ASHLAND TIDINOS ASHLAND TIDINGS W. H. LEEDS. Kilt tor ««rid Publisher Terms of Subscription: Oue copy, oue year........................... I T ‘‘ six îuonths........................ 1 •• “ three month»................... t".ub Hates, six copies for............. 1* Tenus, in advance. 50 SO 7ft 50 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Austin S. Haaxaond, ATTORNEY AT LAW ASHLAND, OREGON, VOL. XIV FRIDAY. MARCH 14, 1890. Terms nf Abrerftsing i xaMi' •-**«-0*1 One square, first i^Mwiion.... 00 IEMk A«M itioual jatrtion ... . 1 M V » ò AÓ JS^Trintmq , ms done on short no _____ noe. Giga. jBlai .Janks, Circulars, Busi - * y iiwmoSTsjiftiiei ______ _____ liieads. Letterbeads, Boat [ ta*V AR»/*o'ten np in good style at NO, 4Ó. _________ *'T Z y'L 'jfS ......... STAVER & WALKER BRANCH HOUSE, MEDFORD, ORE a hull Line of Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery of All Kinds A m BL a MI». <’U»: u «».> « umpiate UM uf tb«lracU of Tille» t.» laud* Iu tvuuiy. Tlttesexaniiiivd. Title» perfect»^ Rec I •rd* cvrrecte«!. IÄÖ1 TIDINGS A S1H. \ND lsSUEÜ EVERY FRIDAY MORNING WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, CARTS We solicit correspondence from parties wishing to purchase anything in our line. If we cannot convince you that we can give you a better bargain than any other firm on the Pacific Coast, it will cost you nothing Mimi Mill ait iiaœfaclariiii Machinery J. I. BowdLltch, Attonwy feud Counsailor at Law ASHLAND, OREGON. V» Hl | rn»-th • ii all court» of the SUU. Coilertton» promptly mndv and remitted. 9-4 M077Í3 M. H&ïkBMS, ATl'GRNEY AND COUNSELOR. fiiuxT'* P.vm, Outioox. fgg-olU* in Ahlf BiitMin*. Front Mr«ei. pt tl » Echo.-t A. Millar i I oxuxe.v - it t - 1 .it w WIL prit’ll’v ii» «11 the vouru of the >H1< E with W. H. Varker, ophite t uurl Hou»e, Jacksonville, Or. A i'owntn I*. M'g Notice. twite of the World'« f air. ■Chicago will raise SlO.Otkl.OOfi tor | A country poetmuster, having been 18. F. Chronicle, Mar. 5.; I the world’s fair in 1893 and the nation- i great ly a ori i< d by the im-eesant aud At. the end of the first year of Presi- al Government should appropriate as uwlees culls on him for mull, pub­ ' A'«?-’. » Yrekn, thirty orthirty-tiveyetirango, d'.'ut Cleveland’s administration u * mii - large h sum to assist her," HHid Joseph ' lished the foilowing, which will lie r 11 prospermia mining town, Htid in Mediil. editor of the Chicago Tribune, , appreciated at least by postmastera I ly every Democratic and Mugwump 1K.17 a telegraph line was first estab­ at the Windsor Hotel the other day. newspaper in the country was busy , during th««« blockade times, where lished there. A geutlemun from Ore­ apologizing for the shortcomings of “We Would have been willing bad mails are r«'.»eiv«l m > seldom. W« gon who disposed of cousiib-nilile in­ New York won the fair tlmt Congress copy it from the H. F. It’««/»: th« party and attempting, in a f»-«bl > terests in Yreka for checks on San should have appropriated as much ! aud ineffi'ctuil way, to explain Mr. ro ora patrons . Ernucisco was horrified one moniing, mouey as the city itself put up. This Clevelaml'a failure to k«<».p ins ante- For the benefit of those of our cun get ready the childreu, but it Lus a Umdeuey to next campaign, is its siii'ceesful revis­ be traded horses, and again at in thr»-»' years, if Congo ss helps us as drive ns to drink. We reiterate that ion ol the r>iies of the House of Repre­ we receive but one mail a day, and if Roseburg at noon he made auotb»ir 1 have indicated." sentatives, by tflean« of which a fac­ you don't get anything in that mail, KESTLCSHNES*- trade. Night fouml Luu in the C.ili- tions minority has l>eeu deprive«! of ''Then yon do not propose to hold we are unable to say when you will, A «rWICYUV HOfTOkl pooia mountains. He was frequently the fair in 1892?" the power of obstructing legislative ’AUIT l CM FAMILY