Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, January 10, 1890, Image 1

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    P Fuller
Box 2341
âÊdilor mid Publisher.
Termi ot Sutucription:
‘ ,
* recimr«>r*
Southern Pacific Company's Line.
Q * ,1 Ì
riR*r jrt-i< 1 o.
Tine between Ashland and San Francisco,
L. R Webster.
t’irrul* Judge
W. M
DiMrtct Ait*»rnek
Fv»r Jaukavu. Ju*epbine, I akt* u id k'ama h
couu. it.»».
<'a1lf«»rtil* F.xpre»« 1 i-.-iln» Itxin tlalty
J 14.K9U* I OUNTY.
A. r. Stanley
J T. Koadi rh
' Represeutative>
R A. Miller
W H I’.av
County Jiul’i».»
J. IL Nell.
Wiliiam Rev
• Coinini-isinnerx
C. W. Fa.Ur
County Clc; k
Mat M dice
She i i o
J. G. Bi d-ev
R II M m .’ i «
-e “or
J. M Ch I bier*
School Sup«riuiendeui
H H 5.iieheti
J. H. H<>wa.d.
Dr K rryco
JossrHtMB cot Sir.
Joint Senator. W St. Clair; Kcpre-entative.
C. >. H«».va d; County Ju»i4». V. L’oltit,
Cumnib'i>)iie.*s J- Hauseth and F. Ha-t-cn:
Cktk, C. K. Cha wd^, aheuu. M-
TrfWdirer, J A, Jenning-v; A««»*<fMr, I’. C.
Ream. School Superiu.endent. W. A. Ma-i»’;
S.irvevor, W N. Sajoder»; Corvnbr, Dr.
i. TOOLS, H.’
F ine C utlept . G un ' s
A mmunition ,
Ar 10 45 A. N
«o r m
S: Io r a.
7 <•-« r M.
Local Pas'gr Train Daily <Except Sunday)
J MW A M i 1
12:W »• N i
. 1 •
t,r .-
FROM $225 TO $1000
Through Tickets to all points
South aud East
A. U. i’AlMiUJi.
— VI A -
One Acre—lots 15 and IG. Mver’s add. $225.0».
One Acre—lots 17 and 18,
Nearly one Acre near town
* •
W Acres of good fruit land near Ashland;
§80 per acre.
J. T. Bowiitch,
Morris M. Sarknesä,
A.H. CARSON & SON, Prop’s.
-------- Consisting of-------
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Who is now pr< pared to offer th*1 public Grape A’ine, Currant«, Gooselierriis«,
Blncklierries, Raspberries,
latter accommodations than ever before
Strawlierries. Figs,
itfordcd in Southern Oregon in the liv­
ery businPKR.
Etc.. Etc.
Our tre««raire grown without irrigation
on lied lull luntl. and all of known va-
Horses Boarded and Fed.
ri> ties that siiccre«» in Southern Oregon.
At rens-«nuble nites.
I ln»e contemplating tree pluming
will do wi ll to vivit our orchard andnur
New Ribl handsome turnout*. leliah!? •w-ry. or » rite us for pi ice list.
Postollice —Murphv. Josephine county
tnd nafe buggy t •atns. and good saddle
horst-H aiwnj’H to be had at these stables. '»regou. It. K. station, Graiit's Pas»
Apply to
Six niiien South of Hrant'* Puss, J«.«-.
phine county, Oregon.
WUl pre- tire It ell court, of the 8t»t«.
Coll«eu<ju. pruuipily mate aU'i reunited
For full ina.rinatlou regar«ling
«nu:-». He. sppiy to coinpsiiy > ageut at Aih
A»»t (l. F. A l'aes Agent.
The old stables on Mair. Rttret near APPLE. PEAR. PEACH.
th* bridge, and the new stables on Oak
street, are now under the proprietorship
and management of
Attorney «nd Counsellor at Law
Will Buy anil Sell horses
' Office near Postoffioe. )
G baxt ' s P ass , O keu « j . n '.
Cí^-O:rice In Ahl! Building, Front street.
pl 11.30
Hobaxt A. Miller,
Attorney - nt - I ,:tw
Will preeti« e in »11 the courts
ul the Slate.
f^-OFFK E »Ith W. H I’u lie’, oppo’ite
«.ourl lliui-e. J ack’oli ville, or.
different styles and differ­
ent kinds of Stores
Dr. J. S. B&xscn.
J \ 5-7?
Dr. S. T. Sonja
. HeafÌUg aad
The World’s ceGt’ ’’’^iffactured under
Qc’uiwuc«ijr/’5” trade
11 iB
Gari.tgjx'¡^PenSÌ?9’ bat c»2 b,.
orti ill st r«-videnee on Main »tr.-ot
rtovr io f-resbyti-rian church.
The majority of the ills of the human
body arise from.a diseased Liver. Sim­
mons Liver Regulator has been the rn»»anw
of restoring more people to health and
happiness by giving them a healthy
Liver than any other agency vn earth
A» nlani >, Oaauoji
Png', ONE L?1T m
Complete JKt of Abstracts of Titlas fo lauds
!a Jaek*ou county.
Tiile« •»xamiuetl. Titles perfected
ords correcUal, c:e
H ' «.» sh*»« l>ivÍMi«»n
Austin S. H&axxoni,
ATTORNEY AT LAW G. Good Farm near town. Cheap.
A shlaüh ,
■Sm; ¿ a .
T k-;'U Et» T.' KX P h FMM TR
Th*» H. I* fo.’i Frirv hmlus c«>nncct‘.nn
with h H ihv r* gubtr tn.ins on The i.asl Si»i»
Div. from ftH»l oí r • -, l’vi'tl-ìu»!.
a traicruv vtacr»ara
»» uu T l F ìs »»M ilt Mgptlriag.
»o* »(.VKacraaxflnM -e r»r.>*nï <.T.iss ,
Ar > 3.45 I’. M
Ar. , ! J 1: 35 a M
•M*» r M.
