Friday, March 14. MJk/ I UFIBU.'AN 'TATE CONVENTION. The Repubii<'«iii State Outrai Uouj- miltee held a meetlug in Portland, March 5. 1800, and ìshum I the follow­ ing call U» the voters of Oregon; Hou. J. G. Gray, of Eugene, is au- T?ouuc«al as one of the numerous cuu- didatea for the Kepublicau nomina­ tion for state treasurer. Ed. Hires'll who held the office of state treasurer for eight years, is un­ derstood to lie laying his wires for the nomination ou the Republican ticket. [Eugene Guard, Dem. Iu the contest for the Lfemocrutic A kepuUit »11 CunveuUou fc»r «!««• state nomination for district attorney of • I Gregei I» .««lol m meet ai the ity Portland. or.L**>>i «>u »<■ lu* • lay. tin* luth NOTES AND NEWS. Polltiral Goigtp. ASHLAND TIDINGS. •lay oi April, lxsu, at 11 o «lo. k » ni., for th the purpurei nom 1 nati ng candidale» f .u lollowins «.ilice». t<> wit Kepreaeutaiivv iu «'.»iigre»». «Hiverner. Supremo Judge. Sccre- i»ry of State, state Treasurer. Superiinen «l-ut «.1 Public IfMliurtlon. Stale Printer aud disiria t oAcer», and to irauMS-i «och .'th. r bu-iiie»« a« may p>..;>vì ly coinè before ibe conventi**«» The «xmventhHi will *vn »f»t of of 21» «tele-xaie». apportioned among th« several «ouiilie» *• follow«, tl»« »aiue ; t-emgone delegate at large t >»m each t> *u*i uue delegate i..r «ve.-y 17. r*»'e* for «'uugrev«niaii at the June electi.Mi of t"a * - l.itiu • Baker s Malhwur Benton Clackamas S Marlon « lalaup Morrow Columbia 4 Multnomah 6 Polk Coca 3 Ti .lamo, 'k Croak I Vinatiila < lurry H Cnion bung la« A » allow a GHltain «♦rant Wasco Harney 4 ehgrmaa Jackson Waahlug oi. M Josephine I Yamhill 4 Klamath Lake 3 Total JI* Lake II» The committee recommend th.»» the |.ri- mariea be held on Saturday, April > !*• . and the »-ounty v*»uvcnu««us «*n \pril lsUu. nah*«* olhvrwlac ordered b;. th» proper roui.cj central committee All voTen who favor th»» Repnblir.iri p*»l it y ot Amen« an market* t »r the pr<»dHet* «•f American lae»r, liber d snpiwu t of o»ir 'U 8ehM»U, and th«- j r< ’.ection of »wry voter tn th* Nation in hs right :«» east a free l»alh»t and have h fairly xotinted are cordiaKy halted tw nuke in the -*elec tinn of ual ‘ be three applicant* from Jackson ixiuil- capítol, will die. Coivi*;, Win. H. D District Attorney Coh Parker anti Col. Bow«lit<*h. For the Republican nomination for Governor the newspapers throughout th« state have mentioned I). I’. Thomp­ son snd Van B. DeLiiabnintt. of Port- ex-Gov. Moody aud E. U Smith, asco. C. C. Beekman of Jackson, J. W. Wat', of Yiuuliill. Mitcbeil's bill for a l>oat railway around The Dalles Las n-> prospe,-t of succe-s this session The telegraph editor of rlu- Helena (Mont.) Mornintj Journal is a lady. Miss Maliel Buruham. Sprecke)» wants u new refi a ry t New Oilcans, to place him 0:1 an e<]ual footing with the tm-t. A railroad nite war between KUaniic au.l Pacific points bus set in. People who have to travel hope it will not eml too eoou. r J|ON”T think that you run ant risk in send­ ing to W einstock , L ubin & Co. for anything you may need. Goods not as ordered are re­ turnable at their ex­ pense. That is one reason why they try so hard to have things just right the first time. I I^ON’T imagine that there is anything mysterious or both­ ersome about ordit- tng goods by mail. It's as simple as A. B. C. Some few hints as to sending money, etc., will be found on page one of W einstock , L u ­ bin & Co’s Cata­ logue. Free to any address. We b««ar the name of Judge R 8. Bean nieutioiied as a probable candi­ date for th« office of Judge of the Su­ preme Court, on the Republican State ticket Mr. Bean is nn nble, energt'tic and honorable Judge, and would fill C bicago . March 10 Three distrib­ the higher position iu a manner that utors in the jxistotlice di"l)i>.ry publican and a shrew»! politician and Gram'll ganshire. it 1« stated that he Ims claims on the r President Manvel of the Santa F<> patty managers at Portland. This en- !'-rg«-B the aspirants for congresHioutil road is » lid to la- nlsiut to : r an for a N’T do for a day j^UN'T make the mis­ honors in the Republican ranks tn line of tr inspaeitic steam.un to !»