Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, January 10, 1890, Image 2

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    880,003 water works bonis Chere-
ok:-e, K in., 20 years O's, se ui-auuual
iu New York City. Price par au 1 in­
The young Quixote who hire taken
Fridall............ Jauuaty lu. ItM.
lu our owu state the city of La-
the field to deliver the people of this
Union couuty, a booming,
part of the world out of the bondage Grande,
thriving town, surrouuded by a rich
wf corruption and dull monotony, agricultural country, has sold bouds
buckled ou his tiu armor last week identical with those of Ashland. 20-
Bl.iokburn is re-el^iU-l U. 8. 8*-ua- aud rau down the city council with year water bonds, 6 per cent., 320,-
the Ashland Mercury. His wooden
tor iron K ntucky.
spear was aimed at Mayor Mills and 000, aLd the city was well satisfied to
Tire ao >w is 1) fet t deep ou so ire of Counc.lmau Waller, of the old ad-. sell them at exactly par. In that
llieC. P. R R. suo«sU»ds in tbe Sier­ ministration, but the results of the case the proportion of bonded debt
to property valuation is less thau
terrific onslaught seetn to Ire that the here, and yet the Ashland bonds went
There are now taro pairs of U. S. only wounds inflicted were upou the above par. There were two bids for
rouator»-elre?t from Montana, and the hand that held the weapon and up­ the Ashlaud trends, the Jarvis A
Senate will have to decide between on the stoue wall of facts at which Conklin Co. bid 98 ceuts, aud the
the rush was made. The whole col­
Bauk of Ashland bid 1021*4 including
of stuff is a tissue of falsehoods interest.
The attempt to saddle upon
The veteran Penns) hauia Cun «tesa umn
Lian, \\ . 1*. Eellev, la very til, and but uiug to end. and it adds to the grow­ Mr. Mills anything iu any way wrong
little Lope is eutertainud of Ills recov­ ing reputation of the paper that toward the city in connection with
sale of the bonds would ouly be
printed it as a vehicle of slauder, the
made by one who is wholly reckless
riilrty-tivo iu<aii>bers of the North abuse aud rank sensation and a of
his reputation for veracity, or who
Dakota legislature were at Portland, slaughter-house of decency and the is willing to expose his ignorance of
Tucotua ant Seattle last* week, ou an English language.
the matter and of the finaucial news
excursion uf pleasure.
If the writer intended to befriend of
the day in general. The motive
Twenty live railroada were sold un­
that has actuated the attempt tn this
der foreclosure in 18811 in the aggre making so many misstatements aliout case is a very small aud unworthy
grte mileage of 2.93« I Hides and a total him as were contained iu the refer­ oue, and the judgment that would
ence to him at the Iregiuniug of the put tn print these ehurges, which
funded debt of 9137,715,00).
article 111 question. Mr. Hill would were only intended to iim * as a small
English capitalists have bought the have preferred that it should not election
dodge to work out the
Angus Smith wheat elevators in Mil­ have Ireen stated that be is a share­ schemes of personal enmity, is very
waukie, Wl*, for alsiiit 91,000,001). holder 'll the West Ashland Ditch poor judgment, indeed.
The elevators will bold 2.000,1 »SI bush­ Co. aud iu the Masonic Building As­
As for the contract with tire John
els of grain.
sociation, for it is not true. He would Barrett
Co., the facts are ouly par­
tially slated and are thus m effect
Peter Jackson has cabled from Lou­
don bis acceptance of the challenge
misstated. The John Barrett Co. en­
of John L. Sullivan to tight for SUL­ not have ireen mad,«», for the state­ tered into cuutr„ct to supenuteud the
IM» a side. He will sad for New York
construction of tire water system and
ders of a champion who heedlessly ’ to guarantee that the whole cost of
January 15.
1 rampies upon facts and presents th*» system as proposed should not
Secretary Ruska gives the area of them 111 a light in which they may be
coru in the United States at 78,319,- viewed as purposely unit dated are exceed 347,IJ<», iueludmg the 10 per
951 acres; wheat 3*8.123,919; oats 27,- always damaging to the cause. It < cent, commission. It the cost of the
472,310. Yield of corn 27 bushels to the would not have been worth while, works lie greater than about S13,'k>o,
Barrett A C ». will receive less
acre, wheat 120 oats 27.4.
perhaps, to notice here this part of John
thau ten per cent. If tire cost should
Governor Pennoyer has appointed
be just 347.*>» for the works. Barren
presented that the citizens who A
Co. would re’eive nothing. Let us
Morton iWkClifford, of Canyon City, ence
Grant county, Judge of the Oth judi­ of the government under the Mayo* not pass pass thud judgment oi*7»thi».
cial district, to till the vacancy caused as elected, were try ing to trump up contract lili the work is concluded.
