The Sain Frnnrisco Examiner of the 7th has an editorial ttjion the p«istal situation in which «x.curs the following kick at the ptistal authorities. The bnilinut muuagement of the economist in charge of the l’ostoffice Department hss produced its natural result«. The mails that sliunld have reached Portland two wr» ks ago are now ou their way luck to S iu Frau- cisco. The r»wt;d au'iiorilies refuse«! to p;ty the Pacific U.ast Steamship (Company t»500 for carrying a week’s mail, although they had lieen in the habit of paying the railroad $2i>30for the same service. So they let the fast steamer Santa R >aa sail without car­ rying any letters for the North, and the next Jay they dispatched the seven-knot revenue cntler Richard Rush. It coat more to tit out the Rush than it would to pay the lull uf the steamship company. WASHINGTON Appointment, met Confirmation» W ashington , Feb. 13.—Among the appointments made by the l’resideut tonlay. was the following for Washing­ I ton State; .lames 1). l.aymaD, to be poet master at Walla Walla. The Senate yesterday confirmed the appoint nients of Loma T. Harin to lie ('. S. Marshal for Oregou and O. T. Porter, to lie Marshal of Alaska. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ASHLAND TIDINGS FridaK, LE'; A L AD VE I, ”,I s Sheriffs Salt*. February 21, l'WO Ttmb.-r Lund Notice New* Items from both Sides of the Atlantic. IH '< )S F aituí » S tates L xndôitî < K.»'E1 i kg . Oi vgun. iM t. 3 j , !b uc i* hvieLygive;« thm in cum in* pr*>. buns of th*- mi <■ . i •. • i; C'‘ ’tlri . ii. •«: A h i.iC. (.Uy, Co . - • . » < . • li t<’!.•' <»ltk 'è !,)» FW’.-.'ii NÎ.UeuH-tit, for iii tni-’. • I i‘ •' N 4 t/f . shi'w UiH’ In tlie Circuit Court .4 tlm sino ai <>• --il fm .ìio Kbtiu » unir . * L . IkC ■k; ian nu i T. • Hl (or ih»« » luniy of J.i< k-.tu 1 N ew Y ork , Felt. 14. 1'he cloak and C. U».*« • m . B ; n il uud I. <«, Ara.'i 11 • «' .oditi» Compromise of Timber Nulla Ewjei-ted. suit makers of this city, numbering v-. i ic«ug»’ M. '. e, 1 ar, u i •I. I.HV”. J ’tlD W ashington , Feb. 13. —United about eight thousand, want higher A II ml. a .M- i 11 liu’d A ! iv tile. i J. h- ur.e». Jt.Hiefi JirtHu I'.. Huxgland States Solicitor Hepburn, has ad­ wages than they are now receiving, “Caatorlaisso well adapted to children ’hat Cantoria imrws Colle. C om ’I t ««»0'’ J.».i'.t A iltt'-re* ii A iii k. U--.Í .- dressed a letter to Judge McArthur, an 1 will strike it their demands are t recommend it os «upenur to any prescr.pU ju Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Enicvuwa.__ ’A ¡a i' H hl i ’ ’- v . A ouiiiirii at •’I .«f 4 ilr.h J«’« it am United States Attorney for Oregou. in not granted. They claim their wages known tome." b’V, duci’Msr i, and Ciimi - NicUfl. WllHai H. A. Aactika. M D., i’-ndaais. J reference to the pending suits of the are too low to live decent ly upon. Ill Bo. Oxford SL» Brooklyn, N Y. Expt Ut:«.u «rd Order of Sale- Kills Worms, gives deep, and promote« di­ U. S. against the Gardner Mill Com­ Si i ’. • gestion. pany, for payment for SL329,(MI0 feet of Cue N V Y < •! J A« K.OM The Sioux Netti, incnt. Without injurious medication. .T » th. sill ritFui »..«id Jack- lumber cut by W. F. Jewett and Jo­ Tux C vntxvh C ovpsxv ~ Murray Sto ri N Y P ierre , South Dakota, Feb. 14 in rhe liainv of the >5ate of seph Knowles on public lands in Ore­ V iu .!i *v ing 1- in u.