■K._,. 3 V ’s w ■i A ASHLAND TIDINGS. BREVITIES The “Last Loaf.” Friday. December 21, li'H Jan. 221, look out. Lieut. C. W. Ayers, inspecting offi­ cer of Co. D. will inspect the com­ pany at the barnuks Haturday ov«n- mg. Dec. 2K(b. HERE AM) THERE Kliding has h militia c<»mpany PERSONAL. L. D. Fuller baa returned from Seattle. « A Corone-r'ii Impiewt J.H.Martin, wh'isej wife left him some month« ugo, has lieen for eome time asking n coroner'« inquest upon the death of their bsbe, which died hi April 1HM8 at tbe nge of «liont six months, alleging that lie liehevee! tbe child bad lieen given gl«M or some »abat«noe that caiiHeii its dentil. Tbe matter whs finally put id such »b»pe that tbe coroner ordered an inquest, ami came Up yesterday to hold it. The balie was exlmtneii by H. 8. Emery, and aa autopsy w is iu.ede >*y DiH'tor» Newman aud Parson, who in their evi­ dence stalled that they were linable to find any trace of any abnormal condi­ tion of th« stomach or bowels—care­ fully washed the contents of th« ab­ dominal ami thoracic cavities and found no trace of any deleterious sub et nice of any kiml The jury « nipim- * led were eorii|M4»ed ot solid citizens, Messi». J. M. M -Call, D R. Mills, 1’. Dunn, G. C. E i lings, F. Riper end IL M. Garrett, ami af'«*r examining tbeattending physician of lhe child, Dr. Songer, tbe informing witneess, J H. Martin, the* physiciaus who made the iiutopHV, they rendered tbe follow­ ing verdict: State of Oregou / Count v of Jackson, i MI. We, the nml'Tsigue 1 juror», eurn- tii«>ue«i by Dr. IL Pryce, Coroner o! the eouuty piU'l »tat« aforesaid, at the city omiucil room, Ashland, Oregou, to impure mlo the death of John Martin, ui.Hig been «Inly «worn a«'cordmg lo law. Hud having made such iuqniei- lion, ami after lhe testimony adduced, upon our oath each and all do »ay that we find the Jee*ea»ed wasj uaniesl John Maitin, was a native of Ashland, Or., aged 6 mouth»; that lie came to his death from natural cause» at Ashland, Jackson eouuty, Or., ou tbe 3«1 ,day of April, 1888. Snob a verdict, from a jury of such citizens, entirely disposes of any unea­ siness tbe family might have felt over any credence lieiug given to rumors which malice or a disordered imagina­ tion may have attempted to put iu cir­ culation. I Weekly Weather Report. Following is the record of weather observations, for Ashland, made by F. >1. Carter, observer for the Oregon Stale Weather Bureau, for die week ending Wednesday, Dex". 25, 1889: Money to Ixsui. We will make loans in sums of $5(X) aud upward on approve*! real estate security on one, two or three years time at 10 j>er ceut interest. No com­ mission oharged. R aws or Auuujnx M in T’in« snow has !» w » d three feet deep I. N. Shook ami family are ill Ash­ Horace Root has Hold the old Kilter Save your money for the "Last place on Ashland creek, out Gn.uite at S ih - sou , Cal. land again, for the winter. L A srhiMil nnvtin.' for Ashland dis­ ploy 11people. of its cures or read of Its merits, that you will 25 43 26 .00 place east of Be*ar cree k. or of H. C. Vle.r Klam.itU river to spend Christina» in Mr. Z nil has already sold 2’> of his trict has lie n called for 2 o’clock P. M. take Hood*« Rar«a|>arilla, do not be induced Hill in Ashland. [2t>-lm. The Pan Ameri'ian ¿«legate» are un­ Ashland. Total Pr«< ipitfttion ,te Washing muchiues lu Ashland. uext Tnesday, D-v. 31st, at tti« south to buy aomethiuir el»e which may be claimed certain again whether they can \ im I M« an 33 4 .1 Jin Sh«K)k, of Alkali valley, in stop- school Lou.-«, to vole upon a proposi ­ Notice to the Public. to be “about the same“ or “just a« good.’* Ranchers are beginning to “fork the Pacific C MiaU plug in Ashland this w«*ek, en route tion lo levy a lax (or the needs of the To all w hom it tmy Ci»nc«rn: Notice out' considerable Lay to their range Remember that the sole reason for efforts to SISKIYOU COUNTY, CAL. schools. Wesley Field», n pioneer of Waits­ home from Portland. is hereby given that L W. M Davie, cattle. get you to pur<-ba»« antne »ui*tltute is that burg. \\ r., wan gored io death by a (which is the name I have giv*-u more profit may be made. Firmly resist all 'Yreka Journal. Iler g.>.; T W. Barclay returned home last A caveiu a tunnel this sale of Red­ Have« you seen tho»e* tine white bull one day last week. from my step-fat her) will do busings week from San Frauetsco, where b«* Oscar Ballou, the Massachn-ietts inducements, and Insist upon having just ding was holding yesterday evening's bi iu» s ,ti the Ashland Woolen Mills li«ncvforth iiütler my iriw u.itu**, W. hors«* thief jailed by Sheriff M..xley what you called for, Rood's Sarsaparilla. tionh-boniid i ram at that place, and Houston hd <1 J.«*kson have rented ii.nl been lor HeVeral uioutbs. X M. Crawford. W. M. C rawfoki ». a I lOllt n week ago. was lilt tied loos, Then you will not be experimenting with a lip to lime of I 1 DINGS going to ph !