombstones, will have their Anncsirtes. one of the new railroad Gardening w is m full progress th« heavily as those who had none. The’ Tunnel 9 in California took another 4tii Miclilgau Inf., serving IK nuntlis get you to purchase some substitute is that lo me in Ashland. 1>. M c C abthy . townsun Puget Sound,is a good ex­ at Grant’« firs' of I lie Week, but Tu'W-iiiy's »torn» were«-ompelled b;- tin» unusual «ieiith bill is mnVnlese«*nt. Aabiand, Or.. Mar. 20, ls'JD. until til«- closi- of the war, at d reCi-1«- more profit may be made Firmly resist all headquarters ample of the towu boom craze tin O'lapse last Monday nigh'. int»rriipteusiue»s sectiou" art discharged, the grading being neatly In IM«'1) he mud« a rshgioiis pro­ new article, for Hood s Sarsaparilla is red in this county, the slieep men are from Albauy Bunday. corneiist will give a porformauce in tage of the drainage this »eaM'U. fession und iinite-t with the M. E. quoted HtSdOO a front f'K»t. ready taken orders for completed. Ashland on Tuesday eveuiug, April let. n>fi prepared with fe«-dmg enctUBiires euurcli and belli to the Chnatian faith Tried and True. J. R. Casey, » bo ret*irn««l XX'ednes handsome monuments for It is reports«! from reliable authority Governor Peonoycr has appointed of the right kind. The building of the bridges Heroes during the reman .i«-r of bis lif«. H« He ¡9 traveling with a cou pany of i ■ lav morning from attending tbe G. A. “ Jn one store the clerk tried to Induce me that Sol Abrams, of Roseburg, lias Cow creek will Is- aliout the last work was twic married, first i i Michigan tn isicnl stars and after an engage- H. C. Compson county judge of Klam­ the Thornton brothers, who As Henry Tii'»rnt»m was driving R. encampment at Engeue, reports a sold all his lan«i from Tunnel 9 to to la> done to complete I he connection in '511 and secoud in Iowa in '73 and to buy their own instead of Hood's Sarsapar in nt at ‘•The Baldwin,” iu San Frau- ath county, vice judge Moon*, resigned. very wet tune down in the Willamette. Myit)»' creek, including his saw nulls, ilia. But he could not prevail on me to wen* drowned last summer; th*on ;h the gate leading to his fath-r's e sxj, be will corue northward, stop­ of th" new road through the canyon, three children survive him. One Medforil ant! Ashlawl each had a (,'h’is. Kalin came up from Portland toC. A. Rotierts, ot Saieiu for tflilojjkt, uud thiH will Is- finiehed early next daughter lives in Branch county, change. I told him I kuew what Hood's Sar­ and for James Tuffs, and ping only at R-ni Bluff before reach­ daia*e Monday night in «'•-k'bratiou of barn from th' street lust Mondav alt saparilla was, I had taken it, was {»erfeetly ertasm one of the Hides ot the double re«»erving the Glenda!« townsite. - (he for«*; art of the week, to look af- week. ing A-dil-tud. Id »vy rnak* 5 rouio of the St. Patrick's day. N-utber was largely Miohi gun, and two sous lire at T.-Jent, satisfied with it, and did not want any other." also for hi» daughter. Mrs gate swung around and struck the . ter some ixef cattle which were fed ¡ [Grant's Pass Courier. rn ttie 2*j-iuile gap, rather Ihuu stage it wLilt-patriotically »«rung in the wi.r lila. It is tbebest medicine weever kept in BiHeed h s agent the payment of two trial if in need of such. Baker county, where he has b«en sup­ from Riddle's to Glendale. They any and tiie picket! up uncunscions aud carrieil in ­ hundred d diars. Lovers of music said, most of them having fed ont for the I.ulull and like tho’i-ands r.f tbe house. My family are all taking 1L" improvoment* R euls were dusty lust Monday, for will rejoice at this rare opportunity to th** first ’Kiiein mauv weeks, bat tlie to the house und restorativ«* Roon erintending UlllllUg OjHTUlKiU for ¡1 what they had intend««! to save for the walkiug is very good, too. M bs . J. M. B arber , san Joaqein and Fremont other patriots, he suffer«*«! long anil most .skillful workman in tn nr one of the woriti's tn wler per- dust was well settled the next day by br.mgbthiin to conseiousness. when it company. seed. lived and das! in poverty and unhon- Streets, Stockton. Cal »Seta, sets, sets. Guion Reta tb* at this line of bn.-iiH The was found Unit he was not seriously in ­ loruivrs. A. W. Charlton, ex sheriff of Lake Ored. Bin such 1» fat*. A (.’«'MUADE. the equinoctial shower». » At the municipal election at Link- Bed House. jured. The horses were not 1 u t, but eonuty, who has heed spending tha Talent, Or., Mar. IN, 1S9*I. wdl known «{iialifieation.s A Con)f>rtlng Cumparuon. Some two weeks ago Fred Barne- tiie wagon was dumag-sl considerably. winter with ins family ut Eugen«, WhH vtlle last week the following officers Button onions and a general assort­ Sold by drugg win fl: »lx for»*.. Prepared were chosen: Trust«»«. Geo. T. Bald­ ment of goods in our line at Hie Red ouly by C 1. H«h)I) .1 co., y potho- - of these gentlemen, insure Our people hare wilh gixxl reason bn*-g ship!