«:d- a through the four years adminis­ 1 chasers, figures a cup} logs that Jewett aud -Knowles were but with no very serious cunse<{nenc«H. The citizens have formed a vigilance •*Il is therefore ordered and adj. di . - d i! tration that endtrd about a year trespassers, and the mill company of­ j hiiiitiils do hrt .c ;•’» I o rt,.ver •• t a.) 1 ago, but it didn't find it convenient fers to compromise by paying the gov­ . committee and declare that claim lite -Mid de:«*’sd. <«,• ir_'i lx. '. I M. l/o<; J A. n.umA u».d Mu. ii H m to begin until a Republican ad­ ernment 83.299.21. This offer is re­ jumpers will lx* severely dealt with. tin* said sum of i n Ibo-L-un 1 , I o •. ministration could be made the jected, as the Commissioner of the gen­ died »«nd Niil’ iy .i.ti’nr-, ami l:m ! pc Fxpresg Defanher Discovered. eral land office says the timber was I- ar interest at ¡he rale of 1» j , i e< nt r>< target of its shots. is all worth fifty cents per thousand, umonnt- S t . L ovis , Feb. 13. Superintendent anuutti until paid-, and u iii .i- t ! Five Huiidivd iMilar- a- A right, however, from a partisan lng to $4,664.50. Fuller of the Pacific Express Co., re­ and for their cosh- and d; d»ur>» i ceived a telegram to-day, informing point of view , and it is a satisfac­ soil. him that F. A. Walton, who stole S35,- Allotment of Indian Lands. And it further aj . ip ' to.ihe • .i:i tion to see the Examiner, or any­ timi of ’.he l-’ourt that t id hi t i IW of the company's tn may at Dallas, W ashington , Feb. 13.-Senator body. do some kicking now—let tioued Defendants. Texas, has been track ! to Toronto. Mitchell yesterday ask-si the Com ­ Pldintiits tlir pn\an the effect be what it may in party­ Canada. pa! and interest, v i missioner of Indian Affairs the con­ •I'.idiug attmuey’*- politics. In emergencies like that dition of the surveys and allotment to RoUïti Weather nu the Atlantic. IvHvvitd io p ul) of the present four-weeks’ block­ the 1 milans of t he lands of I he Grande > ittribed in t.hci» ¿a B altimore , Md., leb. 14. aid inortgHg«. is a Mid i • ade of the United States mails the Hondo nnd Sile'z reservations. The Steamer "Devoma” has just arrived the proper*)’ 1 ' r' ii'iitu rd. commissioner says the sur ey is com ­ authorities should act with some the liens <»i tile »!«-fund from Glasgow after a long pa-c,go of named, and subvouent iu unie i liberality, if necessary. Certainly pleted on the Grande Ronde reserva­ 11 days. The captain said ¡¡e never lotim hvn of piami. ¿s. but no father action taken, as Aud it iurthvi appc-arlit j 1 it is a poor time to make a dis tion, th«- field notes have not yet been fnr- experienced such weather, Tim vos- «»f \ 1. Rvn*cr. Iu’ «; ft rei'i. I play of small economy. If the uisbed to the Indian > lti.-e. On the sei was continually swept by bilge ■ da% <»1 July, iv-s, he re«-« i waves, one of wbii-ii broke her ’ against th» dkienuunt» J. railroads can’t carry the mails, the Siletz reservatitai t>U allotments h ive peller, and everything loose was i (.»«urge 2d. for the sum government ought to charter the tne been made, and the Indian Com­ ried overboard. On January • :r.'d hti o I missioner Las asked the cornmis- rtiirtv-first da> Erst steamers to he had, and put OH : -igb* htiinh: ¡n siom-r of the general land office to the mess room boy, 15 years old, v stage coaches or pony-riders » on Complete -I ten per < • lit once the mirvey of this swept overlssmi ami drowned. ; sum of fwen the routes, even if it does cost reservation. f. eaud Four Xcw Jersey Railnsid Laborers Killed. nd the san; something;. C amden , N.J, Feb. 13. Two con­ Th«* V«-r«li<*t ITiiiiiunous. «•nbed in pirn aid lien i> su struction trains on tm ( ’ .m ien i At ­ W. I>. Sol’ Druggist, Bippus. Ind., llvli t. •ri»»r in time i A dispatch from McMinnville t.