-s, Johu O’Rrten’s diteti un i immug H imel Hammond, of low», i.ucle of Heuley, Cal, Dec. 22, 1^>J li^nj Eggb'stou snippeii another thvie was no gueKS at when the tram propnrty iu Sie iinboat precinct. again on Wednesday, wont having new article, for Hood's Sarsaparilla is b. Hammond, IS in AstdHed, aud Cara» Di ol ripplvr* to Suu FlullClaCO last would get through the tunnel. been received from Worcester Muss, Tried and True. may laeute. hi Southern Oregon. The E'.ruminer reported sleighing Ntelice. Holiday. admitting that Im was the man want­ “ In one store the clerk tried to Induce me Among th« citizens oonvpicnons in and tobogganing furnishing lot» ol ('inis. Gay, of Central Point, was <•□ ed. but owing io great distance they to buy their own instead of II< kx 1’ s Sarsapar­ I di 1 tina 25 i d tv of !>•• 18s 1 i ITI­ Fta’ues, monl liugs, chromo«, art»*o- their rect ipt of new Christmas gifts are sport out at Lakeview last week. Su <1 ) et.'iiiug’s iraiu. homeward did not wish to com« after him. Hi illa. But he could not prevail on me to poumi in the city of Ashl.imi.oue cl.,y- type« a fine hue at ÌK»llom prava ut Mayor Mills, who was pr*s«*nud with will probably exhibit Ins act of having change. I told him I kuew what Hi ig borne to 'Frtueei from tbe«Sound (dllCago friend. lhe atirutlaucv having iticrettHed. our M <■ t I k « list minister had only Mass. right shoulder. E i ' ulsk W alkad , County Treasurer AL wire h»9 rea­ R"V. T. P. B »y«l ami wife, of Colt.ig loaned lnm his home to go out to a The Phantom Party given at Gran­ City M irebal. J. M. Crt’Nffieer i« preparin*; to plant lized a haudsom« profit from an m- <>i 've, Line oouuty. are spending We Are All Taking It. ranch near town tn search of employ­ h Aft*» n-acrH orebar i ntotuly ¡«pple* ite Hall Christmas night was a sue u-.litH’iil iu Albn a red »slate mud* li lay w«-ek with Ashland le-alivte. ment, as be desired, tins geutleiuai. «•♦•ss. iieing largely attended by th« “ We could not be without Hood's Ha reaper A l »rU to lhe Bubiie. «>» hi» farm near Talent lbw lust .Spring, the Tmus s ivg . with several alias«*« would undoubted­ Hla. It is the best medicine we ever kept tn dancing ¡»eoplc of Ashland and ne gh- J. A. Haskin», of Uniontown, !•»« Table lLiek Or., lk-c. 21«l, 1H89. ly have sklppisl out. with another horse* the house. My family are all taklug It” Dr. Sranii*l4 ha* inovrd into one of lioring town-, who all report one of l he first ('hiip»:»k s ihn.»u of th« na ordered his T ihixoh sent to Ashland This 1» to eeitify tli-.l I Lave tine d ,j to ki*ep up his reputation in that line. Mas. J. M B akhkk , San Juaqainand Fremont I E M. Deauvall'H dwelling hoiis*8 on th« most ¡ileusant events ever held son was caught I «at Thursd-ty. H reioeved tbe «mount <>f uiy policy himb:.i liver. |r weighed .kl lbs , Btreeta, Stockton, Cal. llel e. Some seven or eight freight cars up­ my burn, which wae destroyed by tire Bracht r*Mth*n, wbicli was iiremed set in the mud ou the road via Wil­ Mr. and Mr». N. A. Jacobs returned suecfKsful efforts hi trying to make iu the State Iri-urauev S..lem Or. Th«» w«‘Htb<*r whet*! of tbe Pacific lows, are still lying I here, waitiug for Sold bydrurrlit, II: all for»«. Pr>*].«n-.l 1 he weather down iu the Willamette liome ia»t Sunday from tlieir Califor­ I The loeui being promptly paid witbiu roet^t at ema to have **wlip|»ed a cog,** it a pleasant social event. l he company's forces to got time from only by C. I. HOOD 4 CO., A|«ttie<«rip., has been very much like that in this nia .visit, utter belili' gutie about n See the “ Last Loaf. ” load repairing, to tackle them. These Lowell, Mua. twenty day» after loss was adjusted. 1 and “webtoot” is hx'-tled now down in valley dnntig the past w»s k lots ot '.uontb. A new stock of ,bird cages just re­ ¿be SatTiinenlo valley. freight cars evidently contain goods w.Hild free ly reeoniineud anyone insur­ ceived st Smith A Dodge’s. (Tiff Payue met with a painful acci- suow in the mount huh aud some in IOO Doses One Dollar .Vi. R. Moore. now employed with for Yreka merchants, as well as others, ing to take a policy lti tlieState Insur­ Geo. ¡i. B iyh y lont a pockH book deut on Wednesday of last week, the valley. painting cout racla at G rant’s Paw, as mercbau lise expected aluiut time of ant e Cei. T hus . C’ vkry . th* other day which lie would like to which will disable lnm for a tune. He Portland is to have a new $500,(11 Ml spent Christmas wit'a relative» in Ash­ aocident has not yet arrived. rv«*ov» r. Il eontams bill* and receipts wusat work at Reeser's store, building city ball. The city council baa ap land. < Liberal Lectursr-re. a u«w stairway to the cellar. wh«u a prupriatwHMdO'HOi) r<> buy a block ot Mr. Fred A. Johnson of f>wittle and of value only to him. Mi J. W. Phillip«, a Benton oonnty ladder he was standing on slipped and Mrs. Krekel, of K insas City, has Miss Mary E. Sleeper, of Yreka were ground for its site, near the old county teacher, arrived this week, to attend That homely man. B*nn. will have threw him to the cellar floor, a fall of been seen rod to give a eumple of lee married Dec. 17th, at the home of the courthouse. lb" normal school during tbe comiug tures in Ashland, the* elate being Suu- lots of fat turkeys. g<*«Mt».and