Oue thiug it is well to rem-mlrer is
by the death of J udge L. B. lsorn.
a case against the Mayor-elect un­ that, the p<reple who are talking th**
M rs. Alice F. Troop, of Pasadena, warranted by the facts. Mr. Hill most abmt th** contract are tire sanre
Cat, died in child-birth last Friday does not deny that the provision of ones who used to tear tiieir hair aud
eveuiug. Her husband wire a faith the charter concerning the qualifi­ led.ire by all lire go.ts of the ages
curial and refused a physician. His cations for mayor would have de­ that the water works couldn't lie put
body ou^lit to d ingle from a lump barred ins candidacy if presented Ire- iu for anything like so s*aall a sum
fore the nomination, aud it is worse as 8.5i),*»O. The city council no doubt
than idle to attempt to falsify the
Mary An.ler*»n, ‘‘onr Miry” is to facts. There were many conservative h id that in mind when tbey.aec *pted
the contract with guarantee that the
m irry Antonia F.D’N ivarro, a wealthy
who ha 1 no objection what­ whole cost should not exeeed 347,000.
New Yorn lawyer. Miss AuJersou is citizens
ever to seeing Mr. Hdl Mayor who
oue of the most beHtlltlul of the fam­ still were uneasy about the legal Tut* pijre aud all material needed was
ous actresses of our day, and she is questions involved and were auxioii- bought by the city at the lowest price
wholly above those of the Langtry to see them settle I before the be­ obtainable after a number of In is h t I
class, both in professional and social ginning of the business of the pres Ireen received from tue principal deal­
ers of the Uuited States. We can ali
ent year, in winch some fifty thou­ keep au eye u;>on tile cost of the la­
La grippe continues to spread in
bor and other items, if we choose, as
the eastern states, and the death rate the city. To a majority of the peo­ tire work proceeds, and see that the
in the principal cities is increased ple who have property and business : closest economy is followed.
somewhat by it. The d «wager Em­ lutere.-ts here it is far more ini[*or-
press Augusta, of Germany is dead taut that the business of the city b-
Port Townsend, Wash.. Jan. 7.—Tire
fiotn the disease, and other prominent legally done and ali chance for im- steamer Wale West, from Portland to
victims are reported. Many eases of g >tiou avoided thau that. Hdl or Puget S >uii 1, sunk off Destruction
Mills be called mayor or that auy oue lsl mil during the h»avygale on the
pneumonia are giveu tire new num?.
fac'.iou or clique have an opportun­ night of Jauuary 31. Tile crew was
The late terrible snow storm in New ity to crow over another in an electiou
Mexico attacked regious w here auow contest. A majority of the people s ive.l. Th« vessel was nn lor com­
was scarcely ever known to f ill. The voted for Hid for mayor and they mand of Captain Fred Spariiug, of
Lies of sheep alone Was not far from will Ire glad to see him serve as may­ Seattle.
30.00J. Siuca the memory of niau no or in fact and 111 law, but a majority
The Portland board of trade reports
genuine bbzz ird was ever encounter« I of the people would not want him to that the wholesale jobbing trade of
in suiitbeiuColorado or New Mexico serve a« m lyorju fact, if he were not th it city during 1889 amount'd to
bofore. Perh aps uuv will be beard of legally mayor. Let us hope tue ac­ 8118,1k».(»9, au increase of $280».
in old Mexico next.
tion of the couucd in the case has put Ik» or 31.1 per cent over 1883. and 813.-
Wichita, Kan., January 1.—A tram au eud to any reason for further ar­ ik»,lX» or 57.3 per eeut over 1887.
l ire aggregate of capital mvrsted w i-
of eigbteeu cars left here last uigbt gument upon this point.