*er. Songer went over to Henley •n tain; Recorder, C. L. Parrish; Mar­ factory results to those who Tile social at the M. E. Chore I j The unpleasant uxperieuoe and d«“ Growe t Monuay, be- shal. Geo. Hurup Treusurer, I. C. John­ Citv Ordinance No. 77 favor them with their pa­ monotony of stormy weather was ag- street, an-l lire doing some artistic ant affair. There was an exollent iug e iii-.d by Jas. Bell, the old Kl iüOD~ son; Street Commissioner. A M. Peter­ atl ferryman, wbo is v ry lot V - th man. supper, us usual, and . ontr ry to the tronage. gnivated by th" railroud bl«x*ka«ie, and work on the interior walls. An ordinance to provide fur the preven- TO LEGAL VOTERS rule as .aid down by the synical par- atom * dyspepsia. we have certainly hint a gliaiaiy win- ----- TO Yreka is considerably agitated this ; ü >u und removal of nuinaneefl 1 he lee«l voter# of Jiu k*on comr v. or?- G-Mirge Dean is moving his "low ngiaphars who expend their wit upon The people of tiie city of Ashland do or­ t««u t *r for Southern Oregon. But we are A party of Siskiyou <• inn!., p .»pie. week over h domestic Bcandal in which who are in rympathy with ir.- I Ll<*n dain as follows ! happy or miserable, fortunate or un­ prii»*s” store business to Grant’s Pass, the “lone oy-ter” and the“ietnon-peel” Mi. aud Mrs. Sch«>tield. Miss ’« Funk I a county supervisor and a prominent Sh< Tiow I.—That it shall be unlawful, P a -tv. «re called up«.n to meet id mass r.,u- fortunate ehb Uy by comparison in this where hi« brother. \V. E. Dean, is en­ of tiie church refreshment -amp aud and Young of Ireks suu Miss Neville botal man and bis wife are the princi­ üíidis hvveby declared a nuisance, fur any vciition At ••ruriite Hull, 'shluid, riHturdii'» Marc h 29. 1K<». Ht 1 o elork p. ui. Ih»* con •nr- I- monad' it was a four-bit supper of Bogus, went to Roseburg i stcnlay pals. The hotel man has been chasing jK-rson <»r persons tu build, erect, construct, vention is t ailed for th»« purpose of effecting world, aud a brief weather study will gaged in th.* same business. maintain, or use any hog-pen. barn yard, show that Southern Oregon is still the supervisor about with knives and chicken .'ard, stable or privy, at auy place more p« rfm i urgAiiization, to eiee* <•«. irdr Republican primary conventions for fifteen o nts. Liter in tin* even­ on laud business. and chairrmn. a I mj to appoint better off thau inost otln-r regions iu will I»* held April 5th, and the county ing there w is some exeell'-nt vocal mu­ has lieen shed, ' wilhiu the corporate limiis of the cdy of Ash committee 1’. R. Mills was expected home on pistols, but no sic by MtS.>‘ r, Mrs. Wells, Misses I‘I »AXrl'S-i ! kin» matter of climate. lund so mtuui« d that any drainage, sipage, delegate* tu the Mate I’uioii O/nvention t - A suit for divorce baa already been I convention. April 9'!i. to ele«*t. seven Li* held at Oregon( ity April V, ¡ mw . Bv or excrement, deleterious refuse, unwholesome Hattie Thornton, Gertie Van Tassel, iae evening's traiu Trom his trip lo begun. in the report of the state weather i delegates to the state convention. GF,«», s B rigo *. Taxes for th* year now due and paya­ or polluting matter therefrom may or will d«rof Ch eago. where Le pnreliHsed h large and Maia-I Wagner, and Messrs. Bol­ bureau for DeivuJur Ashland shows Temporary Chairman ble,will become delinquentou Mundny. Apr I m * Dable to pollute or impair the qualitj of sti ck of the uewest lin--s of standard Rav. Mr. Aldndge, _ tbe Carolina the 7, IS'JO, An earlv payment of the iain<- is r»< as g«xxl a r«*cor«i as any town in tbe i Servirvs at th«' Presbyterian church ton. Faber, Wais worth and Van Tassel; water in any well, spriug, creek, or wa goods for th« business here. qiiefted, a«* it ufll be nerei>«ary to turn over state, and a fur better r«*cor«l than ¡«1- next S dibath at th«* usual hours. Her­ recitations by flic little Misses Hat­ I evangelist, has concluded to make bis ter ditch w ithin the corfioraitf limits of said *>?at« and school taxeb to the county trea* city, which is or may be used for domestic m««t every «»ther one having fewer mon subjects: “Man's Organ of Bl«*»s- field aud Mtnui" Getz and an amus- George Conn aud wife, of Paisley, home in Medford fur some time. As purposes. nrer. and the additional expense of per ren­ Notice of Final Settlenient tage hid ! mileage will be saved by payment mg paper by Mr. Faber, win» trans­ were in Ashland this week, on their I a result of th« senes of revival meet­ cloudy «lays, fewer rainy days aud ing and Cursiug.’’ and “Our Boys." S ection II—That it shall be unlawful, and of taxes before they become delinquent. ings just closed in that city, in which is hereby declared a nuisance, for auy per planted the prominent people of th«* more days that wa re clear, tban most returu home from the trip to Portlund. A s>>ti of Jani"« Purvis of Wagner The law in relation to the collection of taxes or persons to keep, use, or tuainiain any of the other Btations ot the bureau creek, had hisankl» badly bruised and ciiur-'ti into uatioual political circles They spent some time visiting Mr. he l«x>k u leading part, there have been i sou will be sincth enforced. hog pen. baru-yard, chicken yard or priv\, la thè County Court of IL» »tate of Oiegou, thirty-five conversions reported. Hud a J ames B ihi . sk \ throughout tbe state. witmuthe corporate limits ui the city of f"r th» coutil) of .'»