• «<■ four. Ilertnnnn, l.wisnre. Ellis and hie road at S in 1 liego. without the hand­ take of thinking you Miller. [Albany Herald. S ax FuAXctaeo, M.m h l't S t at r some Catalogue of can buy elsewhere Suit«* Senator John P. Wag. r pnb- St&nford shlplasi ins s'.l'.bl«,, .‘OU- -lu, of eight cars of Lora« s, from his Pal W einstock , L ubin to as good advan­ ti»li«s a card in the Esi ■ lustrations and full him if he wonkl acvept, stating as a Muid a thou,' to oarry wa' : fio u a L ubin & Co’sprices r- ;»«ou that another term would inter> information about rv/poiut near Murray, iu the Coenr styles and qualities *.t!l f««..te plRIlB. It IS suppose«, •d d ’ Alene district to the old wa»li ■ all kinds of Cloth­ KWBi if N> aw xrws— g* he -iesires to lie free two venra from diggings. It will open up sonic ol ¡ have brought them -------------------- ------------- ing, Dry Goods, now to run for «‘ongrees if reappor­ the richest placer mines in the American farmers haven’t soM their tionment should give < Iregnn two con- district. the largest general Household Sup­ last year’s com crop yet, the statisti- grtsameu. (Oregonian. Acting under the opinion <-f th.. retail trade on the plies, etc., for Men, ciana »«y at least they have 'JTO.ihm.- The Uuion Stute Central Committee attorney general, that lie has dit-er. I Coast. Is not that Women, and Chil­ fiflD bushel» in the crib yet the larg­ has issued 1« call for a state conven­ tionary power 111 the tn itt -r, Serre- tion of that party to mr-et in Portlaml tary Wind >m has begun th - ptircnase dren. Over a quar­ trade public verdict est amount on hand ever reported in W« dneaday, Apnl 9. at 10 a. m. to of Pacific R ulroad sinking fund bon e March. ter of a million peo­ that they hold first adopt a state platform au.l uomiuate and investmeut of the proc -dsiu tl e sta’e officers to lie voted for at th«' first mortage bonds of suliei Sized rail­ ple read it yearly. place ? Senator William B. Allison was re- next stale elections. It is recom­ roads. »lected by the Iowa legislature with­ mended that county conventions meet N ashville , leno , March 8.--There Wt dnesdny. March 29, at 1 p. m. to out any oppmition of consequence elc't delegates. The State Union ia great excitement in the vieiuity of The following advertising souvenirs will be sent by WBtNSTOCK, Lt'BiN & Co., free to any address, on receipt of two cents postage for His re-electiou will lie noted with party is a coneoli«latk>n of the Prohi­ Fountninl.eud, Sumner county, ovei the appearance of s|«>tted fever, 01 each article Not more than two articles sent to one address. satisfaction by a large majority of the bition,»or anil other parti«*« ex­ maLgu.iut meningitis. In all there No. 1 —" Tour of the World," a folder for the library table or school­ Republicans of the country. He is a cept the Democratic ami Republican. have been but seven deaths, au.l t icie room. contains 56 small views of the principal buildings and cities of the world. No. 2 —Small Round Pocket Mirror for men and ladies clean-handed, clear-headed man of I Portlaud Mercuiy, Dem: Plenty of are several cases. Tuosu who take it No. v—Bo* of Wooden Dominoes No 4 —Book of Popular Songs caudidat«« for the chair that Pennover live but a very short time. solid ability, and is respected by men ia now so comfortably seHtetl iu. Ru­ with music No 5 —Harmonica fur a child Recently number of of of all parties. mor has it that Mr. Thompson, .Mr. xwcenuy a a numuer or students atuaei Moody ami Mr Pennoyer are very Kahuuazoo College kulu.ped . _ . I two It is bad enough to wnte such1 strong men, bat that it will be uec- professors, bound th« m together mid to watch for a “dark horae" carried _ them .*■ to a corn , field, , ■ where ----- Bluff as the «leggerei that Ima ap- eeatirv otnintssioners Court. (n Memoriain. fro«u the eastern or southern part of be> *«*re obhge.1 to s ay for several peared in the Time» and T idinoh dur­ the State, ibe people id these lo* hours before they could liberate theur Jain»» R N it. ;n !