chickens about eight feet. He fell upon his bride’s pureula. Will \V. Lanson aud term. Cbristmaa, ami is fool enough to part George Whiteaker, who haw a farm head and hands, an I had both wrists day. Jan. 5. at Granite hall, one lec­ Miss Carne Swau were married Dec. with them for cash. • sprained and received severe bruises on Brown ’ d island, in the Willenmtte John Shultz and daughter, of Oska ­ ture to be delivered iu the afternoon 23d at the home of the bride's parents alxHit the forehead and a cut on the h I m » v « Sah*in. sold his crop of potatoes loosa, la., uncle and cousin, of A. F. SUel the other lu the evening of that I j . F. WiIlitM ig clearing conenler No! that is a mistake; they have in Yreka. day. Mrs. Krekel comes w. 11 recom- able laud ou his piai** on Anderson side of the head. He is progressing I to a dealer the ol tier day for 60«Ml Shultz, are visiting the latter at Can- nut quit the business -Atkinson at An elderly woman traveling north­ bushel at 75 cts. a bushel. meu ie«i as a Lila-ral 1 e-tiirerof ability creek, near Talent, to plant out fruit toward» recovery, but is still nursing yi tn ville. the Woolen Mill Office or Carter at ward, has been collecting oousiderable his sprained wrists. and soil uo doubt have a good asseiu i rees during the present Heueon. John F. G ivuii », tbe timlier laud ex the Hauk will luaure your property in money on the cars aud at stations up­ R«v. 1. T>. Driver is traveling through biagw of pe*e*ple out to hear her. No Concerning the elocutionary con­ the state in th« interest of the estab- pert, will probably make Roseburg hi» the best and most reliable compani««, on the sy mpathy she arouses by her The ('hristniMH Eve. ball at Medford admisHioti fee cbarge*d. business beadqil»rU'ru during tbe com­ aud.atjthe loWeet rates. 24 stones of destitution and her ex­ was well attended, and a very pleaa- test at the Ashland State Normal liwhinent of a Protest »nt hospital in the Portland, th* cost of which is to Is* ■ ing season. Rotary Plow stip>*rsedeM Snow»iial elix'iitiouist. l’|x»n average- dict of not guilty. Traeklaying on the eastern exten ­ blood, but retards dipektion, which makes tes»t their rotary -t«aui enow plows. ' >f t he bride's p.irehtR, lion. S. Furry mg the marking of the judges, Mrs. sion of the Oregon Pacific was su»|»en- Walter Farnham, who 1» attending I. J. Phillips, vs. estate of John the stomach torpid, aud the circulation The result baa been so falisfaetory • u I wCe, in E leu precinct, Cbristmae Crocker, K-v. Mr. Vanlaseel, and L. d**il this week, til! the »now leaves. 'lie Meilical department of Willamette Nolaudet. al. suit to foreclose mortg­ sli’Xglah, and iu turn causes an enfeebled that it w stated the practice of repair­ Eve. L Burteushaw. it was found thst Miss Snow was 16 inches deep at th* front. I'uiviraity at Portland, arrived here age. Dismissed. action of the pores which « oup-st or become ing and kwping up ttie snow shedf Yo’i may go *brougb the town lint Dcvliu had received the highest nmn- Rock work will lx* carried on all win- Sunday to sp -nd the holidays at home. t>e carne«! pimply The modern theory therefore is not will probably l»e abnnead years spells of indigestion and dyspejwia aud following to the .Vetes last week: nieinls rs <>f thanobility from bls testi- J. W. flainnkar Esq., and Sheriff advisment. afternoon while all the family wi re Indian road Tuesday. »riod nearly everything Finally I took one He aaya the uiouy, is living ut Seattle, W. T. Childers, of Klamath county, were on In the matter of the assignment of ?f the leading sarsayiarillas It caused pim- away, and stole a suit of clothing ami -iitiw was about two feet deep on Dead "Front h recent Ctelifornia letter re- C'tveil by yonr pencil pneber, it ih several little articles. Monday morn­ Indian prairie. rhe Grant's Pass Courier wants 1 m*sday’s train, eu route for Liukville. J. H. Williams and A. A. Bashor, ,4es to break out ou my face, which I leiirned that h ounJter of familtee are the |s*op|w ,,f Josephine eouuty. Or., They had be«*n at Portland a» wit- Insolvent Debtors, Assignee dis­ wa* told was caused by the potash. Hearing ing be sold the clothes at the* secoud- charged, and bondsmen ex« «unrated. J. T. Briner has rome Kick from corttuiR’to Roque River tn the epring. aud Del Norte County, Cal . tee jo .f l a ii* -~' h iu tbe stage robliery case. haud store of Smith A Jeabo, m Ash hat Joy’s Vegetable Sanaparilla did not con- The writer «ays that he will leave no land, aud all hour or two later be Was Cole’s and has lease»! the placer mines big mass meeting, appoint .l.'l.-g.te- ain mineral. I aent for it The pimples dis­ A Saa Francisco correspondent of stone nntiirnc'l to brine this colony as arrested bv officer Smith lie* ir Clawson of M. H. Col »»mat , on Coleman creek, to a conference, and unite in pushing the* <> i iHiox reported last Friday The Winter and LhesUieli out Ea«t. appeared and I have La«! no return of the lie is eatistleil that this is a better as lie was fisiting it southward alouq west <»f Ptioefiix. He Will work the the* scheme for a ratlrewi lietwevi, list “C. H. Benedict, late clerk of The followiDK' weather and stock >M encl I« it it a cure for Indigestion and country for these |>eople than Califor­ Grant s Pass and Cn-s<*eut City the railroad tr.uk. Hr was brought to mines this winter. •m».