< Lso.i GOOD VARIETY HOUSE PLANTS. snrained last week, but will nvover with a facility and ingenuity that sur­ Uouu's relatives iu Douglas county. Sheriff'and Tax Collector <»f Ja< k««»u < o large aticession to the membership of Ashlnad in such a mauuer as to allow or prise! tbu subjects. tu thè rnutter of tln e-ime of Alexiu-ter Dated March a, 1S90 its ns«* awhil«, though disable«! now. Rohl. Ralph reached Louie yreter- ; purmil the accumulation of auy refuse, of tbe several churches. Mr | Aldridge Stiearer, deceM'KKl. Roses, Geraniums, Fuchsias, Pansies, Jury Liat. tensive, noisome, or deietenoua matter Noilee 1- bercio riveli th»t theafimlnh- Peach blossoms about th« middle «*f Th« creation of the special road dis­ <1 hv Q.ormng ou his return from Hon­ will move upon tbe unrepentant sin­ ’ therefrom in such quantity, or in such a traiorof Verbenas, Petunias. Pinks, Following is the jury list drawn fur thè e-tate \lexun>ler »hearer. de- olulu. He d.issn't like living in ners of Ashland sometime in tbe near mauner as tu affect the health of au* one C' u-ed, ba* li!eU in thè coutil’ court "f .I h . k- April this year that's about six week» tr.ct bounded by th" corporate litni s Street Tax Now Due April term of circuit court: Etc., Etc. jibe Saudwich Islands — loo far from residing near the same, or to be offensive to future, it is expected. '**h l’ouu:j. inegon. hi* linai account a» Daul. Chapman. Daul. S[» nevr. IL behind time for th«* country, but tie of the city of Ashl.u d left the ragged O. cguu and t aickiy, bomesickly and the community. ' uh afinnnl-irator. aud l*y orfici of »aifi peaches w ’ ll be just »is good as usual. e Iges of several roads of the old A«b- ■> — S^AXXfAl a IT.KESXIAL Pl.AXT» bkCTioN ill.—That it nhali be unlawful, < "iiri Tueaday, M«y Olii. l*>yó »1 Ilio lu.urui A California paper estimates that at K Sutton. H iin**s True, \V. W. Kent- ottierwisu. T«> the ciii/.t n« <»t Ashland t nder the r-x f«»r «>iifd«»ur b»*i!«ling anti r« iKiug is hereby declared a uuisauce, fur auy 1 ijo'clock, h . in., i» »et toc heiiriii». Al! per- istingcharter, 5 cents prr pound an acre of peauunts and oor, AshlMtni; J. P. True, Jackson­ the lax for itreet work in the Taxpayers ahould take notice that road district sticking out in the r* adv May lht. person or persons to cast, throw, or depus »••□» intercHied are herebv notifled lo app* ar The lumla-riug firm of Rummage will briug S12U The latior io grow­ it. of Ashland i* fixed a« follow**: Polls ville; J. \V. Howard, F. M. Plyitmle, J. the county taxes for 1S89 l>ec«»me de­ c 'id. The county court recently «*»• in or upon auy avenue, street, alley, or »ufi Pie hi-or ti'-r vl jei ti'iiih lo »aifi ad vunt city »2 per annum, aud two mill» ujh > u rhe a«- W.t 'aiirathon, Mefifocil: Jan. Bigbiim. linquent on the first M >u I iv iu April, tabliahe«f a new district gathering to­ Gilka-rt X Co., doing business in Jo»e- ing peanuts is about tbe same hs car­ public gruuuds within th»* corporate limits oh or before sufi fiiiv. VEGETABLE PLANTS. sessed \alueoiall property wiihin the city (lie city u! Ashland, auy manure, rubbish, Piiblisbed l»> i.ideT of J K Xc il, ,'ufiee of Allof which is pavable—iu cm Q i only—to tbr Wm. Moore, Central Point; B. F. and it is »aid the time will not be ex- gether some of the siouer. MtlDr. lioi’k Point ; A’. H. Fickens, C. teude«l. section IV —'lhat it *hail be unlawful, Pepper. Egu I’I hui * «t«-., bj th*« >'**’ M L. M CiLL, north of E igh* Milts and the cauyo'i Alex. Burge«« will continue lhe aud The undersign« d is now ready torveeivt- aud is hereby declared a uui>ance, fur any in peanuts. Virginia is the great pea­ L. Sydeustrtcker, B. F. Stiipley, W. T. Adiuiiii-lrutor xeu hundred or th«»usand. Send to the T idukh offica for horse road up the creek above Ashland. G. busiuesa. *aid tax for and the eily recorder is to suffei or allow tho carcass of any nut producing state, with s climate persou Ao 1 , M. A. Hm’.on. Tab e Ro*k; also authorized to receive at bis office and horse, ox, or any other animal belonging ami jack bills for postiug, if you want F. Billings, who was appoint«*«! sup«*r- Tboa. Gilsoo, F. Crnnip, Steriingville; lecrlpl for said tax for inc. Col. C. F. Fnzell, who has been laid sitntlar to Suntberu Oregon, but they ■ tu him. or iu bis charge, which may come i am ••IIIng planta a* ohaap aa ro** Administrator’s Sale This tax for I**’.«» will tiecome deMnqii« nt b. B. Hamilton. C. B. Matheny. Un­ lowest prices and best work. New visor of the new district, was re«*nlly up with scistica for several months, are grown ns far north as New Jersey. to its death from auy cause, to he, or lu oan gat ttiam Caat. cut 9 ordered specially for such work on Monday, \prilllth. ordered by the court to open tb«* road ' draw and deposit the same iuo*upun any [At 3 to 5 ceuta a pound (as potatoes iontown; J. K. McKenney, J. W. W illiam FATr».p.-nji up the canyon, which was much dam- took bis turn at la grippe recently, are nowj an acre of potatoes will lie street, aven tic, alley, lane, or public or pri­ C. R. VAN AELSTYR RobinHoti, Piea»ant creek; J A. And­ this season. Iu the » «».inly court of Jackson county, <>r- Street Commisaiuuer vate grounds, wiihin the corporate limits ot aud though it nearly bud him out tor erson, J. H. Slewart, Eden; B. M. More horses have the mud-fever and Hge«l by the washing of the cieek dur­ good it cured bis rheumatism, und be worth several times as uinch as on the city of Ashlaud, without buryiug ti»« '■«t"U.