Mt DICIMK and it will lie worse than useless, if detained in making Lis “ Loree-tradee. ” business from mere whim or fancy. "It would lie ridiculous to open the hw i n i xwy but the third morning found him in fair at u period six months earlier in possible, to ask its. We speak of the»*» The Republicau party has Lad the sight of Portland and he Siam siW th« year than Columbus diacovere»! tilings thinking perhaps, it will save courage of its cotivictioos aud has re­ that the dread-si atennn-r bad not ar­ AmeiiCH. In May ami June, 1492, he consider able talk on tli«i part of the stored iu the House the rule of the ItHSM, C«. rived. He put up bia horse at Stu- did not even know that h« wouhl g«t people ami more or less rtlierraliou of majority, which is the only safe and vens', on 1 be east side of the liver, the necessary assistance t»i make th»* th»' mind on the part of the p«istmaster PHILADELPHIA reasonable rule under a popular gov­ aud crossed over on the horse f.-iry. voyage. He did not start until Aug- We feel as if our nitnd was tottering ernment. bhould the party accom­ Price. ONE Dollar A.s the Isink was nut yet y;wi.«.l he net, an»l did not laud until Octolwr so many times durlug the day, aud so plish nothing else tliau this it lias done m.iny milli.iu times during the last valkisi impatiently up and down lbs 12ih." enough to entitle it to the confidence tbr»»e months have we lx»«n force»! in­ street, fearing every moment the can­ "The fair should not be opemal be­ to the following conversation: Tlie majority of the Ills of the human of the iieople. But iu a ldition to this the party has i I noli which announced tin» steamer's fore the auuiversary of the date of the body arise from a ctoi»«r is too late iu our adopted and put into active operation mous Liver Regulator has tieen the means i “The mail isn't distributed yet. I A few ininiltxti appeared as many climate to open a fair, ami it sliould a financial policy which h is not only of restoring more people to health and “When will it I»«?" hours. Finally the do-»rs of the bank be (»oatponed until say May. 1893. nslueed the surplus which Mr. Cl«ve happluesS by giving them a healthy "Iu a minute.'' swung op» a and h»- Want in and diew land MT"ct«sl to fear so much, but has We should have a big celelmitiou in Liver than ant oilier agency on * urth “Will there l»e auythiug then?" tils colli, ile again crossed the river Octolier, 1892. and we would want reduced th« interest-bearing debt of "Don't know. ’ bi.K THAT KOI’ GE1 THE OENTLNK. «ml was just lying down when the vi­ ClmuiM’ey M. J)ep«w to come out and the Govi rnm«»nt in a marked degre After a brief pi use “now eau vou brations of th« calinoli raí tied his \s som as StMretary Wtmloin n.'tttied make us a speech. We would want «ituiows and annotine«*! lito arrival lorn Platt, ti«». be»lause he seen.» to tell?" the dep'Miitory Imiiks that they were Can We Itni«« Flax Pmfitsblyf "No." of the IsKit. leu inmutes afterward be a pretty good friend of ours ” no louger to lie f< d from the uatiomil 'Aintit a minute yet?" With the competition of other I treasury th- problem of reducing th»' 'he doors of the ....k Were closed. .......... bank “Not quite.” coiiii'.riis against is evident surplus was solved, for these banka but lu- h i1 w ai Ins r.i-'.i aud saved A < hild Killed. “Is there anything now'»” that American Lum» is cannot longei found it expolient to surrender the lum-a-lf from ¡»-mg a petiuil»-«s man. Auoher child killed by ths use of opi­ I ates "Not hing.” have the world's wheal market all bonds winch they held, and which the given in thetorinof fviothiiig syrup. "No letter for Burket?" their own way. Wheat will sooner unwise ¡ii'iiey of the Cleveland Adntin- It.ligioli «ml Pulltin. Why mothsrs give their children «ucii "No." or later cea«e to la> a profitable crop istratiou had encouraged them in hold­ poinon is surprising when they B xi . timoup , March 3. Rev Dr. deadly c n relieve the child oi its peculiar trou- "N»i papet ?" forexport. Tli-n farnmrs must turn ing. Tobias Schiiufaiimr li-eturml yester­ blis by the vse of Aker's Bnhy Soottier “No." their attention to something else. Again, although a new tariff bill has day on "R. hgi-v.i*. M >V". ’ i<»T» ’ s in C.