-stitics; icued. "I can r.ccomemi Electric lantic City r. ilt '.-'d coind.-.l tiii.- morn­ says the horticulturists in that Bitiers as the very best r. im ily Every ing and wcr.i badly am ked. I' is m And it further appearing bv the Ibiggla'id that ou thv < ieve pait of the state think the codlin bottle sold has given relief in evt-rv case, portf-d that fifteen laborers are killt d ‘Uibvl. lib', he re- u\ ereo »i ; line man took six bottles, and Was cured auil wounded. court a-.’ »t t to d uda ■ moth, which has ruined the ap­ of Kheum-itisiu of 10 rears standing." ple crop for a year or two, has Abraliam Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, Fatal Explosion of Locomotive. been drowned out, like the goph­ affirm»: "The l>est - • < PIU! tuuony. so that t e verdict is unanimous iiiformaii.'ii has not I»-- n reeeiv d. but H tuVc Illt'li 1 Hl- 'I i ■' T O the farmers down there depend that L eerne Bit.e:s do cure all dis uses it is stated 111,it thirty people aie but prior V» the ticrviuai ci upon the floods to save their ap­ of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood, Only killed. The locomotive was uttai-lied en* h» r appearing by th»* »»' ples from the codlin moth, they a hull dollar a bottle at Chitwood Bru*. to u I asseuger. [Wires weut dowu nt 14-21—ly ill» - chardists in other parts ot the P ortland . Me, Feb. 13 I- nac I:. (> l»v ( <»nsii >ii pt »«»it Surely < vred. LU a1, tvt lito - î< « • a;«’i ; legal advektisemen rs. country is to be relied upon as a day the wkm / ks rivemli betweeu Cana­ Sawtelle was arrest, d l>.-ie ibis morm '..LID i I li‘ " Upon lib j . 1 » thk Eimo.. - ri»’.'. • int'orui vunr »'<•}■; lit and the Uuited Stabs, whereby iu the rum« guide here. It is likely, too, that da >t.g while eu route to Montreal, ('ami- reade r-» that I h. ve a p<»«'ii\e remedy • ii Ileus, bu p;i«.rh> ! i V ¡LVii United Stales fishing vessels were al­ fill bnivd. there are gophers enough left lor lowed to eider Canadian [»iris to pur­ da. He is suspect, d ut making aw:i> fur the above ii luu-d ti: »e is» . L5y its Timber Land Notice. lie ■»• ') v us<’ ih »ti.- mis ' d Lv. ” I»«.»'ti< s « f I..', ’ re ’ p«'- large numliers R -eburg, on kjou, Nov. rjth.l'S?. j mg his mother to transfer to him uhi '. ii c a. u.n i th- ■ i’-h ii.L« . dy FREE t<> any of y<»nr readers who «licit the information whether or nol NotlC’c is hereby xiven that in « oruppM'D M • .«•< 1 _ r )i. Lu ■ b>r lii’- property worth Hbout $30.000 which •live cohSHi.p «I'D if they wit! xml u.e villi !lit- prt.»\ isioiis of lhe act«»! ('«»n.:ros vi ! 11» 111 i. ‘ ■ VI.’.’H. iuih I' ih will lie continued. At the Kilrain is in tears again—not ihe the way waul Isaac wanted himself. .'.iu«' 11. is. 5 cutilhil ‘ An act f<»rllu- sale o their rxpi< s :::.U post u" •••. add ’ e-s. of S»-!' White Hoii-e, Private Secretary H d :’ c land'm the Slate» of CuId«>mi... Ore 1 id Rc- pectfidl v because John I. has whipped him, ford said he bad no official information ■t ’ h, N< ‘ \;; i ’ H. uud Wj»«ddugU,u J..; 1. SL‘>c. \f I < Pi-arl st X V A Bauquvt fur Naval officers. «’ W Indh-t ,ni 'huk •, Cdunty < f J» d tN-toii. this time, but because fie is un on the subject, but he believed the Slate <»i <>n con, has thh dav filed iu thi- P a IIU, Feb. 11. A banquet was ten fortunate enough to be under ar­ nt'nlut would be coutiimed as msm as Another l ’ ara. 11 I riiiiuph. his-wvrti ' UVv’ueiit l<»r the pnn L h - v flereil last night to the offi.vrs of the Secretary Blaine and the British min ­ 4.1 IIH* NV. I.f-I- t . nd NC of if rest for murder. L ondon , l-.b. It Thon a, lbw. ' A ' , . : s\\ ,«.