-Utiiug ST the ir»i».*a* lieu ot I'rouate bllKiOfeM same a sufficient depth to prevent auy ob- acre of peauuts.] • Huston Willow Springs; J. J. Fryer. the "scratches” this winter thau for ing the late Hood. As there IB U<> work is able to go out now. In the matter .*f lia- estate "f Krankliu Me noxious or noUume effluvium arising Litile Butte; John Bailey. Mnadowe; many years past in this valley. The available from the ordinary road tax Hattan, <1» '-ea-c*l. therefrom A compnny of Natcbe.« Miss., capi­ of property adjacent to the roads m Messrs. R. V. and Benj. Beall, of tn f'iir*iiaiici- of an order ol tl-.e a'o’e ei; S ection V.—That any person or person*, i Thoa- Wbelpley, Flounce Rock; R. A. long contmii'inoe of ninddy roads is question to make tbe least impression Central Point, were visiting Ashland talists offers to put in a s«*werage sys­ violating any of tbe provisions of «ed ion«'-'l court niufie «- t i»-gu ar t'-im. there«'!, ■Cook. Fools creek; B. Obenebaiu. Wil- supposed to lie the cause. the uufiei-igucl, ufi iu ini-I ru t or of lhe nhuve tem for lhe city of Albany, this slate, one, two. three aud four, of this Ordinance upon the requirements of tbe present Mouday. Tbe latter, sou of the late Jow Springs. estate, will «.Her for -ate to the Says the Jacksonville Time» at last in the way of improvement; and ns Mr. ! Thomas Beall, will be a caudidute for ami receive annual rental payment« shall b«* deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, « name'! -t bidder foi i H-n in I nii'I. >>u end Khali, tipoh conviction thereof before week: Seed potatoes were selling in Billings «'ouldn't bob nnv way to open i hi* i*ounty clerkship nomination ut the for the sum» from tbe city. Horne the Kecorder’s Court of said city of Ashland, Satuiftuy. April l!‘th. J'.'"/, An Artistic Work. town for five <*ents per pound. This the road without mortgaging bis farm next Democratic county convention, it seven miles ot pipes would be re­ be fined uof thau rive dollars nor more a- •.*<. i l..»k r >i at th« i ourt hou-e d.»>r Iu than fiftv dollars, and the costs of proseen quired; th** cost of the plant would is quite an a«lvance over the rate of a aud hypothecating hi» real estate busi­ is said. The "Orchard Home Aaaociatioti.*’ aud ije-ides shall t»v adjudge« to pay Jnck>.'in«iiie <‘r . nil lhe right, tit:.- and iu tie alsmt S'.'i.OOi), and the city would (ion, ness to raise the funds, be modestly Henry Klippel president. .Medford. year ago—75 cents per hundred. the costs of abating such nuisunce, and be I'T'i-t of tin «nid b mr tlm M ilatiun »I the Mr. A. J. Daley, of th* Eagla Point pay 814,OUt) a year and private citizens imprisoned in the city jail until such fine ' tin* at tils fienili, or mi rigb* ihut tiis e- Or., has issued th- most expensive and The young people of the Baptist resigned tbe supervisorship. fiounng mills, was in town thia week, whose premia«« were connected with aud costs be paid, not exceeding the period t *e may hare acquired -in -■ nt- d.-.itii, -u handsomest illustrated pamphlet ever church will give a dime Social at ths twenty days; provided, thut no person and to the folio.« Ing des rtlf l •• .»’ nropert). visit. Mr. Daley thinks on a business the sewers wonhl pay from 8<> to 81i) of prepared as a land advertisement for resideutte of Dr. Walter on Friday eve. Where they Still have Snow. shall br prosecuted fora x iolatiun of any io wit ■ rii«- Ie»t innube: nice Xu. y) in the loss«»s of livestock in the Butte per year. The company wants n of lhe provisions of said sec tions of this IIIO.-X numle-r -even So ., ..i U.. u of auy part of Oregon. It is a genuine March 21. Coffee, cake, sandwiches, rFrom lhe Mott (CaL)Srar. Mar. 15 ] creek country are not ho great as has franchise for 25 years, but will agree to Ordinance, unless such violation shall ron .'efl.-r-om. Ma' h.n < num .-, • i -u -'n art souvenir of Southern Oregon, and a good programme for everybody. II ' till.!. tinue for three days after he or they shall School opened Inst Monday with lieen reported tn some of the local sell the plant to the city at the end of which auv visitor will bo glad to carry «diulniMiiUor id th.* . »tati- of I'rankiln bs5e received the notice provided in sc ten years. Albany is badly in need of «ix of thi» oMinance- Provi«l u the finest paper and of ths been nble ?o enjoy outdoor exercise •ee >f that conntry, in th« brief time Bar, left txyott River sometime in ’provisions <»f »his Ordinance, said commit shall immediately make or canM* to ?»e mos* perfect workmanship. Tue illus­ The new machinery which is to for h few mon the past, are now mik they were tiiere. They consider it Deeenilter to build a house at the toe an examination r.f the yard. I »t. I trations consist of landscape scenee, make the Ashland Mills complete Hi • ng good us« of their time, by prac­ mostly "lioom" and real estate specu- soda springs near cinnabar min«*fi on made I place, or premíeos roinplnined of. aud «h»« I birdseye and foreground views of Med­ the full roller process with all the ticing on snowshoes. ia’ion. nave the right and are hereby authorized the west fork of Bwver cre»k in th«* i toenterany premises