>ti- contain* u> opium It oontains uo or morophine. “Postal card?" What, shall it be? I’roliably it will I not iH'en formulate»! as yet, the atti­ gr,»««." IL'-iil "The introlu.-tion K »!d by Chitwood Bro« “N i." ls> several articles. The agricultural I tude of the Ways and Menus Commit­ <»f billsi s 'vorinq of r.-ligi >n a'dl slink»» ‘•Nothing tali?" department at Washington sre con­ tee of the Hons« makea it cert sin lbs'- i'nrtlninl...Japan Line of MenmriY. the very ioiinfintion« <• ’ our (»»iverti- “No." sidering seriously what farmers can its bill, when coir-pleted, will commaud nwiit mil " «1. forth, »•-'.•»b'tfiim» nt Portland, March 3 A contrail wn® best do when wheat ceases to lie the popular support. Instead of working “When does the mail « xmm in of.Triarchy. Tin«« L',« forget, executed in Snu Francisco to-day be­ again?”' main reliance for export. They are by candle-light an»l with closed doors, in their zeal for their religion, that tween the oflii’« of the I'nion Pacific open to suggestions front any source. as the Mills e «ltd, the pres­ ‘•To-iuorrow morning." they are «ndiingenng th« «xi~t<»ncc of : tid Frank Upton of Kobe. Japan, pro­ "What time?' A gentleman from Ireland has al ent committee tins sought nil the in­ the grand «> rn«turt-. viding for a monthly line of steamers r.-ady mitten, Whv not raise flax? formation it could get. from any aud “Eleveu o'chs-k ' !'iu. stamlni'I.« of tb«ir religion fin between Portland and Asiatic port«. He has watched the tiax culture in every source, upon the theory that it "11 >••« it bring mail from the Haiti?” pessimi die. full of »iarkness and T'be first stenmer will arrive licr* in America for years. There ttw-.l to be is the people and not the party only ■' Y’eS.” gloom. \V here its pre»-, pts ar., not Jitt-c with tie«-crop ten. The steam­ considerable of this staple, but tht“ which is inter«»e!eil tn the question. "Do you think there will l»e any- «'rong cn-eigli to icq nre a iberem'o ers will carry about tons. Ne­ ihmg 'or me. ’b»-n?" ; more easily aud cheaply worked cot­ Another great deed actximplished by ton ri«it»il it i ni. With the Ameri­ the Republican party has been the ad­ Cowlny» Saw. Where the Gift lintuiw ’ »lire tiny wonld call in th. strong anti of gotiations tn regard to this matter “Can't tell." the G iveriunent for their !«<.ive»i’y liavt'been going cut fur nearly a year, Feuglit. can facility h>r adapting machinery mission uf four new States. Of conrs« "Well, now, if n letter ivus mail«*! tn work. Not by nil the Blair Sunday ami about three weeks ago Mr. Upton Chicag<> a wr, the gentleman thinks the enabling nets were passed by the .u*‘> last nitflif it r««>t ami rf d-ith-b'sl retieutanc«, Senrionetn. Eitr several days ill»' of non sectnrian Christianity will th« the Uuion Pacific, and the contract Flax i an umlniiliteJly be grown fas! ■L I they h id refused foradecado Roman authorities have las-ii sup­ “Y»*." • uough iu Ametie.i, but what will tin to do, but the honor of admitting erintending t he erection of » xtra Bar­ millennium b.- brought alioiit. Fur.* was executed and approved there to­ “l)o yon think it will lie late to- We have enough day. farmer do withit when Im grows it? Noiti- and S-Hltli Dakota, Washington ners to keep the savage steeds fiom is a poor weapon morrow?" Mr. Upton lias two very economical If government or some private corpoi- nm! Montana belongs to th« Republi­ reaching the audience. Tho animals Jaw. We want mot», liberty. Chain “Don’t know." a'tons would Part a plant for manu­ cans. came from the Duk'i's famous herd in t lie mind of free thinking man audit first-class steamers the Zamls-et, 3diM) "Wish you <‘d tiiat President Harrison that uo cowboy on earth could ride “Sure vou shook all the mad out of make the ran from Yokohama to this t h«' bag ?" henfn«*« ( a»’t He Cured wi'li it til! it bee men paying indus­ an i S«ctefary Windom arc mistaken, one. Tho cowlroya laughed at the try, lha ng» i.