( S. • . i.'ii N<«. 1, • it ! J. \ . . ister had agreed upon Certain details. American "Squadron of Evolution" by t., rail - No I va-t, and will oth-r pro«, At the Navy Department, an emphatic Vice Admiral Burgass.- du Petit, com «»'Uotin. i's piper, th Sb’r, asserts to­ day that the r«q>ort of the l’aruel! in­ t-» 'h-» > Thai the laud Kooeht is nivr«’ \nhi Bevies* Cherry < ouch Syrup denial was given by acting Secretary mander of the fifth maritime aronJi.—< ii'»l«‘ ft.: ii-« uinlxyr t»r Mouv than f *r < J urn'» pit 11-«” -, hp . ’ l«> c-t a* ¿1 • h I. i Iain la giving splendid satisfaction to the Ramsey to the story that United States ment, <>u board of his thigship at Ville vestigating < im.’mesio.i appointed by »* trade ade aud the aales sales are positively posit ive'v mar i ­ war vessels bud Is en ordered to Cana­ Frenche. Tiiechief otli.'ials of the civil Parliament 1» ; triun.pliant acquittal t > -a; i !:tud !»ef<»r«’ The kegi-t» r .-md R« of ’bi-ofl’u ( Hl Ki»-» t irg, on M->n of all thi* I ’ .iHi.-liilf- iii.-mlx-rs of the velous, which can tie accounted for in dian waters. and military authorities of Vili. Everything that can la- da., the !7th »4 hv i f Mai< h. I'.-o no other way except that it is without House of Conmioi -, of the f barge.- He Uuii'KS w 11IK'.—»< >'. J B. Suvlh’. learned points to the probability of a Frenche uud Nice were present. doubt the beat on the market. Ask for While l‘. if M !:« beif<, A-l bind. that had l»-eu hiiii against them continuance of amicable relations be ­ aud be »are you get the genuine. We • I Ja< County. Oreson. J M i>a> tween the Uuited States and Great Gust l'jttnock. Kiuuath City. Siskiy« keepV.. Chitwood Bros.. Druggists. Murderer» (’«»nfw^ed. \ Former Si Utt need. • uunty, Cuii lorniH. Britain and a peaceful adjustment or k’i' a:i«l m H p« r-«>U' chdn.iug Movers» P erry , (teorgia. Feb. 11. E l. .John ­ L oni ^ in , Feb. 11 Di>pat(-hee from the fishery question. • dcsiTi’rt 1 'and- arc re»pu-Mcd son and Jim Bnlts, v. ho were banged Ni«-o si;.to i¡«.J Bi llon, the Yun nr.m, th,.• ;<• i ii ir«lninu io this (.‘¡lice uu ur bt furu here this morning for the murder cd known as ’.lubih^ Jugg- 1 l“th day of Man h, ist ii. World’« Fair in llK’-’. ' it as . W. J ohnston . William Miller, made iconfesstun b lii'M.” v.ho v, : ..!T»st< i for thv fortr’y W ashington , Feb. 14. Th«- House fore going to the gallows, implicahi.L i!egi of a cbf. k f -i Il’Hhi nh.l nI . »• im-L’l special committee on the world's fair two others. Those implicated by ti» had, 1! was . ’. ?:• • ilo ti »‘ ’o;-s gu. >.i. I intbor Lnn ot{<•<•. to celebrate the qua Iri-ceutennial an­ statements will U? brought to trial, Lias been ss'E-hc- .j tfiite mouths niversary of the discovery of America it is t»eli‘‘ved imprisonment, an i '•» p.?v th»? costs of by Columbus reported to-day iu favor U nitei » S tate prosecution. RpMPTlYANDT’ERMArfEimY of -Ifni,., On holding th.’ proposed international e is her- t’.v given that A Murderous I’rnukeii Negro. ex¡position in lMEl. !t‘ ’.'EOA ibiOHH t'f !h<‘ 8vt of < < .< u! bin I » V ot I m ’I m 8TRAINS, SPRAINS. M ilton , Fla., Feb. 14 D nm» The resolution reported by the com­ 157S, vii’itk-f1. Au «»’I tor E vi ry n,.a*., r i.;ca’itionu«i npains! pi. i iii'I', in !i¡ • ''tu'»?'of < a«>Plicr i> sp> .aally t>r< - bertnauently. no other remedy did me any a majority of all tLe votes cast. > hi.