( ..I . wa» in tbe city. items are gleaned from the Lakeview dyspepsia and the ar endant lace eruptions.*’ nia. He was here in October ami Ashland, ami on 1'nes.lay morning Ma*. < D - rvaRT. ’ '"»d. Oreg«>n, to lo- E.raniiner o! th« 19ih: Tbe homeliest man and the biggest •I. J. Dorn«, an old ree«4.e' had a hearing in Justice Berry's court f«»ol has seltleti in this town. He’ll li«>ke Ism.Is to auswei -* h !I von l>eef and pork; ho Hheep--if l>le hall oriqii aDy from Iowa, I’eiinsyl- street in that plaiw^ •»hi (Hit many places along the stage road !>«- before the next grand jury the charge you’b pl ink the «Lish right down. Doi viinin ami Illinois ami are pimhiug a poeil of water j ween Lakeview and Linkvill«. The ROItK men who lielieve t! at hard lalmr is of larceny from a dwelling. lu el* van Beuu, amt it? * snow whm 16 iutdics «jeep tu Goose honorable. Some hate hl* r d means l!<* hail I«»** fault of the bonds, he was lo«lged 111 Luke valley hear New Pine creek. the night Anyone wishing sewing of any kind l'bey will land at Me'dford and from the couu'y j til W.-dm sd.iv. m time for OO--------- Ou the desert the snow was reported death : the Christmas dmn r. Dial. Alt Cbl- • lone to order, pleas* call on Mrs. ttial point radiate to inchea deep a few daye ago, but vig earns up from I i -kso ivilla Tues­ lev 1 ham. Dn*seu»aking, tailoring, or the v.dley. A short descriptive let’er tling rapidly. At L->iig Valh y the Evidence opposite from your corres|s>nd>'Ut in Farm ami day in >raiug t*> repree-ui the st it«- in family sewing. v ih 25 lticbee rfty of the cnttle in this sec- formerly tg Medford, died yesterday Loai.” :o: I.? R—In AslEnnd. Chrlstms« morn­ v. ry jMHir ladore the storm, Mil The Ph«euix |>«>ple have a jolly en­ at 4 o’clock p. in., nt her botne in the ing. 1M9 to Mr. and Mr« G W H Mil er a son. t <»f short fall range, and tertaiumetit m store for them r ot the evtate of man buying aLox uaaTKe nt the home of the bride’s par« ft* ■baring the inm-h with the Li.lv who iroiiinl in.iiii.Ond thn.iigh the tbe town, I owih but Ibe end through the 1 by coyotes. Alexander Shearer, <1fre*s8d, will otter for Hit» hitter uan.ed pl;i. * Wedi»*» b.ilti <>f prepared tbe beix. Tbe money 1« to tirsi tirst solid seen i forf fog bath «.I the season eeueon carne uirne morning. Dee. lbtb. Mr. 11»»1* .rl’s herder lost himself *aie to lhe highest bidder on Saturday, the 25th day of January, go toward supplying the pnlilie- s«'h«H>l yeelerday. ¿st week, and waudered a joiirtiwlibt of recognized abil: » light to keep from free'Z- ls»u. ni 2 LM-loek, p. in . at the premise* in with globe«, map«, eharU »:>■! other Poritm ister Farlow, of the Ashland wi iter of exceptional keeunt***, Athlnnd. Orexoa. f'»r c«*h in hand, the tol o iud camp next day at ¡owing dtx thing» ne«*ded. Besi.le-s a «>»«1 supper, Rod ami Gun Club, lias receive«! and versatility of style, mi I the t • ’ribed real property belonging to •«aid «-Mate, to-wtf One bharv of Mock in there will lie choice music, good an ether tin« new »hotguu u »midi, paper literal art* of this pirt of u tlw U t -l Abhland l»itch and one bharp of irry ’s band of sheep on the «pees-hes. declamation«, etc. light om- i it«- "l.'.l e*pectnlly tor Stale IH the (»»iter f<»r Irs coming1* in the Weal A»b and Ditch No 2 Also » d« sert last week, deserted »lock The Pl.cenu whixd umler th« priwi quick luimllii'g, in '-h'Htuig qU.ell litui Southern Oregon. The bride is th* lhe fol!wing iers during the snow storm, Beginning at a point 1.2*» t hs *outh and B.7R palship of Prof. S. F. L» I is doing 1* good work, and tbe citizens tempt ot court w argued by Judge family in all part« of tlie county who thence weii 3.22 < h«t : thence north one-half degree we»t, 5.S0 ch»; thvncr vh M X.22 cbs. part of the defendant Jh. ’ ,.r afootdeepiD Butt« Creek val- of tbe neighborhood »honld turn out Hanna on th«* will join th* T iding « iu congratula­ the pla<-e of beginning, coniaining our m ! .Litige éy. and cattle men will be obhgwl to to ».«..««. Webster -- took — tions ami sincere beuisons upon tbe New Ye ir’» night ami lend the s<'l«»ils last Friday, auu and N7-100 acre» excepting a strip twenty commence feeling bay to a considera­ feel wide dedicated to the City of A«hland all the «ill possible in the pulronuge tbe matter umler advisement till Jan. happy union. SlVt* I • *** ble extent, unless the weather ¡con­ for street purposes in 1*** Also, beginning fitti next. of Ibis eut*rtaiumeut. a point 1.72 eh*. wewtoftheN. E comer M(X)RE ALBRIGHT. with U‘»vir tinue* warm with warm rain to melt at of the NW *4 of the S E ‘4 of Sec. •*». to ;W, Tbe report that a man had been the snow. Ou Ball's mountain, be­ S R 1 ea»t, " M. thence botilh one hall de­ Exhibition of School Work. Mr. Rolierl H^ M.iore, the treasurer It is n f • found