The Supreme Court of Oregon uiffet* u» sa
lem. regular terup» coinmeiii-;-’g
itc ti;-t
Mviida » in M h <U o :u‘»e
Tba Circui Court foe the Fi **t T die al
• -
Sats in April. S« yu .'i l>'*» • nH" r In
K¡ai.iain couu'> uu -.euoti<i '•¡«•¡■de in J'liu*
aud nr1-! Monday in S«»»rm"«»
n Lak»
Couniv on I he third M.»nda> iu Ma« h « h 1 toe
»C( >nd Mraiida iu Ocivbcf. Iu Josephine
County ou tint M<»nda - iu Ma eh and Au­
For Jackson county the County. l*n>ia:.»
and Cumuli-doner«’ courts :n»'» t ex » m y
month, comlueuciug with the tir»r Motida .
f.»r J »Miphiue ••«*»iut>, the tir-t M >nda in
Jauuary, July and Scpiember; for
lake county, e*ery alternate m.»:i;h. c« in
m<»u<*iiik the tint Men la. in Jamia . ; for county, the lint Wednesday iu
Ma.uh. June, September a id No'cribe
l.\ FtirUuiid.
Lv. Albany,
Ar. Eugihe,
Joint Sena' >r. ,C. A. < ••«. . eil. of Lak?:
Re: re ent a «. a. S. I*. Mo««, «d I a\e Cunu* _>
Jacge, W. S. M.'- . Cvftnii
W. » .
C.a «* ford a> <i L. ><. K» ei ; Ciei A I.. !.»•» •
ill; Sheri t, M. 1». {‘hildc«; T • a-«i <• ,<•’ a
Ga ve«; Aveoor, John nii * l ; »< h«>vl .-?uve'-
luieudeiit, I* F.juii’Miii: m
. J B Grif-
Sth; Coroner. J. eiameu».
MKI cousn
Joint Senator C A. C »<<**11. of I al*
Rap-etuu a.he.^.r. M.i»-: luuu’v.'«.
A. Wil-bire:
larnited.»»»? «, it L. Su- luek
and William Bagi«», Lleik, W. I H«.\d
Sue.i.T, Wibiahi Caeli: Trea u ••'. A. M'’* r.l
lea. bchool s»u«.e .a:ea Icnr, A H E *h«.- .
A »sc ivor, J. E. Mi'Douougb; eh.ik lu-p-xtor,
D K. Jones.
*'•" tk.t
n«*c. In 0'1-1 Fellow» building. ««'Cmd
gnoi, on Main rtrcei.
Bf. W. ¿tAZvHCld,
A T Kyle xv,»nld respectfully announce
U» the pe«»|>.’e of 1-hlHiu! and surtuimdiug
eonitiry that he ha - had the sTabies back of
rh«- \.»v-li\ bl. « k *i\cd up in rtr>t < !»<>s Mylc I
f»»r the livery bu>inv", an«l ha<> a fine lot of
bugtrie». < nrnajit x, etc., and the bust learn*.
i have '•egtired among my stock h fine ('»ib-
r;«»'et — the fht»**t rii? in the citv—vhichl
«lilkcfo for »he tw of iadie>
make ruil*. T» rm«: 50u»*ni!» j«er hour each
(*»»• I wo t>r tn ne hi ii»*«
Lx«* M" .i ■ u)i. Office in Nforlty
o”k, oppoMip the Oregon.
H iu
Business !
All the lea-line -«rietle« of fruit
shade, ornarnentHl. nut and
evergreen trees,
•nd for catalogue and pri»'e lHt to
«1. II. Setik'iicr. Wuuiiburii. Hr.
Fl» ttouM Rtinoiin«'«»
In his o'«l »-a»»«f the p’lbh«
m 'I v . i ! ih ; b« »- :< '.tin in th»« U'inshT ■
••®v h !!'1 »•■ pi■ -p><re«i *.’> ait« i»<i i»> «til
¡1« j roiupt 1> al
E. P. G-eiry, M. D.
Ofllee lu Hamlin » Block R<-«!4cn--c ->n <
11- -W
H. C. Myer,
Ashland, Oregon
H»« l«x«l> <1 in A.ntsnS Or.
; .«■■
tier ol h." pruft»»l«»ii. M«k.-» all «-i.r-i». <
<:»r.o‘.-". .iii-h »« Khem iti---> l.ilm i
Fit»-. Kidney >11«-«»»» l.iv- ; 1 *mpl*ni'-
Female i'lsea*-» Ac., a -per i,«.i> «<«u»u*-
Orti. '» n< xt door to Arlii.gtou It «t<- n -»r
the depot.
i UM*
!’«i» -ritfors t»» fiu.i fr«»u • neb lni!n
2-1 il
W B. GRUBB, Proprietor.
Dr. J- B. JTowmin,
Mrs. ?. M. Webster, ΫL D.
We have removed onr Nur«erh.‘»> to Mod-
f«ud. uhen'w«' have Euuured nuu ground,
thv k.i'i of u bD-b jsa sandy kani. ennbhot-r
U'« without irrigation tn grow health}, ihrif
tv tr«*»«w with an ab’in tiuucof Hbr«»u«i lateral
roots without ¡i«-Hvy tnp routs, to be rut
awas in digging. Weuffvi
Stage leu.-s Ashland ev« rv Monday
Leave« Linkviile every Prune,
Thursdiy morning
Route viaSodn ^prinp«. Shake and Leno.
5.000 Peach.
Ashland G> Lihkville.
-f»» 00
“ Ken«»,
5 00
Elictlon I'ontesU.
Expr iisnre through to LiukvUle, ?«’ to
TI ht * ure se.ciiteen contested elec­
Grapes, tion cases before the House Committee
per p»>nnd.
\nda go«»<1 fissortin^nt of all the leading on Elections. These are:
varieties of Fruits.
Smith vs. Jackson. West Virginia.
McGinnis vs. Anderson, West Vir-
Atkinson vs. Pendleton. Wert Vir­
Featherston vs. Cat«'. Arkansas.
Nurseries at East End of Bridge,
Mmhl vs. Compton. Maryland.
I ir,24
Threet vs. Clarke, Alabama.
« .
... — i i.■
Posey vs. Parrott, Imiiana.
Bow>m vs. Bm-hamm. Virginia.
Waddell vs. Wise, Virginia.
Eatou vs. Phelan. Tenuessee.
McDuffie vs. 'J iirpm, Alabama.