<*■. « W Taylor »-il\ . Castle Hall, Granite Ln.lear, aud ei^liteeu for Jstiu . G Birdxey. sberlll. IV.ncnsH. Onr Supreiue Commander, the It is rforse to print such stuff. But ! thing puss by without nny effort. the rnb ruf the universe «ecu tit to summon remainder of the term. March5. 1S-J), oriiers tua-ie as fol­ our highlv *-ste,*tued has nod worthy brother. the memost thing in the whole atfnir Southern Oregon wants the treasurer, lows; I Moore to the <. a-l'.e Hall not built i Eastern Oregou wants the State Print- _____ t __ Parkersburg, Cheater County Pa., r is the malicious sluuder of a lady cor­ I er, The Dalles wants the Governor March That W. T Moore, supervisor rial with bands, aud 7. The ageut of nn Euglisli WtliKKAS, we. his brother Knights of lis'riel No. 30. bo allowed Sit! ad ­ respondent of the T idings by the 11 again. „ Roseburg wants the Congress- eymheato to-day completed th.- pur­ I'ythia-uf Granite Lodge No. ¿3, f, el that lu hl» dentil We i.a, « lost a \allant knight, nud man; but Multnomah will have aoiue- some- chase of six tiue farms at le-uover, ditional for services in lHSH. Time» editor, in hw charging her with inau; a worthy and trusted friend Therefore 1st It That a roH«l district lobe knowu as the authorship of what be wrote, and thiug to say in the mutter liefere it is alsiut three unles from here, for the district No. 3» be established, to b- ;; __ Thai we exteud our heartfelt R -'.»LVfcu: 1 sett led purpoe«. of erecting two mammoth cot ­ «u otuie- to io, bereaved f itully in this <>f what was written alx.ut him. ton mills aud such u unrulier of dwell­ 'aken from the territory of the r- i-t tne.r lour of deep lUHieo.on be'.ci-e we to . partakers with them in a great and «»«iiymauder ing house« as will be required t.» ac- district. No. 14.and l*e bouude«! as fol­ are nielata holy loss There 1» uo longer auy denial that, The Tulare fieyiitt r very oaudidiy comuiml.ite the employ«« whose num­ lows: B--giun:ug nt the west bank of R esolved Thu' a eopv of the«» rosolu Sardine cr«*ek tui-l ruouiug them?e ion« be pre-ented to hi-fninll«. to taehof the “Iron ChauceUor" will retire from sums np the situation iu Ohio in the ber. it is said, will exceed 20GO. north to the tp. hue. theu«*« south to the A-hlnu i papers for publl atlon, aud that following "Here is some more ger ­ the mauagcrueut of affairs of slate iu By direction of the superinten­ the S E corner of N E ‘j of see 2>. uer al-.) be spread upon the minutes of rymandering. 1'he Ohio Democrat« this • uiiveiiliou Germany "aA so«>n im the affairs can I propose to re-distnet the state so that dent of the census, only one thence west to Kane’s creek, theri-'e I. s. swKST. C.-ui on K-«obilluns IJ. 1 W alpbooh be pul into such shai»e that others they will have tifteeu congressional city in Oregon, Portland, is designated along Hilid creek t<> R »gue river, thenije j T. M illion iu which manufacturing statistics will I down the west bank of Rogue nver. to l-blaud. Oregou, Maa h 7. ISSO can safely maimge them." Bismarck districts and the Republicans six. lie llected by s | k - ciu 1 agents. In ? .1 point dne south of the month of ruay uot live long euough, though, to The Democrats now have sixi aud the Washington. Seattle aud Walla Walla S ir line creek thence across tl »_• ie Republicans fifteen. This is what a Wild Animals Afloat. make such a deeirable arrangement. Democratic contemporary calls a “more are Lamed. It so happens that tliese river to place of beginning, all iu tp 3H , cities are the horn«« of the United S R 3 W . W. M. N evada C ity , March 8 A big log It is by many considered a more diffi­ equitable division.” But when Re­ 8*nt« H senator*, aud Taixima and Spo­ The following appoint nietite of r «ad with a live cinnamon bear squatted cult task than auy of his great achieve­ publicans again get into power, where kane Falls, Ixith large towns, are supervisors were* for the year on it tioalisl down Deer creek mid ments of the past. There is but one they will be carried by the regular omittol. There will no »loiiht I»- cor­ l"*l. J W. Masterson, district No. tbr*ilgh this city to-tbiy. The bear ebbs and flows of Ohio politics, they 15; Ge-orge Owings, district No. 21; -appeared appeared to t«> lie enjoying the ride. Bismarck. There may lie several will change it buck, and theu the rections m»i le. Charles Thnrman. district No 21; 24; Two Jeer, i-«--» one alive and one dead. tlermaui.s when he drops the reins “equitable division................. A Herald dispatch from Washing ­ will become a Stephen B*ers. district No. 27; Oliver were washed past here yesterday. 