ASHLAND TIDINGS BREVITIES. The freights will come from the north ouly every other day hereafter. More of the city water pipe nrrived this week. Th«« snow shovelers m the Siskiyons are paid IN cents sti hour, work I*’ hours a day, und are charged 25 cis for meals. A lx»x car is furnishe«! them tosleep iu, but they nuisl have their own blankets, or do without. Leslie L. Merrick receive-1 a ills- patch from Yreka last Siturduy, in­ forming him tliu' his father was very- low with dropsy at Ins homo iu that place, aud asking Inm to come over if he wished to see Ina father alive. There have lieeu no trams since, snd Leslie has not l»eeu able to go. His father was still lingering Rt last report. Mr. A. E. Andrews, of Lansing, Mich, bought seveuteeu bt-nr »kms while in Asldan.i tins wev-k thirteen from P. 8. Bucket, and three from »»'her parties paying a little l«ss than »5 each for them. For the skiu of a black bear killvtl a fortnight ago by NValter Mcasenger he gave a big price, as it wasj a tine one, in prune condition. MEK h AND THERE. THE RAILROAD BLOCKADE. Jacksonville Items. Fred Pape has return«»«! from Port­ The work of the last Institute was Tbo suow blockade on the railroad land. alm<»6t wholly devoted to th«- discus­ southward from Ashland is the long­ ¡•'ridali, Januaiy .‘I. fr:«». Some gixxl violins at Hunsaker’s ♦ M iks Alma Young has return-id sion of the subject of reading. est yet knowu as might lie exp«?cted Believing that “Well begun is half where the snow fall far exoeeus any from Medford, aud resumed le r posi­ done" much lntereet w . ib manifested New invoice of rubber goods at tion at the Times office. Social and Art Oallery. yet experieuced 8in«»e the building »if Hunsaker's. * by all of the teachers in methods of the railroad. NVith the ordinary win­ Tha Ladina Ai«l Sx«iety of the Ash- i M re. Ida M. Canning nrrive.l on begiuiug this HUpn-mely important Two gisxi second baud organs on ter snow tail in tlie Siskiyou moun ­ larial Ca ngregatioual Church will give Tuesday from Portland to visit her brunch of education. * tains, the track can be easily kept clear parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge Prim. a aoeial at the church next W ednes­ easy payments at Hunsaker’s. The greater part of the work of the by the common, oril-fashione-i snow day evening. Jan. 21): b, to which the \ assortment of ladies’ woolen teacher, ofteu, iu higher grades, c«»u- Mrs. Mury Miller, R. 8. Dunlap, plows, but frotu Edgewixxi southward, public in cordially invite«!. A prom­ amtx phyr underwear at Hunsaker's* siatsofeorr«9Ctiug faults early acquired, pant tlie region of Mt. Shasta, the { Dr. «Soaieis, Joliu A. love, J uukh A. thus «xx-upyiug precious time that inent anil novel feature of the evening Ordwoll ane Fisher who li:ie been in charge first steps we should strictly follow for use there during the winter. The Marb.. Work. The Baker City I Hade has a person­ of ins futber's store the past year, left the child's ui.turai mode of learning Ciiimae new y-are I- gun last Sun- al item about LouCleavor of that city. old-fasbloneil suow plow s « xiii fills th“ last week for Auburn. Cal., where be to talk prvseuung the object, a pic­ Call at the Ashlan«l Marbl«; NN’orks day. and tire-crackers ii.o beeu p' >p- Must tie the aulipode of Con Lever, of cuts with i«»e or s-aow. packed as soli«! will engage m busiucss with Joe. Bolo- ture or drawing oi it, the priutaxi or and see a choice ami well seh-cte«! ping at a lively rate iu some parls of as atone on each side of tlie track, man. this valley. wutien word lx taught-ami thus stock of fine marble Having a per­ low u. nud this must be cut and shoveled thought precAxies iauguage aud this sonal friend in the Vermont marble General M. G. Vallejo, prominent in Mrs. NVin. Bilger and Miss Rose Walter Nb-aseuger killed a black away in order to allow the plow room works, we are fsvoreil with the b»--t the curly history of California, died of to again clear the track. The uew Cardwell, came up from Portlund last ratiouul method carutxi out with the Ashlaud child clothes the oare words in I h . hu - grades and lat«*st designs. NN'«» Jo our bear near the saw mill ou old age at his home in Sououni, Cal., steam, rotary plow throws the snow : w»*ek. in response to a telegram an­ tious ideas, so to speak. own wark ( ind do uot pay for srn.xitli er. « k tin <• miles above town about last Friday, age«t 82 years. nouncing the serious illness of their two w. eksnge. clear out of the wuy, aud cau go Believiug, loo, ttiat the best possible talk.) Turn ov- r money at home and fatb«-r. James A. Curdwt-11. On the liig Bend rang«*», saya the through any depth. way to impress the word fouus upon give ns your ord-re. J. H. R ussell . l’eter B.rnebung, of Eden precinct, The last tram from the ronth to Clmney Enlerprixe, cn'tlo are »lying Mr. A. H. Maegly is offering bis the child's unis! is to write them, this had hie baud badly hurt by tiie ex­ No News from East of tin- Mountains by tlm hundreds. nn»tal Tel. companies ui i Aslilaiel, has ordered a tine bearee and have Norwegian enow shoes to day belw«x«n Ashland trod Portland, with the p«uc;i us with the longue. moiint.'iinx has Isen r<.! -ive 1 since the - residence. The Review says Hou. Chas. NV. til.