Chalmers vs. Morgan, Alabama,
l.augson vs. Venable, Virginia.
Miller vs. Elliott, Sonth Carolina.
Tho Undersigned will enrry paaeen-
Bill vs. Catchings, Mississippi.
•_’cr< in th«» n»-w bus betv. cvn th’’ duDOt and
KTnagban vs. Hooker, Mississippi.
îhf ir h mo« in anv tar*. < f town fc»* the r« z-
will a ’«‘nd promutlv to all
Goolrich vs. Bullock, Florida.
.»•»I»»' * for « ari yinq « » oph* :•» and from Í all*
The cases will be beard in the order
(«r «'hnrehes in ti:<? uveuiiig. ! • av<» orders
arranged, the first oue on the 7th of
nf Ashland Holt».
n 22
January. Three contests may not be
important, bth they may at least b«'
hailed ns evidence of a determination
on the part of a long-silent element in
the South to lie heard, aud are a break
\ ¡••»»-Pre»»
in the monotony of the regular r««-
ttirnsfrom that section.—(Oregonian.
10,000 Apples.
Trees as Low as any First Class Nursery.
Ofl., for <he prvMOi at the Cól«- rational
Er. J. H. Hall,
Passenger Transfer.
N U' Year-» in Hospital F ’. A A.A
Main Street, AshlanJ, Or.
J. i*.
D. >9
W1!) pr»ci'«.'e » is ; ri«fe*3Ì<«n «4 Dentiatr)
— AT —
ArtllLSNl«, OUE«H»X.
Oil*» a -residence.
A. C. Calàwoll,
Summer Dress Goods,
Mechanical and Operative Dentist.
Nitrous (Ixi.le O¡«» for
the |> uii'.eH-i «-»tracciou of te«-th.
Ollie«- ove* the Bank.— ’ ,‘,~
< 'lotltinsf Oireet i'ronitiio l«2n»>t.
The Bank of Ashland
All at Prices that DH'Y COMPilTH 10X.
J. S. Howard,
Notary Fublic and Conveyancer
Ill kind« nf r«»nl
»it hu«hv«* sivrn*
fid nUvidioii awl Infor«!.ati«»u furni»hu«l
M»i»cvrnhm property in Elie new town
C W. Boot,
gff S'irreyin« of »11 kin !« p: nr-t’y st
tea led t.> « h«m-< .va- n e *-J -’■ r
reel mi i ci.«-»r*:<e<l. O 4< -f- rv- rkiu
alt par:» of th» v-uuuly promptly «.icuUert
with G F r-illinrv
U -l
I£. li.. Uridin num,
I* preparo»! nt ail timen to ><•!’ ' . «• c .•
bouaeuoii goo h. or oth* proper of
any kind ir. A*blnv'l, or '< •]* « huíd ! to
call* to <o A>i\'!VHKKE IS Til ri
Leng «perlon** is the * .sin^a enable* toe
to guarantee Mtn«:* uun.
AV4.TIQ5 lì* A*¡i¡ a SD evert Sir’ bo k y for
•«I« of wtock.
▲•UlaBd. Or.
Giaiari 3 Orc^ostra
Hay Rakes,
Of At»hL*n*l. O-mgoi*. late of i’ni
now ) r» pnrtd to i ’rni*Ti the L« «1 of
niimit'for ptibiic or prr. at»» Partie!». Bails,
Pictm *. d.i . al any p nut on the c»ai»
All tin nt '» popular digs :« iw played by
hi* OrchvMr...
Having cm’«loy« «1 n
number of ni i-
*i- ;.4ns. we ar • nl ’» i«» ftirnL'h any nun«b«T
of bands. \nv lnMcumri.t or a ualbT f«ir-
ilished !•» «•!h‘-r batnl« ,
o( ’» t «« nv n'ail
>r k’-egrapn pH. Iptij •« :!♦•!! :v»i io Yer«»»«
tlaaya r «.
! ■'•< At.dr» s
l?-la Prof, (»aiiMrd.
Wm. A. Grow.
House, siu.ii and Decorative
Ashland. Or.
Suecial Attention to Graining
and raper-Hc-nging.
-vLE AVF.ORDU it- a 5m!th± DvGze a
Furniluia ttare
Caution t«» Mother*
T ht» Ynnle ¿ <»»lro
r«i4 * crAwiny of H
I« now rnnninr »n-t all c-ifere for »»«h,
«l- e-» etc , or far Itnish»«! lumber or for aUti
wi..-» «>( *' r kind «»¡¡1 rccsire prompt ■ ten­
tion. »• loweo p.-P'e»
A«*i(weeot w. m Gilroy.
j Paid Up Capital, $100,000.00
For Sale at LowcstJLates at
Dr>e< a General Banking Business.
A bigger of tinware thau ever at.
'<»1.veder" ie«4c si t.l «eceKh'r pu.r I« -a
favorabla tenu.
- «¡t.' V st■<> «i-! ’ ’,-«isr.;.t tre: «er»
i'e. 'J - cd. is >. f »a.!»co«..: Nev <«-rk.
CUllru Or j bPltcto'i Caitorlt
r<Wr( p «s» lsi««ÿAi oí »tandurd priera.
A Good Cough Syrup.
t here is nothing parents should b*
careful about aa selecting a cough syrup.
Beggs' Cherry Cough Svrnp costs no
more than the cheap anil inferior lies
trunis thnrwn on the market. The best
is none too gixsl. be sure and get Beggs'
Cherry Cough Syrup. We keep it <>n
hand at Hit times. Cbitwo-Hl Bros .
The Union Pscifl«'.
President A'l-nns, of the Uui«»n Pa-
citic iu an interview wid: “The Short
Line is now through its trails and ex-
periin«-uta] stag«», and enters on a
field of great promise. It will not
move rapidly in -the way of new con­
st ructnm.» The Union Pacific does
not prof***, just at present, to try to
cover the earth. The entire Union
Pacific system will only build UK»
miles additional road next year, 45
miles on the Oregon Short Line sys­
tem to Pioche, wlu-re th* line will rest
for th* present, thirty-five mil«« to
connect th«' Ciieyetitie and Northern
with the Elkhorn div:a:on for the
Chicago ami Northwestern system,
and twenty mil«« to make some con­
nections in Kansas. All the stones
now current aa to the plans of exten­
sion and purchases of the Union Pa­
cific on th* Pacific Sl«if>e are nl*o!ute-
ly without basis of any description.