’M».0W, an increase of 87,900,COO
for the Buffering districts in Stevens,
Morton aud Hodgmau oountiee, load­ struck Mayor Hill, it must not be or 12*^ per cent over 1888.
ed with clothing aud food which bad forgotten that the beau pole was
Blaine'« Answer to Gladstone.
been collected from this aud surround­ aimed at Mayor Mills. A quotation
ing couuties. The reports yesterday is necessary:
The S. F. Call gives the following as
were to the effect that several hun­ One year ago D. R Mills aud J. S. Walter the eutnmiug up of Blame's reply to
dred peruoua are suffering at present. were elected tumor anti eouuciliuan by the Gladstone's argumeut in favor of free
asiouudiug majarit) vf two to one. when a
New York, January 2.—Horatio Al­ large vote »a* polled and the electiou was trade:
stoutly contested by a cerl.iiu opposition el­
The legitimate conclusion of Mr.
len, who took a must prominent part ement
The people were heartily cviigiatu-
in the development of steam as a lated on the good judgment they showed, Gia Istone’s argument is that all me­
motive power m the early part of this these gentlemen »cut lu and durtng their chanical aud mauiifacturiug enter­
brought the propo-ed new system of prises in America produce articles of
century, who invented the Allen paper term
water works to it, pr<-ent -tarn-
Milla is
wheel, and who ran the first locomo­ Che of the directors of the Bank of Ashland higher price than the same pro-luct in
tive ever propelled over a track in this He advertbet iu the local papers, and in Europe, should be abandoned, und the
aloue. fur bids for i.***.*.OJ water bond- laborers so engaged should be turned
country, died this morning, at his them
to ruu JU years al a per cent, interest, com
the pro inctiou of more cere ils and
residence, near South Orange, N. J. iiieiieing Jul. 1. I;«* pa* able semi-annual lv. to
Tile bld- are opened and there are found to more cotton at low prices. The ar­
He was 88 y ears old.
be olils two bidder- the local bank and a gument winch Mr. Blame represents
The New York Mail and Exprew mortgage trust company who have au agent Mr. Gladstone as making the basis of
They are awarded atalitll*
of Saturday last has a letter from at
alsive par to tile Bank of A-lilaud. of win. h this free-trade policy is precisely in
Lulled Slates Seuator Biair, in which the mayor is a diieetor Although consid accord with that of American free­
he says the Jesuits are alone responsi­ eretl a very high rate .»f interest, cou-lderiug traders, though Hie latter are reluct­
amount of g,sal taxable property back
ble for the position of bis educational the
of them as security. andthe linniberof years ant to lake the po itiou openly. But
bill, and adils that they would suc­ to run. and for the money earning object that is what their arguments point at.
ceed in a few years in overthrowing for which it wire lined,etc., etc.,etc., et«.*., anil though they propose or suggest a
fa'-t that uootil-l'le 64*1*1*-*. were heard
the public schisd system bill for bad­ the
from at all, the mayoreoul 1 hare at feast re­ roimd-alreut route to this same end.
ness of their cause and the intelligence jected ail tile bid-, and adverti-ed again an 1 Under a policy shaped by Mr. Glad­
of the masses of the Catholic church. ma le some effort to have the facts known stone’s exjiosition of free-trade, the
on the outside where big money lor such sol
Frederick Juengling.oneof the best- id and stabl - investments like these is more Uuited States would be at the present
ful and ch> a .er. But he did not. The time a nati*>n of agriculturists and
known artistia engravers of this coun­ plent
Hank of Ashlanil. of which be is so largely rude mechanics. We should Ire do­
try, died yesterday from acute bron­ Interested. bad the l*ou*l**
Mr Mills is not largely Interested In the ing ouly such mechanical work as lias
chitis, after an illness of two days.
Bank of Ashia-id: and he had no vote on the to be doire ou the ground. Ali tire
*r. Jueugling was born in this coun­ aeteptun.-e
er rejection of the bids. The
of manufacture which could Ire
try. When about 14yearsold he com­ conn, il vote-1 unanimously to accept the articles
produced abroad and brought to this
menced eugraving for Harper Brothers. bi*l of the Bank of kshlauil. —TIMS*;-
country wonl-i tie supplied from th»-
Later he was in the employ of Frank
The alstve excerp1 informs us that
>up**st s iiirces. European capital,
Leslie, when his work attracted the Mills and \\ alter were tire city gov­ <-b
would take our eottou an 1 w.xvl,
Century people, and be became identi­ ernment last year, and the rest of the convert
them into cloth, aud sell tire
fied with them.