-G oj iheaE1* of 'et.tion .So good.__________O S. HAWKINS. pnred to bcm-tit children a ml cure their .>o»: ' h rang« íea-t. eud wl’ pains, it la hiiriii'es » ;u»d o»:t1 ain-» n«i t’-Iiow that the land bo'.i^l’.t H i. Sprained from Lifting. An Aged I nuple Mnnierel Contested Seats in the House. F* f >r iis timber or s! l opium or morphine. >» »'..1 by Chitwood Belle Rive, III . August, 1IW. O maha , Neb., Feb. 11 The broli » Bros. turai puny’ and to <■ W ashington , Feb. 14—The commit­ I «uttered 8 years »go with «trained back ■ - «d 1 •tin’, bifore lhw i front lifting; cured by St. Jacoba Oil com­ tee ou contested ehctions this morn­ of an old eotiple named Jones, living .• of this »»diet at Ro *'* . pletely. No return of pain. I’ii*il>|... on th*- I ing, by a strict party vote, recom­ six miles west uf Ibis ci'y, were dis­ rbiay, the 24th day of Fv‘ GEORGE McCLUBE. ¡i tin •* a» IV it tie mended the seating of Featherstone, covered this morning Ind i, n lielitu 1 a L’cnotc nu impur, »mt of th. » .• ini in. Ltsuph G otm I fh * u . Suffered 4 Years—On Cane, barn on their farm. Both were perfo ­ and are look, d upou by u. ".v wit Republic» an contestant in 4he first V.vv, Edv  : lip’»!*, of K' til Caldwell. Kans., Aug. 9.1888. Evid.-utly they pic-ton. AcKer'a ih ■ I I one of the participants if n ■’ l»>th it was with p'stols at three pa ItTLt^dGClSTS Ah¿DrALEÍ\sTvE^YVT!r^E («• neral Mill.-r received 11 •• followmg ces. telegram this af-. moon from United Southern Pacific Company’s Line. Pi \ z .\C or .\ er S tore , TH l for Infants and Children AM’ I>H lî E CGf i.OUTE - n Fino Perfumery, Soaps, SpoEges Trusses, Toilet Articles. I Cn *. it <♦>•« 01 I • * • i < • ( . '. 4 Í G I i ’ V T’Wi.-i'i ¿II Standard Patent Medicina ccwtMO machine pc ; »►U 3UCPLI-J. '» > U « ’ ARTISTS’ - •I» Ul i !• I K’teGUwn paid tJ.«- Prescription üepartmen Was Awarded the only Call and Examine Them now Exhibition at I --T nil :;?n( N Llliibtr au I- -r h htl-li ii. r < eon til I an :, a Utt l»¡ ASHLAND, OR. ONLY PERFECT SE"/ iî T i MECHAM !Sf4 Cile Directory, /. 1368 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO, 1 a : ’V Li t L -;-Kl Yu' ' II M'i Eli. > Regular convocalioiis on i<. xi after th" imi ¡., USÊ. A P Hammond. A C < h dv Horse Ul. AN II 1 « »In.L Nu I _ Cures? T he C has -AV cgeler Ca-BAiin-Mo* Smith 3c Dodge Carrv lhe Urge»’ »nJ be«’ selected «tuck of FURNITURE ! In Southern Oregon WALL PAPER, Also, S’ntes Marsha) John R. Mizdl. of Sad Eliding of a W»d*!ing Joiirr.»}. I e kronvi'le, "W. B. Saun­ P ar I-t, Feb. 11. V Puiitivy y..^ ders, one of my bravest and most < ffi- ctrnt regular deputies was brutally day during the progr» ss of a v. < dd ii.-sas.-iu tiled nt I'l’iicy, Gadsden party, a large vchich* »Ma upi^l county. t‘. s ~'.i’ -. y. »teidav afternoon bride :»i»d groom u I a num ilxuit 3 o'el ek. Having gone th’-re with their fo Huis was iij -♦ ! ;m If on of- party thrown into rhe Biavut fjei .1 btisin- -». Full report at once by The bride and bnd»*gr<»«»m <» eompaitiubs were drowned. mall.” FRAMES AMO M0UL0INCS, CHILDREN’S WACONS, BABY C1BRIACE3, f rc ETC., We »ell THE Davis Sewing Machine, The he.-* »ewing ma« Line made •e« it aud be enuviuced Cal. mm - 1.>1J FOR SALE—RE\L ESTATE For Salo at a Bargain. SO acre, ot land withiu cm« mile <>t A-h land div limit». 10 acres cli ared aud three hundred fruit b es wt out this spring, ami •boat fitly bearing trees, part red land ami part granite. a very smal, exr-enae wate- •nough could be tia.