Every mother isceutioiied Against giv­
ing her child laudanum or paregoric: it
creates a a unnatural craving for stimu­
lants which kills the mind of the child.
Acker’s Babv Soother is specially pre­
pared to ben« fit children and cure their
paii.«. It is harmless and contains no
opium or morphine. Sold by Chitwood
A dì all tajs of
11 21
The lews Hinny Man Brecrilsw the
Seven Ace*.
Mau born of woman is of few days
12.576 and uo ttielh. and indeed it would be
7.865 money in bis |>oek<«t soiiieliines if be
1,377 had less ot either. As for bis teeth he
bad. convulsions when he cut them,
Value of land........................... SI. 152,698 and as the last one comes through, lol
222.441 ’.he dentist is twisting the first one
Town lofa..................................
632 322 out, and the last «-ml of that mini’s
313,959 jaw is worse than the first, being full
M«lse and implements.........
of porcelain and u roof-plate built to
Money, notes, ac’ls and
470,04« hold blackberry M-ede. Sipue bruise«
sha res of stock... ......
line his pathway to nuftibood; his
Furniture, jewelry, carriag­
9-1.207 fal her Isixes Ins ears Hl borne, the big
es, etc......................................
U>2,218 boys cuff him in the piaygroun«! and
Value of homes and mutes
16,755 the tcuchei «»hips Inin iu the school­
Value of alieep and goats..
19,758 room. Ho buyetli Northwestern at
Valuaof swine................
3.235.347 110. when he hath sold short at 9ii,
Grow value..................
686,971 and bis neighbor unloadeth upon
271,768 him Lion Mountain at *53 tl, and it
straightway bieaketli down to 52*4.
tax equalized by
County bourti.............
2,254,537 Herixeth early and alttetb up lute
that it« may fill in«* Isirua and store­
Jaeksou wiutity «mbrnces the upper
houses. uni Io! bis ehii.iren’* lawyers
vi.ll-y of the R igne rivoi ami is pre­
divide the sisals among themselves
eminently a hill «h.iintiy. Sub tropical
and say: Ha! ha! lie grwwleth and is
fruits, vegetal k-s umlccieals grow lux­
sore <b«*trcH**ed la-cause 11 raiueth, and
uriantly in the well-water«! valfaya,
he l.' Ate'h u | h > ii Ins br««ust and auy eth.
au«l the bard fruit ami beiries <«t a
eoi.trr ctiroe (bri** upon th«» hills mid My c«op j* i.,ut! laiut iti not.
im-utibiin i-idt*. Nbu.iiig the rich soli I’ll«« IsK- rains biignt liis wheat umi'
an.! a climate similar to that of Jose- tin- Ireal bliellt bis (n ucats. If it Lie
pliiue county, it ia equally prolific io eo tnut th* eiiu shtia'lh, even among
luscious peacbea and gnqMo ami pro­ thr, nineties, be sayelii, W'oe is me, for
duce« i«|)|il«H of a flavor that m simply 1 perish! ami if tn* uorliiweat win 1
unsiit preyed.
Th» lim«*t lamb and slid,-th «lown in forty-two la-low, he
mutton is pr.idmed on the natural crietb, Would 1 W«*rv d«*ad! It be
grass grown in the woods, ai.d the weirs saekeioth uu i blue j«u, men
poultry, eggs, milk, butler ami honey t- iy. Li«.- is a tramp, ..nd if he goelli
raised in-re ate ell that could lie d« - forth sha.'»li alid «'lad in purple ami
rire.i. Imh-od, the glowtb in [><>pula- line lin« a, uli the people cry, Shoot the
li««u and eulrivated land« Las, for 18H9, dude! H" «‘urryetb insnrau's» for 25
l>een enormous throughout Jackson y«-ara, rntil ho hath p.u 1 tiirioe over
eouuty. A f«.-w yean« ago hoiiustebds for all ilia, uiul tbeu he l«*!t«,h
and farms ami orchards wi re few ami Ins (H'licy lapse one day, and that
far between. Now the clearing of same night fire destruyetu bis store.
lands, the plauliug of orebuids and Hel.inldelb him a house in J.-rsev,
building of comfortable bouses go on ami las first-born ia devonred by mos-
every where and not a town m the qnitoes, he pitcuelh L>is touts iu N«-w
county but is growing atid prospering. York.aud tramps devour ins substance.
He inoveth to Kansas, and u cyclone
carrve:h his house away over into
Though not the capifal is the largest Missouri, while a prairie tire aud 111.
town iu the county. It reminds th? ilikMMJii acres of gi.issli.-pi era fight fur
stranger of one of those Tuscan towns his crop. H* Hettlelh In ms. if in Ken­
which ar* pict'iretwiueiy l<x'at««-l in th* tucky, aud 1“ shot. Hu- next .lay by a
ravines of the Apennines. South ami g«-nt l,-i.i..u, a «xtlouel and a slattemau.
east is >« range <«f delightfully woode«! iax’aiiH»«, salt, he icseinbk*. sth, a mau,
hill«, ami north and w««st is another aah, he *h«l not like, sali. \ enly, t here
range leas picturesque but equally is uo reel for the sole of his feet, ami
lofty. 'I’ll* Southern I’.-a-itic rail «nd if I»- bad to <i<> it over again lie would
Aeblaml from the «oiitii, not la« layrti at id), for the day of
through a niviue which the R«,gu* death is better than the duy of • »110*6
river must have carved for itself in th* birth. (Ptnhuielphia Times.
course of agea. It then wimia i.loog
th«« valley to th* northwest, «hsappe >r-
C»nse t«i be Cynical
iUg through u uarrow gorge. Ashland
wou.ler that many veteran
1«« th* distributing poiut tor the fruit
of the Htirroumling country. From it n«-wsp:i|H«r men become cyiiitjal. Their
peaches ami apples nr«« shipped to experieiic«» Ims mad* them familiar
I’ortlaml ami San Frntieiaeo, and it with the shady side of human nature.