whore they may have ford and Jacksonville, orchard and na­ i latest improvements and accessories Mr. N. Moral, of the enterprising Siskiyou mountains, siivs the Yreka reason tn believe s ieh ijaisance’cxid^ nnd There is n l»rge h.rre of men nt tive oak grove vistas.etc., and the public arrived last week, and is being set up Jain nd. Garrets«)!) was her«» about i if a nuisance is found t«» exist thereon, ««id firm of Moral Bros., came up from work iu iht Duuemipr yurda remov- will see that the camera and the press this we«k. shall forthwith give or can«e to itiiT -eing lot. place, or premises, or to the per tive us the much advertised, cliuiate- I. r»L»iN> dismissed returned towards the springs ; son or persons who shall be gui’.ly of r ink bury was obliged t<* leave so suddenly n hocount of bis brother's illness at M OP.sK t K I Hall, Tuesday evening A,nl 1 The their semi-tropic _ glamour, The Tin- Tte 4i« • ar.- working a large fore# Beaver creek, during the heavy snow the requiring him or them to remove abale i nos has never received before so greatest attraction that Southern <> • - of uie.i a I are inueh behind wit i Napa City. Mr. Stansbury’s brother storm of January, nnd hns not been or prevent ‘■aid nnisanc»?; and if s’tch nui e shall not be remov« d « r abated with handsome an advertising pamphlet gon peopi«* baveeverhn I an op;a>r*u*<- their worn. Then* i*- a very good .lied shortly after the former arrived henrti from aiuce. The belief gaining «am in three days alter such not ca or within Sheriffs Sale .it Napa. from any source, sod its issnance is a ity t<> see at home. such other time ns th»- sanitary committee prospect tha’ th m will b* .he in- t gronud ia 1 hat. Garretson perished on shall allow under the power herein ’»efore new departure for .boulhern Oregon. Hon. James A. Taylor and wife, g>f tear our town has yet expene 'cetl. B F. Rees»*r h- moved back mt" his way to the springs, an«l that Ken- contained, the city marshal shall cmus «* the The many natural beauties of our the room in which lie first had bi« Th> i . -I compauy will beobi'gel Chippewa Fails. XVis.. slid Miss E. 0. nedy also p-nahed in endeavoring to same to H\ duly issued H.' virtue <»f "I an execution «lult -.■-ued oui removed or abated, and he shail I valley will bear any amount of such hardware ami tin v in* store. ;.n l ir to woik large forces of men m d! tbs Taylor of Elkhorn, same stat«, biive com«* away during th«* storm, neither . have the right to entei any premia.> for of th.- Circuit Court "f th. stale of Orecon. for Jack-oti < ouuty. "fl tin- tali day of i t!i«t pul pos» , a id he i-. hereby autlmrized picturing. Luca*« has moved from that room to di p rtineuts. The naw nil's in this t>t*en spending a few days in Ashland of them thinking that such an ini- ■ to iem«»\«- auy obsiiuetinns that it may br March. IS!»), »nd to in. dlr<-«-t«d aud dellrer the east room tn R- •■««•r’s block. t*ei- vicinity will Lave a large d> m.iml on tins week, an route northward on a tour mens« »now fall would occur. Gar I necessary to remove in order to reach and 1 nd. in favor of A L. Reuter. I’lalntiS’. who Making an Attractive Place. th ni for I hiii I h and no d' tibt the of tbe Pacific Coast. Mr. Taylor is a reteon's wife, residing at Scott Bar, is remove an«i «>•»*<* >uch ntilsanu* dix-.r to t he postoffi'.**. I reeov«*r«sd a judement and decree <*l for* NE>iioN Vil. — The anitary committer elo-ure ot a rerluin lnor'cav iu tin*-ileive miners wul have the best summer member of the Wisconsio legislature, also dangerously sick, and it is believed shall C. IL Van Aelst vr. tue lausee of the have general supervision over the entitled Court on l»th <1ay of January. lW. Tue '*Cujon" party want an orgai. the have hud for several ve ira but is not playing the Montana act. Garretsou Helmun warm sulphur springs proper­ in this p irt vt' th«* s*at-*, and there is would have returued health of the city, ami shall have power am! and a'-aiu-i tin- hereinafter dererihe.i real li« found an old Wisoonmn Irisud liefore this, if alive or able to get away authority to ♦•titer and examine, or cause to tir-'periy la longing lo lilialm It iy and '»rah ty. lias begun improvements which will talk of a paper bsug printed in Ash­ lie examined, in the dav unir, any hou«e. Il flay, defeudantv I an; couiniaiideil to l«-vy bere. .IN, Phi lit pH, Esq make th«» spring a much more popu­ land, during the campaign at least, Why Shouldn't they b» from tbe springs. I Garretson is a i store, Mabie, or other building, and al! rn : on and sett -.ant proj-eity to -»ti-fv the judv lar resort than it has ever been. Be- to a Iro-it" the milleninin p.-opo»:- closures or other places, to ascertain th« ir I nieiil ci -aid A I. K- liter for the mm of brother-in law of Geo. H. Tyler, of l'i k < SrutfiPass pnl'lic schiw’is are »■■•ndition relative to health, to cause al: S'>a.«ai, with iniereat thereon from date of mdee his green houaee, which tious of tbe mi«lg'Uia'««i pm’’. Ashland u ci .1 « in u tuii.-h '*>tt«r condition Th« Winter'« "Rnttling " cellars, vaults, «ink« privies <»r drains to jndtrin'-nt, at ten per cent per annum, and are m themselves an attraction, with t Leu ' of A h I'D iii I. The TlDINtH be kept cleaned and hi good condition; iu «*» attorney f.