ile.nl on the railroad track near c week tween Butte Creek ami Little Shasta gree east, 3.70 ch« thence wi’st 7 7»* ch» On Tuesday of this week there w; » Gregory one day last week seems to of Jacksou county, and Mita Mmu:e that Dr. 1. I. M i-* ' j«>d a few Valleys, the snow is about four feet thence north one half degree west, 3.d3ch» arranged for i he insp« ction of the pub­ bave lieen n fake. 1 be miiu was proba­ daughter of Mr. ami Mrs.il. W. Al­ drownesl 111 Pug«., east 7 77 chs tn the place of begin * tn charge of Jeep, or was last Sa'tirflay, and there thence nine, containing two and h7 100 acre*» ex lic in the* room »outb of the grocery bly “deni! drunk,” tor be walk'd off bright, all of Jacksonville, were unite I limitlUg e'X|*eelltl<>ll wu. met come iu this haw been more snow since. erptiug a strip fifty I’ve feet wide off weM in mtirnag»» at tbe bom* of the bride ’ s aud Louts Cox, resi i — i at I*!" — 11 Store in tlie Fri.l. y building an «xhiln down tbe road liefore he was fouu«l eud dedicated to the City of Ashland fur . > intern! to diapose of parents Wednesday evening. Dec. 18th. this conut v. nearly 31 years ago tioti «J the regular bi-nu'blhly exi nn- lb«« Beconil tune. Hr street purpose» in ins»* The Orchard Ptwta. The bride anti groom are liotb esti­ Hiiliseq’ieutly removed to Washington their ranch ami eUick interests in that M !.. McCALL. Diitxm papers and other work of the ; A. I’. Hammond, who was removed mable >onng people, and they have a oouutry during the coming ee ueotl. Administrator of sai 1 estate t«*rntory, where* lie became» a promi­ pupils in lite several Jepartmelita of The atate Ixiard of horticulture rec Dated Dec 26, 1»». Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wagner, of ommends the Ashland public scbtMiis One« from the office of p M master of Ash­ wide circle of friends and a<*»piunt- nent citizen and grew quite wealthy. the following winter every I uo month» the pupil» in each land by President Cleveland for par­ anceH who wish them ail possible hap­ I I'lUK'S. Salem, have been spendiug a week or washes for fruit trees infested with two with relatives tn Ashland, on scale and other pests: department have a review of th" w<*rk tisan reasons in ISS7. baa been rec- piness in their wedded life. carriers over the routes The mail i done, and an examination in winch ummeuded by lb« Oregon cougre«- their return home from California, Take one pound of American or' RAMSDELL—STEPHENSON. to S limoli river and from sional delegation to President Harri- from Etna the answe r» to question« are given iu ami left last evening for » short visit Babbitt's concentrated lye and dissolve Outer, as 'veil a« Callahans to Trimly us a*« Mr. J. A. Ranudell and Mies Ida A., Ie in town anil the liub-board is tak­ with old ne ighbors <«n Waguer creek. writing, ami preserve«! as records of sou for re-appotntment. daughier of Bev. R. I). Stephenson, of on other rout«« m 'Trinity, Humboldt Mr. Wagner isau enthusiastic Granger, in two and oue-balf gallons of water. ing a back-seat. Purchasers and ref­ tbe progress <>f tbe pupils. lhe The spes'ial quality of Ayer’s Hair This strength of wash should not be ami Siskiyou counties, will uo doubt this place, were married at lhe home pipers on exbib t on here we:e those Vigori» that it res ore» lhe natural and wdi visit the Wagner creek grauge used after the buds have commenced erences in Ashland: tie ol'ligetl to resort to snow shoes na-' Mr. G W . ( ole, Mrs J. N. Mi'hon. \ger to Liukville, ami Lakeview, Apropos of the report that there is be reduced, by usiug twice the amount Mn, J E. Peltuu, amination piqa-r» there were elblbite«l binimi» of the »«alp. In Ulis respect, arkuowedges the re<*eipt of weiidiug Mr*, .la* Norris. compliment® of the Oregon, and to the Fall river conutiy some objection to the approval by the of water, making one pound of lye to cak*. with th»» Mm. A. 8. Barnes, W H saw)er, Mr* • “ '* “ the drawing books ntul penmaiislnp it siirpiiss**» «Il simiiar preparation». Mr* W B Colton, Mrs. W.c. Myer, bride and groom, him I joins their from Sisson and Mott, sleighs will seiiat.' of Max Praeht’s appointment. five gallons of water. In using these copy I mmi U s of the pupils of eonie ol lye washes the bands Should lie pro ­ Mm. E J Kiwt. F II < arter Mrs Cbiis'm:'» in Aslilaml was hb bnght many friend«, in wishing them a enpersede the use of wheel vehicles. W. M. Grant, late U. 8. district at tect«!, otherwise disagreeable sores Mr*. W H ¡.red« tbe departments- books which will Is- Mr» N A bistro in torney for Alaska, tells the following iong aud happy married fife. -{Jonrnal. Mr- A J. Roach ___ C. Mingus. Mr». an i beautiful a day »6 ever markeel in nee for the greater part «if a whole Mr, A Springstead. Loa correspondent of the ('hroiiicle may be the result. Mrs. A Wei*«, chief miniverenry minivi rsary of Christendom term ami samples of the interesting . the cbtef TOWNSEND CUAl’MAN No. 2. Salt and Lime remedy.