- This report would be lucumplete an assortim-nt of caskets aud other Johnatou has sold eleveu huudred as usual, except that they have not l .st train cam- over tl - Si.-kiy<»n«- th tn in their arduous wotk in The snow is still lying on the ground, slix'k from Chioogo, mid is exp«-cting acres ol Lis timber 1; nd near Draiu to kept very close to schetlnle time this the average depth Ix-ing about two were 1 to lull iu meutioniug u particu­ nu»re than a w« ek ago. it is b-Iievni luouutnins now. • side of Roseburg. lar uxpi-r pr»**«ut«! showed that much of suecres de- of Hi over the vote las! year, A pro­ work up the canyon alxive Aablaud yous the first of the w«-ek, taking pho­ more complete telegraphic news xer On Friday a plow and five eugin»-s The Iliad»« the trip over the ruouutaiue to Oretjon State Journal, whose universi­ |x-nds upou the tiist start. hibition ticket was put in the field, Wciir.« sday evening. It is feared he tographic views of the snow-sttitled vic»« will also l>«« aeeure»l. Herald believes “that Albany’s pre­ Hornbrook, and next morning started ty column is «-dit.-l by our Jackson He uigtxl that U-ticLeis, in this day ugHinst the reguhir union ticket, nom­ has received eerioua injuries. scenery up there. Proiiably we shall inated in mass convention, ami its At the Presbyterian Church next enjoy looking at the pictures next sent growth, aided by railr>>ad ooi - dik «- on southward, to help clear the track «viunty student. Kasper K. Kubli. of “origimil expressKiu," lie not forget­ where the real trouble begius. By tioiis aud »»ther advantages, is destin ­ Kap it. an interesting ivnter, and his ful that tbo power ot memory is of strength was alsiiit 25 votes. May­ Sabbath the following subjects will l»e but dou’t exasperate the pub­ ed to make the city th«« stxxmd in im- coatiunai work thia plow aud its corps work is very creditk^ile to him; he is or-elect Howard’s majority over G presented: A. M. “Til* Race for Holi­ August, such use and convenience to us, mid lic by exposing them before spring, porlnnce in Oregon. of engines succeeded in reaching S. Walton was 1V1. Foliowing named ness’’ and P. M. ”1 he Astilnmi Secu­ Mr. Tyler. Ou Sunday, when just a I Edgewood TueUay. From Edge­ also n fine mnsiciun and a drat-ciaas that the st ndy of hiatory may lx« of are the < fficers elected: Mayor, G. lar Union» Christianity'. The storms have kept the telegraph wood it went a short distance e-.iuth young gentleman, who lias many gloat utrii'.y in tlm cultivation of this sprinkle of snow fell hi Ashlami, the frieuds out here, proud of his Biicceas. power, as well as that of reasoning, NV. Howard; Trustee«», F. M. Ply male, fall was more than 12 iuehes in the companies busy repairing their lines ward, and on NN’eilnesday it was re­ The snow blockade was I he menus I. L. Hamilton, A. A. Davis, Frank iu the mountaiu aectious, but, so far, ported stuck- oo ildu't get forward The snow I ihs played sad havtx: imagination and moral culture. mountains, Mr. Tyler says, and it of affording a good play iu Ashland Galbjway; Recorder, D. T. Seals; NN’u prepare for citizenship by study­ they have kept the wires in use almost nor backward, and the crew of men with many awnings aud muiih of the Treasurer, Chas. Str.iug; Marshal, J. two uigliia this week, u that class pro­ drifted contiuuidly. continnaliv in every directron. The with it tired, hungry au«l unc»>rtaiu bnililmgs in town. John Orth's sta­ ing history-Just here I’rof. NV ells' duction by u company that would not Mrs. Nellie M. Miller, wife of the 8. Miller. have stopped here if able to go 'Veils Fargo express messenger, Geo. NN\»st.‘ru Union has a special train, when they would get the next square ble is a complete wieek; also, the awn­ plan of having ut hand, iu the, class with acrew of repair.-rs patrolling the ing in front of his buck buildlug col­ room, entertaining Ixx.kBon biography through. The Malta. NV. H. Miller, died at her home iu Cow cre«-k canyon, where there has I tu,-al. R epokteil lapsed under its weight ot frozen snow. is most ex«x»llent. Two or three gangs, of alxiut sixty During the cold snap High A Taylor this place on tlie lfith inst.. from Ixx-ti cousiderable trouble, aud will No eastern mail has been re.