-e» anil the xuin of V.l .'..s 'Klainatb Star Mar. 14.) their wealth of i*eautlful plants aud aoate or remove all nuisances, or order the i-o-t» an-1 dl-bur-iuent- uud al-o the coals of G«.*«>. W. E ! » I < vj;i -. i .. . . ii*: :«i !c- iu l- i) .-1 $2,- Well "Our st«x*k Lav«) done pretty POLITICAL GOSSIP same to be removed, and to exercise such and ii]K»u this writ, and the »tun real Mowers, he will have largo beds of spi’les from Idlib'. I '.a I i:.'-i.-- .32. A» » »land off AsLLu.d Liu« two applied other powers a* shall be deemed necessary tzed from »aid -ale lo be flower». arlKira of vines for summer AU now on han I will probably I»< four room school houses, «inploying thus far," 6Hy ukis I of uur ltiformauU fir»t, to lhe pnynnut of the ainount» A gentleman who visited Portland a for the pres, rvation of th« public health, aforcaaid. shade, a »wing, etc., and intends to shipp«sl by the middle of April.ui bu - ui eight tt-uclu-ra. while we have only one md add, “several other people’s stock and the «>«erplu», if any. to be up and. fur that ieir)«o«e they shall have puw» r few day sago says there are Republi­ to call upou the city marshal and all mem­ plied lo the -ati-iaeiioii of .« judgment i*-n keep euinnier refreshments ice cream, thereafter, lb* will have shipped :«l*ou' four room sb*m'y employ mg tiv - leach- here suffered hard." Win io therj are men who tell what can candidates in that city for nearly bers of the police force oí the city aud any ilered In -a d < ourt. at tbe came dare aa the cnia water, lemonade - in season. A 2.*) I'arksul» of the crop of 1SH9 whin i rs [Grant's Pass Conner. judgment, in favor of Beu Hay they know id respect to stock lomiee ill every office on '.be state ticket. They pera<>n neglecting or refusing to comply atore«aid waiting room has beeu added to the they are all gon«. motid. as provided In »aid decree; and lu And during the past your Ashland their neighborhood, the ciass of men have t wo candidates for Governor, one with the orderi» oi the Kaniiary committee, obedu lice to »aid w ril ! did. on lhe 13th da? i shall, upon conviction thereof before the front of the bath-house building, aud — •<*»: — "Avers mednnnea have t»aea a&tla- has tM*»>u at the-X|>eu»e of moving its is large who tell the re[>orter that their I candidate for Representative in Con­ Recorder's court of said citv. be fiued not ex day of March, 1MM, levy on »aid realty, ac tliere are more b itii rooms th iu form­ largest school building, finishing the cording to law. aud will "tier for »ate. for ceeding fifty dollar«, aud be imprisoned in gress, one esndidate for State Treas ­ erly. The encliwe»! swimming tank factor.' t«’ nie throughout inv practice, upper part of it, and buy mg new furni- sUa-k is pulling through tiuely while cash in hand, al public auction, to the high- the city jail until such fine be paid not ex *-»t bidder, a’ the Court hou»e door in Jai k- is to l>* itnprov«sf also. A fine buss especially Ayer's Ch-rry Pectoral, tur* for it. It bis kept up its free their neighbor's stock are perishing urer, one candidate for Secretary of cecdlng lhe period of twenty days SECTION VII1— That City Ordinance No. «onville, in »aid conntv and State on with glass windows is now being made which has beeu used by many of ray schools aud dot.« this on a five-mill Llini is uoout the size of the luforina- i State (residing ueHr Portland), and a 16 and all other ordinances and parts of Saturday, April 19th, 1S90, aud will arrive »ooii. to tie run regular­ patieuta, «»!>.• of whom says be know, tax. Grant’s I'asa bus just levied tiou generaliy received by the reporter candidate for State Printer. Superin­ ordinances in conflict with any of tne pro­ ly betw.*en the spring and the town. it saved bi» life." F. L Morris. M a Un-nnll tax for the mamteuaiice of iu search of facts for a summation of tendent of Public Instruction is to be visions of this ordinance, whereby repealed at 2 o’clock r M of »aid day. alt the right, ft given to the "cow counties."—{State S ection IX.—This ordinance shah take tie mid intereat of »aid Eli-I a Itay and Sarah the winter's lueses in his county. This will tie something that inauy D., Brixiklvn. N. Y. tier schools. Why shouldn't they be effect and he in force from aud after its pas­ E Ray. in and to tlie folli «ing de-i-rit,«-! This disposition to conceal the blue Journal, Eugene. bat tiers have felt the need of in re­ real property, to wit Tin* null half of the sage, and approval by the mayor Potatoes have Ixs'n selling at $3 25 in better financial condition than facta of t he matter as to his losses and turning from a warm bath when a Nearly every county in the state Adopted by the City Council of the city HOUthca-t piarter of »eef I thirty one. In those of Ashland, with doublu the tax to tell us nil he kuowe and more, too, to $3.50 per sack in San Francisco. Tp. thirty »;x »outh, -»-•» u a» b Heat, we«t. tu Jack breeze happens to tie blowing. The The Orc'/OMion »iy» th«*re are plenty to briug iu revenue? seems to have • candidate for state of Ashland. Oregon, on the 3d day of .March. »on county. Oregoi niilng bu acre». -«bout his neighbor's losses, la by no treasurer to be urged at the Republi­ A. 1>., 1»9J. Imss may be entirely closed, aud