-ui'itnst would have cn- but. th« mistake is ns to the remedy, Gias'. Then tb»> Puke dared them by local applications. «« they can nut jiort in from thirteen to fourteen days, “Yes.” conragctimut to persevere. Il is an mi! ns to th»' principle. Unlike Presi­ to mount any one of six. Every man, reach the diseased portion »if ear. T here and back iu from sixteen to eighteen I “Go d by." euteiprise tlu.t etl 1 > r a sta’e or th» "GlMhl-llV." 1« only on« whi to cure deafness and days. The Zambesi came here for a dent Clevchuid, President Harrison woiniill aud child ill Rouio expi-. led that is by constitutional remedi««. cargo of Hout about a year ago. Both ii itn nnl go'.ernineiit might properly thut tfvu or three men would ls< killed h .s not shown any hostility to sliver. Deafness is caused by nn inflamed con­ steamers are fitted with new lake hold of. Th-re m iv l»> millions It doc« act-ui singular that »o mauy His mistake is an honest one, ami we iu the experiment. Over 2(HH car­ dition of th»1 nn.cons lining of the Eus- steel boilers, and another ship of pMiple Will let their «kin become v«l!<»w. in tin. future for flax.—[Ex. riages were driven to the Pr.iti di rimy feel certain that he will not iuter- HCliinn l ube When this tube get« in ­ dark and grea»». »finally reuniting in similar character will lie provided to p ’«•' hi» vet i if Congress make« a move Castello, and an audience of ’20,0 flamed you have a rumbling sound or complete tho line. blotchet and «kin eruptiona, as well it, people braved a dripping rain. Lord ml» rfect bearing, ami when it is en- S«ttl«il His i.hiu I'ase. m the direction of fr»»e coinage. a general dry mg up of t he blood, oau« There is t'otisidernble Hour shipped Daffiirln au I many other diplomatists tirity closed »leafueas is the res fit, and ing wnuklca ami premature old ago) This is by no means n complete B.-II g ti.l 1 that in one of the Rus­ were present iu the special tributisl. mile«« the inflammation can be taken from here now by the (’ suhi I ihii Pa­ when thia can be remedied with ho little »inn I ia . urte (bere i« '. cn«e which symipsie of the year'* work, but it is Among the Romans were the wife of ent nnd this tube restored to it« normal cific andjthe st».in fi i is very young. Shi!, papers, vii nlent as they ar«, have been gis. Princess F.raneuiX'ia, Count Gtan- flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. the East, machinery, cotton g-mds, etc., from all eruptiona. Cliltwood Bros . We will give s;.y of him than that be is the into the arena. They had neither free F J GHENKY A GG.. Toledo. O. late as they could carry. l.iftboti diwputrb. Ma.t'h 4. I not only show our ex-»'1 lent inteiitnms. shortest m:m who ever »at iu the Preei- saddle nor bridle. Buffalo Bill an­ fl«ld by DruggisH. 7ft«. 1 >om Pedro is in great financial ueed. but give ivplcuce that in time we will deutnd eLair we rosy lie iv-rtam that ! nounced that they would lie conquered mid there is talk of his dismissing the Guard Atfa hist the Strike. The Pan-lniericaiH. In ac tlie tin.«' elaborate ami costly Lis Hiliuiuistratiou is practically iuop- in five miuntes. In a moment the Aud always have a bottle of Aker'» suite winch attends him. The pro I'll’!. I-tlon of critique la* ,'«»♦'» iu the |>ng liable. The delegate« to the English Remedy iu the house. You can­ Lability is that Ins suite will axxi dis cowboys hud lassot'd. saddled, bridled i-iviltz- d world. and mounted the horses. The ani­ American Ooiiferoni'e nra beginning not tell how soon croup uinv strike yout miss bun, for the former Brazilliau We l>-liev" we I iiivh no such chtiuip- People troubled with constipation mals leaped in the air, writhed, bucked tn talk about final adjournment, which little one, or a cold ur cough may fasten monarch is in a pecuniary condition i ish lawyer.