telle well for Ashland peaches when They know that long ami faithful
they fetch a higher prioe iu the San servuw of the public counts for little
Francisco market tliau the native against th* breath of slauder, ami that
grown Californian peach.
ludetid, imlividuals often Ia-frieud««! or assisted
l«each-growiug has becomo 6<> profita­ to honors and office Income enemies
ble that the planting of peach-trees and detractors npou slight prov.Mtation
amounts almost to a craze. An old or no reason at all. They have learutxi
settler tol«i the O/«</o»ii«n correepomi- that ’.U f reformer and tlie thinker wiu
ent that uutil seven years ago the less pffpiilar favor thau the demagogue
farmers used to produce only as much and the trickster, and that tin- tickle
as would k«*-p body ami soul togetimr. public likes lielter to l»e tlattereil ami
Now they can easily make over $490 amuse«! than to lie siiowu its faults
an acre from peaches, and tuat with ami the path to progress. However,
the supply the «k’nuimi has gone on the true jouruahst chics little for
He likes bis
increasing. In ot the im- these ct.tiHideratioua.
l«etU8 given to trade by the new era <•! work, and finds Ins chief pleasure in
prosjieritv Hint is ofiemug up tor the it to ins own satisfaction. He
farmers, Aalihiml is boonnug at an ab­ makes n<> prof*8*1«m®, asserts no claim
normally rapid' rate. It has nearly to recognition, appreciation or rewind,
doubled ill Hi* past two year. A fine but goes about his business with se­
brick hotel was erected at a cost of rene indifference«, to the ingratitude,
$25,000; a beauti(ill opera b<ms«> built malice, jealously an«l meatmesa that
•if brick is just beiug completed, and la»aet his path. Sensitive souls should
...... of ^conducting
________ London
bad ­
a news
iu udditiou Ashland car boast o! the shun the task
Horace Greelev, despite hi«
finest water supply mid the fiut-sl elec­ paper. r
tric light system of any t«>wu in ttie genius and devotion to his ebosen pur­
state. The power for its electric sys­ suit. was made unhappy by his bitter
tem is derive«! from water, as is also experiences, as his chapter on “Re­
tlie power us«-d in its woolen and lum­ forms and Reformers” sadly reveals,
ber inbls. Ashlaud's business lions-b lie was a great fight« r, but hi« too teti-
are mostly substau'iiuly built of brick <l«-r heart wws vulnerable to every nt-
and stone, aud itv pnvate houses would t ick by Ins i-heini**. [ \! «rysville Ap­
«io ere«lil to metropolitan cities. Its peal.
villa resiliences, pereb«««l on the slo|«es
Hint* on !i«-altli.
of th«» uioutitmu ami surrounded by
Never go to Ixsl with col J or «lump
fimt am] lli.wer guldens, present a
charming vista, ami iu summer time fc-1.
are fanned by delightful bre«.-zw, wbil<>
Never li-aii with your l«.,ek against
the folks in the valley below are swel­ anything that is cold.
tering in the sun. 'I wo new cliurein-s
Never bt'gin a journey until the
have also Iw-en envied within the past
breakfa-t lias been eat«>n.
N< vi r omit regular bathing, for ur­
lees I he -km is iu active condition lile
Is the cuiiuty .-> nt of J.>cksoi> county cold will close the pores and favor
nml lim; a population i f ii I miii ! 1«> bi . Congestion aud other dis« uses.
It is live mile«, from Mc*ifor>l en i
After exereiseof any kind never ride
about the sau.e diril.-itiee from O-Llrul
in an ««¡e-n carriage or m ar the window
Point, th«« iicHri-st railway atntiotir. Lu
of a car for a moment; it is dangerous
coliSK|Uence of uo ilirrcf. nulroou coiu-
to health, or even life.
muuicHtlou 1! baa b-eu piuc«sJ at a
When hoarse speak as little as pos­
great «iieativanbige. ami in cousequent-
ly not pushing forward with tie- rap: I- sible until the hoarseness lias disap­
ity of other towns in the county. It pear« d, else the voice may 1» perma­
is, howi’ver, keepiugitaowu .nui boasts nently lost or difficulties of th«’ throat
the fined ni Oregon. lii«l« cd, is- prodnetd.
When going from n warm atmos­
a very g«xxl «xmuois-eiir told me that
he prOerosl Jacks«>uvilie win* to the phere into a cooler one ke««p the mouth
liniist produced in Chlifonil i. an I a» cioseil, so the air may lie uarimsi
the in«lnstiy is constantly growing, in its passage through th«- no«e ere it
others must think ao t.«i.
reaches tli-> lungs.
M rely warm the bach by tlic tire
Is the scc«m<l town in Jackson county au«l never continue k'-e. ing the biu k
in «'tilerpno' ami popuiaiion. It ap­ expos«-«! to the beat after it lias lav-
pears to have nin-legreat.-retrid«*«lur­ come comfortably warm. T->do other­
ing the past season than those to lie wise is debililatiug.
Keep the back. «’sp«'ciaUy between
crisliltsi to Aehlaii.l, an«l the uihu I kt
of stores, residences iiml solid business th* shoulder blades, well <overe«t; also
blocks that have just lieeii limit prove the chest well protis-ted. Ill sleeping
that Medford is alive to the great in a cold room establish the habit of
cliai ces that ar«« in store for the wide­ breathing through the none, aud uever
with the <>i»en mouth.
awake towns of Sontlieni Oregon.
O. 31
I New Yearn Oregonian.
gkssïLJAjsrr), or?E.a
’em» ». er .
G« m v nor
s.-.-.'C'an ef s a
¿ » <• T ea-ui
Satedu:-.-..-icir tu • j«*i<
MU t Fliut
It. 4. tfuacar.
J ud<V3
Whnam r. L ».«1
> , V* . . • a
Arr«« of improved hind....
Number of cattle....................
Number of ah»«ep and gouts
Number of awiue ... .........
Number of polls ..................
5u<.c$s$or$ te G C. CDDifi?'...
‘ .»usrressni »n
•ail ol AJ^rtiung:
tn to
. 1 M
gag Printtaq
Of all deacripnon* done on »b«rrt no
tioe. Legal Blanks, Circular«, Bum
uses Card* Billhead*, Letterhead«. Post
ter«, etc., gotten up in good style at
living price«.