1 The truth ton says: “To have the currency of Dews, district N-*. 2; Charles Williams, that have hel«l the petty stHte» to­ villainous gerrymander. the country bus«»! ou its lauded wealth is, either si« ’ de will take the tail along gether as one. dtsfict N-i. 2s: T. P. Kahler, district Fred Hansen a ‘"Table Boek Farm" with the bids whenever possible. It is an i.lea of Senator Stanford of Cail No 2. with IN Lead of horses and mules all is just as well to be honest about this foruia. This idea he han put iu the J. N Osborn was allo wo I $28 for the cattle, hogs, poultry, machinery, The present year should be a pros­ form of a resolution which he will in­ thiug.” services as en|>-rvisor of roail district fur u implements, household goods, perous one for Southern Oregon. But that does not make it fair? troduce in the senate Monday, in­ No. 27 for lH'.i I. hay, grain etc., for side, at a Crop» of nil kinds will be good- at I Would it uot lie better if the fair- structing the tinauoe committee to in Chari««»* Willi uns s in >rvisor road b'liguiu. Call on Fred Hansen, Ashland least there were never better pros­ minded men of both parties would quire if loans may not be made by the district 28, alloweil $18 for services or Table R 2 in NEW THIS WEEK The phenomenal immigration to the Republicans under Foraker shame­ annnm, aud the government reserving this year. the power to call a ret«son«i*le amount fully cheated the Democrats, but that high-pressure towns and limited val­ Liquor li»'- -is-- g «i <* I . Hull A' of its loans at its discretion. B*-kf«-.' R Mil au l other Says a Washington dispatch A to the breezy, sage brush plains of the mander is wrong in principle, and hon­ rr.i litad. unique letter has been received at the for road tn X-111 1 I >r • » eustern part of the new state of Wash­ est men could not hesitate to say so dead letter office. It is the produ Bonn Lin « ■>' B- I’«» ;« r * 1 I ■’ ris In the < in tilt Cfiirt of the stat»* of Oregon ington continues; and people who When it is practiced once it naturally of the fertile brain of some resident of rearranga-L a - I M-. B:!i :»g- : i i i.'< I fur the county of J.i«'k-<»n provokes reprisal, but it ought to be H • k vs The Oregon Refrigerating to open A- 1' «« 1 «•« • • .-I know the Pacific coast from Van­ made odious in the popular sight. California, who in writing I«» friend arc; Fruit Evaporating Coin pa nj h corpvi Petit toll or Si-'. 4 1;» couver to Son Diego know that many There is no statesmanship or political in Seattle. Wa’h.. used hie enff as a XMitintie.l. HlHUi. 6beet of paper and then folded it ouc-.-. Nit ice i* hereby given that in the «hove of these immigrants will l>e drifting principle involved in cheating, Rnd we fastened the ends by means of a cuff J. E. ■ .Pti >i:p-d j«H‘lc«- -fthe entitled cause there wa-duh h-uted by the aCov» entitled court ou the 27th day of Febru­ trust that even organ-grinding iu fu- into Oregou before they have finally in the button hole. He tiien peace for G >11 11« 1 pt • «».-t. l “C-0. a e do-u !»• ex«it ion and order of ture will lie unequal to the task of de- button Jam-- I*. G-»lad «dowel .-’I pei ary wrote the address and putting on a ■ r > uf which the following h a copy, to wit driven their home stakes. There will femiing it.