| m irrigate :rotu 1 ■ to A acres. Te-m-ea-,. will »ell all or will di ride Into 5 or 111 acre lota Apply «1 the mlliinerv store ot Moore A t oe. A-blaud II 3 Chulee L uikím Fur Sale. For »ale. 8.011« acre»of laud. 419 aeres of laria land III ttie valley g.sct for fruit ur gralu. Two ihousHiid six hundred acre« foot hill and inouutslu-slde land good for fruit, dairying au.l stock raising Thl« tract of Laud ha» over »«ven miles of fen, ing. dwell­ ing bouse, a vl.s*k thed -ax’.») feet, and plenty of living water. call ou or ad.Ire«» J. S IlkRRix. Ashland. Jacksou Co.. Oregon LOTS TOWN ----- Io the town nt----- MONTACI, Siskiyou co.. Cal., For Sale- on Easy Terms. One-fonrth down, balance within »ix. twelve and eighteen month,. See map at the Hal’••«ad Depot for graded price«, etc., or addre.s D n. HASKEI.I. Town Site Agent C. P. R. R . can Francisco California. I1J-& ffow’g This We offer One Hundred Dollar-« Re­ ward fur anv caav <»f catarrh that can not b-‘ cured by taking HaR'a Cniarru Cure. F J. CHENEY d CC.. Drops.. Toledo, <>• We. the underpinned, have known F. •J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and be­ lieve Inin perfectly honorable in all bnainess traiiHectiuns and financialiv able to carry out any ob-i^ation bv thvir tirui. Wes* A liuax. Whokaale DruHRiMt^, IO’edo. <). Walding. Rinnan A Marvin. Wholesale I>rtu»j.’.ists. Toledo, < >. E. H. Van Hvpaen, Cashier Toledo Na­ tional Bank, T»ded«». (>., Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct'y uj>on the blood and mncouH sufaces of the system. I*rice 75c pur bottie. Sold bv t d Druggists. N«*n»torx "At lj«rge" from Montan». Sr. P ath Mitin., Feb. 13. Hoffman Hti.i McXauiera. the two runaway Dem­ ocratic senators from Montana, who had been here Bine-? Tuesday nij’ht. left last night to purs'le their Hight ns fur east as Buffalo, N. ¥., U here Hoff­ man's wife is visit mo. They left in unrsuance to instriic’ioiis received by wire yesterday from < luvemor Toole, of Montane. A <>'wod C'ongh Syrup There is nothing parents should l.e so careful about as selecting a cough syrup. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup costs no more than the cheap and inferior nos trams thrown on the market The In st is none too good, be sure aud get Beggs' I’herrv Cough Syrup. We keep it on hand at all times. Chitwood Bros . drugg ts. is Minister Hirwh Awake. C onstan rtsoi'i.r. Feb. 13. At the request of Sol. Uirscb, American min­ ister, the Porte lias imprisoned in his palace Mouaui Bey, the Kurdish chief, whois chargfd with robbing and out­ raging Christians in Armenia. The charges will be investigated, nnd it is possible that the chief may lone bis Lead not merely in the < llicial sense as the term guee at Washingion, but the head that grows his hair aud In-ard. International Labor Conference. P aris .Feb 13 The German invita­ tion to the French government to par­ ticipate in the labor conference was intisidered by the cabinet to day, and it was voted to instruct minister Ichnller to make further inquiries concerning the- character and scope of the confejence before rep.ying. Wrisley & Co., — General Dealers In — Fanninï, Fruit anil Vegetable A I>ea,) »'iltan. L oxdon . l'f b 13 It is reported that the Sultan of Z mzibar is dead. — and — City Property MEDFORD. OREGON W14 ?ITS, EPILEPSY os? PALLING SICKNESS I a ONDON, I 'd».. 11 Advices r - J state that nn mitopsy n: < n 1 h.. remnir.s oftbe I »h Sulla»» of /«• z: I. \ 'dr-1 .ng study. I warrant u..y : ' •. • ! i»-»r pn»\e I that th»* ns» of hi was Biioatr«»ke. The British war»tup- ’•'EE th«’ wor-1 exes. Ii« u.ius • < t'. .1« . ,!l< 11- norp.»N»n f<»r notnotvrc«,viv.,:1 ? ‘ . “Z st zib; r’’ an 1 “M' lnb 1” will |.re •. vl at on» o f.»r a irenti’sC and a V .;i l »:oi r. • serve order in the event of any dis- >f i.iv iNrALEiELE R emedy . <» kc i El’i i’o I <»!'