Women have had full suffrage in
Wyottiiug for twenty years, and the
fifmple have incorporate«! th'it feature
into their state constitution by a ma­
jority of 8 to 1.
Work has closed for the wvason at
the Alvnrau «, Col., eiig.u-ls et factory.
The yield in engar ir a l««'ii large nod
the 8e.'<s<.n'u mu for the factory has
lieen highly «atùfsctocy.
Sins the Savani/A iw’Y: 1’ is said
thnt Ihe an«-* is ci rtiiinly twenty f«<«t
deep on th«« Spiaw valley snmrniL
Cooley A- C ■. x-e doing idl they can to
open the rpgdi«« Fall river valley, but
from thé great depth of t-tiow it aeetn*
Mrs. Mary Bruner, of Ruhling, Pa., an Hercule. 11 tn«-k. Tiie mails lire
lielieved to lie the oldest pOTMMl in “knocked ali abroad."
Eastern Pennsylvania, <li«*<! Dec. 26'h
Portlan«!. Ian. 2. Samuel Tillmau.
last, ag«-d 102 year«. Hhe bail 125
an Eugli«bman, 17 cf age, famil­
iarly ki.own ;.i “l.itlle Sam,” ws«
Th* fleeteat ocean steamers do not fourni lying in th- sii«>w n- ar the Un­
run in iui«lwinter, when oc«*an travel ia ion Pacific <1« p-'t !l:n morning. Í’ ia
light. The reason is that it takes 340 l<elieie<! that Iu- hm! be«m vrxudering
tons of coal a day to maintain the about under the iotiaence of liquor
speed of an ocean racer.
! and b: >i fro» u t«> d<-.itiu
Mra. Robert Tyler, wife of the aon
of ex-l’reeiiletit Tyler, died List week
at Montgomery, Alabama. She pre-
Ful«*«i at th* White Houaeduring Presi­
dent Tyler’« term.
President Harrison am! the laic
Jeffereon Davia were from th* Him«
slock. The president's gfen’-grnn-l-
fatber was a brother of Mr. Davis's
great-gniiidniotlier.—|H. F. Alta.
The Oikhind Times esvs there are
region» <u t'ahioitii i ¡.nd Arizona aa
perfectly ndspt««d t«> coffee growing na
Mocha. Arabia. Soil, climate and all
. <\»nspire t<«gt-t«ier favorably, if all ac­
count« of the oonntriee where it is
grown are isirn-ct. Much of Arizonu
and California are aluioat identical
aitb the dry, li«>t, atony bill lauds of
Arabia, wliere r«>ff<xi is indigenous.
Washington, Jan. 2. T. A. Jom-a,
of Maryland, an emoloy«-e in the navy
yuv«J I«—re, l«r(e been <lm,4-nrg««i for
complicity in the escape of Booth
after he asaassinatwt President Lin­
coln. Jones acknowledged his ««.in-
The Goh! Beach Gazelle says: A
s.-.t U.rtle utigiubg 8-'1 ¡ mvihm I s was
capture<| on the l^a-h near th« L j AU*
The following«-<l wise men of
ranch by Dr. C>*.(««r and George S.
«>ur country, vix: EriiHtne IL Winan, Harns last week/ ’Three hundred eggs
the bead of the It. G. Dunn Com­
mercial agency, Alex. Orr of the Pro- v.i re found in the animal. It ia the
iluee Exchmige, Jaixib D. V«-nui'ye, first turtle ever fourni on the Curry
Better have let her
President of the Merchant’s National county «coot,
Batik, and Jay Gouhl all predict h alone and she wonl«l have xtar'o«i u
settlement, no doubt. She wus an
prosperous year.
. immigrant or n miasionary.
The smoke Dnisan««* in Chicago h?a
It is not generally known that R r I i .-
gradually made iife a burden to many.
The same is true of Cincicuali. But ton Cox. the (air’ slbs teal estate deal­
Chicago now turns with joyful Lope er. is a nephew of the la!» “Suneel”
of relief to the uatural gas Welle of (Y«x of New York, but such is the case,
Indiana. In half a year, if ell go«* (»wing to liis loose habits be was sent
well, the people in the great town by out to th«« ‘wild uud wooly W«>»4t,’’ in
th* Ink* will l«e warming their Lous«* order not to disgrace his family. Alt­
with natural gas, brought iu pipes er a rather checkered career in C«>rva)
iis, he braisai up, mam« -I a good wom­
from a field 139 mil«*» away.
an. was start«<d ill bu*i:i»s«, aud to-day
Iziml.m, Jan. 3. - A private cipbc^ is considered one of the tx-st and
dispatch from Mfiscow says that two- bright«*! busmen men of Bentou
hnndrisl and eight ¡«ersons hn<! just county.—(Oregon Blade.
l. 'ft there under a strong escort for
Spiking of the snow, the Mott Star
Siberia. Many of them «rare called
<»f last week says: On the plattsiu
for life and nearly all for long terms.
upon which the town of Mott stands,
They were in a wretched condition,
there is now q depth of about four feel
having lieen long in lixial prisons.
on a level, and lieing near the railroad
Their clothes were in rags and th*ir
track, it is quite an interesting s ght
I km I k 'S emaciated. There were the
to nt<- the huge snow plows, driven by
usual burrowing ecsnes at the parting
several powerful engines, clear the
from families.
track ami throw the snow some dis-
In Minu«*uita a new law is iu «opera­ tane: on either lide. In order to k««ep
tion which provid«« that any person the track dear no great depth «»f snow
found guilty the third time of «lrurik- is aliofled to accumulate, and w hen
euiieaH shall lie imprisoned for thirty th* d -ptb "f « «•otiple of f««et h is fallen
days in jail, with no alternative in the plows are eel to work to clear it off.
way of fine. Since th* law went into
The editor of the Wall.« Walla Uu-
effect there has been a marked de­
iou says that «me of the proprietor of
crease in the number of drunkeu men
the Oregonian told him ÿiat that pa­
seen on the streets. If the law were
per VM worth STfifldW. Ami v-t the
um< nd«-d so as to make it applicable
«Fior denies that the Oregonian is
to the first offence, the number would
rich, and says that the proprietors
still further decrease.-*!Ex.
work very hard for their daily bread.