councilmen were merely •stuffing." ii'iislied products in onr markets Ht
Much anxiety was caused last week It ia singular that the m ij irity •>( the low*»r pri *»-s thau we could produce
by the noti-arrival at S in Francisco of people should elect the same mem­ ’ii-uiif the home product were not
the steamer California, due from Port­ bers of the conn'll again, Under the pro-cel oj a special tax on foreign
land. with a large nnnila-rof passengers cireiimstane -s—should stnfF the conn goods. Mr. Gladstone apparently
aboard. She has since arrived in port. cil with a majority of the same “stuff­ -I-•>•.- not siy so, tmt ins argii'iient a;>-
Her delay was caused by the breaking ing.” They seem to think it pretlv P«irs to ..¿»ply only t<>countries which
of her main shaft, anil she was com­ good s'nff for a council. But it's have nt least equal f.<-ili*i s for pro­
pelled to depend upon her canvas. Mills the thing was umred at, and in duction with any other couutry. Eng­
The first news of the accident was fur­ the attack upon lnm is seen tire most land's statesman <li I not pree *ive the
nished by a small boat sent ashore in malicious of the falsehoods and mis- beauties of free trade until her manu­
repr*s ntation« of the whole loaj. facturers bad demonstrated their abili
command of her first officer.
If they were Hot malicious, they were ty to com;»ete with the manufacturers
A committee of Pennsylvania citi- the result of such culpable ignorance of all other co'iutri**. Then, and no’
ecus are to ask the United States that they amount to the same thing. till then, English stat»«men doehred
government to confer with Russia, The charge that the bond sale was for free trade. When they saw that
and see if something cannot b-* done not advertised abroad an I that May. they were in a position to compete
to better the condition of the suffering or Mills, ns a director of the bmk with other European nation« in sup
exiles of Sillería. It will lie interest­ l with tire consent of th** city council) plying th** markets looking to Europ ■
ing to know just bow the Russian withheld if from public notice, is ab­ for goods, they op ned llreirown ma k
bear will take this international atten­ solutely false, ami the individual who eta to foreign competition. The ino <
tion of bis deu. His private express­ st ited it knew it was fills», or could of ttrese markets the tre’ter for the
ions to opinion on the subject of have known it if he hail made the manufacturing nations. If the United
American cheek would lie still more slightest eff >rt to ascertain the facts. States bad been content to remain a
Ao advertising circular, prmt-d at purely agricultural nation, eendtiic
There is likely to lie some fun in th- T idixos office, giving full par­ our raw material to Europe and buy­
Colombian waters shortly, if it is true, ticulars of the bouds, nmuber of in­ ing from Europe finished g *o Is. E.i
as slated that the owne s of Ameri­ habitants, amount of taxable prop­ rope wonll hive done our work at
can vessels trading in that section of erty, resources, etc., of the city of home iustead of seuding her peopl
the world have instructed tlieir crews Ashland, the almost unanimous vote over here to do it in this country. It
to resist any ntteinpt at unwarranted upon the issue of bonis, aud other may be assume*! that tie* founding o
Be,zme. Perhaps thia course is, ou facte pertinent to the case, was manufactures in th« United S at**-
the whole, better thau that th« Uni­ mailed t<> the principal financial would nev*-r have attracted cajhtal if
ted States should t .ke the matter lu houses of the Unite I St itee from San the pr.xlii t o' such factories had lre*u
hand. If the Columbians run up Francisco to New Y -rk. and from exposed to free competition with hk
against two or three determined Maine to Loti'.-i ma. and a number of nroliiets from foreign countries h
AtnericaD crews, they may get a taste letters of inquiry were received in which the Americans hive rem-lred th­
of war which will cause them to re­ answer thereto. Among the E.isteru ing! eti state of p *rfeetion. It w is on­
flect that it would Ire anything but houses to whom this ciretil <r was ly by attaching ail artificial price t*
funny to engage in it as a regular mailed are the following, the ad­ foreign products that home product»
dresses of which happeue I to b - saved found a market, Mr. Gla*latooe at
business.—[ Citron icle.
by the City Treasurer because they gues that this policy was wrong. A
The Sau Francisco Examiner 3 en­ are all together on a slip as bidders a producer of raw m iterial th * Unite ’
terprise* took a Lmtuaue turn last upon St. Paul city water bouds, as States never would have gain»' I th
week, and is heartily commended. A reported in u paper of that, city from position in relation to other na'ious
man was 6een clinging almost miked which the slip was cut:
she now hel ls. Mr. Gallstone's ole
to a rock upar Point Bonita, outside
serration i.s a British statesman, hire
Kidder, I’ Jr Co., Boston.