— Mr. F A. Getz. A Pendleton dispatch of the 2-31 at San Francisco: “There Las been, Mrs. E. M Royce, work done hi the primary department, ’cleiir. mid warm in th«' »mishine, with Jackson Ho< kersmith, Mr. \V. L. Townsend, of this place, gave tlm following report of fatahi 6* ami is yet, a great «leal of smuggling I Recommended by I. H. Thomas I Mrs <’. I. Kingsbury. to ;’ive the little folk» tlieir fiist intro­ just i'Uoiigh i'»ii*'h of frost m tbe air to and Miss Lulu, daughter o’’ ............ ... eeinnty: _ _ w Mike Marker, in Alaska. Between British Colum­ Twenty-five pounds of lime (tin- Mr. in Umatilla Mrs John L. Grubb r, 'miti 1 u« that it w isn ’ t May Day. duction to number«, form, colors, etc. and Mrs. Dm’l Cti ipmm, were mar­ James Har.li* and Tiitf Wil^m left bia and Juneau there are ma >y men elacked); twenty pounds of sulphur; Take pam» to in ventilate soon, a» I To give a iletaile«! review of the e x Culiioriii « b.ed a wet Christmas. ried on th* evening ot Christinas . J. Bine mountains. They fail»*! to ar­ though someoptum is work“«! through. pounds of lime, twenty pounds of W J. ZriLL. Gen. Agent, an I the T idisus can only recommend cans'' I lo a humor in the lib»»!, which \VebsU*r,«»f tbeCongregational church, rive at th« cmu|’, ami it is pnppos»t1 A ni in name 1 Snow, who recently sulphur, and twenty gallons of water. y Abbiami. Oregon- all who are inter' steel in the ecboola muy le-llior.'iu’hly « rinlicateel by the otli lating in Hi* impihuv . Duly they lost their way and perished in killoi Jack and has since been in­ Boil uuti! the sulphur is thoroughly ami that 1» ail of our citiz'll» to go use of Avers Sarsaparilla. It I» ibe the near relatives o( th»* br.de and the snow, which was from eighteen in­ dicted, was regularly engaged in dissolved. Take the remainder—fif­ «ml see for themselves nt the next op­ »ales' blood medicine in the marke', groom were preseut, but an elegant ches to four feet deep. John Smith, Mr, S. E. Coe wliiHky smuggling, and had whiskey teen pouuds of litneand fifteen poumls Mr« H. E. Moore portunity I liat m given. lienig entirely In'® from arseuio or any supper w is served. T im » young coti broiubt Iron) Athena Saturday and with him nt the time. Some of the of salt —alack, ami add enough waler ASHLAND The work .howe lor itself that th«' placed in the county hospital, died to make the whole sixty gallons. pie begin married 1 f * with tbe good Rev. Mr. Duncan’s Indians at Mettla- deleu rions ding. metiiesl» followed iu our se-biail» are in wight's of numerous friends iu Ash­ Sunday mornmer. Hi» feet had lieen kahlla rewmtlv caught some white Strain and spray on trees milk warm pursuance «>( ge elected I»y an overwhelm- Concermutf tin* railr R«*- Fine A*’ortm*>nt of Material« for Fancy Ilill was eleetcel inayor hy a majoriiy iiu in jority. Now I’m in Iheuonp, list of names for appointme nt to federal enigma» , ot other »ort». Work—Zephyr». Arasene. Chenille, Etc. hard to g't. Unlit lately, however, ot 4» vote« over thè im'iimb 'iit. M ivor but it*» all rik’ht, I forgive my friend*». the crews on all the steamers riiniimg buru, the OrrgOHUin han l»','ti aaa n offiii's in the »tat»*, ami bamled she I’.nt tbeatnkers that K«»t iny monev, iiite rvii-wni,' Mr. tieo. H. Att'lr* w-, Our motto is “ a q - h a aixr«M< a it bf -TTE« Th- Southern P ieifiv il*» annually Mills, tuit eomeotie read th<* cliailer list with 1 heir ree'ommendatioD. to th* promising to woik for me, and then there brought, it in. l’ne Coll.-ctor Im.I Ht’eml of tlm railroad e'ompaiiv, at th AN A »l.ow SHII.I.IXC lA-l*' Freeuilent. Following is a portion ol on th« 11regoli Im**» u>»’Ut 3H.hikl <*ords yeste« I iy nfteruoou limi discoveretl iix 1 it to pull for the other h* l I 11 ci S'V. ral of th«* sailors «rrested. hue ofli e IU Pori I m l. of «Oli. at an ae.Tage cost, of ¿2.Ü I per thè foliuwmg provision: th« liat: A littl “ while ago a man turned Mur- “ How in my applications bare you?" «liaiiT forgive, and neither will 1 for- “All olii • rs eheeteel or apponiti'«! For U. S. Marshal. L. T. B.inn. <> cord. This sum is disbar»“«! to the ¿et it. I u»ne-<« I’m a chump, inU may phv. from the «learner Elder, whs aske 1 lb'* r<*;">rti*r. Oregon City, chairman of th«' K* publi- mount nu mie 111.1»or all«! <• imicilmeii aliali Tne Colle ‘tor aud th«* M ir- *• There are' about 150 of th'*s**," he in i : d ilium utioll lie la» fre'ehol frcelc'l lers ami and CaX- L ilted S ai»*H Ng iiuut \V dker and t he ship. lmr .of Fieri laud, ex-Secie'iiry of S' ale. that H I» ftirnislied by those clearing IU sli d went «board ami made a »earcli, continued, “wli«,'*.* lauds have not been The grandest colli'Ctiou of young payers within the city.” D ‘ id, chain'd wiih hi ill rohhorv. was but coul I uot find him. for be was For Collect«* of lutein d lb*v«nu . . np Ian ! at $2 per «■•Til. ex «mined, anil we have han lhe street that concluded in th»* Uni’ed btales circuit Col Milo i Waller, of Portlanl. In 1 l'*n away. Praciit wa» 9 > angry ellsap;H,luting nonces to them accoid- ('■oast. The M ' lfor*! city reborder report» For Surveyor General, VV H* B ir** the following fignr* s from the lust as­ May«>r-ei«*ct Hili did met. own or p *y c >firt y«»!!