tins Given under m> -nfi ibi» I3tb day of i Approved March 4th, 1*90. means peculiar to our county. It is s can convention, and the nomination of March. PW disposes of whatever danger there has of potatoes in Oregon yet, but the Attest. M ilton B erry . H c H ill . Piano Tuning. supply can't be very large or the high ■ ■liHracteristic possession of business <» BiansKT. Recorder. Mayor. bewj at catching <*o)d in riding up a treasurer will most likely require a s henil XV. A. Smith, the pi mo timer, whose men everywhere. It is human nature. deal of balloting. from the spring immediately after the pru*ee already offered would have brought more out of tbe bins. Go>d men will prevaricate when Lhe re ­ curd h is appeared iu the Tims'.is for relaxation of a bath in the warm John Mrnto, a farmer of Marion sulphur water. Look out for n very That tired, debilitated feeling, so several weeks, arrived here yesterday porter couiee srontid to Bum up sUa*k pleasant place at the sulphur springs p*x*tiliar to Spring, indicates depraved and intends to call upon all persons losses, also when the assessor puls ques­ county, has lieen mentioned aa a can­ the curniug summer. bltxxl. Now is the time to prove the in town having pianos which may tions to determine tti« proper size of didate for Governor on the Republi­ can ticket. But one farmer has ever belief!«.'’ d « tTs'ls of Aver'» S-irsapn nead attention. In case anyone be lux« *9. Tlieconsequence 1» that newspaper been Governor in thia state, though overlooked, an order left at E B. Hun ­ rills. In purifying the blixxl, this A'lilmd Raildiag sad Loan Avexiatiou. powerful allerativ« gives toue and saker's stole will receive prompt at­ reporter» sent out to gather stock several have lieen candidates. Some­ The regular monthly meeting of strength to every function stid faculty tention. I items after a hani winter, return with how the furmers get left on election etockiiold*-rs of the rhm > l it ion was Mr. Smith comes highly recom­ only one item on which the reader can day. Three times have the Republi­ of tbe system. held loot Mouday evening, and a loan mended by promiueiit inauuf.ictnrera rely as truthful, viz: the disposition lo cans nominated farmers for Governor, St. Patrick's day brought its usual and dealers iu pianos, and has testi­ prevaricate is general. of ¿9 9 was sold at M months interest namely: John A. Denny, J. C. Tol­ in advance- the lieavieet dus*ouut yet wind storm a hearty blow for thi-> monials from prominent musicians Until this winter, horses have i man and T. R. Cornelius, al) of whom valley. By the way. there ought to 11« whose instruments in* has kept in or­ •-rustled" on the range, but many have were defeated at the polls. Once have utf.reii. Following the dm ctors' meeting, oc­ a WHi-l g’lage h*r the raeteorollgical der. It was at the solicit.«)ion of Miss lied rustling hi Klamath this cruel the Democrats elected a farmer Gov­ curred the annual meeting of stock­ Stat;<>u here, so that th« breez-*«. as K ue 1*. Calvin. formerly of thia place, winter. Cattle, generally, are f«*d in ernor, Johu Whitaker, who ran against holders of the Association. The re­ wvil sh th" temperature ami rainfall iti.t he con Inded to com ■ out to Ibis winter here, and ouly comparatively farmer Demiy. But farmer John F. ports of secretary and treasurer and of of our valle.v .vnl.l I m * cotnpurel with valley on a professional trip. few scour tL«* ranges. Most at the few Miller, the Democratic nominee for will replace every broken hollow iron axle sold by me. the auditing committee were submit­ those of otber places. never saw the sunshiue of March, Governor, was defeated. Thus, out of I ted uud approved, and elecuou of a SIHKIYOU < ’ K ’ NTT, ( AL five former candidates, but one was rhe majority of owuers of stock had Servicee at tuo Congregational free of charge, on return to me of the broken part. board of dire, tors resuilcil in the church next Sunday aa usual, at 11 pleuly of bay. Some had a surplus, so elected, arid he beat another farmer.-- Yreka Journal, Mar. 19. cnoiee of the following: P. Duuu. a. m. aud 7 p. m. The Mlbpiw for the (Grant's Pass Courier. that men who fell short continued to Simon Carri'X», who was taken to •‘rustle" suci.-essfully for the surplus. Gao. Eogle, \V. H. Lewis. Wro. Patter­ morning a»rmon will lie “Charity » Another candidate has Imbbed Up son, W. H. Atkuisou. O. H. Blount, A. lli’ukelh no evil," and for the even­ the county ho^pilat. from the head of Others put their cattle out on shares. for tb* 1’ uiocr-tio nomination for Greenhi.'rii creek, in a ib s'itiite con- S. Hamiuoud, IL K. Button and Jacob ing "Duties of Ltilxareve and Employ - After the mo«t careful iuquiry among Thompson. The auditing committee er»." A n»r«i>Hl luvitativu io “Xtende.1 dition. iuritnr a heavy storm in Fob- disinterested riders, we have drawn district ttnrn-v of the First Judicial These wagons are complete with whiffletrees. stay-chains, wrench and neck-vok«*. rmirv, by 8uporvie<>r Unrmon. died the co’idnsion that while most of the Distric E. Lt-Pea't. cx-County Judge jnc liutieut. L. F. Willits. N A. .Jacoba, of this county, «¡»o moved from thia to all last I'm sd v evening, of coiusumptiim. atigu tUii’k <*f Klamath conntv went M. L. McCidl. was re-elected. In painting the “Milburn’’ nothing but the best material is used, and all th»* work of painting is done by hand. file oificial repoits showed the com­ l'ue faculty »nd .