Ban Francisco harbor. The boat of
led him to the conclusion fre*
W. A. Barnett. I> lyton, Qhio.
the life saving service, for some reason,
trade i.s good for Eugland aud he ap
Spitzer Jt Co., Toledo.
could not'be sent out, and the Ex­
pareully i Links it ought to b-> good fils
N. W. Harris ,t Co.. Chicago.
aminer chartered a tug aud seut two
for tire Unite I States. Mr. Blaine hat
F. H. Prince A Co., B >stou
reporters to the rescue. They saved
not only shown that Mr. Gia Istuiie'r
Coffin t Stanton, New York.
the man at the peril of their own lives,
and found that be the only sur­
that Mr. Gladstone has not ap-
vivor of a party of four fishermen whose
plied them generally to Ins owu conn
Adams, Blodgett A Co., Boston
boat was wrecked near the rock. The
try. After all that be sai I, it ap
editor of the Examiner, has presented
pears that he is for free trade oul*
Henry P. Upham, St. Paul.
a gold watch and 9200 each to Alleu
Brewster, Cobb A Estabrook, Bos­ wheu free trade is for the benefit* of
Kelley and H. R. Haxton. the two re
Englan I.
Farson, L »acb Jr Co.. Chicago,
There were altogether about 300
M unicipal Investment Co.,Chicago. California Avalanche Overwhelms semi
distinct epidenn.-s of influetizi iu
Schultz A Buckgalrer, New York.
Europe between 1.5II>, when the dis­
Fidelity Trust Co, Kansas City.
-.Sierra City, Lal., «iispateh, Jan. :i.|
ease was tirBt noted at Malta, and 1850.
Maurice Auerbach, St. Paul.
A fatal rm 1 destructive accident oc­
In 1729 the whole of Earop» suffered
There eould have been no more
severely. According to statistics pub­ effective advertisement th in this. curred here to-dav, wherelV- seven peo­
lished by the .Voroe Vremya the dts- The statement that the only bid Ire ple lost their lives, six woCien and on»
ease caused 9b8 deaths in London in Huies that of tire Batik of Ashland w is boy, ntnl four houses were almost en­
ono week. aud in Vienna 00,000 jrer- from another institution which has a tirely wre*k>» 1. itreln ling the Romm
sous were affected. It; 1737 and 1743 local agent here is contemptible in Catholic church. The snow .slide c >m-
there were flirt be- outbreaks, and the its attempt to utter a lie in the tn‘need at Sierra Bi'tes tjmre an i
deaths iu one week 111 Loudon amount­ guise of truth, for the Jarvis A Conk­ swept with terrific force, carrying
ed to 101». In 177.5 domestic animals lin Mortage A Trust Co., who sent < vervth'ng with it.
Soma mira'iilous es*-ipes from in­
were first attacked by it. In 1682 40.- the bil from Portland, did no’ get
000 fall ill of It in 8t. Petersburg 111 their information upon which it was stant *i r*’h •►••urre 1, but th • full an
twenty-four hours. Iu St. Petersburg ent from any agent h. re, if they had * xact narlicnl irs are »et unknown
•ininine is now served out daily to the an agent here at that time. Evervoire One Chinaman i* still ntvied. hu I :■
troops, mixed with vodka.
who makes any prett usion to ordi­ littL* girl.
Willing hands cam» promptly t<
A cablegram of Jan. 3.1 says; The nary information iu financial matters the rewne an*l promptly g *’tn, „li •
arrest of the notorious nihilist leader,
from the fatal drift. Tn*? spark «
Pierre Gross, at W arsaw, has Ireen For a town of its size, of i:» di>lanoe life still r main d in two of th« bo-he­
productive of disclosures far more
li ¡’ remedies proved unavailing.
startling thau any of the alarming commercial centers, with the exist-
More sli'les are »xjrec’ol, nu*l th*
revelations which have come io the
glixim is d»»ep over :iia en’ire com
police within the list few- days, ap­ property valuation and the Gui ied munity.
palling as they have been. From let­ mil* bt'sinrss, the Bale is as good as
Mr«. Rich, two daughters au 1 son.
ters and documents found concealed has Ireen made within the past year are dead. Mis« Ryan, of D.ewnievdl»
in his clothing th« most damning ev­ idence given by the current financial anil the w fe of J. T. Mooney, with h*
idence is obtained against many per­
A copy of the Emaneiitl daughter. Mre.« E’liel Langt >n, areal
sons high 111 tire imperial taxor aud journals.