*rday morning. The jn Ige that when th« steamer left li" pla.... I lUiBy. L'Ue rest ure appra n**d, an.I of Salem, ex Slat** Printer, f -rim rly a sessment of property t m that city: taxes m his own name upon profity delivered his charge to the jury and a man on board with n requisition, prices will tie ae-Dt out at. once.” Silver Laced Wrandottes, i that ohj i’ll >u they retired to drlda-rate ii|>»u their re~i lent of R »wburg. S »7.CH »wrcli indite w.iInn tlm city, an who was to bring bun luck from Port “How do the prices run? ’ Vain«* of all lot», w aid lie timde to his lnangurati >n as v « t iici. After they n <1 been out al» mt Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahmas. For I". S. District Attorney, r. I $12 ni'Hiei, Towus -mi. Til« wily smuggler, bow- «nel HDpiovemeut». “All the way from ¿2 M to S21. half an hour, th y retiirued nveriirt **.er. gave him th« slip and got off at M bvh , of The D.eil*'-. Rose aud Single Comb Brown Leg­ ÎKIllH»*- m iy r. mrfes mu! ac'-ount». S eine of the hi^b-priced laud is very on TlDINiW tn' ¡viewed Mr Hl.l, of “Dot tfiiiity,'* and the defendant« For I’HStiiMSler of Portbiml, Ge ■r_*e ----- or------ t- h >ld furtiitnre, hör»«-» mules «nd horns, White Leghorns. 4 lie said It IS tr i“ ttiat the r e 111 u > were orderwl discharged and went on V- 'toria. Tint offl -er learuesi wlr*ti valuable, adjoining town«, level in sur­ A. Sieel«, wm> eeiv.'l III t' .1 p<* ti"U h ■ Imi ied at Port Townsend that face and of the best quality. There t e, j-bi.g ih; total valuation. White Wyandottes. Partridge Co ­ p .ip i ty in the ci'y taxed in ins trim • their w.»y d j »irin/. The witness»*«, eight year», under HnJ*». G «ill'll "'i'1 In lebleslm*»» and eieniptimis to U m - lu I.is eiidor-emeut for otliers yea « some twculyfive in immb-T, w-rc Murphy lia i been bidden lu the dou- are rough tracts which are appraise»«! chins, Black Minores.» and Lang- Arthur. key engine.” d i I am * nr to 111. le.v'i g t^M» ago te ’ *' all the prr PoetmaBtcr of Ashl.iml. A. 1. lot d of taxable pu p«*rly. 81NJ..ci.i. shans. dividual title to. though fiie bom" Ev»Tyla»iy connected with i he d- tenae The Ashhnd T idinos and the San probability, for a long time. Hammond, wb«e whs removed from the Champions at Han Francisco. Cal., In th. bulldtnt form.r)y .«upled M J OoWwnllb M.-lford e..Ort«ln« el "The great bulk of the Southern ami the orchard land of lit.nself an I Francisco Weekly Call, a large eight- or lb* case ih happy, while tie .se on the position by Cleveland. A '.'and »‘rents .are »loppy tn Oregon laud ia the red clay fruit land, Victoria, B. C. ami «11 the leading For Pootcuuster of Astoria, J. H- D. 8nn«Uit!>* ■ ii"l r. i.-h on frosty morning» wife, held lu her name, is -till the.' the other «ide do not feel so j'^ly. page pajier giving all the general news exhibitions tn Oregon and Washington. home Mr. Hid laughed ab ait pro. District x\H»»rn*’y M Arthur f<** ls ».«I both for 82.75 per year, in advance, as it is called. This will range from TWELVE YEARS a breeder of Gray* , . _ but th** n *n i l isn’t d ««,«. except iu a few For Receiver of tin* lau-l oJt'« «t pii»“», T "re "light to Ise s »ystem of Vision of thecimrter as applleni to bls to «<*« the pfKouers acquitted, but foe regular price ot the T idings is Hit 50 to 86 an l 87. We shall begin uppraising in the fancy fowls. Send stamp for catalogue RoHebnrg. A. M. Crawfienl. o' M irsli- miv-abni I* .’.i ig. or ».ime other e*q'Hillv cast', ind said if be were barr-'d *>llt lie this is u«>t th»* first time he has wres­ 82.5), and regular price of the Call, giving full information. Address: tiel'l; Register al L.keview.A. R. Sny g «> I p «r n ment pwement. adopted for would i* eesid -r it a great relief p*rs m- tled with an ahi»:. Th« saddest man 81.25 »■> our offer i» a reduction of spring ami push the work forward just J. M. GARRISON, Kwkw.ar.ete All the late« .ty>«w In Collar» and Tte« I handle Uecelebrated in the , price of both. Tais 1» for a as rapidly as we can gel t he appraising ----------- d«r; Kegi.-ter at L'.Grunde, L (’leav­ ibe biu-i'i''--. part of town, am! «8 ally. He hadn’t sought the «»ffice to of al! should I m * V d ••!* Sam. whois io 81 parties employe.1 an«t in the tiel«L Forest Grove,Or. P.O. Box 55 er, of Baker City; Register at Oregon tii'icli as [»«»ible done each year, even which be bad ts*en elected, ami wasu i th* soup an l who has a bill of from limited time only. Bushby’s Double-Welted, Hand-Sewed, GLOVES. Cuy. J* 1’* Appersou. lfit Is but little. It would be no al all auxious for tie «lutiee aud per­ $1 HlO to S m > h » to st iile.- [Oie*onian For both ladle, and «ent«. Every pair »uaranteed LOGAN OF ANHLANO Dec, 21. 