!’ .• Jt Cuntft yi ’l 1 •(' r turbance tK‘iu^ at ten’¡»ted. ii I. *»ud r Aiil cure y-ui. Add/ . C iiioago , Feb 11 M. E page, n prominent c.aif, made fin;, uignment this utiernuon for tLe benefit of bis creditors. II - assest» tire HtateJ to be $11)0,1100, ami the sani“. lincklen*« Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, »alt iheiun. fever sores, tetter, chapped hnsds. chilblains, ooms, and ail skiri eruption», mid [osi- tively cure» piles, or m> pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect ».itisftic- tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents mar box. For sals by Chitwood Bros. Timber Land V miep S ta res L ard O i fk e . K«»svbi*rg, Oregon. Oct 2,.'th. 1 Na:« e i.' Iu • goeu liais in coin 1 a in • u sii the provision-» uf the tu t ot ( «»n/ •" , ,,f J !,<• ; p 7 -, eiiUt!■ d “ A n Hi 4 f.»r tie 'Ub «•! ■ land-» in the S ices of » ahforian r ;<»r Nt iH’la, Hill) Wa-JiingluD Ten: r-.' Mo- Mary N»-■ all»*, oi Bogus, Count) of shkiyoa, sum' of California, li.»- thi» tho til-(I in this .»Hi> e h-ir 'Worn -' i’’-m *:.t D»r th” pi... « J th«‘ Vt »»1 NW , u’fl Hi» A 1 ••: Hie SW » »»Í se-non No. 3 j iti i p No 40 - g . o ’ i , ran_v No â ca-4. uud will off- ■ pi - : to yhow 1 ha’ tiie land sough’, i- tuon \aui.tbie h»r it* timber or »ton« tiran l.»r H" t ail'ira-, ¡»arpa-»“. »ar! to « ‘Hbb>h Iter ii " iiotosnid ! h i i befon* ibe îû-gisl»‘r and p. < riser of Ibis at !{.»«’burg. » >r« :.mi. »•si Friday, the 21st .Uy of H bruary, bf'O. >hv Dana s as witnesses. F T. i iieh nl t . ” • f Henb’.v, Edward H. srofi’. bl, I iz Yelia Fioek, of Yreka, i al.f“ini»i Aa\ and ail p- r’-on«» claiming ad ver ( the above des»*rn»e’i lands are ic pie-h i tú t:!e their «‘laims in this odiee un or t »-¡Y rt said 21>t .'r«’.N, Registe» r ROOT,» i.CM i S3 Pc Vid * HOTELS, ETC successful Bank Robbery. S alem . Ill., Feb. 14. The Salem National Bank was rublxxl last night of 810.1» 0 in cash Um! u lot of Bvcuri- ties. The burglars drilled through the door of the fire-proof vault,entered the vault and blew open the "burglar proof" safe. There is tin clue whatev­ er to the robbers. A "SPORTING AG( I OEM’.” Kilnon mal hi» Sparring Troup tinder Irrest for Munter. NEW BRICK HEADQUARTERS E. K. Brightman ho wi f k i: >’i»-.. f ■ OREGON. ASHLAND, w fiasitfii. Propiii'tor. f ♦ Ha th <»r« rtm a' tv V I h Tb» N A ki iu ar I k\ »• ir< < M L*.d limber Land Notice. rut i • ; I CliiltonCTyfc.Pitclier’sCastcria u iti» th Juue i tinilier the nan I lu T|. No. « ill alter i- mort- vi for «¡.'ra'i' his i lidm atifl lte<*i‘ g. n. ell M -lob lie mm. K bi i i ‘i I ¡2 î LIVER OIL “PETITES Lami e meat ata oil f> cora- •»ypo- &CÍOUS i.i taking ft. t 11* b’, • r.-jan. re of rCROFULA. r.WArriwc MATION, D rn m C COUCHS. L n i i n »1 . t >> I.»»n • n 1 1. r. k. bur»f. • »rt ^ mo . Nnv 1 ih. I** h • ’ uh« n tì iu ¡•■•niplran» I- ’M-'f»*;-«•• an i»<'t •»: ’ i»i*: *»-«s I •: •• \n «et for ihr • ile < f urli’ sralrs «*f »■: Ja k i 1 i La« ttii* «ìi»' tilt l li: it -vo- «'falciarnt f°r the pu • f N W . HU’l ‘ < W a \'*i<»f se« tlo;i N n. X«». i cn».t. that *he Ja l’or it* 1.3 u.. p»»cv a: ' •: Un«1 in fon1 o; ‘H bevati i?. ine ¡7:^ day. L! S HM A\ .IftCwM « 1 •in’. G. W Baile »•untv, Orcgun. S. a J .V I « ’ , Ki l'ii.cri City. S.- N .i ¡V t in i ¡'i A vr ka Li.. F. 1.14.—R '!