Mrtn., re­ s ?dea I. Pre latter w *r • oil an I re
autbon'y. contemplating not assassin­ ceived at the Minneapolis,
residents, having live! her*
contains spre»trel
ation of the czar alone, but murder of
for thirty y* ars.
the entire reigning family ire well.
quotations are made, as follows:
Already many conspirators have Ireen few
XX e T-ll V»i riilnly
S5,t)ik) Oberlin, Kan., 2'1-year water
tak. n luto custody, and those still at
’B Liver Regalator will rl
large are under espionage or being
o:'Dyspepsia. HeaJ.irae. C .nsilp.a
tracked by relentless police officials. debt. 83 ».•*►>. assessed vab.i ition 9215,- yon
tion and Billioosnere. It r',11 break uj
Several? implicated persons were ap­ t)Oi. Price par aud interest.
89,890 Wall ice county, Kan.. 3) chills and fever a-13 prevent their re
prehended while attempting to leave
year funding 6's. senn-annusl in New torn, and is a co up'et« s itiJo*» for ,a'
the couutry.
malaria! poison—v.*t entirely free fr *n
York, bonded debt, ill-Sjit, assessed
and c ' >msl. Trv it. and v.
valuation, 81.1J<,00(1 Price 101 and wiP. b* aston relied a- the g red result» rd
9 ou H jbi Li ver Regulator,
water bonds .
'Unkville Star Jan. 3.]
Uncle Billy R >berts, of Dairy, hue
sold to a California man nil his cattle
except a few milch cows.
The r<x>f of Mr. Simpson's barn,
near Nay lox. cavrei in this week,
dumping its load of snow, timbers
and sbmgles upon the hay-mow.
It is reported that Jesse D. Carr
lately bought a band of cattle at 86
a head.
Henry Duncan, of Latigell valley,
says cuttle are plenty and hay scarce
iu his eecliou. Why dou’t people
learn to rui-e more buy aud giaui aud
fewer cattle'?
Burn- In Lmkville, Dec. 27:h, to
Mr. hu J Mrs. Ciias. Barneburg, a
Iu Southern Oregon. Also,
We srel
THE Davis Sewing Machine,
The l*e**t sewing maehiue made Call aad
see It Bud bu couvlnced.
1-1. JUDGE,
---- FOR-
Saddle and Harness
: Yreka Journal. Juu *
Tile Sisson jh*.-*t*-I’icv was roblred
*iu the night of the 31st lilt., S3!» be­
ing taken from the safe. No clew has
yet been discovered to the thieves.
There is considerable mush ice
floating down Klamath river, more
than ever liefore known for only two
or three nights of zero weather. The
river is generally too swift for ordi­
nary cold weather to form any ice in
that stream.
Weather items: On Monday even­
ing the snow storm ceasi-il, followed
by clear and colder weather, the mer­
cury r» aching 7 above zero nt 9
o'eltiek, 8 iielow after mi.inight, and
marked z*r*> tins Tuesday uioruiug
nt 7 o'clock. 1 tie snow iu all the
valleys is about five or six inches deep
at pi*.-.*ut. At Callahans the snow is,
u-arly a foil d**ep, ami ou Scott
mountain there is pro!*.lily fifleoi*
i.*<*t of suoiv. li. trinity Valley there
is about ti'.** feet, .in i nliiut. ten feet
on tiie sum nil <*f 1’ mountain.
Ou the Humbug. Deaiiwired aud
Greenhorn mountains, the slow is
■ver three feet deep, mid on Bill’s
mountain east of Little Sh stn. th<
snow is five feet lire p. Ou Siskiyou
mountain then* is iilmtH tour or five
feet, and ab*»ill the same or more m
the Mount Shasta section, while the
S l*ic*n r ing** is covered with ulxiut
leu to tlftre u feet, with more snow
fulling every day.
This w inter, so far, is like 1855 fi.
when a heavier snow storm occurred ,
on Christmas <L*y, followed by re­
peated snow storms, until there was
more enow iu t he mouut iiiis ami val-
l»*y« than we have y**’ knowu hi Sis­
kiyou. During th,it Winter tire sleigh­
ing cmitiuued g*>o*l iu Yreka uulll
about April, ami the weather was ex­
tremely red I, freezing up streams by
th*.* steady cold weather, the mercury
on one occasion reaching 10 below*
Z *ro. Some three y* ars ugo w.* Imd
the coldest winter kuowti to the white
settlors, tmt tin re w is not tnueli
snow, tlie beavi<*.-t suow winters be­
ing unlder on the aierrge, as snow
does not fall when the weather lu
ire*ziug col*!.