1 For e*n|'erv.Mer» of the oeusua, 1 T. great undertaking to ma'a iarntZ" th" plexities. Chitwood Bros would not recommend If the foregoing provisions of the J. W. Strange, of Laliiamie. for E -t- small ses tion of streets inoet need­ Ohaiu!»er in’s Cough Remedy if they Til give the world.” he sighing »«1 i, charter lw followed, lhe mayor ioeuin- eru Oregon; J. H. Shupe, of Douglm* ing it. - d il not know it to be perfectly reliable. Aud closer drew: hi» chair, We Tell Voei I'lulnlj Choicest lot«. Acre Property and beut will b *1«! over, unless ho should Lis made e-p-oia ly Tor coughs, colds 'To know tbe thought that fills your Farming Property in eouuty, for Western Oregon. Th- shipment of apple- from Talent that Simmon's Liver Kegulntor will rid resign. If he aboiil 1 resign, the and croup and w the most prompt and For i-ollector of eii-toin» at Astons. She tossed her glowing hair: |h««ad. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ! E- A. T*iyl<*r; for collector at Yuquv a Is still Hl progre*.«. Tbe Jsckson chatter pro«ides that the mayor, "with you oi Dyspepsia, Headache. Constipa­ and most effectual remedy known for C.lUtnv Trilli C cnpciy ha« in iugiira- tfie <*'»ti**"nt of the couuciT’eh'dl ap­ tion anil Billi-rtianesa. It will break up those dist ases ‘You would,”»heanswered, "really now, R. A. Bciiael, of Newport. chills and fever and prevent llieir re ­ te l :« large liusiii' »a at tn it poiu', mu I point bis successor. Local Arent for Town «He Property. Your offer make« me laugh, turn. and 1« a complete antidote for ail H. B Miller A Co. Addition slid Railroad For I wa» thinking bow I’d look THE LOWEST PRICES. There is bound to !>e a breeze over malarial poison—yet entirely free fr m It is annoiin-'*«! that Washington Ins b m ileil n large quantity of fruit Addlton. , , People going to Jacksonville wil. In Logan’s photograph.” Moasv Loaned at S tier rent eu real e» hn«i E. ver.tl candidat«a !‘»r the offi of f.»r tins reison Th« manager. Mr. the situation, but it won t la» anything qninmennd calomel. 1 ry it, and you find Plvmale ’ « coach awaiting every Geo. W. Ed vards, has about a half- late »ecurtty in .um« ol »VO and upw ard« serious. The difficulty was entirely wid lie astonished at the good results of tuUeclor o( iniernal revnn«* ’b* Call or write—Information cheerfully train at Medford. Ask for the best The fact has been abundantly proven Simmons Liver Uegnlator. Oregon district (which indu i«* Uwsh- doseo hand" * mpl'iyed most of the unexpected. furnlahed. coach —Plymale « x that Cbarolierlaiu'. Gough remedy is time, sorting ami packing the fruit. iugtou) wnd tliMt the del»*»: n¡ion com- Arthur Conklin, the most prompt, most reliable and The old eetabliabed hardware and most MMOtsafal medicine yet iliarnvernt promiMKi by Kivwy H m » two deputy Th« bnsinee-e b" idqn irters of the com­ New shapes for 1 «lies' and children's Sueceaaor t< SMITH A ' ONKL1N.; Smith 4 Dodge carry a full line of pany is Hl San Fr .nesco, and most of tinware business of B. F. Reeser in coHvclor»bips to Washington. ha' s and bon tie'tin® Msortmeut of for scute throat and lung diseases, such REAL ESTATE AGENT, Cor. th« fruit 1» sent direct, there from Tai wall paper, ceiling's and decorutions, now nblxras, etc., just received at the Ashland for sale at cost price of aa coughs, coIde and croup*. For Mie Front i Fifth Street«, Grant « I’«*, Or ent. Next season the company will also wiudow shades lu all colors, spec­ eteek. or lees if eel4 al aaea • by Ohnwood Bros. A bigger lot of tinware than ever at milbu.ry store of Mours A Cos. * ial sizes made to order. do a larger buaiuess than aver. 1 I 1 ry and tired would Make No Mistake Be Glad Of a square ineal and a good bed, but anyone wanting To Buy Furniture Would be unwise if they should buy before get­ ting prices Hood’s Sarsaparilla At Wilson’s. Have established the reputation of carrying the FINEST LINE ----- OF CHRISTMAS GOODS In Ashland, and are again prepared to prove it. Come and be Convinced PRICES THE LIA.! HA! LOWEST. 11A~! What makes you so happy? Why I have just returned from Hunsaker s, Where I purchased a nice New Dress. It is just lovely and the very latest pattern and style. He has over Two Hundred Nice new styles to select from, and such beautiful good«. You just ought to see them Wore you buy A Dress, Besides he has so many nice trimmings with which U> make a dress handsomely, such as Silk Ornament«, Jets, Plushes, Silks, Silk Fringe, and his show-case» are jvst crowded with so many nice things that every Lady Wants The Laundry Quem Wasta To buy something. Before she is through looking ( Around She will see some most elegant ( loaks, Jackets, Sealette», Sashes, Girdles, Silk Dress Fronts, Jewelry. Hair Or»a- ments. and so many other nice things that I am not Surprised That customers are frequently obliged to await their turn, of afternoons, owing to the crowd tha^ gathers, al­ though he is well assisted by two clerks but I must be going, it is most dinner time, so ta ta. but when you want anything nice don’t fail to go to E. B. Hunsaker, Ashland, Oregon. MILLINERY STORE One Thousand Chicks! I wish to inform the people oi Southern Oregon that I have opened a COMPLETE STOCK Gents’ Furnishing Goods, MENS’ FINE SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, CRANTS PASS. I BUY FOR CASH And sell strictly for cash, thereby insuring my patrons ot Call and See Me. I Guarantee Satisfaction. ORRA E. ANGLE, DwuTs. x medofrord