« as the one of whom the should tie very careful what kind of a and reared madly in vain. Iu five will probably take place iu April. itself upon you. One dose is a preven­ ill sillied to the support of the swarm sloty i« told in Loudon. When he laxative they use. as ao many medicines minutes they were riddeu easily Nearly nil of tile committ»^« have tive and a few doses a positive cure. All of parasites by whom he has hitherto was a young mull bis father retinal are put up to sell which are absolutely around, while the vast crowd, unmind­ mad« report«, and several of them throat and lung troubles vield to its been accompanied. His inability to treatment. Th»- remedy gusranreed by fr»uu pi.i 'tu'e, leaving the business to without any merit or value, and which, ful of the ram. roared and shrieked have l»een adopted. Gibers are üe.t! provide for them is one of the pnuci Chitwood Bros if taken, will get yonr bowels in such a him. Within a w»-.-k the young law with delight Buffalo Bill now dares ly ready to report to the conference. pal sorrows aud tlie chief reason why yer came Lome and proudly exclaimed: state that you will be compelled to keep any Roman to, ride hia bucking The Committee cn Arbitration bus be is se> king i three on agrtted to txximmend the adoption of Brazil, when- soiu« provision wonld der to enjoy any health. Beggs’ Liver bronchos. Th« law of Illinois prnvid»* that days what you wouldn't do iu sll the Pills will do more to keep a family in an necessarily lie made for them. that uiethiMl for settling international yenis of your practice." good health than any other pills on the differences, but La« not yet arrive»! Hi-ceptabl»» juryman Giall lie of aouml » Tlie ex-Emperor himself would be Happiness mid Con lent mem "What is tlint, my sou?" tmtid, g.ssl chsracter. corr«*t judg­ welcome at any European court, but market, as they are put up with the ut at nil agreement an to details. Cannot go hand in hand if we look on "I have settivj the Noe estat», case. ' most care, and are guaranteed to give The committee on a monetary con­ ment, intelligent atal able to read aud the sympathy of the nilers who still the dark side of every little obstacle. satisfaction. Chitwood Bros., Drnggtat*. write the English language. It nls<< ’’Setthil it, my son? Settled it. Nothing will ao darken life and make it vention will make two reqiorts, one of declares that I he judge »bull examine ostvueibly recognise him as the right did yon say?" which will i»-iH>miui-nd the coiunge of fill monim-h of Brazil is not practical a burden es Dyspepsia. Ackers Dispep •‘Yea, father, I sett!»-.l it in three si a Tablet« will cure the worst form I a »'omnmn silver dollar to be a legul the juror* n« to their qualifications, enough to make th» in desirous of sup­ I' ivu »'lie»l hit own Funeral. and dts'ide on the same. day- aud 1 could liave done it tn ou« of Dyspepsia, Consumption and ludiges tender in cotuinercuii trausactlona be­ porting th" e«r to part day if the judge L el I«‘.■il at h'>me." i I service, being made to preach a fini ­ pleasure. Sold al ‘ J 6 and SO oenrs a hot usually l»ecu a dead letter in actual •’Young man,” said the as'onishwl tions. fhe other report, pr» pared mi l with, n»d who are begiriniiig to lie ¡■aiei t, “you are tm ns«, a coiisiitnmate eml sermon over the corpse of the »la bv Chitwood Bros po-sented by (>M»li»ige of th»- t oiled practice, however. The jn«lg»' has left looked at very much askance by the author. For the past four years I<«v. as«. Why, sir, four g> tier«'ions of ■States delt-galion, will moti'mend the the filling of th»' quota of "twelve Euri>|H bluebloo»! whose rank 1« yonr ancwtois have lived on that case Thoitias Horn»- ha I n-sidisl at Larch­ A Profitable Hide. 1 iu . ii « of »vrtificnteB by the United go».id men and true" to th.