Carr) the largcit an ) best »elected
stock of
on hand a ful!
supply of everythin;«' in above
line, w hicli « ill be «obi nt price*
low Mean be often.d anywhere.
will be made to give entire
»iMli^ÍMl IÍOH
Repairing Neatly Done
m I
low rfttc«, and all work done promptly
19 4M
ancl .1 J< )vs*
CJlol li in<>-
Having eine of the best skylight«’.» Or­
egon, and km.iriiKi h<nr to tine it,
í «It XllVSTKI*’ <«(«*1> WORK.
O rk « ion .
Myer's -llock.«sx«t «nie Main.street
Muslin, Sheeting and Canton Flannel
.......... ---------------------------------------------- —
Carpets, Window Shades and Lace Curtains
Get your Blankets and Quilts while they are down in price and
the weather is cold.
His Work Speaks
for Itself.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that con­
tain Mercury,
a« merenry will surely destroy the sense
of smell and co cpietely iler.mge the
whole svst*-iu when entering it through
the mucous surlaces. Such articles
should never be med except oil prescrip­
tions from reputable physician *, as the
damage they wi I do re t.-u to'.d to the
good you can possibly derive from them,
ilall's Calairh Cure, manufactured by
F. I. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, O., cni-
tnins no mercury, nnd is tnken inter­
nally. mid act« directly upon the blood
and mucous suri.ioi*s of the system In
having 1 tail’s Catarrh Cure be sure you
i i*t t!ie * « ’mine. It is taken internally,
uni made iu Toledo, Ohio, F. 1. Cheney
,v Go.
b«** Sold by Druggists, price 75c., per
All for what it would cost you for the work of trimming.
Opposite Odd Fellow'» Ilall,
A fine stock of Dress Goods all at reduced prices.
Fresh Bread and Pies Daily. t
Choice Cakes of every variety kept cun
«tfibtly on hand
Order* for parties promptly executed aud
special prices given
Ali kinds of ornamental work neatly duue
Wedding Cakes a specialty.
Au Accident in Mott.
The roof of (lie Skating Rmk caved
iu last Thursday morning by tire
weight of snow. J. O. Welsh mid W.
G. Tanner bad just got through cele­
brating Ciiristinis when the aeeiileul
occurred, and tlio two armed them­
selves with shovel« and started to re­
lieve th« roof of its linnlnu. They
commenced at the I* ittoin and shoveled
up -they had seen carpenters work
that way when putting on shingles.
Well, when tlrey got half way up th**
roof, b-itli of them stauding lieneatb.
an avalauclie of snow, four f**et <ieep,
broke loos«, and came tearing <iown
over Welsh ami Tanner, knocking
great chunks out of tire atmosphere,
it a rate co tipared to which a Sun
■Iu iii avalanche was a suow il ike. it
finally settI«*d to rest on th** groiiud
alioilt 2:> feet b«*low, and idl !»*■*■ . ne
calm once mor«. I’he little birds '
ctiirp**d in tire trees overhead, ami the
broo ling mob of cate plodded on.
S*> b* one | a*-*iiig by saw what they
« ippiK I to b * a snow shed hanging
over ill** beautiful (mow, ami l*>ck ot
bl u-k I* *ir protruding near by. He
called for ..s-retanee. mid strong men
w.*n* m tifnlly to work, and extracted
wti it turn*«1 out to lie M s«rs. Welsh
mi l Tanner, sum *vh it disfigured. If
it li i hi t (*•■• <i i list Welsh’s lo>t an*i
L'antier s hair were s icking out they
□-ver would have be * i found. [North
lll<1isi'**n»alil«* to the Toilet.
D rliy« Prophylactic Fluid cures ciiaf
ini’, eruptions mid infimuniation of u I
kinds; cures iuil imrei or .«ore eyes; re­
lieves pains fr i ii Incesor stnus **f m-
« * .-> and s ire feei; d* -troy.« all t.iint f
.* -rspiration or offensive sm *11 from the
ieet or any part of the body, cleanses
ind whitens the skin Used as a
dentifrice, it purifies the breath; pre­
serves the teeth mid cures toothache; *
sore gums Hiid canker.
Bread Delivered Daily at
Your Door.
lead blllh must he settled •' ery month
Ashland, Oregon.
Proprietor ’ir. >r -ir
£ J » - J U Jl JL n- j
li Every Line
Geo. E. Smith, aged 16, wlule catch-
mg for D-unis M •t'.irtliy in a ba»e-
**.l garoe at San Francisco tbe otlier
lay, was aeeideutnily »ruck on tbe
iieud Willi a bat mid kill* d.
v ir .v ìr -ir ir -ir ir.sir jr ir
II. Jl. JL Ji. Jk.* JL Jt J». Jt j L'
j u
TO ì 11
I \ [iLII
j'. j
a 3C J
I LO, 1 '
vYll at Oasli Pricers at the store of
A Valuable Tonic.