«eive«i The r«x»f of Newman Fisher ’ s store men all told, have been kept steadily here for about two weeks, but we and I. NV. Burris have put up about fifty child-bed fever, after au illness of s« v- keep the force there until the weather at work on »be northern slope of the spiead the brick walls and came down Beware «f OintmeiiiA fur catarrh that con- have bail a «tally mail Ix-tween Asb- tons of excellent ice at their place up eral weeks. Deeeas«*d was a daughter improves. tain Mercury, Biskjyoue cutting and shoveling out on the tine wail; he was coiiqailled to l iud ami all prints north, and east as Ashland creek canyon, and intend to of Mrs. 8, A. NN’itbiligton. of Sacra­ move out until a new roof whs put ou; as mercury will snrelv destroy the sense the packed snow in the cuts nt each The land offi -<»s in Oregon have all mento, Cal., and was in her 23<1 year. far as the blockade on the l'ni-»u Pa put up half as much more liefore nnil.thejeud is not yet, as there is no of siuell and oonipu>tely derange the She leavc-s a sorrowing busband mid IxH-u doiug a large busim-ss during side of the track, anil the snowplow present indication of a thaw. citic, until yesterday, when tlie train spring. . whole eystein when entering it through will have but little trouble in getting the past year. Tlie business of the two little cliildreu to moiiru. her lose, from the north fail -«! to arrive. The the mticons surfaces. Such articles If you want to purchase the finest through on its return from Edgewood, xlionld never lx* used em-««pt on prescrip­ mail for southern {saints accumulated residence property m ti-e city, attend tlie ebier ug- d alxait two years and La Grande otfi.-e for the year averaged uni ess more storms should pile np a in round numbers $3.o<)0 per month. Talent Item*. tions from reputable physicians, hh the here until NVednesday. when Post­ tile ailministratoi’s sale of the Shearer the younger, three weeks old. large quautity ot new snow. This is for ten months, for duriug the damage they will do is ten fold to the master Farlow n-ceivtd orders to sen-1 property on Saturday, to-morrow, at Due of the new things in town is h mouths of Novemlx-r ami December, g«xxl you cau possibly derive from them. I it to Portland, fur shipimut tl:- nee 2 o'clock uu the premises, ueur the little el«> «trie motor in the window of Sleigbiug remains with ns. with fair I Hall's «'utarrli Care, manufactured by since the vacancy in the Rac«»iver's by steam.-r, and t<> continue to seud the north school house. D. R. MinklerA-Son’a grrx-ery store, office, business has been at a staud st ilL D i - nsmvib , Cal., «fan. 18- A plow prospects. F. I. Cheney «V Co., To!e«lo. O., con­ south mad that way until the rail­ where it is harnessed to the coffee mill I with three of tlm heaviest engines ou tains no niercnry, and is taken iuter- Rev. C. H. Hoxie will preach here naily, At Granite Hall Saturday evening with which coff«e is ground to order In the newofficeat Burns.Capt. Kelly, tho ros«i, anil a wrecking crew to as­ road bl x-ka Is is over. NV«-Ils F irg-> A and acts directly upon the blood Co’s express matter is s.-nt, the same Jan. 25th, a boa bon social oauce will for purchasers when desired. The the r»-c«-iver, took ill 813,000 «luring sist in case of need. un«l 2-5ri sboveleis, Sat'irday 7 P. M also Habbath tnorn- aud maooas sarfsotfs of the system. In th«» tiist three months. baying Hall's Catarrh Cure Be sure yon way. The jsist offi<-e force is exjs-i-l- be given, to which th«« management motor was ma-le by Mr. Tu'liill,! elec- are working sotitbwar«! from Eiige- ing am! evening. mg n deluge of delaye«! «-astern mall ext«nds a cordial invitation to all tncian » f the Ashland Electric Power A’ Oregon City Monday, a man wixxl 111 tell to fifteen feet of snow, w, yflie Methixiista expect to btiirii j' get tbefennine. It is t «ken internally, wud made in loledo, Ohio. F. I. Cbenev by the next fe«v trains from the north, lovers of dam ing Good music an-1 a aud Light Co., mnl is of about *.,• in ide n tiling III I lie land office that is but make slow b«»a Co. as ten days' accumulation was -xp.-«-t- pleasant time assured. r we look for quite an improvement horse power us nt present adjusted. an extraordinary one. nt least for him. engines that left here last night al re/ X-Sf Sold by Druggists, ptic« 75c. per «1 to reH<-b Portland Tivs-luy eve­ A. J Weeks, the orchardman, who It takes alxiut the same force pf cur­ His npphcaliou was for forty asres six miles below iu thirty feet of snow. )>oom next spring and summer when holtte. ning. bus the tine fruit farm between l’hie- rent from the wir«-s as one of the 25- near Milwaukee, iu township 1 south, Meu have lieen working thirty Loins ‘ the weather settles so that htiuling rang-» 1 east- NN'h-«n lie applied to the I ««»»ntiunoiialy, and will have to pull can lx» done to advantage. SlockbuldtrH Meeting. mx and Medford, will manufacture C.indle [stwer incandeeeent lights. tn tertainiwnt« Pw-tponeil. register that official aup|»oaed the