* rival at support«»! by wealth, without which and grown rich, anil mu and voltr mont, N. Y. spending the declining Suites upon nuy bullion that may be terneys in ttie case They have, as in dignity le-comes ridtctilon«. A Pirna special from Washington children might liav" doue the san if years..fiii« life attending to n little in the Unitol St ate« Treas­ the Cronin case, sometimes spent i farm. Eight mouths ago bis wife was says: The Commissioner of the Land deposit«»! y..u ba I not b.'en an egregious a » I se FV-w^-s’ 1 >hii'ielioii Bitters for iu ury by the citizens or authorities of weeks tn a tooth ami nml struggle Office has just announced that he cirrieil 'o the grave. Lately Mr. | Ex. th« (’«ntral and South American each to get on ' he jury his own men. ditfwtion, dvApejmm and nil kmdrvd would convert a poor mau into a rich Home Ims lieeu laid up with pneu­ and the one who is sbrcwd»»flt slid diacAHe*. It I it no equal iu csmh of Stat. a. monia, and last Friday he expired nt one. When the Oklahoma region sharpest generally g»it the advantage. LhU kind ( pti«»>> < iiml. the age of .-oveuty-eeven. He had left was thrown open in May last, ami Jridge Horton, however, of the crim A oontiiuinl cu«ghing 1« very annoy­ I Ta THF. E d ( t »» h . — Pienso inforni vonr explicit instruct ions ns to his burn) word was given to land-t-eekers to reader« that 1 h »ve .» |w>sitiadick mounted a splendid Keu- timely uhv thoiiMHiid^ of h«»pcIe«M unges r.imiins. ano yesterday bis dining­ tncky thoroughbred ami b«-nt his riv­ great damage to the throat and lungs, ¿.-arded with interest. He declar»-« and i« exceedingly dangerona at this that h«tenftcr he will use the right hâve bevii |»er¡ ¡aneiitlv cured. 1 gbeb room and parlor were filled with l»u c al to »» hi «I tw«> Imttles of my retno- mourners who bad come to pay their al« by teu miles in a riiee for the spot season of the year. One-half bottle of the law gives him. ami personally ex­ upon which now stfimls the thriving Beggs’ Cherry cougli syrup will relieve amine jnrymen and »lecid»« th. ir quali­ dj FUEL to any <»r yeeu sung a roll City of Kingfisher fications. A judge must not Le preju­ Foadick'a claim lias lu-en disputed. costs uo more than the inferior grades diced townril» »'tth. r si tn. ir ♦ Apr« S' .iu»i p -t oflice uddre-g was put in the phonograph by tb»‘ of a caw. that are thrown on tin. ms kit to s-l at Ri’*,»ret íu!! V ■ >th»rs swearing they readied the Judge Hortoti le'lu ves he will thus I \. Sl?> V d. M. •. .. St ;r! .. y 1 d»-al man's nephew. It contained the place aliead of him. < ’.p'aiu CToitcb, enorin->na protits. fnnet i m -rtii'in of Ins nod»1, uttered Chitwood Bio«.. Druggists. save tuiK-h time Mid get juries tlmt b'. nim« If. It «‘»'ltnled so wtjr.l that the famous l>o.,m I. Mid others have will bring in mor* impar'ml v. idic'«. plac»'d i valen -e Is'foro the cotnmis Fonr Tli'.ucatiil Vean. Old. A coining Ye« would Le in that land ritoues in the United Stake, uules- pl>- of thia country that it is superior to hi« own price upon the Liiul. ami if “ where the wicked cease from trou ­ som»1 c irii griiiu« f.rii.d wr;,p;>,sl with niight l>e in Alaska. Th« anumdmi n! ill other prepirationa for blood diseases the squat t» rs refuse to purchase be bling ami iln- »»• ary an- at rest." ineln'b s in tin* proposed Territory I: is a positive cure for syphilitic jois- a mnm'uy tu Egyp’, nnpj>.>-, .1 fola- will Le warranted in evicting them. what is tidy known as No Man’s 0111; It euiuneiuted the virtues of the ulcers, eruptions and puuule*. y».:ir.