«indents of the, His !i!'le N ye.-ir old lao is at ’be bos- under, mot«* tlum -eveiitj per o<*ut. of pkee to Portland. He nee to Umatilla county, and now wants to get back. pany to Lave loans and acquired A .lil:*ud State N-irmul Seh'stl, seized pilu). uud w:l! Im taken c.ire of. The dipping of the different parts into vats of paint, as some 'be home-fed stock were »¡jved. TLe result of I he last local election in as no better process has ever l>een discovered. atcunins lo the amount of SGSL-t 74 time by th« top-knot uud .»el out a The Yirk i (!.»* C- jui O iuj will shut Ashland in which L-- figured us a can ­ duiiug I in* eleven months ending Feb. large namlier of young »hade trw-e down th * gas works on the 15tb of didate doesn't atigiir a very flattering manufacturers do. is not to lie compared with rubbing the paint well into the wood with a finish. UStb, I89d. Tt*e earnings of the stock upon the grounds of the school last next n-mth. owing to big i of fL gardiug thn moving of th«* town vote for him in ins old home precinct during the eDven months have t>eeu Friday ¡«fternoon. The, tb«*Ught the preli w ri t, pi reutcig tin» jaiHHibility of Friueville, Eastern Oregon, the The Milburn Wagon Company is one of the oldest manufactories in the I nited States, and I dare »av that 1 at the rate of 2il lamps, fact that th" bnstuess men and capit­ Ur.-st. The total expenses of the as­ alists of tins place nre only waiting for is mentioned by the Portland H ’ or/d. C. E- Johnson, of Kerbyville. wh" whi -h are so mu<*b ch-aper. Pmbi- sociation during its first year were i Dem. > as b candidate for Congrees- bargaining with H F. Snyder for 1>I) the co d would also m.iksgas come the advent of the O. P. railroad wh«n ions] honors. S191 80. which is 3296.20 less than tiie they will lose no time iu doing it. to btgb, as th ' freight from la*low >• Not excepting Portland or San Francisco receipts from the annua) dues of 50 the pnr«*Lnse <»! the latter s re»tatirant c i. side.' ole. I d view of this dstarmi- Where the road co wees the great At the G. A R eno; nipnxnt held at cts. per share, cuilecU-d tor an expense butanes» here, was tsken sud-leuly ill nation, now w.ial-l be a gold tune to Deechntee river will spring up a town fund. The balance iu expi ute fund, with hemorrhage «.f th * lutus and an lutrisiuci' elm-trie lights, which cm be in as many w«*eks as it has taken years EugeDe last we-k there somed to however, was transferred to the loan •attack of tieart disca-e l.i»' TntHday turui-onvi fiioir as cli-aji as coal oil, to mak«* Prmevilie what it is to-«lay. have been a decided aud universal feel­ fund, and if.erens.-d by so much the evening a’ the Pi >ne.*r ho’»!, and i<* uti l pn»rc fir ni"'R t>--n>fi-,tnl for ail Diere ta no aecret about this as our ing among the Grand Army men that Judge D S. Blackburn, of Albany, »till very ill tiiere. live capital of the association. merchants all say they nre ready fo would I* a good man to place on tLe purpose. If you are going to need one yon can make monw bv buying one NOW and The first year's ex[H-i ses inolu ted G -o. W t'r-'W.-’ri. wh * ha-1 ordered pull up st a day’s notice. next lepubiic.m ticket for supreme purchase < m HC.-onut Imoks, stock ;« cario.i-i of M,-.-r-*x-»'a pot t e-. found storing it tinder a shed for 12 months. Rheumatism in childnn. judge of Oregon. Judge Blackbnra ir F. J B« ll. who was tnarned to Eilen books, biatik-. etc., winch cover tLe when i* arrived tun week tbs’ tbe «I try ehiìd’en '» a* sfiliate»! fura l«mg Beard, of Tangent, whtle having a the present county judge of Line wtu.l. ¡.erioi of me bin of tne present pot;«'«*--» and th" freigb* lull were not ti. • A dc -vith rr» jirinism \fier a number ui capital stock until th- »hares mature, a* I) *d t’- -ti repra-en'e 1. u-i be re- ;rt i.-di'’ ned fa:.*d I < • : i . p n-?ed ah Ing wife already, living in Southern Ore­ county and is a man well known ASHLAND. OREGON ■. Cl ~ ,|. •„ I,-,.» ; After takiog a gon. arid was arrested for bigamy, throughout the state. [Ex. and the next year’s expense* "ill there­ fused t.i -eept them. li>'- shipper». pl.aded guilty at Albany Monday, bottle* «he va» unti rely cured fore be less tbau the first. Saa i raii'-ieco p»-opl". will probably corp»»* of w !’ Thompson, Jdedmont 8. C and was aentenced to lbs penitentiary Garden aeeid ard *k;n ditea«ae mal ltd ReJ Beuao. for wua year. free «WLFT >PKCU 1C CU-, AUaaia. the irtl year's teuaiaeaa. laad 1 BREVITIES. The New Firm Make No Mistake Hood’s Sarsaparilla X >rri< i TAX - PAYERS JACKSON C0UNTÏ. P lants BLOCKADE RAISED ! D. R. Mills is in Chicago, buy ing our Spring Stock Having the greatest faith in the prosperity of Ashland the coming season, this will be the largest stock ever brought to Ashland THE LEADING WAGON OF THE PACIFIC COAST EVERY PART PERFECT. WHEELS RUN THROUGH BOILED OIL. Runs Lighter. Lasts Longer and Sustains a Greater Weight than any other Wagon in Existence. PLTICKS REDUCED As Good a Bargain as can be had on the Coast, Now is the time to buy one of these wagons CHEAP Call on G. C. EDDING