—[S F. Alta. monfh as nn “in I g --»t" app- >pr;a'i >n. couple of stamps mailed it. The mevitibly be a large "overtiow” of this friend, however, could not la. found in In -lie t'ir-'iiit < " irt - f the S’*te of Oregon wonderful immigration, and the Real Estate Transaction*. Ml Americsn Problems. Seattle, and in conseqncni'e the letter for th» < ounty ol Jaeknou. southern valleys of our stale offer to Beaton. March 7. -The Massa­ has been on exhibition in the case o' John F.. K 's, to Marr I. Stanley, laud Iti H. * St-M'k, plaintiff, v« The <»regon Re frtter «ting h . i I I’ru • Evaporating Com­ people of means who are hunting chusetts Reform Club gave a dinner curiosities in this office. se* 1 \ tp ■ *>. «11 IU. o-r . eoe s.’n» pany. a «»r-'oration, ¿efcu-latit B F latter to Jon. ao.liueii, land in homes where health aud comfort are to-night, and had among the guests si ad Or oitFi.fts. • Clara Barton, president of the see 1'1. • |> A . R I \V 11 » . ■ ‘ '» «’ -f J k< K*0N ( « I. -1 lnpkin- to I i < .. . s. N 1 . of.- E the chief d<4idirata more attractions David Dndley Field, George O. Shat- American National Association of the To the '*h»-.h! sa J R »irlo. lien via man • hrrt iiiueiore mentioned and co't-x and expt !.-•».»< sn e including At 8. F. dispatch Mar. 7th; Pursuant there are at least 5l people depen­ M. Beamer, land iu «••<■ I ■, ip 9, - RIE. 2 the turners fees !•« rviuniter Bet forth, be sold at One of the wealthiest citizens of to a call issue«! by Mayor Pond yester­ dent, and many more who, though aert s. e.>u »100 H. t Hill, a im 10 E. rale-tii M< Hatton, public and on by the Sheriff of Jackson county. Oregon, where said premises are the United States, Senator Stanford, day, a meeting of citizens was held m they have provisiouB for themselves, lau I in Ashland James«,. Bird-ev she nit, to A 8. Morin, situated; that the said s*b< rift gives notice of may yet And himself clursed by the the rooms of the chamber of commerce need feed for their stock. H. T. Hel­ lurid In sec 3«>. tp ;ó, S K 2 W. 2 acres; aud the time and place of such sale according to geson, State Commissioner of Agri- r tp 35. 8 R 2 V\ 40 law anti ’he rule of this c mrt relative to majority of people of his financial this aftermxin to devise means for aid­ cultnre at Orand Forks, will distrib­ NE of NW . of »ales of real estate under exet ution ami ing the unemployed workingmen. acres. rank as a Bellamy ite. He is inclined, Several promiuent citizens denounce«! ute all funds sent to his address. I J aud C P. Ph ops to Sa ul B McGee. that the plaintiff or any person intere-tet! may become puichasers at su* h **.ale and It 1. blk 40, tow u of Medfur l, cou »50. they think, to mix with statesmanship the sending of a sensational dispatch S B and Nettle Mc'jce to liurlu'la Win­ that the said sheriff, after the time allowed The Hecord-L'nton says the rumor by law has expired for redemption, execute to Washington a few «lays ago, by per ­ It 1. blk to, tow u ot Medford, cou >’«1 loo much theory touching the fun­ that an effort is being made to make dom. Rowena Nichol* to F Roper, al! right, deed to th»» purchaser of the premises here­ damental principles of ‘'vested rights.'1 sons styliug themselves a committsa, Oklahoma a negro State is not at all title and Interest In 8 ^olDLCNo 41 and inafter de-cribed on said *-ale Tha» the representing that there was starvation sheriff out of the pro* eeds vf said sale may und SO. S RIE; con Ji 15 Hie latest claim to the attention of in Sau Francisco, aud askiug that f unpleasant. If the negroee should go 47. Or tpjs Trans. < 0 to Addie» retain bls fees and disbursem* nts and com- into that Territory iu sufficient num- ", X, 0. and mixsion on said sale, and thu residue dis blk 53, town of Medford cou 1250 the country is a proptnitiou, in the government rations be isaued. tier their condition might lie greatly W.C. Myer tod M 23, Myers ad­ , burse a* follows to wit: The speakers, while admitting that First pavtoW H Ta) lor A Sou the turn form of a lesolutiou introduced in the bettered if the proposed Stute was dition lo A-bland: eon FlEll.iW. Con-tantfne Mag. uder to Board of Trus I of ’wo hundred and ninety-seven and 6J-100 Senate, that the governmental curren­ there was much distress among the given over to such population. The