off to-night for rest. There uro uone fruit b »x«-s n« xt season at the shop hi­ A meeting »>f the etoeklioldxre of indicates ’Hie Sin Fram-isco A’.rami«er, in The snow of this winter The drama. “Th<-Last Loaf.' which fitted for ti e purpose in the old or prcp inng for its next grand premium pie«-e of land applied for to lx» rail- to take their place«. The plow un«l tho’ it> the Exut Aablnud Diteli Co. will lx» heavy crops next season, roail land, ami so stated. Upon look ­ was to have l»eeii presented nt Granite up|»er null at. ITuenix. and prize drawing bclieme to increase ing the matter up on the r«-«»ords, it eugine working northward from here rough on stock without plenty of feed held at City Council r-xvinn, xt 2 p. m.. about one mile north of Mott, Hall NVwlnesday evening last by lo­ Saturday, Fell. let. All Rtoekboldera iis cir- nliitiou, is buying town lots in was found to be vacant. As land in tire Dr. .1. S. Waller now occupies hie and may i Bisson on Sunday I and gtoe- eut and fears are entertained that she NV. H. A tki N'ON, as comfortable a suit« of dental rooms stead. tion. Further announcement in due Dunsmuir, Jan. 19 (Hpecial Tele­ «nay not recover. 1 hrectora. for 6m-h investment, and last week as can be found in the state. time. A San Francisco dispatch of last graiu.] -The fine weather of yeater- the Krnmhn r purehas-<1 of G. F. I The Helms' hall is to be dedicate ] MiseUessis C-mthoui, the Chicago Maj. ¡1. F. Barron Ims a liniicli of Billings Lot No. 1-S, m NV. C. Myer’s Sunday says: The hotels are snffer- »lay proved a rough weather breeder, Language is hardly st root' enough to recital lonist, who to give an elo­ -t.-z- n horst s which are suppose«! -ddition to Ashlami; cousiderntion, mg from the cea:.jtion in trade, and as at sundown the temperature soon Fri-lay uiglx, 24tii, by a free dance. express my admiration of tho merit» of cutionary enlertainim-ut here last ev. to be sm> v«-d in at his summer ranch 82t»). ’The k'.ruinini r will publish tli«> registers show very few Eastern xaiik to 15 degrees, but at 4 oViock Supper cau be had at Lulu Shermans' (-hanibf'rlain’s Con^L Kemedv. Jt is th»? best remedy for croup and whoop liiug, for the benefit of the public and rod«»» headquarters up at Hint ’ tlie new premium list Mar. 1, it is un- names. with snow blockades this morning the weather moderated Raatanrant. nt -5-i cts. each person. ,nu coiifch I have ever tried. B ujiuq schools, came as far south hs Grant’s prairie. Two ni« u went up on suow deretotxl. The Examiner knows a in tha north aud washouts in the to 26 degrees, when another blinding The NVagtier ('reek School cri»s«?«l •be past eighteen years I hare tried Pass, and then tieeame frightened shoes Mond iv, to look for them. south, travel overland has reached traveling between the railroad The following items of intercut almost iis great a suffer from wnsli- i f.-et more snow had fa'leu. To-night hick to Portland, leaving the parties pleasure, to. that Chamberlain's Cough •Jan. 22«!, '90. F. «SiiAnrit. and tlie county seat was la-lter this among the mines wi re in th«- Time» of oiits «". k the Central and Oregon lines is cold ami threatening. wtio had made arrangements and ad­ Hetuedy is the best of all. T hom . a week Ilian at any time during tin- last week: J. J. Bnxiklield au, poultry, machinery, cently sold a one-thir>l inter«-sl in the They ent down a telegraph |H»le nnd Ed. T idings : Snow- four ami one- farm implements, household goods, galena quartz miue on Humbug creek said tha other day, eqxaking of tlie split it up and made it into snow half feet d«x«p here, ami no mail since Th* Stonn-Bonnd Passi-n^ers. hay, gram etc. for sale, 825,000. a to James NVIioeler for Sl'KM.............. snow bhx-kaile ot the present week: shoes, and thus crosa«-d the gap of Jan. Htb. Mr. Oden will start for “NNe made a c< ntraet with a firm in About 150 passengers bouud for bargain. Call <»ti Fied lianeen, Ashland NN’m. Piatt has d'scovere«i a ledge Paterson. N. J., Inst summer for h five miles lx»lw«-eu the two snow plow­ .Sod« Springs on snowshoes to-morrow, eight feet wide alxrnt six mib-s -from or Table Rock. 1 33-2111. gangs. and came into town at «lark, afu-r th«» mail, iirf.l hopes to get nid in California have been delayed at Ash­ Following is the m*or*i of weather Grant's Puss, the ore from which is large rotary plow of an improve«! land during the past week. The rail­ breaking a trail la»tweeu that plain« observations, fur Ashland, made by F. That beautiful glossy sheen, tu> said to assay ?2i»»> a ton in gold and pattern, which would have bean able tired and hungry. The force of shoverlers and others mid here. M«-eers. Lomas and Oden II. Carter, observer for the Oregou road company offend to take them much admired in hair, can beseeure«! to work in any depth of snow. The back to Portland free of