I have used Swift's Spec.fie (S. S. S.)
with go >d resu ts. As a tonic, it is vnli.- 1
ab. ; as a bl*> *d pur fier, it ts reli ib.e.
Kt*v. J. U. J efi euson ,
XX instou, .?. C.
The Favorite ’
Medicine for Throat and I.nng Dlffi*
eulties has lung been, aud sti'.l is. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. It cures Croup,
»X’huopiug Cough, Bronchitis, aud
Asthma; soothes irritation of the
Larynx amt Fauces ; strengthens the
Vocal Organs; allays soreness of the .
Lungs; prevents Consumption, ami,
even in advanced stages of that «lis« ase,
relieves Coughing ami indu* es Sleep.
There is no otlier preparation for dis­
eases of tin* throat and lungs to be com­
pared with this remedy.
*' My wife l*a*l a distressing cough,
with paiire in th** side ami breast. We
tried various nietli* in**s, but none did
her any good until I got a bottle of
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, w liii li lias cured
lier. A neiglil'or. Mrs. Glenn, had the
measles, mid the cough was relieved by
the use «*f Ayer’s Clierry I’ei-toial I
have no hesitatiuu in rre.-unnm ndiug tbls
Cough Medicine
to every one afflict***! '- R*.l>ert Horton,
Foreman Headlight. Morrillton, Ark.
" I have been afflicted with asthma
for forty years Last spring I was taken
with a tic-lent cough, which threatened
to terminate my days E> ery one pro-
nmmced me in consumption I deter­
mined to try Ayer s < berry Pectoral.
Its effects were magi* al. I was immedi­
ately relievrel ami nintinu* *1 io improve
until entirely recovered. "—Joel Bullard,
Guilford, Conn.
" Six months ago I han a severe hem­
orrhage of tiie lungs, brough) on by an
fucessant cough which deprived ine of
sleep ami rest. I tried larious reme­
dies. but obtained no relief until I be­
gan to take Aver s Cherry P«*<*toral. A
few* bottles of this medicine cured me.”
Mr« E. Coburn, 1'9 Second st., Lowell,
•' For children afflicted with colds,
c *ngl*s, sore throat, or croup. I do not
kv**w of nuy remedy which will give
n ore s|*ecih relief tLan Ayer’s Clierry
I *etoral 1 hat e found ir. also, ini alu-
a ile in cases «.f Whooping Cough.” —
Ann Lovejoy, 1257 Washington street,
t aston. Mass.
$ 3.50 e ach
Men’s Overcoats for
Men's Overcoats, grey, for
5.00. <<
Men’s Overcoats, handsome blue
10.00 u
Men’s Overcoats, brown
8.00 <<
Men’s Overcoats, brown dress
12.00 <<
Men’s Overcoats, fine chinchilla
10.00 it
Men’s Overcoats, good
8.00 ii
Men’s Overcoats, brown, “
10.00 it
Boy Overcoats
4.50 <4
2.00 <4
Men’s Heavy Odd Vest
3.50 • 4
Men’s Suits
5.00 44
Men’s Suits
Men’s Suits
Men’s Suits
Men’s Suits
12.00 44
15 1 Ml U
Men’s Suits
20.00 44
Men’s Suits, tine dress
1.75 it
Men's Lined Duck ('oats
Men’s Lined Duck Ulsters
1.25 44
Men's Lined Duck Vests
W e are offering all goods in our line at
The Lowest Prices Cash Can Procure
And will only be pleased to show you through the
Y ours T ruly ,
Ayer’s Cheny Pectoral,
f'r. J. C. Aver A Co., Lowell, Mass,
tiold by aU PniMiata. Prx« $1, au boUUa,
Men’s Shoes from
I 8
Men’s Boots from ,
Men’s Rubber Boots from
Men’s Working Gloves from
Men’s Grey Underwear from
Men’s Fine White Underwear
Men’s Fine Wool Striped U’wear
Men’s Overshirts, from
Men’s Wool O’shirts, navy blue
Men’s Fine White Shirts
Men’sCottonade Pants
Men's Dress Pants
Men’s Hats
Bov Hats
Boy Underwear, from
Men’s Fancy Scarfs, from
Men's Nobby Mufflers, from
Men’s Silk Handkerchief, from
Men’s Rubber ('lothing at
Men's Oil (.’lothing
Ashlancl, Or.
Clothier & Hatter.