■!; Bn n- nan, the bklit u L-ht eh..mi ion of Moutnna, in. I Jo! • L-kert.of Nfireat' r. fongbt »even routios at O-wego, 1 • ar b- re. this morning for $750 a Tbe fight was given to Bn ; uan foul, Eckert field • ately strii mg three times ubi.e down. The were very evu-lv match, i, but it is !»■- lieved Ecbert was atra' i of ti e oiit- come or w.-ute i to avo, i pm l I hi - i .' and .letermiried to sinke foul and fllti the fight. Ti tuber La ml N <>1 ice iNfTF.n ìTAix» I. a ni » ormn. • bun-*. Oregon \«»v. 1. th, IS' ■t hrn bv gì « n that in compì i» i isi’ins of Hie a< t of < i ■>, emit led An act for (he > i t'!' in tiic Slates of <' h 1: í « h ... and Washington Ttr.i ot. of Klaiiooh < itv i»i Calif • Ms Ml NE»4 turc Ne pm«»? !<> bhov. inai the lami Viû .«Lie for il> timber or y MH’Ultnral p". p-•<<“. ami *<■ n 'n t»» sa bind before th :• K R »11 Monday, ’lie 17th day of Van ¡ 1 l ies u> v itiiesSCs: (». W f’-a R White l'ofni. H X'hiHBd, ail of Jark^n f *'i M Davis. Klamath City, n -k ( aliforma. nd nil pf-r-’?ns riaimlmr ndv» : t• rpM-d land* are nqm-tv ■ bi in this office on •< h . of Ma . h. 1&90. C ilmi W . i «> hn r<>' H V D allas , Texas. Feb. 14. Jake Kil- rain and In» sparring troupe gave an exhibition in the opera house in this city last evening in which occurred an accident that will be followed by se rious consequent»» to the troupe. Tom .lame», of ’Lis city was pitted against Banzin. a champion light­ weight of lhe traveling eomb:nati<«u, for a purse of The conditions were that if Janie» should stand up lief ire Banzia for four rounds with »mall gloves he was winner. Banzia had it his own way front the start. In the fourth round he struck James m the neck, knocking him limp ou the stage. James was found to l>e unable to rise and unconscious. Restorative» were applied to him, and the slu w continued, no cue supposing that he W ils seriously hurt When the enter­ tainment was nboiit concluded Mui dixm announced that Janus was nu- conscious. an'! called for tin- services of a physician. James die«l at 12;3i> this morning. It is snpp'sed that to» neck was broken, though one dcaused by paraly­ sis of lhe heart. Kiiram cried like a child when the dea’h iff James o urred. The entire combination has Ixeti arrested on cbarg, f murder. l»A*ed Fe1. Timber Land Notice. lourists & Cominertidl Men British War Ve^l ays tin Bnt’sh r.»rvette ‘•C<»t qH»st” is stran»ied <*n tiie Ul fiiJ of Pembina ia a dangerous position. STOCK RANCHES A *nnstroke Killed the Sultan. When I i ny CrRE T do t rt mean ir»?r t”p ti:«- i . i iur •. tune, r.nd then have l i.:n Lgmn i mean a K»\1>L c AX« C ui « J have made the disease of F IN I ’Ti• h-iiic'it. Try the Curo 77/M 5«.« t . !> M. L. McCALL, I ENLARCEO ANO RFFURh’SHEr». r*5ca -3 J.Jc. Bods í¿5c. Beard per we- k $ to $5. Kimm« fund bed if •! -ir‘AÌ. Ludia Sh'.Tiian. Proprietress, ot y.wr n. 1 lie lunncs a hl»lid. J. B B I 'ha. Jnrk»«>iirille to Medford. is. u. C is i t t: . Cxhi P ’ronize the only wag n that con- A ' • aud a., t;s’ts with every train, r-’i» or the »■ oc d»-M ;• ! carri.» 11,. U.S. mini and Wells, file th t r < ■ 1i» :. ; .a.d 17111 day l.ego .t Uo.'s express. Satisfaction gaarauUed. J ohn D yak , Driver. .li/rnf A . nu'/ O regon Ely’s Cream Cleanses the Nasal I Ali3ys Inflnrr.r.i : . I • o. < end Lu rue i j r bv for t Cus- »V Ee(t»l«t. 4th i.»y nf m » < h. t b* < -f Inted 1er 11. T. ' HIV Aau.iuutiaior. i.i H ' ... raste. Smell Li.d J cari A partirle I» 1 telo <*wh nisoril es.« h icrreabir. I’rL vltr. »I Drvcvl»’ orbyttaiL ÏLX LrOTltLIl-, Sâ V va Sic Nv. Turk