taet ! dollars with twenty five dollars for attorney of town ot Central Point, It 16, blk 12. poorer clasees, express«*! the opinion 1 feen with Inl^rest on the whole thereof cy shall consist of notes secured by that the municipality whs fully able to test would then at least be made of town of Central Point con »10 the capacity of the freed men to’operate Thomas B Rowland to Court Puikevplle. from the date hereof till j a! 1 at s per cent farm mortages. In other words, that the afford the ntx-esaary relief. A resolu­ a political system, aud the South undivided Interest iu Santa ko«a mine, per aunum. Secou0. are to lie led into this uew cou rate of b per cent, per annum 1 or *2 per cent. His proposition is park. An executive committee of ten negroes O N andò W Trite to Wm K t ullahan, pr(,UJ1^ land, lmlu 11B m.„,UIlv u(tM Third pay to H C. stock the sum of two promised as „„„ one account has it. It 16. blk 7. park addition to Medford, con already drawing the fire from the was appointed to siipervise the giving UI1 hundred and eighty-six and bu-iOJ dollars j er n «Hedge ot enmity to under a solemn pledge of enmity to 4K.U. j hound b thto W Palm to W 1. Vawter, ¡US, V blk with interestou the same from the l!”h big gnns all over the country, and out of work, and FJ.A was raised to whlUM> whites, Hn and by “ HIloB an oath to op op 45, C. town day of October, 1*S9 at s i.,-r cent per an of Medford con »230. whit«* politically and otherwise, I W in. Payne even if he hasn't the ghost of a show pay laborers at the rate of fl., pe to 1 J. Clarke. NW'.ofNE'. num . together witli titty collars attorney then a conspiracy is intended that of sec 21, and a f a -tioii ut SW 1 fc of NK', <4 feeI hr « hole of said lieu* amounting tn six for his resolution he will succeed in l**?' 21. 15 seres all in tp :W, - R 3 W, i» all ought to be, if it is not, ngaiust the «ec hun-ireing lien* s it‘fe-*iuent to the litahl.-iud Par* nilditiou lu Its 60. al. Hisuuiu.; lien «d plaintiff be barred and foreeiu ed of ford’s name better known than ever who have large interests throughout it should lie by reHw-n of the volun­ eltv of Asplund, eon »«•>>. and to s«*id premise.**. Ü. 8 toJ.G. Glenn, Na-'* of SWl, .»fase lhe great peach licit, as well ae infor­ tary an«l free immigration into it ot II i» further adjudged aud decreed that before. Hia wealth and his connec­ mation from Allegan and Month Hav­ colore«! p«>ple, nnpltxlg«*! aud unin­ .è. tp S6. s it 1 \v. :;7 and ->-ln0 ai re* i the p* r* li.-orr <>r pm-hnscis ,»f said p*em tion with wealth will insure a hearing en, indicate that the severe cold has fluenced. If any one is eugiue«‘ring ’ Much sab» I m * let Into |H»s.*H»'«»iuii of The third militia) eouventiou of the i-es r premia*** or any pari th- r**of. which would have been denied the damaged the peach crop badly. The this scheme under the ple«lge system N itionai league of R**pitbiic:iii Clubs : «aid And it i< further adjudged and decreed proposition bad it emanated from al­ mild weather heretofore has brought he should be checked at once, and met at Nashville TueMlay of last wook, ; that if the mon»os arising from -aid t ‘ ‘•haii most any other Congressman. j found due the plaintiff iu above state»! with stionld have been, and had the cold enemy of the colored raoe. the kical extsmtive committee, calle*! } interest»* and c»»*ts and expenses of sale «« held off the crop would have been aforesaid, the sheriff shall specify the The S4,urt slmi’l be docketed addreM was ..... delivered by John blunder in their futile and bombastic they think the prospects are fair for ported to the House, are to be ex­ annual - H)i for *u h babniar againu *>»id defendant. M. Thornton of Nebraska, opposition to a new set of rules which about one-half of a crop. An entire pended practically at New York, eulogized Speaker Reed and de- Oregon Keirigutaiing and Fruit Evap4irar ing "•inpaii *. and that -aid defendant cor give the majority the power to effect loss of the fruit crop this year means lfcieton and San Francis«'«». Of thi» uotineed the tactics of t he Democratic po athui, who is liable for the debt herein th “ Inst named city will g. • 8510, (kri o: ’itf a jainst ► -ud defvndant corpora some legislation. The Republicans failure and loss of farms to a great Of this sum #2<«0.0ii0 will be expeudc«! op|H>«itioti He declared that the Re­ lion i 'TiD wrh interest a* herein before specified many of the fruit-growers. publican party had a bright future n such judgment from the date of the In.