-» < -J Itn-s«* w«r»‘ plautc.l In case Fos.lick secures all the i Land. i'Lis strip of country I k ' s be- It pu. .e'-s the whole system mid thor­ anlgr-'w. It h i.| m n.v ni th»'cli.u- ileceas»-»! .nd prayed to God that the he expects his famous nd« w ill have tw«w*n G'lorada. Texasan I Kansas. l«>- oughly b',.>lv»-r six f»s.‘t t»> la-cotiv- a memlwr of that portion a •» to them till. It ixintaine an arm lugli; tlu- mi t-ritis W"ie whit, ; bu­ of (io I'.« kiug.lom v. liei" he might lie Siinuions livei regulator piodaci-« uo of alio'.V I' lifHHX» a*u-e. said to be Sot Vsgutlable. lli*. profilici .1 tlt- «t.i-k. thi-i». i> enibro'.i» 1. At this i-oint of the luLires« the nnpl asaiit eti.ct upo.i the stoiu.ich tu> well watered and rich in agricultural wli. r» ........... p .rt i .iim-s in. Iu- A promiaeory note cot.t«in*»1 ac!a .:«e matter how h ug it s taken. A little minister li.-. I evhlently broken down, etoid of gr iwiug tu ati »»ai like ni..’, l iken at night insures ref ri whin. sleep resonre-T in-population is roughly in««rted by the maker in these word»; crn inni?.", il bilug m h.’avy clnsK'ir ami from tb»’ in«;ranent the terrible and a natural evacuation of the Imwele. »•stim dedat 1B,<«H. mostly cowboy» if “Sliould suit l»e comm«n»wd or i.n st at 11|<. bij.. »ri spik. li'ts: ther». w « no sonmla of a si tong man weeping anil A little taken in the morning sharpens not cattle thiev.'R. Th»» present Okla­ torn.-y lie employe Mau’s Land, <>ombin«*d 1 ment of this note, I agree to pay th« would Is* larger than Ma«sachu*etU, a»l dtional sum of 5 jwreent. on princi­ a'n Lied wit i gran«, ea.'li provi»!». I with terrible realistic force. The in­ sweetens the breath. "I never r. couinii ml medicine nnlesa Connecticut ami Rb»«le Islatxl, and ns pal and interest n«wrned as attorney's Absolutely Pure. witii a «iparit- hn«k. iik« terment took place >n Womllawn I kuow it to l>e good. In » ministry of t'-e.neiery. Il’iess Ltispnlch. th« laud is go»«l aud the climate f«ee in such suit." The supreme court graiua twvlitvtiv» wars J have often felt the powder never • art»-* A marvel need of such a medicine, and when I healthy, n tn w »tut« of fair projairfion of California t Adams vs. Sea man et al. t o! This purity, strength a'ut » ImleamneaeM will some day not very remote, be held that the insertion of the clause A « V«»u v k »«pt h-a 1 ? Wh»-n vvu nessi a mild laxative yon found it 1 exclaimed: ’Eureksh Mure ecoh .ml. »: Ilian the ordinai ' kinds, if Muueui 1 cenvinc« y. u tlrit k«r*H sbornii ha-t- n medicine that will act oil Rev. I P. Harper. Proprietor "t'liri»- weli-om d into the Unton. L»t u» in qn»*tion rendereit the note uon- and cannot be sold in eoinpi-ltlmo with b qa It will not be a rotten borough. the multitude of low test, short weight Eiiu-i-h Kfp »»iv for the¡unj'»« i»%up**n»»r the liver und kt «levs as v-e’l as the t a i \ i.itor.” Smithfield. N. c. negotiable. alum ur j.bovpliate powder. Hold only tu to nil other preparations, nnd it» a posi­ teiwe's. Beggs’ \egetuble Liver Pills rat>>. Kuril Basilic Posnr. co , IOS I tive cur** for »»Il throat ni»-prep, re! expri-ss V for this purpose. Wall afreet. N Y t r«»ap, wb«K»ping o-ugh and co|d Superior au.1 few equal». I I Eiu«. •httwuMl Bro«., BrugAitM. NO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT Dr. J. S. Parsoa. PHYSICIAN EDDINGS & MORSE, AND SURGEON A sulan ' u , O&Jioo.N. office al r"«Mem « on Maia street, next »luur to Pi» «uytrrian church. ill U ASHLAND, O DLU IÍH IN Dx. S. T. Sons« PHYSICIAN C Üuc9vt90rt tv Ü AND SURGEON. ■ asulamd , okkqon . A y *r • tiffice tn Odd Fellow» bntl ting. second floor, ou Main street. Ill-' E. P. Goiiy, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, vreiaFoBU, OKEUOX. Otile« In Hsutlln's Block—Residence < at reel. 1‘ s . i . edg : n Ai U” n F ine C utl rUh.PS, PIPE AND I A RT**'*■ Dr. W. Stanfald, VEHICLES AND IMPL.EMLNTS. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, Ila« lacatefi 1» A»nt«mt. Or . far tlie pine ties ut b.» r>r'»tv»«i<>n. Make« all chrouii- tl-.v.-r*. »uch :l> K hell lUHtlain. Vllhllia, File«. KiUovy iti»< a«»-».».r i.'uuiplHiut». Ftumle fiivea»«». Ju . a »peclw.ti Consul- tuituu free oflti e next Uiwr t" Arltiigl.ui Ilul«l. Uuar th« itepel. 112-H MORE THAN SEVEN HUNDRED IÍ.S. P. M. Wobatar, ¿ti D different etyles and differ­ ÜOMEüPATHIU PHÏ8I0IAN, ASHLAND, OREGON. • T.» V ¡ur lb« preM’D* at the <. uugreg«:loua! l’ai-MjUMge (U-4» Th« World's “«“■•’S tu then* ú „ , Dr. J. H. Hall, ent kinds of Stoves Li­ Heating and Cooking are ^anufactu^ uutfer th, ¡tí akve tra^e marie. ------ - from PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Qftu be Niue Yeurx la Uoepilsl Pr«<-tice Main Street. Ashland, Or. I“?"*u.„ J. S. Walter, M. D. S. U m Will practica hi«profession >>f Dentistry —AT— A shland , Oaxuox Office a residence A. C. Caldwell Mechanical and Operative Dentist. ASHLAND, OREGON. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the p inleas extraction of teeth. ;.«T Oifice over the Bank.—[13-33, J. S. Howixi, Ashland, Oregon. H. C. Myer, KEEPS GARLAND STOVES. A big carload of Btoves and ranges just received. The finest line in the county, (’all and see and believe it. Notary Public and Conveyancer MEDFORD, OREGON. J. M. MCCALL’S a 11 kinds of rra' »-«t«;«. bnslnew glwi» care­ ful aiumtlon. an»i lufonnutiou furnished << locrnn.g property tn the new lowu. C. W. Roct, Surveyor—Ashland. -yiirvoyinc of m H Elude pr inptly ut- ten ted fhargea reason aide and cor­ rect work trnarnnteed. »»rd••!*» f>>ruork iu al! p.iri» of lha county pruiuplh atlcuded lo, with r* F. Billings Ganiard’s Crcho3tra, Of AMhlan«!. Oregon. Inte of C m ! Ar»* n<-’v pn-p.irrd t«» fiirnHh the b»-bt of mi kíc for publie or private i’artivu, ball.««, Picnic». Au . nt any p«»iut nu the u«»a>t All th»* iu-.v popular intuit* la played by ;hla < >rrhv»tru. Having • mploye«! a lanre number of tnu- • leían*, w»* are »tide to ftirnhh any number of baud«. Kuy insiruutriii or auMlIaxfur ulahi’d to other ban !». All orders bv mall jr i»-.» u’aph promput a»tun'!<*<1 to Tenua liwa.vs »tu-- liable. Adtireaa 12-1-5 i’rof. Gaillard, \»b!un« li. F. Moor** ASHLAND MILLINERY STORE *--vr * i.’.... k. Ma t: -t Fine As-« i’in»‘nî <»f Motejáis fur Fuñe.» Work-Zephyrs, A1 «.«ene. I beuiiîe.Ele r ACTOR Y (»Ur lllwlh* is kd< i( K MXFMX' !■ IS »’J.riKrt THIN ' .«aln« of It, b’isii Mrf-et ASHLAND. OREGON. ASHLAND OGN. Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00 Having one of the beat skylights tn Or­ egon, unrf kiiowih'j hoir to une it. t nrikixnit oo».p work . JAMES S. ROGERS, H-’t A..lx».w-<.f W. M ’.tiro». Does a General Banking Busin»««. M E. TYI.ER. ’»•llertion» made ai nil wtMiMt p»»iuK m favorable G rins. 'vght exchange and tch-tçr. phir transfer» WM. RADAM’S I I A w HLAXI», < I hkoox . Myer's Bhick.east stile Main street. I Germ. B.ideria 4 Fungus He-troyer A*hlatiil« House, Sign anil Decorative Succhi Attention to Graining .ind Paper-Hanging. Oregon* Fresh Bread and Pies Daily. • tiOlrr < rtkvfc of «very varlvty lc< pt cub »iMUtiy on hand Or have proved tlmt the more ancient th« ruin« of tlm North Amelle.;n Indians th«' more rudenre they in struetur»». ami tlietr culture Ims r.a'lied its highest de velopnienl idsiut the time of the dis­ covery of America. The ruins of th« cliff-dwellera. tl»o-e on the Grand can­ yon of the Co loríelo plateau, tho*- on the cone near the foot of th»' San Francisco mountain, none lesir evi­ dence of gi<-at antiquity, none slue« the poseeseioti of lost or wonderfit, arts. In river deposits, iti filled lakes ami ponds, a few -iom> implements have beeti discovered iiei»* amt th«r»' of rudo tyt»e. It is thus we trace th« p »'.«ene« of man tn th« United Stilles back nearly to the glacial ep.a’h. I POWDER CUliHiCrjfcPitctaì Ciurla ¡ CiiildrenCryiirPltciier'sCaitoria ¡ Ckilärea On fefltclier’s Galloria