cl a-ge. and by the use of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. There silver. He sends the Trines a sample olow was to Lave been delivered th« who were were working south from have broken a trail fron.'Jolmson creek StsWeather Bureuii, for the week of the nnuerni, of which he can obtain refund the money paid for tickets, ami is nothing better than tins prepara­ 15th of November, but the company here, came straggling home last to George NV. Bailey's station, and ending Jan. 22, 1K90: probably fifty have goue back. The tion for strengthening the scalp and au ounce from a pound of rock. Ha­ bad a strike in their shops ami were night, the last one coming into town Lomas mid Jinnee Bailey controlled it is now running a cut ta» strike the first-clase passengers are charged 50 keeping it free from dandruff aud tn other ways delayed ami 1 b.ave a at daylight this morning, after forty­ to-,lay to within ti hundred yards of ledge lower down. eta. for meals -no charge for hd.’ing itching eruptions, telegram from New York saying the eight. hours work on one meal and no Ham Brown’s barn at th*« old Van on the sleepers. The i-claaa J. J. Strait an.l T. M. Estes ha Ji < Ì <1\ j> Y«*st<-r«lay tln-re came to Salem Cooley were ix-rsonally eu|»erintend- the trail breakers Saturday morning. their little child. 5 years old. sick with and the floor was just comfortably big horses, and nt the top ot the hill Fair’ tu 31 dropsy, going east.. The child »lied tilled. Th«- Mayfield aud Helmau ot by the Prest»yt«-nmi church tlie hors>s says the Statc»maii. a boxcar that ing this work, and after a few hours' Theneigblxirbood is pretty eff«x-lnal- chestra furnished th«» music. left Detroit, Mich , sixteen days ago. sleep, started out again with three en ­ and was buried here Tuesday. A mm were force«! luto a run. there lx«ing no K Indie. Total Précipitât lou ly snowed in, without doubt, but Un­ i itérât ii i e High»“! 4-' J xj W«’M 7 M. «ii going to Fnsi-o for treatment of dis­ The serious illness of County Clerk hrake ou the sled. Down the icy bril It c.nitaim-d P. Hardwood, wife an«l gines, with a pilot plow people are all suf«» and well, and per- IVr. 21 7 two l»ab>e«, wveu cows, two horses, ease«! eyes fears that the delay may lie Max Muller caused a report ot hi- tb«-y ran, ami everyone ex|KH*ted to see southward. Th«»y make a inn as far severance in such work as is alrendy bad for him. A la»ly was on the way death received in Ashland Wednesday a smaslitip among th«« teams on the t wo she««p. ati Ve^ottMe ■'Arsa la nding physicians recommend Ay­ with the horses standing facing the those inside the car w«.-re not suffering on the Edgewood plow ar«» disabled. their delay here. A man partially J. L. I parilla. 1 I > ire it to hh nv 1:>. wha er ’ s Sarsaparilla. Old and young take paralyzed IS on his way to Los Angeles way they had come. The load wasn’t from tin» cold. Mr. Hardwtxxi said A tree fell an«l broke down a trestle Mr. L imns has been in town since wan very deliraie, hnt cut r»f • ntiHon fimt for treatment. Several passengers it with perfect safety. It cleanses the upset, and no damage at all was done, th«» trip was made oasib ami quit«- north of Edgewotxl. the above was received, but he cam«- uou9uli«*l his ph;. << Ian. Dr W JI. Griswold were going souiew here to l»e married. blood, strengthens the nerves. and but th«-ri-le was «qu.-il in danger and pleasantly, e«»liftidenng the crowded iu on suow s I kx - h Hint re|x»rtod the of R’ j O Market Ftnvt. Tlie d«"*rfor, who N qi >< «■oudition of the car. He will make Buttbey all have to submit to the in­ vital-z-'H the system. Popular ex- sp«M«d to the sport of tolx»gganing. trail not opeiaxl yet. The mail carrier of our leading praetitiaucn saying Ins Imine in the valley, engaging in evitable and realize that nature some- periene«« has long placed this medi­ Sise->n, Oal. January 23--Mon­ start»a?Na;.aril!a that dl«l uot NN ’ m Niel mid olbcra who cam«« hi farming. The wife ans Suow liainaging Biiiliiings. < ircuit Court. deer to keep th« in from starving, but ies out there. The enow is «l«s-jxr n«'tdorrt?aeo»l .’•a’ ?y. bat more blood. Ha Says an Albany paper of Jan. 16th: 1 hey w»-nt nix mi t two mib-s and now Butt« The suow of the present winter Iris the venisou is said to l»e very inferior than the settlers out there eX|»ecteusi<»H«' of completing bhvwl thinning Idea of other '•arxaparHlaa, ! clerk. J G. Bird*« y. ^hcrifl average«! great a depth since the snows have driven th«- deer all down hay. they are satisfied now that they arrangements .. for the «stablisliineiit NN’.»rd reached here that the men had A. T. K n I o \b. Charle* G. Rippy and Frank and that on the contrary hy specific vegeta* Amy; a<*lion at ’ au t»> recover m<*nt*y . tnk»»n settlement of the country. Tliebuild- to the lower bills and ravines. bl“ alterative* it pr«»motc days c«an’i under advi>eiii«*ut iti'gs, generally, are Hot constructed blood A L wiliey vm . Laura WFley; milt hi equf I paired nutrition, hence create.