«! had the advantage, and the Demo­ in mountings and machinery for th»- m».-nti<’ii*-d return, and that plaintiff bav* new disappearing gun masked, in I »‘fore It. crats should have made a dignified execution on such judgment. other words -to he put up ou th- It i« further adjudged and deereed that argnmeuf and opposition aud then Probate Court. th. who;e.4 the premise« bereinaftar d.s J. Mervyn Donohue, the young bluff alxive Fort Point, together with accepted the situation and tested the president of the San Francisco A the construction of earthworks for tin* It. the mailer of • an i g’iHrtliMU'hip < rf»d i* ne.-p--u-y for the conveuien! use >oh»n ’’’.Jv'er, UD itlVi II au«i - h *. up-»:«, y .»• ».»id iie’K-d promises. couatitntionahty of the rules, or North Pacific railroad, dual recently, better prot«Cllou of tbis Fp« Clal pi* tv of Th" d■•M’r;■■’14C1 ‘.f the propi-rty. author ventory an J upp; ai-euiui.t appr- i. ired 8. id under i-n. ny virtue ofthi- In inattur of uf John \ GrL v --ple who devote their In matter of «--«tato «»i J II. « hit <»r- of Central i'.-int fackson county. Oregon, breecb-loading steel riti «1 cniinon mid h ” iinr-r*’.cm*"Ut« and appurtrutnee- final M'!tlvnv?nt. serious objection to only two points wealth to the public good in the most This will be th- calitier of 'he dtevp i » t In af matter 4bail hr- d nod* r this deer*-« afe.oHte of Wm Courtnrr—p* tht-v. fore. }*'U nr«! he/cby commanded tn the rule*- the authority given the practical way they can conceive. pearing gun on the bluff, and «’a- ’iiimi for n ini, «b l «.. ' n«»D grante i au-i t«» \.»w -pli the pt» mi-» « an«! real property, hen Win M « «¿\ig aj p'-i* • •! tini wrh rm.-H tionarv gnus of like caliber will lx* nb. f** e i. - rd*e»L in th* manner provide 1 speaker to decide without appeal After providing for his family and re­ îiKt -1 at i-*• '. hid ! H H M»*,. udvr. E R I»;. * th*' «-t';-f*v'«i.»u *! and of the In lijutlur of • of Albert ln«!vrM>n and ou Alcatraz, while there will In* . *«t« hi , ! di ■ .. ni« .f, anti accruing when a upiotion is made for the pur- 0(10 for a public fountain in San Fran- au additional batt, ry of eight morlan. I'» titio!i for l”t’ri>uf adminiatrauon g;au*, «ipoit thi- w: '• :. tr- and of y.itir »lofngsby virtu* c l. J V Andrr-Oit appointed h iin. pose of delaying proceeding*. The cisoo, $‘Ji 1,000 each for th«' Catholic at Fort Point. T'lieee guns for th« * ith bunds Axed in the «um • f with hereof- t : «-»••iue '»turn with ihi« writ, into *«ti-! circuit » ourt. within -ixty days from right of appeal to the hone* should orphan asylums in Mann comity and defense of San Francisco harbor will 1 n. M- Z* H F \n-D- * ud ami E I» F ■»- • the date her« *>f. c«iet altogether S25O.000. In 18t»l it-a ’ '* "' Witue-s my hand md (lie seal of **aid be preserved, he save This would in San Francisco, 8100,0i)0 to be dis- w the inteution of the committee to '■’r* -'.it < »mrt. liPxcd at Jacksonville. 1» said Ja«’k«»»D • -mn’v *’.it<- of Oregon, th. »till leave a s)eu-f tl»<- «»-»-'kh.-l-te'» <>f r*. ted. I did. up»n the >’h «lay of March noted for auythiug like a meek and hie estate, some 82.000,000, for the for in the present bill, and at least t* r.-iildii 4 and ! un A-«. «tl«-n key irt. n :he above described rr«l submissive spirit, aud when he de­ purchase of a piece of land in San $1,000,000 will lie spent in the uext w ili be hebi af thè oriCe->f thè »»soi-iaHoi, ili 1-93, br- pvrt ,.«n*i will off- r f r -ale at the cmtlri tl.e city co-iu-11 Torno«. Villani. Gr.i .ti, t- ;»« d -T in Ja-k«on* He. Oregon, st clares that the mcn>.l*rs of bis own Francisco, erection of a suitable build­ year. M*r< h 17. .»