They have changed places. Iu the Well, the same may be said of Jay
Fiftieth (Democratic) Congress tl)H Gould and a score of other million­
South held 33 chairmanships of tlir aires, ami yet they ate considered nch
most important committtws an«! all by n great majority of the people of
the western states 12. in the Fifty- the Unilt-d Slut««. It would be liiter-
first Congress (Republican) the West < ««etitig to know what constitutes nch«*
lias 3(1 chairmanships aud the South 3. tn the opmion of the Oregonian.—
During th* Fiftieth Congress but one | (Blade.
chairmanship was giveu to the East­
Seattle, Jan. 4. This morning Su­
ern Slat"«. In the Fifty-first the East perior Judge Liti'kenlx-rg rendered
has 7. It is a notorious fact that the two most important decisions. Qne
Southern majority controlled all ¡he was the cose of Dearborn et aL against
important Lgislatiou of the last Con­ O’Bnent et si., involving the title to
one hundred ami sixty nerve of tide
lauds fronting on the city, and the
a holocaust ou New
Year’s day. The boy’s section of the mine of which rir.-s into millions of
The plaiut'ffs claimed riparian
pauper's school in
the district of ■
Forest Gel*, in conn«clien w-th the right to the projierly bnl the courts
White Chapel aud Popular unions, doeided against them. The other
took fire iu the night time, while th* case was that of Hill acaiubt By water,
inmates were asleep, aud 26 boys in involving city realty valued at fully
the upper stories were enffoeated; 58 half a million dollars. The decision
were safely rescind; two matrons made 111 the case was giveu in favor of pl.uu-
their <- schi >* by sliding down the wa'«-r- tiff.
pipea. Several l«oys mad® th ir es-
Alb.’iuy. J.i 1.2. A list noising shoot­
t'ap«' in the same manner. The aup- ing hci ale it ixvii're-i yestcidsy, lUToaa
r< peattkily
rushed in th«'iiv. r. in Bi ntun county. A patty
through tue flames and resciit-d in- of young men were engaged iu a shoot­
m. -«t««s. There were 6M) intnates in the ing match. Ol'o Stone, sou of H. M.
Stoue, the wi'll-ku ,wu l.rnfge builder,
Whoever wrote this got ti e whole hud fired at a target, which »«« placed
truth down to a tnitsh -ll: "If you upon au old wagon. He then went
lune a little farm or business, and are around la-biml th«« wag-m to note the
oil! of d« l«t, «lon’t fret or work your­ eft« i t of ins shot. George Tharp, who
self ;.n«l y««ur good wife iut«> th* grave was next to shoo’, «lid no' observe
for th«- sake of making money. You Stoiu«'s w!>« renUiuis, ami fired at the
have hut one life to live, and that is target with ’ns rifle. The ball pa«-»-««!
very brief at best. Take a little pleas­ through the target Is«,ml and struck
ure and comfort as you go along, day young .Sion* in th* breast, killing him
Tharp and Stone were
by day. and try and do a little go«.»! instantly.
toothers. A moil ml, insatiate d«'sir<‘ cousins, and the former is almost
to possess the earth, to grab cvi ry- crazed over Ins cart leneii«*«.
Th* heavy snow storms in vari<«i«s
thing in sight, ia at the foundation of
mor«« misery tban almost any ««'her one aect ions of our county un i iu South­
thing. Wealth alone will never k«*‘p ern Oregou. will I»- severe ou slock.
your memory gi«*n after you are goue In Butte t.'re*k Valley, tho snow la
still alsiut 8 or Hi inches deep and
a gixxl life aud kind actions will.“
uuhKw a change occurs soon to un­
Washington, Jan. 2. Dr Vaulcte. cover th«« ranges, hay or i««e-i will give
Brazilian minister here, was shown to­ out. In Klamath and Leake couutme.
night by a reporter, u statement from Or, anil in M im I oc c-jiui'y. 011 our
Brazilian newspapers charging tls* eastern tmrder, coimiilenible f««ediiig is
new government of B nzil with < mu -
The cattle and
fiscating the pr«q«ert) and j w.-ls of raisers expect to get through safe
Dorn Pedro. After reading it, be said:
enough. I«y «Iriving mimais ou: of the
“There is not a word of truth in it.
' -leepe.' t snow, hut th-« sh«-ep men are
aud 1 wish you would contradict it. likely to I ««a- heavily, hs it is almost
The property and jewels were tak« n in>|>oKsib1e to g.-t the sli.ep over th««
charge of by th«* new goverment for dividing ridges luto tile lower valleys.
the sole use of Dom I'edro anil family.
; The prospects indicate that thousands
'They have l«een pla«x«.i in th* hand of
of sh«<ep are likely to periah in the
a trust«« to hold, ami Doin P«-dro cau ' Lakeview and >«<K»se Lake sections of
have them any time by «tending for Southern Oregon, and along I m «!b «sides
them." Continuing, hen i«i that these ‘ <«f the Oregou lin-« al northeastern cor­
re|«orts were sent out to discredit the ner of this State. (Journal.
new government, that Dom P«xlro was 1
a very wealthy mau, nud that non* > j San Fancisco, Jan 3.—The an-
of his property has been tnk*n from i preme court to-day affirme., the judg-
him. His annuity, however,«.«*etop|»*d I ment <.f the court below, and deuied ■
on neconnt of his being implics- new l rial in th* celebrate«! <«ase ot Mrs.
t«*«l in n conspiracy against the new » Colton against Leland Stanford ct al.,
for accounting, winch has lieen pend-
Some of the newspaper® have Iwau , ing in the «'onrts for al »out six years,
ami which was decided iu favor of the
remarking that Oct. 12, 1892. would lx*
the great day of the Worhi's fair in ! defendant by Judge Temple, of Sono-
America, beennee that will be the four . ma. The suit grew out of relations
hundredth anniversary of the very day of Davi-i Colton w i ll L-lau'i Stanford.
on which Columbus sighted our conti­ Charles Crock*r and C. 1’. Huntington,
nent. A corresp«»udeut of The Phila­ in connection with a number of rail­
delphia Ledger calls attention to the road euterpiis<«s on the Pacific coast.
fact that thia woolil uot lx* correct. Oilton die«! in Oetolier, 1878, and a
According to the Juliau calendar, oi l sett!ein««ul of all hie inter«*'« in these
style, th* 12th would be the right date. «•nterpris s w..s ma.le with his widow,
But the Julian calendar counted 11 (4 who lately suspected that frami bad
uiiuiit«* to) much in a year. Iu a I been us. <1 in «-tf.-cting the settlement
century this amounted to tbre*-«]u:ir- with her, and brought suit for a reces­
ters of a day. The Julian method of sion of settlement and for a new ac­
re«'koning time wax adopted 4li B. C. counting, with the result previously
At the discovery of America the «late* stat«-d.