| of their sUx*k out to this valley for ciliz-n« of Aibaiiv have siri»sfs, and the consequence is that hiul only known" there would lie a dle of April, anyhow. Iiefore they can and a coutract let tor erection of n visions, but it is uncertain whether clo*e mechanic;* 1» au—taken unde! advise aged, delicate aud run down ;»<»«'pK'J?aye numerous breaks ami damages to fortnight or a mouth of the tines' turn out their cattle in the Dead In­ two-story brick f.ictory l-.tiilding an»l they will reach there to-»lny. Snowing xneut. been built np by Joy'g Vegetable Karsaparilw V L. It<»titpiff. vs. Elisha Ray, Sarah F. I after thepota«h «ar^aparillas failed It* c! buildings are re[x»rte«i more at Jack- sleigbiug here this wint«-r, we would dian eonutry. No trail has yet lx-«n two ’«»Iditional directors, F. J. .Miller nnd blowing here furiously suow Ray, Ben Haymond, 1’. .1 Ryau and A. H. have had a few handsome little cutters fully six f«x»t deep on the level, and aouviih« and in th«' Butte creek coun­ Mcglv «iefts; decree of foretdobur»’; Jlidg fecU are creating a ften«a'i«*a.—& F. Examiner aud some strings of silver bells from broken over th* in- -umaius. ami the nui Elwarl Zeiss were elect««!. The drifted iu places 12 f««et d«x»p. NVhat ment try than elsewhere. for pid' . for Jf«’»6. and f ’ >1-0 aCtumey* ranchers lutetnled Io begin upon one •apit »1 stock of the company is 81'25,- next. the east to <•« lebrate the winter with. fees. At Meilfiird, the .Mail of last week tins week. It will 1» ■ a h tr i job to ) one third of which is now held H. < . Lewi« phi. Vh .1 G. Birdsey »left; Mrw. H E M« k > tc . Mr*. S. E. Coc. says: Many shed roofs gave way l»e- The blockade is rui—-d nt last by E. bleak it through the deep snow aboill by Albany in» u. 'The factory will be action at In a to recover personal property ASHLAND ««HHth the enormous pressure, among B. Hunsaker, who still continues his the summit, but they can afford to do in operation as s«x»u ns the buildings N»> tuain from th» north veatorday. on trial On motion of Wm. M Colvig the court or­ «w Ix-ing a shed at C. NV. Skeei's special sal<«s in thecloak department it. iu order to save their s’oek. can lx» er.s-t«sl. Mr. Kinney says the NVednebday's arrived here alxint 630 a grand jury to be drawn from the new bnihliugs at Grant’s Pass to tak«' 1*. M., and ntnrte«! northwar«! alxiut dered l««n.i yol'L a wood shed at tlie and li is thrown into the «mixture bis jury panel to enquire into certain crlinc’j Max Prncbl'e enemies are after him place of those n ceutiy burned will be 7 P. M. but was stnek «on* aw here iu alleged to have been committed during The 1 ' -u ’ r»i! and one of NV. IJ. Pow- heavy woolen -Iri-ss goods wbl- li wer - Reeser’« Rl««rk. Main St Grand I. good value at tV-e and 75e - now must with sharp sticks, trying to prevent «•omph-tisl by the 1st of March. C«»w creek canyon at last report, aud "itlingof court and the following name»» ell’s. , , w,. Nvere draw n to act a* Gran«i juror* W. R to Mr* Boynton an«! Mr« Foun­ Lis eonfirmnllo'i as c-»lleeior of oils- the soutb-boiroii train due here at 8A’> Robert»», Foreman; J. G. Grosman. John Ut» at tl-«- Ci 1 homp-ou go at 5iie per yard. Our tricots and tain.! N. M. yesterday was in the saine fix. Moreland. John H Bvllcnger. A. I.. Willey, A- Butler a m w ha.’ i>mn. bmh of very ladle.-» cioth have -i clear ent of 2»k- per for Alaska. A ntnulx-r of nffi- dav .a are published in a San Frim- The telegraph wires wore al! down yes­ George Merriman, David King Indictments I arge New *to< k, Em bra Ing all the latest PERSONAL. h«avy, was •'rushed beneath yard. were found against < barley Doblc, charged <-i «» t aper charging tiim v.i’b having terday. anil LotbiiiK was knowu of i with the ’hr.e feet or more .M ‘’f l,s Fall and Winter Style« larceny 111 a dwelling, and Horn Him, There has Is-en many a pair of si. >w the train up to five o’clock laat eve­ charged with assault with a dangerous r«x»f. but no cattle were cariL'ht nuder sh- -.« ma le for mountain travel ii b . 'i “n siii'iggler liiniM-lt." having Gen. J. M. McCall is among those ning. I^nidslides are suppr»s.>d to wea|»on. -■«1-1 ««i-;,- to the Iu«ii»ibs to make Fine Assortment of Materiali for Fancy it. South« in Oiegon within the past laid up with the grippe this week. Blate of Oregon vr . Charley I)oble: larceny Work—Zephyrs, Arasene, Chenille,Etc cause t he delay. In the fall of one of bis sbe«Is, re- month ::n«l the N-wwogiau h I mm - s h •li-«. .•«« no »’ with, having sold them in • dwelling; ph ah guilt) - not wnten< el»n NVillisms. <•>" long,narro«v runner, tilin«tfier hundred h.