-k, p ni . for thè I o’clock 1*. M ou party have played into the bands of ing and endownrneut of a home for - ei tlon of nini- Un - t. r» and fo- - lch - -h.-r One Bottle Cured Him. b i«in««!* r.. t-r«-'. i-i 4 f ■-«-• • l Sb-i. Ir Saturtlay, April ti, 1890, their opponents by their violent aged men and women who Lave ro ticle* » *■■ 1 ». et -he r.v ■:*»■». \U tb- riiht. till- »nd to:«r*»t o! Ti « During the fall of ISM I wa» troubled ‘ Or >nnr. Es-ttr. speeches and absurd ostrich style of homes or means of their own. Oregon K I derating *nl Frull Ev*porar with boil* breaking out all ov, - my body, Secretar» Ing «- mi* a • »rporatlou.l defeadabt. which wa» es’ised from Impure blood One hiding from the quorum count, con­ in «rd to »¡».d real vropertv- bottle cured me entirely. Ao blood pun servative people of all parties will be JiVI! G B ird - xy . Cer e. ». 8.1» the be»t medicine 1 ever u»ed Sheriff inclined to think hie admission is I Gtv»n aal«r «’ ««ad th« It* 4«y ol worth sumsthmg rw tvirr S tbuifn u «., Ailante ( >\ H AT STARTLING PRICES. X' CfiiMrMCrjfcrPitulwr’iCiutoria J r’LK I CMUreaCrybrPitcäßr’iCaitorla < 1lol h ing* 4 iiivs ill'll s am S igis DOWN IN PRICE. heeting and Canton Flannel AT FACTORY PRICES. Carpets, Window Shades and Lace Curtains STILL FALLING Get your Blankets and Quilts while they are down in price and the weather is cold. LADIES’ AND MSSSES’ TRIMMED HATS 0 All for what it would cost you for the work of trimming. r 11 TI 11 N K < > 1 i A fine stock of Dress Goods all at reduced prices. MORAL \ BROS • Ashland, Oregon Opp. P.O P lants Farm Machinery. GOOD VARIETY HOUSE PLANTS, Roses,Geraniums, Fuchsias, Pansies, Verbenas, Petunias. Pinks, Etc.. Etc. ?. rntrNxiAi. ri txr» iJki® f»»r outdoor bidding «•.■: > ready May let :o: VEGETABLE PLANTS. CABBAGE, ( F.I.FRY. (At I.IFLQWER Pepper, Egg Plant f . etc., by Hie dozen, hundred <1 th»>u-R id I am selling plants as cheap as you oan get them East. C. R. VAN AELSTYR. DRESSMAKING. - At the - ASHLAND MILLS Mrs st’cpheu V uv 1 --. | tsk, s ph asms lu aunouuelne to the In.'usot A«hl«ud aud viciuity, that she will open d , •« inukilig parlor* th- Is* of Mnt' h at the re*.deh<-„ of Rev. K K Aaulu-sel. ou < -.r, h s'reet. above 11 lull street, w i ere - lie w :l; be j !•■««•! to meet them, and will give |e.rf»ct sniisiar tlou. A shland . Or , 1’«b 15 1« ■> The fMew Firm Mi '-rs. Jackson ami Sow - den who have lately associ­ ated themselves in business, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, as importers and deaki* in Oliver Cli il led Steel (one and two horse) Plows. Marble Monuments and Tombstones, will have the: A full line of Garden City Clipper Steel Plows. headquarter- at Grr.iit’ Disc Harrows—all sizes. Pass Tliev have ail th<- ng Tooth Harrows. latest design* and ha\i al­ ready taken < rr Scotch Drag Harrows. handsome inonuinenis fur The celehrated Steel King I the Thornton brothel , 1.-1 o u<> Spring Tooth Harrow were drowned last >umm< i ; and for James Tub-, ami All selling cheaper for cash than Plows and also for his daughter. Mi- Henry White. I >r. J at k-ou. Harrows have ever sold in this market. who is now in Portland i- « contracfing fur th. la est improvement- and th»- most skillful workman in this line of bu-inesI he well known qualiiieaik’D- of these gentlemen, iu-iiti the most prompt and -a;i factory results to tlmse wh » favor them with their pa­ tronage. REPAIRS LOI. th »»» AHU 1 l N!> ‘I'*l give the world." I k * «I2': iii ; - 1. Aud closer drew his ch. ir. ‘loknow «.he thought llp.r p I* sour She to-s> 1 h, r g|.r.-ri < arload of n..-. ¡1, ■ «!. ‘Y«ui would,"eh<* blnw * red.“ree'l.. nr*a. Your offer makes n o laugh. For I was thinking !. *«• !' 1 •.» Y In Logan'd photograph." The old r««li '.I hardw ..« and tinware busiui" of B. F. l!- <-i it, Ashland fot »1 ai •• >-t 1* : of etaok. <»r lev- if v .],] ill ilia'. » Everybody s i • ftp«! Moral Bros is « lit« **!l**ap-st |»1 te» b» Ini « drv g v».|a Tb<- wsr mill ' on in the clonk department, nt Huusnk«-r'», with no algo* of peace *