Consuniptlvn Surely Cured.
T oth « E vitob .—Please inform vonr
rwidera that I have a positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
timely use thousands ot h'lpeless can««
have« been permanently cured. I shall
he glad to ser.d two liottles of my reme­
dy FREE to any of your readers who
have consumption if they will send rue
A Wonderful Hant.
their express and post office addr«--B.
A plant having wonderful magnetic
properties has Ix-en discoverer! in the 4 . A. SLOCUM. M. C„ r»l Pearl st. N. Y
forests of Indi». The baud which
A Valuable Hcrw Sold.
breaks a leaf from it immediately re­
Lexington (Ky.) January 2.]
ceives a sharp shock. At a distance
of twenty feet a magnetic Deedle is
Th«' great trotting sire Wilton. by
affected by it. and it will be qmte de­ George Wilkee.dam Alli-, by Kysdick’s
ranged if brought near. Th«- energy H «mbletoni iu, jointly ownstl hereto­
of this singular mflnrnee v.-ri« s with fore by W C. France and Bowerman
the hour of the «lav. All powerful Brothers, was sold yesterday to the
alHint 2 o'cha k in th* aft« rnoon, it is latter. The price is private, but it is
absolutely anntillol daring th* night. said to be the largtxt for winch a stal­
At tiinee of siorm its int« t aity aug­ lion has ever beeu sold in America.
ments to striking proportions. None
of lb* magnetic ores are found near
What a Fortune?
it, showing that the magnetic force b«-
healthy, pearly «kin.
skin. Few
1 rugs concliMiv«'ly to the plant
are aware of the short time it takes for
a di-»rdere«i liver to cauw- blotches on
1. IJ fc Worth Living?
the face, and a dark, greasy «kin. Ona
Not -f yon co ihr-«agli th* world adv« Ivottleof liegg*' B!« sk 1 Purifier and Blood
peptic. Àcker'» Dyspepsia lablets are Maker will restore '.his organ to ita n«t-
..... for
. . the
._. »»ml
_____ form»
_____ _ of oral ami health» state, and clean*- the
« p-h*«i,e core
dyupepsÍA i ir.J: '.«v; n. flatulency and blood of "II impurities. It is meeting
»-uderful «ucce»«.
We guárante*
sold bv with wudeifnl
costi pa u -n
Chitwood Bros
ev*ry I boule
' Chitwood
J Bro»., DruggieU.
One square. r»t lAernor
Each Additi) nd j^sertiou
Uns copy, one year........
'* six mouths...
“ ihre« mouths
Cwb Kates, six «»plus tor........
I .«rms in advance.
were 9?4 days behind. In course of
time thi^i would knock Christmas,
Tbanksgivtpg aud even Fourth of July 1
all out of kelter.
The calendar was ten days bebin«l
at the tim* of Pop«* Gregory. In 1582
he r«-ctlfiol it by simply a«iding out of
his supreme authority ten days to th«-
calendar, making Dec. 15 l>cc. 25
Whatever popes said went in those I
days, and all th* countries of Christen­
dom gradually adopted the Gregorian
or correct calendar, except the Greek
church countries, Russia and Greece.
These still reckon lime by the Julian
method, aud are now conseqnently
twelve days beliind the true time.
All other inqxirtant dates and birth­
days have Ixx-n cL>ang»»d to suit the
new style. This must be also. The
true Columbus «lay is Oct. 21.
Advlee to Mother,.
Mr«. Wmalow't Soothing Syrnp, fo
children teething, i< the precription o
one of the be«t female nnrs«*a and phy
sicians in th« United States, and naa
been used for forty years with never
failing ancc'-s« by millions of mothers
for thiir children. During the mxmsm
of teething its v«loe i« incalculable. It
relieve* the child from pain, cores dva-
en'.'-rv and d arrh-pa, griping in the
Ijowi-ia. nnd wind-colic. By giving health
to the child it rests the mother. Price
25e a hottie.
The RepnliHeen Majority io the Hoove ef
K«pn-»eri tallies.
Washington, Ik-xtember 30. -Clerk
McPherson has received information
of the serious illness of Congressman
John B M-ffitt of th* Twenty-first
district of New I ork, and that he will
lie unable to resume hi* sent at the
openiug of the Honae. A h Cheadle of
Indiana is disgruntled and threaten­
ing to kick the party traces tn retail®
tion for bis alleged mistreatment by
Si>eaker Rew), who be imusls ignored
him in the inakft-up of the committees,
the lllr.rM of Moffitt may b'come a
seri-niH party misfortnue. Cheadle's
disaffection b-av"«i the Republicans
with brt’ one sure w.jnrity.
Perhaps the reader« of the Trnncos
would like to know in wlmt respect
Clinmlierlam's G«>n*b Hemedy is better
than any ether. We will tel) you. When
thia Bemedv i* taken ax directed, as
soon ax a cold ha« tx-en coutraeted, and
before it has become «ettl*d in the sys­
tem, it will counteract the «-fleet of (be
00,d an«l greatly |ess*n its severity, if
not eff«**t’jally cure the *»ld. in two- ays
time and it is the only remedy that will
do this. It acts in perfect barraonv
with nature «nd a'.d« nature in reb« v«ng
the lung«, opening the «.ecretions, liq .
What I« It?
fving the mucus and causing its expul­
That produces that be Ttifitlly soft
sion from tbe air cell* of the lung* and con . lexion and leaves neither traces of
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