-tween in matter of estate of minor heirs of Kate in ly H -nn. the butcher, up l ' i-arged by I r.ii lit. who s««> n pt-rhaps this week. Oid li there auyi-ne1 • Ono thing is quite Certain, Misitord, w.,s in Asblaud Monday and the Siskiyou mountains. The blanklyn McHatton: NN’m. Bylxi’ii sh»-« p «-• «'«I f ' iown waiting for it. a few'y-heep, bogs, forty- th« -e charges to go up against him Tuesday of this week. His election been raised at last report Several order to show cause wh) real » siatc bhouhl bens, eggs u c.mple of 1 was about nuanimous, and there will a few days sila C mid kri'« d kJ-I •■« p. «levetl <»1'1 trains are imprisoned at various places, not be sold. n it b->ut making a proper siiowmg of T h«» r*x*r much for it. Tie whiskey was - h » c ! not- l ist Moudav evening, a lo in giauilatii and 8 f2 of W ‘4 of nee 16, iu i cific hues v.ere both blockaded, but tp 39, S R i E con , f in price of that vahiai«l«' cimmodi- removtd to the in w warehouse. »«f #1521 was made at forty-nine rise [ Caroline E. Porter to « ity of Ashland—a E. J. K riser, of the R-c>r was seriously ill. 500 paesengera aud a great quantity of E Porter—Lite 6, 7, R an»! 9. bk J. also U ‘aof > fc* 1 j «>f N E ‘4 of-sec -<». and W ’ 2 Where the popular and accommodating nt»J !-<•■>■< r.»l ot!:»-r parlies hear­ Hehas not I e.-n sblwlo return, and mail matter were expected to arrive in of E N ‘4 W and haune fate list Sunday. Mr. Orth's the eu'l <»f i's tiist year ami its affairs oi'iei.- ' *4 if -c»’ 21, and ■* ofS W *4 of see cutter. Wm Harris, is ready to wait upon N. A. Ja--obs is nnnagmg the paper Portland Tuesday evening. ing of H concluded th« y would ship up wixxlsbed also collars«-I lae’ ipglri. 16. tp39. S R I E t on i«‘a*> all old and new customers in a satisfactory are entirely satisfactory. Channey porter to Caroline E Porter—lots manner 14 .’I »«no hay, t<-:>, and Lav«» it on hand in me vitim?. The west brick ».ill of N Fi'IierV Col. C. F. Crreker was on a train 6. 7, a ami 9. bk 2. railrusd addition to city, Mis. Milli* Cox. of Rsiebnrz. «wst-of au • niergeu -y, are! they kept store fell this morning, i-xpofcing a I. G M’. s>x car)«»ads. Tins eonvinc»-d the p««o- liv« r in Ashland at 821) a ton. The w.1-1 taken bm-k to ReildlUg»lay, N J B andem tn J ime« M Rrnndon—a* ner’s building, on the corner of Cal­ u I mui I t« n days with pneumonia; agi I ple d-«wu at (ent ral Point thir­ sudden i-iiiuige of weather depressed vignmeut, blk 34. loolidgi addition to city 63 yens. Tbi-txHly was brought »<« ls a I sy (amine up this way, an«l word th«« bay market materially, however. ifornia and Oregou streets. ol AhOland; cun . 42>*>. Wm »•< Barnum tnhbeneier P. Hammond The large skating nnk buildiog. 5Jx A.-li: .1 I for l»ilil:il. arriving «>n Moll­ w IS s-ulbe » that lUeoi-l.-is th« THE LATEST. —Jut*» 6 and 7, blk 32, t<»wn of M-dford; c«jn Dr. J. S. Parson knows how it is 80 feet, in Ashland grove, ns. J lately ila! morning’s train, anil th«- int«-r- first tbr <-carlotids would lx- fille.1 at I lie latest from the brixtkade rotllb* Ebenezer P Hanjmoud to Bertha »». Burn- ns the barracks of the mtli'ia company, meat was in eem«-lery on s -im- the price that ha«l b«-«-n qii-itrnl «IC himself now. 11-« was in the gnpjx- of u is a dispatch received here from 8upt uni—a certain piece or parrel of laud in per ton d--Iiv« r> d in Ashlimd but th»« prevaiii'ig local epedemic last collipsed yesterday morning from the .lay Fiilm-ire yesterilny, saving they ex- Phipps reserve, tourn of Medford con., |300 wei-ki.n l was very riL but is alxint weight of snow ou tlie n-of. anil is n A Chil lers and u (e to W s. Barnuru— J.-lit« Cary, of Central Point, one » f tt - tthe price had advan -ed 25 p. i Dr. Newman baa p cle.1 to get. a train through to Ash- lots 6 sod 7, bik 32, town of Medford; con a-omplete wreck. The building was tl • eiit-Tj rising cltiZ-i»s wb«» located Mil., and no more woni.i I* sold for again this w«-ek. f |i«i»d to-ilay (Fn»lay i but all the rail ­ owned by F. R-»i-er. and the ilamage and built there when the new town I. ss tu in t-2't per ton. Tim broke up also taken bis turn nt «x-.-tipying tb-* road people here think there is little IN).Roaelm M Berry et a’, tn ! B MRlinm*— is, perhaps. 8500. lne walls ii.»«i iitst beg-m I«» grow, died in that pUc« llie bilsim-ss. aud ouly three carloads position of patient : matead of pbysi- p-.«apect of any train for several «lavs. N W of N E 4 aud >' E of N W of neo 24. tp >». ■* K 1 W. ftoa< re*, con.. |i spread beiore the recent heavy snows oh the 11’il Hist. He Ind but recently were sent. Tlie fsmme hasn’t«-ri- ci mi. ----------------- a . ____ aza orner tore Ella J. Watson and husband to John p. came, and the fall of the building was ret-irncil (rum the asylum at Salem, al'Ze'l lii-re yet, and the various laevi Morris who has lieen et bis Walker—lot No. 12. McCall’« additiou TO Don ’ t Enjoy Arrtie Weather. not ut all surprising. No »me was in w here • Ire treatment bxue«l their regular Mon­ tent, and Uw death whs suthleu hu -1 t-.oils that were buddiug soon as the trains Ix-gin running Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges day night drill this week, they wouLI unexpected. agiiiii. to move his family to Southern ent spell of arctic weather with its All perrons Lavin# uti.ettled ac- Tlie Thaw sleighing and coasting and “crisp i aonntc with the undersigned will in all probability have txx-u caught in Oregon, They will reside either in Trusses, Toilet Articles. One of the kicks the lints-is has rit A ru«<«'h »rind sent the m«-icnry lip Ashland or Talent rr.oiuiug air'' doeau’t acero to l>e en- kindly »«all aud Hettle tb<- same either the wreck, as the jarring of their drill th-- bhzz-rd • breathed Mmn «<<»'. i to 4'1 NVt-.iuee.lay evening, and the joyed iu Southern Oregon this win­ l»y cash or note withont delay. would moat likely have precipitate«! Mr. John F. Givaus, of Ashlaud, is ter. uu«l if a rote were taken to de­ the fall of tha building. Im- arms weather .»t th«- p :st two or Hire«- -.«.i-« k- snow Ix-gau to settle rapidly. The January 15, lt»is'. J. M. M«C alu Mr. Giv- is ciUsed by th«- fact that the Ashlami io Portlami for a few days. wind brought a storm, ami it was rain­ cide between a thaw and n con’in na­ and other property of the comyany locator in Houth- Mills La.l to turn the water out of the bus is au extensive Money to Iren. tron of th* xle’ghing it would lie al­ ing moat all day yesterday. The were stored in an uddiliou they had t«WINQ MAOMINK 'flOLCt bmit at uorth eml of 1L* Lail, aud ¡lume oil nia-oiifit of ice blocking the suow had ilirappeiir«-«! from the west ern Oregon. He prealjajte a heavy most nnanimena for a tbree-davs NVe will make loan» in miiwi of ¡1(500 AHO Itfprust. were/net injured. They moved them mill wh « !. ami this leh the llius- s bilis'dte east of Bear creek but thi­ immigration into Southern Oregon Chinook win«! nn-1 decent NVebfoot1 and upward on approve«! reni «-«tate wheel dry. -So it was iica-SHary p# ng st reams had not liegun to rise last tue coming year. especially in the weather after it, 8i> -b weather a« to Granite hall, which they will rent up hand fixture« on the Cottrell pres- evening. R->gue river was reported Rogue River valley un>l io the sugar we have been baring is ah right, «x^urity ou one, two or three years ABTI8T8’ > MATERIALS for tb«iir quarters Ibis year. aud put two meu at work on the band brximing. however, and fears xre en­ p»n« land»,—[Oregonian. [Mr. Giv- where it is useleas to expect any oth time at 10 per cent interest. No ple have th» grippe nt Salem very fashionable town. Redding. Cal., hn.i one 12-inel* fall ' of siio'.v last w.x-k b i«i as Ashiaud, I but the snow didn't la«t so long th.-re. MILLINERY STORE R. P C .4 With r** II oui I' h SdrsiiiHirilta. * 1 am rf pioneer In this couuty, having ’•eeu here 30 years. Four )eara agomy lltth. s«>n Ellery Ijwame bloyd-polo«med by impur«- viruaiu vaccination. Hia arm swelled terri bly, uanaiug great agony; physicians aai«l the arm must lx* amputated, ami even then his recovery would be doubtful. One »lay 1 read about a blood purifier, uew to me, and wa* aurpi«ted to learn that it wae prepared by C. 1. Hood, with whom I used to go to achool in Chelsea, Vt. I decided to have my boy try Hood'« Saroaparilla. and was ranch gratified when 1»Memed to help him. He continued to grew better as we gave him the Kar«apar ilia, and having used ft bottles Is now entirely cured. As Hood's Sarsajatrilla has accom pits bed such wonderful results, I recommend it all I possibly can.'’ Jr.aoMK M. S lkffkil , Upper iAke. I.ake Co., Cal. rv and tired would i Bs Glsd Of a square meal and a good bed, but anyone wanting The Chy Treasurer Of Lowell. Mas.«., says: “The above Is from rnv brother, whose signarur»^ I rerosndzed 1 am also glad to testify to th.» excellence of Hood's Sanaparllla. an»! to say that I IIiRh! A Co. ar«1 considered one of The mo«t reliable firms in New England ’* V an B Fr »EfgR, City Treasurer, Loweil, Mas« To Buy Furniture Hood’s Sarsaparilla S.1<1 tw drugci«rt.. «1: .lx »V l>r * CO., V|-«thw ar-ec Xx.w» Il, Mi»« I IOO Poses One Dollar Notice to the Public. To all whom it may c«>ncern: Notice is hereby giveu that I, NV. M. Davis, (which is the name I have been given I from my step-father) will do busmeas Would be unNvise if they should buy before get­ ting prices At Wilson’s. Beat This II You Can I All our Ladies', Misses and Children s READ THIS xou 2 Í 6.75 2 10.00 1 9.00 1 9.00 1 12.00 2 11.00 2 6.00 36 3 4.50 12 2.50 1 2.75 Also a large line of Misses’ and Children’» Cloaks at from $1.50 to $4.00. : MEDFOKD 1 wish to inform the people ot Southern Oregon that I have opened a COMPLETE STOCK — or— Cents’ Furnishing Goods, Io tb« buiidtng ferwerly occupied by J